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World Championship Wrestling 1997....NW-NO

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July 7th 1996, Hulk Hogan turned on the fans of WCW, forming the New World Order with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, thus changing the landscape of wrestling forever, with shockwaves being felt to this day.


It is the most memorable event in wrestling history....except in this universe, it never happened.


There was no NWO, no big Bash at the Beach heel turn, but there was some changes in the air in WCW.


The Dark Side of the Stinger.


Sting, the hero, the franchise player of WCW, turned to the darkside, being brainwashed by Kevin Sullivan(and later Jake "The Snake" Roberts, but we'll get to that later). The Dungeon of Doom was seemingly disbanded. Hogan defeated them all, mowed them down one by one, even Sullivan's most dangerous weapon, the Giant.


The Taskmaster had one ace up his sleeve, the man known as Sting. His good buddy Lex Luger was also supposed to be involved, but Luger's involvement in this storyline was kiboshed, due to his constant moaning and complaining every time time that he was asked to do a simple job.


The people thought that Sting beating Hogan's good friend Randy Savage to win the title was just so the belt can be transitioned onto Hogan during the summer to show where the power lied.


Hogan took some time off, allowing Sting to run with the ball for a little bit. Sting feuded with Savage, and then went into a feud with his old friend Ric Flair, turning the Horsemen babyface, against Sting's faction, the Cabal. Now with his face painted black and white, as something out of the crow, there were doubters and skeptics that thought that Sting could even be heel. And in those early weeks, the fans wanted to cheer Sting, because that was their nature.


Throughout the summer, Sting transformed himself, gone was the fun loving Sting, and there was a psychotic machine. He formed the Cabal, him and Kevin Sullivan, along with henchmen like Rapture, Wrath, Fury, and Scorpion.


Hog Wild was set for the first Saturday in August. Kevin Sullivan had left the company due to a backstage blowup, thus he was out. Hogan defeated Sting's henchmen on back to back Nitros, and even jobbed the Giant once again when the Cabal tried to bring in some reinforcements. It was looking like Sting was going feel the legdrop but as it turned out, it was not time. Sting had an ace in the hole or rather a snake.



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<p><strong>Part II: A Snake in the Garden of Hulkamania. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

Hulk Hogan was set to go for Hog Wild, and the evil Sting, who defeated both Randy Savage and Ric Flair was likely to be sacrificed to the Hulkster, brother. However, just as Hulk Hogan was about ready to triumph, referee Nick Patrick went down.</p><p> </p><p>

That allowed Jake Roberts to slither into the ring, and hit Hogan in the throat with a foreign object and nail him with a huge DDT. Sting hit his Scorpion Deathdrop reverse DDT and pinned Hogan in the center of the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

This was the first pinfall loss that Hulk Hogan took in WCW, and he lost to the Franchise Player. The Mastermind between Sting's sudden change was revealed and it was Jake Roberts.</p><p> </p><p>

Obviously, the Snake was not brought in to wrestle, for his best days were behind him, as he wrestled less than a handful of matches on WCW Television. His two matches were a win over Scotty Riggs, and a brutal double disqualification no contest where Jake teamed up with Cactus Jack to do battle with the Mega Powers to a brutal double disqualification match. There was also their non-match at Fall Brawl, where Jake laid out Hogan again and put a snake on top of him, something that the fans were surprised that would happen.</p><p> </p><p>

The Snake Pit Match was set for Halloween Havoc between these two men. Halloween Havoc had some rather interesting gimmick matches over the years. The Chamber of Horrors match being one, the Monster Truck Sumo Match the previous year was the other.</p><p> </p><p>

The Snake Pit Match was like a lumberjack match, only instead of lumberjacks, there were snakes surrounding the ring in pits that were erected on all four sides. It was a match that seemed to be a questionable decision and the actual wrestling was not a technical masterclass. But the heat was off the charts and the evil Roberts was cheered, although the Hulkster still had his supporters.</p><p> </p><p>

A huge Axe Bomber Clothesline sent the Snake to his doom and Hulk Hogan won that match, and looked to be on a collision course. The planned rumor according to the dirt sheets was Hogan would ge this WCW World title Match with Sting at Starrcade, after beating 59 other men in the three ring cluster known as World War III. And it was obvious that 1996 would end with the Hulkster reclaiming his place as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

Jake was naturally written off of television because you just don't show up on Nitro the next night after being shoved into a pit of snakes. But he would be back. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Part Three: The Trials and Triumphs of the Horsemen.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair walked into 1996 as the WCW World Champion, with Arn Anderson by his side as always as the Enforcer. Brian Pillman was the Loose Cannon and Chris Benoit was the newest member of the Horsemen. This might have been the strongest Horsemen unit wince the Flair/Anderson/Blanchard/Windham tandem.</p><p> </p><p>

Cracks started to fit, as Brian Pillman suffered an injury in early 1996, that put him out for a few weeks. This might have turned into one of the best things possible for him, and the Benoit, Anderson, and Flair trio did a wonderful job in holding down the fort. Flair did drop the title to Randy Savage in a Thundercage Match at Superbrawl VI in February and followed that up losing the rematch at Uncensored in a Iron Man Challenge Match. </p><p> </p><p>

Pillman meanwhile had an insane match with Randy Savage on Nitro, the first match back from injury, that really turned some heads. Not with WCW management, at least not yet. Benoit and Pillman were put together as a tag team and won the WCW Tag Team Title belts from the Road Warriors on a Nitro in April, and had an amazing three month run, defeating all comers. </p><p> </p><p>

Ric Flair was supposed to be pushed down the pecking order, but Lex Luger being a pill backstage caused him to get a stay of execution. The plan for Great American Bash 1996, was Sting and Lex Luger for the WCW World title. Luger was supposed to corrupt Sting but he went too far and Sting turned on him. Thus leading to Luger have a change of heart and try to save his friend, while adding a WCW World title to his resume. </p><p> </p><p>

But Luger got heat backstage, and Flair got the match, thus turning the Horsemen babyface and putting them on a collision course with the Cabal throughout the summer. Flair and Sting's first match at the Great American Bash ended in a disqualification, when Sting brutalized Flair.</p><p> </p><p>

It was set for a return match at Bash at the Beach 1996, where Sting and Ric Flair met in a Streetfight, dubbed to be the final climatic confrontation between these two long time rivals, and the gold was on the line. Ric Flair vowed to win title number 13 and said that Sting might have turned evil but he's still the dirtiest player in the game. </p><p> </p><p>

Flair was prepared to win the title, and the Horsemen fought off the Cabal, but then it happened.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit hit Flair in the head with the ten pounds of gold!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

So many times, had a Horsemen been turfed from a group but this is the first time that a Horseman decided to beat them to the punch. Sting pinned Ric Flair, and is still the champion, and the Four Horsemen were down to three. </p><p> </p><p>

Wrestling's premier faction only would have more problems in the future. After Ric Flair managed a disqualification win over Chris Benoit after Benoit brutalized him and left him bloodied at Hog Wild, it was set, the Horsemen against the Cabal, in War Games. It would be Sting, Benoit, Wrath(formally Adam Bomb in the WWF), and Fury(formally Crush in the WWF). But there were three Horsemen now, Flair, Anderson, and Pillman. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>To Be Continued.</strong></p>

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(Note: So we got a couple more parts of this, before we begin with the dynasty proper, so just kick back).


Part IV: War Games.


The main event for Fall Brawl was to feature the Horsemen taking on Chris Benoit, Fury, Wrath, and WCW World Champion Sting of the Cabal in War Games. One could wonder who the fourth Horsemen was.


There was actually a couple of attempts by WCW to try and stage an interesting coup and steal someone from WWF to come in and join the Horsemen. The first attempt to bring someone in was Owen Hart, but that didn't work. Hunter Hearst Helmsley, formally Jean-Paul Levesque, was another attempt to bring someone in but both men decided to sign with WWF and left WCW without any options for their Fourth Horsemen.


Therefore, WCW turned to a former Horsemen in Barry Windham, who was on the roster. Windham returned that past Spring and ended the seventh month Television Title reign of Johnny B. Badd. Windham feuded with Cabal member, Rapture(formally the Renegade), so he had the history. Windham joined Anderson, Pillman, and Flair to take on the Cabal, where if the Horsemen won, then the man who scored the decision would get the WCW World Title shot against Sting at Halloween Havoc. If the Horsemen lost, then they would be done forever.


Four days before Fall Brawl, Arn Anderson suffered a severe injury that would knock him on the shelf for a year.


Needless to say WCW went into panic mode, as there was once again three Horsemen. They decided on a last minute replacement in Scott Steiner, who scored the win and the WCW World Title Match at Halloween Havoc. Steiner dropped that match to Sting, which seemed to be a glorified filler Pay Per View title match. Sting was just keeping that belt warm for the Hulkster, so said the pundits.


Barry Windham joined forces with old Horsemen enemies the Road Warriors, dropping a six man tag team match against Wrath, Fury ,and Rapture at Slim Jim's Halloween Havoc. Ric Flair and Chris Benoit continued their feud, with nothing being settled with the no contest decision. Oddly enough, Brian Pillman was sacrificed to the altar that was Diamond Dallas Page.


And speaking of the devil.


Part V: Rages to Riches: The Push of Diamond Dallas Page.


DDP started 1996 losing a series of matches to Johnny B. Badd, failing to win the Television Title. Then he lost a series of matches to Flex Kavana, the son of the legendary Rocky Johnson and the grandson of Peter Maivia. DDP "quit" WCW after Slamboree 1996.


He returned in July and set his sights for the United States Championship that was held by Eddie Guerrero. A double fall fatal four way match was set up Hog Wild with DDP taking on Eddie, Television Champion Lord Steven Regal, and Barry Windham. DDP walked out with both belts, taking Regal's belt and Eddie's belt.


He also broke his wrist in the process, thus causing him to be regulated to cutting promos for the next month. Both the Television and United States Championship was left on the backburner, for the next month.


DDP lost the Television Title belt to Lord Steven Regal. One wondered why Regal even lost the belt in the first place if the plan was to put the belt back on him almost five weeks later. He then beat Eddie Guerrero. There were rumors that Eddie was being geared for a big push later in the year, and the controversial finish protected him.


The feud with Brian Pillman was an extremely interesting one, as Brian Pillman had a series of matches earlier that year with Eddie Guerrero that put him on the map, the match with Randy Savage on Nitro, and his tag team title reign. Plus his Loose Cannon gimmick was getting over towards the more jaded 18-35 demographic that WCW was pulling in, as the glory days of Ding Dongs, Shockmasters, and Loch Ness had long since faded. DDP was Eric Bischoff's pet project, and Pillman wasn't really supposed to get over to this degree. Therefore, DDP beat Pillman at Halloween Havoc, and that should have been the rise of DDP but Pillman's overness remained molten.


Fans kind of were getting behind DDP as a sleazy heel who had a belt that he didn't deserve. He got himself disqualified and counted out during several title matches throughout the autumn and the big signing that WCW brought in was looking to finally be the one to end the DDP God push of Doom.


Part VI: The Madness Meets Mr. Bang Bang.


Randy Savage's second reign as WCW World Champion was the catalyst that set off Sting's record breaking heel run in 1996. Savage would have a filler feud with Lord Steven Regal between Slamboree and Great American Bash 1996, would join forces with Hulk Hogan to take on the Cabal at Bash at the Beach 1996, and would feud with the Giant at Hog Wild 1996.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Foley's baby boy returned for his third tour of duty in WCW. The rumor was that it was an offer that no one in their right mind would be able to refuse.


Cactus Jack returned at Bash at the Beach 1996 where Fit Finlay called out anyone in the world for a fight. Jack had a wild brawl with Meng on Nitro, another couple of matches with Finlay, and pretty much made Lex Luger his personal.....well you know, in a match at the Hog Wild pre-show. Then on Nitro the night after Hog Wild, Cactus Jack struck.


Oh boy did he strike, you'd think that he had lost his ever living mind. Randy Savage was supposed to take on The Barbarian but this mad man jumps him after his match with Konnan and beats him.


Cactus Jack said that they said that Randy Savage was supposed to be the craziest man in all of WCW, but he wanted to test that fact.


They had one match at Fall Brawl 1996 that went to a brutal double disqualification match. That set the stage for the return of Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal at Halloween Havoc 1996 and it was going to be a Last Man Standing Match.


Savage missed the Flying Elbow that won him so many matches, and Cactus drilled Savage with numerous chair shots, before setting him up and hitting the devastating elbow drop off of the ring apron to the concrete floor.


Savage was not standing, in fact, Savage was stretchered out and he has not been seen on WCW television since Cactus Jack's beating at Halloween Havoc


WCW was getting red hot going into World War III and on the road to StarrCade 1996 but there are some changes brewing, and one big time WCW superstar, we'll be saying goodbye to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part VII: Hit the Road, Brother.


A big surprise was announced the night after Halloween Havoc, where Hulk Hogan was declared the number one contender for the WCW World Championship against Sting at World War III. There was some behind the scenes turmoil. WCW and Hogan had some heat earlier then the year, when like time Hulk Hogan running buddy, Brutus Beefcake was canned due to drugs. Then Hogan pretty much refused to do numerous jobs, doing wonders in tanking the Giant's push.


Hogan was going to leave in December of 1996, but there was nothing but rumors at the time.


Sting beat Hulk Hogan at World War III, pinning him in the center of the ring with his Scorpion Deathdrop DDT. It appeared that Hogan was done with that one, with that shocking pinfall loss.


That being said, the next night on Nitro was another match featuring Sting against Hulk Hogan, this time in the cage for the WCW World Title. Hogan's contract would expire at the end of the week and there was one last round of negoiations, but they fell apart. Sting beat Hogan inside a steel cage match and that was the last of the Hulkster. Hogan was about to get up after the match and run wild on the Cabal and while he did, he only did so to the benefit of the fans at the arena.


The camera shut off and the last image that most WCW fans would ever get of Hulk Hogan was Sting pinning Hogan in the center of the ring at the end of Nitro.


The Hogan experiment got a lot of eyes on WCW, but eventually WCW was ready to use those eyes that he brought to them for the start of something new.


Part VIII: The Loose Cannon.


Brian Pillman was the fourth string of the Four Horsemen at best. Ric Flair was the WCW World Champion, Arn Anderson was the Enforcer, and Chris Benoit was the new pet project that was being brought in. Pillman went down early in 1996 with an injury but he returned, helping Chris Benoit wrestle the WCW Tag Team Titles away from the Road Warriors. They held the belt for three months before dropping them at Bash at the Beach, to Harlem Heat in a Trangle Match that also featured the Steiner Brothers.


Benoit turned on the Horsemen, with Jake Roberts whispering in his ear from the sidelines. The big feud with Benoit and Flair, not Benoit and his former tag team title partner Pillman. In fact, Benoit defeated Pillman on Nitro eight days after Bash at the Beach and set him up for a match with Ric Flair. Pillman was set up for a Cruiserweight Title Match against Rey Mysterio Jr at Hog Wild where he lost.


Pillman's win/loss record was only average outside of his tag team with Chris Benoit. He was DDP fodder for Halloween Havoc and then he was thrown into a feud with Cactus Jack.


The Horsemen had some bad luck this year with Arn Anderson's injury putting him out for a year. Windham, Pillman, and Flair are the Horsemen these days, with Arn Anderson's nephew, the debuting Cal Anderson being shoved in. Him and Windham have formed a decent tag team but he's not a Horsemen.


Cactus Jack and Brian Pillman had another series of matches and it looked like Cactus was going to just roll by another mad man. In fact, he beat Pillman at World War III.


Then it happened on the night of World War III, Brian Pillman entered the battle royal along with 59 other men. It came down to Pillman along with Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit, and Cactus Jack, three former enemies of his.


Brian Pillman defeated the odds and eliminated all three of them. The result was simple, Brian Pillman was going to Starrcade 1996 to challenge for the WCW World Title:


Part VIII: Starrcade 1996


It's time for the results for the biggest event of the year, Starrcade 1996.


Dean Malenko defended the WCW Cruiserweight Title against the number one contender TAKA Michinoku in the opening match. Malenko had been defending his belt against all comers but TAKA has been undefeated since coming to WCW in November. TAKA catches Malenko off guard, and pulls out a sunset flip to score the pin out of nowhere.


Lord Steven Regal defended his WCW Television Title against three top competitors in Buff Bagwell, Chris Jericho, and Flex Kavana. Kavana and Jericho are newcomers to WCW in 1996 and looking to win their first belt. Bagwell has reinvented himself as an arrogant heel after shoving Scotty Riggs off to the side. Buff Bagwell becomes the second new champion of the evening, winning the WCW Television Title, pinning Regal with his Blockbuster Neckbreaker.


Harlem Heat defended their WCW Tag Team Titles next against the Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury), Cal Walker Anderson and Barry Windham, and Scott Steiner and Road Warrior Hawk. With both Animal and Rick Steiner on the DL list for StarrCade, a member of the Steiner Brothers and the member of the Road Warriors joined forces for the very first time. Anderson and Windham was put out first, and the Masters of Pain were left, leaving the defending champions against Hawk and Steiner. Steiner and Hawk had some miscommunications and Sherri interfered liberally. Scott Steiner caught Booker T with a surprise Frankensteiner and three slaps of the mat, we have new Tag Team Champions, as the Harlem Heat's nearly six month stranglehold on the WCW Tag Team Titles comes to an end.


After three title changes already that evening, Diamond Dallas Page isn't feeling lucky as he defended the championship against the United States Championship against Ken Shamrock. The World's Most Dangerous Man came into WCW, looking to take down Page. Sure enough, Page was battered by Shamrock but the Diamond Man had some help in the Giant, who made his return and Choke Slammed Shamrock on the arena floor. DDP pinned Shamrock to become the first champion tonight to keep his gold.


Cactus Jack and Eddie Guerrero faced off where the winner was the number one contender for the WCW World Championship. Eddie Guerrero was looking to move up to the next level and Cactus was looking to secure a championship shot. Eddie missed the Frog Splash and Cactus drilled Eddie with the huge Double Arm DDT for the pin. Cactus will get the next shot at the WCW World title and this madman this close to the gold


Chris Benoit and Ric Flair's blood feud hit a raging climax, in an I Quit Match. Thirteen years ago Ric Flair was in the main event at the first Starrcade against Harley Race and he goes second from the top. Benoit and Flair brutalize each other, with Flair pulling out every dirty trick in the book. Benoit was determined to get the win and prove that he wasn't wrong for leaving the Horsemen. He destroys Flair's arm with a chair and slaps on his deadly Crippler Crossface submission move. Flair refuses to give up right away but eventually with his face bloodied and his right arm pretty much destroyed, he really has no choice.


The main event featured the Sinister Sting defending the WCW World Championship against the man who won World War III, Brian Pillman. Sting defeated the best that the world has to offer but this is Pillman's shot, do or die for him. Pillman pulls out several insane moves but the champion wears him down, picking apart the leg injury that put Pillman on the shelf for a couple of months. Scorpion Deathlock is locked in but Pillman reaches the ropes.


Sting brutalizes Pillman but Pillman dodges the Stinger Splash and Sting knocks himself loopy on the post. Pillman hits a powerslam and goes up top, and hits Air Pillman but only gets a two and nine tenths count when Sting kicks out. Pillman goes up top facing the crowd but Sting dodges a backwards springboard cross body block. Scorpion is avoided once again and Pillman jabs Sting in the throat. Pillman has Sting and hooks him into a fisherman cradle, before driving him down with a DDT! Pillman covers Sting and gets the pin! Brian Pillman is your new WCW World Champion!


The fans are excited, and after this match of the year candidate, Brian Pillman has held his first World Championship. We go into 1997 with a fresh man on the top of the heap, the Anti-Hero, the Loose cannon has connected with the fans. Pillman holds the WCW World Championship Belt over his head as pryo goes off.


And now we go into 1997 with a new WCW World Champion.

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And now we begin 1997 with the game proper.


WCW Monday Nitro for Week One January 1997:


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack.


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©

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This is an awesome read thus far. Predictions are gonna be tough because of all the changes...no nWo...wow.


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack

Hmm...think I'll go with the future here.


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©

Get them on a proper team.


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.

CW in the Horsemen is funny, but in a weird way it sort of makes sense.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©

Buff just won it, keep it on him for a bit.

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Sounds amazing, cant wait for weekly play-by-play


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack.

Tough choice


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©

I think Harlem Heat win the titles back


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©

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WCW Monday Nitro for Week One January 1997:

Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack.



WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©

don't see them losing the titles the night after winning them


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.

Tough choice


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©

Same deal as the tag titles

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This will probably be one of the most difficult RW dynasties to predict. I'll be sad to see your old format go, if that's what you're doing now that the shows will actually be posted.


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack.


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©


Maybe we could get a bit of an inside scoop; Why exactly did Hogan leave? Did you fire him or did his contract expire? Bagwell winning the TV title, Pillman winning the World title (Good choice), and Sting turning heel all cause this to be awesome so far. Those things have completely thrown any "same old, same old" out the window and allowing anyone on your roster to be made into something.

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First off, wow. I am so on board for this, I dig that you seem to be coming at this like a story teller/booker and not someone just playing the game. The rise of Pillman and your new guard in WCW will make for great stories. Amazing use of sting and flair as the guys used to get the younger talent over without making it 'look' like your using them to get younger guys over.


Great job and thank you in advance for the ride we are about to go on.

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great back ground, I will be sad to see i go, i am following a whole crop of new diaries, but I am most excited about this one.



WCW Monday Nitro for Week One January 1997:


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack

the horsemen are coming apart, or atleast a new generation of horsmena need to step up.


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©

solid win to build the new champs


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.

like I said a new gen of horseman need to rise up, Barry will need to be out at some point, but only after Cal gets a good rub


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©

but chris comes out looking strong.

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Really enjoyed reading this. Good job!!! Not very familiar with the era, or WCW in general to be fair, so looking forward to learning and hearing about all your call characters. The Rock's new gimmick/name should help him become the star we all know he's capable of becoming. And it's great to see Benoit, Eddie, Pillman, Sting, Foley and others as your top, top guys!! :D


Tag Team division looks strong too, so the future's bright for your company. Would be very interested in seeing a full roster including pushes, but I understand if you don't want to reveal everything just yet. Owen Hart would have been a HUGE signing to be the fourth Horseman! Arghhh!!


And this looks like a STACKED card for the first Nitro of 1997!!! So many tough choices... you have a reader in me my friend.


WCW Monday Nitro for Week One January 1997:


Chris Benoit vs. Cactus Jack.

Both men had HUGE wins at Starrcarde... Calling a draw!!


WCW World Tag Team Title Match:

Harlem Heat vs. Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner©

I think both Title Matches end with Champs retaining. With so many Title changes at the PPV, it's time for some stability.


Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson vs. Squire David Taylor and Lord Steven Regal, the Blue Bloods.

Don't know how over Windham and Anderson are, so I'll go with the Blue Bloods here. I could very easily be wrong though


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Dean Malenko.


WCW Television Championship Match:

Chris Jericho vs. Buff Bagwell©


Expecting zero correct... HUGE night!!! Where are Nash and Hall. I have so many questions!!! :D

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WCW Monday Nitro January 1997: New Year, New Champion, New Era of WCW Monday Nitro.


1996 started with Hulk Hogan and the Dungeon of Doom, both elements of which aren’t here in 1997. Brian Pillman is here and he’s the WCW World Champion.


1997 rang in with Brian Pillman the new WCW World Champion and he had words about how he half expected the suits at Turner to call him up last night and tell him to hand the belt back to Sting, because he’s too unpredictable. He sarcastically thanks Uncle Eric for his support.


Two old enemies for Brian Pillman reared their ugly head tonight. The first was Cactus Jack, the new number one contender for the WCW World Title, and the second was Pillman’s former WCW World Tag Team Championship partner Chris Benoit. Benoit warns Pillman that it was unhealthy to be a Horsemen, with Arn Anderson being put on the shelf and last night Benoit hospitalized Ric Flair, putting him on the shelf as well. Cactus Jack comes out to interrupt Benoit’s attempts to position himself in from of Jack for the title shot, stating that he beat Eddie Guerrero last night and he beat Pillman back at World War 3 as well. Things nearly get ugly, until Eric Bischoff gets up from the announce booth to inform them that he’s just received word from the WCW Executive Committee and they have stated that Chris Benoit has a viable argument for getting a title shot. Therefore, it will be Cactus Jack against Chris Benoit tonight, where the winner gets the title shot at Wrestlewar in three weeks. Pillman states that he hopes that both of them kicked the hell out of each other and says it doesn’t matter to him, he’d take both of them on.


Harlem Heat wanted the WCW World Tag Team Titles back but the fell to the duo of Road Warrior Hawk and Scott Steiner. Steiner stood in for Animal as Hawk hit the Doomsday Device on Stevie Ray for the pin. We see Rick Steiner enter the ring to celebrate with his brother, holding up the belts and Hawk angrily snatches his belt away. Scott gets in Hawk’s face, and says that he might be his partner, but Rick is his brother. Harlem Heat punk Rick after the match, and try and reaggrevate his injury. Scott turns around and chases them off, but the damage was done. The rivalry between the Steiner Brothers and the Road Warriors is still fresh and Hawk and Scott Steiner might be months away from imploding.


Another man who won the gold last night was Buff Bagwell, who defended the belt against Chris Jericho. Bagwell’s 1996 started off as one half of the American Males and ended with him splitting all ties with Scotty Riggs, and going the singles route and getting gold. The Blockbuster wins and Bagwell poses for the camera, taunting the fans with the Television Title Belt.


Last night, Diamond Dallas Page escaped with the United States Championship, and he teams up with the man formally known as the Giant, but now known as Paul Wight. They defeated the man that Wight attacked last night Ken Shamrock, and the Mexican Superstar known as Konnan. Wight hits his massive choke slam on Konnan and DDP cockily pins him. Shamrock scuffles with DDP after the match but Wight chokes and headbutts away him. Page stands over Shamrock with the United States Title and taunts him.


The next match featured WCW Cruiserweight Champion TAKA Michinoku making his way to a luxury box watching Rey Mysterio Jr and Dean Malenko. Mike Tenay states the winner of this match is next in line for a Cruiserweight Title Shot and that man is Malenko, who counters a super Rana and hits a huge power bomb, into the Texas Cloverleaf, forcing him to tap out.


Up next, we try and get some words from the man who lost the WCW World Championship, Sting. Sting sat in the darkness ,clutching a black baseball bat, talking about how for nine months he was the top of the mountain but he was knocked from the mountain. He warns Pillman that the easy part is getting to the top, the hard part is staying there. There will be another day, and he puts over Pillman as a great athlete and a fighter, but that’s only half of the battle Pillman has to have that championship mentality to break through.


WCW Saturday Night, 6:05 PM Eastern time, Road Warrior Hawk takes on Booker T of Harlem Heat in the main event. Plus Ken Shamrock against the Barbarian, The Belfast Bruiser against Johnny B. Badd, and The Blue Bloods are in action. Join Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes on the Mothership, TBS, WCW Saturday Night.


Speaking of breaking through, the Horsemen Pledge, Calvin Walker Anderson teamed with Barry Windham in a win over the Blue Bloods over Lord Steven Regal and Squire David Taylor. The Horsemen weren’t the only ones to have a new protégé, as Sir Douglas Williams stands out ringside to watch the wily veterans Regal and Taylor go to work on the Horsemen. Windham spent most of the match being beaten down, until Anderson makes the tag and runs wild. He nails the Anderson Spinebuster and pins Taylor.


After the bout, Windham and Anderson are jumped from behind by Wrath and Fury and beaten down. Jake “The Snake” Roberts watches his two charges, with a smirk on his face, saying that the Horsemen will be sent to the glue factory one at a time. Arn Anderson got injured, Ric Flair has been sent to the hospital, now we’ve got Windham and Pillman, with Calvin Anderson as the protégé, but he isn’t a full-fledged Horsemen yet, even though he’s been fighting to earn that distinction.


Hype for the Starrcade 1996 encore presentation Tuesday night, along with a commercial to call Mean Gene Okerlund on the WCW Hotline at 1900-909-9900 to learn about what superstars might be leaving up North to come to where the big boys play. Also a former WCW World Champion threatens to air dirty laundry about several top ranking members of WCW Nitro. Call the hotline, 1.49 a minute, kid’s get your parent’s permission and call Mean Gene now. This leads into the main event.


Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit tear into each other, with a WCW World Title opportunity against Brian Pillman hanging in the balance. Pillman invites himself onto commentary, and he’s been in there with Benoit and Jack both, so he knows what they’re capable. Benoit and Jack tear into each other with reckless abandon and two referees get taken out in the tornado of destruction that they left. Benoit hits a violent German Suplex off of the ring apron onto Cactus Jack but it might have knocked both men out. A third referee comes out to disqualify both men.


There is a chaotic scene, and Benoit drags Jack into the ring, trying to slap the Crippler Crossface on but Jack bites the fingers to block the hold and beats on him. Security and midcard wrestlers come out. Thank you Alex Wright, thanks for playing, see you later. Goodbye, Disco, boogie woogie on out of there. Eventually more security piles in but you might need the SWAT to take these guys out.




The voice of Randy “Macho Man” Savage pops up and the fans can’t believe it. He hasn’t been seen since his violent match with Cactus Jack back at Slim Jim’s Halloween Havoc. Savage announces that he’s been made the new troubleshooting representative of the WCW Championship Committee and he’s got an announcement. At Wrestlewar in three week’s time, it will be Brian Pillman defending the WCW World Title against both Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit in a Triangle Match. The fans pop big for that announcement.



What the World Was Watching on RAW:


-Henry O Godwinn, Isaac Yankem, and Skip defeated Rad Radford, Barry Horowitz, and Hakushi.

-Ahmed Johnson and Goldust retained the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles over Sir Mo and the 1-2-3 Kid.

-Bull Nakano defeated Ivory.

-The Undertaker defeated the British Bulldog.

-Yokozuna and Vader battled to a no contest after the World Wrestling Federation Champion Psycho Sid crashed the party.



Coming Up Next, a News Report, which may address some questions, and raise even more answers to what’s going on behind the scenes at World Championship Wrestling. Plus a weekend wrap up of the WCW B-Shows of the weekend and some news from around the world of wrestling.


Prediction Results:


RKOwnage: 3/5


Satry24: 3/5

Henderson: 3/5

mistaken: 3/5

TheLloyd: 4/5

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I just called mean jean, and boy you are never going to believe what he just told me! . . .


No Ma I did not throw out your good blouse. Yeah Ma those phone charges are mine. Yeah I know it was 25 dollars, but I had to find out who the blue meanie beat up back stage . . . ya ma I'll get off my computer and take out the trash, I know you need to use the phone line, and AOL keeps Aunt Grace from calling you with updates from Boca.

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WCW Weekly Round Up:


We had a Hulk Hogan, but now he isn’t here anymore.


Hulk Hogan’s departure from WCW in December 1996 was one that had a lot of controversy. The simple fact is that both sides didn’t come to an agreement and Hogan refused to sign with WCW. That’s just the fact of the matter is.


Is Hogan going to go back to the World Wrestling Federation? I’m sure people would adore a Wrestlemania VIII return match between Hulk Hogan and Sid. Is he retiring? Who really knows at this point?


Hogan is kicking back, hanging and banging on the beach of Venice Beach, California.


We also had a Lex Luger and he had less upside than the Hulk Hogan that we had.


Oh, Lex, Lex, Lex, you could have been a contender and you were supposed to get the big program with Sting this summer. But you caused all sorts of backstage headaches and you got jobbed further down the card.


Funnily enough, when Luger’s contract was running out, he was put back on television more in the last month than he was during the last three. Let’s review Lex Luger’s final month in WCW.


-Loss to Pillman(which actually was practical given that gave him a win over a former WCW World Champion on the lead up to Starrcade).

-Loss to Buff Bagwell(sacrifice for the hot new midcard heel).

-Loss to DDP(another sacrifice for Uncle Eric’s favorite).

-Loss to Cactus Jack.

-Loss to Chris Benoit.


So, I’m sure people want to know what’s happening with Randy Savage. He signed another year deal for the last year, but while the Macho Man is still as charismatic and beloved by the fans as ever, the guy’s on the time decline. He did have a fairly solid year, and he’ll be around for a one-off match as a special attraction.


WCW is on the prowl for new talent. A couple of wrestlers ended up choosing WWF over them, but the decision might be getting harder to make. The gap between WCW and WWF is widening and it should be interesting to see what happens when another round of contracts comes up.


Then there is always those wrestlers from that little Bingo Hall down in Philly.


The Wrestlewar main event has been set, it’s Brian Pillman defending the WCW World Title against Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit. Why is Sting not getting his return match? He’s biding his time obviously.


The Nasty Boys may be on their way out. To be honest, they’ve been high profile tag team jobbers over the past six months and given their ties to the Hulkster, it’s time to say goodbye to them. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon have been signed but they haven’t debuted on television, although they worked a dark match back in December against the Amazing French Canadians, who you might know as the Quebecers in the WWF.


On the Weekend Television for the first week of January:


WCW {PRO} Wrestling: The Masters of Pain(Wrath(Adam Bomb from WWF) and Fury(Crush from WWF) defeated the OMEGA Force of Shane Helms and Shannon Moore. Jeff Jarrett defeated Mr. JL. Chris Jericho scored the win over Juventud Guerrera. Mortis won over Scotty Riggs. In the main event, Eddie Guerrero defeated Johnny B. Badd.


WCW Worldwide Wrestling: The Amazing French Canadians defeated the Public Enemy. Dean Malenko rolled over Billy Kidman. Flex Kavana defeated Disco Inferno. Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson defeated the Nasty Boys. Diamond Dallas Page retained the United States Championship over Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Saturday Night: Sir Douglas Williams and Squire David Taylor of the Blue Bloods defeated Ice Train and Scotty Riggs. Chris Jericho defeated Ciclope. The Belfast Bruiser defeated Johnny B. Badd. Hugh Morrus hit Bobby Eaton with the No Laughing Matter. Ken Shamrock defeated the Barbarian with a crucirfix submission. The Steiner Brothers defeated the Nasty Boys. Road Warrior Hawk defeated Booker T via disqualification when Booker T threw Hawk over the top rope.



WCW Monday Nitro Week Two January 1997.


Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.

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Man, really enjoyed the build up so far. It's a really cool alternative storyline.



Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.

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Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.

by interference


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.

stiener refuses to help


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.

yep some shenanigans here


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.

i like regal


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.

but hate jarrett


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.


I also nominated you for DOTM

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Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.

No Contest - Both need to maintain their momentum.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.

Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.

- Don't think Kavana's there yet.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers

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