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Hi All,


very random, but i'm pushing the Von Erich's on my save after their stats improved 10 fold in my developmental territory.


I have read a bit into them as I wanted to get a feel for what route I can go down regarding future stories and it seems their is a Lacey Von Erich?

I would like to add her to my game as the focal point of a story (Think DDP style kidnap of Takers wife) so would need to add her to my mod. (fleish mod early 2014 , cant remember which)


But don't a) know where to go for a pic (on Kyky) and b) what sort of stats should she run with?


any input, help, or screenshots of what she looks like in your games on your mods, much appreciated.



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Pretty much mirroring what Phreak says, I would say no stat (except maybe sex appeal which is maybe an A) should really be above an E for Lacey in terms of in ring ability. She was terrible. Mic/Charisma maybe D-/D because she wasn't terrible, but was by no means good either. Maybe brawling as her best stat in ring wise so maybe E there with the remainder of those stats extremely low. Psychology should be almost non existent, same with her selling (maybe an F+/E again). Basics maybe a D+/C- (and that's me being generous due to her lineage).


Of course, others may disagree, but if I was adding her that's about as high as I'd go.


There was a pic of her on my background in the picture pack but I don't like cutting to Kyky. I know there are pics of her on it out there though. :)

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I'm even a fan of her's and I'd pretty much echo Phreak and Fleisch. She always looked like she wasn't really trained all that well. She had an amazing look, was incredibly attractive and athletic, but didn't seem to grasp wrestling. Her best work was when she was primarily working as valet for Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne in the Beautiful People.


Also keep in mind that Lacey hasn't wrestled since 2010 when she retired to take care of her kid.

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Thanks for the replies guys,


Fleisch, I used your pic but just cut it myself onto kyky. I didn't realise the pic was there until you said so that helped loads.


And Stats wise , I was just mainly looking to rate her on acting/ charisma or Sex appeal so that helps loads. I recall her looking like a fish out of water, almost identical to the divas who hurt herself in the ring in WWE, so would not plan to use her in ring, but may well see what nxt. does to her over 6 months before the story line hits the arc where i need her.


Thank you for the help :)

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