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WWE: Shattered Universe

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Hello, all. First attempt at a dynasty. I'm not making any promises about the quality or my diligence, but I've been wanting to contribute something for some time.






October 2014, and Night of Champions came and went. And the WWE's gamble on their Network didn't pay off quite like they hoped. After all the budget cuts, things just didn't work out in the end for ol' Vinny Mac.


That's when the company imploded and someone (no one is quite sure) had the idea to break the company into several smaller promotions that would share the WWE's profits (and costs). Vince McMahon was furious that it seemed the WWE he created was taking several steps back toward the territory era of sports entertainment, but each company would provide its own product and "divide and conquer" strategy seemed like a good idea at the time.


Suddenly Vince felt dizzy. Surely there was a better idea.


Brands were assigned, and superstars were shipped all over the United States.


For October, the WWE debuted two promotions in WWE: Hollywood and WWE: Old School.


WWE: Hollywood

Aiden English

CJ Parker

Damien Sandow

Darren Young

David Otunga


Kofi Kingston

Konnor O' Brien

The Miz

Mojo Rawley

Rick Viktor

Roman Reigns


Sylvester Le Fort

Titus O' Neil

Tyler Breeze

Xavier Woods

Zack Ryder



WWE: Old School

Antonio Cesaro

Cody Rhodes

Curtis Axel

Daniel Bryan

Dean Ambrose

Jack Swagger

Jason Jordan

Mark Henry

Rey Mysterio


The Great Khali

Tye Dillinger




My next post will be the first episode of WWE: Old School's edition of Main Event.

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Where's Rollins, Cena, & Orton?


In other feds that have not been featured yet.


WWE: Old School presents Main Event

Tuesday, Week 1, October 2014

Broadcast Team: Jim Ross and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper


- The first show began with a tag team contest. The young team of Jason Jordan and Tye Dillinger took on the team of… Baron Corbin and Curtis Axel? Corbin was quite ready to get in the ring, but Axel confidently dominated the match. After the Axehole, the third generation star posed for the crowd.

- Sheamus stood backstage to promote the first episode of Main Event in the new era of sports entertainment. “My opponent tonight, I’ve had some of the toughest fights of my career. But if there’s anyone who looks forward to a fight, it’s me, fella.” Sheamus’ opponent, Antonio Cesaro, stepped into the frame promised to not come up short again. “Tonight is Cesaro’s chance to make history.”

- Fresh out of his make-up, Cody Rhodes went to the ring to shake hands and kiss babies (figuratively). Cody welcomed everyone to the new show, and his chance to truly make name for the Rhodes family and traditional wrestling. Out came the Great Khali, who wordlessly scowled at Cody and chopped his skull before walking away.

- Baron Corbin and Curtis Axel confronted each other. Corbin wasn’t happy with Axel’s act, but Axel wasn’t apologetic. “You think you deserve to be given a shot? I’m sick of letting opportunities slip by.” Axel slapped Corbin across the face. Corbin responded by tackling Curtis into a wall. Corbin seemed to have the upper-hand, but Axel got in a lucky shot and knocked Corbin unconscious in the shower.

- The second match of the night saw Dean Ambrose take on Rey Mysterio. Mysterio clearly had the crowd on his side, keeping the the already unbalanced Ambrose out of step. Ambrose dodged a springboard dive and used the opening to take Mysterio’s legs out from under him. Despite his efforts, Mysterio couldn’t get back on top. After a really nasty dragon screw, Ambrose pinned Mysterio who didn’t have the strength to kick out.

- Zeb Colter went to the ring to hype his protégé, Jack Swagger. They had put their border control agenda on the back-burner. “Jack Swagger is an all-American. From the University of Oklahoma. The most pins in a single season. Jack Swagger is an example of wrestling dominance. We’ve been distracted by other goals, but now we demonstrate power of a real American.”

- Cody Rhodes, nursing his wounds, took a microphone to talk about the Great Khali’s attack earlier. He wasn’t sure about the giant’s reasons. He wasn’t sure if it mattered. “The Rhodes family doesn’t back down from a fight. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Four Horsemen, or a giant. If Khali thinks he can bully a Rhodes, he’d better think twice.”

- Now that he is medically-cleared, the WWE hyped the return of Daniel Bryan with a video.

- The main event was Sheamus vs Antonio Cesaro. Fists flew, bodies were thrown. Sheamus was swung. Cesaro connected with the uppercut, but Sheamus instinctively rolled out of the ring. Sheamus blocked the Neutralizer, and countered into the White Noise. Sheamus goes the for the Brogue. Cesaro ducks. Cesaro knees Sheamus in the gut. The two grapple. Cesaro pushes Sheamus into the ropes. Sheamus ducks a clothesline. Brogue kick. Sheamus wins.


Overall Rating: C-


Not my best first show, but I am still trying out this scenario.

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WWE: Hollywood

Thursday, Week 1, October 2014

Broadcast Team: Scott Stanford and Darren Young


- The opening contest saw the Miz take on Aiden English in a one-sided contest. Miz hit the Skull-Crushing Finale for the W.

- A commercial played for David Otunga’s law firm.

- A video of the Ascension’s in-ring dominance played

- In the ring, Fandango met Mojo Rawley. Rawley easily had the strength advantage over the weasily Fandango. Fandango used the ring’s structure to gain an advantage, dodge the Hyper Drive and roll up Rawley to steal a win.

- Sylvester Le Fort went to the ring. He claimed to be a wealthy entrepreneur and talent scout, but he had yet to find a money maker that could make a worthy investment. “But as they say, if you want the job done, you do it on your own.” He issued an open challenge, but he was not ready for the responder…

- Roman Reigns’ music hit and Le Fort seemed to regret his challenge. Reigns climbed in the ring and immediately took it to Le Fort. Sly tried to run, but Reigns came for a fight and dragged Le Fort back to the ring. Le Fort made a slight comeback after a thumb to the eye, but Reigns wasn’t down for long, hit the Spear and won emphatically.

- Zack Ryder met Titus O’ Neil for a match. Titus had the early advantage and several near falls. Ryder refused to lay down and drew the crowd to his side. After blocking the Clash of the Titus, Ryder hit his finisher for the win.

- A video showed Tyler Breeze partying in the VIP room at a club

- Xavier Woods hyped his match against Ryback. “Ryback may be big. He may be strong. He may be mean. But I’m not afraid of bullies. Do I think I can win? I’m positive.”

- Unfortunately for Woods, his prediction would not come true. After nearly decapitating Woods with the Meat Hook, Ryback hit the Shellshock for the win.

- Backstage, Roman Reigns took a mircrophone to comment on the previous match. Reigns said that to be on top you look for the biggest dog and take him down. “Well, Ryback, I pick you. I will be on top of this company. And after I put you down, no one will question me.”

- The camera cut to the office where the Miz was just getting off the phone. He told the first person he found that he just got some exciting news. Next week he would be given the WWE Television title. He was interrupted by Zack Ryder who told him that he was mistaken. He wasn’t being given anything. Next week he would be in a match against the first and only Internet champion, and the man who would become the first TV champion, Zack Ryder.

- The main event saw Kofi Kingston take on Damien Sandow. Sandow failed to keep up with Kingston’s agility, so he tried to take out Kingston’s knees and tried to keep Kofi grounded. After hitting the Cubito Aequet, Sandow seemed posied to win, but Kofi countered the full nelson slam into a roll-up for the win.


Overall Rating: D-


Another lackluster show. Harumph! Maybe when workers respond to my contract offers things will start to turn around.

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The next episode will be an episode of Total Divas. <_<


That features a short tournament to crown the rebooted Divas champion.


WWE: Divas

AJ Lee

Alexa Bliss

Alicia Fox


Becky Lynch

Brie Bella







Nikki Bella


Rosa Mendes

Sasha Banks

Summer Rae

Tamina Snuka

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WWE: Divas

Total Divas

Friday, Week 1, October 2014

Broadcast Team: Rob Moore and Maryse Ouellet


- The show began with a quick opener featuring Summer Rae defeating Alexa Bliss

- The next segment was a more competitive tag team contest with the team of Bayley and Emma taking on the BFFs, Charlotte and Sasha Banks. Bayley and Emma played under their skills, allowing Charlotte and Banks to show some dominance. Bayley finally hot-tagged to Emma who swung things back in her team’s favor. When Bayley got back in the ring, she countered Charlotte’s somersault cutter and followed up with a suplex into a pin.

After the bell, though, Charlotte got revenge on Bayley and hit her finisher. She called Bayley a joke and kicked her heels in Bayley’s face.

- Tamina taunted AJ Lee about their match, where the winner would compete for the the Divas title in the main event. She recalled when she was AJ’s muscle, but she was not in the WWE to be someone else’s bodyguard.

- Tamina went into her match focused and ready to win. AJ did her usual skip around the ring and shrugs off Tamina’s threats. Tamina started the match swinging and quickly wiping the smirk off of AJ’s face. Tamina dominated her old pal, but missed the top rope splash. AJ regained her momentum, slipped out of a torture rack, and hit the Shining Wizard for the win.

- A music video for Paige played

- Natalya was shown preparing for her tournament match.

- Natalya entered the ring to face opponent, Layla. The Dungeon schooling came in handy for Neidhart, but Layla had a few tricks in her bag. After tripping Natalya on the ring apron, Layla hit a neckbreaker on the outside and inside to get a win.

- AJ got in a few words congratulating Layla on her win, but tonight the true Divas champion was going to finish the night on top.

- There was an argument between Summer Rae and Becky Lynch. I have no defense.

- The Bellas hyped their upcoming match against Alicia Fox and Cameron.

- The next segment saw Naomi take down Rosa Mendes, but after the match she was attacked by Paige. As she walked out of the arena, Paige screamed she was thirsty for competition.

- Backstage, AJ met with a similar incident as she was blindsided by Layla in an attempt to soften her for their title match.

- Thanks to some life-long tag team experience, the Bella managed to pull of the victory against Fox and Cameron. But the unhinged ones were not one to take losing well. Fox lost her temper and through Brie across the announce table. Cameron emptied a can of hair spray in Nikki’s face.

- Layla entered the ring for her title match. AJ, who was nursing her shoulder, took more time to get to the ring. Layla spent the beginning of the match focusing on AJ’s shoulder. AJ rallied the crowd and countered Layla by throwing her out of the ring. After a dive, AJ got things firmly under her control. When the action returned to the ring, AJ Had Layla right where she wanted her. AJ set up the Shining Wizard, but Layla didged and AJ up. AJ kicked out. AJ tried to lock on the Black Widow, but couldn’t get the leverage she needed due to her injury. Layla went for her neckbreaker, but AJ countered and hit the GTS to get a big pop. AJ followed up with the Wizard to capture the gold. AJ was given the belt and confetti rained from the ceiling to mark the first new champion of the new era of the WWE.


Overall Rating: E+


The note I got was that there aren't enough hot storylines, which is fine considering it was the first show and most of the roster have low popularity ratings.


I'm still figuring out the mechanics of this universe. I still have four other promotions to introduce.

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The next show will be an ode to late 90's professional wrestling, WWE: Attitude, and their event, Battleground.


WWE: Attitude

Brad Maddox

Bray Wyatt

Colin Cassady

Enzo Amore

Erick Rowan

Fergal Devitt


Heath Slater

Kevin Steen

Luke Harper

Rob Van Dam


Wade Barrett

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WWE: Attitude

Sunday, Week 1, October 2014

WWE Battleground

Broadcast Team: Matt Shannon and Matt Striker


- The show opened in the dark. A raspy came over the speakers, “Trenton,… we’re here.” Bray Wyatt and his family made their entrance. Despite the smaller venue, he was still met by the “fireflies.” Wyatt took the mic to say that the battlefield may have changed, but the war was not over. He mentioned that later there would be a battle royal later to crown the first Extreme champion. Wyatt shrugged off the desire to win the belt, but relished the thought of breaking down every man on the roster later. And when he broke every man in the WWE, and became the champion, only one thought would be on his mind. “He’s got the whole world in his hands.”

- The segment led into a tag team match where Harper and Rowan took on the thrown together team of Heath Slater and Brad Maddox. Slater tried to get them most out of his partner, but there was only so much he could do against the onslaught of the Wyatt Family. Maddox wisely left the ring, and Slater was left to take a discus clothesline. Bray applauded his disciples for their win and the first win on WWE: Attitude.

- Fergal Devitt was promoting himself as ready to face a challenge in the WWE, but he found himself some bad news. Wade Barrett appeared and informed the new superstar that the only thing he’d see tonight is the Bullhammer between his eyes, but by then it would be too late.

- Goldust was seen getting ready for a match.

- Devitt’s WWE debut saw him use a lot of the hard strikes he was famous for across the pond, but Barrett was just as adept. Devitt had some crowd support, but years in the WWE had taught Barrett a few tricks. Devitt wrapped the ring apron around Devitt’s head and clocked him with the Bullhammer. Barrett went for an arrogant cover, but Devitt got his shoulder up to everyone’s surprise. Devitt came back and barely missed a double stomp off the top rope. Devitt ducked the Bullhammer. Devitt hit his reverse brainbuster, but Barrett kicked out. Out desperation, Barret hit the Winds of Change but followed up with the Bullhammer to seal a victory.

- Barrett didn’t enjoy having to work so hard for the win and grabbed a chair. Devitt was the victim of several chair shots to the back and a Wasteland onto the chair. Barrett wedged Devitt’s knee in the chair and threatened to Pillmanize him, but Devitt was saved by R-Truth. Barrett wanted nothing to do with Truth and retreated as he said, “You’re my next paycheck.”

- Matt Striker hyped the momentum Bray Wyatt has gaine dsince debuting in the WWE over a year ago. And that an amoral shell of a human being like him could only succeed in an environment like this. He feared for the WWE Universe if he won the Extreme title later.

- The universe was rocked by another debut from “Wrestling’s Worst Nightmare” Kevin Steen. Steen said the journey to the WWE had been hard and as soon as he got there he had to start from the bottom again. But since he was not one to cry over things he had no control he issued a challenge to someone he has been looking forward to facing… Bray Wyatt. Wyatt entered the arena as he laughed at Steen. Wyatt called Steen a “child” and warned him against figthing monsters, for the sake of his family. Steen quickly told Wyatt not mention his family otherwise he would forced to turn Wyatt inside-out. Wyatt laughed and said, “I’d like to see you try,” before dropping his microphone.

- Steen and Wyatt collided and the fists flew. The sound of their strikes echoed through the arena and crowd went nuts. The two full force into each other, delivering hard strikes tossing each other around the ring. Wyatt missed a running senton which allowed Steen to follow up with a suplex. The action spilled to the outside where Wyatt took control after slamming Steen’s arm into the ring post. The fight continued in the ring. Steen connected with a desperate kick to knock Wyatt. Wyatt sprang up like a spider. Steen let out an audible vulgarity and the two grappled again. Steen tried lift Wyatt into the F-Cinq, but Wyatt clobbered Steen with forearms. Wyatt grabbed Steen’s arm and guillotined it on the top rope. Wyatt got back in the ring. Steen connected with a punch, but it tweaked his injury. Wyatt quickly recovered and hit Sister Abigail for the win.

- R-Truth took the mic talk about opportunities and how many Wade Barrett has been given. He also noted that the Sun-Tan Superman doesn’t have any. “So, I’m your next paycheck? Don’t insult me like that. You’d better fight me because you have to, because I have to fight you. Little Jimmy’s too damn hungry.”

- A video hyping Goldust played

- Colin Cassady had a mic to hype his match with Goldust, calling a bunch of names, but mostly he borrowed Enzo’s “SAWFT!”

- Goldust was anything but soft, even against the big man. The Bizarre One caught Cassady with a jab to the throat and followed up with the Curtain Call for the win.

- The camera cut to backstage where Kevin Steen and Bray Wyatt were caught in a brawl. Harper and Rowan tried to intervene, but Wyatt told them to stay back. Officials finally arrived to separate them.

- The main event was a 15-Man Battle Royal Mayhem match where there were no disqualifications, no count outs, and the only way to eliminate an opponent was by pinfall or submission. Everyone on the roster was allowed to participate, except Fergal Devitt who wasn’t medically cleared after Barrett’s attack. Wyatt were oddly absent. The first man eliminated was Brad Maddox when a vengeful Heath Slater pushed him into a chokeslam from Erick Rowan. One-by-one the competitors fell. Eventually, the brawl between Steen and Wyatt came to the ring. Rowan and Harper helped their master with Steen, but Steen managed to hit the F-Cinq on Rowan to eliminate one-third of the Wyatt Family. R-Truth finally got his hands on Wade Barrett, but a ring bell to the face got Sun-Tan Superman eliminated. Colin Cassady shocked the crowd by eliminating Luke Harper. Goldust eliminated Barrett after an attack by R-Truth. Wyatt eliminated Cassady then Steen. Goldust tried to go for the Shattered Dreams on Wyatt, but Wyatt countered and hit chair-assisted senton splash to eliminate Goldust, ge the win, and the belt. The broadcast called the Wyatt Family’s victory a dark day for the WWE universe.


Overall Rating: C-


A successful show. No loss of popularity in any regions. The buyrate did come out fantastic, but things will turn around.

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WWE: Old School presents WWE Main Event

Tuesday, Week 2, October 2014

Broadcast Team: Jim Ross and Roddy Piper


- Before the show started Rey Mysterio won a match against Baron Corbin and Zeb Coulter did more to hype to Jack Swagger.

- Sheamus opened the show to talk about his win over Cesaro the previous week, and hoped the powers-that-be would think of him when booking the eventual United States title match. Sheamus was interrupted by “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry who asked Sheamus, since he is always ready for a fight, if he was ready to enter the Hall of Pain. Sheamus took that as a challenge and accepted.

- The first contest of the night was Cesaro facing Tye Dillinger. After an uppercut and the Neutralizer and Cesaro regain a little bit of momentum and dignity.

- The camera cut to Wade Barrett who announced he had some BAD. NEWS. Barrett was offered a nice little bonus to work for OS part-time. He was interrupted by Christian. Barrett warned Christian against challenging the Bare-Knuckle Brawler. “You’ve already suffered enough head trauma. Haw! Haw! Haw!”

- A music video hyping Dean Ambrose played.

- In the next match, Cody Rhodes challenged fellow legacy wrestler Curtis Axel. After missing the Disaster Kick, Rhodes seemed at Axel’s mercy. Axel tried leaving Rhodes outside the ring to be counted out then trying separate Cody’s shoudler, but Cody countered the Axe-Hole into the Cross Rhodes for the win. As Cody exited the arena, he was ambushed by the Great Khali who brain-chopped him and slammed him onto the stage.

- A highlight video of Daniel Bryan training for his return played.

- Sheamus and Mark Henry met in the ring for the main event. Despite the size difference, Sheamus was able to keep in step with Henry, but in the end Henry shockingly blocked the Brogue Kick and slammed Sheamus for the win. After the bell, Henry was not through and went back to the ring to deliver another World’s Strongest Slam to end the show.


Overall Rating: C+


I'm getting notes about using less non-wrestling segments. Well, alright!

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Next time we'll see WWE: Aggression, featuring hard-hitting, exciting workers such as:


Adrian Neville

Alexander Rusev

Chris Masters

Corey Graves

Dolph Ziggler


Jay Bradley

Jey Uso

Jimmy Uso

Justin Gabriel




Sami Callihan

Sami Zayn

Seth Rollins

Sin Cara

Tyson Kidd

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WWE: Aggression

Wednesday, Week 2, October 2014

Broadcast Team: Todd Keneley and Charlie Haas


- Paul Heyman opened the program by telling everyone that he will be the architect of this brand. “I hand-picked each these men, so you might say that each one is a ‘Heyman Guy.’ We will not skimp on the action, like the other guys. I will deliver to you, the ‘WWE Universe,’ the best show every week. I will give you what you have been craving for so long. This is my offering to you, the Heyman Faithful.”

- The first contest was a clash of styles between the agile Sin Cara and the hard-hitting Jay Bradley. Sin Cara used to speed to stay out of Bradley’s grasp. Sin Cara started using aerial moves to keep Bradley off-balance. After a near-fall Bradley realized he had to get things back under control. Sin Cara went for a springboard move, but Bradley pushed him to the floor. Bradley continued his assault on the outside. Sin Cara made one last gasp to regain the advantage with Asai moonsault to the outside, but Bradley caught him and slammed him into the ring post. Bradley rolled Sin Cara into the ring and continued his beatdown. Sin Cara refused to stay down, though, and kicked after each big move from Bradley. Sin Cara countered an Irishw hip into a head scissors, followed up with luchadore arm drag, and finally a roll-up. Bradley kicked out, but Sin Cara was back in the driver’s seat. Bradley whipped Sin Cara into the corner. As Bradley sharged toward him, Sin Cara connected with a kick and perched himself on the turnbuckle. Bradley connected with a punch and set up a superplex. Sin Cara blocked it, pushed Bradley to the mat and hit the Swanton Bomb to get the win.

- The next match was Justin Gabriel vs Kalisto. Compared to the previous match, the two competitors were more evenly-matched. However, Gabriel did manage to get the upperhand after crotching Kalisto on the turnbuckle then hit the 450 Splash for the win.

- Hard strikes were the special of the next match where Corey Graves faced Solomon Crowe. Graves tried to work on Crowe’s knee for the Lucky 13. The Savior of Misbehavior lasted quite a while, but a stiff lariat put him for the three.

- The next match saw Adrian Neville try to avoid the lethal strikes of KENTA. After the two matched each other in mat work, Neville resorted to his aerial maneuvers. It helped Neville survive, but KENTA managed to catch him and hit the GTS for the win. Yes, there were “CM Punk” chants.

- Tyson Kidd and Sami Zayn got into an argument. Sami Zayn was reflecting on how he had worked hard to get to the WWE. Kidd wanted to clarify that it wasn’t al it was cracked up to be. “You can be the hardest worker on the roster, but it doesn’t guarantee you anything except a paycheck and sore body in the morning. “ Paul Heyman overheard the two and proposed a match next week because it would be “best for business.”

- Primo and Epico took the time to hype match against the Usos and calling themselves the family wrestling tag team in the business.

- Unfortunately, the Colons had to those words, as the Usos superkicked their way to victory.

- The match nobody wanted to follow-up, Dolph Ziggler vs Seth Rollins, was exactly what you would have expected, except Dolph took even more bumps. The scrappy Ziggler got the crowd into it, and Rollins coldly continued his offense. But a missed Curb Stomp opened the door for Ziggler to get his second wind and hit the Zig Zag for the win.

- The main event was Alexander Rusev vs Chris Masters. Why? Apparently, Ziggler/Rollins ended a little sooner than expected. That is what the dirtsheets said. A thrust kick and Accolade put Masters down. Poor Masters was no match for the Hero of the Russians.


Yeah, Rusev/Masters was supposed to occur earlier in the show, but I got impatient. Totally dragged down my show's rating.

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Okay, so... I got bored typing out results for each show. There are a lot of shows so I don't feel ashamed about that at all. But I did book ahead to finish the month. So I will try to recap as much of that as I can.


WWE: Aggression


Seth Rollins captured the Intercontinental Championship at Cutting Edge, but he quickly found himself a target as the following week he was challenged by the debuting Alex Shelley. In their title match, Shelley came within a hair of getting the gold before Rollins hit the Curb Stomp for the win. Before Rollins could add insult to injury, Shelley was saved by his former partner Chris Sabin. Does this the Motor City Machine Guns are re-forming? What does that mean for the champ?


Current Roster -

  • Adrian Neville
  • Alex Shelley
  • Brian Cage
  • Brian Kendrick
  • Chris Masters
  • Chris Sabin
  • Christian
  • Corey Graves
  • Curtis Axel
  • Dolph Ziggler
  • Epico
  • Evan Bourne
  • Jay Bradley
  • Jey Uso
  • Jimmy Uso
  • Johnny Gargano
  • Justin Gabriel
  • Kalisto
  • Luke Gallows
  • Primo
  • Sami Zayn
  • Seth Rollins
  • Sin Cara
  • Solomon Crowe
  • Tyson Kidd
  • Willie Mack


WWE: Attitude


Bray Wyatt shocked the Universe by winning the Extreme title at Battleground, but they were shocked again when his first challenger was the returning hardcore master of mind games, Raven. Raven put up a valiant fight, but Wyatt, Harper, and Rowan were too much for him. Before the Family could deal the killing blow, Raven received some help from Kevin Steen. The following week, Steen and Raven pulled off a surprise victory by beating Luke Harper and Erick Rownan, but how long will it be before Steen gets a title match against Wyatt, and will Raven be in his corner?


Wade Barrett made his presence felt when he beat down Fergal Devitt at Battleground, but his attack put him in the sights of R-Truth. The two traded words for weeks before Barrett made things personal and put Truth through a table. When they finally had their match, Barrett connected with the Bullhammer to get the win, but Truth had the last laugh of the night by putting Barrett through a table. It seems the feud will continue, but Fergal Devitt has made it know he wants a piece of Barrett as well. How will he factor into the conflict?


Current Roster -

  • Brad Maddox
  • Bray Wyatt
  • Colin Cassady
  • Conor O' Brian w/ Shelly Martinez
  • Enzo Amore
  • Erick Rowan
  • Fergal Devitt
  • Goldust
  • Heath Slater
  • Jay Briscoe
  • Jimmy Jacobs
  • JTG
  • Kevin Steen
  • Luke Harper
  • Mark Briscoe
  • Raven
  • Rick Victor w/ Shelly Martinez
  • Rob Van Dam
  • R-Truth
  • Shad Gaspard
  • Solomon Crowe
  • Wade Barrett


WWE: Divas


AJ Lee became the Divas champion on the first episode, but her first opponent wasn't a wrestler. The General Manager Vickie Guerrero made it clear that she did not want AJ representing the company and made her face Layla again in a rematch for the title. Though Layla came up short, Guerrero revealed her ace, the returning Victoria. Though Guerrero found herself indefinitely suspended for her obvious bias, Layla and Victoria continued the fight. AJ found herself a new partner in Kharma. Though Kharma and AJ were victorious, Layla found herself kicked out of the club by Victoria. Now Victoria seems poised for a title match. When will it happen? Will she be able to get through Kharma? Will AJ be ready for the Diva more unhinged than herself?


Current Roster -

  • AJ Lee
  • Alexa Bliss
  • Alicia Fox
  • Bayley
  • Becky Lynch
  • Brie Bella
  • Cameron
  • Charlotte
  • Divina
  • Emma
  • Kharma
  • Layla
  • Naomi
  • Natalya
  • Nikki Bella
  • Paige
  • Raquel Diaz
  • Rosa Mendes
  • Sasha Banks
  • Sofia Cortez
  • Summer Rae
  • Taeler Hendrix
  • Tamina Snuka
  • Victoria


WWE: Hollywood


The Miz won the Television title, but Zack Ryder was not one to take the defeat and go home. Ryder rallied again and challenged the Hollywood Star to a re-match. Ryder came close to getting the gold, but Miz rolled the Long Iced Z into a dirty pin to retain the gold. Is Ryder out of the game for good now?


Kofi Kingston found himself cross with Damien Sandow, but the Intellectual Savior of the Masses had a friend to help him, fellow patron of the arts Fandango. Sandow and Fandango seemed to have Kingston up against the wall, but the high-flier got some help from Xavier Woods and the two knocked Sandow and Fandango off their track. Could we see the new tag team of Kingston and Woods go on to success? Or will the team dubbing themselves the Culture Society get to the top first?


The arena shook as Ryback and Roman reigns met to decide the alpha male of WWE: Hollywood. It was true that Ryback could hit hard, but Reigns' intensity became an asset as he shook off Ryback's offense and rocked the ring with a Spear to seal the victory. What could be next for Reigns? Will he be going for the Miz's Television title, or does he have bigger ideas?


Current Roster -

  • Aiden English
  • Big E Langston
  • Bo Dallas
  • CJ Parker
  • Conor O' Brian
  • Damien Sandow
  • Darren Young
  • David Otunga
  • Fandango
  • Kofi Kingston
  • Mojo Rawley w/ Hornswoggle
  • Rick Victor
  • Roman Reigns
  • Ryback
  • Santino Marella w/ Aksana
  • Sylvester Le Fort
  • The Miz
  • Titus O' Neil
  • Tyler Breeze w/ Lana
  • Xavier Woods
  • Zack Ryder


WWE: Old School


The crowd cheered when "G.O.A.T." Daniel Bryan returned and made it clear his first step in returning to the top was capturing the WWE United States title. But his goal was challenged by the "World's Strongest Man" Mark Henry. The match made for the October pay-per-view, Fall Brawl. Their confrontations leading up to the event were kept non-physical, but once the bell rang on that Sunday, Bryan and Henry knew what they had to do. Bryan started the match by staying out of Henry's deadly grasp. Bryan managed to hit the Knee-Plus early, but it wasn't enough to get the three-count. When Henry fell outside, Bryan went for a suicide dive. Bryan connected, but the damage done to his neck came back to haunt him. Though Bryan fought to stay alive, Henry took firm control of the match. Bryan tried to put the big man in a Yes-Lock, but Henry still had enough strength to block it. Bryan managed to mount a comeback and after finally connecting with the Knee-Plus a second time Bryan became the United States champion.


Because of his troubles with Khali and recent identity issues, Cody Rhodes was looking for guidance. He found it in father's old nemesis, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair promised to help Cody meet his potential. When Cody finally Great Khali at Fall Brawl, Flair loaned his student a robe and the Figure Four. Using his mentor's trademark move, Cody gained a significant advantage over the giant. After a Disaster Kick and the Cross Rhodes Cody was the winner and Flair was overjoyed.


Old School was joined by several tag teams including the Von Erichs and the Hart Dynasty. But the most dominant team across the WWE Universe, the Usos, also dropped in. But at Fall Brawl, the Usos' dominance was challenged by the debuting Bad Influence, Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian. In the end, the Usos put up a fight, but Bad Influence had just enough dirty tricks to not get the win. With the growing tag team division, will Old School soon have its own Tag Team championship?


Wade Barrett made his debut taunting the injured Christian. Barrett turned his attention toward the "Celtic Warrior" Sheamus. Christian offered to be in Sheamus' corner at Fall Brawl, but Sheamus assured him that he could take care of Barrett alone. But Barrett's taunts became dirtier and his attacks became sneakier until Sheamus figured it would help to have someone watch his back. At Fall Brawl, used Christian to distract Sheamus to get an advantage, but as he set up the Bull Hammer, Christian grabbed his ankle to leave Barrett open for the Brogue Kick. The duo of Sheamus and Christian were successful, but will their partnership continue? Is this the last we've seen of Wade Barrett?


Current Roster-

  • Antonio Cesaro
  • Baron Corbin
  • Christian
  • Christopher Daniels
  • Cody Hall
  • Cody Rhodes w/ Ric Flair
  • Colt Cabana
  • Curtis Axel w/ Brooke Adams
  • Daniel Bryan
  • David Hart Smith
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Frankie Kazarian
  • The Great Khali
  • Jack Swagger
  • Jason Jordan
  • Jey Uso
  • Jimmy Uso
  • Mark Henry
  • Marshall Von Erich
  • QT Marshall w/ "Brutal" Bob Evans
  • Rey Mysterio
  • Ross Von Erich
  • Sheamus
  • Shelton Benjamin
  • Tye Dillinger
  • Tyson Kidd
  • Wade Barrett

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I'm going to try a weekly recap style rather than recap each show individually. Considering how I prefer short results, this feels more like an update to me rather than devoting a post to each fed.


WWE: Old School

Tuesday, Week 1, November 2014


Jim Ross and Roddy Piper welcomed everyone to Old School’s Main Event as the bell rang for the opening contest ebtween Antonio Cesaro and Cody Hall. Ross put in a few comments about Cody’s potential as a superstar, but Cesaro wasn’t about to let the younger Hall become a superstar on his time. After an uppercut and an Neutralizer, the Swiss Superman notched a win on a his figurative belt.


There was a lot of action throughout the show including matches where Bad Influence gained a win over the Hart Dynasty, Shelton Benjamin picked up a surprise victory over Dean Ambrose, and Cody Rhodes defeated Bob Evans’ golden boy, QT Marshall. Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter also made an appearance saying that even though Swagger took a loss at Fall Brawl, their business with Shelton Benjamin was not over.


Early in the program Wade Barrett made it known that he wanted a shot at the United States title. Daniel Bryan had no intention of letting Barrett run his mouth and accepted the challenge. When the two met in the main event, Barrett didn’t let the moment go to waste. Barrett managed to take advantage of Bryan’s injuries from his battle with Mark Henry and got a few near-falls. Bryan went for the Knee-Plus, but connected with referee instead when Barrett dodged. Barrett and Bryan continued to fight and Barrett connected with the Bullhammer. However, the referee was still unconscious. By the time a new referee made it to the ring, Bryan was able to kick out at two. Barrett prepared for another Bullhammer, but Bryan countered with the Yes-Lock for the submission victory. Bryan celebrated his victory, but it was cut short by an attack by Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro put Bryan down with the Neutralizer and posed with the United States title to close the program.


WWE: Aggression

Wednesday, Week 1, November 2014


WWE: Aggression’s Wedensday event opened with the Colons taking on the team of Sin Cara and Kalisto. The contest was short, but fast-paced with both teams being made up of adept high-fliers. The end saw a break down in the rules where Epico tripped Kalisto and pulled him out of the ring. Sin Cara was going for a moonsault on Primo, but Epico hit a backstabber that allowed Primo to make the cover and get the win.


Elsewhere, Corey Graves defeated Brian Cage. Luke Gallows defeated Chris Masters. Adrian Neville defeated Brian Kendrick. Solomon Crowe defeated Evan Bourne. Sami Zayn defeated Johnny Gargano.


An intense contest happened between Curtis Axel and Dolph Ziggler. Both were possible contenders for the Intercontinental title so a win could mean an eventual title shot. Axel showed his aggression, but Ziggler showed his tenacity. Ziggler managed to get several near-falls, but Axel rolled him up and used a handful of tights to steal the win. The crowd jeered, but Axel was satisfied with his ill-gotten victory.


Backstage, Seth Rollins was going on about how he was the Intercontinental champion. He claimed he could beat any man in the world. His boasting was interrupted by Japanese superstar KENTA, who wanted to challenge for the belt. Rollins tried to back out of his challenge by claiming KENTA hadn’t earned it, but Paul Heyman appeared and said that the match sounded like it could draw. So the following week, KENTA would challenge Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental title.


The main event was a tag team contest pitting International Airstrike – Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd – against the reformed Motor City Machine Guns. Kidd and Gabriel enjoyed the chance to cut loose with what they were allowed to do in the ring, but were not ready for the Guns and had to ground Sabin and Shelley and Sabin quickly. Kidd and Shelley traded wrestling holds, while Gabriel and Sabin dove at each other. Kidd had Shelley in the Sharpshooter. Sabin got in the ring to help, but was stopped by Gabriel. Just as Shelley was about to grab the bottom rope, Kidd dragged him back to the center of the ring. Sabin tried to help again, but Gabriel interfered. Sabin ducked a forearm, and Gabriel hit his partner instead. Sabin connected with a super kick to Gabriel while Shelley dropped Kidd with the WA4 to get the win.


WWE: Divas

Wednesday, Week 1, November 2014


WWE: Divas began with Victoria making a claim for the Divas championship. Her promo was interrupted by Kharma who had unfinished business with title herself. They agreed on match in the main event.


After the sneak attack the previous week, Bayley and Emma challenged Charlotte and Sasha Banks to a match. The BFFs accepted wordlessly by attacking them backstage.


Becky Lynch earned a victory over Rosa Mendes, while the debuting Sarah Stock defeated Alexa Bliss.


Alicia Fox found a new partner in Taeler Hendrix, but it was still not enough to beat her rivals, the Bellas. After Taeler accidentally hit her own partner, Nikki Bella rolled up Fox for the win.


Layla got some measure of momentum when she beat Paige. But Paige would not take a defeat lying down and attacked Layla after the bell. Agents and referees pryed Paige, but the two seemed to not be done.

Naomi defeated Tamina Snuka.


Before the main event, Natalya had an argument with Cameron, who claimed to be the greatest diva on the roster. Natalya explained to her that she didn’t belong in a wrestling promotion. The two confrontation continued until they decided to meet in a match the following week.


AJ Lee gave her thoughts on facing either Kharma or Victoria for the Divas title. She said both were veterans and either would be a challenge, but she wasn’t the champion because she was handed the belt. “I am the champ because I want to be the best in the world.”


The main event saw Kharma take on Victoria for the right to face AJ Lee for the Divas championship. The ladies hit hard and kept on for a long time. Victoria found herself being tossed like a kid. Kharma kept a firm control of the match until Victoria wrenched Kharma’s arm on the top rope. Victoria slowly wore Kharma down, but Kharma wouldn’t go down without swinging. Kharma got some momentum going. Kharma went for the Implant Buster, but Victoria escaped and shoved Kharma into an exposed turnbuckle. Victoria rolled Kharma up for the win and the future title shot.


WWE: Hollywood

Thursday, Week 1, November 2014


The show opened with the announcement that Miz would defend the Television title against Roman Reigns. Miz didn’t seem intimidated. Instead he called Roman a possible co-star or rather a supporting character or rather an extra barbarian in Miz of Cimmeria. “Nobody has the potential to play the perfect, big, dumb Neanderthal that you do.”


The first match was between Kofi Kingston and Tyler Breeze. Lana tried to help her client, Breeze, but when she distracted the referee it gave Breeze’s on-going rival Bo Dallas a chance to jump in the ring, hit the Bo-Dog and help Kofi get a victory.


The Ascension continued to throw their weight around by attacking Sylvester Le Fort and David Otunga.


Big E. Langston made an appearance to decimate Aiden English.

A music video recapping the budding friendship of Mojo Rawley and Hornswoggle played.


Sylvester Le Fort, still beaten from the attack earlier, made his entrance for his match against Mojo Rawley. Le Fort didn’t stand much of a chance as the Hype Man steamrolled through him easily.


In the locker room, Zack Ryder was feeling glum after he came up short at Halloween Havoc. Santino entered to try and help his former tag partner. Zack told Santino to give him some space so Santino left. When Santino went to the ring for his match against Titus O’ Neil, he was all smiles. However, Santino’s ring-rust began to show and the power of Titus became too much for the Milan Miracle. After getting the pinfall, Titus signaled for another Clash of the Titus, but a chair-wielding Zack Ryder saved Santino.


The next match saw Damien Sandow defeat Xavier Woods using a dirty pin to steal the victory. Fandango got in the ring to join Sandow in beating Woods, but Kofi Kingston ran in for the save, returning the favor from weeks before.


The main event was an uphill battle for the champ as the Miz had to defend his belt against Roman Reigns. After an initial scare, Miz’s strategy changed to evading Reigns as long as he could. But when Reigns finally got his mits on Miz again, the Awesome stopped feeling so awesome. After hitting the Superman Punch, Reigns called for the Spear. While Reigns was crouched in the corner, Ryback ran to the ring and attacked Reigns to cause a disqualification. Miz quickly grabbed his title belt and escaped, leaving Ryback to Shellshock Reigns and close the show.


WWE: Attitude

Friday, Week 1, November 2014


The opening contest saw Rob Van Dam squash Brad Maddox. Raven defeated Heath Slater. The Wyatt Family defeated Colin Cassady and Cryme Tyme.


R-Truth was in the middle of a promo about Wade Barrett when he was interrupted by Devitt. Devitt said Truth had his chance to shut Barrett's mouth and failed. Truth told Devitt to stand down or else he would get put down.


The Briscoes announced that they intended to get their hands on the Wyatt Family at some point. "You boys ain't no family. You're freaky, but the Briscoes don't hide. You bring all that voodoo **** and we'll bring the redneck Kung Fu."


Like the Briscoes, Kevin Steen announced his intentions to challenge the Wyatt Family, but Steen was more focused on Bray Wyatt himself. "Wyatt, you may have beaten me the first time we met in the ring, but you didn't beat my ass. You may have the whole world in your hands, but I will fight the whole world to get a shot at you. You had better get ready, because that belt will mine very soon."


In the main event, Wade Barrett fought Goldust. Goldust used his wily veteran tricks to keep Barrett off-balance, but once Barrett got an advantage he connected with the Bullhammer for the win. After the bell, R-Truth attacked Barrett. The two were quickly joined by Devitt in a big three-way brawl. Every official had to run to the ring to separate the three as the evening ended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No, I'm not going to pretend that I am doing well at this. I lost interest in trying to recap five different shows. Especially when the only two in which I feel really invested are hard to recap because they focus more on match quality.


But I'm back. Again I have to skip ahead. But this time I am introducing the big company.


WWE: Superstars


The Road to Wrestlemania


That's right! World Wrestling Entertainment is back. It's a brand new day. A brand new year. It's a brand new WWE. You may have caught up with the other WWE-affiliated companies around the country. We would like to thank them -- Aggression, Attitude, Divas, Hollywood, and Old School -- for keeping the WWE brand alive. Now it's time to introduce the world to the biggest wrestling company the world has ever seen. Having picked from the best of those promotions, we will be touring January, February, and March as WWE: Superstars. The first live show will take place Monday at the BI-LO Center in Greenville, South Carolina.


We will kicking off 2015 in a big way with a big rematch between John Cena and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. Will Cena start the year in a big way and tie Ric Flair's record? Will Paul Heyman and "The Beast Incarnate" be too much for the leader of the Cenation? What surprises will the C.O.O. Triple H have in store for the WWE Universe? If you are in the Greenville area come down, and don't forget to catch Raw is War for the action-packed replay.



AJ Lee


Alex Shelley

Antonio Cesaro


Big E. Langston

The Big Show

Bray Wyatt

Brie Bella

Brock Lesnar {WWE World Heavyweight Champion}

Chris Sabin


Christopher Daniels

Cody Rhodes

Curtis Axel

Damien Sandow

Daniel Bryan

Darren Young

Dean Ambrose

Dolph Ziggler


Erick Rowan

Frankie Kazarian


Jack Swagger

Jey Uso {WWE World Tag Team Champion}

Jimmy Uso {WWE World Tag Team Champion}

John Cena

Justin Gabriel



Kevin Steen

Kofi Kingston


Layla El

Luke Harper

Mark Henry



Nikki Bella


Randy Orton

Rey Mysterio

Roman Reigns


Sami Zayn

Seth Rollins


Shelton Benjamin

The Miz

Titus O' Neil

Triple H

Tyson Kidd


Wade Barrett


I am now going to do write-up for the first show. For those that were wondering what happened to Cena and Orton, they have exclusive contracts with Superstars, the new main fed that tours New Years through Wreslemania and during the summer.

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WWE: Superstars


The Road to Wrestlemania Tour

Monday, Week 1, January 2015

Broadcast Team: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and John Bradshaw Layfield


- Pre-Show: Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger by countout

- Pre-Show: The Motor City Machine Guns introduced themselves to the Universe

- Pre-Show: Kevin Steen defeated Tyson Kidd

- Pre-Show: Nikki Bella defeated Layla El

- Pre-Show: Darren Young hyped himself

- Pre-Show: Damien Sandow defeated Justin Gabriel


- The show began with usual pyro. Cole, JBL, and Lawler were sitting at the announce table to welcome everyone to the show. Cole went on and on about how it was such a huge night for the Universe. JBL wanted to talk about the big main event of Cena vs Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight title. Lawler didn’t touch his Mountain Dew.


- The opening contest had Sami Zayn facing the challenge “The Viper” Randy Orton. Zayn fought hard, and managed to get some of the crowd behind him. But fans who weren’t get excited knew the result before the bell rang. Zayn went for a springbaord move and Orton caught him with the RKO for the win. (7:31) Rating: C


- Paul Heyman went to the ring to re-introduce himself. “Ladies and gentlemen,…” Heyman went on to recount his client Brock Lesnar’s past accomplishments – conquering Undertaker’s streak, defeating Cena at Summerslam for the World Heavyweight title. “Just like before, Lesnar will walk this ring, and, because Cena did not learn, history will repeat itself. Cena lives in a fantasy world where good triumphs over evil. He believes that there will be a happy ending tonight. But this is the real world. There are no happy endings. And heroes can die.” Rating: B


- The Usos defended the WWE World Tag Team titles against Primo and Epico Colon. Unfortunately, unmasking the Matadores did not help Los Colons very much. The Usos defeated Epico with a Samoan Splash for the win. (7:57) Rating: D+

- But the win was short-lived. As Jimmy and Jey celebrated their first defense in the new era, they were side-swiped by Luke Haper and Erick Rowan. Rowan launched Jey out of the ring and the Waytt Family finished Jimmy with an Irish whip into a sick lariat. (D)


- The camera cut backstage to the WWE Divas champion AJ Lee. She was stopped by Tyson Kidd who congratulated on her success. He talked about how he had missed seeing AJ the past few months. Confused, AJ patted Tyson on the shoulder and told him to worry about himself and his wife. AJ walked away, Tyson soon followed, but the surprise came when Natalya came out from behind the corner seemingly troubled. Rating: D


- Curtis Axel was out next, and he looked ready for his opponent, “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus. The two had action-packed, hard-hitting contest with both trading momentum. Sheamus blocked a Perfect-Plex and hit the White Noise. Axel dodged the Brogue Kick. Sheamus countered the Axehole and hit the Brogue for the win. (12:24) Rating: C

- Ryback came down to the ring and challenged Sheamus. Ryback caught the Brogue Kick and followed up with a Meat Hook. As Sheamus got up, Axel hit the Axehole. Rating: C


- Dean Ambrose was backstage, twitching and fidgeting. “Hello, Universe, did you miss me? No? Who would miss that nasty scar on the face of the WWE? Well, Dean Ambrose has some news for you. I’m back whether you like it or not. I’ve got some unfinished business. And I always finish what I start. So, Universe, be careful walking around the corner.” Rating: C+


- It was a meeting of international stars as Antonio Cesaro met the Japanese ass-kicker KENTA. Cesaro quickly found out how hard KENTA kicked, and it was not a pleasant experience. The crowd delighted in each echoing shot and Cesaro’s wails. KENTA went for a lariat, but Cesaro dodged him and tossed him outside. Cesaro continued the match at ringside by repeatedly slamming KENTA into the barricade. Cesaro was distracted by a fan and it allowed KENTA the opportunity to catch Cesaro with a roundhouse. KENTA got back in the ring and left Cesaro to almost be counted out. KENTA got an advantage again and traded holds with Cesaro. The Swiss Superman’s power came into play as Cesaro slammed KENTA into the corner. KENTA connected with a kick and went for dive from the second turnbuckle. Cesaro caught KENTA with the uppercut and followed up with the Neutralizer for the win. (7:54) Rating: C-


- The Miz, with his entourage, went to the ring and talked about movie career and how that has somehow made him an embarassment to the Universe. He issued an open challenge to prove that he wasn’t a fake. Rating: C+

- “AIN’T NO STOPPING ME!” The crowd exploded for the South Carolina native Shelton Benjamin returning to Monday nights. Shelton quickly accepted the open challenge and jumped in the ring. Rating: A

- Benjamin brought years of experience to the ring and had the clear advantage over the Miz. Miz tried to get a rest on the outside, but Shelton had a response to that too. Shelton picked up some momentum and dove over the top, but Miz pushed his entourage in Shelton’s path. When the fight continued in the ring, Miz had the advantage. Miz went for the Skull-Crushing Finale, but Benjamin blocked it and connected with a spinning heel kick. Shelton cornered Miz. The referee tried to separate the two. The referee pushed Shelton out of the corner and the distraction allowed Miz roll up Benjamin and with his feet on the ropes Miz got enough leverage to steal the win. (11:31) Rating: C-


- The Rhodes brothers were next to get in the ring. Their opponents were darlings of the independent scene – Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian. Both teams were smart, but Cody Rhodes was able to get the win for him and his brother. (7:39) Rating: C


- The next match had AJ Lee defending her Divas title against Victoria. Victoria had a strength and experience advantage over the champ, but AJ persevered and came back, locked on the Black Widow, and got the win. (7:51) Rating: D-


- Christian introduced everyone to the new Peep Show. Christian welcomed his first guest, Dolph Ziggler. Christian talked about how Dolph Ziggler was “The Showoff” and how he was one of the hardest working superstars on the roster. Dolph Ziggler backed up his stats and said that 2015 would be year of Dolph Ziggler. Christian slowed him down and said that 2015 would be the “Year of the Peepulation.” Christian listed off his accomplishments. Ziggler asked why he was invited on the show if Christian wanted to talk about himself. “Because sometimes a show-off has to learn when to step aside.” Christian slapped Ziggler across the face and Ziggler responded by attacking Christian. The two traded blows. Ziggler almost hit the ZigZag, but Christian slipped away escaped up the ramp. Rating: B-


- Triple H and Kane were shown backstage discussing the title picture in the WWE. Lesnar hadn’t been to the meetings he was asked to attend. He hasn’t been on any talk shows to promote the Road to Wrestlemania tour. Kane offered to teach Lesnar a lesson, but Aitch said that he would take care of it somehow. “I gave Lesnar the title match at Summerslam, and I will figure out what to do.”


- There was a clash of styles in the next match as Kofi Kingston took on Mark Henry. Kingston managed to stay out of Henry’s clutches, but when Henry finally got a hold of him he leveled the high-flyer. After a World’s Strongest Slam, Henry picked up the win. (16:24) Rating: C-

- Mark Henry looked to make an impact on Kingston’s time by continuing to punish Kingston. Henry pulled back the protective mat on the outside and lifted Kingston for a WSS on the pavement, but Kingston’s occasional partner Big E. Langston ran to the ring to make the save. Henry lumbered away, promising to add both Kingston and Langston to the Hall of Pain some other time. Rating: C+


- John Cena was preparing for the match against Lesnar when he was approached by Triple H. Both agreed that Lesnar wasn’t best for business, and that was why Triple H pulled some strings and made himself the special referee for the main event. Cena wasn’t sure about the idea. He told Aitch to call it down the middle. Aitch made no promises. “Whoever wins, I will be responsible for it this time.


- In a match that lasted longer than anyone asked, Roman Reigns punched his way through Wade Barrett. Sure Barrett was smart enough to carry Reigns as far as he could, but when it came time for the Superman Punch and Spear, Barrett could not respond to the three count. (20:26) Rating: C+

- Seth Rollins was in hype central and offered his thoughts about Roman Reigns. “It seems the Universe still hasn’t figured out how useless Reigns really is. I was the architect of the Shield. I carry the Money-in-the-Bank contract. The Authority sees the potential of Seth Rollins. What do they see in Roman Reigns? They see an obstacle, that I have no problem eliminating. Rating: C-


- Big Show cut a promo backstage about how he planned to act like a giant in the ring from now on. Rating: B-

- Big Show went to the ring for his match with Titus O’ Neil. O’ Neil didn’t stand much of a chance. Show crushed Titus, caught him with the K.O. punch and scored a much-needed win. (8:02) Rating: C-

- But as Show celebrated his win the lights went out. Bray Wyatt appeared on the TitanTron and creepily clapped for Show. “Hello, my children. I have returned. You see, Sister Abigail she said to me that the WWE Universe is still in need of cleansing. Big Show, big boy, I have plans for you. Plans I can’t wait for you to be a part of. But first things first…” The lights came back on and Wyatt was standing in the ring behind Show with a chair. Wyatt cracked the steel on Show’s back. Wyatt connected with the Sister Abigail on the chair sang “He’s got the whole world in his hands…” to end the segment. Rating: B-


- A video played hyping a wrestler. It had Mexican trumpets, the Mexican flag, and Alberto Del Rio locking gringos in armbar. “Inminente…” Rating: B-


- Daniel Bryan went to the ring to talk about his return. He showed off his United States title and said it felt good to be a champion again. He called it a good feeling, but claimed a better one would be to regain the title he never lost. Bryan started to challenge Lesnar, but was interrupted by… Kurt Angle? The Olympic Hero apologized to Bryan. “You gave your title because of an injured neck? I won an Olympic gold medal with a broken neck.” Bryan said it was an honor to see Angle, but it wasn’t 2003 anymore. “It’s whatever year I say it is. I’m Kurt freaking Angle! These people miss the hell out of me. I mean, I may be forty-six years old, but I am still a sexy Kurt.” The two continued to trade words without incident. Rating: B+


- Triple H went to the ring in his referee gear for the main event. Lesnar and Cena made their entrances and the match started. Cena blocked Lesnar’s suplexes then started to work on Lesnar’s arm. Heyman screamed at Lesnar to kill him. Lesnar escaped the STFU then blocked an Attitude Adjustment. Lesnar tried to suplex Cena, but felt weak in his arm. Lesnar continued to pummel Cena and locked on the Kimura. Triple H jumpe doutside the ring and yelled at Heyman. Heyman told the COO to get back in the ring and watch Cena tap. Aitch finally went back in the ring and sat watching the two in the hold without asking Cena if he wanted to quit. Cena squirmed toward the sid eof the ring and managed to get his foot on the bottom rope. Cena hit the Fame-Asser off the top rope and Triple H fast-counted. Cena aborted the pin before the three and challenged Triple H’s authority. Lesnar used the distraction to make a comeback. Cena barely kicked out of the F5, and soon followed with another AA. However, when Cena went for the pin, Triple H refused to count. Cena shook his head and got in the boss’ face again. This time, Triple H kicked Cena and delivered a Pedigree. Lesnar woke up, saw the prone Cena, smiled at Triple H. Heyman screamed at Lesnar to finish him. Lesnar hit the F5 and Triple H counted the three to keep the WWE World Heavyweight title in Lesnar’s camp. (19:37) Rating: B

- Heyman and Lesnar exited the arena with the belt as Triple H called someone to come out. Orton ran out to the ring to continue the beating on Cena. Orton delivered an RKO then threw Cena out of the ring. Triple H pointed at Orton and said, “That’s what’s best for business.” (B+)


- Post-Show: Daniel Bryan defeated Kane (14:53) (D+)

- Post-Show: Shawn Michaels came down to the ring to shake Daniel’s hand and apologize for their troubles in the past. (B+)


Overall Rating: B


Unfortunately, WWE got some frustrating news as a soft drug test came back positive for Randy Orton. Orton was fined in response. There are currently no plans to remove Orton from his storyline with Cena though it remains to be seen whether the WWE will trust the Viper in the future.


Also Shawn Michaels' contract with the WWE is set to expire at the end of the month. Whether or not the WWE decides to re-sign him remains to be seen.


WWE reached out to a big name talent whose contract ended. There are many rumors circulating about who that person is, but the WWE has not said mum in an effort to protect their own interests and the interests of the superstar.

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WWE: Superstars


The Road to Wrestlemania Tour

Monday, Week 2, January 2015

Broadcast Team: Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield, and Michael Cole


- Pre-Show: The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Los Colons

- Pre-Show: Curtis Axel hyped himself

- Pre-Show: The Miz defeated KENTA

- Pre-Show: The Usos defeated Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian

- Pre-Show: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn hyped their match against the Wyatt Family


- The show opened cold with Wyatt Family squaring off with the team of Sami Zayn and Kevin Steen. Steen held his own against Harper and Zayn kept Rowan spinning. When Bray Wyatt’s acolytes got their bearings they quickly control. Once Zayn was isolated, Harper struck him with the lariat to get the win. (7:39) Rating: D+


- The Usos took a mic to condemn Harper and Rowan for their attack the previous week. Rating: C-


- John Cena went down to the ring to call out Triple H. He wanted an answer for the C.O.O.’s actions in the title match. Instead of the boss, though, Cena got his chosen star Randy Orton. Orton said that Cena the opportunity to take the title from Lesnar, but Cena wanted to keep playing the hero. “So Triple H made the decision to let Lesnar win like everyone knew he would. Let’s be honest, John, you can’t beat Lesnar. But do you know who can?” The fans started chanting, “Yes!” but Orton asserted that he was the one could beat the Beast Incarnate and the Triple H had chosen him to bring the title home. Cena called Orton delusional and said that if Orton and the Authority though Cena would get screwed and walk away they had another thing coming. Rating: B


- Wade Barrett met Kofi Kingston in the next contest. Kingston kept the crowd going and kept bouncing around Barrett, but the bare-knuckle brawler had a few tricks up his sleeve. After a heated, back-and-forth contest, Barrett blocked the Trouble in Paradise and followed up with the Bullhammer for the win. (16:55) Rating: C


- Big Show was backstage and he had a few words for Bray Wyatt. “Wyatt, do you think I’m a nice guy? Do you think I am afraid? I am seven feet tall. I am over four hundred pounds. If I wanted to I could punch your head off of your shoulders. Unfortunately for you, I really, REALLY want to.”


- Antonio Cesaro had control of the ring next as he faced Justin Gabriel. You might guess how it ended as after the swing, Cesaro connected with the uppercut to get the win. (10:18) Rating: C


- Sheamus was backstage looking for Triple H. He wanted a fight with Ryback after the incident he had last week. Triple H wasn’t around, but Kane was. Kane informed Sheamus that Ryback already had a match later in the show. Sheamus said that it was too bad because the Celtic Warrior had an itch to fight. Sheamus insinuated that since getting into the corporate suit Kane had lost his fighting spirit. “I don’t have a spirit,” Kane said. “I have only a desire to force my misery on others.” Sheamus challenged Kane to get in the ring, and Kane snarled at him. “Your funeral.” Rating: B-


- Kurt Angle took a mic to talk about his journey back to the WWE. He congratulated Daniel Bryan on his success. “It took you years to make it to the WWE and win the title, but I did it in less than a year. I hear all of this talk about you being a great technical wrestler, but I’m an Olympic gold medalist. What more do you need to prove I am the best? You have started this goofy thing called a ‘Yes-Movement,’ but after I beat you, Bryan, I will start my own called the ‘It’s True-Movement.’ It’s damn true.” Rating: C+


- The divas division was on display as Nikki Bella took on Naomi. Bella played the heel and used some underhanded tactics to keep Naomi a step behind. But after countering an Irish whip Naomi connected with the Rear View and followed up with an inverted DDT for the win. (8:17) Rating: E-

- Nikki did not seem to take the loss lightly because she clipped Naomi’s knee. Bella continued her attack in the corner. The referee tried to separate them, but Nikki grabbed Naomi again and put her in a torture rack.


- Rey Mysterio cut a promo about how he was looking forward to stepping in the ring for the WWE audience again. Rating: B-


- Dean Ambrose showed an edge in his match with Goldust. Though the crowd was still behind him, Ambrose used more dirty tricks to get the job done. Goldust returned the favor and teased a Shattered Dreams, but Ambrose caught the Bizarre One with thumb to the eye and a Knee Trembler to get the win. (12:16) Rating: C-

- Ambrose taunted Goldust and motioned for another Knee Trembler, but Cody Rhodes ran to his brother’s rescue. Ambrose grinned and as he retreated up the ramp he said, “Nothing personal, just practice.” Rating: C


- AJ Lee was talking to reporters backstage when Natalya walked into the room and told everyone to leave. Nattie said that she had been thinking about it all week. When AJ asked what she was talking about, Natalya accused AJ of flirting with her husband Tyson Kidd and trying to steal him. AJ laughed it off and calrified that she had no interest in someone like Tyson. Natalya took offense to that comment. “What’s wrong with him? My husband works hard. What does your husband do?” AJ answered, “Whatever he want, because he has earned it. He hasn’t been handed any opportunity. Neither have I.” Natalya said that it was debateable. AJ challenged Natalya to back that up next week.


- The 2004 midcard reunited in the match between Randy Orton and Shelton Benjamin. Shelton showed Orton a couple of tricks and an aggressive attitude he had picked up during his world travels. Orton tried to Benjamin grounded, but Benjamin proved he could still go on the mat as well. Orton blocked the Paydirt. Orton blocked a superkick then dodged the enziguri kick. Orton went for the RKO and Benjamin countered with a T-Bone suplex for two-count. Benjamin’s second Paydirt attempt was blocked as well. benjamin followed up with a clothesline. Orton dodged and turned Benjamin into an RKO for the win. (12:15) Rating: C

- Randy Orton exited the ring and walked up the ramp, but was blind-sided by John Cena. The two began to brawl at ringside until officials broke them up. Rating: B+


- Big E. Langston tested his strength against Mark Henry in the next match-up. The two collided and tried to overpower each other. Langston surprisingly got an advantage over the veteran. The fight went to the outside where Henry used the ring stucture to swing things back into his favor. Henry threw Langston into the ring post then into the barricade. The two went back-and-forth in the ring until Langston scooped Henry. Langston called for the Big Ending, but Henry thumbed Langston’s eye and hit the World’s Strongest Slam for the win. (10:37) Rating: C


- Triple H called Seth Rollins into his office to motivate him. “Rollins, tonight I am giving you a shot to stop Daniel Bryan before he gets any momentum. I want you go out there and put Bryan back on the shelf. Do you understand? Daniel Bryan can NOT challenge Lesnar. Bryan can NOT be in the title picture. The success of the WWE depends on keeping Bryan on the undercard. This is your chance, Seth, to prove why you are the future of the WWE. And just like Orton, you will be main eventing Wrestlemanias.” Rating: B-


- The next match was Dolph Ziggler versus Ryback. Ryback had the significant size and strength advantage, but Ziggler refused to lay down. Ziggler dodged the Meat Hook and went for a ZigZag. Ryback blocked it. Ryback powerbombed Ziggler into the turnbuckle. Ziggler connected with a superkick and followed up with sleeperhold. Ryback shook Ziggler off. Ziggler went for the Fame-Asser, but Ryback dodged it and hit connected with the Meat Hook. Ryback called for the Shell Shock, but Ziggler countered and hit the ZigZag. Before Ziggler could make the cover though, Christian ran to the ring and hit him. The referee called for the bell as Christian hit Ziggler with the Killswitch. (13:44) Rating: D+


- The same video hyping the return of Alberto Del Rio played. Rating: C+


- Paul Heyman went to the ring and called Cena and the Authroity a bunch of bickering children. “Brock Lesnar isn’t bickering. Brock Lesnar is happily sitting on top of the mountain with the WWE World Heavyweight championship around his waist. Brock Lesnar did not ask for Triple H’s help last week. Brock Lesnar was laying in wait to strike Cena with another F5 to retain the title on his own. But Triple H decided to gift-wrap the title to Lesnar, and Lesnar was happy to see that the C.O.O. finally came to his senses and placed him as the figurehead of the WWE Universe. Brock Lesnar welcomes all challenges. Brock Lesnar enjoys beating anyone. Brock Lesnar could beat John Cena seven days a week and not get tired. What Brock Lesnar wants is a challenge, so Brock and myself would like to propose a little game. Brock Lesnar wants to pick his opponent at Royal Rumble, and Brock Lesnar picks Randy Orton… and John Cena. Brock Lesnar wants a triple threat because Brock Lesnar wants to embarrass the WWE’s failure to give him a credible opponent by beating both of its top stars at the same time.” Rating: B+


- Bray Wyatt entered the ring and cut a promo about how he was going to bring the beast out of the Big Show. Show answered the challenged by walking to the ring, but was ambushed by Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. Rating: C


- In a hard-hitting contest an unmasked Kane faced Sheamus. The match lasted a lot longer than expected with Kane beginning to slow down toward the end. After missing the top rope clothesline, Kane ate the Brogue and Sheamus got a victory. (19:56) Rating: C+

- After waking up Kane leveled Sheamus and put him through the announce table. Rating: C+


- Roman Reigns was the final interview of the evening. He took the time to say he would be watching Seth Rollins’ match very closely, because his day was coming soon. “Last year, Rollins made me his enemy when stabbed me in the back. I got distracted, but I haven’t forgotten. I don’t forget things like that, nor do I forgive them. Eventually, Rollins will turn around and find me standing right behind him. And I will teach him to believe in Roman Reigns.” Rating: C+


- The main event was the match between Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins. The Architect unashamedly went for Bryan surgically-repaired neck, trying to wear the Yes-Man down. Bryan fought back, dodged a springboard knee and applied the Yes-Lock. Rollins escaped and dodged the Knee-Plus, but soon found himself the victim of a quick roll-up. Rollins kicked out after two. Rollins got back in control, but missed Curb Stomp. Bryan made a comeback and set up the Knee-Plus, but Kurt Angle attacked him to cause a disqualification. (11:43) Rating: C+

- After an Olympic Slam, Triple H went to the stage to announce that Daniel Bryan would have to fight for his Rumble spot this year. “This year, Daniel, it’ll be your own fault if you don’t get in the Rumble because you are putting your slot on the line the same night against Kurt Angle.” Rating: B+


Overall Rating: B-

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