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Kicking the Hard Stuff: The Todd Cusson Story (CV97)

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You know, I was going to post before this that he should find the rest of the coke and go sell it to save MEE. Looks like he was lucky enough to forget $20,000, but at least he can still get a little bit more on the open market with his other find...


BTW, loving this one and following along.

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You know, I was going to post before this that he should find the rest of the coke and go sell it to save MEE. Looks like he was lucky enough to forget $20,000, but at least he can still get a little bit more on the open market with his other find...


BTW, loving this one and following along.


I never actually thought of that. :p. Haha. unfortunately there will be a few more segments before any events go up, which is where I feel most comfortable writing, but I do enjoy making a convoluted life story for Todd.


As always it's great to get some feedback from the readers of the diary, and thank you very much for the support. Especially since I took a long hiatus, I didn't expect people to come back (which of course, some haven't, which is a shame) but it's great to see that you and others (Zergon, DevinTEW13, Uncrewed and Kitarzu) came back to the diary and I thank you all for that. If you wish you can take part in the prediction contest, which the next events card is on the page before this.


Unfortunately, I do have some bad news to report. (And if you saw the Diary Previews and Questions Thread recently you'd know what I'm talking about). I have been thinking about ending both my MEE and EPW diaries soon. It's just that I think I need a hiatus away from writing, this could a few weeks (again), could be a few months or I may decide to not come back at all. I wasn't going to actually announce this until after MEE's next event but seems you had brought up the fact that you are following this diary (and that I know you have been following EPW as well, for which you did not give reasons for your picks for the last card btw... :p. Just joking. :p) I decided that I might as well announce this now.


But thanks again for the support, I really, really appreciate everyone who has followed a diary of mine. :).

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Segment 24: Me, myself and I</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I rushed to answer the phone.</p><p> </p><p>

"Hello?"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag183/darragh2oo9/EmmaChase_zpsbf5994ab.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I didn't hear a response, so to speak, just Emma sobbing down the receiver.</p><p> </p><p>

"Emma? Whats wrong?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Is... is.. it true?"</p><p> </p><p>

She said with a stammer, trying to talk through her hysterical crying.</p><p> </p><p>

"Is what true?"</p><p> </p><p>

"That MEE is dead"</p><p> </p><p>

"Well.."</p><p> </p><p>

I hesitated for a split second, it was my undoing.</p><p> </p><p>

"Oh my god it is"</p><p> </p><p>

There was silence.</p><p> </p><p>

"Emma? Hello? Emma!? Hello?!"</p><p> </p><p>

No response until she barked at me.</p><p> </p><p>

"What?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Why are you crying?"</p><p> </p><p>

"You killed MEE, I loved being there, I liked you...</p><p> </p><p>

She paused. </p><p> </p><p>

"Working with you I mean."</p><p> </p><p>

"Uh, I see"</p><p> </p><p>

"But now, I'll never have that anymore"</p><p> </p><p>

"Hey, you'll have work. You'll still be in DAVE won't you?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Yeah, but all they want me to do is take my clothes off"</p><p> </p><p>

"Um, I thought you didn't mind that?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I don't, but here, I had a voice, I was somebody who could talk on the mic, not just be a sexual object"</p><p> </p><p>

"I... see"</p><p> </p><p>

"But thats gone now"</p><p> </p><p>

She paused.</p><p> </p><p>

"Thanks Todd."</p><p> </p><p>

She then hung up, like a knife through my heart. There was a hint of sincerity in it, but was meant as a sarcastic gesture. I looked at the phone, sort of bemused. </p><p> </p><p>

Brrrring Brrrring. The phone's ring had caught me off guard, literally frightened the life out of me.</p><p> </p><p>

"Hello?"</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag183/darragh2oo9/The%20Hype/PrestonLockhart_zps72b3f85e.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Todd, I'm filing for bankrupcy, I need your signature"</p><p> </p><p>

"Why?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Both our names are under the companies ownership, remember, you own 10%"</p><p> </p><p>

"Oh right."</p><p> </p><p>

"So? When can you sign them?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Ahhhhhh"</p><p> </p><p>

I had to make a decision, was it the drugs or MEE?</p><p> </p><p>

"Come on over and I'll sign it"</p><p> </p><p>

The drugs it is, I guess.</p>

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Segment 25: A Change of Heart




"You ready to sign?"


I didn't answer, Preston had the documents in his hand but I was just staring off into space. Thinking if I could really make the sacrifice for MEE, or was I really this selfish.


"Todd? Earth to Todd?"


"Yeah... Yeah. What is it you wanted?"


"Bancrupcy files? Your signature? MEE dead forever, remember?"


"Oh yeah, right."


"You seem like your mind is in a different place"


"I would say that it is but in a way it isn't"


"You'd confuse a nation. Here's the papers, got a pen?"


"Uh yeah"


I went searching through a drawer, I imagined I saw more money, but after composing myself, it disappeared once again.


"Find one?"




I made my way back to the table, put the document on the desk, picked the pen up in my right hand, leaned down on the table and....


"Our debts.... They are only 2,000 right?"


"You say that like we have 2,000 dollars hiding away somewhere, but yes."


"I... uh"


I guess when something really matters, you put others before yourself, this was when I restored my faith, my faith in myself.


"I have 20 grand of savings, I can use it to save MEE, if you are up for it."


"You... You'd do that?"


"We did say we'd revolutionise the business. I don't think we've quite accomplished that quite yet."


"Todd... You don't have to do this."


"I do, I've done a lot of stupid sh!t in my life, letting MEE die when I have the means to save them will not be added to that list?"


"That money probably won't last long"


"I'll make sure it does."


"By the time I'm 40, MEE will be the biggest phenomonon in professional wrestling, I promise you that"


Modern Edgy Entertainment, will live on, til death do us part.

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So that means this diary isn't shutting down after all?


Just got caught up on the diary a couple days ago and I must say I love the backstage segments as we see The Hype try to redeem himself. Great work. :D


No, the diary is not shutting down. Kinda disappointed it came across like that. Oh well, you live you learn.


Thanks for the support and kind comments. Todd is far from perfect and I thought that this should be explored. Just came to me one time I was playing the CV97 mod.

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MEE Under Pressure


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment and Under Pressure. I'm Rhys Woods and I will be your announcer for this evening. We have a huge match ups tonight. High Tensions returns to MEE as Tom Gilmore, Eclipse, Black Eagle and Mario Heroic battle to win the MEE Cruiserweight title. Also, Union Jack and Jake Sloan will battle for the very last time in one of the most unusual of stipualtion, a Flag Submission match. However, more on that later.



Match 1: Roger the Dodger v Skeeter


• Roger and Skeeter are slow to start with Roger just avoiding all kinds of contact.

• However, once Skeeters back is turned, Roger blindsides him, hitting an axe handle on the top of his head.

• Skeeter tries his best to counter Roger’s attack but can’t, before Roger hits a swift right hand followed by DDT to Skeeter.

• Roger tries for a leg drop but misses, as Skeeter is up and smashing Roger with right hands.

• Skeeter then looks for a suplex, but Roger is able to poke Skeeter in the eye to escape.

• Skeeter is momentarily dazed before Roger gets Skeeter in position and hits with a Cage Rage (Crossroads) and pins, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Roger Cage by pinfall in 9:35

Finishing Move: Cage Rage (Crossroads)

Rating: 20/ E-


Woods: Roger Cage gets his first win in MEE. I guess crime doesn't pay, well, at least until tonight.



Angle 1: Todd is owner?!


*Todd comes to the ring in a suit, with his Entourage close behind him*


Todd: I come to you here tonight as still the MEE World Heavyweight champion. But you see it is different then when I was champion before, because you see now, now, I rule MEE. Don't believe me. I didn't expect you too, but you see I own MEE. I bought my shares so I could be the king, and I am the one and only king in MEE. There is absolutely nobody in the company who is greater than I, nobody who can over rule me, nobody to...




*At this point Preston Lockhart's music hits and Preston comes out onto the ramp*


Preston: Todd, you may have bought shares, but you only bought 10%. I still own the majority share in this company and while I'm here, you don't make the decisions. I do.


Todd: *chuckles* Oh, I know but you see Preston, I don't plan on you being here for too much longer.


Preston: Over my dead body.


Todd: *Smirking sadistically* That.... can be arranged.


Rating: 19/ E-


Woods: That got really dark really quickly. Oh man, what does Todd have planned now?



Match 2: Jocks and the Hound v The Rock Stars


• Johnny and Flex start in the ring, with Johnny taking control.

• Johnny is able to ground Flex to start with, doing all kinds of rest holds, before hitting a springboard dropkick to a seated Flex.

• J.J comes in, and setting a really high pace, using wicked kicks on Flex.

• It seems J.J is in control when Flex hits a nasty clothesline, which gives him the opportunity to tag in Black

• Black comes in raring to go hitting a German suplex and a side headlock to start with.

• J.J desperately tries to react Johnny but to no avail as Black grabs J.J’s leg and locks in an STF.

• J.J is able to reach the bottom ropes and Nathan tags in Flex.

• As Flex goes over to J.J, he gets a nasty upkick from J.J and J.J gets a hot tag to Johnny.

• Johnny comes flying in with a flying forearm and a neckbreaker

• Johnny knocks Black from the apron and Johnny is just measuring Flex

• Johnny then hits Rolling Suplexes and pins, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Rock Stars by pinfall in 10:02

Finishing Move: Rolling Suplexes

Rating: 30/ E+


Woods: Rock Stars get their second win in a row, unfortunately, the title are not around their waists.



Match 3: The Entourage v Richard Blood & Chris Bruins


• Bruins and Hart start in the ring as Hart no sells numerous punches from Hart.

• Hart then grabs Bruins and brings him into the corner, before slapping his chest so hard that the sound reverberates around the arena.

• Danny is then invited in, literally throwing Bruins around like a rag doll.

• However, eventually, out of instinct, Bruins hops up and hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) and the tide suddenly turns.

• Bruins tags in Blood and comes in to start stomping down on Danny.

• Danny fends off the big blows as he makes it back to his feet.

• Danny pushes Blood away as Blood comes storming back with a flying forearm.

• This actually knocks Danny off his feet and Blood goes to the top rope.

• Hart then starts to try and get Blood off but Bruins takes care of him with a springboard splash which knock both men to the floor outside.

• Danny turns around and is greeted by a Crossbody from Blood and pins, 1… 2…. 3.


Winner: Richard Blood & Chris Bruins by pinfall in 14:30

Finishing Move: Crossbody

Rating: 25/ E



Angle 2: Targets on their Backs.


Blood: It won't be a surprise to any of you to know, that we have targets on our backs.


Bruins: We are Todd's biggest challengers so everybody and anybody will be out for our blood.


Blood: But you see we don't care about that, we are willing to shed blood, sweat and tears to get Todd out of power


Bruins: And to get that title belt off his waist.


Blood: So Todd... The Entourage, you better get ready because we will get you away from the top of MEE.


Rating: 30/ E+


Woods: I don't want to say a thing, I have a horrible feeling that something bad is about to happen tonight. Anyway, to explain the Flag submission match. A Flag Submission match is like an I Quit match, the winner is decided when one of the wrestlers in so much pain they submit, but instead of saying I Quit they will say "insert nationality of winner here is the greatest". Once that is said the winner's country's flag is hung on the flag pole in the corner of the ring.



MEE US Title, Flag Submission Match

Match 4: Union Jack v Jake Sloan


• Jack and Jake go straight to their submission moves but neither can get even close to locking it in.

• Jack then takes control with an arm drag followed by a clothesline.

• Jack then grabs Jake’s arm but cannot get him in position as Jake counters it into a side walk slam.

• Jake tries to get the Full Nel-Sloan (Full Nelson) locked in, which he does for a split second before a back headbutt by Jack makes release it.

• Jack then clotheslines to the outside.

• As the match may only end by submission, Jack decides that weapons could be key and grabs a chair.

• However, Jake has gotten a ladder from under the ring and charges at Jack, smashing the ladder into the chair and the chair into Jack’s face.

• We then see that Jack has been busted wide open, as Jake brings him back into the ring.

• Out of desperation, Jack hits a low blow and both men look to get their breath back

• Both men get up around the same time and Jake throws a punch, only for it to be countered by Jack into a Britannia Crossface (Crossface).

• Jack wrenches back on the neck of Jake and screams “ask him” to the ref.

• “No” is the answer as Jack wrenches back even further before Jake starts to scream “Britain is the greatest”

• Jack releases the hold, places the Union Jack flag up in the corner as the crowd boo like mental.


Winner: Union Jack by pinfall in 10:30

Finishing Move: Submission to Britannia Crossface (Crossface)

Rating: 31/ E+


Woods: I... I can't watch. Union Jack is so smug.. But the High Tensions match is up next. And you guys know the rules of that.



MEE Cruiserweight Title, High Tensions Match

Match 5: Mario Heroic v Black Eagle v Tom Gilmore v Eclipse


• All four men are eager to get the title as all four look to climb the ropes.

• However, Eclipse gets down and attacks the rest to prevent them from getting any further.

• He hits Eagle with a right hand as he falls to the outside.

• Gilmore has concentrated on Heroic as he hits a belly to belly suplex off the top rope.

• Eclipse follows Eagle to the outside as Eagle is able to turn the tides throwing Eclipse into the barricade.

• Gilmore is then seen throwing Heroic out of the ring, only for him to land on the apron.

• Eagle sees this pulling Heroic’s legs out from under him, causing Heroic’s face to smash off the apron

• Eagle then enters the ring, he and Gilmore put on quite a show, doing the fish out of water spot (countering a counter, that is countered and so on) before a stand off to a cheer from the crowd.

• We see Eclipse smash Heroic’s face off the barricade, which results in a crimson mask.

• Eclipse then looks to suplex Heroic through one of the tables that is set up on the outside, before Heroic counters it with a suplex into a facebuster which puts Eclipse through the table.

• We then see Eagle Irish whip Gilmore, but instead of going off the ropes he uses the extra momentum to suicide through the middle and top ropes and hits Heroic on the outside.

• Eagle is then in the ring alone and start to climb the ropes.

• He only makes it to the top rope as Gilmore is back up to stop him.

• Gilmore hits numerous vicious sounding strikes to Eagle’s head and back before joining him on the top rope.

• Gilmore takes a few seconds to set up a Super Angry Stunner (Stunner from top rope) and he connects with it.

• All four men are down as the crowd chant “This is awesome” in appreciation.

• Gilmore is slow to get up but is up first, he lifts up Eagle and drops him over the top rope onto both Heroic and Eclipse who were starting to make their way into the ring again.

• Gilmore is then in the clear to climb the ropes, make his way over to the centre and grab the title.


Winner: Tom Gilmore by Item Retrieval in 15:30

Finishing Move: Item Retrieval

Rating: 43/ D-




Angle 1: Todd gets the power


*After Preston Lockhart presents Tom Gilmore the MEE Cruiserweight title belt, he looks to make an announcement. However, he never gets the chance to as Todd Cusson and his Entourage come to the ring and begin to attack him. The attack is brutal, it even causes Preston to bust open, blood pisses out of Preston's head as the Entourage set a table up. Christopher Hart takes Preston to the top of the turnbuckle and powerbombs him through the table. The Entourage stand menacingly over his fallen bodies as the medics come out to attend to Preston. Preston is taken back stage in a stretcher as The Entourage marvel in their work


Rating: 25/ E


Show Rating: 32/ E+

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Event Standings

Kitarzu 5/5

Zergon 4/5

DevinTEW2013 4/5

Uncrewed 3/5


Kitarzu will receive his prize by PM.



Uncrewed 22/34

Zergon 21/30

Jaysin 21/29

Kitarzu 18/30

DevinTEW13 18/23

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5

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MEE Dictatorship


Flex v Condor

Going with the guy that I know better.


Danny Patterson v Chris Bruins

If Bruins wants to be the top challenger then he should get past henchman like Patterson (though that isn´t an easy feat :p).


Nathan Black v ???

Mystery man wins


Black Eagle v ???

Mystery man wins part II


Eclipse v Roger Dodger

Again, going with the guy that I know better.


Tom Gilmore v Union Jack

Tough one here. I guess titles aren´t on line but I go with Jack who I see being a bit higher on the ladders (for now).

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SWERVE! I'm not a poster in this thread but I like reading this one. Exceptionally well written and sort of a tragi/codemy...I like that.


Which swerve? There's quite a lot. :L.


Thanks for the kind comments. It's great that you are reading the dynasty and I really appreciate you taking The time comment. Thank you. :).

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Segment 26: The Shoot Interview with GDS.com




JM: Hello everybody, as you know, my name is Julio Martinez host of the interview podcast on GDS.com, all the news in wrestling, MMA, football and basketball. Today, we are focusing on wrestling and my guest today would be better known as The Hype, but now wrestles under his real name in Todd Cusson, welcome to the show Todd.




TC: Pleasure to be here.


JM: Now, if you don't know Todd has his own company called Modern Edgy Entertainment, which has been improving leaps and bounds every show. However before we get into all that stuff, and first of all, how are you?


TC: I'm doing okay. We've got our show done for this month now, so hopefully we can go full steam ahead to the next one.


JM: Obviously, MEE is going to be a very important part of this interview but before we go into that, I'd like to ask you a few personal questions and the first one is obvious, what inspired you to become a professional wrestler?


TC: I was always a wrestling fan, watching guys like Sam Strong, Rip Chord and Sam Keith when I was younger and I just knew that this is what I wanted to do. I didn't really expect for me to go straight into the biggest company in the world right off the bat and that was a bit daunting in all honesty.


JM: Speaking of that, how did you get in SWF?


TC: I had been working on very small indy shows and Mike Barstow saw me at a show, thought I had talent and got me into training in the SWF. I was in no means good enough in the ring but Mike had always said I had that X factor to become a star. He's always been one of my greatest plaudits, and essentially that's how I got in, Mike told Richard Eisen about me and next thing I was SWF's training facility.


JM: Do you have anything to say about your stint under Richard Eisen’s banner?


TC: It was a great opportunity and it had all been planned for me to win the North American title in a tournament on pretty much my first few matches. Mike was going to put me over clean in the final. Once Nemesis had announced to Richard that once his contract was out he was leaving, Rich then started making plans for when that happened. Of course, it would end up both Nemesis and I getting fired.


JM: What really happened there? There's been plenty of rumours and the fans would like to know.


TC: All the rumours you hear about me ODing in the locker room... are true. I had been addicted for some time. Everybody has their demons and this was my one. Luckily, I've been clean for awhile, pressures of booking don't exactly give you the chance to go off for "break" *chuckles*. A lot of friends have helped me through this tough period.


JM: Do you have still some friends in SWF?


TC: I would still like to think me and Mike are pretty good friends still. He checks in on me a few times a month, with a phone call or email. Me and Nemesis were pretty friendly too, but I feel that relationship is no more.


JM: Why is that?


TC: The first plan for the North American title was that I was going to beat Nemesis cleanly, and he wasn't too happy about that. I was in full agreement with him, there was no way I should have gone over Nemesis clean but I wasn't going to go up against Rich Eisen to change the booking, he'd have buried me then, with Rich, it's his way, or the highway. Luckily in MEE, we don't have that. There's creative ideas in from everybody and I take that into account when booking.


JM: Speaking about MEE, that stand for Modern Edgy Entertainment for those didn’t know about it, what’s the idea behind this project?


TC: It was all about putting everthing that is niche in wrestling right now into the product. We have that fast paced in ring style, paired with hardcore tendencies and of course, promos and interviews to keep people interested. We wanted to start a revolution, to give the world of wrestling something new and fresh, and although we don't get many fans at our show, there is never a fan that leaves the MEE arena unhappy with the show.


JM: There’s rumors about an unstable MEE financial situation. Anything to say?


TC: We are struggling right now yes, but hopefully we can turn it around. I mean it's hard, it's obvious we'll have to trim the roster but who gets the cut and how do you do it? It's an all round mess right now, but we'll fix it, and MEE will live on, I bet my life on that.


JM: What about the agreement with DaVE?


TC: This is simply a working agreement, we don't get any money off DAVE, but we never expected that. We didn't make good enough business decisions at the start and we are paying for it, but as I said we'll turn it around.


JM: How about the relationships with the other American small and regional companies?


TC: Uh, we haven't really got any. Most of those promotions don't need to pair up with other promtions, especially with somebody like us.


JM: Moving away from MEE for a moment, what do you think of HGC? Do you think they would be a real competitor for SWF?


TC: I've only watched bits and pieces of it but they seem to have a solid foundation with Sam Strong and Rip Chord headlining, but they'll need to build up guys if they want ot last as competitors, Ricky Dale Johnsons and Liberty have potential to be big stars, lets just hope they do the right thing and build them up so they can survive.


JM: You’re MEE’s Big League Star, the MEE World Heavyweight Champion and last month you revealed to be one of the owners. How do you deal with the pressure of being the face of your company and one of its investors?


TC: I don't. *Chuckles* Thats when I fall into a lull if you catch my drift. I just can't help myself. Maybe I should cut the load for myself but I mean MEE has plenty of talent so whether I am there or not, there will always be a good show.


JM: You fought plenty of talented wrestlers in MEE, who’s in your challengers list?


TC: Anybody I can, I want to wrestle everybody I can, so both I and my opponent can improve. I don't think it really matters who faces across from you when that bell rings.


JM: Last month it was also the end of a successful tournament for the newly Cruiserweight Title, crowning Tom Gilmore as the first champion. Do you think these guys will be competing at the same prestige level as the Heavyweight division?


TC: Of course, yes. The High Tensions match itself was all about the cruiserweights in mind, and we have used that for an MEE World Heavyweight title shot as well so, just because they are in that division doesn't mean they aren't as important as the rest of us.


JM: Where did High Tensions idea come from?


TC: I stole it off a friend of mine called Jaysin. *Chuckles* Even to this day, Preston still thinks he thought of the match.


JM: In MEE there’s a strong core of international workers, in particular coming from the United Kingdom. Do you plan to bring more?


TC: Not right now, no. We need to sort out the financial situation before we go hiring more guys right now. But we are more than happy to have a British contingent in our ranks


JM: Aside the gorgeous Emma Chase, do you plan to have more women on your shows?


TC: Again, the financial situation would say no, but a womens division was always an idea me and Preston had. If we ever get the funds to support it, you can bet there will be a womens division in MEE. In terms of female managers, I do think we are a bit short on managers right now. And I have been looking around, but if the price isn't right, we can't pull the trigger.


JM: What do you think will the next MEE superstar?


TC: Tough question. I think anybody on our roster can make it big in the industry. If I had to say Tom Gilmore, Union Jack and Richard Blood would be my picks, but anybody could potentially break out.


JM: What’s next for MEE?


TC: Hopefully financial stabability, before we start to truly begin building into a promotion that can challenge the big guys. And essentially, that is the plan, become a big player in this game. I mean if MEE folds, i'm just going to be lying in bed all day, and we can't have that. *Smiles*


JM: In the end, what’s in Todd Cusson’s future?


TC: Hopefully, I can get MEE where I want it to be. In terms of my career, I don't really know. I'd like to continue to stay clean for one and build from there. That's the dream, we'll see how the reality of thngs turns out over the next few years.


JM: Great, well thats all we have time for this week, join us next week when football and the NFl will be out focus. I would like to thank Todd Cusson for joining me today and wish him the very best for his future. From me Julio Martinez and everybody at GDS.com, we wish you a goodbye and have a nice day.

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MEE Dictatorship


Woods: Hello everybody, and welcome to Modern Edgy Entertainment and the Dictatorship has begun, with Preston being out injured, Tom Cusson is now in charge. I'm Rhys Woods and I will be your announcer for this evening.



Angle 1: Gilmore and Cusson Promo


Gilmore: Todd, you may be the man in charge tonight but not for long. I am going to be here, waiting for you in the centre of the ring. That is all I'm waiting for, you and me in this ring 1 on 1.


*Todd and his Entourage behind him come out from behind the curtain*


Todd: Look Gilmore, it's great that you are the cruiserweight champ and all but that is nothing compared to my title. I am the MEE Heavyweight champion of the world and you are absolutely nothing compared to me. Both me and my boys behind me will be more than happy to f*ck you up right now.




*Todd and his Entourage start to walk to the ring, but Gilmore is joined by Chris Bruins and Richard Blood in the ring who entered from the crowd.*


Gilmore: Looks like I have back up for your little stable, we're ready.


Todd: Pfft, as much as I would love to destroy you right now, I don't want to take Union Jack win away from him, so how about you get ready for that. But remember, I own this company... Just keep that in the back of your brain.


Rating: 30/ E+



Match 1: Flex v Condor


• The match starts off slow, with Condor trying to use kicks to unsettle Flex but he is able to dodge them easily

• Flex hits a nice clothesline followed by a shoulder block, Condor is back on his feet quickly though, only to be knocked back down by a drop kick.

• Flex is tries to ground Condor but Condor’s submission knowledge is way better and he is able to escape with relative ease.

• Flex however, is able to hit an inziguri and takes control again.

• Flex measures Condor, hits the The Show (Fisherman’s suplex) and pins, 1……. 2……… 3.


Winner: Flex by pinfall in 5:06

Finishing Move: The Show (Fisherman’s suplex)

Rating: 32/ E+


Woods: Wow, Flex gets a great win over Condor here tonight.



Angle 2: Chase taunts Bruins


*Emma Chase is in an office dealing with wrestler problems but continues to heel out on each of them until Bruins comes in*


Chase: What the hell do you want, Bruins?


Bruins: Chris Hart... I've had enough.


Chase: Are we stating to break down Bruins?


Bruins: No. I will never break down. I've had enough of you and your buddies.


Chase: Well, we ain't going anywhere. Bruins now get ready for your defeat. It's up next. Now get out of here.


Rating: 22/ E



Match 2: Chris Bruins v Danny Peterson


• Danny starts the match very strong, dominating the opening exchanges.

• A right hand followed by a spinebuster by Danny sets the tone early on.

• Luckily for Bruins, he gets a break when he connects with a kick to Danny’s leg which drops him to the mat.

• Bruins stomps down on Danny, keeping up the offense on him

• Eventually Danny gets back to a vertical base but is still down in on one knee. Bruins takes this opportunity to hit a shining wizard, again knocking Danny to the mat.

• Bruins then climbs the ropes but takes too long as Danny is up and throws him off the turnbuckle.

• Bruins gets straight up though, selling his back and turns straight into Danny’s hand as he wraps it around Bruins’ throat looking for a chokeslam.

• He lifts him up but Bruins counters it into a tornado DDT.

• Bruins is up quick as Danny gets up to one knee before Bruins hits a Bunny Hop (Pele Kick) and pins, 1… 2….. 3.


Winner: Chris Bruins by pinfall in 10:27

Finishing Move: Bunny Hop (Pele Kick)

Rating: 20/ E-



Angle 3: Destruction


*With Bruins winning, it isn't long before Christopher Hart who runs down to the ring and takes out Bruins*




* However, its not long before the Rock Stars are running to the ring. Unfortunately, Hart deals with them easily as well. Hart then stands menacingly in the ring*


Rating: 21/ E-


Woods: Holy god, Chris Hart just destroyed everybody in the ring. Man, The Entourage are the ruling the world.



Match 3: Nathan Black v ???


• Nathan Black stands in the ring waiting for his opponent.




• It’s not long before Sammy Bach shows up from behind the curtain

• Sammy and Black start the match at a brisk pace exchanging right hand after right hand.

• Sammy then takes control, hitting a short armed clothesline followed by a back breaker.

• Black however, counters a headlock into a German suplex as both men try to regain their breath.

• Black is up first but is met with right hands from Sammy who hasn’t quite made it to his feet yet.

• Black then hits a swift DDT and again both men are grounded.

• Black looks for the Black Dog Down (Boston Crab) but Sammy prevents him from locking it in fully.

• Sammy pushes Black away and is up swiftly and hits a Cool as a Cucumber (STO) and pins, 1…. 2….. 3.



Winner: Sammy Bach by pinfall in 9:39

Finishing Move: Cool as a Cucumber (STO)

Rating: 27/ E


Woods: Sammy Bach comes into MEE and gets a great win.



Angle 4: Challenge


Sammy: I am here in MEE, man. And there is only one man I am gunning for bro. That would be Union Jack. Jack, I am ready for you, dude, ready to be the US champion and give this country a true champion.


Jack: Look Sammy, you aint in my f*cking league. You don't deserve a title shot. Screw you, ar*ehole, Im not your dude. I am the evolution of wrestling. You are but a spec on a massive windscreen, a mere bug on the windscreen and soon enough, I'll wipe you off.


Rating: 28/ E



Match 4: Black Eagle v ???


• Eagle waits in the ring for his opponent




• Inky the Squid Boy is who appears from around the curtain

• Eagle starts off strong with a clothesline followed by standing moonsault.

• Eagle stomps down on Inky, and hits vicious kicks to the head

• Inky gets up using the ropes and Eagle runs towards him but Inky ducks and Eagle flies to the outside.

• Inky is in the ring as the ref is counting, he then does a springboard splash to the outside.

• Inky is back in the ring first, Eagle is slow to get in the ring after him, but Inky now has control

• Inky goes off the rope and looks for a clothesline but Eagle ducks and hits a New Jersey Turnpike (Angel’s Wings) and pins, 1…. 2…….. 3.



Winner: Black Eagle by pinfall in 10:30

Finishing Move: New Jersey Turnpike (Angel’s Wings)

Rating: 42/ D


Woods: Inky loses here tonight. Unfortunately, Black Eagle is stating his claim for a chance at the MEE Cruiserweight.



Match 4: Eclipse v Roger Dodger


• Roger and Eclipse start the match circling the ring before Eclipse goes to attack him but Roger ducks under the ropes and the ref separates the two.

• Roger then comes back into the ring and they circle again.

• They lock up and Roger backs Eclipse into the corner and hits a cheap shot.

• Roger continues to hit right hands to Eclipse and then whips him into the other corner

• Roger struts over to Eclipse, but Eclipse hops up and hits a belly to belly suplex

• Eclipse then hits a dropkick to Roger in the corner

• Roger then rolls out of the ring to rest for a bit

• Eclipse then follows him out and hits a clothesline

• Eclipse throws Roger back in the ring and Eclipse measure Roger

• Eclipse tries for a suplex but Roger counter it with elbows but Eclipse then is able to hit a Total Eclipse (Fireman’s Carry into Cutter) and pins him, 1…… 2…… 3.


Winner: Eclipse by pinfall in 14:49

Finishing Move: Total Eclipse (Fireman’s Carry into Cutter)

Rating: 36/ D-


Woods: Oh my word what a match.



Match 5: Tom Gilmore v Union Jack


• Jack and Tom start the match face to face with Jack hits a cheap shot to the gut of Tom

• Jack hits a clothesline and elbow drop on Tom

• Jack tries to finish the match quickly but Tom hits a thesz press.

• Tom stomps a mudhole on Jack in the corner before hitting a vicious knee to the chest of Jack.

• Tom waits for Jack to get up but Jack rolls out of the ring

• Tom follows him and hits two wicked right hands and looks to whip Jack into the barricade but Jack counters it and Tom smacks into the barricade

• Jack rolls back into the ring and the ref continues to count.

• Tom gets back into the ring at 9 and Jack starts to hit stomps on Tom, then goes off the rope but Tom is able to hit a clothesline to counter as both men drop to the mat

• Tom is up first and measures Jack but Jack counter Tom pushing him into the ropes and looks the Revolution in Evolution (Cutter) but Tom counters with a knee into Jacks back.

• Jack then turns around and hits a Angry Stunner (Stunner) and pins, 1…. 2…… 3.



Winner: Tom Gilmore by pinfall in 15:21

Finishing Move: Angry Stunner (Stunner)

Rating: 34/ E+



Angle 5: Gilmore gets beat down


*After Gilmore wins, The Entourage run to the ring and take out Gilmore. They attack Gilmore with Union Jack joining in. They spend a few minutes beating him down*




*However, Gilmore is then helped by Richard Blood and Vhris Bruins who show up with chairs and clear the ring.*


Rating: 16/ F+



Angle 6: Todd's Rules


Todd: Tom Gilmore..... No.1 contender..... I don't think so.


Rating: 29/ E


Show Rating: 30/ E+

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Event Standings

Kitarzu 5/6

Uncrewed 4/6

Zergon 3/6



Kitarzu will receive his prize by PM.



Uncrewed 26/40

Zergon 24/36

Kitarzu 23/36

Jaysin 21/29

DevinTEW13 18/23

Jaded 10/19

KnowYourEnemy 5/9

Midnightnick 5/10

3rdStringPG 3/5


MEE Rivals Collide


Flex v ???


Sammy Bach & Inky the Squid Boy v Daniel Cano & Mario Heroic


Chris Bruins v Roger Dodger


MEE Cruiserweight Title

Tom Gilmore v Black Eagle


MEE US Title,

Union Jack v Richard Blood

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I know it´s CV97 and not present day but boy does it feel odd to see Inky being one half of the match of the night with the likes of Gilmore, Rogue and Bach running around in your roster. :p


Flex v ???

I´m guessing it´s another new signings so I´m thinking of debut win here.


Sammy Bach & Inky the Squid Boy v Daniel Cano & Mario Heroic

With Bach challenging Jack in last show, I would guess he´s higher on the card than Cano or Heroic.

Chris Bruins v Roger Dodger

If Roger couldn´t get past Eclipse, I doubt he has much shot against Bruins either.


MEE Cruiserweight Title

Tom Gilmore v Black Eagle

Should be a good match but it´s too early for Gilmore to drop the belt so he retains.


MEE US Title,

Union Jack v Richard Blood

I guess that Jack vs. Bach for the belt will happen and in order for that to happen, Jack needs to win this one.

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