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ZEN: Time to Get Serious (CVerseXL)

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“That’s right! I’m your real brother! And not only that…. I’m also your father!”


“Gasp! How is that possible?”


Yup, he actually said ‘Gasp.’ The crowd roared with apathy. Well, except for one fat dude in the front row. He thought it was hilarious.


Back behind the curtain, Frankie looked at me anxiously. “So? What do you think, Sam?”


Behind us, the show ending angle was still failing to garner much response. Frankie was my good friend, Frankie Bendis or Halloween Knight. I had been travelling much of the world, training and looking for solid work. I had just returned to Australia last month, when Frankie reached out and invited me to come to a show of his ZEN promotion. It was… different. The frenetic and awesome action was still there, but the rest…


“Is it always like this?” I asked.


Frankie scratched the back of his head, looking embarrassed. “I just got so busy, Sam. I have to run all the logistics of the company, plus the logistics of the dojo, plus train the workers at the dojo…. I started handing over more and more writing responsibility to the roster. And once I did that, I could never really get it back.”


In the ring, Necromancer made some comment that had X-Calibre pounding the canvas in fake anguish. Fat Dude started choking on popcorn. No one else cared.


“Isn’t this sort of Zen’s trademark though?”


“Yeah, but it’s getting too much,” Frankie answered. “It’s just not working anymore. People watch our online stuff, but only the action, never the angles. And… we need to get more serious to grow. And we need to grow, Sammy. I don’t know if you heard, but Lone Shark jumped to APW?”


“I read that, yeah.”


“Well, more power to him, you know. Great for him. But if APW is watching us, then RAW won’t be far behind. They could both swoop in tomorrow and steal half my main event talent. If we don’t keep growing, they pick us clean and we’re dead in the water, Sam. “


“So, what does this have to do with me”


“You know the game, Sam,” Frankie said, building to his pitch in an obvious, wrestling promo way. “You’ve worked in the USA, Canada. I need you to run ZEN like those companies. Help us grow. Help us get serious.”


I glanced out at the ring, where Necromancer was advancing on a defeated X-Calibre. I’d seen the tapes and matches of ZEN while I was abroad. These guys could go. Plus Frankie, Cyanide, Man O War, Devilfish, Vertigo… the list goes on and on. They were talented wrestlers. The potential of this roster was unmatched.


I looked at Frankie. He had his hand out, looking for a shake. I sighed. “I’ll give it a shot. When do we start?”


“Tonight,” Frankie smiled as we shook.

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<p>In which Sam meets the ZEN team....</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="http://s1353.photobucket.com/user/GilmourGuy/media/ZEN_zpsfc53b291.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1353.photobucket.com/albums/q676/GilmourGuy/ZEN_zpsfc53b291.jpg</span></a></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The roster of ZEN was, almost literally, like a circus. A circus full of nuts. For some reason, many of the workers wore their masks backstage as well. Apparently, a rumour had started that fans waiting outside would take photos of them without masks, then post them on the internet and ruin the mystique of the roster. ZEN wasn’t that big. And so, Frankie stood me in front of this motley crew.</p><p> </p><p>

“Guys, Molly. This is Sam. He’s an old friend of mine, a former training partner, and our new head booker.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Question.” Cyanide raised his hand. “Where is his mask?”</p><p> </p><p>

“Maybe he doesn’t have a mask,” Blue Flea said. “Like me.”</p><p> </p><p>

“No one is like you, Flea.”</p><p> </p><p>

“I don’t have a mask,” I said, a little surprised that was the first question.</p><p> </p><p>

Steven Yale raised his hand. “Can someone describe him to me? What’s he look like?”</p><p> </p><p>

“For God’s sake, Steven, take off your damn sunglasses and look yourself! No one here actually thinks you’re blind!” Frankie yelled. Steven grumbled something, but listened.</p><p> </p><p>

Super Zero whispered something to Molly Cuddle, who looked up from her phone. “Uh, Z wants me to ask where you’re from.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Uh, just outside Melbourne.”</p><p> </p><p>

“No way,” Pumpkin Jack said, jumping up. “I’m from Melbourne. Oh, I like him.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Uh, great,” I said, a little overwhelmed. “I just wanted you all to know, that I’m not really here to make sweeping changes. I still value your input with ideas and suggestions. Does anyone have any booking ideas?” Immediately several hands went up. “Uh, yes, Mr Devilfish.”</p><p> </p><p>

Devilfish’s mask was a little off-putting when he was wrestling. It was pretty bad when he was just talking. “Yeah, I was thinking I should become more a badass. You know, give people the Chummer and say stuff like ‘That’s the fishing line, cause Devilfish said so.’”</p><p> </p><p>

“Uh, I’ll think about it. Next. John?”</p><p> </p><p>

John Gordon, who played a Mirror Universe version of himself, stood up. “Yeah, I have a plan. What if it turns out that the Universe Prime John Gordon was actually still trapped within Mirror Universe John Gordon?”</p><p> </p><p>

I squinted at him. “So, what, you would talk to yourself and hear voices or something?”</p><p> </p><p>

“I was thinking more in the lines of matches. I could feud with myself, eventually leading to an id on a pole match. Then my different psyches could team up and enter the tag division. Maybe challenge for the Harmony Belt.”</p><p> </p><p>

I gave a slight pause. Just enough to make it seem like I was considering it. “Uh, no. No thanks. Next?”</p><p> </p><p>

Necromancer stood up again, waving a fat file of papers. “I’ve taken the liberty of planning a two year long storyline. It’s essentially the story of Les Miserables, but with more suplexes and clotheslines. I will be Valjean, while Frankie plays Javert. I want Pink Spider as Cosette and Molly can play Fantine.”</p><p> </p><p>

Molly looked up from her phone again. “Is that Anne Hathaway? I could rock that.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Is this in French? Could we have live action subtitles?” Blue Flea asked.</p><p> </p><p>

“Thanks!” I yelled, cutting everyone off. “You know what, I’ll just come up with some stuff and get back to you. Okay? Fantastic.”</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37582" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>John Gordon, who played a Mirror Universe version of himself, stood up. “Yeah, I have a plan. What if it turns out that the Universe Prime John Gordon was actually still trapped within Mirror Universe John Gordon?”<p> </p><p> I squinted at him. “So, what, you would talk to yourself and hear voices or something?”</p><p> </p><p> “I was thinking more in the lines of matches. I could feud with myself, eventually leading to an id on a pole match. Then my different psyches could team up and enter the tag division. Maybe challenge for the Harmony Belt.”</p><p> </p><p> I gave a slight pause. Just enough to make it seem like I was considering it. “Uh, no. No thanks. Next?”</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hold up.</p><p> </p><p> Best freaking idea ever. I'm totally stealing this now. Earth-2 John Gordon and Universe Prime John Gordon will be the greatest Harmony champions ever! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p>
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<p>The Requisite 'Who are you and what are you doing' post</p><p> </p><p>

Author's notes:</p><p> </p><p>

A quick few words about my diary....</p><p> </p><p>

I realize that ZEN is a hard promotion to really do justice to, at least the way it is described in the Cornellverse. I'm not really trying duplicate that. I have an oddball, unusual sense of humour (although it's entirely possible that no one else finds me funny), but my goal is to rein in ZEN's craziness (somewhat). It's my personal feeling, that wrestling, and life as a whole, really, should never be completely serious or completely a joke. If this version of ZEN doesn't interest you, well, thanks for giving it a shot.</p><p> </p><p>

Also, you'll quickly notice that I get pretty low ratings for my shows. There's a few reasons for that. One, I tend to be a cautious, patient booker. ZEN is not SWF or USPW or OLLIE. That is, I'm not fighting for dominance from the outset. I have time to build my brand.</p><p>

Two, I make odd choices, sometimes not always thinking what's best in the sense of the gameworld, but what I would rather see for the sake of the story.</p><p>

Three, and most importantly, I'm just not that good of a booker. I will appreciate booking advice (but often completely ignore it. See point two).</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

I just want to finish by thanking anybody that actually does follow. It means a lot. Also, I would like to give props to anyone whose render work I use during the course of the diary. I would thank you all by name if I knew them all. Uh... I think I have some SockPuppet re-renders and I know I use some renders from IER's pack that he recently realized. You guys rock.</p><p> </p><p>

Last, but not least, I'm using Boltinho's CVerseXL mod. I think it's fantastic and haven't stopped using it since loading it up the first time. Full props to Boltinho.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="GilmourGuy" data-cite="GilmourGuy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37582" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Last, but not least, I'm using Boltinho's CVerseXL mod. I think it's fantastic and haven't stopped using it since loading it up the first time. Full props to Boltinho.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Cheers buddy. Looking forward to this. F.E.A.R are great</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37582" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you're using the XL Mod, does that mean ZEN-Japan will be showing up at some point?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I really hope so. And ZEN-Andorra. Those guys rule</p>
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<p>The thing you kinda overlooked is that ZEN has a popular product in Aussieland, presumably because Aussies have that British influence, meaning they appreciate good comedy when they see it, and clearly they see it in ZEN. Obviously the Cornellverse is loosely open to interpretation, but you can really do quite a lot with ZEN if you have an oddball sense of humour, and ZEN is being held back way more by the fact its in New Zealand and has a low budget than it is by being overly comedy-centered.</p><p> </p><p>

This has the makings of a good idea, but ZEN really isn't the best route for it.</p>

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If you're using the XL Mod, does that mean ZEN-Japan will be showing up at some point?


They will if they pop up. Somehow.... I actually hadn't planned what to do about them....



The thing you kinda overlooked is that ZEN has a popular product in Aussieland, presumably because Aussies have that British influence, meaning they appreciate good comedy when they see it, and clearly they see it in ZEN. Obviously the Cornellverse is loosely open to interpretation, but you can really do quite a lot with ZEN if you have an oddball sense of humour, and ZEN is being held back way more by the fact its in New Zealand and has a low budget than it is by being overly comedy-centered.


This has the makings of a good idea, but ZEN really isn't the best route for it.


You have a very valid point. I have always believed that the whole point of TEW is being able to put your stamp on wrestling promotions. Booking SWF but have always thought Jack Bruce was too much of a pretty boy? Write him out.


Most importantly though, it was just a story idea that came more from a desire to book ZEN than anything. I intend for my diary to be more show centered, as opposed to story centered. I didn't really explain that well, though. My bad. Anyways, I hope you stick around and give it a shot.

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Halloween Knight – Frankie is the most important part of ZEN for a good reason. He’s a good technical worker with some aerial moves, but more importantly, he has solid basics, psychology, safety, etc. Even his entertainment skills are great. And he’s only 28. Really, Frankie should be working for a bigger promotion.


Devilfish – He used to run with Lone Shark, until Shark left. The two were the primary faces in ZEN's early history. He’s getting better and is, like much of the roster, ridiculously young. But damn, is that mask ever unsettling for some reason.


Necromancer – Current ZEN Master – Necro is more of a cruiser than Halloween Knight and doesn’t have the same strong entertainment skills. He’s a great talent to have and his mask is cool. Not creepy. Necromancer could be a lot of fun. Also, his finisher is the Death Scream, which, according to Wrestling Spirit, is a variation of the Mandible Claw.


X–Calibre - Another aerial master, X is capable of putting on fantastic matches. He also has the charisma Devilfish lacks. He is currently the top face in the promotion – and still a tag champ, part of the problem. However, he’s never going to be ‘The Guy’ unless he can improve his psychology and consistency, which is particularly dreadful.


Cyanide – A fantastic technical wrestler, he is knocking on the Main Event door. His strengths may be what ultimately holds Cyanide back. With mostly cruisers on the face side of the main event, his technical skills just don’t always mesh.


Jester – Another mask that gives me nightmares. Jester just looks… wrong. Still, he’s the only heel near the main event that isn't allied with everybody else, so that’s cool. He has an enticing mix of brawling, hardcore and aerial skills.


Man O War – A Jack of All Trades and master of none. MOW is a solid talent, but I just don’t know if he has the skills to ever take the next step. Guess we’ll see. Recurring theme for the faces.


Massacre – He’s known as ZEN’s ‘muscle’ for a reason. Teaming with Cyanide has helped propel the limited Massacre to the upper card, but that’s it. There’ll always be a role for an enforcer in a smaller promotion, but he’s unlikely to ever be a major star.


Vertigo – Of all the upper card faces, I see the most potential in Vertigo (and Devilfish, but mostly because Fish is so young). Vertigo is fast, flashy and fun to watch. He’s an athlete, he's consistent, his entertainment skills aren’t… awful. Too bad Vertigo is a massive d-bag.




Midcard Wrestlers


Damian Dastardly – Oodles of charisma; a natural entertainer and heel. Damian has average wrestling skills. It’s enough to get by and he has a well rounded game to support them. With some experience (he’s just a rookie) Dastardly could be the next big thing in ZEN.


HalloWarped – His phantom of the opera look is pretty cool. He has a good base of technical skills to build on and decent entertainment skills. Plenty of potential, but he’ll always have a job with us regardless of whether he fulfills it, based simply on the backstage boosting effect of being Frankie’s protégé.


Killer B – Another promising ZEN Temple Grad, Killer B can, unlike the last two, play a face believably. Yay! B’s major selling point is his already impressive consistency. His hair is a little too feathery for me. Is that nitpicking?


Mirror Universe John Gordon – Fun fact: Gordon spends hours meticulously shaving and dyeing that stupid goatee. He’s got solid technical skills and plenty of time to grow in his other areas. I’d like to see him eventually win the ZEN Master belt, if only just to retreat to his own universe with it and leave the rest of the roster confused and lost.


Pink Spider – Another career heel. Spider is a good lucha wrestler, whose charisma and star quality gives him a leg (or eight – ha!) up on his fellow midcarders.


Pumpkin Jack – Current ZEN Conceptual Holder – Cool, cool mask. Underrated wrestler, who is really only lacking in psychology. His entertainment skills could use some work before he hits the main event, too. But the mask is wicked.


Sam Fry – Uh, yeah, that’s me. Good base, but not quite good enough. Story of my life.


Shaolin – The ninja is kind of just there, right now. He’s floundering, as his midcard time has been stolen by all the ZEN temple grads. Still, he’s young and his ridiculous gimmick performance skills will keep him employed.


SubUrban Legend – Oozes future star, except for that stupid ass name. He has a lot of potential, but will be brought along slowly so those dicks at RAW don’t poach him.


Super Zero – An underrated wrestler who is really only held back by his poor entertainment skills. That’s not a mask, guys. It’s actually pretty accurate. I guess it's both a physical and metaphorical mask?


Toady – A real ZEN success story. Toady isn’t very good, but has slowly gained experience and is now a solid midcard performer. Can he continue to grow and develop, or is his spot slowly being taken by the likes of Spider, Damian, Legend and B?



The Chaff and the New Guys


Azazel – Rookie Graduate of the ZEN dojo. A great athlete with little else (but a cool look). Job squad for now.


Blue Flea – He’s not very good. It will be awhile before Flea wins any matches. Side note, though. According to Wrestling Spirit, Flea's finisher (Flea for Your Life) is a backflip reverse DDT. Is that Sliced Bread #2? Damn, I always liked that move.


Dexter Mattell – Brought in, by me, to stack the midcard. Mattell looks like an accountant, but has good technical skills and is as solid as a rock.


Vortex – 19 year old rookie who looks like he belongs here already. Vortex has really solid basics for a rook and has good base to build on. His poor safety rating may eventually hold him back. God help him if he injures one of my big names while training.






Paul Massey – Average road agent at an average price.




Molly Cuddle – Super Zero’s girlfriend and the only woman on staff, for now. She’ s mostly there to look cute, but she’s worth her low price. Her sex appeal is almost 20 marks higher than the next nearest ZEN employee.


Sparky Sparks – Semi-competent small promotion announcer.


Steven Yale – Fake blind ref. Is this an insurance scam? Is the fact that his Star Quality is 2 discrimination against the fake visually impaired? Why do I care?


The Alex Arturro Experiment – Odd name, pretty good colour guy. A little expensive, but since he’s already hired….



First show coming up next......

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In Which The Magnificent Sam Fry Debuts...



Held Saturday, Week 2, January 2013

Ursula’s Comics in New Zealand

Attendance : 289


Announcers: Sparky Sparks and The Alex Arturro Experiment


The show starts with Necromancer in the ring. He is flanked by Cyanide and Massacre and holds the ZEN Master Belt above his head. He does the standard heel taunting of the crowd, before laying out a challenge. “The rumours say that a new day is coming for ZEN. That a new era is beginning. Change is coming. Well, one thing isn’t changing. This!” He thrusts the belt up high. “Necromancer is still champion! I have fought the demons of death and the underworld and emerged victorious! I have defeated all your heroes and no one is left to face me.”

“One hero remains.” Chuckling at the terrible cliché dialogue, the crowd turns to see X-Calibre enter from backstage. “You want a challenge, Necromancer? I offer you a promise. I will take that belt from you.”

“You’re welcome to try, hero!”

“Name a time and place.”

“Here and tonight!” Necromancer yells. The crowd cheers. “But, it’s Cyanide you will be facing, X-Calibre. If you want me, you have to go through him first!”

“Very well,” X-Calibre replies. “Are you ready Cyanide? Because I am! Excelsior!”




Sam Fry vs Shaolin vs Super Zero

A solid opening match between two ZEN regulars and me, making my debut. It’s an inauspicious debut, as Sparky Sparks introduces me as “Some new guy from Melbourne.” The crowd is a little unsure of me at first, but we manage to bring them in a little. The match is a little underwhelming for the most part. Super Zero takes it pinning me.

Super Zero defeats Sam Fry and Shaolin. Rating: 27




Knights Temple (Killer B & SubUrban Legend) vs WarpJump (HalloWarped & Toady)

A decent showing for two midcard tag teams. I would like to move the tag belts off the champs and into the midcard sooner, rather than later. They don’t seem quite ready yet. HalloWarped gets the pin on Killer B for the win.

WarpJump defeats Knights Temple. Rating: 28




Dexter Mattell comes out next, looking just so plain and bland compared to the rest of the ZEN roster. He grabs a mic. “I’m Dexter Mattell. I was told to come out and be funny and amuse you all, but I only really have one joke. Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?” yells the crowd.


“Hugh who?”

“You better listen to me,” Mattell grows serious. “I’m not here to play games or act stupid. I’m here to win some goddamn wrestling matches and get rich and famous. So bring out my opponent.” Unfortunately for Mattell, Vertigo comes down the ramp.





Dexter Mattell vs Vertigo (w/ Molly Cuddle)

This match goes pretty much how you would expect. Vertigo uses his speed to slip away from Mattell, who in turn slows it down whenever he gets the opportunity. Mattell gets control and starts to wear down the speedster. He goes for the kill, but Vertigo reverses it at the last second, slipping it and hitting a superkick to hand Mattell a loss in his debut.

Vertigo defeats Dexter Mattell. Rating: 37





Damian Dastardly (w/ Guru Vishni) vs Pumpkin Jack

We segue immediately into a match, this one with the ZEN Conceptual Champion. Jack is in control for most of the match. Damian puts up a good fight, but barring some major slip-up, the outcome never really seems to be in doubt. Jack finishes him off with the PumpkinHandle Slam.

Pumpkin Jack defeats Damian Dastardly. Rating: 33




Pink Spider is out. “Jack…. Jack…. Jack…. When are you going to stop dodging me, Jack? You and me, we need to get together. And you need to bring that nice belt of yours, too.”

“Are you propositioning me, Spider? Because I’m flattered, but not interested. There’s not enough orange on your costume.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“No, it’s true. Your costume is mostly pink.”

“Shut up! I’m talking about your belt! I want a match for the ZEN Conceptual Championship.”

“Ah,” Jack scratches his chin, thoughtfully. “I don’t know Spider. I can barely ‘conceive’ of that happening.” Pumpkin Jack laughs, but it dies quickly as his pun fails to hit. “Oh, come on. Conceptual, conceive, conceptual, conceive – the answer is no.”




The giant projection screen lights up and we see a video for Massacre. It shows the monster of a man lifting a ridiculous amount of weight. Beside him in the weight room is Blue Flea, who struggles to lift a fraction of Massacre’s total.





Azazel vs Massacre

Massacre is first out, waiting. Azazel comes out, waving a big sword and trying to raise the crowd like Braveheart. He manages to the rile the crowd up and get them cheering for him, albeit a little ironically, only to run into a big boot from Massacre to start the match. And the squash is on!

Massacre defeats Azazel. Rating 18




Devilfish is backstage, apparently playing ‘Go Fish’ by himself. Guru Vishni enters the room behind him. “Ah, the Fish. Or Mobula Mobular. The Devil Fish. Satan’s Swimmer. Lucifer’s Guppy.”

“What do you want, Guru? I’m in the middle of something.”

“A match, oh Water Wonder from the Underworld.”

“Sure, just shut up.”

“Not a match with me, with my client, Mirror Universe John Gordon.”

“You mean John Gordon.”

“THAT JOHN GORDON IS DEAD TO US!!” Vishni screams.

“HEY!” Devilfish cuts him off. “I thought we already had a deal. Now, shut up!”





Devilfish vs Mirror Universe John Gordon (w/ Guru Vishni)

Perhaps Gordon needs to find a new manager. He certainly seems outclassed here. Still, what’s the harm in aiming high? Gordon puts up an epic fight, but Devilfish just seems to have an answer for everything. Vishni gets involved several times – including once while Steven Yale is looking right at him – until Devilfish is finally forced to take him out with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, he manages to hit the Fish Finger Shuffle for the win.

Devilfish defeats Mirror Universe John Gordon. Rating: 46




Devilfish is in the ring, celebrating. A built man, dressed in a dark charcoal hoodie, jumps the guardrail and slides into the ring. He ambushes Devilfish from behind, smacking him down hard. He hits a few power moves, then locks in a Rear Naked Choke, before Steven Yale manages to poke him off with his cane.




We head backstage, where Halloween Knight sits in a small office. He holds a clipboard. A sign says “Wanted: Tag Team Partner. No Experience Necessary.”

Jester knocks and comes in. “I’m here about the partner job.” His voice is so low, it makes James Earl Jones sound like prepubescent James Earl Jones.

Halloween Knight motions for him to sit. “Since my current partner, Necromancer, became ZEN Master, he hasn’t been available for as many tag matches as I would like. I need a new partner. What can you, Jester, bring to the table?”

“I can do this.” Jester begins to juggle three beanbag balls. He continues to do this as the meeting progresses.

“Neat, but not really helpful in the ring, is it?”

“Well, while my opponent watches me juggle, you can punch them in their distracted, stupid faces. Surprise!”

Long pause as Halloween Knight considers this. “Not bad. Do you have anything else?"

"Uh, I tell jokes. Why don't cannibals eat clowns? Because we taste funny!"

Halloween Knight looks unimpressed. "Puns have no place in Halloween. You're not a cannibal, are you?"

Jester pauses way too long, blinking. "No...."

"Hmm... Well, you have a tryout."





Cyanide (w/ Necromancer and Massacre) vs X-Calibre

It’s probably no surprise that this turns into a massive mess. Necro and Massacre are constantly tripping up X-Calibre and slowing him down whenever he makes some momentum. One funny spot has Necromancer ordering Massacre to distract Steven Yale. The big man tries yelling at him and getting in his face, but it just sends the ref in the wrong direction and refocuses him on the action. As wrestling logic dictates, the underdog ends up getting the win against the odds, as X-Calibre manages to get a quick roll up as Cyanide looks for a submission. Yale just happens to be there to make the count.

X-Calibre defeats Cyanide. Rating: 41



Final Show Rating: 36

Not a terrible first show.... I have set some plans in motion. I was hoping for better, but it's good enough for now. We don't have enough hot storylines to follow, apparently. (I've written about six shows up already and, SPOILER ALERT this is a common thread. I hate storylines....)

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