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WWF 1994: The New Generation

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Who would have thought that as a 5 year old I would one day get the dream job every wrestling fan dreams of. When I was 20 years old I was hired as an intern to work at Titan Sports. I spent many years working my way around the tower answering to many different people in every area of the company. It wasn't till I found my way to the WWF Magazine that I truly gained a foothold that allowed me to stay on with the company. I started out writing little blurbs about everything from live events to new superstars. Thankfully I was a fan of wrestling in general and wasn't limited to knowledge that was given by the company that got me in trouble on more than occasion especially when the topic of who was better Flair or Hogan was posed. It was 1992 when my first big break came upon me. It was a cold winters day in early 1992 when I was running a little late to work due to the weather, I never would have guessed my life would change so much that day. I got on the elevator and heard a very recognizable voice coming through the lobby my first thought was Oh No if Mr. McMahon finds out i'm late I won’t have a job to worry about. Thankfully he appeared to be in a hurry that worked to my advantage.


Vince(talking to himself):I can't believe Hogan and Flair can't draw a penny I can't put them in the main event of Wrestlemania. But what about Sid I promised him the main event Oh jesus this can't work.


I sat there for a floor or two just listening to him speak I had an idea but was too afraid to say anything. Until.....


Vince: Now I need to worry about Flair. I can put Hogan against Sid but I can't have the belt in there they will stink up the joint. But what about Flair he can carry the belt. Who can I put him with...


I had an idea and decided it was now or never.


Me: What about Randy Savage.


After I said it, it felt like you could hear a pin drop. We were close to my floor the door opened I started to slip out in the hopes he would forget me and I could keep my job. It was just as I was about off the elevator that I felt a hand on my shoulder I stopped immediately.


Vince: Wait a second. Why Randy Savage


Me: Well no real reason except they would have a phenomenal match your concerned that Sid and Hogan will stink and it probably will as a match but will still be entertaining. You need an old school classic and those two can give you one. You could use Elizabeth as the reason have Ric claim they are having a relationship that's all the fuel you will need for those two.


Vince looked at me he didn't respond right away it felt like hours but was probably merely seconds before his face broke out in a grin so smug he looked like Sylvester after finally eating Tweety. He smiled and began to nod his head you could see the wheels beginning to spin in his mind. It was then the doors shut.


It was a long week after my encounter with Mr McMahon before I heard anything from anyone on the executive levels. It was a message from Pat Patterson. I was being moved to be his assistant on the creative staff.


It has been two years since then I now hold my own seat on the team after Pat decided to take some time off in the winter of 93.I have spent the last 7 months gaining Vince’s support and trust now it’s July 1994 and we are headed toward a Summer that will never be forgotten.

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WWF World Championship


Current Holder: Bret Hart



WWF Intercontinental Championship


Current Holder: Diesel



WWF World Tag Team Champions


Current Holders: The Headshrinkers



WWF Womans Championship


Current Holder: Alundrya Blayze



Royal Rumble


Most Recent Winner: Bret Hart/Lex Luger



King Of The Ring


Most Recent Winner: Owen Hart


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Week 1 Preview



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage


OOC: Each Monthly winner will be able to select 2 members of each Wild Card Team at Survivor Series Plus a bonus to be decided upon monthly

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Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Good to see another WWF 94 dynasty! And you're booking way better then me!




Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon Draw


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart




World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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So out of curiousity, who is your game avatar then? The way it reads, I'd almost think it's Shane McMahon, or a created avatar.



Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon


#1 Contenders Match

Smokin' Gunns vs Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett

This could be a REALLY fun, old school team.


Rick Martel vs 123 Kid

Unfortunately, 1994 WWF is not Rick's time.


World Heavyweight Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart



World Tag Title Match

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn

Kanyon vs Jim Powers

The Undertaker w/ Ted Dibiase vs The Bushwackers

#1 Contenders World Title

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

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Week 1 July 1994

Hartford Civic Center



Announce Team: Jim Ross and Vince McMahon


Vince: Hello everyone and Welcome To Monday Night Raw!!! Tonight we have one heck of a main event as we will see the former Intercontinental Champion The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels challenge The Excellence Of Execution Bret Hart for the WWF World Title. We have that and so much more here on Monday Night Raw!!!


Jim Ross: That is going to be one heck of a contest and lets not forget the former Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon will also be in action when he squares off against The King Of Harts Owen Hart.


Vince: We also see who will challenge the Tag Team Champions at the first ever In Your House Extravaganza as Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler will also go toe to toe with The Smokin' Gunns Billy and Bart. Now lets send it to The Fink!!!


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/OwenHart19.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RazorRamon.jpg

Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon

Both men were at the top of their game putting on a show for the crowd. They traded holds for nearly 15 minutes while neither man was able to

gain in victory they both used every trick in their arsenal to attempt to gain the victory. With neither man having full control things appeared to be going well in favor of the Bad Guy as he had control heading toward the 15th

minute of the bout, It all seemed lost for the king of hearts as Razor was successful in hitting the Fallaway Slam as he pulled Owen up to his feet and set him in position is when Razor noticed a man had made his way towards ringside and that man was Jim Cornette. As Razor took just a moment to long staring down the Louisville Slugger it allowed Owen to shake the cobwebs and grab Razor by the ankles and in swift motion he had the Sharpshooter locked in the center of the ring. Razor attempted to reach the ropes getting within inches of the rope when Owen walked him back out to the middle of the

ring. It was here that Razor knew the battle was lost as he tapped the canvas in submission.


Owen Hart def Razor Ramon B+


Vince: Wow what a contest Owen certainly made a statement here that he is not to be trifled with.


Jim Ross: Yeah he certainly showed his talent but was Cornette doing out here those two men have no affiliation.


Vince: No they do not but with Cornette you never can tell what he has in mind.Now lets take a moment to hear a word from our sponsors.



AS we return from commercial we cut to a dark room with a lone light shining on a casket similar to the one Yokozuna used to defeat The Undertaker at the Royal Rumble.


Dibiase: Oh dear fans they say that money is the root of all evil well I'll tell you something it is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! As I have proven time and time again everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man and now I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that even deadmen need money as my newest client can attest isn't that right Undertaker?


Undertaker: All those who stand in the way of the way of The Million Dollar Man will never Rest In Peace!!!




With that the camera fades to black and we go back to Howard Finkel inside the ring.

Dibiase and Undertaker cut a promo B

http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JeffJarrett32.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JerryLawler8_zps16d96444.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BillyGunn2_zpsf4e4bb46.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BartGunn_zps37e2bb2b.jpg

Jeff Jarrett and Jerry Lawler vs The Smokin' Gunns

#1 contenders match


Lawler and Jarrett were all over the Gunns' from the opening bell using every dirty trick they had in their playbook, however they were not able to keep the Gunns down for long as Billy and Bart were resilient and refused to stay down. It was at around the 10 minute mark that things finally started going in favor of Billy and Bart however the duo from Tennessee were not going to go quietly, as The Gunns appeared in total control they set Jarrett up for the

sidewinder however as Bart dropped Jarrett with the Sidewalk Slam, Lawler was able to get back to his feet and quickly toss Billy to the outside. Before Bart was able to react Lawler was all over him he hit him with several big

left hands stunning him as Lawler backed him up with lefts Bart began firing back however he forgot Jarrett who snuck up behind spun him into a big kick in the gut Lawler spun him back and dropped him with a big Piledriver, Jarrett and then slapped on the Figure Four and the result was academic.


Jarrett and Lawler def The Smokin' Gunns to become #1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles. C-



AS the ringside area is cleared we hear the unmistakable sound of the Theme song of the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. He saunters towards the ring with his bodyguard Diesel.


HBK: Hartford, Hartford, do you have any idea how lucky you are to gaze upon me the Heartbreak Kid, The leader of the next generation of superstars and most importantly after I beat that chump Bret Hart the next WWF World

Heavyweight Champion! You see me and the big man here are gonna rule over the WWF with an iron fist you see he is the Intercontinental Champion and after tonight I'll be the World Champion we will have the singles gold once we have that we will be unstoppable next we will take the WWF Tag Team Championships from those savage Samoan's. And oh speaking of Savage's tell me Randy how is the old folks home treating ya I know you couldn't be here tonight because your Hip is acting up *Shawn struts across the ring

imitating an old man with a walker* I'll tell you what why don't you leave the business and go join your old pal Hogan at that retirement home down south!!!!


Shawn leaves ringside to a chorus of boos from the Hartford Fans.

HBK Cuts a Promo B+


Vince: What strong words from HBK.


Ross: The question now becomes can he back them up.


Vince: I'm sure wherever the Macho Man is he is listening and wont take this lying down.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RickMartel6.png VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/123Kid.jpg

123 Kid vs Rick Martel

This was a surprisingly fast paced bout. Despite his best efforts Rick was just not able to control the speed of the Kid. Despite his best efforts the Kid was just far to quick to be felled by the veteran Martel, Kid used a variety of speed and a healthy dose of kicks to stop Martel dead in his tracks the bout finished when The Kid planted him with a sit-out facebuster.


123 Kid def Rick Martel C-



We return from commercial to the entrance of the WWF World Champion Bret Hart. Bret proceeds to take the microphone from The Fink as he clearly has something to say.


Bret Hart:This last week has been a really hard one for me. I spent the

week at home with my family in Calgary, I spent alot of time going

through the family albums and it mad me so angry to think that I let my

brother bully me into wrestling him one on one at Wrestlemania and now

he has spent the last few months trying to get me too give him a title

match and I promise right now that Owen................YOU WILL NEVER


the week wore on I decided that no matter what happens I will never

ever wrestle a member of my own family one on one again. *Bret takes

the title belt off his waist and lays it on the ground* No Title is

Worth Destroying A Family. I will vacate this title before I let myself

wrestle my own flesh and blood. I PROMISE IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO





With that we hear the unmistakable entrance of the King Of Harts OWen Hart.


Owen: Bret you think you can heal this family by not fighting me for the belt well I promise this until you agree to fight me I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL!!!!!!! Now I'm gonna walk over here and join JR and Vince to watch The Heartbreak Kid kick your but from pillar to post but don't worry Bret no-one but me will take that belt from you that I Guarantee!!!!


With that, Owen joins the announce team and Bret returns his mic to the Fink as he stretches out well keeping one eye on his brother at the announce desk.


Bret Hart and Owen Hart Dueling Promo A



http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BretHart6.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/ShawnMichaels4.jpg

World Heavyweight Title Match

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels

The two world class athletes trade holds for what seems like hours but is actually only about 15 mins. AS they traded holds with Bret always being slightly the better that is until Owen stands up and walks towards the ring. His brother is quickly distracted however Michaels is unable to strike as the crowd erupts as Randy Savage has made his way towards the ring he is unable to get to Michaels as Diesel stands in his way however Michaels still takes a moment to gloat and that is all the champion needs he returns his focus to the match at hand and quickly grabs Michaels from behind and hits a side Russian Leg Sweep he then ascends the second rope and comes down with his patented elbow. Bret quickly slaps on the Sharpshooter while staring down his brother Owen. Diesel is too busy keeping Savage at bay that he cant help Michaels who is forced to tap out.


Bret Hart def Shawn Michaels B


The show goes off the air with Savage giving all he's got to get to the ring however he is held back by Agents and Referees while Diesel helps Michaels to feet Bret ascends the second rope with his belt while never taking his eyes off his brother Owen.


Final Show Rating B







http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Fatu.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Samu2.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RexKing.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/SteveDoll3.jpg

Headshrinkers vs Well Dunn C-

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Headshrinkers defeated Well Dunn in 10:01 when Fatu defeated Steven Dunn by pin-fall with a Double Diving Headbutt. The Headshrinkers make defense number 1 of their WWF World Tag Team Championship titles.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/ChrisKanyon4.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/JimPowers.jpg

Kanyon vs Jim Powers E

In an extremely short match, Chris Kanyon defeated Jim Powers in 4:38 by pin-fall with a Northern Lights Suplex.



Johnny Polo and Pierre come and cut a promo extolling Polo's fortune while Pierre looks perturbed until he speaks about his own dominance and that no-one will hold him back now that he's dumped the weight of Jacques Rougeau.

Johnny Polo and Pierre cut a promo D


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/FakeUndertaker.jpgW/http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/TedDibiase.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BushwackerButch.jpghttp://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BushwackerLuke.jpg

The Undertaker W/Ted Dibiase vs Bushwackers D

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Undertaker defeated The Bushwhackers in 6:16 when The Undertaker defeated Bushwhacker Butch by pin-fall with a Tombstone.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/Pierre1.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/DukeDroese.jpg

Pierre vs Duke Droese D

In an extremely short match, Pierre defeated Duke Droese in 4:35 by pinfall with a Powerbomb.



Tatanka and LEx Luger were shwon on the big screen arguing over Ted Dibiase's continued involvement in their affairs. Both men accuse the other of being bought.

Tatanka and Lex Luger Argue B-


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/BamBamBigelow.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/RandySavage7.jpg

Bam Bam Bigelow vs Randy Savage

#1 Contenders Match for World Title


Bam Bam and Randy fought in a match that seemed more like a Raw main event than a superstars match with both having nothing to loose trying to gain a title shot. The match appears to be within Savage's grasp when he ascends the top rope looking for his Elbow Drop however out of nowhere Shawn Michaels appears and sends him crashing to the cnavas this allows Bigelow enough time to recover and hit Savage with a Powerbomb allowing the big man to ascend the top rope and come crashing down with a thunderous Headbutt allowing him to secure the victory and a title match against Bret Hart.


Bam Bam Bigelow def Randy Savage B


Final Rating C-

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The WWF has come to terms with Tony and Val Puccio on their release from the company effective immediatly we wish them well in their future endevours.


The WWF is pleased to announce the opening of a special company that will be used as the training grounds of the future of the WWF as Worlds Greatest Wrestling will serve as the exclusive minor leagues for the WWF.


Jim Ross has signed an extension that will keep him with the WWF for the foreseeable future.


The WWF is pleased to announce we have purchased all assests relating to both the AWA and WCCW including tape libraries and Title Belts. as well part of the deal includes jobs for both Fritz Von Erich and Greg Gagne.



Several new staff members were seen backstage at the recent WWF TV Tapings including David Manning, Jim Molineaux, Dick Woerhle, John Finnegan, MArk Curtis, Bill Alfonso, Tommy Young. Some of these people are rumored to be heading to WGW to handle the refereeing duties.


The WWF has reached out to several members of the WCW not currently locked down to exclusive contracts.


The WWF has come to terms on the signing of Japanese Superstar Hayabusa who will continue to work for FMW. As well as appearing on future WWF Shows.


El Hijo Del Santo has reportedly given his notice AAA as he intends to travel to america to work for one the big american companies it is unknown currently were he has signed.


WEEK 2 Preview



Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title MAtch

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware


Standings after week 1

Bad Feminist 8/8

Beejus 8/8

solidliquid777 7/8

Daulten6 6/8

Uncrewed 6/8


packerman120 5/8

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Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Chris Jericho

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week: Bret Hart VS Bam Bam

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware: Chris Jericho

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Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title MAtch

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Martel is WAY more over. Unless you plan to piss him off until he leaves, he should go over here.

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week: Bret vs Bigelow

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware: Vader


I'll give you a warning on Hayabusa though. I signed him for awhile in War, but I ended up letting him go early because his fatigue level was always horrible due to working FMW. Which has led to his partner Hakushi being left behind as chaff, just a random Japanese guy for Sonny Onoo to be around.

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WEEK 2 Preview



Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title MAtch

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week

Hart vs Bigelow

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware


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Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title MAtch

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week- Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware- Vader

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El Hijo Del Santo has reportedly given his notice AAA as he intends to travel to america to work for one the big american companies it is unknown currently were he has signed.


I know it would be too soon to hire him, but if you can expand to Canada with Bret Hart.... why not try to do the same to Mexico with Santo?... unless there is better choice.



Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Hart vs Bigelow

Bonus Question 2. Cactus Jack

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WEEK 2 Preview



Lex Luger vs Owen Hart

The Undertaker vs Men On A Mission

Koko B Ware vs Debuting Superstar

WWF World Title MAtch

Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow



Hayabusa vs Rick Martel

Kanyon vs Barry Horowitz

Crush vs Tatanka

Jarrett and Lawler vs R'N'R Express


Bonus Question 1. Best Match of the Week

Lex vs Owen

Bonus Question 2. Who is debuting to face Koko B Ware


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I'll give you a warning on Hayabusa though. I signed him for awhile in War, but I ended up letting him go early because his fatigue level was always horrible due to working FMW. Which has led to his partner Hakushi being left behind as chaff, just a random Japanese guy for Sonny Onoo to be around.

Thanks for the tip Beejus I've been keeping an eye on his fatigue thankfully August is an off month for FMW so he'll be good to go for Summerslam


I know it would be too soon to hire him, but if you can expand to Canada with Bret Hart.... why not try to do the same to Mexico with Santo?... unless there is better choice.

Someone is sure thinking about this quite a lot I can say that if he is coming to the WWF that thought hadn't crossed my mind.


Clearly Week 2 has taken alot longer to get up then I had hoped the NHL 15 Demo and Madden 15 have put everything on hold but I will have it up withing the next 36-48 hours. So in the meantime I will be posting the first Tour of WGW including all talent signed up by Aug 1st.

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2 Cold Scorpio

Ace Steel

Adam Copeland

Adam Flash

Adolfo Tapia


Billy Kidman

Black Dragon

Bull Nakano

Chaparita Asari

Charles Wright

Christopher Daniels

CW Anderson

Dave "Fit" Finlay *

David Taylor *

Dean MAlenko

Doug Williams

Erin O'Grady

Glen Jacobs

Jerry Lynn

Jerry Tuite

John Layfield


Ken Shamrock

Mariko Yoshida

Mike Quackenbush

Pedro Morales *



Rob Van Dam

Ron Reis

Scott Hudson

Sean Morely

Shane Helms

Shoichi Funaki


Stevie Richards

Super Crazy

Taka Michinoku


******** *

The Terminator

Tony Devito



* = Training Others


(OOC: There have been names withheld entirely. You will notice several names are blocked out for reasons I'm sure you can guess they will be debuting in the near future IE before summerslam. So here is the challenge the first person to have guessed the identity of all the blocked out talent will get a prize that I have not yet decided too. I would also like to hear any ideas or suggestions that you have so post them or pm me if their really juicy can't guarantee any will be used but if you give me something fun for someone I don't already have plans for It is more likely to be used )

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Week 2 July 1994

Madison Square Garden

Announce Team: Vince McMahon and Jim Ross



Vince: Welcome to Monday Night Raw.


Ross: We have one heck of a show for you as we will see Bret Hart defend the title against Bam Bam Bigelow.


Vince: We also have a brand new superstar making his debut. He comes to us from the minor leagues down in Georgia.


With that the crowd goes bananas as a very familiar theme plays over the sound system.


<iframe width="150" height="100" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/nBOZQGa5nbQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Vince: What is he doing here?


Ross: I dont know but I'm Sure he'll tell us soon enough.


Mr Perfect: Wow its good to be back on TV its too bad I have too be

here with you two less than perfect people.


Vince McMahon:What are you doing back here in the WWF.


Mr. Perfect: Well the answer too that is simple. I sat at home last

week watching Monday Night Raw and heard the things, you folks were

saying about some fine upstanding citizensand decided this

announce team could use some Perfection so I picked up the phone and

called the new WWF President and asked to be put on the RAW! announce

team I even got a friend a job on the superstars team that show is in

for a rude awakening!


Jim Ross: What a minute new WWF President?


Vince McMahon: No one has informed us of a new president.


Mr. Perfect: Well I guess not as informed as Mr. Perfect is huh.


Vince McMahon: Were not done with this discussion but we have a match

to get too.


http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/LexLuger2.jpg VS http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z436/rvdjrv2012/wwf%2094/OwenHart19.jpg

Lex Luger vs OWen Hart

These two men showcased why both men are at the top of the WWF and looking for a future title match. Neihter man was able to gain a victory in nearly 10 minutes.


It wasnt until Ted Dibiase and The Undertaker made their way to the ring Owen was smart enough to back away from The Undertaker however Luger stood his ground. You could hear him yelling at the intruders.

Luger: Tatanka had you come out here didnt he.

It was as soon as Luger finished that sentence that Tatanka ran toward the ring he slid in an got between Luger and The Undertaker with his back to Luger. The Undertaker and Dibiase starter to exit however it was just a ruse as Luger and Tatanka begn to argue The Undertaker made his presence felt as he grabbed both men by the throat he lifted them high into the air and dropped both men wit a Double Chokeslam. With that Dibiase and Undertaker left towards the back it was clear the match would end here however it id not end in OWens favor as when he went to pin Luger and pick up the easy win the ref called for the bell and awarded the bout to Luger. OWen vehemintly argued with the ref however it was for not as the referee stood his ground and raised Lugers hand in victory.


Lex Luger def OWen Hart by DQ B

Lex Luger/Tatanka/Ted Dibiase/The Undertaker encounter B


WE head to commercial as agents and referees help Luger and Tatanka to the locker room.



We return from commercial to find Ted Dibiase inside the ring with The Undertaker.


Dibiase: You see what The Undertaker will do last week he beat two men singlehandidly and today he will do it again. You just saw what this man is capable of and one of those men is on my payroll!!!! So who among you has the courage to face this monster of an un-dead man. If any of you can beat this man *Dibiase reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a large roll of $100 bills* then this will be yours!!!!


With tat the music of Men On a Mission hits and they make their way to ringside for the next bout.



Men On A Mission vs The Undertaker

The Undertaker just absolutly dominated both men. Not even the near 500 pound Mabel was able to take The Undertaker off his feet. The Undertaker was in soldi control he planted the smaller Mo down with a chokeslam he went for the pin however MAbel was able to break it up at 2. Undertaker and Mable then fought MAbel was able to stun the big man and take a running start he planted him with a big shoulder that would not take the big man down it did stagger him he took off again but still coouldnt take him down he tried one more time however as he came back The Undertaker graabed him by the throat. He pulled him back in and in an impressive feat of strength picked him up into position for a Tombstone piledriver he planted him down and secure the easy 1-2-3.


The Undertaker def Men On A Mission D+


<iframe width="100" height="150" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/rRyHvdGy668" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


As the music plays and he makes his way toward the ring.


Vince:Who exactly is this man?


Perfect: Well I'm sure good old JR can tell you all about his family history but I can tell you it doesnt mean a thing to him.


JR: Well that is clearly Brian Armstrong son of the great Bullet Bob Armstrong. But what is he doing here?


Brian has had enough time to make his to the ring and retreive a microphone.


Perfect: Well if you shut and let him talk you will know what he wants.


Brian: My name is Brian James and I'm sure those of you at home listening to good ol boy Jim Ross know all about the fact that I am a legacy in professional wrestling my father is Bob Armstrong. And to me that doesnt mean a god damn thing!!! Now you can sit there and wonder god dammit I am here to carve out my own legacy and to do that I am not going to wrest on my family laurels. I am not your southern rassler I am here to entertain and most importantly kick some ass!!! Now I know Koko B Ware is my first victim so birdman come on down and get whopped by The New Age Outlaw!!!


Brian JAmes Debut promo C+



Brian James vs Koko B Ware

Brian JAmes just destoryed Koko JAmes both out wrestled him and used every dirty trick in the book he had learned from years of watching other people beat up other members of his family. James got tired of toying with Koko and finally hoisted him up and slammed Koko with a Pumphandle Slam for the quick 1-2-3

Brian JAmes def Koko B Ware D+



With that the recognizable strains of Pomp and Cirsumstance begin to play over the PA as The MAcho MAn Randy Savage makes his way towards

ringside. Once inside the ring he gets a microphone from Howard Finkel.


Randy Savage: OH YEAH!!!!!!! I've been sitting at home waiting for this opportunity....Shawn Michaels you are a dog YEAH! You stick your

nose in everyone elses business why are you afraid to do things for yourself you walk around like you ar eht e amn YEAH! You try to be

something you are not you are the Future of The WWF but the only thing you are now is rat you run around and stick your nose were it doesnt belong you are a former Intercontinental Champion but so is the Macho Man Yeah! This month the WWF is putting on a little shindig called In Your House and The Macho Man is gonna teach you a lesson in respect!! The question do you have the fortitude to meet me one on one!!!!!


Randy Savage challenges HBK A



WWF World Heavyweight Title Match



Bret Hart vs Bam Bam Bigelow


The two men who clearly have vastly different styles clash in this title match Bam Bam attempts to outpower The Hitman who uses his finesse and ability to keep himself out of the big mans clutches. Bret attempts to out manuver Bam Bam who is deceptivly fast for a man of his size. Neither man is able to hold the strategic advantage for long leading a near 15 minute stalemate.


This would remain the case until OWen Hart would attempt to make his way to ringside however he is unable to make it all the way as Lex Luger comes bounding out of the back and stops him before he can reach the ring.


Bam Bam takes the opportunity to go on the offensive however when he gets Bret into the corner and attempts a running splash Bret side steps and Bam Bam goes sailing over the top right on top of the brawling Luger and Owen. Bret would then attempt to bring the big man however Owen was able to get his hands on his brother while Bam Bam attempted to get in as well however he was thwarted by LEx Luger who stopped the 2-1 from continuing. The refereee was unable to regain control and signaled for the bout to end in a draw.


Bret Hart DRAW Bam Bam Bigelow Double Count Out B+


The four men would continue to brawl around the ring until officials and agents were finally able to seperate them as we fade to black to end this weeks edition of Monday Night Raw!


Final Rating B





Announce Team

Gorilla Monsoon,Lord Alfred Hayes and the returning Ravishing Rick Rude




Hayabusa def Rick MArtel C-

Hayabusa was just too fast and agile for Rick MArtel to out wit. Hayabusa picked up the win in his debut by way of a Phoenix Splash.



Johnny Polo came out to cut a promo speaking more about the wealth of his family and the lfe he leads.



Kanyon def Barry Horowitz E+

Squash not much to say here. KAnyon wins with a Nothern Lights Suplex.



After that bout we go to a pre-recorded message.


The camera pans to a beach were we see the silohute of a woman the camera begins to pan around we can now see the face of a woman in a bikini.



???: Hello, as you can see I am out of your league. Fans of the WWF we are coming.You can call me Tammy Sytch and this is your first and last warning!! We are a Revolution and we are Coming!!!


Tammy Sytch debut C+



Tatanka Def Crush C+

Tatanka and Crush fought a back and forth match until Ted Dibiase made his way to ringside he got up on the ring apron and began calling for Tatankas attention however he only got the attention of Crush who turned back straight into a Tomohawk Chop from Tatanka for the victory.



After the bout Shawn Michaels and Diesel make their way to the ring.


HBK: Macho Man, Macho Man, Macho Man, OHHHHH YEAH!!!! You challenge the Heartbreak Kid well let me tell you something I've got friends and thats one thing I dont think you have unless that count The Huckster but hes a little busy saying his vitamins and eating his prayers, Its really too bad hes too old and senile to relive his glory days. But I'll tell you what Mach I got a better Idea why dont you twirl your fingers and try and make a tag team partner appear so you and your saviour can tae on me and the Big Guy in a tag match at In Your House and if yopu can somehow win you and I will go 1 on 1 at the biggest party of the summer SummerSlam!!!


HBK makes his own challenge B



Jarrett and Lawler def R'N'R Express B-

These two teams fought a southern brawl. LAwler was able to pick up the victory on Robert Gibson after hitting a piledriver.


Final Rating B-

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Sgt Slaughter and Dan Marsh (aka Danny Davis) have come to an agreement were they will work esclusivly for the WWf going forward.


The WWF and Rogers Cablesystems have reached a deal that will see all WWF PPV's starting with this monthes In Your House being available in Canada.





The big story coming out this week is that Eddie Gilbert was caught in possesion of Marijuana. This has apparantly caused the WWF to withdraw an offer that was on the verge of being signed by both parties.


El Hijo Sel Santo was spotted at a New York area airport this week. It is assumed that he has joined the WWF who have so far remained quiet on the matter.


In a huge report, the WCW in light of recent actions they have decided a change in direction is due. Eric Bischoff has reportdly convinced Hulk Hogan and Jim Duggan that a heel turn would be best and they are set to turn at the next WCW taping.


Week 2 Prediction Results

jaded 5/8

LordofGustav 6/8 +1

Uncrewed 8/8

daulten6 6/8 +1

Beejus 6/8 +1

CPBHBK 7/8 +1


Month 1 Standings

CPBHBK 13/16

Bad Feminist 8/16 Daulten6 13/16

Uncrewed 13/16

solidliquid777 7/16

packerman120 5/16

Beejus 14/16

jaded 5/16

LordofGustav 7/16

Week 3 Preview


Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

WWF World Tag Tem Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

Undertaker vs R'N'R Express

Randy Savage vs Diesel


Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week

Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person)

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Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

WWF World Tag Team Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

Undertaker vs R'N'R Express

Randy Savage vs Diesel


Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week

Razor vs Shawn


Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person)

El Hijo del Santo and Chris Candido

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Week 3 Preview


Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels

WWF World Tag Tem Title

Jarrett/Lawler vs The Headshrinkers

Undertaker vs R'N'R Express

Randy Savage vs Diesel



Lex Luger vs Debuting Superstar 1

Tatanka vs Debuting Superstar 2

Brian James vs Bob Backlund

WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs Crush


Bonus Question 1:Best Match of the Week? Michaels/Razor


Bonus Question 2:Who are the Debuting Superstars(both men will be managed by Ted Dibiase Neither comes from WCW)(1pt each person)

Chris Jericho and Steve Austin

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