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WWF 1995: Fighting Back

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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: Brawler's going all the way!




Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown

Comments: Dat clown doe




Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Backlund shouldn't be winning but Vega's going nowhere




Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly

Comments: HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!?!




The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Comments:The king of harts deserves a win



Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments:I'd pull for Jarrett but in 1995... probably not




Diesel vs. King Mabel

Comments: Big Daddy Cool deserves this more

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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: Cause Vinnie Ru loves New Yawk!


Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown

Comments: Clowns beat pirates.


Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Mr. Bob Backlund is a Republican, he doesn't care about Canadians! :p


Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly



The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Comments: They need to stay strong to face Diesel and Shawn next week!


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett

Comments: The only swerve in a Russorific diary is if you don't push Jeff Jarrett.


Diesel vs. King Mabel


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The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke

Comments: Don't like his chances but gotta pick my fellow Kiwi :)




Jean-Pierre-Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown





Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund





Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly





The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna





Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jeff Jarrett





Diesel vs. King Mabel


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September 8th, 1995

Held at: Reunion Arena (Mid-South)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 14,606

Show Runtime: Two hours and 1 minute

Rating: 69- This show increased our popularity in 4 regions. This show lost us popularity in 12 regions.


JR: Ladies and gentleman, welcome back to Monday Night RAW! Where the top wrestlers go to fight week in and week out!


Gorilla: That's right JR, and we are here in Dallas, Texas at the Reunion Arena for what is sure to be a show FULL of action.


JR: Speaking of action Gorilla, look at the man that's coming to the ring right now!


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Diesel: Cut the music, cut the music. I said cut the goddamn music! Thank you. *whispers* You see these idiots. Don't even know how to flip a switch.


The crowd loves this and goes wild for the World Champ.


Diesel: Alright crowd, let "Big Daddy Cool" speak. Now I want to ask you 14,000 people sitting here in the Reunion Arena a question.


If only this was 5-6 years in the future and Steve Austin would have created "WHAT?"


Diesel: Now, I wanna ask, who in the rat's ass does little King Mabel think he is! Not to call him little, as he looks like he's familiar with the McDonalds menu, but who is he? I'm a WORLD CHAMPION. All I have to say to you Mabel, is to know your place, and I'll teach you a lesson tonight in the ring.


The crowd is chanting Mabel sucks, as the cameras cut to commercial



Match #1



The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Bushwhacker Luke


Why was this a match? Seriously, Vinny Mac must have just thrownup in his grave after hearing that this match happened. But remember, Russo knows best. After all, if the fans booked the shows, Barry Horowitz would be the World Champion! If it matters, Brawler won this match, but we do not know how as this was our early crap break.

Winner: Brooklyn Brawler (via ??? at 5:51)

Grade: 34


Match #2



Jean-Pierre Lafitte vs. Doink The Clown


Yes ladies and gentlemen, you read this correctly, Doink The Clown was in a match. We also saw Jean-Pierre Lafitte. MAN, has he gone downhill after breaking up The Quebecers. Anyways, this match wasn't as bad as the previous match, but it wasn't good either. Doink actually looked halfway decent, using his clown tactics to make himself look good. The end came when Doink sprayed water in Lafitte's eyes then hitting a Whoopie Cushion for the win.

Winner: Doink The Clown (via Pinfall at 7:01)

Grade: 42





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Before his match, Savio Vega comes out with a new theme: O Canada: The Canadian Anthem. He grabs a mic to put over Canada before the match.


Savio: Welcome to Monday Night RAW! How you enjoying the show so far? Good, eh?


The crowd laughs at the stupidity of Savio. Frankly, he doesn't seem to care.


Savio: All thoughts aside, tonight I plan to qualify for the EU Title match at In Your House 3, and change it into the WWE Canadian Heavyweight title match and bring glory to Canada once and for all!


Match #3



Savio Vega vs. Bob Backlund


This match was an even fight between an original pre-Vince champion and a young and up-comer Savio Vega. Despite being 46, Backlund still showed great ring technique, but you could tell age was catching up on him. He still managed to a great job of making Savio look amazing. Vega showed a new aggression this match as he was fighting for his homeland of Canada. JR dubbed Vega "The Canadian Disciple" which may be his new gimmick. Anyways, Vega won after reversing a Crossface Chickenwing into a Caribbean Kick for the win.

Winner: Savio Vega (via Pinfall at 8:20)

Grade: 62


The show cuts to break as fans are singing O Canada as the Canadian Savio Vega stands tall in the ring.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/6nKDtBx3__E?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The fans coming back from commercial break are thrilled! It's Shawn Michaels! The sexy boy comes to the ring, IC Title in the ring and it's thrilling!


Shawn: Welcome to Monday Night RAW, TEXAS STYLE!!!!!


The fans start chanting yee-haw as HBK can only stand and laugh.


Shawn: Alright guys, I need to address a sucker in the back by the name of Sycho Sid. What I wanna know, is who he thinks he is. Just because he has "The Million Dollar Sellout" Ted DiBihasbeen on his side doesn't mean that he's gonna beat Shawn Michaels, The Heatbreak Kid, The Sexy Boy, at In Your House 3! Well I got three words for him, and three words only. Go to Hell!


The crowd as shocked yet intrigued as the ring gets ready for Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly.


Match #4



Sir Mo vs. Bob Holly


This match had more squash than a typical American thanksgiving dinner. Mo crushed Holly from before the bell rung and absolutely dominated Holly for 5 minutes. Let's move on.


Winner: Sir Mo (via Pinfall at 5:02)

Grade: 55



We cut backstage to see Owen and Yokozuna about to cut a promo.




Owen: Tonight we have a match against the WORST tag team in history! Isn't that right Yoko?


Yokozuna: YOKO.... CRUSH!


Owen: We are facing.. The Smoking Gunns. Made of Bart and Billy Gunn. What do you think of them Yoko?


Yokozuna: YOKO... CRUSH.. GUNNS!


Owen: We may have lost but...


Something comes racing onto to the scene! It's a...





IT'S A HORSE! Yoko just got ran over by a HORSE! Will he be able to compete tonight is the question on everyone's mind.


Match #5



The Smoking Gunns vs. Owen Hart


Despite being a 1 vs. 2 match, Owen Hart manages to hold his own. He fought off both of the Gunns and managed to successfully isolate Bart Gunn and wear him down. Owen nearly got the pin after a Missile dropkick but Billy broke up the man. Despite being the heel, the fans got behind Owen in this one. However, it was Billy who picked up the win after hitting a "Horse Driver" which is a leaping clothesline.


Winner: The Smoking Gunns (via Pinfall at 10:20)

Grade: 66


Meanwhile, Razor Ramon is seen walking casually backstage. He appears to be listening to Mariah Carey judging by the screaming voice from his headphones. However, he gets too caught up in the song as he falls down the stairs! Razor is obviously embarrassed, picking up his Mariah Carey portable tapedeck player as "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase walks by, carefully noting Razor but not saying a word.


Match #6



Jeff Jarrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


This match was Match of The Night despite being an interesting spectacle. Bigelow still seemed to be feeling the effects of the ink from Sid last week. Despite this, Bigelow still managed to perform well. However, it was Jarrett winning this one with a Figure Four as Bam Bam could not see the ropes.

Winner: Double J

Grade: 72


Match #7



Diesel vs. King Mabel


This match was a clash of two giants. Diesel and Mabel went back and forth brawling it out. Diesel gained the early advantage and hit a Jackknife Powerbomb! 1-2, Mabel kicks out. Mabel clothesline Diesel, and he squashes him. 1-2, he kicked out of being sat on! Diesel gains the advantage again, hits Mabel with a punch, sidewalk slam! He still cant punt Mabel away! Diesel continues the beatdown, looks to hit a Jackknife but Mabel reverses! There's no going back folks, Mabel looks to hit a Mabel Squash but now Diesel reverses! Jackknife, here comes Sir Mo! Sir Mo hits Diesel with a chair, the ref didn't see it! Mabel, Mabel Squash! 1-2-3! Mabel wins!

Winner: King Mabel

Grade: 66


The beatdown is relentless as Mabel and Mo lay the beatdown to Diesel as RAW goes off the air.]

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WWE RAW Predictions


Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel




Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger




Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler




Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???? vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega




Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow




Diesel vs. The Undertaker


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Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel

Comments: Russo sez: people love imitation gimmicks! Just ask Buzzkill.


Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Comments: Russo sez: Japanese wrestlers can never get over!


Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler

Comments: Russo sez: Razor will be too busy trying to stab himself to win!


Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???? vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega

Comments: Russo sez: SWERVE! Mystery partner!


Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Comments: Russo sez: new blood!


Diesel vs. The Undertaker

Comments: Russo sez: Undertaker needs a new character! How about a biker? It's a shoot, and people love shoots!

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Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel




Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger




Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler




Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???? vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega




Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow




Diesel vs. The Undertaker


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Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel




Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger



Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler




Hunter Hearst Helmsley and William Regal vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega




Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow




Diesel vs. The Undertaker


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Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel




Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger




Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler




Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???? vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega




Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow



Diesel vs. The Undertaker


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Monday Night RAW: Week 3, September 1995



September 15th, 1995

Held at: Hilton Coliseum (Mid-West)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 13,746

Show Runtime: Two hours and 1 minute

Rating: 76- This show increased our popularity in 7 regions. This show lost us popularity in 9 regions.






JR: Welcome to Monday Night RAW! We are live in front of a 13,000 plus crowd at the Hilton Coliseum!


Gorilla: What a show we have planned tonight! The debuts of Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Buddy Landel, and Jushin Liger! Also, we have the contract signing of Diesel and King Mabel right now JR!




The camera shifts to the ring showing Diesel and King Mabel sitting down, a piece of paper being the contract sitting in between them. Sir Mo and Shawn Michaels are not present.



Diesel: Alright, you beat me last week on RAW. It may have not been fair but a win is a win.



Diesel signs the contract and passes it to Mabel.



King Mabel: Whoa whoa there, Little Sonny Cool. I got a thing or two to say to you.



King Mabel: First off, when me and you face, your little buddy HBK is BANNED from ringside. Also, this match, is going to be No Holds Barred!



King Mabel signs the contract, leaving a staredown between the two.



Diesel: Let's start that No Holds Barred right about now!



Diesel jumps on Mabel! He throws punches and kicks! Goes for the Jackknife! But wait!


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He's back! The Undertaker walks to the ring occupied by the two in shock of seeing the phenom's return! Undertaker enters the ring, while his disciples wait on at ringside. Taker looks at Diesel, looks at Mabel. He turns to Mabel, picks him up! CHOKESLAM! Diesel is shocked but a smile is creeping across his face. He extends his hand to The Undertaker. Undertaker grabs him by the hand and picks him up! TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! Undertaker left the champion and the #1 Contender unconscious in the ring as the camera cuts to commercial.



Match #1



Chris Benoit vs. Buddy Landel


This was the first match of the night with two debuting superstars making their first appearances for the WWF. Benoit came to the ring looking ready for a fight. Landel, however looked the opposite. First off, he came to the ring with a bath robe that still had the rummage sale sticker on it. He also was shouting POOOOOOO, which made the fans shake their heads. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for the fans, this was not much of a fight. Despite Landel's "amazing" figure four, Benoit won with a Crippler Crossface making Landel tap.


Winner: Chris Benoit via Submission at 8:01

Grade: 51



After the ring is cleared, the lights go out and JR begins speaking on the microphone.




JR: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to welcome back one of the greatest WWF wrestlers of all time.



JR pauses to give the crowd time to contemplate who it may be.



JR: This man was in the MAIN EVENT of the first WrestleMania! He was a world champion! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back the great "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/mCwZ_uIwfOM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




The crowd erupts at the sight of Roddy! Roddy seems pleasured as he walks to the ring with a mic and his kilt. One of the greatest heels of all time is about to take the mic!


Piper: Guess who's back???



The crowd starts chanting Roddy, Roddy, Roddy!



Piper: Alright, calm down. I came back to take out to trash. At first it was Hulk Hogan, and now I have a new target. That man is the hitman Bret Hart. He has no right to be a top star when Rowdy Roddy is still alive.



The crowd begins to have a change of mind and begin booing Roddy.



Piper: Oh now, did I anger you? Would you like some cheese with that wine? Let me finish. Now, Bret thinks he's some international superstar. However, the only GLOBAL superstar is me! I'm here to teach Bret Hart a lesson, and it's going to start soon. But tonight, I teach Bam Bam Bigelow a lesson, and that's not to mess with THE Rowdy Roddy Piper.


Next we cut to a backstage room with Bam Bam Bigelow seated on a doctor's chair, appearing to be waiting for someone.




Bigelow: Almost ready Doc?



Doctor: Yes, just a second Bam Bam.



The doctor emerges from the back, and to everybody's surprise the doctor is Vader!




Dr. Vader: What seems to be your problem sir?



Bigelow: I can't see! There is ink covering my eyes!



Dr. Vader: Unfortunately I cannot fix that. I thought you were here for a pregnancy ultrasound as after all that is what I specialize in. However, I know a doctor that can help you with that. He will see you Sunday.



Bigelow: That's great sir, thank you very much.



The cameras then roll away and ads from our sponsors play.



Match #2



Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Liger


This match would have been great.... in any other promotion but WWF. You could tell that both of these men knew each other from WCW and Japan and countered each other very well. Unfortunately, the WWF crowd do not care about wrestling and they care more about name value, in which the ignorant crowd did not know who these great wrestlers were. In this case, Jericho almost got the win after hitting a "Codebreaker" followed by his "Walls of Jericho" submission hold but Liger was able to escape. Liger then knocked Jericho down with a dropkick and hit a very impressive sunset flip for the win.


Winner: Jushin Liger via Pinfall at 7:20

Grade: 52



Next, we see a short video clip. However, it turns out to be a very important video. The frame cuts to Bret Hart in a dentist's chair with a Iowa Hawkeyes shirt on, which the crowd hates. The dentist comes into the scene. It's Lawler's dentist! The man who said he would never be associated with Hart, Issac Yankem! Yankem makes small talk with Bret, not seeming to hate each other at all. After 5 minutes, Yankem is done. Hart is seen giving a wad of bills to Yankem, mouthing the words "Don't tell Lawler". This is all the crowd sees as the video feed goes to fuzz.


Match #3



Razor Ramon vs. Jerry Lawler


Our next match featured the self proclaimed star Jerry Lawler and the ever so botchy Razor Ramon. Normally, the crowd would expect Lawler to win this match quite easily considering Razor's recent track record. However this time, the crowd was wrong. Lawler seemed very distracted considering what he just saw, allowing Razor to hit the Razor's Edge for the first win since his slump!


Winner: Razor Ramon via Pinfall at 10:02

Grade: 70




HHH: I am here tonight on the mic to introduce my tag partner for tonight, my riding partner, my French bretheren, Steven Regal!


Match #4



The Blue Bloods vs. Bob Holly and Savio Vega


This match saw the reuniting of a great WCW tag team in the Blue Bloods, composed of Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Steven Regal. In this match they faced the makeshift team of Bob Holly and Savio Vega. HHH and Regal had great chenistry as they wore down Bob Holly. Holly and Vega however did not seem to be in the best of terms. Whenever Holly was about to tag in Vega, Vega jumped to the outside and lectured Holly on the history of Canada. This was their downfall as Regal locked in the Regal Stretch for the tap-out.


Winner: The Blue Bloods via Submission at 9:20

Grade: 66


We see Bam Bam Bigelow walking to the ring backstage whilst bumping into things as RAW cuts to commercial.



Match #5



Roddy Piper vs. Bam Bam Bigelow


This was the return match of the great Roddy Piper. He seemed thrilled to be back in a WWF ring again. Fortunately for him, his opponent was the blinded Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow seemed to be making progress, but not much. He managed to hit a vicious powerbomb on Piper, but as he could not see, he could not go for the pin. Piper made sure to make Bigelow look like a fool in this match. However, he finally ended the match with a sleeper hold making Bigelow tap.

Winner: Roddy Piper via Submission at 13:11

Grade: 76 (MOTN)


Match #6



Non-Title Match

Diesel vs. The Undertaker


The main event of this show was between the world champion and the returning Undertaker. These men took it to each other with powerbombs, kicks, punches and suplexes to wear each other down. Diesel gained the early advantage with a rare top rope splash followed by a vicious elbow to the throat of Taker. He picks him up, JACKKNIFE!



Taker kicks out! The match continues as Diesel continues to work down Taker. He goes for another Jackknife, but Taker reverses it! Taker hits a tombstone out of nowhere!



Diesel kicks out! Hold on now, what is this, Taker is picking up Diesel! He puts him on the announce table! He picks him up, but forgets something. He slides a ladder underneath the table! He grabs him, TOMBSTONE THROUGH THE TABLE! He just went through a table onto the ladder! Diesel is out cold. Taker hops in the ring and the count begins!




Diesel twitches, but does not move.





Diesel progresses with movement, but is unable to get up.



Diesel sits up, but it is probably too late!


Undertaker wins by count out! What is this, Mabel and Mo are coming to the ring. Mo lays Taker out, Mabel Squash! Men on a Mission are standing over their victim. However, Taker just sits up! He gets up, CHOKESLAM on Sir Mo! Mabel is stunned, he tries to escape but no, TOMBSTONE to Mabel! Taker has laid out everybody once again as the final pre-IYH 3 RAW goes dark. We will see you next time at In Your House 3: Battle of The Giants! Buy it today for $29.99!

Winner: The Undertaker via Count Out at 15:41

Grade: 68/76







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WWF In Your House 3 Predictions!



WWF European Title:

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo vs. The Brooklyn Brawler





Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem, DDS





WWF Tag Team Titles:

Owen Hart and Yokozuna © vs. The Smoking Gunns





Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:

The British Bulldog vs. Razor Ramon





The Blue Bloods vs. ??????





WWF Intercontinental Title:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid





WWF World Title:

Diesel © vs. King Mabel


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WWF European Title:

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo vs. The Brooklyn Brawler

Comments: Savio seems the only one in this match you're actually interested in writing about.




Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem, DDS

Comments: I smell shenanigans, but having Hart lose to a dentist just seems like a really shoddy idea.




WWF Tag Team Titles:

Owen Hart and Yokozuna © vs. The Smoking Gunns

Comments: It seems like your tag division needs desperately revitalising. New champions is always a good way to kick that off.




Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:

The British Bulldog vs. Razor Ramon

Comments: He oozes machismo.




The Blue Bloods vs. ??????

Comments: Captain2 taught me this - always back the question marks. :p




WWF Intercontinental Title:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid

Comments: This should be match of the night. I'm not sure about the result though. I'll back Michaels to retain but I can't help but think both guys have eclipsed this belt.




WWF World Title:

Diesel © vs. King Mabel

Comments: If you give Mabel the World Title, I will personally fly over to Wisconsin and attack you Austin/Pillman style. :p

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WWF European Title:

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo vs. The Brooklyn Brawler

Comments: Just a guess




Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem, DDS





WWF Tag Team Titles:

Owen Hart and Yokozuna © vs. The Smoking Gunns





Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:

The British Bulldog vs. Razor Ramon





The Blue Bloods vs. ??????

Comments: Always pick the ?




WWF Intercontinental Title:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid





WWF World Title:

Diesel © vs. King Mabel


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WWF European Title:

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo vs. The Brooklyn Brawler

Comments: Mo's win will give the MOM all kinds of gold!


Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem, DDS

Comments: SWERVE! Yankem has been working for Bret all along!


WWF Tag Team Titles:

Owen Hart and Yokozuna © vs. The Smoking Gunns

Comments: Tag teams? Who cares about tag teams?!


Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:

The British Bulldog vs. Razor Ramon

Comments: Razor loses via flash pin after he tries to slit his wrist with his toothpick.


The Blue Bloods vs. ??????

Comments: Russo 101 says never make an open challenge.


WWF Intercontinental Title:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid

Comments: Sid can't be holding the IC title, he's the master of the WORLD!


WWF World Title:

Diesel © vs. King Mabel

Comments: I know it's not wise to bring logic into things, but there are more heels than faces who could go for the World title. Like Sid.

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WWF European Title:

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo vs. The Brooklyn Brawler





Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem, DDS





WWF Tag Team Titles:

Owen Hart and Yokozuna © vs. The Smoking Gunns





Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:

The British Bulldog vs. Razor Ramon





The Blue Bloods vs. ??????





WWF Intercontinental Title:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid





WWF World Title:

Diesel © vs. King Mabel


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<p>WWF European Title:</p><p>

Doink The Clown vs. Savio Vega vs. <strong>Sir Mo</strong> vs. The Brooklyn Brawler</p><p>

Comments: <strong>Men on a Mission Baby!</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart </strong>vs. Issac Yankem, DDS</p><p>

Comments: <strong>Not a chance</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Titles:</p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart and Yokozuna ©</strong> vs. The Smoking Gunns</p><p>

Comments: <strong>They won't have a horse this time.</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Ted DiBiase's evaluation of Razor Ramon:</p><p>

The British Bulldog vs. <strong>Razor Ramon</strong></p><p>

Comments: <strong>Seeing Ramon winning</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

The Blue Bloods vs. <strong>??????</strong></p><p>

Comments: <strong>Always back the mystery opponents</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF Intercontinental Title:</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels ©</strong> vs. Sycho Sid</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

WWF World Title:</p><p>

Diesel © vs. <strong>King Mabel</strong></p><p>

Comments: <strong>This is a Russo dynasty after all </strong><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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WWF 1995: Fighting Back- In Your House 3: Clash of The Giants



September 21th, 1995

Held at: Tacoma Dome (Northwest)

Commentary: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Attendance: 30,000: Sell Out!

Show Runtime: Two hours and 26 minute

Rating: 76- This show lost us popularity in 9 regions.




[The shows pyro goes off as announcers Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon welcome to sold out crowd in attendance.]


JR: Ladies and gentlemen, we are LIVE here from the Tacoma Dome tonight in-front of a sold out crowd!


Gorilla: Aint that right Jimmy Ross. What a show, what a show! I think the best thing about it, is the fact that I don't have to call it next to that Brainy guy!


JR: What do you know about me Gorilla?


Gorilla: I don't know and I don't care JR, I'm more focused on the superstar coming to the ring right now!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/XMPnoEcq_T8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Bret: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome myself, 'The Hitman' Bret Hart!


[The crowd welcomes Bret with an insane pop chanting Hitman repetitively.]


Bret: My teeth are squeaky clean, my boots are nice and shined, I am ready to go baby! Now, I was scheduled to face Jerry Lawler tonight. However, he didn't show up. And I think I know why, it's because Jerry Lawler is a----



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Hb9FwlubyIQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Bret: That's right all, Jerry Lawler is a CHICKEN! So now, I'm scheduled to face his lackey Issac Yankem. Now who knows what will happen, maybe I'll win, maybe it will be shady, the world may never know---


[The Scottish sensation Roddy Piper comes out now, and he runs to the ring staring down the soul of Bret Hart neither backing down. But Piper attacks, hits Hart with a big low blow! Piper locks in The Scottish Surprise, which is his new sleeper hold! Hart taps and taps, but Piper wont let go! It is ended when Piper decides that enough is enough as he leaves Bret gasping in the ring.]


Match #1



WWF European Championship

Doink The Clown vs. The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Savio Vega vs. Sir Mo


This match starts out with one man at each corner, facing each other off. The first to engage are Brawler and Mo. Mo hits a quick powerbomb on Brawler, but is sprayed in the eyes by Doink's water bottle. Doink goes for the roll-up but Mo kicks out easily. He picks up Doink and he threw him out of the ring! Brawler and Vega team up on Mo, trying to get him down, but it is IMPOSSIBLE! Mo takes both of them, one on each hand, and he throws them out of the ring too! Mo shouts in the ring, asserting his dominance. Mo goes to the TOP ROPE! Diving elbow to Vega, but he misses! Mo's elbow just hit the thin padding! Vega goes into the ring, met by the Brawler. Clothesline, Clothesline, Canadian Elbow! Goes for the pin,



Brawler kicks out, Vega is frustrated. He's taunting him, but Doink sneaks in from behind with a Clown Punch to the lower mid-section! He goes for the pin, but Brawler breaks it up with a Double Leg Drop. Vega hits a Double Clothesline, but Mo catches him from behind. Lifts him up, but Vega reverses it! He grabs Mo, Canadian Maple DDT!







Savio Vega is your new WWF European Champion!


Winner: Savio Vega via Pinfall at 8:41

Grade: 52



Match #2



Bret Hart vs. Issac Yankem


This match was part of a feud that has been long running in the WWF. Some say the feud has run its course, some say it is nowhere near that point. In the second bout of the card, we saw a rematch of SummerSlam as Bret Hart will take on Jerry Lawler's personal dentist Issac Yankem. However, after we saw Hart getting his teeth done by Yankem, the world does know how this match will play out--


The bell rings, Hart and Yankem in a staredown. Yankem extends his hand, Hart accepts. Yankem falls down on purpose, Hart goes for the pin---




Yankem just let Hart win the match! This can only be assumed the end of the relationship of Yankem and Lawler!


Winner: Bret Hart via Pinfall at 0:41

Grade: 77


[The camera cuts backstage seeing Bam Bam Bigelow having an intense conversation with the pregnancy specialist doctor Vader.]


Bigelow: Man, when is that doctor going to be here? You said he'd be here tonight right? I need my eyes fixed man, you know that.


Vader: Yeah man, he's coming don't worry (as he chomps into a donut, a large booming hello is heard) Oh, he's here now!






Bigelow: Yes doctor ummm... Schwarzenegger, I am your client.




Bigelow: As you wish doctor. What is this you are doing exactly to me?


Arnold: OKAY GOOD, YOU WILL SEE WHAT I DO. [He takes his Arnold potion, dripping it in Bigelow's eyes.] THERE YA GO, ALSO THAT WILL COST 10,000 CANADIAN DOLLARS.


Bigelow: Hey I can see! Fine, here's your Canadian money.




Match #3



WWF Tag Team Champions

Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Smoking Gunns


The tag team championship match of the night was next, and it turned out to be a highly contested match between the four competitors. Owen starts off the battle with Billy Gunn, grapples him-- goes for the headlock, Gunn reverses, hits a suplex. Billy proceeds to taunt Owen who is on the ground frustrated. Yoko distracts Billy, Owen grabs Billy, 1-2, kicks out at 2. Billy takes a more concerned look, starts attacking Billy, Owen falls but he caught Billy with a low blow fell! Both competitors are down, exchanging ground holds with Owen gaining the advantage, Owen stands up, SHARPSHOOTER!

Will Billy tap? He's crawling, crawling, fighting the pain, he gets to the ropes. Owen wastes no time, hitting a Northern Lights Suplex on Billy!





He kicks out at 2 and a half! Owen is taunting him, looking to wear his legs down for a final sharpshooter, but he gets too distracted as Billy hit Owen with a strong kick to the head, both tag out. Bart does the traditional face comeback, or tries to at least, but Yoko doesn't budge! He hits a massive powerbomb! 1-2, Billy breaks it up. Yoko is ANGRY, just throwing Billy out of the ring! Banzai Drop!







3, the champs have retained! Once Bart got in the ring, there was no chance for The Gunns, showing that there may be a weak link in the team. However, only time will tell in this matter. Now, we celebrate the retaining of Owen Hart and Yokozuna.


Winner: Owen Hart and Yokozuna via Pinfall at 7:13

Grade: 61



[After the match, we see Razor Ramon and The Million Dollar Man heading to the ring. Razor appears to be a bit uncomfortable while DiBiase is cocky as ever.]


MDM: Next, we will see a trial match, of a potential million dollar client in the man standing next to me Razor Ramon. If he wins, he will be considered upon to join The Million Dollar Clients and be led to greatness! He will face The British Bulldog next on IYH 3.


Match #4



Razor Ramon vs. The British Bulldog


This match was a match made by Ted DiBiase to assess a potential client in Razor Ramon. At first, The Bulldog came off looking strong, purely out grappling Razor successfully wearing him down without taking damahe himself. The match turned when Razor reversed a Boston Single Leg Crab attempt into a Thesz Press. Razor takes the advantage, but is quickly shut down by the superior British Bulldog. Bulldog hits a vicious clothesline for the two count. Bulldog continues his dominance, as Razor looks for one mistake to possibly gain some momentum in a one-sided dominant match so far. Bulldog hits the Running Powerslam!






Razor kicks out as MDM as not impressed at ringside. Bulldog continues to work over Razor as he just beats him down, taking the life out of Razor. Davey looks for the Running Powerslam, he attempts it, but he's reversed!


RAZOR'S EDGE! Razor for the pin, he put his feet on the ropes!








3! Razor just cheated to win! Where is this cheating side of Razor Ramon coming from?





After the match, The Million Dollar Man comes to the ring to congratulate Razor Ramon. He looks at Razor, and extends his hand to him. Razor accepts the handshake. The Million Dollar Man states "There will always be room for one more Million Dollar client!" Razor Ramon is the NEW million dollar client!


Winner: Razor Ramon via Pinfall at 11:19

Grade: 67




HHH: Now, we were told by whoever our GM is that we have to compete tonight. however, they did not even tell us who we have to face! So, I'm assuming we get to choose! Anybody in the backstage area right now right here can fight the greatest tag team in the world at IYH 3!


Regal: Couldn't say it better myself Hunter. So who's it going to be, or are you all chickens?




I know that's Steiner's theme, but you will all see :D


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/PObHK2Z0IGM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Match #5



The Blue Bloods vs. The Steiner Brothers


WCW Tag division much? Both of these teams have competed in WCW before, but now they are here in the WWF with one common goal, the WWF Tag Team Championships. The crowd were pretty hot for this one as both tag teams are extremely well at what they do. Match starts with Regal vs. Rick. Regal grabs Rick, but Rick knocks him out with a punch-- 1,2-- no way is what Regal says. Rick continues laying the hurt to Regal, assaulting him in their corner keeping him away from Helmsley. Takes Regal down with a HUGE clothesline! Goes to the top rope--- he dives, but Regal lifts the knees! Rick must be grieving in pain! Regal crawls to Hunter, Rick Steiner to Scott. Double tag out, Steiner with the clothesline, he picks him up-- powerslam! 1-he kicks out at 1. Now Scott begins to lay the hurt to Hunter, doing the same thing Rick did to Regal. Scott grabs HHH, Steiner Driver!-- 1,2, Regal breaks it up. Rick takes Regal to the outside and the two begin brawling. The referee is too focused on the two brawlers that he did not see HHH hit a low-blow on Scott Steiner! HHH starts belittling Scott, wearing him down waiting for the sweet spot. Grabs Steiner, Pedigree!








The Blue Bloods win a match that was DOMINATED by The Steiners by using cheap tactics! How far will these two go to win the prestigious WWF Tag Team Championships?


Winner: The Blue Bloods via Pinfall at 12:01

Grade: 71


Match #6



WWF Intercontinental Championship

Shawn Michaels © vs. Sycho Sid w/ "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase


This match was for the highly prestigious Intercontinental title belt. Sycho Sid earned his shot by beating Bam Bam Bigelow on a past edition of RAW. From the beginning, you could tell who the better worker was just by looking at their in-ring moves. HBK had the clear advantage in this match inside and outside of it. However, Sid has one key weapon in Ted DiBiase. For half of the match, HBK absolutely DOMINATED Sid. Sweet Chin Music after Sweet Chin Music to Sid's skull. However, DiBiase always figured out a way to break up the pin. Eventually, HBK began frustrated and went to deal with The Million Dollar Man. HBK punches DiBiase in the face, Sweet Chin Music! He just kicked DiBiase's head off. Sid is seen grabbing a bag of money from his tights as HBK enters the ring. He opens the bag, but Michaels grabs it from him! The money exploded in Sid's eyes! SWEET CHIN MUSIC!







HBK wins after Sid's dirty tactics backfire. HBK has retained the WWF Intercontinental Championship!


Winner: Shawn Michaels via Pinfall at 13:33

Grade: 76 (MOTN)


Match #7



WWF World Championship

Diesel © vs. Mabel


As Ric Flair would say, WOOOOO! It's the time for the main event! This match is for the World title between Mabel and Diesel and is an Extreme Rules match. The bell rings-- Diesel charges at Mabel, Mabel hits a gruesome punch to Diesel's head!


Diesel kicks out early. Mabel continues to work Diesel down, exposing his weakpoints. Mabel takes Diesel outside of the ring and sets him on the mat. He takes apart the announce table, picks Diesel up and puts him on it! Mabel hits a DDT, Diesel goes through the table! Mabel rolls Diesel into the ring and attempts to pin him for a 2 count. Mabel is getting angrier every minute Diesel is in this match. He picks Diesel up, Samoan Drop! Bounces off the ropes, back and forth so agile for a man of Mabel's stature, hits the Mabel Squash on Diesel!



Diesel kicks out and manages to roll out of the ring allocating time for him to recuperate. Mabel doesn't want to wait as he charges Diesel outside the ring. Diesel reverses and sends Mabel into the barrier! Diesel heads back in the ring, top rope elbow drop to the outside! Diesel waits in the ring for Mabel to come back in with a chair. He hits Mabel with the chair in the ring, grabs him and he hits the Jackknife Powerbomb on Mabel!





Mabel kicks out of it, however Diesel is not done. He continues to brutally attack Mabel, looking to inflict as much damage as possible to the 400 plus pound man. Diesel picks Mabel up and hits him with a Chokeslam! While Mabel is down, Diesel sets the chair in the ring and sits on it. Mabel stumbles up, Diesel grabs him! He goes for it-- he connects! Jackknife through the chair!






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It's The Undertaker! The music stops, and Undertaker is in-between the two men! He looks at Diesel, then Mabel. He grabs their throats! DOUBLE CHOKESLAM! Both are down for the count, it is a matter of who will get up first! Taker has no intentions of leaving, wanting to make this match a draw taking matters into his own hands. This works... for about 4 seconds, until this music goes off!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-2cplWs_E5E?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


It's The Ultimate Warrior!... in a Dunkin Donuts hat and worker's uniform with a bag of what has to be donuts. He runs to the ring and confronts The Undertaker. Left clothesline, right hook to the face. Opens up the bag of donuts, and throws sugar in The Undertaker's eyes! Warrior then takes Taker to the back, brawling with him on the way.


It is back to just Diesel and Mabel. Mabel gains the advantage due to some shady tactics, that are perfectly legal due to the stipulation. He knocks Diesel out with a punch to the face, and sits Diesel down onto the chair! Goes against the ropes, MABEL SQUASH through a chair!












Mabel is the NEW WWF World Champion! What a shocker to close out IYH 3, with a new World Champ. What a match that will be remembered for a long time within the hearts of the WWF Universe as the night Mabel squashed Diesel through a chair.


Winner: Mabel via Pinfall at 17:41

Grade: 75





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Prediction Contest Results:

The top TWO receive one of the following:


1- Create a PPV Title Match

2- Pick two workers that I will profile *Credit goes to NobbyMcDonald for this idea*

3- Have an interview on The Russo Report!




Winner: Daulten- 15

Winner: Ayden- 11

3rd Place: Beejus- 10

3rd Place: CPBHBK- 10

5th Place: Mootinie- 9

6th Place: Uncrewed- 8

7th Place: Smasher- 4

8th Place: Captain- 2

8th Place: Taylor- 2

8th Place: Bonafide- 2

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WWF Monday Night RAW Predictions: Week 4, September 1995


Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit




The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy




Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley




Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal




Vader vs. Razor Ramon




Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger




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Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: SWERVE! It's a draw as the Canadians join forces!


The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Comments: SWERVE! Taker buys the condominium with legs and rents it out to his younger brother that he may or may not have burned in the past!


Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Comments: SWERVE! Big Poppa Pump is given cat scratch fever and becomes the Cat-Faced Gremlin!


Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal

Comments: SWERVE! Lord Regal finds out that Rick is descended from the Dogs of War and must bow to him, forfeiting the match!


Vader vs. Razor Ramon

Comments: SWERVE! Razor uses Dibiase's money clip to try to slice his wrists!


Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger

Comments: SWERVE! Mo doesn't tip at Dunkin' Donuts and Warrior goes into a rampage, killing Liger by waterboarding him with a latte!

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WWF Monday Night RAW Predictions: Week 4, September 1995


Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: Wolverine beats the boy.



The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Comments: Taker wouldn't lose to Bundy. unless he climbs a building and starts batting planes out of the air.



Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Comments: Lets hope there's not as many botches as their real life matches.



Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal

Comments: Rick probably wins but I love Regal and can't vote against him.



Vader vs. Razor Ramon

Comments:Vader loses when a client goes into labour and his pager goes off, distracting him and costing him the match.



Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger

Comments: Probably not but I hate men on a mission.

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Savio Vega vs. Chris Benoit

Comments: Champions always lose non-title matches. :p



The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Comments: Yeah... Bundy isn't winning this.



Scott Steiner vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Rick Steiner vs. Steven Regal

Comments: They lost the tag so it only makes sense for them to win the singles matches.



Vader vs. Razor Ramon

Comments: Vader should be pushed. Razor should be pushed. I've predicted mostly faces. The heel wins here.



Men on a Mission vs. The Warrior and Jushin Liger

Comments: Ikari no Jushin Liger!

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