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WCW 1996: The Last Ride of The Cowboy

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Awesome to see you back at this and (hopefully) finds that your life is back in line! Savage bringing in Sable is an interesting pairing, surprised that she wasn't already signed to the WWF. The mod's loss is your gain, as her sex appeal should help Savage out.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Jushin Thunder Liger and Kurasawa

Comment: USA vs Japan!


Bryan Clark VS Steve Doll

Comment: Easy one.


Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright

Comment: Dance off!


Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade VS El Gato

Comment: I'm guessing you have some plans for Renegade after the big win on Nitro.


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Chavo Guerrero JR.

Comment: Total squash.


Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS High Voltage

Comment: No brainer.


Diamond Dallas Page VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

Comment: DDP should be on his way up the card, while Bruti should be heading down.


Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger{c} for the WCW TV Title

Comment: I could really go for an upset here, but I don't see it in the cards.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Sorry for the long delay, but here is WCW Saturday Night...






for Week 3 of May 1996

Live from the Canton Memorial Civic Center in front of 3,278 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan


Let's hear from the Cowboy...



WCW Saturday Night opens with Chris Cruise and Cowboy Bill Watts standing side by side. Cruise has a microphone in his hand and he looks ready to ask Watts a few questions.


Chris Cruise: Cowboy Bill Watts, thank you for coming out here and answering some questions that I am sure are on the minds of all the WCW fans.


Bill Watts: It's my pleasure Chris. I'm always happy to keep the fans informed on matters that require clarification.


Chris Cruise: With that in mind could you tell us what the deal is with the Outsiders Scott Hall and Kevin Nash? Are they employees of WCW or are they here on orders of New York like many of us believe?


Bill Watts: Starting with the big one, well unfortunately I don't have a clear answer for you. As far as I know they do not have contracts with WCW but someone in this company is allowing them into our arenas to cause havoc and this Monday at Nitro I will put out a challenge to those two New York City rejects and maybe we will all get to the bottom of this.


Chris Cruise: Now then, we recently heard from Ric Flair that he was named number one contender to the World Title prior to your appointment as WCW President yet you named Randy Savage as The Giant's opponent at Slamboree. Does this mean Ric will not get a title shot after all?


Bill Watts: Well Chris, it's like this. Randy Savage defeated The Giant, the WCW Champion, in a non-title match. Now, Ric may have won one hell of a match against Luger and Sting but he doesn't have a win over The Giant now does he? So, with that in mind I did indeed give Randy a much deserved shot at the Giant. Now, should Randy win the title and The Giant lose his contractually obligated rematch...well, Ric you will then get your shot at the WCW Championship.


Chris Cruise: Wow, another huge bombshell delivered here on WCW Saturday Night and as far as I'm concerned it is things like this one on one with Bill Watts that makes Saturday Night must see TV...wait a moment Bill I believe someone is coming out here...




Eddy Guerrero walks on to the scene and he stands opposite of Bill Watts.


Eddy Guerrero: Bill, I know you're a busy man and believe me I would have preferred to do this in your office without the cameras but you are one tough man to get a hold of holmes. Now, for the last few months I have proven to each and every fan out there why I deserve a shot at the TV Championship. Now I know you have just got back to WCW but I need to know if you believe I deserve a shot.


Bill Watts: Eddy I do believe you deserve a shot at the TV Championship, however I also believe Lord Steven Regal deserves a shot too. So, with that in mind this Monday on WCW Nitro you will face Lord Steven Regal one on one with the winner facing Lex Luger or whoever happens to hold the WCW TV Championship at Slamboree!



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS Jushin Thunder Liger & Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo


This was a classic USA vs. foreigner type of match with may chants of USA being leveled against the Japanese superstars. Cobra and Major Craig Pittman continued to show great teamwork and kept the faster, more experienced team of Liger and Kurasawa off their game. At one point Sonny Onoo tried to help his team with some sneaky tactics but Jim Duggan chased him to the back with his 2 x 4. The match ended with Cobra forcing Kurasawa to tap out to the Cobra Clutch.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan defeated Jushin Thunder Liger & Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo


This is for La Raza replay



After a brief commercial break WCW Saturday Night returned with a replay of Konnan's promo on DDP from Monday Nitro. Before and after the replay we are told by the announcers that DDP will be here to respond to the promo.



Bryan Clark VS Steve Doll


In a one sided match Bryan Clark destroyed Steve Doll. Doll tried several times during the match to mount an offense but nothing he did was effective. The match ended when Bryan Clark nailed Doll with a huge Last Rite pump handle slam.


Bryan Clark defeated Steve Doll



Disco Inferno VS Alex Wright


In a rematch from last week's WCW Saturday Night Alex Wright and Disco Inferno clashed once again. Just like last week a lot more time is spent on dancing off with one another than actually wrestling. Despite the lack of wrestling in the match the fans seemed entertained as it made for a nice change of pace. The match ended after Alex Wright danced for the crowd to a huge reaction and Disco pretending he was going to do a dance himself only to nail Alex with a Chart Buster before making the pin.


Disco Inferno defeated Alex Wright


That was just the beginning...



The cameras cut to the back where Kevin Sullivan is pacing back and forth in front of a brick wall.


Kevin Sullivan: Chris Benoit! Your loss to the Renegade was but the first match I cost you. You see Chris Benoit, you have taken something precious from me so I am going to take something precious from you! Your career will never go anywhere as long as I am still breathing and inside the same building your wrestling at Chris. Once your losses start to pile up...then your buddies Flair and Anderson will abandon you just like Woman abandoned me! Then, after WCW fires your pathetic, worthless, no win having a** she will leave you and come running back to me like she always does...


The announcer note that Sullivan is not inside the building tonight and perhaps Benoit will not have to look over his shoulder during his tag match later on.



Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko VS The Nasty Boys


This was a classic back and forth match with The Nasty Boys brawling sharply contrasting to the great technical abilities of Malenko and Benoit. During he match the announcers reminded fans that Kevin Sullivan is indeed at home and not in the building but some friends of his from the Dungeon of Doom are indeed here tonight. With that said Jimmy Hart and Hugh Morrus come out to the entrance ramp and look on. The finish came when Benoint forced Jerry Saggs to tap out to a cross face as Hart and Morrus walked to the back without so much as coming an inch closer.


Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko defeated The Nasty Boys


Is the Dungeon Doomed?



After the match is over Lee Marshall gets a hold of Jimmy Hart and Hugh Morrus. Hugh looks slightly upset, but Jimmy is his excitable self as usual.


Lee Marshall: Jimmy, I got to ask you why were you and Hugh Morrus at ringside just now? Did Kevin Sullivan send you two out there and were you supposed to keep Benoit from winning that match?


Lee, you are absolutely correct in your assessment of the situation. Hugh Morrus was supposed to keep Benoit from winning on Kevin's orders, but I made the decision to not risk Hugh getting injured before his match. You see Lee, the problem between Kevin and Chris is personal not business and Jimmy Hart is not here to settle personal business for other people baby. Now if you excuse me I have to lead Hugh back to the ring to compete in a triple threat match.



El Gato VS The Renegade VS Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart


Despite this being a triple threat match, Hugh Morrus and El Gato tried double teaming The Renegade whenever they could. Despite being in an almost 2 on 1 match The Renegade was able to fend off both men. The announcers talked about The Renegade big win over Chris Benoit on Nitro and how a few more victories like that could propel him into the main event scene. The finish came after The Renegade power slammed Hugh Morrus but was distracted by Jimmy Hart before he could make the pin. Hart attempted to nail The Renegade with his megaphone but missed and hit El Gato instead. The Renegade then pinned El Gato as Hugh was rolling out of the ring, still groggy from the power slam.


The Renegade defeated El Gato and Hugh Morrus w/Jimmy Hart in a triple threat match



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Chavo Guerrero Jr.


This was a typical squash type of match, with Chavo being little more than a punching bag for Bam Bam. During the match the announcers did mention it was Chavo's debut and that he was the cousin of Eddy Guerrero. It was also mentioned that Chavo was a 3rd generation wrestler. The finish came after Bam Bam nailed Chavo with a Greetings From Asbury Park and covered Chavo with a single foot.


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Sorry holmes...



The scene cuts to the parking lot where we see Eddy Guerrero putting his things inside a car trunk. When he closes the trunk and turns around we see Scott Hall and Kevin Nash smiling at Eddy. Eddy throws a punch at Hall that makes him stagger back but Nash attacks Eddy before he can turn to defend himself. We then see the two Outsiders beat Eddy up as the announcers ask where the heck security is and how can Eddy be in any condition to face Lord Steven Regal on Monday Nitro now. The scene ends with a beaten Eddy laying helplessly behind his car as Hall and Nash walk away laughing.



High Voltage VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


This was a brawl heavy tag match with Stevie Ray and Booker T using a lot more power moves and hard attacks than a typical wrestling match. Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage tried to use their speed to their advantage but Harlem Heat were too experienced to let that happen. The finish of the match came when Booker T nailed a 110th Street Slam on Kenny Kaos before making the pin as Stevie Ray beat on Robbie Rage outside the ring.


Harlem Heat defeated High Voltage



The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe VS Diamond Dallas Page


This was a slow and methodical match, with neither man ever getting a clear advantage throughout the contest. The Booty Babe did distract Diamond Dallas Page several times allowing The Booty Man to avoid a quick loss on several occasions, but she also clapped at a few of DDP's big moves much to the bewilderment of the announcers. The finish of the match came when DDP nailed The Booty Man with a Diamond Cutter before making the pin.


Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe


As American as my a**



After his match Diamond Dallas Page grabs a microphone from ringside then hops back into the ring. The fans boo him slightly but Page doesn't seem to care.


Diamond Dallas Page: Before I address the horse's rear end named Konnan, let me just say that the Booty Babe is one sexy lady! If you ever want to drop that loser that step up to a real man honey, well DDP will be right here waiting for ya! Ha, ha. Now then, Konnan. You really think those people represent America? Ha, those people in your little video are about as American as Saddam Huessain! In fact, they are exactly what's wrong with this country. You see, you and your “vato locos” swim across the gulf and think that makes them American...what a crock! Let me make it easy for you Konnan, the saying is As American as apple pie, not chorizo tacos!



Lex Luger© VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart for the WCW TV Championship


This was a classic back and forth match, with Luger fighting off the big man after several distractions from Jimmy Hart. Shark nearly beat Luger several times, but Lex was able to kick out or get to the ropes in the nick of time. During the match Bam Bam Bigelow came down to the ring with Meng and The Barbarian and surrounded the ring. Luger didn't seem to care and he hooked Shark in a Torture Rack only to get a Kick of Fear from the Barbarian to the face and the DQ win.


Lex Luger defeated Shark w/Jimmy Hart


How can he still be breathing?



After the match Lex Luger is attacked by Bam Bam, Meng, The Barbarian, and Shark as Jimmy Hart directs traffic. Luger is given a Greetings From Asbury Park by Bam Bam, a Tongan Death Grip from Meng, a huge Splash from Shark, and another Kick of Fear from The Barbarian before the four men and Jimmy Hart leave Luger down and out and WCW Saturday Night goes off the air.

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for Week 4 of May 1996



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger



Billy Kidman VS The Gambler



High Voltage VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo



The Blue Bloods (Eaton & Taylor) VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Mr. JL



Dean Malenko VS Konnan



Eddy Guerrero VS Lord Steven Regal for the Number 1 Contendership to the TV Title



Kevin Sullivan VS Chris Benoit w/Woman



Sting VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart



Arn Anderson VS Randy Savage w/Rena


The Road Warriors promise to stop by Nitro

The Mystery Man who attacked Hogan speaks

Bill Watts has a message for The Outsiders

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger



Billy Kidman VS The Gambler



High Voltage VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo



The Blue Bloods (Eaton & Taylor) VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Mr. JL



Dean Malenko VS Konnan



Eddy Guerrero VS Lord Steven Regal for the Number 1 Contendership to the TV Title



Kevin Sullivan VS Chris Benoit w/Woman



Sting VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart



Arn Anderson VS Randy Savage w/Rena


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The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger

Comment: Lex is just much higher profile.


Billy Kidman VS The Gambler

Comment: Should be an ok squash.


High Voltage VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo

Comment: I predict pain.


The Blue Bloods (Eaton & Taylor) VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Comment: Go Bobby!


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Mr. JL

Comment: Squash. Ouch.


Dean Malenko VS Konnan

Comment: Konnan is being made a big deal of.


Eddy Guerrero VS Lord Steven Regal for the Number 1 Contendership to the TV Title

Comment: Guerrero vs Luger should make for a good match.


Kevin Sullivan VS Chris Benoit w/Woman

Comment: Going for a messy no contest here.


Sting VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart

Comment: The Stinger triumphs.


Arn Anderson VS Randy Savage w/Rena

Comment: Helluva main event you got there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sunday's WWF Royal Rumble Highlights

Attendance = 19,000 (sold out)

Overall Show rating = 77

PPV Buy Rate = 3.11


King Mabel defeated The Brooklyn Brawler {36}

Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, Roddy Piper skit{75}

Billy Gunn defeated Steve Austin{60}

Bart Gunn defeated the 1-2-3 Kidd{61}

The Bodydonnas defeated Phatu and Henry O. Godwinn{53}

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Savio Vega{64}

Goldust defeated Tatanka to retain the IC title{68}

Shawn Michaels defeated Vader to retain the World Title{89}

Mankind won the 30 Man Royal Rumble {77}





for Week 4 of May 1996

Live from the Myriad Convention Center in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan



The Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart VS Lex Luger


When Lex hobbles his way out to the ring a replay of the heinous assault done to him by the Dungeon of Doom on last week's WCW Saturday Night is replayed. During the replay of the assault the announcers talk about Luger's guts, or as Heenan put it, sheer lack of common sense in agreeing to this match tonight. The match itself is classic back and forth action as Luger tries to keep his injuries from slowing him down. The end comes after Lex hooks The Barbarian into the Torture Rack of Doom but Meng runs out and slides into the ring. Lex turns with The Barbarian still on his shoulder and gets placed in a Tongan Death Grip as the referee calls for the bell and the disqualification. As the bell is rung several times Meng and The Barbarian head to the back motioning that they will be the Tag Team Champions after Slamboree.


Lex Luger defeated the Barbarian w/Jimmy Hart {74}


Where's our match? {73}



Billy Kidman and The Gambler are in the ring ready to start their match when the music for the Road Warriors begins to play. Kidman and The Gambler both stare at the entrance ramp as Hawk and Animal come racing down the entrance ramp toward the ring. Paul Ellering walks out after The Road Warriors with a microphone in hand.




Paul Ellering: If nobody will agree to a match with us, well then we will make our own matches! Kidman, Gambler prepare to face the most destructive force in professional wrestling!


As Ellering finishes his words Kidman and Gambler attack Hawk and Animal, but their punches have no effect on the Road Warriors. Hawk and Animal then lariat Kidman and Gambler nearly out of their boots before nailing them both with their own Doomsday Device. As Kidman and The Gambler lay on the mat motionless, Paul Ellering raises the hands of Hawk and Animal before WCW Nitro goes to commercial break.



High Voltage VS The Giant w/Lanny Poffo


In a one-sided match The Giant made short work of High Voltage. During the brief encounter neither Robbie Rage nor Kenny Kaos were able to take the Giant off his feet nor even faze him. The end came when The Giant grabbed them both by the neck and choke slammed them both at the same time before laying on top of them both for the pin.


The Giant w/Lanny Poffo defeated High Voltage {48}


Time is running out for you Savage! {82}



Lanny Poffo enters the ring after the match with a microphone in hand and a cocky smile on his face. The crowd begins to boo but Lanny seems to enjoy this.


Lanny Poffo: Randy, it pains me to know that I will be partially responsible for your career coming to an abrupt end, but let it be known that the other man who must share in the responsibility is none other than...YOU! You see, my client The Giant, ooh that rhymes, he gave you a chance to back out of the match but you are insistent to face him one on one. All I can say is I am glad our dear old mother is not alive to see her precious Randy get every bone in his body snapped like a twig. Your time is running out dear brother, please be sure to change your will to name someone else as your next of kin, because when The Giant puts you into a coma...I'm not even going to hesitate to pull the plug!



The Blue Bloods VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan


This was a classic back and forth tag team match, with the Blue Bloods trying their damndest to cheat their way to a victory while The Real American Heroes fought back bravely. During the match their were several near falls, but a quick USA chant from the crowd helped Cobra and Maj. Pittman bounce back. The end of the match came when Cobra hooked Squire David Taylor in a Cobra Clutch and Taylor tapped out.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan defeated The Blue Bloods {49}



Mr. JL VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart


In a quick squash match Bam Bam Bigelow decimated a helpless Mr. JL. The announcers were heard remarking it may have been the quickest match of all time in WCW. The end happened after Bam Bam landed a thunderous Greetings From Asbury Park on Mr. JL before making the pin.


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart defeated Mr. JL {54}



Konnan VS Dean Malenko


This was a very technical match with Konnan and Dean trading reversals and counters back and forth. During the match DDP made his way to the announcers table and bad mouthed Konnan as Tony and Mike protested and Bobby agreed. The end of the match came when Konnan reversed a suplex then hooked Dean into a Tequila Sunrise for the submission victory.


Konnan defeated Den Malenko {63}


Another assault on WCW... {86}



After WCW Nitro comes back from a commercial break we are told that some sort of commotion is going on in the back. The cameras go to the parking lot area where we see Steve McMichael getting beaten up by the bat wielding Outsiders! The announcers go crazy trying to make sense of this assault and they remind the fans that this is the same kind of assault the Outsiders made against Eddy Guerrero on Saturday Night. The scene ends with Hall and Nash laughing as Mongo lays on the concrete helplessly.



Eddy Guerrero VS Lord Steven Regal for the Number 1 contendership to the TV Title


Eddy comes to the ring with his ribs taped up as the announcers remind us once again about the brutal assault he suffered at the hands of the Outsiders. Eddy puts on a valiant effort but he is clearly in no condition to face Lord Steven Regal and he quickly succumbs to the Regal Stretch as the announcers wonder how Bill Watts could allow this match to even take place.


Lord Steven Regal defeated Eddy Guerrero {59}


And then there was 3! {92}



After the match the Turner-Tron begins to flicker until we see the screen turn all white. A voice begins to speak, but due to a distortion effect we have no idea whose voice it is.


Mystery Voice: Well, it seems like my boys have helped dictate just who gets a title shot here in WCW instead of the typical good old boys network. With that said, allow me to formally take credit for putting Hulk Hogan out of your misery. I'm sure you would all agree WCW has been better off for it. Now then, myself and The Outsiders as you all have dubbed them are not here to take over WCW...no, we are here to improve it. Soon, you will all understand...then you will join us!



Kevin Sullivan VS Chris Benoit w/Woman


This match quickly descends into an all out brawl as the referee struggles to maintain order. Even with a relaxed take on the rules things still go too far when Kevin Sullivan and Chris Benoit both refuse to stop brawling in the crowd. After several seconds of pleading with both men to get back in the ring the referee has no choice but to declare the match a no contest. Despite the bell sounding the two men continue to brawl until security pulls them apart.


The Match ends in a double DQ draw! {54}



Sting VS Meng w/Jimmy Hart


This was a hard hitting match that saw Sting taking control early in the contest. Meng eventually gained the upper hand after Jimmy Hart tripped Sting. Things continued back and forth until the Dungeon of Doom made their way to ringside. Sting was forced to look over his shoulder after every move he made which lead to Meng getting a Tongan Death Grip on Sting. Sting fought as best he could to get out of the hold but it was all for nothing as he eventually tapped out to the shock of the crowd.


Meng w/Jimmy Hart defeated Sting {71}


And now a word from the Cowboy {80}



After the Sting match we go to the office of Bill Watts for a few words from the Cowboy himself.


Bill Watts: First off allow me to address that mystery man who claims he is trying to improve WCW. If you want to improve this company you do it like a man in front of these fans and not like a coward skulking in the shadows! Now your two boys, as you called them, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash have expressed an interest in competing in WCW so I have secured special 1 night only contracts that will allow them to face a team of my choosing. Needless to say the team who I wish could face you are otherwise occupied at Slamboree but the men I got lined up have more than earned a right to kick your teeth down your throats! Speaking of teams, Road Warriors there is at least 1 team willing to face you, so at Slamboree you two will collide with Harlem Heat. Now the last thing I want to address before I let you all enjoy one heck of a main event is the fact that Eddy Guerrero got screwed tonight. Eddy I wish I could have postponed that match but due to the contract you signed I just couldn't do it. However, what I can do is give you a shot at the TV title directly after Slamboree if Lex Luger retains the title. Should Luger lose the title well, then you have to wait until he gets his rematch.


My time hasn't even begun yet! {96}



Before his match with Arn Anderson begins Randy Savage comes down to the ring with a microphone in one hand and Rena holding the other. Rena is looking very sexy in a tight black leather outfit that almost distracts us from Savage's words.


Randy Savage: Oooh yeah! In just a few short days I will have a chance to once again be the WCW World Champion. Now, my brother wants you all to believe that my time is almost over, but the truth is my time hasn't even begun yet! Now, when I snap into the Giant like an oversized Slim Jim the only thing that my dear departed mother is going to regret is seeing me finally wipe that smirk off Lanny's crooked face! You might be a genius Lanny, but you are going to look like the world's biggest idiot for backing the wrong wrestler at Slamboree. Oooh yeah!!!



Randy Savage w/Rena VS Arn Anderson


In a highly anticipated match Arn Anderson and Randy Savage did not disappoint. Things were back and forth all match with both men giving it there all in what will surely go down as one of the best main events in Nitro history. The finish of the match came after Randy nailed Arn with a Flying Elbow Drop off the top rope and made the pin to end this classic match up.


Randy Savage w/Rena defeated Arn Anderson {83}


Overall Show grade of 82 with a 7.38 TV rating


Meanwhile on WWF Raw...

Attendance = 10,727

Overall Show rating = 76

TV Rating = 7.25


Marty Jannetty defeated Issac Yankem DDS{51}

The Undertaker/Lawler skit{72}

King Mabel defeated Marc Mero{47}

Ultimate Warrior and Mankind face-off{79}

Goldust defeated Jesse James to retain the IC title{70}

Shawn Michaels/British Bulldog skit{78}

Jerry Lawler defeated The Undertaker{72}

British Bulldog defeated Shawn Michaels{81}

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WCW Saturday Night

for Week 4 of May 1996


Fire & Ice VS Benoit & Malenko

Alex Wright VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart

The Real American Heroes VS State Patrol

Bryan Clark VS Bobby Walker

The American Males VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart

Diamond Dallas Page VS Rocky Maivia

The Nasty Boys VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri

Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael

Lex Luger© VS Kevin Sullivan for the TV Title


Men At Work have something to say

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet

Fire & Ice VS Benoit & Malenko



Alex Wright VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart



The Real American Heroes VS State Patrol



Bryan Clark VS Bobby Walker



The American Males VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart



Diamond Dallas Page VS Rocky Maivia



The Nasty Boys VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael



Lex Luger© VS Kevin Sullivan for the TV Title


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  • 2 weeks later...




for Week 4 of May 1996

Live from the Antelope Gymnasium in front of a sold out crowd of 2,000 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan



Fire & Ice VS Benoit & Malenko


As soon as the match started Fire & Ice used their size to keep Benoit and Malenko off the game. The announcers noting that Woman was not out there with her man Benoit and perhaps it was a safety precaution as Kevin Sullivan was scheduled for action later tonight. Things looked up for Malenko & Benoit when Dean was able to avoid a lariat from Ice Train and land a hard enzugiri kick to the back of Ice Train's neck sending the big man to the outside. However, when Malenko went to tag Benoit in he found Chris engaged in a verbal fight with Kevin Sullivan. The finish came shortly after this as Norton was tagged in, nailed Dean with a huge power bomb, and made the pin as Benoit and Sullivan's verbal confrontation turned physical. As Fire & Ice held there hands up in victory security was bust pulling Benoit and Sullivan apart.


Fire & Ice defeated Benoit & Malenko {64}



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Alex Wright


In a one sided match, Shark came out and destroyed Alex Wright. The German Dance Machine had no time to boogie down as Shark was all business and wasted no time in putting the smaller man away.


Shark w/Jimmy Hart defeated Alex Wright {52}


USA! USA! USA! {58}



The US national anthem filled the arena as Jim Duggan and the Real American Heroes came out to a arena of saluting fans. Both Cobra and Major Craig Pittman had US flags with them that they waved as Jim Duggan gave thumbs up to the fans followed by his trademark Hoooo!



The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan VS State Patrol


This was a back and forth match with plenty of near falls from both teams. The crowd was clearly behind the Real American Heroes, but this didn't seem to bother State Patrol in the least. During the match State Patrol nearly had Cobra tapping out to a Boston Crab but a quick USA chant from the crowd and Jim Duggan gave him the strength to tap in Major Pittman who proceeded to clear house. The finish came when Maj. Pittman nailed Lt. James Earl with a DDT before picking up the pinfall.


The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan defeated State Patrol {38}



Bryan Clark VS Bobby Walker


This was another one sided match as Bryan Clark dominated Bobby Walker from the moment the bell rang. Unlike the early squash match however, Clark seemed to enjoy hurting Walker and he kept the assault up until the referee was forced to call for the bell and mercifully end the match after a Last Rite pump handle slam knocked Walker out cold.


Bryan Clark defeated Bobby Walker {40}


Time to Face the Fear! {74}



After a quick commercial break we go to the back where Jimmy Hart and the Faces of Fear are standing by waiting to make a statement.


Jimmy Hart: We are just one day away from seeing my men, the Faces of Fear, destroy Sting and Luger and capture tag team gold baby. We already seen that neither man can stand up to the power of The Barbarian or the savage fury of Meng and in just one day they will have to deal with both during one match! Not only that, but Lex has to pull double duty at Slamboree which means he might not even make it to our match...HA! WCW is about to witness what happens when you try to stand up to the Faces of Fear and the American Males are going to learn that it is futile..ha, ha, ha!



The American Males VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart


This was another one sided match, with the announcers more interested in talking about the upcoming title bout at Slamboree than the actual match taking place. During the match we had Scotty Riggs suffer both a Kick of Fear as well as the Tongan Death Grip as Marcus Bagwell hid in his corner trying not to be noticed.


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart defeated the American Males {57}



Rocky Maivia VS Diamond Dallas Page


In his WCW debut third generation wrestler Rocky Maivia went up against Diamond Dallas Page. The match was a lot closer than the announcer had anticipated and it even looked like Rocky might pull the upset win. However, the finish of the match saw Page nail Rocky with a Diamond Cutter before pinning the rookie for the three count.


Diamond Dallas Page defeated Rocky Maivia {58}


Snacking on destruction! {70}



After a quick break we see Men at Work inside the ring. The duo of working men looked rather upset and soon Chris Kanyon starts to speak.


Chris Kanyon: Last week we were assaulted by the two biggest scum bags in this sport, Hawk and Animal! {huge pop from the crowd} Don't cheer for them! Those two muscle bound freaks nearly ended our careers. {another pop from the crowd} Oh, you would like that huh? You would like to see me and Mark out of action. Well, it ain't going to happen because they couldn't get the job done now could they?




Suddenly The Road Warriors come out from the back and attack Men At Work. Within seconds Men At Work are down and out as the crowd cheers the Road Warriors. The announcers question the decision of Men At Work to call these two out and they discuss the chances Harlem Heat has against The Road Warriors this Sunday at Slamboree before the show goes to another commercial break.



The Nasty Boys VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


This was a hard hitting back and forth match that saw liberal use of closed fists and out of the ring brawling. During the match the announcers talked about the Slamboree match between Harlem Heat and The Road Warriors, noting that The Nasty Boys were a great warm up for Harlem Heat. The finish came after Booker T nailed Jerry Saggs with a 110th Street Slam before making the pin.


Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri defeated The Nasty Boys {67}


That was a bad gamble... {86}



When WCW Saturday Night comes back from commercial break we see The Gambler walking around backstage when The Outsiders attack him. The Outsiders do a number on The Gambler as the announcers try to make sense of this assault, Heenan suggesting this is part of the improvement process. As The Outsiders walk away from a fallen Gambler Mike Tenay wonders how they even got backstage in the first place.



Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael VS Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart


This was a classic back and forth match with neither man dominating things for too long. Both Jimmy Hart and Debra McMichael helped their clients out several times, but ultimately it was the experience of Bam Bam that was the deciding factor in the match. The finish came when Bam Bam avoided a lariat then caught Steve with a power slam for the pin.


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart defeated Steve McMichael w/Debra McMichael {68}



Lex Luger© VS Kevin Sullivan for the WCW TV Title


Luger still showed signs of fatigue during this match and several times it looked like we might have a new TV champion. After several minutes of hard hitting action Chris Benoit came out of the back with Woman. Woman distracted the referee and Lex Luger as Chris Benoit nailed Kevin Sullivan with a pair of brass knuckles leading to a pinfall victory for Lex.


Lex Luger defeated Kevin Sullivan {65}


All the way to the stands! {60}



After Lex Luger returned to the back Chris Benoit continued his assault on Kevin Sullivan as Woman cheered him on. Kevin was able to fight back and soon the action spilled to the outside of the ring. This continued to escalate as the two brawled into the crowd. The brawling continued as security tried to separate the two. The brawl made it all the way to the upper stands area before security was able to control the situation...


Laying down the law! {58}



As security restrained Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan the WCW President Cowboy Bill Watts made his way out to the entrance ramp.


Bill Watts: I'll make this short and sweet since we only have a few minutes of TV tie left. Chris Benoit, Kevin Sullivan...it is clear that you two can not coexist in WCW therefore at Slamboree you two will compete in a loser leaves WCW no DQ, falls count anywhere match! The stipulation will be iron clad and guarantee that the loser will never be able to return to WCW as long as the winner is still employed here or becomes re-employed! Good night folks and I hope you will all tune in to Slamboree!

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for Week 4 of May 1996


Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering

Lex Luger© VS Lord Steven Regal for the WCW TV Title

Chris Benoit VS Kevin Sullivan in a NO DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Loser Leaves WCW Match

Konnan © VS Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW US Title

The Outsiders VS. ???

Luger & Sting VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart for the WCW Tag Titles

Bam Bam Bigelow VS ??? VS ??? VS Big Bubba Rogers for the No. 1 Contendership to the US Title

Ric Flair and Arn Anderson VS The Steiner Brothers

The Giant© w/Lanny Poffo VS Randy Savage w/Rena

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering



Lex Luger© VS Lord Steven Regal for the WCW TV Title



Chris Benoit VS Kevin Sullivan in a NO DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Loser Leaves WCW Match



Konnan © VS Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW US Title



The Outsiders VS. ???



Luger & Sting VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart for the WCW Tag Titles



Bam Bam Bigelow VS ??? VS ??? VS Big Bubba Rogers for the No. 1 Contendership to the US Title



Ric Flair and Arn Anderson VS The Steiner Brothers



The Giant© w/Lanny Poffo VS Randy Savage w/Rena


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Good past few shows, I like how you've taken WCW into this weird old school-yet-new school path.


Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering

Comment: I can see the Heat cheating to win this one.


Lex Luger© VS Lord Steven Regal for the WCW TV Title

Comment: Luger should be above the TV belt, while Regal is right there.


Chris Benoit VS Kevin Sullivan in a NO DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Loser Leaves WCW Match

Comment: Kevin should be winding his career down.


Konnan © VS Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW US Title

Comment: You can get a better upside out of Page.


The Outsiders VS. ???

Comment: If they lose here, they're not a threat anymore.


Luger & Sting VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart for the WCW Tag Titles

Comment: These two against the Outsiders should be great.


Bam Bam Bigelow VS ??? VS ??? VS Big Bubba Rogers for the No. 1 Contendership to the US Title

Comment: I'll go with a mystery man... dunno who it is though.


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson VS The Steiner Brothers

Comment: The Horsemen can look dominant here.


The Giant© w/Lanny Poffo VS Randy Savage w/Rena

Comment: Giant looks great when manhandling heroes.

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  • 3 weeks later...




for Week 4 of May 1996

Live from the Astrodome in front 43,467 of fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan



Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri VS The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering


This was a hard hitting match that saw both teams in trouble at various times. Both Sister Sherri and Paul Ellering helped out their respective teams avoid several pinning situations, forcing the referee to remove both of them from ringside. The finish came when Stevie Ray was tossed out of the ring by Hawk and Animal was able to hoist Booker T up for a Doomsday Device from Hawk before Hawk made the pin.


The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering defeated Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri {72}



Lex Luger© VS Lord Steven Regal for the WCW TV Title


This was a classic back and forth match with neither man able to get a distinct advantage. During the match the announcers kept talking about the beating Lex took a few weeks ago at the hands of The Dungeon of Doom on Saturday Night as well as the beat down he suffered on the following Monday. After Lex hooked Lord Steven Regal into a Torture Rack of Doom Jimmy Hart came running out of the back and distracted the referee. Lex let Regal off his shoulders and was about to confront Hart when Barbarian and Meng hit the ring from out of the crowd. Meng locked Lex in a Tongian Death Grip only letting it go seconds before Barbarian nailed Lex with a Kick of Fear! The finish came shortly after when Regal draped an arm over the downed Luger just in time for the referee to make the three count.


Lord Steven Regal defeated Lex Luger to become the new WCW World Television Champion! {71}



Chris Benoit w/Woman VS Kevin Sullivan in a NO DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Loser Leaves WCW Match


These two men didn't even let the bell ring before they were tearing into one another. As many predicted this match quickly spilled out of the ring and into the stands. Things continued to get crazy as the match went all the way over to the concession area. The announcers called it the “damnedest thing we ever saw!” and compared it to the infamous Battle of New Orleans between Eddie Gilbert, Sting, Terry Taylor, and Chris Adams. As things continued to get out of control Jimmy Hart and the rest of the Dungeon of Doom showed up just as Bobby Heenan speculated they would. However, they did not attack Chris Benoit, instead they assaulted their leader Kevin Sullivan to the shock of everyone including Benoit himself. The finish came shortly afterward when Benoit climbed on top of a vending machine and dove off nailing Sullivan with a Flying Headbutt before making the pinfall. The announcer were in complete shock at the finish and commented that the man who tried to end Hulkamania was now the one whose career was over.


Chris Benoit w/Woman defeated Kevin Sullivan{59}


The Hulkster Speaks! {98}



Shortly after the Benoit/Sullivan match was over the fans were treated to a pre-taped video of Hulk Hogan.


Hulk Hogan: First off, let me just thank all the fans for their continued support. The amount of letters, cards, and well wishes is just amazing brother. As for the dude that put me out, well he might talk about cleaning up the trash in WCW but as far as I'm concerned the only trash in WCW is the scumbag who attacks people in a hallway backstage instead of facing them in the ring like a real man! As soon as the doctors clear me to wrestle I want you, whoever you are, in the ring brother. You see brother, you got me pretty upset and when I return to action I'm going to show you why you should never get a Hulk angry...



Konnan © VS Diamond Dallas Page for the WCW US Title


The crowd was clearly behind Konnan in this match and they booed just about everything Diamond Dallas Page did. Despite having the crowd behind him Konnan struggled during this bout and there were several moments it looked like we would have a new US Champion. The finish of the match came after Page missed a lariat and Konnan was able to catch a rebounding Page with a Rolling Clothesline. Konnan then hooked Page in a Tequila Sunrise causing the submission from Page.


Konnan defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the US Championship {59}


The Mystery Opponents are...{83}



After the Konnan/Page match Cowboy Bill Watts makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in hand. The crowd gives Bill a warm reception as the man in charge of WCW begins to speak.



Bill Watts: From the sound of your cheers I see you're all glad to see me out here. Now, I'm not going to take up a whole lot of your time, so let's get down to business. Later tonight we are having a fourway match to determine a number one contender to the US Championship. You already know that Bam Bam Bigelow and Big Bubba Rogers are involved in that match, but you have no clue who they will be facing. Well, the answer to that question is quite simple, they will be facing two of the best this sport has to offer, Ron Simmons and Barry Windham! Now that that matter is settled, I need to inform you all who will be facing The Outsiders in just a few short moments. Now, their were a lot of guys in the back wanting to step up but due to contractual obligations, medical clearances, and my own personal desire to not ruin matches already advertised I have chosen a team that has ben on quite the wining streak as of late. Tonight The Outsider will face...The Real American heroes! Thank you and enjoy the rest of the show.



The Outsiders VS. The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan


The Outsiders came out to boos that were only slightly quieter than the huge ovation The Real American Heroes received. The match was classic back and forth action with both teams using their skills to their advantage. At one point during the match things spilled to the outside and Kevin Nash decked Jim Duggan before taking his 2 x 4 and cracking the legendary performer upside his head. The referee wanted to call for the DQ but The Real American Heroes refused to win that way and the match continued. The finish of the match came after Cobra had Scott Hall in a Cobra Clutch only for the lights to go out. When the lights returned Hall and Nash were on top of Cobra and Major Pittman giving the referee little choice but to make the three count.


The Outsider defeated The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan {82}


The end of WCW is coming...{90}



After the match the Turner-Tron flickered on and we heard the same mysterious voice from a few weeks back that took credit for the attack on Hulk Hogan.


Mysterious Voice: It seems that once again MY Outsiders have proven their superiority over WCW. Once again they have proven that real wrestling comes from New York City and not the deep south. Ha, ha, ha. Soon, WCW will be but a faded memory and a new wrestling company that values talent will rise from its ashes. All that is left is for my soldiers to scorch the very ground WCW was built upon...



Luger & Sting VS The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart for the WCW Tag Titles


The match started with Sting taking on the Faces of Fear alone as Lex Luger was reported to still be in the back receiving medical treatment from the assault that took place earlier in the night. The announcers tried to focus on this match bt it was clear they were still thinking about the Mysterious Voice from earlier in the night. After about nine minutes Lex Luger came running out from the back to help his partner. Despite coming in and clearing house initially it became evident real fast that he was in no shape to compete. The finish of the match came minutes later when Lex was put into the Tongan Death Grip for the second time of the evening and he quickly tapped out.


The Faces of Fear w/Jimmy Hart defeated Luger & Sting to become the new WCW Tag Team Champions! {75}



Bam Bam Bigelow VS Barry Windham VS Ron Simmons VS Big Bubba Rogers for the No. 1 Contendership to the US Title


As the four participants made their way to the ring the announcers emphasized the uniqueness of this fourway match, going so far as to say it is the first of its kind to be put on a televised event. As the match began the announcers went over the psychology of the match and how being on the outside might get you a rest but it also keeps you from being able to achieve victory. The match itself was a very hard hitting affair with all four men pulling out all the stops to win this match and become the number one contender to Konnan's US Championship. The finish came after Barry Windham and Ron Simmons were knocked off the ring apron by Big Bubba and Bam Bam. Bam Bam was then able to nail Bubba with a greetings from Asbury Park before making the pin.


Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Barry Windham, Ron Simmons, and Big Bubba Rogers {80}


Horseman don't need help! {80}



After the ring was cleared and the announcers went over the main event for the evening Ric Flair, Elizabeth, and Arn Anderson came down to the ring. After a few seconds of Ric playing to the crowd he asked for a pair of microphones.


Ric Flair: Well, well, well. It seems Houston is part of Ric Flair country after all. Now, me and Arn were not going to be on this PPV, but after hearing that Houston loves me almost as much as Charlotte does, well I just had to convince the Cowboy to let us on the show. Now before we teach the Steiner Brothers a lesson, let it be known that Horsemen handle their business on their own. We don't rely on help from outside parties to take care of things for us.


Arn Anderson: In case your not quick enough to pick up on Ric's subtle reference to that disgrace of a match you had earlier Benoit, let me spell things out for you in plain English. Being a Horsemen means your one of the best wrestlers in the world, not some drunken dock worker fighting on his lunch break. Being a Horsemen means that there isn't a man alive that you can't beat in this ring. Being a Horsemen means that when a man calls you out, you answer the challenge all on your own and you teach him why calling out a Horsemen is one of the dumbest things you could do with your life. Now, if it wasn't for the fact that you actually won that “match” of yours, then I wouldn't even be out here reminding what it is to be a Horsemen, because I would have been back there kicking your sorry a** out the building myself!



Ric Flair and Arn Anderson w/Elizabeth VS The Steiner Brothers


This was an instant classic of a match. Both teams did their best to show why they were considered so great in this sport and they did not disappoint. The technical prowess of Flair and Anderson perfectly complemented the rougher, suplex heavy arsenal of the Steiner Brothers. The finish of the match came when Ric Flair was able to hook Rick Steiner into a Figure Four Leglock and make the DFG tap out.


Ric Flair & Arn Anderson w/Elizabeth defeated The Steiner Brothers{80}


The time for talk is over...{100}



As the announcers thanked the audience for joining them this evening, Randy Savage and Rena made their way toward the ring. The crowd was cheering for Randy while also doing some cat calls for Rena. They entered the ring and Randy grabbed a microphone.


Randy Savage: .Oh yeah! Brothers and sisters it has been far too long, almost three whole months, since I held the WCW World Championship and I have to tell you I am suffering from some serious withdrawal symptoms. Giant, you have what I need and there is nothing that is going to stop me from getting it back!



The Giant© w/Lanny Poffo VS Randy Savage w/Rena


This was a classic giant versus smaller wrestler match with Savage doing his very best to try to take the big man down. During the match we had several moments of interference from Lanny Poffo which included but weren't limited to, Lany chasing Rena around the ring, knocking Randy off the second turnbuckle, and Lanny pulling the referee out of the ring and knocking him out cold. Following the previously mentioned referee bashing, Lanny and the Giant double teamed on Savage until Rena ran to the back and returned with Cowboy Bill Watts who was now wearing a referee shirt. Bill ran into the ring and punched Lanny hard enough to send him out over the top rope. The Giant tried to get in Watts' face but the Cowboy reminded The Giant who the boss was right before Randy nailed The Giant with a low blow. Bill allowed the match to continue despite the blatantly illegal move and soon after Randy was climbing the top rope. The finish came moments later when Randy flew off the top rope and landed a perfect Flying Elbow Drop before making the pinfall.


Randy Savage w/Rena defeated The Giant w/Lanny Poffo to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!{81}


Overall Show = 83

PPV Buyrate = 2.65

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for Week 1 of June 1996


The Steiner Brothers VS Benoit & Malenko w/Woman

Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor

Lord Steven Regal© VS Rocky Maivia for the WCW World Television Championship

Bam Bam Bigelow VS Ron Simmons

Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Konnan

Bill Watts' Pick VS Ric Flair w/Elizabeth

Luger & Sting VS Harlem Het w/Sister Sherri


Randy Savage celebrates his championship victory

The Outsiders are invited to speak to the live crowd

Blood Runs Cold!

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


The Steiner Brothers VS Benoit & Malenko w/Woman



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor



Lord Steven Regal© VS Rocky Maivia for the WCW World Television Championship



Bam Bam Bigelow VS Ron Simmons



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Konnan



Bill Watts' Pick VS Ric Flair w/Elizabeth {Match set up during the show}



Luger & Sting VS Harlem Het w/Sister Sherri


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The Steiner Brothers VS Benoit & Malenko w/Woman

Comment: Tough one to call, I'll go with the Steiners just to push the Horsemen story.


Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor

Comment: This one not quite so tough to call.


Lord Steven Regal© VS Rocky Maivia for the WCW World Television Championship

Comment: I would assume you won't be hot-shotting the title here, but you could surprise me.


Bam Bam Bigelow VS Ron Simmons

Comment: This would be brutal to watch, two big guys dropping bombs on one another.


Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Konnan

Comment: Konnan seems to be something important.


Bill Watts' Pick VS Ric Flair w/Elizabeth {Match set up during the show}

Comment: Flair can cheat to win.


Luger & Sting VS Harlem Het w/Sister Sherri

Comment: Lex and Sting get their win back after dropping titles.

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  • 2 weeks later...




for Week 1 of June 1996

Live from the Myriad Convention Center in front of a sold out crowd of 15,000 fans!

With your WCW Announcers


Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Bobby Heenan


Oh yeah! {100!}



Randy Savage and his manager Rena walk out to the ring to kick off WCW Monday Nitro. The crowd is going wild as the announcers talk about the huge win Randy pulled off this past Sunday to become the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. After Randy settle the crowd down he begins to speak.


Randy Savage: First off, let me just say that The Giant was one of the toughest opponents I have ever faced. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that if he works a bit more on his wrestling basics and stops trying to take shortcuts he might very well be unbeatable in a few years. Last night however, he was very beatable indeed. Oh yeah, and now my belt is right back where it belongs. Now, I know that there are a lot of people who want a shot at this title, but if you think for one second I'm going to hide like some kind of New York coward you got another thing coming. I'm willing to face anyone who has the guts to step into the ring...oh YEAH! With that said I already have an opponent lined up for next week. This man may have come up short at Slambore but he is willing to get into the ring with the Madness so I am willing to face him. Diamond Dallas Page, next week you're going to be the first opponent of the last WCW World Champion!


First the US title....{84}



As Randy Savage is getting ready to leave the music of Bam Bam Bam Bigelow suddenly begins to play. Bam Bam and Jimmy Hart make their way out to the entrance ramp. Jimmy Hart has a microphone in his hand and he looks ready to deliver a patented Mouth of the South tirade.




Jimmy Hart: So, you're willing to face anyone baby? Well, good, because after Bam Bam Bigelow cashes in his shot at the US Championship and takes that belt off the disgrace of a champion Konnan, he is coming for you next baby. You might be the Madness, but nothing is going to stop the Beast From The East from stomping you into dust baby! You see, now that we have dumped that selfish piece of trash Kevin Sullivan, the First Family can take their rightful place on top of the wrestling mountain!



The Steiner Brothers VS Benoit & Malenko w/Woman


Nitro kicked off the action with a match between two very technical teams. The Steiner Brothers used the size advantage to keep the pressure on th smaller Benoit & Malenko, but the skill and speed of both Chris and Dean kept them in the fight. Things looked like they were about to swing in favor of the smaller team when a man jumped out of the crowd and grabbed Woman. Chris heard her screaming and jumped off the ring apron and went in hot pursuit leaving Dean to fend for himself. The finish of the match came a few minutes later when Dean was nailed with a Steiner Line before being pinned.


The Steiner Brothers defeated Benoit & Malenko w/Woman{83}


Dedicated to the Queen! {70}



After a brief commercial break Nitro comes back on the air with a pre-recorded video of Lord Steven Regal outside of Buckingham Palace.


Lord Steven Regal First off, let me assure my fans that I am indeed in the arena tonight. You see, this video you are watching was recorded earlier today. Now, why would I risk flying all the way to England and back to the states? Simple, the Queen herself wished to congratulate me in person for taking this title off that unworthy American Lex Luger. You see, the Queen loves it when an Englishman proves their superiority to a filthy American, so much so that she plans on knighting me today. Now, before I go and receive an honor you people could only dream of, let me address Eddy Guerrero. Eddy, you may have been given a shot at my TV title if I retain it against Lex Luger, but after my Squire David Taylor gets through with you their will be nothing left of you to face! If you fans have any doubts allow me to remind you that Englishman are better than filthy Americans who are in fact just slightly less uncivilized than those stinky Mexicans.



Eddy Guerrero VS Squire David Taylor


This was a classic back and forth match with neither man having a clear advantage. Squire David Taylor tried to keep Eddy grounded, but Eddy was able to work the mat just as well as Taylor was. The finish of the match came when Squire Taylor tried to hook on a headlock but Eddy slipped out and nailed Taylor with a standing dropkick. Eddy was then able to climb the top turnbuckle and land a Frog Splash before making the pin.


Eddy Guerrero defeated Squire David Taylor {68}


Blood runs cold! {73}



After the Eddy/Taylor match a video package for a debuting superstar plays. We are shown this new superstar, identified as Frost, fighting a variet of men inside a cage like structure. The video package ends with “Blood Runs Cold on June 1st!” After the video finishes the announcers try to put over Frost as best as they can before taking another commercial break.


Hey Yo!{90}



As Nitro once again comes back on the air we see Scott Hall and Kevin Nash in the center of the ring. Both men have microphones and huge grins on their faces.


Scott Hall: Hey Yo! Did you people come here tonight to see [southern accent] wcw? [small cheer] Or did you people come here to see The Outsiders! [loud boos] Ha, ha...another one for the bad guys.


Kevin Nash: Last night at Slamboree we kicked the Real American Heroes asses so bad that they aren't even in the building tonight! Now, many of you think that if we had fought that bleach blonde Ken doll and that over jacked He-Man figure things would be different...uh ah. You see there isn't a single combination of wrestlers in WCW that can beat us and those losers in the back know it!


Scott Hall: Bill Watts can say whatever he wants about contracts and advertised matches, but like the big man said we are the best damn tag team...hell the best damn wrestlers period! Now, our buddy, he mystery man calling the plays, he wants us to take out the trash in WCW. Well, me and big Kev figure the easiest way to do that is to take out WCW!


Kevin Nash: So here's the deal. In less than two months WCW is going to be holding an event called Bash at the Beach. We want the three best guys WCW has because when me, Scott, and the Mystery Man beat whoever they throw at us...Bill Watts will hand over control of the company to us!


Scott Hall: And, if by some miracle you guys actually beat us...well, me, Kev, and our Mystery Partner will go back to New York and never bother you rednecks again!


Kevin Nash: Watts, it's decision time, do you make the deal and hope you can dig up three WCW fossils willing to face us or do you turn us down and make this war drag out a lot longer than it has to be?



Lord Steven Regal© VS Rocky Maivia for the WCW World Television Championship


This was a pretty decent match, however the announcers were too distracted by the previous segment to give it the attention it deserved. In fact, no mention of the Eddy Guerrero/Lord Steven Regal as the announcers were busy guessing who Bill Watts would get to answer this challenge. The match ended with Rocky tapping out to a Regal Stretch.


Lord Steven Regal defeated Rocky Maivia to retain the WCW Television Championship{63}


Prove yourself tonight! {86}



After the Regal/Maivia match we are told Bill Watts is in his office with Ric Flair. The announcers speculate what this might mean as the camera shifts to Bill's office.


Bill Watts: Ric I understand you think you deserve a shot at the World Championship but I got a lot on my plate right now, besides you know The Giant gets a rematch.


Ric Flair: Bill, you have been ducking and dodging me since you showed up and now might not be a good time but I'm not leaving until you give me what I deserve!


Bill Watts: What you deserve Ric? I'll tell you what, you go out there and defeat Barry Windham in a match tonight and you'll have yourself a shot at the World Championship. If you lose however, well then I will fire you if you ever utter the words title shot! Now get out of my office!



Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart VS Ron Simmons


This was a hard hitting match that saw both men rely more on brawling and power moves than technical skill. Ron Simmons had an advantage several times but Jimmy Hart distracted him and helped Bam Bam regain control. The finish came when Bam Bam landed a huge Greetings From Asbury Park on Simmons who had been distracted by Jimmy Hart.


Bam Bam Bigelow w/Jimmy Hart defeated Ron Simmons{76}


He's still the biggest man around! {80}



After the Bam Bam/Simmons match Nitro goes to the back to se Lanny Poffo and The Giant standing in front of a brick wall.


Lanny Poffo: So it seems like big brother did it again. Congrats Randy, you've proven why mother was right to like you best. However, you have also proven why you should read your contracts a lot closer. You see not only did you agree to give my client a rematch in the event he lost but you agreed to allow him to choose the match stipulation. So, allow me to inform you of the match we have chosen. At The Great American Bash you will face The Giant, the world's largest athlete in a Texas Death Match! It took everything you had to keep him down for three seconds, how are you going to do it for thirteen!



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS Konnan


Shark jumped the bell and started this match off with several closed fist. The match stayed in Shark's favor although it appeared Shark was looking to hurt Konnan rather than beat him. Konnan was able to turn things around eventually but Jimmy Hart distracted him and allowed Shark to continue his brutal assault. The finish came after Jimmy Hart tripped Konnan and the ref called for the DQ. Despite losing the match Shark continued to attack and he left Konan down and out as Jimmy Hart ran around directing traffic until the security cleared the ring.


Konnan defeated Shark w/Jimmy Hart by DQ {56}


Who is that in the crowd? {35}



As security tries to regain control of the situation the camera pans around the arena, settling on a group of men sitting near ringside, one of them in a wrestling mask. The announcers claim to recognize one of the men, but they “didn't expect a Philly wrestler to show up to Nitro.”



Barry Windham VS Ric Flair w/Elizabeth


This was a classic old school match that would not have been out of place in the old JCP. Things went back and forth with Barry threatening to slap the Iron Claw on Flair several times during the match. The finish came when Barry finally went for the Iron Claw and Flair pulled Barry by the trunks causing Windham to slam face first into the steel post. Flair then made the roll up pin for the victory.


Ric Flair w/Elizabeth defeated Barry Windham{82}


We want our belts back!{73}



After the last commercial break of the evening Sting and Luger were waiting in the ring with microphones in hand.


Sting: Listen up little Stingers because I got a whole lot to get off my chest and not a lot of time to do it. First off, Bill Watts, if you need a pair of wrestlers to step up to the challenge of The Outsiders then you can count on me and Luger. We live, we breath, we are WCW!


Luger: You're damn right Sting.


Sting: Now then, Faces of Fear, Jimmy Hart, The First Family...all of you are on notice. You see the Stinger wants his World Tag Team Title back and at The Great American Bash that is exactly what I'm going to get!


Luger: I couldn't have said it better myself Sting. But unlike you I lost two titles at Slamboree and I got to say I want both of them back. Sting already put the Faces of Fear on notice but allow me to add Lord Steven Regal to the list. Regal you can talk a big game but can you back it up against a Total Package running at a hundred percent? And unlike our rematch for the tag belts I don't have to wait until The Great American Bash to take back my Television Title. Now Bill has already lined up several matches for you Regal, but on June 23rd at Monday Nitro you're all mine, if you can hold on to that title until then.


Sting: The last thing I want to say before we face Harlem Heat is if that coward of a Mystery Man thinks he can get away with taking out the Hulkster then he doesn't know Hogan like I do. You see, I spoke with Hogan recently and he wanted me to send a message to our Mystery Man. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania and WCW run wild on you!



Luger & Sting VS Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri


This was a back and forth match with both teams pulling out all the stops. The announcers played up the fact that if Harlem Heat were to beat Luger and Sting then Bill Watts would start to consider Harlem Heat as a team that deserved a shot at the tag titles. Sister Sherri tried to help her team several times, but wound up accidently slapping Booker T on her last attempt. The finish came a few moments later when Luger put a distracted Booker T into a Torture Rack of Doom, forcing Booker to submit.


Luger & Sting defeated Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri{82}


Overall Show Rating = 87

TV Ratings = 7.31


Meanwhile on WWF Raw...

Attendance = 11,416

Overall Show rating = 77

Combined TV Rating = 7.2


A brawl between The Undertaker and Mankind{85}

Big Van Vader defeated Avatar{79}

A brawl between Jake Roberts, Jerry Lawler, and Goldust{60}

Tatanka defeated Duke Droese{45}

A brawl between Roddy Piper and Vader{75}

Bob Backlund defeated Bob Holly{58}

A brawl between Shawn Michaels and The British Bulldog{75}

Mankind defeated Yokozuna{75}

Jerry Lawler and The British Bulldog defeated Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker{77}

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WCW Saturday Night

for Week 1 of June 1996

Men At Work VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Bryan Clarke VS Mr. JL

The Mauler VS Chavo Guerrero Jr.

High Voltage VS Benoit & Malenko

Eddy Guerrero VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo

Harlem Heat VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Prince Iaukea VS Billy Kidman

Shawn Stasiak VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart

Lord Steven Regal© VS Joey Maggs for the WCW Television Title


Benoit talks about the missing Woman

Eddy Guerrero responds to Lord Steven Regal

The Real American Heroes go to Boot Camp

and so much more!


Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet


Men At Work VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long



Bryan Clarke VS Mr. JL



The Mauler VS Chavo Guerrero Jr.



High Voltage VS Benoit & Malenko



Eddy Guerrero VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo



Harlem Heat VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Prince Iaukea VS Billy Kidman



Shawn Stasiak VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart



Lord Steven Regal© VS Joey Maggs for the WCW Television Title


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Men At Work VS Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long

Bryan Clarke VS Mr. JL

The Mauler VS Chavo Guerrero Jr.

High Voltage VS Benoit & Malenko

Eddy Guerrero VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo

Harlem Heat VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Prince Iaukea VS Billy Kidman

Shawn Stasiak VS Shark w/Jimmy Hart

Lord Steven Regal© VS Joey Maggs for the WCW Television Title

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<p>Due to another new job, yeah I change jobs more than most people change their socks, non PPV events will be more consise, have a whole lot less pics, and feature both Nitro and Saturday Night in the same post. (Starting with the next Nitro.) Anyway, enjoy the show....</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> WCW</p><p> Presents </p><p> WCW Saturday Night</p><p> for Week 1 of June 1996</p><p> Live from the Bohler Gymnassium in front of 1,945 fans</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #1 Cowboy gives a speech {46}<p> Cowboy Bill Watts puts over WCW and lets the crowd know that he might not know who the third man The Outsiders are working with, but what he does know is The Outsiders will regret ever stepping foot into a WCW ring. He then says that The Outsiders think that they are so smart, but Bill has a surprise that will ensure WCW's victory in 2 months at Bash at the Beach! </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #2 Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long defeated Men At Work {41}<p> During the match Chris Kanyon walked away from the ring leaving Mark Starr to suffer a beating alone. The announcers questioned whether or not this team was through.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #3 Bryan Clarke defeated Mr. JL {52}<p> This was a one sided match that saw Clarke continue his domination.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #4 Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated The Mauler {44}<p> Chavo won by a flash pinfall that took The Mauler by surprise.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #5 Chris Benoit Promos on Kevin Sullivan {59} <p> Chris Benoit states that he knows Kevin Sullivan is behind the kidnapping of Woman. Benoit then demands that Woman be returned to him! Benoit finishes up with an apology to High Voltage because he will be going all out tonight and they might just get hurt.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #6 Benoit & Malenko defeated High Voltage {63}<p> This was a crazy match as Benoit almost got himself disqualified several times due to closed fist strikes and attacking Robbie Rage whil he was holding the ropes.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #7 Eddy Guerreo promos on Lord Steven Regal {54} <p> Eddy Guerrero lets Lord Steven Regal know that he is coming for that TV Title and nobody is going to stop him from getting it vato.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #8 Eddy Guerrero defeated Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo {67}<p> Eddy was very impressive as he used a lot more ground based wrestling in this match.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #9 The Real American Heroes go to Boot Camp! {71}<p> We are treated to a video of Jim Duggan taking the Real American Heroes to <strong>Sgt. Slaughter</strong>! Slaughter commented on Cobra being a poor name for an American Hero and changed his name to Private Jeff Farmer. We then saw a montage of Pvt. Farmer and Maj. Pittman during various Amrny type training as Duggan and Slaughter look on in approval. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #10 The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan defeated Harlem Heat w/Sister Sherri{57}<p> The Real American Heroes came out with a new fire and really took control of this match from the opening bell. The Real American Heroes also debuted a new tag team move, The Cobra Killer, where Pvt. Farmer puts an opponent in a Cobra Cluth then Maj. Pittman nails the helpless victim with a football style tackle!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #11 The Outsiders and the Mystery Man are up to something... {90}<p> A video of The Outsiders and the Mystery Man plays. In the video we see several names on a list with Hulk Hogan's name x'ed out. The other names on the list that stand out are Sting, Lex Luger, and Ric Flair. The Outsiders then say that everyone on this list is a potential member of Team WCW for Bash at the Beach and therefore a target. The announcers note that both The Giant and Randy Save's names were not on the list...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #12 Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo defeated Prince Iaukea & Billy Kidman in a 3way match {50} </div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #13 Shark w/Jimmy Hart defeated Shawn Stasiak {43}<p> In another one sided match Shark dominated the rookie Shawn Stasiak </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38283" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Segment #14 Lord Steven Regal© defeated Joey Maggs to retain the WCW Television Title {58}<p> Lord Steven Regal was at the top of his game as he put on a clinic. The announcers saying that Regal just might not be losing that TV Title any time soon, despite what Eddy Guerrero has to say about it.</p></div></blockquote><p> Overall Show = 62!</p>
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Big Changes in WCW!


WCW has recently replaced the head trainer of its Power Plant facility with none other than the legendary Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. In addition to changing the head trainer, the training facility has undergone a major overhaul with lots of new equipment. This is part of Cowboy Bill Watts effort to insure that WCW will always have a steady stream of new talent ready to step up and compete in WCW. The last major change for the Power Plant was a shift in focus from physical training to a more back to basics approach.

{Steamboat is the new head trainer, focus is now basics, increased prestige to 100 while subtracting the amount of money it would cost from my funds}


In other news WCW has also opened up Mid South Wrestling as a feeder league for WCW. Once again this is a concentrated effort by Bill Watts to keep WCW stacked with only the best talent. Tony Schiavone has been sent to MSW to oversee the company while Harley Race, Larry Zbyszko, and J.J. Dillon have been put in place to act as trainers for the developing talent. Several young stars have already been offered developmental contracts while several WCW talents have been sent to MSW to improve their wrestling skills.

{Tony Schiavone remains on as WCW announcer his position is purely cosmetic, Harley Race, Larry Zbyszko, and J.J. Dillon sent to MSW as trainers}

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WCW Nitro

for Week 2 of June 1996


The Blue Bloods (Eaton and Taylor) VS The Steiner Brothers

Rocky Maivia VS V.K. Wallstreet

Benoit & Malenko VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade

Lord Steven Regal© VS Barry Windham for the Television Championship

Sting & Lex Luger VS Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

Randy Savage VS Diamond Dallas Page


The Cowboy Bill Watts names his first pick for team WCW

Blood Runs Colder

A video response from Kevin Sullivan

and so much more!




WCW Saturday Night

for Week 2 of June 1996


Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Parker VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

The Renegade VS Hugh Morrus

Billy Kidman VS Mr. JL VS Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Dean Malenko

Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long VS State Patrol

Bryan Clarke VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

Eddy Guerrero VS Disco Inferno

Paul Orndorff & Steve Doll VS Public Enemy

Barry Windham VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo

Lord Steven Regal© VS Tanaka w/Sonny Onoo for the WCW World Television Championship


Meet the new WCW backstage Interviewer Kimona

Blood Runs Colder Still

and so much more!



Super Fun Time Prediction Sheet

WCW Nitro

The Blue Bloods (Eaton and Taylor) VS The Steiner Brothers



Rocky Maivia VS V.K. Wallstreet



Benoit & Malenko VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade



Lord Steven Regal© VS Barry Windham for the Television Championship



Sting & Lex Luger VS Ric Flair & Arn Anderson



Randy Savage VS Diamond Dallas Page




WCW Saturday Night

Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Parker VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan



The Renegade VS Hugh Morrus



Billy Kidman VS Mr. JL VS Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Dean Malenko



Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long VS State Patrol



Bryan Clarke VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe



Eddy Guerrero VS Disco Inferno



Paul Orndorff & Steve Doll VS Public Enemy



Barry Windham VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo



Lord Steven Regal© VS Tanaka w/Sonny Onoo for the WCW World Television Championship



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Good call on putting the predictions stuff together.


WCW Nitro

The Blue Bloods (Eaton and Taylor) VS The Steiner Brothers

Comment: Should be a pretty good match.


Rocky Maivia VS V.K. Wallstreet

Comment: Keep an eye on this Maivia kid though, he might go places in the future.


Benoit & Malenko VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

Comment: Train under the Sarge all they want, I can't see them getting past Benoit and Malenko.


Shark w/Jimmy Hart VS The Renegade



Lord Steven Regal© VS Barry Windham for the Television Championship

Comment: Barry is a good pick up for you.


Sting & Lex Luger VS Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

Comment: Sting and Lex can look good as they head toward facing the Outsiders in two months, I assume.


Randy Savage VS Diamond Dallas Page

Comment: A good match in about a year. Right now, World champ Savage takes it.


WCW Saturday Night

Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater w/Col. Parker VS The Real American Heroes w/Jim Duggan

The Renegade VS Hugh Morrus

Billy Kidman VS Mr. JL VS Jushin Thunder Liger w/Sonny Onoo VS Dean Malenko

Fire & Ice w/Teddy Long VS State Patrol

Bryan Clarke VS The Booty Man w/The Booty Babe

Eddy Guerrero VS Disco Inferno

Paul Orndorff & Steve Doll VS Public Enemy

Barry Windham VS Kurasawa w/Sonny Onoo

Lord Steven Regal© VS Tanaka w/Sonny Onoo for the WCW World Television Championship

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