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1994 - The Coming War

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The rumblings starting as the North Texas thunderstorms of Spring turned into the sweltering heat of Summer. The rumors were small but worth spreading. Fritz Von Erich had begun speaking to contractors about refurbishing the old Sportatorium. It was already know that the other local company, Global Wrestling Federation, was struggling, but when asked about Fritz everyone simply shrugs.


Then in June of 1994, Ted Turner fired the first shot. War was coming.WCW signed the Immortal Hulk Hogan away from WWF, and Vince McMahon had a situation on his hands in keeping control of the empire.


But with Vince's attention focused squarely on WCW, could a band of outcasts actually challenge the throne? It isn't always about the enemy you're facing, but the enemy that knows how to beat you.


With a few phone calls from a unknown third party calling themselves "Global, Inc.", alliances were formed and friendships were acknowledged. The revolution was coming.



Chapter 1: Of Outlaws and Renegades





A VHS tape sits in front of Fritz. He'd viewed it a dozen times in the last three days. A large piece of worn masking tape adheres to the front with the letters ECW scribbled in black sharpie. He taps it with his index finger looking his son in the eyes.


"They're nuts. All'em. They're all nuts," he mumbled before leaning back and taking a drink. Kevin, the last of the Von Erich boys, sits across the table from his father. He nods. Then shakes his head.


"It's changing out there. Are you even sure we want to go back. I mean, after everything."


"It's the direction we should have gone in a long time ago," Fritz says. "We had the talent. We had the resources. But no, we decided to try and be like Vince."


"Are you sure about this?"


"I've already talked to some of the old guard. They're willing and able. GWF is going to be forced to close soon anyway. I also have messages out to the Windhams. Pull some strings and put Barry back where he should be."


"Where are we even getting the backing? This is a lot of money."


"A friend."


"What do you mean, 'a friend'?" Kevin asks. Fritz crosses his arms and leans back in the chair before rotating the tape back toward him.


"They're renegades. Throwing people through tables. Into the crowd. It's vicious."


"We don't need to be them. They're them. You're right… we need to be what we always were."








Jerry Lawler sat uncomfortably in Jerry Jarrett's office. Jerry was signing some papers. He placed them in his cabinet behind him before turning to Lawler. His face was somber and anxious.


"We're out of money."


"How much do we have?"


Jarrett looked over to a red envelope. Red envelopes are never good envelopes. Lawler grabbed a pen and piece of paper and started jotting down ideas.


"Put the belt on Sid. He can put butts in seats. They'll love me chasing the belt from the monster. We'll get Cornette with him. The heat will be unreal."


"I've struck a deal."


"A deal?"


"Yes. A group called Global. We're joining Fritz's new company in some type of friendly new alliance. It's not NWA controlling everything. They're just there. And Cornette's winding down, we think. I'm already talking to him."


"Who the hell is Global?"


"A friend. But I like your idea about Sid."


"What are you getting us involved in, Jerry?"




"We're already talking to Vince. We can stay a live with him."


"He's a vulture. He's just waiting for us to die. We're cutting off from him. You included."


"That's a paycheck."


"I'll make it up to you."


"How? You said we're out of money."


"Global is very friendly. I also had a message from Jeff. He's said without saying that he's not happy with Vince either. I have some ideas."







"No, I don't care that Fritz is involved...

"No, I don't care about Lawler and Jarrett.


Paul Heyman paces the back office. Papers stacked in a sort of organized chaos of a filing system. He talks on the phone the way he talks everywhere. Hands moving and expressive.


"Look, I'm building something unique here. This is going to change everything.


A voice comes across the speakerphone. "We're not asking you to do anything you're not already doing. Consider this more or less a friendship. There are no governing bodies. You do your thing. Just know we're watching and we're here. Global is good. Global is your friend."


"I'll keep it in mind."


He turns off the speaker and rubs his temples. It's been 33 hours since he'd slept. "F***ing weirdo." Heyman looks up to see Shane Douglas has come into his office. They sit. Heyman heavy sighs.


"We're pulling out of the NWA."




"You're winning the belt in August. I want you to throw that s*** on the ground. ECW is going to change this whole damn industry."


Douglas leans his elbows on his knees and looks up to Heyman.


"Who's Global?"


"A pest. Let's focus on us, okay?"




OOC and Notes: During this time in real life, I was simply a WCW mark, but after reading and watching things, I have gotten more into the background of what was happening. Even though I am not a hardcore fan, ECW intrigues me. If for no other reason than Paul Heyman.


I will be running all three promotions. The avatars I'm using are Lawler, Kevin Von Erich and Paul Heyman. All three are the bookers, so I will be dealing with ownership goals along with my stories.


It sounds like a lot, but the basic TV shows for each group are only an hour. So, I won't be doing much write up for them (as USWA is the only one with stories currently). I'll do a bigger write up for the events, but even those for this time period won't be overly done.


As this story flows though, that'll adjust.


These background write ups will happen occasionally, but for the most part, all the story takes place in front of the cameras. And there may even be a couple of chapters of WCW/WWF. But we'll see where the story takes us


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