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World Championship Wrestling 1997....NW-NO

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Two January 1997.


Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.

can't see heel vs heel title match if you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what the rock is cooking


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Two January 1997.


Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.

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Chris Benoit vs. WCW World Champion Brian Pillman in a non title match.


Road Warrior Hawk vs. Booker T.


Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham vs. the Steiner Brothers.


Number One Contenders Match for the WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Lord Steven Regal.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bubba Rogers.

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Two January 1997


We have pryo, we have pizzaz, we have Brian Pillman against Chris Benoit live on Nitro, former tag team partners tonight. Also we’ll be seeing the Steiner Brothers take on Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham, plus in a return match from this past Saturday, Booker T of Harlem Heat takes on Road Warrior Hawk.


Opening things up with a big, Ken Shamrock ran through Big Bubba Rogers like a buzzsaw. Bubba is a rough and tumble individual, dangerous as they come, but Shamrock applies a Kimura to Bubba and makes him tap out. If Shamrock locks that move on DDP, it’s over.


Speaking of Diamond Dallas Page, he stepped into the ring for the Diamond Dallas Page Invitational, and he draws a random name out of a fishbowl….Jumpin’ Joey Maggs. DDP roughs up Maggs, who is out of his league with the Diamond Man and the United States Champion. Diamond Cutter gets the win and Paul Wight enters the ring and brutalizes Maggs, hitting a vicious Choke Slam for the pin.


Eddie Guerrero steps into the ring for the first time on Nitro, after his brutal match against Cactus Jack, against Jeff Jarrett. This battle between two men who have wrestling in their blood. Eddie’s ribs are still tender from his match with Cactus Jack and Jarrett works them over with great effect. Eddie returns fire but Jarrett cradles Eddie to score the win, to score a tainted win. Eddie knocks out Jarrett after the match and hits the Frog Splash to a huge pop.


Buff Bagwell cuts some words, saying that it doesn’t matter who he’s facing, because he’s Buff, he’s the stuff, and anyone that WCW throws against him, well that sure won’t be enough. Lord Steven Regal and Flex Kavana got the win. This was a brutal beating from his Lordship on Kavana, stretching the youngster but he managed to fight out from underneath him. Regal scowls at Bagwell throughout the match, almost like he’s offended that the Television Championship has been besmirched. Kavana fights back with fire, winning with a diving cross body block for the win and securing a Television Title Shot against Bagwell in two week sat WrestleWar.


Road Warrior Hawk and the Steiner Brothers have words backstage, with Hawk saying that Animal will be returning in a couple of weeks, but Scott says that they have a problem. Those WCW World Tag Team Title Belts they should belong to the number one tag team in WCW, and that’s the Steiner Brothers. Hawk disagrees with that, and in comes Booker T, Stevie Ray, and Sister Sherri. Booker T says that he and his brother should be tag team champions, and the union between the Road Warriors and the Steiner Brothers can’t last and Harlem Heat will be the six time WCW Tag Team Champions, and you can dig that.


“Gentlemen, this is a futile argument.” These words announced the argument of Jake “The Snake” Roberts, who brought in Wrath and Fury, the Masters of Pain. The Snake declares that the most dominant team in WCW should hold the belts and in comes Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson. Windham says that the belts belong to the Horsemen and Scott gets in his face, saying that the Horsemen aren’t any more and Anderson gets in Scott’s face, saying that the Horsemen are entering a new age. It’s an argument between some of the tag teams in the back but we see other teams such as the Faces of Fear, the Amazing French Canadians, and Public Enemy step in, all looking like they are going to stake their claim for a title shot. It’s bedlam and chaos.


We are back as it’s announced that the WCW World Tag Team Titles are very hotly contested and we take a look at a new tag team that will be making their debut, Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon. We see some footage from Japan from them dominating the competition and it should be interesting to see what would happen when they come to WCW.


It’s the Steiner Brothers and Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson. We will have an update on the condition of Ric Flair in the coming weeks. There is a lot of heat between Calvin Walker Anderson and Scott Steiner, and Scott tries to bully the rookie into the corner, with Rick looking at his brother but CW manages to fight back. Windham makes the hot tag and starts running wild, but the Masters of Pain are out. Anderson makes a rookie mistake and goes after them, which allows Scott to hit a German Suplex that Rick set up with the Steinerline for the pin.


The Steiner Brothers enter the ring but the Masters of Pain enter the ring, and attack Scott Steiner. Double choke slam drills Steiner down and Rick gets hit with a power bomb/Hangman’s neckbreaker combination blow. Jake Roberts picks up Scott’s WCW World Tag Team Title Belt and holds it up, before dropping it down on him. The Snake slithers away with his charges.


This Saturday, the Masters of Pain against the Steiner Brothers will happen on TBS, at 6:05 PM on the Mothership WCW Saturday Night. Plus Diamond Dallas Page meets Ken Shamrock for the United States Championship, Buff Bagwell is in action, and TAKA Michinoku takes on Psicosis for the WCW Cruiserweight Title.


We see Cactus Jack pacing in the hallway and Mean Gene tries to get a word with him. Jack accuses Mean Gene about trying to fish for scoops for the Hotline, but he’s got a hot one and one that they won’t need to pay a 1.99 a minute for with their parent’s permission but he suggests strongly that the parents should put the children to bed early, because they might not like what’s about to happen. Tonight, Cactus Jack will be watching Benoit and Pillman closely and he might have to crash the party to get WrestleWar started a little early. Gene looks on and Jack whispers that soon the WCW World Title will be in his hands and that will be the worst nightmare of the Turner Suits. The blood, the sweat, the ear, it will all pay off, and Cactus will stand tall. BANG BANG!


We have Booker T we have Road Warrior Hawk in the ring, and Booker T has Stevie Ray and Sister Sherri in his corner. Animal will be returning in a couple of weeks, and Hawk only beat Booker T this past Saturday via disqualification. Two days later, Hawk beats on Booker T, but Booker T cuts him off with some help from his brother. Stevie Ray is taken out by Hawk but Booker T hits the Ax Kick and pins Hawk. Harlem Heat lay a beating on Hawk and there is no one to save him. Harlem Hangover rattles the WCW Tag Team Champion.


Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit lock up in the main event well they didn’t lock up, rather they brought the hate to each other, blistering each other with chops, punches, and shots that were a bit low beneath the belt. Benoit uses a superplex to weaken Pillman and set him up for the Crossface but Pillman fights out. Both men try for a cross body but they knock each other out by clonking heads.


Cactus Jack runs out and pulls Nick Patrick to the outside. Jack enters the ring, drilling Benoit across the back of the head and beats up Pillman. Pillman fights out, drilling Jack with a series of punches. Jack is knocked to the floor by a spear but Benoit is back in and waistlocks Pillman, hitting a German Suplex. The match is over but Benoit just wants to hurt Pillman, punishing him with the Crippler Crossface. We fade out with hype for the Triangle Match at Wrestlewar where the match won’t be thrown out. Jack punks Benoit and both men get into a scuffle.


Quick Nitro Results:

-Shamrock over Bubba.

-DDP over Joey Maggs.

-Jeff Jarrett defeated Eddie Guerrero.

-Flex Kavana defeated Lord Steven Regal to become the number one contender for the Television Title.

-The Steiner Brothers defeated Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham.

-Booker T d Road Warrior Hawk.

-Brian Pillman and Chris Benoit battled to a no contest after Cactus Jack crashed the party.



What the World was watching this Week on WWF Monday Night RAW:


-1-2-3 Kid defeated Bob Backlund

-The Smoking Guns defeated Skip and Buddy Landell.

-Bull Nakano defeated Bertha Faye.

-Vader defeated Razor Ramon.

-Sid Vicious defeated Yokozuna. Five star classic, most likely as well.



Crackjack: 4/6

Mistaken: 1/6

Henderson: 4/6

Satyr24: 4/6

The Lloyd: 1/6

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WCW Weekend Show Wrap up.


WCW {Pro} Wrestling: featured Juventud Guerrera defeating Joe Gomez. Calvin Walker Anderson defeated Bobby Eaton. Sir Douglas Williams and Squire David Taylor defeated Prince Iaukea and Johnny Swinger. Konnan scored the win over Hugh Morrus. The Faces of Fear got the win over Harlem Heat in the main event when the Barbarian pinned Booker T after The Masters of Pain got involved.


WCW Worldwide: Jimmy Graffiti defeated Alex Wright. High Voltage defeated Lizmark Jr and Damian 666. Mortis defeated Brad Armstrong. Chris Jericho defeated Disco Inferno. Television Champion Buff Bagwell defeated Scotty Riggs.


WCW Saturday Night: Sir Douglas Williams and Squire David Taylor defeated the Nasty Boys. TAKA Michinoku held onto the WCW Cruiserweight Title over Psicosis. Dean Malenko picked up the win over Norman Smiley. Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson defeated Scott and Steve Armstrong. Mortis defeated Willow the Wisp. Buff Bagwell retained the WCW Television Title over Johnny B. Badd. Diamond Dallas Page defeated Ken Shamrock via countout after the Giant interfered. Eddie Guerrero got the win over La Parka with the Frog Splash. The Masters of Pain defeated the Steiner Brothers when Wrath pinned Rick Steiner with a power bomb/reverse neckbreaker combination.


It’s also announced over the weekend that there will be a tag team gauntlet match at Wrestlewar for a Tag Team Title shot, featuring the Masters of Pain, Anderson and Windham, the Faces of Fear, Harlem Heat, Public Enemy, the Blue Bloods, the Amazing French Canadians, the debuting Furnas and LaFon, and the Nasty Boys. Also Road Warrior Hawk will go one on one with Scott Steiner, TAKA defends the Cruiserweight Title against Dean Malenko, and Ken Shamrock takes on Paul Wight.



WCW Monday Nitro Week Three January 1997.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Barry Windham vs. Chris Benoit.


Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko.


Calvin Walker Anderson vs. WCW World Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Hawk.


The Steiner Brothers vs. the Masters of Pain.

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.

I want Eddie to win, but I think Jarrett will "/


Barry Windham vs. Chris Benoit.


Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko.


Calvin Walker Anderson vs. WCW World Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Hawk.

Surely right?


The Steiner Brothers vs. the Masters of Pain.

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i now know it does not matter how closely i read a diary, I am a prodigy at pick wrong!


love you work, read it word for word, can't wait to see where you take it!


Well good news by my count you got 2 right not 1, booker and shamrock


WCW Monday Nitro Week Three January 1997.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


Barry Windham vs. Chris Benoit.


Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko.


Calvin Walker Anderson vs. WCW World Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Hawk.


The Steiner Brothers vs. the Masters of Pain.

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Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett

- i just can't go Jarrett


Barry Windham vs. Chris Benoit.

to build chris


Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko.

Jericho's run has to start somewhere


Calvin Walker Anderson vs. WCW World Tag Team Champion Road Warrior Hawk.

by interfrence or DQ


The Steiner Brothers vs. the Masters of Pain.

ok so Steiners is the worng answer, but the one I am going with. there will be a run in the match will get thrown out. Masters of Pain will get the win so that the division continues to look open to EVERYONE!

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Three January 1997


We are five days away from WrestleWar and out comes Diamond Dallas Page of all people to kick off the show, the United States Championship in hand. DDP says that he’s been hearing about how Pillman is the top of the line but back at Halloween Havoc, DDP beat Brian Pillman in the center of the ring. He says that he’s the number one contender for the WCW World Title based on being United States Champion. Out comes Randy Savage, the official representative of the WCW Executive Committee to announce that Page will fight Pillman later tonight and if he wins, he’ll be added to the championship match this Sunday. Page tells Savage that he’s made the right choice, and DDP will become the WCW World Champion, beating Pillman, Jack, and Benoit. First he has to beat the champion.


A return match from this past Saturday featured the Masters of Pain taking on the Steiner Brothers. The Masters of Pain are 2-0 against the Steiner Brothers going tonight, as they beat the Steiners in the match that ended up shelving Rick Steiner on the shelf and causing the makeshift team of Scott Steiner and Hawk to go to Starrcade 1996. The devious Jake Roberts interfered, allowing the Masters of Pain to hit a power bomb/neckbreaker to pick Rick. Once again, they may be the favorites to win the Tag Team Number One Contenders Gauntlet This Sunday.


Mortis and Alex Wright competed next on Nitro. Mortis remains undefeated here on Nitro, hitting a vicious reverse Russian Legsweep that he has dubbed the DOA. Wright has been slumping down the rankings as of late, and he needs a big win to really jump start his career.


It was up next we had Road Warrior Hawk taking on Calvin Walker Anderson, a match that ended with a disqualification win for Hawk when the Masters of Pain ran in and attacked Hawk. They also beat on Anderson for good measure but when Windham interfered, Windham was taken out, and worked over. The Horsemen are left laying in the center of the ring and Windham has a match with Chris Benoit later tonight.


TAKA Michinoku watched from the crowd, as Dean Malenko and Chris Jericho squared off tonight on Nitro. Malenko already has a Cruiserweight Title Shot against TAKA at WrestleWar, but he can’t look past Jericho to that match this Saturday. Sure enough, Jericho manages to take care of the Iceman’s preoccupied state and pull off a rolling cradle into a pin. Jericho has pinned the number one contender for the WCW Cruiserweight title, perhaps putting him in line for a future title shot.


We have a pre-taped promo from the man known as Sting, who cryptically states that he will be watching the WCW World Title match this Sunday and the winner better not get too comfortable with the belt, because he’ll be back soon.


Barry Windham’s ribs were bruised, and that left him easy pickings for his match with Chris Benoit. Benoit knocked Windham back. Windham’s superplex nearly pinned Benoit but he was too slow to cover. Eventually, Benoit pulls out a belly to back suplex and hits a diving headbutt to the injured ribs, pinning Windham. Barry Windham is beaten after the match, until Brian Pillman comes out and Benoit backs off. Pillman doesn’t take his eyes off of Benoit as he backs up the ramp.


Last week, Jeff Jarrett beat Eddie Guerrero by dubious means, this week, Eddie Guerrero returned the favor. The Tornado DDT managed to pin Jarrett. Jarrett gets up on the microphone, saying that Eddie beat him once, but he can’t beat him two out of three times and that the Jarretts have done more for wrestling than the Guerreros have. Eddie says that if Jarrett wants to put his money where his mouth is, they can have a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match in five days at WrestleWar. Jarrett accepts.


Brian Pillman and Diamond Dallas Page rekindled their rivalry, but the specter of Paul Wight standing at ringside, made things a bit tougher for Pillman. Also Jake “The Snake” Roberts watched on behalf of Chris Benoit. Page was determined to make three become four and be hotshotted into the WCW World Title chase. Pillman had the Diamond Cutter well scouted this time, and hits a huge spike DDT out of the corner when Page went off top. Paul Wight pulls DDP out of the ring and dares Pillman to dive out. Pillman might be crazy enough to do it but before he do so, Chris Benoit slides into the ring and nails Pillman with a forearm to the back of the head. The referee sees it and throws out the match.


DDP enters the ring once again and helps Benoit beat down Pillman in the center of the ring. Paul Wight steps into the ring and the former Giant headbutts Pillman once again. The WCW World Champion is on dream street and the fans are making some more noise, as Cactus Jack makes his way down to the ring.


Page invites Jack into the ring to help get him some of Pillman and Jack has a baseball bat in his hand but Pillman manages to disarm them of the weapon.


WIGHT GETS NAILED IN THE GROIN WITH THE BASEBALL BAT SHOT! The fans pop big and Pillman swings the baseball bat like a wild man, causing Page and Benoit to scatter but Cactus Jack to stand his ground, yelling at him to come on. Pillman nearly takes off Jack’s head with a violent shot with the baseball bat, causing him to go down hard. Pillman has that bat and it’s hard telling what this loose cannon is going to do!


Paul Wight, DDP, Benoit, and Roberts stand on the ramp, as the crazed WCW World Champion is the last thing we see. WrestleWar is this Saturday, see you then for a Triangle Match for the WCW World Title between defending champion Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit, and Cactus Jack.



WCW Monday Nitro Quick Results.

-The Masters of Pain defeated the Steiner Brothers.

-Mortis d Alex Wright.

-Road Warrior Hawk defeated Calvin Walker Anderson via DQ.

-Chris Jericho pinned Dean Malenko.

-Chris Benoit pinned Barry Windham.

-Eddie Guerrero pinned Jeff Jarrett.

-WCW World Champion Brian Pillman defeated WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page via DQ after Chris Benoit interfered.




What the World was Watching on WWF Monday Night RAW:


-Tatanka pinned Bob Holly.

-Ahmed Johnson pinned Justin Bradshaw.

-Barry Horowitz and Hakushi defeated the Brooklyn Brawler and Duke Droese.

-The British Bulldog defeated the Undertaker.

-Bret Hart pinned Vader.



The Lloyd: 4/5

Satyr24: 3/5

mistaken: 3/5

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Three January 1997


We are five days away from WrestleWar and out comes Diamond Dallas Page of all people to kick off the show, the United States Championship in hand. DDP says that he’s been hearing about how Pillman is the top of the line but back at Halloween Havoc, DDP beat Brian Pillman in the center of the ring. He says that he’s the number one contender for the WCW World Title based on being United States Champion. Out comes Randy Savage, the official representative of the WCW Executive Committee to announce that Page will fight Pillman later tonight and if he wins, he’ll be added to the championship match this Sunday. Page tells Savage that he’s made the right choice, and DDP will become the WCW World Champion, beating Pillman, Jack, and Benoit. First he has to beat the champion.


A return match from this past Saturday featured the Masters of Pain taking on the Steiner Brothers. The Masters of Pain are 2-0 against the Steiner Brothers going tonight, as they beat the Steiners in the match that ended up shelving Rick Steiner on the shelf and causing the makeshift team of Scott Steiner and Hawk to go to Starrcade 1996. The devious Jake Roberts interfered, allowing the Masters of Pain to hit a power bomb/neckbreaker to pick Rick. Once again, they may be the favorites to win the Tag Team Number One Contenders Gauntlet This Sunday.


Mortis and Alex Wright competed next on Nitro. Mortis remains undefeated here on Nitro, hitting a vicious reverse Russian Legsweep that he has dubbed the DOA. Wright has been slumping down the rankings as of late, and he needs a big win to really jump start his career.


It was up next we had Road Warrior Hawk taking on Calvin Walker Anderson, a match that ended with a disqualification win for Hawk when the Masters of Pain ran in and attacked Hawk. They also beat on Anderson for good measure but when Windham interfered, Windham was taken out, and worked over. The Horsemen are left laying in the center of the ring and Windham has a match with Chris Benoit later tonight.


TAKA Michinoku watched from the crowd, as Dean Malenko and Chris Jericho squared off tonight on Nitro. Malenko already has a Cruiserweight Title Shot against TAKA at WrestleWar, but he can’t look past Jericho to that match this Saturday. Sure enough, Jericho manages to take care of the Iceman’s preoccupied state and pull off a rolling cradle into a pin. Jericho has pinned the number one contender for the WCW Cruiserweight title, perhaps putting him in line for a future title shot.


We have a pre-taped promo from the man known as Sting, who cryptically states that he will be watching the WCW World Title match this Sunday and the winner better not get too comfortable with the belt, because he’ll be back soon.


Barry Windham’s ribs were bruised, and that left him easy pickings for his match with Chris Benoit. Benoit knocked Windham back. Windham’s superplex nearly pinned Benoit but he was too slow to cover. Eventually, Benoit pulls out a belly to back suplex and hits a diving headbutt to the injured ribs, pinning Windham. Barry Windham is beaten after the match, until Brian Pillman comes out and Benoit backs off. Pillman doesn’t take his eyes off of Benoit as he backs up the ramp.


Last week, Jeff Jarrett beat Eddie Guerrero by dubious means, this week, Eddie Guerrero returned the favor. The Tornado DDT managed to pin Jarrett. Jarrett gets up on the microphone, saying that Eddie beat him once, but he can’t beat him two out of three times and that the Jarretts have done more for wrestling than the Guerreros have. Eddie says that if Jarrett wants to put his money where his mouth is, they can have a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match in five days at WrestleWar. Jarrett accepts.


Brian Pillman and Diamond Dallas Page rekindled their rivalry, but the specter of Paul Wight standing at ringside, made things a bit tougher for Pillman. Also Jake “The Snake” Roberts watched on behalf of Chris Benoit. Page was determined to make three become four and be hotshotted into the WCW World Title chase. Pillman had the Diamond Cutter well scouted this time, and hits a huge spike DDT out of the corner when Page went off top. Paul Wight pulls DDP out of the ring and dares Pillman to dive out. Pillman might be crazy enough to do it but before he do so, Chris Benoit slides into the ring and nails Pillman with a forearm to the back of the head. The referee sees it and throws out the match.


DDP enters the ring once again and helps Benoit beat down Pillman in the center of the ring. Paul Wight steps into the ring and the former Giant headbutts Pillman once again. The WCW World Champion is on dream street and the fans are making some more noise, as Cactus Jack makes his way down to the ring.


Page invites Jack into the ring to help get him some of Pillman and Jack has a baseball bat in his hand but Pillman manages to disarm them of the weapon.


WIGHT GETS NAILED IN THE GROIN WITH THE BASEBALL BAT SHOT! The fans pop big and Pillman swings the baseball bat like a wild man, causing Page and Benoit to scatter but Cactus Jack to stand his ground, yelling at him to come on. Pillman nearly takes off Jack’s head with a violent shot with the baseball bat, causing him to go down hard. Pillman has that bat and it’s hard telling what this loose cannon is going to do!


Paul Wight, DDP, Benoit, and Roberts stand on the ramp, as the crazed WCW World Champion is the last thing we see. WrestleWar is this Saturday, see you then for a Triangle Match for the WCW World Title between defending champion Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit, and Cactus Jack.






The Lloyd: 4/5

Satyr24: 3/5

mistaken: 3/5


Could you make your shows a little more organized? For example maybe bold a title for the match or segment before you post it and maybe center it. Just a suggestion.

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WCW Weekend Round Up:


WCW {Pro} Wrestling featured Juventud Guerrera defeating Billy Kidman, OMEGA Force defeated High Voltage, VK Wallstreet defeated Jim Powers, The Amazing French Canadians defeated the Public Enemy, and in the main event, Ken Shamrock defeated Bunkhouse Buck.


WCW Worldwide featured Harlem Heat defeating Brad Armstrong and Alex Wright. Konnan pinned Johnny B. Badd. Mortis scored the win over Pat Tanaka. Jeff Jarrett scored the win over VK Wallstreet. Chris Benoit defeated Calvin Walker Anderson in the main event.


WCW Saturday Night featured Rey Mysterio Jr and Konnan defeated Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis. Flex Kavana defeated Jerry Flynn. Scott Steiner won a handicap match against Romeo Valentino and Dino Cassonova. Road Warrior Hawk won a handicap match over Johnny Swinger and Bart Sawyer. Lord Steven Regal defeated Chris Jericho. Diamond Dallas Page and Paul Wight defeated Johnny B. Badd and Brad Armstrong. Cactus Jack defeated Bobby Eaton. Eddie Guerrero won over Rick Martel. In the main event, Harlem Heat defeated Calvin Walker Anderson and Barry Windham.




WCW WrestleWar 1997 Card:


WCW World Title Triangle Match:

Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman©.


Scott Steiner vs Road Warrior Hawk.


If Ken Shamrock wins, he receives a United States Championship Shot Against Diamond Dallas Page:

Ken Shamrock vs. Paul Wight.


WCW Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Two Teams Start, Then Every Sixty Seconds, Another Team Enters, Winning Team Gets a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at SuperBrawl.


Amazing French Canadians(Jacques Rougeau and Carl Oulette) vs Certified Public Assassins(Big Bubba Rogers and VK Wallstreet) vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Harlem Heat(Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. High Voltage(Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage) vs Horsemen(Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson) vs Public Enemy(Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs The Faces of Fear(Meng and the Barbarian) vs The Nasty Boys(Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs The Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury)


Best Two Three Out of Falls:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Buff Bagwell.©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku©

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I like the way you write it up good read


WCW WrestleWar 1997 Card:


WCW World Title Triangle Match:

Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman©.


Scott Steiner vs Road Warrior Hawk.


If Ken Shamrock wins, he receives a United States Championship Shot Against Diamond Dallas Page:

Ken Shamrock vs. Paul Wight.


WCW Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Two Teams Start, Then Every Sixty Seconds, Another Team Enters, Winning Team Gets a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at SuperBrawl.


Amazing French Canadians(Jacques Rougeau and Carl Oulette) vs Certified Public Assassins(Big Bubba Rogers and VK Wallstreet) vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Harlem Heat(Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. High Voltage(Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage) vs Horsemen(Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson) vs Public Enemy(Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs The Faces of Fear(Meng and the Barbarian) vs The Nasty Boys(Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs The Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury)


Best Two Three Out of Falls:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Buff Bagwell.©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku©

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WCW WrestleWar 1997 Card:


WCW World Title Triangle Match:

Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman©.


Scott Steiner vs Road Warrior Hawk.


If Ken Shamrock wins, he receives a United States Championship Shot Against Diamond Dallas Page:

Ken Shamrock vs. Paul Wight.


WCW Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Two Teams Start, Then Every Sixty Seconds, Another Team Enters, Winning Team Gets a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at SuperBrawl.


Amazing French Canadians(Jacques Rougeau and Carl Oulette) vs Certified Public Assassins(Big Bubba Rogers and VK Wallstreet) vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Harlem Heat(Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. High Voltage(Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage) vs Horsemen(Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson) vs Public Enemy(Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs The Faces of Fear(Meng and the Barbarian) vs The Nasty Boys(Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs The Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury)


Best Two Three Out of Falls:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Buff Bagwell.©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku© - by dq no title changes hands

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WCW WrestleWar 1997 Card:


WCW World Title Triangle Match:

Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman©.


Scott Steiner vs Road Warrior Hawk.


If Ken Shamrock wins, he receives a United States Championship Shot Against Diamond Dallas Page:

Ken Shamrock vs. Paul Wight.


WCW Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Two Teams Start, Then Every Sixty Seconds, Another Team Enters, Winning Team Gets a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at SuperBrawl.


Amazing French Canadians(Jacques Rougeau and Carl Oulette) vs Certified Public Assassins(Big Bubba Rogers and VK Wallstreet) vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Harlem Heat(Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. High Voltage(Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage) vs Horsemen(Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson) vs Public Enemy(Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs The Faces of Fear(Meng and the Barbarian) vs The Nasty Boys(Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs The Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury)


Best Two Three Out of Falls:


Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Buff Bagwell.©


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku©

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WCW WrestleWar 1997 Card:


WCW World Title Triangle Match:

Cactus Jack vs. Chris Benoit vs. Brian Pillman©.


Scott Steiner vs Road Warrior Hawk.


If Ken Shamrock wins, he receives a United States Championship Shot Against Diamond Dallas Page:

Ken Shamrock vs. Paul Wight.


WCW Tag Team Gauntlet Match, Two Teams Start, Then Every Sixty Seconds, Another Team Enters, Winning Team Gets a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at SuperBrawl.


Amazing French Canadians(Jacques Rougeau and Carl Oulette) vs Certified Public Assassins(Big Bubba Rogers and VK Wallstreet) vs Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Harlem Heat(Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. High Voltage(Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage) vs Horsemen(Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson) vs Public Enemy(Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs The Faces of Fear(Meng and the Barbarian) vs The Nasty Boys(Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs The Masters of Pain(Wrath and Fury)

Blimey!!! Got enough tag teams there? :)


Best Two Three Out of Falls:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett.


WCW Television Championship:

Flex Kavana vs. Buff Bagwell.©

Finally... :D


WCW Cruiserweight Championship:

Dean Malenko vs. TAKA Michinoku©

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WCW WrestleWar 1997.


TAKA Michinoku defended the WCW Cruiserweight Title against Dean Malenko in the opening match.


Fresh off of their match at StarrCade 1996, Malenko tried to get the WCW Cruiserweight Title back, which would be his third reign with the championship. The Man of a Thousand Holds took on the devious Michinoku during this match. Malenko nearly wins the belt with a Super Gutbuster but Taka is in the ropes. Malenko goes to the top rope but TAKA catches him with a dropkick on the way down, before pulling out the Michinoku Driver II to score the pin. TAKA is still the WCW Cruiserweight Champion.


Number One Contendership Gauntlet for the WCW World Tag Team Title Shot at Superbrawl.


High Voltage started out against Public Enemy in this match, with the rookies from the power plant taking on the brawlers from Philly. The Nasty Boys enter the ring as the third team and renew an old rivalry with Public Enemy, and they are followed by the Certified Public Assassins, of VK Wallstreet and Big Bubba Rogers at number four. High Voltage is the first team knocked out of the match, with Bubba pinning Kaos with the Bubba Slam. The Amazing French Canadians are out at number five, but Rocco Rock pins Knobbs with the Drive By to Elimination the Nasty Boys.


The Horsemen ride in at Number Six, and immediately, Windham clotheslines Rocco Rock and Anderson catches Wallstreet with the huge Spinebuster. Bubba can’t break it up in time and the CPAs are eliminated. Rocco Rock is nailed by the French Canadians with the Cannonball and pinned, as chaos happens tonight. In run the Faces of Fear at Number Seven and they lay a clobbering on the Four Horsemen but the Barbarian accidentally kicks Meng and Windham rolls up the Barbarian for the pin to eliminate the Faces of Fear.


Number Eight is Harlem Heat, who run in and start laying a whipping on the Four Horsemen. Number Nine is the new tag team of Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon. They enter the ring, and immediately they pull off a double team move, eliminating the Amazing French Canadians with a huge lariat/German Suplex combination move.


The Masters of Pain are at Ten and it is down to four teams in the final battle, Harlem Heat, the Masters of Pain, Furnas and LaFon, and Windham and Anderson, the Horsemen. It’s a huge brawl, with Booker T taking a sickening bump into the turnbuckle, cracking his sternum against it. LaFon pulls off a Northern Lights Suplex for the pin. LaFon is dragged to the outside by Stevie Ray, which allows the Masters of Pain to double team Furnas and hit the double Uranage for the pin.


It’s down to two teams, the Horsemen and the Masters of Pain for that WCW Tag Team Title shot at Superbrawl. An old rivalry is renewed with both of these teams nailing each other with reckless abandon. Anderson is isolated, with Windham sent to the floor. The rookie Anderson is fighting back but Windham enters the ring, pulling the top rope down, sending Fury to the floor. Wrath connects with a huge running big boot and climbs up top, about to finish off Anderson. Diving clothesline connects but Windham is back into the ring once again. Wrath boots Windham to the floor. Now Wrath picks up Anderson but Anderson goes to the eyes, and grabs Wrath, hitting a DDT, shades of his uncle Arn Anderson. Calvin Walker Anderson makes the cover and pins Wrath in a shocking upset.


The Horsemen are the number one contenders to the WCW Tag Team Titles and will be getting a shot at SuperBrawl VII.


The Masters of Pain are beating on Windham on the outside, and Anderson slides out, but gets beaten down himself. Jake Roberts directs traffic, but the fans are cheering. Ric Flair rushes down from the back, wielding a pipe like a mad man! Roberts backs off his two henchmen, the deed done for now.


Flex Kavana challenges Buff Bagwell for the WCW Television Championship:


Bagwell’s arrogance nearly sets up Kavana for a minor upset, when he pulls out a cradle for a two count. Bagwell knocks him around the ring and pounds on him. A vicious swinging neckbreaker puts him down for a two count. Blockbuster misses the first time and Kavana rushes in, fists of fire. He hits the Hurricane DDT but Bagwell drapes his foot underneath the bottom rope. Going to the eyes brings Bagwell back to an advantage and Buff Blockbuster scored the pin. Buff Bagwell retained the WCW Television Championship over Flex Kavana.


Jeff Jarrett took on Eddie Guerrero in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match.


This was a master class of technical wrestling, with Eddie Guerrero trying to work his way back up the rankings after hitting a slump. Jarrett manages to use every short cut in the book to keep ahead of Guerrero but Guerrero pulls out a huge DDT and nails the Frog Splash to get the pin, hooking Jarrett’s leg for the pin. Then after the match, Eddie sets him up for the Frog Splash but Jarrett catches him coming off the top rope. A violent DDT sets up a reverse Russian Legsweep and Jarrett gets up 1-1. With the score tied, Jarrett beats down Eddie Guerrero but Jarrett gets cocky and gets dropkicked when he comes off the top rope. Rolling suplexes into the brain buster but Jarrett catches Eddie and superplex. Eddie hooks the leg on the way down and manages to pin Jarrett to win the match. Eddie Guerrero defeats Jeff Jarrett two falls to one!


Paul Wight took on Ken Shamrock where if Shamrock won, then he got a United States Title Match against Diamond Dallas Page.


Shamrock used a smart tactic, assaulting the legs of Paul Wight, and he pulled a running kick into the corner, crushing his leg against the ropes. An attempted Frankensteiner is caught and Wight power bombs him. Wight uses his strength to knock Shamrock around but Shamrock fires back with a series of strikes, dropping the former Giant to one knee and elbow struck him between the eyes. Guillotine Choke is countered when Paul Wight powers out and he beats on Shamrock in the corner. Wight decides to Choke Slam Shamrock, but instead of covering him, he keeps choking the life out of him. Wight grabs Shamrock’s throat and keeps throttling him, with the referee putting the count on him. The referee calls for the bell to disqualify Wight, allowing Shamrock to get the in, albeit via disqualification.


Diamond Dallas Page saunters out, looking smug and he holds the United States Title Belt up. He says that Shamrock gets his title shot, but being the champion DDP decides that and he decides that Shamrock will get the title shot right now and tonight.


Diamond Dallas Page defends the WCW United States Championship over Ken Shamrock


DDP slaps around Shamrock at the bell and pulls out a tilt-a-whirl slam, before climbing up top. He dives off the top rope but Shamrock kicks DDP in the face and returns fire with a lot of kicks. Shamrock hits the corner and Page nails him, working him over. DDP goes for the Diamond Cutter but Shamrock counters into a dragon sleeper, wrenching on the neck of Page, before turning it into a guillotine choke! Page is caught off guard and he taps out. Ken Shamrock becomes the new United States Champion, defeating Diamond Dallas Page.


The fans are in shock and Paul Wight is back into the ring, booting Shamrock in the chest. DDP beats down Shamrock some more and Diamond Cutter. Shamrock wins the match but DDP still stands tall. This one is far from over.


Road Warrior Hawk takes on Scott Steiner in the battle of the WCW World Tag Team Champions.


Scott Steiner and Road Warrior Hawk pound each other during this match, with Steiner managing to gain the advantage, having a bit more experienced in singles matches. Hawk manages to fight out but he misses a top rope clothesline and Scott pulls out a huge overhead belly to belly suplex, holding down Hawk for the pin. Scott Steiner scored the win over Hawk.


Rick Steiner enters the ring and celebrates with his brother, and Hawk gets up off of the canvas, and stares down his championship partner, before leaving the ring. Tension between the tag team champions continues to boil over.


Brian Pillman defends the WCW World Title in a Triangle Match against Chris Benoit and Cactus Jack.


This is Pillman’s first title defense since winning the belt. At first, Jack and Benoit worked together for a common goal in isolating and beating down the champion but eventually both men turned on each other. Pillman wipes out Jack with a running dropkick, sending him flying off of the ring apron and crashing into the guardrail. Benoit cuts Pillman off with chops and Triple German Suplex. Benoit goes up top but Pillman catches him and super arm drag. Jack enters the ring and catches Pillman with the Double Arm DDT, but the champion shows his determination by kicking out. Jack focuses on Benoit, throwing him to the floor. Running elbow smash off of the ring apron wipes out Benoit and Jack enters the ring, with a steel chair, and swings it at Pillman but Pillman ducks and HUGE DROPKICK SENDING THE CHAIR IN JACK’S FACE! Pillman climbs to the top rope and splashes Jack off of the top rope. Pillman covers Jack and scores the pin! Brian Pillman is still the WCW Champion.


Ric Flair enters the ring, shaking Pillman’s hand, and raising the hand of the WCW World Champion, putting him over as the Man to beat. Benoit scowls and Jake Roberts stops him from entering the ring, when the lights go out!


The lights come back on and Sting is standing in the ring, with a baseball bat in his hand and he stares Pillman down. Pillman holds up the WCW World Championship belt and yells at Sting. Sting is still owed a return match and Pillman says that Sting should name his place for his return match. Sting takes the microphone and calmly states Superbrawl. The main event for Superbrawl VII has been set and it will be Sting/Pillman II for the WCW World Title.


Prediction Results


Satry24: 6/7

mistaken: 4/7

packerman120: 4/7

TheLloyd: 3/7

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Four January 1997:


WCW World Champion Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko(Non Title Match)


Eddie Guerrero vs Lord Steven Regal.


Number One Contendership for the WCW Cruiserweight Title:

Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera.


WCW Television Championship:

Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell©


Ken Shamrock vs Squire David Taylor.


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs the Amazing French Canadians.

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WCW World Champion Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko(Non Title Match)


Eddie Guerrero vs Lord Steven Regal.


Number One Contendership for the WCW Cruiserweight Title:

Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera.


WCW Television Championship:

Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell©


Ken Shamrock vs Squire David Taylor.


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs the Amazing French Canadians

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WCW World Champion Brian Pillman vs. Dean Malenko(Non Title Match)


Eddie Guerrero vs Lord Steven Regal.


Number One Contendership for the WCW Cruiserweight Title:

Rey Mysterio Jr vs. Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera.

WCW Television Championship:

Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell©


Ken Shamrock vs Squire David Taylor.


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs the Amazing French Canadians.

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WCW Monday Nitro Week Four January 1997.


Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit both want a WCW World Title Shot.


Nitro hypes up the events of WrestleWar and a reminder to order the encore presentation tomorrow night, but out comes Cactus Jack from the back. Jack says that Pillman got lucky last night and in a one on one title match was what he earned at Starrcade, so he wants his title shot and he wants it tonight. Chris Benoit comes out, and says that Jack got pinned, therefore he’s out, but he wants the match against Brian Pillman.


Out comes Randy Savage before Jack and Benoit can brawl with each other and he says that both of them are to the back of the line and it’s Sting that gets the next WCW World Title Shot. However, both men will get a title shot, because they’re teaming up tonight, against the WCW World Tag Team Champions Scott Steiner and Road Warrior Hawk. That huge match is announced tonight and Jack and Benoit are not on the same page but neither are the champions after this Sunday.


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated the Amazing French Canadians.


After Furnas and LaFon made their Nitro debut, defeating The Amazing French Canadians, Stevie Ray comes out to stir something up. Booker T will be on the shelf for a few weeks after an injury that he suffered, and he puts the blame solely on Furnas and LaFon. He says that no matter what, Harlem Heat rules the roost as far as tag teams in WCW are concerned.


Ken Shamrock defeated Squire David Taylor with the guillotine choke.


We have an insert promo by Diamond Dallas Page who says that “Scumrock” was lucky. Squire David Taylor manages to hold his own for a few seconds, but Shamrock outwrestles him and hits a roundhouse kick, before applying the guillotine choke for the tap out.


We see Buff Bagwell make his way out, he’s the WCW Television Champion, and he says that he beat the so called Rookie Sensation. Bagwell says that he should be front and center on every television, and defend the Television Title. He says Randy Savage better give him some competition.


Buff Bagwell retained the WCW Television Championship over Rick Steiner.


Steiner is a former Television Champion in his own right, so he’s no pusher. Rick makes a mistake and Bagwell pops him with the Buff Blockbuster for the pin and he taunts over the fallen body of Steiner, reminding us that he’s Buff and he’s the Stuff, and anyone who faces him, well they’re sure not Enough.


TAKA Michinoku takes a front row seat at ringside and prepares to see his next challenger.


Chris Jericho triumphed in a Number One Contenders Triangle Match over Rey Mysterio Jr and Juventud Guerrera to earn a Cruiserweight Title Shot at Superbrawl VII.


All three of these high level competitors battled for the right to challenge the champion. Juvi knocks Rey to the floor but Jericho wipes him out with a Missile Dropkick. Rey goes back in and tries for the Springboard Huracarana but Jericho counters with the Liontamer and Rey has no choice but submit to give Jericho a Cruiserweight Championship shot against Michinoku at Superbrawl.


This Week on WCW Saturday Night, Chris Jericho takes on Dean Malenko, The Masters of Pain are Tag Team Action, and it’s a WrestleWar rematch when Buff Bagwell puts the Television Championship on the line against Flex Kavana.


Eddie Guerrero pinned Lord Steven Regal with a sunset flip after Regal hit the corner.


These two men tore into each other, with Eddie maintain the role that he had been on after beating Jeff Jarrett in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match. He rolls Regal up for the pin.


After the match, Regal destroys Eddie with a knee strike to the head, and a vicious piledriver, before slapping on the Regal Stretch. Regal cranks his head, and security and other wrestlers from the back make their way out. Regal is finally pulled off, but not before giving Eddie a couple more kicks.


Brian Pillman pinned Dean Malenko with the Cradle DDT.


These two wrestlers got nearly fifteen minutes and Malenko showed that he could hang hold for hold with the WCW World Champion. Pillman has the Texas Cloverleaf well scouted, but Malenko catches him with a super Gutbuster. Malenko looks rather pleased and rolls him over, but Pillman rolls him up. A running kick to the chest set up the Cradle DDT for the pin.


Sting lurks around and talks about how all of 1996 was supposed to be the year that the Four Horsemen and Hulk Hogan were removed from WCW by the Franchise Player. Hogan is long gone and the Horsemen are at their lowest point but yet Pillman remains. Sting tells Pillman that he better be ready, because everyone has their moment in the sun. But at Superbrawl VII, all of Pillman’s dreams will turn into his nightmare when Sting destroys him and takes his title back. “When a man’s heart is full of deceit, it burns up and it dies, and you Pillman, will be consumed by the pressure of being champion.”


Cactus Jack and Chris Benoit won the WCW World Tag Team Championship over Scott Steiner and Road Warrior Hawk, when Jack pinned Steiner after the rest of the Cabal got involved.


This was a brutal tag team match, because both tag teams could turn on each other at any time. Jake Roberts lead Chris Benoit out, but Rapture, Wrath, and Fury make their way down to the ringside area, and Hawk leaves the ring, to attack them, right when Scott Steiner nails a super belly to belly suplex to Jack. Benoit comes off the top rope with a huge headbutt to the back of the head, knocking Steiner out and rolling him over to allow for the pin.


Hawk is down on the outside, and the rest of the Cabal scrambles into the ring and starts beating down Scott Steiner. Benoit takes the WCW World Tag Team Title Belts from Roberts and he holds out one of the belts for Cactus Jack but Jack leaves the ring, leaving Benoit hanging with both belts. Jack returns to the ring and grabs a chair.


Jack enters the ring, holding the chair and Roberts tells Benoit to back off. Steiner is on his hands and knees and Jack smashes the chair over the back of Scott Steiner! Jack offers Benoit the chair in exchange for the belt and Benoit looks at him, and makes the trade. He steps forward and says that if Benoit has any sense, he’ll take him out when his back is turned.


Jack turns around and Benoit watches his tag team championship partner leave, the chair in hand, and Nitro fades out, with this weird scene.



What the World Was Watching…..The WWF Royal Rumble 1997.


-Ahmed Johnson and Goldust retained the WWF Tag Team Titles against the Smoking Gunns.

-Hakushi defeated Duke Droese.

-Yokozuna retained the WWF Intercontinental Title against Buddy Landell.

-Owen Hart retained the WWE European Title over King Mabel.

-Sid Vicious retained the WWF World Title over Razor Ramon.

-Bret Hart won the Royal Rumble.


WWF Monday Night RAW:


-Bob Backlund defeated Justin Bradshaw.

-Ahmed Johnson and Goldust retained the WWF Tag Team Titles over Zip and Hakushi.

-Luna Vachon defeated Bertha Faye.

-Razor Ramon got the win over Diesel.

-Yokozuna defeated Vader.



Satyr24: 5/6

mistaken: 3/6

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WCW {PRO} Week Four January 1997:


Chavo Guerrero Jr won over Mark Starr. Shannon Moore and Shane Helms defeated Scott and Steve Armstrong. Pat Tanaka got the win over Billy Kidman. Dean Malenko got the win over Ciclope with the Texas Cloverleaf. Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson defeated the Public Enemy.


WCW Worldwide Week Four January 1997:


Lord Steven Regal defeated Joe Gomez with the Regal Stretch. Juventud Guerrera pinned Mr. JL. Chris Jericho defeated Alex Wright. Sir Douglas Williams defeated Bobby Eaton. The Steiner Brothers got the win over the Nasty Boys.


WCW Saturday Night Week Four January 1997:


Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon defeated Shannon Moore and Shane Helms. Fit Finlay got the win over Jim Powers. Barry Windham and Calvin Walker Anderson defeated Sir Douglas Williams and Squire David Taylor of the Blue Bloods. Chris Jericho pinned Dean Malenko. Stevie Ray pinned Brad Armstrong. The Masters of Pain defeated Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. Buff Bagwell retained the WCW Television Title over Flex Kavana. Eddie Guerrero defeated Diamond Dallas Page via disqualification after DDP threw him over the top rope.



WCW Monday Nitro Week One February 1997


WCW World Champion Brian Pillman, Road Warrior Hawk, and the Steiner Brothers take on the Masters of Pain, Cactus Jack, and Chris Benoit in eight man tag team action.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd.


US Champion Ken Shamrock vs Sting(Non Title Match)


TV Title Match:

Calvin Walker Anderson vs Buff Bagwell©


Flex Kavana vs. Dean Malenko.

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WCW Monday Nitro Week One February 1997


WCW World Champion Brian Pillman, Road Warrior Hawk, and the Steiner Brothers take on the Masters of Pain, Cactus Jack, and Chris Benoit in eight man tag team action.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd.


US Champion Ken Shamrock vs Sting(Non Title Match)


TV Title Match:

Calvin Walker Anderson vs Buff Bagwell©


Flex Kavana vs. Dean Malenko.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WCW Monday Nitro Week One February 1997


WCW World Champion Brian Pillman, Road Warrior Hawk, and the Steiner Brothers take on the Masters of Pain, Cactus Jack, and Chris Benoit in eight man tag team action.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Johnny B. Badd.


US Champion Ken Shamrock vs Sting(Non Title Match)


TV Title Match:

Calvin Walker Anderson vs Buff Bagwell©


Flex Kavana vs. Dean Malenko.

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