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Kryptonite Wrestling Federation

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Quick Picks:

Winner of this shall receive a prediction prize!

Daniels vs. Benjamin

Just 'cause he's younger

Londrick vs. TerroRis vs. Forwarders vs. Wolves

I don't know why you hate them so much... although Drew deserves better than being stuck in a tag team with Williams!

Homicide vs. Ion vs. Lethal vs. Sydal

Kong & Melissa vs. Mickie & Velvet

Alexander vs. Ciampa vs. Icarus vs. Windsor vs. Granite vs. Rave

Women's Title: Madison © vs. Taryn

The streak continues for Taryn :(

TV Title: Low-Ki © vs. Cage

I can see this happening

Tag Titles: Mod Drags © vs. The Bucks

TBH I don't like the Bucks very much :p

Climb to Fame: RVD vs. Rhino vs. Hennig vs. JLA vs. Hollywood vs. Moore

WHC: Styles © vs. Anderson

Bonus Questions:

How many titles will change hands? 1

Will the Climb to Fame winner cash in on the World Heavyweight Champion tonight? Nope

Who will take a 'sick bump' during the Climb to Fame Scaffold Ladder match? JLA

Which two matches will tie for match of the night? Styles-Anderson and...Benjamin-Daniels?

What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Tag Fourway

Which team will take the fall in the four-way tag? Londrick

Will anyone turn from face to heel/heel to face? Nope

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Please note that these are subject to change, but here is the current Pay-Per-View Schedule, so you guys can be aware of how often we'll have gimmick PPVs, and how often they'll be normal PPVs. Keep in mind, each PPV is on the first day of the month. (i.e. New Year Decadence is on January 1st).


Pay-Per-View Schedule


Featured Match(es): N/A


Featured Match(es): Lord of the Ring Match (Pinfall/Submission Battle Royal)


Featured Match(es): World Heavyweight Champion vs. Lord of the Ring


Featured Match(es): N/A


Featured Match(es): Championship Scramble


Featured Match(es): World Heavyweight Championship Match


Featured Match(es): Climb to Fame Match


Featured Match(es): A mini-tournament for both Singles & Tags, three competitors & three teams will qualify for a four way title match at the end of the event.


Featured Match(es): N/A


Featured Match(es): Steel Cage Main Event


Featured Match(es): N/A


Featured Match(es): A singles tournament featuring stars from other promotions as well (no KWF title matches).

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KWF Make Me Famous 2015





The Pay-Per-View opens up with a nice fireworks display. This hypes up Kryptonite Wrestling Federation's fifth-ever PPV event, KWF Make Me Famous 2015.


Lenny Leonard: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Kryptonite Wrestling Federation Make Me Famous 2015!

Gavin Loudspeaker: Ha ha, Lenny, you work for KWF, you already are famous!

Matt Striker: Bad jokes aside, I am Matt Striker alongside Lenny Leonard and Gavin Loudspeaker here in front of SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED FANS! SOLD OUT!

Leonard: We're here in the Comcast Theatre of Connecticut, with a wonderfully stacked card tonight!

The commentators run down tonight's matches, highlighting the Scaffold Ladder Match known as Climb to Fame, with a World Heavyweight Championship match hanging in the balance, and the present World Heavyweight Championship match, with Anderson getting his rematch against AJ Styles.


Singles Match

Bragging Rights

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/ChristopherDaniels_alt_zpsd6c07099.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/SheltonBenjamin_zps22a17a3c.jpg

"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Shelton Benjamin

The opening contest was very standard, and very impressive. The problem here, however, is that both of these competitors were working as heels, leaving the fans unsure with who to cheer for. It seemed they slightly favored Christopher Daniels, however, which seemed to benefit him as the match rolled on. In the end, the crowd was nothing more than background noise to a back-and-forth finish. A rollup from Benjamin was countered into a roll-up by Daniels, and then another roll-up by Benjamin, and so on. After six nearfalls, Benjamin snapped a dropkick to Daniels' face. He then motioned for Daniels to get up, and hooked him up with the T-Bone Suplex. Instead, Daniels escaped the attempt and flipped over Benjamin, hooking him up and landing the Last Rites for the pinfall victory.


Christopher Daniels def. Shelton Benjamin with the Last Rites.

Rating: 55


Four Way Tag Team Match

Losers Will Suffer

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/PaulLondon_alt_zps5ba996db.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/BrianKendrick_zpsb111d5b7.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Gunner_alt2_zpse4f5f136.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/GabeTuft_zps1e67f7fb.jpg

VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/DougWilliams_alt_zps849e7936.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/DrewMcIntyre_alt_zpsffa32b9f.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/DaveyRichards_alt_zps5d7c90bc.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/EddieEdwards_alt_zps23913865.jpg

Londrick vs. Terror Rising vs. Foreign Forward vs. The American Wolves

This four-way tag team match was a sit to behold. Better than most other matches this evening, it became very apparent that tag team wrestling is very alive and well in KWF. Unfortunately, though, this match brought on a dire result. Before that, though, these four teams were all over the ring and ringside, doing what they do best. A very brave Paul London started things off against the menacing Shatter from Terror Rising. London received what may have been his best reaction in months in the early goings here and he moved around the bigger man with an elegant quickness. Eventually, Shatter got the best of him and allowed himself and T-Reks to work London down for quite some time. The tide turned when London was tossed across the ring by T-Reks in a prime position for Eddie Edwards of the American Wolves to tag his back. T-Reks was oblivious to this, allowing Edwards to jump off the ropes with a Missile Dropkick and take him down. Great back-and-forth action from all eight men in this one as things dwindled down. The finish came when legal man T-Reks was pulled out of the ring by Davey Richards to be double teamed by Richards and Edwards. The two manged to whip T-Reks into the security barrier. Shatter tried to assist him partner, but both members of Londrick landed Springboard Moonsaults to the outside to take Shatter down. Kendrick went for Sliced Bread #2 up the ring post on Edwards as Richards landed a Tiger Suplex on London. Kendrick then ran at Richards, who ran at him, and the two clotheslined each other to the ground. The other legal man in the equation was Drew Galloway, who (along with his tag team partner), was allowing all of this action to proceed on the outside. T-Reks managed to recover and slide into the ring, and the numbers game from the crafty Foreign Forward managed to land the Chaos Shock finisher combination on the bigger T-Reks.


Foreign Forward def. Londrick, Terror Rising, The American Wolves when Williams & Galloway landed the Chaos Shock on T-Reks.

Rating: 60


As for the dire consequences, the Foreign Forward celebrated and made their way to the back. Eventually, Londrick and the Wolves headed to the back as well. That left Shatter and T-Reks by the ring. Shatter slid into the ring and helped his partner up. He told him "don't sweat it" and began to turn away, but quickly turned back and kicked T-Reks in the gut and put him in the Torture Rack. Referees had to stop Shatter from manhandling his also large tag team partner so that the next match could take place.


Four Way Match


http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Homicide_zpsad1a66b1.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/ZemaIon_alt_zps03aa1730.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/JayLethal_zpsfb2fb4ec.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/EvanBourne_alt2_zpseeb69487.jpg

Homicide vs. Zema Ion vs. Jay Lethal vs. Matt Sydal

Another pretty good one featured four competitors who have been trying to find their way in KWF as of late. Zema Ion has probably found the most success, earning a Battle Royal win in the Pre-Show of last month's Whiplash PPV, and a few impressive singles victories on Superman. As the match dwelved on, fan favorite Matt Sydal struggled to find too much momentum against his heel foes in this one. This resulted in the crowd getting very behind him. Sydal and Lethal traded blows in the center of the ring, and Sydal finally managed to get an advantage. He landed a hard kick and whipped Lethal toward the ropes, allowing Homicide to dip the ropes down and watch Lethal flop to the outside (where Zema Ion already was). Homicide tried for the Gringo Cutta on Sydal, but he was instead victim of a Sunset Flip. Sydal had Homicide right where he wanted him and headed up top, landing a picture perfect Shooting Star Press. Just as Sydal lept, though, Zema Ion climbed up on the very same turnbuckle. Sydal hooked the leg on Homicide but Zema Ion came crashing down right on top with a 450 Splash and he remained on top of both men, with the referee counting one, two, three. The official victory was given to Zema Ion!


Zema Ion def. Homicide, Jay Lethal, Matt Sydal after a 450 Splash on top of Matt Sydal and Homicide.

Rating: 55


Tag Team Match

Potential Contenders

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/AmazingKong_zps577617ff.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/CheerleaderMelissa_zps02066dfe.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MickieJames_alt2_zps4c6558eb.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/VelvetSky_alt_zps7e4a3163.jpg

Awesome Kong & "Cheerleader" Melissa Anderson vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky

As soon as this match began, Kong was tossing Mickie and Velvet both around the ring. The match went on like this for awhile, before Kong tagged in Melissa who kept Mickie James grounded. Melissa worked away at Mickie until she was tired, and then tagged Kong back in. This gave Mickie just enough time to jump to her corner and tag in Velvet Sky. This match carried on with Velvet slipping around Kong and trying to ground her. The finish to this came when Melissa failed to land the Air Raid Crash, and Velvet landed the Backstabber. At the same time, Mickie was being tossed around by Kong on the outside. This led to the one, two, three for Velvet!


Mickie James & Velvet Sky def. Awesome Kong & Melissa Anderson after the Backstabber from Velvet on Melissa.

Rating: 58


Six Way One-Fall Match

New Prospects

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Cedric%20Alexander_zpswalqb9na.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Tommaso%20Ciampa_alt2_zpsb42e4zdv.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Icarus_zpssrldozos.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Oliver%20Grey_zpszxylvijs.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Bram_zpsmsgwvamj.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Jimmy%20Rave_zpsbbhrnmbh.jpg

Cedric Alexander vs. "The Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa vs. Icarus vs. Joel Windsor vs. Kenneth Granite vs. Jimmy Rave

Although not a terrible match, this one was clearly the worst of the night. This was understandable, however, with all six of these guys being very green in KWF. Windsor and Granite used the numbers game to control Icarus for a good portion of it, but without Williams at ringside, these two broke down quick when Tommaso Ciampa entered the ring. He tossed them both around and looked very impressive. After awhile, Cedric Alexander and Jimmy Rave had a pretty impressive back-and-forth exchange of quick counters. Rave got the upperhand and went for a Moonsault, but Alexander rolled out of the way. The slip up caused Rave to tag out to Ciampa, whom Alexander fought head on. This proved to be his demise, though, when Project Ciampa was landed and Alexander was put away.


Tommaso Ciampa def. Cedric Alexander, Icarus, Joel Windsor, Kenneth Granite, Jimmy Rave after a Project Ciampa on Cedric Alexander.

Rating: 49


KWF Women's Championship


Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MadisonRayne_zpscc458c0b.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/TarynTerrell_alt_zps93402645.jpg

Madison Rayne © vs. Taryn Terrell

The interesting thing about this title match was that it was outperformed by the Women's Tag Match earlier in the night. That aside, this was a title match that showed Taryn Terrell's hot streak again. After losing every match since Madison Rayne took her title and broke her undefeated streak, Taryn was determined to regain her gold and her glory. While Taryn mounted quite a good amount of offense, Madison looked great out there tonight and proved her win was not a fluke. She ended the match with the Rayne Drop after a good back-and-forth.


Madison Rayne def. Taryn Terrell with the Rayne Drop to make defense #1 of the KWF Women's Championship.

Rating: 51


KWF World Television Championship


Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Low-Ki_alt_zpsd9aad652.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/BrianCage_zps8dc819a8.jpg

Low-Ki © vs. "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage

The second title match of the evening featured Low-Ki and Cage fighting with a clear chemistry. Low-Ki proved he is a future main eventer here in KWF, and it's clear that he's a show stealer. This match, though, was his toughest challenge, and made it apparent: nothing will stomp the rise of Brian Cage. The F'N Machine put away his more experienced opponent with a Pumphandle Facebuster before the ten minute mark, winning the title!


Brian Cage def. Low-Ki with a Pumphandle Facebuster to win the KWF World Television Championship.

Rating: 51


KWF World Tag Team Championships


Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Manik_zpsdd0ac219.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/TrentBarreta_zps43c4cb1e.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MattJackson_alt_zps8c9ab9ab.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/NickJackson_alt_zpsd73c7818.jpg

Modern Dragons © vs. The Young Bucks

What a great match! The best one thus far showcased KWF's two most successful tag teams at the moment, the very first KWF World Tag Team Champions challenging the current reigning. The interesting thing here was how much more the fans invested when all four of these competitors were babyfaces. Every one of the fast-paced, high flying, and jaw-dropping moves was accented by the cheers and chants from the crowd. The new formation of Manik and Barreta have taken KWF by storm lately, and they entertained here with a good amount of ring awareness. Barreta landed a Dudebuster DDT and Manik followed up with a Corkscrew Moonsault to try and get the win over Nick Jackson, but Matt managed to break up the pin just in time. The Bucks found a nearfall when they landed a Double Superkick on Manik when Barreta was down on the apron, but Manik managed to kick out. As the match winded down, the clear advantage went to the team with more chemistry and more experience. That edge was the Young Bucks by far and the fans seemed suprised when Manik missed a dive to the outside and hit the security barrier, allowing Matt and Nick to land the More Bang For Your Buck combination on Barreta inside the ring and become KWF's first ever two-time champions!


The Young Bucks def. Modern Dragons with More Bang For Your Buck on Barreta to win the KWF World Tag Team Championships.

Rating: 66


Climb to Fame Match!

Winner Recieves Future WHC Match at a Time of their Choice!


Six Way Scaffold Ladder Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/RobVanDam_zpsf4196ff0.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Rhyno_zps8tnvaqui.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Joe%20Hennig_zpsnbivhgxe.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/JustinGabriel_alt_zps63b3de4c.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/JohnMorrison_alt4_zps3b97b297.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/ShannonMoore_zps41daade5.jpg

"Mr. Saturday Night" Rob Van Dam vs. "The Gore Machine" Rhino vs. "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig vs. Justin Lee Angel vs. Johnny Hollywood vs. "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore

This match exceeded expectations, and perhaps showed off who the bulk of KWF's roster are. KWF's first World Heavyweight Champion, Rob Van Dam, may have been the clear favorite going in. Rhino, however, is a man hell-bent on becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Additionally, Joe Hennig is running with a Perfect record, Justin Lee Angel is the highest-flying up-and-comer, Johnny Hollywood has always been a show stealer, and Shannon Moore is more successful than he has ever been in his wrestling career. All six men left everything they had in the ring, not letting up. The problem with this one was the danger. To get onto the scaffold, competitors would need to set up a ladder. Once on the scaffold, you would need to reach up and unhook the briefcase. Whoever does so will gain a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity any time, any place. Action was fast and furious! RVD and JLA both started kicking Rhino, trying to wear the big man down early. Hennig, then, traded blows with Hollywood. Shannon Moore, however, slid out of the ring to grab a ladder almost instantly. Just before he could head back into the ring, JLA noticed his attempt and jumped over the ropes to the outside, landing a splash on top of the ladder (which Moore was holding) and taking both of the men down. Fans were already on the edge of their seats.

The match rolled on with several high spots from RVD, JLA, Hollywood, and Moore alike. Rhino was the clear powerhouse who was relentless in damaging his opponents, usually heaving the ladder into them. Joe Hennig kept things rolling also, executing fine grapple maneuvers on pretty much everyone, and he was the first to make it atop the scaffolding. Just as he made it up there, though, Moore sprinted his way up the ladder and joined him. The two were trading blows up high for everyone to see. Meanwhile, JLA and Hollywood were trading blows atop the ladder. Rhino responded to this by tipping the ladder over and sending both men crashing to the floor on the outside. Rhino set the ladder back up and joined Moore and Hennig up top. Hennig and Moore both started kicking and punching Rhino now, not letting him damage them. Rob Van Dam joined the fray thereafter, and landed a Van Daminator kick to Moore, who was lying on the scaffold. Hennig was dangling from the scaffolding now, getting into a tussle with Rhino. Rhino spotted RVD, clearly hellbent on destruction, and made his way to the hardcore legend quickly, manging to land a Gore that sent RVD clear off the scaffold and hard on the mat below! The crowd chanted holy shit as Rhino gripped the briefcase but quickly looked down when Moore stomped on Hennig's hands, causing him to fall to the mat. Moore stopped Rhino from claiming the briefcase now, and the match raged on.

Rob Van Dam was the only competitor not in it at this point, as his fall from the scaffold left him clearly hurt. As the match came to a close, Joe Hennig was reaching for the briefcase. Instead, Johnny Hollywood managed to land a hurricanrana and send Hennig off the scaffold and right onto both Moore and Rhino who were on the mat below! With JLA scaling the ladder quickly, Hollywood unhooked the briefcase hurriedly, and claimed victory!


Johnny Hollywood def. Rob Van Dam, Rhino, Joe Hennig, Justin Lee Angel, Shannon Moore after retrieving the Famous Briefcase.

Rating: 76


KWF World Heavyweight Championship


Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/AJStyles_zps824d248c.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MrAnderson_alt_zps6bb66ecb.jpg

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles © vs. "Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson

The main event of the evening was just as fantastic as the match before it, and as the last time these two met in the main event of a KWF Pay Per View (last month's Whiplash). This time, things were different. A hungrier, more intent Mr. Anderosn stepped into the ring with the hottest thing in KWF, the best wrestler KWF has to offer, AJ Styles. The Glorified Asshole started things off with an attempt to psyche AJ out with insults, but the Champion wasn't falling for it. Styles instead ran at the ropes, sprang off, and landed his signature Moonsault into a Reverse DDT. Anderson went from talking trash to dealing it, as he was pissed off enough to recover and beat Styles down. The former champion seemed like a man possessed in the match's early goings. He landed the Kenton Bomb for a close two-count, followed by slowing Styles down even more with a series of headlocks and armbars. Styles eventually locked his feet around the ropes to cause a rope break, and then pulled himself up to his feet. This led to a comeback from AJ Styles, who only left his feet if he was about to fly for the next ten minutes. As the match started to come to a close, Anderson was managing to fight Styles back-and-forth. The Champion tried to seal the deal with a Styles Clash, but Anderson tossed him over head with a back body drop and landed the Mic Check. ONE! TWO! NOOOO! AJ Styles kicks out and Anderson looks frustrated. He picks AJ up for another Mic Check but is hit with the Pele Kick for his troubles. Styles then whips Anderson into the corner. Anderson tries to grab AJ, who flips around him and locks him up. Fans get off their feet as Styles comes off the second rope with Anderson in his clutches, SUPER STYLES CLASH! ITS OVER!


AJ Styles def. Mr. Anderson with a Super Styles Clash to make defense #1 of the KWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Rating: 76


Show Rating: 74 (new record)

Buy Rate: 1.05 (new record)


Quick Picks:

Winner of this shall receive a prediction prize!

Daniels vs. Benjamin

Londrick vs. TerroRis vs. Forwarders vs. Wolves

Homicide vs. Ion vs. Lethal vs. Sydal

Kong & Melissa vs. Mickie & Velvet

Alexander vs. Ciampa vs. Icarus vs. Windsor vs. Granite vs. Rave

Women's Title: Madison © vs. Taryn

TV Title: Low-Ki © vs. Cage

Tag Titles: Mod Drags © vs. The Bucks

Climb to Fame: RVD vs. Rhino vs. Hennig vs. JLA vs. Hollywood vs. Moore

WHC: Styles © vs. Anderson

Bonus Questions:

How many titles will change hands? 2

Will the Climb to Fame winner cash in on the World Heavyweight Champion tonight? No

Who will take a 'sick bump' during the Climb to Fame Scaffold Ladder match? Rob Van Dam

Which two matches will tie for match of the night? Climb to Fame/WHC Match

What will be the lowest rated match of the night? Prospect Match

Which team will take the fall in the four-way tag? Terror Rising

Will anyone turn from face to heel/heel to face? No

Prediction Results:

The Lloyd: 8

-I usually post the TV Shows pretty fast because they're all building up to the PPV. :D

packerman120: 11

-Very impressive.

Mootinie: 10

-Super close. I try not to be suuuuper partial to the guys I like. :p Good call with Hollywood though.

michgcs: 8

-As far as the Foreign Forward goes, falling before you rise is useful technique, and I'm sorry to hear you don't like the Bucks. :p Good job picking Hollywood. :)

The prize this time around goes to packerman, but nice job guys. I really appreciate you guys supporting me in this diary, it's my favorite that I've ever done and I'm definitely more committed to this than I've been to any others. I hope you guys don't mind frequent title changes, it's something I'm all too familiar with doing, without even thinking about it.

A note about Daniels/Benjamin, though, is that they're both heels so that's why that match suffered. Also, the next month of Superman episodes is probably the worst yet, because it's leading up to a rather unorthodox PPV, but I think Final Four will be enjoyable. Thanks again, I hope everyone liked the show, I'd appreciate feedback and the next round of TV Predictions shall be up soon. :)

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Daniels vs Benjamin would get a much higher rating in real life! Love both of those two (may or may not be future tag team partners in my diary :D )... But both being heels explains a lot!!


Loved the show overall, but was shocked to see The Bucks win!! They are the best thing in wrestling that isn't in the WWE!!

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KWF Saturday Night Superman


Episode 17

Saturday, Week 1, July 2015

Full Match Card



"Sugar" Shane Helms vs. Manik

Londrick vs. Zema Ion & "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore

(non-title) "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage vs. Jimmy Rave


(main show)

Nick Jackson vs. "Thee" Drew Galloway

Madison Rayne & Gail Kim vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky

Final Four Qualifying Match: Shatter vs. "The Gore Machine" Rhino vs. Matt Sydal vs. Cedric Alexander

Final Four Qualifying Match: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. Justin Lee Angel vs. "The Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. "Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood & "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels


Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Helms vs. Manik

(pre-show) Londrick vs. Ion & Moore

(pre-show) Cage vs. Rave

Galloway vs. Nick Jackson

Madison & Gail vs. Mickie & Velvet

F4 Qualifier: Shatter vs. Rhino vs. Sydal vs. Alexander

F4 Qualifier: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. JLA vs. Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. Hollywood & Hennig

Styles vs. Daniels


4 Shows Before:

KWF Final Four 2015

(PPVs explained two posts up)

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Great show. Shame I got pipped by Pack. :(


Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Helms vs. Manik

(pre-show) Londrick vs. Ion & Moore

(pre-show) Cage vs. Rave

Galloway vs. Nick Jackson

Madison & Gail vs. Mickie & Velvet

F4 Qualifier: Shatter vs. Rhino vs. Sydal vs. Alexander

F4 Qualifier: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. JLA vs. Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. Hollywood & Hennig

Styles vs. Daniels

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(pre-show) Helms vs. Manik

(pre-show) Londrick vs. Ion & Moore

(pre-show) Cage vs. Rave

Galloway vs. Nick Jackson

Madison & Gail vs. Mickie & Velvet

F4 Qualifier: Shatter vs. Rhino vs. Sydal vs. Alexander

F4 Qualifier: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. JLA vs. Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. Hollywood & Hennig

Styles vs. Daniels

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Didn't expect the tag titles AND the TV title to change hands... but then again, it's a great way to elevate new guys...


Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Helms vs. Manik

(pre-show) Londrick vs. Ion & Moore

(pre-show) Cage vs. Rave

Galloway vs. Nick Jackson

Madison & Gail vs. Mickie & Velvet

F4 Qualifier: Shatter vs. Rhino vs. Sydal vs. Alexander

wanted to go with Sydal here but after he lost to Ion I just couldn't do it :D

F4 Qualifier: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. JLA vs. Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. Hollywood & Hennig

Styles vs. Daniels

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(pre-show) Helms vs. Manik

(pre-show) Londrick vs. Ion & Moore

(pre-show) Cage vs. Rave

Galloway vs. Nick Jackson

Madison & Gail vs. Mickie & Velvet

F4 Qualifier: Shatter vs. Rhino vs. Sydal vs. Alexander

F4 Qualifier: Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. JLA vs. Ciampa

Gloriousness vs. Hollywood & Hennig

Styles vs. Daniels

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KWF Saturday Night Superman


Episode 17

Saturday, Week 1, July 2015

Full Show Results

Sold Out in front of 1,500 fans at the BC Rutland Centennial Hall!

(first time out of the United States)



Manik def. "Sugar" Shane Helms with Death From Below (53)

Helms thanked the fans before heading to the back. As Shannon Moore came down to the ring for the next match, they hugged.

Londrick def. Zema Ion & "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore when Moore dodged a tag attempt from Ion and left him for the Tower of Londrick (52)

"The F'N Machine" Brian Cage def. Jimmy Rave with a Pumphandle Facebuster (44)




KWF Saturday Night Superman's next episode began with a nice firework display, and then Lenny Leonard, Matt Striker, and Gavin Loudspeaker are seen.

Lenny Leonard: Here we are for the next edition of Kryptonite Wrestling Federation Saturday Night Superman! I'm Lenny Leonard, this is Matt Striker, that is Gavin Loudspeaker! Welcome!

Matt Striker: We are fresh off the heels of KWF Make Me Famous 2015, and what a great Pay-Per-View that was!

Gavin Loudspeaker: AJ Styles made his first defense of the KWF World Heavyweight Championship, as did Madison Rayne with the KWF Women's Championship!

Striker: On the flip side, Low-Ki lost the KWF World Television Championship to Brian Cage, and the Modern Dragons lost the KWF World Tag Team Championships to our first ever two-time champions, the Young Bucks!

Leonard: The biggest news from this past Monday is that Johnny Hollywood ascended the ladder, stop atop the scaffold, and became our first ever Climb to Fame victor!

Gavin: "Mr. Famous" now has a future World Heavyweight Championship shot whenever and wherever he wants to take it!

Leonard: All of that and more, make sure you catch the reply of that fantastic event.

Striker: Onwards and upwards as we prepare for KWF Final Four 2015. At that event, our defending champions AJ Styles and the Young Bucks will awaits three competitors and three teams, respectively, who will challenge them in the 'Final Four' of the night! Whoever wins will be crowned the first Final Four Winners, and will walk away the Gold! That exciting event will feature seven challenging teams and six challenging competitors! Who will ascend to the Final Four!?


Match One

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/NickJackson_alt_zpsd73c7818.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/DrewMcIntyre_alt_zpsffa32b9f.jpg

Nick Jackson vs. "Thee" Drew McIntyre

Our first match featured one half of the new, two-time World Tag Team Champions taking on a man looking to gain the first bit of Final Four momentum, Drew McIntyre. The simple back-and-forth contest was a nice contrast between Jackson's fast pace and McIntyre ground-and-pound style. The match came to a close when Jackson went for the 450 Splash but McIntyre put his knees up! The Scotsman grabbed a big victory with the Future Shock DDT.


Drew McIntyre def. Nick Jackson with a Future Shock DDT.

Rating: 53


Match Two

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MadisonRayne_zpscc458c0b.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/GailKim_alt2_zps70cdba72.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MickieJames_alt2_zps4c6558eb.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/VelvetSky_alt_zps7e4a3163.jpg

Madison Rayne & Gail Kim vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky

With Madison Rayne fresh off of a title defense, and Mickie and Velvet fresh off a tag team victory from Make Me Famous, there was a lot to be shown here. Gail and Madison worked over Velvet for a big majority of the match, with the champion looking perfect out there. After a hot tag, however, Mickie got things rolling against Madison. The finish came when Velvet saved Mickie from the Rayne Drop, backed up in the corner to be tagged in, and then landed the Backstabber out of nowhere on the champion for a huge win!


Mickie James & Velvet Sky def. Madison Rayne & Gail Kim after a Backstabber from Velvet on Madison.

Rating: 59


Gavin Loudspeaker: You know guys, with two straight pinfall victories over champions here tonight, you gotta think all of the challengers are trying to put them on notice!

Matt Striker: And I think we'll see even more of that later tonight when AJ Styles takes on Christopher Daniels, guys.

Lenny Leonard: Perhaps but we'll all know Styles doesn't go down easy!

Striker: Speaking of going down easy, we are all very sorry to report that this past Monday former World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam sustained some pretty nasty injuries. The ECW Original usually prefers to work through the pain, but he's been heavily advised by our medical physician to stay out of the ring for at least the next month.

Leonard: What a shame that is, RVD desperately wanted to regain the Gold and Final Four would've been a good time for him to give that a shot.


Match Three

Final Four Qualifying Match

Four Way Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Gunner_alt2_zpse4f5f136.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Rhyno_zps8tnvaqui.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/EvanBourne_alt2_zpseeb69487.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Cedric%20Alexander_zpswalqb9na.jpg

Shatter vs. "The Gore Machine" Rhino vs. Matt Sydal vs. Cedric Alexander

This one was a huge opportunity for everyone in the match. Shatter had only recently split from tag team partner T-Reks, who has now been sent to developmental. Rhino, on the other hand, has come oh so close to becoming the number one contender on many different occasions. Sydal has yet to get enough momentum going, and Alexander has only just arrived. Sydal and Alexander watched in the early goings as Rhino and Shatter brawled, with Rhino getting the upperhand and sending Shatter to the outside. Instantly, Sydal and Alexander landed a high kick/chop block combination. The two had a fast-paced exchange next, before things really started to break down. The match came to a close not too far in, when Rhino caught Alexander with a vicious Gore as Sydal and Shatter were on the outside.


Rhino def. Shatter, Matt Sydal, Cedric Alexander after a Gore on Alexander to qualify for Final Four.

Rating: 43


Match Four

Final Four Qualifying Match

Four Way Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Low-Ki_alt_zpsd9aad652.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Icarus_zpssrldozos.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/JustinGabriel_alt_zps63b3de4c.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Tommaso%20Ciampa_alt2_zpsb42e4zdv.jpg

Low-Ki vs. Icarus vs. Justin Lee Angel vs. "The Sicilian Psychopath" Tommaso Ciampa

This one was up in the air from the get go. Newcomer Icarus looked for a win in his biggest opportunity yet, while other newcomer Ciampa was tossing his opponents up and down the ring like only he could. Former Television Champions Low-Ki and JLA (expressing some pain from the Climb to Fame match) showed a lot of bad blood as they traded kicks and whipped each other around, springing off the ropes numerous times to display their impressive high flying skills. Icarus was victim off Project Ciampa, but Low-Ki broke up the pin and landed the Ki Krusher on the big man. Before he could get the three count, JLA landed a springboard dropkick to his back to break it up. JLA tossed Low-Ki overhead and to the outside then quickly headed up top and executed the 450 Splash on Icarus for the one, two, three!


Justin Lee Angel def. Low-Ki, Icarus, Tommaso Ciampa after a 450 Splash on Icarus to qualify for Final Four.

Rating: 46


Pre-Main Event

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/MrAnderson_alt_zps6bb66ecb.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/SheltonBenjamin_zps22a17a3c.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/JohnMorrison_alt4_zps3b97b297.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Joe%20Hennig_zpsnbivhgxe.jpg

Gloriousness vs."Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood & "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig

The tag team match was a good one! The four former WWE employees fought long and hard, with Gloriousness becoming more and more like a well-oiled machine with every match. Despite that, though, their opponents are two of the brightest shining stars in KWF. The new holder of the Famous Briefcase and the man holding a Perfect Streak both brought in this one. Anderson continuously grabbed the microphone to let the crowd know that Hollywood and Hennig were both lacking with speaking skills in comparison to him. While that was apparent, the ragtag pair of stars managed to get the victory when Hollywood knocked Anderson off the ropes with a Corkscrew Heel Kick, and Hennig put Benjamin away with the Perfect Plex.


Johnny Hollywood & Joe Hennig def. Gloriousness with a Perfect Plex on Benjamin from Hennig.

Rating: 61


Lenny Leonard: It'll be interesting to see which of those men advance in the Final Four!

Gavin Loudspeaker: Well, remember that Hollywood has opted not to compete in Final Four, keeping his briefcase instead!

Matt Striker: Right you are, does that mean we'll see him cash in at Final Four!?

Leonard: He could cash in right now if he wanted to!

Striker: It would suit him better to wait until Christopher Daniels beats AJ Styles first!

With those words, "The Fallen Angel" ascended to the ring for the next match. He grabbed a microphone and expressed his need to save everyone from the lies and mockery, thus being his former friend and our World Heavyweight Champion. After a few minutes of ranting from Daniels, the World Heavyweight Champion's music hit to the biggest pop of the night. He called Daniels a backstabber, and says these fans owe him absolutely nothing! They don't owe anyone anything, they paid their fair share to see these two put on a great match, not to listen to Daniels rant in an Angelic voice. The fans popped big for that and our main event was under way!


Main Event

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/AJStyles_zps824d248c.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/ChristopherDaniels_alt_zpsd6c07099.jpg

"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Just as the champion noted, these two are here to put on a great match, and that they did! One of KWF's best matches ever, at that. The two traded blows to began with, followed by Daniels pulling Styles down into a headlock. The rest holds lasted for a little while until Styles picked the pace back up with a Springboard Back Elbow. The action continued with Daniels sliding under Styles and hopping up to land a backwards Dropkick, and then land on his hands and pop right back up! He spread his arms out wide, taunting the audience and receiving heat almost to that of Rhino and Anderson earlier in the night. Daniels worked over Styles for the next several minutes, looking very impressive (his age showing much less than most other experienced competitors). The fans rallied for Styles to return to control, which helped him get to the ropes whilst in a Single Leg Boston Crab. Styles got back into it with a Pele Kick but the following Spiral Tap received only a two count! Daniels landed the Best Moonsault Ever soon after, but Styles kicked out. Styles landed a Styles Clash to end it! ONE! TWO! NO!! Fans, commentators, referee Jimmy Korderas, and AJ Styles all cannot believe it. Daniels recovered for a few more back-to-back counters with Styles, but eventually went for Angel's Wings. Instead, Styles escaped and landed a Hurricanrana He then landed another Styles Clash to confirm his victory! Great match!


AJ Styles def. Christopher Daniels with a Styles Clash.

Rating: 72


Overall Show Rating: 67


Prediction Results:

Mootinie: 7

crackerjack: 7

michgcs: 6

TheLloyd: 5

Thanks again for predicting guys, sorry this one took so long! D:

Thus, we move into the lowest graded shows I've booked in this game thus far. Go figure all of them come in a row. :p Things will pick back up again at Final Four. :p

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Kryptonite Wrestling Federation




KWF has come to terms with the release of both Shane Helms and Homicide. We wish the former tag team stars the best in all future endeavors.


T-Reks has reported to development for further improvements.


Kryptonite Wrestling Federation is proud to announce their in involvement in a brand new alliance of promotions!

KWF brings Asistencia Asesoria Y Administracion, Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre, New Japan Pro Pro Wrestling, All Japan Pro Wrestling, and Dragon Gate together for the Alternative Wrestling Federations Alliance!

All six members of the alliance are allowed to use talent trades, and we hope this partnership will bring the three countries together in order to better the professional wrestling business!




KWF Saturday Night Superman


Episode 18

Saturday, Week 2, July 2015

Full Match Card



Mickie James vs. "Cheerleader" Melissa Anderson

Icarus vs. Shatter

Low-Ki & Jimmy Rave vs. Londrick


(main show)

AJ Styles will address the crowd to open the show!

Final Four Qualifying Match: "Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson vs. Shelton Benjamin!

Final Four Qualifying Match: (non-title) "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage vs. "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore

Justin Lee Angel & The Young Bucks vs. Foreign Forward (Williams, Galloway, Granite)

Final Four Qualifying Match: "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig vs. Zema Ion

Final Four Qualifying Match: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Manik

"The Gore Machine" Rhino vs. "Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood


Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Mickie vs. Melissa

(pre-show) Icarus vs. Shatter

(pre-show) Low-Ki & Rave vs. Londrick

F4 Qualifier: Anderson vs. Benjamin

F4 Qualifier: Cage vs. Moore

JLA & Bucks vs. Forwarders

F4 Qualifier: Hennig vs. Ion

F4 Qualifier: Daniels vs. Manik

Rhino vs. Hollywood


3 Shows Before:

KWF Final Four 2015

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(pre-show) Mickie vs. Melissa

(pre-show) Icarus vs. Shatter

(pre-show) Low-Ki & Rave vs. Icarus

F4 Qualifier: Anderson vs. Benjamin

F4 Qualifier: Cage vs. Moore

JLA & Bucks vs. Forwarders

F4 Qualifier: Hennig vs. Ion

F4 Qualifier: Daniels vs. Manik

Rhino vs. Hollywood

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Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Mickie vs. Melissa

(pre-show) Icarus vs. Shatter

(pre-show) Low-Ki & Rave vs. Icarus

F4 Qualifier: Anderson vs. Benjamin

F4 Qualifier: Cage vs. Moore

JLA & Bucks vs. Forwarders

F4 Qualifier: Hennig vs. Ion

F4 Qualifier: Daniels vs. Manik

Rhino vs. Hollywood

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Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Mickie vs. Melissa

(pre-show) Icarus vs. Shatter

(pre-show) Low-Ki & Rave vs. Londrick

That originally said Low-Ki & Rave vs. Icarus, not Low-Ki & Rave vs. Londrick.


F4 Qualifier: Anderson vs. Benjamin

F4 Qualifier: Cage vs. Moore

JLA & Bucks vs. Forwarders

F4 Qualifier: Hennig vs. Ion

F4 Qualifier: Daniels vs. Manik

You love your Manik. ;)

Rhino vs. Hollywood

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Quick Picks:

(pre-show) Mickie vs. Melissa

(pre-show) Icarus vs. Shatter

(pre-show) Low-Ki & Rave vs. Londrick

EDIT: You didn't fix the Quick Picks! I was wondering what Icarus did to piss you off! :p

F4 Qualifier: Anderson vs. Benjamin

F4 Qualifier: Cage vs. Moore

JLA & Bucks vs. Forwarders

F4 Qualifier: Hennig vs. Ion

F4 Qualifier: Daniels vs. Manik

Rhino vs. Hollywood

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Quick update for you guys!

While it may seem the diary is slower than normal, I'm actually further along than ever. I've been playing the game and enjoying it, but also keeping track of booking & results, hirings/firings, etc.

I'm going to continue to play the game & enjoy it, whilst posting results as often as I'd like. Currently, I'm six months ahead of where we are at. It's really great, and I can't wait to get there with you guys. :D

Thanks for all the support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another update!

We are back in action! I've decided to slightly alter the format of the diary in order for it to be easier for me to post TV Results & such. It will be fairly similar to my previous TNA diary.


Hope the change is okay for everyone, as it means PPVs will look more impressive in comparison and shows will be posted much more often.


Speaking of, I shall finally have Superman up.

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KWF Actionfest (Pre-Show)

Mickie James def. Melissa Anderson following the Chick Kick.

Rating: 56

This match featured good chemistry.


Shatter def. Icarus with a Spear.

Rating: 38


Londrick def. Low-Ki & Jimmy Rave after Low-Ki was hit with the Tower of Londrick.

Rating: 53




KWF Saturday Night Superman

Saturday, Week 2, July 2015

ON Carnegie Centennial Centre (Ontario)

Attendance: 1000 (SELL OUT!)


After an introduction from Lenny Leonard, Matt Striker, and Gavin Loudspeaker, we are taken straight to the entrance ramp for KWF World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles to make an entrance.

AJ Styles: "It's good to know you all love me! I've gotta say, being World Heavyweight Champion here in Kryptonite Wrestling is big highlight in my career. I mean, we are rising faster than most other companies in this business, and I have been on top of my game night in and night out.

Everything is working out for me, but I know there are a lot of other hungry guys in the back. I want nothing more than to face all challengers, especially with Final Four coming up. Y'all know how much of a fightin' champion I am!

So, whether it's the Man Beast, or the Fallen Angel, or the Machine, or the Asshole, I don't care! I'll take 'em all on. Hell, I'm never lettin' go of this belt. I'm in the prime of my life!

I owe it all to you guys, so enjoy tonight's wrestlin', I'll be back next week to steal the show!"

Segment Rating: 62


Match 1

Final Four Qualifying Match

Singles Match

"Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson vs. Shelton Benjamin


These two shook hands and battled it out to see who the better half of Gloriousness really is. It's interesting to note that the two men were given the choice to either face each other in this match or both enter the Tag Team Final Four together. Instead, Benjamin gave Anderson everything he had and looked to better the former World Heavyweight Champion. Instead, Anderson elbowed Benjamin in the head during a Pay Dirt attempt to land the very similar Mic Check for the one, two, three.


Mr. Anderson def. Shelton Benjamin via the Mic Check to qualify for Final Four.

Match Rating: 56


Match 2

Final Four Qualifying Match

Singles Match

"The F'N Machine" Brian Cage vs. "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore


A solid match-up, with these two clicking fairly well as opponents. Moore has been a completely different man in the ring as of late, and that definitely showed. Unfortunately, though, his opponent is the man they call Cage. The Machine managed to put away the Punk when Moore missed the Halo and was in prime position for a Flying Elbow Drop. Big win for Cage.


Brian Cage def. Shannon Moore with a Flying Elbow Drop to qualify for Final Four.

Match Rating: 45


Match 3

Six-Man Tag Team Match

Justin Lee Angel & The Young Bucks vs. Foreign Forward


With any team looking to get an advantage over the Bucks, Drew Galloway and Douglas Williams were joined by Kenneth Granite in this one. The Europeans took it to their opponents, attempting to keep each of them grounded. While JLA took flight for the 450 on Granite, Galloway managed to pull him out of the way. JLA tagged out to Matt Jackson and Granite reached his hand up to Williams. Williams ducked a superkick, knocked Nick Jackson off the apron, and helped land the Chaos Theory combination on Matt with Galloway for a huge win!


Foreign Forward def. Justin Lee Angel & The Young Bucks after the Chaos Theory combination from Galloway/Williams on Matt Jackson.

Match Rating: 49


Match 4

Final Four Qualifying Match

Singles Match

"Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig vs. Zema Ion


The action continued to heat up, with the never-been-pinned Hennig looking to keep the Perfect Streak alive against the hottest up-and-comer in the company, Zema Ion. The cocky Filipino looked better than ever in this one but it wasn't enough when he slipped up on a Suplex attempt and fell victim to the Perfect Plex.


Joe Hennig def. Zema Ion with the Perfect Plex to qulaify for Final Four.

Match Rating: 54


Pre-Main Event

Final Four Qualifying Match

Singles Match

"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Manik


Despite the obvious lack of chemistry between these two, we witnessed the best match of the night. Manik, one half of the Modern Dragons, was incredible, proving he can really go against KWF's top guys. Daniels said last week that nothing would stop him from winning Final Four. This, of course, led to him kicking out of the Death From Below from Manik. Consequently, Daniels rolled Manik up out of nowhere and pulled the tights to ensure the pinfall. The Fallen Angel steals one!


Christopher Daniels def. Manik with a roll-up while pulling his tights to qualify for Final Four.

Match Rating: 61


Main Event

Singles Match

"The Gore Machine" Rhino vs. "Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood


A nice main event featured one of the Final Four participants heading up against the man with the golden ticket. Hollywood was the real show stealer here tonight, and he brought every bit of offense to Rhino in this one. The Gore Machine did his best to stop the momentum, but this one stayed back and forth. Rhino kicked out of the Moonlight Drive, recovered, and landed a Piledriver for an extremely close two count. He was frustrated enough to go for the Gore but Hollywood jumped on the ropes and came back with a Flying Chuck. Amazing counter! An increasingly frustrated Rhino rolled right out of the ring and grabbed the Famous Briefcase that Hollywood earned at Make Me Famous, bringing it in the ring and taking it right to Hollywood's face. Immediate disqualification!


Johnny Hollywood def. Rhino by disqualification when Rhino hit Hollywood with the Famous Briefcase.

Match Rating: 58


Show Rating: 59


Prediction Results:

crackerjack: 7

Lloyd: 4

packerman: 6

Mootinie: 8

michgcs: 5

Nice job Moot! Would've been perfect but my love for Manik has deceived you! I've changed the Pre-Show's title to Actionfest, as it would be pretty bloated from now on and I don't want to take anything away from the fact that it's simply a good way for matches to happen, no storyline involved. Let me know what you guys think about the format. It will be altered & improved for PPV write-ups!

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English Elements vs. The Young Bucks

Zema Ion vs. Cedric Alexander


Episode 19

Saturday, Week 3, July 2015

"Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood vs. Low-Ki

Modern Dragons vs. ???

Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky

"Thee" Drew Galloway vs. Paul London vs. Davey Richards

"Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig, Justin Lee Angel & "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, "Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson & "The Gore Machine" Rhino

"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin


Quick Picks:

(AF) Elements vs. Bucks

(AF) Ion vs. Alexander

Hollywood vs. Low-Ki

Mod Drags vs. ???

Gail vs. Velvet

Galloway vs. London vs. Richards

Hennig, JLA & Cage vs. Daniels, Anderson & Rhino

Styles vs. Benjamin


2 Shows Before:

KWF Final Four 2015

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That was a quick and easy show to read. I like the new format, it should allow you to motor through the shows a lot quicker.


Quick Picks:

(AF) Elements vs. Bucks

(AF) Ion vs. Alexander

Hollywood vs. Low-Ki

Mod Drags vs. ???

Gail vs. Velvet

Galloway vs. London vs. Richards

Hennig, JLA & Cage vs. Daniels, Anderson & Rhino

Styles vs. Benjamin

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">KWF Actionfest</span></strong></span></p><p> <strong>The Young Bucks def. English Elements after More Bang For Your Buck on Joel Windsor.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 42</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Zema Ion def. Cedric Alexander following the Filipino Destroyer.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 48</strong></p><p> </p><p> ---------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#32CD32;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">KWF Saturday Night Superman</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#32CD32;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Saturday, Week 3, July 2015</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#32CD32;"><strong> QC Arena Jean-Guy Talbot (Quebec)</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#32CD32;"><strong> Attendance: 1250 (SELL OUT!)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Singles Match</span></strong></p><p><strong> "Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood vs. Low-Ki</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>This one was a great way to start Superman, and the fans were very much invested. Johnny Hollywood shined like the star he is, and is looking more and more promising as the man with the 'golden ticket' Famous Briefcase. Low-Ki was impressive as well, but he could not outmatch Hollywood who kicked out of the Ki Krusher and grabbed the victory with a Flying Chuck and then the Moonlight Drive.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Johnny Hollywood def. Low-Ki with the Moonlight Drive.</strong></p><p><strong> Match Rating: 60</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>After a short commercial break, Shannon Moore made his way down to the ring. He was sporting a huge Mohawk to accompany his heightened "Prince of Punk" persona. Moore grabbed a microphone.</em></p><p> <strong>Shannon Moore</strong>: "Alright, listen up my fellow rejects! After losing the tag team titles, I decided to face the formerly employed Shane Helms, my former tag team partner, with the winner gettin' a shot at the Famous Briefcase. So, when Helms got the boot from KWF, I got stuck without a rematch for the titles! Since then, the Modern Dragons, those freakin' fools, have went ahead and lost the titles to the team that is just like them, only about eight years less.. fresh. Furthermore, I want another shot at those tag titles! I wanna be in the tag Final Four!"</p><p> <em>The crowd lets out a chorus of boos but Moore does his best to shut them up with his hands.</em></p><p> <strong>Shannon Moore:</strong> "REJECTS, REJECTS! I'm. Not. Finished."</p><p> <em>The boos get louder, but eventually turn into a chant.</em></p><p><em> 'YOU'RE THE RE-JECT!' *CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP* and repeat. Moore shines with a wide smirk before speaking once more.</em></p><p> <strong>Shannon Moore:</strong> "I've been trying for weeks to find someone as great as me to join me in my escapades, but like we found out with Shane Helms.. no partner is worthy of being mine. So I have a proposition. I'd like to prove myself tonight, and I've been given a handicap match. I'm going to face the men who beat my partner to take the World Tag Team titles away from us, and I'm going to prove that I don't need a partner. I will, thereafter, win Final Four all by myself and become World Tag Team Champion. By. My. Self."</p><p> <em>Cue the entrance of the former World Tag Team Champions.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Handicap Match</span></strong></p><p><strong> Modern Dragons vs. "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>The Modern Dragons looked great as they worked away the extremely cocky Shannon Moore, definitely using the numbers game to keep him at bay. Once Moore was in control for a bit in the middle of the match, he hilariously pretended to tag himself in and then proceeded to clean house, as if he landed the hot tag. Barreta went to put him away with the Dudebuster DDT, but Moore shocked everyone when he rolled Barreta up and pulled the tights for the one, two, three! Manik was too surprised to break up the pin attempt, Moore will officially compete in tag Final Four by himself.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Shannon Moore def. Modern Dragons after pinning Barreta while pulling his tights.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 48</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Singles Match</span></strong></p><p><strong> Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>A great women's bout here saw both of these ladies in fine form. Gail Kim was in control for a majority of it, allowing the fans to help Velvet rally herself back in it and land a Backstabber for the victory.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Velvet Sky def. Gail Kim with a Backstabber.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 57</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Three Way Dance</span></strong></p><p><strong> "Thee" Drew Galloway vs. Paul London vs. Davey Richards</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>This match was another one to hype up Final Four, as these three will join their tag team partners in a three-way, first round bout of the tag team Final Four. Paul London looked better than he has in a long time in KWF here, and helped Richards to slow down big Galloway. It was London's landing the Shooting Star Press on Davey Richards that allowed Galloway to hit the Future Shock and grab the momentum.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Drew Galloway def. Paul London, Davey Richards following a Future Shock DDT on London.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 56</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pre-Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Six-Man Tag Team Match</span></strong></p><p><strong> "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig, Justin Lee Angel & "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, "Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson & "The Gore Machine" Rhino</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>With all six of these guys entering the singles Final Four, a win here would have been extremely helpful. Hennig, JLA, and Cage kept the fans going but it was really the hate they showed for Daniels, Anderson, and Rhino especially that made this match as good as it was. Hennig was in tip top shape here, Cage was probably the most green in comparison to the others. The finish came when Justin Lee Angel missed the 450 Splash on Anderson, who tagged out to Daniels and watched the Angel's Wings get the 1,2,3!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Christopher Daniels, Mr. Anderson, and Rhino def. Joe Hennig, Justin Lee Angel, and Brian Cage following the Angel's Wings on JLA.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 57</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Singles Match</span></strong></p><p><strong> "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Shelton Benjamin</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>AJ Styles was in this one to simply send a message to all competitors at Final Four. Although it may seem he's going to be there just to defend his title, it appeared he would defend a whole lot more. Styles truly captivated, as always, and put Shelton Benajmin away at the end of a very good match by popping up from a T-Bone Suplex, landing the Pele Kick, and rounding it out with a Springboard 450 Splash.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>AJ Styles def. Shelton Benjamin after a Springboard 450 Splash.</strong></p><p><strong> Rating: 66</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Show Rating: 61</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39159" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Prediction Results:<p> Mootinie: 4</p><p> crackerjack: 6</p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> <span>http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/Actionfest_zpsdid9grmt.jpg</span></p><p> Shelton Benjamin vs. Manik</p><p> Cedric Alexander vs. Kenneth Granite</p><p> The Young Bucks vs. Shatter & Tommaso Ciampa</p><p> <span>http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/KWF%20STuff/SaturdayNightSuperman_zpsbdd171a7.jpg</span></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Episode 20!</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Saturday, Week 4, July 2015</span></strong></p><p> "Mr. Famous" Johnny Hollywood vs. Zema Ion</p><p> Douglas Williams vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Eddie Edwards</p><p> Barreta vs. "The Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore</p><p> KWF World Television Championship: "The F'N Machine" Brian Cage © vs. Low-Ki</p><p> "Glorified Asshole" Mr. Anderson & "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. "Perfect Jr." Joe Hennig & Justin Lee Angel</p><p> "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. "The Gore Machine" Rhino</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39159" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quick Picks:<p> (AF) Benjamin vs. Manik</p><p> (AF) Alexander vs. Granite</p><p> (AF) Bucks vs. Shatter & Ciampa</p><p> Hollywood vs. Ion</p><p> Williams vs. Kendrick vs. Edwards</p><p> Barreta vs. Moore</p><p> TV Title: Cage © vs. Low-Ki</p><p> Anderson & Daniels vs. Hennig & JLA</p><p> Styles vs. Rhino</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 1 Shows Before:</p><p> KWF Final Four 2015</p><p> </p><p> OOC: Just letting you guys know, this is episode 20, and I just finished booking episode 41 in-game. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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