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ROH 2014: The Rise of Honor

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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs




ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi




Kevin Steen vs. Abyss





ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal





ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©





Londrick vs. The Young Bucks





The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes





Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs




ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi




Kevin Steen vs. Abyss





ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal





ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©





Londrick vs. The Young Bucks





The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes





Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs




ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi




Kevin Steen vs. Abyss





ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal





ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©





Londrick vs. The Young Bucks





The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes





Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Comments: HAS to be AJ...


ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi

Comments: Only the 'Strong' survive... ;)


Kevin Steen vs. Abyss



ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal



ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©



Londrick vs. The Young Bucks



The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes



Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major



Thoughts on build-up/last month of shows:


Random Thoughts:

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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs




ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi




Kevin Steen vs. Abyss





ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal





ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©





Londrick vs. The Young Bucks





The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes





Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


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ROH World Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Jimmy Jacobs




ROH Pure Championship:

Roderick Strong © vs. Air Kofi




Kevin Steen vs. Abyss





ROH TV Championship:

CIMA © vs. Jay Lethal





ROH Tag Team Championships:

Motor City Machine Guns vs. redDRagon ©





Londrick vs. The Young Bucks





The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes





Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


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  • 2 weeks later...


Week 3, October 2014

Grade: 75







Davey Richards vs. Joey Ryan


[The pre-show saw the return of ROH alumni Davey Richards. The crowd were pleasantly surprised as they wanted to see him back in his home company. These opponents knew each other well and were able to put on a great match. There were plenty of high spots in this match, including a Splash to the outside on Richards and a Powerbomb onto the steps for Ryan. Ryan almost got the win after he hit a vicious spear followed by a gruesome superkick but somehow Richards kicked out. The match ended after Richards surprised Ryan with a DR Driver getting the 3 count.]


Winner: Davey Richards (via Pinfall @ 14:52)

Grade: 76


(Main Show)


Match #1



Adam Cole vs. "The Long Island Asshole" Brett Major


[This was another match that saw the debut of a superstar. The wrestler this time is dubbed as the Long Island Asshole, Brett Major. This match did what it needed to, and that is to warm the crowd up. Both competitors looked strong in this contest. There were plenty of close falls to keep the fans guessing. However, Adam Cole gained the advantage towards the end of the match after hitting a diving crossbody. Cole continued with strikes to Major's body. However, as Cole was going to set up the figure-four, Major grabbed a handful of tights. One-Two-THREE! Major just cheated to win! He really is an asshole!]


Winner: Brett Major (via Pinfall with a handful of tights @ 14:55)

Grade: 68




[backstage Davey Richards is seen talking with Kyle O'Reilly in hushed voices. It should be noted that Bobby Fish is nowhere to be seen, which is unusual considering Fish and O'Reilly are always together. Not much can be heard, but it is heard that O'Reilly said to Richards "Make this quick, Fish is in the bathroom right now, he had some bad salmon". The crowd is left wondering as the cameras go back to the action.


Match #2



The Enforcers vs. The Briscoes


[This match was a wild brawl since the bell rung, with both teams looking to hurt each other. The Briscoes used their tag team knowledge early to isolate Tiger almost connecting with a Doomsday Device but Galloway was able to save him by hitting a dropkick on Jay Briscoe. After this the match descended to the outside. The announcers remind the crowd that in Ring of Honor the count-out ends at 20, not 10. From there Galloway and Singh use dirty tactics including a double powerbomb onto the crowd barrier. Galloway and Singh seem focused on beating up The Briscoes using whatever they can come up with. However, the two seem to have forgotten about the referee counting in the ring. The count is at nineteen! TWENTY! The Enforcers were unable to get back in the ring. The match ends in a double count out!


Winner: Draw (via Double Count-Out @ 13:09)

Grade: 71




[steve Corino appears on the tron to address to soldout Californian crowd. He says that he is confident in his men. He says that Abyss will victimize Steen and that he is booked Rhino vs. Matt Sydal NEXT! He also says that he supports Jacobs tonight and he hopes Jacobs locks Styles in End Time for so long that he passes out. The tron ends with a figure of a very large man, with the text saying Coming Soon to ROH.]


Match #3



Rhino vs. Matt Sydal


[This match was pretty much a slaughterfest since it began. Rhino was tossing Sydal around the ring like he was a fish. Rhino hit Gore after Gore but did not want to end the match, as he literally wanted to tear Sydal apart. He finally ended it after hitting Sydal with a Gore into the corner pinning him easily. It looks like Sydal is unconscious as paramedics check on him while Rhino is celebrating his domination.]


Winner: Rhino (via Pinfall @ 10:19)

Grade: 55


Match #4



ROH World Television Championship

CIMA defends vs. Jay Lethal


[This match was more of a pure wrestling bout then their last match in which CIMA won the title. Lethal's primary focus working over CIMA's body with various strikes and forearms. CIMA manages to gain more momentum as he reverses Jay Lethal's Snap Suplex to a kick to the chest followed by an arm-triangle choke. Lethal manages to get out reaching the ropes as both competitors are tired. The next 10 minutes of the match was back and forth, with neither getting advantage. Both manage to get close two-counts and hit various high spots that please the crowd. However, the end comes after CIMA moves out of the way from Lethal's diving elbow followed by a Schwein for the one-two-three.]


Winner: CIMA (via Pinfall @ 20:28)

Grade: 73


Match #5



Ring of Honor Pure Championship

Roderick Strong defends vs. Air Kofi


[This match was a very fun aerial contest between two very sound in-ring competitors. Top rope spots in this match were about as common as superkicks during a Young Bucks match. The two wore each other out after about 15 minutes, as both used the outside count to their advantage to catch their breath. Kofi looks rejuvanated after the rest knocking Strong down with a big kick the head! He hits a Springboard Tornado DDT! He is taunting Strong! Trouble In Paradise, 1, 2, Strong kicks out! Kofi is frustrated as he thought Strong was down for good. Kofi gets a bit too cocky as he allows Strong to gain the advantage. Strong manages to wear Kofi down with dropkicks and suplexes. The match ends after Strong hits a Gibson Driver then locks in the Strong Hold to make Kofi tap.]


Winner: Roderick Strong (via Submission @ 19:32)

Grade: 75


Match #6



Kevin Steen vs. Abyss


[This match was an all-out brawl from the beginning. Both competitors literally beat each other down until they couldn't stand. From the ground, the two attempted to work down each others bodies with submissions, but is not their strongsuits. Both get up and Abyss gains the advantage with a Powerslam then hitting a Chokeslam for the two count. Abyss wears Steen down some more looking to wear him down with slams. Steen gets his chance when he reverses a chokeslam into a MMA style takedown. He lands punches on Abyss while he is down. Abyss gets up and Steen hits a F-Cinq for the huge win over the monster Abyss!


Winner: Kevin Steen (via Pinfall @ 14:48)

Grade: 68




[After the match, Rhino distracts Steen enough so that Abyss can recover and attack Steen from behind! Abyss hits a Black Hole Slam! Rhino runs to the ring next and taunts the suffering Kevin Steen. He is ready to strike, GORE! Steen is down. What is Abyss doing, he's climbing to the top rope! He does a splash, 300 pounds flying onto you, that's gotta hurt!]


Match #7



Londrick vs. The Young Bucks


[This match could use a detailed write-up, but there isn't a need for it. This match can be described with one word and one word only. That word is superkick. There must have been at least 200 superkicks in this match. You'd think their legs would be tired. However, the match ended completely different with Londrick doing a DOUBLE 450 splash to Matt Jackson for the 3 count, rising up the tag team rankings.]


Winner: Londrick (via Pinfall @ 21:19)

Grade: 77


Match #8



ROH Tag Team Championships

redDRagon defends vs. Motor City Machine Guns


[This match was described as Match of the Night by the fans in attendance, and it was fully deserving of that title. This match showcased two of the best tag teams ROH has to offer. These teams went back and forth both showing excellent chemistry. The first major break comes when Shelley and Sabin do their Air Raid maneuver for a two count. However, Bobby Fish uses a dirty move to gain advantage for himself and O'Reilly. The two go back and forth, wearing down all four men. The ending of the match however, is what shocks the fans the most. Bobby Fish looked to set-up a diving headbutt, but was attacked from behind. KYLE O'REILLY just hit Fish with a chair, and the ref didn't see it! 1-2-3! Motor City Machine Guns are the NEW ROH Tag Team Champions!]


Winner: Motor City Machine Guns (via Pinfall @ 23:49)

Grade: 81


Match #9



ROH World Championship

AJ Styles defends vs. Jimmy Jacobs


[This match did it's job and lived up to the fans expectations. Jacobs and Styles brawled near the beginning trying to gain an advantage. Jacobs is the one who comes out on top first, hitting a neckbreaker. While he has the advantage, Jacobs stomps Styles head leaving Styles woozy. As Styles stumbles up, he gets SPEARED! One, Two, HE KICKS OUT AT 2 AND A HALF! Styles has a reburst of momentum, almost as if he's John Cena, but better. Strike to the ribs, kick to the face, Jacobs is down. Styles works the crowd and they love every bit of it. Jacobs gets up, Styles Clash, but NO! Jacobs reverses it, he has Styles down! End Time! Styles is clawing at Jacobs arms, looking for breath. He uses his legs and clubs Jacobs in the head. The next 5 minutes were both competitors looking to get as much work on each other through their level of fatigue. Styles gains advantage as he locks in the Figure Four! Jacobs is screaming, but he grabs Styles head and slams it to the mat! He locks in End Time! It's over, he's gonna tap! But Styles is reversing it, he's standing up! STYLES CLASH! ONE, TWO, THREE! Styles has retained in a epic match!]


Winner: AJ Styles (via Pinfall @ 20:54)

Grade: 78




After the match, Kofi and Steen come to the ring to celebrate with Styles, posing on each turnbuckle to the fans approval. Styles looks exhausted, having just been through a fight with a great wrestler. However, the tron shows a message with four simple words, "This is not over"


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Week 4, October 2014

Grade: 76


The first ROH show after the excellent Only the Strong Survive sees Steve Corino come out to open the show. He says that he can defeat each of his men in 1 on 1 matches, but can he beat them in a HANDICAP match? Tonight, we will find out as the Main Event is going to be AJ Styles vs. Rhino and Abyss!



redDRagon vs. The Enforcers


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Drew Galloway and Tiger Raj Singh defeated redDRagon in 9:15 when Drew Galloway defeated Bobby Fish by pinfall with a Thee Move. During the match we also had Kyle O'Reilly turn on Bobby Fish.


Grade: 66


After the match, Kyle distracts Bobby Fish taunting him about his superiorness. However, this is only a ploy so Davey Richards can attack him from behind! Chair shot to the head, O'Reilly jumps in too. Fish is down bleeding after the attack from his former partner and his new archenemy Davey Richards.



The Young Bucks vs. Chris Hero and Tim Donst


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Young Bucks defeated Chris Hero and Tim Donst in 8:45 when Nick Jackson defeated Tim Donst by pinfall with a 450 Splash.


Grade: 73



Champion vs. Champion Match (Non-Title)

CIMA vs. Roderick Strong


In a match that had some good action and average heat, CIMA defeated Roderick Strong in 17:49 by pinfall with a Schwein. During the match we also had Tommaso Ciampa distract Roderick Strong.


Grade: 64



Alex Shelley vs. Adam Cole


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Alex Shelley defeated Adam Cole in 18:28 by pinfall with a Shellshock.


Grade: 79 (WOW)


Styles comes to the ring before his match to encourage the crowd. He says that no matter what, Corino's little group of hired mercenaries can never have a chance at stopping Air Force. He stated that as "THE PHENOMENAL ONE" is the head of the Force, they CAN NOT be stopped. He tells the crowd that to watch for him, Kofi, and Steen in the future, as they will be accomplishing PHENOMENAL things.




AJ Styles vs. Abyss and Rhino


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, AJ Styles drew with Abyss and Rhino in 17:35 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.


Grade: 78


This show increased our popularity in 16 regions.

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  • 3 months later...


Week 1, November 2014

Grade: 72


ROH has entered another month, and it proves to best wrestling on TV! ROH on SPIKE! kicks off with Steve Corino, as per usual. He tells AJ Styles that he will not walk out of 2014 with the ROH Title. He says that he will stack the odds to the point where it is impossible for Styles to win. He announces a fatal four way for Manhatten Mayhem, with the first participant being revealed tonight with the winner of the Main Event.



Jay Briscoe vs. Drew Galloway


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Jay Briscoe defeated Drew Galloway in 9:30 by pinfall with a Jay Driller.


Grade: 68


After commercial break, we cut to Bobby Fish who is on the mini-tron. He says that what O'Reilly did last week is not right. He makes sure to let O'Reilly and Richards know that when he is medically cleared, he will make sure they never succeed here in Ring of Honor.



Davey Richards vs. Christopher Daniels


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Davey Richards defeated Christopher Daniels in 14:20 by pinfall with a DR Driver II.


Grade: 78


We next see a mysterious vignette. It shows a jungle in the middle of Brazil. All of a sudden, a man pops out, roaring loudly. He then gets up and points to a Ring of Honor logo shaped in leaves. He then roars at the logo and attacks the camera, causing the screen to fade to the word: Manhattan.



ROH World Title

AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole


In what seemed to be a routine title defense, AJ Styles defeated Adam Cole in 18:06 by submission with a Calf Killer. AJ Styles makes defence number 1 of his ROH World title.


Grade: 80


While Styles is celebrating, a giant man comes out to face him. He stands seven feet tall, absolutely towering over the champion. Eventually, the monster strikes. He destroys Styles and sends him tumbling through the barricade with a tremendous amount of force. The man then shouts three words; I AM KHALI!



Kevin Steen vs. Colt Cabana



In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Kevin Steen defeated Colt Cabana in 18:02 by pinfall with a Package Piledriver.


Grade: 74


Afterwards, Abyss and Rhino are sent out to beat Steen to a pulp. However, not much damage is done as Styles comes out to chase them off. In the ring, there is visible tension between Styles as they end the show celebrating.







Alright guys, bet you didn't see this one coming. I have some serious diary matters to address. Writing full blown shows for every show is just not enjoyable for me. I have decided to revive this dynasty, as I have great ideas for it. I plan to keep all three going. However, I will be converting either 95 or 85 to the basic format. While PPV's will all be the same, two diaries TV will have the ROH format. Vote here on which one you want to see in complete format. http://strawpoll.me/3146418. Voting will end 12/9/14 at 5 CST. The plan then is to post this one day, the other basic the next day, and the full blown show two days after the second basic show.

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