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WCW 1996: The Last Ride of The Cowboy

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WCW Presents Saturday Night for Week 1 of May 1996

Live from the Grady Cole Center in front of 2,998 fans!

With your WCW Announcers Eric Bischoff, Mike Tenay, and Bobby Heenan


Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long defeated Public Enemy


This match featured a number of brutal high impact moves and a lot more brawling than a typical WCW match. The match ended with Scott Norton landing a brutal power bomb on Rocco Rock and making the pin as Ice Train brawled with Johnny Grunge on the outside.


Woman is his ex-wife!


Chris Benoit and Woman are walking backstage when Kevin Sullivan grabs Benoit from behind. Sullivan starts assaulting Benoit as Woman screams for help. As Sullivan continues the assault he is heard screaming “Nancy didn't leave me, you stole her you punk!” several times. Woman, whom the announcers identify as Nancy Benoit the wife of Chris Benoit and ex-wife of Kevin Sullivan, pushes Kevin stopping his assault. Kevin is ready to deck Woman when Chris tackles him to the floor and starts pounding on him. As Benoit is unloading on Sullivan security finally arrives and separates the two to the astonishment of the announcing team.


Disco Inferno defeated Mr. JL


This was a fast paced match with many reversals and missed high risk moves. It ended when Disco was able to land a Chart Buster on Mr. JL and make the pin.


Duggan introduces The Real American Heroes


Jim Duggan, Cobra, and Maj. Craig Pittman walk out to the ring to a slightly altered American National Anthem. The crowd begins a USA chant as Duggan riles them up on the way to the ring. When the three get inside Duggan grabs a microphone and begins to speak.


Jim Duggan: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Listen up tough guys. On Monday Nitro I lost a hard fought match to Diamond Dallas Page and it made me realize that my days of defending old glory in the ring were coming to a close. Now, I know this flag can survive whatever is thrown at her, but I think she could still use a little protecting. So, in order to insure that the U S of A has the heroes it needs I've taken these two tough guys under my wings. From this day forward Cobra and Maj. Craig Pittman are The Real American Heroes! And anyone who tries to mess with the red, white, and blue will have to go through all three of us first! HoooooooOOOOOOOO!


The Real American Heroes defeated Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick


This was a hard hitting match with a crowd clearly behind the newly formed Real American Heroes. The announcers noted that Jim Duggan may have found new life in the wrestling business as a manager. The match ended when Cobra applied a Cobra Clutch to Dick Slater and Slater tapped out.


Return of the Outsider


After a brief commercial break the announcers claim that WCW was sent a tape from The Outsider Scott Hall and despite objections from nearly everyone in Turner Broadcasting as well as Ted Turner himself, Bill Watts has decided to let it air.


The screen goes black for a second, but when it returns we see Scott Hall sitting outside of a café' with the Statue of Liberty clearly behind him. He looks at the camera and begins to speak.


Scott Hall: Well, IF those suits in [southern hick accent] WCW [normal voice returns] decide to let this air then let me just say that you all just might have half a pair of stones after all chico. As you can see I am clearly here in the capitol of wrestling, New York City! Don't worry though, because this coming Monday IF you dare to air another little Nitro then me and my big friend, we're going to come on down and pay the show a little visit. And if anyone from the WCW want to get in our way, then we will run them over New York style chico. In fact, why don't you guys get a team of your best wrestlers and me and the big man will slap the taste out of their mouths live in that ring?


[/i]The video ends and the announcers can not believe what they have just saw. They begin to name several wrestlers under WCW contracts that could face and shut up this Outsider and any friend he brings to Nitro before another commercial break is taken.[/i]


V. K. Wallstreet defeated Billy Kidman


This match pit speed versus technique and despite Billy Kidman getting in some good offense he couldn't contend with the experience of Wallstreet. The announcers noted that Kidman would have fit right in with the old WCW Light Heavyweight division and maybe Bill Watts should bring it back. The match ended when Wallstreet landed a Stock Market Crash on Kidman and made the pin.


An etiquette lesson


The Blue Bloods all come to the ring amid boos and chants of USA. When they enter the ring Lord Steven Regal is handed a microphone and he begins to address the crowd.


Lord Steven Regal: I have not seen such a large group of unwashed, uncouth, ill manner toe rags since passing through the streets of your nations capitol on the way to meet with your president on behalf of my Queen. You people believe that you won your freedom from England after the revolutionary war, but the truth is we no longer wanted such rabble a part of the greatest nation on Earth. To demonstrate English superiority Earl Robert Eaton and myself shall defeat your American Males on the next episode of Monday Nitro and you will see what can be achieved when you stop acting like commoners and start acting like an Englishman.


Earl Robert Eaton: Look at yourselves. Once upon a time I was as uncouth as all of you are, yet unlike you people I decided to do something about it. This coming Monday you will all witness first hand what happens when you toss of your shackles of American pride and culture and embrace the greatest nation on God's green Earth, England.


The Faces of Fear defeated the American Males


This match was a brutal one sided affair that saw The Faces of Fear destroy the American Males. The announcers commented on the fact that the American Males would be easy pickings for The Blue Bloods on Monday IF they survived the brutal beating at the hands of the Faces of Fear. The match ended with The Barbarian landing a brutal Kick of Fear on Scotty Riggs before making the pin.


Hulk Hogan's new movie!


We are treated to a brief video of clips of Hulk Hogan's latest movie Santa With Muscles. We see scenes featuring Ed Begly Jr. playing a mad scientist, Hulk Hogan beating up inept henchmen dressed as Santa, and a young Mila Kunis looking at Hulk Hogan as Santa in awe. After the clips play the announcers do their best to put the movie over as a future holiday classic.


Lex Luger defeats The Mauler to retain the WCW TV Championship


This match was completely one sided with Lex Luger dominating The Mauler from start to finish. The announcers note that Luger picked a weak opponent simply to fulfill his title defense obligations as he is focused on keeping the Tag Titles with his buddy Sting. The match ended after Luger put The Mauler in a Torture Rack of Doom and The Mauler tapped out.


The Champ is here!


After the last commercial break Lanny Poffo and The Giant are in the ring. Lanny Poffo has a microphone and begins to address the crowd.


Lanny Poffo: Randy, have you had time to let the hopelessness of your situation sink in yet? This is the biggest athlete in the world and no one has a mind that could match my genius. You might have earned a WCW World Title shot but you almost received an early retirement notice. No one can defeat this man on his own so what makes you think you can do it with me driving the tank?

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WCW Presents Monday Nitro for Week 2 of May 1996


Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero

The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work

Kurasawa VS The Renegade

The American Males VS The Blue Bloods

Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]

Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


The Outsider Hall says he has a big surprise for WCW

Hulk Hogan will make an appearance

Diamond Dallas Page has words for US Champion Konnan

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]



Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]



Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]



Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]



Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]



Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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Chris Benoit VS Eddy Guerrero



The Steiner Brothers VS Men at Work



Kurasawa VS The Renegade



The American Males VS The Blue Bloods



Sting VS Jimmy Harts Hand Picked “Hitman” [New Hire to WCW]

Comment: I'm positive it won't be as Bret as you're trying to make it sound, but I think Jimmy's new gun will win to put him over.


Randy Savage VS Big Bubba Rogers


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for Week 2 of May 1996

Live from the Lawrence Joel Coliseum in front of 13,951 fans!

With your WCW Announcers Eric Bischoff, Mike Tenay, and Bobby Heenan



That is one BIG surprise!


Monday Nitro kicks off with the announcers going over the matches for the night when The Outsider Scott Hall walks out of the crowd and in to the announcers area. Eric Bischoff gets up and confronts Hall.


Eric Bischoff: [to Scott Hall] I don't want any trouble with you here, now. But I do have to point out, you came out here last week. Where is it? The big surprise. I mean, I've heard a lot of talk, but where's the walk?


[Hall points behind Bischoff, where Kevin Nash has appeared, having walked out of the crowd on the opposite side of the announcer area.]


Eric Bischoff: What? I'm here. Where is he?


[Nash grabs Bischoff, spins him around, and grabs the microphone]



Kevin Nash: You've been sitting out here for weeks running your mouth. This is where the big boys play, huh? Look at the verb... play. We ain't here to play. Now he said last week that he was gonna bring somebody out here. I'm here. You still don't have your two people. And you know why? Because nobody wants to face us. This show's about as interesting as Marge Schott reading excerpts from "Mein Kampf"!


Eric Bischoff: No trouble here tonight Kevin. Speak your piece and...


Kevin Nash: Yeah, no trouble 'cause you know I'll kick your teeth down your throat. Where's your two guys? What, you couldn't get a paleontologist to get a couple of these fossils cleared? You ain't got enough guys off of dialysis machine to get a team? Yeah, where's Hogan? Where's Hogan? Out doing another episode of "Blunder in Paradise"? Where's the Macho Man, huh? Doing some Slim Jim commercial? Hey, we're here. You wanna say something?


Eric Bischoff: [taking the mic] Look, I don't have the authority for right here, right now. You wanna fight? Well, your fight isn't with me. You want two guys? Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, Bill Watts is going to be in Atlanta, he'll be in the offices of WCW, he'll try and get you your fight. And you know what? Live, Sunday May 29 in Baltimore, Slamboree, you guys wanna show up? You wanna fight? You show up, I'll see if I can get a message to Bill Watts to give you your fight.


[Nash grabs the mic back]


Kevin Nash: [to Hall] I don't know about you, but hey, they love us in Baltimore.


Scott Hall: Hey. Hey, big man, I say me and you, we be at Slamboree, maybe these punks wanna fight.


Kevin Nash: Yeah....but first I say we deliver a message to Watts ourselves!


Scott Hall: I hear ya Nash buddy....


Hall nails Bischoff in gut causing him to double over. Nash then grabs Eric and tosses him off the announcers are and through a nearby table.


Kevin Nash: Bring what you got! The measuring stick just changed around here, pal. You're looking at it.


Scott Hall: And until we get our fight in the ring, we gonna fight whoever we find wherever we find them!


Security is on the scene in moments but Hall and Nash take off through the crowd as Eric Bischoff is looked after by medical staff. Mike Tenbay and Bobby Heenana are stunned as WCW Monday Nitro goes to commercial.




Before the match started Tony Schiavone came out to replace the injured Eric Bischoff. The match was a fast paced contest between two of WCW's rising stars. Chris Benoit nearly beat Eddy Guerrero after a flying head butt, but the Canadian Crippler was distracted by Kevin Sullivan getting in the face of Woman. Chris Benoit went outside and confronted Sullivan getting himself counted out in the process.


Eddy Gurerrero defeated Chris Benoit w/Woman


Deal with it....Horsemen style!



After the break we see Ric Flair and Arn Anderson confronting Chris Benoit in the back about his recent loss to Eddy Guerrero.


Ric Flair: What the hell was that out there? You're supposed to be a horsemen. Losing to a guy like Eddy Guerrero isn't just unacceptable it's downright embarrassing! And not just to you Chris, but to myself, Arn, and the entire Horsemen legacy. You need to handle your problem with Kevin Sullivan so we can get on with Horsemen business.


Arn Anderson: It's real simple son. You need to decide what matters more to you. Being part of the most elite unit in professional wrestling, or the leftovers off of Sullivan's plate. [Chris is visibly upset by these words] No hold on a minute boy, don't get yourself all worked up over a little hard truth. Now what you need to do...


Chris Benoit: What I NEED to do is handle MY business. What you and Ric need to do is step out of my way and allow me to do just that. Just know that being a Horsemen is the greatest honor I have ever received, but Woman is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. If you really want me to choose between her and you two...well, you guys will lose each and every time!


Benoit storms off as Arn and Ric exchange glances.




This was a one sided affair as The Steiner Brothers dominated Men at Work. Mark Starr took the brunt of the beating, with Chris Kanyon the only member of his team to get in any offense. The match came to a merciful end when Rick Steiner landed a Bulldog on Mark Starr before making the pin.


The Steiner Brothers defeated Men at Work


It's the US Title not the Mexican Title monkey boy!



When Nitro comes back from break we are told that Diamond Dallas Page sent in a very special video, which begins to play. In the video we see Page standing outside of the Lincoln Memorial looking smug as ever.


Diamond Dallas Page: Konnan, monkey boy, pay attention. You see, that title around your waist represents America, not the land of sombreros and cucarachas. At Slamboree I'm not only going to take that belt back on behalf of all my fellow Americans, I'm going to insure no one with a green card ever has a shot at winning it again! One last thing, make sure you clean that belt up, I don't want any bean and cheese burrito stains.




This match was classic back and forth, with Kurasawa getting lots of outside help from Sonny Onoo. Renegade was treated with general disinterest from the crowd as many were still disappointed he wasn't the “ultimate partner” many expected him to be. The match ended after The Renegade naile Kurasawa with a running power slam.


The Renegade defeated Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo


Whatcha Gonna Do Brotha?



Nitro returned from another commercial break to find Hulk Hogan inside the ring with microphone in hand. The crowd was going nuts as Hogan did his classic posing before he decided to silence the crowd and speak.


Hulk Hogan: Listen up Hulkamaniacs because what I have to say will no doubt shake WCW to its very core. You see, ever since I said I was going to regain the WCW World Title my phone has been ringing non-stop. Well, to tell you the truth brothers, the Hulkster's phone is always ringing with offers to do movies and TV shows. However, in this case people wanted to know what I though about those two upstarts The Outsiders. Well Brothers, those two couldn't lace up the Hulkster's boots! In fact, just about any two guys in WCW on their worse day could take those guys in a fight. And just so there is no confusion, Hall, Nash...whatcha gonna do when The Hulkster and a partner run wild on you? You boys had better be careful what you wish for in the future because you just might get my size ten boot upside your scrawny necks! Now then, tonight my buddy Randy is going to face Big Bubba Rogers in the main event but if that big goof The Giant and Lanny Poffo decide they want to come down to the ring...well, they're gonna have twenty four inch pythons to deal with!




This match was a close contest between two teams of near equals. In the end the speed and power of youth could not keep up with the wisdom and experience of age as The Blue Bloods managed to eek pass the American Males. The match ended with Scotty Riggs tapping out to a Regal Stretch as Earl Robert Eaton and Marcus Bagwell traded blows outside the ring.


The Blue Bloods defeated The American Males


Stay away from us!!



Kevin Sullivan is walking around the back area when out of nowhere Chris Benoit and Woman come out of nowhere and Chris assaults him. The attack is quick and brutal with Kevin being left buried under a nearby soda machine. As Benoit and Woman leave we see Woman briefly look back at Kevin's prone body.




Before this match began there was a lot of speculation as to who exactly would be Sting's opponent, with no one even considering The Beast from the East. When Jimmy Hart came out with Bam Bam the crowd was in awe. The match was hard hitting with Sting being on the defensive more than he has ever been. The match ended with Bam Bam getting DQ'ed after Jimmy Hart ordered him to put Sting out and Bam Bam grabbing Sting's Tag Title belt and smacking the Stinger across the skull with it. Bam Bam nailed Sting a few more times as the announcers speculated this was part of Jimmy Hart's plan to make the Faces of Fear the new tag team champions.


Sting defeated Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart




This match was almost all Savage as Bubba seemed out of his league. Savage looked to end things early with a Flying Elbow Drop but the referee was distracted by the appearance of Lanny Poffo. Randy nailed Lanny with a big right hand knocking his brother off the ring apron and onto the concrete floor, however this distraction allowed Bubba to attack Savage from behind and turn the tide in his favor. Savage was eventually able to regain control of the match but Lanny once more distracted the referee. Savage became frustrated at the antics of his brother but before he could get his hands on Lanny once more The Giant appeared from out of the back and Choke Slammed Savage on the concrete, the ref calling for the bell and the DQ win for Randy.


Randy Savage defeated Big Bubba Rogers


This is what I'm gonna do!



As Nitro was set to go off the air the announcers wondered why Hogan didn't live up to his promise to help Randy in the event of an appearance by The Giant and Lanny Poffo. Just as Heenan was about to call Hogan a coward Mike Tenay was given word that Hogan was found laid out in the back. Nitro went off the air with security footage of Hulk Hogan lying on the floor in the back of the arena as a mystery man walked away from the scene.

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for Week 2 of May 1996



The American Males VS Men At Work



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko



Billy Kidman VS El Gato



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe


Kevin Sullivan speaks about his ex-wife Woman

We get an update on the conditions of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


The American Males VS Men At Work



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko



Billy Kidman VS El Gato



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe


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The American Males VS Men At Work



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko



Billy Kidman VS El Gato



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

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Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


The American Males VS Men At Work



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark

Comment:A squash match


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko

Comment:unless Sullivan somehow causes trouble


Billy Kidman VS El Gato



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright

Comment:Das Wunderkind gets the win


The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe


Really would like to see the Barbarian kick the Booty Mans head off ,but with Brother Bruti being besties with the Hulkster The Booty Man will probably get the win

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Great job on Nitro, really enjoyed the show! The only thing I could think to advise you to add would maybe be letting us know the ratings for segments, and the TV ratings for the Monday night war. Anyways, on to Saturday Night!


The American Males VS Men At Work

Comment: Kanyon needs a makeover, ASAP.


“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark

Comment: Oooo, didn't know you had Clark around. Awesome, have always been a fan of his.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko

Comment: Wow, Benoit has a lot of friends around... tho he did just tell the Horsemen to F off.


Billy Kidman VS El Gato

Comment: Kidman skins the gato.


Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy

Comment: Meh on both accounts.


Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright

Comment: This isn't 1994, Disco takes the win.


The State Patrol VS High Voltage

Comment: State Patrol never win.


Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael

Comment: I would rather see it go Hugh's way, but Steve has potential as a big beast if you use him right.


The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

Comment: Not sure why, but I'm really feeling Barbarian for this one.

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The American Males VS Men At Work

Comment: still cracking up at Bagwell's new real life job as a high-priced American Gigolo


“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko

Comment: turns into a handicap match - whether it's Sullivan or the Horsemen, Benoit is getting taken out leaving Dean on his own. Duggan's new team gets a much needed win so maybe they can chase the US title.


Billy Kidman VS El Gato

Comment: I like Kidman and hope he does well


Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy

Comment: Norton getting the monster push he never did in the US


Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright


The State Patrol VS High Voltage

Comment: neither team is much, so give the troopers their first ever win. lol


Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

Comment: beatdown - if his buddy Hogan doesn't come out to help him, Booty Man might not be too happy about it.

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The American Males VS Men At Work



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko


Billy Kidman VS El Gato



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

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Really loving this! The match write-ups are just the way I like them - quick to read but get the points across well - and the promos are superb.


The American Males VS Men At Work

Comment: I think the Males need the win after losing last time out.


“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark

Comment: I'm a big Clark fan, he should steamroll him here.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko

Comment: Benoit and Malenko have far more upside but guessing storyline may come into play here, with Sullivan getting involved and Flair and Arn being even more disgusted with Chris if he loses this one.


Billy Kidman VS El Gato

Comment: I like Kidman.


Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



The State Patrol VS High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

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Great job on Nitro, really enjoyed the show! The only thing I could think to advise you to add would maybe be letting us know the ratings for segments, and the TV ratings for the Monday night war.


Hope this shines a bit of light on the ratings war. The 2nd week will be handled much the same way, but week 3 on will have grades in the segments with a "Meanwhile on RAW/Superstars box"


WCW VS WWF Ratings & TEW.com Grade War

Week 1 May 1996

Shows/Overall Rating/ Total TV Rating

WCW Nitro 1 1/2hrs {A Show} 83{Win}/ 7.23 {Loss}


WWF Raw 2hrs {A Show} 79 {Loss}/7.24 {Win}


WCW Saturday Night 1 1/2hrs {B Show} 72 {Win}/.63 {Win}


WWF Superstars 2hrs {B Show} 65 {Loss}/.5 {Loss}

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for Week 2 of May 1996

Live from The Flickinger Center in front of 3,066 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan



The American Males VS Men At Work


This was a back and forth match with The American Males barely able to keep Men at Work at bay. The unique offense from Chris Kanyon came close to scoring the pinfall on more than one occasion and if it wasn't for Mark Starr falling for a huge DDT from Scotty Riggs and getting pinned the Men at Work may have pulled off the victory. During the match we also had the announcers inform us that Saturday Night was now a 2 hour show and that Nitro would also be 2 hours from now on.


The American Males defeated Men at Work


She'll be mine again!



We join Kevin Sullivan live from the Dungeon where he sits alone on the evil throne, looking angrily at the camera. After a few moments of silence Kevin speaks.


Kevin Sullivan: Benoit, do you think you are the first to tempt my lovely Woman? Do you think you are the first boy she has run off with? You are just another passing fancy that she will soon grow tire of and like always come running back to her true love. All I ever tried to do was shoten that process, but you have made things personal! So, I will no longer sit back and wait for her to grow tired of her shiny new boy toy. When our paths cross next you will be lying broken and scarred on the concrete floor then you will see what happens when her toys are no longer shiny. She will be mine again Benoit, the only thing you managed to do was shorten the time you two had together....[sullivan laughs maniacally as the scene fades out]



“Hardwork” Bobby Walker VS Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark


This was an extremely one sided match as Bryan Clark dominated Bobby Walker. Several times during the match Bryan Clark made a cover then helped Bobby Walker to his feet in order to continue the brutal beating. The match ended mercifully with Clark nailing Walker with a pump handle slam the announcers called The Last Rite.


Bryan “The Nightstalker” Clark defeated “Hardwork” Bobby Walker





Jim Duggan and The Real American Heroes come out to the ring waving US flags to a huge USA chant from the crowd. The Real American Heroes respectfully hold their flags up as Duggan is handed a microphone and hands his flag to a ring tech.


Jim Duggan: Boy does it feel good to be out here! Last week I took these two patriots under my wing and lead them to a victory over Col. Parker's pair of snakes. This week, I expect Old Glory to be waving once again as The Real American Heroes demonstrate why I picked them to lead the fight into the future. Hooooo!



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Benoit & Malenko


This was a back and forth match that saw several near fall from the Real American Heroes. The announcers were quick to note that the relatively new team of Pittman and Cobra were somehow able to keep up with the more experienced tag team of Benoit and Malenko. The finish of the match came when Benoit was able to hook Cobra in a Crippler Crossface and make him submit.


Benoit & Malenko defeated The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



Billy Kidman VS El Gato


In a match of speed versus experience, El Gato was able to use his ground techniques to keep Kidman out of the air and off his game. The announcers noted that El Gato is the only Japanese wrestler in WCW who does not have Sonny Onoo as a manager and wondered why that was the case. The finish came when El Gato delivered a Tiger Bomb to Kidman then made the pin.


El Gato defeated Billy Kidman


Can you feel the heat?



After a quick commercial break WCW Saturday Night came back to Eddy Guerrero in the ring with a microphone in hand. Eddy looked his usual jovial self as he addressed the crowd.


Eddy Guerrero: I know many of you are wondering why I am out here, so allow me to fill you all in. You see, I recently went to the doctor to have myself checked out and according to Doctor Ruiz I was about ten pounds under weight. Now, there are a lot of ways to gain weight I a quick amount of time but Eddy Guerrrero isn't about to pig out on burgers and fries or take a couple of “vitamins” esse vato. No, I figure the best way to add some weight was for me to win that WCW Television Championship! So Lex, whenever you and Sting get done playing patty cake why don't you let me get a crack at the TV title. After all, the people could use a champion with a little...Latino heat.



Fire & Ice VS Public Enemy


This was a rough match that featured much more punches and strikes than actual wrestling holds or moves. Public Enemy used their experience to keep the bigger, stronger Fire & Ice off their game, but that only delayed the inevitable. The finish came after Ice Train and Scott Norton nailed Rocco Rock with a lariat/chop block combo called Frozen Heat.


Fire & Ice defeated Public Enemy



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright


This match started off with an impromptu dance contest as Alex Wright and Disco Inferno both demonstrated dance moves that the other laughed at. After the crowd cheered Wright for the third time Disco Inferno attacked him and the match was underway. Disco used his size to keep the pressure on Alex Wright who was never able to fully recover from the sneak attack by Disco. The finish came when Disco landed a Chart Buster on Wright and made the pin.


Disco Inferno defeated Alex Wright


An update on the conditions of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff!



As a reply of the brutal assaults of both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are replayed we are informed that Hulk Hogan will be out for at least 3 months due to a severe concussion. Meanwhile, Erich Bischoff is expected to recover within four months but he has expressed no interest in returning to work. The announcers say it is a terrible tragedy to see Eric leave the business due to The Outsiders brutal assault, but that they fully understood his fears. The segment wrapped up with several ideas as to the identity of Hogan's attacker, with names like Big Bubba, Arn Anderson, and even Kevin Sullivan being tossed around.



The State Patrol VS High Voltage


The announcers noted that this was the debut match for the WCW Power Plant graduates High Voltage, and they expected big things from this team. High Voltage used their power to overwhelm State Patrol, but missed several opportunities to make pinfalls due to their lack of experience. Bobby Heenan expressed regret that a team as promising as this came along after he stopped managing wrestlers, as he could have taken them to the top. The finish of the match came after Lt. James Earl nailed Robbie Rage with a low blow behind the referee's back and made the pin as Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker attacked Kenny Kaos on the outside.


State Patrol defeated High Voltage



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael


In another match that was more brawling than wrestling, Steve McMichael demonstrated why he was such a tough competitor on the football field. Hugh Morrus was able to use his in ring experience to keep “Mongo” from dominating the match, but he was not able to contain the explosive tackles and shoulder blocks McMichael brought to the ring. The finish came after Steve McMichael ducked a lariat from Morrus then rebounded off the ropes and landed a devastating leaping shoulder block before making the pin.


Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael defeated Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart


Look at the faces of the next WCW Tag Team Champions...the Faces of Fear!



After the last commercial break of the night Jimmy Hart was in the ring with The Faces of Fear. Jimmy looked very pleased with himself despite the loss his client Hugh Morrus just suffered.


Jimmy Hart: Will you people please shut up and show the proper respect to your next WCW Tag Team Champions? [loud boos] Boo all you want, but the truth will not be denied. In fact, I am so confident that my men can defeat your heroes Sting and Lex Luger that I have asked for and have been granted one on one matches between The Faces of Fear and Sting & Luger. This coming Monday, Lex Luger will learn why Meng is the toughest man to ever step foot in this ring while Sting will come to discover why no man is more dangerous than The Barbarian! Now then, Sting I want you to watch closely as The Barbarian destroys The Booty Man because this will be your fate on Nitro. [Jimmy Hart laughs]



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe


The Barbarian was like a man possessed as he brutally beat The Booty Man from pillar to post. The Booty Man was only able to get some offense in thanks to a distraction from The Booty Babe, but that was short lived. The finish came after The booty Man missed his finisher the High Knee and was nailed with a Kick of Fear before being pinned.


The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart defeated The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

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WCW VS WWF Ratings & TEW.com Grade War

Week 2 May 1996

Shows/Overall Rating/ Total TV Rating

WCW Nitro 1 1/2hrs {A Show} 81{Win}/ 7.26 {Win}


WWF Raw 2hrs {A Show} 78 {Loss}/7.22 {Loss}


WCW Saturday Night 2hrs {B Show} 63 {Win}/.60 {Win}


WWF Superstars 2hrs {B Show} 59 {Loss}/.46{Loss}

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for Week 3 of May 1996



Lex Luger VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart



The Steiner Brothers VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri



Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart



The American Males VS Men at Work



The Renegade VS Chris Benoit



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Public Enemy



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor



The Nasty Boys VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo



Sting VS The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart



Randy Savage VS Dean Malenko


The Road Warriors return to Monday Nitro

Konnan responds to Diamond Dallas Page

Randy Savage promises a surprise!

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Lex Luger VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart



The Steiner Brothers VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri



Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart



The American Males VS Men at Work



The Renegade VS Chris Benoit



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Public Enemy



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor



The Nasty Boys VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo



Sting VS The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart



Randy Savage VS Dean Malenko


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Lex Luger VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart



The Steiner Brothers VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri



Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart



The American Males VS Men at Work



The Renegade VS Chris Benoit



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Public Enemy



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor



The Nasty Boys VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo



Sting VS The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart



Randy Savage VS Dean Malenko


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That sucks man, hope it won't take you long to get your things in order. I'll leave some predictions for whenever you can get back around to this one :)


Lex Luger

The Steiner Brothers

Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart

The American Males

Chris Benoit

The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Eddy Guerrero

The Giant w/Lanny Poffo


Randy Savage

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for Week 3 of May1996

Live from The Pyramid Arena in front of 15,115 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan



Lex Luger VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart


Before the bell rang on this match Meng was already on the attack. Luger struggled to overcome the pre-emptive strike by Meng, but eventually fought his way back to take the advantage. All looked lost for Meng until Jimmy Hart jumped on the ring apron and distracted Lex who would eventually turn away from Hart and right into a Tongan Death Grip and a loss.


Meng w/Jimmy Hart defeated Lex Luger {66}


This is for La Raza! {85}



The show shifts to a video package of Konnan on the streets of L.A. Interacting with various local people. We see him buy fruit from a vendor cart, he opens a fire hydrant so the kids can get wet, and we even see him pass by a group of lowriders who all make their cars bounce when they see him. Eventually Konnan stops at a park and looks at the camera.


Konnan: Diamond Dallas Page, take a good look around homie. America aint the pasty white country it used to be holmes. You see, these people are all Americans and these people are who I represent every time I step into that ring as the United States Champion. If you think I'm going to let you take this belt from me...well, you're crazier than you look puto. At Slamboree I'll be glad to put my title on the line against you because when I pin you in that ring everyone will know what a real American looks like and what a real loser looks like!



The Steiner Brothers VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


This was a classic back and forth contest between two evenly matched teams. Although the Steiner Brothers had a slight edge on experience, the managerial talents of Sister Sherri evened the odds. After several minutes of action in the ring things spilled out to the floor as all four men went at it. The match ended when neither team was able to get back in the ring to beat the referee's 10 count.


The Steiner Brothers drew with Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri {64}



Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart


In a rather one sided affair Bam Bam Bigelow dominated the inexperienced Steve McMichael. Debra tried to distract Bam Bam several times but Jimmy Hart was there to keep her at bay. The finish came when Bam Bam landed a Greetings From Asbury Park on Steve McMichael before making the pin.


Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael {60}


What a rush! {73}



Men at Work are in the ring waiting for their opponents the American Males to show up when The Road Warriors come running out of the back and slide into the ring.




Hawk and Animal decimate Men at Work, nailing each one with a Doomsday Device before tossing the downed tag team over the top rope to the floor. Hawk and Animal stand in the ring triumphantly as Paul Ellering comes out from the back looking pleased with himself. Paul gets into the ring and pulls out a microphone from under his coat.




Paul Ellering:These men behind me warned you that they would not be shoved aside, that they would not be relegated to a memory of WCW past. You see, the two men in this ring were, are, and will always be THE most dominant tag team in this sport. No one will ever achieve the level of greatness these two men have obtained with ease. Now, we will be back next week and if we are not booked for a match we will be more than happy to come down to the ring and take one like we did this week! Speaking of this week, if The American Males want to come out and face The Road Warriors now that Men at Work are unable to, we will be more than happy to fight them...


WCW Nitro goes to commercial break as the announcers wonder if The American Males will agree to face The Road Warriors.


The American Males React... {49}



After a brief commercial break we join The American Males in the back with Mean Gean Okerlund. Both Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs have their duffel bags in their hands and look ready to leave as soon as possible.


Gene Okerlund: Marcus Bagwell, Scotty Riggs, The American Males...You have just seen your opponents for tonight get destroyed by The Road Warriors who then challenged you two to come out and face them. What is your response to that challenge?


Scotty Riggs: Gene, those two maniacs are not who we were prepared to face and we both agree with Cowboy Bill Watts when he informed us we were under no obligation to face them.


Marcus Bagwell: That's right Gene. We were prepared to face Men at Work and we would have beaten them. I mean we could go out and face The Road Warriors, but we have nothing to prove. Now if you excuse us we have a plane to catch.


The American Males take off as Gene Okerlund laughs to himself.


Gene Okerlund: Well, there you have it folks. The American Males have gotten out of dodge and we will not see them face The Road Warriors tonight.



The Renegade VS Chris Benoit w/Woman


The Renegade used his size and strength to take the fight right to Chris Benoit, but the cunning and technical know how of Benoit kept the advantage with Chris for most of the match. The turning point of the match came when Kevin Sullivan came to the ring with Shark and Hugh Morrus. The three men boxed Woman in causing Benoit to dive out of the ring and on to Shark allowing Woman to flee back to the back area. The ref was ready to call for the DQ but Renegade slid out of the ring and attacked Hugh and Kevin. The Ref got out of the ring himself and ordered Sullivan and his men to the back, but failed to notice Kevin Sullivan nail Benoit with a pair of brass knuckles before walking to the back. The Renegade stands in the ring as the ref begins his count on a downed Benoit, who doesn't appear to be moving. The referee finishes his count and declares The Renegade the victor, but The Renegade doesn't look happy to win this way.


The Renegade defeated Chris Benoit!!! {56}


This is not wonderful! {91}



As WCW Nitro returns from another commercial break we see Paul Orndorff walking around the backstage area when all of a sudden Scott Hall and Kevin Nash attack him! As the assault continues the announcers wonder how these Outsiders were able to get into the building and if anyone is safe from these two.


The Horsemen are here! {85}



In the back we see Ric Flair and Arn Anderson behind a semi-closed door arguing, although we are unable to hear exactly what they are saying. All that we can make out is “Benoit lost another match” and “not the kind of thing a Horsemen does” before Arn sees the camera and shuts the door fully.



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Public Enemy


This is a hard hitting match with more brawling than actual wrestling, which seams to be the norm around WCW now. The Real American Heroes seem to be working more like a team and Public Enemy is unable to get any advantage. The finish of the match comes when Cobra makes Rocco Rock tap out to a Cobra Clutch.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan defeated Public Enemy {50}



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor


This match was fast paced and full of many reversals and missed strikes. Eddy Guerrrero used his speed to keep the match off the mat which kept David Taylor off his game. Lord Steven Regal came down to the ring during the match but he merely watches from outside and does not get involved at all. The finish of the match comes when Eddy lands a Frog Splash on Suire Taylor then makes the pin.


Eddy Guerrero defeated Squire Dave Taylor {68}


He's worth more than 2 men! {84}



The Giant and Lanny Poffo come down to the ring for The Giant's 2 on 1 handicap match with The Nasty Boys. Lanny looks very pleased with himself and he grabs a microphone from a nearby ring technician.


Lanny Poffo: Last week this man, no this monster called The giant left my brother Randy laid out in a heap. That is the exact same thing that will happen to him at Slamboree when he dares to step in the ring with the largest athlete in the world. Now, to prove that Randy has no hope of defeating The Giant I have arranged this 2 on 1 match, although I doubt any two men put up against The Giant would be a fair fight for them.[/b]



The Nasty Boys VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo


Despite it being 2 on 1 this was a one sided match with The Giant dominating The Nasty Boys. Neither Jerry Saggs nor Brian Knobbs were able to get any meaningful offense in on The Giant. The finish came when The giant Choke Slammed both members of The Nasty Boys and laid across them both for the pin.


The Giant w/Lanny Poffo defeated The Nasty Boys {66}



Sting VS The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart


This was a back and forth match with Jimmy Hart distracting Sting every chance he got. The Barbarian used his power to keep Sting fighting from underneath until Sting mounted a huge comeback following a Stinger Splash. The finish came when Sting locked in a Scorpion Deathlock and made The Barbarian tap out.


Sting defeated The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart {77}


The only thing I was missing...{67}



After the last commercial break of the night Randy Savage is in the ring with a microphone and a big box wrapped up like a present.


Randy Savage: Now I know you are all wondering what is in this box here, but before I unwrap this present to myself I need to address my baby brother. Lanny, the reason dad always loved me better was because you only got brains while I got both brains and wrestling ability. Now, I must admit there is something missing but I was able to find it and it is inside this very box right here. You see, despite all my wrestling skills, my cunning, my brains, and my natural talent I lack a beautiful lady at my side. Well, not anymore...




A woman steps out of the box and hugs Randy as the crowd goes wild for this blonde beauty.


Randy Savage: Ladies and gentlemen this here is the lovely Rena, and with her by my side there isn't anything I can't do! Giant, you better call a tailor because that WCW World Championship belt is going to need to be taken in a few sizes to fit around my waist after Slamboree, oh yeah![/b]



Randy Savage VS Dean Malenko


Despite Randy having a clear size advantage Dean Malenko is able to put up one heck of a fight. The match is full of near falls, reversals, and counter moves. The finish comes when Randy lands a Elbow Drop off the top turnbuckle and pins Dean Malenko for the win.


Randy Savage w/Rena Defeated Dean Malenko {88}


Overall Show Rating = 85

TV Rating = 7.24!


Meanwhile on WWF Monday Night Raw....


The Smokin Gunns defeated Rad Radford and Barry Horrowitz {43}

Savio Vega defeated Zip {49}

Brawl between Jake Roberts, Vader, and Shawn Michaels {75}

Vader defeated Avatar {73}

Davey Boy Smith defeated Yokozuna {76}

Mankind defeated The Undertaker {76}

Overall Show Rating = {74}

TV Ratings = 7.11

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for Week 3 of May 1996



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Jushin Thunder Liger and Kurasawa



Bryan Clark VS Steve Doll



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



Benoit & Malenko VS The Nasty Boys



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade VS El Gato



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Chavo Guerrero Jr.



Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS High Voltage



Diamond Dallas Page VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger{c} for the WCW TV Title


Kevin Sullivan speaks out about his ex-wife

DDP responds to Konnan

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Jushin Thunder Liger and Kurasawa



Bryan Clark VS Steve Doll



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright



Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade VS El Gato



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Chavo Guerrero JR.



Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS High Voltage



Diamond Dallas Page VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger{c} for the WCW TV Title


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