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Here comes the Underground... Again (C-verse)

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It was announced today that a new wrestling promotion called Underground Pro Wrestling is opening in North Dakota by a unknown wrestler J.R. Rose, a North Dakota native. Not too much is known other than the local promotion basically has nothing going for it at this point, except for some strong financial support.





Despite the lack of info on the promotion itself a starting roster has surfaced and can be found below...






uPw starting Roster


Founder and first wrestler

J.R. Rose



Middleweight Face



A young North Dakota man who grew up a huge wrestling fan, who went to wrestling school as soon as he could. Slightly impatient, maybe more so, Rose didn't wait to go to a wrestling promotion. He brought a wrestling promotion to himself. Backed by some financial muscle and finding an old drafty barn just outside Bismarck, North Dakota to hold events in, Underground Pro Wrestling was born. It gave a place for Rose to do what he loved and to give back to the fans of the thing he loved. Now his goal was simple, to build uPw into something special and for himself to grow right alongside it. It's a long way to the top...










Clark Lewis is the embodiment of the United States and a patriot through and through. The young all arounder is always up for a little adventure and has no problem stepping up when the United States is under fire. Rough Rider is a fitting name for the young patriot as he's always willing to be out front of the action.








Morgan is a Canadian veteran who has paid his dues but has never seen it pay off. He enters uPw on a mission to become the uPw Champion and help the young promotion grow into something special.










Lug is an Irish brawler who likes to fight. He also is proud of his Irish heritage and isn't afraid to bring it up. Lug also wants to wear the uPw Championship Title and will not back down from anyone to accomplish that goal.









Disturbed (the former Stretch the Chicken boy) comes to uPw not only for gold but to show the wrestling world that that 'odd by even wrestling standards' wrestler has really turned himself into something. He plans on using the uPw roster to improve his standing among his wrestling peers who once looked down on him.











Fearless Blue who now shows the world why he used to have blue hair covering up his face comes to uPw still on a quest to make a living through wrestling. The former backyarder has not found much of anything for himself yet but he hopes that will change with a fresh start in uPw.










El Sultan just wants the uPw roster to submit to the Camel Clutch and bend to his will. Rumor has it he isn't a huge fan of the United States (go figure). He thinks winning the uPw Championship will help him reign.








The Blues duo come to uPw on a 'Mission from God', though no one really is sure just what that mission really is. Whatever it may be however drives this team to be the best tag team and musicians that there are. That drive and determination may never quit as long as the 'Mission' remains. Also helping in that mission is there manager and fellow musician...









Cash Funk come to uPw for one reason and one reason only, cash. They figure the more they win the more they make, and the more gold they hold, the more money to line their pockets with. Of course the duo decided they wanted to cover all of their bases and they brought in someone to manage them with a very similar interest...










Greig is the law inside the uPw squared circle.








***OOC- This probably my third attempt at a diary for 2013, I have a long term plan of where I want to take the promotion so I hoping to keep this going for a long time. Also huge thanks to the Alt makers that made some of the pictures I am using for this. Lastly thanks to those that also made me graphics a long way back. Here it goes. First card is up soon. Thanks to anyone who reads.

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We've received the first card from uPw as they attempt run their first show and crown the first ever uPw champion...









uPw Wizards in Winter Card



El Sultan vs. Thomas Morgan


Cash Funk w/Streetz vs. The Blues Brothers w/ Cab


Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue


Lug Phelan vs. 'Rough Rider" Clark Lewis



uPw Championship


Battle Royal


J.R. Rose vs. Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue vs. El Sultan vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis vs. Elwood Blues vs. Jazz Funk vs. 'Joliet' Jake Blues vs. Lug Phelan vs. Thomas Morgan

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El Sultan vs. Thomas Morgan


Cash Funk w/Streetz vs. The Blues Brothers w/ Cab


Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue


Lug Phelan vs. 'Rough Rider" Clark Lewis



uPw Championship


Battle Royal


J.R. Rose vs. Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue vs. El Sultan vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis vs. Elwood Blues vs. Jazz Funk vs. 'Joliet' Jake Blues vs. Lug Phelan vs. Thomas Morgan


Push the Blue!!!

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January, Saturday, Week 4, 2013










uPw Wizards in Winter

The Barn (Mid West, United States)

Attendance: 16







We go to the drafty Barn just outside Bismarck, North Dakota and join the uPw's commentary duo of Samuel Curran and Phonse Lockett ringside of the first uPw event in the history of the promotion.






Curran- Welcome to the historic first event in Underground Pro Wrestling's history as uPw presents uPw Wizards in Winter. I'm Samuel Curran and beside me sits Phonse Lockett.







Lockett- Thanks Sam.







Curran- While winter rages outside this building, things are going to be heating up inside it. Every wrestler on the roster will be in action, some pulling double duty to get a chance to become the first uPw Champion. A big 10 man battle royal will determine who walks away the man here tonight. First though we have 4 other matches that will set the stage and uPw's course. I'm excited to see it all unfold.







Lockett- So am I, Sam. Men will be going all out to make their mark on uPw. First impressions can only be made once and I'm sure everyone here tonight wants to make the best impression they can.






Curran- Up first, El Sultan takes on Thomas Morgan in the answer to a future trivia question about uPw. Who will walk away the first victor? Than both men will come back later for the Main Event.









El Sultan vs. Thomas Morgan







Thomas Morgan came into the match looking very focused while El Sultan made sure to taunt the crowd as much as he could. Morgan used his Technical prowess to counter the larger El Sultan's power. A few near falls after some hard hits from El Sultan to Morgan, and Morgan started using a many rest holds as he could to wear Sultan down and stop the big blows. The match became very back and forth afterwards with both men getting so close to being able to add "First Winner in uPw history" to their resume. Finally Morgan locked in the STF after slipping out of a Camel Clutch attempt and made El Sultan give up. The result was a really good match for a local promotion.





Match Result: Thomas Morgan defeated El Sultán in 6:39 by submission with a STF





Match Rating: E







Curran- Great match to open the history of Underground Pro Wrestling. Thomas Morgan is your first winner ever here in uPw. Of course he'll want to be the last winner here tonight in the Main Event for the uPw Championship but we'll see what happens.







Lockett- Every man in that match wants to walk away the winner. Can't wait to see who it's going to be.







Curran- Agreed but we still have plenty of action before we get there. Up next Cash Funk take on The Blues Brothers. Phonse, I understand Jake Blues is quite the ladies man.







Lockett- Well he's in luck, it appears there is one in the crowd here tonight. Oh wait... my mistake.







Curran- Let's go to the ring.








Cash Funk w/Streetz vs. The Blues Brothers w/ Cab






In a night of lots of firsts for a brand new promotion, this was the first uPw tag team match, and on top of that, maybe a first we had a pair of men wrestling in suits, dark hats, and sunglasses. Yes the sunglasses stayed on the Blues Brothers for the match, despite wrestling in the dimly lit Barn. The antics of the Blues duo made the match watchable since other than that it was kind of a lousy match. The 4 men involved did give it their all though and Streetz tried on a few occasions to help his team secure a win. Cab even chased him off a couple of times to help his own team out. After the match went back and forth a couple of time, Jake got the hot tag and cleaned house of both members of Cash Funk. Jake Blues than hit Jazz Funk with his Shot Gun Blues finisher to secure the win for the Blues duo. Both members of Cash Funk and Streetz looked pretty upset by the turn of events as the Blues trio celebrated in the ring, with Jake even delivering a couple of back flips.






Match Result: The Blues Brothers defeated Cash Funk in 11:04 when 'Joliet' Jake Blues defeated Jazz Funk by pinfall with a Plymouth Rocker




Match Rating: F+







Curran- The Blues Brothers are the winners and Cash Funk and Streetz look mad at the loss.







Lockett- I guess they won't be getting a raise and more cash anytime soon.








Curran- 3 out of the 4 men minus Malik Cash will return for the Main Event for a chance at the uPw Championship. But next the still odd Disturbed takes on Fearless Blue.









Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue






This match was decent despite Blue and Disturbed being awkward at times throughout the match. Disturbed certainly wasn't afraid to use shortcuts throughout the match even while drawing warnings and scowls from Ref Greig. Blue took it all in stride and nearly scored a win after a great Missile Dropkick from the top rope but Disturbed powered out. After some more back and forth for a couple of minutes Disturbed lays down Blue with a dropkick of his own. He quickly goes up top and hits the Flying Double Stomp from the top rope to get the pinfall and win.





Match Result: Disturbed defeated Fearless Blue in 14:08 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp





Match Rating: E-








After the match is over Disturbed quickly grabs a microphone.







Disturbed- Look at you Fearless Blue. You look like a weirdo and you are a loser because of it. I used to be you. But now I have a new face and it's a wonderful face. It has brought me success something that you will never experience. Not the way you are anyway. And don't worry Blue, I will be there every step of the way to remind you just how pathetic and odd you are. Also to remind you how much better I am than you.







Disturbed tosses the mic towards Blue who is still recovering from the Stomp.






Segment Rating: E





Curran- Strong words from Disturbed but Fearless Blue still has a chance to redeem himself here tonight in the Battle Royal Main Event for the uPw Championship.






Lockett- Disturbed still knows he's an oddball right?






Curran- I don't know Phonse. I do know we have one more match before our huge Main Event as the Irish Bruiser, Lug Phelan takes on "Rough Rider" Clark Lewis.







Lug Phelan vs. 'Rough Rider" Clark Lewis






Lug looks ready for a fight and Lewis is happy to oblige. Lug just wants to straight out brawl and Lewis shows he is capable of brawling too. Lewis realizes though that he can't win in a straight out brawl with Lug and he starts slowing him down with some basic wrestling maneuvers. That doesn't stop Lug from coming straight at Lewis and it nearly costs Lug the match early. He finally slows down and trades maneuvers with the more well rounded Lewis. The match becomes a drag out affair until Lug sees his opening and with a quick boot to the gut to double over Lewis, the brawler delivers a very stiff looking Gutwrench Backbreaker that ends a pretty good match between the competitors.






Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis in 13:46 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker





Match Rating: E








Curran- Lug gains the win, I hope Clark Lewis can recover quickly because the Battle Royal to crown our first champion is up next!








Lockett- Yes! Finally!








uPw Championship


Battle Royal

J.R. Rose vs. Disturbed vs. Fearless Blue vs. El Sultan vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis vs. Elwood Blues vs. Jazz Funk vs. 'Joliet' Jake Blues vs. Lug Phelan vs. Thomas Morgan







It would appear the Blues Brothers had the advantage going in as they were the only men with a clear cut partner to work with to eliminate their opponents. They use that advantage to quickly eliminate Jazz Funk, but as they dump Funk over the ropes Clark Lewis knocks Elwood from the ring. El Sultan is the next to go courtesy of J.R. Rose. This is quickly followed by Jake Blues getting knocked out by Lug Phelan. The match than goes for awhile without any eliminations until Thomas Morgan gets tossed from the ring by Clark Lewis. The final five go at it again with some near eliminations but no one get tossed. Not until Lug has Lewis Clark in his sights, but unfortunately for Lug, Clark sidesteps Lug and uses his momentum to send the Irish Brawler crashing to the outside. This leaves just four men now. While Rose gets knocked down by Disturbed, Blue and Lewis decide to team up on Disturbed who is near the ropes. The two men charge at Disturbed, but Disturbed ducks down an pulls the ropes down and it sends Lewis and Blue out of the match. This just leaves Rose and Disturbed now. Both men fight near the ropes, and both end up falling over to the apron but Rose is able to hold on, while Disturbed hits the floor! J.R. Rose wins the match and the belt!








Match Result: J.R. Rose won a battle royal in 30:24. J.R. Rose wins the uPw Championship title.






Match Rating: D-







Curran- J.R. Rose, the reason we are here tonight walks away the uPw Ch....







The lights go out...







Curran- What's going on!?!







The lights come back on...










...and a big masked man stands in the ring in front of a stunned J.R. Rose who still has the uPw Title held over his head. The big masked man delivers a vicious clothesline to Rose. Then he quickly pulls Rose back to his feet just to double him over and to raise him high into the air and then back down to the mat with a huge Powerbomb. The Masked Man stares at the fallen champion before calmly walking away. It's short but violent attack.






Segment Rating: E







Curran- Who was that!?!







Lockett- I have no idea.








Curran- Whoever it is he has left new uPw Champion, J.R. Rose down in the ring and really cutting his celebration short. Next month I hope we find out just who we saw. I'm sure Rose wants answers too. Until next month, keep the Underground alive!






Final Show Rating: D-

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The first uPw Event, Wizards in Winter is in the books and a lot happened.



-Most importantly the first uPw Champion was crowned as J.R. Rose just held on to walk away the champion. He quickly went from a high to a low though as a hulking masked individual showed up and laid the new champion out. The question still remains, just who is he? His name is still a mystery, but his intentions seem clear and J.R. Rose or perhaps the belt itself are targets.



-J.R. Rose will defend his title and the first out of the pack to get a shot is the man who eliminated the most wrestlers in the Wizards in Winter battle royal, "Rough Rider" Clark Lewis. This has the potential to be a great match up between the two youngsters.



- In other action, the Blues Brothers and Cash Funk rivalry will continue as Elwood is set to face Jazz Funk in a one on one match. The boastful Disturbed will face Jake Blues of the Blues Brothers. Fearless Blue takes on the Irish brawler, Lug Phelan, who is pretty upset after not winning the uPw Championship. Finally Thomas Morgan will open the show against one half of Cash Funk, Malik Cash.




-Wrestlers will continue to jockey for position as uPw presents...





uPw Snowpocalypse











uPw Snowpocalypse Card




Malik Cash w/Streetz vs. Thomas Morgan




Jazz Funk w/Streetz vs. Elwood Blues w/Cab




Jake Blues w/Cab vs. Disturbed




Fearless Blue vs. Lug Phelan




uPw Championship


J.R. Rose © vs. "Rough Rider" Clark Lewis

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February, Saturday, Week 4, 2013









uPw Snowpocalypse

The Barn (Mid West, United States)

Attendance: 17






We are back inside the drafty Barn and join the duo of Samuel Curran and Phonse Lockett ringside at uPw Snowpocalypse.







Curran- Welcome to uPw Snowpocalypse, I'm Samuel Curran and beside me is Phonse Lockett. Winter still rages on outside but once again we expect the action to heat up here in The Barn.








Lockett- Does winter ever end here?









Curran- It's only February Phonse, give it some time. But it is damn cold out. Now last month J.R. Rose became the first uPw Champion in a real good Battle Royal, but as soon as Rose raised that belt about his head in triumph the lights went out and a big masked monster attacked and laid J.R. Rose out. The identity of that man is still unknown and nobody knows if he is here tonight.








Lockett- I'm thinking Rose would rather not have him here tonight.








Curran- You could be right but Rose probably would like a fair chance to face his attacker without any sort of surprise. Later we'll see J.R. Rose defend his uPw Championship against "Rough Rider" Clark Lewis. But first let's go to the ring as Thomas Morgan will face off with Malik Cash of Cash Funk.







Malik Cash w/Streetz vs. Thomas Morgan






It's pretty well known the members of Cash Funk and Streetz were pretty disappointed last month and look to get back on track so they can increase their worth. Morgan meanwhile almost looks frustrated but still focused at the opening bell, perhaps it's from being in an opening role again. Despite this Morgan keeps the quicker Cash off balance throughout most of the match. At almost 7 minutes Morgan locks on the STF to Cash and the match is over, leaving a very disappointed Streetz scowling on the outside.







Match Result: Thomas Morgan defeated Malik Cash in 6:54 by submission with a STF






Match Rating: E










Jazz Funk w/Streetz vs. Elwood Blues w/Cab








Again Streetz and his duo look to turn things around, this time against Elwood Blues and Cab. This match is not good. The 2 men give what they can but it's not much. Streetz makes sure he can do everything in his power to get his client a victory. After probably his 4th time of interjecting himself in the match, it's finally the charm. His interference allows Jazz Funk to hit the Free Form Flow to get the pinfall and the win. Elwood ends up staring at the ceiling through his sunglasses.








Match Result: Jazz Funk defeated Elwood Blues in 13:20 by pinfall with a Free Form Flow after Streetz interfered








Match Rating: F










Jake Blues w/ Cab vs. Disturbed








After the defeat of Elwood, Cab makes sure to keep a close eye on this next match to make sure no shenanigans happened. Jake dressed in his best suit, hat, and sunglasses goes straight after Disturbed with fists a blazing and feet a dancing. After a beat down in the beginning Disturbed uses his superior speed to make sure that doesn't happen again. The match becomes a pretty solid back and forth affair with neither man getting the upper hand for long. Disturbed uses a couple of short cuts here and there but Cab makes sure the ref is aware of each and every one. about 12 and a half minutes in and a innocent back kick from Disturbed that makes sure Jake will indeed have the blues later leads to Disturbed going to the top and hitting the Flying Double Stomp to secure the win.








Match Result: Disturbed defeated 'Joliet' Jake Blues in 12:55 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp








Match Rating: E









Much like last month Disturbed quickly grabs a microphone following the match and he laughs into it.








Disturbed- Tonight, again I proved this new face of mine continues to make me a success. I'm somebody now. When Stretch died and I put on my new face, my life changed. This face and I are destined to be champions.







Now onto Fearless Blue, who reminds me so much of Stretch. Blue, you will continue to be a loser until you open your eyes to how pathetic you look. Take my word for it and admire my new face.








Segment Rating: E








Fearless Blue vs. Lug Phelan








Blue looks to be at a disadvantage from the start as Lug comes out firing and Blue is not prepared for an all out onslaught. Lucky for Blue he has speed and quickness on his side. Blue uses that to stay out of the reach of a devastating move from Lug. Blue even uses his quickness to score a couple of near falls including a rollup that is about as close to a victory as you can get. Blue has solid momentum going and looks on the verge of an upset when Disturbed runs back out and with the ref distracted, slides into the ring. He hits a knee to Blue's face and quickly leaves the ring. Lug capitalizes and hits a stiff looking Gutwrench Backbreaker to get the win.






Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated Fearless Blue in 14:01 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker following interference from Disturbed






Match Rating: E-








Curran- Disturbed sticks his face into this match and most likely costs Fearless Blue a huge win.







Lockett- Blue did look to be on the verge of a big win. It's a shame, but I don't think Blue will take this lying down.








Curran- You are probably right Phonse, up next we have our Main Event as J.R. Rose make his first title defense against Clark Lewis. So far we haven't seen any signs of the mysterious masked man from last month.








Before the next match starts J.R. Rose walks out to the ring with the uPw Championship around his waist and a microphone in hand.







Rose- First off, Welcome to Underground Pro Wrestling. I should have come out and welcomed you all last month but it was a hectic night for myself. I'm honored to be bringing you uPw and I am even more honored to be the first ever uPw Champion! I will work as hard as I can to make uPw into one of the best wrestling promotions on this planet. And I will work just as hard to defend this belt around my waist with everything I have and as often as we run shows.







With that said, last month after I was soaking in the moment of winning the uPw Championship, I get attacked. This big man that attacked me, I have no idea who he is. All I know is if he wants a shot at me, he just has to ask. I'm not shy. I know this belt around my waist is going to be highly sought after, but you just have to ask. That's all, no games. Let's just do it. So if you are here tonight, cut the games and let's play in the ring. That's all I got. Clark Lewis, good luck here tonight.








Segment Rating: D-







uPw Championship


J.R. Rose © vs. "Rough Rider" Clark Lewis








The two young up and comers in the wrestling business put on a show that would look good in almost any wrestling promotion around the world. Lewis comes to wrestle and J.R. Rose is ready for him. Many nearfalls from both men. Unfortunately for the men in the ring the crowd is still trying to warm up to the new comers but they do start to get behind the match the longer it goes. Rose nearly wins the match with his standing shooting star press called the Rose Star Press, but Lewis kicks out. At about the 19 minute mark of the match the lights in the Barn go out...








Curran- Could be trouble.









...As the lights come back on...













... The Monster is in the standing outside the ring staring at the uPw Champ, J.R. Rose. Rose stares back, and Lewis who would like nothing more to walk away the champion blindsides J.R. Rose and follows it up with a beautiful Fisherman Suplex that nearly wins the match for Lewis. The unknown Monster silently leaves the area as the action gets fast in the ring. Just before the 23 minute mark, J.R. Rose, hits The Thorn (vertebreaker) on Lewis to get the pinfall and the successful title defense.









Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis in 23:01 by pinfall. J.R. Rose makes defence number 1 of his uPw Championship title.






Match Rating: D-







Curran- Despite the distraction, J.R. Rose is able to successfully defend the uPw Championship here tonight. But with that monster lurking how long can J.R. Rose remain the uPw Champion? Please join us next month, hopefully we can answer just who this monster is.






Lockett- We're all dying to know.







Final Show Rating: E+

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We have learned the card for the next uPw event called uPw Fallout.



-J.R. Rose successfully retained the uPw Championship in a match against 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis despite a distraction from the mysterious masked brute. This month, Rose will defend his belt against the eccentric Disturbed. Disturbed who has been tormenting Fearless Blue claims a championship is in his future, is this it? Will the mysterious masked man make his presence felt?





-Speaking of the the mysterious masked brute, a mysterious letter made its way to the uPw offices and apparently a representative of that mysterious man has told uPw he wants a match. He will be in action against Thomas Morgan. Can Morgan survive this brute and will this representative also be present?





-A rematch from Wizards in Winter will take place as Lug Phelan will take on Clark Lewis. Lug won the first encounter will this match be the same?





- Plus both members of the Blues Brothers will also be in action, so join Underground Pro Wrestling when they present uPw Fallout!...













uPw Fallout Card



Jake Blues w/Cab vs. Malik Cash w/ Streetz



Elwood Blues w/Cab vs. El Sultan



Lug Phelan vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis



Thomas Morgan vs. Big Masked Man



uPw Championship

J.R. Rose © vs. Disturbed

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March, Saturday, Week 4, 2013












uPw Fallout

The Barn (Mid West, United States)

Attendance: 16






We join the commentary duo of Samuel Curran and Phonse Lockett ringside in The Barn just outside of Bismarck, North Dakota. The weather outside in just about tolerable for all of the non-North Dakotans.







Curran- Welcome to uPw show number three, uPw Fallout! I'm Samuel Curran and beside me as always is Phonse Lockett. We have huge news tonight as, the masked mystery brute that laid out our uPw Champion at Wizards in Winter will be in action here tonight.







Lockett- I feel sorry for Thomas Morgan drawing this assignment. Hopefully he'll be able to hand in there and hopefully by the end of the night, we'll have a name for this masked menace.







Curran- Well Phonse, sources say that the masked brute's mysterious associate is here tonight as well. Hopefully we will get some answers. Also tonight J.R. Rose will defend the uPw Championship against Disturbed. Disturbed thinks that Championship gold is in his future, is that future tonight?






Lockett- I sure don't think so, that weirdo isn't going to sniff the uPw Championship tonight.








Curran- Up first, The Blues Brothers and Cash Funk dispute goes on.








Jake Blues w/Cab vs. Malik Cash w/ Streetz






Jake and Cash put on a decent match. Their respective managers watch the match closely as well as Cab keeping a close eye on Streetz. Streetz tries his best to help out Malik but Cab is quick to chase off Streetz whenever he tries to "help". Jake Blues looks to be on the verge of a victory but Jazz Funk runs out from the back and as Streetz manages to distract the ref and Cab. Funk hits knocks Blues down with a running forearm and quickly rolls out of the ring. Cash follows it up with the Cash Drop to get the win.






Match Result: Malik Cash defeated 'Joliet' Jake Blues in 7:21 by pinfall with a Cash Drop following interference from Jazz Funk





Match Rating: E-







Curran- The trio of Cash Funk and Streetz steal one from Jake Blues. Let's see how Jake's brother, Elwood does next as he takes on El Sutan.







Elwood Blues w/Cab vs. El Sultan








This match is terrible, even with the antics of Elwood. El Sultan looks decent and certainly looks to be the better man in the match. But Elwood manages to pull off the win after he hits the Rubber Biscuit (springboard leg drop).





Match Result: Elwood Blues defeated El Sultán in 8:04 by pinfall with the Rubber Biscuit






Match Rating: F








Curran- Elwood picks up the win and the Blues Brothers should be partly happy here tonight but I'm sure Cash Funk will remain on their radar. In fact Cab has a microphone now.







Cab- Cash Funk, you guys are anything but funky. But get your tails in this ring.







The duo followed by Streetz come to the ring.






Cab- You guys never play fair. You always cheat my boys. Next month, let's rock n' roll again as you face The Blues Brothers in this ring. What do you say.






Cash and Funk look at one another and nod. They then both deliver a kick to the gut of Cab and hit him with a double flapjack. Funk picks up the microphone.






Funk- You guys are on. After we beat you we are going to get ourselves a nice payday.






Cash Funk leave the ring as Elwood is there to check on his fallen manager.






Segment Rating: E








Curran- There you have it, next month, The Blues Brother will take on Cash Funk. I'm sure the Blues Brothers will have revenge on their mind after the beat down of Cab. Up next we'll have a rematch from Wizards in Winter as Lug Phelan takes on 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis.








Lug Phelan vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis







This match is pretty on par with their previous encounter 2 months ago and Phelan is cranky as ever as he brawls his way through the match. Lewis is able to match the brawling a little but at this point he won't be able to out brawl Lug. Lewis gives Lug a couple of scares with near falls and a submission that even Lug considered tapping out too. But in the end Lug hits that stiff look Gutwrench Backbreaker that gives him another win over Lewis.







Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis in 12:43 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker







Match Rating: E







Curran- Very solid match between the two men, and I'm sure Clark Lewis is thinking that one of these days he is going to get a victory over Lug.







As Curran finishes his sentence, the lights in the Barn go out. And eerie organ music begins to play as woman makes her way to the ring. An almost sinister smile is on her face as she enters the ring. She has a microphone in her hand.










Mysterious Woman- Darkness has come to Underground Pro Wrestling and I'm the one bringing it. I'm the one leading it. You may all me Celeste. And you all have met one of my tools of destruction. He attacked your founder, your champion. You may call him, Rune. Tonight Rune, with me by his side will destroy this man called Thomas Morgan. But he is only the start, soon our Darkness will spread through uPw and you will all bow down to us.






Celeste finishes her short but dark statement and the organ music fires back up and Rune starts to make his way to the ring.







Segment Rating: C-







Curran- Well we just go a lot of info, Celeste is bringing Darkness here to uPw and Rune is a tool of her destruction. Up next it appears Thomas Morgan could be the first victim of Rune and Celeste.







Thomas Morgan vs. Rune w/Celeste





This is a really good match that some probably thought was going to be a squash in the favor of the former Masked Monster now known to the wrestling world as Rune. Morgan proves to be quicker than the big masked man which helps Morgan from getting caught from any huge moves that would end the match faster than Morgan would like. Morgan manages to get a couple of near falls which seems to infuriate Rune who is then egged on by Celeste on the outside. At about 13 and a half minutes into the match Rune seems to really snap and he hits a huge clothesline that almost takes Morgan's head off his shoulders. He starts to reign down some fists on Morgan and a few seconds later he lifts Morgan to his feet only to drive him back down with the Damnation Drop to gain victory.






Match Result: Rune defeated Thomas Morgan in 14:16 by pinfall with a Damnation Drop





Match Rating: D-







Curran- Morgan held in there but gets destroyed at the end.








Lockett- I don't think it's over.








Indeed, the monster, Rune stalks the downed Morgan and starts stomping the fallen Canadian. He lifts him up and throws him into the corner. Rune runs into Morgan like a locomotive. He throws in some knee lifts and lets Morgan fall back to the mat. Rune stalks around Morgan as Celeste looks on with approval.








From the back, J.R. Rose runs out to the ring and slides in. He goes after Rune but Celeste shouts something towards the masked man and Rune ducks out of the ring. Rose checks on Morgan while, Rune follows Celeste away from the ring. They stop just before the entrance to the ring and Rune stares back at J.R. Rose for a moment before the dark duo disappear.









Segment Rating: E-









Curran- Rose saves Morgan from further destruction without having to lay a hand on Rune. It seems Celeste didn't believe it was time for confrontation. Rose better be careful when the time comes because Rune is not to be messed with. Now Rose waits for his opponent, Disturbed as he defends the uPw Championship.








uPw Championship


J.R. Rose © vs. Disturbed







The main event of Fallout is a really good match but the crowd still hasn't quite warmed up to the roster yet. Disturbed shows just how much he really has turned the corner as he stays with Rose throughout the entire match. The match goes back and forth and the longer it goes the more impress Rose seems to get with the odd, Disturbed. Disturbed shows his confidence, perhaps because of his new face. In the end though, J.R. Rose proves to be a good champ, and he finishes off Disturbed with the Thorn after a near 21 minute long match.







Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated Disturbed in 20:27 by pinfall with The Thorn. J.R. Rose makes defence number 2 of his uPw Championship title







Match Rating: D-







Curran- J.R. Rose is successful here tonight, but join us next month as we'll see the fallout of Fallout. Until then, I'm Samuel Curran and this is Phonse Lockett. Good night.







Final Show Rating: E+

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-With uPw Fallout in the books and the official debut of Rune and Celeste, an uneasiness has spread around uPw. Rune will be in action again as he takes on the patriotic, 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis. Will Lewis be able to stand up to the monster? We know he doesn't give up easy. Will Celeste than set her monster on J.R. Rose?




-Speaking of J.R. Rose, the uPw Champion will be in action this time defending his title against the Irish Thug, Lug Phelan. Is Phelan the man to take down the fighting the champ? Or will J.R. Rose leave with the belt firmly around is waist again? And will the champ have to look over his shoulder for the Darkness that is certainly lurking?





-The Blues Brothers will take on Cash Funk. Who will go home with the bragging rights?





-Fearless Blue and Disturbed who have an odd rivalry will also both be in action as well. All this and more as uPw present uPw Down on the Farm...


















uPw Down on the Farm Card



Cash Funk w/Streetz vs. The Blues Brothers w/Cab



Fearless Blue vs. El Sultan



Disturbed vs. Thomas Morgan



Rune w/Celeste vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis



uPw Championship

J.R. Rose © vs. Lug Phelan

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April, Saturday, Week 4, 2013









uPw Down on the Farm

The Barn (Mid West, United States)

Attendance: 9






We go back to The Barn for uPw Down on the Farm. Spring is in the air and uPw keeps rolling on. We join Samuel Curran and Phonse Lockett at ringside, ready to call the event.






Curran- Welcome to uPw Down on the Farm. I'm Samuel Curran and beside me as always is Phonse Lockett. Tonight we have an action packed show for you folks, including a match for the uPw Championship between the Champion, J.R. Rose and the challenger, Lug Phelan. It should be a good match and a good challenge for our champion.





Lockett- As long as it's just Lug our Champion has to worry about that it is.






Curran- You are right Phonse. Those dark individuals in Celeste and Ruin could be lurking around that match, but first Rune has his own match as he takes on 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis. Lewis may be in for a world of hurt tonight.





Lockett - I know I wouldn't want to be him. Certainly not here tonight.





Curran- First up, the battle of the tag team as The Blues Brothers will take on Cash Funk. Who will leave the winners tonight?





Lockett - I have no idea, Sam. I just always wonder how the Blues Brothers can wrestle in those suits and sunglasses.






Curran- I don't know, Phonse. Let's go to the ring and get Down on the Farm kicked off!







Cash Funk w/Streetz vs. The Blues Brothers w/Cab





This is the second time these two teams have met in the ring in a tag team match. This particular match is a bit better than their first encounter, but not much. The Blues Brothers start off hot and in control as they wrestle from behind their dark sunglasses. However in the end that changes and so does the result from their first match, Jazz Funk manages to hit the Free Form Flow on Jake Blues to give Cash Funk the win and what they hope is a bigger pay day.






Match Result: Cash Funk defeated The Blues Brothers in 6:44 when Jazz Funk defeated 'Joliet' Jake Blues by pinfall with a Free Form Flow.






Match Rating: E-






Curran- Cash Funk get the win over the Blues Brothers and Streetz barely got himself involved.






Lockett- Maybe they are the better team? But I'm sure the Blues Brothers won't let it get them down.







Curran- I'm sure they won't. Up next Fearless Blue takes on... Oh wait, what is he doing out here.










Disturbed makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand and climbs into the ring.






Disturbed- My new face almost brought me gold last month. I took the uPw Champion, J.R. Rose to the limit. It's all thanks to my new face. One day this new face of mine will give me the gold I deserve. Now tonight I face Thomas Morgan, and this face will win once again. Then they will have no choice but to give me that shot again.







Disturbed pauses and the 9 people he's speaking to almost look interested.







Disturbed- But up next my pal Fearless Blue faces El Sultan. My pal Fearless Blue could use himself a new face, it would do him wonders. I will show him the truth. So Fearless Blue, sincerely, good luck tonight. I will be watching.







Segment Rating: E






Curran- I think that good luck drips with sarcasm. Up next Fearless Blue and El Sultan!









Fearless Blue vs. El Sultan






What seems to be a running theme on uPw shows, this match is pretty awful. What this match does have though, is that both men work hard to and show good effort. Fearless Blue looks to be on the verge of a victory when Disturbed decides he needs to get a closer look at the match and comes down to ringside. Eventually Disturbed proves to be enough of a distraction for Blue allowing El Sultan to blindside Blue and lock on the Camel Clutch. Blue gives up and Disturbed has cost him another match.







Match Result: El Sultán defeated Fearless Blue in 10:04 by submission with a Camel Clutch after a distraction from Disturbed







Match Rating: F








Curran- Fearless Blue is robbed again by Disturbed. Up next Disturbed will face off with Thomas Morgan.








Disturbed vs. Thomas Morgan







As always, Thomas Morgan look focused as the bell rings and the match gets under way. Morgan uses his technical prowess to gain a slight advantage on Disturbed. Disturbed proves to be no slouch though and uses the knowledge he has to keep himself in the match. Disturbed proves to be quicker than the Canadian veteran as well. The match goes back and forth without either man getting the advantage. Around the 13 minute mark, Fearless Blue makes his way down to the ring. This time it's Disturbed who gets distracted and Morgan catches him from behind. He then locks on the STF and Disturbed is forced to tap out.







Match Result: Thomas Morgan defeated Disturbed in 13:43 by submission with a STF after a distraction from Fearless Blue






Match Rating: E








Curran- Disturbed loses thanks to Fearless Blue. That had to feel good for Blue to cost Disturbed the match. After all that Disturbed has put him through in uPw.







Lockett- I have to agree. Eventually this will come to a head in the ring once again.







Curran- Up next, Rune is in action against 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis. But first we apparently have a previously recorded video from Celeste and Rune.











We cut to a scene in a poorly lit room (probably somewhere in the Barn) where we see mostly just silhouettes of Celeste and Rune. Sinister grins can be seen across both of their faces.






Celeste- At uPw Fallout the darkness and violence we are bringing to uPw started. Now that it has started it can't be stopped. You cannot put the lid back on the box. I just can't be done. We won't stop until the darkness has spread throughout this entire promotion and every person is running around afraid. And they should be afraid, I mean look at this... Monster behind me. Rune will not be stopped. At Down on the Farm he will destroy Clark Lewis. And then the month after he'll destroy someone else and then someone else, until nobody is left. Everybody will fall and then Underground Pro Wrestling will fall. Be afraid, very afraid.






The video abruptly ends...






Segment Rating: C-







Curran- Well I admit I'm a little afraid.







Lockett- Me too.








Curran- Up next, Rune is in action.








Rune w/Celeste vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis






If it wasn't for the never say die attitude of Clark Lewis this probably would have been a short match. Lewis does everything he can to try to defeat the monster and manages to get the big man on his back a few times over the course of the match. He even manages to get a couple of near falls that just seems to anger Rune. In the end, Rune is too much for Lewis and he falls to a Runestone Piledriver.







Match Result: Rune defeated 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis in 15:40 by pinfall with a Runestone







Match Rating: E-







Curran- Lewis becomes another victim for Rune and Celeste. Will anybody be able to beat this man.







Lockett- Man? More like monster.






Curran- So true, up next J.R. Rose will defend the uPw Championship against the Irish Thug, Lug Phelan.








Before the match J.R. Rose comes down to the ring with a microphone in hand.










Rose- Welcome to uPw Down on the Farm. I see we have a few less faces here tonight. Hard to blame you folks really. Weather is changing, it's starting to get nice out, but people will regret it. They'll hear what they are missing and they will start showing up. They won't keep missing uPw. I know that and you folks that made it here tonight know that too. Thank you for being here.







Now last month, that masked man that attacked me back in January had his first match. I must say he was impressive, until I ran out to make the save for Thomas Morgan and he ran. He ran from me? I'm sure it's just mind games from that evil woman that walks beside him. What else could it be? Fear doesn't seem to exist in him, he just creates it for others. Not me. Eventually I will get my hands on Rune, and I will put an end to this 'darkness' they want to bring to my promotion. Not on my watch. Celeste, Rune, you two can suck on that.







Segment Rating: D-









uPw Championship


J.R. Rose © vs. Lug Phelan






Both men are fired up for this match. Lug comes out swinging and Rose comes out flying. Rose looks to be at a disadvantage whenever Lug wants to turn the match into a brawl, which happens to be all of the time. Rose uses his quickness advantage to stop any onslaught from the Irish Brawler. The match goes back and forth with both men picking up near falls over the other. Lug goes for the kill but J.R. Rose is able to reverse it into The Thorn and he picks up the win and successful title defense.







Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated Lug Phelan in 21:48 by pinfall with The Thorn. J.R. Rose makes defence number 3 of his uPw Championship title.






Match Rating: E+







Curran- Rose is successful again but he still looks over his shoulder for Rune and Celeste. It's only a matter of time until they will collide, will it be next month? Only one way to find out, join us next month as uPw presents uPw Rage! Thank you and good night.







Final Show Rating: E+










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-We've learned the lineup for the next uPw show, uPw Rage.







-Apparently Celeste has asked for a match where Rune can really demonstrate what he can do. He will be facing two men in a handicap match. The two men will be no other than the Blues Brothers. Is Rune going to destroy not one but two men? Or are the Blues Brothers going to be the ones to put a stop to the spreading darkness?







-Cash Funk will be in action in separate matches and looking to cash in on a bigger pay day. Will Streetz and Cash Funk be a bit richer with victories or will their respective opponents in Fearless Blue and Clark Lewis deny them?







-Thomas Morgan will step into the ring against Lug Phelan. It's known both men want the uPw Championship around their waist. Who will win this match and jockey for a position as a top contender for the uPw Title?







-Finally J.R. Rose will once again defend his uPw Championship, this time against El Sultan?!? Yeah we don't get it either. We think it's because everybody else was busy. But will El Sultan pull off a huge upset win? Or will J.R. Rose walk away with the uPw Championship once more? Join uPw for uPw Rage to find out the answers to all of this and much more...
















uPw Rage Card




Rune w/ Celeste vs. The Blues Brothers w/Cab




Jazz Funk w/Streetz vs. Fearless Blue




Malik Cash w/Streetz vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis




Thomas Morgan vs. Lug Phelan




uPw Championship

J.R. Rose© vs. El Sultan

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  • 2 weeks later...

May, Saturday, Week 4, 2013









uPw Rage

The Barn (Mid West, United States)

Attendance: 12






We go to the Barn and join the duo of Samuel Curran and Phonse Lockett ringside at uPw Rage.








Curran- Welcome to uPw Rage. I'm Samuel Curran and beside me as always is Phonse Lockett. Tonight J.R. Rose will be defending the uPw Championship against the challenger, El Sultan.








Lockett- I'm predicting another successful title defense here tonight.








Curran- That could be. Up first here tonight we will see the masked monster, Rune take on two men in the form of the Blues Brothers.







Lockett- If anyone can beat two men it is definitely Rune.










Curran- Let's go to the ring.








Rune w/ Celeste vs. The Blues Brothers w/Cab








This is a rather short and despite all of the double teaming the duo The Blues Brothers try, they just can't even get close to sniffing a victory against the masked, Rune. After laying both men out with a double chokeslam, Rune finished off Jake Blues with a Rune stone piledriver to get the pinfall and victory.








Match Result: Rune defeated The Blues Brothers in a Handicap match in 3:36 when Rune defeated 'Joliet' Jake Blues by pinfall with a Rune stone piledriver










Match Rating: E










Curran- Rune made short work of the Blues Brothers. Is J.R. Rose going to be his and Celeste's next target? Up next Jazz Funk will take on Fearless Blue.











Jazz Funk w/Streetz vs. Fearless Blue










This is a pretty terrible match between the two similar wrestlers. Both men do show a lot of effort throughout the match but it's not enough to turn this into something watchable. Fearless Blue is the man to pick up a win after a Springboard Lariat leads to the pinfall. Streetz cannot be happy with his client.








Match Result: Fearless Blue defeated Jazz Funk in 9:29 by pinfall with a Springboard Lariat









Match Rating: F+









Curran- I wonder what Disturbed thinks about Fearless Blue picking up the victory there?









Lockett- I think we are about to find out.














Indeed, Disturbed has run to the ring and slides into the ring behind the celebrating Fearless Blue. Disturbed blindsides Blue to knock him down to the mat. Disturbed than starts stomping the downed Blue. He follows the stomp with some mounted fists to the back of Blue's head. The ref tries as he might but can't pull Disturbed off of Blue. Disturbed shoves Royce away when he climbs to his feet.









With Disturbed on his feet now he rolls Blue onto his back and then heads to the top rope. Disturbed jumps off the top onto Blue and delivers a double stomp. Disturbed gives Blue a couple of more stomps before finally leaving the ring and Blue down and out.









Curran- I guess Disturbed was not too happy with Blue's win.









Segment Rating: F









On Disturbed's way up the aisle to the back he has a microphone in hand.








Disturbed- Fearless Blue, tonight was luck. Merely luck, and nothing else. That face of yours cannot possibly sustain any kind of streak other than losing. So my friend, next month is uPw's biggest show, uPw Great Plains Bash I. Let's you and me have a party in the ring. But let's make it special. If I win you will have to dawn a new face. If you win, I guess I will take my face off and Stretch will return. But that will not happen Blue. This face is eternal and next month let me help you find yourself a new face too.








Disturbed leaves the to the back.








Curran- What an interesting challenge from Disturbed to Fearless Blue.









Lockett- Can you imagine if Fearless Blue wins? Having to look at both Fearless Blue and Disturbed's old persona mugs? Yikes.








Curran- Yikes, indeed. Up next the other half of Cash Funk is in action as Malik Cash will take on 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis.









Malik Cash w/Streetz vs. 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis








Malik Cash is a bit over his head against an all arounder like Clark Lewis. Cash does manage to make the match somewhat interesting thanks to his quickness advantage and of course his pal on the outside, Streetz. Streetz does his best to keep his client in the match but it is not enough and after an All American Slam, Lewis collects the 1,2,3 on Cash. Streetz' boys are 0 and 2 here tonight.








Match Result: 'Rough Rider' Clark Lewis defeated Malik Cash in 9:42 by pinfall with an All American Slam








Match Rating: E








Curran- And after that All American Slam, Lewis picks up the win, and I'm thinking Denny's after the show.







Lockett- Good call, Sam. Denny's sounds great.








Curran- Up next, Thomas Morgan faces the Irish brawler, Lug Phelan.














Before the match Thomas Morgan has a microphone in his hand.








Morgan- Before this match starts I just wanted to come out here and express my gratitude for Underground Pro Wrestling giving me a place to ply my trade. I've been doing this a long time and unfortunately things just haven't broken my way. But when I could have just walked away, I kept going and I plan on keeping going until my body fails me in this ring. I plan on helping lead uPw into the future and if nothing else to have my name attached to birth of this promotion when my days are done and uPw sits on top of the wrestling world. But while I'm still in this ring I plan on wearing that uPw Championship one day and to do that I need to beat the best this place has to offer. I guess it needs to start tonight when I step into the ring against Lug Phelan. Lug let's do this.








Segment Rating: F+









Thomas Morgan vs. Lug Phelan









This is a pretty solid match and the two men are actually pretty evenly matched despite the contrast in styles with Lug being the straight ahead brawler and Morgan focusing on the scientific approach to wrestling. The match is mostly back and forth and Morgan gets some real close near falls on Lug but is unable to put him away. Morgan manages to lock on the STF but Lug surprisingly works his way out of it. The match ends when Lug catches Morgan with a stiff Gutwrench backbreaker to lead to the pin.







Match Result: Lug Phelan defeated Thomas Morgan in 14:53 by pinfall with a Gutwrench Backbreaker







Match Rating: E+







Curran- What a fantastic match we just saw with Lug Phelan getting the victory. Morgan held in there and nearly walked away the winner, but just couldn't do it. I'm sure Thomas Morgan will be even more driven after being so close to really making his mark here. Up next, J.R. Rose will defend the uPw Championship against El Sultan.










uPw Championship


J.R. Rose© vs. El Sultan








Despite most people looking at this match as a mismatch, El Sultan shows the wrestling world that he isn't some pushover. He manages to take J.R. Rose to the edge, even though Rose was in control for a majority of the match. The match almost gets away from Rose, but he manages to recover and hits El Sultan with The Thorn and then a pin. Rose is successful in his title defense again.






Match Result: J.R. Rose defeated El Sultán in 18:32 by pinfall with The Thorn. J.R. Rose makes defence number 4 of his uPw Championship title







Match Rating: D-








Rose is just handed the uPw Championship when the light in The Barn go out. When they come back on Rose is nearly face to face with the masked monster, Rune.













Rune delivers a vicious clothesline that knocks Rose to the mat. Celeste is outside the ring cheering on her walking nightmare. Rune stomps the fallen body of J.R. Rose and then goes in for a single hand choke. He drives a forearm to Rose's face before lifting him to his feet. Rune then delivers the Runestone Piledriver to J.R. Rose as Celeste smiles evilly outside the ring. Rune stares at the uPw Championship belt that lays in the ring .







Curran- Rune has just destroyed the uPw Champion. Please join us next month for uPw Great Plains Bash I. Will we see this again next month?







The show close with Rune still staring at the uPw Championship.








Segment Rating: E-







Final Show Rating: E+

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