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WCW 1998: Reaching Beyond The Starrs

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview

Monday, Week 2, January 1998


On the last edition of Monday Nitro, the tag team of Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit defeated The Flock, Harlem Heat, and The Public Enemy to become the Number One contenders for The Steiner Brothers' WCW World Tag Team Championships. This week the two teams will be in singles action as Chris Benoit takes on Rick Steiner and Dean Malenko takes on Scott Steiner. How will the tag champs fair in singles competition against arguably two of the best in ring workers of this generation?


The feud between Diamond Dallas Page and Curt Hennig doesn't seem to be close to ending as they're gearing up for a rematch at Souled Out for DDP's recently won United States Championship, but this week Curt has teamed up with Randy Savage to take on DDP and a partner of his choosing. Apparently, Lex Luger stepped in to get Page's back almost instantly. Luger has history with both Savage and Hennig, so the tension is surely going to be thick.


Bret Hart and Owen Hart are making their In-Ring Nitro debut against two members of the nWo. Can Buff Bagwell and Konnan step up to take out the Hart Brothers?


Finally, in the main event of the evening, Roddy Piper has requested a match with Hollywood Hogan from Interim-President, JJ Dillon and it was fulfilled. Hogan doesn't seem to pleased with this.


We also have received word that Sting has agreed with promo time for the first time in what seems like forever. What will WCW's Silent Vigilante have to say? Find out on this week's Monday Nitro!

Quick Picks:

Chris Benoit vs Rick Steiner


Dean Malenko vs Scott Steiner


Curt Hennig & Randy Savage vs Diamond Dallas Page & Lex Luger


Buff Bagwell & Konnan vs The Hart Brothers


Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper


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  • Replies 57
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Chris Benoit vs Rick Steiner


Dean Malenko vs Scott Steiner

Comments: Split the difference between the teams.

Curt Hennig & Randy Savage vs Diamond Dallas Page & Lex Luger

Comments: I see Savage especially being kept really strong for now, as he wars with the rest of the nWo for the next title shot.

Buff Bagwell & Konnan vs The Hart Brothers

Comments: Not a chance.

Hollywood Hogan vs Roddy Piper

Comments: nWo ending.

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Monday, Week 2, January 1998

Pepsi Center- Denver, Colorado

Attendance: 18,007 (SELL OUT!)

Final Show Rating: 85

TV Rating: 19.14(TNT), 7.37(Galavision), .89(Foxtel Australia)


(Pre-Show) Raven & Kidman defeated Ray Traylor & Fit Finlay, Alex Wright & Disco Inferno, and Marty Janetty & Lenny Lane.

Match Rating: 65


(Pre-Show) Chavo Guerrero Jr & Eddy Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho & Rey Mysterio Jr

Match Rating: 77



Instead of going to the announcers to start the show, the second the Nitro theme is finished playing we're greeted to the sight of Hollywood Hogan making his way to the ring...




Hogan: It seems everyone is going crazy with all this talk about the nWo in-fighting. Well let me tell you something Jack, we might not be on the best terms because of recent predicaments, but we're still the best damn thing going in this business. It doesn't matter if it's Macho Man, Scott Hall, or even yours truly, we're going to bring the belt home to the New World Order. Stinger, you want to play your mind games, hide in the rafters and all that junk, but at Souled Out you'll be facing Hollywood Hogan at the top of his game. Believe that...brother.


As Hollywood drops the mic, Roddy Piper's music hits...




Piper: I don't know if you got the memo 'brother', but tonight it's you and me. You tried to overlook Luger and I last week and you know damn well the only reason you won was because of Liz and those brass knucks. You won't have Savage, Liz, and you better believe I'm bringing my own insurance policy tonight.

Angle Rating: 97


As we come back from a commercial break, Chris Benoit and Rick Steiner are getting ready to lock up...


Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Randy Anderson

At Ringside: Ted DiBiase(Rick Steiner)


Rick Steiner was caught slightly off guard by Benoit. Benoit showed the tenacity and ferocity of a rabid wolverine and kept taking the much bigger Steiner to the ground for submissions. Rick eventually got the upper hand with his strength and suplexes. Just when Rick thought he had the match won, Benoit stopped a German Suplex and went behind for a vicious Dragon Suplex. The ref counts...1...2...but the Time Keeper rings the bell to everyone's confusion.


Ted DiBiase looks furious while Benoit helps Steiner to his feet to get the official decision. The match is declared a draw due to reaching the time limit...


Winner: Draw

Ending Maneuver: N/A

Ending Time: 15 Minutes

Match Rating:71


A short music video highlighting the Sting and Hogan feud airs...


Angle Rating: 88





Bret: I feel like we've been waiting forever to come out here to address everyone, but we had some family business to take care of last week. I'll be honest with you people, I had no idea Owen followed me to WCW, but it's probably the happiest I've ever been. Everyone knows what happened so we don't need to rehash that. Apparently though, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash aren't pleased we're here. We may not have been in the building last week, but we did watch Nitro at home. You know I have always been cordial to you two in the locker room even with the company you choose to keep, but you still come out here and run your mouths? That's not going to fly.


Owen: We already talked to JJ Dillon, there's a contract ready for you guys to sign. Bret and Owen Hart vs The Outsiders at Souled Out. It's only a few weeks away and we're ready to make an impact.


Angle Rating: 90



Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Nick Patrick

At Ringside: Ted DiBiase(Scott Steiner)


It looked as thought Scott was watching his brother's match, because he didn't seem to underestimate Malenko nearly as much as Rick did Benoit. Dean forced Steiner to work a slow, technical match. Scott didn't look out of place at all, showcasing his amateur skills that earned him All American status in the NCAA. At 14 minutes into the match, Scott locked in a Camel Clutch. Malenko suffered through the pain for a solid minute when the match reached it's time limit yet again...


Winner: Draw

Ending Maneuver: N/A

Ending Time: 15 Minutes

Match Rating: 71


Steiner helped Malenko to his feet and shook his hand before walking away shaking his head clearly disappointed...



Match Type: Standard Tag Team

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Billy Silverman

At Ringside: Kimberly(DDP), Rick Rude(Curt Hennig), Elizabeth(Randy Savage)


This match was a total brawl even though it featured a heck of a technician in Curt Hennig. The ref couldn't keep all four men out of the ring, so it quickly spiralled into a Tornado Tag Match like atmosphere. Near the end, Rick Rude grabbed Kimberly and tried dragging her to the back. During the ruckus, DDP jumped out of the ring to go after them and Luger looking on in confusion gets struck with a low blow followed by a Hennig-Plex for the pinfall. With the victory in the bag, Rude lets Kimberly run back to her husband...


Winner(s): Curt Hennig & Randy Savage

Ending Maneuver: Hennig-Plex(Hennig to Lex Luger)

Ending Time: 12:49

Match Rating: 81


Following the match, Page grabs a mic and is livid...


DDP: Rude, Hennig, I'm don't want to wait until Souled Out to get my hands on you. You want this belt? You want to 'put me down'? Let's go right now!


Curt Hennig and Rick Rude just look on smugly and walk away shaking their heads...


The cameras go back to the Steiner Brothers' locker room where Ted DiBiase is trying to psyche them back up after they both went to time limit draws with their Souled Out opponents...




DiBiase: You should let this bring you down. Those matches meant nothing. There won't be a time limit at Souled Out and it's a tag match. We need to get you back on the same page because when the Steiners are unified, there are no teams better in the world. You've been tag team champions in every company you set foot. I'll talk to JJ about setting up some matches for you two the next few weeks to prepare you for Souled Out, but I'm not worried and neither should you.


The Steiners look a little more upbeat as DiBiase continues his encouragement...


Angle Rating: 79



Match Type: Standard Tag Team Match

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Charles Robinson

At Ringside: N/A


This match wasn't as one sided as expected, but nonetheless, the match was essentially a showcase of the Hart Brothers as they basically took Bagwell and Konnan to the Dungeon. Bagwell was not used to being stretched and kept trying to bail on the match before being thrown back in by Owen and Bret.


Winner(s): Bret & Owen Hart

Ending Maneuver: Sharpshooter(Owen to Bagwell)

Ending Time: 10:42

Match Rating: 79


As Bret and Owen celebrate their Nitro debut and victory, the lights dim as Sting makes his entrance with a mic in hand...




Sting holds the mic in hand teasing talking...but kept stopping just short of speaking before finally...


Sting: September 16th, 1996. September 16th, 1996...Who here knows the relevancy of this date? That's the last time I had anything to say in this ring. People doubted my loyalty even after I saved them time and time again. Bischoff condemned me and he was the enemy. He was the snake in the grass leading the New World Order and everyone just believed him. But me? The locker room came out to celebrate with me at Starrcade, but it was a hallow celebration. I didn't win this belt for them. I won this belt for you fans. I've bled the WCW colors for over a decade. I didn't go Up North when Vince came calling. I didn't jump ship when things looked rocky at best here. I stayed, because this company and you fans helped create the Stinger. I had to go into seclusion and clear my head for awhile and when I returned I find the in mates running the asylum and no one trusts anyone.


Which brings me to my next point...


Hogan, you claim it doesn't matter who in the New World Order is champ, as long as the belt comes back to you guys. How about you put your money where your mouth is? At Souled Out, instead of Hollywood and Stinger going toe to toe again, we add a little Macho Madness to the mix? Are you afraid of a little competition? I know I'm not. You have a pissed off Roddy Piper to deal with, so I don't expect an answer tonight, but the challenge has been issued and I expect an answer...


Angle Rating: 100



Sting exits the ring as Roddy Piper makes his entrance setting up our main event of the evening...



Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Nick Patrick

At Ringside: N/A


Hogan is clearly distracted by Sting's promo and Piper controls the majority of the match much to the delight of every fan in attendance. At about 12 minutes in, Piper pulls out a pair of brass knuckles as Hogan gets down on his knees and cowers begging Piper not to deck him. As Nick Patrick struggles to take the knucks away from Piper, Hogan nails him with a lowblow and drops the Atomic Leg Drop for the victory...


Winner(s): Hollywood Hogan

Ending Maneuver: Atomic Leg Drop(Hogan to Piper)

Ending Time: 12:45

Match Rating: 78

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Prediction results!

Satyr24 3/5

Midnightnick 2/5

Beejus 3/5


So we have a tie this week, both Satyr24 and Beejus receive points. Beejus is in the lead with 3 points.




WCW Saturday Night

Saturday Week 2, January 1998


Glacier & Ernest Miller defeated The Flock(Riggs & Sick Boy)

Rating: 44


Benoit & Malenko defeated The Boogie Knights(Alex Wright & Disco Inferno)

Rating: 75


Chris Jericho & Ultimo Dragon defeated Kidman & Lodi

Rating: 68


Goldberg defeated Lenny Lane

Rating: 58


Saturn defeated Marty Janetty to retain the WCW World Television title

Rating: 68

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview

Week 3 January 1998


With Souled Out inching closer and closer, WCW is bringing another action packed two hours of wrestling action this week on Monday Nitro!


Scheduled for the opening bout, we have Goldberg taking on Sick Boy. Seemingly the entire roster is either begging to set foot in the ring with Goldberg to end his streak, or they're asking to stay out of his way. Does Sick Boy have what it takes to end the streak or does Goldberg become 15-0?


Sick Boy isn't the only member of The Flock in action as their mysterious leader takes on the big brawling veteran Ray Traylor. Raven hasn't been in many matches here in WCW, but he seems bent on taking out the entire roster.


JJ Dillon has officially signed the recently dubbed "Boogie Knights" to challenge The Steiner Brothers in order to prepare the Steiners for their match with Benoit & Malenko. Alex Wright and Disco Inferno may come across as goofs that just like to dance, but they've both proven they're capable grapplers.


The Souled Out Cruiserweight Title Match also at stake for Eddy Guerrero as he is tasked with finding a partner to take on Number 1 Contender Chris Jericho and Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr. Interim-President JJ Dillon has declared that if Eddy is able to find a partner and win, the match at Souled Out will become a Fatal Fourway featuring the four men involved. Who will step up to be Eddy's partner?


Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko take on two members of the nWo as they get prepared for their WCW World Tag Team Title match at Souled Out. This week they take on Buff Bagwell and Konnan. Both Bagwell and Konnan have been on something of a losing streak recently, can they derail Benoit & Malenko's road to the titles?


Finally, in the main event Diamond Dallas Page will be defending his United States Championship against former champion Curt Hennig. Both men agreed to change the date of their match from Souled Out to this week on Nitro.


Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage are expected to answer Sting's challenge. Will Hogan let Savage in the match? Find out on this week's edition of Monday Nitro!


Quick Picks:

Goldberg vs Sick Boy



Raven vs Ray Traylor



Boogie Knights vs The Steiner Brothers



Eddy Guerrero & ??? vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr



Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan



WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page© vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Questions:

Who will be Eddy Guerrero's partner?


Will Hogan allow Savage into the Souled Out main event?

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Quick Picks:

Goldberg vs Sick Boy



Raven vs Ray Traylor



Boogie Knights vs The Steiner Brothers



Eddy Guerrero & ??? vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr



Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan



WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page© vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Questions:

Who will be Eddy Guerrero's partner? Chavo


Will Hogan allow Savage into the Souled Out main event? Yes

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Quick Picks:

Goldberg vs Sick Boy



Raven vs Ray Traylor



Boogie Knights vs The Steiner Brothers



Eddy Guerrero & ??? vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr



Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan



WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page© vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Questions:

Who will be Eddy Guerrero's partner? Juventud Guerrera


Will Hogan allow Savage into the Souled Out main event? Yes

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Quick Picks:

Goldberg vs Sick Boy



Raven vs Ray Traylor



Boogie Knights vs The Steiner Brothers



Eddy Guerrero & ??? vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr



Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan



WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page© vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Questions:

Who will be Eddy Guerrero's partner? Juventud Guerra


Will Hogan allow Savage into the Souled Out main event? No

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I just wanted to post and thank Beejus for nominating Starrcade for the Monthly Spotlight Award. I've had a few short diaries in the past and this is the first time I've ever been nominated for anything. So thanks buddy. :)


I'll be posting the next Nitro by the end of today(Sunday January 4th) if anyone else wants to join in!

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Sure thing man!


Goldberg vs Sick Boy



Raven vs Ray Traylor

Comment: Hopefully you can find something for Traylor to do yet. I always struggle with that.


Boogie Knights vs The Steiner Brothers



Eddy Guerrero & ??? vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr



Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan



WCW United States Championship

Diamond Dallas Page© vs Curt Hennig



Bonus Questions:

Who will be Eddy Guerrero's partner? Ultimo Dragon


Will Hogan allow Savage into the Souled Out main event? No, furthering the tensions in the group.

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Monday, Week 3, January 1998

The Spectrum- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Attendance: 17,380 (SELL OUT!)

Final Show Rating: 87

TV Rating: 19.29(TNT), 7.09(Galavision), .86(Foxtel Australia)





Hogan: Last week, Sting tried to drive a wedge between The Macho Man and I. It's not going to work Jack. Macho Man can wait his turn and I'll give him a title shot when I win MY nWo World Heavyweight Championship back at Souled Out.




Savage: Hogan, Hooggannn...I am not okay with that idea. The Macho Man wants a piece of the Stinger and Hollywood at Souled Out.


Hogan: Let's not jump down each other's throats brother. Let's talk about this in the back...



Goldberg vs Sick Boy

Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Billy Silverman

At Ringside: Raven(Sick Boy)


In an extremely short match, Goldberg defeated Sick Boy in 4:10 by pinfall with a Jackhammer.


Winner(s): Goldberg

Ending Maneuver: Jackhammer

Ending Time: 4:10

Match Rating: 54


We go to the backstage area where Mean Gene is standing by with Eddy Guerrero...




Mean Gene: Alright Mr. Guerrero, last week we were informed that if you found a partner and defeated Rey Mysterio Jr and Chris Jericho tonight you and your partner would be added to the Cruiserweight Championship match at Souled Out. Well, did you find anyone?


Eddy: This was the easiest decision I've ever had to make. Who better to have by my side than my own flesh and blood? Isn't that right Chavito?




Chavo: That's right Eddy, Los Guerreros aren't going to lose tonight.


Mean Gene: Well, what about Souled Out? If you guys pick up the win tonight, you'll both be on opposite sides.


Eddy: Chavito would never do anything to deter his Uncle Eddy from getting the gold, so we have nothing to worry about.


Grade: 58



A music video showcasing the feud between the Hart Brothers and The Outsiders airs...


Grade: 88


When the cameras return to ringside, Ray Traylor and Raven are already in the ring preparing for their match...




Ray Traylor vs Raven

Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Nick Patrick

At Ringside: Lodi(Raven)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Raven defeated Ray Traylor in 7:22 when he reversed the Traylor Trash into an Evenflow DDT.


Winner(s): Raven

Ending Maneuver: Evenflow DDT

Ending Time: 7:22

Match Rating: 72


Following the match, Raven demands a microphone...




Raven: Benoit...What about me? What about Raven?! We are not finished. Quote the Raven...Nevermore...


Grade: 74




The Steiner Brothers vs Boogie Knights

Match Type: Standard Tag Team

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Nick Patrick

At Ringside: Ted DiBiase(Steiner Brothers)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Steiner Brothers defeated Boogie Knights in 5:44 when Scott Steiner defeated Disco Inferno by pinfall following a Steiner Screwdriver


Winner(s): Steiner Brothers

Ending Maneuver: Steiner Screwdriver(Scott to Disco)

Ending Time: 5:44

Match Rating: 76




Los Guerreros vs Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr

Match Type: Standard Tag Team

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Charles Robinson

At Ringside: N/A


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Los Guerreros defeated Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio Jr. in 8:07 when Eddy Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho by pinfall following a Frog Splash.


Winner(s): Los Guerreros

Ending Maneuver: Frog Splash(Eddy to Jericho)

Ending Time: 8:07

Match Rating: 76

Following the match, Rey and Jericho extend their hands to the Guerreros as a sign of respect for the match, but the Guerreros instead attack them...


Grade: 53

As security tries to stop the Guerreros, the cameras go to the back where someone reported a disturbance.




The two women are arguing about who gets a shot at Jackie Moore, but before push can come to shove security separates them...


Grade: 52




Benoit & Malenko vs Buff Bagwell & Konnan

Match Type: Standard Tag Team

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Randy Anderson

At Ringside: N/A

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Benoit & Malenko defeated Buff Bagwell and Konnan in 7:59 when Dean Malenko defeated Buff Bagwell by submission with the Texas Cloverleaf.


Winner(s): Benoit & Malenko

Ending Maneuver: Texas Cloverleaf(Dean to Bagwell)

Ending Time: 7:59

Match Rating: 79





Diamond Dallas Page vs Curt Hennig

Match Type: Title Match

Time Limit: No Limit

Referee: Charles Robinson

At Ringside: Kimberly(DDP), Rick Rude(Hennig)


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Diamond Dallas Page defeated Curt Hennig in 22:46 when Hennig was disqualified for using a chair. Diamond Dallas Page makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States Heavyweight title.


Winner(s): DDP

Ending Maneuver: Hennig DQ'd for chair use

Ending Time: 22:46

Match Rating: 80


But Curt Hennig isn't finished. Rick Rude slides into the ring with another chair and they both repeatedly bash DDP across the back with them. Kimberly jumped in the ring and covered her husband. Rude and Hennig backed off, clearly satisfied with the damage done...


Grade: 91


As Page is carried to the back by various members of the security team, Hollywood Hogan and Randy Savage and the rest of the nWo makes their entrance...




Hogan: After much deliberation, Savage and I, have come to an agreement...He will be in the main event at Souled Out, but on one condition. If he wins the title or if Sting retains, he's out of the nWo.


Savage looks on, clearly confused and angry. He gets in Hogan's face and begins his mad ramblings that he can only do. The cameras pick up on Savage saying that's not what they agreed to in the back. As they press their noses against each other, the other members of the nWo pull them apart.


Grade: 99

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Prediction Contest.

Satyr24 8/8

Midnightnick 4/8

KnowYourEnemy 6/8

Beejus 6/8


Beejus is in the lead with 3 points, while Satyr24 has 2. There's still seven shows in this round(five Nitros, Souled Out, and SuperBrawl VIII), so it's still anyone's game!




WCW Saturday Night

Saturday Week 3, January 1998


Halloween and Vampiro defeated Blue Demon Jr and Tiger Mask IV

Grade: 46


Benoit & Malenko defeated Kidman and Lodi

Grade: 72


Harlem Heat defeated Hugh Morrus and Chris Candido

Grade: 69


Goldberg defeated Johnny Grunge

Grade: 57


Saturn defeated Prince Iaukea to retain the WCW World Television title

Grade: 65

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview

Week 4 January 1998


We are less than a week away from WCW Souled Out and the go-home edition of Nitro is jam packed full of action!


Roddy Piper and JJ Dillon have revealed that they each have separate announcements that they'll be making. Both are said to be huge.


Owen Hart is in singles action against the nWo's Buff Bagwell. Apparently Buff Bagwell wasn't too happy with how the Hart Brothers treated him as an afterthought.


Harlem Heat are taking on The Faces of Fear. Both teams are said to be very hungry and want in the Tag Title picture as soon as possible.


Goldberg will be taking on another Blue Chipper in WCW named Evan Karagias. Goldberg clearly has the size advantage, but Karagias is incredibly athletic and said to be a future star.


Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko are also said to have a surprise in store for the fans on Monday Nitro, but they'll also be in action taking on Psychosis and Juventud Guerrera. Psychosis an Juventud are two of the most exciting young talent on the roster.


Prince Iaukea and Lenny Lane are teaming up with veterans Fit Finlay and Rick Martel to take on members of Raven's Flock.


In the main event, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash will be taking on "The Total Package" Lex Luger. Luger has been on a losing streak recently and he's attempting to correct his trajectory to the top.

Quick Picks:

Buff Bagwell vs Owen Hart

Faces of Fear vs Harlem Heat

Evan Karagias vs Goldberg

Malenko & Benoit vs Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis

Kidman, Saturn, Riggs and Sick Boy vs Fit Finlay, Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea, and Rick Martel

Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

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Buff Bagwell vs Owen Hart

Faces of Fear vs Harlem Heat

Evan Karagias vs Goldberg

Malenko & Benoit vs Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis

Kidman, Saturn, Riggs and Sick Boy vs Fit Finlay, Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea, and Rick Martel

Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

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Buff Bagwell vs Owen Hart

Faces of Fear vs Harlem Heat

Evan Karagias vs Goldberg

Malenko & Benoit vs Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis

Kidman, Saturn, Riggs and Sick Boy vs Fit Finlay, Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea, and Rick Martel

Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

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Buff Bagwell vs Owen Hart

Faces of Fear vs Harlem Heat

Evan Karagias vs Goldberg

Malenko & Benoit vs Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis

Kidman, Saturn, Riggs and Sick Boy vs Fit Finlay, Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea, and Rick Martel

Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger

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The next Nitro is unfortunately going to be a ways away. My laptop's battery decided it wanted to just stop charging and my laptop won't stay running if the battery is under 10%.


My laptop is a hunk of junk anyway, but I can't afford a new one or a new battery. So until then, I have to put this on hold. I still have all my notes and a back up of the save game made. I was in the middle of writing Nitro when my laptop went kaput, but I had just saved when it clunked out. Hopefully I'm able to come up with a solution soon.

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Monday, Week 4, January 1998

The Spectrum- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Attendance: 17,380 (SELL OUT!)

Final Show Rating: 85

TV Rating: 19.40(TNT), 7.08(Galavision), .87(Foxtel Australia)



The announcers welcome everyone to the show and recap the final moments of last week's Nitro when Hogan announced that if Savage wins the title or if Sting retains, Savage is out of the New World Order. They are then interrupted by Roddy Piper's signature bag pipes who walks out looking rather upset.




Piper: As they announced late last week, I'm here to make an announcement. Some say I should have done this years ago and you know what? Maybe I should have, but I love this business. I've been in it for damn near thirty years. THIRTY YEARS! That's longer than most of you here have been alive. I've given my blood...my sweat...and tears for the sport of professional wrestling. Hogan and I sold out arenas every where our Superman and Lex Luthor rivalry went. Many people say Hulkamania wouldn't have been a thing if it wasn't for me. I'm not going to take credit, but I'm just throwing it out there. I didn't want to make this a big public ordeal, but I love you fans and the majority of the boys in the back and I don't want to delay this any longer. I'm hanging up my boots. They say you should get out while you can still walk and well, I'm barely walkin' these days. Will this be the last time you see me? I hope not, but I won't be competing any more.


After finishing his sentence, a very sullen Roddy Piper sets the microphone in the middle of the ring and heads to the back...


Grade: 94



Owen Hart vs Buff Bagwell

Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Charles Robinson

At Ringside: N/A


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Owen Hart defeated Buff Bagwell in 10:01 by submission with the Sharpshooter. Owen and Bagwell had great chemistry in the ring together and Owen was able to bring out the absolute best in Buff Bagwell. Buff looked like a million bucks and even though he lost again, the crowd seemed fairly responsive to his improved ring work.


Winner: Owen Hart

Ending Maneuver: Sharpshooter

Ending Time: 10:01

Match Rating: 90


After the match, the cameras head to the back where Ted DiBiase is standing with his clients: The Steiner Brothers



DiBiase: In six short days, my clients take on two wrestlers that many consider to be the greatest wrestlers in the world. Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit have more than earned our respect, but The Steiners are not going to hold anything back. We've been studying film and reading about your careers. We're now aware of every injury you've sustained and your weak points. Since there's no time limit, don't expect to get out of this easily. There will be a finish no matter what!


Grade: 81



Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear

Match Type: Standard Tag Match

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Randy Anderson

At Ringside: Jackie Moore(Harlem Heat)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Harlem Heat defeated Faces Of Fear in 7:53 when Booker T defeated The Barbarian by pinfall following a Towering Inferno. This match was not a pretty one. It was hard hitting and a great brawl.

Winners: Harlem Heat

Ending Maneuver: Towering Inferno

Ending Time: 7:53

Match Rating: 72



Goldberg vs Evan Karagias

Match Type: Standard Singles Match

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Billy Silverman

At Ringside: N/A


In an extremely short match, Goldberg defeated Evan Karagias in 1:59 by pinfall with a Jackhammer. Karagias attempted to use his speed to avoid Goldberg at all costs, but it didn't work as Goldberg steamrolls through another competitor.


Winner: Goldberg

Ending Maneuver: Jackhammer

Ending Time: 1:59

Match Rating: 55




A promo package featuring Sting, Hogan, and Savage discussing the main event of Souled Out and the stipulations...


Grade: 100




Roddy Piper wasn't alone tonight with a huge announcement as Malenko and Benoit headed to the ring to reveal their surprise...


Benoit: Ya know, Dean and I were in the back thinking last week that it's time we sought out some back up. Someone to even the odds a bit since we have The Flock making threats and The Steiner Brothers to contend with for the tag titles. I knew just who to call...





Flair: WOOOO!!! It's great to be back! The nWo may have taken the Nature Boy out temporarily, but no one will ever keep me away from this ring! When I got the call from Deano and Benoit last week, I knew we needed to do something big. Something...extraordinary. Then it hit me! The Horsemen are riding again baby! But then Chris says to me, 'Ric, there's only three of us. Whose going to be the fourth?'

I have the perfect guy picked out and he'll be here in a few weeks!

WOOOO! Soundguy, play that music!



Grade: 96



The Horsemen vs Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis

Match Type: Standard Tag Team

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Randy Anderson

At Ringside: Ric Flair(Malenko & Benoit), Sonny Onoo(Psychosis)


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Horsemen defeated Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis in 5:51 when Chris Benoit defeated Psychosis by pinfall following a Dragon Suplex.


Winners: The Horsemen

Ending Maneuver: Dragon Suplex

Ending Time: 5:51

Match Rating: 80




A short highlight video is shown of the history between the nWo, Sting, and Randy Savage.


Grade: 82


Following the video, the cameras take us inside Interim-President JJ Dillon's office.




JJ: Hey there ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to keep this short and sweet, but when I accepted this position, I knew it was going to be only a temporary gig. Well, the time has come and the executives have found the new President of World Championship Wrestling. Since I have been handling things leading into Souled Out, they're allowing me to finish out this week so I think we should go out with a bang. Diamond Dallas Page and Curt Hennig's US Title match will now be a no-holds barred Last Man Standing match. If they can't settle their differences in that environment, they never will. I'm also announcing another title match for the pay per view. Saturn will defend his Television Championship against a wrestler who is trying to branch out into singles competition and that's the only hint I'm giving ya. I'll see everyone on Sunday for Souled Out!


Grade: 53



Raven's Flock vs Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea, Fit Finlay, and Rick Martel

Match Type: 4 vs 4

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Billy Silverman

At Ringside: Raven & Lodi(The Flock)


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Raven's Flock (Sick Boy, Riggs, Kidman and Saturn) defeated Fit Finlay, Lenny Lane, Prince Iaukea and Rick Martel in 8:27 when Saturn defeated Prince Iaukea by pinfall following a Death Valley Driver.


Winners: Raven's Flock

Ending Time: 8:27

Ending Maneuver: Death Valley Driver

Match Rating: 59




Raven: JJ Dillon has apparently decided that Saturn has to defend his Television Championship at Souled Out against a mystery opponent. Once again the higher ups do whatever they can to hold us down. This injustice will not go without retribution.


Grade: 77



"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash vs "The Total Package" Lex Luger

Match Type: Standard Singles

Time Limit: 15 Minutes

Referee: Nick Patrick

At Ringside: N/A

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Kevin Nash defeated Lex Luger in 10:30 by pinfall with a Jacknife Powerbomb.


Winner: Kevin Nash

Ending Maneuver: Jacknift Powerbomb

Ending Time: 10:30

Match Rating: 73






Following the match Scott Hall comes to the ring and joins Nash to beat down Lex Luger to close the show.


Grade: 96

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For some reason it's not registering that I posted Nitro and it didn't bump the thread back to the beginning. I now see that E-V wasn't kidding when he talked about this happening. :o


So hopefully posting the prediction results bumps this back up.


Coop- 5/6

Beejus- 6/6

Satyr24- 5/6

Midnightnick- 6/6


This brings us to our current standings:

1st - Beejus- 4 Points

2nd - Satyr24- 2 points

3rd - Midnightnick- 1 point


I was able to rig my power cord so that it's being plugged into my laptop at all times as a temporary fix until I can get a new battery. I shall have Saturday Night results and a preview for Souled Out up tomorrow.


Right now though, I'd like to open things up. Does any one have any questions, comments or concerns? I'm still working on a format, so if the minor changes bother anyone, let me know!

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