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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match: © The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match: © The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart

World Heavyweight Title Match: © The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect

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Dark Match: The Eagle & The Patriot vs. The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

Paul Roma vs. Rick Martel

Submission Match: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

WWF Tag Team Title Match: © The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags) vs. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Intercontinental Title Match: © The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels

Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart

World Heavyweight Title Match: © The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker

Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man

Randy Savage vs. Jimmy Snuka

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


Winner is #1 Contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title

Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. Perfect

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Wrestlemania VII: The Perfect Challenge




Live From The Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Over 50,000 in Attendance



Dark Match: The Liverpool Lads d. The Eagle & The Patriot when Robbie Brookside pinned The Patriot with an Iconoclasm.

Match 1: Koko B. Ware vs. The Mountie

The Mountie and Koko move at a very fast pace, with The Mountie grinding away at his smaller opponent with hard strikes, hitting a particularly nasty clothesline that floored Koko B.Ware four minutes in, knocking the babyface to the ground. Koko gets a brief hope spot towards the end, nailing the Mountie with a drop kick from the top rope, and seemed to have the advantage, but The Mountie reversed the Birdbruster into a double handed choke slam, and covered Koko for the pin six minutes in.

The Mountie d. Koko B. Ware by Pinfall


Bobby Hennan is backstage with Mr. Perfect. He cuts a promo on Hulk Hogan.

As many of you in the audience know, I'm a giving man. And tonight, I'm giving Hulk Hogan exactly what he wants: a date in the ring with "The Perfect Wrestler" Mr. Perfect. Hogan, you'll be getting all the clotheslines, Perfect-Plexes, and Sleeper Holds you can handle tonight, and afterwards, you'll get a complimentary trip to the back of the line while my client, Mr. Perfect, will earn the privilege of facing that ungrateful World Champion, Barbarian, at our convenience.

Vince's Take: Bobby Hennan underperformed in this segment, as with his subject matter, this promo could have left the crowd red-hot, but instead they were lukewarm. I decided to hire "Superstar" Billy Graham so Hennan could focus on managing, but looking back, that was a mistake.


Match 2: The Bushwhackers vs. The Orient Express

The two teams engage in a slow-paced, comedy-bit match, with all the expected shortcuts given to the Bushwhackers. The match starts with the Bushwhackers ambushing The Express, and quickly descends into organized chaos, with both Butch and Luke showing no concept of tag team rules. The two Bushwhackers do the crowd-pleasing double clothesline in a brief hope spot, but the Express dominate the match, hitting double super kicks and pinning both babyfaces.

The Orient Express d. The Bushwhackers


Gene Okerland is backstage interviewing Hulk Hogan.

I'm backstage tonight with someone who I've had a lot of difficulty introducing without the title of "World Heavyweight Champion". But tonight on Superstars, this man has the opportunity of a lifetime, to win a chance to recapture his beloved World Heavyweight Championship! I'm honored to interview "The Immortal Hulkamania."

Let me tell you something, Mean Gene. Tonight, Mr. Perfect has finally stepped out from the rotund shadow of that weasel, Bobby "The Brain" Hennan. No beatdowns, no jokes, and no ambushes, brother, just one on one combat with "The Perfect Chicken" Mr. Perfect. Well, tonight, Mr. Perfect, whatcha gonna do, when me and all the Hulkamaniacs raise my big leg on you!

Well, that about wraps it up for this interview, back to you, Billy Graham.

Vince's Take: On the biggest stage, Hulk Hogan delivered the promo of his life, and was the subject of tonight's best promo. He garnered amazing heat and sympathy from the crowd. Hulk's biggest drawback was that he was so good, and so popular, that it was hard to get other opponents over. That could be solved with a little elbow grease and creativity, and we would do exactly that at Wrestlemania VII.


Match 3: Marty Janetty vs. The Warlord

Neither guy can sell. The Warlord makes no effort to put Janetty over, and he doesn’t seem to appreciate having to job at Wrestlemania. Marty has considerable promise, but he doesn’t show much here, and can’t pander to the crowd in a babyface role. The finish sees Marty duck under a Warlord Clothesline and hit a superkick, pinning the big man for the big three.

Marty Janetty d. The Warlord


Match 4: Haku vs. The Texas Tornado

This match marks the true start of Wrestlemania. Haku has a natural feel in the ring, and the crowd plays into Kerry Von Erich as the underdog hero, as the famous heir to the Von Erich family fortune does the sell job of his life for Haku. The match has two distinct parts. The first half consists of fairly fast paced wrestling, with Von Erich naturally trying to dodge the heavier Haku, selling for hard chops to the midsection, ducking under Haku’s clothesline, and sliding under a Savate Kick. The Barbarian tries to slow down the pace, starting with a successful swinging neckbreaker followed by a series of rest holds, the intent to soften The Texas Tornado’s neck to set up the Tongan Spike. The finish sees Von Erich duck a second clothesline, but get caught into a Belly to Back Suplex, and instead of pinning Erich outright, Haku forces the proud Texan to submit with the Tongan Spike.

Haku d. The Texas Tornado by Submission


Gene Okerland is backstage interviewing Hulk Hogan.

Tonight, "Retiree" Roddy Piper, I, SARGENT SLAUGHTER, will show you the error of returning to active competition. I will show you PITIFUL SCOTTISH MAN that you are not hot, but soft, SOFT IN THE HEAD, when I bust open your melon with THESE SPIKE TIPPED BOOTS. There is only one rule in WAR: THE law of SURVIVAL.

BUT I'M UNCONCERNED WITH the challenge of A RETIRED WRESTLER. I am LOOKING FORWARD to my inevitable clash with PUKAMANIA and the focal point of PUKE STENCH, the IMMORTAL PUKE, HULK VOMIT. I reiterate my offer of 100,000 of GOLD BARS courtesy of one SADAM HUSSEIN to any wrestler who can TAKE OUT the IMMORTAL PUKE, HULK VOMIT!

Vince's Take: The "Hitman" Angle, while hastily constructed, garnered huge heat, and Slaughter was masterful at getting the audience interested, and making his intent believable while the audience discredited the over-the-top threat of Sargent Slaughter due to the obvious roadblocks. We knew the person who took out the hit on Hogan would garner a huge reaction.


Match 5: Rick Martel vs. Paul Roma

Martel and Roma mirror each other in this match. Both are heavyweight technical specialists who rely on charisma to get through a match, and neither tried very hard. Of course, after the previous segment, the match was likely to fall flat, and the two workers exchanged several bouts of quick paced technical wrestling, with both men trying to focus on the legs. Paul Roma engaged in a series of headlock spots, trying to overpower the smaller Rick Martel, with Martel continually scrambling into the rope breaks, foiling the attempts of Paul Roma. The finish ended when Paul Roma made the fatal error of trying for a top-rope splash onto his opponent, with Martel countering and transitioning into the Boston Crab, and Martel forced Paul Roma to tap in just over ten minutes.

Rick Martel d. Paul Roma by Submission


Match 6: Bret Hart vs. The British Bulldog

Bulldog was throwing a strap backstage about losing to his extended family Bret, and he managed to get a screwy finish here out of the deal. This was an extension of the “Canterbury Cloverleaf” challenge, as Bulldog spent the majority of the match trying to force Bret Hart into the hold. The two begin with a slick exchange of chain wrestling, with Bret outwitting Bulldog at each turn, until Bulldog’s manager Jeannie Clark pull on Brets’ leg, leaving him unable to counter a powerbomb. Bulldog targets the Hitman’s leg several times throughout the match, working over Bret in the ankle lock and kicking the left leg whenever prone. Bret manages to reverse the Cloverleaf several times, using the opportunity to deliver a stiff kick to The Bulldog’s midsection. The Bulldog manages to put Bret in the cloverleaf around the eight minute mark, but Bret makes the rope break, and after threatened with a DQ, The Bulldog broke the hold, delivering a few stiff kicks while the referee turned his back. The two ran the ropes, engaging in a few reversals and chain wrestling moves, before Davey reversed a rest hold into the Texas Cloverleaf, and Bret again stretched his arm out for the ropes, before Jeannie Clark walloped “The Hitman” with her loaded purse, enabling The Bulldog to get the submission with the Texas Cloverleaf.

The British Bulldog d. Bret "The Hitman" Hart by Submission


Paul Bearer is on the set of the Funeral Parlor with his client, the #1 Contender The Undertaker.

Paul Bearer
: Ohh... Tonight, I've crafted special funeral arrangements for THE BARBARIAN. As is his custom, we will take his limp, lifeless body, and my Undertaker will place it on a boat, and we will push it out into the HUDSON RIVER!

: After I push your corpse from the shoreline, I will light it aflame, and you burn into ash, and your remains, will float along the waves, like dust in the wind.

Bearer was again a master, better in my opinion than Hennan's promo with an uninspiring topic. Undertaker struggled to follow him, my guess was that he used too many non-PG elements and the crowd frowned upon his somewhat risque promo.


Match 7: WWF World Tag Team Title Match: Natural Disasters vs. The Nasty Boys


This was the essence of a nothing match, one created entirely out of convenience. The Natural Disasters dominated the entire match, routinely working over one Nasty Boy while the other cheated to interfere. Jimmy Hart was giving orders to the non-legal member of the Nasty Boys, but Jerry Sags kept botching his spots, another one of the many differences he had with longtime manager Jimmy Hart. The Natural Disasters hit a number of double moves in the match, with the only saving grace for the champions a Megaphone, and then a helmet shot, from Jimmy Hart on Typhoon, with the final interference followed by a trip to Nastyville from Sags to Typhoon. Earthquake went to break up the cover, but his elbow was a hair too late, and the Nasty Boys retained after Jerry Sags pinned Typhoon.

The Nasty Boys d. The Natural Disasters by pinfall. The Nasty Boys make defense #3 of their WWF World Tag Team Titles.


Match 8: Intercontinental Title Match: The Big Bossman vs. Shawn Michaels



This was the surprise match of the night. Despite the finish, Bossman and Michaels left it all on the mat, with a particularly odd dynamic between the two. The Big Bossman, who was a clear face, fought as a burgeoning heel, dominating the first half of the match with several power moves, hitting a particularly nasty Alabama Slam on the capable underdog Shawn Michaels. Shawn sold for the Bossman very well, playing to the crowd with every blow he took. Shawn began to mount a comeback around the five minute mark, starting by dodging clotheslines, punches and reversing holds, and then starting his own exciting offense, starting with consecutive lariats on The Bossman, hitting a Diving Elbow Drop from the top rope with an extended crowd spot, which he gets a near-fall out of. The Big Bossman exits the ring to regroup, and referee begins counting, as Shawn sets up a moonsault from the top rope….


Marty Janetty, his former tag partner, comes running down to the ring. Shawn hits the Moonsault on Bossman, who takes the opportunity to blade, and Marty begins kicking his former partner in crime, aiming for an elbow drop of his own, as the current Intercontinental Champion climbs into the ring. Shawn and Marty engage in brief series of gestures and pushes signaling discontent before brawling onto the entrance ramp, with the ref awarding The battered Big Bossman the count-out victory over Shawn Michaels, and the bloodied and battered Intercontinental Champion retained in just over ten minutes.

The Big Bossman d. Shawn Michaels by count-out. The Big Bossman makes defense #3 of his Intercontinental Title.


Match 9: “Traitor” Jim Duggan vs. Jim Niedhart


Initially, this was going to be a four corners flag match, with Duggan carrying down his Iraqi flag and Neidhart representing Canada. The two had a slow, slug it out brawl, with The Anvil occasionally trying for an actual wrestling move. Brother Love interfered several times during the match, stifling Neidhart’s advantage and tripping up his opponent. Jim Duggan had no chemistry with Brother Love, and the two struggled to relay directions. Brother Love hit a low blow on Neidhart in the corner before Jim Duggan hit him with Old Glory, and soon after Duggan got a pinfall victory in just over 10 minutes.

Jim Duggan d. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart by pinfall.


Ted DiBiase is backstage, promoting his match with Jake "The Snake" Roberts.

Million Dollar Man
: One year ago today, Jake, I beat you in front of millions of wrestling fanatics. But that night, you did rob me, selfishly, of a clean victory. You had the gall to pick a fight with my former bodyguard, Virgil, and were counted out of the ring. Tonight, I'm going to get the victory I deserve: a clean pinfall, with no interference, no count-out. I'm going to beat "The Snake" at his own game like I bought the antidote for his venom.

Vince's Take: I consider DiBiase one of the premier
players in wrestling. But this promo was underwhelming. This may have been due to his position on the card, or his uninspiring opponent, but rest be sure, the Million Dollar Man was money in the ring, and could drag a terrific match out of Jake.


Match 10: World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Barbarian vs. The Undertaker



This was a straight out slow paced brawl. The Barbarian wasn’t able to carry the Undertaker through the spots, and seemed to no-sell ‘Taker’s spots in this match. Taker was a bit below expectations, and seemed to tire towards the end of the match, struggling to keep up the pace, and didn’t look like a worthy challenger to the World Heavyweight Championship. The Barbarian seems ready for a routine defense…


Mr. Perfect comes charging down the aisle. Paul Bearer distracts the ref while Perfect hooks the Barbarians’ arms into the ring rope and slingshots him towards The Undertaker, who hits the Tombstone Piledriver on Barbarian, and The Undertaker covers the defending champion for a three-count.

The Undertaker d. The Barbarian by pinfall. The Undertaker is the new WWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Match 11: Jake Roberts vs. The Million Dollar Man


This was a rematch from Wrestlemania VI – a match that ended with a count-out interference victory. A notable omission from last year’s contest is bodyguard Virgil, who turned on DiBiase in January and hasn’t been seen since. Jake Roberts is a well-rounded wrestler who excels in brawling, while Ted DiBiase is a well-rounded wrestler who excels in mat work. DiBiase came out strong, throwing hard punches towards his opponent, trying to overpower Jake “The Snake” Roberts. There was an extended segment where The Million Dollar Man had The Snake wrenching in the Sleeper, with The Snake desperately reaching for the ropes. An exhausted Jake Roberts mounted a comeback, teasing the DDT for extended periods, including a stiff short arm clothesline to DiBiase. Jake finally looks to lock in the DDT nine minutes in, but Ted DiBiase reverses the move, and throws Jake Roberts to the rope, slapping on the Million Dollar Dream, and Jake gives a verbal submission to referee Earl Hebner.

The Million Dollar Man d. Jake "The Snake" Roberts by Submission.


Match 12: Jimmy Snuka vs. “The Macho Man” Randy Savage


This match was primarily a showcase of two of the greatest high-fliers of the 80’s. This was a fast-paced, frenetic bout, and neither wrestler seemed to tire during the tenure of the match. The match plot was that Macho was just a little superior in the air to Jimmy Snuka. The wrestlers would use consecutive moves, with both wrestlers using a Diving Crossbody, A Splash, and a Double Ax-Handle from the top ropes. Jimmy Snuka managed to set up the Springboard Drop Kick, but The Macho Man manages to fake him out, and capitalized by setting up and hitting the Flying Elbow Drop from the top rope on Jimmy Snuka, and subsequently covered Jimmy Snuka for a pinfall victory.

The Macho Man d. Jimmy Snuka by pinfall.


Miss Elizabeth jumps the rope, shocking a surprised Macho Man.

Macho Man:
ELIZABETH! Oh, things haven't been the same since you haven't been in my corner. But I want you in more than my corner again, I want you back in my life, as THE MACHO QUEEN, yeah. WILL YOU ACCEPT MY MARRIAGE PROPOSAL?

The Macho Man takes an opulent diamond ring out of his pocket and hands it to Miss Elizabeth. Elizabeth is tearing up at the proposal.

Miss Elizabeth
: Oh, Randy... I forgive you.. YES, I will be your Macho Queen!

Vince's Take: Snuka had a terrific match with Macho, and this promo was doomed to fail. However, the crowd did give significant heat to the promo, and looking back, it has become an iconic work in Wrestlemania history. Miss Elizabeth was rusty after being out of wrestling for a few years, but Macho had become a sympathetic character due to her involvement regardless.


Match 13: “Rowdy” Roddy Piper vs. Sargent Slaughter


The crowd was really hot for this promised matchup. Rowdy has been packaged as a wild brawler, and Slaughter relies heavily on hard, convincing strikes for his offense. The match was designed to protect Slaughters’ failing stamina by pandering to the crowd in an intense but plodding bout. Roddy Piper and Sargent Slaughter both exchanged counting sequences, but Roddy reversed Slaughter’s spots and raked his eyes, causing Sarge to stumble backwards. There were a number of arm drags and reversals during the match, with Roddy ducking several hard chops and short-arm clotheslines. Roddy was the mouse in a cat-and-mouse scenario, and managed an extended comeback torturing Sarge in the sleeper hold, until Brother Love tripped up Piper, allowing Sarge to smash Hot Rod with his spike-tipped wrestling boots, and slapping on the Camel Clutch, with Roddy forced to submit, and Sarge picking up the submission victory.

Sargent Slaughter d. "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper by submission.



#1 Contenders Match:
Mr. Perfect vs. “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan


The main event consisted of two bitter rivals facing each other in a showdown on the biggest stage imaginable. With workers the caliber of Perfect and “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan, there were a million ways to set up the match. We chose to go with a Hulk Hogan underdog story throughout the match, with Hennan interfering to cut off Hogan’s hope spots. Hulk Hogan hit an arm drag to the corner to start the match, throwing Mr. Perfect into the turnbuckle, while Bobby Hennan snuck towards the lower left corner to expose the turnbuckle. Mr. Perfect raked Hogan’s eyes, and threw “The Immortal” into the lower left exposed turnbuckle, before starting his own counting sequence, which the fans booed out of the building. He attempted a backdrop from the top rope, but Hogan reversed it into a flash pin, which garnered a 1-count before Perfect threw him off. The two wrestlers ran the ropes, with Mr. Perfect ducking a Hogan clothesline and blindsiding Hogan with a spear, before hitting the ropes and slamming his opponent with the signature Hogan leg drop. Hogan managed to kick out after two…


…when The Undertaker made his way down to the ring, and Mr. Perfect and The Undertaker beat down on Hogan for a minute, with Mr. Perfect going for the finish with an elbow drop, but Hogan manages to roll out of the way. The two heels back into a corner, and Hogan does his signature pleading for his safety, hands clasped together, submissive…


…The Ultimate Warrior’s music hits, and he bolts down the ring ramp, intent on saving “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan. He powers up, and runs wild on Mr. Perfect and The Undertaker, managing to knock the Undertaker out of the ring and flooring Perfect with a clothesline. Hogan manages to catch a breather in the ring corner. Soon after, the Undertaker pulls The Ultimate Warrior out of the ring, and the two enemies brawl to the back…


….Hulk Hogan runs the ropes, attempts his signature leg drop, but Bobby Hennan rolls Mr. Perfect out of the way, slipping a pair of Brass Knuckles to Mr. Perfect in the process. Mr. Perfect exits the ring, and manages to outwit Hogan, who has his back turned to Mr. Perfect as the heel climbs back in the ring, and smashes Hogan with the Brass Knuckles. Bobby Hennan puts Hogan’s foot on the rope, but instead of going for the submission victory, Mr. Perfect hits Hulk Hogan with a Seated Senton to Hogan’s extended leg. Mr. Perfect goes for the pin, but Hogan kicks out at the last second, and manages to struggle to his feet. He ducks under a Mr. Perfect clothesline, and the two run the ropes, with Mr. Perfect getting the advantage setting up the Perfect-Plex. Hogan reverses the maneuver, slapping Perfect in the face in a crowd pleasing spot before wagging his finger in a disrespectful manner. The two run the ropes, with Hogan hitting Mr. Perfect with a big clothesline, flooring the challenger, and running the ropes for momentum before hitting a big leg drop, and subsequently covering Mr. Perfect for a pinfall victory.

Hulk Hogan d. Mr. Perfect by pinfall. Hulk Hogan is the new #1 contender to the WWF World Heavyweight Title.



Sargent Slaughter and Jim Duggan storm down to the ring, and "Traitor" Jim Duggan blindsides Hogan with his 2 x 4 and lays the Iraqi flag over the fallen Hogan.

The two beat down on Hogan, delivering several swift kicks, before the Macho Man Randy Savage charges down the ramp, and manages to fight off Slaughter and Duggan one on two. Duggan retreats down the exit ramp with Brother Love, but Sargent Slaughter waits at ringside, presumably for his "Hitman" to do the work for him.


Oh, yeah, Hogan! I know we've had our differences, but Miss Elizabeth showed me the err of my ways, and now I wanted to EXTEND the hand of friendship once again and REFORM THE MEGA POWERS! So, uh, yeah, what do you say to my, er, PROPOSITION!

Brother, ever since the Mega Powers broke up, I've had this hole in my soul, man, so Savage, I gladly accept your invitation to reform the greatest partnership in the HISTORY OF SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!

The crowd pops massively for both Hogan and Savage, and the Mega Powers bow to the fans before slowly walking down the exit ramp. Suddenly, a figure from the rafters...

Vince's Take: This was the biggest Wrestlemania angle ever. Some say this was a bit rushed, but I feel that the quick, unexpected nature worked to our advantage. The Mega Powers practically launched the company, and since the dunces in creative were trying to create them with Jim and Hogan, and it didn't work one bit, because The Warrior was a one-dimensional player.


...the Hitman attacked, launching an aerial splash with the aid of a steel chair, which Lord Alfred Hayes quickly named "The Arabian Facebuster", hitting Hogan and Savage very hard. The unnamed Hitman continued to attack Hogan for with the chair, delivering several swift kicks, and threw him from the stage into production equipment. The Macho Man tried to get up, but he got slammed with the steel Chair, and The Hitman took the opportunity to set up the chair, and performed a triple jump moonsault, using stage equipment in lieu of the top rope, on Macho Man. He continues to batter Macho Man for several seconds, leaving both members of the Mega Powers unconscious and bloody, before running wildly to ringside and sliding in the ring…


Sargent Slaughter climbed into the ring. The Arabian Hitman made his way towards Slaughter, cautiously, and the shook his outstretched hand, indicating the alliance.

Tonight, I stand beside the man known as Sabu, who just CONQUERED the Mega Powers. Side by Side, we are two conquering heroes, Side by Side, we have destroyed THE IMMORTAL PUKE, HULK VOMIT, and PUKEIMANIA, and by EXTENSION, we have CONQUERED AMERICA, laying waste to their GREATEST CHAMPION. My Hitman, SABU, operates by the CARDINAL RULE of WAR: Survival. SIDE BY SIDE, WE HAVE CONQUERED AMERICA, SIDE BY SIDE, we are the new rulers of WRESTLING!

Fans throw many items into the arena as Sabu and Slaughter leave together. EMTs arrive soon after, and the last shot of the PPV is an unconcious Hulk Hogan being stretchered out alongside "The Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Vince's Take: This was a strategically placed angle. Sabu had several appearance on the indies alongside his father, "The Sheik" Ed Farhat, in the Great Lakes area, so some of the fans in the Metrodome were indeed familiar with him. However, he was new to a majority of the audience, and that was probably why his segment with Sargent Slaughter bombed. Slaughter, who was excellent in an earlier segment, was too over the top,and his threats and statements weren't believable. And on an all-time classic show, this angle simply fell short, and while some don't remember this moment fondly, many remember this as a departure from the norm and as a shocking moment at Wrestlemania.

Overall Show Rating: A


This was by far our best show all year, our best PPV since Wrestlemania V, which not coincidentally featured the same Mega Powers combination. I was extremely pleased with tonight's show.

The Championship Match was a major disappointment. It could have used some more strategic placement on the card, and it should have been scripted. Still, it was better than what Warrior was churning out earlier.

There were four terrific matches on this show, but no clear match of the year candidate. From day one, Wrestlemania VII was in serious consideration for PWI's Show of the Year awards, despite a banner year for our "wrasslin'" competitors to the south.


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Week 2 Preview

There is a NUCLEAR FALLOUT FROM 'MANIA! Jack Tunney has reported that decisions contingent on the #1 Contender will have to wait for definite answers on the health of one Hulk Hogan. Mr. Perfect, who believes himself rightful #1 contender, has put out an open challenge to anyone who seeks fault in his claim. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper wants a fair rematch with no interference against self-proclaimed Imperial Dictator of Wrestling, Sargent Slaughter, and expects Slaughter to answer said challenge. Also -- The Hitman Sabu has his first wrestling match. What kind of wrestler is on our hands, and why did he injure Hulk Hogan?

Prediction Card

Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter

The Main Event

Open Challenge: Mr. Perfect vs. ???
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Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter

The Main Event

Open Challenge: Mr. Perfect vs. ???

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Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter

The Main Event

Open Challenge: Mr. Perfect vs. ???


I'm going out on a limb and say it is Hulk Hogan and he is actually kayfabe hurt.

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Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter

This one should help get Sabu over huge.

The Main Event

Open Challenge: Mr. Perfect vs. ???

Tough to bet against Mr. ???.

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Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius

I'm in love with the Koko, now he can beat Genius on the low low. ;)

The I-45 Connection (Bull Pain & Mean Mike) vs. The Orient Express (Kato & Tanaka)

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter

The Main Event

Open Challenge: Mr. Perfect vs. ???

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WWF Superstars of Wrestling

Week 1, April


Match 1

Koko B. Ware vs. The Genius
In a extremely short match, Koko B. Ware defeated The Genius by pinfall with a birdbuster.


The Nasty Boys are backstage with Jimmy Hart.

Brian Knobbs:
Last week, we threw down with Extra Steak and Fried Food, the most morbidly obese team in wrestling. We won easily, and unlike their jocks, there was no sweat! So to celebrate, we're issuing an open challenge to any worthy opponent!

Jerry Sags:
..At the Rumble, we flattened "THE STINK IN PINK". At Wrestlemania, we whupped "THE FLATULENCE DISPATCHERS" and on Live Television, we're taking down another team that reeks!

Jimmy Hart:
You better believe that with the Mouth of the South, the one man megaphone, Jimmy Hart, that our turbulent trio going to keep winning all the way to the top of the charts!

Vince's Take: Jimmy Hart raises all boats, and even the beached Nasty Boys. However, I had this arrangement to build off momentum, to introduce new wrestlers to the crowd, and work around some contractual obligations.

Match 2

The I-45 Connection vs. The Orient Express
In a extremely short match, The Orient Express defeated The I-45 Connection when Kato pinned Bull Pain after hitting a Super Kick.


Roddy Piper enters the ring, with a microphone.

Oh! We were on the biggest stage of them all, Wrestlemania, and I had you down for the count, 1.. 2.. and then someone else comes in to do your dirty work! Slaughter, you may have the rank of Sargent, but you are a coward, and without your men at ringside, you couldn't pin down Bobby Hennan! So, Sarge, if you want the respect your title deserves, you face me one on one, mano e mano, with everyone else barred from ringside, and with proper wrestling gear, so you leave those girly boots with a heel on the top in your locker, and that's an order!

Vince's Take: This was, by far, Piper's worst promo this year. I feel by 1991 Piper was starting to lose touch, and by the mid-91', The "Hot Scot" was toast.

Match 3

Marty Janetty vs. The Mountie
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Marty Janetty beat The Mountie by pinfall after hitting the Diving Fist Drop.


The Nasty Boys are in the ring. Suddenly, the revving of motorcycles enters the ring, and "Born To Be Wild" booms through the arena. The Samoan Swat Team, Sionne and Fatu, roll down to their rings on the motorbikes.

At Wrestlemania, I lost to the Undertaker, after the heinous Mr. Perfect interfered in my business. But tell the "Perfect Man" and his weasel manager, that I too have family in the building tonight, my partner tonight, Fatu!

Some trash needed to be taken out. Nasty, stinky, slimy, trash. So they had to call in a Swat Team. A Samoan Swat Team.

The Swat Samoan Team attack the Nasty Boys in the ring before the bell, and the match is underway.

Vince's Take: Since we lost Hawk and Animal to Ted in January, we were looking to "replace" the LOD. Instead of going with facepainted wrestlers, as a lesser man might have, I chose to create a "badass" biker stable. And what better way to push it with the former Champion who made "The Immortal" look like a chump one week earlier? Who didn't even lose the title clean?

Match 4

Winners are WWF World Tag Team Champions

The Nasty Boys vs. The Samoan Swat Team (Fatu & Sione)
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Samoan Swat Team defeated The Nasty Boys when Fatu pinned Brian Knobbs after a Samoan Splash. The Samoan Swat Team win the WWF Tag Team Titles.


Mr.Perfect enters the ring, with a microphone.

Last night, I lost at Wrestlemania, after the former champion, The Warrior, interfered. But since my opponent is out indefinitely, despite my unjust loss, I am still the perfect #1 Contender to The Undertakers' title. To further prove to Mr. Tunney, and other officials, my worth, I offer to demonstrate perfection tonight, provided any opponent is brave enough to take "The Perfect Challenge.

Vince's Take: An awesome promo by Perfect, setting up a future date with "The Ultimate Warrior". You'll notice how I left loose ends for post-mania feuds throughout this show -- I wanted to reset the feuds after Wrestlemania denoting clear recognition of the PPV's event. The "rehashing" that is often criticized in this show was designed to set up the next PPV.

Match 5

The Hart Foundation vs. "The Arabian Hitman" Sabu & Sargent Slaughter
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Sabu and Slaughter defeated The Hart Foundation when Sabu defeated Bret Hart by submission with the Arabian Clutch.


Sgt. Slaughter and "The Arabian Hitman" remain in the ring, accompanied by "Traitor" Jim Duggan

On the biggest stage of them all, my "Arabian Hitman" and I, Sargent Slaughter, unplugged The Mega Sours, The Nacho Puke and The Immortal Vomit, in front of 50,000 Individuals. The offensive after the match was a ruse to lure The Nacho Puke into the line of fire. But I can't take all the credit, my Hitman devised our battle plan.

Slaughter pats "The Arabian Hitman" on the back.

Now we stand as two conquering heroes, side by side, as SOLE RULERS of the World Wrestling Federation, and by extension, ALL OF AMERICA. SIDE BY SIDE..

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper runs down to the ring, snatching the microphone from a stunned Sgt. Slaughter.

Now, wait for just one minute here, Sarge! You can't claim the courage to call yourself a soldier! You hide behind other men, lesser men, to fight your battle for ya! Why, I bet you wouldn't even face me one on one in a ring, mano e mano, one man against another, to the bitter end!

Sargent confers with Duggan, "The Arabian Hitman" and his manager, Brother Love.

: Subject Piper, did I give you permission to speak? "The Iraqi Patriot", Jim Duggan, dispose of this dirty, traitorous commoner!

Vince's Take: Slaughter was great in this segment, raising the tide for those around him, and making the older Piper look like a legitimate threat. Sabu held his own with Slaughter, and showed in the tag team match why I chose him for this role. Sabu always had an "it factor", and we had him on our radar for a while... we were down to two guys, one from Stampede and the other who was currently in Japan... and I don't regret the one I chose at all.

Match 6

Jim Duggan vs. Roddy Piper
In a match that featured great action and a good crowd, Roddy Piper defeated Jim Duggan by Submission when Duggan passed out in The Sleeper.


Mr.Perfect enters the ring. Rick Martel's music plays, and he struts down the entrance way.

I see you have offered the Perfect Challenge, Mr. Perfect. Well, tonight, why not test your mettle against the Perfect Man, Rick Martel.

Vince's Take: Martel bombed in this promo. A subject like Perfect guarantees a solid promo, and Rick was still over, so the timid reaction he got reflects on the low quality of promo Rick delivered. He's one of the few guys I could count on to put others over, but tonight, he let me down.

The Main Event

Mr. Perfect vs. Rick "The Model" Martel

In a match that had great action and a good crowd, Mr. Perfect defeated Rick Martel by Submission with a figure four leglock.

Overall Show Rating: B

After "losing" Hogan and Macho, and with only one relevant storyline, I knew this particular show was in trouble. Unlike the smarks and the dirt sheets and that idiot Dave Meltzer, I actually thought this show performed well. The promos were mostly good, the main event was great, and the tag team match was a nice surprise. Jim Duggan should be nowhere near the main event, but I wasn't ready to let Sabu face off against Piper... yet. I had a new member of Sarge's stable who could be a further thorn in Piper's side.

Martel could pull a great match out of anyone -- hence, why he answers the "open challenges", he makes opponents look good. He did an exemplary job here. Bret proved himself a loyal employee, taking the pin from a much less over Sabu, in a match that should improve his already solid basics.

The next week was when we put the screws to WCW, and their charismatic mascot, "The Icon". I saw the next step far before that idiot Meltzer, the stupid smarks or the dirt sheet guys lurking in the shadows ever, ever did.

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