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Community Multiplayer: TNA

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Hello all! Welcome to our multiplayer dynasty. This idea originally comes from Shawn_Michaels82 and is now revisited. The dynasty has been set up by daulten6. Welcome all, to the death of WWE! Note: We are the better dynasty, ignore what Codeydbw says :D



There are spots still available, join here! http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=527966









The Team:

Head Booker: Ayden

Assistant Head Booker- TLCJR4LIFE

Head Writer- packerman120

Writer- BWA95

Writer- Mootinie


Xplosion will be up whenever WWE finishes booking RAW!

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The TNA Inside IMPACT! by Phil Mabal









TNA has opened a brand new dojo which will be called the TNA Dojo! The head trainer of this dojo is none other than Mick Foley!





TNA has come to terms with the releases of the following talent:


Rockstar Spud



Crazzy Steve



TNA wishes all of the above the best with their future endeavours.



TNA has borrowed Jeff Jarrett from AAA for 5 appearances in exchange for $40,000 dollars. Expect to see Jarrett on coming episodes of IMPACT Wrestling!





And that's all for this edition of Inside IMPACT! Come back next time to find out information about our favorite company, TNA!

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TNA Roster!










Bobby Roode



Bully Ray

























Eric Young






Mr. Anderson






Austin Aries



Bobby Lashley



James Storm









Davey Richards



Eddie Edwards



The Freak





Adam Ohriner



DJ Zema Ion









Kenny King



Raj Singh






Robbie E



Samuel Shaw
















Tigre Uno




















Garrett Bischoff


ENHANCEMENT TALENT Note: There are two faces and no heels



Marshall Von Erich



Ross Von Erich










Madison Rayne






Taryn Terrell






Brooke Tessmacher



Gail Kim



Velvet Sky




And that's the TNA roster!

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by: Phil Mabal




TNA has reached a working agreement with Mexican promotion CMLL. Expect to see plenty of talent from CMLL on TNA television soon!




WWE has offered a written contract to Knockouts Champion Angelina Love. Word backstage is that TNA will not be counter-offering and will let Love go her seperate ways. More to come soon.



And that's it for this short episode of INSIDE IMPACT!

This is your host Phil Mabal signing off, until next time!



Authors Note: Feedback is appreciated, and all ideas are welcome :D

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Here's a little preview of what's to come :D





Thursday, Week 1, July 2014

Venue: Hammerstein Ballroom

Attendance: 3,500

Show Grade: 80 (B)



TNA X-Division Championship Match

Seiya Sanada © vs Austin Aries

This was a back and forth contest between two very talented, but very different wrestlers. Their styles gel very well though and it's obvious that they've wrestled each other before because they manage to counter each other's moves with such fluidity that not even the crowd can keep up. It's the experience edge of Austin Aries that prevails in the end though when he rolls out the way of an attempted Moonsault and then manages to avoid being locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Sanada's jaw is rocked by a Corner Dropkick before Aries hits the BRAIN BUSTAHHHH! With the young Japanese prodigy laid out, Aries climbs to the top rope and connects with a 450 Splash for good measure as we crown a new X-Division Champion!


Winner: Austin Aries (10:00)

Match Grade: 75 (B-)

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Tuesday, Week 1, July 2014

Show Grade: 55 (C-)

Commentary Team: Jeremy Borash & Taz




Magnus comes out to a fairly good pop and starts talking to the fans. What ever happened to me! I am one of TNA's greatest talents. The TNA crowd needs MORE Magnus. They need more *Bully Ray's music hits to a huge pop from the small Xplosion crowd* "Magnus, what I think you are is a no-good piece of garbage. Hell, actually that's offensive to garbage. I had to claw my way up the ladder to get to where I am and you expect to just be given a title shot. Hell no, there aint a chance in HELL that is happening. You want your break Magnus? Well guess what, you can have you're chance, by facing ME! Bully then drops his mic and goes backstage giving Magnus an obscene hand gesture.

Grade: 76 (B-)







The Wolves vs Bram and Rhino

For an opening bout, this match was very good. Bram and Rhino looked very dangerous as they hit several near-falls on both of the Wolves. However it was the Wolves who came on top of this one after The Wolves hit a Force of Nature on Bram for the 1-2-3 count.

Winner: The Wolves (8:39)

Match Grade: 55 (C-)





Sanada vs. Kenny King vs. DJ Zema Ion

In this match Kenny King and Sanada dominated Zema in the early stages of the match, forming a temporary alliance. After King hit his Coronation on Zema leaving Zema groggy outside the ring, Sanada turned on King hitting him with a variety of kicks and punches and eventually ended when Sanada hit a Moonsault on King effectively getting the 3 count.

Winner: Sanada (7:15)

Match Grade: 38 (D+)




In not much more than a filler segment, Brooke Tessmacher shot off t-shirts to the fans whilst wearing sexy lingerie.

Grade: 55 (C-)






Gunner and Bully Ray vs. EC3 and James Storm

The match started up with EC3 and Bully Ray in the ring. Bully Ray took out some frustration, battering EC3 with punches and kicks and a quick side slam. EC3 manages to tag to Storm and Storm manages to quickly attack Bully Ray to get a two count. Ray crawls to the corner after a Samoan drop and tags in Gunner. Gunner manages to dominate Storm, then proceeding to hit a Spinebuster followed by a Gun Rack to get a 3 count victory for him and Bully Ray.

Winner: Gunner and Bully Ray (10:06)

Match Grade: 60 ©



After the Main Event finish a huge brawl insues all around ringside with Bully and Gunner getting the quick advantage over a beaten-down EC3 and Storm. Willow then comes running out with a chair and cracks it over the skull of EC3, leaving a bloody red spot on EC3's head. After the 3 on 2 beatdown continues for a few minutes, Magnus runs in to hit a Powerbomb on Bully Ray causing the trio to make a quick retreat to the back as Xplosion goes off the air.

Grade: 61 ©


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Thursday, Week 1, July 2014

Show Grade: 72 (B-)

Commentary Team: Mike Tenay & Taz



Impact opens as Bully Ray makes his way down to the ring. A video package plays on the titantron reminding the fans that Xplosion closed on Tuesday with Magnus laying Bully Ray out with a Powerbomb. Bully Ray issues a challenge, "Fight me right here, right now Magnus or I'll come back there and kick your ass!"




Magnus answers his challenge as his music hits, but the former TNA World Heayvweight Champion plays it smart and steers clear of getting too close to Bully Ray as he stands on the entrance ramp with a microphone. "Bully, I don't know why you decided to interrupt me on Xplosion but all I did was teach you a valuable lesson. Now if you want another, I'll be more than happy to take you on tonight!" Bully agrees and says that he's on, but Magnus weasels out and says that he's not prepared yet and will face off against Bully Ray 'on his own terms'.

Grade: 82 (B)



Ethan Carter III & Rhino vs. Willow & Gunner

We start the show with a tag team opener that ends up being quite interesting. Rhino goes toe to toe with Gunner, then Willow goes head to head with EC3. It's the fan favourites that pick up the victory though as Gunner wipes out EC3 with a Spear whilst Willow drops the Swanton Bomb on Rhino for the 1 - 2 - 3.

Winner: Willow & Gunner (8:19)

Grade: 60 ©


Before we go to our second match, Mike Tenay & Taz highlight some news from earlier in the day regarding Bobby Lashley, Kenny King and M.V.P...







The Wolves vs. The Bro-Mans

This might be a non-title match but the Champions are rarely in trouble here. They take control with their stiff kicks and their physical arsenal of moves as Davey Richards' Double Foot Stomp very nearly picks up the pinfall. Despite the best efforts of The Bro-Mans, they are just totally overwhelmed by The Wolves here who pick up a routine victory thanks to the Force Of Nature on Robbie E.

Winner: The Wolves (6:45)

Grade: 44 (D+)



'The Greatest Man That Ever Lived' Austin Aries makes his way down to the ring in a suit that Taz describes as 'dapper'. Much to nobody's surprise, Aries begins bragging about his wide range of accomplishments before announcing that all successful people need some muscle to protect them from autograph heckling peasants and people who wish they could touch greatness. He introduces his new Bodyguard...




Adam Ohriner!


The big man stands in the ring looking menacing as Aries tells the audience they're in for a treat tonight, because Ohriner will be decimating Tigre Uno once he's changed into his ring gear.

Grade: 62 ©




Taz introduces Impact Wrestling's newest signing, Raj Singh.

Grade: 54 (D+)



Adam Ohriner vs Tigre Uno

SQUASH. Ohriner wins with a quick Thrust Spinebuster.

Winner: Adam Ohriner (4:32)

Grade: 35 (D+)




As Jeff Jarrett strolls out guitar-in-hand, the crowd welcome him with raucous applause! The Chosen One has come home! But then, Double J grabs a microphone and soon reminds the fans why they used to loathe him... "I am here for one reason and one reason only, to prove to all of you slapnuts exactly why I'm the Chosen One! M.V.P. rung me up last week, apparently he's had some troubles with a man I am very familiar with... Bobby Roode, if you want to stir trouble in my neck of the woods, you're gonna stir it with the Chosen One himself". Jarrett plays the crowd masterfully as he lays down the challenge, he wants to face Bobby Roode and he wants him no later than Destination X.

Grade: 67 ©



We go backstage where Kurt Angle, the Director Of Wrestling Operations, is watering plants in his office. Magnus bursts in and asks for a match with Bully Ray at Destination X, but Angle is more concerned with how Magnus didn't knock and instead just bursted into his office unannounced. "So, tell me Magnus, is what do you have up your sleeve for Bully?" Angle asks, perhaps suspicious of why Magnus wants a fair match but the Englishman insists he just wants to teach Bully Ray a humblin' lesson. Angle says he has a better idea, but he'll save it for an announcement he's going to make very shortly.

Grade: 49 (D+)



TNA Knockouts Championship


Angelina Love © vs Madison Rayne

Angelina is totally unprepared for this match, although she's had many matches with Rayne over the years. Taz symphatises with the Knockout Champion claiming that it's unfair she was given no notice but Tenay argues that a true Champion wouldn't need excuses. Velvet Sky is at ringside, but she refuses to give her partner any help here and leaves her to fight alone when Angelina desperately screams for assistance. Now it's a fair fight and Madison Rayne takes control, the Rayne Drop connects as Angelina Love is knocked off the apex of the Knockouts Division!

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion: Madison Rayne (7:15)

Grade: 51 (D+)



Kurt Angle comes out on the ramp and announces tonight's main event. Magnus & Jeff Jarrett vs Bully Ray & Bobby Roode

Grade: 77 (B)



Mr. Anderson vs Abyss

In a match between two experienced brawlers, in which both men landed loaded of punches and kicks on the other. After a bit of back and forth brawling Mr. Anderson begins to gain an advantage after reversing a Chokeslam into an arm trap swinging neckbreaker. Anderson manages to get a two count as he realizes more needs to be done to put the monster Abyss down. However, Anderson doesn't hold the momentum for long as Abyss hits a Chokeslam followed by a Black Hole Slam for the 3 count.

Winner: Abyss (8:28)

Grade: 68 (C+)



Feeling his win wasn't enough, Abyss attacks Mr Anderson post-match and lays him out with the Black Hole Slam!

Grade: 72 (C+)



Willow's music hits to an electrifying pop from the crowd. Willow slowly walks to the ring making sure his presence is known."EC3, EC3, what kind of... man... are you? What man.... has his little aunt Dixie... fight for him. You see.... Willow doesn't make others do his dirty work... He does it himself, you see EC3..... your minions wont help you..... when Willow shows them who the real man of TNA is...... I'll see you soon... EC3.

Grade: 72 (C+)



Magnus & Jeff Jarrett vs Bully Ray & Bobby Roode

The Main Event starts out with the two opening participants, Magnus and Bully Ray staring each other down on opposite sides of the ring, waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Bully charges at Magnus and begins the beatdown with punches and kicks as he berates his opponent, "C'mon Magnus, is that all you've got?" Bully continues the beatdown as Magnus tries to protects himself the best he can. The referee is forced to intervene as he seperates the two but he does little to save Magnus who swiftly eats a Samoan Drop... One-Two, Magnus kicks out! The Englishman crawls outside the ring and manages to get some breathing space before both men make tags. Roode quickly takes out his anger and frustration on JJ locking him in a barrage of arm and leg holds, as Double J winces in pain. Roode gets near falls with a Spinebuster and a Hangman's Neckbreaker but Jarrett turns the tables when Magnus hops in and takes Roode out with a Chop Block to the left knee. This is the turning point as Magnus and JJ start making quick tags whilst Taz talks about the amount of matches the 'Chosen One' has won with the Figure Four Leglock. As Bully Ray fires up our capacity crowd, a "Let's go Bobby" chant breaks out and the subsequent adrenaline rush is enough for Roode to burst out the corner and take JJ out with a Spear.


Roode desperately crawls to the corner to try and make the tag... he inches closer and closer... his arm stretched out... and... Magnus pulls Bully Ray off the apron! Those two get in a fist fight outside the ring as Jarrett drags Roode back to the middle and locks on the Figure Four! Roode is screaming! Roode just makes the ropes, laying over them in extreme pain! Jarrett jumps up and stomps Roode's leg on the ropes as he taunts him, telling him this one is over. The Chosen One drags Roode to the center of the ring and locks on another Figure Four! Roode's crawling, he fights the pain as he desperately tries to grab the ropes! JJ drags him to the middle of the ring... He's trying to fight out of it... but ROODE TAPS OUT!!!

Winners: Magnus & Jeff Jarrett (11:34)

Grade: 72 (B-)


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TNA Inside IMPACT! Prospect Edition

by Phil Mabal






Fergal Devitt



TNA has recently signed top independent wrestler Fergal Devitt. At the age of 33, Devitt has time on his side to develop his talent and take his wrestling to the next level. Devitt is an X-Division dream standing at 5 foot 11 inches and 179 pounds. Devitt has been wrestling for 15 years, with companies such as NWA, NWA:UK, and NJPW. Throughout his career Devitt has captured 3 IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championships, 6 IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships, and a two-time winner of NJPW's Best of the Super Juniors tournament. Expect to see the extremely diverse Devitt in a TNA ring soon!

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