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WWF 1983: National Expansion

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World Wrestling Federation Owned by Vincent K. McMahon


In 1983 the World Wrestling Federation turned to a new era as Vincent K. McMahon took ownership of the promotion from his father in the end of 82. Vince's vision for the future of wrestling saw the WWF at the top of the industry with the greatest talents in the world. Let's now see if Vince's vision can become a reality, take a trip with me and you'll see if Vince's vision will come true.




OOC: In this dynasty I will be the WWF in the begining of 1983 before they had nationally expanded. I would like to thank both Alvarasus for making this mod and Packerman120 for allowing me to start a WWF dynasty in the 80's. So right now I just got three words to say and that is that the WWF will be
'Taking Over Wrestling'


Show Index:

January Week 1 1983 WWF All-American Wrestling

January Week 1 1983 WWF Championship Wrestling

January Week 2 1983 WWF All-American Wrestling

January Week 2 1983 WWF Championship Wrestling

January Week 3 1983 WWF All-American Wrestling

January Week 3 1983 WWF Championship Wrestling

January Week 4 1983 WWF All-American Wrestling

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<div id="divContentWrapper" style="font-size: 62.5%; line-height: normal; background-image: url(http://a1star.com/images/star-tile-far-away.jpg);"><div style="width:950px;margin:0px auto;position:relative;"></div><div style="width: 700px; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px 20px 20px; position: relative; overflow-y: auto; background-image: none; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><div style="padding:0 5px;overflow:hidden;" id=""><div id=""><div style="height: 18px; cursor: n-resize;"></div><div style="clear: both; position: relative; padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0px; height: auto; border: 1px solid transparent;"> <div style="font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; display: block;"><div style="text-align: center;" id=""><span style="text-decoration: underline; font-size: 24px; color: #ffffff;" id=""><strong id="">WWF Championship History</strong></span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WAA9YHQITiA/VFbDexocZSI/AAAAAAAABbw/0lwU6XCRi4E/s1600/wwf_world_hvy2%2B(2).jpg" alt="" height="150" width="300" id=""><br id=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;" id=""><strong id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">WWF World Heavyweight Championship</span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NlBi1-J0tGM/VFbC1apmDbI/AAAAAAAABaw/kLUZsASzAIU/s1600/Bob%2BBacklund%2B2.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150" id=""> <br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">Bob Backlund</span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-td7E8bIOebU/VFbDEtJFdQI/AAAAAAAABbY/_LxN-lKe2Jw/s1600/WWF%2BIC%2B4.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="300" id=""><br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">WWF Intercontinental Championship</span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-799c7o-fWwE/VFbC_WmNtQI/AAAAAAAABbI/Sh5UHIvYjAE/s1600/Pedro%2BMorales.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150" id=""> <br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">Pedro Morales</span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-J5db629gG0I/VFbDVvhqsKI/AAAAAAAABbo/nqWGtz4uMY8/s1600/wwf_world_tag.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="300" id=""> <br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">WWF World Tag Team Championships </span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GIFJJOVe504/VFbC9WElaGI/AAAAAAAABbA/KjG0qEuRj54/s1600/Chief%2BJay%2BStrongbow.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150" id=""> <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U6NGu3aoym8/VFbC3Fh-beI/AAAAAAAABa4/WfaZ1dHS3zI/s1600/Jules%2BStrongbow.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150" id=""><br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">The Strongbows</span><br id=""><br id=""><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IL9BWrf9c_Y/VFbDHPitPZI/AAAAAAAABbg/eGe7WSh25v4/s1600/WWF%2BLadies'.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="300" id=""><br id=""><span style="color: #ffffff;" id="">WWF Women's Championship</span><br id=""><br id=""><span style="font-size: 72px;" id=""><img src="" alt="" height="150" width="150" id=""><br id=""></span></strong></span><span style="text-decoration: underline; font-size: 16px; color: #ffffff;" id=""><strong id="">Vacant</strong></span></div></div> </div></div></div></div></div>

The champions will be updated every month

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WWF All-American Wrestling Preview


Big John Studd w/Classy Freddie Blassie V.S. Frankie Williams



Johnny Rodz V.S. "World's Strongest Man" Tony Garea



Barry Hardy & Eddie Gilbert V.S. The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano



"Soul Man" Rocky Johnson V.S. "Magnificent" Don Muraco w/Lou Albano




WWF Championship Wrestling Preview

Superstar Billy Graham w/The Grand Wizard V.S. Barry Hardy



Andre the Giant V.S. Salvatore Bellomo & Jose Luis Rivera



"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka V.S. "Iron" Mike Sharpe



S.D. Jones V.S. George "The Animal" Steele



Bob Backlund w/Arnold Skaaland V.S. Mr. Fuji w/Tiger Chung Lee


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Big John Studd w/Classy Freddie Blassie V.S. Frankie Williams



Johnny Rodz V.S. "World's Strongest Man" Tony Garea



Barry Hardy & Eddie Gilbert V.S. The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano



"Soul Man" Rocky Johnson V.S. "Magnificent" Don Muraco w/Lou Albano




Superstar Billy Graham w/The Grand Wizard V.S. Barry Hardy



Andre the Giant V.S. Salvatore Bellomo & Jose Luis Rivera



"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka V.S. "Iron" Mike Sharpe



S.D. Jones V.S. George "The Animal" Steele



Bob Backlund w/Arnold Skaaland V.S. Mr. Fuji w/Tiger Chung Lee


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WWF All-American Wrestling (January Week 1 1983)

Philadelphia Convention Hal (Philadelphia Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 6,517

Overall Rating: C+

(The Show opens with the All-American Wrestling intro as we head to the broadcasters Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes as they hype up the card for tonight’s show. They tell us that the blockbuster Main Event tonight will decide who will go for Pedro Morales’ Intercontinental Championship at Madison Square Garden with the competitors being Soul Man” Rocky Johnson takes on the “MagnificentDon Muraco in what will be a great match-up. Vince and Gorilla both then hype The Wild Samoans V.S. Barry Hardy & Eddie Gilbert, Tony Garea V.S. Johnny Rodz and Frankie Williams V.S. Big John Studd, all the while Lord Alfred added his two cents making fun of the faces in the matches. We then head to the ring for the first in-ring match-up as Freddie Blassie along with Ivan Koloff and Ed Wisokowski [blassie’s other clients] accompany Big John Studd to the ring for his match against Frankie Williams.)

Frankie Williams V.S. Big John Studd w/Freddie Blassie, Ivan Koloff, & Ed Wisokowski Williams


The first match of the WWF in 1983 is opening WWF’s All-American Wrestling as Big John Studd takes on the man who seemingly never wins Frankie Williams. Studd would open up the bout taunting Frankie to come over and try to get some sort of advantage. Frankie would go to Studd and attempt a slam but he couldn’t even lift him a little bit off the ground. Studd would then just give one big overhand right hand to the back of Frankie Williams dropping him. Studd would toy with Frankie for basically the whole match as he would just throw Frankie around the ring. Frankie would attempt a comeback with a right hand but as he attempted the second right Studd caught him and slammed him to the mat. Studd would then taunt to the crowd saying “It’s over” as Ivan, Ed, and Freddie Blassie applauded him. Studd would pick up Frankie and hit the HEART PUNCH on him, Frankie falls in pain and Studd covers him and picks up the win.


Winner: Big John Studd at 5:19 by pinfall after the Heart Punch

Grade: D-

Notes: N/A

(Vince McMahon enters the ring to interview Big John Studd)


Vince McMahon: If I may have a moment of your time.. Big John Studd, you just got an impressive win over Frankie Williams here tonight, congratulations. Now as we all know this is a new year and so what are your New Year Goals?


Freddie Blassie: McMahon you ‘Pencil Neck Geek’ you of all people should know when your talking to a client of mine your talking to me. So I’ll tell you what Big John Studd’s and all the rest of my men goals are.


Vince McMahon: Go right ahead.


Freddie Blassie: I will.. We have one goal only, and that is to get the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Title Belt around the waist of one of these three men right here. I mean look at the possibilities, former World Wrestling Federation Champion Ivan Koloff, or the next top WWF Star Ed Wisokowski, or maybe the new World Champion will be the man you just saw demolish Frankie Williams, Big John Studd. So Bob Backlund get that title safe for one of these men because soon it will be around one of their waists.

[Freddie Walks off with Ivan, Big John, and Ed behind him.]


Grade: D

Notes: N/A


(We then head to the announce booth with Lord Alfred Hayes and Gorilla Monsoon as they wonder of the possibility of one of Classy Freddie Blassie’s men getting that World Title Belt off Bob Backlund. Lord Alfred praises that hope as he thinks Backlund’s time as champion is over, but Gorilla says if Bob Backlund or Arnold Skaaland have anything to say about it the title won’t be leaving him for awhile. As they finish debating we head to the ring for the next contest as Johnny Rodz takes on “The World’s Strongest ManTony Garea.)


Johnny Rodz V.S. “World’s Strongest Man” Tony Garea


In this match we would see two very similar technical wrestlers in action as Tony Garea who is proclaiming to be the World’s Strongest Man after he says he has put on extra muscle mass since 82. At the start of the match we would see Garea show a feat of strength by pushing Rodz all the way down to the mat with the classic strength test. Garea would allow Rodz to his feet after the Strength test and the match would really begin as both men showed there very good technical wrestling skills. Rodz would be able to get an upper-hand technical wrestling Garea to the ground. Rodz would snap off in a side headlock takeover and really ground Garea. The fans in Philadelphia would start getting behind Garea and he would use the momentum to get back to his feet and Garea would pick up Rodz high in the air and hit a huge High Angle Back Suplex. Garea would be on fire then with his adrenaline pumping as he picks up Rodz who is loopy a bit and Garea locks in the Abdominal Stretch. Rodz has no choice but to submit.


Winner: Tony Garea at 8:49 by submission with the Abdominal Stretch

Grade: D+

Notes: Tony Garea is a Light Heavyweight as he gained Muscle


[After the bell rings and Garea is declared the winner Vince McMahon enters the ring to conduct an interview with him.]


Vince McMahon: Hello Mr. Tony Garea, I’d like to be the first to compliment you on the increase in your muscle mass as I hear you can now bench press 225 Pounds.


Tony Garea: That’s right Vince and I now I know what you all must be thinking that there are men out there that can do more than 225 but, I call myself World’s Strongest man because I’ve been able to go from benching 100 pounds to 225 in under 2 months. I worked hard and was determined and this is the result as of right now. But there is always room for improvement.


Vince McMahon: Does that mean we could maybe see you get to 300 or 400? What’s your goal bench pressing weight?


Tony Garea: I’m gonna keep pushing and pushing until I feel that I’m at my very best and as of now I feel very good.


Vince McMahon: Well good luck with that Tony, I can’t to see the progress you make.


Tony Garea: I’ll keep the WWF updated.


Grade: C-

Notes: N/A


(When the promo comes to a close we are sent to Monsoon and Lord Alfred again who talk about Tony Garea’s progress so far with Gorilla giving him a great seal of approval while Lord Alfred says that he thinks Garea needed to lose a couple a pounds so it was good idea to work out a bit more. Gorilla then sends it to the ring for the next match which is a tag team bout as the Wild Samoans face Barry Hardy & Eddie Gilbert.)


The Wild Samoans w/ ‘Captain’ Lou Albano V.S. Barry Hardy & Eddie Gilbert


The match starts off with Afa taking full advantage over Barry Hardy with his savage style. Afa would tag out swiftly to Sika who pretty much does the same savage offense Afa just did on Hardy. After Sika hit missed a big falling headbutt Hardy tagged in Gilbert who came right in and began hitting multiple upon multiple rights on Sika that actually get Sika dazed in the corner. Gilbert would start hitting knee strikes to the gut of Sika and then get a headlock on Sika. Sika would just throw Gilbert off him and hit him with a hard clothesline. Sika would tag out and Afa would come in and right away hit a diving headbutt off the middle rope and cover Gilbert for the three.


Winner: The Wild Samoans at 7:01 by pinfall

Grade: D+

Notes: N/A


(After the match Barry Hardy comes in to check on Eddie Gilbert. But then out of nowhere Afa and Sika start attacking Barry Hardy and Eddie Gilbert as Lou Albano nods in approval. Afa throws Eddie Gilbert out of the ring as now Afa and Sika both are now working on Barry Hardy. They slam Hardy in the middle of the ring and both get on the middle rope of two turnbuckles. They jump off with a double diving Headbutt that knocks out Hardy. As they leave Lou Albano gets a microphone quickly and says “This is a message to those Indians, we will take those titles.”)


(As officials are helping out Gilbert and Hardy we are seeing Gorilla, Lord Alfed and McMahon at the announce desk where McMahon and Gorilla agree on how heinous that assault was by the Samoans while Lord Alfred does say it was heinous, he also says it was necessary so the Samoans could send a message to the WWF Tag Team Champions Jules and Chief Jay Strongbow. After a little back and forth with the announcers we are sent to the ring for the Main Event, as ‘Magnificent’ Don Muraco faces ‘Soul Man’ Rocky Johnson with the winner getting a title shot for Pedro Morales’ Intercontinental Title at Madison Square Garden.)

“Magnificent” Don Muraco w/ Lou Albano V.S. “Soul Man” Rocky Johnson


Muraco and Rocky are both known for being extremely gifted athletes and tonight right now we will see which one wants the Intercontinental Title Match more. Rocky would begin the match with swift rights before hitting a dropkick. Rocky is being light on his feet and is looking very good to start off the match. Muraco would get a cheap closed hand punch in behind the referees back to get the advantage and he would keep the upper-hand for a majority of the match. Later on Rocky would come out of thin air with the Johnson Shuffle which would drop Muraco, and Johnson would cover him but only for a two count. Rocky went right to the ref after he heard it was only a two to make sure he didn’t win, and then right after he’d go to Muraco who had used the ropes to get to his feet and Johnson would get caught by a forearm right to the face of Rocky that would knock him to his back. Muraco calls for the finish picks up Rocky and hits the Hawaiian Hammer (Tombstone Piledriver) on Rocky and covers him for the three count and the win.

Winner: Don Muraco wins at 13:54 by pinfall with the Hawaiian Hammer

Grade: C+

Notes: N/A

[After the end of the match Vince McMahon would come in the ring for an interview with the next challenger for the Intercontinental Title Don Muraco]


Vince McMahon: Don… (Lou Albano takes the microphone away from McMahon and hands it to Don Muraco)


Don Muraco: Six days ago I challenged Pedro Morales for the Intercontinental Championship and frankly I was kicking his Puerto Rican butt all over this ring and I was going to win the Intercontinental Championship. But Pedro Morales the cheap Hispanic he had to get both of us disqualified by purposely making sure the referee was behind him when I delivered my painful kick intended for him that hit the referee. So Morales you may be afraid to see the outcome of one of our encounter because you know that I will beat you but, how about you man up like a someone from the United States would and not coward like the Puerto Rican you are.



[A Big roar of cheers come from the crowd after that as they see Pedro Morales coming down the isle. Don Muraco and Lou Albano both spot him and both stand behind McMahon as Morales gets on the apron and enters the ring. Albano exits, Morales then starts to charge at Muraco but he is able to exit the ring before Morales gets to him. But that doesn’t stop Pedro as he follows Muraco to the backstage area obviously wanting to get a piece of him. But as Morales and Muraco both go behind the curtain WWF All-American Wrestling comes to an end.]

Grade: C

Notes: N/A


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WWF Championship Wrestling (January Week 1 1983)

Philadelphia Convention Hal (Philadelphia Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 6,517

Commentators: Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, and Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: C


(When the show begins after the intro we hear Vince McMahon voicing over the screen welcoming us to WWF Championship Wrestling and tells us that we are ready for one-on-one action as Superstar” Billy Graham with his manager Grand Wizard goes against Barry Hardy.)


Barry Hardy V.S. ‘’Superstar’’ Billy Graham w/The Grand Wizard


Billy Graham is seen before the bell rings and he’s doing poses while talking with Grand Wizard. Referee Joey Marella then tells him the match is gonna begin, so angrily Billy stops posing and gets ready to fight Barry. When the bell rings Billy Graham does another pose as the crowd boos, Barry Hardy asks the Marella what Graham is doing. Marella threatens to Disqualify Graham if he doesn’t start wrestling. Graham takes exception to Marella and collar & elbow tie up with Hardy. Graham knees Hardy right in the gut and forearms Hardy hard in the back dropping him to the mat. Graham would continue to dominate Hardy and after a while he’d lock in the Bearhug on Hardy and he had no choice but to submit.


Winner: Superstar Billy Graham at 5:18 by submission

Grade: D

Notes: N/A


[When Grand Wizard comes in the ring after the match he tells McMahon to get in the ring right now.]


Vince McMahon: I guess you have something to say since you called me in the ring.


The Grand Wizard: You bet we do McMahon, because what you just saw was the world best athlete and ‘The Real World’s Strongest Man’. That’s right, Tony Garea may think that just because he can lift 225 pounds he may be one strong guy but the facts prove that ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham right here is ten times stronger than Garea ever will be.


Vince McMahon: Well now, Tony Garea is very determined to get stronger as he stated on All-American Wrestling.


The Grand Wizard: McMahon, ‘The Real World’s Strongest Man’ right here will always be one step ahead of anyone who even for one second may believe they’re a smidgen better then him in anything, and that is something you can bet on.


Billy Graham: Tony Garea you may think you will be the world’s strongest man but your just the world’s biggest liar because there is only one man that is the world’s strongest and that’s ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A


[Grand Wizard and Billy Graham then walk out of the ring]


(Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes then both agree that Billy Graham could quite possibly be the strongest man in the world. But Gorilla then would bring up the point that Tony Garea may be able to show Graham and the whole world that he is the World’s Strongest Man with a feat of strength of some sort, maybe beating Billy Graham in an arm wrestling match. Lord Alfred brings up the point though that Billy Graham has never lost an arm wrestling match and would never lose to someone like Garea. Monsoon then shifts the conversation to the next match-up shown tonight as “The Eighth Wonder of the World” Andre the Giant is in a contest versus Salvatore Bellomo and Jose Luis Rivera.)


Andre The Giant V.S. Salvatore Bellomo & Jose Luis Rivera


When the bell rings, neither Bellomo nor Rivera will leave the ring as they tell Dick Woehrle they both want to face Andre at the same time. After some debating Andre tells the Dick Woehrle that he’ll accept both men going against him at the same time. When Dick agrees to the new rules he rings the bell again to start the match-up. Both Salvatore and Jose run at Andre and are both taken down with two right hands that could drop a bear. Bellomo staggers back to his feet with the help of the ropes and Andre just delivers a big kick to the face of Bellomo that sends him to the outside of the ring. Andre then focuses on Rivera who’s back to his feet, Andre goes over to him in the corner takes him out and throws him against the ropes and hits his seven foot high back body drop. Andre then does his slow run against the ropes and does the big Elbow Drop he’s known and gets the three and the win.


Winner: Andre the Giant at 3:41 by pinfall

Grade: C-

Notes: N/A

[Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon, and Lord Alfred Hayes all then discuss how bad of a beatdown Salvatore and Jose just received and the three really put over Andre’s extraordinary size and talent. They then talk about the huge match that was announced to Main Event at Madison Square Garden, as Intercontinental Champion Pedro Morales will defend his championship against his biggest rival Magnificent Don Muraco in what may very well be the biggest match both men have been in, in there whole careers. As this match is not only about getting the Intercontinental Title but seeing who is the better man after all these years. Vince ends that note with “But that is then and this is now, and now it is time for the next match as “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka one of Don Muraco’s greatest rivals goes against “Iron” Mike Sharpe.”]


“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka V.S. “Iron” Mike Sharpe


Snuka & Sharpe start the match with a collar & elbow tie up where Sharpe locks on an Arm Wringer, which quickly turns into a hammerlock. Snuka turns it around into a snapmare and then a standoff. As the match would go on Snuka and Sharpe would go back and forth in the most back and forth match so far tonight. Sharpe would get his bearhug locked in tight on Snuka, but the Superfly was able to get out of the backbreaking maneuver with headbutts. Following his escape he gave one huge headbutt to Sharpe that knocked him to the mat. Snuka then went to the top rope gave the Superfly Sign and leaped to hit the Superfly Splash and picks up the win.


Winner: Jimmy Snuka at 10:11 by pinfall after the Superfly Splash

Grade: C+

Notes: N/A


[After that very good match we would get sent to a pre-recorded interview in a locker room where Vince McMahon interviewed Don Muraco with Lou Albano.]


Vince McMahon: I am here with the next challenger for the Intercontinental Championship Belt, the ‘Magnificent’ Don Muraco and his manager Captain Lou Albano.


Lou Albano: Vince look at the Magnificent one right now, look at him. Have you ever seen someone as Perfect, Talented or even as strong as he is?

(Before Vince answers Captain Lou interrupts)

Of Course you haven’t because the Magnificent Muraco is one of a kind and that’s why in three weeks at Madison Square Garden when he challenges Pedro Morales for the Intercontinental Title Belt that there is no doubt in my mind not only that the Magnificent one will win but that he will destroy Pedro Morales once and for all.


Don Muraco: I couldn’t say it better myself Lou, because the facts have been stated. I am of a kind, no one is as Perfectly Talented as me and at Madison Square Garden in three weeks I will take that Intercontinental Championship Belt from that Puerto Rican and be the first person to hold it with the pride and honor that the belt deserves in over year. So when you go to Madison Square Garden in three weeks you better shield your children’s eyes when my match starts, because you’re gonna get the live show of me destroying the Puerto Rican’s career in that ring.


Grade: C+

Notes: N/A


[As we come back to the arena we are met with the bell ringing as the next match is set, S.D. Jones faces of versus George Steele.]


S.D. Jones V.S. George “The Animal” Steele


S.D. Jones starts the match off pumping up the crowd to get them on his side, but George Steele would attack him while he was pumping the crowd up which got Joey Marella to start the match right away. After Steele had S.D. pretty much grounded in the corner, S.D. just popped up and hit a right the made George Steele fall to the mat. S.D. started to get fired up after that George Steele attack now. S.D. waited for Steele to get to his feet and S.D body slammed Steele back down and pinned him but only got a two. As the match would continue both Steele and S.D. would both get the advantage back and forth consistently. In the closing moments of the match after The Animal had bitten off the padding of the turnbuckle he attempted to smash S.D. Jones’ head into the exposed corner. S.D. would block it and elbow Steele in the head, he’d then ascend the turnbuckle and dive with a crossbody block, but George would move out of the way and S.D. would land face first on the mat. George covers S.D. and gets the three here tonight on Championship Wrestling.


Winner: George Steele at 9:57 by pinfall

Grade: D+

Notes: N/A

(We then head to the announce booth of McMahon, Monsoon, and Lord Alfred as they praise the match for being such a compelling back and forth match-up with two of the top veterans in the World Wrestling Federation. Vince would then bring up the Main Event which is up next as WWF World Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund will face the diabolical Mr. Fuji in a non-title match here on Championship Wrestling. But before they cut to the match Lord Alfred brings up what Freddie Blassie was saying on All-American Wrestling, that he is determined to get the WWF World Championship Belt off Bob Backlund and get it around the waist of Big John Studd, Ed Wisokowski, or Ivan Koloff. Vince says that is very true but right now let’s send it to the ring for the main event of the evening.)


Bob Backlund w/ Arnold Skaaland V.S. Mr. Fuji w/ Tiger Chung Lee

Bob Backlund and Mr. Fuji face off in tonight’s main event which will be one hell of a back and forth great match-up. The match starts with Backlund getting a rear waistlock locked on, but Fuji would reverse it quickly into a hammerlock and a side waistlock slam. Fuji would then keep a waistlock in on Backlund and try to ride him, but Backlund would get out from under Fuji and Backlund would actually be able to waistlock Fuji again but this time on the mat and ride him. Fuji would eventually get out of it though, and once he did he hit Backlund with a double axe handle. That axe handle would be the start of Fuji with the upper-hand for a while. As the match would go on Fuji would lock in a key lock on Backlund, but Backlund was able to dig down and fight out of the Key Lock. When Backlund got to his feet he’d almost get caught with a throat punch but Backlund would block the punch and do a go behind and hit a roll up to get the one two three and the impressive win on Championship Wrestling’s Main Event.


Winner: Bob Backlund at 13:58 by pinfall with a roll up

Grade: C

Notes: N/A

(When the match ended we see Ivan Koloff, Ed Wisokowski and Big John Studd all rush in the ring out of the runway and begin attacking the WWF Champion Bob Backlund. While Blassie’s men beatdown on the champion in the ring, Freddie himself actually hits Arnold Skaaland with his cane on the outside of the ring knocking him down. Now on the inside of the ring we see Ivan Koloff hit the Russian Sickle on Backlund knocking him out on the mat. Ed Wisokowski would then hold Backlunds feet to the mat while Ivan would hold his arms to the mat and Big John Studd would do a running Big Splash. After hitting the first one Blassie told him to do it again and so that’s what Studd did. So after delivering two Big Splashes to the WWF World Champion Bob Backlund all of Blassie’s men would leave the possibly injured Backlund in the ring as officials rush in to check on the champion. )


©World Wrestling Federation INC. 1983

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WWF All-American Wrestling Preview


Ed Wisokowski w/Freddie Blassie V.S. Invader #3



Winner goes into the finals of the WWF Women's Title Tournament

The Fabulous Moolah V.S. Velvet Mcintyre



Non-Title Match

The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson) V.S. The Strongbows (Cheif Jay & Jules)



"Playboy" Buddy Rose w/ The Grand Wizard V.S. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka




WWF Championship Wrestling Preview


Non-Title Match

Pedro Morales V.S. Charlie Fulton



Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee V.S. The Rock 'n Roll Express (Ricky Mortan & Robert Gibson)



"Soul Man" Rocky Johnson V.S. Blackjack Mulligan



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Ed Wisokowski w/Freddie Blassie V.S. Invader #3




Winner goes for the vacant WWF Women's Title in Madison Square Garden

The Fabulous Moolah V.S. Velvet Mcintyre



Non-Title Match

The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson) V.S. The Strongbows (Cheif Jay & Jules)



"Playboy" Buddy Rose w/ The Grand Wizard V.S. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka



Pedro Morales V.S. Charlie Fulton



Mr. Fuji & Tiger Chung Lee V.S. The Rock 'n Roll Express (Ricky Mortan & Robert Gibson)



"Soul Man" Rocky Johnson V.S. Blackjack Mulligan


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WWF All-American Wrestling (January Week 2 1983)

Philadelphia Convention Hall (Philadelphia Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 6,588

Commentators: Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, & Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: C


(When the show opens we are met by Vince McMahon, Lord Alfred Hayes, & Gorilla Monsoon. But before they can discuss anything Vince just welcomes everyone to the show and then says that they have a pre-recorded interview with the World Wrestling Federation World Champion Bob Backlund’s manager and friend Arnold Skaaland, so he can give us an update on the champion’s current condition.)

Vince McMahon: A week ago World Champion Bob Backlund was injured by the likes of Ivan Koloff, Big John Studd, and Ed Wisokowski. Now we get an update on the condition of the champion by his manager and friend Arnold Skaaland. Arnold.


Arnold Skaaland: Vince thanks for having me so I can give everyone an update on Bob’s physical condition. First off I would like to say that Bob is doing very well but he does have bruised ribs and for that reason doctors have prohibit him from competing. But he did give me this message, he said that he wants those three men that took him out to be ready because Bob is coming back stronger and will see to it that he beats each of them.


Vince McMahon: Strong words by Bob considering he is going into a battle with three-on-one odds but he is a strong champion and if anyone can do it it’s him.


Arnold Skaaland: You got that right Vince. Also he told me that he will be here next week to hand deliver a message to Freddie Blassie himself.


Vince McMahon: Wow great news, I can’t wait to hear what he has to say to Blassie. Thanks for joining me Skaaland and send Bob our best wishes.


Arnold Skaaland: I’ll be sure too

Grade: 59

Notes: Arnold was underwhelming, Vince looked good out there


(We then come back to the arena with Ed Wisokowski in the ring along with Invader # 3 for the opening match tonight, but before the match starts Gorilla, Vince and Lord Alfred quickly go over there excitement for what Backlund will say to Freddie.)


Ed Wisokowski w/Freddie Blassie, Ivan Koloff, & Big John Studd V.S. Invader #3


This match see’s one of the men who helped injure WWF Champion Bob Backlund, take on Invader #3 in a one-on-one contest. Ed would show a rough technical ability in the start of this one with some elbows, snapmares, and arm drags/locks. As the match would go on Gorilla would be arguing with Hayes over the attack on Backlund by Blassie’s men, as Vince would announce the happenings in the ring. Lord Alfred would say that he thinks Ed Wisokowski could very well be the next World Champion as Ed hits a Vertical Slingshot Suplex and covers and beats Invader #3.


Winner: Ed Wisokowski at 4:52 by Pinfall

Grade: E+

Notes: N/A

[Once Freddie and his men go to the outside of the ring Vince meets with them and asks if he can get a word.]


Vince McMahon: Right now I am joined by Classy Freddie Blassie and his clients, Ivan Koloff, Big…


Freddie Blassie: Listen you pencil neck geek, if your gonna introduce my men do it right. First I’ll introduce the former WWF World Champion the Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. Next he is the unquestionable Big Man in the World Wrestling Federation, Big John Studd. And finally this man is next in line for a World Title shot after the performance he just showed in there. Now what is it you wanted to ask me McMahon?


Vince McMahon: Well on the last episode of WWF Championship Wrestling, you along with your men attacked Arnold Skaaland and World Wrestling Federation Champion Bob Backlund, effectively injuring him. My question is why?


Freddie Blassie: It’s simple McMahon we assaulted Backlund and Skaaland to make a statement to them that my men will not only take his title but we will make sure to take him out. And you know what McMahon we may have been fined by the WWF Management but at the end of the day it will be worth it because now Backlund will always have the uncertain feeling of ‘are they gonna come after me again?’ And that is a great power to have over someone.


Grade: C-

Notes: N/A

[blassie then walks off with his men.]


(We then head to Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes who talk about if one of Blassie’s men will go for the title in Madison Square Garden. Gorilla then says that we will find out next week here on All-American Wrestling as there will be a Battle Royal to decide Backlund’s challenger. Monsoon and Hayes then switch gears and talk about the WWF Women’s Championship tournament. They say that after searching the globe for the top lady wrestlers the WWF have decided to resurrect the Women’s championship. And after holding the first part of the tournament on live shows they are now in the semi-finals which consist of The Fabulous Moolah, Velvet McIntyre, Wendi Richter, & Candi Devine. Right now it is time for the first semi-final match as Fabulous Moolah takes on Velvet McIntyre.)

The Fabulous Moolah V.S. Velvet McIntyre


In this one-on-one Ladies match-up, the thirty year veteran The Fabulous Moolah takes on the young Irish tag team specialist Velvet McIntyre in the Semi-Finals to the Women’s Title tournament. At the start of the match Moolah is just beating down on Velvet with textbook veteran moves. Velvet though would use her speed advantage over the almost sixty year old Moolah to get out of many of her holds. Moolah though would be able to hit the Flying Mare on Velvet later on but would only get a two which shocked Moolah as well as the fans and commentators. Moolah then heads to the middle rope for a splash and when she dives Velvet moves out of the way. After Moolah hits the mat Velvet would do an Oklahoma Roll and get the one two three and an upset win over Moolah.


Winner: Velvet McIntyre at 7:21 by pinfall

Grade: D+

Notes: Velvet advances to the finals in the Women’s Title Tournament


(While Velvet celebrates her big win in the ring we are sent to Gorilla Monsoon & Lord Alfred at the announce booth as they talk about Tony Garea’s new found strength and giving himself the World’s Strongest Man moniker. Lord Alfred then brings up that he thinks that what ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham and Grand Wizard said on Championship Wrestling was true, that Billy Graham is the real World’s Strongest Man. They finish off there talking by sending it to McMahon who is with Tony Garea.)


Vince McMahon: I am here with Tony Garea and Tony last week on this program you stated that you are determined to be the World’s Strongest Man. Now this didn’t sit well with Billy Graham & Grand Wizard as on Championship Wrestling there quoted as saying “Tony Garea you may think you will be the world’s strongest man but you’re just the world’s biggest liar because there is only one man that is the world’s strongest and that’s ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham.” How do respond to that statement?


Tony Garea: Well Graham may very well be right. He may be the World’s Strongest Man today. But very soon I will be the World’s Strongest Man, and to prove it I am right now throwing the challenge out to Billy Graham here tonight. I challenge him to an Arm Wrestling Match in Madison Square Garden.


Vince McMahon: Oh my goodness, what a blockbuster challenge. Tony Garea has thrown out the challenge for an arm wrestling match at Madison Square Garden in two weeks what will the ‘Superstar’ have to say to the challenge?


Grade: D+

Notes: N/A


[We go back to ringside for the next contest as the tag team champions The Strongbows go against the Blond Bombers in a non-title match]



The Strongbows (Jules & Chief Jay) V.S The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson)


The tag team champion Strongbows will be defending their title against the Wild Samoans at Madison Square Garden in two weeks, but tonight have their hands full will the very in-tuned team of Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson. In the start of the match Stevens & Patterson were able to ground Chief Jay and keep him away from Jules. After Chief Jay got some momentum going he was able to knock down both Stevens and Patterson and tag Jules in, and Jules would hit both Stevens & Patterson with head chops. At the end of the match Jules hit a Powerbomb on Patterson and got the three.


Winner: Jules & Chief Jay Strongbow at 8:50 by pinfall

Grade: C+

Notes: Match of the Night

[We then head to ringside as Vince McMahon grabs a word with the tag team champions]


Vince McMahon: Chief Jay and Jules Strongbow welcome.


Jules Strongbow: It’s good to be here Vince.


Vince McMahon: So we have finally found out that your opponents at Madison Square Garden for those tag team title belts you both hold will be none other than the Wild Samoans. What do you have to say about that?


Jules Strongbow: Those Wild Samoans may be uncontrollable, savage beasts but we will not lose because we will never let our fans and our tribe down. We will stand tall at Madison Square Garden and we will defeat the Wild Samoans.


Vince McMahon: Chief Jay do you think Lou Albano will have any tricks up his sleeve to get the Wild Samoans the win?


Chief Jay Strongbow: I know Albano will try to cheat but cheaters never win and that is why me and Jules will not lose because we don’t cheat and we will always stay true to our fans and our tribe.


Vince McMahon: Well good luck gentleman.


Grade: C-

Notes: Wild Samoan's are Number One Contenders for Tag Team gold


[Vince sends it to commercial and when we come back it is the main event Buddy Rose V.S. Jimmy Snuka]


‘Playboy’ Buddy Rose w/ The Grand Wizard V.S. Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka


Both Jimmy Snuka and Buddy Rose look to gain some ground in the World Championship title race and a win tonight could go a long way. Buddy would early on get caught by Snuka multiple times in moves and that would almost cost Buddy the match after a back suplex. Snuka then stays in control of Buddy Rose for a little bit which has the crowd pumping but then Buddy kills the happiness with an Elbow to the jaw of Snuka that almost knocked his teeth out. The commentators put over the fact that Snuka’s next dentist bill will be very high as Buddy keeps in control of Snuka. As we continue on Snuka would get the crowd cheering like crazy after many chops by Snuka on Rose. Snuka then throws Rose against the ropes leap frogs him but when Rose runs under Snuka he collides with referee Joey Marella sending him to the floor. Rose then looks at body of Marella struggling to his feet on the floor. Snuka then turns Rose around and Rose just kicks Snuka in the groin with a blatant low blow, he then does a backslide on Snuka as Marella gets into the ring.






3. Buddy Rose gets the win after the cheap low blow



Winner: Buddy Rose at 13:49 by pinfall

Grade: C

Notes: N/A


[The show closes with the Philadelphia fans booing the hell out of Rose as he raises his hand in victory.]

© World Wrestling Federation 1983

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WWF Championship Wrestling (January Week 2 1983)

Philadelphia Convention Hal (Philadelphia Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 6,588

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: C


(After the intro is shown to WWF Championship Wrestling we jump into Lord Alfred Hayes and Gorilla Monsoon who welcome the fans to the show and run down the show quickly. They state that on this show we will see first time comers to the WWF as Ricky Mortan and Robert Gibson make there first appearance in the WWF as the Rock ‘n Roll Express as they go against Tiger Chung Lee and Mr. Fuji, while Blackjack Mulligan is making his return to the World Wrestling Federation but in singles competition as he is in tonights main event when he takes on the Soul Man Rocky Johnson in what should be a classic match-up on WWF Championship Wrestling. We are then sent to ringside for the introductions for the first match)


Non-Title Match

Pedro Morales V.S. Charlie Fulton


This match pegged Intercontinental Champion Pedro Morales against the foul mouth southerner Charlie Fulton. When the match starts Fulton tries to get the early advantage but Morales is able to match him hold to hold and finishes there back and forth wrestling with a Headlock Takeover. Fulton is able to get out of the headlock after getting to his feet and repeatedly kneeing Morales in the gut. Fulton was then getting some of his own momentum boosting, but it wasn’t meant to be as Morales would hit a right hand knocking down Fulton which made the crowd just jump with happiness. Pedro is in a fighting stance as Fulton staggers to his feet, and Morales hits a body slam on Fulton and then ascends the middle rope and dives off with a splash and covers Fulton for the three.


Winner: Pedro Morales at 5:47 by pinfall

Grade: D

Notes: N/A

[When Pedro exits the ring, new Interviewer Gary Michaels gets a word with him.]


Gary Michaels: Pedro that was an excellent win right there and I believe that made you feel pretty good. But I do understand that you have big news for all the WWF fans to hear.


Pedro Morales: Yes, I went to the World Wrestling Federation front office management to make a request and after some talk they agreed to my request.

Gary Michaels: What was the request?


Pedro Morales: My request was to have me face Don Muraco at Madison Square Garden inside a fifteen foot Steel Cage for the Intercontinental Championship Belt. So Muraco be ready because come Madison Square Garden we both go in that cage but once the match is over only one of us will walk out and that is my promise.

Grade: C

Notes: N/A

[Following that huge announcement by Morales we head back to ringside for the debut of the Rock n Roll Express]


Tiger Chung Lee & Mr. Fuji V.S. The Rock n’ Roll Express

Tiger Chung and Fuji are one of the veteran tag teams in the World Wrestling Federation so a win here by the Rock n Roll would be very impressive way to debut in the WWF. This match is the test for Rock n’ Roll and early on it seems as though they are passing as Ricky Morton takes it to Tiger Chung Lee. Lee and Fuji are shocked by how impressive Morton and Gibson are as they assumed this would be a quick one two punch victory for them but it seems as though there one’s getting the one two punch. In the end of the match Morton would hit a crossbody block on Fuji and get the win in the Rock n’ Roll’s debut match in the WWF.


Winner: Rock N’ Roll Express at 7:31 by pinfall

Grade: D-

Notes: N/A


(Gorilla and Lord Alfred put over how shocked they are that the Rock n’ Roll Express have defeated one of the top tag teams in the WWF in their first match. Gorilla says that they will have a bright future while Lord Alfred keeps repeating that they cheated somehow because they couldn’t beat Fuji or Lee without cheating. Gorilla just shakes Hayes’ words off as stupidity and starts talking about the recent challenge of Tony Garea to Billy Graham for an arm wrestling match at Madison Square Garden. Lord Alfred replies right off the bat with “Garea will just make a fool of himself as no one is as strong as the Superstar.” Gorilla says well Alfred we will find out if Graham accepts the challenge or not right now as Gary Michaels has him at ringside.)


Gary Michaels: My name is Gary Michaels and….


Grand Wizard: No one cares who you are son, you could be Reggie Jackson, Mr. T, or Ronald Reagan, no one cares who you are. Because right now all anyone cares about is whether the Real World’s Strongest Man the ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham says yes or no to Tony Garea’s arm wrestling challenge at Madison Square Garden.

[He turns to Billy Graham]

So ‘Superstar’ what do you say yes or no?


Billy Graham: Tony Garea in Madison Square Garden I will make a fool of you and show everyone in the world today that I am the real World’s Strongest Man. I accept your challenge, so be ready to lose.


Grade: B-

Notes: N/A


[Gary Michaels explodes with excitement as Graham and Wizard walk off, as we head to commercial break. When we comeback Blackjack Mulligan and the “Soul Man” Rocky Johnson are in the ring for the Main Event.]

Blackjack Mulligan V.S. “Soul Man” Rocky Johnson

In this Main Event we see the return of Blackjack Mulligan to the WWF as he goes against the Soul Man Rocky Johnson who looks to recover from a loss to “Magnificent” Muraco on All-American Wrestling last week. Mulligan and Johnson would both show very good skill in the early stages of the match with Johnson using his speed advantage to escape many of Blackjack’s moves, but Blackjack would wear him down eventually after catching him with a Big Boot. Mulligan would latch on the claw to the stomach of Rocky but the Soul Man would use all of his muscle and energy to break the hold and hit his famous dropkick which sent Blackjack to the floor almost to be counted out. When Blackjack gets into the ring again Rocky starts the Johnson Shuffle and almost finishes him of with it but Mulligan ducks one shot and does a overhand right on Johnson that reals him off the ropes. When Johnson comes back off the ropes Mulligan hits a Lariat and gets the win.


Winner: Blackjack Mulligan at 13:48 by pinfall

Grade: C-

Notes: N/A


[Following Blackjack Mulligan’s win Gary Michaels gets a word with him]


Gary Michaels: Now that you have returned to the WWF for some singles competition my first question to you is why now?


Blackjack Mulligan: Kid, I cameback to the World Wrestling Federation for two reasons, one because this is where some of the greatest wrestlers today are and I’ll show all of the WWF fans that I can whoop them just like I used to whip the guys in the WWWF and all across America. The second reason I’m here is plain and simple, it’s the goal of the wrestlers in the locker room right now, I am here to become World Heavyweight Champion. And tonight started my road of whooping butt in the WWF and tonight started my road to become WWF champion, this is a Blackjack Promise.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A

[As Blackjack walks off Gorilla and Lord Alfred close out the show with a quick rant of Blackjack Mulligan’s words]


©World Wrestling Federation INC. 1983



OOC: Thank you Daulten for predicting and I would also like to thank anyone who reads for reading I really appreciate it. Also feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

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Hope Superstar Billy Graham gets a push (hopefuly a future shot at the WWF title) Superstar could give some great promos. Always thought Scott Stiener(in his NWO days and present) was trying to be a Superstar Billy Graham WANNA BE..... Really am enjoying this....:)


That's true I never really thought of Scott Steiner in that light before really, now that I think about it he does seem as though he is a Billy Graham copycat.

Also, the Superstar's direction will be dictated on whether he wins or loses to Garea in the Arm Wrestling Match.

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That's true I never really thought of Scott Steiner in that light before really, now that I think about it he does seem as though he is a Billy Graham copycat.

Also, the Superstar's direction will be dictated on whether he wins or loses to Garea in the Arm Wrestling Match.



From the promos, to the dye in his goatee, even to overdoing it with steroids, Always thought Steiner was a Superstar wannabe. I read some where that someone mentioned to Steiner that they thought he was trying to copy Graham,and Steiner's reply was he never heard of Graham nor heard any of his interviews:mad: (that's a bunch of ...well you know) Hope Graham wins the armwrestling match...

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WWF All-American Wrestling Preview


15-Man Battle Royal to decide number one contender for the WWF Title

Big John Studd, Jimmy Snuka, Rocky Johnson, Mr. Fuji, S.D. Jones, Mike Sharpe, George Steele, Eddie Gilbert, Curt Hennig, Bob Bradley, Ivan Koloff, Jose Luis Rivera, Ed Wisokowski, Ricky Morton, & Robert Gibson


Andre the Giant V.S. Frankie Williams, Invader #1, & Barry Hardy



Winner goes into finals of Women's Title tournament

Wendi Richter V.S. Candi Devine



Afa w/ Lou Albano V.S. Dino Bravo




WWF Championship Wrestling Preview


Jose Luis Rivera V.S. Jimmy Snuka



S.D. Jones V.S. Blackjack Mulligan



Curt Hennig & "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell V.S. The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson)



"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes V.S. "Superstar" Billy Graham w/ Grand Wizard



OOC: 997th

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WWF All-American Wrestling Preview


15-Man Battle Royal to decide number one contender for the WWF Title

Big John Studd, Jimmy Snuka, Rocky Johnson, Mr. Fuji, S.D. Jones, Mike Sharpe, George Steele, Eddie Gilbert, Curt Hennig, Bob Bradley, Ivan Koloff, Jose Luis Rivera, Ed Wisokowski, Ricky Morton, & Robert Gibson


Andre the Giant V.S. Frankie Williams, Invader #1, & Barry Hardy



Winner goes into finals of Women's Title tournament

Wendi Richter V.S. Candi Devine



Afa w/ Lou Albano V.S. Dino Bravo




WWF Championship Wrestling Preview

Jose Luis Rivera V.S. Jimmy Snuka



S.D. Jones V.S. Blackjack Mulligan



Curt Hennig & "Nature Boy" Buddy Landell V.S. The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson)



"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes V.S. "Superstar" Billy Graham w/ Grand Wizard


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  • 2 weeks later...


WWF All-American Wrestling (January Week 3 1983)

Burlington Auditorium (Burlington Vermont)

Attendance: 2,000* Sell Out

Commentators: Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, & Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: C


(As the intro closes out we come into a jam packed ring and arena as we get set for the Number One Contender Battle Royal to decide who will face Bob Backlund for his WWF World Title at Madison Square Garden. As the wrestlers finish getting in the ring Vince McMahon tells us the rules of a battle royal, as if the fans didn’t already know. Lord Alfred then tells all the fans that if he were to make a bet, he’d put all his money on one of Blassie’s men as they have the biggest chance to win the match, especially with Big John Studd. Vince agrees with Lord Alfred that Blassie’s men do have the greatest chance to win, but before Vince finishes his rebuttal the bell rings for the match to start.)


Number One Contender Battle Royal to decide the WWF World Title Match at Madison Square Garden

Big John Studd, Jimmy Snuka, Rocky Johnson, Mr. Fuji, S.D. Jones, Mike Sharpe, George Steele, Eddie Gilbert, Curt Hennig, Bob Bradley, Ivan Koloff, Jose Luis Rivera, Ed Wisokowski, Ricky Morton, & Robert Gibson


Everyone goes after the person next to them as the match starts. Ivan Koloff and Ed Wisokowski go team up together against Eddie Gilbert and Curt Hennig, while Big John Studd heaves Bob Bradley out of the ring with Jose Luis Rivera not far behind. Meanwhile the Rock n’ Roll Express goes after George Steele as Eddie Gilbert gets eliminated by Ivan Koloff. Mike Sharpe has had his focus on Rocky Johnson for the most part for some reason since the onset of the match. As Sharpe would try to throw Johnson out for about the fiftieth time Jimmy Snuka would throw Sharpe to the floor while Rocky held on. Right after Sharpe is thrown out off-screen Hennig is thrown out by Wisokowski and Ivan Koloff.


Then we see Big John Studd actually being doubled teamed by the Rock n’ Roll Express, and then S.D. Jones too. Ivan and Ed would come to the save as Ivan threw out S.D., off that elimination Big John gets Ricky Mortan thrown out. But before Robert Gibson gets eliminated by Big John Studd, we see Jimmy Snuka eliminate George Steele on the other side of the ring. Now it’s down to the final six, Fuji, Rocky, Jimmy, John Studd, Ivan Koloff, and Ed Wisokowski. Wiso and Ivan would go on the double team of Snuka while Studd and Fuji double team Rocky. Too bad for Ed and Ivan that they drew the short end of the stick as Snuka would start to get fired up and get the upper-hand on the two. Snuka would headbutt Ivan down and hit a few rights on Ed before clotheslining him over the top rope. John Studd then just goes to the on fire Snuka and takes him down with a body slam. But Studd made the mistake of leaving Fuji along with Rocky as he began to fire up next and out of nowhere hit a dropkick that would send Fuji packing. Now from four-on-two it’s now two-on-two. Rocky goes to help out Snuka and helps fight Studd off him, as Ivan would get to his feet then Studd would throw Rocky out un-expectantly. Snuka would pop up after seeing Rocky get thrown out and begin hitting haymakers on Big John. Snuka would hit multiple haymakers with the final one knocking Big John Studd down to the floor and out. Then from behind Ivan Koloff takes advantage and throws out Jimmy Snuka.



Winner: Ivan Koloff at 13:28 by Elimination

Grade: C

Notes: Ivan Koloff will go for the WWF Title at Madison Square Garden against Bob Backlund


[While Freddie Blassie and Ivan Koloff celebrate the huge win in the ring Vince McMahon joins them for an interview]


Vince McMahon: Congratulations Ivan on your victory here tonight. Mr. Blassie are proud of Ivan’s accomplishment?


Freddie Blassie: McMahon, I’m happier then you’ll ever know. It’s great to hear one of my men getting there rightful shot at the World Belt, but it will be like heaven to my ears at Madison Square Garden after Ivan beats that Pencil Neck Geek Backlund within an inch of his life and takes that WWF World Title Belt away from that no good Backlund and his ugly sister Arnold Skaaland.


Vince McMahon: What makes you so sure Ivan will defeat Bob Backlund, considering he’s been World champion for the past four years?


Ivan Koloff: I am certain that I will not only beat Mr. Backlund, but I will crush him into a million little pieces. I will chew him up and spit him out and take that WWF World Championship Belt away from him. After I face Bob Backlund I swear he will never be the same.


Freddie Blassie: Now we have to go McMahon and celebrate with the boys. I can’t forget about setting up the after party for when he wins the belt. Hahaha.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A

(Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes both welcome us to All-American Wrestling as the camera pans to them. Gorilla and Lord run down the matches we will see for the rest of the show, as one-half of the Wild Samoans Afa will face the debuting Dino Bravo one-on-one. We also will see the second semi-final match of the WWF Women’s Title Tournament as Wendi Richter goes against Candi Devine to decide Velvet Mcintyre’s opponent at Madison Square Garden. They then give the news that Bob Backlund will be here tonight to give a message to Freddie Blassie and also later there will be a contract signing for the Intercontinental Title Cage Match between Pedro Morales and Don Muraco at Madison Square Garden. And as Vince comes back to the booth he announces that up next we will see the “Eight Wonder of the World” Andre the Giant faces three men in a three-on-one Handicap match.)


Andre the Giant V.S. Frankie Williams, Invader #3, & Barry Hardy


The three men all try to just run at Andre and attack when the match starts, but that has no effect on the big man as Andre picks off each of them with a right hand. Andre then hip tosses Frankie Williams and then slams Invader #3. Andre isn’t even breaking a sweat as he puts Barry Hardy on his shoulders and does the airplane spin. Hardy is so dizzy he falls right down and rolls to the floor while Andre headbutts Frankie Williams in the ring. The behemoth Andre gets Invader 3 to his feet and hooks him up and hits a Double Underhook Suplex. Andre then covers Invader for the three count.


Winner: Andre The Giant at 3:41 by pinfall

Grade: C-

Notes: N/A


(Following Andre’s win we head to the announce booth where Vince McMahon begins talking about the big Intercontinental Title Cage Match signing later on in the show between Don Muraco and Pedro Morales. Vince then goes on to ask both Gorilla and Lord Alfred who they think will come out as the winner in the match-up and obviously, Gorilla choose Pedro and Lord Alfred choose Don. Vince transitions from talking about the Cage Match to talking about the finals of the Women’s Title tournament at Madison Square Garden as Velvet Mcintyre who beat The Fabulous Moolah has already made it to the finals and right now we will see who here opponent will be as Wendi Richter faces Candi Devine in what should be a great Ladies Contest.)


Wendi Richter V.S. Candi Devine


Wendi and Candi both try the best in this one to get into the finals of the Women’s Title Tournament against Velvet Mcinyre in Madison Square Garden. Both ladies put on a very fluid technical opening to the match with it being captivated by Wendi hitting a running dropkick that lands Candi on her back. Both women are on top of their game tonight showing that the WWF have some of the top women wrestlers to date with the great action here tonight. In the closing moment Candi looks for the Candi Drop but Wendi gets out of it and attempts a Vertical Suplex but Candi block it by hooking her foot to Wendi’s and Candi does a Inside Cradle and gets the three count to advance in the Women’s Title Tournament.


Winner: Candi Devine at 7:58 by pinfall

Grade: D+

Notes: Candi Devine will face Velvet Mcintyre to decide the WWF Women’s Champion


(While Candi Devine walks backstage Wendi Richter is still down on herself for her lost on the outside of the ring. The camera than goes to Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes who confirm that at Madison Square Garden in a little over a week, which is almost sold out, we will see Candi Devine take on Velvet Mcintyre to decide the WWF Women’s Champion. After the confirmation Lord Alfred then tells everyone that they are now sending it to Vince McMahon who is at ringside for an interview with the World Wrestling Federation World Champion Bob Backlund.)


Vince McMahon: My guest joining me right now is none-other than the WWF World Champion Bob Backlund!

[bob comes into the picture with his ribs taped and with Arnold Skaaland next to him]

Thank you for joining us tonight as I understand that you have a message for Mr. Freddie Blassie as told to us by your manager Arnold Skaaland who’s beside you.


Bob Backlund: Yes Vince I do have a message I want to make loud and clear for Freddie Blassie and the rest of his men especially Ivan Koloff. The message is whether I am one-hundred percent or not at Madison Square Garden, I will not walk away without this WWF World Belt and I will teach Ivan Koloff a lesson on what happens when you attack Bob Backlund.

[bob walks off]


Vince McMahon: Well it seems like Bob Backlund is ready to get some payback on Freddie Blassie and his men come eight days from now.


Grade: B-

Notes: N/A


[We then head to commercial as Vince tells us when they comeback we will see Dino Bravo face off against Afa, and also see the Contract Signing for Pedro Morales V.S. Don Muraco inside a Steel Cage at Madison Square Garden… We are back and Dino Bravo and Afa are both in the ring set for their match-up.]


Dino Bravo V.S. Afa w/ Lou Albano & Sika


With Dino Bravo making his WWF return here tonight he looks to take down one half of the Wild Samoans as he faces Afa, but Afa looks to gain momentum heading into the Samoans Tag Title Match in eight days against the Strongbows. Afa and Dino would both gain their own respectable offenses during the match, but after both men fought long and hard Dino Bravo would land his Sidewalk Slam to get the win over Afa


Winner: Dino Bravo

Grade: C

Notes: N/A


(While Dino is in the ring getting his hand raised McMahon is telling us that we will now see the footage of the Contract Signing between Pedro Morales and Don Muraco from earlier today in which Hisashi Shinma the WWF President was there to oversee things. Please note that the actions taken in this video you are about to see have been dealt with as Don Muraco has been fined $50,000 dollars for what he did to Pedro Morales.)


Hisashi Shinma: Welcome gentlemen to the contract signing for your Steel Cage match-up at Madison Square Garden for the WWF Intercontinental Championship Belt. I understand that before you both sign the contract you both would like to speak, so first Mr. Muraco.


Don Muraco: Pedro, I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting your little Spaniard butt into, because after we get into that Cage in Madison Square Garden there is no turning back. When we get in that Cage you won’t have time to give the match any second thoughts because once that bell rings I will destroy you once and for all. I will tear you limb from limb, [as he says that he gets to his feet] grind your taco loving body into the steel of the cell and when the match is all set and done the new Intercontinental Champion will be the “Magnificent” Don Muraco.


[Muraco slides the contract across the table]


Pedro Morales: [He gets to his feet] For almost three years you have been a thorn in my side Muraco. Three years! Now in eight days at Madison Square Garden, the world’s most famous arena I will get to finally pluck the thorn out of my side. We will both walk into the Cage as men but when I walk out I will walk out as a savage and leave you down in a pool of your own blood. So Muraco you can say whatever you want about me, but the facts will speak because after the Cage match you will never be the same.


[Muraco slaps Morales who falls back into his chair and then all hell breaks loose as Morales tries to go after Muraco but is being held back by WWF Management and Muraco just eggs on Morales as he leaves the room and the show fades to black.]


©World Wrestling Federation 1983

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"The Rock" vs Pedro should be great in the cage! :)


Yeah it will, still deciding if that will Main Event or not. Most likely will though.

Also Championship Wrestling will be up soon, I've just been wrapped up in school work lately which is why I fell behind.

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WWF Championship Wrestling (January Week 3 1983)

Burlington Auditorium (Burlington Vermont)

Attendance: 2,000* Sell Out

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: C


(When the intro for the show is over we head straight to the ring for the introductions by Howard Finkel for the first match where Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka and Jose Luis Rivera will square off, in one-on-one action.)


Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka V.S. Jose Luis Rivera

The Superfly is looking to pick-up a win after his most recent singles loss to Buddy Rose after a low blow, but all the while Jose Luis looks to prove why he could be a top player for the WWF. Snuka would get the on the offensive early and be on it for most of the match. In the end Jimmy would hit the Superfly Splash and get the victory in this one.

Grade: C-

Notes: N/A


[Gary Michaels gets in the ring to interview Snuka after the match]


Gary Michaels: Jimmy great win right there. But I understand you wanted to say something to ‘Playboy’ Buddy Rose.


Jimmy Snuka: Yes. Buddy Rose, you did something to me that no man should ever have done to him one week ago on All-American Wrestling. No man should ever be hit where the coconuts are, and it seems as though you’re proud that you beat me that way. But Buddy I just want you to know, I have talked to Mr. Hisashi Shinma and he will let me get my hands on you again at Madison Square Garden. But he gave me the catch of the match being a four-man tag team match. Either way Buddy Rose get ready for me to get revenge on you.


Gary Michaels: Before you head off Jimmy, could you tell us who your possible Tag Partner is?


Jimmy Snuka: I am still looking right now, but no matter who it is I will get revenge on Buddy Rose.

[snuka walks off]


Gary Michaels: So Jimmy Snuka and a partner will face Buddy Rose and a partner at Madison Square Garden, which is quickly selling out so you should get tickets A.S.A.P.


Grade: B-

Notes: N/A

(Gorilla Monsoon & Lord Alfred Hayes talk about who could possibly be Superfly’s partner and who could be Playboy Buddy Rose’s partner too. They then move on to talking about the recent tension between The Strongbows and Wild Samoans, as Lou Albano have made nasty comments about the Strongbows and also commanded the Samoans to attack other wrestlers to send a message to Jules and Chief Jay. As they finish up speaking they send it to the ring for the next match between Chief Jay Strongbow and Sika.)


When the camera moves to the ring we see referee Earl Hebner holding back The Strongbows and The Wild Samoans who are almost nose-to-nose with each other. Earl tells both Sika and Chief Jay to go to their corners and Afa and Jules to leave the ring, but as Jules and Chief Jay turn around The Samoans attack and a brawl ensues. Chief Jay and Afa go at it while Jules knocks Sika to the floor and follows him as the brawl continues. Wrestlers from the backstage area start spilling out along with security to try and separate these men, and as they begin to we head to a commercial break.


Grade: C-

Notes: N/A


[When we are back from commercial break we see S.D. Jones in the ring for his match-up here tonight again Blackjack Mulligan.]

S.D. Jones V.S. Blackjack Mulligan


Blackjack looks to make S.D. his second stepping stone to get to the top of the World Wrestling Federation, while S.D. looks to derail Mulligans ride to the top. Early on Blackjack would rough up S.D but S.D. would make a strong comeback. After a unexpected back and forth match Blackjack Mulligan would hit a Lariat on S.D for the victory.

Grade: D

Notes: N/A

[blackjack then walks to the outside of the ring where Gary Michaels goes for the interview.]


Gary Michaels: That was a very hard fought battle Blackjack, was there any moment you thought you wouldn’t come away with a win?


Blackjack Mulligan: What kind of stupid question was that? I oughta ring your neck for asking such a stupid question to me.


Gary Michaels: Woah, Woah, lets calm down. I was just wondering.


Blackjack Mulligan: Well if you expect not to get you sorry ass kicked you better think of some better questions.


Gary Michaels: Ok, ok. Uhmm, What can we expect from you at Madison Square Garden in eight days? Will you have a match, interview, or something else?


Blackjack Mulligan: Right now I have not been scheduled to fight, but that will all change because my new manager that I will reveal at Madison Square Garden will get me a match with whoever I see fit.


Gary Michaels: Can you tell us anything about this manager?


Blackjack Mulligan: Listen you wimpy nerd, I said I would reveal who it is at Madison Square Garden. No hints or anything until then, but the one thing I’ll say is that my new manager will help me change the whole landscape of the WWF forever. That is a Blackjack Promise.

[blackjack walks off]


Gary Michaels: Back to you guys at the booth.

Grade: B-

Notes: N/A

(Gorilla and Lord Alfed start to wonder who could possibly be Blackjack’s new manager, names such as Grand Wizard, Lou Albano, Fred Blassie, and even Buddy Rogers were thrown out there. They then start talking about the Main Event tonight where ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham will take on his former rival ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes who will be making his one night only return tonight for the WWF. After that Gorilla and Lord Alfred speak about the next match as Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens (The Blonde Bombers) will go against Curt Hennig & the debuting Buddy Landell.)


The Blonde Bombers (Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson) V.S. Curt Hennig & Buddy Landell


This tag team action pegs, the new team of Curt Hennig and Buddy Landell going after the veteran team of the Blonde Bombers. Ray and Pat would use the experience and chemistry to keep control over the youngsters, and after all was said and done The Blonde Bombers would pick up the win.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A


[The Blonde Bombers are then interviewed by Gary Michaels after the win]


Gary Michaels: May I say that you guys showed that you are a top force in the tag team division. But with that said do you think you will be able to get a hold of the tag team titles here in the WWF?


Ray Stevens: Of course we will win those titles. Ya see the tag teams here in the WWF like the Wild Samoans, The Strongbows, Fuji and Chung Lee, there all good. But me and Pat here were great, on a scale from one to ten we rate at an eleven and we will prove that to any team that tries to get in our way.


Pat Patterson: I could not have said it better myself Ray. Everyone will see very soon why me and Ray are the best tag team today.


Gary Michaels: Well I wish you luck in your pursuit.

[blonde Bombers walk off]


Grade: C

Notes: N/A


(We head to the announce booth and Gorilla and Lord Alfred hype up the Main Event for tonight where Billy Graham faces Dusty Rhodes and they also hype the World’s Strongest Man Arm Wrestling Match between Billy Graham and Tony Garea. After that they begin to hype the next showing of All-American Wrestling and they announce that Bob Backlund and a teammate of his choice will face Two of Fred Blassie’s men in a tag team match four days prior to Backlund's World Title Match at Madison Square Garden against Ivan Koloff. Both Gorilla and Lord Alfred wonder whether or not Bob will be 100% for the tag match and then Alfred brings up the point that Blassie’s men could just breakdown Backlund in that match so Ivan would have the advantage against Backlund at the Garden. After that statement Tony Garea joins Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes at the booth as Billy Graham VS Dusty Rhodes is about to start.)


‘Superstar’ Billy Graham w/Grand Wizard V.S. ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes


The Superstar and The American Dream were foes back when Graham was WWF Champion and now we see a rematch of a Madison Square Garden Main Event from long ago. The ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham gets a cheap early advantage on Dusty with some under-handed tactics. Dusty though would rally later on with lefts and almost hit the Bionic Elbow but Graham would land a throat punch to Dusty that referee Dave Hebner missed because of a Grand Wizard distraction. After the punch ‘Superstar’ locks in the Bearhug and Dusty has no choice but to tap out.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A


(When the Hebner calls for the bell Tony Garea gets up from the booth and heads into the ring with Billy Graham. Tony goes over to Graham who is wondering what Garea is doing, and Garea sticks out his hand and Billy Graham shakes Garea’s hand as if wishing good luck. As Garea then leaves the ring Superstar Billy Graham attacks him from behind and puts the boots to Garea as Grand Wizard looks on approvingly. Graham actually begins choking Garea but Officials get him off Garea before he causes severe damage. As the show goes to black EMT’s are attending to Tony Garea as Grand Wizard and Billy Garham walk off with their heads high)


©World Wrestling Federation 1983

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WWF All-American Wrestling Preview


George "The Animal" Steele V.S. Tito Santana



"Playboy" Buddy Rose w/ Grand Wizard V.S. "Soul Man" Rocky Johnson



Bob Backlund & ??? w/Arnold Skaaland V.S. Ed Wisokowski & Big John Studd w/Freddie Blassie & Ivan Koloff




WWF Championship Wrestling Preview


Velvet Mcintyre & Liz Chase V.S. Candi Devine & Tracey Richards



S.D. Jones V.S. "Magnificent" Don Muraco w/Lou Albano



"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. V.S. Curt Hennig



Andre The Giant VS Ken Patera



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©World Wrestling Federation 1983

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WWF All-American Wrestling (January Week 4 1983)

Boston Matthews Arena (Boston Massachusetts)

Attendance: 4,473

Commentators: Vince McMahon, Gorilla Monsoon, & Lord Alfred Hayes

Overall Rating: B

(When the show opens we are met with Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes who tell us what’s to come in the show as Fred Blassie’s men Ed Wisokowski and Big John Studd will try to dismantle the WWF World Champion Bob Backlund before his title defense against “The Russian Bear” Ivan Koloff at Madison Square Garden in three days. Lord Alfred then brings up the point that still Bob Backlund has not revealed his tag team partner yet. Gorilla then says that we may find out right now as we head to Vince McMahon at ringside with the WWF Champion Bob Backlund.)


Vince McMahon: I am here with the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion Bob Backlund and his manager Arnold Skaaland. And Bob, in four days you will defend your Title against Ivan Koloff in Madison Square Garden. But today you will face Big John Studd and Ed Wisokowski along with your partner who has yet to be announced. So Mr. Backlund can you give everyone an insight on who your tag team partner will be tonight?


Bob Backlund: Well, later on in the tag team match my partner will be revealed. But not now, not yet, I want Blassie’s men to be completely caught off guard just like I was when the three of Blassie’s men attacked me three weeks ago on Championship Wrestling.


Vince McMahon: I suppose that’s fair Mr. Backlund, well I wish you luck….


[Freddie Blassie along with Big John Studd and Ed Wisokowski come into the picture and interrupt McMahon.]


Freddie Blassie: Hold on a second McMahon, I want to know who this tag team partner of yours is you Pencil Neck Geek (to Backlund) and I want to know right now.


Bob Backlund: I just told everyone, you’ll find out when the bell rings to start the match.


Freddie Blassie: You know what you Pencil Neck Geek, you can have it your way then.

[studd and Wisokowski close in on Backlund which makes him enter the ring challenging both men to enter.]


Vince McMahon: Come on now!


Freddie Blassie: Beat him, injure him, Injure Him!


Big John Studd and Ed Wisokowskiboth go right into the ring and Backlund fends off Wisokowski but Studd is able to take down the champion and starts striking him in the corner, then Wisokowski joins the fray and a 2-on-1 attack is going on now. But then the Boston crowd jump out of their seats as Andre the Giant comes to the ring. Wisokowski tries to go right after Andre, but Andre just headbutts him down to the mat. Then Big John Studd and Andre come face to face with Andre towering over Studd in a shocking manner. Blassie then calls for Studd to get out of there and so he does as Andre just stares him down. Arnold Skaaland and Andre then go check on Backlund as Blassie, Studd, and Wisokowski retreat.

Grade: B-

Notes: Andre is Backlund’s Partner


(After that huge segment Gorilla and Lord Alfred both say that they guess Backlund’s partner has been revealed and that it’s Andre. Lord Alfred calls Andre a stupid French giant who can’t tell the difference between an elephant and himself. Gorilla scolds Lord Alfred for the immature comment and then begins hyping up the next match-up as George “The Animal” Steele faces off against the debuting Tito Santana in one-on-one contest.)


Tito Santana V.S. George “The Animal” Steele


In the Mexican sensation’s debut Tito Santana has to go against the established crazy George Steele in what will be a very interesting match to watch. George Steele does some weird antics before the match that does raise some eyebrows at ringside, but Tito would take him down soon after with some ground wrestling. The Animal would use cheap moves such as the eye rake and actually resorting to biting Tito to get out of holds. But all of his under-handed tactics would come back to haunt him because when he unbuckled the turnbuckle Tito was able to dropkick him into it and school boy him for a big win in his debut.


Grade: C

Notes: N/A

[Vince McMahon meets Tito after the match on the outside of the ring]


Vince McMahon: Haha, Tito that was a huge win for you in your debut. How do you feel now that you are a part of the World Wrestling Federation?


Tito Santana: Vince I feel ecstatic, I hope I will make mi (my) famiglia and fans proud of me in WWF because I will not fail my country, mi famiglia or my fans and I will do whatever it takes to become a World Wrestling Federation Champion.


Vince McMahon: You’ve already made your fans very proud here today Mr. Santana with this big win over George “The Animal” Steele and I bet you will definitely make a mark in the WWF.


Tito Santana: Thank You Vince, ARRIBA!!

[santana walks off]


Vince McMahon: Wooah, it looks like Tito Santana is one to watch in the WWF. Fans don’t go away as when we comeback from this commercial break there is much more great action here on WWF All-American Wrestling.


Grade: C+

Notes: N/A


[We come back to All-American Wrestling and it’s time for the next match where “The Soul Man” Rocky Johnson faces “Playboy” Buddy Rose.]

“Soul Man” Rocky Johnson V.S. “Playboy” Buddy Rose w/ The Grand Wizard


Rocky is looking to get a win here tonight that he has been unable to get since the start of 1983, while Buddy tries to keep his momentum going after his win over Jimmy Snuka. Buddy and Rocky both show their best early on with Rocky hitting some clean and crisp maneuvers. But Rocky wouldn’t be able to keep up his upper-hand and Buddy Rose would pick up the win with Las Vegas Jackpot (DDT).


Grade: C-

Notes: Rocky is hard to work with


[Vince McMahon meets with Buddy and Grand Wizard after the match.]

Vince McMahon: That was a great win right there Buddy, and the thing that shocked me the most about that win was you didn’t cheat to win.


The Grand Wizard: McMahon, slow your roll. Because Buddy Rose may have cheated against Jimmy ‘Super Stupid’ Snuka but that’s only because he is as smart as I am. He knew when the opportunity presented itself he should take and he did and look what it got him, the win.


Vince McMahon: Well now the very man your client Buddy Rose cheated wants some revenge and has been given a rematch in Madison Square Garden against Mr. Buddy Rose.


The Grand Wizard: McMahon to quote Gorgeous George but with a twist, “Win always, lose never, and always cheat.” And in Madison Square Garden will be Mr. Buddy Rose’s mind set as he defeats Snuka one on one.

[Rose and Wizard walk off]


Vince McMahon: Back to Gorilla and Lord Alfred at the announce table.


Grade: B-

Notes: N/A


(Gorilla and Lord Alfred both then discuss the matches that have been announced for Madison Square Garden and give their predictions on who will be victorious. Gorilla shifts gears and begins to talk about the next match which is the huge tag team main event tonight, as Andre the Giant and WWF Champion Bob Backlund will face Fred Blassie’s men Ed Wisokowski and Big John Studd. After a quick discussion McMahon joins Gorilla and Lord Alfred once again and they head to the ring for the Main Event.)


Andre the Giant & Bob Backlund w/ Arnold Skaaland V.S. Ed Wisokowski & Big John Studd w/ Freddie Blassie & Ivan Koloff


When we get started Bob Backlund and Ed Wisokowski are in the ring. Bob would take an early advantage on Ed, but after a swift knee by Wiso he would tag in John Studd who would just man-handle the champion. As Studd is man-handling Bob he puts Bob on his shoulders for what looks like a shoulderbreaker, but Bob falls out of it and tags in Andre. Right when Andre comes in Studd tags in Ed and Studd goes right to the floor. Then as Andre pulls Ed into the ring Ivan Koloff goes over to Backlund who is gaining his breath on the outside of the ring and Ivan hits him in the back with Blassie’s cane.

Referee Earl Hebner see’s the blatant strike with the weapon and Disqualifies Blassie’s men which give Andre and Backlund the win. But this wasn’t about the win for Blassie’s men it was to try and injure Backlund before the Garden. As the bell rings Studd goes up entrance way, while Ivan goes for another cane hit but from inside the ring Andre grabs the cane from him on the back swing and Andre goes outside of the ring to help Bob as Ivan, Ed and Freddie all skedaddle to the backstage area.

Grade: B-

Notes: N/A

©World Wrestling Federation 1983

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