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Ring OF Honor 2014 - Our Time IS Now (a TEW community dynasty)

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Ring Of Honor has long been called the home of real pro wrestling. In recent years ROH has been sold to Sinclair Broadcasting, but it has continued to be the place where the best young talent come to make their name. Some of the best in the world have come through these hallowed halls, from Bryan Danielson to Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and El Generico, Kevin Steen and The American Wolves. All of these men have risen to prominence in ROH, but now the next generation looks to leave their own mark on Pro Wrestling and now it is their chance.


Cary Silkin has returned to power within ROH to help continue the growth of the company, however the person actually running the shows on a day to day basis is still unknown.


The likes of Adam Cole, Tommaso Ciampa, Mike Bennett and Michael Elgin are all looking to rise to the mantle of Best In the World. They are surrounded by ROH veterans like The Briscoes, Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal. The men of Honor look to continue their meteoric rise as the best independent company since ECW closed its doors over a decade ago. This is their story, and This Is Their Time!!


OOC: All shows will be written by Head Writer The Final Countdown

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Ring Of Honor World Heavyweight Champion



Jay Briscoe


ROH World Tag Team Champions





ROH TV Champion



Jay Lethal

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ROH Television Week 1 Preview


Chris Hero will go 1 on 1 with Roderick strong representing The Decade. Matt Sydal will also look to prepare for his upcoming ROH TV Championship match when he faces The Last Real Man Silas Young. The Young Bucks will be in the house as they prepare for their ROH Tag Title Match at Final Battle. Bad Influence has promised to make an appearance that you wont want to miss.

Quick Card

Matt Sydal vs Silas Young

Chris Hero vs Roderick Strong

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ROH Television Week 1 Preview


Chris Hero will go 1 on 1 with Roderick strong representing The Decade. Matt Sydal will also defend his ROH TV Championship against The Last Real Man Silas Young. The Young Bucks will be in the house as they prepare for their ROH Tag Title Match at Final Battle. Bad Influence has promised to make an appearance that you wont want to miss.


I thought Jay Lethal was TV Champ? Interested to see where you go with this though man, as I enjoy watching ROH's ppvs, but not their TV shows so much :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, my name is The Final Countdown, and I've been hired to recap every Ring of Honor show from this point forward. So come along with me as we fast approach ROH's biggest show of the entire year, Final Battle!


Ring of Honor Wrestling

December, Week 1



((Pre-Show: War Machine over Outlaw Inc in 10:09 (D+), Cedric Alexander over Romantic Touch in 09:46 (D-), an in-ring angle featuring the House of Truth (D-)))



Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong:

Two ROH veterans opened the show in a highly competitive match. They worked a hard-hitting style, with both guys landing plenty of solid strikes and suplexes. Roddy ducked a rolling elbow from Hero and scored with a half nelson backbreaker to win the match at 13:06.

Grade: C



In the ring:

Bad Influence took the microphone to declare that they were the most talented, most charismatic, not to mention sexiest team in ROH. To prove it, they were issuing an open challenge to any team stupid enough to think they had a chance at defeating them at Final Battle.


Matchmaker Nigel McGuinness appeared in the aisle, smiling as he said he had just the team in mind. I wonder what ROH has up their sleeve here? Will it be an existing team on the roster, a guest spot from a pair of outsiders, or a return?

Grade: C-



In the ring:

#1 contender Adam Cole was not his usual cocky self. He was all business as he spoke, saying that he couldn't wait for these next two weeks to pass by so he could fulfill his destiny by becoming the ROH World Champion for the second time. Cole promised that no one would stand between he and that title, whether it be Jay or his "even more stupid brother" Mark.


The Briscoes came out at that point and challenged Cole to a tag match later in the night, assuming he could find someone who actually liked his "annoying ass." Cole accepted the challenge.

Grade: D



Matt Sydal vs. Silas Young:

"Reborn" and "The Last Real Man" didn't hold anything back here. Sydal wasted little time in busting out his aerial moves without any real buildup. They told a nice little story with Sydal's agility matched against the strength and brawling of Silas. There was some decent action here, even if it couldn't match the opener between Hero and Strong. Sydal won a back and forth match with a pretty Shooting Star Press in 07:09.

Grade: D



Green screen promo:

The Young Bucks hyped their Final Battle match against reDRagon. Matt and Nick boasted that everyone from Reseda to Tokyo knew they were the hottest tag team in the entire world, and at Final Battle they'd prove it with a Superkick Party big enough to knock those stupid mouth guards out. I love the Bucks, but cutting promos isn't their strong suit.

Grade: D-



The Briscoes vs. Adam Cole and Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis

Main event time. This was a seesaw match, with the Briscoes getting in some of their signature double team spots and the duo from The Kingdom using every dirty heel trick they could think of to get the edge on the 8-time tag champions. Cole was knocked over the top rope with a double clothesline and could do nothing to help when Bennett was dropped with the Doomsday Device at the 18 minute mark. Not a bad match, but Roddy vs. Hero was clearly the best match on the show even if it didn't have any real build or back story.

Grade: D+


Final Rating: D+

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