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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38282" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm glad! It kind of took away from the show, but not enough to ruin my enjoyment. It was a really solid show and I liked the introduction of Henry Lee.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was thinking the same. When I re-read it this morning I just thought "Well, that looks horrible" I was actually thinking of taking it out and just going to changing it to show him as a rebellious badass but I decided against it seems I had a feeling people had already read it. Hmmm, "Solid", not what I was going for but you know solid is good. Yeah, I was thinking of going with Johnny Martin but I feel with Henry Lee's reputation as an absolute madman, he would kayfabe scare Todd more which what was essentially what I wanted.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38282" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Martin could work too, but I agree with your reasoning behind Henry Lee. Madmen are also usually really interesting characters when done right.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, he could have but I went with Lee. Yeah, I like to book mad men/ insane character. I used Jerry Martin for it in my other dynasty (EPW: Where the great become Elite, Zergon will know more about this, he can tell you if he decides to contribute to the conversation.) and I think he was done really well in the early stages of the diary. Hopefully, I can pull that out with Henry Lee too.</p>
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MEE The World of Insanity


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Mario Heroic v Condor


MEE Tag Titles

The Entourage (Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rock Stars (Johnny Stones & J.J Coles)


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Tom Gilmore v Daniel Cano

I do love me some Stone Cold Tom Gilmore (AKA Mirror Universe Angry Gilmore)


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Man-Darin v Black Eagle


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Eclipse v Nathan Black


MEE World Heavyweight Title, Extreme Rules

Todd Cusson v Henry Lee

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MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Mario Heroic v Condor

I know Heroic better so I go with him.


MEE Tag Titles

The Entourage (Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rock Stars (Johnny Stones & J.J Coles)

I doubt that the result will be any different this time around so another win for The Entourage.


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Tom Gilmore v Daniel Cano

”Stone Cold” Tom Gilmore for the win. I actually didn´t think it was as bad as you said and it´s hardly first time I sees someone using a character from the real world on fictional wrestler (Sam Strong or Terry Thunder as Hulk Hogan comes to mind) but perhaps having bit less of Stone Cold would work better as you said. Either way, I´m actually interested to see how Gilmore works with different gimmick than what he usually has in diaries.


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Man-Darin v Black Eagle

I might be here but I just think that Man-Darin deserves to at least get into second round as he´s one of your most over and experienced guys and he has been doing mostly jobs so far. Plus, him getting a win every now-and-then makes is mean more when someone beats him, after all you can only have someone lose so many times before everyone starts to expect it.


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Eclipse v Nathan Black

Black over the new guy.


MEE World Heavyweight Title, Extreme Rules

Todd Cusson v Henry Lee

Jerry Martin like character? Sign me in then. As much as I liked Martin in your other diary, I have to agree that Lee is the better pick here as Martin would pretty much be an unknown rookie at this point and why would Todd be scared of him when no-one knows him? Also, I think it worked better for readers too, or at least it worked on me better as Lee is pretty much hardcore icon in default data while Martin is just an indy guy with interesting gimmick so at least to me, Lee has that “big signing” aura on him that Martin lacks. Anyway, I don´t think that Lee will get the belt here but depending how he does, he could be possible choice as next champ when it becomes time for Todd to lose the belt.

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MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Mario Heroic v Condor


MEE Tag Titles

The Entourage (Christopher Hart & Danny Patterson) v The Rock Stars (Johnny Stones & J.J Coles)


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Tom Gilmore v Daniel Cano


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Man-Darin v Black Eagle


MEE Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Round

Eclipse v Nathan Black


MEE World Heavyweight Title, Extreme Rules

Todd Cusson v Henry Lee

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Segment 16: Takes one to know one


The show was over now. We had done our job and I was ready to relax. I had made the right decision to make sure I didn't make a mistake before the show, guess I should make one afterwards. I was weak once again and had bought my substance of choice into the bathroom. In had made the lines when someone interrupted me.




"Todd, what the hell are you doing?"


I was caught.


"What does it look like?"


"I thought you were off that stuff?"


"Apparantly not."


"Are you insane? This is what killed your career in SWF."


"No, I'm not, how would you know if I was insane anyway?"


"My nickname is the "Icon of Insanity", it takes one to know one."


"So, I guess you are going to name and shame me. Telling the locker room, Preston, hell even Phil too."


"No actually. This is none of my business. But Todd, don't throw away your life because of a drug addiction. You have so much talent."


He turned around and walked out.. I felt like shit. I looked at it, the lines carefully placed on the counter, Henry was right, I was throwing away my career. So, instead, I threw it away, down the sink. Cleaned it all up too. I exited the bathroom, feeling so much better about myself.






"Emma? What's up?"


"Well, I was thinking that maybe, we could go out for dinner. Just to discuss my role in this company."


"Um, yeah sure."


I looked over at Henry Lee, to see him grinning. Ear to ear.


"Cool, I'll call you to set up a date, talk later."


A date with Emma Chase, I'm really moving up in the world.

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Segment 17: Chase-ing a Date




I met Emma at the restaurant, she was looking nice. All we did was talk about what her role in MEE. However, I did get to know here better which is always a good thing. I got a kiss on the cheek at the end of the night.


I was on cloud nine, spent the last few hours with a pretty girl, hadn't had any problems with substance abuse since the show so, I was pretty happy with myself.


Unfortunately, that wasn't the last even of the evening. Seems I was drinking, I was walking home. I turned a corner where there a bunch of dudes hanging out across the street, I didn't really take notice of them that was until I heard a "hey" to which I turned out and got punched right in the face. I couldn't remember much of the actual attack, but I was visited in the hospital by Preston Lockhart and Henry Lee. But I was out of it. All I could think about was If i was going to make the next show. Some would call this bad luck, I would call it kharma I guess. The wrestling gods are punishing me for my substance abuse. I guess I deserved it.

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Segment 18: A huge decision


I laid in the hospital bed. I was almost fully healed but it was only a few days til the show and I still had a black and blue eye. That was the extent of it really, all my bruises, scars and cuts were minor, but then again were still bad enough to be tender to tough.




"Hello, how you feeling?"


"i've felt better to be honest but still, I'm okay"


"Enough to wrestle?"


"I have no idea, Henry. I really don't."


"Do they have any kind of medicine to ease the pain?"


"Well, yeah, they're called painkillers.... but let's just say I don't trust myself with them."


Of course, at this stage I had realised that I was abusing those painkillers.


"What do you mean?"


"Don't worry about it. I will be at the next event, don't worry Henry."


To be honest I didn't definitely know if I was going to be availible, and with what we had planned it was probably going to shorten my life, not just my wrestling career.


"This is up to you, Todd. You really need to decide this for yourself. But make sure you take everything into account."


I feel like this is a massive decision for me. If I miss the show, it stops the momentum we had built up from the last show, if I go, it may shoirten my career, this was a big decision.

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  • 1 month later...

Segment 19: Wouldn't Miss it for the World


I had made my decision, pretty much just jumping out of the hospital bed. This probably was going to affect my health, but my health was already in the shitter, drugs aren't good for your health, obviously.


I had to sneak out of the hospital, get my clothes, get my gear at my apartment and well, it was a right pain. Everything had lead me to this, I wasn't going to let Preston, Emma or anybody else in MEE down. This was my decision and I was going to get there whether the hospital approves or not.


Of course, the world screwed me every chance it got. All the traffic lights were red, I even had to park about 20 minutes walk away from the arena, I was going to be late for my segment...

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  • 2 months later...

After a long hiatus from this Diary, I have decided that I will start to write up the next show tonight and hopefully get it up soon enough.


I had actually given up on this diary but after going back into the save file it has returned into my brain space and ideas just started to fly back into brain. Nothing fantastic as of yet but still I would like to see what I can do here. EPW will still be my priority but MEE and Todd Cusson are back!


Thanks for being so patient,


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Finally! I have been starving for both EPW and MME. Todd Cusson and Joe Pop are my drugs of choice and your dang blasted modding(which I am also a huge fan of) is getting in the way. Now write darn you! lol :D


glad your back...


Thanks for the support as always Devin. :).


I've a lot of projects going on right now like EPW, MEE and the Mod on this forum. Outside of that I have college and me and a friend of mine are working on a game. But I'm adamant that I can fit MEE back into my schedule.

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MEE The World of Insanity


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment and The World of Insanity. I'm Rhys Woods and I will be your announcer for this evening. We have a huge match up tonight. Henry Lee will put Todd Cusson in his home when they enter the world of extreme later tonight. Also, the Cruiserweight Championship qualifying rounds are here and eight competitors will compete in four single matches, the winners will be in a High Tensions match next month.



Cruiserweight Championship Qualifying Match

Match 1: Mario Heroic v Condor


• Mario and Condor start the match rather slowly, Condor tries to use his martial arts to connect with leg kicks but none connect.

• Mario hits a nice dropkick before goading the crowd.

• Mario picks up Condor and looks for a neck breaker but Condor counters by sweeping Mario’s legs.

• Condor looks to lock in a figure four but Mario kicks him away.

• Condor rushes back looking for a clothesline but Mario ducks and hits a vicious head.

• Mario picks Condor up, hits a Mysterious Intentions (Facebuster) and pins, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Mario Heroic by pinfall in 9:35

Finishing Move: Mysterious Intentions (Facebuster)

Rating: 28/ E


Woods: Mario Heroic books himself a place in the High Tensions match next month. For somebody called "Heroic" he wasn't exactly the personification of a hero was he?



MEE Tag Team Championship

Match 2: The Entourage v The Rock Stars


• Danny and J.J start the match, with Danny clearly dominating.

• Danny is throwing J.J around the ring before an Irish whip gives Johnny a chance to tag himself in.

• Danny doesn’t notice and Johnny hits a diving clothesline off the top rope, which surprisingly knocks Danny down which lifts the crowd.

• The crowd count as Johnny connects with vicious kicks to Danny’s back.

• J.J then comes in and hits a nice drop kick to Danny’s head which knocks him flat on his back.

• J.J climbs the ropes but it ends in disaster as Danny moves.

• Hart is then tagged in and starts to beat down on J.J.

• However, this doesn’t last long as an arm stunner gets J.J some time.

• He rushes over to Johnny for the hot tag and Johnny starts his assault.

• Johnny hits an inziguri followed by a sweep to knock Hart off his feet.

• Johnny climbs the ropes, and as he stands up, Danny hits him in the back with a chair resulting in a DQ win for The Rock Stars, but no title.


Winner: The Rock Stars by DQ in 9:32

Finishing Move: DQ as Danny Patterson illegally used a chair.

Rating: 24/ E


Woods: No! The Entourage retain because of DQ. I'm getting sick of these guys.



Angle 1: Sloan lays it on the line


Jack: Last month, I was interrupted by some fouled mouth idiot who fought he could teach me a lesson.. I don't think so, mate. I am the US champion and I am the greatest this company has to offer. I am going to revolutionize professional wrest..


Sloan: Jack I am sick and a tired of you coming out each and every week and telling these fans that you are the future of this and the future of that. I see that you have a future of grade A, 100%, steaming bucket of English dog piss.


Jack: Look Jake, I appreciate your sentiment about how you're sick of me. But frankly, I'm surprised you haven't been bronzed so I can hang you up in my trophy cabinet.


Sloan: Watch your tongue, rookie. Preston Lockhart has given me on last chance at your title, if I lose I cannot face you for the title again.


Jack: Big mistake..


Sloan: Don't interrupt me newbie!... The best part is... The fans decide the match.


Rating: 40/ D-



Match 3: Tom Gilmore v Daniel Cano


• Gilmore starts the match a lot better using technical and brawling skills.

• Cano gets flung to the outside as Gilmore climbs ropes and poses to the fans and screams “F*ck Fear, Drink Beer” which the fans pop to.

• Cano slowly returns to the ring where he mounts some offense hitting some right hands.

• He runs off the ropes only to be met with a clothesline which the crowd pop for.

• Gilmore waits for Cano to get up and looks for the Angry Stunner (Stunner) but Cano counters it pushing Gilmore against the ropes and then getting a schoolboy pin, 1… 2…. No Gilmore kicks out.

• Gilmore then gets up, flips Cano the bird and does connect with an Angry Stunner (Stunner) this time, he then pins Cano, 1…. 2….. 3.


Winner: Tom Gilmore by pinfall in 10:10

Finishing Move: Angry Stunner (Stunner)

Rating: 37/ D-



Angle 2: Gilmore is the rebellion


Gilmore: You could probably see from my match that I'm a bit pissed off... I was in the back drinking a beer and all I see is that jack*ss Union Jack talking crap once again. But I will not rest until all of these sons of a bitch's are out of MEE, every single one of them. Starting with the bottom and working to the top. So Todd... I'm coming for you.


Rating: 36/ D-


Woods: Whoa, Gilmore is seriously going to rebel against every single villain in this company? I just pray for him. This won't be easy.



Match 4: Man-Darin v Black Eagle


• Eagle and Man-Darin start the match exchanging strikes but never really cause any damage.

• Eagle then takes control as he uses a flying shoulder tackle followed by a back flip.

• Eagle picks Man-Darin up and hits a delayed brain buster and pins, 1.. 2… Man-Darin gets the shoulder up

• Man-Darin then starts to kick Eagle and the crowd start to cheer.

• However, Eagle tries to counter with a stomp but misses; Man-Darin then does a springboard elbow which knocks Eagle down.

• Man-Darin goes over to Eagle but Eagle grabs his tights and pulls him which results in Man-Darin falling through the top and middle ropes.

• As Man-Darin returns to the ring, Eagle attacks him viciously with stomps.

• Eagle then picks him up, hits the New Jersey Turnpike (Angel’s Wings) and pins, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Black Eagle by pinfall in 10:02

Finishing Move: New Jersey Turnpike (Angel Wings)

Rating: 38/ D-


Woods: Eagle joins the other two winners for the High Tensions match.



Match 5: Nathan Black v Eclipse


• Eclipse and Nathan starts with a brisk pace that is set by Eclipse’s high octane offense.

• Eclipse hits numerous flying forearms one after another before Nathan counters the last by ducking; this causes Eclipse to fly out of the ring.

• Nathan follows him out and whips him straight into the steel post of the ring.

• Nathan throws Eclipse back in and grounds him, using all kinds of holds on Eclipse’s legs.

• Nathan then looks for the Black Dog Down (Boston Crab) but can’t turn Eclipse over as he pushes Nathan away.

• Eclipse gets up and puts Nathan on his shoulders before hitting a Total Eclipse (Fireman’s Carry into a Cutter) and pins, 1… 2… 3.


Winner: Eclipse by pinfall in 14:30

Finishing Move: Total Eclipse (F5 hold into Cutter)

Rating: 40/ D-



Angle 3: Legal Matters


*Henry Lee comes down to the ring, kendo stick in hand, ready to take on Todd. At this point Todd and his Entourage come down to the ring.


Todd: Cut my music. Henry, I was looking at the contract we signed last night, and something didn't seem quite right, so I got my lawyer to check it out and well... I'll let her explain.




*At this point, Emma Chase makes her way to the ring, dressed in business clothes and a briefcase. As she walks down the ramp, the MEE crowd greet her with wolf whistles as she scowls. She enters the ring, opens her briefcase and takes out the contract.


Emma: In the contractual obligations section of the contract that both my client and Mr. Lee signed last night, it clearly states that "To be eligible to challenge for the MEE World Heavyweight title, the challenger must be an MEE employee." Last time I checked, Mr. Lee was a DAVE employee.


Todd: I guess we won't be having a match tonight.


* The crowd boo, Todd is seen grinning, however, Henry Lee is also grinning.*




*At this time, Preston Lockhart makes his way out to the ring, a piece of paper in his hand.*


Preston: Although, what Miss. Chase and Mr. Cusson is very true, I think this piece of paper will sort any of your legal issues out.


*Preston hands the piece of paper to Emma Chase, she reads it*


Todd: What is it?


Emma: *Hesitates* It's Henry Lee's MEE contract signed 2 days before the title match contract was signed.


* At this time, Todd start shouting at Emma Chase, Emma says she is helpless and that there is nothing that she can do as the crowd cheers uncontrollably. At this point Henry Lee cracks Todd over the head, and clears the ring of Danny and Christopher Hart. Emma Chase remains in the ring as Henry Lee looks at Emma, he tries to hit her with the kendo stick but Danny grabs her legs and pulls her out of the ring*


Rating: 38/ D-



MEE World Heavyweight Title

Extreme Rules

Match 6: Todd Cusson v Henry Lee


• Henry starts the match as Chase, Danny and Hart retreat up the ramp.

• Henry uses the kendo stick viciously, driving it into the ribs of Todd over and over again until the kendo stick actually breaks.

• Todd lies in the ring in the foetal position as Henry looks under the ring for more weapons.

• A trash can is the new weapon and he placed it in between the top and middle turn buckle.

• Henry then Irish whips Todd and Todd goes head first into the can.

• Henry then gets another weapon, this time it’s a chair.

• Todd had used the ropes to get to a vertical base, but Henry then clocked Todd over the head with the chair which knock Todd back to the mat.

• Henry then picked up Todd’s head and blood is pissing from Todd’s forehead to Henry and the fans delight.

• Henry then screams “INSANITY!” as he makes his way under the ring again and pulls out a table. The crowd don’t react until he pulls out lighter fluid and holds it in the air.

• He spreads the fluid all over the table and asks for a lighter in the crowd.

• He brings Todd over to the ropes, stands on the apron and lights the table on fire.

• Henry tries to suplex Todd over the ropes, but fails and Todd escapes by pushing Henry which causes him to fall right through the flaming table, which the crowd responding by chanting “Holy Sh!t”.

• At this time, The Entourage run down to the ring and pick up Henry and roll him into the ring.

• The referee is powerless as Danny hits a chokeslam onto the chair that Henry had used and then lays Todd’s lifeless body on top of Henry.

• Danny and Hart force the referee to count the fall, and reluctantly, he does, 1……… 2…………. 3.


Winner: Todd Cusson by pinfall in 15:22

Finishing Move: Falling through table followed by a chokeslam

Rating: 35/ E+



Angle 3: Bruins runs wild


*As Danny Patterson and Christopher Hart carried Todd Cusson to the back Chris Bruins sprints down with a chair. He hunts Danny and Hart away and wails down on Todd, Bruins then stands over him, signaling his intent.*


Rating: 13/ F+


Show Rating: 37/ D-

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MEE Under Pressure


Roger the Dodger v Skeeter


Jock's and the Hound (Flex & Nathan Black) v The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones)


The Entourage (Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart) v Chris Bruins & Richard Blood


MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match

Like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "*insert nationality of winner here* is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.

Union Jack v Jake Sloan


MEE Crusierweight Title, High Tensions Match

Black Eagle v Eclipse v Tom Gilmore v Mario Heroic

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Roger the Dodger v Skeeter


Jock's and the Hound (Flex & Nathan Black) v The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones)


The Entourage (Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart) v Chris Bruins & Richard Blood


MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match

Like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "*insert nationality of winner here* is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.

Union Jack v Jake Sloan


MEE Crusierweight Title, High Tensions Match

Black Eagle v Eclipse v Tom Gilmore v Mario Heroic

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Roger the Dodger v Skeeter


Jock's and the Hound (Flex & Nathan Black) v The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones)


The Entourage (Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart) v Chris Bruins & Richard Blood


MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match

Like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "*insert nationality of winner here* is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.


Union Jack v Jake Sloan


MEE Crusierweight Title, High Tensions Match

Black Eagle v Eclipse v Tom Gilmore v Mario Heroic

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Roger the Dodger v Skeeter


Jock's and the Hound (Flex & Nathan Black) v The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones)


The Entourage (Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart) v Chris Bruins & Richard Blood


MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match

Like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "*insert nationality of winner here* is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.


Union Jack v Jake Sloan


MEE Crusierweight Title, High Tensions Match

Black Eagle v Eclipse v Tom Gilmore v Mario Heroic

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<p><strong>Roger the Dodger</strong> v Skeeter</p><p>

<em>I admit that my memory is a bit hazy about who did what in this diary so my picks are likely little off. That said, I´m pretty sure Skeeter was just a jobber so Roger gets this one.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jock's and the Hound (Flex & Nathan Black) v <strong>The Rock Stars (J.J Coles & Johnny Stones)</strong></p><p>

<em>They just beat the tag champs via DQ so I guess Rock Stars are likely to stay strong at least until the unevitable rematch for the tag belts.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Entourage (Danny Patterson & Christopher Hart) v <strong>Chris Bruins & Richard Blood</strong></p><p>

<em>I´m pretty sure that Bruins and Blood were some of your top faces and should likely go over Entourage just to keep them strong in case you need one of them to challenge Todd in near future.</em></p><p> </p><p>

MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match</p><p>

Like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "*insert nationality of winner here* is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.</p><p>

<strong>Union Jack</strong> v Jake Sloan</p><p>

<em>Jack have had the upper hand (at least that´s what I remember </em><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em>) so I could see Sloan taking this just to make things a bit more even but I still think that Jack is the safe pick here so I go with him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

MEE Crusierweight Title, High Tensions Match</p><p>

Black Eagle v Eclipse v Tom Gilmore v <strong>Mario Heroic</strong></p><p>

<em>I guess Gilmore would be the logical choice but I think he´s aim is bit higher considering that he just cut a promo about Todd so I have Heroic take this one instead.</em></p>

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Segment 20: Todd and his luck.


The choice of match probably wasn't the greatest. An extreme rules match after the injuries I sustained. Man, I must have sh!t for brains. Especially when I had to sneak out of the hospital to even attend the event and arrived only seconds before my segments. Sitting on a cold bench in the back wasn't really helpful either. I mean I had booked the match accordingly seems I wasn't going to be able to bump that much, the only real thing I did was go head first into a trash can and even that was a bit much for me.


Henry was great in the segment and match. He stalled for me in the angle and pretty much did all the work in the match, and the fans enjoyed it. You can't be unhappy, even if I did win, I still got the piss beating out of me.




"I think we did good out there, huh?"


"Oh, yeah. Ha. You were great out there"


"Thanks... Are you okay?"


Truthfully, probably not. I had taken a kendo stick to the ribs instead of the side. I had turned into it. Completely my fault, but Henry was the type of guy who would blame himself.


"Just a bit stiff, Henry. Lying in a hospital bed isn't exactly great training for an extreme rules match"


I chuckled, but I think he saw through my lie.


"Oh, yeah, of course."


He left soon after. I don't know what it was but I felt better. MEE had saved me again and I know that now more than ever. Of course, not everything in my life was going to plan. Especially the surprise when I got home.


"Um, excuse me?"


The police were all over my apartment, including outside of it.


"Mr. Todd Cusson?"


"Yes, that's me?"


"We got a call from one of your neighbours, regarding a public disturbance. We found a man, down in the lobby who made his way up to this room upon seeing us and locked it, do you have a room mate, Mr. Cusson?


"Um, no Officer."


"That's what I was afraid of"




"Well, after searching the apartment we found this."


He held up a clear plastic bag, white powder filled to the top.


"Mr. Cusson..."


He paused and sighed, as I looked at him, confused at what was happening.


".... we are arresting you on suspicion of Drug Possession."


Sometimes... I feel I have no luck.

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Segment 21: I Fought the Law...


So I was arrested and taken down to the nearest precinct. I guess I'm not surprised by the arrest, I am surprised by them actually finding some narcotics in my possession, I'm fairly sure I hadn't bought any in numerous months. especially not cocaine. The two officers who brought me down here were soon back into the bland-fully typical interrogation room.


"Our worst fears were true, Mr. Cusson. It is cocaine in the bag"




"We also found some prints on the bag, we'll need yours for comparison"


"Fair enough"


They seemed baffled by my willingness to comply.


"Alright now that that's done, we'd like to ask you a few questions."


"go ahead?"


"Have you ever abused narcotics before?"


Seemed like a trick question, but I wasn't going to lie.


"Yes, but haven't abused in some months now."


The two looked at each other.


"We admire your truthfulness, Todd."


Todd? Who the **** does this guy think he is?


"Or should we say, The Hype?"


"... Todd is fine"


"We are huge fans of MEE, so we know about your drug abuse, we don't want MEE to end though?"


"Yeah, it's way better then what SWF or that HGC company are doing"


"So, we, as fans, are going to ask you straight. Is that bag of cocaine yours?"




"Alright. Until we can prove that you will have to stay here."


"What about bail?"


"Do you have 10 grand?"




"Oh, well then you have one phone call"


There was only one person I could call.






"Hey, Preston. I need a favour...."

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Segment 22: The End of the Line




Preston had picked me from the police station. For some strange reason, we only had this awkward small talk chat, he seemed down or something. Surely he didn't think this arrest was legit, I know it wasn't me. I'm just waiting for the cops to prove it.


"Thanks for the bail out, Preston"


"Don't mention it"


He seemed rather down, almost as if something bad had happened, yano, besides the fact that I was just arrested for drug possesion.


"Course we need to sort out the next MEE event, can't do that while I'm in the slammer"


I chuckled. His face stayed the same.


"Theres no point"


"Oh come on, Preston. Out of all the people I know I thought you'd be the one to trust that the drugs weren't mine, I.."


"It's not that."


"Then what is it?"


"MEE is in financial ruin."




"Our wrestling company is in debt, 2 grand of it in fact."


"What? How?"


"We lost over 5 grand in our last show, we aren't getting much sponsorship, people have stopped donating"


"We had 10 grand in the bank, we should have been okay"


"True, but I had to use some of MEE's money to bail you"


I bowed my head.


"Face it, Todd, MEE is done"


I couldn't believe that after such a short run MEE was going under. I was gobsmacked.


"It's been a good run, Todd. maybe I'll see you around."


And then he left, MEE was dead and there was nothing I could do about it, not at that particular moment anyway.

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Segment 23: Being Unselfish at Selfish Times


The next few days were filled with sadness, the fact that the company that I had built, was now nothing. Add in the fact that it was my fault due to my stupid f*cking escapades. Even if I was innocent, it wasn't going to get the money back.


It wasn't long before I was cleared from the drug possession charge, due to my fingerprints not being on the bag. You could say this was a victory, but it didn't seem like one. The two cops that arrested me had asked if they could have a drink with me, I rejected, but I did let them come over to my house. They wanted to hear some wrestling stories.


Nick and Ashton were the cops names, 20 year wrestling fans they were, I told them mostly about MEE, and some backstage stories, mostly about my self. MEE had only been "shut" a few days and I was already reminiscing. Always a good sign.


Of course the company hadn't exactly closed yet and Preston still owned the company, but we owed guys money. We weren't getting out of this one.


After the guys left, I started to clean up. Beer bottles and ash trays needed to be disposed and the like. Once that was done, well after midnight, I stumbled into my room, clearly psyched about upcoming sleepless night that I was about to take.


Just as I was making my way to the bed, I kicked something. I bent down to see it was none other than my savings box. I had thousands saved up from my lucrative, yet extremely short, SWF run, of course I had spent it on my habit long before.


Yet for some reason, I thought I'd have money in there, and save MEE... I was right. 20 grand lay inside the box with a small bag of a particular addictive substance. Luckily, the cops hadn't found this.


You'd think I'd be ecstatic, having the money to save MEE. Yet, I was in a dilemma. I looked at the money, then the bag. Was I really this selfish? Keeping the Hard Stuff instead of saving MEE, surely I wouldn't do that... Would I?


At that point the phone rang.... My decision would be delayed, if only for a moment.

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