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tHw Spotlight

From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Week 1, October 2014


A recap is shown of last week where Rob Conway interfered in the tHw World Championship match between Champion John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin causing the DQ. The video shows AJ Styles running down for the save and tHw President Ted DiBiase making the announcement that Rob Conway would be facing John Morrison at tHw’s first PPV Breakout. The video ends and we’re in the tHw Arena, the pyro goes off and the cameras scan the sell-out crowd before going to the announcers table.




Tony Schiavone: ‘Hello ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to Spotlight. It’s pick your poison as Rob Conway has chosen John Morrison’s opponent for tonight and something is telling me that it’s not going to be an easy night for the tHw World Champion.’


DDP: ‘You can guarantee that Rob Conway has got something up his sleeve.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘I think you’re right but hello once again everybody, I’m Tony Schiavone and I’m here with DDP for another tHw Spotlight. Apart from the Pick your Poison we also have Irish Airborne against The Cutler Brothers in the first match of their best of five series.’


DDP: ‘With a shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships on the line you can bet that both teams will be giving their all tonight.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘What about The American Wolves though Page? They have a victory over the tag team champions; they’ve got to be in line for a shot too.’


DDP: ‘There’s also Shelton Benjamin who will want another shot at the tHw World Championship after what happened last week. Man Spotlight has a lot of unanswered questions, I’m jacked up this is going to be a big show tonight.’


The crowd come up to their feet as The Phenomenal AJ Styles’s music hits and the former NWA World Champion makes his way down to the ring. AJ gets into the ring and after thanking the fans he starts to speak.


AJ Styles: ‘I appreciate that, boy do I. I would just like to thank Ted DiBiase for giving me this chance to come out here and talk to you people. Now I’m sure you all have your questions about what is AJ Styles doing in tHw. I’m sure you’ve been thinking about it since I showed up here two weeks ago. I’ve spoken to some of the boys in the back and they’ve been asking me the questions too. I don’t know if I’ve got all of the answers for you guys but I’m gonna to my best to answer them right now.’


The crowd cheer as AJ Styles continues.


AJ Styles: ‘You know where I’ve come from; you know what organisation I’ve been with for eleven years. I’m not gonna mention their name but you know who they are. You see I was there from day one; I was there from the very beginning. I lived and breathed and bled for that company, I did everything they asked me to do and I did it all with a smile on my face. I was a team player, I toed the company line. I always turned up and gave it my all, it didn’t matter if it was a house show with a hundred people or if it was a pay per view with thousands watching, I still gave it my all. I sat back and watched that company make mistake after mistake and I still showed up, I still gave it my all but where did it get me? Where did I end up? They thought I was old news, they thought I was past it and they turned to their saviour, they turned to the past in order to create their future and boy how did that turn out? People thought I didn’t have it anymore, that I was too small or I couldn’t hang with the big boys. I outlasted each and every one of them. When their big plans failed, when everyone else walked away from them I was still there. I was still a team player but how did they thank me? They didn’t, they only thought about me when I wouldn’t sign a new contract. They turned back to me and begged me to stay but I’d seen them for what they were by then.’


AJ Styles stops for a second before continuing.


AJ Styles: ‘I still have a lot of friends with that company, I still have a lot of respect for the people that work there but that part of my life is over. Now I’m with tHw and I’m here to stay.’


The crowd cheer as AJ Styles looks right into the camera.


AJ Styles: ‘Let that other organisation know that I am with tHw now, you’ve had your chance and you blew it. AJ Styles’s new home is with tHw and I’m going to take this place to a new level.’


AJ Styles’s music plays as the crowd cheer the announcement. A brief video plays hyping tHw Breakout and when we return Jack Evans is already in the ring waiting for his match.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Noam_Dar.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Jack_Evans.jpg

Noam Dar vs. Jack Evans


The first match of the night is also the shortest. Noam Dar was out to prove to not only himself but to Paul Birchill as well that he has what it takes to make it. Noam Dar and Jack Evans did give their all in this match, unfortunately the crowd must have still been thinking about what AJ Styles just said as they remained quiet all the way through. Noam Dar got Jack Evans to submit after locking in the knee bar in the middle of the ring.


Winner – Noam Dar




In the interview area backstage Mauro Ranallo is joined by ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon, before Mauro can ask a question ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon starts to speak.


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘I cannot be the only one who was sick to my stomach listening to AJ Styles talk earlier. No one was interested, no one cares that this no good in bred hick redneck has to say. People may have been falling over you AJ where you’ve come from but here in this company no one cares about what you have to say. They are here to listen to me; I am the biggest star in the making that this business has ever known. I am going to be the breakout star of 2014. There is no one bigger than ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon here in tHw. I am the A-Lister, I am the biggest icon this business will ever kno.w You AJ Styles are just some flash in the pan, ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon wannabe. You don’t have what it takes to make it in tHw. You can either learn that the hard way or you can be smart for the first time in your life. I’ve got an offer for you Styles, you leave tHw and never come back. If you leave I’ll give you enough money to buy everything you could ever want. Hell you’d be able to flash the cash and buy yourself a brand new doublewide instead of that third hand rubbish you currently call home. You accept my offer Styles and I promise you that you will live in all the redneck comfort you could possibly want. Refuse my offer and I promise you that I’ll send you back to your trailer park a broken man.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon starts to laugh but he’s cut off as The American Wolves confront him. Davey Edwards stares ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon down, who quickly runs away from the interview area.


Eddie Edwards: ‘Young Bucks you may have won the tHw Tag Team Championships at Crowning Of A Champion by pinning us but The American Wolves do not give up their prey so easily.’


Davey Richards: ‘Last week we pinned you in the middle of the ring, one, two, three. Way we see it that makes us first in line for a shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships.’


Eddie Edwards: ‘Nick and Matt you’re one of the best tag teams in wrestling history but what you’re looking at right now is the best tag team in the world today. When you step into that ring you step into our domain and in that ring we are the Alphas and the Omegas, we are the best.’


Davey Richards: ‘Young Bucks we want your titles, we want the tHw Tag Team Championship. We are officially challenging you to a match at Breakout for …’


The Young Bucks jump The American Wolves, Nick Jackson sends Eddie Edwards face first into the steel girder behind the interview area while Matt Jackson sends Davey Richards face first into the TV Set behind Mauro, who has ran away from the scene. With The American Wolves down and out Matt and Nick high five each other before grabbing the abandoned mic on the floor.


Matt Jackson: ‘In case you haven’t figured it out American Wolves we reject your challenge. We are The Young Bucks; we are the best in tag team wrestling today not you.’


Nick Jackson: ‘See you later boys; the champions have got other things they need to do.’


Nick and Matt high five each other as we go back to the ring.




http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg

Irish Airborne vs. Cutler Brothers

Match #1 in a Best Of Five Series


The Cutler Brothers make their way down to the ring first for this match to deafening silence from the crowd. They get into the ring as Irish Airborne make their way down to the ring to the same reaction. As Dave Crist and Brandon Cutler start this match off for their respective teams the crowd finally make some noise as tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks come down the ramp and join the announcers at the table. Despite the crowd’s total lack of apathy the two teams do put on a good match, not that the champions care as they spend their time at the announcer’s table taunting both Irish Airborne and The Cutler Brothers while also laughing at what they did to The American Wolves backstage. When pushed by DDP The Young Bucks again refused the challenge by The American Wolves to face them in a match at Breakout. Back in the ring Dustin Cutler has thrown Dave Crist over the top rope to the floor below as Brandon has Jake down on the mat. The Cutler Brothers looking to get the first victory in the bag connect with something Tony Schiavone reliably calls The Six Seconds Abs. Brandon goes for the cover as Dave tries to get back into the ring. He’s too late though as Tony Young’s, the referee, hand comes down for the third time meaning the Cutler Brothers get victory number one.


Winners – The Cutler Brothers


At the announcers table The Young Bucks stand up and before pulling the headsets off they say they’ve seen enough and they’ve got to go before they fall asleep from boredom. In the ring The Cutler Brothers, seeing Dave Crist still standing figure they need to do more damage. Dustin Cutler kicks Dave in the gut the two men connect with an Aided Tombstone Piledriver. The Cutler Brothers leave the ring and Irish Airborne are left down and out on the mat.




Back in the interview area Mauro Ranallo is joined this time by Shelton Benjamin, the TV set behind them is still broken from The Young buck’s attack on The American Wolves earlier.


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Shelton Benjamin last week you faced John Morrison in your rematch for the tHw World Champion. A match that John Morrison said that if you lost you would not get another shot at the tHw World Championship for one year. That match ended by DQ after Rob Conway interfered, I would show you the replay but obviously I can’t now but …’


Shelton Benjamin: ‘I don’t need to see the replay Mauro cause I remember every little thing about that match. Once again I have been robbed of my chance; I have been robbed of my fair shot. From the very beginning of my career people have been telling me that I’ve got to be patient, I’ve got to wait my turn but I’m sick of waiting. I’m sick of being told to just stay quiet. Last week I came so close to become tHw World Champion, so close to actually being given my long overdue chance but once again the man stopped me. I am the most gifted athlete in this business. I am not waiting any longer. I never got my fair hot last week, you all saw it and how it ended. I want another shot; I want my fair shot and John Morrison you keep telling me I’ve got to take it. Well if you won’t give me my shot then I’ll just take it. Once and for all I will get my shot and no one can stop me.’




We go to Tony Schiavone and Diamond Dallas Page at the announcer’s desk.


Tony Schiavone: ‘I hate to say it but I think Shelton Benjamin has a point. Last week’s match ended by disqualification after Rob Conway interfered.’


DDP: ‘Rob Conway is not going to let anyone cut in front of him in line for a shot at the tHw World Championship.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘You may have a point but talking of the NWA World Champion it’s now time for our main event and we don’t know what it’s going to be. It’s pick your poison and Rob Conway has chosen an opponent for the tHw World Champion John Morrison.’


DDP: ‘You do not know how hard this sort of matchup is Tony. It’s one thing to know who your opponent it, you can do your homework but in this sort of match it could by anybody.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Well there’s only one way to find out.’


John Morrison’s music kicks in and the tHw World Champion makes his way down to the ring. The crowd finally look to be coming alive as they give him a good pop as he makes his way down to the ring. After posing on the top turnbuckle his music cuts out and the NWA World Champion Rob Conway comes out to the top of the ramp. The true World’s Champion waits for a couple of seconds, basking in the once more deafening silence from the crowd, before speaking.


Rob Conway: ‘You want to call yourself a World’s Champion John Morrison? You think you’re a big deal? You are nothing; you are nothing but a flash in the pan, flavour of the month, poor excuse of a wrestler. What you are looking at John Morrison is the true World’s Champion. I am the NWA World Champion, I hold the original World’s Championship and what you hold is some kid’s toy. I am all the champion this business needs but everywhere I go I continue to be disrespected.’


Rob Conway stops for a second, looking like he’s trying to remember something important before he continues.


Rob Conway: Last week you got what was coming to you. You think you’re on my level? You think that you have what it takes to hang with me? You haven’t got what it takes to hang my jock strap. You John Morrison, you will learn your place and at Breakout. I will take your so called World Championship and I will take your respect. When I beat you John, I will take everything you hold dear and I will leave this no good pile of crap company and I will never come back.’


Rob Conway stops for a second again before stuttering.


Rob Conway: ‘Enough …. enough about the future because tonight I get to pick you opponent. I get to watch as they pick you apart.’


The announcers are questioning Rob’s choice of the word they as John Morrison looks confused.


Rob Conway: ‘I got to pick who you’re facing John and well, as they say, two is always better than one.’


The announcers are now screaming about unfair play as the tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks come out to the ramp with big smiles on their faces.


Rob Conway: ‘No one told me I only had to pick one person John. It’s just another way of proving to you that I have the brains needed to be World Champion while you aren’t even good enough to wipe my boots.’


Rob Conway laughs as The Young Bucks walk down the ramp. As the announcers question whether this is against the rules or not Rob Conway disappears behind the curtain as The Young Bucks get into the ring, one of either side of the ring so that John Morrison is surrounded.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JohnMorrison.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickJackson.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/MattJackson.jpg

John Morrison vs. The Young Bucks

Handicap Match


tHw head official Jim Korderas has no choice to call for the bell and this handicap match is underway. From the very beginning of this match The Young Bucks use their numbers to their advantage. They use all of their chances to full effect and double team John Morrison all they can. John Morrison tries to keep up and fight but soon the full force of The Young Bucks is too much to take for the fighting World Champion. After over fifteen minutes John Morrison falls to the inevitable, the numbers prove too much and despite giving it his best shot John Morrison falls victim to the More Bang For Your Buck and Matt Jackson makes the cover. The Young Bucks pin the tHw World Champion.


Winners – The Young Bucks


The last shot before tHw Spotlight fades to black is just like last week, John Morrison down in the ring but backstage Rob Conway is shown with a sick smile on his face over the damage done to John Morrison.






time / rating


1. Vid: Spotlight 1/C

2. Show Intro 2/C

3. AJ Styles Promo 7/D+

4. Noam Dar def. Jack Evans 8.53/D

5. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon inter 5/D

6. American Wolves challenge to Young Bucks 5/C

7. Young Bucks attack American Wolves and decline challenge 5/C

8. The Cutler Brothers def. Irish Airborne 13.13/D

9. Cutler Brothers beatdown Irish Airborne 3/E+

10. Shelton Benjamin challenge to John Morrison 4/D+

11. Announcers talk 1/C+

12. Rob Conway promo 6/D+

13. The Young Bucks def. John Morrison 18.18/B-


Attendance: 1,500 (Sell Out)

Rating: C-

TV Rating: 1.31 (up 0.3)




We're coming home...to Puerto Rico!


I love stupid little stuff like this in the game. It's one of those bizarre things that you can't help but laugh at.


Just wanted to say that I started looking up on this about a week ago and read the whole thing, and I'm enjoying it. Love the idea of DDP as commentary, though the lack of yoga references are disappointing Keep it up!


First, thanks for you feedback and I'm glad to know you're enjoying this. Second, you sir are a genius! I now need to research yoga terms and stuff but it will be worth it. How did I not think of this before? DDP will have tHw saluting the sun (that's a thing right?) in no time.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SPOTLIGHT.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>tHw Spotlight</strong></span></p><p> From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California</p><p> Week 2, October 2014</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A video plays recapping last week’s Spotlight, The Young Bucks victory over the tHw World Champion John Morrison features mainly. The video ends and we’re back for another tHw Spotlight. The cameras scan around the capacity crowd in the tHw Arena before setting on the announcers table.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/tony_schiavone.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Diamond_Dallas_Page.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s week two of Pick Your Poison and this time it’s John Morrison picking the opponent of Rob Conway.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Last week the NWA World Champion used questionable tactics in his pick, while it might have been legal it may not have been ethical.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Will our tHw World Champion use the same tactics or will he play by the rules? Hello and welcome once again to tHw Spotlight, I’m Tony Schiavone and joining me is future hall of famer Diamond Dallas Page. We also have some other great action for you as Alex Shelley will go one on one with the follower of Kendrick, Nick Dinsmore.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘I don’t know what Brian Kendrick has said or done to get Nick Dinsmore on his side but I know something’s not quite right with that whole situation.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘But first we have a hard hitting battle for you as …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The music of <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></span> plays as the announcers look confused.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘I was going to say we have a match between Andy Leavine and Paul Birchill but I guess Shelton Benjamin has got something he wants to say.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Shelton Benjamin gets into the ring and grabs a mic before standing in the middle of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘Now I’m gonna make this real quick. Two weeks ago I challenged John Morrison to a tHw World Championship match but what happened at the end of that match? Did I win? No, here you may need a reminder.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A video plays on the giant screen of the tHw World title match two weeks ago where Rob Conway interfered in the match, attacking John Morrison and ending the match by DQ. The replay ends and Shelton Benjamin points to the screen.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘If you need any more proof that I’m being held down in this company you just saw it. That was my shot taken from me, just like every other time I’ve come close someone stops me from getting what I deserve. I am the real deal, I am the greatest athlete in this business and I want my shot again. I don’t care about the crap about how I’m not supposed to get another title shot for a year if I lost. I don’t care about the man holding me down cause it’s like what I said last week if I don’t get my shot I’m just gonna take it. John Morrison I want my shot, I don’t care about that BS about you facing Rob Conway at Breakout, I want my fair shot at the tHw World Championship and I want it now.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Shelton Benjamin stares at the ramp but when no one answers Shelton Benjamin shouts down the mic.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’m tired of waiting John you get your ass out here right now or I’ll come back there I take what I want from you by force.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Music starts to play but it’s not the music of the tHw World Champion it’s the music of <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></span>. ‘The Dominator’ walks down the ramp and gets into the ring, Shelton asks him why he’s here but Lashley grabs a mic before saying anything.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley: </strong></span> <em> ‘I just heard what you said Shelton and if you want a shot at the tHw World Championship just because someone interfered in your match then you’re gonna have to go through me to get it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘What, this ain’t got nothin to do with you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley: </strong></span> <em> ‘Really? Have you forgotten Crowning Of A Champion already? You may have got to the final of the tournament Shelton but you only got there cause I was attacked by ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘What are you bringing that up for? This is about me and about how I’ve been robbed. Rob Conway interfered in my match and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley: ‘</strong></span> <em>John Morrison was right you are a whiney little bitch.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The crowd cheer as Shelton Benjamin gets into Bobby’s face. The two men start to trash talk each other as tHw President <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> comes out to the top of the ramp.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> ‘<em>Okay boys calm it down because I’m the only one who decides anything in this place. Shelton although there was that stipulation that if you lost the match against John Morrison you wouldn’t get a title shot but the match ended because of outside interference. You should get another shot at the tHw World Championship but Bobby deserves one too. If it wasn’t for ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon interfering in your match at Crowning Of A Champion Bobby could have gone onto the final to face John Morrison. So with things as it stands both of you deserve a title shot, but only one of you can get it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em>‘I’m getting screwed again and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Whoa there Shelton because I’m not finished. You both will get the chance to face John Morrison or whoever the tHw World Champion is. John Morrison’s next title defence will be against Rob Conway at Breakout but after that it’ll be one of you two. At Breakout we’re going to find out which one of you will face the tHw World Champion because you two will be fighting in a match and the winner will face the tHw World Champion in the main event at Curtain Call in December.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley stare each other down at this announcement as we go into a commercial for Breakout in two weeks’ time.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Paul_Burchill_WWE2.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Andrew_Leavine.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Paul Birchill vs. Andy Leavine</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> When the ad for Breakout ends we’re back in the arena where Paul Birchill is standing in the ring waiting for his opponent, we briefly see Noam Dar backstage watching on a monitor, before Andy Leavine makes his entrance to apathy from the crowd. The opening match was also thankfully the shortest as the crowd seemed intent on sitting on their hands throughout it all. Andy Leavine got the three count after connecting with a stiff closeline.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Andy Leavine</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> After the match Andy Leavine celebrates his win and walks backwards up the ramp, with his arms up in the air shouting to the crowd that they will remember his name. When Andy Leavine turns around ‘The Man Beast’ <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rhino</strong></span> is waiting behind him and he damn well nearly gores Andy Leavine out of his boots. The crowd do cheer a bit as Rhino looks down on the fallen enemy as the announcers remind us that Andy Leavine attacked Rhino out of nowhere himself three weeks ago on Spotlight.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go backstage where <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</strong></span> is generally looking pleased with himself as he’s walking backstage. Cannon turns a corner and the smile is wiped completely off his face as<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> AJ Styles</strong></span> is waiting for him.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles: </strong></span> <em> ‘I hear you got some offer for me?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon smile is back as he nods his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah, yeah I do. You know for one second there I thought you were going to be dumb and not accept or something but I’ve got to give it to you. You’re not as stupid as I thought you were. You’re doing the right thing, hell you’ll be king of the trailer park when you get back and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles grabs ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon by the throat and pins him against the wall.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’m not for sale, at least not to some sort of trash like you. Just cause you got money doesn’t mean you can buy me and I’m sure as hell not going anywhere anyway. You keep your damn money Johnny. You can shove it up your ass for all I care because AJ Styles is in tHw and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles releases his grip on ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon and walks away; Cannon rubs his neck before looking in the direction of where Styles went.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong></span> <em> ‘You just made the mistake of your life. No one does that to ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon and gets away with it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the interview area<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is standing by with Brandon and Dustin Cutler, <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The Cutler Brothers</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘Last week you defeated Irish Airborne in the first match of your best of five series. You won that match fair and square but after the match, well, you attacked Irish Airborne. Why, when you already had the match won, why did you go one step further?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brandon Cutler: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s about sending a message and teaching people a lesson. We don’t care what we have to do to become tHw Tag Team Champions; we don’t care who we have to go through or who we have to step on to get there either.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Dustin Cutler: </strong></span> <em> ‘Last week we won the first match, next week it’s match two and we’ll win that two. When the third match comes at Breakdown we’ll win three in a row. That means we get our title shot.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brandon Cutler: </strong></span> <em> ‘Irish Airborne you’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time but you are looking at the next tHw Tag Team Champions.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In another part of the backstage area we find <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Dinsmore</strong></span> alone in the locker room the door slams open and <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley</strong></span> walks in. Nick Dinsmore looks up and gets to his feet but doesn’t say anything.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley: </strong></span> <em> ‘Nick dude I’m not here to fight I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with you and Brian. You can’t believe in him dude, he’s insane. He’s using you. You saw how he ran away two weeks ago and left you alone, no friend does that bud. He’s using you to get whatever the hell he wants he …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Do you see now Nick, do you see how people will beguile you with false words?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Unseen Brian Kendrick has entered the room and now Alex Shelley is getting ready for his fight.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley:</strong></span> <em> ‘Nick bud you’ve got to listen to me …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yes Nick listen to him; listen to the falsehoods contained in his words. Listen that while he preaches peace and tranquillity his actions betray his real emotions and intent. Alex wishes to catch you off guard follower, he wishes to trick you with wicked and false words but his actions have betrayed him. Look follower how he stands, poised ready to attack. Watch his eyes and see the lies contained within. Listen to his words Nick, listen to them and hear them for what they truly are.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Nick seems to straighten up and stares at Alex Shelley as Brian laughs.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yes you are learning my follower, you see through the veil and smoke and mirrors and you see the truth. The truth is there for those who are smart enough to see and you Nick, my brother, are learning to see the truth in peoples actions.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick laughs as he turns to Alex Shelley.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Did you think that you could come in here and use words to confuse my follower? Did you really think that my brother would not be able to see the lies of your words? Alex Shelley you are a pathetic man, a poor liar and a man on the path to his own destruction. I only hope to help you on your way. You once prophesied to be a believer but Alex you are a worshiper at the altar of lies and deceit. Tonight my follower Nick Dinsmore will inflict you with some tough truths; he will show you the error of your ways and will show you the truth that reside in all our actions.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick laughs again as we cut to another commercial. When we come back we’re back ringside where Brian Kendrick and Nick Dinsmore are already in the ring and are waiting for Alex Shelley.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Alex_Shelley30.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickDinsmore2.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrianKendricksmall.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley vs. Nick Dinsmore w/Brian Kendrick</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The crowd gives Alex Shelley a good pop as he slowly makes his way down the ramp. He watches the two men in the ring, knowing that with Brian Kendrick also at ringside this is not going to be a fair fight. Alex Shelley gets into the ring; Brian Kendrick just stands over the left shoulder of Nick Dinsmore and is constantly whispering in his ear. Mike Posey asks for Brian to leave the ring and it’s only after laughing right in Alex’s face that Brian does get out of the ring. Nick Dinsmore stays still; even when the bell has rung he still doesn’t move. Alex Shelley looks confused, it’s only when Brian Kendrick shouts from the outside for Nick to show the truth in action that Nick moves and he’s like a man processed. Nick completely batters down Alex, who was unprepared for the barrage of blows Nick gives out. Nick forces Alex down to one knee all while Brian shouts for Nick to show Alex the foolishness of his ways. Nick seems to have learned a few lessons from Brian as instead of going for pins Nick instead backs off to let Alex up. Brian smiles wildly at this and proudly shouts that actions must be proved, intentions must be shown. Just like his master however Nick Dinsmore did this one too many times, after connecting with The Cutter on Alex Nick backed off to the corner to confer with Brian Kendrick. Mike Posey started a count and when it got up to seven Alex got up to his feet but Brian was still talking to Nick in the corner. Alex Shelley, dazed and confused, took his chance and charged at Nick, dropkicking him in the back making him collide with Brian, who was knocked off of the apron. Nick was more concerned with Brian than himself as he checked on his master but Alex dropkicked him again forcing him to defend himself. Nick turned around and was met by a superkick to the face that sent Nick Dinsmore reeling. Alex Shelley quickly knocked Nick Dinsmore down to the mat with a dropkick and then locked in the Border City Stretch. The crowd were now cheering as Nick Dinsmore tried to fight it but in the end the pain proved too much and Nick Dinsmore tapped out giving Alex Shelley the win.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Alex Shelley let go of the move as Nick Dinsmore rolled out of the ring, Brian Kendrick was waiting for him and instead of looking too upset he stared up at Alex Shelley in the ring and laughed as we head backstage.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Backstage we see a scene of utter chaos as <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The Young Bucks</strong></span> and <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The American Wolves</strong></span> are in the middle of a wild brawl. Security and trainers are trying to break them up but the four men still tear into each other. Eddie Edwards sends Matt Jackson head first into the wall which leaves the older Jackson down. Eddie shoves some security out of the way to help Davey Richards battle with Nick Jackson. The American Wolves beat down Nick so he’s lying on the floor and walk away from the scene, happy to have gotten some revenge from the blindsided attack from last week. They only get halfway down the corridor though when Matt Jackson reappears and tries to lay the Wolves out with a steel pipe. Security got there first and managed to restrain him but the commotion got the attention of The Wolves, who went right back into attack mode. Before The Wolves could continue the attack tHw President <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase’s</strong></span> voice echoes down the corridor.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Enough, this is over.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Nick Jackson stumbles over to the side of his brother as all four men have a stare down. Ted DiBiase, showing no fear, steps right into the middle of the four men.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Enough of this, you four men want to settle this then fine but you’re damn well going to do it in the ring. At Breakout it’s The American Wolves against The Young Bucks with the tHw Tag Team Championships on the line …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘What? You can’t …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I can and I just did. The American Wolves beat you two weeks ago so they get a shot at the title and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘But we refused and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘You interrupt me one more time and I’ll strip you of the tHw Tag Team Championships and give them to the Wolves.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase raises an eyebrow waiting for The Young Bucks to interrupt but for once they stay quiet. The American Wolves are just smirking, knowing they’ve just got what they wanted.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Now all four of you leave the area now.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The Young Bucks are the first to leave, but The American Wolves walk backwards, their eyes never leaving their prey.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go back to ringside and the announcer’s desk.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Another huge matchup made for Breakout.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Breakout is shaping up to be a huge event Tony. We’ve got the number one contenders match between Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley, now we have The American Wolves against The Young Bucks for the tHw Tag Team Championships and we have Irish Airborne against The Cutler Brothers in another match of their best of five series.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Plus there’s the main event where the NWA World Champion will either put up or shut up as he goes one on one with the tHw World Champion John Morrison.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘I really hope John Morrison shuts him up for good.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘But talking of our main event at Breakout it’s now time for our main event tonight as it’s time for the second Pick Your Poison match. It’s time to find out who John Morrison has chosen for Rob Conway to face tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The music of the NWA World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway</strong></span> hits and he makes his way down to the ring, the NWA World Championship pride of place on his shoulder. Rob Conway still seems to be smiling over his master plan that unfolded last week but that smile is soon wiped off of his face as the tHw World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span> comes out to the ramp.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Rob, Rob, Rob. Okay you got me. Last week was a stroke of genius; you made me face The Young Bucks in a handicap match last week. It wasn’t against the rules, it was brilliant.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway nods his head finding himself in agreement with the tHw World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘It proved you are smart, it proved that you are cunning it also proved why you don’t deserve to be called a World’s Champion.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The smile is now completely gone for Rob Conway.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘You got other people to do your dirty work, you took the easy way out Rob and yeah I guess I could do the same. Chose The American Wolves as your opponents but to me it’s a little cheap and dirty to do that. In short it’s just like you to do that. From day one, way back at It Begins! you have demanded respect, you have walked around like you own the place and you think that everyone is laughing at you. You’re right, they are laughing at you because you are nothing but a joke Rob. You demand respect but you win your matches on technicalities, you want respect but you time and time again prove why you don’t deserve it. Last week was just more proof of that. You have won matches here in tHw; you are undefeated here in tHw. You’ve beaten Scott Steiner, Tommy Dreamer, Rhino and … wait you’re not undefeated. You’ve lost match by DQ right? Against AJ Styles, you low blowed him and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Enough, enough. I have not been pinned in tHw because I am the best of the best. I am the true World’s Champion I am the man whose going to beat you at Breakout and take your joke of a World Championship off of you. I am going to show the world you’re nothing but a joke and I’m going to get the respect I deserve.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Finished?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘No I’m not I’m …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Good cause as I was saying there is one man who you haven’t beaten in tHw and I thought you’d want something to prove by beating him this time.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway’s eyes go wide and shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yes Rob your opponent is non-other than AJ Styles.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The crowd cheer as Rob Conway pitches a fit in the ring, John Morrison laughs at the top of the ramp.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Rob, Rob you need to listen to this cause I’m not done yet cause I’ve taken a page out of your book. I did say it was a clever idea for you to do what you did last week, you bent the rules and well so can I. Now I’m not going to make you compete against two people cause like I said that’s cheap but did you know I can choose the stipulations for this match?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A look of concern appears on Rob Conway’s face as the crowd cheer again.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘I know you want this to be a fair fight, the last time you faced AJ Styles it ended with a Disqualification. I don’t want that to happen again so let’s make your match with AJ Styles a No Disqualification Match.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway shakes his head again as AJ Styles makes his way down to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘I would wish you luck Rob but as you keep on reminding everyone, you’re the true World’s Champion. A true World’s Champion doesn’t need any luck right?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> John Morrison disappears backstage as AJ Styles get into the ring.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/AJ_Styles10.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles vs. Rob Conway</strong></span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>No Disqualification</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles gets into the ring and locks eyes with a furious Rob Conway. As soon as the bell rings the NWA World Champion tries to take advantage of the No Disqualification rules and goes to drive his NWA World Championship title belt into AJ Styles’s head. Styles ducks and kicks Conway right in the face as he turns round and sends the true World Champion over the top rope to the floor below. The crowd are on their feet cheering as Rob Conway is down on the mat, the referee Jim Korderas checks on him as AJ Styles gets out of the ring and brings Conway up to his feet. Styles introduces Conway to the steel ring post before sending him crashing into the steel ring steps. A quick shot the tHw World Champion John Morrison is watching the match unfold on a monitor backstage with a smile on his face. Styles picks up Conway and rolls him back into the ring and slowly follows him in. Rob Conway starts to back off, crawling backwards away from an advancing Styles and pleading with him but Styles isn’t having any of and advances on the so called true World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway was backed himself into a corner and grabs hold of the second rope, when Styles goes to grab him Conway pulls himself up and with the momentum kicks Styles right in the groin. Styles crumples down to the mat as the crowd boo. Conway has a smirk on his face as he takes a couple of seconds to recover from the damage he’s been through so far in this match. When he does finally pull himself up to his feet he stands over the fallen Styles and starts to slap him across the face a few times, yelling down at him that he’s not going to be disrespected by the likes of him. Conway slaps AJ Styles’s face one too many times though and Styles comes back to life and manages to get a surprise package. Jim Korderas starts the three count but the NWA World Champion just kicks out at the count of two. The two men roll back to their feet and for the first time in the match tie up in the middle of the ring. AJ Styles backs Conway into a corner and after making Conway’s chest bright red with a lot of knife edge chops Styles sends him crashing into the opposite turnbuckle. From there Styles complete owns the NWA World Champion and even though Rob Conway tries to get back into the match a few times Styles proves why he is truly phenomenal and it looks to be only a matter of time before Rob Conway loses his first match in tHw.</p><p> </p><p> After connecting with a beautiful dropkick to the face AJ Styles signals that the match is over, bringing Rob back up to his feet Styles sets him up for The Styles Clash. The crowd are cheering as Styles goes for the move in when suddenly <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</strong></span> runs down the ramp. AJ Styles sees him and dumps Rob away so he can deal with the new threat. Cannon gets into the ring and starts to trade blows with Styles. AJ is going blow for blow with him and takes the advantage, throwing ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon over the top rope and down to the mat. As Cannon, his ambush unsuccessful, retreats up the ramp licking his wounds, AJ Styles turns back to the mat and hand and bam! AJ Styles is down and out as Rob Conway drives the NWA World Championship belt into the side of Styles’s skull. The crowd boo as Rob Conway smiles again, not taking anything to chance this time Conway brings the dead weight of Styles back up to his feet and for added insult to injury connects with The Ego Trip. Rob Conway goes for a lazy cover and counts along with Jim Korderas as his hand comes down one, two, and three. The bell rings and Rob Conway’s music plays as the NWA World Champion holds his title belt tightly to his chest.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> tHw Spotlight fades to black with the image of the victorious NWA World Champion Rob Conway in the ring and an angry tHw World Champion John Morrison backstage watching on in disbelief.</p><p> </p><p> ==========================================================</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>RATINGS</strong></p><p> </p><p> time / rating</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> 1. Vid: Spotlight 1/C</p><p> 2. Show Intro 2/C-</p><p> 3. Shelton Benjamin challenge to John Morrison interrupted by Bobby Lashley and Ted DiBiase makes match at Breakout 5/D</p><p> 4. Andy Leavine def. Paul Birchill 7.09/E+</p><p> 5. Rhino attacks Andy Leavine 2/D</p><p> 6. AJ Styles confronts ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon 4/D+</p><p> 7. The Cutler Brothers interview 5/E+</p><p> 8. Alex Shelley tries to talk to Nick Dinsmore but Brian Kendrick stops him 3/C-</p><p> 9. Alex Shelley def. Nick Dinsmore 9.37/C</p><p> 10. American Wolves and Young Bucks brawl backstage, Ted DiBiase makes match at Breakout 5/C</p><p> 11. Announcers 2/C+</p><p> 12. John Morrison promo 5/C+</p><p> 13. Rob Conway def. AJ Styles 11.08/C+</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Rating: </strong> C</p><p> <strong>Attendance: </strong> 1,500 (sell out)</p><p> <strong>TV Rating: </strong> 1.33 (up 0.2)</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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Glad to see Rhino picking up an impressive win, but Conway over AJ? I know we're building to a champion vs champion match, but it just seems like a major downgrade. I don't know what each man's popularity is at, but it just seems bleh, to me.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SPOTLIGHT.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>tHw Spotlight</strong></span></p><p> From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California</p><p> Week 3, October 2014</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A video recap plays showing the events of last week’s Spotlight. It focuses on the ending of the AJ Styles and Rob Conway match with ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon interfering. The video ends and after the usual opening pyro display we join the announcers at ringside.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/tony_schiavone.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Diamond_Dallas_Page.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Welcome to Spotlight and Breakout is just around the corner. We have a huge main event for you here tonight as John Morrison will team up with The American Wolves to face Rob Conway and The Young Bucks. Hello and welcome once again to Spotlight, I’m Tony Schiavone and I’m joined by the one and only Diamond Dallas Page.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Each week tHw Spotlight gets bigger and better and every time I think Spotlight can’t get any better bang it does. The six man tag team match tonight is going to be off the charts.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘AJ Styles is also going to be out for answers tonight …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘If I was ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon I’d be watching my back tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘But we’re kicking off Spotlight in style with a tag team match with a lot on the line. It’s Irish Airborne against The Cutler Brothers in match number two of a best of five series.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘The Cutler Brothers won match number one and they rubbed salt in the wounds of Irish Airborne after the match. Irish Airborne must get back in this thing, if they lose tonight then it’s going to be hard for them to get anything out of this series.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Remember what’s at stake in this series. The winning team has a guaranteed shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘With a prize like that on the line you can bet both team will be doing their all to win it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers</strong></span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Match #2 in a Best Of Five Series</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Irish Airborne make their way down the ramp first for this match, there is a small pop from the crowd but nothing major. The Cutler Brothers then make their entrance and they get an even quieter response from the crowd who are obviously saving their voices for later on tonight. The Cutler Brothers slide into the ring but Dave and Jake Crist are there to meet them, pouncing on Dustin and Brandon as soon as they get in the ring obviously looking for not only an early advantage to the match but also looking for revenge for the beat down after their first match. The referee, Mike Posey, forces the two teams to separate before he will start the match, and it does take a lot of effort. Eventually the two teams separate and the match starts officially with Brandon and Dave as the two legal men. It doesn’t take long before the match breaks down again and soon The Cutler Brothers use every cheap trick in the book. They manage to get Jake Crist separated and far from his corner and brother. Jake valiantly tries to battle back but with the frequent tags and double teams moves his hope must have been fading. In an act of desperation Jake does floor Brandon with a superkick but he’s unable to capitalize on it. As Brandon comes back to life and crawls to his corner Jake too does the same but the Cutler Brother gets to his corner first. Dustin comes fresh into the match and quickly knocks Dave off of the ring apron before dragging Jake back over to their side of the ring. Seeing red Dave Crist gets into the ring but is intercepted by Mike Posey and the two men start to argue. Behind the refs back Brandon gets back into the ring and The Cutler Brothers connect with the aided Tombstone Piledriver on the defenceless Jake Crist. Brandon throws Dave out of the ring and follows him out as Dustin makes the cover. Mike Posey gets counts the three and The Cutler Brothers go two nil up in this best of five series. </p><p> </p><p> Winners – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The Cutler Brothers</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the interview area tHw interviewer <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is standing by with the tHw World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘John Morrison last week you picked AJ Styles as Rob Conway’s opponent but interference from ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon meant that Rob Conway remains undefeated here in tHw …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah undefeated, when you say it like that it sounds impressive. Once you begin to looks closer you begin to see the truth. Undefeated? Rob Conway has won by low blows, distractions and steel turnbuckles. Okay he’s pinned Scott Steiner, Tommy Dreamer, Rhino and AJ Styles but when it comes to Breakout I promise that he won’t be undefeated anymore.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘There are people who say that Rob Conway has what it takes to beat you at Breakout.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Make no mistake about it Rob Conway does have what it takes to beat me, he is the NWA World Champion after all but Rob Conway is only concerned with his pride. For months all he’s cared about is the fact that he’s not getting the respect that he think he deserves. In Rob’s head we should all be bowing down and kissing the ground he walks on. I am more concerned with remaining tHw World Champion. I promised that I would be champion for a long, long time and I’m not going to fall down at the first hurdle. I want my dream to last a long time, I want to be tHw World Champion for as long as possible and that’s what’s going to make me win at Breakout. Not Conway’s talent, not his arrogance or thirst for respect but my desire to keep my dream alive.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In another part backstage we find <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></span> in a trainer’s room when <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></span> walks in.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘Why the hell did you get involved in my business last week for huh? What has it got to do with you? It had nothing to do with you, we should be watching each other’s back but instead the man has got us fighting.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley: </strong></span> <em> ‘The man?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘You know what I’m talking about. I have been held down from the very beginning of my career, people have stolen my spot, people have overlooked me and I’ve had enough. I am the most gifted athlete in this business today and now …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley: </strong></span> <em> ‘What you are is a whiney little bitch. You want a shot take it and earn your spot. You get nothing by moaning …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘You want me to take my spot? You want me to earn it? You’re just like all the rest of them, trying to keep a brother down. I’ll take my spot, I’ll take it by beating your ass at Breakdown.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the interview area <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo </strong></span>is joined by the tHw Tag Team Champions <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The Young Bucks</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘Last week you found out your opponents for Breakout will be the team that pinned you three weeks ago in Spotlight. The American Wolves …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me stop you right there cause you’re getting things all wrong.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘I am? Did The American Wolves not pin you or …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Whoa again Mauro you’re getting the wrong end of the stick. You shouldn’t be focusing on the outcome of just one match.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘I should because …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘No you should be focusing on, I don’t know, how we showed the world just how pathetic The American Wolves are two weeks ago when we bounced Eddie’s head off of the steel or hell even focusing on how we drove Davey’s head through a TV set.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span><em> ‘But you only did that cause they beat you the week before and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span><em> ‘You could focus on Crowning Of A Champion when we became the first ever tHw Tag Team Champion.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span><em> ‘Who did we pin to become champions? Oh yeah The American Wolves.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span><em> ‘Just like we’ll pin them at Breakout next Sunday.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘That’s what you should be focusing on Mauro cause we are The Young Bucks. We are the best tag team in professional wrestling today and The American Wolves well, I guess come Breakout we’ll have to put them down.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Nick Jackson high fives Matt and laughs as they leave the interview area leaving a very confused Mauro Ranallo.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In a corridor <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon </strong></span>is busy talking on his cell when suddenly the cell is ripped out of his hands and he’s pressed up against the wall. With a hand around his throat ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon comes face to face with<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> AJ Styles</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong></span> <em> ‘Hey what gives? You can’t treat me like this, do you know who I am?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah I know, you’re the guy who interfered in my match last week. You’re the guy that think I’m for sale …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong></span> <em> ‘Can’t we just talk about this in a civilized manner?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’m through with the talking, you want to get in my business then you’ll pay the price. At Breakout it’s you and me in a match …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong></span> <em> ‘What, no AJ let’s just talk and … okay I shouldn’t have made fun of your family. I shouldn’t have made fun of you for living in a trailer park and … you can’t help it if you’re a hick …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles slams ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon against the wall.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>AJ Styles: </strong></span> <em> ‘You keep talking you little punk cause right now your mouth is cashing cheques that your ass can’t afford.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles drops ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon to the floor and laughs as we back to the announcers desk.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Another match made for Breakout and Page I can’t wait.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘I can’t either, I’m jacked up.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The announcers run down the card announced so far from Breakout and talk briefly about each one.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Breakoutbanner.jpeg</span><p> <strong>tHw Breakout</strong></p><p> Only on Pay Per View</p><p> </p><p> John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championships</p><p> The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships</p><p> Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship</p><p> AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</p><p> Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 in a Best Of Five Series</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/chris_mordetzky.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickDinsmore2.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrianKendricksmall.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Chris Mordetzky vs. Nick Dinsmore w/Brian Kendrick</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In the shortest match of the night Chris Mordetzky had hoped that his debut match in tHw would go well, it didn’t. Nick Dinsmore made quick work of his opponent and pinned him after connecting with The Cutter, while on the outside Brian Kendrick looked impressed with his follower.</p><p> </p><p> Winner –<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> Nick Dinsmore</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Nick Dinsmore music plays as Brian Kendrick gets into the ring to congratulate his follower. As Nick stares blankly at the floor Brian Kendrick is busy whispering something into Nick’s ear when suddenly Nick’s music cuts out and<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> Alex Shelley</strong></span>’s music starts to play. Brian Kendrick’s face contorts into one of rage as Alex Shelley comes to the top of the ramp with a mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley: </strong></span> <em> ‘Sorry I hope I’m not interrupting your rather elaborate celebration ceremony, it’s just I have something I need to say and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Say? Your words are meaningless, your actions have shown us everything you have to say Alex. You betray your intentions with every step you take and we do not want to hear your lies.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah, um I got all that bud but it’s like you say actions speak truth words show lies or some BS and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘My beliefs are not to be mocked Alex I thought you learned that at your peril at Crowning Of A Champion.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley: </strong></span> <em> ‘Wow you going to go there huh? Fine you say actions speak louder than my words then cool. At Breakout I’m going to show you my intent by ramming my boot up your ass.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick looks confused at that, Nick Dinsmore is still looking down at the mat.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Alex Shelley: </strong></span> <em> ‘In case you never got my intent Brian we’ve got ourselves a match. Before you go looking for some hidden meaning in this I’m going to tell you. Now you can believe it, or not I don’t care, but at Breakout I promise you I’m going to beat you so badly that my foot is going to come out of your mouth.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick shakes his head in disbelief as Alex Shelley laughs and we go back to the announce table.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Another match made for Breakout Page, it’s just getting bigger and bigger.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Man I’m jacked up for Breakout man I can’t wait.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Breakout is a little over a week away but coming up now it’s time for our main event.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘This match is so huge it could main event a pay per view and we’re giving it to you now.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s the tHw World Champion John Morrison teaming up with The American Wolves going up against their opponents for Breakout. It’s Rob Conway and the tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JohnMorrison.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/daveyrichards.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickJackson.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/MattJackson.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison & The American Wolves vs. Rob Conway and The Young Bucks</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The NWA World Champion makes his way down to the ring first, to a few boos from the crowd. Rob Conway gets into the ring and raises his NWA World Championship over his head and shouts out to the crowd that he demands their respect. The tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks then make their entrance and when they get into the ring they completely ignore their partner and instead wait on the apron as the music of their opponents for Breakout kicks in. The crowd give The American Wolves a good pop but it’s soon overshadowed as the tHw World Champion John Morrison walks down the ramp. The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison gets into the ring and showing no fear he walks right up to Rob Conway, looks him in the eyes and raises his tHw World Championship in the air. Perhaps unsurprisingly Rob Conway doesn’t seem to like this and as a response punches John Morrison with a stiff right. The referee Jim Korderas has no choice but to call for the bell and our main event is underway.</p><p> </p><p> The two world champions trade blows in the middle of the ring but it’s the tHw World Champion who looks to come out on top. Morrison backs Conway into a corner and unleashes a fierce volley of rights and lefts onto a shocked Conway. Korderas forces Morrison back to check on Conway, who promptly shoves the ref out of the way, kicks Morrison in the shins before running over to his corner and slaps Matt Jackson on the face forcibly bringing him into the match. John Morrison looks on in disbelief as Rob Conway doesn’t even stand on the apron, instead he walks around outside as his tag team partners argue with him about what he’s doing. From this point on the match effectively becomes a three on two handicap match as Rob Conway refuses to tag in to the match.</p><p> </p><p> The Young Bucks try their best but they’re in there with not only one of the best tag teams in the business but John Morrison as well. The numbers game soon catches up to the Young Bucks and, in what looks to be a preview of Breakout, The American Wolves go to town on their opponents. Rob Conway meanwhile doesn’t look to care about what’s going on in the match, he just lounges at ringside and argues with some fans in the crowd. Back in the ring Eddie Edwards has just tagged in Davey Richards and Davey damn near takes Nick Jackson’s head off with a superkick, Richards goes right for the cover as Eddie knocks Matt of the apron. Rob Conway does see this and quickly gets into the ring to break up the count. Conway quickly rolls back out of the ring as The American Wolves stalk him but on the outside John Morrison is waiting for him. John Morrison grabs Conway and bounces the NWA World Champion’s head off of the guardrail a few times before he’s forced away once again by the referee Jim Korderas. </p><p> </p><p> As the referee is dealing with John Morrison The Young Bucks take advantage, first by low blowing Eddie Edwards and then they connect with The More Bang For Your Buck on Davey Richards. As John Morrison gets back on the apron the referee turns his attention back on the match as Nick Jackson makes a cover, John Morrison gets into the ring but he’s met by a steel chair shot courtesy of Rob Conway. John Morrison slumps down to the mat as the referee calls for the bell. Rob Conway stares down at John Morrison as The Young Bucks start to question Rob on what the hell he’s doing. As an answer Rob Conway drives the steel chair into Nick’s gut and then slams it across Matt’s back. For good measure Rob Conway then takes out The American Wolves as well with the steel chair before turning his attention back on John Morrison who is trying to get back up.</p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway drives the steel chair into John Morrison’s stomach before bringing it down on the back of the tHw World Champion. John Morrison falls back down to the mat but Rob Conway doesn’t care, he throws the referee across the ring when he tries to stop him and brings the steel chair down again and again and again on the fallen Morrison. Rob Conway then calmly gets out of the ring and grabs a mic from the ring announcers. Again throwing the referee aside as he’s checking on Morrison and grabs the steel chair. Instead of using the chair as a weapon however Conway unfolds in and places it right over the unmoving Morrison. Sitting down on it Rob Conway looks down on his opponent and laughs before bring the mic to his mouth he talks to an apparently unconscious John Morrison.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Do you see now John? Do you see where your lack of respect gets you huh? This is all your fault John, I tried to be nice but you had to talk about your dream coming true. This isn’t some fairy tale John, this is real life and in real life dreams don’t come true. You need to wake up John, you need to wake up and face the very real danger in front of you. I am the NWA World Champion, I am the best of the best of the best. I am the true champion, the only champion this business needs. At Breakout I am going to take your dream away from you and show you that good guys always finish last.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> As referees and trainers pour out of the back to check on both The Young Bucks and American Wolves Rob Conway ignores them all and reaches down to slap John Morrison across the face a few times.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Are you listening to me you pile of crap huh? You think you’ve got what it takes to be on my level? Did you really think that you have what it takes to be a true world champion? At Breakout I’m going to show you how very wrong you are John. At Breakout I’m ripping the tHw World Championship out of your grasp John, I’m taking your dream and I’m turning it into your very worst nightmare. Do you want to know how I’m gonna do that John, do you? Answer me.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway slaps John Morrison a few times before laughing again.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘At Breakout after I wipe the floor with you, after I leave your lifeless and bloody carcass in the ring I will take your precious dream. I’ll take the tHw World Championship and I’m leaving. I’ll take your championship John and I’ll take it back to the NWA. I’ll leave it there, I’ll bury it, I will burn it in hell and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it John. At Breakout you will wake up and know that I am your nightmare. I am going to destroy you John and there’s no one to blame but yourself. I only wanted your respect John, now I’m taking everything you own and love. Do you respect me now John? Do you?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway laughs down the mic as the crowd boos. tHw Spotlight fades to black to the sound of Rob Conway’s laughter.</p><p> </p><p> ==========================================================</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>RATINGS INFO</strong></p><p> </p><p> time / rating</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> 1. Vid: Spotlight 1/C+</p><p> 2. Show intro 2/C</p><p> 3. Cutler Brothers def. Irish Airborne 8.23/D+</p><p> 4. John Morrison inter 5/C+</p><p> 5. Shelton Benjamin confronts Bobby Lashley 4/D+</p><p> 6. Young Bucks Inter 5/C</p><p> 7. AJ Styles attacks ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon 5/D+</p><p> 8. Announcers hype Breakout 1/C+</p><p> 9. Nick Dinsmore def. Chris Mordetzky 6.32/C</p><p> 10. Alex Shelley announces match with Brian Kendrick at Breakout 3/D+</p><p> 11. Announcers 2/C+</p><p> 12. John Morrison & The American Wolves def. Rob Conway & The Young Bucks via DQ 12.48/B-</p><p> 13. Rob Conway promo 6/B-</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Rating: </strong> C</p><p> <strong>Attendance: </strong> 1,500 (sell out)</p><p> <strong>TV Rating: </strong> 1.32 (down 0.1)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Glad to see Rhino picking up an impressive win, but Conway over AJ? I know we're building to a champion vs champion match, but it just seems like a major downgrade. I don't know what each man's popularity is at, but it just seems bleh, to me</div></blockquote><p> Yeah I had to do a lot to get AJ Styles to agree to lose that match. Including being dominant, kept strong, protected etc. He was not happy about it! Rob needed a huge momentum boost and luckily it did give him one without too much of a negative effect on AJ.</p>
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tHw Spotlight

From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Week 4, October 2014


A video plays showing the ending of Spotlight last week with Rob Conway laying out The American Wolves, The Young Bucks and John Morrison with a steel chair. The video ends and after the pyro goes off we join the announcers at ringside.




Tony Schiavone: ‘Welcomes to our last stop before Breakout. We’re just four days away before tHw’s first ever pay per view and we’re guaranteeing you a night of stellar action here tonight. Welcome everyone I’m Tony Schiavone and as always I’m joined by none other than Diamond Dallas Page.’


DDP: Tonight is the last chance these guys have got to make an impression before Breakout and no one will want to do that more than our tHw World Champion John Morrison.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘We all saw that heinous attack last week by the NWA World Champion Rob Conway on John Morrison and Page I’ve got to ask you what is John’s mind-set going to be right now?’


DDP: ‘There is only going to be one thing on John’s mind Tony and that’s revenge. Trust me I know all about it.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘I thought that there could be nothing more on the line at Breakout than there already is but last week changed all of that. Last week Rob Conway promised to take our tHw World Championship and burn it in hell. That’s not a threat to be taken lightly.’


DDP: ‘John Morrison is not only fighting to keep his dream of being World Champion alive but he’s now fighting for the heart and soul of this company Tony, I just hope that he can bear the pressure of that.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘I do too Page, I do to but let’s turn our attention back on to tonight because John Morrison could get some revenge on Rob Conway tonight. The main event is John Morrison teaming up with Bobby Lashley to face Shelton Benjamin and the man himself, the NWA World Champion Rob Conway.’


DDP: ‘That match is going to be off the charts, I’m jacked up man I can hardly wait.’


The cameras go to the top of the ramp as the music of the tHw World Champion John Morrison kicks in. The crowd give him a good pop as he walks down the ramp still bearing the scars from last week’s assault from Rob Conway. John Morrison gets into the ring, but he looks far more serious than usual.


John Morrison: ‘Okay cut the music, cut it cause I’ve had as much as I can take.’


John’s music cuts right out as John Morrison stands in the middle of the ring.


John Morrison: ‘I’m sure you all saw what happened last week, I can’t remember a time when I’ve been in more pain than I am right now. Rob Conway you took a steel chair to me last week, you drove that steel into my gut, across my back and into my flesh. You left me laying down on the mat barely able to move and to just breath was painful. Through all of that I heard you. I heard you tell everyone how you were going to beat me at Breakout, how you were going to take everything I have ever loved and burn it and I heard you say that you were going to take my World Championship away from me.’


John Morrison takes the tHw World Championship from around his waist and looks at it with an almost pained expression.


John Morrison: ‘You think that you can take this away from me? You think that I am just going let you take this? This is just a symbol for you; you think that holding this will get you more respect. This may be just some symbol to you Rob but this is my life. This championship represents my hopes and fears, my blood, my sweat, my tears; this is my dream and my nightmare. This championship is my very life Rob and you think I’m just going to let you take this from me Rob? You think I’m going to let you take my dream from me?’


John Morrison stares right into the camera.


John Morrison: ‘Rob you do not know what you’ve unleashed in me. You want to take my championship and burn it in hell? At Breakout I’m not just going to be content with beating you Rob, I’m going to leave you in a pool of your own blood just like you did to me last week. I’m going to destroy you Rob, I’m going to pick you apart and I will enjoy every last second of it. At Breakout my dream will become your nightmare.’


John Morrison drops the mic in the middle of the ring and walks quietly to the back.




http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Rhino08.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/chris_mordetzky.jpg

Rhino vs. Chris Mordetzky


After a short ad for Breakout this Sunday we return to the arena to find Chris Mordetzky already in the ring waiting for his opponent. Rhino makes his way down to the ring for our first match here tonight and the match would end up being the shortest of the night as well. The finish came when Rhino was stalking Chris ready for the gore when Andy Leavine decided to make his presence felt. In front of the referee Leavine jumped into the ring and delivered a brutal closeline to Rhino. The ref immediately called for the bell and Rhino wins this one by disqualification. With Rhino down on the mat Andy Leavine just smiles as he gets out of the ring. When Rhino does get back up to his feet he doesn’t look back, instead running up the ramp and backstage.


Winner by disqualification - Rhino




Backstage we see Andy Leavine, smiling to himself at costing Rhino his match, walking down a corridor. He hears rather than sees Rhino coming up behind him and the two men start to brawl backstage. Security and trainers have trouble separating the two men who are fighting tooth and nail to claw at each other. It’s only the arrival of the tHw President Ted DiBiase that things finally settle down.


Ted DiBiase: ‘Enough okay, I’m sick and tired of people thinking that they can fight wherever they damn well like. If it’s not you two idiots it’s The Young Bucks or Johnny Cannon or the rest of you. You two want to beat the holy hell out of each other fine. You can do it at Breakout in the ring. Now get out of here before I decide to fire you instead and … what do you want?’


As security leads Rhino and Andy Leavine away Ted DiBiase turns to face the NWA World Champion Rob Conway.


Rob Conway: ‘What I want Ted is respect, yours, these people you have calling themselves wrestlers and more than any one else’s I want the respect of your joke of a champion John Morrison.’


Ted DiBiase: ‘You want the respect of someone you brutally attack with a steel chair? You want the respect of a man who you jump from behind and promise to destroy his dream’


Rob Conway: ‘You think that last week was brutal? What I plan to do to your champion at Breakout will make last week look like a kindergarten fight. I’m going to destroy your champion Ted, I’m going to make him beg for my mercy and then I’m going to slap him down to size. After I’m done I’m taking the tHw World Championship and I’m taking it home with me to the NWA. I’ll dump that championship belt into the garbage, I’ll set that garbage can on fire and then I‘ll mail you back the burnt and charred remains. I wanted everyone’s respect Ted now you’ll finally find out what a true world champion is capable of.’


Rob Conway laughs in Ted DiBiase’s face as we go to the interview area.




In the interview area Mauro Ranallo is joined by The Cutler Brothers.


Mauro Ranallo: ‘This Sunday at Breakout you will face The Irish Airborne in match number three of your best of five series. A match that if you win you’ll get a guaranteed shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships. You are already two nil up and the series is yours to loose do you have any fears that Irish Airborne could get back in this thing?’


Brandon Cutler: ‘What do we have to fear Mauro? We’ve already beaten Irish Airborne two times in a row, at Breakout we’ll win for a third time and then after that it’s the tHw Tag Team Champions.’


Dustin Cutler: ‘We said two weeks ago that you’re looking at the next tag team champions and now we’re only one match away from getting our shot.’


Brandon Cutler: ‘Irish Airborne you have put up a good fight but this Sunday at Breakout we will make it three wins out of five. There is nothing you can do now to stop us, you must admit defeat and take it like men.’


Dustin Cutler: ‘You may be the first to find out that we are better than anybody in this company but trust us, you won’t be the last. It doesn’t matter who the tag team champions are after Breakout, either The Young Bucks or American Wolves because we will beat them too and we will be tag team champions.’




In another part of the backstage area we see Paul Birchill in a locker room in the middle of packing a bag when someone comes into the room and stands next to him. When Paul looks up and sees Noam Dar Paul rolls his eyes.


Paul Birchill: ‘The answer is still no kid. I ain’t facing you again, you had two chances already. I’ve got nothing to prove by beating you a third time.’


Noam Dar: ‘Just hear me out because out of the two of us I’m the last one to win a match and …’


Paul Birchill: ‘Whoa wait a second, explain that last part.’


Noam Dar: ‘What, the part about you losing two weeks ago to Andy Leavine or the part about me pinning Jack Evans three weeks ago? Way I see it you’re on a losing streak …’


Paul Birchill: ‘One loss is not a losing streak …’


Noam Dar: ‘Every losing streak has to start somewhere.’


Paul Birchill laughs for a second before shaking his head.


Paul Birchill: ‘I like you kid, you got guts. You want another shot at beating me fine, then we’ll see whose on a losing streak.’


Noam Dar: ‘Cool but this time I’m not going to let you win …’


Paul Birchill: ‘Let me win? Don’t push your luck, you got your match just get out of my sight before I change my mind.’


Noam Dar quickly leaves the room as Paul Birchill goes back to rooting in his bag, laughing under his breath.


Paul Birchill: ‘Let me win.’




Back at ringside we join Tony Schiavone and Diamond Dallas Page at the announcers table.


Tony Schiavone: ‘Breakout is just three days away and now we have another two matches announced. How big is Breakout going to be?’


DDP: ‘It’s going to be off the charts. You’ve got two of the best tag teams in the world today The American Wolves and The Young Bucks going at it for the tHw Tag Team Championships.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘There’s Bobby Lashley and Shelton facing each other to determine who is the number one contender to the tHw World Championship.’


DDP: ‘That is if we still have a tHw World Championship after Breakout because you know if Rob Conway defeats John Morrison he’s taking the tHw World Championship to the NWA.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Breakout is this Sunday and it’s only available on pay per view.’


The announcers run down the entire card as graphics appear on the screen, they briefly talk about each one.



tHw Breakout

Only on PPV


John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship

The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick

AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series

Rhino vs. Andy Leavine

Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill




http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/MattJackson.jpg

Eddie Edwards vs. Matt Jackson


Both men come down to the ring with their tag team partners in tow. While Davey Richards is content to just watching the match Nick Jackson feels the need to try and get himself involved. The reason was that inside the ring Eddie Edwards was in complete control, the first time Nick got involved was when Eddie had Matt locked in the Achilles lock submission move. The second time was when Eddie has just connected with Die Hard and Nick broke up the pin. Nick tried for a third time after Eddie hit the Die Hard slam but when Nick got into the ring Davey Richards, obviously fed up with the constant interference, got involved too. Davey met Nick and the two men started to brawl and the referee Tommy Young had had enough too, he made both men leave the ring and threw them out of the match. Security escorted both Davey and Nick backstage and the match continued. Eddie was busy watching all of this and when he turned around Matt Jackson went for a superkick, Eddie dodged it though and connected with the Die Hard for the second time in the match. Eddie went right into the cover and without Nick to save him Matt was unable to kick out of the three count.


Winner – Eddie Edwards




We go back to the interview area where Mauro Ranallo is joined by Alex Shelley.


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Alex this Sunday at Breakout you will face the man who many say cost you your spot in the tHw World Championship Tournament at Crowning Of A Champion in Brian Kendrick. With Nick Dinsmore now in Brian Kendrick’s corner do you have anything to worry about this match?’


Alex Shelley: ‘With or without Nick Dinsmore Brian Kendrick is a dangerous man, possibly a crazy and insane man, but a dangerous one. Brian Kendrick has got it into his fragile head that I am to blame for some upcoming catastrophe. I don’t know if he thinks I’m the anti-Christ or something but Brian Kendrick has …’


Brian Kendrick: ‘Do you see how he condemns himself with his own words my brother?’


The camera spins round to see Brian Kendrick and Nick Dinsmore watching the interview.


Brian Kendrick: ‘Do you see how his selfishness and his greed for power has made him blind to what is to come. Do you see how his actions betray him my follower? Do you see it?’


Nick Dinsmore: ‘Yes master.’


Alex Shelley: ‘Whoa master? That’s a new one, what the hell has Brian been saying to you Nick?’


Brian Kendrick: ‘Saying Alex, no I have not been saying anything. Words are the way of lies and falsehood; words confuse the brain and cloud judgement. No Alex I have told no lie nor led Nick down no path that he didn’t wish to go. Nick has hunted for truth and I have given it to him. I have shown him the real truth, the truth behind actions and I have lifted his eyes to the real truth that is out there. The truth in actions Alex, I had once thought you saw the same truth but you words clouded my judgement and masked your true intent.’


Alex Shelley: ‘I’m not getting a word your saying. I’m guessing some sort of mumbo jumbo, words bad and actions good? My actions and intentions will become clear this Sunday at Breakout …’


Brian Kendrick: ‘As will mine Alex, as will mine. We will see whose belief is stronger, we will see whose intent is the most powerful and we will see the true foolishness and lies of your very own actions.’


Alex Shelley: ‘Yeah still not getting any of it but know …’


Brian Kendrick: ‘People use the word but as an excuse for their own flaws and inefficiencies. I have no such worries on that score, I know my cause to be righteous, I know my actions to be just and I know my intent is true. However you Alex will learn once and for all that no one makes fun of my beliefs. Come Nick, I am weary of using this form of communication; words have no more use here. Alex I will see you Sunday at Breakout.’


Nick Dinsmore: ‘Believe not in words, believe only in actions.’


Brian Kendrick: ‘Very good my brother, you are learning.’


Brian Kendrick laughs as he and Nick Dinsmore walk away from the interview area.




In his locker room AJ Styles is talking on his cell and sitting in front of a mirror.


AJ Styles: ‘Yeah … I know …. Hey can I call you back? I’ve got something I need to deal with.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon has walked into the room and is holding out a stack of money to AJ.


AJ Styles: ‘I thought I told you I’m not for sale …’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘You did, I’m not trying to buy you or bribe you. I’m trying to make you see sense, this is ten grand consider it a gift.’


AJ Styles: ‘A gift? I don’t want anything for you …’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Consider it a down payment then, or a potential investment. Just think what you could do with this money. Imagine how it would be to own a brand new pickup truck instead of some third hand, forty year old rust bucket? Or how about taking your family on a holiday for once or hell even a new grill? There’s plenty more where this came from as well. You take this and maybe find a way to repay me …’


AJ Styles: ‘If I needed a loan I would go to the bank …’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Who said anything about a loan? I don’t want repaying AJ, however if you feel the need to express your gratitude in another way then that would be fine. If you should, I don’t know, maybe call our match at Breakout off …’


AJ Styles slaps the money out of ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon’s hand and stands up.


AJ Styles: ‘I told you I’m not for sale. You want to come in here and try and buy me? With ten grand? That’s as insulting as it is stupid. I will see you at Breakout, now take your damn money and get out of here before I do something I won’t regret.’


AJ Styles sits back down as ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon scrambles to pick his money back up. AJ goes back to his cell as ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon goes to leave the room, halfway there though Cannon stops and turns back around. He walks back up to AJ and goes to attack him but AJ sees him in the mirror, jumps up and punches ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon in the face. With Johnny on the floor AJ reaches down and grabs a hundred dollar bill from the floor.


AJ Styles: ‘You see this Johnny, I’m taking this cause I’m gonna teach you a valuable lesson and I don’t do anything for free. Don’t attack someone who is sitting in front of a mirror, I mean how stupid can one guy be?’


AJ Styles puts the bill in his pocket and leaves the room as we go back to the announcer’s ringside.




Tony Schiavone: ‘Well Page, you’ve got to admit that is a valuable lesson.’


DDP: ‘‘The One’ Johnny Cannon will be learning a lot more when AJ Styles is done with him at Breakout.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘It’s now time for our main event, it’s John Morrison and Bobby Lashley teaming up to face their opponents at Breakout in Rob Conway and Shelton Benjamin.’


DDP: ‘There’s a lot more to this one though because Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin are wrestling at Breakout to see who will face the tHw World Champion next.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘That is if we still have a tHw World Champion after Breakout, we know that Rob Conway has promise to take that title to the NWA.’


DDP: ‘John Morrison will be doing everything he possibly can to ensure that the tHw World Championship stays where it belongs.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘This is the last stop before Breakout, let’s get it started.'


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JohnMorrison.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/bobby_lashley5.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SheltonBenjamin4.jpg

John Morrison & Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Conway & Shelton Benjamin


Shelton Benjamin makes his entrance first to some good heat from the sell-out crowd, the NW World Champion Rob Conway then comes down to the ring proudly wearing the true world championships around his waist. Bobby Lashley the walks down the ramp for the match, he waits outside for the tHw World Champion who gets a great pop from the tHw fans. John Morrison is just like he was earlier in the night showing a much more serious side and halfway down the ramp he stops and locks eyes with Rob Conway, John Morrison wastes no more time, he runs down the rest of the ramp, slides into the ring and immediately starts to trade blows with the NWA World Champion.


Jim Korderas, the referee, takes both Morrison and Conway as the legal men and calls for the bell. Unlike last week Rob Conway doesn’t seem to be in a rush to get out of the ring, instead he tries to fight his way back into the match. John Morrison however doesn’t give him an opportunity to and is looking out for revenge after the attack last week. John does let Rob stray too close to his corner and this allows Shelton to tag into the match. John Morrison still pulls no punches, looking to vent his frustrations on anyone he can. After downing Shelton with a suplex John backs off and as Shelton gets up demands that he tags Rob back into the match. Shelton agrees with him and goes to tag but Rob’s not there, he had hopped down off of the apron and leaves his partner all alone. As an answer John tags in Bobby Lashley but instead of getting out of the ring and onto the apron John Morrison jumps over the top rope, delivering a suicide drive onto a surprised Rob Conway to a great pop from the crowd.


As Jim Korderas tried to restore order on the outside Shelton Benjamin and Bobby Lashley did battle inside the ring. Eventually John and Rob are separated on the outside and the attention turns back to the match at hand. As soon as John gets back up to the apron he wants to tag in, but Bobby is in no mood for it. Bobby shows his amazing strength by using Shelton like he was a rag doll, tossing him from one side of the ring to the other, even getting a close two count after a particularly brutal powerslam. Bobby Lashley knows this is nearly over and goes for a spear but he strays too close to the corner and the tHw World Champion tags himself back into the match. Bobby Lashley is understandably angry at this but does get out of the ring, John Morrison grabs Shelton Benjamin and after staring a hole through Rob Conway on the outside sets Shelton up for the Midnight Driver.


Shelton Benjamin tries to fight it but in the end John Morrison is just too much. John Morrison its it, he connects with The Midnight Driver on Shelton Benjamin, John goes for a cover and Jim Korderas starts the count. One, two and thr … John Morrison breaks the count because he sees Rob Conway on the outside throwing the time keeper away and grabs not only his NWA World Championship but the tHw World Championship as well. Rob quickly retreats up the ramp as John yells at him to bring his title back, but Shelton Benjamin is back up and seeing a distracted Morrison connects with The Paydirt on Morrison. Shelton goes right in for a cover and Bobby Lashley is a second to late in for the save, Shelton Benjamin pins the tHw World Champion.


Winners – Rob Conway & Shelton Benjamin


The attention goes right back to the top of the ramp where Rob Conway is laughing and has got a mic from somewhere.


Rob Conway: ‘I know we have a little match at Breakout John but I thought I’d take my prize now instead of then. I’m going to becoming the official tHw World Champion at Breakout so I’ve decided to take my championship now.’


As John Morrison struggles back up to his feet Rob Conway laughs again.


Rob Conway: ‘Say goodbye to your dream John cause at Breakout it’s time for you to wake up.’


Rob Conway laughs as Spotlight comes to a close. The announcers are doing one last push for Breakout as Rob Conway disappears backstage with the tHw World Championship belt.






time / rating


1. Vid: Spotlight 1/C

2. Show intro 2/C

3. John Morrison promo 5/C+

4. Rhino def. Any Leavine by DQ 7.40/D+

5. Ted DiBiase makes Rhino v Andy Leavine at Breakout 2/D

6. Rob Conway confronts Ted DiBiase 3/D+

7. Cutler Brothers inter 3/E+

8. Noam Dar and Paul Birchill talk 3/E

9. Announcers hype Breakout 1/C+

10. Eddie Edwards def. Matt Jackson 9.51/C-

11. Brian Kendrick confronts Alex Shelley 5/C

12. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon tries to attack AJ Styles but fails 3/D+

13. Announcers 2/C

14. Rob Conway & Shelton Benjamin def. John Morrison & Bobby Lashley 13.37/B-

15. Rob Conway steals the tHw World Championship belt 3/C


Attendance: 1,500 (Sell Out)

Rating: C

TV Rating: 1.36 (up 0.4)

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tHw Breakout preview

Only on PPV


John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship

The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick

AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series

Rhino vs. Andy Leavine

Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill

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John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship

The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick

AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series

Rhino vs. Andy Leavine

Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill

I know the storyline almost needs Noam to pick up the win here, but I like Paul.

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John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship

The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick

AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series

Rhino vs. Andy Leavine

Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill

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<p>John Morrison© vs. <strong>Rob Conway</strong> for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

<em>Just because I'd like to see how he treats it compared to the NWA one </em></p><p>

The American Wolves vs. <strong>The Young Bucks</strong>© for the tHw Tag Team Championships</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong> vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

Alex Shelley vs. <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<em>He's awesome</em></p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</p><p>

<em>I bet AJ was pretty upset when he lost to Conway, he'd be furious if Cannon beat him</em></p><p>

<strong>Irish Airborne</strong> vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series</p><p>

<em>This doesn't end in 3</em></p><p>

<strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Andy Leavine</p><p>

<strong>Noam Dar</strong> vs. Paul Birchill</p>

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<p><strong>John Morrison©</strong> vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

The American Wolves vs. <strong>The Young Bucks©</strong> for the tHw Tag Team Championships</p><p>

Bobby Lashley vs. <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

<strong>Alex Shelley</strong> vs. Brian Kendrick</p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</p><p>

Irish Airborne vs. <strong>The Cutler Brothers</strong> in match #3 of their best of 5 series</p><p>

<strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Andy Leavine</p><p>

Noam Dar vs. <strong>Paul Birchill</strong></p>

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<p><strong>John Morrison©</strong> vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

The American Wolves vs. <strong>The Young Bucks©</strong> for the tHw Tag Team Championships</p><p>

Bobby Lashley vs. <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship</p><p>

Alex Shelley vs.<strong> Brian Kendrick</strong></p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles</strong> vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</p><p>

Irish Airborne vs.<strong> The Cutler Brothers</strong> in match #3 of their best of 5 series</p><p>

<strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Andy Leavine</p><p>

Noam Dar vs.<strong> Paul Birchill</strong></p>

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John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship

The American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks© for the tHw Tag Team Championships

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin in a #1 contenders match for the tHw World Championship

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick

AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers in match #3 of their best of 5 series

Rhino vs. Andy Leavine

Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Breakout.jpeg</span><p> <strong>tHw Breakout</strong></p><p> Live from the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California</p><p> Week 4, October 2014</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A video plays highlighting the major events leading up to tonight. The video mainly focuses on the main event of John Morrison and Rob Conway but The American Wolves, The Young Bucks, Brian Kendrick and Alex Shelley also feature. When the video ends the fireworks go off and we’re live for the very first ever tHw Payer Per View Breakout. The cameras scan the sell-out crowd before settling on the announcers.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/tony_schiavone.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Diamond_Dallas_Page.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘Hello and welcome to the City Of Angels, welcome to Universal Studios, welcome to tHw Breakout. Hello I’m Tony Schiavone and I’m joined by the former World Champion and future hall of famer Diamond Dallas Page.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘I’ve been waiting for tonight for a long time Tony, finally tonight Rob Conway will get what’s coming to him.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘John Morrison is itching to get his hands on the NWA World Champion but he can’t afford to get distracted tonight. There is a lot riding on that match, if Rob Conway wins he’s taking the tHw World Championship to the NWA and he’s never coming back.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> ‘<em>John Morrison knows that and he’s going to make sure that the tHw World Championship stays here where it belongs.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘Tonight we will see Shelton Benjamin face Bobby Lashley to determine who is the number one contender to the tHw World Championship.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘There’s also Alex Shelley facing Brian Kendrick.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> ‘<em>Plus there’s the tHw Tag Team Championship match as the champions The Young Bucks defend those titles against The American Wolves.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Tonight is packed, we have a lot of actions for you tonight and you’ll only find it here in tHw.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘Let’s kick off Breakout in style as The Phenomenal AJ Styles goes up against ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Man I’m jacked up, we’re starting off Breakout with a bang!’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/AJ_Styles10.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/TheOneJohnnyCannon.jpg</span><p> <strong>AJ Styles vs. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> As soon as AJ Styles’s music hit the sell-out crowd are on their feet cheering as the former World’s champion makes his way down the ramp slapping the hands of the fans on his way. When AJ Styles’s music cuts out the boos start as ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon comes to the top of the ramp with a weird little smirk on his face an envelope in one hand and a mic in the other.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘AJ Styles I think me and you got off on the wrong foot. You’ve said some things I’m sure you regret and I’ve done some things too that may seem a little cheap. But that’s all in the past AJ; we don’t have to do this. I know what I’ve done and I now know that it’s wrong. I’ve seen the error of my ways.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon slowly walks down the ramp as AJ Styles is shouting for him to get into the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘I know I tried to give you money, some have tried to say I was trying to buy you some have called it a bribe but AJ that’s not what it was. I tried to call it an investment AJ and that’s what it is. It’s an investment in your children’s future.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The referee has to restrain AJ Styles as ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon gets into the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘I didn’t mean to insult you AJ, I didn’t mean to bring your children into this and I’m sorry if I bruised your pride. When I see poverty and injustice in the world I have to do something to stop it, why do you think I have twenty cleaners, three chauffeurs, thirty cooks and seven butlers? It’s not just because I’m rich no it’s because I like to give money to the poor, infirm and stupid. It’s just who I am AJ, I am a giver. That’s why I want to give you this money AJ, for you children. Forget about your pride and understand that I only want what’s best for you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon reaches over and puts the envelope in AJ’s hands and smiles.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘There’s ten grand in there, take it AJ, take it for your children. Think of Ajay, think of Avery and think of Albey. Think of their little, dirty, redneck faces in that hick trailer park where you live and think of how much that money would help them. Hey who knows in a few years they could even work for me, I always need more help and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> AJ Styles snaps and after getting past the referee Mike Posey bitch slaps the hell out of ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon to a great pop from the crowd. For the next few minutes AJ Styles completely destroys ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon and looks to make him pay for bringing his children into this. For his part Johnny Cannon tries numerous times to either beg off or to escape the ring but every time he does AJ Styles brings him back into the middle of the ring to beat on him a bit more. Eventually AJ Styles connects with The Styles Clash but instead of going for a cover he brings Cannon back up to his feet only to send him crashing back down with another Styles Clash. This time AJ does pin Johnny and the three count is academic by this point. </p><p> </p><p> Winner – <strong>AJ Styles</strong></p><p> </p><p> The referee raises AJ Styles hand but AJ’s attention is somewhere else. He sees the envelope belonging to ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon left discarded in the ring. AJ picks it up and now it’s his turn to smile as he opens it up and opens and a wad of cash falls into his hands. AJ Styles smiles and laughs as he throws the money into the crowd who scramble for every bill. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon slowly gets back up his feet while this is happening, looks around and sees AJ throwing his money out to the crowd. Cannon tries to stop Styles who just kicks him in the gut and lays him out with a third Styles Clash to a great pop from the now much richer crowd. AJ has one last hundred dollar bill in his hand; he stuffs it right into ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon’s mouth before making his way back up the ramp.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go backstage to the interview area where <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> is joined by the tHw World Champion <strong>John Morrison</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘John Morrison later on tonight in our main event you will defend your tHw World Champion against a man that has managed to beat you at every turn, the NWA World Champion.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> John Morrison takes a deep breath and nods his head.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>John Morrison: </strong> <em> ‘Yeah it doesn’t look good huh? I mean Rob Conway has been on a roll, he’s beaten former World Champions like Scott Steiner and Tommy Dreamer and Rhino and AJ Styles. He’s left me laying in a pool of my own blood, he’s attacked me from behind, he’s driven his NWA World Championship belt into my skull and now he’s stolen my tHw World Championship title. So yeah those people who say that he’s beaten me at every turn, he’s got me on the ropes, he’s in my head do have a point. However for all of that, for everything that Rob Conway has put me through these past two month’s I’m still standing, I’m still fighting, I’m still breathing. Rob Conway may have done all of those things, he may be undefeated or never been pinned but tonight all of that stops. I will stop Rob Conway, you want to use a steel chair against my flesh Rob fine. you want to drive your NWA World Championship belt into my skull go ahead because I am still standing and I am still fighting. Tonight my dream will not come to an end tonight I take back my tHw World Championship belt and tonight I show you exactly why I am tHw World Champion. Rob Conway welcome to your nightmare.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> John Morrison goes to leave the interview area but he’s distracted by the images on the TV behind him. It shows a long, stretch white limo arriving at the tHw Arena. The limo parks and the driver hurries out to open the door for the passenger. We see the shoes first but as the door slams closed we see it’s the NWA World Champion <strong>Rob Conway</strong>. He has the NWA World Championship on one shoulder and the stolen tHw World Championship on the other. Rob Conway rubs both belts with his hands and laughs as we go right back to the interview area where John Morrison is visibly angry. Mauro goes to ask a question but John storms off presumably to try and recover his tHw World title belt.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> After a brief don’t try this at home message we go to a locker room where <strong>Noam Dar</strong> is getting ready for his match later tonight when his opponent <strong>Paul Birchill</strong> walks up to him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Paul Birchill: </strong> <em>‘You getting ready for our match later right?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Noam Dar: </strong> <em>‘Yeah and then your losing streak will be up to two.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Paul Birchill: </strong> <em>‘Hey don’t get cocky kid, you may have won one match but last time I checked I kicked your ass twice already. Third time’s a charm.’</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Noam Dar: </strong> <em> ‘Yeah, whatever you just got lucky and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Paul Birchill: </strong> <em>‘It was lucky I let you walk out of those matches on your own. You know what they say, lucks got to run out sometime.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Noam Dar: </strong> <em>‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Paul Birchill: </strong> <em>‘Nothin, just saying. Good luck for tonight yeah?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Paul Birchill laughs as he walks away from a very confused looking Noam Dar.</p><p> </p><p> ----- </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Rhino08.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Andrew_Leavine.jpg</span><p> <strong>Rhino vs. Andy Leavine</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Back at ringside Andy Leavine is already pacing in the ring waiting for Rhino to make his entrance. When Rhino does make his way down to the ring Andy Leavine meets him halfway up the ramp and the two men start to brawl around the ringside area. Rhino whips Leavine into the ring post and as a response Andy sends Rhino crashing into the steel steps. When the action finally gets into the ring both men look and act like they’ve been wrestling for a lot longer than they have. The referee Tommy Young does call for the bell and when it sounds the two men collide in the middle of the ring, both looking like they want to beat the holy hell out of each other. In what would turn out to be a very hard fought and close battle it was the veteran instincts of Rhino that was the deciding factor. Andy Leavine went for a meat hook closeline but Rhino ducked underneath and bounced off the ropes, Andy turned round just in time for Rhino to hit The Gore. Rhino went right for the cover and it looks like the unleashed rage of Andy Leavine has been stopped by the man beast Rhino.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <strong>Rhino</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> In the interview area we join <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> again. This time he is joined by <strong>Davey Richards</strong> and <strong>Eddie Edwards</strong>, otherwise known as The American Wolves.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Later on tonight you will be facing the tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks, a team who you pinned four weeks ago on Spotlight. Can you do it again tonight when it counts?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Davey Richards: </strong> <em> ‘Matt, Nick, The Young Bucks. One of the best tag team in the world today, tHw Tag Team Champions. They keep on talking about how they’ve taken out our claws, how they’re going to put us to sleep but underneath all that bravado, underneath all that confidence we see what’s really going on.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eddie Edwards: </strong> <em> ‘You fear us, you fear the Wolves and Young Bucks you are right to be afraid.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Davey Richards: </strong> <em> ‘We are the Alphas, we are the Omegas, we are the first and last of tag team wrestling. When you step into that ring you step into our domain and tonight you become our prey.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Eddie Edwards: </strong> <em> ‘We beat you two on Spotlight, you know we will beat you tonight as well. That’s why you attacked us because you know yourselves to be weak.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Davey Richards: </strong> <em> ‘We do not show weakness and we do not show mercy. Tonight your reign as Tag Team Champions comes to an end and the era of The Wolves begins.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In his office the tHw President <strong>Ted DiBiase</strong> is in the middle of an argument with <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘I want my money back, you saw AJ Styles give it away. You make these idiots give me my money back Ted and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> <em> ‘You want your money back why don’t you go and ask for it? Just stop wasting my time and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The door bursts open and in walks a smiling <strong>Rob Conway</strong> who still has the tHw World Championship on his shoulder.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘You enjoying your last show this poor, pathetic, sack of crap company is ever going to put on huh? After tonight there is no more Spotlight, there are no more PPV’s, there is no more total Hollywood Wrestling and why? Cause I’m taking this, your tHw World Championship title and I’m taking it to where I’m respected. I’m taking it back to the NWA.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> ‘You only have to go through the champion John Morrison.’ [/i]</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘That right, John Morrison. Your so called World Champion. Tell me Ted how many times have I left your champion in a pool of his own blood? How many times I have left John Morrison unable to move cause I’ve lost count. Time after time after time I’ve destroyed your World Champion Ted and tonight I will do it again. When I do I want you to think long and hard about something, I want you to think how your company and investment failed because of your own ego. You could have had the true World Champion in tHw, you could have had me Ted. The NWA World Champion in tHw, you could have had it all but through your own pride and ignorance you ignored me. All I wanted was your respect but I’m never going to get it am I?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> <em> ‘Respect is earned, respect is going out there and giving it all you have, respect is winning not by cheating but by digging down deep in your guts and pinning someone one, two, three. So no Rob you don’t have my respect.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘I know Ted and I’ve been thinking as well. Your jealous of me, I’m younger, far more athletically gifted, better looking and more talented than you ever were. I am everything you wanted to be and more, I am a World Champion while you are nothing but a washed up old man.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway laughs in Ted’s face.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘I want you to watch tonight Ted and I want you to see as your little empire crashes and burns around you. All I wanted was your respect but now I’ll just take your title and your company instead.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway goes to leave but Ted DiBiase reaches out and grabs the tHw World Championship belt off of the shoulder of Rob.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> <em> ‘You aren’t tHw World Champion yet Rob and if I have my way you will never be. I told you way back at It Begins! that this is my company and I am the one in charge. I think you need a reminder of that. Did you really think I would let you walk out of here champion tonight without a fight? Come on Rob you should know better than that. There’s been a slight change of plan in the main event. Since the main event is so big I felt that it needed special intention, my special intention in fact. You are looking at the special guest referee for tonight’s main event.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway’s eyes go wide as the crowd in the arena cheer, Ted laughs as Rob shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘What? You can’t do that …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> <em> ‘I’m the boss, I can do whatever the hell I want. Besides Rob you wanted me to raise your hand in victory before, I could do that tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway goes to say something else but just shakes his head as Ted laughs to himself, the tHw World Championship on his shoulder.</p><p> </p><p> <strong> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: </strong> <em> ‘About my money.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase turns back around to see ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon still standing in his office.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong> <em> ‘Get the hell out.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon nods his head and runs out of the room, making the tHw President laugh even harder.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the interview area <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> is joined by <strong>Dave</strong> and <strong>Jake Crist</strong>, Irish Airborne.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Coming up next it’s your third match in the best of five series with The Cutler Brothers. You have suffered two straight defeats to this team and you must know that you must win tonight or else this series is over.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Crist: </strong> <em> ‘The Cutler Brothers may have beaten us twice but we promise they won’t beat us tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jake Crist: </strong> <em> ‘When this series is over people won’t be talking about how we’ve lost twice in a row but how we’ve won three times in a row.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Crist: </strong> <em> ‘We know The Cutler Brothers have counted us out, they think they’ve got this in the bag but boys you don’t know what you’re in for.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jake Crist: </strong> <em> ‘You’re in for the fight of your like because you’re in there with The Irish Airborne. We’ve got nothing to lose but everything to gain.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg</span><p> <strong>Irish Airborne vs. Cutler Brothers</strong></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Match #3 in a Best Of Five Series</strong></span><strong> </strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Dave and Dustin are the two men that start out for their respective teams and from the very beginning of this match Irish Airborne show that they meant what they said and give their all to stay in this thing. Irish Airborne also make frequent tags to each other and Brandon Cutler does not like their own tactics used against them. Dustin does manage to escape from Jake Crist once and tags in his brother but Irish Airborne does the same to Brandon and they did to Dustin. The end of the match came when Jake had Brandon down on the mat, he tagged in Dave who ran across the ring to knock Dustin off of the ring apron before Irish Airborne laid Brandon out with the Irish Air Raid. As Jake stood guard Dave made the pin and Irish Airborne managed to claw their way back into this thing with a valuable win. </p><p> </p><p> Winners – <strong>Irish Airborne</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the interview area <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> is joined this time by <strong>The Young Bucks</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Earlier I spoke to The American Wolves and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘Yeah we saw and me and Nick we’re a bit confused by what they had to say.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘It seemed to us that Davey and Eddie both think that they are real Wolves. Like howling at the moon wolves, we’re not the only ones to hear that right?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘They’re breath certainly smells like they’ve been licking themselves.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘Hell they have a certain aroma that’s a wet dog smell.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘I have seen better looking skunks than Davey and Eddie’</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘I’ve smelt better skunks.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘Their Mom’s certainty have a certain wolfish quality …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Hey now, wait a second here. You really can’t be serious with all of this.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘I know we need to be serious, Matt this is nothing to be making fun of.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘You’re right, there is nothing funny about a mental illness.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Matt and Nick laugh and high five each other as Mauro shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘If Davey and Eddie want to be play wolf fine but we’re not playing. We’re the tag team champions we are the Young Bucks. Playtime is over.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Matt Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘American Wolves you may claim to be the best tag team in the world today but until you’re champions your words mean nothing. These championships prove that we’re the best tag team in the world today and that is a fact.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Jackson: </strong> <em> ‘Tonight we’re going to teach you a lesson just why we are the best. After tonight you can go back to playing wolves while we stay tHw Tag Team Champions.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Matt howls down the mic making Nick laugh again, the two men walk away howling down the corridor as we go back to the announcer’s at ringside.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong><em> ‘That match is coming up next. It’s one of the biggest matches in tag team wrestling today as The American Wolves challenge The Young Bucks for the tHw Tag Team Championships.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘I cannot remember two greater teams than The American Wolves and The Young Bucks, tHw is the only place you’ll see this match.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘Make no mistake about it The Young Bucks may look like they’re not worried about this match but there’s a real risk of them losing the tHw Tag Team Championships tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘The American Wolves are a great team, one of the greatest this business has ever known. The Young Bucks are just trying to play mind games with The Wolves to try and get their heads out of the their game.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘With Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards though it’s a dangerous strategy. Those kind games may not go The Young Bucks want, they may spur them on to want to prove the champions wrong.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘That’s the risk of mind games Tony. You never know if they’re going to back fire on you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘It’s The American Wolves against The Young Bucks for the tHw Tag Team Championships. Let’s see how this one got started.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A video plays showing how this match came about. It starts at Crowning Of A Champion in August when The Young Bucks became champions. It also shows The Wolves pinning The Young Bucks a few weeks ago on Spotlight and the challenge the next week that ended with the champions laying out The Wolves. When the video ends we’re live back in the arena as The American Wolves make their entrance.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/daveyrichards.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickJackson.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/MattJackson.jpg</span><p> <strong>American Wolves vs. The Young Bucks©</strong></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>tHw Tag Team Championships</strong></span><strong> </strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A howl echoes around the arena as The American Wolves make their entrance, the crowd give them a great welcome as both Eddie and Davey wait patiently in the middle of the ring. The tHw Tag Team Champions then make their way down the ramp to the sound of the crowd’s boos. As you’d expect for two teams of this calibre they completely tore the house down with the action inside the ring. It was by far the best match of the night as both teams wanted to back up their claims of being the best tag team in the world today. The American Wolves came very close to winning this match at one point after Eddie connected with a Superkick on Nick and Davey followed that up with a German Suplex. Matt Jackson just saved his brother and their titles in time. In the end however the tag team champions retained their titles after hitting The More Bang For Your Buck on Davey Richards that was good for the three count. For a victory celebration both Matt and Nick Jackson stood in the middle of the ring, raised their titles and howled much to their own amusement. </p><p> </p><p> Winners and still tHw Tag Team Champions –<strong> The Young Bucks</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the interview area <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> is waiting with <strong>Alex Shelley</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Coming up very soon Alex you face Brian Kendrick, how prepared are you for this match?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Alex Shelley: </strong> <em> ‘How do you prepare for a match with Brian Kendrick? The guy is an oddball, for someone who doesn’t like words he sure likes to talk a lot. Then there’s Nick Dinsmore you can bet he won’t be too far behind his new master, there’s something freaky going on with those two. Brian Kendrick is a great wrestler but he’s unpredictable, how do you prepare for someone who you don’t know what he’s going to do?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘So are you having second thoughts about this match?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Alex Shelley: </strong> <em> ‘Second, third and fourth thoughts but I still want this match. I still want to kick his ass, it started at It Begins! with him coming into my locker room and asking me if I believe. I believe a lot of things, I believe in gravity, I believe that the world is round, I believe that Jennifer Lawrence is one of the most beautiful women in the world and I believe that Brian Kendrick must have been dropped on his head one too many times as a kid. Brian Kendrick is looking to blame me for all his failures, he wants to say that his actions have showed his true intentions but all he’s done from day one in tHw is act like a freak, blame other people for his losses and claiming I’m responsible for the second coming of Satan himself. Brian Kendrick wants to be unpredictable then so can I, Brian Kendrick can believe in all this crap that no one knows about but I believe tonight I’m going to kick Brian Kendrick’s ass.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In their locker room <strong>Brian Kendrick</strong> is watching the end of the Alex Shelley’s interview when he turns it off in disgust. He turns round to look at <strong>Nick Dinsmore</strong>, who is standing all alone in the middle of the room.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong> <em> ‘Do you see that Nick? Do you see how he disrespect us? How he stains our beliefs with his words and taints our actions with his so called humour? Do you see Nick why I have to do this? For all his humour, for all his false confidence and bravado Alex Shelley speaks some truths. As painful as that is to admit, Alex Shelley’s words do hold some hidden truths. I am blind to his true intent, he is cleverly hiding his actions to mask his true intent. I only wish I knew to what extent. Alex Shelley is tricking me somehow, I now that, I know his lies are providing this smoke screen but I am unable to see the truth. I must to this alone Nick, that much is clear …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Dinsmore: </strong> <em> ‘But master …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong> <em> ‘I know what you are about to say, your actions so far have been admirable but this is a path I must walk alone. You have come so far my follower, the weights have been lifted from your eyes so you can see the truth in everyone’s actions. My brother I know you are an acolyte and true believer to our shared cause but you must trust me on this. Alex Shelley is my burden to overcome. If you are out there by my side then people will attribute my victory to your help. Brother I am grateful for you willingness but unless I destroy the false believer on my own then what will come to pass will be all the more terrible. Trust in my actions Nick and you will not be disappointed.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Nick Dinsmore: </strong> <em> ‘Yes my master.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong> <em> ‘Thank you for your faith as ever. Now is the time of Alex Shelley’s judgement, he will be found wanting.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the interview area <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> is this time joined by <strong>Bobby Lashley</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Later tonight you are facing Shelton Benjamin to determine who will be the number one contender to the tHw World Championship. How are you feeling going into this very important match?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bobby Lashley: </strong> <em> ‘Shelton Benjamin is one of the greatest athletes in the world today but he’s also a whiney, little bitch. Tonight it’s all on the line, tHw World Championship shot and the only thing standing in my way is Shelton Benjamin. You want you shot Shelton, you want to be champion all you have to do is go through me.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Alex_Shelley30.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Brian_Kendrick.jpg</span><p> <strong>Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> We go back to the ring as Brian Kendrick comes down to the ring alone for this match. Like we saw from him at both It Begins! and Crowning Of A Champion Brian Kendrick is talking to himself <em> ‘intentions must be shown, actions must be proved.’ </em> Kendrick ignores the boos of the crowd as they turn into cheers as Alex Shelley comes down the ramp, slapping the hands of his fans on the way. As Alex Shelley gets into the ring Brian Kendrick has his eyes closed in the corner and is still muttering to himself, it takes Tommy Young the referee shaking him by the shoulder to get his attention. When Brian nods his head that he’s ready and the bell rings Brian charges out of the corner and starts to wail on an unprepared Alex Shelley. The fierceness of Brian’s initial assault takes Shelley by surprise and it takes a few minutes before Alex Shelley to get back into this match. When Alex does get back into it the match is quite fairly balance, with neither man getting an overall advantage. The end came when Alex Shelley connected with the Automatic Midnight on Brian Kendrick and made the cover, Alex had to break the count himself however as <strong>Nick Dinsmore</strong> came running down the ramp. Alex Shelley was up to meet him when Nick jumped up on the apron, the referee was there too and made Nick get down. This allowed Brian Kendrick to get up and he jumped Alex from behind and knocked him down to the mat with a closeline. Instead of taking the advantage Brian shouted at Nick that he didn’t need him out here and told him to go away. As Nick reluctantly retreated up the ramp Brian Kendrick turn around into a beautiful superkick by Alex Shelley, who went right for the cover and got the three count.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <strong>Alex Shelley</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go to <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> backstage in the interview area where <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong> is waiting.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Shelton Benjamin next you’ll be facing Bobby Lashley in …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Shelton Benjamin reaches over and snatches the mic out of Mauro’s hand.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong> <em> ‘Bobby Lashley you go around talking the talk, you think you intimidate people just cause you’re bigger than them. You don’t intimidate me. You said it yourself I’m the most gifted athlete in this business. I shouldn’t have to keep reminding you all of that. I am the man who should be champion, I am the man whose spot has been taken away from me my entire career. I should be World Champion, there is no stopping me now. I am going to win tonight, my chance has come and I will not let it slip away from me again. After I go through you tonight it’s onto John Morrison or Rob Conway. I’ll whip their asses too and then finally, finally I will get the recognition that I should have had from the very start.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Shelton shoves the mic back into Mauro’s chest as we go back to the announce table.</p><p> </p><p> ----</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone</strong>: <em> ‘Confident words from Shelton Benjamin there and it’s time to find out if he can back them up.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Shelton Benjamin absolutely has the ability and talent to back up his words.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘There’s also the raw power of Bobby Lashley to consider though.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Too right, Bobby Lashley has almost freakishly large strength and with him amateur background Bobby Lashley can go hold for hold with Shelton Benjamin.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘What no one wants to talk about however is the fact that even though Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin are wrestling to become the number one contender to the tHw World Championship, if Rob Conway wins that title tonight they will not get their shot.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that Tony.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘That’s how this match came about in the first place Page, both men didn’t get their fair shot at the tHw World Championship.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘This one is going to be a hard hitting, brutal match and I for one can’t wait. Let’s get this started.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A video plays showing the lead up to this match. It starts at Crowning Of A Champion with ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon interfering in Bobby Lashley’s match to cost him the match. It also shows Shelton Benjamin’s shot at John Morrison a few weeks ago on Spotlight that was interrupted by Rob Conway. The video ends with the announcement of this match and with both men promising victory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/bobby_lashley5.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SheltonBenjamin4.jpg</span><p> <strong>Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin</strong></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>#1 Contenders Match for the tHw World Championship</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Shelton Benjamin is first to enter this match, looking focused and prepared for this battle. Bobby Lashley then makes his entrance, with the crowd cheering for the Olympic hopeful. As DDP promised before this started this match is brutal and hard hitting, with Bobby Lashley using his raw power to connect with a variety of suplexes and hold on Benjamin. Shelton gave as good as he got, using his quickness and technical ability to his advantage. It was the power of Bobby Lashley that won out however. The end came when Shelton Benjamin had jumped up to the top rope and came flying off, looking for a cross body. Bobby Lashley plucked Shelton out of thin air and planted him with a sick looking spine buster that was delivered with authority Bobby made the cover and the referee’s hand came down for the three count. This means that Bobby Lashley is the new number one contender to the tHw World Championship. </p><p> </p><p> Winner – <strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go to the interview area for the last time and join <strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong> who is standing by with the NWA World Champion <strong>Rob Conway</strong>.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong> <em> ‘Rob Conway you must be worried that now Ted DiBiase is the special guest referee for your match with John Morrison in our main event that you cannot carry out your threat of winning the tHw World Championship and taking it back to the NWA.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘First Mauro it wasn’t a threat to take the tHw World Championship back to the NWA, it was a promise. I am the true World Champion, John Morrison can’t compare with me. It will still come down to the same thing in the end tonight regardless of who the referee is. I will win, John Morrison will be at my feet in a pool of his own blood and Ted DiBiase will raise my hand in victory. After that I will take the tHw World Championship back to the NWA where I am respected and appreciated. John Morrison will then cry about his dream being over, Ted DiBiase will be forced to close this sack of crap company down and I will be exactly what I am now, a World’s champion and ...’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway stops talking and his eyes go wide.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The camera turns round to see none other than the legendary <strong>Harley Race</strong>. The former NWA World Champion walks up to Rob Conway and shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Harley Race: </strong> <em> ‘We need to talk.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rob Conway: </strong> <em> ‘What, I didn’t ask for you to be here old man.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Harley Race stares at Rob for a second before bitch slapping the hell out of him. Rob looks at the legend with hate in his eyes but doesn’t say anything.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Harley Race: </strong> <em> ‘I don’t care what you want. You have no idea what you’ve done, we need to talk now!’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Harley Race pushes a protesting Rob Conway away from the interview area and when the camera man tries to follow Race pushes him to the floor and follows Rob into a room, slamming a door behind them.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Noam_Dar.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Paul_Burchill_WWE2.jpg</span><p> <strong>Noam Dar vs. Paul Birchill</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In the shortest match of the night Noam Dar not only proved that third time’s a charm but also proved to himself that he could beat Paul Birchill. It was a bit of a surprise ending as well as Noam Dar actually got the bigger Englishman to submit to the Champagne Superkneebar.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <strong>Noam Dar</strong></p><p> </p><p> After the match Noam Dar celebrates his win by helping Paul Birchill up to his feet. Noam Dar does have a smile on his face and offers a handshake to Paul Birchill, who looks like he’d rather kick Dar’s head off. Birchill stares at the out stretched hand for a few seconds before reluctantly shaking it to cheers from the crowd. The handshake doesn’t last long though as Birchill shakes his head and gets out of the ring leaving a very happy Noam Dar alone.</p><p> </p><p> Leaving a victorious Noam Dar in the ring we return to the announcers table.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘An amazing show of respect and sportsmanship there Page, you’ve got to hand it to Birchill for accepting defeat.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘It’s not an easy thing to shake a man’s hand after they’ve forced you to tap out but Paul Birchill showed a lot of class.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘But it’s now time for our main event. It’s John Morrison defending the tHw World Championship against the NWA World Champion Rob Conway.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘This match is huge and it just keeps getting bigger Tony.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘Here’s what we know only the tHw World Championship is on the line, if Rob Conway wins he has promised to take the tHw World Championship back to the NWA and burn it.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Also earlier tonight we found out that the tHw President himself is going to be the special guest referee in this match. Ted DiBiase is not going to let the tHw World Championship leave tHw.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘John Morrison will not be looking for special treatment though Page. He’s going to want to win this one of his own.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Without a doubt, with everything Rob Conway has done to him over the past few months you can bet John Morrison will want to do this his own way.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘And now we’ve got Harley Race, a former NWA World Champion and NWA board member here tonight as well. Just what more can happen?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DDP: </strong> <em> ‘Wherever Harley Race goes you can bet trouble is not far behind.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong> <em> ‘The talking’s over, the main event it here and there’s only one way to see if we’ve still got a tHw World Champion at Spotlight this Wednesday. It’s John Morrison against Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A video plays showing all the major events leading to this match, with Rob Conway’s debut at It Begins! and John Morrison’s title win at Crowning Of A Champion. The many attacks of Rob Conway on John Morrison and the Pick Your Poison matches are also featured. The video ends with Rob Conway’s words a few weeks ago on Spotlight. </p><p> </p><p> <em> ‘At Breakout after I wipe the floor with you, after I leave your lifeless and bloody carcass in the ring I will take your precious dream, I’ll take the tHw World Championship and I’m leaving. I’ll take your championship John and I’ll take it back to the NWA. I’ll leave it there, I’ll bury it, I will burn it in hell and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it John. At Breakout you will wake up and know that I am your nightmare. I am going to destroy you John and there’s no one to blame but yourself. I only wanted your respect John, now I’m taking everything you own and love. Do you respect me now John? Do you?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JohnMorrison.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/HarleyRace-1.jpeg</span><p> <strong>John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway w/Harley Race</strong></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>tHw World Championship</strong></span><strong> </strong></p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/TedDiBiase1.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Special Guest Referee: Ted DiBiase</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The video ends and the tHw President Ted DiBiase is already waiting in the ring with a referee shirt on. The NWA World Champion Rob Conway walks down the ramp, looking very angry that Harley Race has decided also to join him. Rob Conway climbs into the ring and gets into Ted’s face, taunting the tHw President that he’s going to win tonight. The tHw World Champion John Morrison then makes his way down the ramp, newly reunited with the tHw World Championship belt, to a great pop from the crowd. John Morrison only has eyes for the man standing in the middle of the ring and John Morrison slowly walks down the ramp, only stopping for a second to stare at Harley Race. John Morrison gets into the ring and hands his title to Ted DiBiase, who signals for the bell and this main event is on. </p><p> </p><p> As we’ve seen the few times John Morrison has been in the ring with Rob Conway the past few weeks on Spotlight John Morrison shows a fury not normally associated with him before. Unlike the other referees however Ted DiBiase does nothing to stop the assault and looks like he’s quite enjoying it. Rob Conway isn’t and Harley Race does not like how this match is starting out. He tries to get Ted’s attention but the President is ignoring him, getting frustrated Race reaches up and uses his walking stick to hit Ted in the back of the head. Ted turns round to shout at the NWA representative which allows Rob to deliver a low blow to the tHw World Champion.</p><p> </p><p> That turned out to be a turning point to the match, Rob did go right for the cover but when Ted did turn his attention back on the match refused to count. This caused an argument between Ted and the other two men, with Rob yelling at Ted to do his job. All the yelling allowed for John Morrison to recover and taking the NWA World Champion by surprise connected with the Midnight Driver, John went right for the cover and Ted made a lightning fast three count. Despite winning John Morrison looked angry and he wasn’t the only one. As Harley Race was livid on the outside, even the announcers were questioning it. John Morrison got back up to his feet and started to argue with Ted, who ignored all the protests and handed John Morrison the tHw World Championship. </p><p> </p><p> Winner and still tHw World Champion – <strong>John Morrison</strong></p><p> </p><p> tHw Breakout faded to black with a livid Harley Race, an angry Rob Conway and a confused John Morrison all looking at a very happy Ted DiBiase.</p><p> </p><p> ==========================================================</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>RATINGS INFO</strong></p><p> </p><p> time/rating</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> 1. Opening Vid 1/B-</p><p> 2. Show intro 2/C</p><p> 3. AJ Styles def. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon 9.25/C+</p><p> 4. John Morrison inter 6/C</p><p> 5. Rob Conway limo arrival 2/B-</p><p> 6. Noam Dar and Paul Birchill talk 3/E</p><p> 7. Rhino def. Andy Leavine 8.52/C</p><p> 8. American Wolves inter 5/C</p><p> 9. Ted DiBiase tells Rob Conway he’s the special Guest Referee 4/D+</p><p> 10. Irish Airborne inter 3/D</p><p> 11. Irish Airborne def. Cutler Brothers in match #3 in their best of 5 series</p><p> 12. Young Bucks inter 5/C</p><p> 13. Announcers hype match 2/C+</p><p> 14. Vid to hype match 1/C+</p><p> 15. The Young Bucks def. The American Wolves to retain the tHw Tag Team Championships 19.39/B</p><p> 16. Alex Shelley inter 5/D+</p><p> 17. Brian Kendrick and Nick Dinsmore talk 4/C</p><p> 18. Bobby Lashley inter 3/D+</p><p> 19. Alex Shelley def. Brian Kendrick 15.45/C+</p><p> 20. Shelton Benjamin inter 5/D+</p><p> 21. Announcers hype match 2/C-</p><p> 22. Vid to hype match 1/D+</p><p> 23. Bobby Lashley def. Shelton Benjamin to become the #1 contender to the tHw World Championship 11.45/C-</p><p> 24. Rob Conway inter 5/C-</p><p> 25. Harley Race confronts Rob Conway 3/E+</p><p> 26. Noam Dar def. Paul Birchill 7.37/D</p><p> 27. Noam Dar and Paul Birchill shake hands 2/E</p><p> 28. Announcers hype match 2/C+</p><p> 29. Vid to hype match 1/B-</p><p> 30. John Morrison def. Rob Conway to retain the tHw World Championship 15.22/B-</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Rating: </strong> B</p><p> <strong>Attendance: </strong> 1,500 (sell out)</p><p> <strong>Buy Rate: </strong> 1.21</p></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>OCTOBER 2014 NEWS UPDATE</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

October has seen a lot of big news stories in this wacky world of professional wrestling. Let’s catch up with all the big points from this month.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>WWE News</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

For a long time TNA have claimed that they were in direct competition with WWE. The WWE treated them like they were that annoying little brother that they hoped if they ignored it would just leave them alone. Since TNA refused to leave them alone, well you know what big brothers do. They strike back, hard. This pseudo war has been going on for a few years and now it likes like the WWE have drawn first blood. Triple H has signed a few wrestlers direct from under Dixie Carter’s nose. With TNA distracted with tHw, WWE slipped under TNA’s radar and signed both Gunner and Crimson to exclusive deals. While they may not be at the level of Sting or Kurt Angle both men had been pushed hard recently. Dixie Carter is said to be furious with this situation and said that it was highly unprofessional for another company to raid a competitor for talent. You may want to remember that for later.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE held Hell In A Cell this month and hoped it would be better than their dismal buy rate for Night Of Champions. It did get more buys, 10.74 but is still way off from what they got for both Summerslam and Money In The Bank a few short months ago. It was headlined by yet another John Cena, Randy Orton match. Also Zack Ryder (is he still a thing?) won the WWE Intercontinental Championship from Chris Jericho. Still inexplicably Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali remain WWE Tag Team Champions.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>TNA News</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Remember what we said about Dixie Carter saying it was unprofessional for another company to steal talent? Well we guess that only applies to the WWE. Just days after that statement TNA signed a number of wrestlers to exclusive deals with the company. They were Maria Kanellis, Kevin Steen and Brian Josse. Yes, they stole two wrestlers from RoH in Maria and Steen. No word yet on if it was unprofessional but we know she has annoyed a few people with her actions, the working agreement they had with Ring Of Honor is now over.</p><p> </p><p>

TNA also reached out to tHw wrestler AJ Styles about a possible return to the company, actually their aired a plea on an episode of Impact a few weeks back. That’s what AJ Styles’s interview at the beginning of Spotlight three weeks ago was all about and Dixie Carter was apparently pissed about the public rebuke. She has ordered that no image of AJ Styles is to appear anywhere in connection with TNA and any reference to him of TNA.com has been erased.</p><p> </p><p>

TNA also held their biggest show of the year, Bound For Glory, this month. They got a good crowd for it too; nearly 25,000 people attended the event. It was headlined by Bully Ray retaining his TNA World Championship against Kurt Angle as well as the debut of Kevin Steen. The show got a buy rate of around 3.25</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>RoH News</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It might be fair to say that the RoH management are not having the best of times recently. Still feeling the backlash of hiring Carlos Carlito Colon they are now feeling the fans anger at the loss of Kevin Steen. Despite offering numerous exclusive deals to their other talent, including Colon, they never offered one to the talented wrestler. The feeling is that the company must do something soon to win back the fan’s trust.</p><p> </p><p>

RoH held Only The Strong Survived this month. It was headlined by their former star Kevin Steen drawing with Mark Briscoe in a blood filled wild brawl. The show also saw Adam Cole retain the RoH World Television Championship against RoH’s favourite wrestler Carlos Carlito Colon. It got a buy rate of 0.43</p><p> </p><p>

Speaking of Carlos Carlito Colon he’s also been in the news this month. Despite knowing that most of the RoH crowd hate him … okay all of the RoH crowd hate him you would think that he would keep his head down and just do his job. Not so. He was on a local radio show hyping his title match against Adam Cole and proceeded to bury not only him, but the entire company. With that one short interview any hope of Carlos winning the RoH fans over has evaporated as he strongly hinted that he was only using RoH to get back into the WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

With TNA stealing some of their talent RoH were quick to see the danger that it poses and tried to do some damage control. A number of their talent are still on nonexclusive contract with other companies, especially The Young Bucks, American Wolves and Chris Hero. RoH have reached out to those other companies and tried to broker deals with them about either a talent trade agreement or a non-aggression pact. tHw were quick to take them up on their offer knowing that The Young Bucks, Shelton Benjamin and The American Wolves, along with half their roster, also work with RoH. The two companies have now signed a non-aggression pact and are looking to have a closer working relationship going forward to try and combat the growing menace of TNA.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>tHw News</strong> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The big news coming out of tHw this month, apart from the non-aggression pact with RoH, is their first PPV Breakout. Internally the show was thought a success, the action was okay and it drove storylines forward. While Jeff Jarrett is happy with their buy rate of 1.21 their PPV carrier aren’t. DirectTV have issued tHw with a warning that their next PPV, Curtain Call in December, must have a bigger buy rate or they’ll cancel their contract. Is tHw’s PPV deal over before it’s begun? Inside tHw there is panic as with Spotlight airing free on YouTube their PPV deal is the only real money coming in. They are planning on pulling out all the stops for their next PPV but some doubt if they have got what it takes to stay on PPV at this time.</p><p> </p><p>

Spotlight is still doing strong on YouTube, there is talk that if they don’t get a TV deal when the networks are scheduling that they may expand their show to one hour thirty instead of the one hour they have now. There is also talk of introducing an X Division/Cruiserweight style division too so we expect that’s what the extra time would be used for.</p><p> </p><p>

Jeff Jarrett is reportedly ecstatic that AJ Styles confirmed his commitment to tHw by refusing the much more lucrative deal TNA were offering. Jeff Jarrett was the main reason for AJ Styles joining tHw and he’s had enough of TNA. AJ Styles is thought to be a major deal within the company and a locker room leader. AJ Styles signing exclusively with them has sent a real message that he truly believes tHw has what it takes to be a big deal.</p><p> </p><p>

The last bit of news we have for you is the signing of Chris Mordetzky. With the losses of Adam Cole and Kenny Omega Chris was hired to ensure that they have enough talent to not make them seem too small in the eyes of the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>----- </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Phew so that’s everything this month. Hopefully next month will be a bit quieter; we’ll catch up with you then.</p><p> </p><p>

----------</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for all the predictions for Breakout, I really wasn't expecting that many. Looking back I should have ran a prediction contest, if I had Gandalf would have won. I'll run a contest for the next PPV!</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SPOTLIGHT.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>tHw Spotlight</strong></span></p><p> From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California</p><p> Week 1, November 2014</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> A video plays showing the highlights from Breakout a few days ago. It mainly focuses on the main event and the fast count by Ted DiBiase in the main event that led to John Morrison retaining the tHw World Championship. When the video ends the normal firework display goes off and we’re back on YouTube for the first Spotlight in November. The cameras scan around the crowd for a bit before settling on the announcers at ringside.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/tony_schiavone.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Diamond_Dallas_Page.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘We welcome you to Spotlight and we’re still feeling the effects of Breakdown. Tonight we have a lot of unanswered questions we need answers to.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Hopefully we should get those answers Tony. I know John Morrison is looking for them because he didn’t want to retain his tHw World Championship the way he did at Breakout.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘tHw President Ted DiBiase has promised us answers tonight and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Tony is cut off as the sound of <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway</strong></span>’s music plays around the arena. The NWA World Champion storms down the ramp, he stands in the middle of the ring and doesn’t even wait for his music to stop before speaking.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Cut the music, cut the damn music.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The music cuts out leaving only the sound of the boos from the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘It was a fast count, I should be tHw World Champion right now but I was screwed. Ted DiBiase screwed me out of winning that match. You all saw it, you cannot deny it he screwed me. He disrespected me yet again and I have had enough. Not only did he count the fastest three count in the history of this business but he refused to count my pin and he was completely biased. That match was won by me, John Morrison is nothing but a fake Champion and I want a rematch. I will get my rematch; I have lodged an official complaint with …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> comes out to the top of the ramp mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘With who? Who have you lodged you official complaint with Rob?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob stares at the tHw President with anger before answering.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘With the tHw Board, to the investors and shareholders with …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘With me. I am tHw’s board, I am tHw’s investor and I am the majority shareholder in tHw. You have complained to me about me.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted laughs down the mic as Rob shakes his head in the ring.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ’I have reviewed your complaint Rob and I will take everything under consideration. However I must stamp out any thought of you having a rematch right here and now. I told you I wasn’t going to let you leave my company with the tHw World Championship, I said it right to your face. I will give you no apology, I will give you no compensation because as far as I’m concerned I was protecting my investment. I will not let you or anyone else destroy this company. If you said I screwed you then fine that’s what I did but I did it for tHw and I would do it again in a heartbeat.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted goes to leave but he comes face to face with the NWA legend<span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong> Harley Race</strong></span>, who too has a mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘Far be it for me to be the voice of reason in this thing Ted but what happened last night wasn’t right. Me and you, we come from another era. We didn’t have any of this fancy stuff, we didn’t have this set or music, we didn’t have pyro and we sure as hell didn’t have audience we have now. We did things differently back then Ted, you had a problem with a man you looked him right in the eye and you punched him square in the face. You would wrestle a man for nearly an hour in that ring, you would draw his blood, break his bones and bash out his teeth and afterwards you’d go for a beer with the guy. What happened to that era Ted huh? What happened to being a man? What you did last night wasn’t right Ted …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I had to protect my investment Harley …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘Me and you go way back so don’t give me that bullshit. The Ted I wrestled, the Ted I knew back then wouldn’t have done that. He would have let Rob and John go out there, have a hell of a match and shake their hands afterwards. Where is that man now Ted huh?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘He grew smart Harley, smart and rich.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘The old Ted, the man I thought of as a friend would have never done what you did. Do you really have that little confidence in your tHw World Champion that you delivered a fast count?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I did what I had to do Harley, you know that.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘Give the kid one last chance Ted, you owe him that. Be the old Ted, just for tonight give the boy one more chance. Give him a rematch.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘I don’t need you to stick up for me old man I need …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘You shut your God damn mouth right now while I sort this out. What do you say Ted? Are you going to do the right thing?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted looks to think for a second before nodding his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘One last chance, okay I can do that. Tonight Rob you’ll get your chance but it’s not going to be for the tHw World Championship. Bobby Lashley became the number one contender at Breakout, you beat him tonight then you will get the shot at Curtain Call for the tHw World Championship.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘Thank you Ted, thank you for restoring my faith in you …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’m not done yet because a match of this magnitude also deserves special attention.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted laughs as Rob shakes his head, Harley tries to interrupt knowing what’s about to happen, but Ted doesn’t let him.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I will be the special guest referee tonight Rob and I promise you that I will be fair, I will be just and I will do what I have to do for tHw.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted laughs down the mic before a brief ad for the PPV replay of Breakout runs.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Paul_Burchill_WWE2.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickDinsmore2.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrianKendricksmall.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Paul Birchill vs. Nick Dinsmore w/Brian Kendrick</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The first match saw Paul Birchill facing Nick Dinsmore, who was accompanied to the ring by an always dangerous Brian Kendrick. Nick Dinsmore would continue to look to Brian Kendrick for encouragement and guidance but Brian Kendrick refused to give any. Obviously distracted that his master was ignoring him allowed Paul Birchill to take the advantage in this match. Birchill connected with the vertical suplex powerslam but Nick, in an effort Tony said was trying to impress Brian Kendrick, just kicked out at the count of two. Nick could only hold out for so long though, he fell victim to the Twisted Sister delivered by the Brit and couldn’t answer the referee’s three count. </p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Paul Birchill</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> As Paul Birchill celebrated his victory and walked back up the ramp Brian Kendrick slowly got into the ring while Nick Dinsmore got back up to his feet. Brian Kendrick didn’t say a word while Nick Dinsmore was trying to apologise for his loss. Behind Nick, and in full view of Brian, a man ran down the ramp and rushed into the ring. The man delivered a brutal closeline to the back of Nick’s head sending him down to the mat. The mystery man looked at Brian, who only nodded his head in agreement, before lifting Nick back up to his feet. The man held Nick there for one second before laying him out with a Crucifix powerbomb. Brian just watched this all without an expression or move to save his follower. The man looked down on Nick laying on the mat before looking into the eyes of Brian Kendrick, the man smiled as Brian again just nodded his head. The two men left Nick alone in the ring and together they walked up the ramp and backstage.</p><p> </p><p> ----- </p><p> </p><p> In the interview area <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is standing by with <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></span> but before Mauro can as a question Shelton grabs the mic off him.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin: </strong></span> <em> ‘Chris Mordetzky, really? That’s who I have to face tonight. I am Shelton Benjamin, the best athlete in this business today. I was in the final of the tHw World Championship Tournament at Crowning Of A Champion, this past Sunday at Breakout I was in a match against Bobby Lashley to determine the number one contender and tonight I have to face Chris Mordetzky? Does anyone need more proof that I’m being held down huh? This is just another case of me not getting the spot I deserve. I don’t care about Chris Mordetzky, I don’t care about having to wait in line all I care about is the fact that I am being held down by the man. I’m not bitching, I’m saying the truth, you all know it. I am the best athlete in this business today, I’m sick of waiting in line for my spot. Either I get another chance at the tHw World Championship or I walk out of this dump forever.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the tHw Presidents office <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> is in the middle of an argument with <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘I didn’t ask for your help …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I didn’t ask for your permission either …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘That’s not the point and you know it. You counted fast and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’m not explaining my actions to you John, I make a call and whether you like it or not I made the right one. You wouldn’t be champion now if it wasn’t for me …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘I had Rob beat Ted, you know that but you had to do it your way and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘This is tHw John, this is my company or have you forgotten that? There is no right or wrong way in this company John, there’s only my way. What I say goes, you may not like what happened at Breakout but it happened. Deal with it. I get that you’re unhappy John but Rob was right you need to wake up. This is way things had to be, I did what I had to do to save this company, to save your job and everyone elses that works here. I had to make the tough decisions that needed to be made …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘If that what helps you sleep at night …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Kid you got to understand what I did was the right thing. Rob Conway was threatening to take the tHw World Championship to the NWA and burn it. I couldn’t have that. I can’t have someone walk into another company with that title and burn it. It would be catastrophic, it would be the end of this company. I made the hard choice, trust me I had to think long and hard about it but what I did was …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Best for business?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase looks angry and shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Don’t push me John, I own this company and my decisions are done with tHw bests interests in mind. You may not like them, some of them I don’t either but if tHw is going to survive someone has to make the tough decisions. Someone has to be responsible, someone has to do the tough things that people don’t like.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Answer me one question Ted, was Harley Race right earlier? Do you think I can’t beat Rob Conway?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘This isn’t about whose better John, this is about what’s right for tHw. You beat fifteen other men to become tHw World Champion. You are a great wrestler and you have a great future ahead of you but …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted stops and shakes his head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘But what?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I couldn’t take the risk John, Rob Conway had bested you every time you were in the ring, he beat you down with a steel chair a few weeks ago …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Thanks for your faith Ted, guess I know where I stand now huh?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> John Morrison turns his back on Ted DiBiase who shouts for him to come back but John ignores the tHw President.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/chris_mordetzky.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SheltonBenjamin4.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Chris Mordetzky vs. Shelton Benjamin</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Chris Mordetzky was already in the ring when we returned ringside. Shelton Benjamin then made his way down the ramp to a smattering of boos from the crowd. In what would turn out to be the shortest match of the night Shelton Benjamin looked to vent his frustrations on Chris Mordetzky. Shelton Benjamin eventually put Chris out of his misery by hitting the PayDirt and pinning him for the three count.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the interview area <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is joined by the tHw Tag Team Champions <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>The Young Bucks</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘First I would like to congratulate you both on successfully retaining your championship at Breakout by defeating The American Wolves.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘You want to congratulate us? For what doing what we said we were going to do?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah we aren’t John Morrison, we don’t need any help in retaining our championships. We don’t need the boss to count a fast three for us because we get the job done.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘American Wolves got taught a lesson on Sunday. They thought that they could hang with The Young Bucks but there’s no one on our level man, we are the tHw Tag Team Champions and with the way the field is set these titles are going to be ours for a long time.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘What about Irish Airborne or The Cutler Brothers?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘What about them? You think we’ve got anything to worry about them?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘You’ve got one team that lost two matches in a row and the other team couldn’t get it done when it counted.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah they’ve got their best of five series going on right now and with the way their game is set it could be anyones game. Think about it though, whoever wins they’ve got to face us. They’ve got to face the tHw Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘If The American Wolves aren’t on our level you can bet The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne are nowhere near.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s like we said the very first night we joined tHw. We are all you need to know about tag team wrestling today.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Cutler Brothers you may as well go back to wherever the hell you came from cause there is no way you’re ever getting your hands on our tHw Tag Team Championships.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘Irish Airborne you need to go home and cry to your momma because you don’t have what it takes.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Matt Jackson: </strong></span> <em> ‘And you Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards, well we’ve only got one thing to say to you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Matt and Nick look at each other for a second before howling into the air. Matt and Nick then high five each other and laugh as a quick don’t try this at home ad airs.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In his locker room the NWA World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conwy</strong></span> is getting ready for his match against Bobby Lashley when the NWA committee member <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race</strong></span> walks in.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘I told you earlier old man I don’t need your help. I didn’t ask for you to be here …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘I don’t care about what you want Rob, I care about the NWA. I care about …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘I don’t give a crap about …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Harley Race bitch slaps Rob Conway.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘You’ve brought this on yourself Rob, I’m here now and I’m here by the order of the NWA. I am here to make sure you don’t bring anymore shame onto our company than you have already.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Shame? I am the NWA World Champion and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘If you want to remain champion you will do exactly what I say. This thing is bigger than either of us, we have to play by their rules. You must win your match tonight …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘What about Ted DiBiase?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Harley Race: </strong></span> <em> ‘You leave Ted to me, you just concentrate on dealing with Bobby Lashley.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> We go back to ringside and join the announcers.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘I don’t know if Harley Race was trying to encourage Rob Conway or frighten him.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘That was tough love Tony, you’d know if Harley Race is trying to scare you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Well that match is coming up next, with a shot at the tHw World Championship at Curtain Call on the line. It’s Bobby Lashley against the NWA World Champion Rob Conway with Ted DiBiase as the special guest referee.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘The question is will Ted DiBiase call things down the line tonight or will we see another fast count?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/bobby_lashley5.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/HarleyRace-1.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Conway w/Harley Race</strong></span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Winner Faces John Morrison at Curtain Call</strong></span></p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/TedDiBiase1.jpg</span></p><p> Special Guest Referee – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase makes his way down the ramp first, to a few cheers but more than a few boos showing the crowd don’t know how to treat the tHw President at the moment. Any cheers are soon drowned out as Rob Conway, a man the crowd has no problem booing, comes down the ramp with Harley Race walking behind him. Conway gets straight into the ring and gets into Ted’s face, telling him to do his job right tonight. Bobby Lashley then storms down to the ring and soon our main event is underway. Ted DiBiase does look to be doing his job right tonight, certainly getting more involved than he did at Breakout, but the match was going the way he would have wanted anyway. Bobby Lashley used his size and power to his advantage, throwing Rob Conway around the ring like he was a rag doll. Harley Race paced up and down on the outside, getting obviously frustrated with Rob Conway’s lack of offence. The crowd was loving Bobby manhandling Rob, and by the look of things so did Ted, but then things took a turn for the worse. With the main event at Curtain Call on the line Bobby Lashley didn’t want to take any chances and as soon as he saw an opportunity to win he took it. He had just nearly taken Rob’s head off with a stiff closeline when he looked to hit The Spear. Bobby lay poised in the corner, halfway across the ring from a downed Rob Conway. The NWA World Champions struggled up to his feet and Bobby Lashley waited for the perfect moment. Lashley waited just as Rob turned around but he had waited a little bit too long, on the outside Harley Race saw what was about to happen and just as Bobby was about to start running he tripped up Lashley with the handle of his cane. This was all the excuse Ted DiBiase needed as he called for the bell, disqualifying Rob Conway due to Harley Race’s interference.</p><p> </p><p> Winner by DQ – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Bobby Lashley</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> As Rob argues with Harley Race, who must have thought Ted was looking the other way, the music of the tHw World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span> played in the arena. The crowd came back up to their feet; they were sharing their displeasure with the end of the match, as the popular wrestler stood at the top of the ramp, mic in hand.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span>: <em> ‘Two months ago I became tHw World Champion and on the very first edition of this show I stood in the middle of that ring and told the world how much this championship means to me. I promised each and every one of you that I would fight for the right to be champion, that I would take on all challengers and I would fight with honor. Tell me Ted how did what happened at Breakout fit in with that? I don’t want to be the kind of champion that relies on count outs, or DQs or fast counts or any of that crap. I want to be the fighting champion, I want to be what Rob Conway claims to be, the true Champion.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase has got a mic from somewhere and cuts John Morrison off.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘John I get you’re upset. I know you want to be an honourable champion but …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘You’re right, I am an honourable champion and what happened at Breakout wasn’t right Ted …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘I can take a guess about what you’re about to do kid but …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Rob Conway I challenge you to a match next week on Spotlight for my tHw World Championship.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘No, that’s not going to happen …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘No special guest referees, no stipulations just you and me …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase goes to cut him off but he is knocked down to the ground as Harley Race trips him up with his cane. Still using his cane Harley then pulls the mic out of Ted’s reach and right in front of Rob Conway who quickly grabs it as Ted scrambles for it.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘John Morrison I accept your challenge.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase shakes his head as Rob Conway stares a hole through John Morrison, who is stands tall at the top of the ramp.</p><p> </p><p> ==========================================================</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>RATINGS INFO</strong></p><p> </p><p> time/rating</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> 1. Vid: Breakout 1/B-</p><p> 2. Show Intro 2/C-</p><p> 3. Rob Conway promo interrupted by Ted DiBiase & Harley Race 5/B-</p><p> 4. Paul Birchill def. Nick Dinsmore 10.37/C-</p><p> 5. ??? attacks Nick Dinsmore 3/D-</p><p> 6. Shelton Benjamin inter 4/D+</p><p> 7. John Morrison argues with Ted DiBiase 4/C</p><p> 8. Shelton Benjamin def. Chris Mordetzky 6.20/D+</p><p> 9. Young Bucks inter 5/C</p><p> 10. Harley Race and Rob Conway argue 3/D-</p><p> 11. Announcers 1/C-</p><p> 12. Bobby Lashley def. Rob Conway by DQ with special guest referee Ted DiBiase 12.14/C</p><p> 13. John Morrison challenges Rob Conway to match next week, accepted 3/B</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Attendance: </strong> 1,500 (Sell Out)</p><p> <strong>Rating: </strong> C</p><p> <strong>TV Rating: </strong> 1.93 (up 0.57)</p></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/SPOTLIGHT.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>tHw Spotlight</strong></span></p><p> From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California</p><p> Week 2, November 2014</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> tHw Spotlight opens not with the customary video package but with the tHw President <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> sitting behind his desk in his office. </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘It is my role as President of this company to provide you with the best action I can. I have strived to bring together the best wrestlers in the world today straight to your home. I hope that so far I have delivered but running a company is not as easy as it looks. Some decisions I have to take are not easy but I have to do them to ensure this company survives. Many have questioned my actions as the special guest referee during the tHw World Championship at Breakout. While I do not condone the uses of fast counts I had to make the tough choice to save the tHw World Championship from the clutches of Rob Conway and the NWA. You may not have liked that decision but I felt it was the right thing to do for total Hollywood Wrestling. With that thought in mind it is my duty to announce to all of you that tonight’s main event between John Morrison and Rob Conway for the tHw World Championship is not going to happen. The match was made without my agreement or authority. I am sorry that I have had to do this but again I must make the tough decisions that are in the best interest for this company. Thank you for your attention and please enjoy tonight’s editions of Spotlight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The screen fades to black before a video plays showing the events of last week’s Spotlight. The ending with John Morrison challenging Rob Conway is cut out, the last thing we see is Ted DiBiase calling for the bell after Bobby Lashley was tripped up by Harley Race. After the video the fireworks go off and the cameras scan the crowd as the announcers welcome us to Spotlight.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/tony_schiavone.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Diamond_Dallas_Page.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘You’ve just heard the news the main event is off. John Morrison will not be facing Rob Conway tonight and I can’t be the only one who is questioning this announcement.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Damn right you’re not the only one. I was looking forward to this match all week, so were the tHw fans and now Ted DiBiase has cancelled the match.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s going to be interesting how John Morrison reacts to this, he already thinks Ted DiBiase doesn’t think that he can beat Rob Conway.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘It’s hard to argue the point Tony, John wants to be that fighting champion but Ted won’t let him.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> ‘<em>I don’t even want to know what Rob Conway’s going to say about this.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Something about a lack of respect I think.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone</strong></span>: ‘<em>But coming up right now it’s Irish Airborne against The Cutler Brothers in match number four of their best of five series.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Cutler Brothers will need to win this match, they win tonight they get their shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships while Irish Airborne need to win this match in order to tie the series.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpg</span><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers</strong></span></p><p> <span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Match #4 in Best of 5 Series</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Irish Airborne come down first for this match to a small pop from the crowd. The Cutler Brothers then make their entrance to a small amount of boos from the crowd. The match looks to be a continuation of Breakout with Irish Airborne giving their all in order to win this match, The Cutler Brothers however don’t want to give Irish Airborne any chance of getting back in this thing. The crowd look to be reeling after the announcement by Ted DiBiase about the main event because they don’t seem to be that interested in this match. The crowd’s apathy doesn’t affect the four men though and they put on a good match full of counters and counter-counters. The match comes to a close with Irish Airborne standing tall, after they connected with the Irish Coffee on Dustin. The Irish Airborne have evened up the series and this will be decided in the fifth and final match.</p><p> </p><p> Winners – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Irish Airborne</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> In the interview area backstage <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is joined by the tHw World Champion <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘When you got to the arena tonight you thought you would be defending the tHw World Championship against Rob Conway but now, by order of the tHw President Ted DiBiase, that match has been called off. Why do you think Ted did that and do you agree with that decision?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘No Mauro I don’t agree with it. I don’t care what his reasons were, the decision was made because Ted doesn’t have any faith in me. At Breakout there was no need for that fast count, I had just connected with The Midnight Driver no one kicks out of that. Even if Rob had I could have still won that match fairly but Ted didn’t want to take that chance. Ted may talk about giving the tHw crowd what they want, how he has to make the tough decisions but Ted is making decisions for Ted, not for tHw. As tHw World Champion I have the right to defend the championship against who I want …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘Whoa wait a minute. Are you saying the match is back on?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘Yeah Mauro, I’m facing Rob Conway tonight with my tHw World Championship on the line. It’s time to finally find out who is the true World Champion here in tHw.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘What about our tHw President? He’s cancelled the match once, can’t he do it again?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> <em> ‘The contract between me and Rob has already been signed, the match is happening and it’s happening tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The crowd cheer but soon they turn to boos as tHw President <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> steps into view.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘Do you have any idea what you’ve done John huh? You’ve got to respect my decision; the match was called off for a reason …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison: </strong></span> ‘<em>Yeah, you don’t have any faith in me.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase: </strong></span> <em> ‘It has nothing to do with faith; this is all about the NWA. Do you really think Harley is here just for Rob Conway? The NWA are old school, they ran this business for decades and they want that power back. Rob Conway was sent to us by the NWA not because he is NWA World Champion or because he was saying he wasn’t getting respect, Rob Conway was sent here to take tHw down. They tried playing by the rules at Breakout, or as playing by the rules they get, but they failed. That impassioned speech by Harley Race last week was their one last shot of paying nice. I did what I had to do to try and stop this NWA thing before it got started but now you’ve blown it. The NWA are not going to be playing nice anymore, trust me. They played by the rules up till now but it failed them, tonight the rule book goes out the window. I am not going to let the NWA take over my company, tHw will survive. Since you’ve already signed the contract with Rob Conway I can’t cancel that match tonight but I can give it my special attention.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Ted DiBiase walks away leaving a worried looking John Morrison alone.</p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the ring we find <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></span> in the ring, flanked by not only his follower <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Dinsmore</strong></span> but the man who attacked Nick Dinsmore last week as well. Brian Kendrick isn’t facing the crowd though, he’s facing Nick who in turn is looking down to the mat. As soon as Brian starts to speak the mystery man closes his eyes to concentrate more on what Kendrick is saying.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Nick Dinsmore, my follower, my brother. I am sure you have many questions as to why I stood back and let this man attack you last week. I am sure your brain is full of worry and doubt about my intent for you Nick. I have waited till now to share with you the reason to see if the extra time has allowed you to see the truth in my actions. Now is the time to voice your questions but Nick, do not use your words to lie to me. You may be a new acolyte to my belief but trust me I will be able to see any lies contained within your words.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian holds the mic over to Nick who speaks slowly.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Dinsmore: </strong></span> <em> ‘It was to punish me.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick waits to see if Nick wants to say any more before speaking again.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Very good my brother, yes it was to punish you. The path to true enlightenment is paved with pain. I am glad you were able to see the rightness of my intent and the truth of my actions but my follower what was I punishing you for? The answer is there, the answer was there for everyone to see if they know where to find it. I trust you know the answer.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Nick Dinsmore: </strong></span> <em> ‘I failed you, I lost my match and loosing is …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘NO! No my follower that is not the answer. The answer was there but you have failed to see it, you have failed to see the truth of my intent, the righteousness of my actions and you have let words cloud your mind. Nick my brother, I am … disappointed.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Without a word being said Brian Kendrick walks over to the mystery man and pats him on his shoulder. The man’s eyes open immediately and after a nod from Kendrick he damn near takes Nick’s head off with a stiff closeline. The man lifts Nick back up to his feet and sets him up for the Crucifix powerbomb.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Enough, enough.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The man looks confused for a second but releases Nick. Brian holds out his hand and brings Nick up to his feet.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Maybe Nick I have been too hard on you. You are new to my belief, new to be able to see the truth in actions. You have become so used to words, your entire life you have let their lies confuse your mind. It will take a long time to break you of that, I intend to break you Nick. I will break you down and from the pieces I will build you anew. I will not lie the path in front of you will be treacherous, it will be tough but more than that it will be filled by pain. But my brother, oh my brother you will come out the other side a stronger man, a more powerful man. When I have built you anew the weights from your eyes will be gone forever, the shackles of words will have no grip on you and the doubt will vanish from your mind. My follower you may think my friend here attacked you because you lost to a lesser man but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I will permit you one last chance to rethink your answer, but for now your education begins.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> The mystery man attacks Nick Dinsmore again and this time Brian Kendrick does not stop him. Instead he watches, almost calmly, as Nick Dinsmore is laid out by a Crucifix Powerbomb. The man gets right back up to his feet and looks at Brian Kendrick for approval.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘My son, my brother, my first follower you have done well. I trust that you will look after your new brother and your fellow follower. You have been where he is now, you must help him look for the truth in all our actions.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick bends down next to Nick Dinsmore and smiles.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Nick, this is my first follower and my first believer. When I first met him he was like you, chained to the idea of the truth of words and blinded to the truth of man’s actions. I set him free Nick, I let him see the truth and he has been my faithful servant ever since. His name is Talon, he will guide you on the path of truth and help you to rid the shackles of your past reliance on words.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/talonsmall.jpeg</span> </div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Brian Kendrick looks up at Talon and smiles.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick: </strong></span> <em> ‘Talon, help your brother to the back, I have work I must do alone.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Talon nods his head and picks up Nick Dinsmore, carrying him to the back as Brian Kendrick waits patiently in the ring for his opponent.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Noam_Dar.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Brian_Kendrick.jpg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Noam Dar vs. Brian Kendrick</strong></span> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Noam Dar makes his way down to the ring, Brian stands in the middle of the ring with his eyes close. Noam doesn’t know what to make of his opponent and looks wary, Brian Kendrick eventually takes a deep breath and looks at the referee Tony Young to tell him he is ready. In what would be the shortest match of the night Noam Dar put up a valiant effort against Brian Kendrick but that doesn’t stop Kendrick from pinning him after connecting with the Sliced Bread #2.</p><p> </p><p> Winner – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Brian Kendrick</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> -----</p><p> </p><p> Back in the interview area <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway</strong></span>, minus Harley Race, is waiting with <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span>.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘Earlier tonight tHw President Ted DiBiase tried to cancel your match here tonight with John Morrison. That match is now back on and it looks like Ted DiBiase may be the special guest referee again tonight and …’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘I wouldn’t be so sure of that Mauro. Wrestling companies can be dangerous places and as we all know anything can happen.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway laughs down the mic leaving Mauro confused.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘It means nothing Mauro, nothing but tonight I do get my fair shot at the tHw World Championship. There is no one to save you now John Morrison, you do not have your fail safe special guest referee. You are going into that ring with the true world champion, the NWA World Champion Rob Conway. You got lucky at Breakout but tonight it another story. I will be walking out of this dump of an arena, out of the pile of crap company and I’ll be going back home. I’ll return to the NWA with the tHw World Championship on my shoulder. I will burn that championship in the middle of the NWA ring. I am all the champion this business needs and after tonight I will get the respect I should have had from the very beginning.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘What about Harley Race? Will he be joining you tonight?’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Rob Conway: </strong></span> <em> ‘Harley Race has some … pressing NWA business to attend to tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway laughs as we go back to the announcers desk.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘Pressing NWA Business matters? What does that mean? We know the NWA committee member is in the building tonight.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘I’ve known Harley Race for a long time. The man’s a legend but I don’t trust him. You heard Ted DiBiase earlier, he thinks the NWA are trying to take over this company.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘You really believe that? The tHw President is just trying to justify his actions at Breakout.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘If Ted DiBiase is right then the NWA are not playing by the rules anymore. If Rob Conway does become tHw World Champion tonight and returns to the NWA with that championship he will hold the very fate of this company in his hands.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone: </strong></span> <em> ‘If you and Ted DiBiase are right then it’s a good job that Ted DiBiase will be the special guest referee for this match tonight … wait a second. I’m just getting word, no that can’t be right.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> We go backstage to the tHw President’s office, <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo</strong></span> is standing by as trainers and medical personnel look after the tHw President <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Ted DiBiase</strong></span> who is wearing referee’s shirt but he is out on the floor, blood seeping from behind him head.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Mauro Ranallo: </strong></span> <em> ‘After the interview I just held with Rob Conway I came looking for Ted DiBiase and this is what I found. Our tHw President has been attacked, he is in no shape to referee tonight’s match. We don’t know who is behind the attack but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Tony, DDP it’s back to you.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> Back at the announcers table the announcers are visibly stunned.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>DDP: </strong></span> <em> ‘Ted was right, it’s the NWA.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>Tony Schiavone</strong></span>: <em> ‘If that is the case then tHw’s future is in the hands of John Morrison. He must retain the tHw World Championship or else.’ </em></p><p> </p><p> A video plays showing the major events leading up to our main event here tonight. The end of their match at Breakout is highlighted as is the challenge laid down by John Morrison last week. When the video ends we’re live in the arena as the NWA World Champion Rob Conway, accompanied by the NWA committee member Harley Race, make their way down the ramp. </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JohnMorrison.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpg</span>w/<span>http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/HarleyRace-1.jpeg</span><p> <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison© vs. Rob Conway w/Harley Race</strong></span></p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>tHw World Championship</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong> </strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Rob Conway is laughing, obviously delighted that this title match will not be refereed by Ted DiBiase. John Morrison makes his way down the ramp and the tHw World Champion looks angry about the attack on the tHw President. Morrison stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks to the NWA committee member Harley Race, confronting the legend John asked him if he had anything to do on the attack but Harley shook his head as Rob Conway demanded that Morrison got into the ring. Morrison slowly got into the ring as tHw head referee Jim Korderas ran down the ramp. As the two men circled each other Jim Korderas rang the bell and this title match got underway.</p><p> </p><p> It was like Ted DiBiase was saying; Conway and Race were no longer playing by the rules. Every few minutes Harley would distract the referee allowing Rob to choke John Morrison to wear him down, he even delivered a low blow but when he went for the pin John kept his dream alive by kicking out at the count of two. Conway too would take his time breaking submissions, or chokes and while he would be told off by the referee Harley Race would land a few shots on Morrison too. Any momentum John gathered the cheating of Race and Conway would quickly snuff it out. Morrison tried his best to put Rob away, he should have got a three count after he connected with a superkick but Race rushed round and without the ref seeing put Conway’s foot on the bottom rope breaking the count. It was becoming clear that the NWA were doing everything they could to win this match.</p><p> </p><p> At one point Rob Conway thought he had the match won after he hit the Ego Trip on John Morrison but to his and Harley’s disbelief John Morrison just kicked out before the three count. As the announcers were praising John Morrison for giving his all in this match in order to keep the tHw World Championship in tHw Rob Conway brought the champion up to his feet. Rob whipped John to the ropes, and since the referee wasn’t looking Harley got into position, he lifted up his cane and went to smack it on the back of John but at the last second Morrison reversed it and Harley Race ended up hitting the NWA World Champion instead. As Conway reeled from the cane shot to the back he stumbled forward right into The Midnight Driver from John Morrison. The tHw World Champion immediately covered the NWA World Champion as Harley’s eyes went wide with realization. The crowd started to count along with the referee as Harley tried to get into the ring, he was a second too late as Jim Korderas’s hand came down for the three count and John Morrison successfully saved the tHw World Championship from the NWA.</p><p> </p><p> Winner and still tHw World Champion – <span style="color:#4169E1;"><strong>John Morrison</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> As John Morrison struggled to his feet Harley Race was waiting for him, bringing his cane across the back of Morrison’s head he made a calling out gesture to the crowd. As the announcers were asking what was going on five men jumped over the ring barricade and rushed into the ring. At Harley’s urging they brought John Morrison up to his feet and they proceeded to dissect the tHw World Champion. One man connected with The Backstabber on John, another connected with a superkick to the back of his head. Rob Conway soon joined in as well delivering another Ego Trip on the now defenceless John Morrison. As the announcers were shouting for someone to save John Morrison the five men started to trash the ringside area, pulling up the mats, ripping the ring apron, one man even started to undo the ring ropes. This was all looked over by the NWA committee member Harley Race who watched the destruction with amusement. The crowd were now booing as two of the men started to intimidate the announcers. DDP tried to fight back but he felt the force of the six men’s wrath and Tony hightailed it out of there. </p><p> </p><p> Satisfied with their destruction the six men got back into the ring and surrounded Harley Race who just smiled and congratulated them on a job well done. The six men raised their arms high in the air in victory as tHw Spotlight faded to black in utter devastation.</p><p> </p><p> ==========================================================</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="37678" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>RATINGS INFO</strong></p><p> </p><p> time/rating</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> 1. Ted DiBiase cancels the main event 3/C</p><p> 2. Vid: Spotlight 1/C+</p><p> 3. Show intro 3/C-</p><p> 4. Irish Airborne def. Cutler Brothers in match #4 in their Best Of 5 Series</p><p> 5. John Morrison inter 5/C+</p><p> 6. Ted DiBiase argues with John Morrison 3/C-</p><p> 7. Brian Kendrick promo 5/B-</p><p> 8. Brian Kendrick def. Noam Dar 7.23/C-</p><p> 9. Rob Conway inter 5/C</p><p> 10. Announce 2/C+</p><p> 11. Hype vid for match 1/C</p><p> 12. John Morrison def. Rob Conway to retain the tHw World Championship 13.39/B-</p><p> 13. NWA invade 6/C-</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rating: </strong> C+</p><p> <strong>Attendance: </strong> 1,5oo (sell out)</p><p> <strong>TV Rating: </strong>1.91 (down 0.3)</p></div></blockquote>
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*Stupidly forgot to change the arena auto booker thing for this and it the system decided to hold this show in Northern Mexico where not many people spoke English and didn’t like half of my roster. It completely destroyed the heat for my main storyline and the ratings were pretty much in the toilet. For continuity purpose I’m saying this took place in the tHw arena and all crowd noises I imagine would have been added in post-production. Will not do this again I promise you.



tHw Spotlight

From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Week 3, November 2014


A video plays showing the events of Spotlight. From last week from Ted DiBiase’s warning to John Morrison about the NWA to those five men who, along with Rob Conway, beating down the tHw World Champion. The recap ends and we’re back in the sold out tHw Arena for the fallout from last week. The pyro goes off and the cameras scan round the crowd before going right down to the announcer’s desk.




Tony Schiavone: ‘Hello and welcome to Spotlight and tonight, for the first time in Spotlight’s history the tHw World Champion isn’t here.’


DDP: ‘The tHw President is not here tonight either, he is still in the hospital after the attack last week. The NWA Have a lot to answer for here tonight after their actions last week.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘John Morrison is an active competitor; he’s in the prime of his career and is in great shape. While I am not condoning the attack last week on him what I cannot believe is what the NWA did to Ted DiBiase. The man is retired, he hasn’t competed in a match in well over a decade, and the NWA showed their true colors last week.’


DDP: ‘The NWA pride themselves on representing the traditional way of professional wrestling. Their actions last week were the very opposite of that and I can only hope that they get what’s coming to them. They are scum, they are pathetic and they have no place here in tHw.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘I’m sure we’ll get more information on what’s going on during tonight’s show but it’s business as usual for the rest of tHw. We’re starting off Spotlight with exciting action, let’s show the NWA how wrestling is supposed to be.’


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/bobby_lashley5.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/chris_mordetzky.jpg

Bobby Lashley vs. Chris Mordetzky


Chris Mordetzky is already in the ring as the number one contender to the tHw World Championship Bobby Lashley made his way down the ramp to a good pop from the crowd. The match wasn’t pretty as Chris isn’t used to being the man without the power advantage. To begin Chris asked for a test of strength, that Bobby won. The two men then started to trade blows, which again Bobby won. Chris backed off to regroup before charging at Bobby who knocked him down to the mat with a stiff closeline, they may have also knocked out a few of Chris’s teeth. Bobby scooped Chris back up and laid him out with a brutal running powerslam. The match was over, Bobby roared at the crowd who roared back, obviously awed at the raw power of Lashley. Bobby retreated a few steps, looking to put the icing on the cake with a Spear. Bobby crouched down and called for Chris to get up to his feet. The attention however went to the top of the ramp where Rob Conway and the NWA committee member Harley Race looked on. Bobby saw them and he sensed a trap. It didn’t save him though as the same five men from last week jumped over the ring barricade and got into the ring. Bobby turned around and was met by a chair shot delivered by one of the men. As Rob ran down the ramp the referee called for the bell and this match was over.


Match thrown out due to NWA interference


The NWA Champion Rob Conway ran down the ramp to join in on the assault on Bobby, but Chris Mordetzky wasn’t spared. He too became a victim of the NWA, laid out with a Backstabber and an EgoTrip, Chris was out. Not even Bobby Lashley could defend himself from a six on one beat down. As the announcers pleaded for someone to come to the defense of tHw the NWA threw Chris out of the ring and then did the same to Bobby Lashley. By this time Harley Race had walked down to ringside and with the two tHw wrestlers out of the ring he got in.


Harley Race: ‘For those of you who are too stupid to know who we are let me set the record straight. We represent the greatest wrestling organisation this business have ever known, the National Wrestling Alliance. We are here for one thing and one thing only, to shut tHw down. For too long the NWA have been ignored, for too long the NWA has been ridiculed and for too long the NWA has been forgotten. Decades ago we the NWA ran this business but the likes of Vince McMahon and Ted Turner and Dixie Carter and Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff and Jeff Jarrett have pushed us to one side. They told us we’re irrelevant, they told us we were a relic of the past. Does it look like we’re relics to you huh? These six men behind me sure as hell don’t think so. They represent the NWA and with my help we’re taking back the NWA’s power and we’re taking out tHw.’


The six men clap their hands as the crowd boo. Harley waits for a second before turning to the six men behind him; he introduces all of them in turn.




Harley Race: ‘This man is Adam Cole; he was part of the tHw World Championship Tournament but was eliminated by John Morrison. He was part of the first incursion of your company. Adam is one of the best free agents in the world today, and he now calls the NWA home. He has a bright future ahead of him and with the NWA’s help he will rule the world.’




Harley Race: ‘Some of you may know this man but don’t let what you think you know fool you. Under my guidance Sylvan has grown vicious, he has grown violent and he has grown into the NWA’s bodyguard.’




Harley Race: ‘What can you say about Carlos? He is a second generation wrestler and thirteen time World Champion. If you’ve heard of being stabbed in the back well Carlos will stab you in your front with a smile on his face.’




Harley Race: ‘Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens, former NWA Tag Team Champions. Their tag team name says it all. They are Natural Selection, this business has always been about survival of the fittest and the proof of that is in Natural Selection.’


Harley Race then turns to the NWA World Champion Rob Conway and hands him the mic.


Rob Conway: ‘From day one in this company I have said that I haven’t got the respect I deserve from anyone in tHw. Each and every one of you here today, out here and in the back, have disrespected not only me but the entire NWA. The NWA dates back to 1948, that’s over sixty years. tHw won’t even last one year. Tonight the battle lines have been drawn, you’re either with the NWA or you’re against us. We are going to tear this company to the ground, we will destroy it and we will watch tHw burn. There is no one to save you; your World Champion John Morrison isn’t here tonight because he’s too sacred to face us again. Your tHw President Ted DiBiase is still in the hospital after what we did to him last week. tHw’s time is up, the NWA are back on top.’


Rob Conway laughs as he hands the mic back to Harley Race.


Harley Race: ‘These men are the NWA’s army, and we have declared war on tHw. Last week the first battle was fought and the NWA won, tonight we’re ready for round two. If anyone one in tHw has the balls to face us we’ll be in this ring tonight. The NWA are calling tHw out, three of your men against three of ours. Let’s see if anyone in tHw has the guts to face us.’


Harley Race drops the mic and all six men behind him raise their arms in celebration.




Back in the interview area Mauro Ranallo is standing by with The Cutler Brothers .


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Strong words there by the NWA, they have just declared war on tHw. I’m joined here now by The Cutler Brothers are you going to step up for tHw?’


Dustin Cutler: ‘Why would we do that huh? Next week it’s our last match against The Irish Airborne, we win that match then we become number one contenders to the tHw Tag Team Championships.’


Brandon Cutler: ‘Let some other chumps fight for tHw, we’ve got bigger things to fight for.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘But if the NWA win or carry on then there will be tHw …’


Dustin Cutler: ‘You better pray that doesn’t happen, you’ll be out of a job if it does.’


Brandon Cutler: ‘We only care about showing Irish Airborne who’s boss. We won two matches in a row; this series should be over and done with by now. They won’t admit defeat but next week they’ll find out the hard way they don’t have what it takes to beat us.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘But we’ve …’


Dustin Cutler: ‘You better go and find someone to save your precious tHw; we’ve got a match to prepare for.’




Back in the ring we find Brian Kendrick standing in the middle of the ring joined by Talon .


Brian Kendrick: ‘The more observant among you will see that my follower Nick Dinsmore is not here tonight. Nick is still contemplating why Talon attacked him two weeks ago. I have given Nick Dinsmore one more week to discover the truth of my actions and next week I will get my answer. The truth is plain to see for those who have eyes to see it. My brother Talon saw the truth; he saw the righteousness of my actions and the truth that they contained. My first follower has not disappointed me, my first follower understands what I am doing and knows that the truth are not in man’s words but in his actions. You too are now discovering the truth of my actions. Alex Shelley laughed at me, he made me look like a fool but all of this could have been avoided if I had become tHw World Champion. This was the darkness I was trying to avoid, I had seen the intent of Rob Conway and I had seen the truth in Harley Races actions. I tried to stop tHw’s destruction but you all laughed at me but now I’m the last one laughing. Know that I could have saved this company, know that I could have defended tHw, know that I was your saviour and know that you all laughed at me. tHw’s destruction cannot be averted now, once I cared enough to save it but now I will stand aside and watch it crumble around me. The truth of my actions have been proved, the lies of Alex Shelley, John Morrison and Ted DiBiase have been shown and now all that awaits us is darkness.’


Talon has been listening to all of this with rapt attention, but now Brian Kendrick turns to him.


Brian Kendrick: ‘Talon, my first follower and my brother. Tonight you face Paul Birchill a man who Nick Dinsmore failed to beat two weeks ago. I hope you will not disappoint me.’


Talon shakes his head and stares at the top of the ramp as Paul Birchill makes his way down the ramp.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Paul_Burchill_WWE2.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Talon.jpgw/http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrianKendricksmall.jpeg

Paul Birchill vs. Talon w/Brian Kendrick


The crowd must have been too busy thinking about the NWA to take much notice of this match. It was a brutal match, but not in a good way. The first follower Talon did make quick work of the English wrestler, pinning Paul Birchill after connecting with a top rope cutter, something that Tony Schiavone says that Talon calls the Dark Kiss.


Winner – Talon




Back in the interview area Mauro Ranallo is this time joined by Irish Airborne .


Mauro Ranallo: Earlier tonight we heard from your opponents next week The Cutler Brothers. They refused to step up and fight for tHw will you two steps up to the plate and face the NWA tonight?’


Dave Crist: ‘Yeah we were going to step up to the plate. Unlike The Cutler Brothers we do care about other things than ourselves and while the tHw Tag Team Championships are our ultimate goal the survival of this company must come first.’


Jake Crist: ‘Next week it’s match five in our series and it’s our last match. Brandon, Dustin you won the first two matches all you had to do was win the third but you choked at the last second. You failed; we won that match just like we won last week on Spotlight and just like we’ll win next week as well.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Just to go back to the NWA, you said you were going to step up to the plate tonight but that sounds like you’re not going to. Does that mean that no one is going to fight for tHw or …’


Dave Crist: ‘Someone’s going to fight, they just got there before us.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Who? Who is going to fight for tHw?’


Jake Crist: ‘Well we could tell you but we don’t want to ruin the surprise.’




The Irish Airborne laugh as we go back to the ring where the NWA are waiting.


Rob Conway: ‘Here we are, the NWA are ready but where the hell is tHw? Is everyone back there too scared to face us? Is no one man enough to face us? It’s just like we thought, tHw is full of losers!’


Rob Conway laughs but no answer comes from the back. Carlos takes the mic.


Carlos: ‘Hey boys, hiding back there like little girls you know … that’s not cool. What have you got to be afraid of holmes? tHw show some cajones and face us like the men you say you are.’


Again there is no answer from the back. Harley Race snatches the mic out of Carlos’s hand and faces the entrance.


Harley Race: ‘Who has the guts to face us. Come out here and take your ass whooping like men.’


When there is still no answer from the back Harley Race looks to the six men behind him and laughs.


Harley Race: ‘Well boys it looks like tHw are too scared to face us. Destroying this company is going to be easy than we thought and …’


Harley Race is cut off as the music of AJ Styles echoes around the arena and the tHw crowd are on their feet cheering. In the ring Harley Race looks concerned but Rob Conway is laughing.


Rob Conway: ‘Wait just one? What you can’t find any friends AJ huh? You can’t find one single person to be your partner? Hey tell you what, why not this ancient dinosaur over here?’


Rob Conway points to DDP at the announcers table. DDP stands up and starts to yell at him that he’ll gladly kick his ass causing Rob to laugh even more.


Rob Conway: ‘What you think you’ve got what it takes to beat me old man? You think that …’


AJ Styles: ‘Whoa Rob, calm down there champ. You boys, the NWA you think you can come into my house and do what you want? You think that you can come in here and take over? Just cause you took out John Morrison and Ted DiBiase doesn’t mean that the rest of us are going to lie down. No boys that ain’t the way we do things round these parts. DDP I’m sure you’re just itching to be part of this but I'm sorry to disappoint you. You see boys my tag team partners tonight, well they know how to run in a pack, they know how to take on a pack even. Rob Conway, Harley Race, The NWA beware cause my tag team partners are none other than The American Wolves.’


The crowd come up to their feet again as Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards stand next to AJ Styles. The three men together walk down the ramp and get into the ring, going face to face with the NWA, showing no fear about being outnumbered. Harley Race gets in-between them and smiles.


Harley Race: ‘AJ, Eddie, Davey I knew there would be someone back there in tHw that would be man enough to face us. I’m glad it was you three. I admit that last week what we did to Ted DiBiase and John Morrison may have been a little over bored and maybe a little underhanded. I know you have little reason to trust me but there’s only three of you and seven of us. My math may not be that good but they don’t seem the best of odds. I’ll tell you what, me, Sylvan and Natural Selection will go to the back and you six men can settle things just like we do in the NWA, like men.’


AJ Styles looks confused as does the rest of the NWA but Harley makes Sylvan and Natural Selection follow him to the back as Jim Korderas calls for the bell and this main event is underway.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/AJ_Styles10.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/daveyrichards.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Carlos_Colon_Jr.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Adam_Cole.jpg

AJ Styles & The American Wolves vs. Rob Conway, Carlos & Adam Cole


It doesn’t take long for this match to completely break down into chaos and Jim Korderas makes no attempt to try and restore order. Davey Richards pairs off with Carlos and brawls around the outside while Eddie Edwards and Adam Cole start to brawl on the ramp. That leaves AJ Styles and Rob Conway alone in the ring and Jim Korderas now treats it like these two are the legal men. AJ Styles and Rob Conway have fought each other twice so far in tHw. Their first match ended via DQ when Rob Conway low blowed Styles and the second time ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon interfered to cost Styles the match. With that on his mind Styles wanted to set the record straight. Styles completely owned the NWA World Champion, repeatedly knocking Conway down to the mat and generally not letting the NWA member gain any momentum. As the match continued in the ring and looked to be going in tHw’s direction the action outside the ring wasn’t going so well for tHw.


With the referee concentrating on Styles and Conway it allowed for Carlos and Cole to bend the rules. On the ramp Adam Cole first low blowed Edwards before sending him crashing head first into the steel entranceway. Seeing his friend in trouble Adam Cole rushed back to ringside and delivered a superkick to the back of Davey Richard’s head helping Carlos out. The two men then scared the announcer’s team away before sending Davey Richards through the announcers table.


Back in the ring Jim Korderas heard the table break and seeing the destruction on the outside immediately called for the bell and disqualified the NWA.


Winners by DQ – AJ Styles & The American Wolves.


The NWA members didn’t care about the loss though, Carlos and Adam Cole got into the ring and the three of them started to attack AJ Styles, beating him down brutally. First Adam Cole connected with a superkick and when AJ Styles stumbled backwards he stumbled right into a Backstabber courtesy of Carlos. Conway picked Styles back up off of the mat and laid Styles out with the Ego Trip. The three men raised their hands in the air when suddenly we cut backstage.


The destruction around the ring was nothing compared with what was going on backstage in the locker room as the rest of the NWA were attacking the tHw wrestlers. Sylvan and Natural Selection all had a variety of weapons as even Harley Race was getting in on the act and was choking a defenceless DDP on the floor. Shelton Benjamin, ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon, Paul Birchill and Noam Dar were all laid out. The camera turned round to see that The Young Bucks, The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne had not been spared either as they were out cold on the floor, The Young Bucks had been put through a table while Irish Airborne were left in the wreckage of some steel pipes.


tHw Spotlight faded to black with only the NWA standing tall and tHw looking down and out.








1. Vid: Spotlight 2/C

2. Show intro 1/C

3. Bobby Lashley vs. Chris Mordetzky match thrown out due to NWA interference 3.41/D+

4. Harley Race introduces NWA members and challenge tHw to a six man tag team match 5/D+

5. Cutler Brothers inter 4/D+

6. Brian Kendrick promo 5/C-

7. Talon def. Paul Birchill 8.44/D+

8. Irish Airborne inter 3/D+

9. AJ Styles & The American Wolves accept NWA’s challenge 5/C-

10. AJ Styles & The American Wolves def. Rob Conway, Carlos & Adam Cole by DQ 11.25/C+

11. NWA attack and lay out the tHw wrestlers 4/D+


Show Rating: D

Attendance: 1,500 (sell out)

TV Rating: 1.77 (down 0.14)




Nice cliffhanger to close out the show. The Backstabber had me thinking Carlito, but you've said he's tied up with ROH. I'm going to guess that the superkick to the back of the head was delivered by Steve Corino, a former NWA world champion himself.


I have managed to sign a working agreement with RoH so a wealth of talent has just opened up to me. With the likes of AJ Styles and John Morrison under exclusive contract with me I can do some talent trades so you were spot on thinking about Carlito. As for Steve Cornino he's working too many places to work for me, he's got a PPA contract with about five other companies so he wouldn't even enter contract negotiations. As for who I've got for the NWA well my no TNA and WWE steal rule I set for myself tied my hands to who I could get. Thanks for your replay and I hope you continue reading.

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tHw Spotlight

From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Week 4, November 2014


A recap video showing the NWA invasion last week on Spotlight plays. It shows the NWA destroying the tHw wrestlers both in the ring and backstage, with the likes of AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, The American Wolves and Shelton Benjamin out for the count. The video ends with the image of the NWA wrestlers laughing at their destruction of tHw. When the video ends we’re back in the sold out crowd in the tHw arena. There is no opening firework display; instead the cameras are focuses solely on the announcers table.




Tony Schiavone: ‘tHw is under attack, the NWA have invaded and last week they won the first battle.’


DDP: ‘Battle? That wasn’t a battle Tony that was a sneak attack, it was underhanded, and it was cheap. What more do you expect from the NWA?’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Harley Race promised that the NWA wanted a fair fight …’


DDP: ‘You heard Ted DiBiase Tony, the NWA don’t play by the rules. tHw has been invaded, the way things went down last week it looks more like we’ve been taken over.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘It’s hard to argue with you Page it does look like the NWA has taken over tHw. What can we do to stop them?’


DDP: ‘tHw is down a lot of men at the moment. John Morrison is still out after their attack a few weeks ago, Ted DiBiase isn’t here tonight either and Bobby Lashley needed medical attention after what the NWA did to him. The NWA made a lot of enemies last week though, they attacked everyone and they showed no mercy. The boys in the back must unite, they must fight together.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘If they don’t?’


DDP: ‘If they don’t then total Hollywood wrestling is finished.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Let’s hope that it doesn’t come to that but we must carry on as normal and hope that somehow and someway tHw can come together and defend their company.’




Another video plays of the NWA invasion and their destruction last week, with Harley Race’s voice speaking over it saying how the NWA honor tradition and respect. The video ends with Harley Race, surrounded by his NWA wrestlers, telling the camera that they are the NWA; you’re either with them or against them.’




http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg

Irish Airborne vs. The Cutler Brothers

Match #5 in a Best Of Five Series


Back in the arena it’s time for the last match in these two teams best of five series. With Irish Airborne coming back from two nil down to tie this series they want to keep their momentum going while The Cutler Brothers don’t want to look like they’ve choked at the last second. With a shot at the tHw Tag Team Championships on the line both teams wanted to not only win this match but prove they deserved their title shot. As with the last two matches Dave and Jake Crist show an intensity and passion to win this match that few would be able to overcome. The Cutler Brothers however have come prepared for this and looked to have a battle plan; they separated Jake Crist from his brother and double teamed him as best they could. In fact Brandon and Dustin looked to have the match won, connecting with an aided tombstone piledriver when Natural Selection ran through the crowd and jumped the barricade. The NWA wrestlers got into the ring and first laid out The Cutler Brothers with a lead pipe before doing the exact same thing to Irish Airborne. Mike Posey didn’t have a choice, he called for the bell as security ran out of the back to try and restore order. Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens saw security and quickly exited the ring before they could be apprehended, leaving The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne down on the mat.


Match thrown out due to NWA interference.




In the interview area Mauro Ranallo is waiting.


Mauro Ranallo: ‘The NWA yet again have made their presence felt by attacking both teams and their series looks to be finished with a tie. Joining me at this time are the men the winners were supposed to face, please welcome the tHw Tag Team Champions, The Young Bucks.’


The Young Bucks step forward still bearing the scars from last week’s attack from the NWA.


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Matt, Nick last week you two were some of the victims of last week’s attack on tHw by the NWA. You were both put through a table and …’


Matt Jackson: ‘Mauro buddy you don’t need to remind us of what the NWA did, we sure as hell remember.’


Nick Jackson: ‘You don’t forget something like that.’


Matt Jackson: ‘The NWA picked a fight with the wrong team; we sure as hell didn’t provoke them last week. We just walked out of our locker room and bam next thing we know we’re being put through a table by Natural Selection.’


Nick Jackson: ‘If anyone should be called Natural Selection around here you better bet its The Young Bucks. I mean we’re the tHw Tag Team Champions; we are all you need to know about tag team wrestling. Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens are nothing but minor league, nothing but Young Bucks wannabes.’


Matt Jackson: ‘If they try that stuff again with us then they’ll be the ones going through a table …’


A voice cuts off Matt Jackson with just two words.


‘Oh really?’


The Young Bucks’ eyes go wide as the entire NWA surround them. Harley Race smiles and he forces the mic out of Mauro’s hands, Sylvan scares him away as Harley looks The Young Bucks up and down before smiling.


Harley Race: ‘Be careful what you say boys that almost sounded like a threat. We don’t take kindly to threats. In case you didn’t notice the NWA are in charge now, we go where we want, we take what we want and we do what we want. You want to act like tough guys then I guess we’ll have to treat you like tough guys. Boys, you know what to do.’


Harley Race drops the mic as the NWA pounce. Rob Conway and Sylvan concentrate on Matt while Carlos and Adam Cole take out Nick. The announcer start shouting for someone to help stand up for tHw and it looks like their pleas are answers. The American Wolves and AJ Styles run onto the scene and force the NWA back. Harley Race smiles as the NWA regroup and The Young Bucks are helped up to their feet.


Harley Race: ‘Well look who just grew a backbone. Didn’t you have enough last week? We left you out AJ; you’re little lap dogs too. You really don’t want a round two do you?’


AJ Styles: ‘Yeah actually we do. We want a rematch, me and The Wolves against Conway, Carlos and Cole tonight here in the main event. You can bring your other friends too cause we sure as hell know they’ll get involved anyway.’


Harley Race: ‘Don’t run your mouth boy …’


AJ Styles: ‘You afraid to face us fairly old man? You afraid …’


Harley Race: Your little President isn’t here to save you boys, this is the NWA’s rules right now …’


AJ Styles: ‘That means no rules, exactly what we want. Tonight, six man tag team no disqualification match …’


Harley Race: ‘What’s your angle huh? Last week not enough for you? Whatever you’re planning forget about it …’


AJ Styles rolls his eyes and speaks directly at Rob.


AJ Styles: ‘I thought you were the NWA World Champion Rob …’


Rob Conway: ‘I am the NWA World Champion; I am the true World Champion ...’


AJ Styles: Funny cause right now you look like Harley’s little bitch.’


Harley Race has to restrain Rob as he’s trying desperately to get at AJ.


Rob Conway: ‘I am the NWA World Champion you do not disrespect me like that you piece of crap. You want your rematch fine. We’ll see you in the ring and I promise you that you won’t be walking out of that match on your own cause I’m going to break your legs.’


AJ Styles and The American Wolves laugh as they back off, Harley Race looks mad that the match has been accepted as the NWA all try to calm Rob Conway down.




In the ring we find Brian Kendrick along with his first follower Talon and with Nick Dinsmore .


Brian Kendrick: ‘In just a few moments I intend to right a wrong that happened a month ago at Breakout. I will deal with the non-believer Alex Shelley once and for all; I will show the world what happens to the non-believers that belittle my beliefs. First however I need to see if Nick Dinsmore has seen the truth of my actions.’


Brian turns to Nick, who now that we get a good look at him is covered with cuts and bruises. Nick looks up with what looks like fear as Brian gently smiles at him.


Brian Kendrick: ‘Nick, my brother I know you must be hurting right now, your re-education is well underway and I know that you are in pain. The path to enlightenment and the path to truth is paved with pain my friend. It is only through strife and suffering that you can truly see the truth in my actions. Your mind needs to be released from the shackles of words, it must be set free Nick from all the lies your parents and teachers and friends and loved ones have told you. Words are lies my friend, only through men’s actions do we see their true worth and their true intent. I know your new brother Talon has been teaching you how to see these truths but I need to see your progress for myself. I need to see how far you have travelled my follower along the path of truth. Two weeks ago I asked you a question, my actions had given you the answer but you failed to see the truth. I wish to see now if you have found my real truth. Do you have an answer for me?’


Nick Dinsmore: ‘Yes master, I have seen the truth and apologise for not seeing the truth earlier.’


Brian Kendrick: ‘My follower, my brother, my friend you do not need to apologise, not to me. Your life has been a lie until now; your past reliance on words has clouded your mind. The path of truth is always treacherous and even men like me have been known to stumble and fall upon it. But tell me, my follower, what is the truth? Why did my first follower attack you?’


Nick Dinsmore: ‘I failed you, I disappointed you, I disobeyed you.’


Brian Kendrick stares at Nick Dinsmore for a second before speaking.


Brian Kendrick: ‘I am … disappointed that is true, but not at you Nick no my follower never at you. I am disappointed in myself for pushing you too far and too soon. It was I that failed you, I lacked in your education which is why I asked Talon here to help me. He has always been fervent in his belief and I knew he could help you. But Nick, oh Nick please explain why you think you disobeyed me.’


Nick Dinsmore: ‘At Breakout you told me not to get involved in your match with the non-believer. I ignored your order.’


Brian Kendrick stares at Nick Dinsmore for a few seconds before smiling.


Brian Kendrick: ‘Yes my follower, yes you saw the truth. I am proud of you my son, I am happy that you have seen the truth of my actions and the righteousness of my intent.’


Nick Dinsmore smiles just before Talon rips his head off with a stiff closeline to the back of his head. Nick falls down in front of Brian Kendrick who isn’t smiling anymore. Nick looks up but Talon grabs him, brings him back up to his feet and lays him out with The Dark Kiss.


Brian Kendrick: ‘Your education is coming along nicely my brother, but the path of truth is a long one and you still have may miles to go. Talon, my first follower please escorts your brother out of here. The non-believers time of judgement has come; it is I and I alone who must be the one to judge him. This one path I must walk alone.’


Talon brings Nick up to his feet and he half carries half drags Nick Dinsmore back up the ramp as Brian Kendrick waits in the ring for Alex Shelley.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Alex_Shelley30.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Brian_Kendrick.jpg

Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick


Alex Shelley comes down to the ring to a good pop from the crowd, he slaps the hands of the fans as he comes down the ramp and in the ring Brian Kendrick shows contempt for this. When Alex Shelley gets into the ring Tony Young has to make Brian Kendrick back off as he tried to start the match right away. Young eventually gets Brian separated in the corner before he starts the match, as soon as the bell ring Brian shot across the ring and unloaded some forearms smashes on Alex. The opening moments of this match saw Brian Kendrick in complete control, wanting to right the wrong from Breakout and to make Alex pay for making fun of him. Alex saw no way back into this match until Brian went up to the top rope looking for a dropkick, Shelley ducked out of the way at the last second meaning Kendrick crashed and burned. Tis allowed Alex a way back into the match and he wasn’t going to let it go to waste. Alex and Brian exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Try as he might Brian couldn’t control the match as he once had, he was on a much more leave playing field and Shelley had gotten his second win. The match nearly came to an end when Shelley connected with the Automatic Midnight but Brian kicked out at the last possible second. The finish came when Shelley went for the superkick, Brian dodged the foot directed at his face and taking Shelly unawares connected with the Slice Bread #2, a move Tony now saws Brian calls The Truth. Kendrick goes right for the pin and Alex can’t find a way to kick out. Brian Kendrick has beaten Alex Shelley and by the look on his face he’s happy that the non-believer has finally been defeated.


Winner – Brian Kendrick




After a brief don’t try this at home message, and a recap of the NWA invasion last week, we’re backstage where we find Alex Shelley limping down a corridor. Alex passes one close door but it cracks open just a bit and a silhouette of a man can been seen.




Alex Shelley stops and stares at the man.


Alex Shelley: ‘What do you want?’

Man: ‘Is it clear?’


Alex Shelley: ‘Is what clear? What are you talking about?’


Man: ‘The NWA? Are they around? I’m too valuable to be attacked again I’m …’


Alex Shelley: ‘Whatever dude, I’m going …’


It turns out to be ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon as he opens the door wider and looks scared.


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘No, you can’t go. Don’t leave me with those animals. I am way to valuable a commodity to be loose. I need protection and …’


Alex Shelley: ‘Whoa there. Protection? What have you got going on in there?’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘I need a bodyguard, you know someone to do my grunt work and protect me. I was attacked by those scum last week and …’


Alex Shelley: ‘You and the rest of tHw buddy.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘I’ll pay you, it’s simple you go where I go. You look out for me and if the NWA do come sniffing around you distract them while I …’


Alex Shelley: ‘Run away? No interested dude. Go find someone else to be your punching bag.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘The pays good and …’


Alex Shelley: ‘I said no dude. I’m guessing you’ve heard that word a lot in your short and miserable life.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon stutters as Alex Shelley walks away shaking his head.


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Just think about it okay? Everyone needs money and …’


A door slams further down the hall causing Cannon to shriek like a girl and he runs back into his locker room. The camera turns around to see a very confused looking cleaner woman as we go to the interview area.




tHw interviewer Mauro Ranallo is joined by the one of the men representing tHw tonight, AJ Styles .


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Earlier tonight you demanded a rematch against the NWA after what they did to tHw last week. I’ve got to ask are you guys insane? The NWA attacked you all last week and …’


AJ Styles: ‘They didn’t just attack us, they attacked tHw. The NWA started this war and right now the NWA are winning. Tonight we strike back and tHw will win.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘But why a NO DQ match, you know that you’re playing into Harley Race’s hands.’


AJ Styles: ‘Tell me Mauro, did he look happy about this match? Cause from where I was standing he didn’t. Harley knows I’ve got something planned after last week.’


Mauro Ranallo: ‘Do you have something planned? Do you have an answer to this invasion?’


AJ Styles: ‘Last week tHw was divided and split. This week each and every one of us knows that we must stand together or we will lose. Tonight tHw stands together, we stand tall and the NWA won’t know what’s in store for them. They can bring their bodyguard Sylvan, they can bring Natural Selection they can bring whoever the hell they like case tonight tHw will be waiting for them.’


AJ Styles walks away as Mauro questions him on what he means he gets no answer as we go down to the announcers desk.


Tony Schiavone: ‘What does AJ mean Page; tHw will be waiting for them?’


DDP: ‘You know about this sort of thing Tony, we’ve both had experience first-hand about an invasion. We know all their little tricks and games. The only way that tHw will survive this is if tHw put aside all of their differences and stand united. It sounds to me like AJ Styles knows that …’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Are you really expecting the likes of The Young Bucks and American Wolves to work together? How about Brian Kendrick and Alex Shelley or Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison?’


DDP: ‘When your home is invaded you all stand together. The NWA haven’t been picking who to attack, they’ve been attacking everyone. People have been worried about this six man tag team match being no disqualification but the numbers are on our side. If we work together tHw will beat the NWA.’


Tony Schiavone: Asking some of these people to work together will be tough but I think you’re right Page.’


DDP doesn’t get a chance to respond as the entire NWA faction make their way down the ramp led by Harley Race. The get into the ring and all seven men face the entrance, Rob Conway has a mic in hand.


Rob Conway: ‘Well AJ, you’ve got what you’ve asked for. A rematch, come on out and get your ass whopping, take it like a man AJ. You’ll be able to tell your grandkids that you were beaten to a bloody pulp by the true World Champion and the …’


AJ Styles comes to the top of the ramp accompanied by The American Wolves. He too has a mic in hand.


AJ Styles: ‘Rob you should have listened to Harley earlier cause we’ve come prepared this time. You want to come in our house and take over? You want to declare war on tHw? Well we’re not gonna stand for that, you want a war, you want a fight? tHw will give you your damn war.’


Out from the back and even through the crowd the tHw roster surround the ring. The NWA now are severely outnumbered as Tony’s worries seem to be unfounded. The Young Bucks are there, Shelton Benjamin and Andy Leavine too. Chris Mordetzky and Rhino have armed themselves with chairs while ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon hides behind DDP at the announcers table. The crowd are up on their feet cheering as the NWA look around them scared of what’s about to happen.


AJ Styles: ‘This match is NO DQ that means anything goes. You boys try anything and we will cut you down. Welcome to tHw, now it’s time for us to kick your ass.’


AJ Styles and The American Wolves run down the ramp and slide into the ring going toe to toe with the three members of the NWA in this match. Harley Race, Sylvan and Natural Selection get outside the ring but find themselves surrounded by the tHw men as tHw head official Jim Korderas calls for the bell.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/AJ_Styles10.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/daveyrichards.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/RobConway.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Carlos_Colon_Jr.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Adam_Cole.jpg w/http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/HarleyRace-1.jpeg

AJ Styles & The American Wolves vs. Rob Conway, Carlos & Adam Cole w/Harley Race

No Disqualification


With so many men around ringside it’s hard to keep track of the action as all six men are brawling inside the ring. Adam Cole is the first man to go down as Eddie Edwards connected with a superkick while Davey followed it up with a German Suplex. On the other side of the ring Carlos and Conway were double teaming AJ Styles when The American Wolves came to even the odds. They threw Carlos over the top rope to the floor below here the tHw wrestler get a few blows on him too. Harley Race started to yell that it wasn’t fair, Sylvan and Natural Selection looked like they were going to start something but The Young Bucks stared them down and Rhino raised his chair begging them to start something. Back in the ring it was now a three on one match and the crowd were loving it. Harley Race saw what was about to happen and in an act of desperation brought his cane up and wacked Davey Richards on the back of the head.


This was all the invitation the rest of the NWA needed and as it turned out so did tHw. A massive brawl broke out, with the action soon spilling inside the ring. Every member of the NWA, apart from Harley Race, were forced into the ring and were systematically beaten down by tHw, but one man managed to escape from the confusion. The NWA World Champion Rob Conway was crawling backwards up the ramp, trying to escape the carnage that was happening in the ring. He nearly escaped, he did actually get behind the curtain but the crowd roared when Rob Conway was being carried by both the returning tHw World Champion John Morrison and Bobby Lashley back down to the ring. Bobby lifted Rob above his head and forcibly threw him into the ring, which was by now cleared of all the NWA wrestlers. Rob Conway got back up to his feet and came face to face with AJ Styles. Rob tried to escape again but when he turned around he was met by a brutal spear by Bobby Lashley. As Rob was in pain on the mat John Morrison came flying off the top rope and connected with the Starship Pain. AJ Styles made the cover and the crowd counted along with the three count. The bell rang and for the first time since the invasion began tHw were the ones left standing tall.


Winners - AJ Styles & The American Wolves


Back at the top of the ramp Harley Race was watching his NWA wrestlers on the floor and was shouting at tHw that this was far from over when the crowd cheers grew louder. Harley Race turned around to come face to face with the tHw President Ted DiBiase who floored him with a right hand and laughed much to the crowd’s amusement.


Ted DiBiase: ‘You think you can come into my company and take over you son of a bitch? You think I was going to let my investment fail, Harley bud you needed to do better to make me walk away from this. If the NWA want to fight so badly then we’ll do it the old fashioned way, in the ring. Next month at Curtain Call it’s five of my wrestlers and five of yours in a Soul Survivor Match. If the NWA win then they get bragging rights over tHw. If, no wait a second, when tHw win this invasion is over, this war is over. When tHw win the NWA leaves, do you understand that Harley? When we win this is over.’


tHw Spotlight comes to a close with the image of the tHw President standing over a fallen NWA committee member Harley Race and tHw standing tall in the ring.








1. Vid: Spotlight 1/C+

2. Show intro 2/C

3. Irish Airborne and Cutler Brothers Double DQ 5.43/D

4. Young Bucks inter, attacked by NWA 4/C

5. AJ Styles confronts Harley Race, main event made 5/D

6. Brian Kendrick promo 5/B-

7. Brian Kendrick def. Alex Shelley 11.10/C-

8. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon talks to Alex Shelley 3/D

9. AJ Styles inter 7/C+

10. Announce 2/C-

11. AJ Styles & The American Wolves def. Rob Conway, Carlos & Adam Cole 12.27/C+

12. Ted DiBiase announces match 4/C-


Show Rating: C+

Attendance: 1,500 sell out

TV Rating: 1.87 up 0.10




Just wanted to let you know I have been reading this and it is very good. I especially like the Kendrick, Dinsmore, Talon story you have going on.


Very nice


Thanks for your reply and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>NOVEMBER 2014 NEWS UPDATE</strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Another month has come and gone, let’s recap all of the major news stories from this month.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>----- </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>WWE News</strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p>

So it is now official, The Undertaker’s contract has ended and for the first time in over twenty years Mark Calloway is no longer apart of the WWE. Why one of their icons and most loyal wrestlers ever was not offered a new contract is still a mystery as the man is a legit draw and his matches at Wrestlemania are one of the biggest draws about the event. Sources close to The Undertaker are saying that he’s very upset with the situation and since he was a locker room leader many inside the WWE are angry at losing one of the most respected wrestlers of the past two decades. </p><p> </p><p>

WWE continues to snap up independent talent, with the likes of Brother Devon, Colt Cabana, Sonjay Dutt, BJ Whitmer and Adam Pierce all signed to written exclusive deals with the company.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE held Survivor Series this month and the main event saw Randy Orton retaining the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Rey Mysterio. The buy rate also improved as it was 11.58. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>TNA News</strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p>

All seems quiet on the TNA front this month. They held Lockdown in Hawaii this month and the main event saw Bully Ray’s successful title defence against James Storm, Jeff Hardy and Christopher Daniels in a four man cage match. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>RoH News</strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p>

RoH look to be doing some serious damage control this month. With the loss of Kevin Steen last month to TNA and with their fans angry in the new direction of their company they wanted to do something to placate their fans. Their answer was to send the focus of their anger away for a few months. After their recent non-aggression pact with tHw a working agreement followed which is allowing them to share some talent. So while they get rid of Carlos they got fan favourite AJ Styles along with John Morrison and Bobby Lashley for a few dates, hence why they weren’t on a few episodes of Spotlight this month. How long this arrangement is going to last is debateable and in many ways tHw will benefit more from this than RoH will. But AJ Styles certainly helped them out this month.</p><p> </p><p>

With their World Champion leaving for TNA Adam Cole became double champion in RoH, he’s already the RoH World Television Champion but now he’s also the RoH World Champion. He defeated the returning AJ Styles at Manhattan Mayhem 10 for the vacant championship. The show got a buy rate of 0.41 which is down from last month but is staying around the same area.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>-----</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>tHw News</strong></p></div><p></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p>

The biggest news on tHw this month is the announced extension of Spotlight from one hour to ninety minutes, but that will not be until January 2015. tHw plan to introduce a new Cruiserweight style division and are now actively looking for more talent for that purpose. They were unable to get Spotlight onto a national TV network but the feeling is that with the strong numbers that the show is getting on YouTube it won’t take long before they are on TV.</p><p> </p><p>

So the NWA invaded tHw, but none of them bar Rob Conway and Harley Race are actually from the NWA. Bizarre huh? The feeling was that the current wrestlers in the NWA are not well known and while they wanted this big War Games like match they didn’t want to fill it with generic wrestlers. They used their new deal with RoH and signed a few slightly recognisable stars unattached to any major promotion and just acted like they were from the NWA. The likes of Carlos and Adam Cole from RoH are only going to be in tHw for a short time but the jury is still out on Sylvan and Natural Selection. With Spotlight getting an extra thirty minutes they might be used as filler.</p><p> </p><p>

No PPV from tHw this month but instead their focusing on Curtain Call next month. It's going to be their first ever show that’s not going to be coming from the tHw arena but instead from the old NWA stomping ground of St Louis, Missouri. It looks to be a real test for the company as they have been mainly been attracting tourists and with DirectTV also on their backs about their buyrates for Breakout it could be a make or break night for the new promotion.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>----- </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Okay so that round it up for this month, we’ll see you in December.</p>

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tHw Spotlight

From the tHw Arena, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California

Week 1, December 2014


A recap of last week’s Spotlight plays, with the rematch against the NWA, the return of John Morrison, Bobby Lashley and Ted DiBiase. The video ends with the announcement by the tHw President of the Soul Survivor Match at Curtain Call. The video ends and we’re back in the tHw arena for the first Spotlight in December. The fireworks go off and after the cameras scan the crowd we join the announcers at ringside.




Tony Schiavone: ‘Hello and welcome to Spotlight. Last week tHw united to see off the NWA and for the first time since this invasion started tHw stood tall.’


DDP: ‘If I’ve watched Ted DiBiase punch Harley Race once, I’ve seen it a hundred times.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘We have an action packed night for you as there are three fatal fourway matches with a lot on the line.’


DDP: ‘This invasion is far from over. We won a battle last week but this war is far from over. tHw has got to stand united. We can’t let egos get in the way.’


The sound of the tHw President laughing makes the crowd cheer. Ted DiBiase walks down the ramp and surveys his empire.


Ted DiBiase: ‘Last week tHw did the impossible, tHw put aside their differences and stood together. We saw The Young Bucks and The American Wolves stand side by side. We saw ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon and AJ Styles put aside their differences and we saw John Morrison and Shelton Benjamin co existing. I didn’t think that is was possible. This NWA invasion will stop and at Curtain Call it will. A lot of people have been asking me what a Soul Survivor Match is, people have been asking me that question all week. I was too busy knocking Harley Race to the floor to explain the rules last week, so I’ll do it now. Two men start in the ring, one from tHw and one from the NWA. Surrounding that ring is a fifteen foot high steel cell; the structure is there for two reasons. The first is to keep the men inside the ring, the second is to cause as much pain and suffering on your opponent that they can’t continue. There is no DQ, there is no stoppage for blood, no count outs nadda. It’s just two men doing battle for the glory of their team. The way to win this match is to score a pin fall or submission on their opponents. Those two men will do battle in that structure but after five minutes another man will enter, one man from either the NWA or tHw and that team has the crucial advantage. From then on every five minutes another man will enter for either team until all ten men have entered. The match only ends when one team has been eliminated and one team becomes the Soul Survivor. It’s a brutal, brutal match but it’s the only way to settle things. Trust me when I say that tHw will become victorious in that match.’


Ted DiBiase laughs down the mic as the announcers are quickly recapping the rules for the viewers.


Ted DiBiase: ‘The question now is who will represent tHw? That’s where tonight comes in because I want people to earn the right to be in this match. I’m not just going to give away these spots; I want the best so tonight we’ve got three fatal fourway matches. The winners of those matches will be on Team tHw and will fight for their company. If, no when tHw win at Curtain Call the person who gets the last pin fall and the victory will receive a tHw World Championship title shot at Bright Lights, Big Beatdowns in February. Let’s get this started; it’s time to find out who is the first member of Team tHw at Curtain Call.’


Ted DiBiase does his trademark laugh once again as Alex Shelley arrives at the top of the ramp ready for the first match.


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Alex_Shelley30.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Noam_Dar.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Jack_Evans.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/Brian_Kendrick.jpg

Alex Shelley vs. Noam Dar vs. Jack Evans vs. Brian Kendrick

Fatal Fourway Match


Noam Dar and Jack Evans join Alex in the ring and the last person to arrive is Brian Kendrick, who looks less than pleased in being in this match. Kendrick slides into the ring and immediately he targets Alex Shelley, which leaves Dar and Evans to do battle. As you would expect with these four men the action was fast and hard hitting, with Dar especially putting his body on the line to try and make it into that Soul Survivor Match at Curtain Call. The end came when Jack Evans was on the top rope and came flying off with a 450 Splash on Dar; Kendrick had just knocked Shelley down to the floor on the outside when he saw Jack go for a pin. Brian got into the ring and broke up the three count by grabbing Jack and throwing him over the top rope to crash right into Alex Shelley. Noam Dar was back up on his feet but Kendrick level him with The Truth which was good for the three count. As the referee Mike Posey raises Brian Kendrick at the announcer’s table DDP notices that Kendrick doesn’t look that happy to be the first member of tHw.


Winner – Brian Kendrick




In the interview area Mauro Ranallo is joined by both John Morrison and Bobby Lashley .


Mauro Ranallo: ‘John, Bobby you both have been victims of horrible attack by the NWA. John you were their first victim three weeks ago and Bobby two weeks ago they attacked you too. Last week you two men dragged Rob Conway back to the ring but at Curtain Call you two men will wrestle for the tHw World Championship. Will that match ruin your friendship and …’


John Morrison: ‘Whoa that Mauro, I’m going to have to stop you right there. Last week yeah we worked together to get Rob Conway back in the ring but that doesn’t make us friends. I have a great respect for Bobby, he’s a great athlete and I know he’s going to give me one hell of a match at Curtain Call but no, we’re not friends. I know Bobby isn’t going to be going easy on me and I’m going to give everything I’ve got at Curtain Call to remain tHw World Champion.’


Bobby Lashley: ‘Exactly Mauro, I respect John Morrison and everything he has achieved in tHw so far, but that’s not going to stop me destroying him at Curtain Call. I will use John’s weaknesses against him and …’


John Morrison: ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Weaknesses? What weaknesses?’


Bobby Lashley: ‘Come one John, don’t play that game. You and I both know you’re hurting. You were out for two weeks after that attack by the NWA.’


John Morrison: ‘You were out as well …’


Bobby Lashley: ‘Yeah, just for one week, which was one less than you.’


John Morrison: ‘That’s the way it’s going to be then huh?’


Bobby Lashley: ‘I’m just calling it as I see it.’


John Morrison gets in Bobby Lashley’s face who doesn’t back down one step.


John Morrison: ‘Guess I’ll see you at Curtain Call.’


Bobby Lashley: ‘Yup, get ready for an ass whooping.’


John Morrison snorts and rolls his eyes, walking away backwards from the interview area.




In another part of the backstage area Alex Shelle y is in his locker room taking the tape off from his wrists after his match.




Alex Shelley looks to his left where a locker is standing a bit open. Alex walks up to it and, getting ready for an ambush, quickly opens the door. Inside the locker is ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon .


Alex Shelley: ‘What the hell are you doing in there?’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Just making sure it was safe man, just watching you know and …’


Alex Shelley: ‘Watching what? Were you watching me get undressed and …’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘What? No don’t flatter yourself. I have a different woman every night; they’re queuing up to get to me. No listen about my offer, have you reconsidered yet?’


Alex Shelley: ‘The one where I follow you about and any sign of the NWA you run away while I get attacked?’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Yeah that one, I’ll pay you double what I was offering last week and …’


Alex Shelley: ‘I’ll think about it okay?’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon smiles but does get slightly confused as Alex Shelley slowly closes the locker door and padlocks it closed.


Alex Shelley: ‘Listen bud, thought about it but it's not going to happen. You want a punching bag looks elsewhere and …’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon starts banging on the door and tries to get out, shouting.


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘Hey Alex funny guy, good joke, really funny but let me out yeah?’


Alex Shelley: ‘Yeah, thought about that too but I can’t see that happening either.’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon pounds on the locker door as Alex laughs.


Alex Shelley: ‘It’s kinda freaking me out that you’re in there watching me Johnny, so I’m going to get changed somewhere else. See you next week okay bud?’


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘You can’t do this to me. Do you know who I am? I’m the biggest star this business will ever know. I’m ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon do you hear me? Let me out! Let me out of here right now and … Hello, Alex? ALEX?’


The camera turns round to see that Alex Shelley has left the room leaving ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon locked in the locker.


‘The One’ Johnny Cannon: ‘My god what is that smell in here?’




In another locker room Brian Kendrick is sitting down in a corner, beside him standing up is both Nick Dinsmore and his first follower Talon . Nick Dinsmore is still covered with scars, cuts and bruises as Talon stands as still as a statue while Brian Kendrick stares off into the distance.


Brian Kendrick: ‘What’s done is done my friends. There is no turning off of our path now. You both know what is about to happen, what must happen. My brothers the path of truth has never been for the weak of heart. It has always been treacherous. The falsehood of words is always there to tempt you and divert you from the path. Our resolve must be steel, our intent must be pure and our actions must be truth. The path that we tread on now my brothers is dark before me, I do not know if we will survive the upcoming trials that are set in our path before us. But I know that we must remain true, our hearts must remain pure and our minds must be free. This is our greatest test my brothers, we must not fail it.’




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Paul Birchill vs. Chris Mordetzky vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Talon

Fatal Fourway Match


The first fatal fourway match was all about speed, the second was all about power. With Paul Birchill and Chris Mordetzky using their power to try and win a spot of Team tHw. Talon also used his power, connecting with The Dark Kiss on Chris Mordetzky but to many people’s surprise he never went for a pin. In fact there were many times where Talon could have won this match but he obviously has been learning from his master as he wouldn’t go for a pin instead he would just walk away. The match started to revolve around one man, Shelton Benjamin. Showing his amazing athletic ability Benjamin completely dominated the last part of the match. He first laid Birchill out with a T-Bone Suplex; he did the same to Talon before connecting with The PayDirt on Chris Mordetzky that was good for the three count and the second place on Team tHw at Curtain Call.


Winner – Shelton Benjamin




In the tHw President’s office we see Ted DiBiase standing in front of both The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne .


Ted DiBiase: ‘I know you all have a match coming up next for the last two remaining spots on Team tHw at Curtain Call but I needed to speak to you first. Your best of five series, against all odds, ended with a draw. Your last match was interrupted by the NWA before a winner was decided. That’s why next week, right here on Spotlight, you’re going to have a rematch. The winners of that match are going to be the number one contenders to the tHw Tag Team Championships. Now go out there and fight for your company.’


The room erupts into shouts as both The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne shove each other out the door and all four men promising victory next week.




Back in the ring Harley Race and The NWA are being booed from the tHw crowd.


Harley Race: ‘All I’ve heard all night is how tHw are going to kick our ass at Curtain Call. How Shelton Benjamin and Brian Kendrick are already on team tHw. One of your team is a man who has squandered every opportunity that has been given to him and the other one is a freak that will only look after himself. The NWA know what is at stake at Curtain Call, tHw are more concerned with who will get that tHw World Championship shot but the NWA are after the bigger prize. We know whoever wins that Soul Survivor Match controls tHw.’


Rob Conway: ‘The future of this damn company is now in our hands and at Curtain Call we will choke the life out of tHw.’


Harley Race: ‘How long do you really think tHw will work together? They have some of the bigger egos in this company. Your World Champion is a joke, desperately clinging to his dream. His opponent is all muscle and no smarts. Your Tag Team Champion has alienated every other team in this place by making fun of them and what’s left? A freak show is what’s left. The people who stand behind me have nothing to fear at Curtain Call.’


Rob Conway: ‘In just three weeks, in that Soul Survivor Match the curtain will close on this sad, pathetic and worthless company once and for all. This company’s short existence will be just a stepping stone on the NWA’s rise to controlling this business once again. United we will stand while divided they will fall.’


The NWA raise their hands in the air as we go to the announcer’s desk.


Tony Schiavone: ‘Confident words there by the NWA …’


DDP: ‘Confident but true Tony. The NWA are on the same page, they know what’s at stake at Curtain Call. tHw must not lose sight of that, yeah we have some egos but last week tHw united. If they divide now then they’ve lost.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘Let’s hope that it doesn’t come to that. Right now though is our last match of the night and the last two open spots left on Team tHw in the Soul Survivor Match at Curtain Call is up for grabs.’


DDP: ‘The captain of Team tHw has already been decided. Along with both Shelton Benjamin and Brian Kendrick he will want to know which two men will join them in that match.’


Tony Schiavone: ‘There’s a lot of talent in that match. The American Wolves, The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne all have something to prove and The American Wolves will have scores to settle with the NWA.’


DDP: ‘You can’t look beyond the tHw Tag Team Champions though. The Young Bucks for my money have this one in the bag.’


http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/daveyrichards.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/EddieEdwards2.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/JakeCrist.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DaveCrist.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/NickJackson.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/MattJackson.jpg vs. http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/DustinCutler.jpghttp://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m288/Matt___uk/BrandonCutler.jpg

American Wolves vs. Irish Airborne vs. The Young Bucks vs. The Cutler Brothers

Fatal Fourway Match


The last match of the night was also the best as all four teams tore the house down. The match soon descended into chaos with the teams splitting down the middle to their respective rivalries. The Young Bucks and The American Wolves took the ring for their battle while The Cutler Brothers and Irish Airborne settled to beat the holy hell out of each other on the outside, both teams trying to do as much damage before their match next week as possible. With all the action Jim Korderas had trouble keeping track of who were the legal men and the announcers too were losing track of the action. With Dustin Cutler driving Jake Crist into the ring post and Dave Crist sending Brandon into the guard rail the whole match looked to be getting out of control. Inside the ring it was no better as both teams were ignoring to tag in and were just going at it in the ring. With four men trading strikes, kicks and punches it was a question of if they would be able to compete at Curtain Call the way they were fighting. In the end though order was restored, kind of anyway. The Young Bucks went for The More Bang For Your Buck on Davey Richards but Eddie damn near took Nick Jackson's head off with a stiff looking superkick while Davey then locked in the Cross Armbreaker on Matt in the middle of the ring. Matt had nowhere to go and despite struggling for as long as he could eventually tapped out to the pain.


Winners – The American Wolves


tHw Spotlight faded to black with The American Wolves celebrating their victory and clinching their spots on Team tHw in the Soul Survivor Match at Curtain Call.








1. Vid: Spotlight 1/B-

2. Show opening 2/C

3. Ted DiBiase explains rules of the Soul Survivor Match and explains winners from tonight’s matches go onto Team tHw. 5/C

4. Brian Kendrick def. Alex Shelley, Noam Dar & Jack Evans 8.39/C

5. Bobby Lashley and John Morrison joint interview 5/B-

6. ‘The One’ Johnny Cannon tries to buy Alex Shelley 3/D

7. Brian Kendrick talks to his followers 5/B

8. Shelton Benjamin def. Chris Mordetzky, Paul Birchill & Talon 10.55/D

9. Ted DiBiase makes Irish Airborne vs. Cutler Brothers next week on Spotlight 2/D-

10. Harley Race introduces his NWA team 5/C

11. Announce 1/C+

12. American Wolves def. Cutler Brothers, Young Bucks & Irish Airborne 11.16/C+


Show Rating: C

Attendance: 1,550 (sell out)

TV Rating: 1.92 (up 0.05)

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Another good show. Soul Survivor is obviously a take on War Games, and that's a good thing. I do have a question, though: what exactly does the NWA win? I know you said bragging rights, but it seems like they should have a tangible reward for victory. Maybe another world title shot for Conway with Ted barred from the building, or Ted resigns, or something.
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Another good show. Soul Survivor is obviously a take on War Games, and that's a good thing. I do have a question, though: what exactly does the NWA win? I know you said bragging rights, but it seems like they should have a tangible reward for victory. Maybe another world title shot for Conway with Ted barred from the building, or Ted resigns, or something.


Yeah Soul Survivor is a take on the War Games, why the WWE have never done one I do't understand. I know they have the Elmination Chamber but still. What the NWA will get if they win will be revealed on the next Spotlight, which should be up sometime later on this week.

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