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WWF 85: The Birth of WrestleMania

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Prediction Listing:


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose

Comments: Nice win for the Harts.


George Steele vs. Mr.T

Comments: Steele = JTTS.


Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco

Comments: Muraco winning? IMPOSSIBRU.


Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper

Comments: Who wants coconuts?


#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana

Comments: I'll follow Beej and say that Orts is a good opponent for a Supercard, and Orndorff should face Hogan in a bigger stage.

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Sorry I missed predicting on your first show. My computer is being a real female dog lately


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose




George Steele vs. Mr.T




Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco




Jimmy Snuka vs. Roddy Piper




#1 Contender for WWF Championship Match

Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana


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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 2, 1985

Hershey Park Arena (Tri-State)

MOTN: Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy Snuka (80)

Show Rating: 78


[Welcome to the 2nd Edition of WWF Championship Wrestling! We have the debut of the Hart Brothers, Don Muraco's farewell, and an exciting Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka match! We now cut to the ring to see Hulk Hogan with a mic!]





Hogan: Well let me tell you something Roddy Piper! Last Saturday on the WWF Championship Wrestling, I beat not one, but two of your goons. Nothing going to change about that either brother! I will keep on taking out your people with these 24 inch pythons, with all my Hulkamaniacs saying their prayers and eating their vitamins, with all the little Hulksters! Throw who you want at me brother, I can't be stopped. What you going to do Don Muraco, when Hulkamania runs wild on you, and sends you out of the WWF brother? Hulkamania lives forever in the hearts of the little Hulksters!


Hogan sure doesn't keep his feelings to himself! He is confident that he and his Hulkamaniacs will conquer all the villains in the WWF. Will the prayer saying, vitamin eating Hulksters win, or will the bad guys take over Hulkamania?


Match #1


The Hart Brothers vs. Rene Goulet and Buddy Rose



[This match saw the impressive tag team of The Hart Brothers, wrestling their first match together in the WWF. Bret started off the match against Rene Goulet. Bret used his wrestling knowledge to out grapple Goulet at the beginning. He then took Goulet and hit him with a big Gutwrench Suplex. From there, Bret tagged into Owen. Owen employed a similar strategy to last week, as he wore down Goulet's aging legs. Goulet can be seen is extreme pain as he grimaces trying to get up. Hart climbs to the top rope, drops a big elbow on Goulet's knee! But Goulet lifts his knees! Both men struggling, trying to tag in their partners. Goulet looks to stand and tag in Rose, but he falls over! This sets Rose over the edge, as he abandons his partner! Goulet is left to fend for himself now! Owen has tagged in Bret, Bret picks up Rene, Northern Lights Suplex! Goulet is down, Hart is calling for it, Hart locks in the Sharpshooter! Goulet is in extreme pain as he submits to his opponent immediately!]


Winner: The Hart Brothers

Grade: 48


The Hart Brothers looked unstoppable in that match! What about Buddy Rose abandoning his partner! Surely Mr. Rose knows he should pay respect to the veterans of the business! Speaking of veterans, George Steele will face Mr.T next!


Match #2


George Steele vs. Mr.T



[George Steele grabs Mr.T off the get go. He punches him, hits a big powerbomb knocking T down, he picks him up, hits a big bodyslam to the A-Team star. Steele continues to brawl with T, but T does land a few good punches to the gut, along with a big backbreaker. Near the half-way point, the match becomes a full out boxing match. Both men use their brawling styles to try and knock the other out. Steele eventually hits a critical strike to the face, he hits a powerslam! He goes up top for a Splash, but T rolls out of the way! T gains the advantage, picks him up. Throws Steele against the ropes, hits a big fore-arm to the face of Steele. T bounces off the ropes, bounces again, he hits a Big Leg ala his friend Hulk Hogan! One, two, three! T wins with the big Hogan Leg Drop!]


Winner: Mr.T

Grade: 71





T: Damn, I am on point! I pity the fool who has to face me next! Oh yeah, that fool is Mr. Paul Orndorff. Guess what Paul, if that is your real name. You are done after SuperCard. Mr. T's going to end your career at the WWF SuperCard of glory! At SuperCard, I am going to knock you down with the big forearm smash, and I am going to drop the big leg honoring my brother from another mother Hulk Hogan, and I will pin you in the center of the ring 1-2-3! See you at SuperCard for the final match of your life Paul!


Mr.T has a booming confidence that not much people can say that they have. Is T's ego taking over him? Or can T really fight in the ring and drop the leg on Orndorff for the one two three? Time will tell, but for now, we will see Hulk Hogan in action!


Match #3


Hulk Hogan vs. Don Muraco w/Mr. Fuji



[WWF officials announced over the newspaper that Don Muraco has signed an exclusive contract with the enemy. Muraco leaves this week. This will be his final match in the WWF, and he will take on Hulk Hogan. Going into this match, fans thought that it would be a good back and forth affair that thanked Muraco in a way for his services in WWF. However, there would be none of that in this match. Whether Hogan was facing Muraco or a 4 year old was not to be seen, as Hogan essentially wrestled Muraco as if Muraco was a toddler. After about 10 minutes of constant domination, multiple big leg drop, and even a slightly illegal manuever, Hogan looked dead set on destroying Muraco. Around 12 minutes in, Hogan decided to end it. However, instead of going for the big leg, Hogan tried something new. Hogan picks up Muraco, places him on the top rope. He grabs Muraco, and hits a big Super Plex off the top turnbuckle. Hogan easily scores a three, ending an absolute burial. After the match, the fans and Mr. Fuji made sure to let Muraco know what they felt. First off, Fuji slapped Muraco in the face, stunning Muraco. Also, when Muraco was walking to the locker room, fans were throwing their sodas and hot dogs onto him! Bye bye Don Muraco, we wont miss you!]


Winner: Hulk Hogan

Grade: 69


Did people really think that Muraco would have a happy ending? He might have had one two years ago, but not today. This is the new WWF, where we do not appreciate treason. We have one goal, and that is to get to the top!


Match #4


Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy Snuka



[To the fans in attendance, this was considered the best match on the card. It started out with a collar and elbow tie up. Piper gains the advantage and hits a single leg trip on Snuka. Piper drops down and hits an elbow to the gut of Snuka. Piper continues to wear down Snuka before he attempts to lock in the sleeper, but Snuka reverses. Snuka gains the advantage, wearing down Piper with chops and kicks. He hits a gutwrench on Piper, top rope, Superfly Splash! 1,2! Piper kicks out! Snuka picks Piper up, swinging him against the ropes, swinging neckbreaker! Snuka climbs again, wants to finish this, he jumps, but Piper raises the knees. Snuka's gut is killing him right now. Will Piper go for the sleeper? He doesn't, instead looking to get a chair! He goes outside, grabs Jesse Ventura's chair! He brings it in the ring, hits Snuka over the head with it! He continues to viciously attack Snuka. Snuka is bleeding buckets before Piper decides enough is enough and he backs off. Snuka won the match, but he is certainly not in better shape than his competitor!]


Winner: Jimmy Snuka (by DQ)

Grade: 80


What a vicious attack we just saw! Snuka will be sure to want revenge for this! Next, we will see a new type of match. It is called a fatal four way match. It consists of FOUR competitors in the ring at once! Whoever wins this next match will face Hogan at SuperCard. We will go to that match now.


Match #5


Paul Orndorff vs. JYD vs. Bob Orton Jr. vs. Tito Santana



[Whoever wins the main event tonight will face world champ Hulk Hogan at SuperCard! From the beginning, Orndorff and Orton looked to team up against JYD and Tito. Eventually, JYD and Tito formed their own alliance and the match essentially became a tag team match. Orndorff was focusing on the bigger JYD while Orton worked on Tito. It looked as if Tito and JYD were gaining the advantage, but as if on queue, they both raked the eyes of their opponents gaining the individual advantage. Orton hits a big Super Plex on Tito. Orton and Orndorff pick up JYD and throw him on top of Tito. Both of them look to be out, and they are NOT getting up. Orton and Orndorff look at each other, realizing only one man can win the match. Since Orndorff realizes he can not wrestle two matches, he gives the nod for Orton to pin him. Orton goes ahead, SUPERPLEXES Orndorff! Pins him, Orndorff not resisting, 1-2-3! Orton will face Hogan at SuperCard!]


Winner: Bob Orton Jr.

Grade: 79






[After the match, Hulk Hogan comes out and yells his traditional catchphrase at Orton. "What you going to do brother, when these 24 inch pythons backed by all the little Hulksters come for you at the WWF SuperCard? Orton thinks for a second before he yells "This is what is going to happen"! Orton charges Hogan, they start brawling! Orton and Hogan locking up, both looking for the advantage! Hogan gains the advantage, he's hulking up! He lands a forearm on Orton! Bounces off the imaginary rope, DROPS THE BIG LEG on Orton! Hogan has the big advantage for SuperCard. That's all for this time folks, we will see you next week, where we have just gotten word that Jimmy Snuka has some words for Roddy Piper! Goodbye WWF fans, we will see you next week on WWF Championship Wrestling!




Predictions will be up tomorrow.

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WWF Championship Wrestling Predictions, Month 1, Week 3



-Jimmy Snuka was viciously attacked by the hands of Roddy Piper last week, leaving Snuka covered in blood. Tonight, Snuka will have some choice words to say to Piper.


-We have a big main event! It will combine two SuperCard matches, seeing Paul Orndorff and Bob Orton Jr. teaming up to face the dynamic duo; Hulk Hogan and Mr.T!


-We also have the debut of two legends. One is known as one of the world's best wrestlers, while one hails from The Land of The Rising Sun, AJPW. Who ARE these men?


-Also slated to appear are the exciting Jake Roberts, Bobby Heenan, Big John Studd, and Greg Valentine! Be sure to tune into WWF Championship Wrestling this Saturday on U.S Syndication!



Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be?

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? Mil Mascaras

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino

Comments: Hope David likes snakes.


Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd

Comments: Building up for Studd/Andre.


Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka

Comments: Snuka has a bigger role to play.


Roddy Piper vs. ????

Comments: Again, Piper has a much larger role to fill, so he needs all the momentum he can get.


Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff

Comments: 80s rules dictates Hogan always win, but the heels can get a beatdown in after the match.


Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? Giant Baba

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino

Comments: Good night, little Sammartino.


Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd

Comments: I echo Beej.


Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka

Comments: A nice win for the Superfly right here.


Roddy Piper vs. ???? (Ricky Steamboat)

Comments: Piper gets himself counted out, thus not being hurt by the loss, and giving Steamboat a successful debut.


Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff

Comments: I sense a DQ win right here.



Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? I was going to say The Haiti Kid, but giving him a win over Pipes wouldn't be wise; and also, no comedy midgets please. I'll go with Ricky Steamboat.

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????

Comments: Probably via a DQ so no clean loss for Piper.



Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff

Comments: Huge Main Event for TV. DQ finish here in favour of Hogan & T. Hogan doesn't lose.



Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? So many possibilities. Savage? Steamboat? Race? Tough call but I'm gonna with Terry Funk

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be?

Jimmy Snuka

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. Ricky Steamboat




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be?

Ricky Steamboat

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? Ricky Steamboat

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Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino




Tony Atlas vs. Big John Studd




Non-Title Match

Greg Valentine vs. Jimmy Snuka




Roddy Piper vs. ????




Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff




Bonus Point:

Who will Piper's opponent (who was chosen by Jimmy Snuka) be? Hmm...going to go with The Junkyard Dog.

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WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 3, 1985

Eastern States Coliseum (New England)

MOTN: Hulk Hogan and Mr.T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff (82)

Show Rating: 79




[Welcome to another edition of WWF Championship Wrestling! Gorilla and Jesse welcome you to the show, which is set to be a great one! With Hogan and T teaming up in the Main Event, and the debut of a legend, this show is set to be a good one. We now cut to the ring, where Jimmy Snuka is with a live microphone!]




Snuka: Roddy, what you did to me last week is unacceptable. You took the cowardly way out, hitting me with a chair and leaving me looking like a bottle of ketchup! That won't happen again! At SuperCard, I am going to leave you looking like a bottle of ketchup! I challenge you to a one on one match in a Steel Cage for SuperCard Roddy! We will see if you really have guts after all!




Piper: I accept your challenge Snuka. But at SuperCard, you will regret your actions. Inside the steel cage, the rowdy Scotsman inside of me comes out, and trust me, it's not pretty. At SuperCard Snuka, I will win and make you look like a child. You better be saying your prayers like your friend Hulk Hogan, because you are going to need as much luck as you can get!


It's official! At SuperCard, we will see Piper and Snuka going at it inside a Steel Cage! Next, we will see the exciting Jake Roberts taking on second generation superstar David Sammartino! However, Bruno is nowhere to be seen.


Match #1


Jake Roberts vs. David Sammartino



[Welcome to the first match of the evening, featuring the exciting Jake Roberts and the Second Generation star David Sammartino! In this match, David looked off his form. Everytime he gained an advantage on Roberts, he messed up and Roberts took over. This hurt Sammartino's chances, as his mistakes often led to DDT's. Sammartino did show great resiliency though, taking three DDT's in this match. At the end, Sammartino looked to lock in the Figure Four, but he messed up again! Roberts capitalized, setting David up for a DDT! He connects, hitting the DDT that won him the match. However, the attack was not over for Roberts! He picks up David, sets him up for another DDT! But out comes Bruno! Bruno comes to the ring and looks at Jake and his son. He extends his hand to Jake! He shakes it! He tells Jake to step aside, as he grabs his own son! Bruno just hit a DDT on his own son, aligning himself with Jake Roberts!]


Winner: Jake Roberts

Grade: 46


Bruno just turned his back on his own son! What a dastardly manuever! The future looks bright for the pairing of Roberts and Sammartino. Next, we will see the big man of the Heenan Family Big John Studd taking on Tony Atlas! But first, Heenan has a word or two for his enemy Andre The Giant!




Heenan: Andre, what you are about to see is complete domination! In the next seven minutes, Big John will victimize his opponent until Tony can simply not take it anymore! He will do the same to you in due time as well! Andre, I gave you a chance. I gave you a chance for success. However, as giants don't have brains, you were too dumb to accept it! That will end up being the WORST decision of your career! At WrestleMania Andre, you will wrestle your last match, as the Heenan Family will end your career once and for all!


Match #2


Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs. Tony Atlas



[This match can be described with one word- "Domination". Studd did exactly what Heenan said he would in this match. Studd took it to Atlas the second the bell rung and didn't let up until the finish. All seven minutes of this match Studd was hell bent on destroying Atlas. After multiple suplexes, powerbombs, and bodyslams, Studd put him away with a bearhug after Atlas simply couldn't continue after he passed out.]


Winner: Big John Studd

Grade: 61


Heenan wasn't lying with his statement that Studd would dominate that match! Studd absolutely annihilated Atlas in that match, as EMT's are checking on Atlas next. Our next match features Jimmy Snuka facing Intercontinental Champion Greg Valentine in a non-title match!


Match #3



Jimmy Snuka vs. Greg Valentine



[if people didn't watch Championship Wrestling last week, they wouldn't have noticed Snuka was attacked. He was in perfect form tonight, as he and Valentine put on a good match. Valentine gained the early advantage wearing down Snuka with punches to the gut. He whips him against the ropes, big shoulder tackle! Valentine looks to work the legs of Snuka, most likely so Snuka can not perform his Superfly Splash! Valentine drives a knee into the leg of Snuka! Valentine goes to the second rope, looks to hit a missile dropkick to the knee of Snuka! He jumps, but Snuka moves and Valentine connects with nothing but air! Now, it was Snuka's time to shine. There was no more attacking for Valentine, as Snuka showed the audience that he is one of the best in the WWF with his flashy move arsenal. Snuka goes up top, connects with a big crossbody to Valentine. Snuka goes up top again, lays the double elbows on Valentine's abdomen! Snuka picks him up, whips him in the corner. He whips him with big chops! Snuka then grabs Valentine and hits a big swinging neckbreaker! Snuka wants to end this! He goes to the top rope! SUPERFLY SPLASH CONNECTS! ONE, TWO, THREE! Snuka gets the big win over the Intercontinental Champion!]


Winner: Jimmy Snuka

Grade: 79


What a huge win for the high flying Snuka! That will be sure to put Piper on edge! However now, we will see the debut of a legend. He hails from the land of the rising sun! He is.....















Is the anticipation building?















Not yet...















<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/p5Y71M4SWNE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





Hansen: That's right folks! You are seeing this correctly! This is Stan Hansen in a WWF ring. Now why don't I tell y'all why I am here. Last week, Ole Vinny Mac called me up and said "Oh Stan, I need you to come to the WWF and unleash the lariat on some of these sad sons of b-----s in the company. I told him that it would be my PLEASURE to do that. I am going to whip out my lariat and knock everybody down until I get what I want! The WWF Championship! At SuperCard, this lariat is going to be unleashed! Whoever wants to face me can do it at SuperCard! My lariat and I will be waiting, as we will put on the fight of a lifetime, and knock out whoever comes in front of us!


Holy s**t Gorilla! We just saw Stan Hansen in a WWF ring! He isn't lying about his lariat either, as he has the most devastating lariat in the business! Don't leave yet folks, as next we will find out Piper's opponent. The music plays, the crowd screams! Oh my gosh, it can't be! It is! It's him!












<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/t45_3gaIXWE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It's BRUISER BRODY! BRODY will face Piper next!


Match #4


Bruiser Brody vs. Roddy Piper



[The fans of the WWF were in for a great match here. Brody starts off with the advantage, kicking Piper as the crowd screams! While Piper is down, Brody seems to soak in the fans cheers for him. Piper stumbles up, but Brody continues the attack, whipping Piper into the ropes and hitting a big shoulder tackle. Brody takes it to the ground now, hitting a big flurry of punches to Piper! The crowd is ballistic right now! Brody goes up top for the knee, but Piper moves out of the way! Piper gains the advantage, the crowd chanting, trying to rally Brody! Piper grabs Brody and hits a big uppercut, he whips him against the ropes, jumping and knocking the big man down. Piper sits Brody up, lands a devastating knee! Piper looks to lock it in, wanting to make Brody submit to the sleeper! Brody is locked in, fans chanting Brody's name! Slowly, Brody starts to stand up! He is picking up Piper! He grabs Piper with his giant arms and throws him against the corner turnbuckle! He rams his shoulder into Piper, as Piper falls. Brody rolls Piper in the center of the ring. He is looking to set it up! He goes to the top rope! THE FLYING KNEE CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! BRODY HAS DONE IT! BRODY HAS WON AGAINST ONE OF THE BIGGEST STARS IN THE WWF! The WWF fans will never forget this amazing moment!]


Winner: Bruiser Brody

Grade: 71


Match #5


Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff


[in tonight's main event, we will see Hulk Hogan and Mr. T taking on Bob Orton Jr. and Paul Orndorff. Hogan and Orton start off the match, Hogan taking the early advantage. Hogan drives a big fist into Orton's gut, knocking him down. Hogan takes it to the ground, dropping a big elbow on Orton. Hogan goes down to taunt Orton, but Orton pokes him in the eye! This could be the advantage Bob needs! They both tag! T hits the ring, hitting a big clothesline on Orndorff. He hits a big punch, followed by a powerful mafia kick! T goes to the middle rope, does a dropkick! He tags in Hogan, who hits the big elbow! He bounces off the ropes, and drops the big leg! But Orndorff moved! He tags in Orton! Orton drives a knee to the arm of Hogan.




Hogan gains the advantage, hitting a big clothesline to his opponent! He lands the punches, he drops the big elbow! He has T come in the ring, T knocks Orndorff off the apron! They bounce against the ropes, DOUBLE LEG DROP! The crowd is ballistic! Hogan pins him, one, two, three! What an end to a great edition of WWF Championship Wrestling]


Winner: Hulk Hogan and Mr. T

Grade: 82

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  • 2 months later...

Eff it, let's try this again. Cred to TFC for the format very similar to his.


WWF Championship Wrestling

Week 4, January 1985

Grade: 75 (B-)



On the video screen:

To open up Championship Wrestling, we a see a short video package created by our WWF production team. The video mainly recaps the big feud between Hulk Hogan and Bob Orton, who will face off for the title at WWF SuperCard. The video package ends by showing Hogan hitting the big leg and standing strong after the main event of last week's Championship Wrestling.

Grade: 71 (B-)


Bret Hart vs. Terry Gibbs

Nothing more than a quick squash match here. After the recent debut of The Hart Brothers, not a single fan was expecting anything else than a Hart victory here. Hart picked up the win to continue his hot streak in five minutes with the sharpshooter.

Winner: Bret Hart

Grade: 36 (D-)



We now cut to a video screen where we see a man lifting weights. This main is exceptionally strong as he is seen lifting 300 pounds with ease. The man then gets up from the bench and starts some squats. He excels with them as well. As he grabs his towel and his water he walks out of the room as he shouts "Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh!"

Grade: 63 ©


Andre The Giant vs. George Steele

Our second match of the evening features two giants in Andre The Giant and George Steele. Steele was accompanied to the ring by Fuji. Andre and Steele had a good back and forth match here with lots of methodical wrestling as the match was very slow paced. Steele nearly picked up the victory after Fuji distracted Andre with the mist, but ultimately Andre came out on top after a spine shattering body slam.

Winner: Andre The Giant

Grade: 67 (C+)


In the interview area:

We now cut to the interview area where Greg Valentine is standing with Gorilla Monsoon. Greg expresses his anger over losing to Snuka last week as he says that Piper should've had his back. Valentine says that he wants a match at SuperCard, and he will put his title on the line to get it. Rick Martel then comes out making a huge debut and accepting his challenge before punching Valentine and the gut and walking off! Monsoon then announces our main event: Hulk Hogan and Rick Martel vs. Bob Orton and Greg Valentine!

Grade: 69 (C+)


On the video screen:

We now cut to the video screen for a pre-recorded segment with 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. Piper mainly hypes himself up and says that the WWF crowd is not worthy of seeing him in person so he stayed at home. He tells Snuka that he hopes his retirement fund is set up because Piper is going to end his career!

Grade: 70 (C+)


Mr. T vs. David Schultz

Well, this match was better than anyone expected. As per usual whenever Mr. T is involved, the crowd got super pumped for this run of the mill midcard match up. This match had some great action featuring T and Schultz brawling and wrestling with a variety of technical moves. T got the win at the end after he did a hype up ala Hulk Hogan followed by an Airplane Body Slam for the three.

Winner: Mr. T

Grade: 78 (B)


In the interview area:

Mr. T joins Gorilla after the match to talk about the upcoming life of Mr. T. Monsoon is quick to ask T what he thinks about facing Orndorff at SuperCard. T says that he is more scared of Richter than he is Orndorff. T says that he will never hit a lady since that is unmoral, but he will kick old Paul's ass come Sunday! Monsoon then thanks T for his time and we go back to the ring.

Grade: 71 (B-)


Bruiser Brody vs. Nikolai Volkoff

In our semi main event of the evening, the monster Bruiser Brody faces off against the scary Russian Nikolai Volkoff. This match quickly became a brawl between the two scary men. Volkoff had some close calls in this one as Blassie looked to be preparing to help him, but luckily the ref noticed and put a stop to it. Brody continued his dominance by hitting a Running Big Boot on Volkoff for the victory.

Winner: Bruiser Brody

Grade: 73 (B-)


After the match:

After Brody's victory, we see The Iron Sheik coming to the ring. Sheik enters and hits a low blow on Brody, as Brody slowly collapses onto Volkoff's arm! Volkoff's arm is crushed! Sheik, realizing his mistake, slowly leaves with Blassie as medics come to stretcher out Volkoff.


Hulk Hogan and Rick Martel vs. Bob Orton and Greg Valentine

This match started out with Hogan and Valentine in the ring slowly circling each other. Valentine grabbed Hogan's arm and then slowly took him down with an Arm Wringer. From there, Valentine tagged in Orton who was begging to get into the action. Orton worked over Hogan's head, hitting short punches and a forearm smash to Hogan's forehead. As Orton looked to finish, Hogan starts to hulk up! He punches Orton with the big arm and tags in Martel! Looking to prove his worth, Martel immediately goes for the big one! He hits the big dropkick to Orton's forehead and climbs up to connect with the big slingshot splash! He tags in Hogan, and Hogan drops the big leg! ONE-TWO-THREE! The fans go home happy as Hogan and Martel take the match against the dastardly heels.

Winner: Hulk Hogan and Rick Martel

Grade: 82 (B)

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Eff it, let's try this again. Cred to TFC for the format very similar to his.

I'm starting a revolution! :D (I would be remiss if I didn't throw in some credit to michgcs. My new format differs from his in some ways, but he definitely inspired it.)


It should be interesting to see how the Macho Man fits into the grand scheme of things. I'm betting he'll have a big match at Mania. Not the main event, not yet, but something significant. I just hope he doesn't constantly flake out on you like he has me in TGAAB. :mad:


Mr. T's grade's always take me by surprise, but I guess it makes sense that he can achieve high ratings given his popularity.

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Stan Hansen's promo bothers me. Not because it's poorly written or anything, because it's well done, but because it's not a representation of the time period at all. No one acknowledged Vince was the owner on television until the mid 90's and there is no way vulgarity like that would have been allowed. It was far more PG than modern WWE.


It was well written like I said, but it's just rather unrealistic and that kind of took me out of the story.

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WWF SuperCard


Week 4, January 1985


Grade: 76


Match of the Night: Roddy Piper v. Jimmy Snuka, Hulk Hogan vs. Bob Orton (82)




Match #1:


Bret Hart vs. Jake Roberts



[The WWF booking team can one hundred percent guarantee this match was not a match to complete their time requirements. To open off our first big event of 1985, we got a good wrestling match with two men who have a whole career in front of them. The two put on a good wrestling display, both hitting their finishers before Rick Rude came out and smacked Hart with a low blow! Before the ref can do anything, Owen Hart comes out to defend his brother, causing the ref to call the match as a No Contest.]


Winner: No Contest

Grade: 49

Match #2:




WWF Intercontinental Title

Greg Valentine © vs. Rick Martel



[back to back wrestling here as we see our first WWF title fight. This bout is for the WWF Intercontinental Championship and will feature Greg Valentine defending against the returning Rick Martel. Both men were said to have looked very impressive in this one. The crowd was pulling for Martel in this one. One fan known as Beautiful Beej shouted "Woo Martel!" over and over again to the point where he had to be removed from the arena. Poor guy. Martel took the early offensive feeding off the crowd's energy hitting Valentine with a nice hip toss and a dropkick that nearly sent Valentine out of the ring. Valentine then reserved Martel's attempt for an airplane spin into a vicious powerbomb that shook the ring with force. Valentine used his big frame to man handle Martel, trying to win the match dirty. However, the fans got what they wanted when Martel reversed a belly to belly and hit a big slingshot splash followed by the Boston Crab for the submission. Rick Martel is the new WWF Intercontinental Champion!]



Grade: 75









[After the match, Rick Martel is celebrating in the ring with his new Intercontinental Championship. However, his celebration is cut short as Tito Santana joins him in the ring! Strike Force is in the ring, as the crowd wonders what will happen between the two teammates. Tito teases the crowd by winding up a fist, but ultimately just laughs it off and hugs his friend. The crowd is cheering as we go to our next match.]


Grade: 64



Match #3:


Andre The Giant vs. Ken Patera



[in our third match of the night we saw Andre The Giant taking on Ken Patera. It should be noted that both Studd and Heenan accompanied Patera to ringside in this one. The strongman Patera looked to take the early advantage in this bout. He looked to take the fight to the ground to ground an pound, and he did so at the beginning with his wrestling ability. Patera however, was not on the offense for long. After about five minutes of back and forth ground work, Andre picked Patera up and slammed him! From there, it was all Andre. The 500 pound machine wore down his opponent meticulously with various brawling and wrestling manuevers. Andre just out wrestled Patera and finished him off with a bodyslam after ten minutes of action.


Winner: Andre The Giant

Grade: 68









[After the match, Bobby Heenan talks trash to Andre outside the ring, telling him that he is the worst and that Studd is the best in the game when it comes to professional wrestling. However, this is only a ploy as Studd attacks Andre from behind! Studd smacks a big chair to the forehead of the Giant, as Andre crumples to the mat. Studd wants Andre, and he wants to prove that he is the baddest giant in the WWF.]

Grade: 72




Match #4:


Stan Hansen vs. Hillbilly Jim



[Well, if there is one thing we now know about Stan Hansen, it is that he is a man of his word. This match was about as one sided as the Democrats dominance in California! Jim got no offense here, as it was all focused on "The Urban Cowboy" Stan Hansen. Hansen put Jim through 7 minutes of hell before ending him with a lariat that may have broken Jim's ribs. Ladies and gentlemen, Hansen is here to stay!]


Winner: Stan Hansen

Grade: 63







[What did I say to you all two weeks ago? I said I would dominate and I sure as heck did that! Y'all won't be seeing Jim round these parts for a long time after the beating I gave him. Now I didn't come out here without a reason. I want to address one Rick Martel. Rick, how come you walk into the company and get handed a title opportunity but I have to come and here and wrestle some washed up redneck? I take offense to that Mr. Martel, and you can bet to see The Urban Cowboy up in yo' face in the near future! Hansen is about to speak more, but the following blares out.]



<iframe width="69" height="69" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cbDDj4HjzcY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





[it's him, the man from the vignette! It's "Macho Man" Randy Savage! Savage walks to the ring as the crowd are excited to see this man in the WWF. It is hoped by the fans that Savage will take out Hansen and end the segment with a trademark "Ooooooohhhhh yeahhhhhhh!". However, this was no the case. Savage walked into the ring, looked Hansen dead in the eye. He then did the unexpected. He shook hands with Hansen! What is this relationship between Savage and Hansen mean for the WWF?]


Grade: 66



Match #5:


Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy Snuka



[The anticipation is building in the arena. The fans are obviously excited to see their favorite superstars compete in our final three matches of the evening. First off, we get to see Roddy Piper wrestle Jimmy Snuka. This was a great match, going back and forth between the two highly skilled competitors. Piper tried to use his technical expertise in this one, but Snuka rallied from the power of the crowd. The two went all out in this one, both hating each other. Snuka nearly ended it with a big Superfly Splash but Piper kicked out after punching Snuka in the noggin like his head was a punching bag. After this, Piper took advantage of the stumbling Snuka. He locked in a sleeper with added focus on the wound, but Snuka prevailed and picked Piper up! He hits a backbreaker, climbs up top! SUPERFLY SPLASH BUT PIPER RAISES THE KNEE! Piper takes advantage! Snuka is now bleeding as Piper hits the bulldog. Piper locks it in, the sleeper hold that has taken out legends. Snuka tries to fight but he has lost too much strength and he submits to the most hated man in the WWF.]


Winner: Roddy Piper

Grade: 82







[before our semi main event, we see a short hype video that was created to get the fans caught up on what has been happening. We see highlights recapping the individual feuds up until T's victory against David Schultz. Without further ado, let's get to the action!]


Grade: 64



Match #6:


Mr. T and Wendi Richter vs. Paul Orndorff and The Fabulous Moolah



[This match had the crowd pecking about like ravens. They loved it when T fought Orndorff, as most get excited when T fights. T took the early advantage and slammed Orndorff to the corner. He then tagged in Richter, forcing Orndorff to tag in Moolah. From there, Moolah used her experience to out wrestle the women's champion, almost making her lose several times. Moolah, realizing what the fans want, tags in Orndorff to fight the star of the A-Team! Orndorff gets the early offense and throws some punches to the face! BUT IT DOESN'T AFFECT T AT ALL, AS HE DELIVERS A BIG KICK AND A PUNCH KNOCKING PAUL DOWN! THE CROWD ARE SCREAMING! T goes down and slips the arm under putting Orndorff in a chinlock. We go back and forth some more, including a tag or two to the women. The end game when the crowd couldn't take it anymore as the blew their last gasket when T hit a big Airplane Body Slam followed by the BIG LEG FOR THE ONE TWO THREE! T and Richter take the match, and the crowd are loving it!]


Winner: Mr. T and Wendi Richter

Grade: 74



The Main Event:




WWF World Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Bob Orton



[it's time for the MAINNNNNN EVENT of the evening! This match will feature the champion Hulk Hogan taking on the second generation cowboy Bob Orton. Hogan takes the early advantage hitting an early suplex on Orton. Hogan tries to build momentum and he does so successfully, hitting Orton with a nice elbow before working over the arm. Hogan then let Orton get up before lifting him up for another slam. However, this time Orton reversed it, knocking Hogan down with the single leg trip. Orton then dropped some legs and elbows trying to get as much of an advantage as possible. We see a back and forth match before Piper comes out to try and distract Hogan. However this will not work as Mr. T comes out! T and Piper brawling on the outside, Hogan and Orton on the inside. T lifts Piper up and slams him into the crowd onto an old lady. Uh oh, I hope we have good health insurance. Just kidding, it was a mannequin. This makes Orton distracted as Hogan capitalizes. Oh wait, we're not current day crap wrestling. Sorry for lack of immersion, but I had to add that. Carrying on, Hogan grabs Orton and powerbombs him shaking the ring. Hogan climbs, drops the elbow! HE'S HULKING UP! HE RUNS AND DROPS THE BIG LEG! THE CROWD IS SCREAMING LIKE THEIR AT A CYNDI LAUPER CONCERT! HOGAN HOOKS THE LEG! ONE! TWO! THREE! HOGAN WINS AND HE RETAINS!]



Grade: 82
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I'm starting a revolution! :D (I would be remiss if I didn't throw in some credit to michgcs. My new format differs from his in some ways, but he definitely inspired it.)


It should be interesting to see how the Macho Man fits into the grand scheme of things. I'm betting he'll have a big match at Mania. Not the main event, not yet, but something significant. I just hope he doesn't constantly flake out on you like he has me in TGAAB. :mad:


Mr. T's grade's always take me by surprise, but I guess it makes sense that he can achieve high ratings given his popularity.



Yeah, as you can see now I have high hopes for Savage so he better not mess things up. I really like your format since it's well written and looks good for the 80's. Credit to michgcs, or as I call him in my head Mick Higs for inspiring TFC for inspiring me :D


The actual promo writing is really well done and better than anything I've done, it was just the content of that one that stood out.


Keep up the good work. It's a fun read. :)


I appreciate it! I do read your diary when I get the chance, and there's some good stuff, keep it up!



The mystery man in the vignette HAS to be the now Hall of Famer, Macho Man Randy Savage. DIG IT!


Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh!

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