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Community Long Term Project Ideamongering: "The Pinnacle"

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So, I might be a bit crazy to think this idea can go off as well as The League, but here goes anyway.


I'm in the process of getting some rough plans together in order to attempt something only done before on a smaller scale. What I plan, over the next however many months it is going to take me around real-life issues, is to conduct a CornellVerse-wide double elimination tournament, to see who really is the best in the business. Wirh 1,490 currently active, non-retired wrestlers, and this double elim format, I'm estimating close to 3,000 matches in total to see this through. Even at 30 matches a week it's going to take two years to finish this project...and there is no way I could keep that pace going for so long.


So, a question for those who have gotten this far into the post: if I were to ask for help in running a batch of matches (or several), would that "taint" the results in some way, or would it be a perfectly valid tactic? I'm leaning toward the latter opinion personally but I thought I'd open the floor to discussion on the topic.


Note that I'm still heavily debating actually running this in the WS3 dynasty area as a long term project even with no help.


Edit: idea on hold due to logistical issues.

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