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DOTT: AWA Taking Hold

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[B]Friday Week 1, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] Bobby Heenan came out with Chris Jericho. He hypes Jericho to the moon saying he is going to wipe out Greg Gagne in the first match. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Chris Jericho vs. Greg Gagne[/SIZE][/B] Jericho looked pretty good as the crowd was pretty hot for the match. Unfortunately for him, Gagne moved when he went for a frog splash, and Gagne rolled him up for the win. [B]C+[/B] Kenny Jay came out saying he’s sick and tired of being the AWA whipping boy. He wants a match against the baddest SOB in the AWA, Jerry Blackwell, to prove he’s no pushover. [B]C[/B] Sheik Adnan brought out Blackwell, and said they accept the challenge. Kenny Jay has just sealed his doom. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jerry Blackwell vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] Sheik was right, as Jay had sealed his doom. He put up a fight for a couple minutes, but the much bigger Blackwell had his way with him shortly. He put the match away with an Avalanche. [B]C-[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Shawn Michaels came out to the ring. Michaels said he feels he should defend his Light Heavyweight title tonight, so if anyone thinks they can take it, the door is open. [B]C[/B] [COLOR=Blue]“But before I take on a challenger, I want to call out Ricky Steamboat.” [/COLOR] Steamboat then comes out from the back and begins walking down the ramp. Michaels continues [COLOR=Blue]“Ricky, I want to apologize for the way you have been treated upon your arrival here in the AWA. I just wanted to say….. We’ve been to nice to you!”[/COLOR] Suddenly Jesse Ventura sneaks up behind Steamboat and smacks him in the back with a chair laying him out on the ramp. [B]C+[/B] While security attends to Steamboat, Mr. Saito comes out and says he’ll take Michaels open challenge. [B] C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Mr. Saito vs. Shawn Michaels (c)[/SIZE][/B] As the match got underway, Lee Marshall commented on the fact that Mr. Saito is not eligible for the Light Heavyweight title, and someone should have told him. But in the end it didn’t really matter as Jesse Ventura got involved in the match, allowing Michaels to take the win. [B]C+[/B] After the match, Michaels extends his hand in respect to Mr. Saito, which he responds with a swift kick in the gut and a DDT. [B]C-[/B] As Michaels begins to get back up, and Ventura heads back up the ramp oblivious, Rick Martel slips in the ring from the crowd. He immediately puts the boots to Michaels. He lays out Michaels while he’s yelling about payback. [B]C[/B] A video plays hyping up the next match between Curt Hennig and Billy Robinson for the AWA TV title. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] This was one of the best TV title matches ever for the AWA as Robinson and Hennig really put on a great show. Unfortunately, the match was ruined when David Schults came out with a six pack of beer in tow. He slowly sauntered to the ring, and slid in with his beer. As Hennig turned around, and saw Schults, he was met with a six pack to the forehead, ending the match in a DQ. [B]B+ [/B] Schults ads insult to injury with a further beating on Hennig. [COLOR=Blue]“Hennig, I’m sick and tired of seeing your face on TV every week. That belt belongs around my waist.” [/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] Rick Martel and Jesse Ventura have been announced as the next match, as a video plays hyping the fued. [B]B[/B] Jesse Ventura came out taunting Martel before the match. [COLOR=Blue]“I got to hand it to you, that was pretty good what you pulled on Shawn earlier Rick. But you still don’t hold a candle to what I can do! Get out here and face me. Let’s end this once and for all!”[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Jesse Ventura vs. Rick Martel[/SIZE][/B] The feud between these two has culminated to this one great match. Both men were on their best game as the fans were treated to a great one. The fists were flying back and forth pretty wildly as the match spilled out to the floor. After some scuffling outside the ring, Martel slammed Ventura into the ring steps and threw him back into the ring. As Ventura got back up, he was whipped into the ropes and laid out with the Flying Cross Body. Martel covered, and scores the pin. [B]A[/B] With the win, Martel celebrates in the ring as the fans go nuts cheering. [B] A[/B] As the fans are at a heightened frenzy, out steps Hulk Hogan from the back as the cheering intensifies. He calls out Nick Bockwinkel. [COLOR=Blue]“Bockwinkel, I know you were in on the kidnapping at March Madness. All these Hulkamaniacs came out to see me whoop you in the ring, and you had to dash the night by having me beat up and drug away from the arena! I want you tonight, in this ring brother!”[/COLOR] [B]A* [/B] Bockwinkel comes out to a huge chorus of boos. [COLOR=Blue]“Sorry Hogan my boy, I don’t know what you are referring to. I wouldn’t stoop that low! I know how much you wanted a shot at me for this title, but you lost your chance my man. You didn’t show up at March Madness, so you have officially lost any chance to come after this belt.”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] The Crusher came out from backstage, as the fans went nuts knowing something good was about to happen. [COLOR=Blue] “Whoah there Nick! I think you failed to read the fine print in that contract you signed. It clearly states that Hulk Hogan is granted a title shot, and must be pinned by you to enact the no challenge clause. Since Hogan obviously wasn’t there to be pinned, he is still entitled to that title shot. And since we can see these fans are clamoring for it, you will be defending that belt tonight in the main event!” [/COLOR] [B]A* [/B] A video plays hyping the next match featuring Baron Von Raschke against Michael Hayes in match six for the International Heavyweight title. [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan brings out his assassin, the Baron. He promises victory tonight as the AWA will crown a new champion. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This match was intense as the crowd was on their feet cheering on Hayes. The Baron was wearing him down, and had him down with a test of strength, and began trying to lock on the Claw. The fans got louder, and Hayes could feel it as he kept the Claw at bay, and began getting back to his feet. He finally got to his feet with the crowd roaring, and after a kick to the midsection, he knocked out the Baron with a Double Arm DDT, and scored the pinfall as the Sheik tried to get into the ring and break the pin. [B]A[/B] Nick Bockwinkel came out with Heenan for the main event. The crowd was hot and gave him some major heat as he let go a tirade of insults at both Hogan and Crusher. [B] A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Hulk Hogan[/SIZE][/B] The Crusher had come out with Hogan to be in his corner to make sure this was a fair fight between the champion and the challenger. The crowd was going nuts eating up this match for the title. Hogan looked like a man that knew what he was after as he met Bockwinkel blow for blow. Hogan finally began taking Bockwinkel down with a series of hard clotheslines and the champ looked ready to lose. Heenan came in the ring and tried to interfere, but Hogan saw him coming and after staring him down, threw him out of the ring as Crusher came over and put the boots to him. Hogan turned and was met by a hard right hand from the champ knocking him down. He then picked up Hogan and threw him into the corner, and rushed in for pancake. Hogan managed to meet Bockwinkel’s face with his big boot, knocking down the champ. He turned to the crowd as the arena was at a deafening pitch. He lunged forward, and landing the most brutal leg drop on the champs neck, as Marty Miller rushed over and counted 1….2….3!!!! [B]A*[/B] As both Heenan and Bockwinkel are down and bruised, Hogan goes wild celebrating. After climbing all four turnbuckles, he grabs the belt and leaves through the crowd giving high fives…. [B]A*[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,402 Viewers-127,890
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So what does everyone think of this diary so far? I'm open to suggestions, anything to make it easier to read or whatever. I do this because it makes it easier to visualize the storylines for me, but it's nice to know others are enjoying it since it's quite a bit of work. And to add a little reader participation here, feel free to send me ideas, either here or by PM. To make this a little more interesting, throw me some ideas of storylines you'd like to see, or maybe a crazy match. I'm thinking also of who else I want to try and sign, so if you would like to see a worker I don't have on the roster, let me know.
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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]AWA Wrestling Review[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -The company is doing well, raking in a lot of cash as we surpassed the $2 million mark for cash a few weeks ago. Verne really likes the direction of the company, and has had nothing but good things to say about my booking and our branching out across the country. It's a slow process building up in the Tri State, but I think it's well worth the effort. -In an effort to sign some workers with high popularity in the Tri State area, I decided to let our non-aggression pact with the WWF expire. This didn't sit well with the McMahon's as they immediately declared war on the AWA. This was a few weeks ago, and so far I really haven't noticed anything from this declaration. Hopefully this doesn't mean that something huge is looming on the horizon. -Things seem to be going well with the roster thusfar. Other than the usual complaints of not enough TV time, everyone seems to be happy other than Buzz. But being the headcase he is, I'm not surprised. The only glich we had was when Hogan was a no show at March Madness because I didn't think to check if he was busy with NJPW. I'm pretty happy with the balance of workers we have. We have great stability with our veterans in Bockwinkel, Crusher, Hogan, Flair, etc. We also have an awesome group of rising stars is Rick Martel, Paul Orndorff, Jesse Ventura, Michael Hayes, etc. And we have a great group of youngsters to groom in Curt Hennig, Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho. I'm nervous about giving enough quality ring time for everyone, but I think we have an unbeatable stable of workers that can carry us to the top.
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the ismailite's suggestions are good ones. Larry Zbyszko is tailor made for the AWA, imho, and would make for a great fit. Now that the WWF has declared War, I strongly urge you to go after Bob Backlund. A Bockwinkel vs. Backlund battle would be a perfect program. I'm not sure how long Bockwinkel will be holding the strap - or if Hogan and/or Flair is lined up for a reign soon, but Backlund would give you some fabulous options in the Main Event. As far as other suggestions... * I'd love to see the Steamboat & Martel tag team start getting a big push. The Sheiks aren't doing too much for me as AWA World Tag Team champions, and I envision the Ricks (heh) as being the AWA's version of Steamboat & Youngblood... only better. :) * I'd also like to see Heenan just flat out put a mega bounty on the Hulkster. Hogan is getting too close to Bockwinkel, and you've got a great bunch of heels to throw at him: Blackwell, Patera, Brody, Ventura, Saito, etc. Heck - you could take that all throughout the upcoming summer, if you wanted. Anyway, this is a heck of a lot of fun to read. Thanks a lot for the effort!
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Good ideas so far. You guys are partly reading my mind so far on several items. Go back and reread the end of the last All-Stars D Boon, as Hogan is now the champ. As far as Heenan putting out a bounty, I had something along those lines in mind as I worked up the last couple of shows, so you'll soon see another fued unfold stemming from the Hogan/Bockwinkel fued. And I know what you mean about the tag champs. Sheik Adnan is about the best thing going for these guys so far. I've been mulling over options on how to get the tag division going as there isn't much else outside of those two. The Hennigs are decent, but I want to give Curt a singles push, and the High Flyers don't do much for me. The Martel/Ventura storyline I thought gave a good basis for the new team of Martel/Steamboat, as well as Ventura and Michaels, but after seeing the results of their match I'm wondering if the Ventura/Michaels team is really ready to work yet since Michaels is still so green.
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[B]Monday Week 2, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Mr. Saito defeated Buck Zumhofe with a foreign object-[B]D[/B] -Dr. D and Steve Austin defeated Leon White and Big Scott Hall when Schults pinned Hall using his tights-[B]C[/B] -Baron Von Raschke and Ricky Steamboat ended in a draw-[B]B+[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated Rick Martel using the ropes-[B]A[/B] -Hulk Hogan defeated Jesse Ventura with the Axe Bomber-[B]B-[/B] Show Rating-[B]B-[/B] Attendance-4,113 [I]Show attendance doubled this week after last time’s Great Lakes show boosted us to a C+ in popularity.[/I] [B]Next on AWA All-Star Wrestling:[/B] -AWA Tag Team champions The Sheiks take on Big Scott Hall and Baby Bull Leon White -Baron Von Raschke faces off with Michael Hayes in the deciding seventh match for the International Heavyweight title. -Buzz Sawyer takes on Ric Flair to decide the new #1 contender for the AWA World Heavyweight title!
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[B]Friday Week 2, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] Steve Austin comes out to the ring and taunts Mad Dog Vachon. He’s scheduled to face the old man tonight, and laughs at the thought of facing someone his dad’s age. [B]C[/B] Chris Jericho came out with Bobby Heenan hyping his match against Dick the Bruiser. Much like Austin, he mocks on the Bruiser as being one foot in the grave. The only thing he could bruise is a peach. [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Chris Jericho vs. Dick the Bruiser[/SIZE][/B] Jericho had trouble backing up his words as the Bruiser had little trouble beating the young snot. Jericho was holding his own, but got too ****y, which allowed the Bruiser to take him out with a top rope knee drop. [B]C-[/B] Steve Austin is seen backstage attacking Mad Dog from behind with a metal cookie sheet. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. Mad Dog Vachon[/SIZE][/B] Mad Dog was woozy heading out to the ring as he had blood dripping from his forehead. Austin attacked him before he even could get in the ring. He then beat Vachon in under two minutes using the ropes. [B] C[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show [/COLOR] At the start of the show, Nick Bockwinkel is seen backstage in a rage, yelling for Crusher. [B]B+[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with The Sheiks, and began taunting Big Scott Hall and Leon White, their opponents next. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. Scott Hall and Leon White[/SIZE][/B] The two big men really looked poised to possibly end the title reign of the champs. This one turned into a big brawl as all four men were slugging it out. Sheik Adnan helped out distracting Scott as he and Blackwell were the legal men. Blackwell grabbed a chair and took out Hall, but unfortunately for Blackwell, the ref caught him and called for the DQ. [B] B-[/B] The camera goes backstage again, where Bockwinkel finds Crusher. He immediately attacks him, and says he wants him in the ring tonight in an Indian Strap match. [B]B+[/B] The flamboyant Jesse Ventura comes out as he promotes his new segment, The Body Break. His inaugural guest will be the great Baron Von Raschke. They discuss his match next with Michael Hayes, which is the deciding seventh match in the series. Baron promises to crush the young Hayes. [B]B[/B] A video plays hyping the Baron and Hayes match.[B] B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] As expected, this was another good matchup. Both men weren’t backing down, and this one looked like it could go on for a long time. But this one came to an awkward end, as Hayes threw the Baron into the corner. He lifted him up onto the turnbuckles, and climbed up for a ten count of punches. But the Baron stopped him halfway through, and during their struggle, both men fell out of the ring hitting the floor hard. Neither man could manage to get back into the ring before the ten count, as the match ended in a double countout.[B] A[/B] Bobby Heenan comes out with Nick Bockwinkel. They are still irate at the fact that Crusher booked the match were Bockwinkel lost his title. The earlier attack was only part of the payback. [COLOR=Blue]“Crusher, you have just seen the beginning of what the Heenan Family has in store for you and the AWA if the title is not restored to it’s rightful owner.”[/COLOR] [B]A [/B] Bockwinkel then takes the microphone and says that he will get some much deserved satisfaction with the match tonight. [COLOR=Blue] “Crusher, I’m going to woop you until you bleed!” [/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher[/SIZE][/B] This match started off great as both men went after each other hard. This one wasn’t about wrestling as Bockwinkel had revenge in mind. Bockwinkel was definitely showing his endurance as Crusher was just exhausted by the end. Finally after fifteen minutes of torture, Bockwinkel pinned Crusher for the win. [B]A[/B] A video plays hyping up the main event between Buzz Sawyer and Ric Flair to determine the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight title. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buzz Sawyer vs. Ric Flair[/SIZE][/B] There really isn’t any story behind this one to go on, just a really good match. Hacksaw showed that he can hold his own against more technical wrestlers, just like Flair showed he can brawl with the best. The swerve came when Nick Bockwinkel came to ringside. After a few moments, Buzz distracted the ref while Bockwinkel busted Flair in the face with a roll of quarters. Sawyer then grabbed flair and laid him out with a clothesline before pinning him for the win. [B]A[/B] Bockwinkel grabbed the microphone and taunted the laid out Flair. [COLOR=Blue]“I don’t care what champion you are, you’re the new boy here Flair! You don’t just come walking into my promotion thinking you automatically deserve to be the #1 contender! That title belongs to me, and me only!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,122 Viewers-130,072
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[B][SIZE=3]AWA Inside The Locker[/SIZE][/B] ---Word out of the AWA front office is that they really like the pairing of Big Bull Leon White and Big Scott Hall. They aren't ready to wear the tag straps yet, but they have promise. ---Steve Austin's antics in the locker room, as well as his repeated attacks before matches is starting to wear thin on the guys. Some are saying he's going to get some payback very soon.... ---Baron Von Raschke has really opened some eyes within the promotion. Always known to be a good worker, his recent alignment with Sheik Adnan seems to have opened up the door for him to a possible Main Event status. His matches with Michael Hayes alone have really done wonders for our shows. ---With Buzz Sawyer winning against Ric Flair on AWA All-Star Wrestling, he is set to face Hulk Hogan for the Heavyweight title at Spring Showdown, to be held the fourth Tuesday of April. ---And on a related note, Flair is really pissed at Nick Bockwinkel's interference in his match. Being the current NWA Heavyweight champion, Bockwinkel's comments on his status in the AWA weren't appreciated, and have added fuel to an escalating feud. This should give the AWA some great momentum for the near future.
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[B]Monday Week 3, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Shawn Michaels successfully defended the Light Heavyweight title against Chris Jericho-[B]F[/B] -Leon White and Scott Hall defeated Steve Austin and David Schults by a Big Elbow Drop by White on Austin-[B]C-[/B] -Mr. Saito defeated Mad Dog Vachon with a Saito Suplex-[B]C+[/B] -Ric Flair defeated Ken Patera by DQ-[B]B+[/B] -Hulk Hogan defeated Paul Orndorff with the Big Leg Drop-[B]C+ [/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-111 [B] Next on AWA All-Star Wrestling….[/B] -Curt Hennig defends the AWA TV title against the dangerous Mr. Saito. -The Sheiks take on the team of Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat in a non title match. -Ric Flair in action, as well as Hulk Hogan in a non title matchup. -In other news, Michaels Hayes suffered a bruised shoulder in last weeks match with Baron Von Raschke, so their deciding match has been signed for Spring Showdown!
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[B]Friday Week 3, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] The first match of the card is announced that Shawn Michaels will defend the AWA Light Heavyweight title against Buck Zumhofe. [B]D[/B] Michaels came out with Jesse Ventura, and addressed the crowd as a bunch of degenerates that couldn’t hold down regular jobs. [COLOR=Blue] “Buck Zumhofe is another that can’t hold anything either, as he was quick to lose this title. He will also be quick to lose this match.” [/COLOR][B]C-[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] Michaels backed up his words, but it took some help from Jesse Ventura who choked Zumhofe as Marty Miller was distracted. [B]C- [/B] Blackjack Lanza came out to the ring. [COLOR=Blue]“I’m dang pissed about how ole’ Blackjack is the odd man out these days! I may not be a young man anymore, but I can still whoop some butt in this ring. I want a match, and I don’t care who I have to face!” [/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Blackjack Lanza vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] Out stepped, or more like pushed, Kenny Jay. He slowly walked to the ring, and the bell was rung. As normal, Jay put up a good fight in a losing battle. He may be old, but Lanza still knows how to cheat to win as he beat Jay after a low blow. [B]C[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Steve Austin was backstage as he challenged anyone to face him in a match tonight. [B] C[/B] The Crusher came over while Austin was glorifying himself. [COLOR=Blue]“Austin, I’ve about had it up to here with your mouthing off, and attacking everyone you face! You aren’t scheduled to wrestle tonight, so just get back in that locker room!” [/COLOR]Austin says OK, and turns to leave, but then whips back around and decks Crusher. He then begins choking him with the microphone chord before security steps in. [B]C+[/B] A video plays to hype the upcoming TV title match between Curt Hennig and Mr. Saito. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Crusher vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Crusher came out to the ring, and said it was time for Austin to learn a lesson. He called him out, and said he’d be facing the president tonight in a Coal Miner’s Glove match. Austin came out as ****y as ever. The two had a pretty good little brawl going once Austin got in the ring. Austin “accidentally” bumped referee James Beard and used the opportunity to put on a sleeper hold to Crusher, which was actually just a choke move working on the neck that was previously hurt with the microphone cord. He then choked Crusher on the ropes before letting him go and getting the glove. After the match, he cold ****ed Crusher good, knocking him out. [B] C+[/B] Mr. Saito came out for his match against Hennig. He grabbed the microphone and began talking to the crowd, though hardly anyone could understand a word he was saying. Hennig and TV title were about the only words that were understood. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] Mr. Saito looked very dangerous tonight, as he really put the boots to Hennig. Hennig was holding off the big man, but as they ended up outside the ring, Saito was just too brute, and threw him into the ring barriers several times. Then after slamming him into the ring steps, he got back in the ring, but Hennig couldn’t make it for the ten count, giving Mr. Saito the countout victory, but Hennig retains the title. [B]B[/B] The announcers announce to the arena that the main event will feature Hulk Hogan against the dangerous Baron Von Raschke. [B]A[/B] Sheik Adnan came out with the AWA World Tag team champions. [COLOR=Blue]“As usual here on Friday nights, it’s time for me to call out anyone man enough to face the champions. They cannot be defeated, so will anyone dare try? This will not be a title match, but you can still show us if you have the intestinal fortitude to face them!” [/COLOR] [B]B[/B] Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat appear from the back to huge applause. They say they want to take on The Sheiks. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE][/B] The Sheiks looked a bit nervous for once in this matchup as they tried to intimidate the two smaller men. They weren’t very successful using their brute force against two very skilled mat men. As the match looked to be getting out of control for the Sheiks, Sheik Adnan disappeared, only to show up later with Baron Von Raschke who immediately entered the ring and attacked Ricky Steamboat, ending the match in a DQ. [B]B-[/B] After the conclusion of the match, Lee and Gene talk about the fact that the Baron will be taking on Michael Hayes next week on Spring Showdown for the International Heavyweight title, as Hayes was not able to work a match tonight. [B]B+[/B] Jesse Ventura came out for his Body Break segment. He welcomed his guest, Buzz Sawyer to the ring. After talking about Hacksaw’s accomplishments in the AWA, they hyped the fact that he is the new #1 contender for the AWA World Heavyweight title, and will face Hogan at Spring Showdown. [COLOR=Blue]“Yeah Jesse, the AWA has finally recognized my greatness in wrestling. Next week Hogan, you are going down. Your title reign will be a short one. And incidentally, how did it feel getting that cane to the back of the head the night of March Madness?” [/COLOR] Lee and Gene discuss this revelation, wondering if it was Hacksaw who had attacked Hogan a few weeks ago. [B]B+[/B] A video plays hyping up the next match featuring Ric Flair versus Billy Robinson. [B] B+[/B] Flair came out for the match, and focused his attention on Nick Bockwinkel. [COLOR=Blue]“Nick, you better watch your back boy! I don’t take kindly to how you have treated me so far here in the AWA! I know you are jealous of me, and all I’ve accomplished so far in wrestling, but it gives you no right to disrespect me like that! I understand you’re upset, but take it like a man, don’t blame it on me. You stay outta my way, or it’s gonna get ugly!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Ric Flair vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] Flair and Robinson were a pretty good match, as the fans saw a good technical bout in this one. Flair started getting to work on the legs of Robinson, when Nick Bockwinkel came down to ringside with a jet black cane. This distracted Flair enough, that Robinson hit him with a hard clothesline sending him over the ropes. Bockwinkel then hit Flair in the midsection with the cane, as Miller called for the DQ. [B] A[/B] Bockwinkel continues the beating, when Hulk Hogan comes down the ramp to make the save. The two have a staredown from opposite sides of the ring, before Bockwinkel slinks to the back. [B]A*[/B] A video plays hyping the main event of Hulk Hogan and Baron Von Raschke. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This one didn’t seem like much of an exciting matchup, but it turned into a stellar main event. The fans were already hot for Hogan after the previous segment, prompting them to boo mercilessly as Baron came out with Sheik Adnan. It only got better as the two squared off, and really put on a great match. And things really culminated when Buzz Sawyer suddenly ran down to the ring holding that black cane seen earlier. He slid into the ring, and hit Hogan over the head as he had his back turned. James Beard called for the bell as Buzz continued the beatdown as the show goes off air… [B]A*[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,585 Viewers-128,014
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Another great show! hate to clutter up your diary, but I gotta say a few things: [QUOTE]Mr. Saito came out for his match against Hennig. He grabbed the microphone and began talking to the crowd, though hardly anyone could understand a word he was saying. Hennig and TV title were about the only words that were understood. C+[/QUOTE] Very funny stuff! Glad to see the two Ricks getting some more air time together. The Baron in the Main event was a pleasant surprise. Carrying the Hulkster to an A* huh? I am loving the build up between Flair and Bockwinkel! The posibilities with this feud are amazing. I see you are constantly improving your diary as well. Great work on this thing Grimm! Keep it up! Also, are you gonna set up predictions?
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Glad you are still enjoying it! I had the idea to team the two Rick's quite a while ago. When I signed Steamboat, I just threw him in the Martel/Ventura feud, and thought they'd make a good team from there. Baron has really put on great matches with just about everyone so far. I'm not really that high on his character, but if he's going to have such good matches, he's going to be hard to keep down. I typically don't give out much in the way of matches ahead of time since they are usually either a last minute decision, or I don't want to give away what's going on with the show. But I see a lot of people like to do them, so I'll try and figure out at least most of the card for the PPV's ahead of time and post them each month. So stay tuned
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[B][SIZE=3]AWA In the Boardroom[/SIZE][/B] -Things are going great with the promotion thusfar. My two goals were to be more popular in our home area, and to not be in debt. We are oh so close to a B+ in the Midwest (started at a B), and have risen from a C to a C+ so far in the Great Lakes. We've got a little ways to go, but should be pushing to an E in the Tri State in a few weeks. On the money side, we started at $500,000, and have surpased $2.5 million. We are making money hand over fist, which will allow us to sign virtually anyone we want when the time is right. -On the growth side of business, it is going slower than I'd like, but this stuff takes time, so I need to be patient. My greedy side wants to go out and try to hire every big name there is, but I know I'd be asking for trouble if I try that. So I'll just take it slow, and go for the right people when the situation warrants it. -I am finding with the great roster I have now, that it is hard to keep the guys happy. At least half the roster is at least a little irritated with their lack of ring time at any given day. It would be hard to manage, but I might have to think about adding another show, or at least expanding our show times to allow room for a couple more matches. -As far as the roster goes, I'm very pleased with what we have right now. There are a couple of guys like Kenny Jay, Jim Brunzell, and Greg Gagne (Verne would kill me anyway) that I'm not keen on, but they are good for jobbing out. My only other issue I'm having is that Hogan doesn't seem to click with several of my top workers, Ken Patera and King Kong Brody for a couple. This limits my options, but if they are over enough, hopefully I can throw them together once in a while and not get too hurt by it. Now I just have to find places to put everyone. That's the trouble with such a talented roster. I've got so many good workers I'd like to have in title chases, but not enough titles. But that is a good problem, so I can live with it.
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[B]Monday Week 4, April 1983 [SIZE=3] [COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Billy Robinson defeated Kenny Jay by countout-[B]C-[/B] -Steve Austin defeated Jim Brunzell with a Lou Thesz Press after a pre match attack-[B]C+[/B] -Scott Hall and Leon White defeated Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels by DQ-[B]C-[/B] -Ric Flair defeated Blackjack Lanza with a Small Package-[B]B[/B] -Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dick the Bruiser using the ropes-[B]B+[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated Larry Hennig using the ropes-[B]B[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-3,738
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[B][SIZE=3]The AWA proudly presents April's exciting PPV:[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=4][B][COLOR=DarkRed]Spring Showdown-Thurs. Week 4, April 1983-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Among the many exciting matches will be the following:[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] The arrogant young champion will defend his AWA Light Heavyweight title against the fan favorite. [B][SIZE=2]Larry Hennig vs. Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/B] In a special match requested by Curt, he wishes to take on his own father, to test his skills and how much he has learned in the ring from his dad. [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs Leon White and Scott Hall[/SIZE][/B] No big build up to this match, just a pairing of four huge athletes to see who will come out the winners in this sure to be brawl for the AWA World Tag team titles. [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This is it, game seven between two superb workers. It has been a tough battle all the way for these two. Sheik Adnan will surely play a pivital role in the match win or lose. [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ric Flair[/SIZE][/B] Upon the recent entering of the AWA, Flair has had a rude welcoming from the former champion. Flair has had enough, and asked for a showdown to shut up Bockwinkel. Rumor has it that he has even put up the NWA Heavyweight title to get this match. [B][SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] The new AWA World Heavyweight champion has his work cut out in his first title defense since beating Bockwinkel. Hacksaw is a tremendous bruiser who has been on a recent ascent up the AWA ladder, and is looking to make his name known. The Main Event should be a good one, especially knowing that the former champ Bockwinkel will be in the building to make things interesting. The matches are set, the beer is ordered, and tempers are flaring. So don't miss the most anticipated event of the month, the AWA Spring Showdown!! Send in your predictions, and you could win an AWA t-shirt!
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] (c) vs. Brad Rheingans [B]Larry Hennig[/B] vs. Curt Hennig [B]The Sheiks[/B] (c) vs Leon White and Scott Hall [B]Michael Hayes[/B] (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke [B]Nick Bockwinkel[/B] vs. Ric Flair [B]Hulk Hogan[/B] (c) vs. Buzz Sawyer And I second the ismailite's opinion that this is an excellent card. I've been enjoying the build-up to the Bockwinkel v. Flair bout; that match should be a good one.
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[B]Thursday Week 4, April 1983 [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Spring Showdown-Target Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The show starts off with a video displaying the recent violent attacks by Steve Austin, which received a loud round of boos from the crown. [B]C[/B] Steve Austin then comes out from the back and begins laying into the fans. He next turns his attention to the AWA president [COLOR=Blue]“Crusher old man, you really thought you could teach me a lesson last week didn’t you? Well once again, I showed just how smart I am! Well here we are, live on pay per view, so how about it. You want another piece of me?” [/COLOR][B]C+[/B] Crusher comes out and says he’ll gladly give Austin a beating this time. [B]C+[/B] As Crusher comes down the ramp, Austin leaves the ring as the two begin fighting before the bell. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Steve Austin vs. The Crusher[/SIZE][/B] This brawl didn’t even make it into the ring until the very end. The two slugged it out for several minutes until Austin gained the advantage hitting Crusher with the ring steps. After slamming him into the ring post, he threw him into the ring, and pinned him using the tights. [B]C[/B] A hype video plays for the next match featuring Brad Rheingans taking on the AWA Light Heavyweight champion, Shawn Michaels. [B]C-[/B] Prior to the start of the match, Jesse Ventura takes a few moments to lavish the crowd with his wit, along with hyping up his protégé Michaels. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Brad Rheingans[/SIZE][/B] The young Michaels looked a bit out of his element against the savvy Rheingans. He kept himself in the match, but Rheingans was taking control with multiple holds and counters. Ventura was sick of seeing the display of Michaels, and signaled Michaels to distract the ref as he did his customary choke using the boa on Rheingans. This allowed Michaels to take him out with the Sweet Chin Music for the win. [B]C[/B] Another video plays, this time hyping the match between father and son, Larry and Curt Hennig. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig vs. Larry Hennig[/SIZE][/B] There was no good versus evil in this one, but just a good match between to family members. Larry really seemed surprised at how good his son was, and seemed to get a bit frustrated. There really looked to be no clear cut advantage from either man. But the match was soon decided when big man Mr. Saito came down to ringside. After a few moments of looking on, and clearly being a distraction for both men, he finally entered the ring and caught Curt by surprise hitting him with a hard clothesline, ending the match in a DQ. [B]B[/B] As Larry goes to defend his son, Saito just grabs him by the throat and threw him into the corner. He delivered a few devastating knees to the midsection as Larry slumped to the ground. He then returned his focus to Curt, picking him up and after a couple of Judo chops, plowing his skull into the canvas with a piledriver. He then calmly walked to the back as the two Hennig’s laid in the ring. [B]B-[/B] A video plays hyping the World Tag team match between The Sheiks and Hall and White. [B]C+[/B] The AWA World Tag team champs come out with Sheik Adnan, who began insulting the crowd saying they are a bunch of rednecks. [COLOR=Blue]“This match tonight will be a bloodbath! Hall and White aren’t even near the caliber of my assassins! What we want is a real challenge. Martel, Steamboat, we want you! Tomorrow night on AWA All-Star Wrestling, we want to face you, and we will put the titles on the line!”[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. Leon White and Scott Hall[/SIZE][/B] This match wasn’t anything special, as none of the men possess much wrestling skill. The crowd looked to be getting bored of all the brawling. Ken Patera had seen enough himself, grabbing a chair and nailing Leon White over the head to end the match by DQ. [B]C[/B] The Sheiks then commenced a good old fashioned beatdown on Scott Hall and Leon White. Before long however, Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat came running down to ringside. They chased off the Sheiks and aided the fallen team. [B]C+[/B] Jesse Ventura comes down to ringside and announces that he is holding a special PPV edition of the Body Break. He welcomes his guest, Michael Hayes. He tries to slyly insult Hayes, and make him look stupid, but it backfires as Hayes fires back at him with his own verbal shots. Finally Ventura gets frustrated [COLOR=Blue]“Hayes, you are just a no talent hack. You aren’t fit to wear that title. I’m hoping the Baron wipes you out tonight!” [/COLOR] [B]B+ [/B] Sheik Adnan comes down with Baron Von Raschke. He declares that this is the end for Michael Hayes and his title run. Another piece of gold is about to be added to the Sheik’s army. [B]B+[/B] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland announce that Martel and Steamboat have signed for a match at AWA All-Star Wrestling tomorrow evening to face The Sheiks for the AWA World Tag Team titles. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Baron Von Raschke[/SIZE][/B] This match was declared a “Two out of three falls” match prior to the start. The crowd was really hot for this one as Hayes and the Baron did not disappoint. Hayes was in trouble when Sheik Adnan got involved helping the Baron win the first fall after distracting Marty Miller. Hayes got even with the next fall when the Sheik tried again to get involved, but mistakenly hit Baron with some powder in the face. The rest of the match was a back and forth battle as both men were wearing down. Unexpectedly, Jesse Ventura came down to ringside unbeknownst to Sheik Adnan. As Sheik Adnan distracted Marty Miller once again, Ventura grabbed a chair, got on the ring apron, and laid out the Baron allowing Hayes to make the pin, and retain the AWA International Heavyweight title. [B]A[/B] Another video plays on the screen, hyping the match Ric Flair and Nick Bockwinkel. [B]A[/B] Bobby Heenan came out with Bockwinkel. [COLOR=Blue]“Now I know you fans aren’t very smart, so I don’t expect you to understand what I’m saying… But the Heenan family is the most powerful force here in the AWA. We have a plan, don’t worry. Nick here is not in the least bit afraid of Ric Flair. We will dispose of him in short order.”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Ric Flair comes out from the back and laughs at the two in the ring. [COLOR=Blue] “You guys are mighty funny. You are talking about a living legend, the NWA Heavyweight champion. Now contrary to the rumors, I will not be putting my title on the line, as you Bockwinkel don’t deserve such an honor. But what I will put out for you is one mean beating!”[/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ric Flair[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was on their feet for this great bout between two of the worlds best wrestlers. The match may have even overshadowed the main event. The match was all over, in the ring and out. Heenan surprisingly didn’t get involved in this match. Both men used some cheap shots to get the upper hand. During the waning moments, Buzz Sawyer came to ringside with the black cane. He threw it to Bockwinkel after distracting James Beard, and Bockwinkel used it on Flair’s leg. After a few quick blows, he went to work more on the leg, and finally put on his own version of the figure four, making Flair tap out. [B]A*[/B] After the match is called, Bockwinkel grabs the cane, and uses it a few more times on Flair before leaving. Security has to come from the back to help Flair out of the ring. [B]A[/B] A video is shown hyping up the main event between Buzz Sawyer and Hulk Hogan for the AWA World Heavyweight title. [B] A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] Sawyer came to the ring toting the black cane. As the match got underway, Hacksaw showed that he came to play. The wildman was all over Hogan, not letting up. After a few minutes, Hogan got the backing of the crowd, and did his famous “Hulking up” bit, and Sawyer was visibly distraught. Hacksaw had seen enough as Hogan made a heavy comeback, and went for the cane taking out Hogan’s knees. Miller had to call for the bell as Sawyer continued the onslaught. [B]A[/B] As Sawyer continues the beatdown, Nick Bockwinkel comes down to join in the fun. Everyone is expecting help from the back in Ric Flair, but he is nowhere to be seen as the show goes off air…..[B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-11,244 Buy Rate-8,817
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[B]Friday Week 4, April 1983 [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=Green]Pre Show[/COLOR] A video plays for the opening dark match featuring Chris Jericho and Greg Gagne. [B]C+[/B] Chris Jericho came out with Bobby Heenan and began by insulting the crowd. He said he would amaze the crowd with his aerial display en route to defeating Gagne. [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Greg Gagne vs. Chris Jericho[/SIZE][/B] Gagne really helped along the young Jericho as the two really work well in the ring together. Gagne looked sharp tonight, and really put this match over to the fans. He ended up putting Jericho away with the Gagne Sleeper. [B]B[/B] AWA bad ass David Schults came down to the ring looking pissed. [COLOR=Blue]“I’m sick of just sitting backstage drinking beer night after night. I want a match, and I want it now. Buck, get your scrawny arse out here so I can woop you into the ground!”[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Buck Zumhofe vs. David Schults[/SIZE][/B] This one wasn’t much of a contest as Dr. D slapped the lightweight around the ring for a few minutes before throwing him outside the ring. After clobbering him against ring posts, and whatever else he felt like, Dr. D made his way back to the ring as Zumhofe was counted out. [B]C[/B] [COLOR=Green]Main Show[/COLOR] Steve Austin came out gloating about his string of victories. [COLOR=Blue] “I’m the baddest SOB the AWA has ever seen, and I can’t be stopped. I’m ready for win number ten tonight!” [/COLOR][B]C[/B] Austin continues his tirade, and ends it by issuing an open challenge. [B]C+[/B] As the crowd is booing Austin, and chanting some unmentionable names, out from the back steps Big Scott Hall to the cheer of the crowd. [COLOR=Blue]“Yo Austin. You think you’re so big and bad. How about you take me on boy?”[/COLOR] Austin accepts and says he’ll see him later. [COLOR=Blue]“No, you don’t understand. Right now. You’re not getting a chance to try and jump me from behind. We’re doing this now.” [/COLOR] Hall then rushes to the ring…. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Scott Hall vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] As Hall rushes to the ring, Austin tries to take him down before he gets in. He manages to keep him down for a short time, but the big man isn’t about to stay down. Soon Hall was taking the boots to Austin, with the crowd loving it. Austin just wasn’t up to the task of taking on the big man, as Hall planted him with a running powerslam for the win. [B]C+[/B] Scott Hall celebrates in the ring after the squash as the crowd gives him some big support. [B]C+[/B] After the match, Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland announce that later tonight we will see tag team action. After the interference of Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat last night at Showdown, The Sheiks have demanded a match tonight, which has been accepted. [B]B-[/B] Curt Hennig comes out and issues a challenge to Mr. Saito for butting into his match with his father. He says he’ll put the AWA TV Title on the line. [B]B-[/B] Mr. Saito came out after the challenge. Once again, hardly anything was understood, but it was clear that he accepted the challenge as he went to the ring.[B] B-[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] Hennig looked a little nervous about taking on the big brute, but he stuck it to him early with a varied assault. Unfortunately Mr. Saito wasn’t going down. The match ended up outside the ring where Mr. Saito really took advantage using every cheap trick he could. The two finally ended up back in the ring, where Hennig made a valiant comeback. After a hard clothesline from Hennig, Mr. Saito went down. As Hennig started to pick him back up, he was met with a hard forearm in the groin. Mr. Saito then hit him with a vicious suplex, and covered for the tainted win, and becomes the new AWA Television champion! [B]B[/B] Backstage, Ken Resnick interviews Paul Orndorff. [COLOR=Blue]“Ken, it’s about time Mr. Wonderful got his due here in the AWA. I need that taste of gold. Michael Hayes, I’m ready to start with you. I want a title shot, and I want it now!” [/COLOR] [B]B[/B] Sheik Adnan comes out with The Shieks and begins spouting off about Martel and Steamboat. [COLOR=Blue]“Those worthless Americans think they can go around doing what they please, attacking my innocent team last night! Well, tonight, we will make restitution! Tonight, my boys will dispense pain to those two.” [/COLOR][B]A[/B] Martel and Steamboat came out for their match against The Sheiks, and worked up to the crowd. They said that the reign of terror by The Sheiks is coming to a close, as a more deserving team will take the titles. [B] B-[/B] [B] [SIZE=2]The Sheiks (c) vs. Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE][/B] As the match got underway, it was looking like business as usual for The Sheiks. They dominated right away with their strong moves, and double teaming. But as is evidenced time and time again, The Sheiks don’t have the endurance to last with a lot of physical workers. Though battered, Martel and Steamboat began to build momentum wearing down the big men. Sheik Adnan tried valiantly to save his team, but to no avail, as Ricky Steamboat hit Ken Patera with a Flying Body Press, and covered for the win! [B]B[/B] Michael Hayes comes to the ring to the applause of the fans. “[COLOR=Blue]I heard some words backstage by a so called Mr. Wonderful. He thinks he deserves a shot at some gold. Well let me tell you Mr. Wonderful, you don’t deserve squat! I’m the champion, so I make the rules! Now, lucky for you, I’m in a generous mood. I’ll give you that title shot. So get out here!”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Paul Orndorff[/SIZE][/B] As the two men squared off, it looked like the fans would see a good match. Both sides had ample offense, and started to wear each other down. But as Hayes started to get some steam and chip away at Mr. Wonderful, Jesse Ventura ran down to the ring. He got up on the apron, and made himself a distraction to Mr. Wonderful. Orndorff finally got irritated by Ventura, and took a swipe. As he turned around, Hayes hit him with a double arm ddt, and covered for the win. [B]B+[/B] A video plays hyping the Main Event of Hulk Hogan and Buzz Sawyer. Due to the way the match went down last night at Showdown, this rematch was made. [B]A[/B] Hacksaw came out and said that Hogan had a short title reign. Tonight, the fans will see the deserving man, himself, become the AWA World champion. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE=2]Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] This match was just about a carbon copy of the prior match between the two. Very little wrestling, just a bunch of brawling. The match didn’t get far before Nick Bockwinkel came down. Ric Flair wasn’t far behind, as all four men ended up in the ring brawling. Marty Miller had no choice but to call a double DQ. [B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,478 Viewers-125,196
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[SIZE=3][B][COLOR=DarkRed]AWA Inside The Locker[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] -It has been formally announced that the owner of the AWA, Verne Gagne will retire in a month. His son Greg will take ove control once he retires. Verne feels that the company is now headed in a great direction, and is confident we will continue on that path with myself in place as head booker. -In our continued attempts to give balance to our roster, and finding talented young wrestlers to integrate into our promotion, we have hired our first Japanese worker. He is just beginning to reach main event status in his homeland, as he gains popularity for his great ring presence. He is Satoru Sayama, and goes by the name Tiger Mask. -Upon winning the AWA World Tag team titles, Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat have formed a full time tag team, named the Showstoppers. They work well together, and should further enhance our weak tag team division and make it worthy of Main Event status.
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As we have completed the first third of 1983, let's take a look at where the wrestling world stands today..... [SIZE=3][B]AWA Roster[/B][/SIZE] [B]Main Event[/B] Hulk Hogan-AWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Bockwinkel King Kong Brody Buzz Sawyer Rick Martel-AWA World Tag Team champion Ric Flair [B]Upper Midcard[/B] Ken Patera Michael Hayes-AWA International Heavyweight champion Ricky Steamboat-AWA World Tag Team champion Paul Orndorff Larry Hennig Baron Von Raschke Jesse Ventura Blackjack Lanza [B]Midcard[/B] Billy Robinson Greg Gagne Mr. Saito-AWA Television champion Jim Brunzell Curt Hennig David Schults Jerry Blackwell [B]Lower Midcard[/B] Big Scott Hall Leon White Steve Austin Tiger Mask Brad Rheingans [B]Opener[/B] Steve Regal Shawn Michaels-AWA Light Heavyweight champion Chris Jericho [B]Enhancement[/B] Kenny Jay Buck Zumhofe [B]Semi Active[/B] Dick the Bruiser Mad Dog Vachon [B][SIZE=2]Central States Champions[/SIZE][/B] Heavyweight-Dick Slater Tag Team-Moondog Rex/Moondog Spot Television-Roger Kirby Nationwide-Porkchop Cash [B][SIZE=2]CWA Champions[/SIZE][/B] International-Austin Idol Southern Heavyweight-Dutch Mantell Southern Tag Team-Stan Lane/Steve Keirn [B] [SIZE=2]CWF Champions[/SIZE][/B] Heavyweight Tag Team-Jos Leduc/Mark Lewin Television-Pak Song Heavyweight-Jos Leduc [B][SIZE=2]GCW Champions[/SIZE][/B] Junior Heavyweight-Tim Horner National Heavyweight-Larry Zbyszko National Tag Team-Larry Zbyszko/Buzz Sawyer National Television-Ronnie Garvin [B] [SIZE=2]MACW Champions[/SIZE][/B] Heavyweight-Angelo Mosca US Tag Team-Rufus R Jones/Bugsy McGraw NWA World Heavyweight-Wahoo McDaniel (beat Ric Flair April wk 1) NWA World Tag Team-Greg Valentine/Jimmy Valiant United States Heavyweight-Greg Valentine [B][SIZE=2]MSW Champions[/SIZE][/B] Tag Team-Ted Dibiase/Matt Borne Television-Steve Williams North American Heavyweight-Kamala [B][SIZE=2]PNW Champions[/SIZE][/B] Heavyweight-Rip Oliver Heavyweight Tag Team-Rip Oliver/Assassin Television-Harley Davidson Wrestling Spirit-Dr. Tom Prichard [B][SIZE=2]PPW Champions[/SIZE][/B] Pacific-Rocky Johnson Pacific Tag Team-Samu/Fatu Arena Championship-Rodney Anoa'i [B][SIZE=2]WCCW Champions[/SIZE][/B] American Heavyweight-Kevin Von Erich Six Man Tag Team-Michael Hayes/Terry Gordy/Buddy Roberts Television-Chris Adams Texas Heavyweight-Jim Garvin Texas Tag Team-Terry Gordy/Michael Hayes [B][SIZE=2]WWC Champions[/SIZE][/B] Universal Heavyweight-Abdullah the Butcher North American Heavyweight-Sweet Daddy Siki Puerto Rican Heavyweight-Los Inferno #1 World Tag Team-Medic #1/Bruiser Brody [B][SIZE=2]WWF Champions[/SIZE][/B] Intercontinental-Masked Superstar Tag Team-Sika/Rocky Johnson World Heavyweight-Ray Stevens
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