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A Fantasy MMA multiplayer community?


Here's what I mean.


We could easily have a regular MMA Multiplayer game with a few of us having different promotions and see who's better. But what if we changed that up?


What if we played MMA like Football, Hockey, Baseball, or Basketball?


Here's what I mean. #2


16 Teams: (Edit: We wouldn't have to keep the team names. Those were just for presentation)


North Division:


Minnesota Bruisers

Washington Lightning

Chicago Wildcats

Seattle Marauders


West Division:


Los Angeles Aftershocks

Las Vegas Street Fighters

Denver Ice Fists

San Francisco Ninja’s


South Division:


Austin First Strike

Louisiana Thunder

Atlanta Hawks

Florida Blackhawks


East Division:


New Jersey Backfists

New York Laceration

Carolina Doom

Tennessee Vikings



The way things work.


- There would by 16 teams available.


- There would be 4 Divisions (North, South, East, West) and 2 MAJOR Divisions (North South Conference) (East West Conference)


- Fight cards: Two teams would put up their 10 best against another team's best 10 and duke it out. Prelim fights would be decided also, but not go against a team for a loss or win. (I also thought it would be more beneficial to have all 16 teams fight in 1 night just 1 fighter vs 1 fighter. I'd have to bounce ideas off with someone)


- 15 or 25 (haven't decided on this number yet) fighters would inhabit all 16 teams


- 10 fighters would be on a "Starting Roster", those are your main fighters who go into battle. You will have 2 fighters for the following weightclasses



Light Heavyweight





- 10 fighters (if there are 25 total fighters) would be there for either match-up reasons, or in-case of injury.


- You would have 5 available "Bench" slots for rookies, young up and coming fighters, or even "3rd string" fighters in case of injury.


- Before the first season, there would be a fantasy draft, every fighter from whichever mod we'd use would be up for grabs and the first team to pick would pick their favorite (or best fighter) and the list would go on. There would be 10 or 20 rounds for this draft.


- After that draft. There will be another Rookie Draft. Choosing strictly from rookie fighters OR up and comers with no more than 2 fights in local shows.


- Rookies: Rookies / Newbies are able to fight on each card in the Pre-Lims to gain experience and grow as a fighter. However a W or L will not count against the team in the Prelims. Considering the Databases we may use will begin with fighters with high W/L records to start with. This won't throw off the W/L records at all.


- There will be 8 Fights for each team in a Season. There will be a full game every in-game week. So that is a 16 month season (At first I thought this was too much. Then I thought "This is MMA. We wait years for a new Champion at times" so I figured, screw it.)


- Playoffs: Read Below.


- After every season there will be 50 rookies / newbies populated for a draft. Now, after every season, you have to pick 5 fighters you're willing to give up in order to draft new rookies. (That way you can recycle the fighters on losing streaks and hopefully bring someone in who will get some wins) if you don't have anyone you want to give up. You WILL forfeit your Draft Position. (This was the best idea I had to not get bloated rosters. If this actually becomes something people are interested in and they have a better idea, I'd definitely listen)




Playoffs??? You're talking about.... playoffs? Playoffs!?!?


That's right! The Playoffs! Half of the teams will make the playoffs each season (I thought about only 4 teams, but I didn't like how small that was, so 8 teams will do)



Ex. (I know that some of the records don't make sense, I did this for fun, not for EXTREME logic)


Los Angeles (8 - 0) 1

Seattle (8 - 0) 1

Tennessee (7 - 1) 2

Austin (6 - 2) 2

New York (5 - 3) 3

Louisiana (5 - 3) 3

Denver (4 - 4) 4

Chicago (4 - 4) 4


Minnesota (3 - 5)

New Jersey (3 - 5)

Atlanta (2 - 6)

San Francisco (2 - 6)

Washington (1 - 7)

Carolina (1 - 7)

Florida (0 - 8)

Las Vegas (0 - 8)


These 8 teams will battle in a Play-Off bracket that we're probably all familiar of.


NSC Playoff Bracket


NSC Seed 1 vs. NSC Seed 3

NSC Seed 2 vs. NSC Seed 4


EWC Playoff Bracket


EWC Seed 1 vs. EWC Seed 3

EWC Seed 2 vs. EWC Seed 4


NSC Championship


NSC Winner 1 vs. NSC Winner 2


EWC Championship


EWC Winner 1 vs. EWC Winner 2


MMA Championship


NSC Winner vs EWC Winner


We can have a community like this on the boards. Have 16 of you want to coach a team (or I could coach one), and I can run everything that is happening in-game. Post fights here, post incidents (Injuries, death, stuff like that) and I could keep everything updated on here while you guys just have fun with it.


Would anyone be interested in this type of League System? You wouldn't play it In-Game, but I would do all of the work with posting the matches, updating rankings and stats, setting up brackets and keeping everyone in the know just like they were playing in-game just without the interface. This would be a neat thing and I've already tested it in my own play-through and it works solidly. There are a few things I need to tweak out and figure out but I think this would be extremely fun.


Let me know.





I didn't explain how Teams would win a fight. I thought W = W and L = L and whoever has more wins... wins. However I think that would take away from extremely good fighters being able to Finish fights instead of just going to Decision. I found this layout from another poster, but am too lazy after typing all of this up to go look for it, so I give credit to whoever it was posting this! (I'll find it eventually, but if you say "IT WAS ME!" then I'll update this with your name)


Win by (T)KO or Submission - 10 Pts

Win by Unanimous Decision - 8 Pts

Win by Split Decision - 6 Pts

No Contest - 0 pts ( -2 Points if by disqualification to the Fighter disqualified)

Draw - 0 Pts to both teams


If I missed anything, let me know and I'll update.






Everyone who is currently interested, I sent emails to you using the email you have on this site, if you don't want any emails from me in the future let me know and I will take you off the list. The emails will just be a discussion on what to implement into this league or what can be changed or scratched.


If you want to give me any suggestions for how to run the league, database questions, draft questions, roster questions, name ideas, or any idea or question about this at all. PM me or email me and we can discuss it.


Members currently interested in Coaching:




WCW Mark

Spinning Backfist



I'm wanting to start this league up ASAP once we get rules sorted out and have at least 8 coaches ready to start the League. We only need 4 more people interested!

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It's awesome people having interest in this.


Another thing I forgot to mention is I would put every fighters stats on Recoup, Recovery, and Preparation to 100% and have Fantasy Booking on and random Injury off so there would be short downtime between fights, hopefully no random 2 year injuries because of a foot (although I won't know what happens in training!), and I could start fights ASAP. This is just to make it easier on me so I don't have to sim so long to fights or to start a card.


Once I find 16 people that would love to do this we can get started with getting teams, discussing rules / changes that need to be made, and hopefully start a thread in the "Dynasty" section of WMMA 4 to start this league.

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It would have to be voted on I guess. Cornelleverse would be cool and would add SOME "Uncharted Waters" depending how much people have played Cornelleverse, but some people might want to see how the Modern Warriors Database may do in a system like this.


Oh c'mon people! Let's try this out, it'll be fun!

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I was thinking that, too. And if an unfortunate injury happens and you DON'T want to use a Rookie (or you don't have a Rookie in the same weight class as your injured fighter) then you can sign a F/A until that injury is done recuperating.


Weight Classes would range from:



Light Heavyweight





Each weight class would have 2 fighters in each.



Now I know that in certain mods there may not be enough fighters for 16 Fighters to be drafted to a team, so, I'd probably have to populate some with both settings (Experience and average Attribute) to Random.


But with this, there'll be love in every division and it makes 10 fights per main card which fills it up.

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UPDATE: Something I thought of which would make this a LOT more fun is I can conduct interviews with the Coaches before each match-up and they can do MMA Style interviews. I can post them on the forums and see if we can get some Rivalries going that way. Obviously there will be Division Rivals because Divisions always hate their in-division rivals. However this would spice up the experience a little more and really create a unique forum experience.


One thing I'd like input on, though, is when to have the Fight Cards on a real-life Day-to-Day basis. I was thinking have all 8 cards on 1 day, but that may flood the thread / be a mental overload for some people. But I don't want to wait too long for fights as I don't want the Championship Fight for the MMA Championship to be way too far down the road and people lose interest because of the process speed.


So if everyone is okay with the 8 Fights happening every day to every week (Meaning it can be every other day, every 2 days, ect..) that's great. But, if you guys want something different let me know. I want this to be an awesome experience for all of you.

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I'd be cool with every other day.


On the weight classes, I see what you're saying about having ten classes with ten cards but what about just using Lightweight to Heavyweight. That gives you 5 classes with two fights in each. This adds a bit of strategy as you try and predict who they'll pick in each weight class and try and pick a fighter who can beat them

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Good point. Gives a little more strategy and skill factor to the coach and not just based on some good luck shots / sims having 1 fight in every weightclass.


I really like that idea. That would also help some fights not be snoozefests if a matchup drafted 2 wrestlers in the same weightclass. I'm actually changing that right now as I don't see a reason why it would be a bad idea.


But that now just brings up a question for me. How would we pick fighters to go in? Do we have people say who they're going to fight and switch as they please? I feel that would cause an awful lot of switching. Or we can have them pick a fighter that both teams can see and maybe get only 1 chance to change it? Or no chances to change fighters?

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That's great. I wasn't sure if people would look up to this due to how much work would have to go into it.


Also, understand, that I'm going to try and get this thing rolling ASAP. I'm wanting to start it once we get at least half of the teams filled with coaches interested. So that'd be 8 teams coaching out of 16. I'd pick fighters in the draft for the remaining 8 teams just to keep things interesting and somewhat fair.


Another thing to understand. It may take a few seasons to make things pretty flawless. There will be a lot of bumps in the road to make this experience perfect. I hope it'll be damn near perfect the first season we try this, but, logic states it probably won't happen.


I actually did get the idea from the IFL idea. There are a lot of GM type leagues online for FOF 7 and I even joined one at one point and it was the most in-depth most awesome experience I've had with a Text Sim game. The community is what makes this fun so it's important to find people who WILL have the time to be able to do something like this. It doesn't take a WHOLE lot of time, but being able to log in and be somewhat alive in this league is important.


I agree with the Modern Database being more competitive on a fight-to-fight level considering the Cornelleverse does have its fighters that are amazing, then it drops off to untalented fighters that aren't in the big leagues quite yet.



Things Needed to Be Discussed


- When the fights are.


It was briefly discussed a little bit ago. But I'd like more input on how many days in-between fights we'd have and how many fights per day we'd have. I figure people would be most interested in the Fights they're participating in only and not really read the other fights unless they're bored and have a bit more time. So an everyday Fight for each team might not be such a bad thing.


- How we're going to do F/A, Scouting, Roster look-ups for Fighters NOT on a team.


I don't want to bog down the main thread that this will happen in by posting updated fighters outside of anyone's team and scouted fighters (from either outside of the team or inside of the team). So maybe I could export the database after each fight (or Injury) and draft so everyone can download it and take a look at it themselves. But then there could be "cheating" as in they can simulate fighters and fights. Go into the editor and check out fighters stats to gameplan. We can just add that to part of the gameplanning?


Or I can look through and post the "Most Noteable" (best statted fighters, sum up what they're best at and sum up previous fights) Free Agents and people can come to me about scouting and I can update them with scouting reports when something changes. It'd be a lot of work-load, but with me not running a team, I'd have the time to do that. (I have a lot of time on my hands only working a part time job and going to school for computer science which I'm learning far too quickly and am already good at it)


- Minor: If we're going to have a "bye" week. Give someone an extra day to scout, look at another teams fighters and see if they can combat it, extra time for interviews, and just a day off.


- Minor: Names, Names, Names! What promotion would we run under? I've thought of "Greydog Championship League" and figured tha'd be cool.


What will the Championship Fight be called? NFL has Superbowl, NHL has Stanley Cup Finals, Basketball has NBA Championship ect... Should we just name it "MMA Championship"? Or "GreyDog League Championship" or figure out something short and simple like "The Superbowl"?


The minor stuff doesn't have to be discussed quite yet if no one has an opinion yet. It's not as important as the stuff above.

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You should start an email group, it'd be much more effective than this forum. I'm in some online fantasy sports leagues and have some experience in these things too, it sounds rad.


But it's getting hard to follow in these posts. Plus it'd be easier to communicate.


You can keep this up as an advert of sorts but if you find 8 dudes, I'd start sending emails.


EDIT: I sent you a PM, AysoATX

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It is getting a bit tough to follow for sure. This will pretty much be a sign-up thread and I'll email a few of you to really see how we should make this thing awesome.


UPDATE: Everyone who is currently interested, I sent emails to you using the email you have on this site, if you don't want any emails from me in the future let me know and I will take you off the list. The emails will just be a discussion on what to implement into this league or what can be changed or scratched.

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Alright here's what I vote. It's funny we're doing this because I'm in the 3rd year of a real fantasy mma league my friends and I put together based off of UFC and Bellator fights.


1) For time I'd say once a week is fine, more is fine if you guys want, but to me every other day puts way too many "games" in the season.


2) I vote real world mod only because that's mainly what I play lol. The only other database I know at all is the Default. If we choose another mod though that's cool I'll just have to start a game with it real fast to get familiar.


3) Greydog Fighting Championship is cool if they don't mind us using it, or we could come up with something.


4) For adds and drops I say we use a 48 hour waiver system where the person in last place in the standings has the highest waiver priority, 2nd from last has 2nd, and so on. After 48 hours anyone claims whoever they want on a first come first serve basis. That's what we do in our fantasy mma league and it works pretty well.


5) Any idea what we want to do for a season length game wise?

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I'm gonna go ahead and respond to this :p (Wow that came off rude) but I'd like for the discussions to be in either the Email or the PM just to keep this uncluttered. I'd like this to be basically a Sign-Up section.


But the Season Length I want to be 8 Fights per team. So 8-0 would be a perfect record. This is without the Post Season which would come down to an extra 7 Fights to win the Championship.


So if we do it every week, it'd be 8 weeks, and we can do Playoff Rounds a little quicker and smash it into 1 week with a lot of build-up towards the Championship Fight.


An off-season could last a week or so to let people figure out rookies, season aquisitions, extra coaches, ECT.


Update: I added grits207 to the list of interested Coaches!

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Signing you guys up!


UPDATE: A lot has changed since this original idea and I'm going to address it very soon. But for now we're looking to start with 8 teams (unless we get more people who want to GM) so as soon as we hit 8 we will wait a bit for others but probably get the ball rolling. Ill PM both of you new signups with some details.

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