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Strange Maximum Ability Occurence

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I've noticed that on the last three characters I've made, their "Maximum Ability" in every single stat seems to be about 52%. This was tested with a Technical wrestler, a regular one, and an entertainer. All of them were middle weight and set to "High Potential".


The first two character's were made on the most recent official patch on the Grey Dog website and the last character was made on the 1.2 March temporary patch. Is this supposed to be happening? Because I swear I've gone past 52% in stats before a year or two ago when I used to play with a different character.


For the record, I've currently hit my max of 52% on: Brawling, Power, Mat Wrestling, Chain Wrestling, Submissions, Arial, Charisma, Star Quality, Basics, Psychology, Consistency, Athleticism, Toughness, and Stamina.


Is this normal? If not, how do I change it?

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The latest temporary patch is the correct version to use.


55% is the lowest possible maximum stat on High Potential. It can go higher than this, but as it involves a lot of random numbers there is no guarantee that it will. If you want to make sure you always have a pretty high ceiling it is better to use one of the levels above High Potential.

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Yes, it is normal. The code that creates the maximum levels works pretty well when you're playing in Superstar mode but was less successful in Rookie To Legend mode as it tended to produce too many low caps due to how low the rookie's original stats, which the caps are based on, naturally are. (I think most players took to either using the highest potential level possible or playing Superstar mode with an existing rookie-like character as a result.)


It's something that was revamped in WreSpi3 to produce nicer, more realistic results, but I'm afraid that one of the issues with playing the older games is that you are going to run into features that were improved in later iterations, as naturally it's a case of the product getting stronger and better each time. This is one of the instances where unfortunately there's not much I can say other than the method I used in WreSpi2 is significantly inferior to what it became in WreSpi3, as I learned from my mistakes and user feedback.

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