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Pacific Territory Wrestling - Creating a Legacy

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This is my first dynasty write up. I usually shyied away because I'll blast through a month of in-game time and then pause for a while, but I'm expecting this to be regularly updated. I'm using Genadi's Golden Age mod, and some of Togg's awesome custom graphics.


So let's get on with it.


The times are tough, the territory system seems on it's dying legs with Vince McMahon expanding quicker than ever. So what would posses someone to start up a company now, and hope to expand it into a national size juggernaut? Well, I guess I've always been crazy.


My name is Buddy Colt, and since that damned plane crash sunk my career I've been looking for a new challenge. Add that to the fact my doctor said the Florida climate doesn't agree with me, well, let's say I've decided to exchange the palms and swamps for pine trees and rain. I've decided to open up a new promotion in the Pacific Northwest. Just outside Seattle, a nice cozy place for me to rest my head and a good place to make some money and hopefully, make history. The only competition currently would be the Pacific Northwest Wrestling promotion, they're a part of NWA and it's a dying breed. This is a chance for Buddy Colt to get his second chance. Just as my career was on the way up, it was taken away from me, but dammit, I was going to make this shot count.


And so, Pacific Territory Wrestling was opened, the name may be subject to change later, when we and if we expand nationally, but now it's good enough for now. We start with no popularity or presence and mere 5,000 dollars of my money that I scraped together. Challenges never stopped Buddy Colt though, and they're not gonna do it now. The next step is organizing a show, and of course, getting a hold of some wrestlers.

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It was time to gather up the troops. I needed some guys who have been around the block, but also mostly younger talent. Guys who wanted to work for 100 bucks because we didn't have money in our coffers.


I took a big trip around some big shows watching some guys and trying to figure out who to sign. Two young guys immediately caught my eye. A big fellow by the name of Sting, he had good charisma and fine look. I didn't like the face paint at the start, but it grew on me. After the show we shook hands and he was my first official signing. I picked up Owen Hart on a PPA deal too as I was coming back home, and the rest were sorted out through phone calls and mutual friends.


I signed Bob Yuma in an Arizona bar, he was quite popular around the west coast working a cowboy gimmick and had some experience under the belt. The last signing I made was our monster heel. My road agent Buck Robley told me of some kid by the name Sid Vicious, he was built like a tank and you could just see menace coming right out of his ears. He almost broke my fist when we shook on it and I headed back home with a set roster.


Main eventers

Bob Yuma - Face

Sting - Face

Owen Hart - Heel

Steve Keirn -Heel


Upper Midcarders

Axl Rotten

Bob Holly

Tommy Jammer

Eddie Watts



Rocco Rock

Johnny Grunge

Sid Vicious

Derrick Dukes


We were ready for our first event. After talking with Buck, the road agent, we agreed on the matches, he suggested having a Three Way Dance for the inaugural titles. I told him he was crazy and that wouldn't work, but he could convince you to saw your own leg off. Therefore we decided to have one of the first Three Way matches in history, according to Buck.


The last part of preparation was the tag teams, so far there's only one. Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge, I've brought them in to pair them up. We were sitting in a room and brainstorming name suggestions, but nothing was sticking. It's then that I remembered hearing some kid go on about grunge rock at my barbershop the other day. He was a young dude with long blonde hair, apparently he was in some band staring with an N, he kept going on and on about music. That's when I decided Rocco and Johnny will be known as The Grunge Rockers. The first official team in PTW history.

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Blaze of Glory

Saturday, Week 2, March 1987

Buddy Colt comes out into the center of the ring with a microphone. He thanks the ten people in audience for making history today. Colt hypes up the upcoming card and gets a lowly clap for his trouble



Axl Rotten vs. Tommy Jammer

Rotten and Jammer kick off the show, both rookies without too much ring time under their belts. The match dragged on in the middle and the small crowd of people weren't interested in it. A small chant of, "Thank God!" broke out after the match finished with Rotten taking the win at 11:27

Rating: 16


Referee John Finnegan comes into the ring to prepare for the next match. To everyone's surprise Sid Vicious comes barging out the back and boots the ref in the face. He powerbombs his limp body once more for good measure and announces he's in PTW to make a mark.

Rating: 33


Sid Vicious vs. Derrick Dukes

It was a Texas Bullrope match as Sid Vicious controlled it with ease, yet Dukes managed to fire in some of his offense. However Vicious was simply too good of an opponent and managed to win with a choke-slam after 12:48

Rating: 14


Sting comes out and hypes his main event match against Bob Yuma and Owen Hart. The crowd stayed pretty silent and couldn't care less.

Rating: 19


Grunge Rockers vs. Bob Holly and Eddie Watts

The Rockers took control of the match, but not before long and Watts and Holly managed to find some momentum. The match went on exchanging the momentum for a while before Rocco Rock managed to land a pin on Eddie Watts.

Rating: 22

Notes - Eddie Watts and Bob Holly have great tag team chemistry


Sting vs. Owen Hart vs. Bob Yuma

in a Three Way Dance for the PTW World Heavyweight title


Sting opened up with a barrage of punches on Bob Yuma who got knocked outside. Sting and Owen traded moves, and at one point it looked like Owen might pin Sting. The momentum shifted at the 15 minute mark when Yuma and Sting both attacked Hart and managed to put him away for a pin. The match continued as Yuma brawled with Sting to the point of drawing blood. Sting finally managed to put Yuma away after landing a DDT at the 27 minute mark.

Rating: 46


Final show rating: 37

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The card for the next PTW event has now been released. The event will take place at the Ben Boeke Ice Rink #2 in Alaska. (faces in blue, heels in red)


Bob Holly and Eddie Watts vs. Derrick Dukes and Tommy Jammer

Sid Vicious vs. Johnny Grunge

Bob Yuma vs. Owen Hart

Sting vs. Steve Keirn (World Heavyweight Title match)

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Thursday, Week 3, April 1987

Ben Boeke Ice Rink #2, Alaska

Attendance: 12


Bob Holly and Eddie Watts vs. Derrick Dukes and Tommy Jammer

The show starts off with the newly formed tag team of Bob Holly and Eddie Watts taking control of the match-up. Holly scores a couple of beatiful DDTs and a nice slam. Eddie Watts goes into a full-blown fist fight with Derrick Dukes which leaves both men bloody. Tommy Jammer hits a 2-count on Holly, but Watts breaks it up. Holly and Watts throw Jammer out of the ring and manage to get a pinfall on Dukes.

Bob and Watts defeat Dukes and Jammer (11:23)

Rating: 25


Steve Keirn, Sid Vicious and Owen Hart come barging out of backstage, hot on the heels of Bob Yuma. Yuma tries to fight off his attackers in the middle of the ring, much to the cheers of the fans. However the three men easily surround him and beat him down to the mat. Vicious absolutely destroys Yuma and spits on him for good measure. The three men shout at the audience and then leave, leaving Bob Yuma beaten and humiliated.

Rating: 9


Sid Vicious vs. Johnny Grunge

Sid Vicious didn't even leave the ringside after the beat-down of Yuma. Johnny Grunge comes out back and is attacked by Sid before even getting into the ring. The beast powerbombs him into the concrete floor and kicks him in the head before the ref takes control and gets him in the ring. The story remains the same however and Grunge is unable to offer much offense. Sid destroys him with a number of suplexes, punches and kicks. He chokeslams Johnny Grunge to take the win with a pin.

Sid Vicious defeats Johnny Grunge (9:49)

Rating: 16


Buddy Colt enters the ring and announces Sting has a few words to say. The young title holder comes out and takes the microphone forcefully from Colt. He announces he will break Steve Keirns in tonight's main event. The crowd eats it up to a degree, "I'm the best damn wrestler in here, and I work hard every night to win. This is why I am the PTW World Heavyweight Champion, and no one will take it away from me," Says Sting before leaving the ring.

Rating: 22


After a short break Steve Keirns hits the ring, "I'm the best damn wrestler around here, and you didn't have a chance to see me in action last time due to having a bout scheduled in a far more prestigious and better company at the same night. Due to the fact I'm so important and great, I have decided Sid Vicious will become my official bodyguard." Sid comes out and stands behind his employer looking menacingly around him. Just one look at his cold dead eyes is enough to shut down the audience.

Rating: 40


Bob Yuma vs. Owen Hart

The match before the main event starts off on a lively note. Owen Hart brawls with Yuma and stiffs him with some good uppercuts. Yuma answers with fists of his own, but Hat delivers a great atom drop. He climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a good flying elbow. After some time in a rest hold, Bob Yuma breaks away from Hart and slams into the mat. He repeatedly kicks him in the face, and hits a leg drop. Yuma finishes the match with a leg sweep to get the pin.

Bob Yuma defeats Owen Hart (13:34)

Rating: 33


PTW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Sting vs. Steve Keirns

Sting enters to the applause of the crowd, while Keirns rushes in and attack Sting from the back. He rakes his eyes and delivers a low blow while the referee John Finnegan is distracted by Sid Vicious. Sting recovers and puts in some punches of his own. He puts Keirns at the turnbuckle and drops a big superplex. Keirns recovers by clothes-lining Sting outside of the ring. Sid Vicious pounds away at Sting when the ref isn't looking. Sting beats the count out coming back in at 18. Keirns keeps his momentum going, but Sting successfully counters a clothesline into a bodyslam. He puts Keirns in a chokehold, but Keirns doesn't tap. Sting finally lifts Steve above his head and then slams him ferociously with a delayed power bomb to get the pin.

Sting defeats Steve Keirns (23:31)

Rating: 42

Show rating: 37 (D-)

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should be fun watching this company grow,. couple more good shows like these and your crowd should at least match your "rating"


surprised your 3-on-1 attack only mustered a "9 rating" - other than that, Sid has been gold in his menacing angles. He should only improve hanging around with Steve Keirn. Kiern and Owen could make a fabulous team along the way

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should be fun watching this company grow,. couple more good shows like these and your crowd should at least match your "rating"


surprised your 3-on-1 attack only mustered a "9 rating" - other than that, Sid has been gold in his menacing angles. He should only improve hanging around with Steve Keirn. Kiern and Owen could make a fabulous team along the way


Thank you for the response. Keirn and Owen might just work, so I'll give them a shot to see their chemistry. And the reason why that angle tanked was it's based on overness and the only over guy in the Northwest is Yuma and Keirn a bit. I', building Sting and Vicious up obviously, but yeah mostly it's just rookies, because they will work for peanuts.


I also started another 1987 game with a local promotion to have alongside this, and after 3 shows Sting became loyal to me thanks to post-show talks. Why couldn't it be in this dynasty game.

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