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(C-Verse) SWF: The False God

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Authors Notes of January: A New Day


Hi everyone, thank you all for reading the diary. At the half-way point of our first show, I think it would be a good time to go over an overall of everything that has lead up to this diary.


This is my first diary I've ever written for the TEW series. Throughout my time playing TEW 2010, I kept promising myself I would make a dynasty about my playthoughs of MAW and CGC, but they never came to fruition. It was a mixture between time (I was a high school junior/senior at the time, so apps and SAT testing) and effort (high school kids are lazy). I've always had an idea of for many of the characters in the database, I just never knew if I would be able to realize them.


As someone who writes things for a living (I work as a college essay tutor), I always loved writing stories and such, but I never really had an established universe I could really relate to to work with. SWF: The False God is my take on SWF in 2015. The game is based off of a half-watcher, half-booked game I played throughout 2014.


Thank you to ALL of the SWF diaries out there. I won't be able to name you all off, but Eisen-Verse's Where Men Become LEGENDS is definitely something that I hope my dynasty can hold a candle to. 3rdStringPG's It's More Than Just Supreme! is something I enjoy on a regular basis as a still running diary. James Casey's diary helped me decide to use my own developed CVerse rather than the default one.


What do I hope to achieve with this diary? I hope to be entertaining to all of you. I hope I'm able have the same effect the Where Men Become LEGENDS had on me, where I would be checking the thread all day to see if there was an update. I won't add match grades and all for one big reason: I'm using TEW as the vehicle for this story, not the basis of the story. While I love this game, I don't want it to be a narrative let's play. I want it to be an immersive experience. I might be adding some grades for story basis, but I want you to focus on the kayfabe adventures of Jack Bruce, Rogue, Rich Money and Angry Gilmore and the real life struggles of Christian Faith. Its the beginning of the ride, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!

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I must say I am very impressed by this diary, from a brand new writer :) The amount of work you've clearly put into it before even beginning, means it deserves our attention.


One small 'criticism', and again, this is just personal preference, is the sheer SIZE of the picture of Paul Huntington on the floor! The size of the pic makes the page all off, and I have to scroll right to left, or zoom out to read the show, which is a shame "/ Would be way worse if I was reading on my phone! :p


But the layout otherwise is very neat and tidy, and I agree it looks better now the pics are centered too. I like that you're not using grades, as like you said, the game is a vehicle, not the basis. I'm with you on that one! :D Good luck with this, and if you ever need any help/advice or need to bounce ideas off someone, drop me a PM, I'd be happy to help if I can (which I probably can't) :)

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I must say I am very impressed by this diary, from a brand new writer :) The amount of work you've clearly put into it before even beginning, means it deserves our attention.


One small 'criticism', and again, this is just personal preference, is the sheer SIZE of the picture of Paul Huntington on the floor! The size of the pic makes the page all off, and I have to scroll right to left, or zoom out to read the show, which is a shame "/ Would be way worse if I was reading on my phone! :p


But the layout otherwise is very neat and tidy, and I agree it looks better now the pics are centered too. I like that you're not using grades, as like you said, the game is a vehicle, not the basis. I'm with you on that one! :D Good luck with this, and if you ever need any help/advice or need to bounce ideas off someone, drop me a PM, I'd be happy to help if I can (which I probably can't) :)


Thank you! It started as a small ambitious project but its absolutely engulfed my interest recently. I've been thinking about changes/ways to make the diary better all the time now


I'm on it! I probably need to resize and edit and upload on imgur. I think iPhones (at least Safari) does a decent size resizing it but idk about Droid or tablets.


Thanks, it was 3rdStringPG's advice, I think it does look much crisper! I originally planned to add grades, but often booking the guys we want to push can lead to a sacrifice of grades. I don't want to hold back on writing the best story. So if I fall to cult, then I guess Richard can fire me! Haha. Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I'll let you know if there's any questions that come up!

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Part 2




Citizen X: Good evening Adam, how are you feeling?


The camera is focused on a fancy looking office, with Adam Atlas sitting down on a plush chaise.


Adam Atlas: [speaking in a groggy manner] A little light-headed, are you sure these treatments are FDA approved?


Citizen X: [smiling]: No, no, they have no power here, Adam. You need this. You need to be able to control you power. What disgusts me is that the people out there, the people out there ostracize you, because you're different. They call your gift, a curse. But they don't understand people like us. [an awkward pause as both men sit uncomfortably]...[continuing] Adam, you're just a man. A man with a unique gift from a forgotten age. But you don't understand.


Adam Atlas: I'm not going to understand if you refuse to tell me what these treatments are doing, or what I don't understand.


Citizen X: Adam, [pause]..there's a war coming. You might have seen the battlefield in some secret ops mission, but its nothing like this. There is a man, a mortal man, who believes that he can be God. History has shown, when men attempt to replace God, the results are disastrous. I'm an atheist. I believe no one, but ourselves should dictate how this world works.


Adam Atlas: Do you know who this man is?


Citizen X:...[pauses], alas, I do, but you will know in due time. But for now, its back to more tests...


Duane Fry: If you guys are only tuning in right now, we have two big matches still to come tonight. Can Big Smack Scott win his first North American title? He faces a stiff test against Desmond Davids! Also, Marc DuBois faces the leader of The Legion, Rogue! Can DuBois survive the encounter, or will Rogue deliver on his ominous words?


Peter Michaels: Let's send it down to the ring now for some championship action!




[Big Smack Scott makes his way into the ring as his obnoxious electronic music begins playing. As he walks down the ramp, he gets in the face of a little kid, leading to the little boy to burst into tears. As the parents of the child look horrified, Scott climbs onto the apron, laughing, apparently very proud of his actions. He winks at Ana Garcia, who turns away in disgust.]




[A thunderous 808 beat hits the speakers, as "We Getting'" starts playing. Smoke fills the top of the ramp, as a dark figure appears through the smoke. The champion, wearing his trademark designer shades, walks down the ramp with purpose, his belt around his waist and his eyes never leaving Scott.]


Peter Michaels: It looks like Des Davids heard every word Big Smack Scott said about him. Scott don't look too confident anymore!


[Desmond Davids climbs through the ropes and gets right in the face of Scott, who slightly budges but stands his ground. Davids has a small height advantage, but both men look in the best shape of their lives. The ref separates them as they go into their respective individual corners.]




Ana Garcia: This match is set for ONE FALL! And it is for the SWF NORTH AMERIIIICAAAAAAAN CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, standing in the red trunks, from Miami Florida, BIG SMACK SCOOOOOTTTT!!!!


[Big Smack Scott climbs onto the turnbuckle after some difficulty and is greeted with a chorus of boos]




[The normally colorful Davids just nods while keeping his focus at Scott.]



North American Title Match


  • The bell rings, and Davids goes right after Scott, hitting him with a punishing shoulder block.
  • With Scott down, Des starts hitting some stomps with some very vicious intent. With Scott rolling on the ground in pain, Des yells "YOU GON GET MESSED UP!"
  • Des gets Scott up, but is countered by an eye-rake
  • Scott puts Des in a half-assed head-lock. Des easily reverses it, and grapples Scott's arm
  • Behind Scott, Des starts taking some very unprotected shots to the back of Big Smack Scott's head, each hit making a rattling impact.
  • Desmond throws Scott behind him for a powerful German suplex
  • Scott somehow dodges a leg-drop, and takes the offensive. He takes a nasty stomp onto Des's abdomen.
  • Now firmly in control, Big Smack Scott begins using an array of power moves. A strong snake eyes especially causes the fans to groan.
  • Scott begins posing, sensing a victory
  • As Scott is posing, Desmond Davids gets up, and grabs Scott with purpose, picks him up roughly and throws him down in a ring-rattling Hi-Light Reel.
  • Here it comes! As Scott makes his way up, he gets hit with the force of a bus with Des's patented Gridiron Gore
  • Des goes for a resounding cover



Jerry Eisen: What a win by Desmond Davids! Scott put up his best effort but he was just outclassed. Prime Time might be the most dominate athlete of his generation. Its only time before he becomes WORLD champion




[The crowd roars in approval]



Peter Michaels: What a great match! As Duane would say, a barn burner! We have another treat coming up next, as Rich Parson's VIP lounge will grace us for the first time in 2015!




[After commercial, the ring is set up into a fancy lounge with a bartender and all. Rich "Money" Parsons is in the ring, as the crowd gives him a huge ovation.]


Rich Parsons: Thank you! Thank you! Its a privilege to be back in this ring. A year ago, I didn't know if I would wrestle again. Given Hollywood and a bad injury, it looked bleak. But I did it for you guys. You guys have always been there, and it means the world to me [pauses to allow the crowd to cheer]...you guys are the life force of any champion, the heart of any wrestler and the true measuring stick of this business. I'm bringing in 2015 with this toast to all of you guys. For those sitting in section 100 and 200, check under your seats! Yes, that's right, your own TOASTING SET! Enjoy the New Year!


[The fans check under their seat. They find the nicely package set of champagne flutes and cheer at in approval at their gift. Somewhere in the rafters, the fans chant "Where is ours?".


Rich Parsons: This is my thank you gift. Thank you for being here. I love this city. This city made me. And for that, I am grateful. So it seems fitting that here will be where I make the biggest announcement of my life. Its something I never thought I would say, something that I never knew I would have in me. But here it goes...[a serious pause]. I...I am go-




[RIOT MAKER begins playing, as Remo comes out to the aggressive rap music, his game face forever infixed. Rich Parsons opens his mouth in confusion but Remo ignores it. He paces himself to the ring, and athletically jumps over the top rope. Rich opens his arms in question, and Remo stares at him for a second, and hits him square in the chest. The beatdown begins, as Remo starts stomping on Rich Parson's chest, with no mercy. Parson's bartender tries to break up the fight but gets hit with a Dominator into a leather sectional. Parson attempts to use the distraction but Remo is too quick. With punishing blows, Remo puts Parsons to his knees. Using a barstool, Remo sits himself dominantly over Rich Money Parsons.



Duane Fry: Absolutely disgusting. Parsons was here to celebrate not to fight.


Peter Michaels: This is the SWF, be prepared to fight at all times.


Jerry Eisen: But what was Money's announcement? It sounded serious, but what could it be? Shameful assault by Remo, attacking a man in his hometown.

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I originally planned to add grades, but often booking the guys we want to push can lead to a sacrifice of grades. I don't want to hold back on writing the best story. So if I fall to cult, then I guess Richard can fire me! Haha. Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I'll let you know if there's any questions that come up!


Having your grades not be 'as great' is not really a huge deterrent for most (I would think). I've often been notorious for having terrible grades for segments despite a 'well written show'. Ultimately, I don't think a well written segment will be pulled down by a lackluster grade. In my mind, I look at the grade as being the crowd's response (not the readers) to what I booked. Whether due to low overness of the people in it, or bad skills at what they're doing, it's a way of seeing the disconnect between writers and what happens on the show (which we see in real life).


I remember reading something from Kevin Nash saying that he was astounded by what Vince Russo would write for a show. Sadly though, it wouldn't come across as 'great' as he wrote it. That's just part of the game/life. If they're 'less over' then it's expected that the crowd won't be as huge into what's happening versus another segment with Jack Bruce in it.


So, don't worry about providing grades if they don't match with how you FEEL the segment should go. It offers readers another way to analyze how the show went but won't sink you. If anything, it makes for a good topic of conversation if need be.


Keep up the good work, Poet. You're doing quite well for a newbie (which is not to say that a newbie can't do good work). The SWF is a company that people either love or hate; so, you certainly will have a lot of attention if you keep things moving as they are.


Best of luck.

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Having your grades not be 'as great' is not really a huge deterrent for most (I would think). I've often been notorious for having terrible grades for segments despite a 'well written show'. Ultimately, I don't think a well written segment will be pulled down by a lackluster grade. In my mind, I look at the grade as being the crowd's response (not the readers) to what I booked. Whether due to low overness of the people in it, or bad skills at what they're doing, it's a way of seeing the disconnect between writers and what happens on the show (which we see in real life).


I remember reading something from Kevin Nash saying that he was astounded by what Vince Russo would write for a show. Sadly though, it wouldn't come across as 'great' as he wrote it. That's just part of the game/life. If they're 'less over' then it's expected that the crowd won't be as huge into what's happening versus another segment with Jack Bruce in it.


So, don't worry about providing grades if they don't match with how you FEEL the segment should go. It offers readers another way to analyze how the show went but won't sink you. If anything, it makes for a good topic of conversation if need be.


Keep up the good work, Poet. You're doing quite well for a newbie (which is not to say that a newbie can't do good work). The SWF is a company that people either love or hate; so, you certainly will have a lot of attention if you keep things moving as they are.


Best of luck.


I think grades do in fact sabotage a fully immersive diary. Like when a new comer actually upsets a guy like Cena, you know the reaction would be insane, not something negative all around. I do try to keep the game as close to whats actually going on in the diary however. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up to national, I have back up files for the diary so I'm okay.


Thank you for your encouragement! It's sorta surreal getting a rub from one of your heroes. I think SWF is definitely the hardest CVerse company to book. While USPW has less talent, you won't have a problem dropping to cult nor is it hard to just spam Sam Strong for high grades half the show. SWF has a large roster, and a very specific way to pull grades. I hope I keep bringing in a bigger audience thank you!

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Main Event


Peter Michaels: Welcome back to SWF Supreme TV! I hope you guys all had a great New Year, I don't know about you, but I'm very excited for our main event. Two of the most talented stars in the world will collide tonight. One representing a force of catastrophic proportions, another fighting for redemption, who will win?






[The violins and drums play as Marc makes his way to the ring first with a pretty decent reaction with a mic in his hands. His face is emotionless, dressed with street clothes over his ring-gear. DuBois, while still in his 20's looks like a man past 40. His hand holds a microphone...]


Marc DuBois: Is this thing on? [pats the mic and gets feedback] Before I enter the lion's den, I want to talk about what I'm getting myself into tonight. I've been in this business exactly a decade from today. I spent so much of it worrying about what everyone thought of me. There is so much I want to tell the same Marc DuBois that walked out of Richard Eisen's office ten years ago with a contract. I want to tell him that his story wasn't over, but rather it just began. Taking shortcuts, cheating, hurting people, you might feel like you catch on up on someone when you do it, but it always comes back to haunt you. I don't think Rogue, you understand the ramifications of what you're trying to say. You want to end my career? You want to destroy me? Go ahead, the old me has already tried and he failed. What makes you anymore dangerous than he? I will not bow down to your heretic god, whoever he is. I believe in myself and that's all. I've spent so much time already worshipping fame, money and women that I forgot how powerful the inner human is. Yes, I pissed all my money away. I was homeless. I realized, through these times that life could be its most beautiful. I realized that I have seen more true kind acts on the streets of New York City than any ring I've been in. I don't need evil to run my life anymore Rogue, and if that upsets you, so be it. I'm going to make sure I am someone I can live with and if you take offense to that, then I have a Model Solution for that...


[As Marc drops the mic, Where Did the Angels Go? begins playing, and the Legion begin to slink towards the ring, their eyes fixed on the prey in the center of the ring. Rogue begins licking his lips, smiling evilly.]


  • Marc goes straight after Rogue, hitting him straight in the head with a hard knee.
  • Marc starts throwing some hard punches on Rogue, causing the Englishman to struggle to guard himself
  • Guerrilla jumps onto the apron, causing Marc to turn around and throw an elbow at him. He misses and Rogue takes the initiative, hitting Marc in the face with a vicious forearm. Rogue smirks at Guerrilla, who stoically nods in return
  • Rogue begins stomping away on Marc, who takes some very hard shots from Rogue's boot
  • Marc grabs Rogue's foot as he goes for an exaggerated stomp, and attempts to reverse it into the Model Solution, but Rogue goes for a second reversal, trying to execute Crashing On. Both finisher attempts fail, as Marc settles with a thunderous arm drag, leaving Rogue wincing in pain.
  • Marc ties Rogue's leg into a single leg Boston crab, as Rogue sells the hold. Screaming in pain, Rogue struggles, but ultimately, the Legion's other two members help Rogue get to the ropes by pushing the bottom rope towards Rogue and taking some illegal shots at Marc to loosen up the hold
  • The ref sees the interference and throws out both members of the Legion! Both members are visibly upset, trying to intimidate the ref, but he is unyielding, signaling them to leave. After a few menacing glares, the two large men reluctantly comply, to the glee of a now raucous crowd.
  • Marc picks a dizzy Rogue up, and nails a near-perfect standing dropkick to the head of Rogue. Marc goes for the cover. Rogue kicks out at 2.
  • Marc ties up Rogue's arm in a painful looking submission. After stretching Rogue out, Marc lets go as both men seem exhausted from the battle.
  • Rogue is first to his feet, but Marc soon follows. Rogue takes the initiative and throws a kick to Marc's sternum. Marc is pushed back but doesn't fall over.
  • Rogue approaches Marc, and is met with a punch, Rogue staggers, but returns a punch. The two begin trading back and forth as the crowd chants "YAY" to everyone of Marc's punches and "BOO" for all of Rogue's shots. Finally, Rogue irish whips Marc, who bounces and goes for a clothesline but is clobbered by a two handed clothesline.
  • Rogue yells "PATHETIC", and puts two hands on Marc's throat, putting him an illegal chokehold as DuBois begins to flail around. The ref quickly pulls Rogue off, and threatens him with a DQ. Rogue brushes off the ref, and attempts to continue his assault, but is met with a leg trip by DuBois.
  • DuBois attempts to get up, but is struggling. Failing, both men are down. The ref begins counting. Both men get up at 8.
  • Rogue attempts to hit Crashing On, but misses, hitting the refs. DuBois takes advantage and LOCKS ROGUE INTO THE MODEL SOLUTION!
  • Rogue looks out, when...




[The lights turn off, and flicker back on, with a masked man in a hood, who takes no time off to blast Marc in the head with a steel chair. Dragging Rogue onto Marc, the lights flicker again and the man is gone. After half a minute of all three men knocked out, the ref struggles up and counts.]







Peter Michaels: WHO IS THAT MAN! What a disgusting display by the Legion! Rogue just realizes what just happened. Disgusting, he's laughing! But who is that man?


Duane Fry: A dark cloud has befallen the SWF! Can the Supreme Wrestling Federation overcome the coming storm? Good night everyone!


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  • 3 weeks later...




Angry Gilmore vs. Guerrilla



James Prudence vs. Adam Atlas



Poseidon vs. Zimmy Bumfhole



Matty Faith vs. Kevin Christopher


Don't Miss SWF Supreme TV's Return...

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