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Total Extreme Battle Royale

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They woke with the sound of an air horn, finding themselves in a dank building. The man who sounded the horn was flanked by two men in riot armor carrying rifles.


One of the women in the room, a tomboyish blonde named Suzanne Brazzle (Female #5) shreiked, and the elderly man in front of him raised his hand. "Relax, if we wanted to just shoot you we'd have already done it."


One of the men, a grizzled man in his 40s (Lee West, Male #20) spoke up. "What's the big idea! You put us on a cruise for free and now what, you're holding us hostage?"


"ACK! Tracy!" yelled Tracy's sister, Michelle Brendon (Female #6, Tracy being #7) "What's that on your neck?!"


One of the soilders shot up into the air. "QUIET!" shouted the mystery man. "The next one of you to talk will be shot."


He paused for a moment, and after nobody spoke up, he smiled. "Better. Now, as you are all aware, in addition to winning a free vacation, you were also promised a chance to win one billion dollars American. And now it's time to see which of you lucky vacationers gets that prize."


"And to determine this... you will all fight each other for it. To the death."


People looked around each other, as if trying to figure out if this was a joke.


"Now..." He said holding up a clipboard. "Michelle... Brendon. What's on your sister Tracy's neck is a special collar. If any of you attempt to the escape the island you are all presently on, or try to climb the stairs of this building, or go anywhere within 50 feet of it after I send you all on your way... that collar will explode. In addition, after six hours, every two hours I will be placing areas of this island off-limits. If you approach an off-limits area, the collar will vibrate. If you get too close... it will, again, explode. If you try to remove or disable the collar it will explode... and if any of you somehow manage to annoy me, I'll make your collar explode remotely.


"Each of you will be given a backpack. This will contain a map, a shock-proof watch, three days worth of rations, and a weapon. This weapon will be random. Some of you will be given knives, some of you guns, some will be given... surprises. Some good, some... less good.


"Every six hours, through PA systems throughout this island, I will announce which of you have died as well as areas on your map which will be off limits.


"You will fight each other, and you will kill each other, until there is only one of your remaining.


"There is one more rule: If none of you die in a 12 hour period... all of your collars will explode, there will be no winner.


"Now, when I call your name, step through that door. You will be given your survival pack and sent on your way. Note that each of your packs will have a lock on them. That's to keep you from using your weapons on each other until one hour after I release the last of you from this building. When that happens, I will activate the remote release on the on your packs' locks, and the game will begin. Anyone still within 50 feet of this building after that hour will of course die. Anyone who attacks anyone else before your weapons are released will also be executed. And yes, we will be watching you. The world will be watching you.


"Good luck."

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The Total Extreme Battle Royale System:


-Every entrant starts with 6 hit points, and can have a maximum of 10. When they reach 0, they die.

-Every show is a six-hour phase.

-Everyone who has an encounter in a phase and survives gain 1 HP at the end of the phase.

-To determine # of match encounters: Roll d8, add 2

-To determine # of nonviolent encounters: Roll d4

-Determine order of encounters at random with random.org/lists

-Determine people in encounters at random with same list.

-If either person in match encounter is in a group, roll a d20. On a 1, they're alone. Otherwise, -they can be with at least one person in their group, unless they have the ALONE status (See: Statuses)

-Everyone starts with one weapon.

-In combat, everyone chooses one weapon. If they have a weapon marked with an S, they may use that AND another weapon.

-To calculate their combat ability, they take their highest in-ring stat OR their basics OR their psychology (known as their ATK stat) and add it to their weapon's damage stat. This is their total pool.

-Every combatant rolls their total pool and add it to their group's total. Highest total amount wins. In multi-way encounters, lowest group loses. Person who rolled highest in his individual group is marked as the winner of the match; the loser is chosen by TEW.

-Anyone who is alone and goes into combat unarmed, with a weapon with a 0 damage stat, or with a weapon that's out of ammo gains the SCARED status.

-Everyone has three weapon slots. If they pick up a weapon they don't have room for, they must discard one to make room.

-If someone discards or otherwise does not take a weapon, roll a d6. On a 1, the weapon ends up in a forbidden zone, destroyed, or otherwise out of play.

-If nobody has died at the end of the phase, make a list of everyone with the lowest amount of HP, and put it through random.org/lists. The first d6 people on that list die of their injuries.

-When four people are alive at start of phase, that phase MUST be the end and any groups MUST split up.

-If someone becomes the sole surviving member of their group for any reason, give them the status SCARED, unless they abandoned their group or otherwise had the status UNTRUSTED.


Match encounters, roll percentage:

1-60: Regular Encounter

61-70: Multi-Group Encounter

71-90: Deadly Encounter

91-99: Abrupt Encounter

100: Calamity, Roll Again


Multi-Group Encounter, roll percentage:

1-20: Three Teams Encounter

21-30: Four Team Encounter

31-60: Two-On-One Encounter

71-80: Deadly Encounter, Three Singles

81-90: Deadly Encounter, Three Teams

91-99: Abrupt Encounter, Three Teams

100: Calamity, Roll Again


Calamity Type, Roll d4

1. Fire (All take extra d6 from fire, everyone is SCARED (if not in a group) or ALONE (if in a group))

2. Run-In (Winners take 1/2d6 rounded down min 1, Losers take extra d6)

3. Explosion (All take extra 2d6 from explosion)

4. Zone Becomes Forbidden (Losers all die; Winners with less than d4 HP also die)


Match Encounter Types:


Regular Encounter: Loser takes d6. Other members in loser's group takes half damage (rounded down, minimum 0). The loser, if he survives, gains the status RIVAL against the winner.


Multi-Group Encounter: As above, but members of group that doesn't win or lose also take half damage (rounded down, minimum 0)


Deadly Encounter: Group battles become elimination battles. Everyone eliminated takes d6 damage, everyone else takes half damage (rounded down, minimum 1)


Abrupt Encounter: A battle that ends with both sides leaving the scene for some reason. Roll a d10. Loser takes half damage (rounded up). Everyone else takes 1 damage in the confusion. Nobody can pick up weapons in an Abrupt Encounter.


Calamities: A calamity's effects add on to the effects of the encounter they're applied to. In addition, all weapons dropped during a Calamity are removed from play.


Nonviolent Encounter Types, Roll Percentile:

1-30: Friendly Encounter

31-50: Unfriendly Encounter

51-80: Recuperation

80-90: Alone

91-100: Fateful Moment


Fateful Moment Types, Roll d6:

1-2 Injury (Take d6 damage).

3. Illness (Gains status ILLNESS)

4. Lost Pack (Loses entire inventory)

5. Forbidden zone escape (roll d6, if higher than HP, dies)

6. Suicide (Roll d20, on a 20, takes 1 damage and doesn't recover HP. On any other number, dies)


Nonviolent Encounter Types:


Friendly Encounter: Select two people, check if either is in a group.

-If neither have a group, they group up.

-If one has a group of less than five members, other joins group.

-If one has a group of more than five members, one party may transfer a weapon to the other.

-If both have groups, they simply cross paths, nothing happens.


Unfriendly Encounter: Select one person, check if he's in a group. If he's not, select a second and check if he's in a group.

If Neither Are: They dislike each other. Give them both the status RIVAL against each other.

If First Is: He sows dissention with his group. Give him the status UNTRUSTED.

If Second Is: First approaches second's group but is scared off. Give first status SCARED

If Both: Everyone on both sides roll d6 damage for each individual member. Someone UNTRUSTED can abandon his group to avoid taking damage.


Recuperation: Select one person, check if he's in a group.

He and all group members hide and mend their wounds. Roll d4, they all regain this much HP. Anyone with ILLNESS is cured of it. Anyone in the group that's UNTRUSTED other than the person selected does not gain HP. If the person selected is UNTRUSTED he loses this status.

Furthermore, anyone alone with SCARED is cured of it.


Alone: Select one person, check if he's in a group.

If he's not- Give him the status SCARED

If he is- Give him the status ALONE, unless he is UNTRUSTED in which case his group doesn't look for him and thus he's permanently out of the group (and subsequently loses his UNTRUSTED status)


Fateful Moment: Select one person, check if he's in a group.

If he is not: If he survives, he gains the status SCARED

If he is: Everyone in his group suffers the same effects, EXCEPT if he rolled Suicide or lost Pack.

If he is and rolled Suicide: Everyone rolls a d6. On a 1, they too roll for Suicide. Everyone who doesn't roll for Suicide lowers the number needed to survive the attempt by 1 (so someone in a two-man group who tries to kill himself survives on a 19, three man 18 and so on)

If he rolled Lost Pack: He alone lost the pack. If anyone in his group has the status UNTRUSTED, that person stole the pack and abandons the party. If more than one person has UNTRUSTED in the group, choose at random.



Anyone with a status has it marked next to their name.

The status remains in effect until the cure condition is met OR unless an encounter result removes it.


ALONE- The person has been seperated from his group. Any encounters he is in he must face as if he had no group. This condition is cured at the end of the phase, or if he joins another group.


SCARED- This person is terrified and this anxiety is effecting their survival skills. At the end of every phase, roll d4. On anything other than a 4, they lose 1 HP (if they have been in an encounter that phase, this damage applies after their recovery HP, effectively cancelling it out). On a 4, they are cured. This condition is also automatically cured if they join a group.


UNTRUSTED- This person is untrusted by his group. If he ever gains the status ALONE, roll a d4. On a 1, his group abandons him and he loses both statuses. If there's a situation where he may be taking damage for any reason other than being the direct loser of a match encounter, he can avoid taking damage by abandoning his group. If he does so, every member of the group gains RIVAL status against him.


ILLNESS- This person is sick. Until they are cured, they take 1 damage for every encounter they are in. At the end of every phase, wether they are in an encounter or not, roll d4. On a 1, they take an extra point of damage, and do not recover HP. On a 2 or 3, they do not recover HP wether or not they have been in an encounter that phase. On a 4, they are cured, and gain 1 HP wether or not they have been in an encounter that phase.


RIVAL- This person is hunting down someone else. When they gain this status, mark it as RIVAL [Name]. If they have multiple rivals, mark as RIVAL [Name 1; Name 2]. If they are the first person in a match encounter, they may choose to hunt down a rival; however if they are in a group they can do so only with anyone else who may have the same rival. In nobody in their group shares the same rival, they gain ALONE for the rest of the phase and must roll a d4; on a 1, they gain UNTRUSTED at the end of the phase because they split from the group to settle a personal score. Anyone who groups with their RIVAL loses the rivalry, but both parties gain the UNTRUSTED status due to the tension. Otherwise the only way to lose a RIVAL is for said RIVAL to die.




-If the weapon requires ammo, roll d6 and subtract from the current ammo count. If 0 or lower, the weapon's damage stat is halved (rounded up, minimum 1).

-Damage stat for a firearm without ammo is 5.


NOTE: For purposes of keeping things a surprise, I've omitted the weapons list from my ruleset. Rest assured all weapons are statted, and not all weapon is useful.

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The Participants:


Male #1 Clark Alexander

Male #2 George Black

Male #3 Roger Cage

Male #4 Jimmy Cox

Male #5 Calvin Dark

Male #6 Jeff Daniels

Male #7 Greg Gauge

Male #8 James Hernandez

Male #9 Kirk Jameson

Male #10 Jerry Martin

Male #11 Thomas Morgan

Male #12 John Pathlow

Male #13 Chris Perkins

Male #14 Bradford Peverell- DEAD

Male #15 Teddy Powell

Male #16 Rafael Ruiz

Male #17 Remmy Skye

Male #18 Matt Sparrow

Male #19 Joss Thompson

Male #20 Lee West

Female #1 Zoe Ammis

Female #2 April Appleseed

Female #3 Eve Atherton

Female #4 Steph Blake

Female #5 Suzanne Brazzle

Female #6 Michelle Brendon

Female #7 Tracy Brendon

Female #8 Angela Bruin

Female #9 Mary Beth Chase

Female #10 Steffi Chee

Female #11 Grace Harper

Female #12 Fuyuko Higa

Female #13 Viv Jacobs

Female #14 Jillian Jarvis

Female #15 Missy Masterson

Female #16 Tamara McFly

Female #17 Joanne Rodriguez

Female #18 Carol Singer

Female #19 Lily Snyder

Female #20 Demelza Wade

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Just in case it wasn't made clear before: This is Battle Royale in TEW. As a result, there's going to be some pretty violent stuff you wouldn't see in a usual diary. There's also some fairly mature themes that go along with it. Nowhere near Mitsuko in Battle Royale dark, mind you, but still heavier than most non-XPW-or-ELITE diaries.




'This is crazy' thought Eve Atherton (Female #3) as she stalked the wilderness of the island, knife in hand. 'I'm just a rock musician. Okay, I did a song about killing a guy once, but he was a stalker! And I've never thought of doing that shit in real life!'


Her inner monolouge was stopped when she saw a shadow in front of her. Without thinking, she leapt at it knife first, and dug her blade into...


A Hello Kitty doll.


Before she could understand what was going on, someone grabbed her from behind, slamming her head nose first into a nearby tree. In her temporary stupor, she swung her blade at her attacker, Greg Gauge (Male #7) but he deftly avoided it. He threw a punch that dazed her. She was losing, and badly. Retreating through the trees, she managed to lose him.


'Asshole,' she thought to herself. 'I'm going to make him bleed for that. But not now. Need to regroup, make my move.'


Gauge meanwhile, sighed. He thought using the doll as a decoy would have been more effective. Now he had nothing but his wits.






Remmy Skye (Male #17) couldn't believe his luck.


He'd been watching Tamara McFly (Female #16) since the cruise. He could see the signs. How thin she was, the way she kept looking around. Her bloodshot eyes.


She was a classic addict.


He had a nice weapon on him (a short sword, but she had hers bow and arrows out and at the ready). He figured he could probably take her out before she hit him... but why do that?


"Psst. McFly."


Tamara turned to face him, nocking an arrow.


"Woooah. Relax, McFly. I'm not here to fight you. I got some powder. You want that?"


Tamara's eyes squinted. "I could just kill you and take it from you."


Remmy just smiled. "And while you're checking me for it, someone else might kill you. Besides, I stashed some more in one of these trees." A lie, but one he can worm his way out of by saying someone else must have taken it. Plus, the marks, they'll believe you can make the stuff rain from the sky if you told them. "I hook you up, you watch my back. Deal?"


Tamara gave him another look, as if she was considering dropping him anyway. But she lowered the bow. "...Deal."


TAMARA MCFLY and REMMY SKYE are teammates!



Michelle Brendon (Female #6) cursed her poor sense of direction. She and her sister had planned on meeting in a specific spot on the island, but it was dark and the map was confusing to her.


"Okay..." she muttered to herself, "Here's some old city or something. If I can find that maybe I can get my bearings..."


Then, a loud burst. Her shoulder was wracked in pain as a bullet went through it.


The black leather clad Chris Perkins (Male #13) emerged from the shadows, looking to tackle her. With her good arm, however, she slashed at his face with her weapon, a one-handed sickle. He screamed as she scrambled to the nearby brushes. He fired another bullet from his pistol, and it grazed her hips. He gave chase, but she managed to elude him, both of them bloody but Michelle far worse for wear.






April Appleseed (Female #2) had finally caught up with her co-worker, John Pathlow (Male #12). When she found out they both won that contest, she was over the moon. Forget the billion dollars, she finally had the chance to get John's attention away from the shop. Maybe buy him a few drinks, and who knows...


But for now, she just needed to surive. 'Sorry John. I don't want to do this, but I can't die here.'


She called his name, hiding her pistol behind her back. He turned around, billy club in hand, but relaxed when he saw his co-worker. April wondered for a second if he had considered approaching her in this cruise too. 'I mean, he'd have to be be blind to ignore that there's something between us!'


This moment of hestation was broken when another woman (Steph Blake, Female #4) jumped from the bushes, a tire iron in hand, swinging at John. John was stunned by the surprise blow, and April out of instinct fired wildly at the intruder. She managed to wing Blake in the arm and John clipped her with his billy club. April, not really wanting to hurt John and figuring he was too on guard to fall for an ambush right now, would duck into the wilderness, getting cut deep by thorny vines in her panic. John gave chase, leaving the stunned, but alive, Blake.


John wouldn't catch up to April, to tell her to stop.


He wanted to protect her, see if they could figure out a way to escape.






Viv Jacobs (Female #13) was one of the few on the island who wasn't running scared. Worried? **** yeah she was worried! She didn't want to die after all and not being a sociopathic maniac (despite what that anti-LGBT asshole preacher back in Ft Worth believes) she didn't exactly like the idea of having to kill other people. But she was used to having to watch her own back, and very used to fighting. She was bullied all the time back in Texas even before she was caught kissing another girl in stairwell in junior high.


She was convinced she was the toughest person on the island.


Boxcutter in hand, she stalked Suzanne Brazzle (Female #5), who had an assault rifle slung over her shoulder. 'Easy pickins' She figured 'Just cut the rifle strap off of her cute little ass, take the gun, and pop her in the head'.


She crept closer to Suzanne... closer...




'****ing twig.'


Suzanne turned around and kicked Viv right in the ribs. Viv realized right away she was in trouble as Suzanne reached for her rifle. Viv made a run for it, but Suzanne fired at her, one of her bullets hitting Viv in thigh. Viv found a nearby house and ducked into that. Suzanne considered giving chase, but thought better of it. Viv managed to get way too close to her and would surely try an ambuh again.





'Alright... you can do this. You've fought for your country, you can win this twisted game. You can kill everyone on this island yourself.'


Lee West (Male #20) had found a good hiding spot in a general store in the abandoned villiage on the island. He had looked to see if there were any useful supplies there first, but it was cleaned out. Not even any food (though he'd have been unwise to eat anything if it was; it would have been all spoiled).


'No,' he thought. 'They're not Jihadists. They're tourists for God sake.'


'Still. I looked into that guy's eyes. That guy was scum. He probably meant every word of what he said in that pisshole building.'


Then he heard the footsteps. Bracing himself against the wall by the doorway, he waited to see what would happen. If the person coming was just going to walk buy, he'd let them walk.


If they come in... well, then it's survival.


He heard the footsteps approaching. Then they stop.


Lee clutched the knife in his hands (a Bowie knife, a little bigger than Army issue combat knives, and not as good in close quarters combat... but he figured he could use it effectively all the same.


The doorknob twisted... opened slightly... then kicked open with so much force that it swung right in his nose. "Motherfuc-" he caught himself but it was too late, he gave himself away. He lunged at his target, knife in hand, but he was sidestepped and slashed deeply in the arm. It was bad, really bad... Lee knew that a part of war that they don't talk about on CNN is that sometimes you have to withdraw and let the other guys win one. This was one of those times, and he made a break for it, pausing just long enough to get a look at Jerry Martin (Male #10), who was also carrying a big knife (but his looked more like a ceramic cooking knife).


If Lee had only known that Jerry Martin was the infamous Philadelphia Slasher (nobody knew, not even their gracious host), he might have stood and fought even if it meant his life.




Bradford Peverell (Male #14) was all too willing to play this game.


Peverell was orphaned at a young age and grew up in St Petersburg Florida having to fight on a daily basis. These fights eventually got him into juvenile centers where, instead of being rehabilitated, he found other burdens of the state who fell through the cracks to form a street gang. The first few years were tough, his right hand man was gunned down and another of his lieutenants was a rat. Contrary to urban legend, that was the not first time he had killed someone, but the third (he killed two girls working in a rival gang's prostitution ring in an elaborate way of stealing their others by convincing them they weren't safe). He stabbed the snitch in the throat with a letter opener, then scooped out both of his eyeballs. He has the right one in formeldehyde in his bedroom as a macabre trophy.


Eventually his gang became affiliated with the drug cartels, and eventually he even became a full-fledged lieutenant of the cartel himself. He didn't need the money per se, he's already a millionaire. But a game of kill or be killed? Not a chance was he going to be on the "killed" side of that the equation.


Unfortunately all he had on him was a can of silly string. No matter. He's taken out people with less. And he spotted just the right target; Tracy Brendon (Female #7). When he came across her she was doing her business in the bushes. Easy pickings.


Just as she emerged from said bushes, he leapt at her, can in hand. He planned on swinging it overhead, hoping to knock her silly, than strangle her to death. What he hadn't planned on was that she heard him coming, and that she had taken a women's self defense course.


She blocked his attack with her arm then gave him a swift kick in the groin, making him first accidentally spray her in the face with the silly string, then sink to his knees in pain.


"You bitch..." he gasped after a few seconds of recovery. "You ****ed up... I'm gonna kill you slow now... I'm gonna..."




Dozens of stell pellets tore through his chest.


A pumping sound. BLAM. More shrapnel.


Pump. BLAM. Pump. BLAM. Pump. BLAM. Pump.


He had been dead after the first shot. The sixth in his head was just to leave any doubt in his would-be victim's mind.


Tracy fell on her ass, the adrenaline leaving her body. The realization came in that she just shot a man. Repeatedly. She was lucky that she kept that 12-gauge shotgun loaded by her survival pack.


She was reluctant to do so, but she left the meeting spot underneath the massive cairn she found on the map. She hoped she would figure out where Michelle went when they split up, as she should have been back by now. She took the silly string and stowed it in her pack. Maybe she'd find a use for it.







'I hate Christmas.'


This phrase was in Calvin Dark's (Male #5) head as he slowly went through the trees of a hill area on the East side of the island, baseball bat in hand. He was given tickets on Christmas to the cruise from his uncle, who had won them in the first place, but was battling liver cancer.


Calvin always hated Christmas. He had several reasons. This was just another one of them.


He saw a figure (Roger Cage, Male #3) across the clearing from him. He looked to be sleeping. Perfect. Calvin could just sneak over to him, crack his skull, take whatever weapon he had.


He didn't get halfway across the clearing when Cage woke up, turning to face him, with a gun in hand! Dark scrambled back into the forest, running into Mary Beth Chase (Female #9), who swung at him with a knife! He took a step back, the blade missing him by inches, and he swung at her with his bat, knocking her to the ground. Is she dead? No, he didn't have time to check. He had to get away before Roger found him!


Mary was however, alive. Stunned, unconsious, but alive.






Grace Harper (Female #11) had stared at the knife that she found in her pack. She was the kind of person who wouldn't even swat a mosquito if it landed on her arm. And now she had to kill other people to prevent herself from being murdered. She wasn't sure if she could do that.


Another figure stepped into the cave she found herself in. It was Jillian Jarvis (Female #14), who was muscular and athletic, with a broken nose accentuated on her face.


"Thought someone would be hidin' here," Jarvis said in her Brooklyn accent. "Get up then. Let's make this interesting." Jarvis' pack was firmly over her shoulders, and seemed to be bare-handed.


"B-but... I don't wanna fight you..." Harper said sheepishly.


"Why, cause I ain't got a weapon? I don't need one to beat your ass down. Come on, take a swing."


"P-please... I don't want to hurt anyone."


"Well tough shit, cause news flash: your ass is gonna DIE if you don' fight. That's the rules, remember? In fact, I'm gonna beat you to death if you don' fight right NOW."


Harper slowly got to her feet, and Jarvis moved forward, not leading Grace take the first swing like she implied she would. Instead, she kneed her in the midsection and followed it up with a haymaker punch, making Grace drop her knife. She kept firing blows, body shots and straights to the jaw. Harper could barely even cover up. For a pro fighter like Jarvis, this was a warm up. Not even. This was a joke.


"**** this, I'm bored. Light's out." Jarvis went for the hook...


But Harper ducked it, Jarvis' hand hitting the stone of the cave, bones in her fingers breaking. Harper took her opportunity, grabbing her knife and fleeing.


It wouldn't be until her flight instinct left her that she realized something. Jillian was dangerous, and she needed to be dealt with.




James Hernandez (Male #8) had found a hiding spot in the ghost town, a small house, two bed one bath. He looked from the master bedroom window, watching as Jerry Martin (Male #10) stalked the streets. When Martin stopped, and entered the general store, Hernandez wondered to himself if Martin was planning on hiding as well. A minute passed and the heavily bleeding Lee West (Male #20) left the store, and not a few seconds later so did Martin. Martin looked like he was going to give chase but stopped.


Martin looked up.


Look at him.


Hernandez ducked down. His heart was racing. He had been in fights before with bullies and obnoxious jerks at the beach, but never a situation where someone had a ****ing KNIFE. After a few seconds, James looked up from the window. Martin was gone.


'But did he see me? Is he coming here? Or is he going to wait for me to come out? Or what?'


James barricaded the door and tried to sleep. He didn't get a wink of rest.





'Some vacation'


Angela Bruin (Female #6) had hoped that this trip was just going to be a fun getaway, something she sorely needed to unwind as an FBI agent, tracking the Philadelphia Slasher. She didn't relish the idea of playing this sick game, but if she survived it, she could tell the Bureau all about it and hopefully put the asshole behind it to justice. It would mean killing innocents, which have Angela a lot of hesitation, but unfortunately it has to be done.


'Deep breaths Angela. There's one now. Detatch yourself. No emotion.'


She approached the person she spotted, Steffi Chee (Female #10), taser in hand. She was deadly quiet in her approach, but to her surprise, Chee managed to turn around and clock her with something hard and heavy, making her drop her taser. She dropped low, going for a wrestling takedown, getting Chee and trying to get her in a chokehold, but Chee managed to bite her finger and get out underneath her. Angela managed a solid blow to the liver, however this came in the middle of Chee swinging that heavy object (an old-school GPS) and knocking her out with it.


When she came too, Chee was gone. Angela's taser had remained.


'Not bad, kid. Better get rid of you before you get your hands on something deadlier.'






The Gamesmaster watched the many CCTV circuts and the big board which kept track of the heartbeat sensors on everyone's monitors.


"Six hours and only one death. Well I guess it can't be helped. It is late at night and most of them are still getting their heads around the idea of killing someone else. They'll come around. Or, enough will come around to make it more interesting and kill the ones that don't."


"Shame though. Peverell's portfolio made him look like more of a ringer. But, that's part of the fun of this game. You never know what will happen."







For some reason I expected more... deadlier results. But this is a kind of a playtest of the system, so correcting mistakes is an acceptable thing.


RULE CHANGE: Starting damage dice is d10.


Also, James Hernandez made the roll to cure himself of Scared. Greg Gauge, OTOH, rolled the 1, so he loses the HP he would have gained. His "weapon's" special ability was to lower his opponent's roll by a set amount. The Silly String has the same effect, but less of a debuff and with more uses. Steffi Chee's GPS allows a chance to avoid combat, but she didn't make the check to see if she would. Jillian Jarvis elected not to use her weapon.

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