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TCW: The Rebirth Of Pro Wrestling

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Pro Wrestling Is Dead. It's Time For A Re-Birth.


Update: Re-booting this for the new 2016 version of the game (see comments section below). Will get this going once the new game is released. Until then I've re-done and updated all the stuff below.


Hello you wonderful and presumably sexy people of the Grey Dog forum. I've been playing the various incarnations of Ryland's wrestling sims for many years now, but have only just become involved in this forum. I was inspired, frankly, by the excellent Dynasty called DOA, which I felt raised the bar to such I high level that I had to do my own. If this dynasty ends up being even 20% as good as the DOA one is proving to be, I'll be a very happy man. And if people actually read this, I'll be even happier.


I heard somewhere there's a TCW on the CornellVerse. I wouldn't know, I've never played it. This is my own custom fed, set up on a Real World Mod. I'm going to try and bring some real-world touches to this too, like the tidbit below, hopefully bring my own touch to proceedings. I'm thinking this is an ideal way of me bringing my game to life, and hopefully at least one or two of you will come along for the ride...


P.S. Bear with me, I'm new to this.

P.P.S Click the image below to enlarge if needed.




Click the image above to enlarge if needed.
























The TCW Invitational Title is open to all wrestlers from any company in any country anywhere in the world,

regardless of age, size or affiliation. This truly is a universal title. Anything could happen...









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Very cool start and love the graphic work.


Thanks very much to both of you, and I hope you both enjoy reading this once it gets rolling. I owe much thanks to Eisen-verse, who as I say inspired me to do this for my own game. A very good role model to aspire to for this whole Dynasty thing, as the bar has been raised so high with DOA. I can't claim the green TCW logo as my own as I stole that off Google, but the rest of the graphics etc are mine. I'm enjoying doing this. Hope you like it - as I say this is my first Dynasty, so thanks for the support. More coming soon.


Newly Added: Another bit of background info (Below)






FAO: The Editor / Webmaster:

Subject: Warm-Up To Saturday's Deathwish / Kallam Interview




I'm setting off tomorrow for the big TCW interview gig you've lined up for Saturday. I noticed how excited some of our readers were on the comments section of the site and the forum. Twitter is hot with TCW right now. They're trending more than I could have expected. There's real heat for when they do their first show in a week. I was thinking before the interview we should lead in with a historical piece, maybe highlight DW's past and his time in WWE. I was digging through the Archive and found an old VHS of a Shoot Interview with the Undertaker back in the Attitude Era when he was all about bikes and leather trousers. We're talking 6 months before Deathwish married Elena Ross. Some of the things he says are pure GOLD! I've attached some stills I took from the video - the photo quality is dog crap but it's the best I could do with old, faded video tape. Just check out this transcript.


You'll be thanking me for this. Trust me.


- Steve





Transcript Of Undertaker Interview For WWE, Outtake 4b, Private & Confidential - For Office Use Only


Undertaker: I remember when he first came into the locker room, this kid calling himself Deathwish, barely 5ft 10 tall, we didn't know what to make of him at first. There's been people twice his size came in and got eaten up within minutes. He had this rep from the indies for being a big risk taker, being flashy, thinking he was the hot s***. This made us unsure about him from the start, before he even stepped foot in the locker room. I thought he'd get annihilated.


Yet an hour later he's made friends with everybody. He's trading war stories with the road agents, helping Chyna braid her hair, sharing recipe tips with Mick Foley, he was even out there with the road crew helping them set up the ring. He was buddies with everyone! This little limey b****** came in like a pro and turned a lot of heads.


Interviewer: That's surprising to me. Deathwish seems to have this reputation as a... well, not to put it too bluntly...


Undertaker: [Laughing] An a**hole?


Interviewer: I didn't say that!


Undertaker: Yeah I heard that. It's not as simple as that though. He's not an egomaniac or anything like that, he's actually really down to earth. One of the boys. And like I said he could befriend the devil himself if he wanted to. It's just that mouth of his. The boy just doesn't know when to shut the f*** up! It's like he's medically incapable of bulls***. Sometimes that works great, sometimes it lands you up to your neck in crap.


Interviewer: How will his attitude affect his future in WWE?


Undertaker: Vince likes it. He's taken a real shine to the little limey [laughs]. I think he finds the lack of bulls*** refreshing. There's that much back-stabbing and politics in the locker rooms these days. In comes this kid who's like a God-damn hyperactive truth machine... he's different, you know? Vince sees David [Deathwish] as someone he can trust, one of the good guys.


But that mouth of his has landed him in trouble more than once. Paul [Triple H] has said he wants to strangle the kid. I remember he and Jake Roberts had a huge screaming match one time. Dean Malekno can't be in the room at the same time as him. Yet Steve Austin has him on speed dial, and Foley took the kid to Disney World with his family on vacation. Steve Blackman named one of his pet kittens after him! It depends on your perspective I guess.


Interviewer: What about you? How do you get on with him? He IS marrying your niece after all!

Undertaker: Christ, don't remind me! [Laughs] We have our moments. He's a good kid and he means well. But... [Looks away]


Interviewer: Go on...


Undertaker: Look I've never been keen on my little Elena Ross marrying a wrestler is all. She's not my daughter, just my niece, so I know I don't get no say over her future. But we're close, you know? I remember she used to look up to me so much as a little girl. I think that's why she's in to all that Goth s***, you know, because of seeing her Uncle dressed as the Dead Man on TV every week. It had a real big influence on her growing up, especially those few years she lived with me and Sara. Sure she's a smart girl - real smart actually - but she still needs someone to watch over her, to look after her, to protect her I guess.


Interviewer: And David / Deathwish isn't the man for the job?


Undertaker: Like I say, a real nice kid. Problem is the way he's wrestled all his life, taking all those high bumps and stuff. I remember that main event where it was me and him versus HBK and Triple H in the steel cage. I remember throwing him climbing the side of the cage, me throwing him off and him landing right on top of his head. And I mean BANG! Right on the top of his f***ing head! I thought I'd crippled the poor son of a b****. I thought we had another tragedy on our hands, another Droz situation. But then he just gets up like nothing happened and gets on with it. He stole the show too! One hell of an athlete.


But then I also remember being at the medical office for a routine check-up as part of the WWE Wellness Policy. Dr. Youngblood and their back specialist Francois Petit are both in there looking at scans they took of Deathwish's back. They honestly thought he'd been in a God damned car crash, the state he was in. The man's like a f***ing chew toy you'd pull out a dog's mouth, he's got that many scars on him. And he refuses to slow down! Always wanting to push it further and further, to do that extra crazy stunt to get the pop from the fans. By the time he's 40 he'll be lucky if he isn't in a wheelchair. Is that who I want my little Elena spending the rest of her time with, some broken down cripple who was too stubburn or too stupid to listen? Maybe I'm being over-protective. I just want the best for her is all.


Interviewer: You mentioned earlier his mouth getting him in to trouble on occasion. Has that ever been the case with you?


Undertaker: No, far from it. He's always been a gentleman with me. I don't know if it's a British manners thing or what, but always real civil, you know? Not kissing a**, but always real cool with it. And this is in the days before the damn internet spoiled the secret of Elena Ross being The Undertaker's niece, before he even really had the hots for her. But one day that big mouth of his will get him in to trouble, just like it did at TNA. Sure, they put the belt on him, but I hear he upset the wrong people there, and that's why he came crawling back to WWE and Vince like he did. Some people are just destined for trouble I guess.


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  • 1 year later...

Update: This one died before it began, due to it being based on a game I was already a year in to, so remembering exactly what was happening one year prior while writing proved to be too tricky.


With Senor Ryland's announcement of a 2016 incarnation of this great game, plus his FAQ revealing that saved games won't transfer across, I've decided to re-start this one from the beginning.


So as soon as 2016 is released, I'll start this one proper, with a more challenging roster also, consisting of mainly unknown talent.

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NNNNNNNNNECROBUMP! Seriously man, this diary is over a year old, you didn't post a single show, AND TEW16 is still a good tentative four months away. So, not sure why not being able to transfer saves has any bearing on your continuation of this diary, as obviously this thing has been dead for awhile.


That being said, I read though what you did post (not realizing its age) and liked what I saw. Here's hoping the next one lasts.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phreak" data-cite="Phreak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38801" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NNNNNNNNNECROBUMP! Seriously man, this diary is over a year old, you didn't post a single show, AND TEW16 is still a good tentative four months away. So, not sure why not being able to transfer saves has any bearing on your continuation of this diary, as obviously this thing has been dead for awhile.<p> </p><p> That being said, I read though what you did post (not realizing its age) and liked what I saw. Here's hoping the next one lasts.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>"Necrobump" </strong>sounds like a Japanese heavy metal band. I like it. </p><p> </p><p> The save this dynasty was based on is 5 years old. By the time I'd begun to write it up, I was far too far along to remember what had happened at the start during the Urban Chaos tour. The new 2016 incarnation of the game is my excuse to re-do this dynasty with a more challenging roster, and this time write it up on a show-by-show basis.</p><p> </p><p> Right now I'm just re-planning it. For instance, I'm going to make it so that Deathwish wants to resurrect the careers of some of the talented workers he saw getting crappy pushes / gimmicks during his time there. I'm trying to get people's opinions on this via the forum <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=532798" rel="external nofollow"><strong>here</strong></a>. I'm also going to let forum members choose the rules I have to follow for this fed also. Basically I want to make it interactive among the forum if I can. Sure, the dynasty will never reach the heights of some of the others here, but I want to have fun with it.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Edit:</strong> I liked the <strong>'Necrobump'</strong> thing so much I've used it - see above. Thank you very much for the inspiration. I'd hug you, but the internet isn't advanced enough to let that happen yet. Oh, and this:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://twistededge.org/TCW/MTV.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>
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