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Any mod of this type???

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I like to play older mods but a lot of people missing. My current game is a 2013 mode, where I have made all wrestlers active.


What I'm wanting really is a mod around 1992/3 which has all future workers in place up to the current day (obviously not every one ever but all major promotion wrestlers)


I thought about starting myself editing the 2013 on backwards but i really havnt got time on something so large, plus I would like all future workers to debut as 0 popularity (apart from maybe people like kurt angle who was known a little etc)


The other problem I would have is I would like them to have the ability to be a close as possible to their 'peak' etc I would want the rock to have a* star quality, but obviously he wouldnt debut with that, i also wouldn't want him to end up with a* mat skills.


Does anyone know roughly how workers stats work? Eg if I want his Mic skills to become a* does he have to start at 26 years old with at least and a or a b+ and have the top potential?


Like for stone cold, he had quite a few years of having an angle with mic skills being used once or twice a week, but I don't think he would have ever gone above an A mic skills wise or b+ his star quality would have have hit A to A* in the late 90's so what would he have to start at in 93?


I might have a go at it myself but may not ever be finished lol.

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you might like the war of the immortals mod it has a wide range of workers in there prime


I have got that and it is very good.


I played a 97 mod and I really enjoyed the rock, hhh and Goldberg etc entering the world and building them up to main eventers, the problem was after that there was nobody coming through. Plus I would like to start it from 93 when I started watching it lol

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