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A New Company For A New Generation, Nitro and Beyond - WCW '95

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September 1995


"Would it be fair to call the WWF's year so far bad? Probably. Sure, we just had a Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels match that could go down as one of the best ever at Summerslam, but for the first time in around a decade, Vince McMahon may actually be worried. Buy rates are down, ratings are down, and now may be the time to strike. So that's where I, Eric Bischoff, come in. Ted Turner's put me in charge with one goal - beat WWF. He asked me how I'd do it. When I told him that I wanted an hour of prime time TV up against Raw, I didn't think he'd give it to me. But, here I am, writing TV for tomorrow's show, when we go live for a full hour. Our first show will go unopposed thanks to Raw's pre-emption by the US open, but as of next week? It's all out war. And to be honest, we're not ready. We've got a lot to work on:


- Savage, Flair and Hogan are big names. They also combine to being over one-hundred and twenty years old. We're gonna need people to lead us into the new generation, either from our current roster or in the form of new talent.


- More and more the general public is getting tired of silly, child friendly storylines, and want something more serious. So how do we give them that? Blood, sex and cursing isn't going to fly, Ted made that abundantly clear to me. One way or another, we need to draw in the audience wrestling lost when things went the way of gimmicks and comedy.


- With sixty active wrestlers and only three hours of TV a week (Two of which are on the 'B' show), not everybody's going to get their time. People will need to be cut, especially if we do end up bringing in outside talent.


It's sink or swim time. For WCW, for Nitro, and for me" - Eric Bischoff



WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan


Date won: Bash at the Beach, July 17, 1994

Successful defences: 4


Former champions:


WCW United States Championship



Date won: Great American Bash, June 18, 1995

Successful defences: 3


Former champions:


WCW World Tag Team Championship

Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater


Date won: WCW Saturday Night, June 21, 1995

Successful defences: 3


Former champions:


WCW World Television Championship

The Renegade


Date won: Great American Bash, June 18, 1995

Succesful defences: 8


Former champions:

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">Backstage dirt</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>- In an attempt to separate themselves from rivals WWF, WCW have reportedly been in contact with AAA and NJPW in an attempt to utilize their working relationship to increase the amount of international talent the company utilizes.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

- WCW has made the decision to not attempt to renew the contracts of Kamala, Julio Sanchez, Chuck Williams or Terry Richards. All four men recently entered the last month of their contract.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

- Although WCW scouts have been sighted at many women's wrestling shows across the globe, it appears that the company will not attempt to start a women's division in the near future. Reasons behind this decision are rumoured to be the low amount of TV time the company has available, the already bloated roster, and the need for stability within the company before such big changes are made.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

- With Fall Brawl in just under four weeks, WCW is looking at ensuring all monthly pay per view events fall on the final Saturday of the month to ensure there is appropriate time to build towards them. This will also avoid scheduling conflicts with workers who are also employed by New Japan Pro Wrestling. However, the possibility of other special pay per view events on other days, such as cross-promotional shows, international specials or one night tournaments, has not been ruled out.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

- WCW has come to terms on the release of Brady Boone, Cobra, Dave Sullivan, Hugh Morrus, Mickey Jay, Rip Rogers, Pez Whatley, and Scott Armstrong.</em></p><p> </p><p>

OOC: I may edit certain workers contracts to allow them to work for both me and NJPW. NJPW has always been willing to let their workers work internationally, and WCW took advantage of this often. Obviously this would be very rare, though.</p>

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Monday, September 4, 1995

Broadcast LIVE from Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota on TNT

Attendance: 1,000 (Sold-out)

TV rating: 5.89


The announce team: Bobby Heenan, Steve McMichael, and Tony Schiavone



Dark match: Harlem Heat defeated The Nasty Boys in 7:10 after Sensational Sherri interfered (C+)




Nitro opens to the announcers desk, where Eric Bischoff has joined the broadcast team to introduce the show. After introducing Steve "Mongo" McMichael, who quickly begins to bicker with Bobby Heenan, Bischoff explains that in this new era of WCW he's decided to step away from the announcers desk in order to help make sure everything runs smoothly. He promises big surprises before announcing the night's card - Jushin Liger against "Flyin'" Brian Pillman, Lord Steven Regal taking on Mark Starr, Sting putting his US title on the line again Ric Flair, and the main event - Hulk Hogan defending his WCW title against Big Bubba Rogers. "WCW Nitro - Where the big boys plays!" Bischoff proclaims before leaving the announcers desk.


Grade: D+




We cut to a store in the mall, where Gene Okerlund is talking to Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart as the two sign autographs for kids. Hogan promises that tonight, he'll defend his title for all the little Hulkamaniacs. When Gene asks about The Dungeon of Doom, Hogan promises that when Fall Brawl comes around he'll defeat them in War Games, whoever his team ends up being.


Grade: B-


Jushin Liger vs "Flyin'" Brian Pillman



In the opening match of the night both men go all out, aiming to please the thousand or so fans packed into the Mall of America. Pillman dominates most of the action, and slowly the crowd goes from being split in half to mostly calling for Liger to mount a comeback. Eventually he does so, dodging a drop-kick and mounting some quick offence with kids and slams. Just as it looks like Liger has him all figured out, Pillman gets back on top with a come-back of his own. Pillman goes for Air Pillman, but at the last second Liger ducks, goes behind and rolls up Pillman for three.


Winner: Jushin Liger in 6:34 via roll-up

Grade: C




With the match over Liger goes over to shake Pillman's hand, but Pillman simply shakes his head and leaves, drawing some boos. Pillman can be heard yelling as he leaves ringside, throwing a minor tantrum over his loss.


Grade: D+


Lord Steven Regal vs Mark Starr



With Earl Robert Eaton in his corner, Regal works over Starr with hard uppercuts and excruciating submission holds. Regal takes his time beating down Starr, occasionally scowling at the audience or simply getting out of the ring to waste time and incite anger from the crowd. McMichael and Heenan loudly get into it, as Heenan praises Regal's tactics while McMichael admonishes him. At long last Regal puts Starr out of his misery with a regal stretch.


Winner: Lord Steven Regal in 5:01 via Regal Stretch

Grade: D+




After his match Steven Regal grabs a microphone, much to the disdain of the crowd. Regal proceeds to put down the crowd, claiming that the "little people" could never dream of being as successful and rich as him.


Grade: C


Ric Flair vs Sting

WCW United States Championship on the line!



The crowd is heavily behind Sting in this match, with Bobby Heenan seemingly the only man in the entire Mall of America who wants to see Flair walk away champion. The two feel each other out and Flair quickly gains control with a thumb to the eye. He works over Sting with chops and punches, bringing in boos and "Sting" chants from the crowd. Sting quickly makes a comeback, countering an irish whip into a whip of his own and then a press slam. The two end up in a stand-off until...




The crowd explodes as Lex Luger pushes his way through the crowd, ending up in the front row calmly watching the match in his street clothes. Flair and Sting both get slightly distracted for a few seconds, but quickly get back to the match. As Heenan yells that Luger should go back to where he came from, Schiavone and McMichael speculate as to whether Luger has been signed or if he's just come to watch the show. In the ring, Flair gets the upperhand with a sneaky low-blow and sets up for the figure-four leglock...




Flair's opponent for Fall Brawl, his former best friend Arn Anderson, springs into the ring to cheers from the crowd. Flair turns and the two trade punched back and forth, spilling out into the aisle. Sting follows as the bell rings, continuing to fight Flair as the three head towards the back.


Winner: Ric Flair in 9:32 via DQ after Arn Anderson attacked him

Grade: B+




With the match over and the ring cleared, all eyes turn to Lex Luger, who casually climbs over the crowd barricade and makes his way to the ring. The security around the ring look confused as to whether or not they should stop Luger, who grabs a microphone from ringside before getting into the ring. Luger explains that just hours ago he signed a multi-million dollar contract with WCW, prompting loud cheers from the crowd. Luger goes on to say that Eric Bischoff lured him away from the WWF, and he's not the first and won't be the last. He asks Bischoff to come out and motions to the entrance way.




Instead of Bischoff coming out, DDP, Diamond Doll, and their bodyguard Maxx Muscles walk to the ring, receiving a mixed reaction. They enter the ring, with Muscles squaring up to Luger as Diamond Doll leans against DDP. DDP tells Luger he's not wanted in WCW, which causes the crowd to immediately boo and chant for Luger. Luger point blank tells DDP that if he wants to have a match, they can have one, resulting in Maxx Muscles moving in even closer. Luger smirks down at Muscles, prompting DDP to tap his bodyguard on the shoulder and motion to leave. As Muscles moves away DDP jumps in, looking for the diamond cutter. Luger responds by pushing him away, sending DDP to the outside. Muscles goes to grab Luger, who easily picks him up in the torture rack. Diamond Doll and DDP back up the ramp as the crowd chants for Luger. Muscles quickly taps out and Luger drops him, allowing him to escape the ring and go back to DDP, who mouths "soon" towards the smiling Luger.


Grade: C+




Gene Okerlund introduces both wrestlers as they enter the ring.


Grade: B


Hulk Hogan vs Big Bubba Rogers

WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line!



Hogan wastes no time going to work, much to the crowd's delight. With Jimmy Hart cheering him on, he dominated Big Bubba early on, even hitting a huge bodyslam! It doesn't last, however, as Bubba lands an eye poke to put himself in the driver's seat. With Bobby Heenan cheering him on, Bubba works over Hogan, utilizing plenty of slow, laborious chokes and big strikes. The Mall of America stays behind Hogan, pumping him up until the time comes - blocked punches, a finger point, and we all know the rest! A huge leg drop finishes Bubba and gives Hogan the win!


Winner: Hulk Hogan in 9:32 via leg drop

Grade: B




With the match over Hogan starts to celebrate, until suddenly the lights go out. After a few seconds they come back on...




The Taskmaster, Zaodiac, Meng and The Shark surround Hogan as the crowd boo. Heenan cheer on the Dungeon of Doom as they lay into Hogan, beating him down. Taskmaster exits the ring and then comes back, steel chair in hand. As he lines up to hit Hogan...




Randy Savage and Sting charge down the aisle and dive into the ring. Outnumbered, they still fight frantically to try and stop the Dungeon taking out Hogan. Ravage gets floored and Sting soon falls too, just as it looks like the Hulkamaniacs are done for...




Lex Luger charges into the ring, punching away at the Dungeon. Quickly the Hulkamaniacs gain control again, leaving them stood in the ring celebrating as Nitro goes off the air.


Grade C+


Final grade: B

This show increased our popularity in 5 regions. This show lost us popularity in 1 region


OOC: This early on, I sort of have to finish up what's already going on, namely the awful Dungeon of Doom stuff. Can't really expect a great grade to start off with, but hopefully it'll get better with time. I'm unsure as to whether I should extend Nitro yet.

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OOC: This early on, I sort of have to finish up what's already going on, namely the awful Dungeon of Doom stuff. Can't really expect a great grade to start off with, but hopefully it'll get better with time. I'm unsure as to whether I should extend Nitro yet.



my opinion, not until you have a roster full of talent AND the story lines to support 3 hours. half of WCW's problem was coherent story lines because of how much they had going on.

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my opinion, not until you have a roster full of talent AND the story lines to support 3 hours. half of WCW's problem was coherent story lines because of how much they had going on.


At the moment I have storylines/talent that won't fit onto Nitro, but then I also don't think they're worthy of being there yet. To me Nitro is the A material, and some of the crap you start with (Kurasawa vs Hawk...REALLY?). We'll see how it goes.

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Friday, September 8, 1995

Recorded in Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Jefferson City, Tennessee, to be aired on Saturday, September 9th

Attendance: 2,000 (Sold-out)


The announce team: Bobby Heenan, Mike Tenay, and Tony Schiavone





As with Nitro, Saturday Night opens to Eric Bischoff at the announce desk. He hypes up the card, namely the début of the mysterious Sabu, an apperance by Jim Duggan, and The Renegade putting his TV title on the line against Kamala in the main event! Heenan wastes no time pestering Bischoff about Lex Luger and why he signed him but Bischoff simply brushes him off, calling Luger a future world champion and announcing that Luger would make his in ring début next Monday on Nitro.


Grade: D+


The Barrio Brothers (Fidel Sierra and Ricky Santana) vs The American Males (Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs)



The American Males spend more time show boating than actually wrestling, which suits the crowd fine. The pair make short work of The Barrio Brothers, and Riggs finishes it with an American-Plex for the easy win.


Winners: American Males in 3:23 via American-Plex on Fidel Sierra by Scotty Riggs

Grade: D+




Gene Okerlund interviews Eddie Guerrero backstage. Eddie makes it clear that from now on every week he'll be stealing the show, one way or another. He promises that one way or another, he's getting gold around his waist, smiling all the while. His focused but light hearted attitude resonates with the crowd, who give him a small pop.


Grade: D+




At ringside, The Sheik comes out to mostly boos. Heenan instantly picks up on who The Sheik is and praises him as a legend, while Mike Tenay questions allowing a man of "questionable sanity" so close to the ring. A few seconds later a group of what look like private security guards walk out behind Sheik, pushing an upright gurney with a man in a straight jacket on it. They untie the straps and the small man sprints into the ring like a rabid dog before pointing to the sky.




Tony Schiavone wastes no time pointing out that the man in the ring is Sabu, and begins to speculate on his relationship with The Sheik as the crazed man awaits his match.


Grade: D


Mr. JL vs Sabu



Sabu lives up to his entrance, right out the gate jumping on JL. The masked high flier has no time to get used to Sabu, who seemingly randomly switches between hectic brawling, high flying, and at one point simply running around the ring. When JL leaves the ring to chase Sabu, he finds the madman waving a chair at him, and it takes The Sheik to convince Sabu to put the chair down. Sabu's strange tactics seem to work, however, as he soon defeats JL with a flying leg drop.


Winner: Sabu in 5:37 via flying leg drop

Grade: C




Backstage, V.K. Wallstreet cuts a promo about the arrival of Lex Luger. He calculates how much it cost WCW to hire Luger, and how much money it would cost a fan to travel to Nitro next week to watch his first match. He mockingly brags about how Luger and the other "big stars" might make more money, but he's smart enough to know how to use it. Wallstreet talks about how he's already got himself booked for a match, and how he intends to show everybody that he's ready to take over WCW. He smiles and declares, "that's an investment V.K. Wallstreet can get behind!"


Grade: C-


Kurasawa vs Tim Horner



The result seems all but decided as soon as the bell rings, and Heenan and Tenay quickly end up debating whether Road Warrior Hawk will seek revenge for Kurasawa recently breaking his arm. Heenan defends Kurasawa, claiming it's not his fault Hawk's too weak to take an armbar. As though out to prove a point, Kurasawa quickly locks in an armbar and forces Horner to tap-out.


Winner: Kurasawa in 1:34 via armbar

Grade: C-




Kurasawa starts to celebrate, to the annoyance of the fans. Just as he starts to leave the ring...




Hawk charges down the ramp, his arm still in a cast. Kirasawa wisely chooses to run, escaping through the crowd as the fans cheer for Hawk.


Grade: C




A short promo package is played, advertising that on Nitro Lex Luger will take on Meng!


Grade: B-


V.K. Wallstreet vs Julio Sanchez



Wallstreet starts off the match slow, analytically dancing around his opponent. Sanchez tries to brawl with him, but quickly finds himself getting tired. Wallstreet utilizes every trick in the book, and eventually ends the match with a big flying lariat.


Winner: V.K. Wallstreet in 4:23 via flying lariat

Grade: D+




Backstage, tag champs Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater are walking through the parking lot. From nowhere...




Booker T and Stevie Ray jump them, beating them to the ground. Booker T yells at them, telling them to keep Robert Parker away from Sister Sherri. Mike Tenay reminds the audience that for weeks now Buck and Slater's manager, Col. Robert Parker, has been trying to woo Harlem Heat's manager, Sister Sherri, and with the teams set to meet at Fall Brawl losing their manager would hurt Harlem Heat.


Grade: C+




In the ring, DDP is with Diamond Doll. He claims Luger was scared of him, and that if he's not a coward he should come down to the ring and face him. Heenan agrees, which prompts Tenay to point out that even if Luger will be on the show, he hasn't been spotted in the arena yet. DDP brags about being WCW's true franchise player, which causes some "Sting" chants to break out.


Grade: C


Jim Duggan vs Earl Robert Eaton



Duggan gets a huge ovation, which he quickly channels into a US chant. At ringside Lord Steven Regal cheers on Eaton, who puts up a decent fight against Duggan. It doesn't take long, however, for Duggan to put his opponent away, finishing it with a running clothesline.


Winner: Jim Duggan is 6:23 via running clothesline

Grade: B-




As Duggan celebrated, Lord Steven Regal grabs a microphone from ringside. He calls Duggan an uneducated philistine, and tells him that he and the crowd who chant for him are rabble. Duggan jumps out the ring and grabs his 2X4, causing Regal to scurry away.


Grade: C+




A quick video promotes Fall Brawl and the matches which have already been booked - The Hulkamaniacs vs The Taskmaster's Dungeon of Doom in a war games match, Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson in a grudge match, and Harlem Heat vs Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater for the tag titles!


Grade: C+


The Renegade vs Kamala

WCW Television Championship on the line!



With The Taskmaster in his corner, Kamala rampages around the ring, tossing The Renegade around like a rag-doll. Renegade fights back, but the pure power and brutality of Kamal makes it tough for him to do anything but hand on. His big break comes when the ref pulls Kamala away, distracting the Ugandan Giant for long enough to allow The Renegade to get pumped up and make a come-back. Despite The Taskmaster's screaming and yelling, The Renegade retains his TV title with a powerslam.


Winner: The Renegade in 7:47 via powerslam

Grade: C




The Renegade has no time to celebrate, as The Taskmaster and The Shark slide into the ring and alongside Kamala start to beat him down.




Reinforcements come in the form of Randy Savage and Lex Luger, both wearing street clothes. They charge in from behind, routing the Dungeon of Doom. With The Taskmaster, Kamala and The Shark gone, Luger hands The Renegade his TV title as Savage stands up on the turnbuckle, pointing at the fleeing Taskmaster as the show goes off air.


Grade: C+


Final grade: C+

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