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[1991] Operation World Championship Wrestling

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Saturday Week 1 March 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: McElroy Auditorium (Mid West)

Attendance: 6,630

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.08




[Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to the McElroy Auditorium in Waterloo Iowa and WCW Saturday Night! They talk about what a great night of action they expect tonight, including a WCW World Heavyweight Title Match as Sting defends against the Nature Boy Ric Flair! As they are talking, the music for Tully Blanchard begins to play and out from the back comes the former member of the Four Horsemen. Blanchard enters the ring and begins talking about his upcoming match at SuperBrawl. He says that he doesn't care if he's facing Sting or even Ric Flair. He says he was promised a World title match and that's exactly what he's going to get at SuperBrawl. '2001' begins to play, interrupting his words and out from the back comes Ric Flair. 'The Nature Boy' gives Blanchard a smile and a handshake after he enters the ring. Flair says that the two of them go back a very long time. He talks about Blanchard being one of the initial Four Horsemen, the elite in the wrestling world. But, Flair says, the bottom line in this business is winning the WCW World Heavyweight title. That's all that matters when you walk that aisle. Wearing that belt means that you are the best in the business. Flair says that tonight he is going to prove that he is the best wrestler in WCW and the wrestling world. He is going to beat Sting for the WCW World Heavyweight title. Then they will see what happens at SuperBrawl. Blanchard breaks in, telling Flair that the same thing is going to happen at SuperBrawl no matter who the champion is. Blanchard says he is walking away with that belt. Flair warns Blanchard to be careful what he wishes for, smiles and turns, exiting the ring. Blanchard stays in the ring as his match is next right here on WCW Saturday Night.]


Match #1


Tully Blanchard vs. Robert Gibson


[The fans are solidly behind Robert Gibson in this opening contest. The match is a lot more of an even contest than some might have thought as Robert Gibson scores several near falls throughout the contest. Gibson even catches Blanchard with an enzuigiri for a two count but he cannot seem to put the number one contender away. Tully Blanchard fires back with a few right hands on Robert Gibson and then brings him down with a body slam. Almost like he is mocking Ric Flair, he bounces off the ropes and drops a knee across the forehead of Gibson. Blanchard stands up and smiles down at Gibson before dropping three straight elbow drops. He picks up Gibson and hooks him in a vertical suplex position -- Slingshot Suplex! Blanchard floats over into a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Tully Blanchard (Via Pinfall @ 6:19)

Match Rating: C





[Tully Blanchard gets his hand raised before exiting the ring. As he does so, he walks right past Jim Cornette and the WCW United States Tag Team Champions The Midnight Express. Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane quickly enter the ring and go right after Robert Gibson! Eaton mounts Gibson and begins throwing rights and lefts to the skull. The crowd boos as Jim Cornette gives directions to his champions. They lift Robert Gibson and hit him with the Veg-O-Matic! More boos echo from the crowd briefly before they turn to cheers. The cheers come as into the ring comes Ricky Morton! Morton slides in and goes right after Eaton and Lane, sending both of them out of the ring! Jim Cornette sees that he's stuck in the ring with The Rock 'N' Roll Express! Cornette begs off and then quickly exits the ring before Morton can get to him. Gibson is down on the mat and Morton checks on his partner.]





[The focus turns to the interview area where we see the arrival of Larry Zbyszko. The Living Legend gets on the microphone and he immediately calls out Paul Orndorff to meet him there. After a few words by Zbyszko, Paul Orndorff walks out from the back to confront Zbyszko. Zbyszko tells Orndorff that he is going to give him the opportunity to do the right thing, the smart thing. That thing is for him to apologize for getting into the business of the Living Legend. Zbyszko tells Orndorff that if he doesn't do the right thing, he is going to regret it for the rest of his life. Orndorff replies by saying that he did the right thing at WrestleWar. He says that it was Zbyszko that didn't do the right thing in attacking that young wrestler after the match was over. Zbyszko shakes his head and says he should have known better than to expect intelligence from someone who has a million dollar body and a ten cent brain. Zbyszko gets in a cheap shot punch on Orndorff but a retaliation punch from Orndorff puts Zbyszko on the ground. Zbyszko's eyes go wide as he backs up some from Orndorff. Orndorff smiles down at Zbyszko and tells him he will see him at SuperBrawl one on one and that will be Wonderful.]


Match #2


The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin and Terry Gordy) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong) and The Italian Stallion


[Our second match of the night is six man tag team action as The Fabulous Freebirds make their return to World Championship Wrestling. Does anyone watching truly believe that The Southern Boys and The Italian Stallion really have a chance against the Birds? No? Well, the match is thoroughly dominated by The Freebirds. All three of them get the opportunity to show off in the ring with one on one action and double-teams on all three members of the opposite team. All six wrestlers get in the ring at the end of the match and Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin strike with DDTs on both members of The Southern Boys. Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy strikes The Italian Stallion with the running leg drop. He makes the cover as the legal man: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Fabulous Freebirds (Via Pinfall @ 6:28)

Match Rating: C-





[From the ring and The Freebirds, we move to the backstage office area of WCW President Nick Bockwinkel. The WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting is present in that office with the door closed. Bockwinkel thanks Sting for coming here tonight and he talks about his upcoming match with Ric Flair later on this evening. Bockwinkel wishes Sting good luck in that match. He says that if Sting should win that match, he will be a fighting champion that WCW deserves. That means that if Sting wins tonight, he will defend the title next week on WCW Saturday Night. His opponent next week will be the seven time NWA World Champion Harley Race! If he defeats Race, then, the night before SuperBrawl, he will defend his belt against Bob Backlund. Sting says that he plans to be a fighting and defending champion and will take on all comers no matter who they are. He says that this month, for him, is going to be showtime! He releases a howl and turns, exiting the office. Bockwinkel smiles and turns back to paperwork as we head back to the ring.]


Match #3


Greg Valentine vs. Brian Pillman


[Our next match this evening should be a great one as two members of the opposing teams at War Games from WrestleWar go one on one inside the ring. Valentine does his best to make this match a slugfest, using a punch and kick offense early on to keep Pillman grounded. Valentine focuses on the right knee of Pillman, throughout most of the contest. The Hammer brings Pillman down with a belly-to-back suplex and then goes for the Figure 4 Leglock but Pillman rolls him into an inside cradle, scoring a two count. Pillman ducks an elbow smash from Valentine and scores another near-fall with a crucifix pin. Both men get to their feet and Pillman brings Valentine down with a headscissors takedown, speeding up the action. Pillman strikes with a Tornado DDT and then heads outside to the apron. He waits for Valentine to get to his feet -- Air Pillman! The springboard lariat connects and Pillman makes a cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brian Pillman (Via Pinfall @ 10:23)

Match Rating: C






[The crowd is a little in shock but happy that Brian Pillman has scored the victory! Pillman gets up and jumps up and down with his arm raised. Pillman exits the ring and is met at ringside by Jim Ross. Ross congratulates Pillman on a big victory this evening over the veteran Greg The Hammer Valentine. Pillman thanks JR and says that this might be the biggest win of his career and he is happy to be here on WCW Saturday Night. But, he says, he wants even more. He says that he wants to take on the leader of the Four Horsemen. He says that he wants Ric Flair! Ric Flair walks out from the back and comes down to ringside to come face-to-face with Brian Pillman. Flair gives Pillman a look up and down for a moment and says that the difference between Ric Flair and Brian Pillman is that Ric Flair is custom made from head-to-toe. Flair says that his shoes cost more than Pillman's entire outfit. But he does say that Pillman impressed him with this victory tonight over a member of the Four Horsemen. So here's what he's going to do. If Brian Pillman can defeat Barry Windham next week then he will take on Arn Anderson the following week. If Pillman can beat the Enforcer then he will receive a shot at Ric Flair. Pillman seems to be thinking for a moment and then he tells Flair that he's on! Pillman says that he's going to prove that custom made doesn't beat someone that these fans cheer for night after night. Flair just laughs and gives a Whooooo in the face of Pillman before walking off.]


Match #4


Stan Hansen vs. Dustin Rhodes


[This match was set up by a sneak attack at WrestleWar by Stan Hansen, Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater on Dustin Rhodes' father in the backstage area. Rhodes is looking for revenge but he is taking on one tough, brute Texan in this contest. Rhodes comes out firing on all cylinders early on, sending Hansen through the ropes to the floor. At this point, Hansen waves and out from the back come Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch to join Hansen at ringside. The distraction is enough for Hansen to gain the advantage on Rhodes. Hansen catches Rhodes with a running shoulderblock and then a running knee drop that scores a two count. Hansen roars at the crowd, drawing in boos. Hansen locks Rhodes in the Brazos Valley Backbreaker, his version of the Boston Crab. Rhodes shakes his head, refusing to submit. Rhodes tries to pull himself toward the ropes but Hansen fights back, trying to keep things in the middle of the ring. Rhodes does finally manage to reach the ropes, forcing the break. Hansen argues with the referee, distracting him as Dick Slater chokes Rhodes on the bottom rope. The crowd boos loudly at this as there should be an immediate disqualification. But Slater releases before the referee turns back around. Hansen yanks Rhodes up to his feet and shoves him toward the ropes -- Lariat! Rhodes nearly gets his head ripped off with that lariat by Stan Hansen! Hansen makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Stan Hansen (Via Pinfall @ 8:58)

Match Rating: C





[The bell sounds and in come the other two members of the Hardline Protection Agency. Dustin Rhodes is down on the mat and the three men begin stomping all over the man known as The Natural. Hansen looks toward Slater and Murdoch before pulling Rhodes up and putting him in a Piledriver position near the turnbuckles. Somehow, Slater and Murdoch both manage to climb the turnbuckles, grabbing the legs of Dustin Rhodes -- Spiked Piledriver! Rhodes lands hard on his head and the crowd boos as the three men stand over Rhodes with Hansen giving the hook 'em horns sign. Dustin Rhodes is definitely going to need some medical assistance this evening in order to even leave the ring. The Hardline Protection Agency exit the ring and walk toward the back with the damage being done. EMTs and security members enter the ring to check on Dustin Rhodes.]





[We move to the interview area where Jim Ross is standing by. He brings out The All-American Bob Backlund from the back for this interview. Backlund seems to be a little worse for wear after suffering that Piledriver on the ring apron last week by Harley Race. JR asks Backlund about his neck and he says that he is a lot tougher than he may appear to be. He says that he is going to be able to wrestle each and every week. Though the doctors did tell him to take this week off. But, he says, he wants a rematch with Harley Race at SuperBrawl. He says that there won't be Backlund Challenge Rules but he is going to make Race submit in the center of the ring. JR, then, asks Backlund about his possible WCW World Title match the night before SuperBrawl. Backlund says that he would be proud to wrestle a great World Champion like Sting. He would also be proud to represent WCW, where the big boys play, as their WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Backlund thanks JR for the interview and we move back toward the ring.]





[The crowd cheers as Wahoo McDaniel brings out the WCW World Tag Team Champions The Renegade Warriors! The three Native Americans high five the fans along the way to the ring and then step inside, doing a Native American war dance once inside the ring. Wahoo takes the microphone and says that he is proud of Mark and Chris Youngblood for what they did at WrestleWar. That was a major victory for the proud Tribal Nation of the Renegade Warriors. Then some men came into the ring and cowardly attacked these men after a hard-fought match. Mark Youngblood takes the microphone and says that he once respected The Road Warriors. He says that they were the best of the best in tag team wrestling. He wanted The Renegade Warriors to be like The Road Warriors in dominating the tag team division. But they have too much pride, too much ability to attack people from behind. That is simply not the style of this Tribal Nation. He says that they are going to teach the Road Warriors a lesson.]


[Mark's words are interrupted by the sounds of 'Iron Man' and Paul Ellering leads The Road Warriors from the back. Hawk and Animal are wearing the spiked shoulder-pads they have become synonymous with. Those three men enter the ring and Ellering has a microphone. Ellering says that they are going to teach The Road Warriors a lesson? What is this, Romper Room? This isn't a schoolhouse. The Road Warriors aren't interested in having recess with The Renegade Warriors. All the Road Warriors are interested in are those World Tag Team titles and showing the world that they are still the dominant tag team in professional wrestling. Ellering tells Hawk and Animal to show them what he is talking about. The brawl begins between The Renegade Warriors and The Road Warriors! They exchange punches and chops in the center of the ring. Paul Ellering catches Wahoo McDaniel with a kick between the legs, drawing some boos from the crowd. Ellering helps The Road Warriors send Mark and Chris Youngblood out of the ring and the attention turns to Wahoo McDaniel. Ellering grabs one of the shoulderpads and he pulls a spike off, unscrewing it and then handing it to Animal. Animal walks over to Wahoo and jams the spike in the forehead of McDaniel, drawing blood as the crowd boos this assault! The Road Warriors did this to Dusty Rhodes back in 1988! McDaniel is left laying in a pool of his own blood as The Road Warriors celebrate inside the ring.]




[From there, we move to a pre-taped interview with Paul E. Dangerously and the WCW World Television Champion Big Van Vader. Dangerously tells the ladies and gentlemen that his name is Paul E. Dangerously and that he is the manager of the reigning, defending undisputed World Television Champion Big Van Vader. He says that this man is an absolute beast and has proven each and every night that he wrestles that he is the best. He talks about the fact that this is an absolute monster that he is representing and that there is no one who can defeat him. Not Sting. Not Ric Flair. Not Tully Blanchard. Not even the Total Package Lex Luger is strong enough and tough enough to defeat this conquerer. There is only one man in World Championship Wrestling that stands tall and high above the rest. That is this man. There is only one Big Van Vader.]


Match #5


The Russians (Ivan and Nikita Koloff) vs. The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)


[Our semi main event tag team contest should be an excellent hard-hitting contest between two rough and tumble tag teams that know each other very well as The Russians are Uncle and Nephew and The Steiner Brothers are just that: brothers. Early on in the match, The Steiner Brothers show their skill as they manage to bring down both members of The Russians and send them both outside the ring. With The Russians outside, Rick Steiner begins barking around the ring before dropping on all fours. Scott stands over him in a classic Steiner Brothers pose. When the Russians return to the ring, The Russian Bear takes control over The Dog-Faced Gremlin. Ivan and Nikita use some quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring. Around the ten minute mark, The Russian Bear has Rick Steiner in the Russian Bear Hug. Rick refuses to submit, not wanting to lose this match as the fans bark and clap and stomp their feet. Rick begins fighting back as the crowd gives him a second wind. He boxes the ears of Ivan once, twice, a third time breaks the hold. He brings down Ivan with a Steiner-Line and then manages to make the tag! Ivan tags in Nikita and in comes Scott Steiner! Scott strikes with Steiner-Lines to both Russians! Steiner takes down Ivan with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! He ducks a Russian Sickle and kicks Nikita in the gut -- double underhook powerbomb! Scott signals for the Frankensteiner! He grabs the WCW United States Champion and sends him to the ropes -- Frankensteiner! He makes the cover as Rick comes flying from out of nowhere taking down Ivan Koloff with the top rope bulldog! Scott makes the cover on Nikita: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 15:20)

Match Rating: B-




[With Nikita Koloff losing here tonight by pinfall, we move to a more-than-happy Lex Luger, who is giving what appears to be a pre-taped video interview. Luger says that he told everyone he would be making a major announcement this evening. That major announcement is that he is cashing in his rematch with Nikita Koloff in one week. He says that Koloff might have beaten him in a Russian Chain match but this is going to be a one on one match where he plans to lift the Russian Nightmare on his shoulders and give him the Human Torture Rack. He says that The Russian is going to learn why Russia lost the Cold War. They lost because America is the greatest country in the world, the greatest Superpower in the world. He is going to prove that is still true when he takes back his United States title. He says that is going to happen next week right here on WCW Saturday Night.]


Match #6


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Ric Flair


[it is main event time and what a main event we have this evening as Sting will defend the WCW World Heavyweight title against The Nature Boy Ric Flair. When the bell sounds, the two men lock up and Flair pushes Sting back into a corner. Sting raises his arms as the referee asks for a clean break. Flair, of course, doesn't give a clean break as he lights up Sting's chest with three chops that Sting no-sells. Sting howls and Flair begs off, moving quickly to the ropes to keep Sting off him. These two men know each other so very well and it shows as the first few minutes of the bout end in a stalemate, including Flair giving a little strut and a 'Whooooo!' Flair turns back to Sting following the strut and Sting catches him, lifting him high in the air and dropping him with a military press slam! Flair rolls out of the ring and Sting beats his chest, releasing another howl as a sign goes up in the background reading: 'Sting is ON FIRE!!' Flair re-enters the ring and goes to the eye of the champ, raking the eyes and taking control inside the ring. Flair sends Sting into a corner and begins lighting him up with those knife-edge chops again and this time Sting cannot help the pain that comes with them. Flair grabs Sting by the leg, raising him up -- shinbreaker! The next few minutes are spent with Ric Flair focusing on the right leg of Sting, including slamming that knee into the ring post. Back in the ring, Flair gives a stomp to the back of the knee and then places it on the bottom rope. Flair jumps and comes crashing down on the knee. The crowd boos as Flair gives a strut and a Whooo! The Nature Boy helps Sting to his feet and then drives him back down with a chop block to that knee. Around the ten minute mark, Flair goes for the Figure 4 Leglock but Sting reverses into a small package:]














[Ric Flair barely gets that shoulder up. He still has the opportunity to win the WCW World Heavyweight title! Flair pops back up and gives a couple of stomps to Sting before pulling him up and moving him into a corner. The crowd gets solidly behind Sting, trying to rally him to a second wind. Flair throws a few chops and punches before trying to whip Sting across but Sting blocks the Irish whip! Sting shakes his head! Sting blocks the attempt a second time! He grabs Flair and turns him around in the corner, beginning to throw a punch! Another! Another! The crowd goes wild as Sting begins his comeback, whipping Flair across the ring. Flair flips over the turnbuckles and lands on the apron. He runs across and climbs the turnbuckle. Flair leaps but Sting catches him with a punch to the gut as Flair comes flying toward him. Flair slowly pulls himself up in a corner and Sting backs up. Sting charges -- Stinger Splash! Sting catches Flair with the Stinger Splash in the corner! Sting grabs his knee as he had to leap off with that injured leg. Flair flops down face-first on the mat. Sting takes a moment to recover and then grabs the legs of Flair. Sting is going for the Scorpion Deathlock -- Flair strikes the knee of Sting! Sting falls back in the turnbuckle in pain. Flair grabs Sting -- Shinbreaker! Flair pulls Sting to the center of the ring -- Figure 4 Leglock! The Figure 4 is locked on and Sting is shaking his head! Sting does NOT want to give up and lose his WCW World Heavyweight title! Flair sits up, putting more pressure on that hurting knee of Sting. Out from the back comes Tully Blanchard. The number one contender enters the ring and strikes Sting with a knee to the skull! The referee calls for the bell!]


Winner: Sting (Via Disqualification @ 18:17)

Match Rating: B+






[Sting is going to win this match by disqualification due to outside interference by Tully Blanchard! Blanchard strikes Sting with knee after knee to the skull. Blanchard turns from knees to punches as the figure 4 leglock is broken by Ric Flair. Flair is in shock at what has just happened. He might have been moments away from winning the WCW World Heavyweight title! Ric Flair stands up and grabs Tully Blanchard, throwing him back into the turnbuckle and yelling at him off-microphone. Blanchard gets right back in the face of The Nature Boy. Neither man is backing down from the other. Flair finally takes a step back and makes a motion toward the back. Out from the back come the other members of the Four Horsemen. Here comes Arn Anderson, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine. These three men stand at the side of Ric Flair inside the ring as they look across at a former Horseman Tully Blanchard. Off-microphone, Arn Anderson can be seen and a little heard telling Blanchard that he has two choices. He can either walk away or be carried out of the ring. After a moment, Tully Blanchard turns and exits the ring, walking toward the back. Sting has slowly been trying to stand up, using the ropes. Arn Anderson walks over to Sting and catches him with a Spinebuster, leaving him down in the ring as the Four Horsemen stand tall. All four men raise four fingers as they stand tall in the ring. The show comes to a close with the Horsemen in the ring standing over the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to Zergon and horseman4lyfe for their win this card, Scoring 6/6!


1. Zergon=8 Wins

2. Beejus=5 Wins

horseman4lyfe=5 Wins

4. Ayden=2 Wins

justtxyank=2 Wins

6. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=0 Wins


Well, Greg definitely seems like the odd man out. He has a ton of experience and is a great second generation wrestler, which is great on his resume; but his status as a journeyman who's been around the block more times than a person can count is a bit of a mark against him. That's not to say that the Horsemen MUST feature someone new, but he almost comes off as only being there because he came from the WWF. However, he's definitely better than Roma or Mongo, so that's a big plus.


I kinda liken him to how Ritchardo and now Anderz are doing Bob Orton in the TGA JCP game; he's definitely is in the group, but he's almost a loner, like an outsider to the core group, able to have feuds outside the group while still having a say about the major storyline that is going on.


I definitely understand the history of Greg Valentine as a journeyman making him seem like an odd man out. I am, however, glad to know that he seems better than Roma or Mongo as Horsemen because, well, at least he has a lot more talent. And that, to me, is part of what being a Horseman is all about. You have to be able to put on a great show night after night. They are the elite.


I agree I think Scott Hall (Diamond Studd) would fit the new version of the Awesome Twosome, if you were to go with it. Hall has more charisma than Manny Fernandez did.Manny was a good worker,but Hall is just the better over all talent (when he wasn't falling off the wagon and battling his own demons IRL)


I do agree that Hall is the better talent than Manny Fernandez. And that's no slight on Fernandez. I believe that if Hall didn't have so many demons he would have been a multiple time World champion in real life. Thank you for the comment on that. I really do appreciate the insight.

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Sunday Week 1 March 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Manhattan Center (Tri State)

Attendance: 1,000

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .08


The show begins with an interview with Junkyard Dog. JYD hypes his match tonight on WCW Main Event with Dangerous Dan Spivey. JYD says that every dog has his day and he will have his day this evening. He warns Spivey that this dog's bite is worth than his bark.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Owen Hart defeated Chris Benoit in 5:36 by submission with a Dungeon Lock...D+


Owen Hart is celebrating his victory when he is suddenly assaulted by Dan Spivey. The crowd is in shock as Spivey strikes Hart from behind and then tosses him outside the ring. Spivey rams Hart against the guardrail and then picks him up, dropping him throat-first on the guardrail. Just why did Dan Spivey assault Owen Hart? At the moment, we don't have an answer but hopefully we will find out soon.


We move to a pre-recorded interview. This is the reveal of a new wrestler signed to WCW. Missy Hyatt introduces Stunning Steve Austin. Hyatt welcomes Austin to World Championship Wrestling and Austin says that WCW should be thankful to have someone like him in this company. He says that he is not only the best looking man in professional wrestling but he is also the best wrestler. He says he is going to prove that when he takes WCW by storm beginning next week right here on the Main Event.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Z-Man defeated Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker in 6:16 by pinfall with a Super Kick...D


We move to another pre-recorded interview. This one has the two members of The Next Generation. Eddie Guerrero and Art Barr hype their match this evening with The Lightning Express. Guerrero and Barr talk about their family history with professional wrestling. They say that they will not let their family down this evening or any other evening. Guerrero says it doesn't matter how they win as long as they win. They can lie, cheat or steal. But The Next Generation will come out on top.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Next Generation defeated The Lightning Express in 7:31 when Eddie Guerrero defeated Brad Armstrong by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage...C


A video begins to play hyping the return of a tag team to World Championship Wrestling. This is the team of Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers, The Fantastics! The voiceover talks about them being two time United States Tag Team Champions. The video shows them in the ring with some top tag teams. The Fantastic Flip is shown at the end of the video. The Fantastics are returning here to WCW!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Dan Spivey defeated Junkyard Dog in 12:58 by pinfall with a Spivey Spike...C


Dan Spivey has picked up the win but he's not through with Junkyard Dog tonight. He tosses JYD out of the ring and looks to hit the Dog with the same move he hit Owen Hart with earlier tonight. Instead, Hart comes running from the back with a chair, backing Spivey away from the JYD. The two men stare each other down as The Main Event comes to an end. We'll see you next week for WCW Saturday Night!

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


World Championship Wrestling

-WCW Saturday Night is going to be hot this week as we are going to have another WCW World Heavyweight title defense. As stated by WCW President Nick Bockwinkel last week, Sting will be defending the WCW World Heavyweight title every week as long as he holds onto the title belt until SuperBrawl. Sting's opponent this week is a veteran in the ring and one that will definitely take Sting to the limit and possibly beyond. That man is Harley Race. Race showed off a vicious side two weeks ago when he gave Bob Backlund a Piledriver on the ring apron. If Race does that to Sting, then we could see a brand new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!


-Last week, Lex Luger came on WCW Saturday Night to announce that he is cashing in his rematch clause to face Nikita Koloff this week for the WCW United States title. Koloff took the belt to Russia shortly after winning the title and this will be his first defense. Can the former champion take the title back? Or will the Russian Nightmare truly be a nightmare for the Total Package?


-Two very interesting and different tag team matches will take place on WCW Saturday Night. First, we will have the new pairing of The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude, two members of the Diamond Exchange take on the veteran tag team known as The Southern Boys. The Southern Boys have been on a bit of a losing streak lately but a win here would definitely turn their fortunes around. The second tag team match will pit two members of The Four Horsemen, Greg Valentine and Arn Anderson, against another veteran team in The Rock 'N' Roll Express. The Rock 'N' Roll team will be getting a U.S. Tag Team title match at SuperBrawl against The Midnight Express. Can they defeat the Horsemen and gain some momentum?


-Plus The Road Warriors, Brian Pillman versus Barry Windham, Tommy Rich makes his York Foundation decision and more. Make sure you tune in! BE THERE!


Prediction Listing


Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman



WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. Tito Santana



The Diamond Exchange (The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)



The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)



WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Lex Luger



WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Brian vs Flair will be AMAZING.


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Tito puts up a decent fight, but he will fall in the end.


The Diamond Exchange (The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments: Easy one.


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

Comments: I could perhaps see this go either way, but the RNR are just beneath the Horsemen. If this were 1986 it'd be a different story, but it's 1991.


WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Lex has the Horsemen on his plate now; Koloff keeps the belt away from him.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: Sting isn't dropping the belt to Harley. This could be a great place for Race to retire, after one last great match.


Fun Fan Signs:

Show some Hart out there!


Comments On Last Show: I'm surprised to see Sting/Flair only netting a B+ rating. I loved the Road Warriors promo in there, I literally lol'd. Can't wait to see more!

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Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Brian vs Flair will be AMAZING.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: Sting isn't dropping the belt to Harley. This could be a great place for Race to retire, after one last great match.


Comments On Last Show: I'm surprised to see Sting/Flair only netting a B+ rating. I loved the Road Warriors promo in there, I literally lol'd. Can't wait to see more!


If Brian Pillman makes it to Ric Flair, I agree that match should be an amazing one to watch and to write up. I only hope that I can do it justice if the match comes up.


Sting and Harley Race should be another great match. Losing to Sting there would be a great place for Harley Race to retire. But I can say that he has not put in for retirement just yet.


Sting has moved up to A* in popularity in most areas of the USA. So I am definitely surprised about the Sting/Flair match only getting a B+ grade as well.


I am glad that you enjoyed the Road Warriors promo. I do have to say that I took some from classic Road Warriors promos. After all, if there's already some great ones out there, why not bring them back to the forefront, right? :)

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Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman

Comments:could go either way, but I see better things for Pillman


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Tito could be a threat to Vaders Title, but not yet


The Diamond Exchange (The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments:Squash match


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

Comments: ditto on what Beejus said


WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Don't see Luger getting the title back


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: If it was 1981 Race would take Sting to school, but IRL it's 1991 and I don't see Race being a 9 time worlds champion




Comments On Last Show:WCW MAIN EVENT- Nice to see Steve Austin is comming to WCW (can't wait to see what plans you have for him) The Fantastics comming back.. The tagteam scene is picking up, glad to see the tag team division alive and kicking. As always nice job.......

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Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: I guess Pillman will at least get past Windham and quite possibly past Arn too.


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. Tito Santana

Comments: Tito won´t win this one but I think draw is a possibility with that 10 minutes time limit.... actually, I´m going to take a risk and say this will end in draw since this could be PPV quality match or at least good enough to make this an actual feud instead of one shot thing.


The Diamond Exchange (The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments: Not much question here.


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

Comments: I do see Valentine as the weak link in Horsemen but that´s exactly the reason why I think Horsemen will win here as Greg needs to look strong (in my opinion at least).


WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Lex is likely moving into World Heavyweight picture and that means taking the loss here and letting Koloff to run of with lesser belt.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: Race won´t be the next champ.

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Saturday Week 2 March 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: Taylor Arena (Great Lakes)

Attendance: 7,200

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating:1.02




[Jim 'JR' Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome everyone to WCW Saturday Night as we are only eight days away from WCW SuperBrawl. We are here in the Taylor Arena in Rochester, Minnesota. What a show we have scheduled for you tonight, including a main event featuring Sting defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against Harley Race. As JR and The King talk, the crowd rises in boos as Harley Race comes out from the back and walks toward the ring. Race is given a microphone before he steps inside the ring. He absorbs in the boos and tells the fans that he cannot blame them for choosing to boo him. They have the right to boo or to cheer or to do whatever they want because they paid for their ticket. However, tonight, he is going to be the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion when he pins Sting in the middle of the ring. He says that the reason he is going to defeat Sting is because Sting is looking right past him. Sting is looking toward his match with Tully Blanchard at SuperBrawl but he should not look past me. Race says that he is a former World Champion and that he has beaten the best that professional wrestling has to offer, including Dory Funk, Jr., Nick Bockwinkel, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and so many more. Tonight, he promises to add Sting to that list and become the rightful owner of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Race says that tonight is his night. He drops the microphone and exits the ring, heading for the back.]





Match #1


Horsemen Challenge Match

Barry Windham vs. Brian Pillman


[Our very first match of the evening here on WCW Saturday Night is a match in the Horsemen Challenge. Last week, Brian Pillman defeated Greg Valentine of the Horsemen. This evening, he takes on Barry Windham. This match is a classic back and forth match between these two with Windham working on grounding Pillman and Pillman using his aerial techniques on Windham to score several near-falls. Late in the match, Windham catches Pillman with a kneeling gutwrench power bomb and then he manipulates the glove on his hand, preparing for the Iron Claw. Windham goes in but Pillman avoids it and Pillman hits Windham with a springboard DDT! That scores a two count. Pillman signals to the crowd and then heads out to the apron -- Air Pillman! Pillman makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brian Pillman (Via Pinfall @ 9:45)

Match Rating: C





[The match is over and Brian Pillman has defeated a second member of the Four Horsemen! Pillman stands up and gets his arm raised by the referee before he is attacked from behind by Arn Anderson. Double A slams Pillman back in a turnbuckle and strikes him with two shoulder shots to the ribs. Anderson takes a step back and Barry Windham comes flying in with a corner splash! Anderson leaves the ring as Windham locks the Iron Claw on Pillman. Pillman struggles in the hold as Anderson returns to the ring with a crowbar! He strikes Pillman on the back of the head. Pillman is only being held up by the Iron Claw by Barry Windham. Windham drops Pillman to the mat and stands beside Arn Anderson. The two meet eyes and without a word, Barry Windham picks up Brian Pillman. Anderson gives Pillman a couple of slaps and then pulls him in to the Piledriver position. Windham climbs to the second turnbuckle, grabbing the legs of Pillman -- Spiked Piledriver! Pillman is left lying on the mat as Anderson and Windham raise four fingers before exiting the ring.]




[From the ring we head to the backstage area through the use of security camera. We find Alexandra York sitting at a banquet table typing on a laptop. She is approached by Tommy Rich. York stands up and shakes his hand, telling him that she hopes he had a good week of thought. Rich nods and says he thought long and hard about what decision he would make. He says that the York Foundation made a very good offer but someone else edged them out. He says that he hopes that they can part friends. York tells him that he made a mistake and that his career is going to suffer because of that mistake. York just tells him to go away from her. As he walks away, she releases an angry scream, kicking and stomping her feet in a temper tantrum. Someone else edged out the York Foundation? Who could that be?]


Match #2


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. Tito Santana


[Our second match of the night is, perhaps, one of the toughest matches that Big Van Vader has had yet for the WCW World Television title. This is a hard-hitting match where Santana actually manages to get Vader off his feet! When the big missile dropkick sends Vader to the mat, Santana quickly heads back to the top rope and leaps, sending an elbow drop to the heart of the WCW World Television Champion! Santana makes a cover: One, Two, Kickout! Paul E. Dangerously starts looking troubled outside the ring. Santana waits for Vader to get to his feet and then bounces off the ropes. He goes for a cross body but Vader manages to catch him and then slams him down to the mat. Vader picks up Santana and shoves him inside the corner. Vader begins throwing heavy forearm shots to the skull of Santana. Santana tries his best to cover up but he falls to the mat slowly. Vader lifts Santana and drops him with a short-arm clothesline near the corner. Vader steps over Santana and then climbs to the second turnbuckle -- Vader Bomb! Vader makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Big Van Vader (Via Pinfall @ 6:25)

Match Rating: B-






[The match is over and Big Van Vader picks up the victory. Paul E. Dangerously enters the ring and raises the WCW World Television title belt! Vader looks down at his fallen enemy Tito Santana and laughs, shouting out 'Who's the man?' Vader picks up Santana and locks him in position. He raises Santana up in the air, preparing to hit him with the release power bomb but out from the back rushes Tommy Rich! Wildfire slides into the ring and looks across at Vader for a moment. Rich looks Vader in the eyes, telling him to put Santana down. Vader laughs and does just that -- Release Power Bomb on Santana! Rich's eyes go wide and he rushes in to Vader, looking up at the larger man and shoving him backward. Then he turns to Paul E. Dangerously and...shakes his hand! What in the world?!?! The crowd boos as Tommy Rich shakes hands with Vader and then turns on Tito Santana. Rich pulls Santana up -- Sitout Suplex Slam! Santana is planted on the mat and Dangerously raises both the arms of Tommy Rich and Big Van Vader. Dangerously asks for and is given a microphone. He says that his name is Paul E. Dangerously and he is now the manager for both the WCW World Television Champion Big Van Vader and the future WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich! He welcomes each and every person watching in the arena and at home to the start of the Dangerous Alliance. Dangerously drops the microphone and walks out with his two clients. What a bombshell dropped tonight!]




[When the ring is cleared, the music for The Diamond Exchange begins to play and out from the back comes Diamond Dallas Page, leading out Ravishing Rick Rude and The Diamond Studd. DDP is given a microphone on his way into the ring and he says 'Good GAWD look at all the horses he now has within the Diamond Exchange. He proclaims that this team is the future of World Championship Wrestling. He says that between the two of them they will hold both the World Tag Team Titles and the United States Tag Team titles and any titles they want to hold. He says that the Diamond Exchange is getting better and better. He says that The Diamond Exchange is growing by leaps and bounds because everybody wants to be part of the greatness that is D D P. DDP hands the microphone to Rick Rude and he looks around for a moment before talking about the fact that he is from Minnesota. However, he says, that he could smell the stench from Rochester all the way to St. Peter where he was born. So what he would like to have right now is for all you fat, out-of-shape Rochester STINKHOGS to keep the noise down while he takes his robe off and shows all of you what a real man is supposed to look like. He tells them to hit his music and he slowly removes the robe, doing a hip swivel to boos from the crowd.]


Match #3


The Diamond Exchange (The Diamond Studd and Rick Rude) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)


[Our third match of the night features the two members of The Diamond Exchange against The Wild Eyed Southern Boys. The match starts with The Diamond Studd flicking a toothpick into the face of Tracy Smothers, taking advantage of the distraction. As one would expect, the match is dominated by the two members of The Diamond Exchange. Studd catches Smothers early in the match with the fallaway slam and then flicked a second toothpick in the face of Steve Armstrong. Armstrong comes in the ring and is stopped by the referee. The Diamond Exchange use this moment to do double-teams on Smothers. By the end of the match, Smothers is worn out, having never been able to get the tag to Steve Armstrong. Rude catches Smothers with a belly-to-back suplex and then signals for the Rude Awakening. The Diamond Studd comes in and knocks Armstrong off the apron as Rude sets up Smothers -- Rude Awakening Neckbreaker! Rude stands over Smothers and swivels his hips before he makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three! You could count to one hundred. Smothers is out.]


Winners: The Diamond Exchange (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: C





[We are taken from the ring to an interview with Jim Ross and Sting. Ross talks to Sting about his run through several wrestlers to get to the match at SuperBrawl with Tully Blanchard. Sting says that he wants to tell Harley Race something very important: he is not looking past Handsome Harley Race. He says that with a match every week he has to take this one week at a time. So this week he is stepping in the ring with a former eight time World Champion and then some. Sting says that Harley Race has held more gold than Fort Knox. But that was in the past. Sting says that he is the future of World Championship Wrestling. But he is also the present and he proves that by holding this, the WCW World Heavyweight title. Tonight, Harley Race, you're gonna know the meaning of Showtime. Sting releases a howl and walks off as JR sends us back to the ring.]


Match #4


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)


[Our next match is a decent tag team encounter as two members of the Four Horsemen step in the ring to take on The Rock 'N' Roll Express. This match plays out almost to the letter in classic face/heel fashion. The Rock 'N' Roll Express have the early going in the first minute of the match before Ricky Morton is taken down in the corner of The Horsemen. Some classic Horsemen double-teaming is made on Ricky Morton as Anderson and Valentine use quick tags, focusing on the right leg of Ricky Morton. Double A locks Morton in a kneebar that almost forces Morton to submit but Morton manages to get to the ropes to break the hold. The Enforcer tags in Valentine and Valentine sets up Morton for a Figure 4 Leglock but Morton rolls Valentine into a small package for a two count. Morton manages to get to his feet and fire punches into the solar plexus of Valentine before bringing him down with a clothesline. Morton rolls underneath a Valentine retaliation clothesline and then gets the tag to Robert Gibson! Valentine tags in Anderson and the match devolves into all four men brawling. The Horsemen manage to find an advantage and Anderson sets up Gibson for the Anderson DDT but Brian Pillman's music begins to play and he runs down to ringside, looking very beat up from the attack earlier. Anderson releases Gibson, motioning for Pillman to enter the ring. Pillman stays at ringside and Gibson rolls up Anderson as Morton grabs the leg of Valentine from outside the ring, pulling him out. The referee drops down to make the count: One, Two, Three! An upset victory for the Rock 'N' Roll Express!]


Winners: The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Via Pinfall @ 6:03)

Match Rating: C




[We move to a video, next, featuring Paul Ellering and The Road Warriors. The three men are pacing around a small room with their motorcycles in the background. The video is done in a perfect black and white fashion. Ellering says that in eight days, his men, his Road Warriors, his Legion Of Doom will be entering the ring against The Renegade Warriors. Who are those Renegade Warriors? Where did they come from? That is what Paul Ellering says he is doing research on. He says that he is the brains of this outfit, Animal is the brawn and Hawk is the speed. He says that luckily his group here did not have to travel to Rochester, Minnesota. But at SuperBrawl they will still be with the lower class when they step in the ring against The Renegade Warriors. Tell 'em Animal. Animal laughs and says that at SuperBrawl he is going to have fun absolutely destroying those two men who hold the gold. He says that he and Hawk snack on danger and dine on death. He says that The Renegade Warriors do not know what is coming to get them but they will. They will. Tell 'em Hawk! Weeeeelllllll! There's only one thing left to say. When we see their carcasses lying on the mat absolutely destroyed by the Road Warriors...OHHHHHH WHAT A RUSH! The Road Warriors will walk away with what is rightfully theirs: the WCW World Tag Team titles. Animal and Hawk stick out their tongues and Ellering slaps a copy of the Wall Street Journal on his hand as we move back to the ring.]


Match #5


WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Lex Luger


[it is the semi main event this evening and what a contest this should be as we see a rematch for the WCW United States title. There is no Ivan Koloff at ringside this time as Nikita Koloff has decided to go at this alone against The Total Package. This match is a very sharp brawl as anyone would have expected. The Russian Nightmare and The Total Package leave it all in the ring during this match. As soon as both competitors were in the ring, they began slugging it out back and forth with punches and kicks. The match begins with Luger gaining control and threatening to lift Koloff into the Human Torture Rack. Luger goes for the Rack but Koloff rakes the face of Luger and out from the back comes Ivan Koloff to come and stand ringside around six minutes into the contest. Koloff gets in control and stomps on Luger on the mat. The Russian Nightmare tosses Luger out of the ring and distracts the official as Ivan Koloff tosses Luger into the guardrail. The fans boo the interference as Uncle Ivan tosses Luger back in the ring. Koloff makes the cover and scores a two count, drawing some cheers from the crowd when Luger kicks out. The momentum change comes when Koloff has Luger in the Bear Hug. Luger struggles in the hold with the fans getting behind him. Luger claps the ears of Koloff again and again until the hold is broken. Luger catches Koloff with a knee lift and then a delayed vertical suplex that shows the power and strength of Luger. Luger gets the crowd excited, playing to the crowd for a moment. He sends Koloff to the ropes -- Scoop Powerslam! Luger stands up and begins calling for the Human Torture Rack! Ivan Koloff climbs on the apron and Luger runs, striking Koloff with the Running Forearm Smash! Luger turns back to the Russian Nightmare -- RUSSIAN SICKLE! Nikita hits Luger with the Russian Sickle out of nowhere! Koloff makes the cover: One, Two, Three! A title defense by Nikita Koloff!]


Winner: Nikita Koloff (Via Pinfall @ 17:15)

Match Rating: C






[The match is over and in comes Ivan Koloff. He raises the arm of his nephew Nikita Koloff and then they both turn and begin putting the boots Lex Luger! The Total Package tries to cover up some as a USA chant breaks out in the crowd. The Russian Bear picks up Luger and sets him up for the Russian Neckbreaker. He is ready to plant Luger but out from the back comes The Steiner Brothers! The crowd roar their approval as Rick and Scott enter the ring! Rick takes down Nikita with a Steiner-Line! Nikita slides out of the ring but this leaves Ivan Koloff in the ring with both Steiner Brothers! Rick runs around the ring barking with the crowd responding to the bark of the Dog-Faced Gremlin! Scott picks up Ivan Koloff and turns him upside down -- Steiner Screwdriver! The crowd cheers and Scott Steiner gets the crowd going in a USA chant! Scott rolls Ivan Koloff out of the ring to be joined by his nephew. Rick Steiner drops down on all fours and Scott stands over him. The two of them stare down at the Koloffs and Scott makes the 'belt' motion at his waist. He is coming for the United States title belt!]


Match #6


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race


[it is time for the main event of this evening. What a match we have this evening as we have the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting facing off with the veteran former eight time World Champion Harley Race. The two men meet in the center of the ring to start the match and a quick lock-up has both men jockeying for position. The first several minutes of the match is a feeling-out period between both men. Some rest-holds begin the match like headlocks and armbars. Sting gets the first high-impact move of the match when he lifts Race up and drops him in a military press slam! Sting beats his chest and releases a howl before continuing the attack on Race, focusing on the back of Handsome Harley. Sting catches Race with an inverted atomic drop and then heads to the top rope. He goes for a flying clothesline but Race moves out of the way and Sting crashes down to the mat. Race moves right in on Sting and goes right after the man they call Sting with moves like a scoop slam, vertical suplex and a knee drop that scores a two count. Race chokes Sting on the ropes for a four count and then grabs the ropes, slinging Sting backward. Race smiles to the boos of the crowd. He lifts Sting and drops him in a scoop slam before heading to the top turnbuckle. Race looks down at Sting for a moment and then he leaps -- Diving Headbutt connects! Race takes a moment to recover and then he picks up Sting -- Bridging Cradle Suplex:]














[The crowd goes absolutely wild when Sting kicks out of the Bridging Cradle Suplex! The Little Stingers in the crowd begin stomping their feet and clapping their hands, trying to get Sting back into this contest. Race makes the symbol for the Piledriver, something that is his signature move. Race pulls up Sting and sets him in that position. He begins lifting him up but Sting blocks the hold! Race tries a second time but Sting blocks again! Sting lifts Race over in a back body drop! Both men lie on the mat as the referee begins a ten count. Neither man moves at a count of six. The referee is slowing his count a little, wanting both men to have a chance to rise up. Slowly, they both begin to pull themselves up. Sting and Race meet standing in the center of the ring exchanging blows. Sting starts to get control with that second wind. He grabs Race by the arm and Irish whips him into a corner. Sting backs into the opposite corner, releasing a howl. He runs -- Stinger Splash! Race staggers forward and Sting lifts him up -- Tombstone Piledriver! Sting makes the cover:]












..Foot On The Ropes!]


[Harley Race survives the Tombstone Piledriver by putting his foot on the ropes. A veteran move! Sting looks shocked that he did not get the pinfall there on Harley Race. Sting looks around for a moment, wondering what it's going to take to get this victory. He picks up Race and brings him down with a one handed bulldog! He heads to the top rope and looks down at Race. He leaps -- Top Rope Splash -- MISSES! Sting crashes onto the mat. Race rolls over and makes the cover: One, Two, Shoulder up! Both men are getting a little tired and that is obvious. They have put their all into this match. Race catches Sting with a couple of headbutts and then he brings Sting down with another vertical suplex before heading to the top rope once again. Race looks down at the fallen Sting. He leaps -- Diving Knee Drop -- MISSES! Sting rolls out of the way! Race grabs that knee that crashed into the mat. He is in a lot of pain! Sting's face paint is getting worn off at this point, showing a little skin underneath. Sting pulls himself to his feet using the ropes. Race pulls himself up in a corner. Sting runs at him -- Stinger Splash! Race steps forward and then collapses. Sting moves Race to the center of the ring -- Scorpion Deathlock! The Scorpion is locked on Harley Race! Sting leans backward, howling out as Race howls out in pain. The referee asks Race and Race says no! Sting holds tight to the Scorpion Deathlock! Race fights toward the ropes, trying to reach them, crawling and dragging Sting toward the ropes. Sting senses they are nearing the ropes and steps forward, moving back into the center of the ring. Race has no choice but to submit!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 19:37)

Match Rating: B





[The match is over and Sting has once again successfully defended the WCW World Heavyweight title. He releases the Scorpion Deathlock on Harley Race and falls to his knees, exhausted after a long-fought match. The referee raises the arm of Sting and hands him the WCW World Heavyweight title belt. Sting slowly pulls himself up to his feet and so does a disappointed Harley Race. The two men lock eyes from opposite corners and Sting shows some sportsmanship when he offers his hand to the former eight time World Champion. The crowd cheers this show of sportsmanship! Sting and Race look eye-to-eye as they both come to the center of the ring. Harley Race is breathing heavy as he looks down at the offered hand of Sting. He seems to be thinking about it for a moment. Then he takes the hand of Sting -- and pulls him in -- Belly-To-Belly Suplex! The crowd boos when Race drops Sting with the suplex. Race moves to a knee and out from the back comes Tully Blanchard! Blanchard slides into the ring and puts the boots to Sting before turning to Harley Race. He tells Race that he gave him a fair chance. Then he motions for Race to set up Sting for the Piledriver. Blanchard climbs onto the second turnbuckle as Race pulls Sting up and yanks him into position. But the cheers come as Bob Backlund sprints to the ring! Tully Blanchard quickly exits stage right, leaving Race to get struck with a Backlund clothesline! Race quickly rolls out of the ring to safety. Backlund looks ready for a fight but Race and Blanchard back up the ramp together. Backlund turns to look down at the WCW World Heavyweight title belt. He picks up the belt and stares down at it as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting pulls himself up to his feet. Backlund walks toward Sting with the belt -- and hands it to the champion. But Backlund makes the 'belt' motion at his waist, showing that he wants the belt. Jim Ross reminds everyone that he is going to get that opportunity next week when he takes on Sting. The two men who will face off next week stare at each other in the ring as the show comes to a close. In the background, a sign is raised in the air: 'Show some Hart out there!' as the credits are shown on the screen.]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to Beejus and horseman4lyfe for their win this card, Scoring 5/6!


1. Zergon=8 Wins

2. Beejus=6 Wins

horseman4lyfe=6 Wins

4. Ayden=2 Wins

justtxyank=2 Wins

6. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=0 Wins


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: If it was 1981 Race would take Sting to school, but IRL it's 1991 and I don't see Race being a 9 time worlds champion


Comments On Last Show:WCW MAIN EVENT- Nice to see Steve Austin is comming to WCW (can't wait to see what plans you have for him) The Fantastics comming back.. The tagteam scene is picking up, glad to see the tag team division alive and kicking. As always nice job.......


I really hope you enjoyed the match between Sting and Harley Race. I hope that I did a match between those two legends justice. Thanks for noticing Austin and The Fantastics on The Main Event. The tag team scene is definitely coming to life in WCW. I am a big proponent of tag team matches. I think the tag team scene in WCW during this time can be really strong. Thanks for your comments and predictions!


The Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Greg Valentine) vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

Comments: I do see Valentine as the weak link in Horsemen but that´s exactly the reason why I think Horsemen will win here as Greg needs to look strong (in my opinion at least).


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Harley Race

Comments: Race won´t be the next champ.


One of the reasons I let Anderson get pinned is because Greg Valentine does look like the weak link in the Horsemen. But, hopefully, I can either build that up or, perhaps, the Horsemen will be looking for a new fourth member.


As for Harley Race, I hope that I gave you at least some thought that Race might beat Sting in the match. I try to write up those main events with the spaces between the three count so that it looks like there might be a chance for something surprising happening. Thank you, once again, for your comments and predictions. WCW Main Event should be up tomorrow.

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Sunday Week 2 March 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Spartanburg Auditorium (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 2,000

Overall Rating: C-

TV Rating: .08


The show begins with 'Dangerous' Dan Spivey coming out to the ring and taking a microphone. He says that he came here tonight to tell everyone why he attacked Owen Hart last week. He says that many years ago, he applied to get into the Dungeon to get some proper training in the ring. However, Owen's father, Stu Hart, declined his application. He was told that he would never make it in the wrestling business. Well, here he is, and he is looking to get revenge on the entire Hart family. His speech gets interrupted by Owen Hart coming out and stepping in the ring with him. Hart tells Spivey that he was never good enough to survive the rigorous training that takes place in the Dungeon. The two men come face-to-chest in the ring and the argument moves to the two of them having a match right here tonight on Main Event. Spivey tries a cheap shot on Hart but Hart ducks. He catches Spivey with an enzuigiri kick, knocking Spivey out of the ring.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Can-Am Express defeated The Next Generation in 9:45 when Dan Kroffat defeated Eddie Guerrero by pinfall with a Tiger Driver...C


We are taken to an interview area where Junkyard Dog comes out and talks about his past in the industry, his present and his future. He says that he is looking to help the future of World Championship Wrestling. During this interview, he is attacked from behind by the WCW return of Dory Funk, Jr.! Funk assaults JYD, sending him down to the floor and dropping an elbow on him. Funk grabs the microphone and tells JYD that he owes the Dog a few Texas-Style @$$ whoopings! Funk looks down at JYD for a moment and then walks off with a smile.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Steve Austin defeated Ranger Ross in 5:38 by pinfall with a Stun Gun...D-


A promo is cut by the return of The Fantastics. Bobby Fulton and Tommy Rogers talk about the fact that they are former United States Tag Team Champions. The Fantastics say that they want another run with the United States Tag Team titles and then they want the WCW World Tag Team titles. That is what they're here for and everyone knows that they are Fantastic.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Fantastics defeated The Royal Family in 5:35 when Bobby Fulton defeated Rip Morgan by pinfall with a Fantastic Flip...C-


A replay is shown of the argument earlier tonight between 'Dangerous' Dan Spivey and Owen Hart. Hart caught Spivey with an enzuigiri kick and knocked Spivey out of the ring. This sets up their match, which is coming next!


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Owen Hart defeated Dan Spivey in 10:59 by disqualification...C


Owen Hart picked up the win tonight when Spivey wouldn't back off. Spivey shoves the referee down. That will cost him a lot of money. Spivey catches Hart with a One Shoulder Power Bomb inside the ring. He tosses Hart out of the ring and joins him, running Hart into the ring post and then slamming him head-first on the steel steps. Spivey raises his arms up in victory as the show comes to a close. We'll see you this Saturday Night for WCW Saturday Night one day before SuperBrawl!

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World Championship Wrestling

-WCW Saturday Night is going to be hot this week as we are going to have another WCW World Heavyweight title defense. As stated by WCW President Nick Bockwinkel last week, Sting will be defending the WCW World Heavyweight title every week as long as he holds onto the title belt until SuperBrawl. Sting's opponent this week is a veteran in the ring and one that will definitely take Sting to the limit and possibly beyond. That man is Bob Backlund. Backlund is a former World Champion in another organization. He is a well-respected veteran of the wrestling business. This would definitely change the card for SuperBrawl if Backlund can defeat Sting this evening. We could see Bob Backlund defending the WCW World Heavyweight title against Tully Blanchard or Harley Race.


-We have the Horsemen Challenge continuing this week as Brian Pillman steps into the ring against 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson. Pillman has defeated Greg Valentine and then Barry Windham in consecutive weeks. If Pillman can defeat The Enforcer then he will get a match with Ric Flair the following day at SuperBrawl. Will Pillman earn a match against The Nature Boy or will The Enforcer keep the two of them apart?


-Nick Bockwinkel has stated that there will be a major announcement this evening regarding the main event for SuperBrawl. What kind of announcement will Bockwinkel have? You have to make sure you tune in to find out. Bockwinkel has definitely made some shock announcements since becoming the President of WCW. This one is sure to be another blockbuster.


-Plus The Road Warriors will be in the building, Lex Luger in action, Big Van Vader defends the WCW World Television title, The Hardline Protection Agency, The Russians will be in the building and more. Make sure you tune in! BE THERE!


Prediction Listing


George South vs. Lex Luger



WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion



The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)



Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko



Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman



WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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George South vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Squash.


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion

Comments: Vader's going to eat this meatball.


The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments: Kinda feel this could go either way, but I think the HPA will take it.


Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko

Comments: Should make a good introduction to the world for Dean.


Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Brian wins and moves on to face Flair in what could be the best match of SuperBrawl.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: This could make Bob go crazy!


Fun Fan Signs:

Brian is like a cannonball!


Comments On Last Show: A few surprising wins here and there, especially the RNR. SuperBrawl should be great!

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George South vs. Lex Luger



WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion


The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)



Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko



Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman



WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund


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George South vs. Lex Luger

Comments:As much as i don't care for Luger,I don't see Luger loosing here


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion

Comments: squash match


The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments: Another squash match


Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko

Comments:Malenko should give Tully a good wrestling match


Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: Pillman is on a roll and I see Pilman winning and moving on to face Flair


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: A match that could go either way,but Sting is the future of WCW.



Comments On Last Show:Glad to see that Race tricked Sting by tricking him into thinking he was gonna shake his hand.(I could visualize Race really doing that) Tommy rich with Dangerously, fits good, since Dangerously managed Rich IRL. Like the fued you have going with Owen and Spivey and the story behind it. Can't waith until Superbrawl.

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George South vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Can´t really see this one ending any other way.


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion

Comments: Ummm, yeah, I might had thought that Santana was good enough for a draw but I certainly won´t make same mistae here :p


The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)

Comments: Southern Boys had been more or less jobbers so far and I doubt it changes here.


Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko

Comments: Malenko might be talented but Tully is certainly too much too soon for Dean.


Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: I wish that Arn would win but logic says that Pillman vs. Flair will happen so Pillman takes the win.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Backlund won´t take the belt either, not that I doubt his ability but Sting vs. Tully needs to happen and I don´t see anyone else getting the belt before that.

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Comments On Last Show: A few surprising wins here and there, especially the RNR. SuperBrawl should be great!


I always like to have surprises here and there. The Rock 'N' Roll Express definitely got some momentum moving toward their rematch with The Midnight Express at SuperBrawl. Will that momentum carry them to the United States Tag Team titles? That is the question that will be answered at SuperBrawl. Thank you for the comments and I hope that the build for SuperBrawl has been something that everyone has enjoyed.


Comments On Last Show:Glad to see that Race tricked Sting by tricking him into thinking he was gonna shake his hand.(I could visualize Race really doing that) Tommy rich with Dangerously, fits good, since Dangerously managed Rich IRL. Like the fued you have going with Owen and Spivey and the story behind it. Can't waith until Superbrawl.


Glad to see that you enjoyed the Harley Race belly-to-belly suplex on Sting with the fake handshake. Definitely something that Race would do and I am glad that it shined forward. I am glad that you enjoy the pairing of Rich with Paul E. Dangerously. He makes an excellent addition to the Dangerous Alliance along with Big Van Vader. Who knows when that Dangerous Alliance will grow? I am also glad to hear the words about the Owen Hart/Dan Spivey feud on the Main Event. It was something that came to mind and definitely seems like a storyline that would be made through this era, I hope. I am glad that the build toward SuperBrawl has been appreciated. SuperBrawl is a huge event, in my mind. We have some great matches moving forward.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Backlund won´t take the belt either, not that I doubt his ability but Sting vs. Tully needs to happen and I don´t see anyone else getting the belt before that.


I am glad that you're also enjoying the build toward SuperBrawl. Whether Backlund takes the belt at this point is debatable. One will have to wait for the show to find out, of course. But I am glad that you've enjoyed the build of Sting versus Tully.

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Saturday Week 3 March 1991 (Taped Thursday)

Location: Reaves Arena (South East)

Attendance: 8,250

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating:1.04





[We are taped here at the Reaves Arena in Perry, Georgia only one day before WCW SuperBrawl! Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome everyone to the show and the crowd rises with boos as WCW President Nick Bockwinkel walks down to the ring and steps inside. He, mockingly, thanks everyone for their cheers and talks about a man that the fans really seem to enjoy watching wrestle. That man is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting! Each and every week, he has stepped up against some of the top competition in the world. Bockwinkel admits that he is shocked that Sting has retained the WCW World Heavyweight title. But his biggest challenge might just come in the form of another fan favorite tonight in Bob Backlund. Can he count on all his little Stingers cheering for him tonight against the All-American Bob Backlund? Bockwinkel is interrupted by the arrival of the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting as he walks right down to the ring and steps inside. Sting howls and gets that response back from the crowd before he moves toward Bockwinkel. He tells the WCW President that he has been trying to force him to lose that title but it hasn't happened yet. It won't happen tonight. It won't happen tomorrow at SuperBrawl. Bockwinkel says that he's glad Sting has come out here because he has an announcement regarding his match at SuperBrawl. Bockwinkel says that he wants to be sure that there's no funny business in the main event. Therefore, he is making himself the special guest referee in that match. Sting tells Bockwinkel that he is going to win tonight and tomorrow night Bockwinkel will be forced to raise his hand in victory. The two men stare each other down for a long moment before Bockwinkel exits the ring.]


Match #1


George South vs. Lex Luger


[The opening match features two veterans of the ring as George South takes on the Total Package Lex Luger. As predicted, this match is mostly dominated by the former United States Champion. Luger shows off his strength, using moves like the delayed vertical suplex, pumping South up and down before dropping him hard on his back. Luger picks up South again and raises him up and then plants him down with a military press slam. Luger moves South into a corner and strikes him with several knee lifts to the solar plexus and then climbs up. He begins raining punches down on South as the crowd counts along. He reaches ten and then drops down, whipping South to the ropes -- Scoop Powerslam! Luger stands up and makes the sign for the Human Torture Rack. He picks South back up -- Human Torture Rack! South has no choice but to submit! A big opening match victory for The Total Package!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Submission @ 5:45)

Match Rating: C






[Following his victory, Lex Luger walks down to the top of the ramp to join Jim Ross for a scheduled interview. JR thanks Luger for joining him tonight and then he begins a question about the recent losses by Luger to the Russian Nightmare Nikita Koloff. Luger talks about how dangerous a wrestler Koloff is, especially with his Uncle lingering around ringside. Since he lost his rematch with Koloff, JR asks Luger about his future in World Championship Wrestling and where Lex Luger goes from here. But the interview is interrupted by the arrival of Barry Windham. Luger's fist gets cocked, ready to fight with Windham but Windham raises his arms up. He says that he didn't come here to fight with Luger right now. However, he did say that he has an answer when it comes to the future of Lex Luger. Windham says that Luger's future is a match with Barry Windham in less than twenty four hours at SuperBrawl. Luger asks Windham if he really wants to go with him and Windham says he does. Luger says that's fine. He says that he has some unfinished business with the Four Horsemen from back when WCW Saturday Night was in Hawaii. Windham smirks and tells Luger that he hopes he has somebody to watch his back because Windham knows he has someone. Windham flashes four fingers before walking away. Luger flexes as we head to a video.]




[This video is a personal interview with Paul E. Dangerously, Tommy Rich and Big Van Vader. Dangerously introduces the new Dangerous Alliance and turns the microphone over to Tommy Rich. Rich says that some people have been asking him why he made the decision to join the Dangerous Alliance. He says that the reason is simply because he has been overlooked in this company. Sting overlooked him at War Games and that cost his team the match. Tito Santana over Tommy Rich? Come on, that's so Rich. Sorry, Chico, but you're not even just not in my league. You're not in the league below me. Now I'm here to go right to the top with Paul E. Dangerously and the big man. Gold is headed around my waist. Big Van Vader stands menacingly in the background, flexing and barking occasionally as we move to the ring.]


Match #2


WCW World Television Title Match

10 Minute Time Limit

Big Van Vader defends vs. The Italian Stallion


[Our second match of the night is the seventh title defense of Big Van Vader as he takes on The Italian Stallion. This one is another squash as Vader looks absolutely dominant against The Stallion. Vader shows off his considerable skill in this match, including hitting The Stallion with a surprising dropkick! Vader stands over The Stallion, calling out 'Who's the man?' He picks up The Stallion and brings him over in a German Suplex, tossing him around like a rag doll! Vader tosses The Stallion in a corner and begins clubbing him with forearm smashes, bringing him all the way down to the mat. Vader lifts The Stallion and drops him with a short-arm clothesline, setting him up in the corner -- Vader Bomb! Vader places his hands on the chest of The Stallion: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Big Van Vader (Via Pinfall @ 5:38)

Match Rating: C-






[At the top of the ramp, Jim Ross welcomes down three tough men from Texas. Collectively they are known as The Hardline Protection Agency. He welcomes Stan Hansen, Dick Murdoch and Dick Slater. The three of them talk about the fact that they are the three toughest men in the company. They say that's the reason they hire their services out to the highest bidder. They each talk about the fact that they enjoy fighting and destroying each and every person that is put in their path, both men and women. This interview is interrupted as a special video package begins to play. This package shows some security footage of the attack by The Hardline Protection Agency on Dusty Rhodes backstage. Following that assault, Dustin Rhodes is shown on the video package. The Natural says that his father is still getting better from injuries suffered at the hands of The Hardline Protection Agency. Rhodes says that he wants revenge for his father and challenges The Hardline Protection Agency to meet him at SuperBrawl. He says he will find two more people to join him and it will be a six man tag team match. The video ends with Rhodes promising revenge. Back at the top of the ramp, Stan Hansen accepts on behalf of The Hardline Protection Agency. He says he is going to enjoy beating on a Rhodes again.]


Match #3


The Hardline Protection Agency (Dick Slater and Dick Murdoch) vs. The Southern Boys (Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong)


[Two of the Hardline Protection Agency come down to the ring for this match against the Wild-Eyed Southern Boys. Unlike the first two matches, this match was actually very even between the two teams. The Southern Boys did their best to raise the speed of the match, using double armdrags and double dropkicks to keep both members of The Hardliners at bay. A Doomsday Dropkick only scores a two count on Slater when Murdoch breaks up the pinfall attempt. Eventually, Tracy Smothers got caught in the wrong corner, resulting in several double-teams by The HPA. In less than six minutes, Dick Murdoch catches Smothers with the Brainbuster and makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winners: The Hardline Protection Agency (Via Pinfall @ 5:54)

Match Rating: C+





[back at the top of the ramp, Jim Ross welcomes another large group of men for an interview. Out from the back come The Four Horsemen, led by Ric Flair. Flair asks Jim Ross what's causing all this?!?! He says he can tell you and that's the Four Horsemen that are the straw that stirs the drink here in World Championship Wrestling. He says that tonight The Enforcer does what Barry Windham didn't do and what Greg Valentine didn't do. He says that Arn Anderson is going to make Brian Pillman just another bump on the road when it comes to the Four Horsemen. Windham and Valentine give Flair a quick look because of his words but they cannot argue the truth in them. Arn Anderson is given a chance to speak, saying that Brian Pillman is like a gnat that just keeps buzzing around the Four Horsemen. No matter what, they just cannot seem to squash him. But tonight he is going to be the fly swatter of the Four Horsemen. Tonight, Pillman learns that when you mess with the Four Horsemen, you never walk away the same. Flair releases a Whooooo and all four men raise up four fingers. Flair says that tonight they are going to celebrate Horsemen style. Whooooooo!]


Match #4


Tully Blanchard vs. Dean Malenko


[This is the debut of the second-generation wrestler known as Dean Malenko right here in World Championship Wrestling. He has a tough task ahead of himself as he takes on the top contender in Tully Blanchard, another second-generation wrestler. This is a very good match that sees both men showcase some very talented wrestling ability. Malenko keeps Blanchard on the mat, using a kneebar and a neckscissors. He has the full support of the crowd behind him. He reaches his feet and catches Blanchard with a basement dropkick before pulling Blanchard onto his shoulders -- Fireman's Carry Gutbuster! Malenko makes the cover: One, Two, Thr -- Kickout! Malenko goes for the Catapult but Blanchard lands on the second turnbuckle. Blanchard flies off, catching Malenko with a back elbow. He mounts Malenko and throws hard-hitting right hands and a headbutt. Blanchard gets to his feet and heads to the top turnbuckle, waiting as Malenko gets to his feet -- Top-Rope Sunset Flip -- Power Bomb by Blanchard! Blanchard bounces off the ropes -- delayed knee drop! He calls for the finish, pulling Malenko up -- Slingshot Suplex! Blanchard makes the cover, hooking the leg: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Tully Blanchard (Via Pinfall @ 6:14)

Match Rating: C





[We are told that something is going on backstage. In the backstage area, The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering stand on one side, while The Renegade Warriors and Wahoo McDaniel stand on the other side! There's a lot of arguing going on but security and referees are keeping things from becoming physical. Animal busts through, getting a shot on Wahoo McDaniel, knocking him down! The Youngbloods throw some punches and chops on Animal as officials continue to try to keep these men all separated. Mark Youngblood turns to check on Wahoo McDaniel, helping the Native American Chief back to his feet. McDaniel yells a War Cry, promising vengeance on The Road Warriors! Ellering, Hawk and Animal finally take a few steps backward and walk away, laughing at having knocked down McDaniel.]





[back inside the ring, we are taken to the arrival of the WCW United States Champion Nikita Koloff and The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. The crowd boos as the Koloffs each have flags, waving the flags bearing the Russian Hammer and Sickle. They step into the ring and Nikita is given the microphone. The Russian Nightmare says that last week you stupid Americans put your very best in front of me. You put a man known as The Total Package in the ring with the Russian Nightmare and it was sickles all around for your American hero. I, the Russian Nightmare, will continue to victimize your American heroes. I will continue to crush each and every one of them that you put before me. That includes a match at SuperBrawl against a former Wolverine. The interview gets interrupted by the arrival of two former Michigan Wolverines The Steiner Brothers! Rick and Scott Steiner head down to the ring and the Russians bail out quickly. Rick runs around the ring barking and then drops on all fours looking out toward the two Russians. Scott stands over him with a microphone. Scott says that in less than twenty four hours, the United States title will be around the waist of an American. Scott says that it will be around his waist. A staredown ensues before the ring gets cleared for our next match.]


Match #5


Horsemen Challenge Match

Arn Anderson vs. Brian Pillman


[Our semi main event could be a main event anywhere in this country as The Enforcer Arn Anderson steps in the ring with 'Flyin' Brian Pillman. These two men are definitely able to tell a great story in the ring and it begins with Pillman using some high flying to keep Anderson at bay. In the early-goings, Pillman knocks Anderson out of the ring and then flies over the top rope with a cross body outside the ring that gets the crowd on their feet. A fan raises a sign up that reads: 'Brian is like a cannonball!' Pillman's first mistake of the night comes five minutes into the match when he goes for a missile dropkick but Anderson moves out of the way and Pillman lands hard on the back of his head. Anderson moves in and quickly begins wearing Pillman down, keeping him on the mat. The Enforcer locks Pillman in a hammerlock and then body slams him down to the mat, drawing some boos from the crowd. Anderson motions to the back and out come the other members of the Four Horsemen. Ric Flair, Barry Windham and Greg Valentine all stand in the corner of Anderson as he continues his beat-down of Pillman. Anderson says that it's over and he grabs Pillman, whipping him to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Anderson makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd pops when Pillman kicks out! They are solidly behind him even as Anderson locks in the abdominal stretch. Anderson uses the ropes during the hold, making sure the referee is distracted so he isn't forced to break the hold. Eventually, he gets caught but refuses to break until Pillman manages to bring him over in a hip toss, sending them both to the mat.]


[both men begin getting counted out by the referee. They are slow to get up to their feet but both men manage to do so. They begin exchanging punches in the center of the ring. After a couple of exchanges, Pillman begins dodging and counter punching. Pillman hits Anderson with a knife-edged chop and then a spinning wheel kick that brings Anderson to the mat. Pillman gets the crowd excited and then grabs Anderson, bringing him to a corner -- Tornado DDT! Pillman makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd boos the kickout but Pillman is up quickly. He waits for Anderson to get to his feet -- headscissors takedown! Pillman slides out of the ring and onto the apron. He looks across toward Anderson, setting up for Air Pillman! Pillman goes to springboard but he gets shoved to the mat by Greg Valentine! The referee was distracted! Anderson moves in and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The crowd pops huge! Anderson looks frustrated and begins yelling at the referee to count faster. The veteran slowly turns back toward Pillman and catches a dropkick from Flyin' Brian! Pillman moves in and catches Anderson with a crucifix pin: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Brian Pillman (Via Pinfall @ 19:43)

Match Rating: B





[The crowd goes wild as Brian Pillman has earned a shot at Ric Flair in twenty four hours at SuperBrawl! The Four Horsemen quickly enter the ring and all of them go right at Pillman, using the numbers game to their advantage. Greg Valentine strikes Pillman with hammer elbow smashes to the knee. Ric Flair directs all of the attacks on Pillman, keeping him down on the mat and focusing the assaults on the right knee. Valentine and Windham hold the knee out while Anderson heads to the top turnbuckle. Anderson leaps and brings a forearm smash down on the knee to boos from the crowd. Brian Pillman might have won the match tonight but will he be able to wrestle in twenty four hours at SuperBrawl? With Pillman down hard, The Four Horsemen stand together, raising four fingers in the air. Flair gives a strut and then a stomp on the knee for good measure. Then the Horsemen exit the ring as trainers come in to check on Pillman. Pillman's knee is in some serious bad shape at the moment.]





[before we reach our main event, we are taken to one of the security cameras backstage. This one shows a brawl that has broken out between The Midnight Express and The Rock 'N' Roll Express. This is a great brawl back and forth between the two veteran tag teams that know each other very well. The tide turns in the favor of The Rock 'N' Rolls when Jim Cornette accidentally strikes Stan Lane with the tennis racket! Cornette looks wide-eyed at what he did and he calls for help from Bobby Eaton, staggering backward from Robert Gibson. The Midnight Express turn tail and run from any type of double-team, leaving The Rock 'N' Roll Express victorious in this brawl. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson make the 'belt' motion at their waists. They want the United States Tag Team titles and they will have a shot in twenty four hours at SuperBrawl!]


Match #6


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting defends vs. Bob Backlund


[it is main event time and what a contest we have this week as two fan favorites meet in the center of the ring. A handshake begins this match between two men who can definitely get it done inside the ring. The crowd is definitely split down the middle for this match but the fans definitely seem more vocal on the side of Sting. Sting gets the early advantage on Backlund, speeding up the match between the two and diving off the top rope with a splash for a two count. Early on, Sting goes for the Stinger Splash but Backlund moves out of the way. Backlund grabs Sting around the waist -- German Suplex with a bridge: One, Two, Kickout! Backlund begins focusing on the back of Sting throughout the next few minutes, keeping Sting on the mat. Backlund catches Sting with a double underhook suplex during the middle of the match. Some fans get into clapping, trying to get Sting into a comeback. This confuses Backlund as he is not used to facing someone who is as popular as he is. He brings Sting to the mat with a belly-to-back suplex and then bounces off the ropes -- Atomic Kneedrop! Backlund makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! Sting manages to get in some shots on Backlund but it appears that the veteran has Sting's number in this contest. But the momentum switch comes thirteen minutes into the contest when Backlund goes for the Crossface Chickenwing. He almost gets the hold locked in but Sting rushes backward, ramming Backlund into the turnbuckle to break the hold.]


[sting begins getting his second wind, howling to a huge reaction from the fans. He catches Backlund with a one handed bulldog, bringing him down to the mat. Sting lifts Backlund and drops him with an inverted atomic drop and a clothesline that brings Backlund to the mat. Sting catches a breath and then pulls Backlund to his feet. He swings around behind Backlund and shoves him chest-first into the turnbuckle. He lifts Backlund up and sets him on the turnbuckle backward. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and brings Backlund down with a belly-to-back superplex! Both men land hard on the mat and Sting slowly crawls over and makes the cover: One, Two, Kickout! The last few minutes of the match are spent back and forth with both men scoring several near-falls. Sting manages to free himself from the attempt at the Atomic Spinecrusher by Backlund. He blocks the Crossface Chickenwing and pulls Backlund up -- Tombstone Piledriver! Sting makes the cover: One, Two, Three!]


Winner: Sting (Via Pinfall @ 20:41)

Match Rating: B





[Sting has picked up the victory here tonight and he will be moving to SuperBrawl to take on Tully Blanchard. Sting pulls himself up, some of his facepaint missing from the sweat. He looks down toward Bob Backlund and then offers an arm down helping Backlund to his feet. Backlund looks down at his hands for a moment, seemingly unsure of what has happened here tonight. Sting offers a handshake to Backlund and it takes a moment before Backlund gives the handshake back to Sting and raises Sting's arm. Backlund exits the ring and walks to the back, disappearing before Tully Blanchard comes out from the back and enters the ring. Blanchard and Sting exchange rights and lefts in the ring. Both men had tough matches tonight but Blanchard had some time to recover, while Sting just had his long match. This leads to Blanchard getting control in the ring. Blanchard kicks Sting in the gut and then hits the Slingshot Suplex! If this happens at SuperBrawl, we will see a brand new WCW World Heavyweight Champion! Tully Blanchard stands tall over Sting, raising the WCW World Heavyweight title belt high in the air as the show goes off the air. We'll see you tomorrow for the Main Event and SuperBrawl!]

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The prediction contest will run from my first show until the end of March in the game. The prizes have yet to be determined. A single win is given each time a person scores the most predictions right in a given show. The most wins at the end of March is declared the winner.


Congratulations to Beejus, horseman4lyfe and Zergon for their win this card, Scoring 6/6!


1. Zergon=9 Wins

2. Beejus=7 Wins

horseman4lyfe=7 Wins

4. Ayden=2 Wins

justtxyank=2 Wins

6. Smasher1311=1 Win

packerman120=1 Win


alvarasus=1 Win

10. JShmoopy=0 Wins

jhd1=0 Wins

Midnightnick=0 Wins

Jaded=0 Wins

KnowYourEnemy=0 Wins

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Sunday Week 3 March 1991 (Taped Friday)

Location: Mobile Civic Center (South East)

Attendance: 1,743

Overall Rating: C

TV Rating: .09


The show begins with a backstage interview with Paul Orndorff. Orndorff says that he came out and saved Owen Hart at WrestleWar because it was the right thing to do. But now he is coming face-to-face with Larry Zbyszko at SuperBrawl. He says that by the end of tonight he is going to show Zbyszko how wonderful he can be.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Paul Orndorff defeated Scott Armstrong in 5:50 by pinfall with a Spike Piledriver...C


Following the match, Larry Zbyszko comes running in and attacks Paul Orndorff. The fight is an even brawl between the two as neither man gains a distinct advantage until Zbyszko catches Orndorff with a low blow. Zbyszko drops Orndorff with a ShoulderBreaker, focusing on that shoulder. He tosses Orndorff out of the ring and then runs him shoulder-first into the ring post before walking away.


A pre-taped video begins to play with a power ballad playing in the background. A man is shown pumping iron inside what appears to be a log cabin. It is a scene reminiscent of Rocky IV when he is training in Russia. When the man's face is shown, it is revealed to be Sid Vicious! He looks in the camera with a deranged look, saying 'I'm baaaaack!' Then he returns to lifting weights as the camera fades to black.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Fabulous Freebirds defeated The Lightning Express in 6:08 when Michael Hayes defeated Brad Armstrong by pinfall with a DDT...C


Before our next match, we are shown an interview with Alexandra York and The York Foundation. She promises that her tag team will pick up the win in less than 12 minutes. That is, as long as they follow what the computer tells them to do.


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Can-Am Express defeated Michael Wallstreet and Terrence Taylor in 9:43 when Dan Kroffat defeated Terrence Taylor by pinfall with a Tiger Driver...C


We are shown a backstage area via the use of security cameras. These cameras show Owen Hart walking in the backstage area before he gets assaulted from behind by Dan Spivey! Dangerous Dan Spivey rams Hart against a wall and then throws him over a couple of tables. Spivey looks over toward the fallen Hart and just smirks for a moment before wiping his hands and walking off.


A video shows the lay of the land of Japan. The great tradition of Sumo wrestling is shown with various Sumo athletes doing battle. One Sumo wrestler is shown, in particular. This man is coming soon to World Championship Wrestling. This man is the top Sumo wrestler in the world. This man is Yokozuna!


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Dory Funk Jr. defeated Z-Man in 11:24 by submission with a Texas Cloverleaf...D+


The bell sounds but Dory Funk, Jr. refuses to release the hold. The referee calls for the bell multiple times but Funk just leans back on the Texas Cloverleaf. The crowd pops as Junkyard Dog comes running from the back. The arena is filled with barks as JYD enters the ring and brings Funk down with a clothesline. A headbutt brings Funk down to the mat. Funk rolls out of the ring and stares up at JYD as JYD goes on all fours inside the ring. The staredown is what ends this episode of The Main Event. We'll see you at SuperBrawl!

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Wrestling Observer Newsletter


World Championship Wrestling

-It is time for WCW SuperBrawl! This big show will be taking place in the Ice Palace in Tampa Florida where Sting will defend the WCW World Heavyweight title against Tully Blanchard. This should be an amazing match between these two top veterans. One thing that might make a difference in this match is the announcement less than twenty four hours ago that Nick Bockwinkel will be the special guest referee for this contest. How will Bockwinkel factor into this match?


-The last three weeks, Brian Pillman has gone through every member of the Four Horsemen except one. This time he goes against the leader of the Four Horsemen in the Nature Boy Ric Flair. A win against Ric Flair would propel Brian Pillman to be one of the top wrestlers in WCW. But The Nature Boy has promised that Pillman will not be able to walk out of this one.


-Ever since the return of The Road Warriors, they have gone right after the new WCW World Tag Team Champions The Renegade Warriors and Wahoo McDaniel. At SuperBrawl, Hawk and Animal get a chance to take the WCW World Tag Team Title straps away from The Renegade Warriors. Can they do it or will The Renegade Warriors shock the world one more time and survive this legendary tag team?


-Plus Harley Race takes on Bob Backlund, Barry Windham faces off with the Total Package Lex Luger, USA Versus Russia when Scott Steiner challenges for the WCW United States title against Nikita Koloff and more. Make sure you tune in! BE THERE!


Prediction Listing


WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Scott Steiner



The Hardline Protection Agency vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???



Barry Windham vs. Lex Luger



WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Renegade Warriors defend vs. The Road Warriors



Larry Zbyszko vs. Paul Orndorff



Harley Race vs. Bob Backlund



WCW United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Midnight Express defend vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Horsemen Challenge Match

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Special Referee: Nick Bockwinkel

Sting defends vs. Tully Blanchard



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:


Wow just read the first show but haven't scrolled the rest yet and I have to say you are a really good writer! I'm getting ready to go to work but I just want to say I look forward to reading the rest.


This was something great to read this morning! I'm glad you enjoyed the first show. I try to make these shows as descriptive as possible without making them go overboard. I, also, have to be careful due to the amount of time I have left online right now. I look forward to you reading the rest and giving me your insight. Thank you, again, for the comments.

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WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Scott Steiner


The Hardline Protection Agency vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???



Barry Windham vs. Lex Luger



WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Renegade Warriors defend vs. The Road Warriors



Larry Zbyszko vs. Paul Orndorff



Harley Race vs. Bob Backlund



WCW United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Midnight Express defend vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Horsemen Challenge Match

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman



WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Special Referee: Nick Bockwinkel

Sting defends vs. Tully Blanchard



Fun Fan Signs:


Comments On Last Show:

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WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Scott Steiner

Comments: USA! USA! USA!


The Hardline Protection Agency vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???

Comments: Hmm... perhaps a certain "Dragon" could be making his debut?


Barry Windham vs. Lex Luger

Comments: Lex picks up the win by DQ thanks to Horsemen interference, I think.


WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Renegade Warriors defend vs. The Road Warriors

Comments: This one seems like such a no-brainer, but I just don't see you using the RenWars as just transitional champs. I know how you always like your pet projects :p


Larry Zbyszko vs. Paul Orndorff

Comments: This one just feels like it could go either way, but I think Orndorff will pick up his PPV debut win.


Harley Race vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: Bob is less time decline-y.


WCW United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Midnight Express defend vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: Some title will change hands, so it will be these.


Horsemen Challenge Match

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments: I know the ending for this kind of story almost should see Brian winning, but I don't know if he is quite at "beat Ric Flair" level.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Special Referee: Nick Bockwinkel

Sting defends vs. Tully Blanchard

Comments: Sting will rise up against all odds, and use his hustle, loyalty, respect to represent the entire Stingation! Wait... maybe I have my top faces confused...


Fun Fan Signs:

Impeach Nick!


Comments On Last Show: Don't feel a whole lot to say about the last show (well, that it was good, as always) but I will definitely say that I'm pumped for SuperBrawl!

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WCW United States Title Match

Nikita Koloff defends vs. Scott Steiner

Comments:Unless you are going to split up the Stieners I don't see Nikita dropping the title just yet


The Hardline Protection Agency vs. Dustin Rhodes and ???

Comments:Rhodes and the mystery partner get the win


Barry Windham vs. Lex Luger

Comments:Could be wrong here,but I am not a Luger fan


WCW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Renegade Warriors defend vs. The Road Warriors

Comments:Even though this has been building up between these 2 teams over the past few shows I think the Road Warriors take the titles(I could be wrong though)


Larry Zbyszko vs. Paul Orndorff

Comments:Orndorff gets the ppv win


Harley Race vs. Bob Backlund

Comments: If this match was back in 81 would be an excellent match,I probably am wrong but I am pulling for Race


WCW United States Tag Team Titles Match

The Midnight Express defend vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Comments: These 2 teams could go on fighting forever,but the midnight express retain the titles


Horsemen Challenge Match

Ric Flair vs. Brian Pillman

Comments:To be the man ,you have to beat the man and I don't think Pillman is ready to be the man yet (will be an excellent match though)


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Special Referee: Nick Bockwinkel

Sting defends vs. Tully Blanchard

Comments: Really like what Beejus said, I see Cena,,Imean Sting overcomming everything and winning




Comments On Last Show: as always a great show....glad to see Sid comming back.. I could see Yokozuna fitting in wcw around this time as well

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