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Breakdown Wrestling [C-Verse] [RTG]

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Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure

I like the idea of putting Paranoia with Phobia instead of just using the three Partroopers together. That said, Fire Fly and Mitico are some of your best in-ring workers so I would expect them to do quite well, espesially since your roster is bit light on the face side so I have them going over here.


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten

Looking at the roster, I think Moteiro might be stuck with jobber role so I give the user character a win this time.


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero

Bit of a coin flip. Caballero is likely the more skilled guy but Thunder´s size makes him sonewhat useful as you don´t have that many big guys in your roster. I go with Thunder here but I won´t be surprised if Caballero takes this instead.


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric

E-Soteric has bit more popularity and Nigel is good enough to rise to that F level of popularity without hurting anyone else´s popularity so E-Soteric goes over here.


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz

I believe that Notorious is the best team from these three.

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Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure

I'm not keen on Phobia, but like I'd bet against a Para.


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten

Monteiro's a good hand for an RTG game.


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero

So is Felipe.


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric

Nigel is the most useful guy on your roster who's not a Paratrooper. (Some would say the most useful guy you have. They're weird.)


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz




LOVE your roster, btw. Great picks, everyone who chose it.

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Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero

Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz

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Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz

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Breadown Wrestling Presents...BDW New Dawn I

Live from the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes Region)


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz

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Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten


Singles Match

Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/ Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric


Triple Threat Tag Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ade Nelson & Ash Barnaby) vs. The Inner City Express (Jay Becker & Malik Cash) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera) w/Streetz

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Live in front of 14 people from the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes Region)

Breakdown Wrestling presents BDW New Dawn I


Promo: Felipe Caballero Introduces The Company


The show kicks off with the company owner Felipe Caballero coming down to the ring. Felipe runs down the crowd for how few people showed up and the people that did before getting down to what's going on for the company this year. There will be monthly shows, each with the same name, on the third Saturday of the month, every month, with the year capping off with BDW Crowning Achievement the fourth week in December. At Crowning Achievement, all of the Breakdown Wrestling champions will be decided, with the wrestlers with the best singles record meeting for the BDW National Title, the tag teams with the best record meeting for the BDW Tandem Titles and another group of wrestlers to be named later battling it out for the BDW Assault Title. Caballero then declares that his match tonight will be his first step towards the National Title and carrying this company to the top.




Lucha Legacy (Amazing Fire Fly & El Mitico Jr) vs. Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia) w/ Hooded Figure

Tag Team Match


A battle of masked men taking place here. Paranoia & Phobia take control in the early going of the match, isolating El Mitico with fear tactics and mind games. Mitico holds on despite the onslaught from the two Insurgency members and throws both with a big Double German Suplex, making the hot tag to Amazing Fire Fly! Fly uses speed and athleticism to dodge the attacks. Hurricanrana! Springboard Arm Drag! Hooded Figure gets up on the apron to distract Fire Fly! Phobia connects with Fear Itself for the win.


Winners: Faces of Fear (Paranoia & Phobia)




Roger Monteiro vs. Blake Gabriel w/Roxy Kitten

Singles Match


Gabriel starts out strong with amateur take downs and flashy flips, but starts to tire out and allows Monteiro to battle back. Tomahawk Chop! Crossbody! Moonsault! Eagle Chop! 1...2...3.


Winner: Roger Monteiro




Promo: The Insurgency's Introduction


The Hooded Figure leads The Insurgency down to the ring. After extolling the virtues of joining the heel faction, and threatening to take over, he puts over each of the 3 members, Paranoia & Phobia, the Faces of Fear, and Acid II. He promises that at the end of the year, the gold will belong to The Insurgency.




Anders Thunder vs. Felipe Caballero

Singles Match


Caballero uses his speed and technique to tie Thunder in knots in the early going, but gets caught with a big Clothesline. Thunder takes control of the match with power moves. Body Slam! Power Bomb! Lariat! Side Bear Hug! Caballero manages to use his athleticism and get to the ropes. Thunder goes for another Body Slam but Caballero slides down the back and rolls him up for the pin! Caballero high-tails it out of the ring.


Winner: Felipe Caballero




Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg vs. E-Soteric

Singles Match


Svensson takes E-Soteric down with no-nonsense brawling, and tries to tie him up in knots. E-Soteric battles back with intense offense, refusing to back down. Springboard Clothesline! Stump Piledriver! Double Arm DDT! E-Soteric covers and gets the win.


Winner: E-Soteric




Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) vs. The Inner City Express (Malik Cash & Jay Becker) vs. Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)

Triple Threat Tandem Match


The Inner City Express and Notorious team up for the beginning of the match, working in tandem to isolate Barnaby. Cash knocks Nelson off the ring apron. Rocket Launcher to Barnaby! Drop Off to Cash from Notorious! Innery City Express and Notorious begin to brawl. Barnaby comes back into the ring and hits a Paralyser. Drop the Paradigm from Nelson on Becker! 1...2...3.


Winners: Youth Gone Wild




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Show Ratings

Caballero Promo - Company Run Down.....E-

Faces of Fear d. Lucha Legacy....D-

Roger Monteiro d. Blake Gabriel....F+

The Insurgency Promo - Introduction....E

Felipe Caballero d. Anders Thunder.....E-

E-Soteric d. Nigel Svensson.....E

Youth Gone Wild d. Inner City Express & Notorious.....E-

Overall Show.....E-


Prediction Contest

Scores Listed as "This Show (Overall, Overall Percentage)"

Uncrewed.....5/5 (5/5, 100%)

Jaded.....4/5 (4/5, 80%)

Slayen.....2/5 (2/5, 40%)

KnowYourEnemy.....2/5 (2/5, 40%)

jameschaos....2/5 (2/5, 40%)

MichiganHero.....2/5 (2/5, 40%)

Midnightnick.....1/5 (1/5, 20%)

Zergon.....1/5 (1/5, 20%)

Kainlock.....1/5 (1/5, 20%)

Kitarzu....1/5 (1/5, 20%)


Understandably a hard show to predict. I'm probably going to have my RtG character as a jobber for a while, especially since I'm overloaded on heels. Nigel losing was pretty much because he's a step below on the card and there are plenty of heels to beat if I need him to. Faces of Fear got the win to build up the stable and Youth Gone Wild got the win because I'm a huge Paratrooper fan, especially with them under real names. The Anders Thunder vs. Felipe match had Anders get the Dominate note with Felipe getting a Flash Pinfall. I didn't check beforehand, and I don't think I'd notice a difference using letter grades, but I'm hoping that worked out well for both's popularity.


Notes From The Wrestling World (January Edition)

*GSW rises to Small Size, signing Fiasco Fierce, Hustle Muvva, Babau, Frantic Ali, Kip Keenan and The Guru.

*5SSW rises to Regional Size, but bring in no new workers.

*SWF rises to International Size, bringing Lenny Brown & Spencer Spade up from RIPW.

*PSW trims the roster, releasing Simon Ice & Vendetta.

*Before hitting Regional, 5SSW releases Romi Yamato, Maki Yoshifumi & Hana Ajibana.

*ZEN releases young worker Blue Flea.

*WEXXV releases The Gremlin, Eiichi Umehara & Zeshin Makioka.

*CILL releases Border Patrol II.

*LatiNoFear quits GSW.

*The Punisher quits PSW.

*Rokuemon Matsushita quits BCG.

*Wrestling mourns the passing of Kiyotaka, age 24, after he succumbs to the bite of a rabid badger.


News Closer To Home (BDW News, January Edition)

*The company lost $2,828 in January, bringing our budget to -$1,828. Major bummer, but at least we got our warning from the bank in February, and we could be a lot farther in the hole.

*We had a few sponsors at the show, but they said they'd be more interested if our shows were more appealing to the general public. As such, our Mainstream level has been raised from Low to Medium.

*After working his first show under his product, owner Felipe Caballero came to me and suggested that we lower the Daredevil level of the product, preferring to put on athletic contests than crazy dangerous spot-fests. Given that, our Daredevil level has been lowered from Medium to Low.




Live from the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes Region)

Breakdown Wrestling presents New Dawn II


Singles Match

Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

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Thunder - I think he needs the win after a loss last time out.

ICE - Two teams I really like, something of a toss up here.

Acid II - Can't go against YGW in the main but don't see HF's guys losing both.

Felipe - I love Nigel, but not on same level as FC yet.

YGW - Obviously.

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Singles Match

Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

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Singles Match

Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)

Silencer is just the better monster


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)

Both teams could use the win, but the more talented luchadores can more easily recover from a couple of early losses



Singles Match

Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)

Got to keep the stable strong


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)

I love Nige, but Felipe is the boss


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

While I suspect the Faces will come out looking strong, the paratroopers are just higher in the pecking order at the moment.

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Singles Match

Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

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Singles Match

Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)

I believe that Silencer has bigger upside and thus I would have him going over Thunder here.


Tag Team Match

Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)

Looking at your roster and how the first show went, I don´t see Inner City being much else than a jobber team while Lucha Legacy should have a good shot of becoming main players or at least solid midcard guys.


Singles Match

Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)

Even though Monteiro was one of the three faces that won their match last month, I still see him as potential jobber (espesially since you seem to have bigger plans for Paratroopers) and with Acid II being main eventer and part of a faction that looks to be a big deal, this is pretty much a no-brainer to me.


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)

I wouldn´t be surprised if this would end up going the other way, but with Caballero being the owner, you might as well keep him strong since he´s going to be in the company for a long time.


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

Close call and I would normally go the other way around, but it looks like I did go a bit heel heavy on the undercard so I have to even it up here plus the first show (plus the fact that you said that you like them) pretty much showed that you plan to have bigger role for the Youth Gone Wild than what I would have assumed.

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Anders Thunder (0-1) vs. The Silencer (0-0)


Lucha Legacy (0-1) vs. The Inner City Express (0-1)


Roger Monteiro (1-0) vs. Acid II w/Hooded Figure (0-0)


Singles Match

Nigel Svensson w/Dharma Gregg (0-1) vs. Felipe Caballero (1-0)


Tag Team Match

Youth Gone Wild (Ash Barnaby & Ade Nelson) (1-0) vs. Faces of Fear w/Hooded Figure (1-0)

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