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[B]Monday Week 1, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -David Schults defeated Jim Brunzell using a foreign object-[B]C[/B] -Brad Rheingans defeated Billy Robinson by DQ-[B]C-[/B] -Ken Patera defeated Greg Gagne after interference from Shiek Adnan-[B]C+[/B] -King Kong Brody and Ricky Steamboat fought to a double count out-[B]B+[/B] -Ric Flair defeated Baron Von Raschke by DQ-[B]B+[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-178 [B]Next on AWA All-Star Wresling[/B]--- -Shawn Michaels defends the AWA Light Heavyweight title against newcomer Tiger Mask -Curt Hennig is granted a rematch against Mr. Saito for the AWA TV title -Baron Von Raschke tustles with veteran Mad Dog Vachon -The new AWA World Tag team champions take on Billy Robinson and David Schults -In a huge main event, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are challenging Nick Bockwinkel and Buzz Sawyer. [SIZE="3"]Don't dare miss the action!![/SIZE]
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Baron/Flair, Steamboat/Brody... I would have paid to see that Tri-State show! Might have had Flair/Steamboat and Brody/Baron instead, but still, those four guys, I'm paying to see! Not to sound rendundant, but I looove your M-E scene! Your next card looks real strong as well.
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[B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]PWI Insider Report[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="3"]Gagne Goes Out On Top[/SIZE][/COLOR] If you are any kind of fan of the world of wrestling, I'm sure you have noticed the recent emergence of the AWA as one of the premier promotions in the country. Under the guidance of owner Verne Gagne, the promotion has done well, bringing a great brand of wrestling to the Midwest region. Several months ago, Verne decided the company needed some youthful energy and hired a literally unknown man by the name of Doug Grimm. He is a young man that literally started from the ground up in the AWA. And much to the surprise and delight of everyone close to the sport, he has helped guide the AWA into a new era of wrestling entertainment. He is helping groom the great talent of the AWA such as Rick Martel, Baron Von Raschke, Curt Hennig and Jesse Ventura to lead the company to the top. At the same time he has brought aboard some new faces such as Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat and Michael Hayes to spur a new brand of wrestling known as Sports Entertainment. While the promotion continues to promote solid in ring skill from it's workers, the team is focusing more on very entertaining personalities that the fans can relate to or even hate. As previously reported, Verne Gagne has decided to retire, confident in the direction of his company; and leaves the business to his son Greg. Amid the current economic depression in the US, the AWA continues to ascend. As the world of wrestling has become pretty stagnant in the US, the AWA is grabbing hold of a larger and larger fan base. Once a primarily Midwest promotion, the company is becoming a big hit in the Great Lakes region, and is throwing all they have at the Tri State area hoping to knock out the WWF. I'm sure the wrestling world will be watching intently to see if the AWA can continue this impressive growth and become the world leader in wrestling. [B]AWA Rumor Mill....[/B] -Intial reaction of the Showstoppers has been tremendous. The word is that we will continue to see a heavy dose of the pair as they defend the AWA World Tag Team titles against any and all comers... -On a related note, the AWA is hoping to land at least one outside tag team to solidify their tag division. -Insiders tell us that the AWA is sending feelers out to all the large TV networks including the big three of ABC, NBC and CBS in hopes of bringing AWA All-Star Wrestling to a larger audience. A deal is doubtful, but you can't fault them for trying. -Rumor has it that Nick Bockwinkel has been an absolute nightmare in the locker room since dropping the AWA Heavyweight title to Hulk Hogan. Supposedly Bobby Heenan has been dropping comments to different people that he will pay handsomely if someone was to take out the Hulkster.
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[B]Friday Week 1, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Pre Show[/COLOR] A video plays previewing the first dark match between Ken Patera and Buck Zumhofe. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Ken Patera vs. Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] This was just an ugly match. It looked like Zumhofe may have wet himself in the ring before the match even started. Patera was looking more angry than ever as he just destroyed Buck. He was smart, and didn’t get back in the ring after being thrown over the ropes. [B]C[/B] Big Scott Hall came out and issued an open challenge. [B] C+[/B] Dick the Bruiser came out and accepted the challenge. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] Dick the Bruiser vs. Big Scott Hall[/SIZE][/B] This looked like it had the makings of a pretty good match as the two big men started slugging it out. The match didn’t make it far however before Steve Austin ran in. He attacked Hall while Bruiser and the ref were distracted. Dick didn’t realize it had happened, but easily laid out Hall with the Knock Out Punch. [B]B-[/B] After the bell Austin was laughing to the back, but Hall managed to get back up and ran out and went after Austin as they began brawling to the back. [B]C[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Main Show[/COLOR] A video plays for the Light Heavyweight title match between Shawn Michaels and a newcomer from Japan, Tiger Mask! [B] D[/B] Before the match, Jesse Ventura took a few moments to flaunt to the crowd, and then put down Tiger Mask saying he was out of his league. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Tiger Mask[/SIZE][/B] Michaels seemed pretty shocked to see how good this new guy is. Michaels fended him off, but it was apparent that Tiger Mask could very well take the title. Ventura got pretty disgusted, and ended up ending the match by attacking Tiger Mask. [B]C-[/B] After the match, Michaels adds a beat down to Tiger Mask. [B]D[/B] The Showstoppers made their way to ringside as Rick Martel grabbed a mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“We won these titles for you, the fans. So we intend to give you what you want, and that’s a great match against anyone who wants to try and beat us!” [/COLOR]Steamboat added [COLOR="Blue"]“So if you think you are ready to take on two of the best, we’ll be waiting!” [/COLOR][B]B[/B] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland announce that the next match features Mr. Saito defending the AWA Television title in a rematch against Curt Hennig. [B] B-[/B] Curt Hennig came out and said he was confident tonight he would win. Mr. Saito is a beast, someone the fans cannot relate to, and isn’t fit to hold the gold. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Mr. Saito (c) vs. Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/B] Saito and Hennig were focused and ready to fight tonight. They battled all over the ring, and gave the fans a good show. Saito tried to take control bringing Hennig outside the ring, and using some devious tactics, but Hennig stayed on his feet. He then turned the tide, and got Saito back in the ring. After a throw into the ropes, followed by a hard clothesline, Hennig hooked on a sleeper hold, and regained the Television title shutting the lights out on Mr. Saito. [B] B[/B] Next up is the Body Break segment hosted by Jesse Ventura. [COLOR="Blue"]“My next guest is someone whom you surely know and loathe, Hulk Hogan!!” [/COLOR]The crowd roared in approval as Hogan made his way out. The two began talking about the feud with the Heenan Family, and that seemed to be the cue, as Buzz Sawyer ran out and attacked Hogan. [B]B+[/B] Next Nick Bockwinkel ran out and joined in a beatdown of Hogan. Thankfully for him, Ric Flair came roaring from the back and scared off Sawyer and Bockwinkel. [B]A[/B] A video played hyping the tag match between The Showstoppers and Billy Robinson and Dr. D. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]The Showstoppers (c) vs. Billy Robinson and Dr. D[/SIZE][/B] This match wasn’t billed as much of a bout, but the fans were in for a treat tonight. With all the in ring skill of the three men, and the perfect mix of brawling by David Schults, the fans really enjoyed this tag match. In the end, Dr. D just couldn’t match the skill of Rick Martel as he laid him out with a Flying Cross Body, and took the pin to retain the titles. [B]B+[/B] A hype video plays for the next match between Baron Von Raschke and Mad Dog Vachon. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Baron Von Raschke vs. Mad Dog Vachon[/SIZE][/B] Sheik Adnan obviously had an agenda in this one as he seemed to be the one in control of the match. Baron was holding his own against Mad Dog, but the Sheik had to interfere, aiding the Baron as he slipped on the Iron Claw for the win. [B]B[/B] The Baron then continued to hold down Mad Dog with the Claw, while the Sheik kicked at him. Larry Hennig ran down and made the save, running off the two men. [B]B[/B] Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan came out for the main event to thunderous applause. Hogan spouted off to the fans about how they would win, while Flair boasted about how Buzz Sawyer and Nick Bockwinkel would have a front row seat for the best ride in town. [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair vs. Nick Bockwinkel/Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] This was a lopsided match of sorts. Hogan and Sawyer were the brawlers, while Bockwinkel and Flair added some match skill to the bout. But in the end, it turned into the usual all out brawl between the group. As Flair and Sawyer were outside the ring tussling, King Kong Brody ran down, and attacked Hogan in the ring, ending the match in a DQ. [B]A*[/B] After the match, Buzz Sawyer and Nick Bockwinkel commenced in a beatdown on Hogan as Flair, seemingly hurt, stumbled outside the ring. It didn’t look good for Hogan, but then Crusher ran down the ramp to aid his friend, chasing off the Heenan Family. [B]A[/B] As the Heenan Family races up to the back, Bockwinkel is seen smiling wide as he looks at Ric Flair. [B]A [/B] Show Rating-[B]B+[/B] Attendance-5,822 Viewers-113,927
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B]Monday Week 2, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Big Scott Hall defeated Steve Regal with a running powerslam-[B]C[/B] -David Schults defeated Buck Zumhofe using underhanded tactics-[B]C[/B] -Brad Rheingans defeated Billy Robinson with a standing short arm scissors-[B]C[/B] -Larry Hennig defeated Jerry Blackwell by DQ-[B]B-[/B] -Buzz Sawyer defeated Tiger Mask by countout-[B]A[/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Mad Dog Vachon using the tights-[B]B-[/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-4,256 [B][SIZE="2"]Next on AWA All-Star Wrestling!![/SIZE][/B] -Curt Hennig faces Mr. Saito in a grudge match for the TV title -Battle of the big men as Leon White challenges King Kong Brody -The Showstoppers defend the tag titles against the Greek Gods -Nick Bockwinkel challenges Hulk Hogan to a non-title match
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[B]Friday Week 2, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Green"]Pre Show[/COLOR] A video is played hyping up the first match between Jerry Blackwell and Kenny Jay-[B]C[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Jerry Blackwell vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] The crowd could care less about this matchup as Blackwell manhandled Kenny Jay. Moments later he hit a Big Elbow Drop for the win-[B]C[/B] A tag match is hyped pitting the High Flyers against Chris Jericho and Steve Austin-[B]C+[/B] Bobby Heenan came out with Jericho and hyped him to the moon prior to the match-[B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]The High Flyers vs. Chris Jericho and Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] This was a bit of an ugly bout as the lack of cohesion between Jericho and Austin was readily apparent. The High Flyers took advantage working seamlessly, as Greg Gagne beat Jericho by pinfall-[B]C+[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Main Show[/COLOR] The show starts off with Ken Resnick interviewing Tiger Mask. Tiger is confident and looking for a big win here against Buck Zumhofe. [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Tiger Mask vs. Buck Zumhofe[/SIZE][/B] This was a rather lukewarm match to start the show, but Tiger Mask looked impressive. The veteran Zumhofe had some tricks up his sleeve, but really couldn’t handle the agile Tiger Mask. He put away the win with a Tiger Suplex Hold-[B]C-[/B] A video plays showing the recent matches between Curt Hennig and Mr. Saito. They will battle again tonight for the AWA Television title. [B]B-[/B] Mr. Saito came out once again on the microphone. And of course, his English hasn’t improved any, as no one could understand what he was saying. If you were really listening close, you could possibly make out the word “kill” a few times. [B] B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] Hennig wasn’t about to let go his newly regained title, but Mr. Saito was determined to take it back. After some intense battling, the match spilled out to the floor, where it made it’s way up the ramp. Marty Miller had no choice but to call a double countout as the two men continued battling to the back. [B]B-[/B] Nick Bockwinkel made his way out to the ring, to a chorus of boos. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hulk Hogan, I know you are in the building tonight! I want to make a little challenge with you. How about an arm wrestling match?! If you lose, I get a title shot.” [/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] The Greek Gods came out for their match with the Showstoppers. Jesse Ventura declared himself the most gifted athlete that the world has ever seen, while Shawn Michaels said he was the sexiest man the world has ever seen. [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]The Showstoppers (c) vs. The Greek Gods[/SIZE][/B] This match started out well as Ventura matched up well against Rick Martel. Unfortunately for Ventura, Michaels still needs work in the ring. Both men were exhausted by the end, which played for the Showstoppers perfectly. Steamboat landed a flying body press on Michaels, and covered for the win. [B]B+[/B] Hulk Hogan comes out to a cheering crowd, as he accepts Bockwinkel’s challenge. [B]A*[/B] A video plays, hyping up the next match featuring the AWA’s resident giants, King Kong Brody and Leon White. [B]B-[/B] Lee Marshall and Gene Okerland say we need to go backstage, as something has just happened. The camera zeros in on two men laying motionless on the ground. It is Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat, apparently the victims of an attack. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] King Kong Brody vs. Leon White[/SIZE][/B] As the two big men started off, you would have thought the ring was going to collapse as they battled. White was running out of steam as the more experienced Brody worked him over. Brody then whipped him into the ropes, and landed a hard running knee drop, then covered for the pin. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Hulk Hogan vs. Nick Bockwinkel (Arm Wresling)[/SIZE][/B] The two men were set up in the middle of the ring at the table. The match is underway, as the two men bare down. Bockwinkel is just grinning from ear to ear as Hogan is focused. The match didn’t last long however, when Buzz Sawyer snuck into the ring with a chair. Whack! He nailed Hogan in the back, sending him to the mat as the ref called for the DQ finish. [B]A*[/B] As Hogan is laid out, Hacksaw picked him up and continued attacking him, delivering two swinging neckbreakers to Hogan as Bockwinkel laughed. [B]A[/B] Bockwinkel and Bobby Heenan taunt Hogan as Hacksaw poses over the unconscious body of Hogan. [B] A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,620 Viewers-127,592
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  • 4 weeks later...
[SIZE="5"][B]Back from the dead!!![/B][/SIZE] [B]Monday Week 3, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"] AWA Taking Over-Sports Plus Center-Tri State[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Jericho with a Cradle Suplex-[B]D[/B] -Tiger Mask defeated Steve Regal with a Tiger Suplex Hold-[B]C[/B] -David Schults defeated Big Scott Hall using underhanded tactics-[B]C[/B] -The Sheiks defeated the High Flyers when Patera made Gagne submit to the Swinging Full Nelson-[B]C[/B] -Nick Bockwinkel defeated Leon White by countout-[B]C+[/B] -Ric Flair defeated Billy Robinson with the Figure Four-[B]B-[/B] Show Rating-[B]C+[/B] Attendance-212 [B]Friday Week 3, May 1983 [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA All Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="green"]Pre Show[/COLOR] Steve Austin comes out with a six pack of beer. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s time for a good old fashioned beat down. Kenny get yer sorry @$$ out here!”[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Steve Austin vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] Austin was as lethal as ever as he toyed with Kenny in the ring. He blatantly cheated the entire time, and as the ref wasn’t looking he smashed Jay in the head with a full can of beer, then sat on his stomach as he drank the beer while Marty Miller counted to three. [B]C+[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Main Show[/COLOR] The Crusher comes out and assures the large crowd that this would be a great evening of wrestling. The first match will feature a rematch between Curt Hennig and Mr. Saito for the TV title due to last weeks countout. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Curt Hennig (c) vs. Mr. Saito[/SIZE][/B] The television bout was another hot one between these two tough men. Mr. Saito was seething tonight, and poised to take back the strap. After some cheap shots, he made good on that assumption as he used the ropes making a pin and winning back the gold. [B] B[/B] After the match Mr. Saito proceeds to put the boots to Hennig ([B]B[/B]). But dear old dad rushed in to save the day as he staved off the attack. [B]B-[/B] Mean Gene and Lee Marshall announced that The Showstoppers would be defending the AWA tag titles later tonight against The Heenan Family of Paul Orndorff and Chris Jericho. [B]C+[/B] Next up via the video screen, The Greek Gods take on Larry Hennig and Tiger Mask. [B]C[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] The Greek Gods vs. Larry Hennig and Tiger Mask[/SIZE][/B] The contrast between the older veterans and young up and comers was a pretty good one as the match held interest pretty well for the fans. Michaels looks to be improving, while Tiger Mask is really impressive with his skills. In the end however, the match came down to the veterans as Jesse Ventura managed to put on the Body Breaker to Hennig and catch the win. [B]B[/B] The announcers quickly alert the audience to the fact that Hulk Hogan has been found battered backstage. The camera goes back to the parking ramp where Hogan is out cold. As the camera pans out, the familiar black cane is seen lying next to Hogan’s still body. What will this do for tonight’s Main Event? [B] A*[/B] Bobby Heenan came out looking rather cheerful, as he brought out his team of Orndorff and Jericho for the title matchup. [COLOR="Blue"]“The Heenan family is clearly in control of the AWA, and I dare anyone to dispute that fact! And right now you are about to see two great men become the new AWA Tag team champions!” [/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]The Showstoppers (c) vs. Chris Jericho and Paul Orndorff[/SIZE][/B] This one was actually a short, disappointing match. Martel and Steamboat were clearly in control as Jericho was totally overmatched. It was basically a handicap match for Orndorff. He got disgusted, and ended up getting DQ’d when he hit Martel with a chair. [B]B[/B] Ken Patera stormed out to the ring with Sheik Adnan. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s been way too long since I had gold around my waist. Now I may not be down as a number one contender, but damnit, I want a match for a title! Michael Hayes, how about you get your scrawny butt down here and give me a shot at that International title?!!”[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] Hayes appears from the back to a cheering chorus of mainly the girls. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sure big boy, I’ll give you a shot at this strap. But you’ll be prying it from my dead body!”[/COLOR] [B] B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Ken Patera[/SIZE][/B] This was sadly another short match for the International title. Hayes came at Patera with a flurry that really caught Patera off guard. He went outside the ring where a fan dumped a beer on his head. The hot head seemed to forget about the match at hand as he went into the crowd. He didn't realize that it was Jesse Ventura who was in the crowd that did it. As Patera tried to find out who it was, Ventura snuck out to the ramp and smiled at Hayes as Patera lost by countout. [B]B+[/B] The camera goes back stage as Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat are celebrating in the locker room. Suddenly the door is heard bursting open, and the camera goes crashing to the ground. A scuffle is heard, clearly a fight of some sort. As the camera comes back on, Martel and Steamboat are seen laying out on the floor with remnants of broken wooden chairs lying around. [B]B+[/B] A hype video plays for the main event of Hulk Hogan against Buzz Sawyer in a non title match. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] Hogan came limping down to the ring, bandaged around the mid section. He put up a pretty good fight but was clearly hurting. As he held off Sawyer, Bobby Heenan ran down with Paul Orndorff on his heels. Heenan distracted the ref as Sawyer choked Hogan on the ropes, and Orndorff hit him in the head with a chair. Buzz then made the pin, and took the win. [B]A[/B] After the bell, Orndorff entered the ring and joined Hacksaw in a further beating of Hogan. [B]B+[/B] The camera pans over to the backstage area where Nick Bockwinkel strolls out as he has a big smile on his face as he gleefully watches the destruction of the champ…. [B] A[/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-6,041 Viewers-140,037 What a show!!! Tune in next week to see more intense AWA action and see if we find out who attacked the Showstoppers and Hulk Hogan. -Mr. Saito defends the TV title. -The Showstoppers call out their mystery attackers. -Michale Hayes in action against Billy Robinson. -Ric Flair and Curt Hennig take on King Kong Brody and David Schults in the Main Event.
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-Mr. Saito defends the TV title. -The Showstoppers call out their mystery attackers. -[B]Michale Hayes[/B] in action against Billy Robinson. -Ric Flair and Curt Hennig take on [B]King Kong Brody and David Schults[/B] in the Main Event.: Very interesting main event here. I love all involved for different reasons. Flair/Hennig is of course a great pairing, as is Schultz/ Brody. I'm going with Brody and the Dr. cuz I see Hennig getting a dose of the Brody manhandling ala Luger.
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  • 1 year later...
[I]Wow, anyone remember this one?! I was bored the other day and remembered TEW and the forum, and reread through this one. I decided to see if I could bring it back....[/I] [B]Monday Week 4, May 1983[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA Taking Over-Broadbent Arena-Great Lakes [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] -Curt Hennig defeated Chris Jericho in a two out of three falls match-[B]C-[/B] -Mad Dog defeated Buck Zumhofe by a bear hug-[B]C-[/B] -Shawn Michaels defeated Steve Regal by pinfall to retain the Light Heavyweight title-[B]C-[/B] -King Kong Brody defeated Larry Hennig in a Texas Death match-[B]B-[/B] -Baron Von Rashke and Buzz Sawyer defeated Ric Flair and Michael Hayes via DQ-[B]A[/B] Show Rating-[B]B[/B] Attendance-3,906 [B]Friday Week 4, May1983[/B] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA All-Star Wrestling-St. Paul Civic Center[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Pre Show[/COLOR] Ken Patera comes out with Sheik Adnon and tells the crowd they are in for a treat as he will beat down young Scott Hall. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall[/SIZE][/B] The match wasn’t the best ever as both men seemed to have a natural dislike for each other and were not about to sell for either one. The match spilled out to the floor, and both men ended up getting counted out. [B]C+ [/B] Mad Dog Vachon makes an appearance in the ring and gives a little tirade about being sick of Steve Austins antic. [COLOR="Blue"]“Austin, get out here and face your beating like a man.” [/COLOR][B] C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Mad Dog vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] This was a pretty standard beatdown as promised. Austin got in some shots, and held his own at times, but Mad Dog took him out with a piledriver. [B]C[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Main Show[/COLOR] A video plays on the screen as Lee Marshall and Gene Okerlund hype the fact that a last minute match has been signed for a double main event featuring Hulk Hogan and Buzz Sawyer, as Hogan looks to finish business from last week. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Mr Saito (c) vs. Leon White-Television Title[/SIZE][/B] Saito and White put on a decent match for the title, and really there looked like no clear cut winner. Before a winner could be decided by pinfall, Paul Orndorff came to ringside, and after a few moments watching the match he stepped in the ring and blindsided Mr. Saito with a clothesline and just walked away… [B]B[/B] Michael Hayes came to the ring and thanked the fans for their support. Up next is his next opponent, Billy Robinson. [COLOR="Blue"]“I respect the technical ability of you Billy, but there is no way you are going home with this belt.” [/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] Michael Hayes (c) vs. Billy Robinson-International Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] This was one great match that really got the crowd in a flurry. The great skills of both wrestlers really was a treat in this one. Unfortunately it ended badly as Shawn Michaels came down to ringside with Jesse Ventura watching from the top of the ramp as Michaels grabbed a chair and attacked Hayes in the back ending the match in a DQ. [B] A[/B] Rick Martel and Ricky Steamboat come to the ring, visibly upset as Martel grabbed a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"] “Patera, Blackwell, get you sorry sacks down to this ring!! We know it was you that attacked us last week, and we want payback! And we will put the titles on the line to get that match![/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] The Sheiks along with Sheik Adnon appeared from the back. Sheik responded to the allegations: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, as much as I would like to admit to having humiliated you two in the locker room last week, it wasn’t my boys that did it. We had other matters to attend to. But we will gladly accept your challenge!” [/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] Showstoppers (c) vs. The Sheiks-Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] This was a heated match from the start knowing the feud that has been going on for weeks. The match was back and forth all night, with a lot of brawling taking place. As Martel and Patera took each other on outside the ring by the announcers booth, the legal men Steamboat and Blackwell were squaring off in the ring. Steamboat took the upper hand, and looked to have the match won with a pinfall, when suddenly two men came running down the ramp. Oh my gosh! Screamed Gene Okerlund, [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s none other than Terry and Dorry Funk!! [/COLOR] Suddenly without warning, Terry Funk attacked Ricky Steamboat, as Dorry went after Martel. The bell then rang as James Beard called for the DQ. [B]B+[/B] Terry and Dorry continued to beat down on the Showstoppers. After they finished dishing out the beating, Terry grabbed a microphone and addressed the crowd. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s right folks, the new sheriffs are in town! We told Greg Gagne when he signed us that you two wouldn’t know what hit you, and obviously you didn’t!” [/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] As Marshall and Okerland talk about what just transpired, a video plays hyping the first main event matchup featuring King Kong Brody and David Schults against Ric Flair and Curt Hennig. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Ric Flair/Curt Hennig vs. King Kong Brody/David Schults[/SIZE][/B] Though there was no build up to this match, the crowd was treated to a battle. The matchup featured two great veterans with two great young competitors. In the end, Flair and Schults were battling fiercely as Schults worked on Flairs leg hoping to neutralize the dreaded figure four. But following one of Flairs famous back downs, he gained an upper hand and slapped on the leg lock for the submission. Flair ended up leaving the ring with an obvious limp. [B]B+[/B] Hulk Hogan come out and promised the fans that they would witness the destruction of Buzz Sawyer at the hands of the Hulkster. [B] A*[/B] Sawyer came down to the ring laughing at Hogan. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hogan, you are so naïve. Soon you will see how things really are finished.” [/COLOR] [B]A*[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Hulk Hogan vs. Buzz Sawyer[/SIZE][/B] In no shock to anyone, this match was just a slug fest as both men landed many devastating blows. The match went to the floor, before ending up back in the ring before the men were counted out. Of course Bobby Heenan was at ringside, grinning widely. Soon, he barked an order to Hacksaw, and he began choking Hogan at the first opportunity. Marty Miller tried to break it up, but seeing no backing down from Sawyer, he called the bell for a DQ. [B]A[/B] Soon after, Nick Bockwinkel ran down and joined in the beating of Hogan. But before long, Ric Flair was seen trying to trot down the ramp with that hurt leg, walking with what appeared to be a cane. It looked like the score would be evened out, as Flair got into the ring, and Sawyer and Bockwinkel looked his way. But as the cameras closed in on Flair seemingly raising the cane to strike Bockwinkel, it was immediately evident that the cane he was sporting was none other than the black cane that was used several times over the recent weeks to beat down Hogan. It was then that Flair commenced beating Hogan further with the cane, as he also strutted around on an obviously not hurting leg. [B] A[/B] All looked bleak for the champion at this point. [COLOR="Blue"]“But wait, who is this running down the ramp??” [/COLOR]called out Lee Marshall. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh my god!” [/COLOR]exclaimed Okerland. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s Bob Backlund!!!”[/COLOR] Just then Backlund slid into the ring unbeknownst to the attackers as he singled out Buzz Sawyer and landed some heavy rights to his skull. Next was Flair to take a few punches as Bockwinkel slithered out of the ring as the cameras shut off as Marshall, Okerland, and the fans were going crazy….. [B]A[/B] Show Rating- [B]A[/B] Attendance-6,106 Viewers-139,048
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[QUOTE=Grimm;268124][I]Wow, anyone remember this one?! I was bored the other day and remembered TEW and the forum, and reread through this one. I decided to see if I could bring it back....[/I] [/QUOTE] Hehe, now I have to go back and reread the whole thing? Are you planning on keeping it going for awhile?
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[SIZE="3"]The AWA proudly presents a great PPV for May, AWA Wrestlerock![/SIZE] The following matches hilight a great show for this week: [SIZE="2"][B]Jerry Blackwell vs. Leon White[/B][/SIZE] A battle of the big men will be taking place to see who it truly the toughest of the AWA. [SIZE="2"][B]Billy Robinson vs. Tiger Mask[/B][/SIZE] Another display of talent in the AWA will be featured as two of the promotions best technical wrestlers will battle each other. [SIZE="2"][B]Michael Hayes vs. Ken Patera-International Heavyweight Match[/B][/SIZE] Patera has demanded a title shot, and Michael Hayes, known to never back down, has accepted the challenge. [SIZE="2"][B]Showstoppers vs. The Funks-AWA World Tag Team Match[/B][/SIZE] The Showstoppers have been granted a match against the newcomers for retribution against the mystery hit they took recently. [SIZE="2"][B]Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund vs. Ric Flair/Nick Bockwinkel[/B][/SIZE] As the feud between Hogan and Bockwinkel seemed to be at it's end, a new chapter has now evolved including the defection of Ric Flair, further enraging the Hollywood star.
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[B]Jerry Blackwell [/B]vs. Leon White Billy Robinson vs. [B]Tiger Mask[/B] [B]Michael Hayes [/B]vs. Ken Patera-International Heavyweight Match [B]Showstoppers by DQ[/B] vs. The Funks-AWA World Tag Team Match Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund vs. [B]Ric Flair/Nick Bockwinkel by underhanded means[/B] I'll have to go back and read this as I haven't been around as long as the Outlaw so I have never read this. (I book the AWA in Outlaw's Battlelines diary.-Not very well mind you.)
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[B][SIZE="2"]Saturday Week 4, May 1983[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]AWA Wrestlerock-Target Center[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Green"]Pre Show[/COLOR] Bobby Heenan brings Chris Jericho to the ring, and issues a challenge to Kenny Jay. [COLOR="Blue"]“My boy Jericho here needs an easy mach to warm up you lazy bums tonight.”[/COLOR] [B] C[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Chris Jericho vs. Kenny Jay[/SIZE][/B] As dark matches go, this one was middle of the road. The fans were somewhat captivated by the flamboyant Jericho. Amidst some badgering of Kenny Jay, Jericho put on a nice match before slapping on the Walls of Jericho for the win. [B]C-[/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Main Show[/COLOR] David Schults begins the festivities by coming down to the ring with a cooler, and issuing his own challenge to Steve Austin. [COLOR="Blue"]“Austin, you irritate me boy! Let’s have us a little hardcore bear drinkin’ match! You see, we’ll drink a few beers here, and then see who’s left standing at the end of the match.”[/COLOR] With that, Schults opens up the cooler and dispenses several six packs of beer. [B]C+[/B] As Schults empties the cooler, Steve Austin comes out to the ramp with a microphone in response. [COLOR="Blue"]“You know Dave, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all night! Let’s do this!” [/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] David Schults vs. Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] Steve Austin came down to the ring as Dr. D offered him a cold one. They both chugged down the first beer, and Austin was looking for the next one. Schults grabbed a full six pack, and as Austin was reaching to take it, Schults cold ****ed him in the head with the cans of beer. Schults tells the ref to count, and Austin is unable to get up. [B]C+[/B] Schults then takes a moment to crack open another beer as he takes a seat on his cooler. [B]C[/B] In the next segment the cameras show the crowd a view from the parking garage as a limo arrives. Out steps half of tonight’s main event, Hulk Hogan and Bob Backlund. [B]A*[/B] Next a video plays hi-lighting the next match between Curt Hennig and veteran Mad Dog Vachon. [B] C+[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Mad Dog Vachon vs. Curt Hennig[/B][/SIZE] Something about this match just didn’t work. Both men seemed hesitant and not into the match at all, and the crowd sensed it as they were totally bored with this one. It finally was put out of it’s misery when a fan threw a drink at Mad Dog, and as he turned to see who did it, Hennig caught him off guard and pinned him with a bridging back suplex. [B]C[/B] Next up is the latest installment of the Body Break with Jesse Ventura. [COLOR="Blue"]“Let me bring out my guest for tonight, the AWA International Heavyweight Champion, Michael Hayes.”[/COLOR] Ventura does his best to slyly take shots at Hayes during the segment inferring that he is not fit to hold the title. Finally Ventura gets sick of dancing around the subject… [COLOR="Blue"]“Hayes I’m going to flat out say it, you aren’t fit to wear that title! You’ve been barely holding on to that belt week after week because of me.”[/COLOR] Ventura then throws down the microphone and walks out…. [B]B+[/B] Sheik Adnon is backstage with Ken Resnick and declares that tonight, his man Jerry Blackwell is taking on another giant in the sport to determine who is the best big man. [COLOR="Blue"] “Without a doubt, Leon White is going down, and you all will see why his called the “Baby” bull.” [/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Jerry Blackwell vs. Leon White-Last Man Standing Match[/SIZE][/B] Wow, this match was really one to behold. Both men slugged it out from the beginning, trying to knock each other down. At one point, Blackwell managed to throw White out to the floor, and distracted Marty Miller as Sheik Adnon hit White with a chair, and proceeded to whack his legs with it. Finally Blackwell rolled White back in the ring, but he began to fight back. White tried to pick up Blackwell for a body slam, but his legs gave out, and Blackwell landed on him hard. From there White couldn’t beat the ten count, making Blackwell the winner. [B]C+[/B] In the next segment, Ken Resnick interviews newcomer Tiger Mask. In his broken English, Tiger Mask thanks the fans for their hospitality, and the management for the opportunity to face such a great technical wrestler in Billy Robinson. [B]D[/B] The cameras then go backstage where Bobby Heenan is seen talking to Ric Flair and Nick Bockwinkel. They seem to be going over some sort of strategy when they notice the camera and threaten the camera man to leave. [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Tiger Mask vs. Billy Robinson[/SIZE][/B] This next matchup was a great battle to behold. Both skilled workers used every move in the book to try and wear each other down. Neither man seemed to back down, as they both worked near flawlessly. Finally Robinson began working on the legs of Tiger Mask to slow him down. After a devastating drop kick to his knee in the corner, Robinson slapped on a figure four, but slyly used the ropes to his advantage as Tiger Mask finally tapped out. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Michael Hayes (c) vs. Ken Patera-International Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] Not much billing to this match, but that didn’t bother Patera as he is hungry for gold. The brute really seemed to catch Hayes off guard at first landing several hard rights, along with a suplex and a body slam. Hayes stepped outside to regain composure, and Patera followed. Hayes was able to use a few of his own tricks and soon had Patera slammed into the steps following a hard hit against the ring post. Sensing trouble, Sheik Adnon distracted Marty Miller as Patera reached in his trunks for something, which turned out to be brass knuckles. Unknown to the wrestlers, Jesse Ventura came down and snuck into the ring. He then clotheslined Patera as he dropped the brass knuckles. Ventura snuck back out as Hayes took the brass knuckles and took a couple shots at Patera’s mid section. He threw away the brass knuckles as Miller turned around, and counted to three for the win and an eighth title defense for Hayes. [B]B[/B] After the bell, Ventura appeared at ringside with a microphone. “[COLOR="Blue"]See Hayes, you can’t win without my help. You don’t deserve that title. It’s only fitting a star like myself have that belt, so I want my shot!” [/COLOR] The two stared each other down, and then Ventura walked back up stage. [B]B+[/B] Backstage, Ken Resnick interviewed the newest tag team of the Funk brothers, Dory and Terry. They declared marshal law, and said that the Showstoppers have been the first to feel their wrath, and will be dropping the belts to them shortly. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"] Showstoppers (c) vs. Marshal Law-World Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] This match didn’t even wait for the bell as all four men went after each other in the ring. And it didn’t take long for it to spill out onto the floor as the Funks tried to take some cheap shots outside. Martel and Steamboat were up to the task however, and kept them at bay until the match finally got back in the ring. Steamboat began using some good moves off the ropes wearing down Terry in hopes of a pin. Martel was tagged in, and after a couple slams and a hard piledriver on Terry, the win looked inevitable. Dory had enough however, and slid into the ring with a chair and took out Martel in the back as Marty Miller called for the bell and a DQ. [B]A[/B] The Funks weren’t done there however, and continued to beat down the champions until security had to come out to pull them off. [B]A[/B] Ric Flair and Nick Bockwinkel come out to the ring with Bobby Heenan and begin by insulting the fans. [COLOR="Blue"]“Wooooooo, now I know you blue collar laborers have a hard time understanding what I’m saying, but you are looking at greatness! Nick Bockwinkel, Boby Heenan and myself, we are the best there is! And tonight, you are going to witness a train wreck. Hogan, you are going down my friend. And Backlund, you are going to wish you had stayed in the WWF!! Woooooo”[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Flair is then cut off as a video starts up hyping Hogan and Backlund, as the two come out to a roar of the crowd. [B]A*[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund vs. Ric Flair/Nick Bockwinkel[/B][/SIZE] The two hated rivals of Hogan and Bockwinkel started off the match as they went at it hard. Bockwinkel took the opening blows to Hogan as he started to wear the big man down. He and Flair worked well, keeping Hogan from his own corner to tag Backlund. As Backlund was in the ring, he whipped Hogan into the ropes, and as he went for a clothesline, he was met by Hogans big boot, but Hogan went down hard. Bockwinkel managed to get up first, and tag in Flair. Flair was just about to bring Hogan up, when he lunged forward and just managed to tag in Backlund. The crowd went nuts as Backlund was all set to give out a beating to Flair. Backlund must not have been familiar with Flairs antics, as Flair went down to his knees for mercy. And as Backlund reached to grab Flair, he was met with a stiff forearm to the groin bringing him down in a heap. After a few stomps, Flair tagged Bockwinkel back in. Meanwhile, Heenan had distracted Hogan to keep him from seeing what was going on in the ring, as Bockwinkel finishes him off with the piledriver and gets the pin as he grabbed Backlunds trunks for leverage. [B]A* [/B] After the bell, Bockwinkel and Flair further beat down Backlund, and then turn their attention to Hogan who tries to save his partner. [B] A[/B] After both men are out cold, Bockwinkel, Flair and Heenan celebrate in the ring to a loud chorus of boos. [B]A* [/B] Show Rating-[B]A[/B] Attendance-11,063 Buy rate-6,109
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