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DOTT: AWA Taking Hold

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Nothing a bit more advance booking wouldn't cure. It will be hard cracking into a new market, but you've got a decent amount workers that have a following in the Tri State area. If you keep chipping at it, you should have a solid footing there by the end of the year. Have you tried getting onto the Public Access Select 'PPV' carrier yet? That would really help in getting your product out to the country. Good luck! This should be getting very interesting soon.
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Actually I did do advance booking on like Sunday. I think the problem was I didn't think to check on availability as Hogan was booked against Patera, and he ended up being unavailable. I've tried both the two smallest PPV carriers and have been rejected a couple of times. I'll be trying again soon.
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[B]Friday Week 1, February 1983 [COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Pre-Show[/COLOR] [B][SIZE=2]Buck Zumhofe (c) vs. Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] The two workers squared off in a dark match for the Light Heavyweight title, and got the crowd going pretty good to start the night. The crowd was hot and enjoyed the quick, high flying match put on by Zumhofe and Michaels. Zumhofe hit the Flying Splash to make his second title defense. [B]C-[/B] A video played to hype up Dick the Bruiser who is wrestling the next pre-show match. [B] B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Dick the Bruiser vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] This match was a bit off as there wasn’t enough selling. Dick did look good, and Jericho seems to be learning how to put on a better match. The Bruiser took the win after hitting a Knock Out Punch. [B]C[/B] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Main Show[/COLOR] Nick Bockwinkel came out to start the night and had the crowd going hot and heavy, ready for a lynching. Bockwinkel said he had an off night last week at Super Saturday and wanted to make it up to the fans by laying a real beating into Hulk Hogan. [COLOR=Blue]“Tonight, I challenge you Hogan to end this thing once and for all! How about you and me in a steel cage? No DQ, and no distractions. I’ll put the title on the line. But I’ve got one stipulation for you. If I win, which I surely will, you get no more title shots from me for an entire year!” [/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] Hogan comes out to the roar of the crowd looking fired up. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, I’ll gladly take that challenge brother! All my Hulkamaniacs out here are ready to see me run wild on you one last time! And your stipulation is fine with me, as I don’t plan on losing!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] A video plays hyping up the next match, which will be a four way match for the vacated TV title. [B]C+[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Curt Henning vs. Billy Robinson vs. Brad Rheingans vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] The TV match wasn’t a long one, but was chock full of action. All four men were a bit timid at first, but before long Billy Robinson and Brad Rheingans faced off, while Curt Hennig and Mr. Saito took each other on. Saito and Rheingans ended up outside the ring. Hennig then hit a distracted Robinson with a Bridging Back Suplex and won the match and the title. [B]B[/B] A video montage plays showing hilights of the epic struggle between Hogan and Bockwinkel. [B]A*[/B] Nick Bockwinkel then came out with Bobby Heenan. He talked with Gene Okerland and said that he has had enough of the Hollywood star, Hogan. He doesn’t know the first thing about actual wrestling, and isn’t fit to hold the prestigious AWA Heavyweight title. [B]A*[/B] A video plays hyping Rick Martel and his now seven match winning streak. [B] B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Steve Regal[/SIZE][/B] At first, Regal was a bit timid facing Martel, though not as bad as facing Leon White. But soon he settled down, and actually gave Martel a run for his money. But the onslaught was short lived as Martel took over and hit the Flying Cross Body for the win in just over three minutes. [B]B- [/B] Sheik Adnan came out with his tag team declaring that they would administer a sound beating to the Hennig team tonight. [B]A[/B] Hulk Hogan came out and got the crowd really worked up with his antics. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, I’m sick and tired of you putting down the Hulkster just because I’m such a big movie star. Maybe if you weren’t such a cheating scoundrel, you’d have the same admiration from the fans that I do! Tonight, you are just a caged animal brother, and I’m going to tame you!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. The Hennigs[/SIZE][/B] This tag team bout for the titles was a great match. They had the crowd sitting on pins and needles the entire time. Curt was going toe to toe with the menacing Ken Patera, and looked like he could have him on the ropes. Suddenly, Baron Von Raschke made his appearance again, and provided enough distraction to allow Patera to take control and beat Curt for the win. [B]A[/B] The Crusher came down and said he has a very special announcement to make. It has been decided that since we have three major singles titles, the Heavyweight for the main eventers, the TV title for the midcard, and the Light Heavyweight for the lower workers, the AWA will bring in a new and familiar title, the International Heavyweight title. This title will be for the upper midcard workers. Next week there will be a ten man battle royal to decide the first International champion. [B]B+[/B] Nick Bockwinkel came out as the Main Event is getting underway. As the crowd was hitting him with a heavy round of boos, he promised that the victory would be his tonight. [B]A*[/B] Hulk Hogan’s music started up, and the crowd was on their feet. Hogan made his way around the ring slapping hands with the fans before getting in the cage. He said that this is it, it’s now or never. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, your reign of cheating is over brother! The Hulkster is going to be the people’s champion!!” [/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] This is it, the moment everyone was waiting for. The crowd was thunderous as the match got underway. Both men were cautious as they sized each other up. Finally the two men hooked up and the crowd went wild! Both wrestlers looked in top form as there was actually some wrestling taking place this time, by both men! The match went back and forth, and everyone was gasping at every hit. Suddenly, Marty Miller got hit when Bockwinkel whipped Hogan into the cage wall. Bobby Heenan went over to the cage, and handed something to Bockwinkel as Miller was bent over grabbing his shoulder. It was then apparent that Heenan gave Bockwinkel a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Hogan to the wall. He grabbed Hogan and hit him with a series of chops, punches and kicks, all the while doing an excellent job of concealing the fact that Hogan was handcuffed. Heenan then got Millers attention as Bockwinkel choked out Hogan before uncuffing him. Hogan crashed to the canvas, and Bockwinkel hit the ropes, and came down with a vicious leg drop, then covering 1….2……3!!!! [B]A*[/B] As Bockwinkel is declared the victor, Heenan enters the cage with a microphone and begins laying into Hogan saying he’s finished and will never get another shot at the gold. [B] A[/B] Bockwinkel and Heenan then celebrate in the ring to a very rowdy crowd as the show goes off air….[B]A*[/B] Show Rating [B]A[/B] Attendance-6,524 Viewers-112,223 [I]Buck Zumhofe was late to the show as we almost had to make a change. He was given a warning. Chris Jericho and Steve Regal really showed vast improvement in their match skills during the show. And we finally didn’t get a warning from our network after the show![/I] [B]Monday Week 2, February 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-James Rhodes High School[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Greg Gagne with a Running Knee Drop-[B]B-[/B] -David Schults defeated Scott Hall with a Flying Corkscrew Elbowdrop-[B]C+[/B] -Baron Von Raschke defeated Mad Dog Vachon with the Clawhold-[B]B-[/B] -Larry Hennig defeated Blackjack Lanza with the Axe Bomber-[B]B[/B] -Dick the Bruiser and The Crusher defeated Buzz Sawyer and Nick Bockwinkel via DQ-[B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]B-[/B] Attendance-2,000 [B]Next Week on AWA All-Stars:[/B] Rick Martel goes for win #9; that announcement by Sheik Adnan, and the battle royal for the International title….
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[B]Friday Week 2, February 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Pre Show[/COLOR] The crowd was excited and ready for a great show tonight. A video plays to hype the appearance of Big Bull Leon White as the crowd roars in delight. [B]C-[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Leon White vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] New signing Steve Austin wasn’t getting an easy test in his first match in the AWA. And White wasn’t about to take it easy on him either. Leon finished him off in just under five minutes with the Big Elbow Drop. [B] C-[/B] Shawn Michaels came out and said he is the future of the AWA. He wants to challenge anyone in the back that thinks they can beat a future champion. [B]C-[/B] Jim Brunzell came out and accepted the challenge. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jim Brunzell vs. Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Brunzell was looking good in the matchup and was poised to win, but Michaels wasn’t having any of that, and used a foreign object while Jim Mitchell wasn’t looking, and got the pin. [B]C+[/B] [COLOR=YellowGreen]Main Show[/COLOR] A music video plays hyping the first match between Curt Hennig and Billy Robinson for the AWA TV title. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] Though it was a pretty good match, the crowd was restless, wanting more. The two did a admirable job, but just not enough to please the crowd. Hennig did get some cheers when he finished off Robinson with the Bridging Back Suplex. [B]B[/B] The Crusher came out and announced the battle royal will take place prior to the main event. [COLOR=Blue]“It will be a ten man battle. The match will start off with myself, Blackjack Lanza, Jerry Blackwell, and Leon White. The remaining six men will follow in thirty second intervals. The remaining order will be Baron Van Raschke, Mad Dog Vachon, David Schults, Larry Hennig, Jesse Ventura, and a mystery man!” [/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] A video shows Rick Martel, who is up next against Dr. D. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. David Schults[/SIZE][/B] Martel and Schults put on another great match, as these two really work well together. Both men had good moves tonight, and seemed to satisfy some of the crowd’s heavy appetite. Schults did the expected as he ended up getting angry and got disqualified after hitting Martel with the ringside bell. [B]A[/B] Curt and Larry Hennig were backstage and called out The Sheiks. [COLOR=Blue]“We want a rematch! Last week wasn’t a fair fight, so we deserve another shot!”[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell come out with Sheik Adnan and there is a stare down between the four men. Suddenly Baron Von Raschke comes from behind the Hennings and hits Larry as a three on two brawl erupts. [B]B+[/B] After the men finish beating down the Hennigs, Sheik Adnan spits on the Hennigs. [COLOR=Blue]“You two don’t have what it takes to be champions! But just to show you we are fair, we’ll give you another chance next week. But enough about the pitiful Hennigs. I want to take this opportunity to make a special announcement. As you may have already guessed the Sheik has brought in a new member to join our illustrious family. I present to the world, the most dangerous submission artist in the world, Baron Von Raschke!!”[/COLOR] The Baron then puts the claw on both Hennigs, as security finally comes in to break things up. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]International Heavyweight Battle Royal[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was not quite sure what to make of the match as it was such a melee. The Crusher was the first to be eliminated by Jerry Blackwell. Leon White was the next victim followed by Blackjack Lanza. David Schults got too aggressive throwing himself over trying to clothesline Larry Hennig; and Jesse Ventura was eliminated by Mad Dog and Larry Hennig. Hennig was then thrown out by Blackwell leaving the Baron and Blackwell ganging up on Mad Dog before the final man came out. In a big surprise, the last man was Michael Hayes! He came in making it an even fight which ended in a flurry of punches and chops. The Baron and Mad Dog took each other out of the match as Mad Dog ended up going over the ropes when he threw Baron over, still clutching the claw on Mad Dog’s skull. That left Hayes and the big Blackwell. Blackwell managed to finally get Hayes over the ropes, and thought he had won. But Hayes’ feet hadn’t touched the ground, and as Blackwell was celebrating by the ropes on the other side, Hayes got back in, and clotheslined Blackwell in the back of the head, over the ropes for the win! [B]B-[/B] Hulk Hogan comes out prior to the Main Event. He was still fuming over the finish of last weeks match. [COLOR=Blue] “Don’t worry Bockwinkel, I’ll be patiently waiting for my chance to take you out!”[/COLOR] [B] A*[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Brody[/SIZE][/B] Hogan and Brody just didn’t click at all. The crowd was hot for Hogan, but the match was a bit of a drag. Hogan seemed distant as he was probably still drained from last week’s battle. Brody ended up getting DQ’d when he wouldn’t stop choking Hogan. [B]B+[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] Attendance-6,065 Viewers-96,752 [I]This show was obviously a downer after the ending of the Hogan/Bockwinkel feud. I was disappointed with the lack of heat the battle royal had, especially with the appearance of Hayes. Hopefully we can get some more heat with other feuds, but a B+ isn’t bad. I was even more happy to see after reviewing results from the WWF, my main target, that they have yet to crack a B rated show. And they only had one B show after having their only B+ rated match, a title match between champion Bob Backlund and Ray Stevens. One other move was made, as I let go Jake Milliman. He just didn’t fit in our plans, and at his age doesn’t appear to be getting much better. We did managed to sign a 6 month PPV deal with American Option. They will show our February event, Valentine’s Massacre to be held next week on Wednesday.[/I]
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[B]Monday Week 3, February 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Larry Hennig defeated Steve Austin with the Axe Bomber-[B]C-[/B] -Michael Hayes retained the International title against Jesse Ventura with the Double Arm DDT-[B]C+[/B] -Dick the Bruiser defeated Baron Von Raschke by DQ when he was attacked by Sheik Adnan-[B]B-[/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Mad Dog Vachon in a table match-[B]C+[/B] -Hulk Hogan defeated Ken Patera with the Big Leg Drop-[B]B[/B] Show Rating-[B]B-[/B] Attendance-87 [B]Friday on AWA All-Stars:[/B] Rick Martel goes for win #10, the Hennigs take on The Sheiks for the tag titles, and world champion Nick Bockwinkel makes his first title defense since ending the feud with Hulk Hogan….
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[B]Friday Week 3, February 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] Shawn Michaels came out from the back and challenged veteran Kenny Jay to a match, saying he’s a chump. [B]C-[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] Jay came out and accepted the challenge. Michaels wasted no time in cheating to win. After a low blow and a choke hold, Michaels scored the win with some Sweet Chin Music. [B]D[/B] A video plays to hype the next match between Steve Austin and Jim Brunzell. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Jim Brunzell[/SIZE][/B] At first, Brunzell tried to match Austin’s brawling style, but realized he wasn’t a match. Once he went back to his high flying moves, he wore down Austin and took the win with the Sunset Flip. [B]C[/B] [COLOR=Green]Televised Show[/COLOR] The show starts with Rick Martel backstage. He is suddenly hit from behind by Shawn Michaels. Michaels lays him out with a chair before Martel can even see who hit him. Michaels laughed, [COLOR=Blue]“that should do the job.”[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] Curt Hennig came out to the ring. [COLOR=Blue]“Since I am the AWA Television champion, it’s my duty to make a title defense tonight. So anyone in the back that wants to take a shot at this gold, come on down!”[/COLOR] [B]B [/B] Mr. Saito came out and said he’ll take that shot. [B] B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] The crowd just wasn’t into this match, though it was not a bad one. Mr. Saito tried some cheap tricks, but Hennig stayed on top of his game. Hennig put away the win with the Bridging Back Suplex. [B]B-[/B] A video plays up the next match between Rick Martel and Jesse Ventura. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jesse Ventura vs. Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] Martel was clearly rattled and hurt by the attack from Michaels earlier. It didn’t take Ventura much more than a minute to dispatch of Martel, though he still had to use the ropes. Afterwards Ventura taunted Martel about the loss and his win streak being broken. [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with The Sheiks. [COLOR=Blue]“My boys are the greatest tag team alive! No one can defeat them, especially those weak Hennigs. Tonight, these fine athletes will show you pathetic people what they can do!” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. The Hennigs[/SIZE][/B] The Hennigs wrestled a very inspiring match, especially seeing as how Curt had already wrestled earlier. Both men stayed sharp tagging very effectively. By the end, Blackwell was tiring badly. Patera was in the ring, and just couldn’t get the tag made, as Larry took him out with the Axe Bomber to take the AWA tag titles! [B]B+[/B] An irate Sheik Adnan went to see Crusher. He demanded an International Heavyweight title shot for the Baron against Michael Hayes next week at Valentine’s Massacre. Crusher said he’d think about it. [COLOR=Blue]“Well you had better make it happen, or bad things will start happening around here!”[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Michael Hayes came out to a roaring crowd. He said he is facing a true legend in Mad Dog Vachon. But he is the next super star, and is going to come out on top. [B]A [/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Mad Dog Vachon[/SIZE][/B] For whatever reason, the crowd wasn’t really thrilled with this match. The two didn’t really put on the most inspiring bout. But things did heat up when Sheik Adnan came out with Baron and barked some orders. Immediately the Baron attacked Hayes, ending the match in a DQ. B A video plays hyping the main event between Nick Bockwinkel and The Crusher. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. The Crusher[/SIZE][/B] The main event was a good match, and the crowd was really into it. Bockwinkel looked sharp, but of course Heenan took every opportunity to help him out. Heenan went a little too far, and Marty Miller called for the DQ when Heenan choked Crusher. After the match, Bockwinkel attacked Crusher as Heenan yelled out [COLOR=Blue]“that’s for trying to screw us out of the title! You don’t mess with the Heenan family!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] The crowd erupts during the beatdown as Hulk Hogan comes running out to make the save. [B]A[/B] Bobby Heenan taunts Hogan saying he can’t touch Bockwinkel. He lost, and he doesn’t get another shot for a year.[COLOR=Blue] “I don’t care Bobby! I just can’t sit back and watch you two do this to the AWA president brother. The Hulkster has to look out for the good guys.” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Heenan then challenges Hogan and Crusher to a tag match next week at Valentine’s Massacre. They will face Bockwinkel and a mystery partner. Hogan and Crusher accept. [B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]B+[/B] Attendance-6,953 Viewers-107,476 [I]Not a bad show, but a little disappointing after the shows previously. But after last weeks dip in viewers, we were back to our numbers from 3 weeks ago. Buzz Sawyer and King Kong Brody were late, and had to be warned. [/I] [B]Next week on Valentine's Massacre:[/B] Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke for the International Heavyweight title The Hennigs vs. The Sheiks for the Tag titles Rick Martel vs Jesse Ventura Hulk Hogan and The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel and ? Comments/predictions welcome!!
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[B]Monday Week 4, February 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Akron Armory[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Greg Gagne defeated Chris Jericho with the Indian Deathlock-[B]C[/B] -David Schults defeated Brad Rheingans with the Flying Corkscrew-[B]C+[/B] -Dick the Bruiser defeated Baron Von Raschke-[B]B[/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Rick Martel by DQ-[B]B+[/B] -Michael Hayes retained the International title against Buzz Sawyer with a Double Arm DDT-[B]B+[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-1,300 [B]Wednesday Week 4, February 1983 [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Valentine’s Massacre-Target Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The Crusher opens the show welcoming the fans. [COLOR=Blue] “You are in for a great show tonight! Our first match is Kenny Jay versus newcomer Steve Austin!” [/COLOR] [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] Austin and Jay had great chemistry, but it was still a lukewarm opening match. The crowd was already hot as they booed a cheating Austin as he used the ropes for the pin. [B]D[/B] Ken Resnick interviews Leon White. He challenges a ****y Shawn Michaels to a match to show him some manners. [B]D[/B] Michaels appears and said he’s not afraid of the big man. The bigger they are, the more of a splat they make when he kicks him in the skull. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels vs. Leon White[/SIZE][/B] Michaels just couldn’t get the big man off his feet in this battle. He made a good effort, even using some cheap tactics. But White got the win with the Big Elbow Drop. [B]C-[/B] A video plays to hype the next match of Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal for the AWA Light Heavyweight title. [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal[/SIZE][/B] Regal was ****y and promised a victory in this title matchup. He used probably every dirty trick in the book during the match, getting a rise out of the crowd. He ended up scoring the win using the ropes and becomes the new Light Heavyweight champion. [B]C-[/B] Sheik Adnan was backstage with Baron Von Raschke. He promised that Michael Hayes would feel pain when he felt the deadly claw, as the Baron would become the new International champion. [B]B[/B] Jesse Ventura had an interview with Ken Resnick, promising that Rick Martel would be the victim of his fabulous skills. [B]B+[/B] [B]Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke[/B] The crowd ate up this match as both men were on top of their game. The two really had good chemistry as this was a near flawless match. Unfortunately it suffered the fate of not ending cleanly. Jerry Blackwell and Ken Patera were called out by Sheik Adnan, and attempted to get a cheap win for the Baron. As it looked like Hayes was in trouble, Curt and Larry Hennig came out from the back and evened up the score, allowing Hayes to score a win as he slipped out of the claw from a distracted Baron. [B] A[/B] After the match had ended, all six men brawled in the ring area all the way to the back. [B]B[/B] A video plays hyping the Martel and Ventura match. [B]B+[/B] [B]Rick Martel vs. Jesse Ventura[/B] Martel and Ventura were prepared to tear each other apart in this match. Both men had some good moves throughout the match, and wore each other down. When it looked like Martel had the upper hand, Shawn Michaels came down and both men attacked Martel, ending the match in a DQ. [B] B+[/B] After the match, they continued the two on one attack. [B]C[/B] Hulk Hogan and The Crusher cut a promo backstage, and promised to beat Hacksaw and Bockwinkel for the fans. [B]B+[/B] The Hennigs came out for their match. They said that the reign of terror for the Sheiks is over. They will defend the belts with honor. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Hennigs vs. The Sheiks[/SIZE][/B] Right from the start, you could tell all four men were already tired from the earlier brawl. Even so, the match wore on quite a while with a lot of heavy hitting. Selling was obviously out the window as the slugging went on. In the end, Curt was in the ring too long, and Patera scored the win using the tights. The Sheiks win back the tag titles! [B]B-[/B] After the win, the Baron joins in a post match beatdown of the Hennigs. [B]B[/B] A video plays hyping up the big main event of Hogan and Crusher versus Bockwinkel and Hacksaw. [B] B+ [/B] [B][SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan/The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel/Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] This was a good match that turned ugly. The four men fought a good clean match until the end. Bockwinkel had Hogan outside the ring, when he told Hacksaw to grab a chair and hit Hogan. He then hit Hogan in the back knocking him down. Buzz then went nuts and stuck Hogan’s leg in the chair and jumped on it three times. The ref called for the DQ. [B]A[/B] Paramedics were then called out as they had to put an injured Hogan on a stretcher to get him out of the arena. [B]A* [/B] Show Rating-[B]B+[/B] Attendance-12,000 Buy Rate-3,304
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[B][SIZE=2]PWI Insider Report[/SIZE][/B] As may already be apparent with the recent shows being held in both the Great Lakes and the Tri State area, sources tell us that the AWA is preparing to make a major push to become a nationally recognized promotion in the coming years. In an effort to prepare for this push, our source tells us that the AWA has made a major new signing, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. Already a big draw in the South, Steamboat should be a great addition to this rising promotion.
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[B]Friday Week 4, February 1983 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] The ever arrogant Chris Jericho comes out and challenges the president to a match. [COLOR=Blue]“You’re trying to hold me down here in the AWA, and I will not stand for it!” [/COLOR] [B]E[/B] The Crusher comes out and tells the whiney punk like it is, and he’ll gladly wipe that smirk off his face. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Crusher vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was pretty heated up already for this dark match. It was a decent bout, but as seems to be the norm, Crusher wasn’t doing much selling as he tossed the rag doll Jericho around the ring en route to an easy win. [B]C[/B] Shawn Michaels came out and taunted Brad Rheingan’s. [COLOR=Blue]“His mom wanted a girl, but his dad wanted a boy. I’m still trying to figure out who won out!”[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Brad Rheingans vs Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] Rheingans came out looking very red faced. He challenged Michaels, and the match was on. Michaels underestimated the abilities of Rheingans as Brad finally beat him with a Standing Short Arm Scissors, as Michaels screamed for his momma. [B]C+[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] We see Kenny Jay backstage as he is brutally attacked from behind by Steve Austin. After several vicious kicks to the head, Austin leaves him out cold on the concrete. [B]F[/B] Billy Robinson came out and taunted Curt Hennig. [COLOR=Blue] “Hennig, you don’t deserve that TV belt. These people didn’t come to see some cute blond punk like you! They want a real man as champion. How about you prove yourself as a man, and face me tonight?!”[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Kenny Jay vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Somehow even with the earlier beating, Jay managed to put up a pretty decent fight against the brash Austin. But in the end, he couldn’t hold up, and lost after Austin did some choking. [B]D[/B] Backstage, Nick Bockwinkel busted into The Crusher’s office. [COLOR=Blue]“I demand an explanation! I’m not wrestling tonight!” [/COLOR] Crusher yelled back [COLOR=Blue]“Oh yes you will! You are under contract to me, and will wrestle when I tell you to!” [/COLOR] Bockwinkel said he would, but only on the condition he picked the opponent, to which Crusher reluctantly agreed. [B]B+ [/B] Jesse Ventura and Rick Martel bump into each other backstage. Martel was still irate about the attack by him and Michaels last week as the two began arguing. Martel challenged Ventura to settle it in the ring, to which he agreed. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] Hennig came out agreeing to a match with Robinson, reiterating the fact he would not back down from any challenge. The match was an OK one, as the crowd seemed to get a little bored with the overly technical match. Robinson tried to use some cheating tactics as he used the ropes for leverage in a submission move, but Larry Hennig came down and distracted him enough for Curt to get out of the hold. As Robinson tried going after Larry, Curt took Robinson by surprise with a sleeper hold for the win. [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with his wrecking crew, The Sheiks. He hyped up the fact that they cannot be defeated, and will destroy the ranks of the AWA week after week. [B]A[/B] During the tirade, Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell came out and said they wanted their belts back, and challenged The Sheiks to a match next week. [B]C[/B] Jesse Ventura came out for the match with Martel, and said he was in for a rude awakening, as he is facing greatness. [COLOR=Blue]“Ricky my boy, I’ve got the looks, I’ve got the ability, I’ve got the charisma. Did I mention I have the looks? It doesn’t matter, you are going to lose!”[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Jesse Ventura[/SIZE][/B] As Martel strutted down the ramp to the ring, Ventura tried to attack quickly. The two put on a good fight with a lot of varied moves. Ventura got a little too confident when he had Martel down, and that allowed Rick to get up and hit him by surprise with the Flying Cross Body for the win. [B]B[/B] Nick Bockwinkel comes out and says he will wrestle next. [COLOR=Blue]“I will take on a great warrior as I defend the coveted AWA Heavyweight title. You fans will be pleased to know that I will be facing the dreaded Buck Zumhofe!” [/COLOR] The crowd gives a mixed reaction, some cheers for the good guy, but boos because he obviously is afraid to face a good wrestler. [B]C[/B] Backstage Rick Martel is attacked by Jesse Ventura and Shawn Michaels. Ventura was obviously upset about another loss to Martel, and wanted revenge. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] This match was pretty much a joke, as everyone knew. Bockwinkel toyed with the lightweight and pinned him in under 3 minutes. The crowd was actually throwing garbage in the ring after the match. [B] C+[/B] After the match, Rick Martel came out to the ring limping. [COLOR=Blue]“Ventura and Michaels, I’m sick and tired of you two bumrushing me! I want you both in the ring next week in a tag match! You show up, and I’ll have a partner!”[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] Michael Hayes came down prior to the Main Event. He posed for the fans, and said that the good guy would once again win over the evil, and ugly, Baron. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This was a good match, but something just wasn’t right tonight. The fans were restless, and wanted more. The match ended clean as Hayes managed to hit the Baron with a Double Arm DDT and get the pin. [B]B[/B] The Baron then attacks Hayes in a fit of rage as the show goes off air… [B]B-[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] Attendance-6,735 Viewers-98,226 [I]Verne didn't like that show too much. It was still our 2nd highest rated and attended show, but he said that match with Bockwinkel was horrible. I promised him that there was a purpose, and a story developing, so to have patience. [/I] [B]Next week on AWA All-Star Wrestling:[/B] -The tag team match featuring Jesse Ventura and Shawn Michaels against Rick Martel and a mystery partner -The High Flyers take on The Sheiks -Nick Bockwinkel takes on a more worthy opponent and much more!
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[B]Monday Week 1, March 1983 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] -Leon White defeated Steve Regal by countout when he ran away-[B]E[/B] -Brad Rheingans defeated Blackjack Lanza with the Cradle Suplex-[B]C[/B] -Scott Hall and Curt Hennig defeated Chris Jericho and Billy Robinson by a Running Powerslam by Hall on Jericho-[B]D[/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Michael Hayes using the tights-[B]B-[/B] -Buzz Sawyer took out Mad Dog Vachon after using the tag rope-[B]B-[/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-78
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[B]Friday Week 1, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] David Schults comes out and declares that he is going to start kicking *** and taking names in the AWA. And tonight it starts with little Kenny Jay. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]David Schults vs Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] This was an awkward match all the way. Jay wanted to wrestle, while Schults just wanted to drink some beer. Schults finally performed some moves, including a devastating piledriver that practically took Jay’s head off. [B]C-[/B] After the match, Schults decides Jay isn’t hurt enough, and puts the boots to him a few times. [B]C-[/B] The next match is Steve Austin vs. Brad Rheingans. Rheingans is out first, but before he even clears the curtain, he is hit from behind by Austin with a chair as he then laughs and heads to the ring. [B]C-[/B] Austin grabbed the mic and told the fans he’s not the only one kicking some *** tonight. [B] C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] Rheingans was pretty wiped out by that chair shot. Austin took advantage with several hard rights to the head, and looked like he used some brass knuckles when the ref wasn’t looking, and took the pin. C [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Rick Martel came out and said he’s excited about tonight’s tag match. He will soon announce who his mystery partner is. C+ Curt Hennig came out and challenged Chris Jericho to a TV title match. [COLOR=Blue]“I don’t really like you Jericho, but you have some talent, and I’m willing to give you a shot if you want it.”[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] Jericho came out and tried slinging some insults at Hennig as he accepted the challenge. Unfortunately for him, he came out looking more like the idiot than Curt. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] Curt looked to be off out there, but still looked pretty strong. Jericho really looks to be improving, as he finally finished a match without looking totally exhausted. Curt was still the better man as he finished Jericho off with the Bridging Back Suplex. [B]C+[/B] Baron Von Raschke called out Michael Hayes asking for another shot at him. Hayes agreed [COLOR=Blue]“Baron, I respect your skills man. You are one tough SOB. We’ve had a couple hard fought matches so far. So how about this. You and me, we’ll have a little seven match series. The man to win four, will take the belt.” [/COLOR]Baron agreed, then held out his hand to Hayes. Hayes was reluctant, but shook his hand. Baron held on tight as he put the claw on Hayes. Security quickly was out to break it up. [B]B-[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with his tag team as he praised Baron. He said that The Sheiks are a well oiled machine, and will run over the High Flyers, and leave them flat on their backs tonight. [B] A [/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. The High Flyers[/SIZE][/B] This one could have been a better match, but Greg Gagne really didn’t do much for his partner tonight. When he was in the ring, he was quick to submit to a Swinging Full Nelson by Patera. [B]C+[/B] After the match, The Sheiks challenge anyone that thinks they have the guts, to a match. Jerry Blackwell really looks to be improving on his mic skills. [B]B[/B] A video plays hyping up the next tag match of Martel and a mystery partner versus the new team the Greek Gods, Jesse Ventura and Shawn Michaels. [B]C[/B] The Greek Gods are in the ring, when Martel comes out from the back. [COLOR=Blue] “I guess it’s time for the big announcement! Come on out Ricky!” [/COLOR]Out steps Ricky Steamboat to a huge pop from the audience (mostly manufactured since Steamboat isn’t well known in the Mid West yet). [B]B-[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]The Greek Gods vs. Ricky Steamboat and Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] This match was hard to figure. It was hard to pinpoint if it was the greenness of Michaels, the not so well known Steamboat, or if the crowd was all drunk; but the match didn’t go over as well as expected. It was a pretty good match though as the four men battled. Martel ended up getting a bit of a fluke win as Ventura made a tag to Michaels, who for whatever reason tagged Ventura before he even left the ring. Martel then hit the unsuspecting Ventura with a Flying Cross Body, and the pin. [B]C+[/B] Michael Hayes came out ready to pound on the Baron. He will get his revenge for his earlier actions. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This culminating bitter rivalry had another great chapter written with this match. Both men put on an amazing display tonight that had the crowd on their feet. It was so close, that it took a cheap shot by the Baron while Sheik Adnan distracted Marty Miller, to win the match as he used the Claw. [B]A[/B] Bobby Heenan and Nick Bockwinkel came out and announced they have an opponent for the main event. [COLOR=Blue]“Nick has accepted the challenge from a great competitor in the AWA. A man that is feared all over the world. But I have faith that my man Nick will prevail. The challenger tonight is none other than Larry Hennig!”[/COLOR] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland talk about how Hennig is a good wrestler, but he isn’t really in the league of Nick Bockwinkel. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Larry Hennig[/SIZE][/B] Bockwinkel seemed to toy with the challenger Hennig. Larry got in some good shots on the champ, but Bockwinkel was too good tonight. He did cheat using the ropes, but got a pretty easy win once again. [B] B+[/B] Bockwinkel is applauded by Bobby Heenan, as the champ poses in front of the crowd showing his physique to a chorus of boos. [B]A[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] Attendance-6,817 Viewers-100,728
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[B]Monday Week 2, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Steve Austin defeated Greg Gagne using the tights-[B]C-[/B] -Larry Hennig defeated Mr. Saito with the Axe Bomber-[B]C+[/B] -David Schults defeated The Crusher using the ropes-[B]B[/B] -Masked Hero defeated Ken Patera by DQ-[B]C[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated Dick the Bruiser-[B]B+[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-2,495 [B]Friday Week 2, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] Chris Jericho came out and insulted the crowd saying they didn’t deserve to see such a great athlete, as he also put down his opponent, Greg Gagne as a no talent loser that only gets to wrestle because his daddy owns the company. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Chris Jericho vs. Greg Gagne[/SIZE][/B] Normally one might agree with Jericho’s assessment of Gagne, but tonight he was on his game. He and Jericho worked well together in this match and really got the crowd warmed up for the show. Gagne was determined to beat Jericho and eventually put the match away as he put Jericho to sleep. [B]C+[/B] A video plays hyping up the next match between Leon White and Mad Dog Vachon. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Leon White vs. Mad Dog Vachon[/SIZE][/B] Both men need to work on their selling as they bashed each other with tons of hits and neither wanted to take the fall. Finally Big Bull started putting the hurt on the older Vachon and got him off his feet. That enabled him to land the Big Elbow Drop and get the pin. [B]C+[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] The Greek Gods came out to the ring. Ventura wasn’t happy about the loss last week and called out Rick and Ricky for a rematch. [B]C+[/B] A new guy, familiar to some in attendance comes out to the ring, Paul Orndorff. He introduces himself as Mr. Wonderful [COLOR=Blue]“I’m here to rescue you pathetic people from these ugly men that come out here each week. You are looking at the most magnificent specimen of a human being before you. Tonight I am going to show you what I can do in the ring. Curt Hennig, I call you out!” [/COLOR][B]C[/B] Curt Hennig came out wearing the TV championship belt as the crowd cheered him on. He accepted the challenge of Mr. Wonderful, and is ready to go right now. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Paul Orndorff[/SIZE][/B] There was nothing special to be said about this match, but it was just very solid. Hennig is always a good worker in the ring, and the newcomer showed he was no slouch himself. The crowd was into the match as the two men went back and forth. Mr. Wonderful got a little too ****y after a clothesline of Hennig as he posed for the crowd. That allowed Hennig to sneak up from behind and hit him with a Bridging Back Suplex for the win. [B]B[/B] Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat come out and say they accept the rematch against Ventura and Michaels. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Greek Gods vs. Martel/Steamboat[/SIZE][/B] This wasn’t the best match of all, as Michaels isn’t quite up to par with the rest of the guys in the ring, but it was a decent bout. .Ventura was a man on a mission tonight as he fought off the two men. In the end, Michaels was able to distract Marty Miller as Ventura hit Martel off the ring apron, and choked out Steamboat with his feather boa, and then hit him with the Body Breaker for the win. [B] B-[/B] Jesse Ventura taunts Martel as he and Steamboat go up to the back. [B]B[/B] King Kong Brody comes out and lays down and open challenge to any girl in the back. [B]A[/B] The newcomer, Masked Hero, comes out and says he accepts the challenge. Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland talk a little about the new masked man that no one seems to know anything about. [B] A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]King Kong Brody vs Masked Hero[/SIZE][/B] Brody seemed to be really caught off guard as he went after the masked man with a vengeance, yet he wasn’t backing down. Hero came back at Brody equally hard every time. As the two battled, Brody left the ring in disgust walking to the back to the loud jeers of the fans as he was counted out. [B]B+[/B] A video plays hyping up the main event of Nick Bockwinkel and The Crusher. [B]B+[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with the Baron for the next match. He told the fans that the Baron was on his way to win number two, and becoming the new International champion. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] The match was another great performance by the two men as the crowd ate it up all the way. The two went toe to toe and matched move for move. Sheik Adnan realized the bout could go either way and distracted the ref as Baron threw some powder in Hayes’ face. That gave him the window he needed to clamp on the Claw for the win. [B] A [/B] Bobby Heenan came out with Nick Bockwinkel. [COLOR=Blue]“Nick is the greatest champion the AWA has ever seen! You people just don’t appreciate greatness! We’ve heard the taunts about how the last couple of weeks he has faced weak opponents. Well tonight, we will show you how good he really is as he destroys your little president Crusher!” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] The Crusher came out and said that Bockwinkel is not the best there is. [COLOR=Blue]“If it weren’t for the Weasel cheating for you, you wouldn’t be wearing that belt!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. The Crusher[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was hot for this match as the two men faced off. One may never know how good Bockwinkel really would be on his own as The Crusher looked like he might steal the win tonight. But of course, Heenan had to stick his nose into the match allowing Bockwinkel to get the win. [B]A[/B] Show Raing [B]A[/B] Attendance-6,721 Viewers-109,226 [B]Next week on AWA All-Star Wrestling:[/B] Match #3 in the Hayes/Baron fued The Martel/Ventura feud heats up and a match to decide the #1 contender for the AWA championship.
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[B]Monday Week 3, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Big Scott Hall defeated Mr. Saito with the Fall Away Slam-[B]C[/B] -Ricky Steamboat defeated David Schults by DQ-[B]C[/B] -Jesse Ventura defeated Leon White by submission-[B]C[/B] -Ken Patera defeated Larry Hennig by pinfall after interference from Shiek Adnan-[B]C+[/B] -Masked Hero defeated Buzz Sawyer by pinfall-[B]B+[/B] Show Rating-[B]B-[/B] Attendance-63 [B]Friday Week 3, March 1983 [SIZE=3] [COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] Steve Austin comes out bragging about how good he is, and how he has a winning streak going. He faces Leon White tonight, and he will bring the big man down. [B]E[/B] Buck Zumhofe comes out and challenges Chris Jericho to a match. [B]D[/B] Leon White is seen backstage, as he is suddenly attacked by Steve Austin with a chair. [B] D[/B] Bobby Heenan comes out to the boos of the fans. He announces that he has a new member he has added to the Heenan family. [COLOR=Blue]“He is young and rough around the edges, but he is a real diamond. Let me bring out none other than Chris Jericho!” [/COLOR][B]C+[/B] After Jericho comes out, Heenan declares that Jericho would be happy to beat Mr. Zumhofe tonight. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buck Zumhofe vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE] [/B] Jericho and Zumhofe were pretty evenly matched tonight. But thanks to some masterful interference from the Brain, Jericho was able to slap on what he has called, the Walls of Jericho. [B]C- [/B] A video plays hyping the Austin and White matchup. [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Leon White[/SIZE][/B] Austin had already softened up White earlier, and just added some more cheating in this match as he defeated the big man. [B]C-[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Jesse Ventura starts off the televised portion of the show by having an interview with Gene Okerland. He taunts Rick Martel, and says he is weak, and will never be anybody in the AWA. [B]B+[/B] Ventura then proceeded to call out Martel to face him. Martel appears in back, but is jumped from behind by Shawn Michaels, who lays him out with a trash can. [B]C+[/B] A video plays, hyping up the first match between Ricky Steamboat and Billy Robinson. [B]C+[/B] [B]Ricky Steamboat vs. Billy Robinson[/B] This was a match to behold. If you ever wanted to see a great display of technical prowess, this was the match. But Steamboat was the better man as he wore down Robinson, and beat him with the Flying Body Press for the win. [B]A [/B] After the win, Ventura and Michaels sneak up behind Steamboat and attack him. Michaels holds him down as Ventura repeatedly gives him some nasty chops to the chest before choking him out with the boa. [B]C[/B] As they are still in the ring, Rick Martel runs out to save Steamboat. Ventura jumps from the ring, going through the crowd, but Michaels doesn’t get away in time as Martel grabs him and begins laying it into him. He finally leaves Michaels out cold after ramming him into the corner post outside the ring. [B]C[/B] Martel then goes back into the ring, and grabs a mic. He calls out Ventura [COLOR=Blue]“Here I am Jesse! Come and get me! Be a man, and face me in the ring, right now!” [/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] After Martel helps up Steamboat, Ventura appears from the crowd with a mic in hand. [COLOR=Blue]“Alright Ricky boy, I’m here! Let’s do this!”[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Jesse Ventura[/SIZE][/B] Martel was psyched up, while Ventura was clearly rattled. Ventura put up a good start, but Martel was too focused. Ventura tried to escape, but Martel grabbed him, threw him into the ropes and flattened him with the Flying Cross Body for the win. [B]B[/B] The Crusher comes out, bringing Buzz Sawyer, Ken Patera and King Kong Brody with him. He announces that he needs to determine a number one contender to the AWA Heavyweight title. He announces that there will be a three way match in the main event to determine who that will be. As the men look pleased at this announcement, the newcomer Masked Hero appears from the back. [COLOR=Blue]“Wait a minute man! You’re telling us that these three goons are the top contenders for the heavyweight title? That’s ridiculous! In the last two weeks, I’ve beaten every one of these guys. I may be new, but that doesn’t add up!” [/COLOR]The Crusher agrees [COLOR=Blue]“You’re right. While you are new, and you shouldn’t really be involved, I’m going to amend this matchup. It will now be a four way match including you Masked Hero!”[/COLOR] The other three men have disgusted and confused looks on their faces, as Crusher actually lets go a bit of a smirk. [B]B[/B] A video plays to hype up the next match featuring Baron Von Raschke and Michael Hayes in the next match of the seven match series. [B]B[/B] Michael Hayes comes out for the match, and declares to the fans that he is determined to win tonight. He’s already in a 2-0 hole, and isn’t about to let that title slip out of his fingers. [B]B+ [/B][B] [SIZE=2]Michael Hayes vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This was yet another great bout in the series for these two men. Sheik Adnan was not with the Baron tonight as we got to see a good clean bout. Hayes was on fire, rarely letting the Baron get his shots in. He finally took the win after laying out the Baron with a Double Arm DDT. [B]A[/B] A video plays hyping up the four way main event. [B]B [/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buzz Sawyer vs. Masked Hero vs. Ken Patera vs King Kong Brody[/SIZE][/B] This match was an interesting one to say the least. It had a timid start as no one was sure who to go after first. Finally things got going, and the match was heating up. The three big men were at one point ganging up on the masked man, and then ended up fighting each other after Patera tried to pin him first. Patera and Brody ended up outside the ring, when none other than Nick Bockwinkel made an appearance. With Marty Miller taking his eyes off the action in the ring watching Patera and Brody, Bockwinkel tripped Buzz Sawyer after he was whipped into the ropes. This allowed Masked Hero to lock on a crude, but effective figure four leglock for the win. [B]B+[/B] Nick Bockwinkel is seen laughing back up the ramp as he is obviously happy to be facing the newcomer masked man rather than any of the other three behemoths. [B]A[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] Attendance-6,213 Viewers-115,505
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[B][SIZE=2]PWI Insider Report[/SIZE][/B] PWI has gotten reports of a big signing by the AWA. We cannot confirm, but rumors persist that this new Masked Hero could indeed be the new man. Rumors have been flying as to who this masked man is all week. Some say it is the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Others say Billy Graham or Stan Hansen. Some have even questioned whether it is really Crusher, trying to free the heavyweight title from the hated Bockwinkel. We could find out next week as the masked man will be on center stage facing the most devious wrestler in the world.
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[B]Monday Week 4, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Steve Austin defeated Kenny Jay with a foreign object-[B]D[/B] -Big Scott Hall defeated Steve Regal by DQ-[B]C-[/B] -Jerry Blackwell defeated Greg Gagne by countout-[B]C+[/B] -Ken Patera defeated Dick the Bruiser by countout-[B]B[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated Mad Dog Vachon using the ropes-[B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-2,433 [B] Friday Week 4, March 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] A video plays to hype the first match between Buck Zumhofe and Blackjack Lanza. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Blackjack Lanza vs. Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] Blackjack pretty much manhandled the smaller Zumhofe. He toyed with him letting him think he had a chance, but shortly took him out with a piledriver. [B]C+[/B] Jesse Ventura comes out and challenges his buddy Shawn Michaels to a match. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jesse Ventura vs. Shawn Michaels[/SIZE][/B] These two put on a pretty good match for the fans. There was some good comedy bits in the match as the two played around with each other. Michaels then got in some good shots, which appeared to irritate Ventura who then dished out some big hits on the younger Michaels who decided that was enough, and wouldn’t get back in the ring and was counted out. [B] B-[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Brad Rheingans comes out and challenges Steve Austin to a match. He still owes Austin for that attack a couple weeks back. [B]C-[/B] Austin says he’ll gladly take him on again. [B]C-[/B] Rick Martel is seen backstage as he is attacked by Steve Regal with a cooler. [B]C[/B] Brad Rheingans is the first man out for his match with Austin, when Austin rushes him from behind and bulldogs him off the stage to the concrete floor. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] After the bulldog, Austin grabs Rheingans and drags him to the ring. On his way he takes the opportunity to slam him into the ring stairs and the ring post. Rheingans is barely able to stand, as Austin continues pounding away. Austin grabs something from his trunks and makes one last punch as Rheingans goes down like a sack of potatoes, and Austin makes the pin. [B]C[/B] Backstage Jesse Ventura is seen laughing with Shawn Michaels. [COLOR=Blue]“Man that was great Jesse! I can’t believe Regal agreed to attack Martel for you like that. That was classic.” “Yeah Shawn, it’s always nice when you can find some idiot like Regal to do your dirty work.”[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Ricky Steamboat cuts a promo for his match with Steve Regal. He promises to take some revenge for his friend Rick Martel. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Regal vs. Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE][/B] Ricky looked to have this match in the bag as he dominated the hapless Regal. Unfortunately for him, Shawn Michaels made an appearance, and after leaving something in the corner of the ring, he distracted the ref long enough that Regal grabbed the object and knocked Steamboat out cold, and made the pin. [B]C+[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with his big boys citing how great they are. “[COLOR=Blue]My boys had fun destroying the High Flyers this week Monday, and they would like to do it again. What do you say High Flyers, willing to take some more punishment?”[/COLOR] [B] B[/B] The High Flyers come out and accept the challenge. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. The High Flyers[/SIZE][/B] The High Flyers had a pretty good start to the match, but the numbers of Sheik Adnan’s army was too much as both he and Baron Von Raschke made their presence felt many times. Ken Patera got a submission out of Greg Gagne, which really was more of a choke hold. [B]B-[/B] Michael Hayes had an interview hyping his match with Baron Von Raschke. [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan brought the Baron out for the match. He grabbed a microphone and told Michael Hayes that his days as International champion are numbered. [B]B+[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] Hayes and the Baron put on yet another awesome match tonight. This time Sheik Adnan was at ringside as you knew he couldn’t sit back and let the match go cleanly. The Sheik distracted Marty Miller as the Baron put the claw on Hayes’ groin area, taking him to the mat immediately. As Miller turned his attention back to the two men, Baron put the claw on Hayes’ head and got an easy win to go up 3-1 in the series. [B] A[/B] A video plays hyping up the Main Event of Nick Bockwinkel versus the Masked Hero for the AWA Heavyweight championship. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Masked Hero vs. Nick Bockwinkel (c)[/SIZE][/B] Bockwinkel and Heenan were very surprised to see that the masked man was very well conditioned, and up to the task of going toe to toe with the champ. The two men slugged it out for several minutes, as the masked man looked to get the upper hand. Heenan tried to get involved, but The Crusher came down making sure that wouldn’t happen keeping Heenan busy. This in itself caused enough of a distraction for Bockwinkel, that the masked man got in some hard hits, knocking the champ down. Hero then went off the ropes, and landed a huge leg drop, and covered for the 1,2,3! [B]A[/B] After the match, the Masked Hero is celebrating, when Bockwinkel attacks him. He gets him in the corner unleashing several right hands to the head. Bobby Heenan manages to knock Crusher down somehow, and assists Bockwinkel as he attempts to get off the mask. He is finally successful, and reveals the Masked Hero as none other than Incredible Hulk Hogan, as he shakes his head in disbelief! [B]A*[/B] With the crowd erupting in cheers, Bobby Heenan grabs a microphone bringing the crowd to a standstill. [COLOR=Blue]“Now just a minute here! This can’t happen! Hulk Hogan lost to Nick Bockwinkel last month, and couldn’t challenge him for a year. Crusher, strip this man of his title immediately!” [/COLOR]Crusher refuses to do it, as this was totally legit seeing that he was not wrestling as Hulk Hogan. Heenan then threatened action from his lawyer, when Crusher began to crumble. [COLOR=Blue] “I’ll strip the title from Hogan, but on one condition. Nick Bockwinkel must face Hogan at March Madness Sunday for the title. If Hogan loses this time, he cannot challenge for the title for the next year, as himself, masked, or otherwise.” [/COLOR] Bockwinkel interrupts: [COLOR=Blue]“No, if he loses, he can NEVER challenge me for the title again!” [/COLOR]Hogan agrees [COLOR=Blue]“You got it brother! You won’t be beating me again!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-5,728 Viewers-127,076 [B][SIZE=2]Next on March Madness![/SIZE][/B] -Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig takes on Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorf -Buzz Sawyer and Mad Dog Vachon face off in the battle of the maniacs -Baron Von Raschke takes on Michael Hayes in what could be the deciding match for the Interational title -And of course the Main Event for the AWA Heavyweight title where Hulk Hogan must defeat champion Nick Bockwinkel or never be able to challenge him again!
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I follow all of the consistent DOTT diaries. Real Loose Cannons AWA, Doc's WWF, Oldschools MSW, and the DOTT WWF 84 diary. I must say, the surprise masked wrestler being Hogan was greatest swerve of'em all so far. That's saying alot, as you are in some good company. I honestly thought from the "crude, but effective figure four leglock" hint that you dropped that it was going to be Greg Valentine. You sure fooled me. Good one!
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Thanks for the words, I appreciate that. I'm not that familiar with the majority of the guys during this time other than the Hogan's and other more known guys from the WWF, but I can say this has been fun to do. As I got into the masked Hogan bit, I thought I should throw in a couple things to make people not think of him right away because I thought the injury bit from the earlier show might be a dead giveaway. Unfortunately, due to a screwup on my part, I'll have to throw in yet another swerve for the big PPV.
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[B]Sunday Week 4, March 1983 [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA March Madness-Roy Wilkins Auditorium[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Steve Regal comes out to the ring acting ****y holding the AWA Light Heavyweight belt over his shoulder. [COLOR=Blue] “Since I am the best the AWA has ever had holding this great belt, I feel I must do my duty and defend it for you people. I figure if you forked over that hard earned money from scrubbing toilets, that you deserve to see a great man such as myself. So if any bums back there want a shot at a real title holder, come on down.”[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] Buck Zumhofe comes out and says he wants his belt back, so he’s ready for the match. [B]C-[/B] Things got a bit interesting when Shawn Michaels stormed out [COLOR=Blue]“Whoah, whoah, whoah there little Bucky. I think it’s about time the Heartbreak Kid had a title shot!” [/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] The Crusher came out to settle things. [COLOR=Blue]“OK boys, I know none of the three of you are very good, so maybe a match with all three of you will give the fans a decent match! Right now, you three are wrestling for the Lightweight title!” [/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Regal (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] Michaels was the only guy that seemed excited about the match. All three men went after each other to start the show. The match started out a bit awkward, but soon Regal and Michaels teamed up to beat on Zumhofe. They threw Zumhofe off the ropes, and hit a double team back body drop. Regal got excited, and went to high five Michaels, but was met with a hard kick to the head. Michaels quickly grabbed the tights and pinned Regal for the win. [B]C[/B] As Regal is in the ring still trying to figure out what just happened, Rick Martel runs into the ring looking for revenge. He begins beating on Regal with a flurry. He yells to Marty Miller to ring the bell for a match, which he does. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Rick Martel vs. Steve Regal[/SIZE][/B] Regal is just too beat to even put up a fight against the hot Martel. After some tossing around, Martel throws him into the ropes and lays him out with the Flying Cross Body, and pins him for the quick win. [B]C+[/B] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland talked about how later we will see a submission match between two of the AWA’s finest technical wrestlers, Billy Robinson and Brad Rheingans. [B]C+[/B] David Schults came out, looking visibly drunk, as he threw a beer can into the crowd. He came to the ring, and began rambling incoherently and spitting on the crowd. He did seem to say something about being the toughest SOB in the AWA. [B] C[/B] Leon White came out to a cheer, and said that Schults was a disgrace to the promotion. He may be tough, but Big Bull is both tough and big. He wants to teach him a lesson in respect. He challenges Schults to a table match, which he accepts. [B]C- [/B] [B][SIZE=2]Leon White vs. David Schults[/SIZE][/B] This was a pretty good brawl, but the crowd wasn’t really impressed. The fact that Schults was a bit tipsy probably did it in. Halfway through the match, the ref was hit as White picked up Schults and put him through the table. Miller missed it, as the match continued on. Schults was able to rattle White’s cage with a chair as Miller was still bent over, and then grabbed White, and shoved him onto the already broken table as Miller turned around, and called the win for Schults. [B]C+[/B] Lee Marshall gets word about something happening backstage. The camera is seen in the parking lot, as we just get a glimpse of Hulk Hogan’s limp body being put in the trunk of a car, which then speeds off. The abductor could not be seen as he was wearing a ski mask. Paul Orndorff is backstage talking to Ken Resnick about how great he is, which is why they call him Mr. Wonderful. Curt Hennig happens to walk by, mumbling something under his breath. It sets off Orndorff, who ends up challenging him to a match to see who is truly perfect. [B]C+[/B] Sheik Adnan comes out with Ken Patera. He said he wants to show the world how truly destructive Patera really is. He will demonstrate tonight with a match against Kenny Jay. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Ken Patera vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] This wasn’t even a match, more of a blood bath. Patera just manhandled Jay, who didn’t even get in a swing. After some choking, Patera threw Kenny across the ring into the corner, and then planted him with the most viscous spear known to man. He didn’t even bother pinning Jay, as he just stood there with a foot on his stomach. [B]C+ [/B] A hype video plays for the match between Billy Robinson and Brad Rheingans. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Billy Robinson vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] This was surely a great match, but with the crowd getting rowdy about the possible no show of Hogan, this match didn’t draw much heat. In one of the longer matches of the night, the two men really put on a nice show. Robinson got disgusted by the fact that he wasn’t dominating Rheingans, and used a submission move, that was more of a choke hold that Marty Miller didn’t detect. [B]C+[/B] Buzz Sawyer is seen backstage talking to himself. [COLOR=Blue]“Ah, the deed is about done. Hahaha, you are finished. Mad Dog, you will feel the pain!”[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] Paul Orndorff came out for his match with Mr. Perfect, and finally started heating up the crowd. [COLOR=Blue] “Curt, I was wonderful long before you thought about being perfect. Tonight, the world will see that you can’t hold a candle to the great Mr. Wonderful!”[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig vs. Paul Orndorff[/SIZE][/B] Hennig and Orndorff put on a display of why they are Mr. Perfect and Mr. Wonderful. They went toe to toe, and neither man showed any weaknesses. As the match wore on, Bobby Heenan made his way down to the ring. He grabbed a chair, and threw it into the ring. He barked something apparently to Orndorff, who then took the chair, and plastered it into Hennig’s chest, ending the match in a DQ. [B]B[/B] A video plays hyping the next match between Buzz Sawyer and Mad Dog Vachon. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buzz Sawyer vs. Mad Dog Vachon[/SIZE][/B] Buzz was looking more homicidal then usual tonight. He actually appeared to have some blood on his hand before the match even started. Mad Dog held his own, but Buzz was too intense and focused. He finally put away Vachon after a clothesline. [B]C+[/B] A video plays hyping the big International title match between Michael Hayes and Baron Von Raschke. [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with the Baron. He promised the fans that the Baron would go easy on Hayes tonight, and not destroy him. However, he will be leaving the new International Heavyweight champion. [B]B+[/B] Michael Hayes came out, and stood toe to toe with the Baron. [COLOR=Blue] “I’m not backing down, and I’m certainly not going home a loser tonight! How about you be a man, and fight your own battle Baron! Don’t let that sheik make a mockery out of this match by interfering!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] The two put on another great match, and the crowd was now hot and heavy by now. This one was a great display as the Sheik actually kept out of the match. He probably didn’t want to risk a DQ extending the series. The Baron looked like he would seal the victory as he went for the Claw, but Hayes ducked away, grabbed him, and took him down with the double arm DDT, and pinned him for the win. [B]A[/B] Hayes then celebrates the victory in the ring to the cheering crowd. [B] B+[/B] Upset with himself, the Baron gets up and attacks Hayes. He puts on the Claw and doesn’t let go. Security finally comes out and they get him off of Hayes. [B] B [/B] Nick Bockwinkel comes out with Bobby Heenan. [COLOR=Blue]“Well, I guess there is no main event tonight with me and Hogan. Looks like he is a no show.” Bockwinkel is grinning from ear to ear as he talks. “I would say this is a forfeit, which counts as a loss. So Hogan will never have a shot at this belt!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] The Crusher comes out [COLOR=Blue]“Not so fast Bockwinkel. We have reason to believe that you were in on an abduction plan of Hulk Hogan. We have footage of him being kidnapped earlier tonight. In no way does this count as a loss. And while I am disappointed with what has gone down, and how we will be letting our fans down who were counting on a great main event, the show must go on. I’ve got a surprise for you Nick my boy. You will indeed be wrestling tonight. Let me introduce your opponent, another champion…..” [/COLOR] The famliar sound of trumpets begins playing as Bockwinkel is dumbfounded… Out steps none other than the Nature Boy, Ric Flair!! [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Ric Flair[/SIZE][/B] Despite the fact that the fans were here to see Hogan take on the champ, they were just as hot to see the NWA Heavyweight champion take on their very own AWA Heavyweight champion. Despite having not faced each other before now, the two men fought like it was the middle of a bitter fued. After the ten minute mark, the match was taken out of the ring. Finally they headed back to the ring, where after some exchanges of right hands, Flair whipped Bockwinkel into the ropes, and as he came off Flair was tripped up by Heenan as the two men hit each other, bumping heads. They both went down, as James Beard ended up having a double count out. [B]A*[/B] The two men finally got up, and just stared each other down. [B]A[/B] Show Rating B+ Attendance-2,632 [I]The show was a disappointment as Hogan ended up a no show thanks to a NJPW event he neglected to tell us about. The show was also a bust because I found out that our people screwed up, and it was never submitted to our carrier as a Pay Per View. That explains the weak turnout I think. The Hogan bit did allow us a good spot to throw Ric Flair in there, and I think it turned out well. I’m not sure where we’ll go from here, but we’ll figure it out[/I].
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Now that we are through the first quarter of 1983, here is a look at the current roster and their accolades: [B]Main Event:[/B] Hulk Hogan-WWF International Heavyweight champion Ken Patera-[B]AWA World Tag Team champion[/B] Nick Bockwinkel-[B]AWA Heavyweight champion[/B] Buzz Sawyer-National Tag Team champion Ric Flair-NWA Heavyweight champion Rick Martel King Kong Brody-NWA International Heavyweight champion [B]Upper Midcard:[/B] Ricky Steamboat Larry Hennig Michale Hayes-[B]AWA International Heavyweight champion[/B], WCCW Texas Tag Team champion, WCCW Six Man Tag Team champion Paul Orndorff Jerry Blackwell-[B]AWA World Tag Team champion[/B] Baron Von Raschke Jesse Ventura [B]Midcard:[/B] Jim Brunzell Brad Rheingans Curt Hennig-[B]AWA Television Champion[/B] Greg Gagne Billy Robinson David Schults [B]Lower Midcard:[/B] Mr. Saito Leon White Shawn Michaels-[B]AWA Light Heavyweight champion[/B] Big Scott Hall Steve Regal [B]Opener:[/B] Buck Zumhofe Chris Jericho Steve Austin [B]Enhancement:[/B] Kenny Jay [B]Semi Active:[/B] Dick the Bruiser Mad Dog Vachon Blackjack Lanza The Crusher [B]Stables:[/B] Adnan's Army-Baron Van Raschke, Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell The Heenan Family-Nick Bockwinkel, Paul Orndorff, and Chris Jericho
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[B]Monday Week 1, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Chris Jericho defeated Buck Zumhofe using the ropes-[B]F[/B] -Steve Austin defeated Jim Brunzell using the ropes-[B]D[/B] -Ricky Steamboat defeated Baron Von Raschke by DQ-[B]B-[/B] -Hulk Hogan defeated Buzz Sawyer with the Big Leg Drop-[B]B[/B] -Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rick Martel after interference from Bobby Heenan-[B]B-[/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-84 [B] [SIZE=3]Next Week on AWA All-Star Wrestling![/SIZE][/B] -Curt Hennig defends the TV title against Billy Robinson -Rick Martel and Jesse Ventura stand off in a grudge match -Michael Hayes hopes to keep his title defense alive down 3-2 -Hulk Hogan is back, and looking for retribution!
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