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Heavyweights refusing to fight other heavyweights?

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I'm finding that way too many heavyweights are turning down fights with other heavyweights because of weight differences, often as little as 19lbs. This just doesn't make sense in this division and now is getting annoying because all my top contenders won't fight my champion, and he's only 249 lbs.


Has anyone else come across this? Does anyone know which stat affects it? I guess I could just go in and bump that stat up a bit for these guys turning down fights if I knew which one it was.

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I have run into this problem from time to time. Usually it is Norman Pike who is bitching about it. There is usually a screen that pops up that allows you to give the fighter extra money in order to take the fight. I am not sure why you have not had that option happen for you.
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I have run into this problem from time to time. Usually it is Norman Pike who is bitching about it. There is usually a screen that pops up that allows you to give the fighter extra money in order to take the fight. I am not sure why you have not had that option happen for you.


I think maybe one of them has offered to take the fight for a bit of extra money, but some just flat out refuse and that's the end of it. It's really stifling my hw division at the moment.

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