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How is Play by Play log on 1.04?

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[QUOTE=Arlie Rahn]Did you look in the log and see if the correct play was called in the game engine (and this is a display issue).[/QUOTE] I noticed this and it is definitely a display issue. I see the correct play being listed in the PBP log but a differnt play displayed in the diagram screen. Nota huge deal UNLESS........................The play that is being used by the AI engine to process the play and spit out output/the result is the displayed play and not the correct play on the log and selected by the user. So, if I call the 4-3 defense and the diagram is a goal line defense and the log says 4-3 defense for that play but the result is actually coming from the AI engine /algorithm using the the incorrect Goal defense.instaed of the correct logged/selected play (4-3) . Hope that helps.
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