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[1991] Operation World Championship Wrestling

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Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments: I rate Hansen a bit higher than Dog so I have Race getting one over Rich here.


The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: Warriors are challenging Doom and thus will stay strong here.


Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh

Comments: Vader gets second convincing victory.


The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: Express gets a debut win.


Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner

Comments: Arn ties the game as 1-1 before the tag title match.


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor

Comments: Z-Man did go over Tully so I would assume he goes over Taylor too as personally I would expect Wallstreet to being more likely to win singles gold than Taylor but that might just be because of my limited experience on this time period.


Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman

Comments: Draw after things get out of hand.

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Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments: You gave Race a win and Hansen is obviously the most valuable worker in the bunch, so no brainer here.


The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: Renegades are getting a push (which I like) Maybe a DQ win.


Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh

Comments: I'll never pick Big Josh.


The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: Family are some decent workers, but RnR is probably in line for a push


Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner

Comments: Can't have the Steiners win back to back weeks. Can you?


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor

Comments: Want to pick Terry Taylor here but with seems like you aren't itching to flip the belt.


Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman

Comments: Unless I missed something, this is Greg Valentine's first match as a Horseman. Needs to be part of a win and the Horsemen need to build some heat.


Fun Fan Signs: Greg Valentine is the ugliest Horsemen ever!


Comments On Last Show: Good show. Have to admit that I don't love the Hammer as a Horsemen, especially in 91. We'll see how it plays out. Credit for not going with the easy choice in Tully, but we'll see how long that lasts. Maybe a turn is coming quick that puts Tully in the IV?

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Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog



The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors



Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh



The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner



NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor



Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman


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Saturday Week 4 January 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: St. Louis Arena (Mid West)

Attendance: 16,352

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: .87




[This week WCW Saturday Night begins inside the ring with this first ever edition of the King's Court. Jerry Lawler is sitting on a throne and invites all the fans here into his Kingdom as he has two very special guests this week on the show. He introduces his first guest as the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko! Zbyszko comes out to boos from the crowd. When he enters the ring, he shakes hands with Jerry Lawler and tells him that he is proud to be the very first guest on the King's Court. But he asks Lawler why he would want that little runt Owen Hart on his show. Lawler responds that every Kingdom has to have a jester, right? On that note, he introduces the scrawny Dungeon Graduate Owen Hart! The crowd cheers for Owen as he comes out, giving high fives to the fans who are up against the guardrail. He enters the ring and has eyes only for Zbyszko. The two men go face-to-face but Lawler steps in between them. He says that he brought them on his show to air out their disagreements prior to their match at Clash of the Champions. He gives Zbyszko the chance to talk first and Zbyszko says that he is sick and tired of having to deal with the young and the useless. He says that Owen Hart is symptomatic of a youth that doesn't have any respect for the people that have been there before. Hart tries to respond but Lawler doesn't give him any microphone time. Instead, he lets Zbyszko continue to run down Owen Hart as the runt of the Hart litter. Zbyszko even talks about Hart's parents and how old and decrepit they are. Finally, Hart yanks the microphone away and says that Zbyszko hasn't earned respect. He says that his father did teach him to respect only those people who have earned it. Lawler grabs the microphone back and tells Hart that he should never steal the microphone from a King again. Lawler and Hart get into a tussle over the microphone and this lets Zbyszko blindside Hart from the side with a forearm smash. Zbyszko catches Hart with a spin kick and then shoves him toward Jerry Lawler. The King pulls Hart between his legs as Zbyszko climbs to the second turnbuckle -- Spiked Piledriver! Owen Hart is left laying in the ring as Zbyszko tells him that he will see him at the Clash. He shakes hands with Lawler as the two exit the ring. Owen Hart is slow to move but he does finally get to exit the ring, grabbing his neck.]





Match #1


Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog


[Our opening contest of the night is a tag team contest featuring four veterans of the squared circle. The match is fairly open with all four wrestlers getting in some good moves, including the JYD headbutts to Stan Hansen while he is on all fours. JYD very nearly scores the Thump on Harley Race but Stan Hansen comes in and pulls Race down before the move can be finalized. This gives Race and Hansen an advantage over JYD. Hansen catches JYD with a scoop slam and then a running kneedrop that gives him a two count. Hansen tags in Race and Race goes right after JYD. He hooks JYD with a bridging cradle suplex for a two count and the crowd starts getting behind JYD. Race hooks JYD in a rear chinlock and this is simply a set-up for a momentum switch as JYD brings Race down with a jawbreaker and then a headbutt and both men go down to the mat. Both men crawl toward their corners and each man makes the tag! Wildfire Tommy Rich runs in and ducks a Lariat by Hansen. Rich bounces off the ropes and catches Hansen with a running elbow smash. He knocks Hansen into a corner and climbs up, throwing punches. JYD and Harley Race come into the ring and we have a slobberknocker right here in the first match! Rich catches Hansen with an exploder suplex and then a Sitout Suplex Slam! Rich makes the cover, hooking the near leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog (Via Pinfall @ 9:10)

Match Rating: C




[From there, we move to a video featuring Sid Vicious working out. He is shown lifting some seriously heavy weights and then a close-up is shown of the intense look on his face. He says that being removed from the Four Horsemen has only increased the fire and drive in his body. He says that he is going to be leaving World Championship Wrestling for awhile to train and become stronger and better. He says that when he comes back his focus is going to be where it always has been: becoming the next NWA World Heavyweight Champion. He says he doesn't care who the champion is because at the end of the day he is Sid Vicious. He is the master and the ruler of the world. Vicious tosses a heavy weight one-handed and the camera fades to black.]


Match #2


The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors


[Our second match features two veteran teams of the tag team scene. The tag match is focused on The Renegade Warriors keeping the advantage as the match is kept below six minutes in length. Chris and Mark Youngblood use some double-teams on The State Patrol throughout the match, including Mark holding an armbar on Wright and Chris coming down with a forearm shot to the outstretched arm. A lot of the fans used this match as a restroom break unfortunately as it would seem that the Renegade Warriors are a little less over as a tag team than one might hope. The match comes to a conclusion when Mark Youngblood catches Lt. James Earl Wright with a Diving Tomahawk and scores the pinfall victory.]


Winners: The Renegade Warriors (Via Pinfall @ 5:42)

Match Rating: D-




[The match might be over for The Renegade Warriors but the battle is not over as the NWA World Tag Team Champions Doom are escorted out by Teddy Long and they go immediately on the assault. Hacksaw Butch Reed lifts Mark Youngblood in a gorilla press slam, dropping him behind himself. Ron Simmons takes down Chris Youngblood with a clothesline and then a thrust spinebuster that draws some boos from the crowd. Reed walks over to the Native American headdresses that are still in the corner of The Renegade Warriors. He tosses one to Simmons and the two of them rip the headdresses apart, stuffing the feathers in the mouths of Chris and Mark Youngblood. Boos echo through the crowd as Teddy Long raises the NWA World Tag Team titles and he stands between Butch Reed and Ron Simmons. What a dastardly attack!]




[We move from the ring to some more security camera footage from backstage. This footage shows Dusty Rhodes talking to his son Dustin Rhodes. Dusty says that he knew they couldn't trust the York Foundation, especially since Dustin refused the offer. He says that he has been in the business long enough to know who he can trust and who he cannot trust. He says that at the Clash of the Champions he is going to be in the corner of his son so that nobody can interfere, including that vixen Alexandra York. Dustin thanks his father for having his back and the two hug. Then Dusty tells him that at the Clash he needs to get funky like a monkey. He says that he needs to show Terrence Taylor why he should never mess with a Rhodes family member. Dusty hits a Bionic Elbow on a locker and Dustin looks psyched for his match at the Clash.]




[We move to a backstage interview where all four members of the Four Horsemen are standing by to talk about tonight and the Clash of the Champions. The majority of the interview is focused on Ric Flair talking about his match at the Clash with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting. Flair says that when Sting walks that aisle, he's going to know that to be the man, you've got to beat the man. Whether he holds the gold or not, Flair says, he will always be the man in WCW, the NWA and the entire world. Whoooooo! Arn Anderson and Barry Windham talk briefly about their match at the Clash with The Steiner Brothers. Anderson says that tonight he evens the score with the Steiners when he is going to beat down that Dog-Faced Gremlin. Anderson says that they will earn the U.S. tag titles from the Steiners and put gold right back where it belongs: around the waist of the Horsemen.]


Match #3


Big Van Vader vs. Big Josh


[Our next contest this night features Paul E. Dangerously bringing down one of the most vicious men in professional wrestling Big Van Vader to take on the double-tough Big Josh. Josh goes right after Vader, throwing punches and shoving Vader back in a corner. Josh is definitely showing the most offense against Vader that anyone has so far here in WCW. Josh slips behind Vader and tries to bring him over with a German suplex but Vader blocks it and yanks free of the rear waistlock. Vader turns, shoving Josh into a corner and beginning to throw forearm smashes, hitting Josh about the head and then the body. Josh is slowly brought down to the mat with these hard shots. Vader yanks Big Josh into position and climbs to the second turnbuckle -- Vader Bomb! Vader makes the pin: One, Two, Vader yanks up Big Josh, stopping the three count. Vader catches Josh with a Sky High Chokeslam and then pulls him in between his legs. Vader meets eyes with Paul E. Dangerously and then lifts Big Josh -- Release Powerbomb! Vader looks down at Big Josh as the referee checks on him and then calls for the bell. The referee is stopping the match!]


Winner: Big Van Vader (Via Referee Stoppage @ 6:15)

Match Rating: C-


[Big Van Vader picks up the big win and he is joined in the ring by his manager Paul E. Dangerously! Dangerously is given a microphone and speaks to the crowd, letting the ladies and gentlemen know that his name is Paul E. Dangerously and he is the manager for the most devastating wrestler in professional wrestling. That man is this man inside the ring: Big Van Vader. He says that it is the biggest thrill in his professional career to be the manager for Vader. He says that he is planning to lead Vader right to the top, which means his future as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. But he must begin at the beginning. Therefore, he is issuing the challenge for next week right here on WCW Saturday Night. He says that he is issuing the challenge for Vader to take on the winner of the Z-Man/Terrence Taylor match for the NWA World Television title. He says that at the end of the day they are going to find out that there is only one Big Van Vader and he is the most dominant wrestler in professional wrestling today.]




[A pre-taped promo is shown featuring Rick Rude and Diamond Dallas Page. DDP says that the Diamond Exchange is the hottest commodity in professional wrestling and good gawd it has the hottest wrestler in wrestling today in Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude says that he has been watching WCW air some videos on another guy coming to WCW named Tony Atlas. Atlas lays claim to being Mr. USA and thinks he is the most muscular and strongest wrestler in WCW. Well, he is going to be proven wrong next week here on Saturday Night. Rude says that he is challenging Tony Atlas to come face-to-face with the Ravishing one. He says that he guarantees that Atlas will feel a Rude Awakening when he steps into the ring with Rick Rude.]


Match #4


The Royal Family vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


[Our next tag team contest features The Royal Family taking on The Rock 'N' Roll Express. Another less than six minute match that has a dominant one-sided affair. The returning Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson show off their talent inside this ring against both Rip Morgan and Jack Victory. Double team moves by the Express include a drop toe hold and elbow drop combination. Ricky Morton catches Victory with a diving cross body and scores a two count. Robert Gibson is tagged in and he catches Victory with an enzuigiri before Victory is able to tag in Rip Morgan. This is the beginning of the end as The Express catch Morgan with a double kick to the gut and a double gutbuster. They wait for him to get to his feet and bring him back down with a double dropkick. Gibson makes the cover, scoring the three count for the Rock 'N' Roll Express.]


Winners: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Via Pinfall @ 5:57)

Match Rating: D+




[From the ring, we move to the interview area where Missy Hyatt is standing by with the NWA World Tag Team Champions Doom and their manager Teddy Long. Hyatt asks them about their shameful attack on the ceremonial headdresses of The Renegade Warriors. Teddy Long says that should be the least of the concern of The Renegade Warriors. Their biggest concern is that they have to step inside the ring with a team like Doom. He says that The Renegade Warriors spend too much focus on things like ceremony and not enough focus inside the ring where their focus belongs. That is going to end with them getting destroyed by Doom at the Clash of the Champions.]




[From there, we move to more security camera footage. This footage shows Lex Luger walking in the backstage area. He comes across The Russian Nightmare Nikita Koloff. The two of them have a short argument with Koloff saying that Luger stole the United States title from him before he left the company. The argument becomes physical when Koloff blindsides Luger. Luger fires back with a punch and the two men begin battling back and forth with neither man gaining a distinct advantage. Luger backs up and goes for a clothesline but Koloff ducks and strikes Luger with the Russian Sickle! Koloff mounts Luger, throwing punches and the two men begin rolling on the ground, exchanging rights and lefts. Referees and Road Agents come running in to separate the two men but there is definitely some bad blood there.]




[Another video is shown to promote the WCW arrival of Tony Atlas. Atlas is shown laying on a weight bench and lifting weights, breathing out heavily with each repetition. He does ten complete reps before setting the weight back and the camera fades to an outside view of Atlas running along the streets of Philadelphia with the crowd jogging along with him. He has a USA flag draped over his shoulders as he runs. He pulls up to a stop, surrounded by the fans. He looks in the direction of the camera and tells Rick Rude that he accepts the challenge to meet him face-to-face. Atlas says that when Rude looks in his eyes he is going to see the power of America. The fans begin a USA chant as the camera fades to black.]


Match #5


Arn Anderson vs. Rick Steiner


[Our next match is a match in the continued series between the Four Horsemen and the Dudes With Attitudes. Both men perform very well in this match as it is a back and forth contest that has Rick Steiner hitting Arn Anderson with a Steiner-Line in the early-goings and Anderson exits the ring to catch his breath as Rick Steiner barks around the ring and drops on all fours, focused on Double A. Anderson re-enters the ring before the ten count and slows things down on Rick Steiner, gaining an advantage for quite awhile during this match. Anderson focuses on the right arm of Steiner, using armbars and a kneedrop on the arm to have Rick Steiner in trouble. Anderson locks a hammerlock on Steiner and then drops him to the mat with a scoop slam on that injured arm. Anderson scores a two count pinfall after that. The momentum turns when Anderson leaps from the top turnbuckle with a double axehandle attempt but Rick Steiner turns that into a Steiner-Line! The crowd gets solidly behind Rick Steiner, though he is rubbing that hurt arm of his. Both men get to their feet and Steiner brings Anderson over with a German Suplex but he cannot hold the bridge, scoring only a two count before his own arm gives way. The end comes following a referee bump. Anderson rakes the eyes of Steiner and goes outside to get a chair. He strikes Steiner in the arm with that chair and then brings him over in a Double A Spinebuster! Anderson makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Arn Anderson (Via Pinfall @ 10:15)

Match Rating: C+




[We are taken from the ring to a pre-taped video inside the house of The York Foundation. Alexandra York is shown seated in front of an oak-wood table typing away on her laptop computer. She is approached by Terrence Taylor, who asks her if she has the notes for his match with The Z-Man yet. She says that she does and gives him a few pieces of paper. He reads them over and says 'eight minutes, huh?' York says that she believes he can beat the Z-Man in eight minutes or under. All he has to do is follow the step-by-step instructions listed in the computer and on that print-out. Michael Wallstreet approaches the two of them and talks briefly about his match with Bob Backlund at the Clash. York says that is going to be a tough match but she believes in Wallstreet and she believes in the computer. She says that she is working on the notes right now for both matches at the Clash. She guarantees that the York Foundation will walk away with the victories.]


Match #6



NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor


[Our semi main event is a great one as Z-Man steps inside the ring with one of the computerized men of the '90's Terrence Taylor. The in-ring action between these two men is solid as both men gain an advantage here and there. Taylor begins the match strong, seemingly following the step-by-step guide that Alexandra York had given him earlier in the week. Taylor brings the Z-Man to the mat with a neckbreaker and makes the cover, gaining a one count as Z-Man manages to get his shoulder up. Taylor consults with Alexandra York and then returns to the Z-Man but Z-Man is ready for him with punches and a dropkick that brings Taylor to the mat. Z-Man gets the crowd fired up as Taylor rolls out of the ring. Z-Man walks over to the ropes and leaps over the top, catching Taylor with a cross body to the floor! Z-Man tosses Taylor back in the ring and heads to the top turnbuckle. Z-Man leaps with a missile dropkick but Taylor avoids the dropkick and quickly hooks Z-Man in a Boston crab! Z-Man struggles in the hold with Taylor leaning back, trying to force a submission. Z-Man refuses to give up, eventually getting to the ropes to break the hold. Taylor argues briefly with the referee and he looks set to give the Five Arm to Z-Man! He sends Z-Man to the ropes but the music of Dustin Rhodes begins to play! This distracts Taylor as he looks toward the entrance ramp. Taylor slowly turns back to Z-Man -- Superkick! Z-Man makes the cover: One, Two, Three! Z-Man successfully defends the NWA World Television title!]


Winner: Z-Man (Via Pinfall @ 8:08)

Match Rating: C-




[The Dean Gordon Solie comes down to ringside and joins the NWA World Television Champion Z-Man. Solie congratulates Z-Man on a hard-fought victory over Terrence Taylor. Z-Man thanks him for that and says that he is always willing to defend this belt against any and all challengers. This leads Solie to ask Z-Man about the challenge issued by Big Van Vader. Z-Man says that he knows about the strength and power of Vader because he faced Vader at last year's Great American Bash. He says that at the Bash he came out on the losing end of things. However, that will not happen on WCW Saturday Night for the Television title. Z-Man says he accepts the challenge and that he is going to prove himself worthy of holding the television title.]






Match #7


Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman


[it is main event time and what a six man tag team match that we have here tonight as the Four Horsemen take on The Dudes With Attitudes with referee Tommy Young presiding over things. The match begins with a slobberknocker as all six men begin fighting inside the ring. As the referee steps in to get things settled, Scott Steiner and Greg Valentine begin the match as the two legal men. Steiner throws some punches to the head of Valentine. He sends Valentine to the ropes -- tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Steiner! He makes the cover but only gets a one count as Barry Windham steps in to break up the pinfall attempt. Steiner pulls Valentine up, setting him in a double underhook position but Valentine manages to work his way out and brings Steiner down with a clip to the knee. Valentine tags out to Barry Windham and Steiner tags out to Brian Pillman. Pillman comes in with some high flying moves on Windham that work to begin with but he goes to the well once too often and Windham reverses a diving crossbody into a powerslam. Pillman is dragged into the corner of the Horsemen and this turns into some double and even triple teams by the Horsemen. Some quick tags are made in and out by the Horsemen, keeping a fresh man involved. The Horsemen focus on the right knee of Brian Pillman. Valentine strikes Pillman with several elbow shots to the back of the head and then wraps his leg around the ropes, stretching that knee out. A sign in the background states: 'Greg Valentine is the ugliest Horsemen ever!' Valentine taunts Sting and Sting comes in but the referee is quick to stop Sting from coming into the ring. The distraction allows Valentine and Flair to double-team Pillman with two kneedrops in a row. Flair remains in the ring and holds Pillman in a corner, lighting him up with knife-edge chops. Flair whips Pillman across the ring -- reversed! Flair flips up and over the turnbuckle and runs along the apron. He climbs the turnbuckle and leaps -- dropkick by Pillman! Both men are down and the crowd is behind Pillman. Both Sting and Scott Steiner are stretching their hands out for the tag. Both Flair and Pillman crawl toward their respective corners. Flair is the first to tag out to Barry Windham. Pillman avoids a lariat by Windham and tags in Sting!]


[sting comes in with punches for Windham! He strikes Flair and Valentine with punches! The crowd is going absolutely wild! Windham pulls himself up in a corner and Sting charges -- Stinger Splash! He nails Windham with the set-up move. Sting shoves Windham to the mat and grabs the legs -- Scorpion Deathlock! He barely gets the hold in before he is struck from behind by Ric Flair to break the hold! In comes Scott Steiner after Flair! In comes Greg Valentine and he is met head-on by Brian Pillman and a dropkick! All six men are brawling inside the ring! Sting catches Windham with a one-handed bulldog but Flair pushes Sting into a corner and lights up his chest with knife-edge chops! Barry Windham manages to pull himself up and he grabs Brian Pillman from behind, holding him open for shots from Greg Valentine! The referee does his best to get only the two legal men in the ring but he eventually simply gives up and calls for the bell.]


Winners: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 17:14)

Match Rating: B-




[The match is over and neither team picks up the win here tonight. But that doesn't seem to matter to the Four Horsemen or The Dudes With Attitudes! Arn Anderson comes running into the ring from the back to join the fray. Rick Steiner is close on his heels. We've got pandemonium inside the ring with eight men brawling. Ric Flair and Sting exchange chops and punches respectively. Sting starts to get the advantage and he whips Flair into a corner. He rushes in -- Stinger Splash! Flair stands tall for a moment and then flops face-first. Arn Anderson moves in to protect Flair, kicking Sting in the gut -- Anderson DDT! Brian Pillman comes flying off the top rope, taking down a large crowd of people! The show comes to a conclusion with the brawl still on-going between all eight wrestlers. Jim Ross reminds everyone that we will see you at the Clash of the Champions!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to Zergon for his win this card, Scoring 6/7!


1. Zergon=3 Wins

2. Ayden=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

horseman4lyfe=2 Wins

5. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

justtxyank=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins


Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments:I think Race & Hansen have more going for them


Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments: I rate Hansen a bit higher than Dog so I have Race getting one over Rich here.


Harley Race and Stan Hansen vs. Tommy Rich and Junkyard Dog

Comments: You gave Race a win and Hansen is obviously the most valuable worker in the bunch, so no brainer here.


This is the one match in particular that everyone missed and I definitely understand why. Normally, Stan Hansen would be in line for a much bigger push. However, he is loyal to AJPW and All Japan has shows on Sunday, meaning Hansen cannot ever wrestle on pay-per-view. That leaves him with limited ability for me, imo. That is why I went the way that I did.


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor

Comments: Big fan of the York Foundation. (Taylor doesn't get the title yet) I see this going to the 15 min. time limit,therefore maybe setting another title match at the clash


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Terrence Taylor

Comments: Z-Man did go over Tully so I would assume he goes over Taylor too as personally I would expect Wallstreet to being more likely to win singles gold than Taylor but that might just be because of my limited experience on this time period.


I think that most people have become fans of the Computerized Men of the 1990's The York Foundation. The computer was slightly wrong on this match, though. Or is it that Terrence Taylor missed a step? And Zergon Z-Man technically did not go over Tully Blanchard. Blanchard won by count-out, meaning that Z-Man kept the belt but Blanchard won the match. But Taylor, IMO, was one of the most under-used talents in the 1990's. His stint as The Red Rooster definitely hurt his career.


Comments On Last Show:very good show. Suprised me with Rick Rude being the newest edition of the Diamond Exchange. Thought for sure it was gonna be Scott Hall


Glad to know that my decision to make Rick Rude the newest member of the Diamond Exchange was a surprise. I made plans for that at the very beginning of the diary and just needed to get him signed to a contract before I could make it happen. Scott Hall was definitely a great wrestler and he may have a future place both here in WCW and in the Diamond Exchange.


The State Patrol vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: Renegades are getting a push (which I like) Maybe a DQ win.


The Renegade Warriors are definitely getting a push. One of the things that I have wanted to do with this diary is to give team and wrestlers a push that deserved one but never got one. The Renegade Warriors, in my opinion, are definitely one of those teams.


Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine vs. Sting, Scott Steiner and Brian Pillman

Comments: Unless I missed something, this is Greg Valentine's first match as a Horseman. Needs to be part of a win and the Horsemen need to build some heat.


Comments On Last Show: Good show. Have to admit that I don't love the Hammer as a Horsemen, especially in 91. We'll see how it plays out. Credit for not going with the easy choice in Tully, but we'll see how long that lasts. Maybe a turn is coming quick that puts Tully in the IV?


This was Greg Valentine's first match as a Horseman. So he was definitely not going to take a loss. Instead, the no contest has the schmozz ending that sometimes ends the go-home show before a pay-per-view. I knew that Valentine was going to be seen as a little stretch as a Horseman. However, he does have history as tag team partners with Ric Flair back in the day. He is also a second-generation wrestler and a solid technician in the ring, so much more-so than Sid Vicious ever could have been. One of the rules of the Horsemen was to try and have the best matches on the card. I believe that Valentine can do so. And I definitely did not want to go with the easy choice in bringing Tully Blanchard back into the Horsemen. Though he is an ally of the Horsemen.


Thank you to everyone for your predictions and your comments! I enjoy reading each one!

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


WCW Clash of the Champions XIV

-WCW Clash of the Champions XIV comes to you live from the St. Louis Arena in St. Louis, Missouri! What a huge show we have for you on this broadcast with all sorts of titles on the line. Not only titles but pride is on the line here at the Clash.


-The main event is one that we have seen before but this match never disappoints. We will see the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting step into the ring with a former champion 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair! These two men know each other very well. The only question is which man will walk out of the St. Louis Arena with the NWA World Heavyweight title?


-The Four Horsemen and Dudes With Attitudes have one more match as The Steiner Brothers defend the NWA United States Tag Team titles against Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. This match will kick off the show here in St. Louis but who better to kick things off and get you all hot for the card? Will the Horsemen walk away with the two gold belts or will The Steiner Brothers prove that blood is thicker than water?


-Another match here tonight on the Clash features the NWA United States Champion Lex Luger as he takes on his rival Nikita Koloff. Koloff and Luger have a long history with both being on the other side of the fence. The now-hated Nikita Koloff will be looking to bring the United States title to Russia. Which man will walk away with the title belt?


-The feud between Larry Zbyszko and Owen Hart has been heating up, especially last Saturday Night when both men were guests of Jerry 'The King' Lawler on The King's Court. Zbyszko says that Owen Hart is an example of the young and the useless, while Hart says that Zbyszko hasn't earned his respect. Will either man change the other's mind on this night?


-Plus Doom defends the NWA World Tag Team title belts against The Renegade Warriors, The Midnight Express fight the Rock 'N' Roll Express and more. Make sure you tune in to WCW Clash of the Champions XIV!


Prediction Listing


NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham



Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes



Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich



Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund



The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors



Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham



Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes



Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich



Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund



The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors



Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

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NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: As much as I am a AA fan I don't see the Steiners dropping the titles yet


Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments:Something tells me that the younger Rhodes will be picking up the win


Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich

Comments:Going with Race


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Don't see the York Foundation dropping two matches


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: Both teams had some hell a good matches IRL. Tough pick,but going with the Midnight Express


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments:Don't see Doom dropping the belts ,not yet anyways


Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Experience wins this one and Owen gets to visit Larry Land


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff

Comments:Having The Russian Nightmare winning this makes since,in my opinion. Luger chasing after the Heel Koloff is better


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

Comments: Sting retains the title .




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And Zergon Z-Man technically did not go over Tully Blanchard. Blanchard won by count-out, meaning that Z-Man kept the belt but Blanchard won the match.


Oops, right, my bad. I just remembered that they had a match for the belt and that Z-Man still has the belt so I just assumed that Tully must had lost that match. :o


NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: This is a hard one to me but I kind of expect Horsemen vs. Dudes going 1-1 here and since I think Sting will retain, I go with title change on this one.


Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Could go either way but I think that most likely outcome is Taylor going over via cheating.


Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: Not much idea on this one but I know Race a bit better so I go with him.


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: I assume that Backlund is here to make Wallstreet look good though if this is going to be a longer feud, then I could see Bob taking the first win too.


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: For some reason I always seem to mix these two teams up :o and it´s pretty much a coin flip for me but I go with Midnight here.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: Warriors might be getting a push but I doubt they will get the belts right now, maybe bit later though.


Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart

Comments: This feud looks to be here to put Owen over but I still go with Zbyszko getting the first win.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff

Comments: Another could go either way one, but I´m going with champ on this occasion as is usually the case when I´m unsure.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

Flair would be a good choice as champ but I follow my "when in doubt pick the champion" guideline.


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NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham



Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes



Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich



Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund



The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors



Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair


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NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: Both of these teams are above the US belts, so I figure the Steiners retain.


Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: The Son of the Dream will be getting the rocket push.


Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: I can't see either of these guys getting a huge push, however Harley has the skills and the experience to be a thorn in the side of younger stars.


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Not going to be a good night for the Foundation. In a side note, being in 1991 in my Network marathon has made me like the YF a little more based on their theme music. It just sounds like such a 90s infomercial background music.


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: The MX pick up their redebut win, this feud can go as long as you damn well please.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: You might want to push the Warriors, but they are Doomed for sure right here.


Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Given that this is the Clash, I think Larry cheats to win so that Owen gets a bigger PPV rematch.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff

Comments: Gong no contest here. Going this route, Nikita still looks strong enough to get a rematch.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

Comments: I don't know if you run this as a DQ or a clean win, but Sting retains either way.


Fun Fan Signs:

York Foundation needs tech support!


Comments On Last Show: Damn, I was behind on this diary too! Ugh. Anyways, I was surprised to see Valentine as a Horseman; he does fit the mold, it's only strange because you would think his age would be catching up to him by now. But if you were lucky enough to get him with no time decline, then he should provide a solid hand as the weathered journeyman he is. After all, I remember a time that you had the Road Warriors in the Horsemen; if they can be Horsemen, why not "The Hammer"? :p

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NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: Both teams are too good for this belt, but unless you intend to unify the belts, I'd get them off of The Steiners, cheaply, so they can go on to bigger and better things.

Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments: Cheating, but Dustin Rhodes isn't a star yet and seems like Taylor is going to get a push.


Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: Total coinflip here. Don't really like either of them anymore in 1991, but Tommy Rich does have a little more shelf life.


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Backlund can be useful for sure so I could definitely see him winning, but I think you'll go with another heel win here and have the York Foundation undefeated tonight.


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: I always favor the Midnights.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors

Comments: Renegades getting a good push, but I expect Doom to retain here, with maybe some tension showing.


Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Others may not like Larry Z as much as I do, but I don't think Owen should be going over him just yet. Maybe a really strong showing in defeat.


NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff

Comments: Luger wins, perhaps by DQ, ref stoppage or something like that to keep Nikita strong.


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

Comments: In real life Sting was a total bust for WCW in his title reign, but that is something most people will want to correct. Too early to bail on him here as your champion. Sting gets the win, but not in a satisfying manner and we get the build to WarGames.


Fun Fan Signs: Free Stan Hansen!


Comments On Last Show: ugh! Stan Hansen takes a BRUTAL loss to "praying for a second chance" Tommy Rich and fat and slow JYD. :( Other than that, good show. I get it though if you can't book him on ppvs.

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Thank you to everyone who has given predictions and especially left comments thus far. A few responses to those for the moment...


Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes

Comments:Something tells me that the younger Rhodes will be picking up the win


Got a little confused on this one, my friend. Your bolding of Taylor has him winning but your comments say that Dustin will win. Can you clarify for me?


Oops, right, my bad. I just remembered that they had a match for the belt and that Z-Man still has the belt so I just assumed that Tully must had lost that match. :o


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair

Flair would be a good choice as champ but I follow my "when in doubt pick the champion" guideline.



I can understand the assumption of Z-Man winning that match. But he has a much tougher opponent on the horizon size-wise in Big Van Vader this coming Saturday Night.


I can definitely understand the whole when in doubt, pick the champion guideline. That is usually something that is good to follow. Will it work for you here? Only time will tell. :)


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Not going to be a good night for the Foundation. In a side note, being in 1991 in my Network marathon has made me like the YF a little more based on their theme music. It just sounds like such a 90s infomercial background music.


The York Foundation were always a fun little gimmick. I have some fun things planned for them at the Clash and in the coming weeks.


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: The MX pick up their redebut win, this feud can go as long as you damn well please.


Comments On Last Show: Damn, I was behind on this diary too! Ugh. Anyways, I was surprised to see Valentine as a Horseman; he does fit the mold, it's only strange because you would think his age would be catching up to him by now. But if you were lucky enough to get him with no time decline, then he should provide a solid hand as the weathered journeyman he is. After all, I remember a time that you had the Road Warriors in the Horsemen; if they can be Horsemen, why not "The Hammer"? :p


The feud between the Midnights and The Rock 'N' Rollers lasts forever, doesn't it? It's like death and taxes, something you can always count on in life.


I knew that Greg Valentine would have a mixed reaction coming in as a Horseman. But I definitely feel like he fits the Horsemen mold. Especially since he has no time decline at the moment. And, yep, I did have the Road Warriors as Horsemen way back in the day. Hopefully, this diary will last a lot longer, though.


Comments On Last Show: ugh! Stan Hansen takes a BRUTAL loss to "praying for a second chance" Tommy Rich and fat and slow JYD. :( Other than that, good show. I get it though if you can't book him on ppvs.


Stan Hansen taking the loss is definitely difficult. I am trying to make the decision on whether to simply release him or to job him out a little more. I hate to give him brutal losses, though. But he does have some usage to me though he cannot wrestle on ppv's.

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Got a little confused on this one, my friend. Your bolding of Taylor has him winning but your comments say that Dustin will win. Can you clarify for me?



my mistake, I meant to pick Dustin. Taylor can still look strong taking the loss. I am still a huge fan of the York Foundation,but Dustin gets the victory here.

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Stan Hansen taking the loss is definitely difficult. I am trying to make the decision on whether to simply release him or to job him out a little more. I hate to give him brutal losses, though. But he does have some usage to me though he cannot wrestle on ppv's.


Book ppvs on Saturdays!


Or use the editor and kill his All Japan contract. Technically when he was working for WCW in 1990 and 1991 he wasn't having schedule conflicts. You just can't simulate that in TEW so you have to give him a contract with both.

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Saturday Week 4 January 1991

Location: St. Louis Arena (Mid West)

Attendance: 16,352

Overall Rating: B

PPV Buyrate: 1.88




[Clash of the Champions opens with a scene from earlier tonight. We are in the parking lot of the St. Louis Arena where a long black limousine arrives. Getting out of the limo are Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine. All four men are dressed to the nines as they walk away from the limousine and toward the building. They all look focused and Ric Flair says that tonight to be the man, he's going to beat the man. He says that tonight he becomes the NWA World Heavyweight Champion again. Whoooooo! He adjusts his shades and his collar as Anderson opens the door. A little dancing from Flair before they walk into the building. The Four Horsemen have a lot of battles on their hands tonight.]


Match #1



NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham


[The opening contest from the St. Louis Arena is for the NWA United States Tag Team titles. All four of these men know each other very well and that shows in the cautious approach that both teams take in the early-goings of the match. A few restholds are used in the first few minutes as both sides settle in for what appears to be a long night. Around the five minute mark, pandemonium breaks loose as all four men are in the ring. The Steiner Brothers begin to take control and send both members of the Horsemen out of the ring with Steiner-Lines! Rick runs around the ring barking before getting on all fours. Scott stands over him in their classic pose, waiting for the Horsemen to return. Back inside the ring, the Horsemen take control of the contest, keeping Rick Steiner in their corner and using quick tags in and out. Arn Anderson focuses in on the arm of Rick Steiner, using an armbar and a hammerlock. He picks up Rick and body slams him with the hammerlock intact. Anderson gets Rick in the corner and strikes him with a few knee lifts before locking in an abdominal stretch. He uses Windham for leverage behind the referee's back, causing Rick to cry out in pain. After a couple of times, the referee catches Anderson and a distraction by the referee allows Rick to recover enough to send Anderson over with a hip toss. Both men are lying on the mat, trying to get to their corners. Anderson tags in Windham first but Rick manages to tag in Scott!


[scott Steiner comes in throwing punches and a couple of Steiner-Lines! The crowd gets solidly behind The Steiner Brothers as all four men do battle in the ring again. Scott sends Windham into a corner and climbs up, raining punches down on the Horsemen member. The crowd counts along with the punches and Scott reaches ten before he drops back down. He whips Windham to the ropes -- tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Scott makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout! Scott gets back up quickly and yanks Windham to his feet. He kicks Windham in the gut and locks him in a double underhook -- double underhook power bomb! Rick Steiner and Arn Anderson have moved back into their corners. Scott plays to the crowd for a moment and then goes to pick Windham back up again -- rake to the eyes! Scott Steiner is momentarily stunned, allowing Barry Windham to bring him down with a lariat. Instead of making the cover, Windham tags Arn Anderson back into the match. Anderson sends Scott to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Anderson says it's over and makes a cover: One, Two, Rick Steiner Breaks Up The Pinfall! Anderson tags Windham back into the match and the two send Scott Steiner to the ropes, ducking their heads -- Scott drops them both with a double DDT off the rebound! The crowd goes wild in their support for Scott Steiner. Rick Steiner comes in and tosses Arn Anderson out of the ring. He motions for his brother and then climbs the turnbuckles. Scott lifts Windham up onto his shoulders -- Steiner Bulldog! Rick stands over Windham as Scott makes the cover: One, Two, Three! The Steiner Brothers retain the NWA U.S. Tag Team Titles!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 17:02)

Match Rating: B-




[security cameras backstage at the Clash capture a moment between Alexandra York and Terrence Taylor. York is typing into the computer as Taylor stands behind her, reading what is showing up on the computer. He lays a hand on her shoulder and tells her that this strategy is brilliant. York says of course because the computer is infallible. She says that they have fixed the virus they had in the computer on WCW Saturday Night. That is the only way that Taylor lost to the Z-Man. But she says that he doesn't have to worry tonight because he has an infallible strategy for victory.]


Match #2


Terrence Taylor vs. Dustin Rhodes


[Our second match of the night features a relative newcomer in the second-generation wrestler Dustin Rhodes. He faces off with a veteran in Terrence Taylor, one of the computerized men of the 1990's. The veteran Taylor takes the early advantage, seemingly following the script that Alexandra York has laid out for him. Around the three minute mark, Taylor catches Rhodes in a chicken wing, trying to force the submission victory. But Rhodes refuses to give in. Dusty gets the crowd behind his son, trying to give him a second wind. Rhodes manages to catch his feet and twists Taylor into a backslide, getting a one count. Both men manage to make it to their feet and Rhodes catches Taylor with a lariat. Both men are on the mat once again. Dusty claps his hands, cheering on his son. On the other side of the ring, Alexandra York climbs onto the apron, getting the attention of the referee. She has left her laptop in the corner and Taylor sees it. Taylor picks up the laptop and swings it at Rhodes -- Rhodes ducks! Rhodes catches Taylor with a Bionic Elbow! A second one! He gets Taylor back in a corner, setting up for the Bulldog. He runs forward but Taylor throws him off. Rhodes lands on his feet and turns back to Taylor -- WHAM! He gets nailed with the laptop! Dusty Rhodes has gone around and pulls Alexandra York off the apron, throwing her over his shoulder. He didn't see Taylor use the laptop! Taylor makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Terrence Taylor (Via Pinfall @ 7:50)

Match Rating: C-


[The match is over and Alexandra York is screaming at Dusty Rhodes to put her down! Inside the ring, Dustin Rhodes is laid out by Terrence Taylor. Taylor pulls up Dustin and catches him with the Five Arm. Dusty sees his son being laid out and enters the ring to help but he gets nailed in the head with the broken laptop by Terrence Taylor. Alexandra York slides into the ring and points at Dusty Rhodes. Taylor nods and locks Dusty Rhodes in a Boston Crab! Taylor leans back as Dusty calls out in pain. It doesn't really matter if Dusty says he gives up because this isn't a match. Alexandra York keeps the referee from breaking things up, distracting him by dropping her glasses and slowly picking them up. After two minutes, Taylor releases and stands by Alexandra York. She raises his arm and he has this victory tonight! But we all know one thing in particular and that is that this is not over. The Rhodes family definitely never backs down.]




[The camera pans around the arena as Jim Ross decries the actions of The York Foundation tonight. Jerry Lawler says that they are brilliant and that the computer never lies! The camera zooms in on the front row here and we see a former WWF competitor sitting in that front row. Tito Santana sees the camera and waves to the audience, standing up and taking a bow. Gordon Solie comes down and says that it's a pleasure to see Tito Santana finally here in WCW. Santana shakes hands with Gordon Solie and says that he has been watching and listening to Solie for a long time. He says his dream is to have Gordon Solie call one of his matches. Solie says that would be an honor. Santana says that he is happy to be here in WCW where the big boys play. He says that he is looking forward to watching Sting and Ric Flair do battle in the ring tonight. He says that one day he wants to challenge the winner of that match and fulfill a dream of one day becoming the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He says that if that is not your goal, then you should not be a wrestler.]


Match #3


Harley Race vs. Tommy Rich


[Two veterans do battle in this match between two former NWA World Heavyweight Champions. Both of these men are beyond their years in professional wrestling but they do their best to put together an entertaining matchup that tries to rival their NWA World Heavyweight Title matches ten years ago where they traded the title belt. The crowd here in St. Louis is as split as the match is as they both trade moves in this relatively short contest. The contest lasts less than seven minutes. Race scores a near-fall following a diving headbutt off the top turnbuckle. Race goes for the Piledriver but Rich refuses to be pulled over. Instead, he manages to slide around and roll up Race: One, Two, Kickout! Rich grabs Race and catches him with an Exploder suplex, standing over Race for a moment. Rich yanks Race to his feet -- Sitout Suplex Slam! Rich hooks the legs: One, Two, Three! A bit of a shocking victory for The Wildfire!]


Winner: Tommy Rich (Via Pinfall @ 6:45)

Match Rating: D+




[We move backstage with that security camera set-up once again. Once again it is in the locker room of the York Foundation. Michael Wallstreet does not look or sound happy as he is yelling at Alexandra York about the broken laptop. He says that all of their notes on Bob Backlund were stored in that laptop! York says she printed out a few things before tonight's show. She says that they may not have the laptop but that Wallstreet is still the greatest technical wrestler. She says that he will still defeat Bob Backlund because he's better than Backlund. Wallstreet says that he will do his best but that they need more laptops after tonight. He says that he wants a laptop of his own. York agrees and the two of them get set for the match tonight....which is next right here at the Clash!]


Match #4


Michael Wallstreet vs. Bob Backlund


[This match on the Clash of the Champions is a battle between two technical marvels. The match definitely does not disappoint from that technical side as we have hold and counterhold, especially in the opening minutes. Four minutes into the contest, Backlund starts to take a firm hold on the momentum, causing Wallstreet to slide underneath the bottom rope to escape. Wallstreet talks over strategy with Alexandra York for a moment and then grabs Backlund by the ankle, yanking him underneath the bottom rope and to the outside. Wallstreet slams Backlund head-first into the steel guardrail and then back-first into the ring apron. He tosses Backlund back into the ring and follows in with a few heavy boots to the head. Wallstreet takes full control but he cannot seem to put Backlund away. Wallstreet scores with a butterfly suplex and bridge that draws a two count only from the referee. A fan in the front row raises a sign reading: 'York Foundation needs tech support!' Wallstreet says it's over and lifts Backlund into position for the Stock Market Crash but Backlund wiggles his way down, reversing it into a sunset flip: One, Two, Kickout! Alexandra York climbs onto the apron, calling to get Backlund's attention. She serves as a distraction to Backlund but he moves out of the way as Wallstreet charges him. Wallstreet manages to stop himself before he could hit York but Backlund moves in behind him -- Crossface Chickenwing! Backlund drops backward, lacing his legs around Wallstreet. Wallstreet tries to hold on but Backlund tightens the hold and Wallstreet has to submit. Bob Backlund wins on his first match here in WCW!]


Winner: Bob Backlund (Via Submission @ 10:37)

Match Rating: C+




[The cameras turn up to the interview area where Gordon Solie introduces Larry Zbyszko for an interview this evening at the Clash. The crowd boos the Living Legend loudly. Solie begins the interview asking Zbyszko about his strategy for the match with Owen Hart tonight. 'Strategy? It's to make this match as short as possible so I can get some rest and go golfing in the morning.' Solie reminds Zbyszko that Owen Hart has a family legacy in the business. Zbyszko says that he has a family legacy in the business as well. The difference is that he is better than his father was. He says that he is better than anyone in the business and that is why they call him the Living Legend. He says that he has his own accomplishments in the business and that he will have an entire book dedicated to him while Owen Hart will merely be a footnote. He says that tonight will end Owen's chance at greatness when the Living Legend takes him to Larry Land.]


Match #5


The Midnight Express vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


[These two teams have been in a rivalry that goes back around ten years no matter which promotions the two teams have been in. With that being said, the two teams know each other very well and that shows in this contest as each teams seems to have a counter for the momentum that the other team acquires. One factor that definitely plays out in this match is that the Midnights have Jim Cornette in their corner. He doesn't seem to mind getting his hands or feet a little dirty, catching Ricky Morton with a kick to the ribs outside the ring while the referee is distracted. Back in the ring, The Midnight Express take control around the five minute mark and work over Ricky Morton as the face-in-peril. They use some of their classic double team moves, such as Stan Lane holding the legs of Morton and the throat of Morton over the top rope. Bobby Eaton runs and jumps over Lane, landing on top of Morton, choking him on that rope. Robert Gibson comes running in and the referee steps over, ushering him back as The Midnight Express continue their double teams of Ricky Morton. A clothesline and roll-up combination draws a two count. The Midnight Express go for the Rocket Launcher but Morton rolls out of the way. The crowd gets pumped for Morton and Gibson is ready for a tag from his partner. Morton pulls himself up and rolls beneath a clothesline attempt and then crawls between Stan Lane's legs, leaping and making a tag to Robert Gibson! In comes Gibson and punches are flying! He brings down Lane and Eaton with dropkicks. He helps up his partner and the two of them continue an assault on the Midnight Express! They put the Express in separate corners and climb up, raining down stereo punches on Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane! Jim Cornette enters the ring and swings the tennis racket but Gibson ducks and kicks Jim Cornette in the behind, knocking him down. The referee sees all of this and has no choice but to call the match, ending it in a no contest!]


Winners: Draw (Via Double Referee Stoppage)

Match Rating: C




[As the referees try to clear the ring, we are taken to a backstage locker room style interview featuring Paul E. Dangerously and Big Van Vader. Dangerously reminds everyone that his name is Paul E. Dangerously and that he is the manager of the most dominant wrestler in WCW's history. That man is Big Van Vader. Dangerously brings up the fact that Big Van Vader will receive his first ever WCW title shot on WCW Saturday Night this week as he takes on the Z-Man for the NWA World Television title. He says that tonight is a night for the Clash of the Champions but Saturday night will be the destruction of a champion when Z-Man steps in the ring with this man, Vader. He says that Vader is the man here in WCW. Big Van Vader looks in the camera and tells Z-Man to shine the belt up real nice because this Saturday night it's going around the waist of Big Van Vader. Who's the man? Big Van Vader says that he is and he will prove it Saturday Night.]


Match #6



NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

Doom defend vs. The Renegade Warriors


[Our next title match features the NWA World Tag Team Champions Doom taking on the challenge of the Native American team of The Renegade Warriors. In the early minute or two of the match, it is shown that Doom don't take The Renegade Warriors seriously. They play to a booing crowd after each move. Around the two minute mark, Chris Youngblood rolls up Butch Reed and scores a two count. The two count upsets Reed and he goes right after Chris. He picks up Chris and brings him down with a double underhook suplex. He tags in Ron Simmons and Simmons brings Chris down with a short-arm clothesline. Simmons flexes before picking up Chris and lifts him up in a delayed vertical suplex. He holds Chris up for about a minute, letting the blood rush to his head and then brings Chris over with a suplex. Simmons calls for the finish and he picks up Chris. He sends Chris to the ropes but Chris catches him with a chop to the head! A double clothesline by both men send both of them to the mat. They begin crawling toward their corners -- Simmons tags in Butch Reed and Chris tags in Mark Youngblood! Mark chops both Simmons and Reed. In comes Chris and it's a four-way brawl! Mark Youngblood body slams Butch Reed to the mat. Chris Youngblood clotheslines Ron Simmons and both of them spill over the top rope to the floor! Teddy Long looks worried at ringside! Mark Youngblood picks up Butch Reed and lifts him in a crucifix fashion. Chris Youngblood climbs the turnbuckles and brings down a tomahawk chop onto Reed, causing Mark to slam him down. Mark makes a cover and hooks a leg:]










Winners: The Renegade Warriors (Via Pinfall @ 7:31)

Match Rating: D+


[Jim Ross cannot believe it! The Renegade Warriors have won the NWA World Tag Team titles! The two members of Doom roll out of the ring with Teddy Long yelling at both of them, specifically Butch Reed. Reed seems to be ignoring Long as he walks up the ramp. Chris and Mark Youngblood are handed the belts. They raise them up in the air and begin a tribal dance in the middle of the ring. The crowd dances along with them as Jerry Lawler yells that this is a travesty! The brother tag team of Mark and Chris Youngblood hug in the middle of the ring. The crowd is definitely happy as The Renegade Warriors exit the ring and walk away with the belts. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler argue about the win. However, the referee's decision is final!]




[Another backstage area shows The Four Horsemen gathered for an interview tonight. Ric Flair steps up first and says that he is highly disappointed in Arn Anderson and Barry Windham not walking away with the titles. But he does have to admit that it's going to be a tough match to beat. But he says that tonight he is going to walk that aisle against the man that they call Sting and bring the NWA World Heavyweight title back to the Four Horsemen where the title belongs. Arn Anderson steps forward and says that he might have lost tonight but they are not done with the Steiner Brothers. In fact, he challenges them to a rematch on WCW Saturday Night this Saturday! He says that if they have the guts they proved they have tonight they will accept his challenge. Flair ends the interview by saying that there's going to be a celebration of a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion in St. Louis tonight. Whooooo!]


Match #7


Larry Zbyszko vs. Owen Hart


[One of the last three matches features a long-time veteran on one side against a second generation wrestler whose play-pen was a wrestling ring. It is no surprise that this nearly ten minute contest is a back and forth wrestling match in the ring. Zbyszko takes an advantage by sending Hart outside the ring and then catapulting him into the ring post! The crowd boos this move but Zbyszko doesn't care what they think. He tosses Hart back in the ring and covers him for a two count. Zbyszko catches Hart with a swinging neckbreaker in the center of the ring. He taunts the booing crowd for a moment and then stomps on the fallen Hart. He pulls Hart up and lifts him on his shoulder, setting up the Shoulderbreaker. However, Hart manages a second wind and wiggles free, landing behind Zbyszko. Hart locks in a dragon sleeper and then twists it into a neckbreaker. Both wrestlers are starting to get worn out at this point. Hart moves in, looking for the Dungeon Lock. But when he leans in, Zbyszko rolls him into an inside cradle, hooking the trunks: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd cheers as Hart kicks out! Both men slowly make it to their feet and Hart ducks a spin kick attempt by Zbyszko. Hart shoves Zbyszko into the corner, banging his head against the ring post behind the turnbuckle! Hart rolls Zbyszko into a schoolboy:]












Winner: Owen Hart (Via Pinfall @ 9:53)

Match Rating: C


[This is an absolute upset as Owen Hart picks up the victory over Larry Zbyszko. The Living Legend pops up and yells at the referee that Hart grabbed his trunks but the referee is not having any of that. Owen Hart raises his arms in victory and Zbyszko turns on him, striking him from behind. The crowd boos as Zbyszko pulls Owen Hart in -- Piledriver! Zbyszko plants the young Hart wrestler. Zbyszko stands up and places a stomp to the head of Hart, using his foot to rub Hart's face into the mat. Zbyszko yells down at Owen Hart that this was a one-time win for him. Zbyszko drops down and locks Hart in a LarryLand Dreamer. The guillotine choke has Hart struggling at first but he quickly seems to pass out. Zbyszko releases him and stands, walking out as the referee checks on Hart.]





Match #8



NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Nikita Koloff


[The semi main event is a match that a lot of fans have been anticipating since the return of the Russian Nightmare Nikita Koloff. Could the United States title be turned into the Russian title on this night? The match itself is a brawl as anyone would expect with two hard and heavy hitters like this in the ring. The Total Package takes the early advantage over Koloff, bringing him down with clotheslines, punches and kicks. Luger sends Koloff to the ropes and brings him down with a forearm smash to the head that draws a two count. The crowd gets excited at this advantage by Luger and he gets them pumped up. Luger whips Koloff into a corner but Koloff bounces out of the corner and brings Luger down with a spear that nearly breaks the Total Package in half! The Russian Nightmare stands up and places a couple of boots to the head of Luger. The USA chants begin with Koloff in control for quite awhile. He uses moves both inside and outside the ring, including choking Luger on the guardrail and then bashing his head on the steps! The action returns inside the ring where Koloff locks Luger in a Bear Hug! He squeezes tight and Luger's face twists in pain as he cries out. The referee asks Luger if he wants to give up but Luger refuses. He continues to tell the referee no and Jim Ross says that the referee might have to stop this. Luger begins to fade, the pain becoming too much for even him to bear. The referee begins raising Luger's arm...]


[...It falls once...



...It falls twice...



...It falls...NO!]


[Luger's hand rises up at the very last second and he is still in this match! The USA chants get loud as Luger begins throwing punches to the head of Koloff. A third punch forces Koloff to break the hold, staggering the big Russian brute. Luger whips Koloff to the ropes: Powerslam! He makes the cover but only gets a two count when Koloff's left shoulder rises. Luger is getting power from the crowd and he begins making the motion for the Human Torture Rack! If he puts Koloff in this hold, the match will surely be over! Luger picks up Koloff and begins to lift him up but Koloff rakes the face and eyes of Luger, dropping down. He grabs Luger's arm -- Short-Arm Russian Sickle! Koloff hit Luger with the Sickle! Both men drop to the mat but Koloff doesn't have the energy to immediately go for the cover. Instead, the referee begins a ten count on both of them. Koloff rolls over into his corner and seems to have something in his hand. Luger barely beats the ten count and comes over to Koloff -- Russian Sickle with the chain wrapped around Koloff's arm! The referee sees it and immediately calls for the bell!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Disqualification @ 14:52)

Match Rating: B-


[The match is over with Lex Luger retaining the NWA United States Title belt but he doesn't look like the winner as he is laid out by Nikita Koloff! The Russian Nightmare shoves referee Nick Patrick to the mat and goes right after Luger with stomps to the chest. He drops down and begins choking Luger with the chain! The crowd boos, chanting 'USA' at Koloff, trying to get Luger to fight back. Koloff wraps Luger's throat in the chain and moves over to the ropes. He tosses Luger over the top rope and leans back, hanging Luger with the chain! Luger's face is turning blue as he is barely able to struggle against the Russian Nightmare. Referees and Road Agents hit the ring, finally freeing the Total Package. Luger drops to his knees on the blue mats, trying to catch his breath. Koloff exits the ring and catches Luger with a big boot to the side of the head. The crowd boos but Koloff grabs the United States title belt and holds it up. After a moment, he drops the belt onto Luger and walks off. Referees and Road Agents have to escort Luger to the back as he is leaning on them just to stay upright.]





Match #9



NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair


[it is main event time and what a main event we have going for us tonight as the NWA World Heavyweight title will be decided in a one on one match between the champion Sting and the challenger and former champion 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair. Flair comes down to the ring first wearing his robe, stylin' and profilin' like he always does. He enters the ring and moves into his corner as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting comes down to the ring. The two men look across the mat at one another as referee Tommy Young raises the biggest prize in the wrestling world. This one is for all the marbles. The referee calls for the bell and we have the opening moments of our match. This includes a lock-up and the power of Sting being shown off as he shoves Flair to the mat and then does a flex as Flair uses the turnbuckle to slowly stand up. Flair looks across the ring for a moment and then struts alongside the ropes before he moves in for another tie-up. Sting backs Flair into a corner but Flair reverses it. The referee asks for a clean break but Flair lights into Sting's chest with a knife-edge chop. Sting doesn't seem to feel the pain! Flair with another chop and Sting shakes his head, beating his chest and releasing a howl! Sting grabs Flair by the hair and begins throwing punches to the head. A fourth punch sends Flair to the mat and the Nature Boy rolls out of the ring to get a breather. Sting chooses not to follow Flair outside, waiting for the challenger to enter the ring.]


[The next few minutes are spent with Sting in charge. He focuses on the arm of Ric Flair, using an armbar and arm drags and a dropkick to keep Flair down on the mat. Sting uses the momentum of the fans to keep in control. He lifts Flair up high in the air and drops him with a military press slam! The fans get excited as Sting moves out of the ring and climbs the turnbuckles, going for a high risk move. He waits for Flair to get to his feet and then leaps, catching Flair with a flying clothesline! But when Sting lands, he suddenly grabs his right knee. A split-screen replay shows Sting landing awkwardly on that knee. It is a moment or two before he is able to make a cover: One, Two, Shoulder Up! Flair manages to get that shoulder up and Sting is slow to get to his feet. Flair pulls himself up and ducks under a Sting clothesline, striking Sting in the back of the knee with a chop block! Sting crumples down immediately, grabbing that knee. Flair pulls himself up with the ropes and the next few minutes are spent with his attention on that knee. He gives it a hard yank and places it on the bottom rope, leaping and coming crashing down on that knee. With Sting down on the mat, Flair struts across the ring and releases a 'Whooooooo!' The crowd boos as a happy Ric Flair picks up Sting and places him in a corner. Flair begins throwing knife-edge chops to the chest of Sting. He gets in three chops before Sting is staggering away from the corner, grabbing his knee in pain. Flair walks over and picks up Sting -- shinbreaker! Flair bounces off the ropes -- Diving Knee Drop. Flair moves over and makes the cover:]













[The crowd roared when Sting kicked out but Flair remains on the attack of the man called Sting. Flair pulls Sting up in a corner and laces his chest with another knife-edge chop. He grabs Sting by the arm and whips him across -- reversed! Sting manages to reverse the Irish whip and Flair flips up over the turnbuckle, landing on the apron. He runs across to the turnbuckle, climbing up but Sting is there to meet him! Sting grabs Flair and Flair shakes his head, shouting 'NOOOOO' but Sting sends him off the turnbuckles with a slam. Sting immediately grabs his right knee, staggering down for a moment before pulling himself toward Flair. Flair rolls out of the ring before any pin attempt can be made. Sting moves over to a corner and Flair reaches in, tripping Sting and pulling him toward the ring post. He grabs Sting's right leg and swings the knee against the ring post. Sting calls out in a lot of pain. Flair rolls back in the ring and stomps on the head of the Stinger. The champion looks like he might be in a world of trouble as Flair grabs the leg and says it's time to finish this. Flair begins the Figure 4 Leglock but as he leans in Sting catches him in a roll-up:]












[Ric Flair manages to kick out and he is the first man up so he waits for Sting to pull himself up and then gives another chop-block to the champion! Sting crumples to the mat and Flair grabs the legs again -- Figure 4 Leglock! Flair has the Figure 4 cinched in and we may be looking at a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Sting cries out in pain but shakes his head when the referee asks him if he wants to submit. He seems to be absolutely refusing to submit but his leg might be broken if he doesn't quit soon. Flair reaches up and grabs the ropes as the referee is focused on Sting! The ropes give Flair more leverage and Sting's shoulders go down on the mat: One, Two, Shoulder Up! Flair releases the ropes before the referee turns around. The referee asks Flair if he was using the ropes and Flair denies it. Flair points to Sting and the referee moves back to ask Sting again. The crowd begins clapping and trying to pump up Sting. Flair leans in and begins slapping Sting! What arrogance! But the slaps seem to fire up Sting! Sting's eyes go wide and he begins working to turn the Figure 4 over. Flair yells 'NOOOOOOOO!' Sting does manage to get the hold reversed and now Flair cries out in pain. Sting leans back, working to change the hold. He gets it reversed into the Scorpion Deathlock! Sting has Flair in the Scorpion Deathlock! Flair grabs the ropes quickly to get the hold broken. The referee steps in and forces Sting to break the hold. Sting staggers to his feet and pulls Flair up in a corner. He Irish whips Flair across the ring and then comes charging in -- Stinger Splash! Flair takes a step out of the corner and then drops face-first on the mat. Sting grabs the ropes for a moment to catch his breath and then grabs Flair's legs. He pulls Flair to the middle of the ring -- Scorpion Deathlock! Sting has Flair in the Scorpion in the middle of the ring! Flair shakes his head, refusing to give up! Sting makes a war cry, doing the best he can with his injured knee.]



[...The referee asks Flair...]




[...Flair refuses...]




[...Flair shakes his head...]




[...Flair submits!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 19:38)

Match Rating: B+


[Sting has successfully defended the NWA World Heavyweight title against Ric Flair! The hold is broken as Sting falls forward, lying on the mat and trying to catch a breath. Referee Tommy Young is handed the NWA World Heavyweight title belt and he brings it over to Sting. He helps Sting to his feet and raises the arm of the champ. Sting takes the title belt and raises it up to an enormous amount of cheers from the crowd and all the little Stingers. Fireworks explode inside the arena as Sting climbs the turnbuckle on each of the four corners, raising the belt to all four sides. Ric Flair rolls out of the ring, defeated and walking up the aisle. Sting stands tall in the center of the ring as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler tell everyone to make sure they tune in to WCW's Main Event and WCW Saturday Night. Good night everybody! As the show fades to black, a sign is shown in the background: 'Free Stan Hansen!']

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to justtxyank for his win this card, Scoring 5/9!


1. Zergon=3 Wins

2. Ayden=2 Wins

Beejus=2 Wins

horseman4lyfe=2 Wins

justtxyank=2 Wins

6. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins


Haha, I'll post thoughts on the show later, but man did I do bad in the predictions! LOL


Nice to see Tito get signed. I do the same thing when I play this era!


Well, you actually won the prediction contest with 5/9 so I'd say you didn't do too bad. LOL. There were definitely a few surprises on the Clash, though, especially The Renegade Warriors winning the World Tag Team titles.


Am glad to hear the good words about signing Tito Santana. To me he was one of the most underrated wrestlers. I always enjoyed watching him and I think he definitely has a future in World Championship Wrestling.


Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the show.

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Sunday Week 4 January 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Pacific Sports Center (South West)

Attendance: 1,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .07


The announcers, Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes, put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Midnight Express taking on The Southern Boys in action this evening. We'll also be seeing a very special interview with Tully Blanchard.


In an extremely poor match, Ranger Ross defeated The Minotaur in 6:03 by pinfall with a Super Kick...E+


A pre-taped interview is shown with the Total Package Lex Luger that took place following Clash of the Champions. He is shown walking with a bag toward his car and the cameraman asks him about what happened earlier. Luger says that he got choked by Koloff. But he's going to get his revenge. He says he wants a rematch with Koloff and he'll put his title on the line to get it. He gets into his car and drives away as we move to another interview.


This second interview is with Tully Blanchard. He says he's going to be honest. He says that he came back to WCW not to be with the Four Horsemen. He says that he didn't come back to play second fiddle to anyone. He says that he came back to win the World Heavyweight Title. He says he wants to go face-to-face with Sting on WCW Saturday Night this week. He hopes that Sting will meet him in the ring.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Larry Zbyszko defeated Brad Armstrong in 9:39 by submission with a LarryLand Dreamer...C-


Another pre-taped interview shows Teddy Long talking about the upset victory of the Renegade Warriors over his team of Doom. He says that something like that will never happen again. He says that there were a few words spoken backstage with his two guys but they're both emotional over losing their belts. He says that Doom is fine and soon they will become the World Tag Team Champions again.


A final pre-taped interview features Ravishing Rick Rude. This newest member of the Diamond Exchange says that he is glad he doesn't have to be in Vallejo, California where they don't have anyone that could even match up to him. But he says that he will be on WCW Saturday Night this Saturday to confront Tony Atlas. He says that the former Mr. USA has nothing on him and his physical stature. He says that they will definitely see that this Saturday night.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Bob Backlund defeated George South in 6:06 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing...C-


The focus turns down to the announcers where they hype WCW Saturday Night this week. There will be two title matches on the show that have been confirmed. Big Van Vader will challenge the Z-Man for the World Television title. Both announcers agree that Z-Man might be the underdog in this match against a man who has looked positively dominant in his days here in WCW. The other title match will be The Steiner Brothers defending the U.S. Tag Team titles against Arn Anderson and Barry Windham. Anderson made the challenge during the Clash for a rematch and the Steiner Brothers have passed on that they will take the challenge of the Horsemen. They commend The Steiner Brothers for being fighting champions before they head to the ring for the main event.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Midnight Express II defeated The Southern Boys in 10:44 when Bobby Eaton defeated Steve Armstrong by pinfall with a Rocket Launcher...C-


To end The Main Event, a recap of the Clash of the Champions is shown. Highlights include The Renegade Warriors taking the World Tag Team Titles from Doom, Owen Hart beating Larry Zbyszko and a focus on the World title match that sees Sting successfully defend the belt against Ric Flair. We'll see you on Saturday night for WCW Saturday Night!

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So thoughts...


Surprised at the Backlund win. Not because he's not good enough, but I figured you were pushing Rotunda and were planning to use Backlund as a jobber. It will be interesting to see how you use Backlund as he never really fit in anywhere outside of the WWWF and Japan.


Really surprised you pulled the trigger on a Renegade Warriors title reign. They are a cool team though so I'm not hating. Just figured Doom would hold the titles a little longer before a breakup. Will be curious to see how the tag division unfolds now as you have face champions with both straps.


Nikita looked strong. I hope you'll be able to keep him interesting longer than WCW did in real life.


Other than that, pretty straightfoward card that moved everything along. The real challenge in 91 is how you move forward with Sting once he's done with Flair!

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So thoughts...


Surprised at the Backlund win. Not because he's not good enough, but I figured you were pushing Rotunda and were planning to use Backlund as a jobber. It will be interesting to see how you use Backlund as he never really fit in anywhere outside of the WWWF and Japan.


Really surprised you pulled the trigger on a Renegade Warriors title reign. They are a cool team though so I'm not hating. Just figured Doom would hold the titles a little longer before a breakup. Will be curious to see how the tag division unfolds now as you have face champions with both straps.


Nikita looked strong. I hope you'll be able to keep him interesting longer than WCW did in real life.


Other than that, pretty straightfoward card that moved everything along. The real challenge in 91 is how you move forward with Sting once he's done with Flair!


Sting vs. Vader w/ Paul E. sounds like a pretty solid main event program to me. Have Vader take the strap and Sting chase for a few months... maybe build a few more heels managed by Heyman to get in Sting's way.

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


World Championship Wrestling

-We are coming off a huge Clash of the Champions show where Sting walked away with the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt after making Ric Flair submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. What will Sting have to say this week on WCW Saturday Night? We have been told that he has agreed to meet Tully Blanchard face-to-face at the end of the show as Blanchard requested on WCW Main Event. Will Tully Blanchard be challenging Sting for the NWA World Title soon?


-Our main event this evening is going to be a rematch from Clash of the Champions as the United States Tag Team titles are on the line. The Steiner Brothers scored the pinfall at the Clash but Arn Anderson and Barry Windham look to take the titles and bring them to the Horsemen. Which team will walk away from WCW Saturday Night with the titles?


-Another match set for WCW Saturday Night features a man who made a huge victory at the Clash: Tommy 'Wildfire' Rich and one man who had a huge loss at the Clash: Ric Flair. Can Rich's winning streak continue after he defeated Harley Race at the Clash? Or will The Nature Boy get back on the winning track?


-To open things up, Jerry Lawler will be stepping out from the behind the commentary booth and into the ring. The wrestler known as The King will be stepping into the ring with Owen Hart. Hart got a big victory at the Clash over the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko. Can he get another win over a legend?


-Plus Rick Rude and Tony Atlas go face-to-face, Nick Bockwinkel makes a huge announcement that will change the face of professional wrestling, Tito Santana has his first match in WCW and more. Make sure you tune in to WCW Saturday Night!


Prediction Listing


Jerry Lawler vs. Owen Hart



NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Big Van Vader



George South vs. Tito Santana



Stan Hansen vs. Brian Pillman



Ric Flair vs. Tommy Rich



NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:


So thoughts...


Surprised at the Backlund win. Not because he's not good enough, but I figured you were pushing Rotunda and were planning to use Backlund as a jobber. It will be interesting to see how you use Backlund as he never really fit in anywhere outside of the WWWF and Japan.


Bob Backlund will definitely not be used as a jobber here in WCW. I feel like he definitely fits in with the WCW feel as he is an ultra-talented wrestler. Though he may not be as good as he was in the 1980's but that's a general WCW feel as well. LOL.


Really surprised you pulled the trigger on a Renegade Warriors title reign. They are a cool team though so I'm not hating. Just figured Doom would hold the titles a little longer before a breakup. Will be curious to see how the tag division unfolds now as you have face champions with both straps.


I knew that the Renegade Warriors victory was going to be the shock of the night as far as the Clash goes. One of the issues that I have right now with Doom is that Butch Reed has bad chemistry when being managed by Teddy Long. So that made the loss a little more palatable for me. As of right now, every single title is held by a face. We have Sting as the NWA World Champion, Renegade Warriors as the NWA World Tag Team Champions, Lex Luger as the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, The Steiner Brothers as the NWA United States Tag Team Champions and Z-Man as the NWA World Television Champion. It definitely seems odd but who knows what might happen. :)


Nikita looked strong. I hope you'll be able to keep him interesting longer than WCW did in real life.


I am glad that Nikita Koloff looked strong in at least one reader's eyes. That is definitely what I was going for in that match. I agree that I hope that I can keep Koloff interesting longer than WCW did in real life.


Other than that, pretty straightfoward card that moved everything along. The real challenge in 91 is how you move forward with Sting once he's done with Flair!


Sting vs. Vader w/ Paul E. sounds like a pretty solid main event program to me. Have Vader take the strap and Sting chase for a few months... maybe build a few more heels managed by Heyman to get in Sting's way.


I agree that the real challenge is where does Sting move on to after Flair. Big Van Vader is a definite option for Sting but at the moment I am slowly building him up, rather than moving him immediately into the match with Sting. He will definitely get there, as far as a World title match but he's definitely not there at the moment.


Thank you to both of you for the comments! I really do enjoy reading and responding with my readers.

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Jerry Lawler vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Hart did get past Zbyszko so I´d assume he beats Lawler too.


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Big Van Vader

Comments: I could see DQ loss on Vader in case tou want to keep him away from TV belt but I figure he just gets the title here.


George South vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Debut win.


Stan Hansen vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Pillman gets the win thanks to Hansen´s contract situation.


Ric Flair vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: I just don´t see Rich going over here.


NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: I wouldn´t mind a title change here but I figure that since Steiners did win in PPV, they would win in here too.

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Jerry Lawler vs. Owen Hart

Comments: I didn't go for Owen at the Clash, so I will here.


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Big Van Vader

Comments: I don't see Vader carrying around the TV title, so I'll go Z-Man by DQ.


George South vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Chico!!


Stan Hansen vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Yeah, what Zergon said.


Ric Flair vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: lol.


NWA United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: I just can't picture Arn and Barry being proud to carry the US Tag titles. These guys all need to be going after the Warriors. It's honestly like you've flipped the divisions, as the World contenders are going for the US titles and the US contenders are holding the World titles.


Fun Fan Signs:

What time is it?!

That's just Rich! ("that's just Rich" could totally be Tommy's new catchphrase. I could see him doing it like an 80's version of "DAMN", where he walks in on something happening, shrugs his shoulders and says "That's just Rich!")


Comments On Last Show: Loved the Clash, as indicated by my nominating it for SOTM this month. The Sting-Flair match was written superbly, and the whole show was just done well.


If you're out of options for Sting, you could always have him face the Red Scorpion, who is like the Black Scorpion but is more Scorpion-er than the last! :p

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Jerry Lawler vs. Owen Hart

Comments: Owen has no overness in '91, JL gets the win.


NWA World Television Title Match

15 Minute Time Limit

Z-Man defends vs. Big Van Vader

Comments: Time Limit Draw, reason for stips to exist.


George South vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Tito is Upper Midcard in WWF, he'll be hard to knock here, plus guy is actually above-average in the ring.


Stan Hansen vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: I'm assuming he is jumping to NJPW here. I have him in a WWF save, Hansen is also old enough to be on time decline.


The Steiner Brothers defend vs. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham

Comments: Stieners recline into another victory, they will hold the titles until they probably split. Is Dog-Face or Genetic Freak superior in this mod?


Ric Flair vs. Tommy Rich

Comments: I'm going with THE MAN in this match. Tommy Rich cannot be THE MAN, because he will not BEAT the MAN.

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