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The Modern Revolution: The Rise of MWA

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"Why did DAVE go bankrupt?


"Some look at our gate in 2005, our peak year, when we had 15,000 people coming to the Extreme Double Header, then look to 2007, our last show, and we drew a mere 5,000. They think the fans left us, but that's bullshit. We overbooked our last show. We didn't have 15,000 people at our last show because we couldn't afford to run in places that fit 15,000 people anymore.


No, what you need to look at, are the people who watched the shows. The buyrates, the DVD sales. Our demand did decrease, but only very slightly. No, demand wasn't the problem. The problem is we were expanding too much, too soon. We tried to compete with SWF and TCW, but we were a niche product. Phil Vibert refused to be anything else. And he went bankrupt because of it.


I know a lot of my fans are going to dislike that, but that's the hard and brutal truth. DAVE was never going to be a product with TCW or SWF appeal. Neither is USPW, but look, USPW is doing great. Why, because they acknowledge they're a niche, and they will never be anything more than a niche. So does Mitch Naess with PSW. Problem is, it's a niche that's losing popularity. Most of the fans who loved DAVE moved on, only the most hardcore of hardcore DAVE diehards support PSW. I know, I've seen the figures. PSW is not, nor will it ever be, DAVE. Much less a real threat to the establishment they rebel against.


But the established companies, they weren't always the established companies. They looked at the big companies around them, they emulated them, but didn't copy them. They had an appeal to casual fans, while bringing something new to the table, something fresh that made people stand up and take notice.


But the fresh then isn't fresh now. It's been stale. DAVE and PSW want to try to change the status quo, but they simply lack the ability to gain casual appeal. You can't be the new status quo without it. You just can't. Mitch and Alex, they don't get that.


I want to put over new talent. I don't want to be in the main event. I want to be a gatekeeper like JD. I want to help guys like Steven Parker to be new stars. Mitch and Alex want me on top. I've been on top for, counting my time in DAVE, the last fifteen years.


Maybe I'm the only draw PSW has. Maybe that's why they refuse to evolve.


Maybe I should force them to evolve.


As of the time of this being published on Facebook, I officially resign from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. I will be immediately selling my share of the company to Mitch Naess, or if he refuses to buy it, I will sell my share to the highest bidder.


This is not my retirement from wrestling.


This is the first step in my new beginning.


The Hardcore Revolution is dead. It has been dead since 2007.


Long live the Modern Revolution."


-Johnny Martin


(Note: This is going to be a side project, with my Road to Glory being my main project)

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<p><strong>TotalExtremeWrestling.Com Special Report</strong></p><p>

Johnny Martin's New Promotion</p><p>

by Evan Panzer</p><p> </p><p>

As we reported last week, former DAVE and PSW star Johnny Martin shocked the Pittsburgh faithful by quitting PSW via his Facebook page, and hinting that he was going to take his career in a new direction.</p><p> </p><p>

Since then Johnny Martin has surprisingly moved out of the Tri-State area and back to his childhood hometown of Detroit Michigan, and registered the trademarks "Modern Wrestling Association", "Modern Revolution", and "Declaration Day"</p><p> </p><p>

I've had the opportunity to have a brief Q&A with Johnny Martin regarding this move.</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "I'll get right to the point, Johnny. What is the 'Modern Revolution'?"</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "Well, it's like I said in my resignation; SWF and TCW was successful because while they took pages from what was popular at the time, they also set themselves apart by bringing something different. DAVE did the second, but didn't do the first, that's why DAVE failed when they tried to go national. Casual fans want characters, they want stories. That's what hooks casual fans. But they've seen the characters SWF and TCW bring out. They've seen all the storylines. They want something else. I'm bringing a fresh new take, and a faster pace than SWF or TCW. We'll have big guys, but we're not going to use the crutch of the unstoppable giant. Nobody likes that anymore. And they're not fooled by it. Remember the old GAMMA days? They had big guys getting beat by smaller guys. All. The. Time. The whole 'big man always better than little man' philosophy of wrestling is old hat. Has been old hat. That's not to say big guys won't be around, they'll just be treated in a way that doesn't insult the fans' intelligence."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "Have you recruited any PSW or DAVE talent?"</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "No. I do have Eric Tyler's daughter Brooke, though. It's not that I was actively avoiding those kinds of workers. I'm not looking for complete unknowns either. I've got some ex-SWF guys, like the Samoan Wildboyz. Name recognition. I'm not entirely looking for that either, I was looking for guys with charisma, and young guys with talent."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "I've heard you've been in touch with people who went through TCW and SWF's training systems. Any truth to that."</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "Yes. Though I've had to change some names. Mostly for copyright purposes."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "Like the Wildboyz?"</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "They're the Umaga Brothers now."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "Moving on, why Detroit, given their economic troubles?"</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "Well, everyone felt the recent recession. But business was pretty stable for PSW and other regional promotions. Why? Because entertainment will always be in demand. Especially in tough times. Look at the Great Depression, look at the entertainers that flourished in that era. Moreover, let me ask you this: What was the last well-known regional promotion in Michigan?"</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "Erm... I believe there was Great Lakes Championship Wrestling in the 70s and 80s."</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "Right. They closed in 1991. There's been small shows since, but they were never on the map. SWF and TCW go there, I think USPW did a show there in... 2008? But no consistent home promotions. In effect, it's an untapped market. Plus, I was born there, I went to high school there, my parents lived there until they retired. I always wanted to work there but never got the chance."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "Between the location and the roster, it sounds like you've been planning this for a while."</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "To tell the truth, yeah I have. I had the notion early in 2012 and it wasn't until August when Ed Monton was making plans for his in-ring retirement that I was able to really put ideas together and scouting people."</p><p> </p><p>

EP: "When is your first show?"</p><p> </p><p>

JM: "End of January. Anyone in the Detroit area who wants to see us live, go to ModernWrestlingAssociation.com. Everyone else, we're going to be distributing DVDs though Squared Circle Videos, so keep an eye out."</p><p>


<strong>Modern Wrestling Association and Squared Circle Videos Present:</strong></p><p>


January 26th 2013 at The Asylum in Detroit, Michigan</p><p> </p><p>


20 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal For Crown The First MWA Champion!</p><p> </p><p>


Former SWF Tag Team Champions THE UMAGA BROTHERS vs DAVE Legend JOHNNY MARTIN and Former TCW Star CLARK ALEXANDER</p><p> </p><p>

Former SWF Star PETER "Knuckles" ROACH makes an open challenge</p><p> </p><p>

An Opening Round match of the MWA Women's Title Tournament as BROOKE TYLER faces QAW Tag Team Champion HELLCAT HERNANDEZ</p><p> </p><p>

AND MUCH MORE!</p><p> </p><p>

Tickets On Sale NOW At The Asylum's Box Office (See RockNRollAsylum.com for details)</p><p>



<strong>Modern Wrestling Association Roster</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Akima Umaga (H)</p><p>

Clark Alexander (F)</p><p>

"The Legend" Johnny Martin (F)</p><p>

Toma Umaga (H)</p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard</p><p>

"Dazzling" Dave Diamond (H)</p><p>

Peter "Knuckles" Roach (H)</p><p>

Rayne Man (F)</p><p>

"The Atlanta Badass" Riley McManus (F)</p><p> </p><p>


"The Amazing" Fire Fly (F)</p><p>

Jerry Krait (H)</p><p>

Marvel Malloy (F)</p><p>

"The Man Known Only As" Nomad (H)</p><p>

"The Q-Man" Quentin Queen (H)</p><p>

Storm Spillane (F)</p><p> </p><p>

Lower Midcard</p><p>

"The Rookie Sensation" KC Glenn (F)</p><p>

Nigel Svensson (F)</p><p>

"The Hat Trick Kid" Victor Victoria (H)</p><p> </p><p>


"The Chuckmeister" Chucky Dorrance (H)</p><p>

The Silencer (H)</p><p> </p><p>

Enhancement Talent</p><p>

Mark Smart (F)</p><p> </p><p>

Women's Division</p><p>

"The Robyn Hood of Wrestling" Bonnie Clyde (F)</p><p>

"The Franchise" Brooke Tyler (H)</p><p>

Emma "Payback" Bitch (H)</p><p>

"Hard Rock" Eve Grunge (F)</p><p>

Lily Snyder (F)</p><p>

Nina Cacace (H)</p><p> </p><p>

Provisional Competitors</p><p>

Hellcat Hernandez (From QAW) (F)</p><p>

Talia Quinzel (From AAA) (H)</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Teams</p><p>

Rayne Man and Mark Smart</p><p>

The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane)</p><p>

The Bad Mother Puckers (Chucky Dorrance and Victor Victoria)</p><p>

Umaga Brothers (Akima and Toma Umaga)</p><p>


<strong>Women's Title Tournament Brackets:</strong></p><p>

Brooke Tyler vs Hellcat Hernandez</p><p>

Lily Snyder vs Talia Quinzel</p><p>

Bonnie Clyde vs Emma Bitch</p><p>

Eve Grunge vs Nina Cacace</p><p> </p><p>

Winner of Snyder/Quinzel vs Winner of Bonnie/Bitch</p><p>

Winner of Tyler/Hellcat vs Winner of Grunge/Cacace</p><p> </p><p>

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="White Dolphin" data-cite="White Dolphin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two straight diaries and no Acid II? SNAP OUT OF IT RAVEN! WE NEED YOUR BIZARRE CULT WORKER LOVE!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What, Nomad doesn't count? Also, who else but me would hire Bonnie Clyde?</p>
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<p>"The Bad Mother Puckers" are going to be hilarious. Are you the first to used "Wrestling's Premier Drag Queen" in a dynasty? It's the first I have read of it. </p><p> </p><p>

Regardless, KC Glenn and The Silencer are going to climb up that card quickly. Big fan of Silencer as a signing. </p><p> </p><p>

It's going to be extreme for sure.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Wrestler Spotlight</strong><p> </p><p> Johnny Martin</p><p> Years Pro: 25</p><p> Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</p><p> Theme Music: </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HRQmvRW5sCM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Megadeth - Tornado Of Souls"></iframe></div></div><p> Finishing Move: Twist on the Rocks (Slingshot Brainbuster)</p><p> Titles Won: DAVE Extreme (5X, Last), PPW Tri-State Champion (Last), RPW World Champion (Last), XFW World Champion (Last), DAVE Unified (2X, First), DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion (2X), PSW Champion (2X)</p><p> The only wrestler in DAVE's history to have been a part of the roster the entirity of the company's 15-year run, and the man who unified all of the East Coast hardcore titles into the DAVE Unified Championship, Johnny Martin is without a doubt one of the most decorated wrestlers never to have been in a major promotion. After over 20 years in the Tri-State area, Johnny Martin heads to Michigan to continue his storied career, and possibly be known as the foundations of a new revolution- The Modern Revolution.</p></div></blockquote><p> -----------</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Dark Match:</strong> Bonnie Clyde, Eve Grunge, and Lily Snyder d. Emma Bitch, Nina Cacace, and Talia Quinzel<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>MWA Declaration Day</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> The show would start with introductions from the announce table.</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Declaration Day, the beginning of the Modern Revolution, live in the Asylum and let me tell you, we are packed to capacity. And that's not an exaggeration folks, we had to send the ring crew guys home just to meet the maximum capacity set by the fire department. I'm Samuel Curran and with me is Double R, Roger Rogers, and we've got one great lineup of matches for you, including a 20-Man Battle Royal to crown our first champion."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "But before we get to the action, Sam, we better explain how things work here in MWA."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Right. Well, first off, MWA uses the international count out rule, meaning that wrestlers have the count of 20 to get back in the ring. However the referee is encouraged to begin counting only if he feels the wrestler or wrestlers are not getting back in the ring by choice and not because they are hurt."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Also disqualifications work in a different way."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "That's right, the usual blatant fouls, low blows, interference, weapon attacks are still automatic disqualifications, however repeated and intentional rulebreaking can be punished using a card system. Each wrestler gets three cautions, signaled by a yellow card, afterwards they can be shown a red card and disqualified. Also with each yellow card, he will be fined a percentage of his earnings for the night, five percent per card. If they are disqualified, either by repeated cautions or a straight red, they only get half of the loser's cut of the purse."</p><p> </p><p> "Get Me Golden" by Terraplane Sun would be heard on the PA.</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Our first match is about to start, Sam... here's our ring announcer Dharma Gregg to make the introductions"</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "Our first match is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit. Introducing first from Los Angeles, California: Mark Smart!"</p><p> </p><p> Mark comes out wearing knee-length tights and a T-shirt that looks at least two sizes two big for him.</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Oh my god. LOOK AT THIS GUY! He looks like a towel boy!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Well Mark actually got into the business as a towel boy, but he's also a 10-year veteran and good friends with Rayne Man."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "10 years? Shit, He looks like he weighs 10 pounds. I could probably kick his ass and I'm in a wheelchair!"</p><p> </p><p> "Come As You Are" by Nirvana plays, and out saunters a man in a suit and fedora.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "And his opponent, from Windsor, Ontario: Jerry Krait!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "What's with this get-up, did he forget he was supposed to wrestle? Why isn't he in his ring gear?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "From what I understand that IS his ring gear. Apparently one of the big companies had their eyes on him for a while, but for some reason they changed his mind. There's certainly something unsettling about him."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "I don't know, looks like a friendly guy to me."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Looks like, maybe... but there's something about him..."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <strong>MATCH ONE: Mark Smart vs Jerry Krait</strong></p><p> </p><p> Kriat shakes hands with Smart before the bell, when it rings, it's like a switch flips in his head and he attacks Smart while still holding onto his hand. He throws his fedora aside before continuing his assault. It's all one way traffic as he unleashes some savagely brutal offense on Smart, and in our first official MWA match we also get a yellow card due to Jerry choking Mark with his necktie. A flying elbow drop attempt misses and Smart uses the opening to try and make a comeback, but telegraphs a clothesline and Krait grabs him from behind and applies a dragon sleeper! Mark flails at first but eventually goes limp. Referee Rob Perkins starts to check on Mark, but before the first time Mark's arm drops, Krait lifts him up and drills him onto his neck and shoulders, hooking both of Smart's legs, and that's all she wrote as there's a three count immediately after.</p><p> </p><p> WINNER: Jerry Krait</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> SC: "That was COMPLETELY uncalled for, Smart was unconscious! He could have simply won by technical submission!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Or maybe he was playing possum, Sammy."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "And what about THIS, Roger..."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Jerry Krait grabs his necktie and wraps it around the unconscious Mark Smart's neck, and starts sitting on his back like a camel clutch. Eventually Rayne Man would head through the curtains and Krait would let go and make a hasty retreat. Rayne would try to coax him into the ring to fight, but Krait simply grabbed his fedora and left.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> RR: "Rayne Man is a bully, Krait was acting in self defense!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Oh please, what a load of crap, Smart was really in trouble there!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Hey, you got to sign a release for a reason, Sam, it's a physical sport."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "That had nothing to do with athletic competition, that was an assault."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Battery. Assault is a threat, physical violence is battery."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Moving on..."</p><p> </p><p> "Burnin' For You" by Blue Oyster Cult is heard on the PA, as a bright orange and red luchador comes out with two youngsters in leather jackets.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: The following is a six-person tag team match with a fifteen-minute time limit! Introducing first, the Amazing FireFly, and his partners, Marvel Malloy and Jake Spillane, The American Cobras!</p><p> </p><p> RR: "What are those Cobra goofs doing?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Air guitar, they're heavy metal musicians part time."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "If they're musicians why don't they have instruments?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Well this is a concert venue, but they're here to wrestle."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Weak excuse."</p><p> </p><p> "Sex" by Motley Crue hits as their opposition come out, two of them wearing Chicago Blackhawks jerseys, drawing MASSIVE heat from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: And there opponents, the Q-Man Quentin Queen and his partners, The Chuckmeister Chucky Dorrance and The Hat Trick Kid Victor Victoria, the Bad Mother Puckers!</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Wow, a deliberate insult to the Detroit crowd here."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "What, they're just supporting their favorite NHL team!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Who are the Red Wings' most hated rivals, and are going to be playing each other tomorrow night."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Yeah well, they're just jealous because Chicago is the better team."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Careful, Roger, this rivalry has been known to get into fistfights over things like that..."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>MATCH TWO: Amazing Fire Fly and American Cobras vs Quentin Queen and BMPs</strong><p> </p><p> This is a back and forth cruiserweight style affair with all six men getting a taste of the spotlight, but the focus was on Amazing Fire Fly who watched as the others brawled on the floor, and bounced off the opposite ropes, coming towards the group and backflipping OVER THE ROPES and into the heel trio without touching the ropes! Eventually the match came down to Fire Fly and Victoria, Victoria looked for a flying shoulder tackle but Firefly dropped prone to avoid it, delivering a face crusher bulldog when Victoria recovered and leaped off the top rope... SHOOTING STAR PRESS, AND A BEAUTY~! ONE, TWO, THREE!</p><p> </p><p> WINNERS: Amazing Fire Fly and American Cobras</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> SC: "And that was the incredible Sky High Fire Fly!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "I got to admit, that was a beauty. But speaking of beauties, it's time for our women's division to shine!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The Finale to Swan Lake plays as Brooke Tyler comes out in a blue and silver robe, microphone in hand. She makes referee Jez MacArthur open the ropes for her before she slips inside and speaks.<p> </p><p> Tyler: "I've been told that I should be honored that my match is the first in the MWA's women's title tournament, as a showcase for the women's division of this promotion. Honored... no, I am insulted.</p><p> </p><p> "I am insulted because I should not have to be in a tournament in the first place, I should have been awarded the Women's Title already. I'm sure some of you remember my entrance music as the music used by my father, Eric Tyler, the man who was not only the bane of the DeColt Family's existence, but a five time Unified Champion of DAVE. I was bred for greatness. </p><p> </p><p> "And who else is in this tournament with me? Nobodies, with no pedigree, no history in this business. One of them is a former stripper who wasn't even good enough to be in Babes of Sin City for crying out loud! Oh wait, my first opponent, she's a champion in some backwater Texas promotion right? Well, I guess that's almost worth my time. Come out Hernandez. It's time you learn who the franchise of MWA is."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Gregg: "The following contest is an opening round match in the MWA Women's Title Tournament. Already in the ring, from Ithaca, New York, The Franchise: Brooke Tyler!"</p><p> </p><p> Gypsy Pistolero's "Chicas Peligrosa" plays as her opponent comes out, with a championship belt around her waist, her arms and what's visible on her legs covered in tattoos.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "And her opponent, from El Paso, Texas by way of Juarez, Mexico, she is one half of the Queens of American Wrestling Tag Team Champions: Hellcat Hernandez!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Brooke Tyler shouldn't take Hellcat lightly, she's a champion for a reason!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Whatever, she wasn't even good enough to have a real contract with us!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "She has a provisional contract Rogers because she's already committed to a company, but if she wins the tournament she'll be given a full contract."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Which won't happen, because she's going to be made an example of by The Franchise."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>MATCH THREE: Brooke Tyler vs Hellcat Hernandez</strong><p> </p><p> Brooke takes an early advantage but Hellcat finds an opening and unleashes a flurry of strikes to take control. Brooke stalls a bit to get Hernandez impatient, slipping out of the ring to get Hellcat to follow, slipping back in and elbow dropping Hellcat when she gets back in the ring herself. The two continue to exchange until Hellcat gets the upper hand, looking for her signature running bulldog, but Brooke dropped her center of gravity to shoot Hellcat off into the turnbuckles, and Hellcat stumbles back, Brooke grabs her by the hair for a backbreaker, finishing off Hernandez with her signature move, a seated Full Nelson called the "Brooke Breaker".</p><p> </p><p> WINNER: Brooke Tyler</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> RR: "Told you."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "She did use debatably legal tactics to win, though, and you have to give credit to Hellcat"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "I don't have to do anything. Brooke OWNED her ass."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Well we'll have to agree to disagree I guess...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>NO SLEEP TIL!</em><p> </p><p> The announcers stop talking when Beastie Boys' "No Sleep Til Brooklyn" plays and Peter Roach comes out wearing jeans and sunglasses with no shirt.</p><p> </p><p> Roach: "So when MWA told me they had an extra spot on the card for me to have a match, they asked me who I wanted as an opponent. I told them it doesn't matter at all to me, because not only can I beat anyone in the back, but it will just be a warmup for the battle royal anyway. Actually scratch that. It'll be a warmup, and more money in my pockets. That's the wonderful thing about Detroit. Successful people get money from the mutants who live here, and go to places where the average IQ is higher than fifty and spend their money there."</p><p> </p><p> The crowd boos, one person actually throws a beer can at Roach.</p><p> </p><p> Roach: "HEY! FATASS! YOU WANNA THROW SHIT AT ME, GET IN THE RING AND THROW DOWN BITCH!"</p><p> </p><p> He throws down the mic and jaws with the fan threw the can at him until...</p><p> </p><p> <em>YOU GOT THE TOUCH! YOU GOT THE POWEEEEEEEEEER! ....YEAH!</em></p><p> </p><p> "The Touch" by Stan Bush plays as KC Glenn runs into the ring in full length tights.</p><p> </p><p> SC: "KC Glenn, the talk of the indies, and considered the Rookie of the Year by many wrestling pundits, answering the call."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Aww, I want to see Roach beat up that drunken doofus!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Well KC Glenn is an actual wrestler so this will be a better match. Besides I think the Athletic Commission would shut us down if we let fans get in the ring to fight."</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>MATCH FOUR: Peter Roach vs KC Glenn</strong><p> </p><p> Glenn uses his speed advantage to take control early, but the power of Roach even things out for the former SWF wrestler. Roach bullies around Glenn and starts pressing his neck into the ropes warranting a yellow card, Roach argues with the ref and this gives KC Glenn the opening to rally back, and he looks for his "Tuning Up The Sunshine Band" Superkick finisher, but Roach sidesteps the kick, throwing KC in the air like a flapjack but blasted him with a knockout punch on the way down, a move called the Knuckle Duster, and that leads to the academic three count. </p><p> </p><p> WINNER: Peter Roach</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> SC: "Well the veteran picks up the win, but KC definitely held his own and made this a competitive fight"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Oh please, Roach went easy on him."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "That kick by Glenn missed by inches, if Roach had moved a half-second too slow he'd have been out."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Sure he would have. Let's move on to our next contest..."</p><p> </p><p> "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol plays on the PA.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and has a fifteen minute time limit! Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia, this is the Atlanta Badass: Riley McManus!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "I'm liking this match, two guys the big companies have looked over despite having talent to burn."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Well, one of them has talent to burn, anyway and that's the man coming out next."</p><p> </p><p> <em>Well I'm a winner! Winning comes so naturally to me!</em></p><p> </p><p> "Winner" by Cheeseburger plays now, Riley's opponent wearing a fringed golden robe with the words "Diamond Standard" on the back.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "And his opponent from Austin, Texas: Dazzling Dave Diamond!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "The Dazzling One is a former NYCW Tri-State champion, and has wrestled all over the country to great success, we should be honored to have him here at MWA!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>MATCH FIVE: Riley McManus vs Dave Diamond<p> </p><p> Diamond spent a while stalling for time, eventually Riley has enough and forces him into the middle of the ring still wearing his robe, but the ref gives him a verbal warning giving Diamond time to take off his robe and throw it over McManus to take control until he too gets a verbal warning. After some order was finally restored, the two would have a back and forth battle Riley would try to lock in a figure four but Dave would push him off with his legs, then started telling the ref he felt a weapon in Riley's boots. The ref checks while Dave takes a set of brass knuckles from his own boots, and when the ref breaks, Dave takes a swing, Riley ducks and looks for a back suplex, but Dave clocks him in mid lift, Riley falling on his back, and Dave lands on top, one, two, three! And as soon as the ref rings the bell Dave slips the knux off and slides them to where his robe rested in the corner of the ring!</p><p> </p><p> WINNER: Dave Diamond</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> SC: "What a cheap shot by Diamond to win this match!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "What cheap shot was that?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "He used brass knuckles, Roger!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Then why didn't the ref give him a red card?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Because the ref didn't see it!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "A likely story!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "...Anyway our feature tag attraction is next..."</p><p> </p><p> White Zombie's "Electric Head Part 1- The Agony" plays as the Umaga Brothers enter the arena, wearing towels over their heads.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "The following is our special feature attraction with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Pago Pago, American Samoa: Akima and Toma Umaga!</p><p> </p><p> RR: "World-renowned tag team here, Sam, and fans of Japanese wrestling may know their other brother, Rhino, is a big star of Golden Canvas Grappling."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "And part of the famous Umaga family of wrestlers, which from this generation alone also includes Samoan Machine and Arthur Dexter Bradley, and that's not counting the extended family, the in-laws and second cousins."</p><p> </p><p> "Cry Thunder" by Dragonforce would play as the first of their two opponents headed down the stage.</p><p> </p><p> Gregg: "And their opponents, first from Hilo, Hawaii, this is Hawaiian Thunder: Clark Alexander!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Former big league star and a seasoned veteran, Clark Alexander is just as ring-savvy as the Umaga Brothers"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "But not as successful. God, can you ever be objective?"</p><p> </p><p> Finally, Megadeth's "Tornado of Souls" hits as Johnny Martin heads out to the biggest pop yet.</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Seven times the champion of DAVE, a true legend of indy wrestling, Johnny Martin rounds out this huge contest. SIX DECADES of combined wrestling experience in the ring tonight, Roger."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Well, this may be the end for Clark and Martin's careers though, because the Umagas are not intimidated one bit."</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>MATCH SIX: The Umaga Brothers vs Clark Alexander and Johnny Martin</strong><p> </p><p> The babyface veterans started strong at first but the Umagas used their familiarity with each other to their advantage and began to dominate with frequent tags and brutal double team tactics. Clark was left in the ring with the brothers for a long time before Clark was able to make the hot tag, cleaning house and taking control, but when Johnny looked for the Twist on the Rocks on Toma, Akima came in with a chair and hit him from behind, instant red card DQ!</p><p> </p><p> WINNERS: Clark Alexander and Johnny Martin</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The fight wasn't done though, they double clotheslines Clark Alexander then Akima lifted Johnny onto this shoulders, and Toma ran at him and dove with a perpendicular press, adding his body weight to a Samoan Drop! They put the boots to Martin and Akima rams the chair into Martin's ribs before they leave the ring.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> SC: "Oh now that's just uncalled for!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "No, this is brilliant!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "What? They're going to lose out on a lot of money because of this!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Yeah, but they're taking out the favorite to win the MWA title!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "It's cheating, call it that."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Fine. It's cheating. Brilliant cheating."</p><p> </p><p> ~Intermission~</p><p> </p><p> The camera comes back to the wrestlers going into the ring for the battle royale, Johnny Martin coming out last with bandaged ribs.</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Johnny Martin barely able to make it out here..."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "He's faking."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "We JUST SAW what happened, Roger!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Faking!"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The bell rings... and immediately Jerry Krait flips over the ropes and to the floor.<p> </p><p> SC: "What the-"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "I don't get it either, Sammy. Why would he just give away this opportunity to become the first MWA champion?"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Krait now taking the timekeeper's chair and... sitting down in it. Huh."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>MAIN EVENT: TWENTY (now nineteen) MAN BATTLE ROYAL FOR THE MWA TITLE</strong><p> </p><p> A chaotic start to this match as everyone began brawling with whoever happened to be within punching distance at the time. The second elimination would come when Mark Smart would get chucked over by The Silencer. The Nomad would be the next elimination, sent over by Riley McManus, who then took out both of the Bad Mother Puckers at the same time with a double clothesline. The Umaga Brothers managed to isolate Johnny Martin in the corner, only to be stopped by Clark Alexander. They try to chuck Clark over but he managed to land safely on the apron. Meanwhile The Silencer would try to finish the job the Umagas started, but Martin would turn the tables and flip him over the ropes to make six eliminations.</p><p> </p><p> Number seven came when Riley McManus sent over Quentin Queen next, while the Umagas started to watch each others' backs. Peter Roach would focus on the injured Johnny Martin, who managed to hang on to the bottom rope. Roach would try to pry Martin off, but KC Glenn dropkicked him from behind and he flipped over to the floor! Akima Umaga would grab KC and throw him over as well, Johnny Martin finally recovered and brawled with Akima, but Toma lowblowed him from behind and both of the Umagas would finally send him over the ropes for elimination number ten.</p><p> </p><p> Dave Diamond would send over Amazing Fire Fly and Storm Spillane next, and would try for a quick triple with Riley McManus but Storm's partner Marvel Malloy would catch him with a German Suplex, stunning him and Riley and Malloy would make Diamond the unlucky number thirteen. The Umagas would dump Nigel Svensson over as Clark Alexander sent Rayne Man over the ropes, Malloy would rush over to Toma only to get thrown over as well and we are down to the final four.</p><p> </p><p> Clark and Riley exchanged a look and they split up and took an Umaga each, the battle becoming an impromptu Texas Tornado match of sort. Riley would reverse an Irish Whip on Toma and deliver a clothesline when Toma hit the ropes, but the momentum would send him over as well. Akima used headbutts to wear down Alexander before trying to Biel Throw him over the ropes, but Alexander held on to the top rope. Akima celebrated prematurely as Clark skinned the cat, Akima turned around and charged at Alexander, but Clark ducked under, Akima goes over the ropes... but lands on the apron! Clark tries to finish him off but Akima hooks him up for a suplex, trying to power Clark to the floor... but halfway through the lift Clark kicks his legs and reverses the momentum to land back in the ring, Akima's throat hitting the ropes in the process... enzuigiri to Akima! Another! A third... and down to the floor goes Akima Umaga!</p><p> </p><p> WINNER and the FIRST EVER MWA Champion: Clark Alexander!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> "Cry Thunder" played on the PA as senior official Jez McArthur presented Clark with the title to end the show, as Jerry Krait golf clapped from his position at the timekeeper's desk.</p><p> </p><p> SC: "And what a great way to cap our first show, Clark battling past nineteen men..."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Eighteen."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "...And managed to survive even though he nearly got eliminated several times."</p><p> </p><p> RR: "And you got to give credit to the Umaga Brothers too."</p><p> </p><p> SC: "And to Riley McManus, who elimated six people!"</p><p> </p><p> RR: "Yeah, but he also eliminated himself, what a doofus!"</p><p> </p><p> SC: "Riley at least showing sportsmanship getting in the ring to congratulate Alexander. Well, for Roger Rogers and Dharma Gregg, this is Samuel Curran, thanking everyone for supporting the Modern Revolution. We'll see you again soon!"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>DVD Exclusive Post-Show Reactions!</strong></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Our first interview comes from Jerry Krait, his face hidden by his fedora.</p><p> </p><p> Krait: "I am the master of my own fate. While the rest of the rats scurried along the maze for their invisible masters... I took a stand for myself, a stand against the corporate cliches of deciding a championship by a battle royal. This rat does not dance for the pied pipers... no no no... this rat dances to his own pipes. I ask to those who did run the maze... did you participate because you wanted to, or because it was expected of you?"</p><p> </p><p> Rayne Man steps into the shot now, pushing Krait, making the man's fedora fall of his head.</p><p> </p><p> Rayne: "Found you. You like beating on people who are already out, punk? You wanna try that on me? Huh? I've been pushed around by punks like you, come on, PUSH ME!"</p><p> </p><p> Krait doesn't say or do anything, just looks down at his fedora.</p><p> </p><p> Rayne: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't you dare pull that on anyone else again, especially one of my friends."</p><p> </p><p> Rayne starts to walk off... then Krait grabs him by the hair and rams his face into the wall, repeatedly, then Irish Whips him into the opposite wall, where Rayne slumps down.</p><p> </p><p> Krait: "I don't push or pull unless I choose to push or pull, Mister Rayne... but if you want to indulge in a primitive display of revenge, who am I to deny you? Make sure to dress well next we meet Mister Rayne, for on that night, we will dance in a graveyard, to the rondo of screams that will be your family's anguish, and when I decide to end you, and deliver a Thrill Kill, the ringing of the bell shall serve as your funeral's march."</p><p> </p><p> Jerry puts his fedora back on.</p><p> </p><p> Krait: "Drive safely, now."</p><p> </p><p> He walks off, humming "Come As You Are" as the MWA logo flybys to our next promo...</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Where Johnny Martin and Clark Alexander are in the back, with Clark having the MWA title on his shoulder, when Dave Diamond approaches them.</p><p> </p><p> Diamond: "Hey boys, I see you're having a good time, celebrating. No, no, no, I'm not here to spoil your fun, by all means enjoy your title. While you have it, that is."</p><p> </p><p> Alexander: "'While I have it'?"</p><p> </p><p> Diamond: "Well yeah, I mean it's only a matter of time before I take it from you, I mean, I beat Riley McManus one on one, and he was one of the final four in that battle royale, way I see it that puts me in contention for the title. And I'm proven championship material and well..."</p><p> </p><p> Alexander: "Okay, yeah, this is my first title win in nearly twenty years in the business. What your point?"</p><p> </p><p> Diamond: "My point is, you're on the downslope of your career, and I'm on the upslope. I'm a contender, you're the champion. Do the math."</p><p> </p><p> Johnny Martin steps between them.</p><p> </p><p> Martin: "And I've had more titles than you've had years in this industry, Dave. And I'm also in the title hunt. Do that math."</p><p> </p><p> Diamond: "You... want to face me? Oh man, that's got to be a joke... or maybe... a rib."</p><p> </p><p> Martin: "Bruised, not broken. I'll be healthy next month."</p><p> </p><p> Diamond: "For now. But Johnny, I'm so dangerous to your health, the Surgeon General wants to put a warning label on me. But if you wanna be my steppin stone, I'll be your huckleberry, brother. See ya next month."</p><p> </p><p> Diamond takes a moment to pose for the camera before we logo flyby to....</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37389" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Peter Roach, with a scowl on his face.<p> </p><p> Roach: "KC Glenn. I guess knocking your teeth into Lake Superior didn't teach you that I'm out of your league. You should have stayed away from me, let me do my thing in the battle royal. You think you got some kind of... revenge, parity, whatever you want to call it by eliminating me? Oh no no no. KC. You effed up, boy. The beatings will continue until morale improves."</p></div></blockquote>
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Wrestler Spotlight

"Hawaiian Thunder" Clark Alexander

Years Pro: 19

Hometown: Hilo, Hawaii

Theme Music:

Finishing Move: "Hawaiian Breaker" (Torture Rack Neckbreaker)

Titles Won: MWA (First, Current)

Don't let his lack of accolades fool you, Clark is a true journeyman who started in the Hawaiian indy scene and after a successful tour of small promotions across the US eventually got hired by TCW and spent six long years there (2005-2011). At 37 years old he's still his athletic prime, and his experience and technical skill made him a formidable challenge for any opponent.

Dark Match Results:

Emma Bitch d. Hellcat Hernandez

Peter Roach and Nomad d. Nigel Svensson and Mark Smart


MWA Death Or Glory 2013


SC: "Welcome to MWA's sophomore show, Death or Glory! We're here in Angel Street Rec Center in Detroit Michigan, and we are at full capacity! This is a bigger venue than the Asylum folks, and we are STILL at standing room only, about 2,000 people packed in tonight. I'm Samuel Curran here with Roger Rogers, and before our first match we're going to hear from our champ!"


"Cry Thunder" by Dragonforce plays on the PA as Clark Alexander comes down the ring in street clothes with a microphone.


Clark: "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! I'm gonna make this quick because I know you'd rather see me kicking Akima Umaga's ass tonight than hear me talk about it. See, Akima's not my opponent tonight just because he was the last person eliminated in the battle royal. See, like everyone else in the back, I respect Johnny Martin. When I was still in the indies in Hawaii, I'd trade tapes of GCG shows for DAVE shows, and Martin always stood out for me because of how passionate he was. When the Umaga Brothers...."


"Electric Head Pt 1" plays and Clark looks to the entranceway... but the Umagas charge in from the crowd! Akima spins him around and puts him on his shoulders, turning to Tama who jumps at them as Akima falls back for a Samoan Drop! But they weren't done there, as they both climb to opposite turnbuckles.... STEREO FLYING HEADBUTTS! Security comes in to seperate the Umagas from Clark, the brothers leaving through the crowd again as Clark is helped out of the ring.


SC: "What a cowardly assault by the Umaga Brothers!"


RR: "Hey, Clark was the one talking trash. Let's see that tag team move again. They call this Paradise Lost, look at how in sync they are! And after that, those flying headbutts, even one is enough to injure people."


SC: "Injuring people before matches seems to be a favorite tactic of the Umagas, but Clark is a fighting champion and he won't go down that easily. Moving on though it's time for our first contest of the evening...."


"Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins plays first as two members of the women's division head out.


Gregg: "The following is a tag team contest with a fifteen minute time limit, introducing first: Eve Grunge and Bonnie Clyde!"


SC: "Both Grunge and Clyde are part of the title tournament, and not taking anything away from Bonnie but the veteran Grunge has got to be a favorite."


RR: "Favorite to lose to Brooke Tyler maybe."


"Swan Lake Finale" plays as their opponents come out, a handful of fans recognizing one of them and chanting "PSY-CHO BAL-LER-INA" *clap clap clapclapclap*"


Gregg: "And their opponents: The Franchise Brooke Tyler and Nina Cacace!"


SC: "Former terror of the European wrestling scene is Cacace, then known as Nina The Psycho Ballerina, an image that she hoped would not follow her back in her return to the US."


RR: "Completely disrespectful!"


SC: "Maybe they're just fans."


RR: "No, they're obviously trying to insult her!"


SC: "Well Cacace better focus on this match, Grunge is her first round opponent."


MATCH ONE: Eve Grunge and Bonnie Clyde vs Brooke Tyler and Nina Cacace


A back and forth encounter with everyone getting a fair amount of time to shine, however it was Brooke Tyler that managed to make the biggest impression when she delivers an atomic drop to Bonnie Clyde to set up a Brooke Breaker for the submission win.


WINNERS: Brooke Tyler and Nina Cacace


RR: "Our Women's Champion, folks!"


SC: "She's not champion yet, Roger."


RR: "Yeah but it's only a matter of time."


SC: "Coming up next is a match with personal implications, the mysterious Jerry Krait facing Rayne Man. They had an altercation after our debut show and Rayne Man is going to be looking for payback."


RR: "He had no business getting into Krait's business, Sam."


"Rain" by The Cult played as Rayne Man came down the ring, playing to the crowd on the ramp before heading down with purpose, looking ready to pounce as soon as his opponent enters the ring as well.


Gregg: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit. Introducing first, from Seattle, Washington: The Rayne Man!


The bass intro of "Come As You Are" plays as Jerry Krait slowly saunters down the ramp, taking his time.


Gregg: And his opponent, from Windsor, Ontario: Jerry Krait!


SC: "I've done some research into Jerry Krait over the last month..."


RR: "This ought to be good."


SC: "Well his listed phone number in the Ontario phone book is actually the number of a 'Members Only Social Club' called the Hellfire Club. I've also found out his birth name is Gerald Gabriel, born in Calgary, Alberta. I've tried to find if he has any relatives in Calgary but so far I haven't found any yet."


RR: "This is an invasion of privacy you know."


SC: "Well I'm trying to figure out what his deal is. He talks in riddles, and he's got that super creepy vibe to him..."


Krait waits until referee Rob Perkins backs Rayne up before getting in the ring, then steps forward to offer Rayne a handshake... Rayne instead throws a punch that knocks Krait's fedora off...


MATCH TWO: Rayne Man vs Jerry Krait


And again the switch is flicked as Krait answers back with a series of Thai knees to the midsection. He uses more brutal offense like this, and like the previous match gets a yellow card for using his tie to choke Rayne. Rayne makes a comeback and he looks for the Rayne Fall (Scoop Lift Reverse DDT) but Krait floats over and applies the Dragon Sleeper. Rayne gets to the ropes and the ref has to physically force the break, earning Krait his second yellow card. Rayne makes another rally of offense but Krait evades an avalanche, and Krait wastes no time, lifting him up for that inverted facelock lift into a bodyslam driver, identified by the announcers as the Thrill Kill, for the three count.


WINNER: Jerry Krait


"Come As You Are" plays again and Jerry rolls out of the ring, grabbing his hat and putting it back on his head, and getting his tie back as well. Instead of heading to the back, he goes under the ring to get a chair... and walks with it to a spot near the commentary table, opening it and taking a seat as he puts his tie back on.


SC: "Wow, I thought Krait was going to attack Rayne Man there, and now that Rayne is coming too I think he's a bit surprised as well."


RR: "That's your problem, Sam. You think too much. Krait proved his point, he doesn't need to do humiliate Rayne any more."


SC: "What's he doing now though?"


RR: "I don't know, you go find out Mister Amateur Investigator!"


SC: "Well I have a job to do here too, and coming up is a tag team match that's a result of our debut show."


"We Are The Road Crew" by Motorhead would play to signal the arrival of the first team.


Gregg: "The following is a tag team contest with a twenty minute time limit, introducing first, from Revolution Live in Ft Lauderdale Florida, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane: The American Cobras!


RR: "'Revolution Live'?"


SC: "I've actually heard about this from them earlier tonight, it's a concert venue they used to work for as a dayjob that hosted a lot of hard rock and heavy metal bands. They've featured several famous artists like The Cult..."


RR: "Forget I asked."


"Sports (Sports Bar Remix)" by Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim played next as their opponents came out wearing Chicago Blackhawks jerseys, getting boos from the crowd.


Gregg: "And their opponents, the Chuckmeister Chucky Dorrance and The Hat Trick Kid Victor Victoria: The Bad Mother Puckers!"


SC: "The BMPs making no attempts to get the Detroit fans on their side here."


RR: "Why should they? It's not a popularity contest, Sammy."


MATCH THREE: American Cobras vs Bad Mother Puckers


The contest is back and forth and showcases the two teams' in-ring MOs. The American Cobras have a junior heavyweight puroresu mentality, favoring hard strikes and suplexes. Chucky uses a combination of high flying and running strikes in the corner, namely shoulders and elbows, and occasionally playing "Goalie"; when his opponent tries to tag, he gets in the way and tries to "block" them getting past. Victoria's part of the BMP routine involves doing things in threes; hiptosses, dropkicks, clotheslines. The BMPs would gain control and look for the win with a double shoulder tackle (aka "Cross Checking") but Spillane had blind tagged in and Malloy dropped prone to avoid it. After clotheslining Chucky over the ropes, Malloy stunned Chucky with a roaring elbow and the Cobras measured him up for the Cobra Strike (Total Elimination) for the three count.


WINNERS: The American Cobras


After the teams left the ring, "Yankee Rose" by David Lee Roth played to signal our next competitor.


Gregg: "The following is an opening round match in the MWA Women's Title Tournament, introducing first, from Souix Falls, South Dakota, she is the South Dakota Yankee: Lily Snyder!"


RR: "'South Dakota Yankee'?"


SC: "Apparently that was a nickname she got when doing shows in Canada."


RR: "Well that explains her theme music. I guess."


"Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar plays as her opponent comes out, wearing a AAA T-shirt.


Gregg: "And her opponent, from Seattle, Washington, the Mistress Of The Backbreaker: Talia Quinzel!"


SC: "Quinzel is of course representing Angel Athletic Association in this tournament like Hellcat Hernandez did for QAW"


RR: "And she's going to snap Lily in half tonight!"


SC: "We'll see, neither are very experienced, Quinzel is a product of the premier women's dojo in the US though."


MATCH FOUR: Lily Snyder vs Talia Quinzel


This was a very competitive match that played off of Talia's power advantage, and use of the move that inspired her nickname. Lily meanwhile fought strength with speed and backbreakers with a solid submission game. Talia used an over the shoulder backbreaker on Lily to try to finish the match but to her surprise Lily kicked out at two. Lily tried to answer with her Cut-Throat Suplex but Talia muscled her way out of it, ramming Lily into the turnbuckles. She went for another over the shoulder backbreaker but Lily escapes and counters with a backslide, one, two, three!


Winner: Lily Snyder


SC: "Wonderful performance by Lily Snyder, and we'll find out next month who she faces in the next round of the tournament as Emma Bitch will face Bonnie Clyde."


RR: "I know who isn't impressed, Jerry Krait, he headed to the back halfway through."


SC: "We don't know why he was here in the first place."


RR: "Well we probably never will, so why talk about it?"


A cover of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" plays as The Silencer, dressed in urban camo fatigues comes out, with a microphone.


Silencer: "On May the second, 2011, Osama Bin Laden was killed by the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces."


The crowd chants 'USA!' for a bit.


Silencer: "But now that he's dead, the spineless bleeding hearts think we have no more reason to fight the War on Terror, that we should lift our security restrictions, and repeal the Authorized Use of Military Force Act of 2001, which allowed us to find and kill Bin Laden. But Bin Laden was just part of the problem. America is under assault, from without... and within. We are under assault from subversives, from communists, from foreign drug dealers... our war to defend our homeland is never over. My name is classified information, as a loyal member of our great armed forces. You may call me by my official codename: The Silencer."


Silencer: "I am here to continue the great fight that American heroes like Joeseph McCarthy and Oliver North were forced to abandon by Hate America lobby in Washington. Anyone who stands in my way, will be exposed as the un-American, Obama-loving traitor they are. And they WILL. BE. SILENCED."


The initial cheers become boos, until "Rebel Yell" plays and Riley McManus heads down the ramp.

Gregg: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, already in the ring, from Langley, Virginia: The Silencer! And his opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, he is the Atlanta Badass: Riley McManus!


MATCH FIVE: The Silencer vs Riley McManus


This match starts off as a physical brawl which turns out to play into the gameplan of the mysterious special forces agent, but Riley wouldn't back down, eventually taking the battle to the ground and using his technical skills to his advantage. Silencer would escape to the floor momentarily and Riley would follow him, allowing Silencer to throw Riley into the stairs to regain control. Riley escaped a running powerslam and delivered a chop block to set up a figure four! Silencer manages to show some resilience and roll over, forcing Riley to get to the ropes. Both men back on their feet, Silencer ducks a lariat and Riley knees him in the gut and delivers a slingshot suplex for the three count.


WINNER: Riley McManus


SC: "Silencer showed some real fortitude there but Riley McManus just proved to be too much for him."


RR: "Riley cheated."


SC: "HOW?"


RR: "I don't know, but there's no way Riley could have beaten a Special Forces agent like The Silencer fairly!"


SC: "Silencer was throwing some closed fists, those aren't legal, so..."


RR: "Finish that sentence and I'll report you to ICE!"


SC: "I was born in Memphis!"


RR: "Or were you?"


SC: "Moving on..."


You got the touch! You got the poweeeeeeeeeeeeer! ....YEAH!


Gregg: "The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit! Introducing first: KC Glenn and the Amazing Fire Fly!"


SC: "The crowd showing their support for these two talented youngsters, KC really impressed some pundits in the battle royal when he eliminated Peter Roach, a former big league star."


RR: "Yeah and he's going to pay for it, Roach is furious."


SC: "Well he's not going to have to worry about that tonight..."


"Electric Head Part 1" plays for the second time tonight as the younger Umaga brother comes out with Quentin Queen.


Gregg: "And their opponents, Tama Umaga and Quentin Queen!"


SC: "A kind of a makeshift duo here, but Tama was happy to take any fight he can get, and Queen doesn't seem unhappy with this either. He was across the ring from Fire Fly last month too, and there seems to be some dislike of Fire Fly on Queen's part."


RR: "And what makes you say that?"


SC: "I talked to Queen before the show, he thinks Fire Fly isn't talented enough to be in MWA and that he's only got a job here because of his crowd-pleasing offense."


MATCH SIX: KC Glenn and Amazing Fire Fly vs Tama Umaga and Quentin Queen


This was pretty much a flat-out high flying showcase for the four athletes, each of them giving time to show their stuff, and with frequent tags to add some flashy double team moves as well. Of course as the announce team alluded to the main story was Queen's grudge with Fire Fly, and he resorted to some less than noble tactics against the luchador, including attacking him on the floor and twisting his mask so he couldn't see (earning him a yellow card). While Queen was protesting the card, Peter Roach enters the ring and attacked KC Glenn in the ring, hitting him with the Stay of Execution (double-handed chokeslam powerbomb). Once referee Jez MacArthur went back to the ring, Roach was ringside and Tama was on the top rope... flying headbutt! One, two, three!


WINNERS: Tama Umaga and Quentin Queen


Peter Roach wasn't done though, and he dragged KC Glenn out of the ring and dragged him to the announce table. As Samuel Curran grabs Roger Rogers' wheelchair to get him to safety, Roach grabs KC by the neck, one handed chokeslam through the announce table! He then heads to the back, casually passing by ring crew staff who come out to assist KC.


SC: "Am I on? Okay... KC Glenn looks really hurt here folks... Peter Roach with a cowardly attack on the youngster... I'm being told we're going to have an intermission. Get us a new table, please..."


A logo flyby would be used to cut through the intermission, and we come back to the sounds of "Winner" by Cheeseburger as Dave Diamond is halfway down the ramp, his robe this time bearing the words "The Dazzling One" on the back.


Gregg: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit! Introducing first, from Austin, Texas: Dazzling Dave Diamond!


SC: "We're back folks and this our co-main event, Dave Diamond challenged by Johnny Martin during the fallout of our last show."


RR: "Martin stuck his nose where his business doesn't belong..."


"Tornado of Souls" plays and Martin heads down the ramp, wasting little time to get to the ring.


Gregg: "And his opponent from Phila-"


Diamond cuts Johnny off with a baseball slide and the match begins!


MATCH SEVEN: Dave Diamond vs Johnny Martin


The two spend most of the early parts of the contest brawling on the floor, with whoever is in control breaking the 20-count by rolling in and out of the ring, leading referee Rob Perkins to just stop counting and let them fight it out. Martin tries to get the crowd to clear off as he looks to throw Diamond into a row of chairs but Diamond uses this opening to shove Martin into the steps and get back into the ring. With the action back in the ring, Diamond takes control with mat wrestling, but Martin manages to fight back and regain control on his feet.


Martin tries to go for Twist On The Rocks, but Diamond counters with a tornado DDT, getting a two count. Diamond looks for a cutter, but Martin shoves him off, kick to the gut and looks for a piledriver but Diamond accidentally-on-purpose shoves Martin into Rob Perkins, causing the ref to miss a blatant low blow that sets up the Dazzle Driver (Death Valley) for the three count.


WINNER: Dave Diamond


SC: "And Diamond steals another win!"


RR: "Steals nothing! He didn't do anything wrong, if he did he would have gotten carded!"


SC: "Weren't you accusing Riley McManus of cheating to win? He wasn't carded!"


RR: "Moving on! Main event time!"


"Electric Head Pt 1" plays once more as the Umaga Brothers comes out, and referee Jez MacArthur, who is assigned for this match, stops on his own way to the ring, and demands Tama go to the back!


Gregg: "The following is our main event of the evening, and is for the MWA championship..."


Jez then signals for Gregg to stop, then heads over to her to whisper in her ear.


Gregg: "And under the discretion of our senior official, the ENTIRE MWA locker room is BANNED from ringside!"


RR: "He can't do that!"


SC: "Yes he can! The repeated attacks on our champion give him reason to want to keep this a one-on-one encounter ending in no controversy!"


Gregg: "Introducing first, the challenger, from Pago Pago, American Samoa: Akima Umaga!"


"Cry Thunder" plays and the MWA champion comes out, his ribs bandaged.


Gregg: "And his opponent, from Hilo, Hawaii, the MWA Champion: Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander!"


Clark would pose with the title belt, not taking his eyes off of Umaga for a second even as he handed the title off to the referee to present.


MAIN EVENT FOR THE MWA TITLE: Akima Umaga vs Clark Alexander ©


Clark had a very brief opening rally but Akima would hammer him in the ribs and immediately take control, using his power advantage to dominate the early goings. However as he got overconfident the heart of Alexander would push him back into the contest, using flurries of kicks to disrupt the Samoan's strategy, focusing on the legs in particular. Akima would however gain control again after throwing Alexander to the floor through the second rope. Clark would try to get back in the ring but Akima would use running boots to knock Clark off the apron every time, until he got a yellow card from Jez.


Clark finally got in the ring and Akima threw him to the ropes, flinging the champion into the air before dropping him ribs first on Akima's knee for a two count. Akima worked over Clark with a bearhug, but the champ refused to submit, so Akima simply belly to belly suplexed him into the canvas, then climbed to the top rope... flying headbutt misses! Clark tries to lift Akima into position for the Hawaiian Breaker, but Akima slips out, heading to the ropes, spear! One, two, Clark kicks out of that as well! Akima argues with the senior official before putting Alexander on his shoulders for a Samoan Drop, but Alexander elbows free... torture rack position... Hawaiian Breaker! Rolls Akima onto his back, one, two three!


WINNER and STILL MWA Champion: Clark Alexander


The show ends with Clark Alexander's hand being raised as he stays on one knee clutching his ribs, eventually being helped to the back by ring screw staff, while Akima, needing no assistance, is beside himself in frustration of having lost his title opportunity.




Our first interview comes from Quentin Queen.


Queen: "Do you people realize who I am? I'm Quentin Queen. I was trained by Tommy Cornell. With that pedigree alone I should be in the main event, or at the very least, appreciated by the crowd for the prodigal talent I am. But instead, they cheer for Fire Fly. A guy trained by a nobody. But lucha libre is so special and exotic and we got to put this guy front and center! Makes me sick. MWA, I want Amazing Fire Fly, one on one, as soon as possible. And when that happens I'm going to swat him like the pest he is."


The camera wipes to...


Jerry Krait, sitting in a chair.


Krait: "I have had a dream. A vision, if you will. A vision to guide me in my goal of liberating the socially clouded minds, to give them freedom from the sins of shame, repression, and conformity. I had this dream weeks ago but still I remember it vividly. The Clockwork Angel, shining in light, her eyes as golden cogwheels, looking upward to me. This Clockwork Angel, ill from society, wishing to abandon all emotion, a human seeking to become an automaton. And from the beacon of her light comes to us the Duality Child, body and spirit at war, befuddled with confusion... and the Clockwork Angel and the Duality Child hear my wisdom, learn my truths, and three become one in the perfect joy of the virtues of decadence, lust, and hedonism. I have found the Duality Child, but without the Clockwork Angel, I cannot liberate him. I must find the Clockwork Angel, she is here... I know she is here. But where within here? That is the conundrum..."


He stands up now, looking down to the floor.


Krait: "I keep being distracted by fools who wish to sleep in their sins, ignorant of their inner desires, too brainwashed by the society around them to understand that the beast within them is to be nurtured and not neutered! My pilgrimage will NOT be swayed, however! I shall bring unto the profane the vindication they deserve, and bring unto the slavers the destruction they delivered unto others!"


His fedora falls off, an he starts cackling like a lunatic as we wipe to...


Samuel Curran of all people.


Curran: "Hello everyone, I'm here as the official spokesman of the MWA and the Modern Revolution to announce that next month we will be holding a four-way ladder match to determine the first MWA tag team champions. As per Michigan State Athletic Commission rules, only our officially registered tag teams may compete in this contest, however any team who wishes to challenge for the titles later may compete at later dates. So one of The American Cobras, The Umaga Brothers, The Bad Mother Puckers and the unnamed duo of Mark Smart and Rayne Man will be our very first MWA Tag Team Champions in the very near future. Thank you for supporting the Modern Revolution, and we'll see you soon again in the near future."

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Wrestler Spotlight

The Umaga Brothers

Years Pro: 7

Hometown: Pago Pago, American Samoa

Theme Music:

Finishing Moves: "Paradise Lost" (Akima lifts the opponent for a Samoan Drop, Toma dives at them for a vertical body press adding his weight to the Samoan Drop), Double Flying Headbutts, Flying Headbutt (By either Brother), Samoan Suplex (Angle Slam; By Akima)

Titles Won: SWF Tag Titles (2x)

Members of the famous Umaga Family of pro wrestling, Akima and Toma are two of the toughest wrestlers in MWA, as well as the most ruthless. Fair play means little to them as long as they can get a win, and it is this willingness to do whatever it takes that not only make them the most dangerous tag team in the company, but the most hated.



Dark Match:

Lily Snyder and Eve Grunge d. Brooke Tyler and Nina Cacace


MWA The Restless Wicked 2013


We open to sounds of "Come As You Are" as Jerry Krait is already taking a seat by the timekeeper.


SC: "Welcome to The Restless Wicked and we've just gone live, Jerry Krait again taking a ringside seat even though he's got no stake in this upcoming contest..."


RR: "So? He can't come out to watch some action?"


SC: "He should be preparing for his match later tonight than looking at the women's tournament..."


"The Fugitive" by Iron Maiden plays as Bonnie Clyde comes out, firing a glitter gun shaped like a tommy gun into the air.


Gregg: "The following is an opening round match in the Women's Title Tournament. Introducing first, she is on run from the law, the Fugitive From Justice and the Robyn Hood of Wrestling, this is Bonnie Clyde!"


RR: "This clown has no chance of winning tonight."


SC: "I don't know, she's pretty athletic. The fans seem to be supporting her."


RR: "Yeah, because she's dressed like a stripper."


"When I Am Queen" by Jack Off Jill hits and her opponent comes out blowing off the fans as they try to slap hands with her.


Gregg: "And her opponent from Toronto, Ontario, Emma Bitch!"


RR: "Well, there you go, Emma's from Ontario, and Krait is supporting his fellow Ontarian."


SC: "Or maybe it's got something to do with that 'Clockwork Angel' diatribe he was rambling about."


MATCH ONE: Bonnie Clyde vs Emma Bitch


Bonnie shined a bit with some basic aerial maneuvers- Dropkicks, crossbodys, that sort of thing- but her running splash ended up with her eating a pair of knees. From there it was all Emma, who used her size and experience advantage to dominate the match, ending it somewhat mercifully with a running spear called the "Payback" and the three count.


WINNER: Emma Bitch


Emma sat on top of Bonnie as she demanded a microphone, which referee Rob Perkins eventually handed to her.


Emma: "The first two matches in this tournament, they featured a star from AAA, they featured a star from QAW. And who did I get paired with? This little skank who couldn't even get work in Babes of Skin City. HEY DHARMA!" (Looking over to our ring announcer) "DID BONNIE HERE GET A TRYOUT AT BSC?" (Dharma shakes her head no) "Yeah, I didn't think so, guess they already filled their STD quota. I got fired for bullshit reasons by that jealous bitch Victoria Stone-McFly who..."


She stops in mid-sentence when Samuel Curran did a throat-cut motion.


Emma: "When I lost my job, I expected AAA and QAW to hire me. But they didn't. Well, I'm going to do something that AAA and QAW's finest failed to do, win the MWA Women's Title, and show them what a mistake they did in snubbing me all these years. Because life's a Bitch... then you get pinned by one."


Emma drops the mic on Bonnie's head then walks out of the ring.


(The underlined portion was cut from the DVD release)


SC: "Strong statement from Emma Bitch there, and a dominating performance to go with it."


RR: "Told you Bonnie couldn't hang."


SC: "Well she's pretty inexperienced and Emma Bitch is one of the most experienced women on our roster. One of our two semi-final matches for the MWA Women's Title Tournament has been decided tonight, as Emma Bitch will face Lily Snyder in coming months."


"Heroes of our Time" by Dragonforce hits as Nigel Svensson heads down the ramp, in plain tights with no pads, the only embellishment to his ring gear is the red hoodie he wears as well.


Gregg: "The following contest is sheduled for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit, introducing first, from Stockholm, Sweden, Nigel Svensson!"


SC: "Nigel is the last student of the infamous Wigan Wrestling School, known for producing some of the toughest talent east of the Atlantic Ocean. It's rare to see a Wigan style wrestler in America, so we'll see how it plays out tonight."


RR: "Who cares?"


SC: "Well in the heyday of British wrestling, virtually everyone in Europe at least visited the Wigan Wrestling School at one point. Even guys like JD Morgan and Highland Warrior spent time there."


RR: "Yeah, yeah, whatever."


"Troubled Dreams" by Testament plays as a figure shrouded in a tattered brown cloak saunters down the ring.


Gregg: "And his opponent, the man known only as Nomad!"


RR: "No hometown?"


SC: "Nobody's got a clue where he's from."


RR: "You did all that investigative crap on Jerry Krait, why didn't you do it with Nomad?"


SC: "As a matter of fact I did. He's worked all over the US and Canada... but that's all I can find out. He almost never says a word to anyone, he's always paid in cash instead of a check, nobody remembers having ever trained him... it's like he didn't exist before he was a wrestler."


RR: "Maybe he's a criminal."


SC: "Or he's secretly Elvis' clone."


RR: "Don't be silly. He's probably secretly Jim Morrison's clone."

MATCH TWO: Nigel Svensson vs Nomad


This was a back and forth encounter, showcasing the mat wrestling skills of Nigel Svensson and Nomad's well-rounded athletic ability. Nigel also has some insanely stiff shots, Nomad checking his mouth for missing teeth and his eyes for cuts on more than one occasion. Nigel tries for the Hyper-Extension Arm Lock (Elevated Wristlock into a Flying Armbar), but Nomad boxed Nigel's ear to disrupt his equilibrium, allowing to counter into a swinging reverse STO dubbed the Drift Shift to win the three count.




RR: "Wait... how do we know what his finisher is called?"


SC: "Actually it was another announcer up in Canada who came up with the name. Nobody knows what Nomad calls it, if anything."


RR: "Well Nomad really impressed me tonight."


SC: "Wonder if Jerry Krait is impressed, he just stood up to leave. We still don't know why he was out here..."


RR: "And it's none of our damn business."


(EDITOR'S NOTE- For the sake of avoiding unnecessary repetition, I will be doing entrance segments only for matches where people whose mannerisms/gimmicks have been sufficiently fleshed out. Part of the segments was to give people an idea of the image I was giving them. Doing them over and over will just be boring for me to write and probably for people to read)


MATCH THREE: Riley McManus and KC Glenn vs Peter Roach and The Silencer


Silencer and McManus started this off with a physical altercation not unlike their first encounter, but Riley gets the upper hand and Silencer tags out. Roach points to KC, indicating he wants him in the ring, and the youngster is all too happy to reach out for a tag to get in this match, and wastes little time in taking the fight to the big man! Roach is taken off guard, tags to the Silencer and the two double team KC, but KC is able to escape to his corner and Riley rallies back to save the day. The match became neck and neck at this point, until Riley and Roach started brawling on the floor while KC and Silencer were legal, KC hitting the "Tuning Up The Sunshine Band" superkick on the special forces agent to knock him out and score the pinfall!


WINNERS: Riley McManus and KC Glenn


Roach was furious and grabbed the announcer's table, cleaning it off with unceremonious swipe of his arm before dragging the table closer to the ring. Riley McManus tried to stop him but Roach throws him into the nearest ringpost as a result. He gets to the apron, but KC Glenn was ready waiting for him, TUNING UP THE SUNSHINE BAND! Roach falls back, crashing through the table! KC outsmarted the veteran this time and got some deserved payback to boot!


RR: "KC Glenn should be fined for that attack!"


SC: "He was defending himself! Don't you remember, Peter Roach chokeslammed KC through the table last month too!"


RR: "In self defense."


SC: "...What."


MATCH FOUR: Amazing Fire Fly and Jerry Krait


This contest between two of the most promising up and comers doesn't even get out of the gate as Quentin Queen enters the ring and attacks Fire Fly. Krait seemed amused by this and simply watched in the corner...


...But "Tornado of Souls" would hit as Johnny Martin came out to save the day! Referee Jez McArthur goes to Dharma Gregg and tells her something...


Dharma Gregg: "Ladies and Gentlemen, this match is going to be RE-STARTED as a tag team match!"


MATCH FOUR (Again): Amazing Fire Fly and Johnny Martin vs Jerry Krait and Quentin Queen


Martin would dominate Queen early on until the Q-Man tagged out to Krait, who tries to attack Martin but finds himself on the losing end, his fedora falling off his head. Quentin cuts in illegal and gets clobbered for his effort, but the distraction allows Krait to chop block Martin and take control. Krait goes for the infamous tie choke earning him a yellow card, his arguing with the ref allowing Martin to tag out for Fire Fly to show his death-defying skills as he rallies his team back, but the Q-Man enters the match and brings the momentum back, until the two cruiserweights hit each other with a double cross body. They both tag out, and Martin decks Krait with a clothesline and goes for the Twist on the Rocks, but Krait escapes, landing in a Dragon Sleeper position, squeezing on Martin to wear him down before lifting him up for the Thrill Kill... and it lands! One, two, three!


WINNERS: Jerry Krait and Quentin Queen


SC: "Wow, that has to be an upset, beating the DAVE legend!"


RR: "And in dominant fashion!"


SC: "I wouldn't call it dominant, he almost got spiked on his head, but still very impressive!"


After a slight intermission, we'd come back to "Super Rad" by The Aquabats! as Rayne Man comes out with Mark Smart. They'd try to get a head start by taking a ladder with them to get the titles (hanging above everyone's heads, having been set up during the break), but referee Rob Perkins told them they had to wait. Next plays "Sports" as the Bad Mother Puckers come out with hockey sticks, trying to use them to grab onto the belts, but being short by about five feet or so. "We Are The Road Crew" plays next... but nobody comes out. "Electric Head Part 1" finally plays last, the Umaga Brothers charging into the ring to start the melee before the bell rings!


MATCH FIVE, LADDER MATCH FOR THE MWA TAG TEAM TITLES: Rayne Man and Mark Smart vs Bad Mother Puckers vs American Cobras(?) vs Umaga Brothers


The Umaga Brothers clean house and immediately go to get a ladder, using it to knock over each of the remaining teams before propping it up to go for the gold... but the American Cobras finally arrive, Storm Spillane already bleeding from the forehead as they brawl with the Samoans. The ladder gets knocked over during the melee, the Cobras adjusting it so it was folded up and resting against the top rope, double backdrop suplexing Akima into the ladder! The other two teams get back into this and the action devolves into pure chaos, almost impossible to track. All eight wrestlers would end up on the floor, and Rayne Man would climb up a ladder set up outside... diving onto the other seven men taking them all out!


Rayne would set up the ladder in the ring and try to get to the belts, but this caused a scramble to the top by everyone, pulling each other off and trying to get up the ladder. It eventually comes down to Storm Spillane who gets his fingertips on the belts, but Akima Umaga knocks the ladder down with a shoulder tackle, sending Storm crashing into the canvas! Malloy tries to get payback but Toma hits him with one of the hockey sticks from behind, allowing the Umagas to hit him with the Paradise Lost. They get the ladder up, and with Akima swinging the hockey stick at anyone who looked like they were about to get up, nothing could stop Toma from getting the gold!




RR: "And that's all she wrote!"


SC: "Using debateably ethical tactics, though."


RR: "It was a ladder match, normal rules don't apply."


SC: "Yeah, LADDER match. Not ladders and hockey sticks. Not to mention they probably attacked the American Cobras before they came out."


RR: "Prove it."


SC: "Why was Storm Spillane bloody?"


RR: "Maybe he cut himself shaving."


SC: "Shaving his FOREHEAD?"


RR: "Maybe he has a thick unibrow."


SC: "Moving on...."


After the ring was cleared, we'd finally reach the main event. Dave Diamond of course comes out first, wearing yet another robe, this one silver with gold fringes and reading "Dazzling Dave Is Forever" on the back. "Cry Thunder" would be heard, some fans even singing along as Clark Alexander made his entrance, handing the title to referee Jez McArthur before the match began.


MAIN EVENT FOR THE MWA TITLE: Dave Diamond vs Clark Alexander ©

Clark was careful to get Jez to check Dave, but Dave quickly turned this around by claiming Alexander was pulling something out of his tights. Jez went to check Clark and Dave used this to charge in to sneak attack Clark and get the early advantage, working Clark's ribs with abdominal stretches, going for a flying elbow drop onto Clark's torso for a two count. He tried a second flying elbow but Clark moved out of the way, giving him the opening to recover. Clark looked for Hawaiian Thunder but Dave slipped out and got a rollup for two, looking for the Dazzle Driver but Clark counters with a DDT for two.


Diamond gets desperate now, using a figure four assisted not by the ring post but the ring ropes to try to wear out Clark's knees (earning him a yellow card). He tried to slap on a regular figure four on Clark in the middle of the ring but Clark countered with a small package for a nearfall. Diamond earned a second yellow card by raking Clark's eyes with the ropes, but while Jez checked on Clark Diamond got a foreign object out of the boot that Jez didn't get to check, a set of brass knuckles. He charges in to swing at at the champ to steal the win, but Clark Alexander ducks, and puts Diamond on his shoulders, Hawaiian Breaker! Cover, one, two, Diamond puts his foot on the rope but the ref doesn't see it, three!



Clark Alexander takes his title and celebrates in the crowd, but Dave Diamond recovers in the ring, arguing the decision with the referee. Incensed, Dave takes a swing at Jez with the brass-covered hand, dropping the referee like a stone. Clark notices and charges into the ring, Dave bails as medics tend to the official as the show ends....




Our first reaction comes from Jerry Krait, who is again sitting in a chair.


Krait: "As a wise man once said, it's a mad world when people run around in circles, repeating a cycle of monotony and routine, dreams of what they desire ignored in favor of soul-crushing conformity. But this is the world that the people live in, and more maddening, that they continue to choose to live in. But when I find my Clockwork Angel, and rescue the Duality Child, we will allow people to break free from their self-imposed oppression and live in hedonistic bliss...."


Samuel Curran comes into the shot, and Krait stops, looking at him.


Curran: "Erm, Mister Krait...."


Krait: "You're the one digging into my past. There is nothing to find. I am not Gerald Gabriel. That name belonged to a different me, one that was born dead, born a slave. I am Jerry Krait, I am alive, I am awake, I am free. Do you understand me?"


Curran: "M...Mister Krait.... I'm just here to inform you that you're the number one contender to the MWA title."


Krait: "I don't care right now. While I of course do intend on taking the MWA title, now is not the time. I have pressing matters to attend to, I refuse to suffer more distractions to my work! And if..."


Krait stops for a second.


Krait: "Who is in line after me? The... number two contender, for want of a better term?"


Curran: "I suppose that would be.... Peter Roach."


Krait ponders for a second.


Krait: "Excuse me."


Krait turns on his heel and walks off as we fade to...


Amazing Fire Fly in his locker room.


Fire Fly: "Hola! My English not very good, but I want me to say: Thank you all for supporting me. Great opportunity to work in America. Learning lots of things..."


Quentin Queen barges in, tackling him and punching him repeatedly on the floor. Fire Fly turns over, and Queen starts to try to undo his mask. Firefly gets away, but Queen throws him headfirst into a metal locker.


Queen: "You don't belong here, Firefly! You're a second rate wrestler. And you're taking the spotlight from me, a first class wrestler. When are you going to stop ducking me and face me like a man, huh?"


Queen tries to kick Fire Fly while he's down but Firefly grabs his leg and pushes him back, and now unloads on Queen! Various crew members get in and separate them as we logo flyby to...


Peter Roach, in the parking lot, wearing a hooded sweatshirt.


Roach: "KC Glenn, you're just making me madder and madder son. See I didn't come to MWA to get disrespected by a snot-nosed punk like you..."


???: "Did you come to win titles?"


Jerry Krait walks into view, Roach understandably confused.


Krait: "I'll make this simple: You're behind me in line for a title shot. If you promise to give me temporary aid, to keep me free from distractions whilst I continue my grand works... I will step aside, to let you have the next opportunity in my place."


Roach: "Temporary? For how long?"


Krait: "Until my children are found, weren't you listening? But, that's okay, I don't expect you to care or understand my grand machinations, and you won't have to. If, after my children are found, you wish to learn how to be alive, I would be more than happy to open your eyes, but I will not force your obedience. I only save people who want to be saved."


Roach: "There's a punk called KC Glenn whose ass needs to be in a sling too..."


Krait: "And and in due time, you will get to do that too. Do we have a deal?"


Roach: "Yeah, I guess."


Krait: "Splendid! Let us go to the front office to let them know you'll be the one to face the champion, shall we?"


Roach shrugs as they walk off screen to end the promo.


TotalExtremeWrestling Indy Rumor Roundup


-MWA officials are said to be very high on Jerry Krait (Formerly known in RIPW as Jerry Martin), Amazing Fire Fly, and KC Glenn.

-Speaking of MWA, Emma Bitch was allegedly reprimanded during MWA's latest show for going off script during her promo. Rumor has it Martin is considering forming a working agreement with North of the Border Pro Wrestling and didn't want anything to complicate that. After the show, Emma Bitch apologized for "getting carried away" on her Twitter.

-PSW star Matthew Keith is allegedly being unhappy with his role in the company, feeling relegated to "Jobber To The Star" status.

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