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WWF 1991: Controversy Sells

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It's 1991 and the wrestling scene in the United States doesn't know it but they're going to face a huge wave of storms during the next years. Now, the World Wrestling Federation has the nation withing the palm of it's hand, however, Ted Turner's World Championship Wrestling is threatning with usurp it's throne, there are chances that they might become a national power that can compete with Vince McMahon's company.


After the demise of the American Wrestling Association, Eric Bischoff has contacted WWF for a tryout. McMahon, rather than give him just an announcer position, he gave him something else that could help the WWF to consolidate it's power and it's position as the N°1 Leader in Sports Entertainment.

Because for Bischoff.... Controversy Sells... and anyone would buy it.

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WWF Roster January 1991


Red = Heels, Blue = Faces


Main Eventers


Hulk Hogan

Jake Roberts

Jimmy Snuka

Mr. Perfect

Randy Savage

Sgt. Slaughter

The Million Dollar Man

The Ultimate Warrior

The Undertaker


Upper Midcarders


Big Bossman



Jim Duggan

Rick Martel

The Barbarian

The Texas Tornado

Tito Santana




Bret Hart

Brian Knobbs

Dino Bravo

Greg Valentine


Jerry Sags

Jim Neidhart

Marty Jannetty

Nikolai Volkoff

Saba Simba

Shawn Michaels


The British Bulldog

The Mountie

The Warlord



Lower Midcarders

Boris Zhukov

Bushwhacker Luke


Jim Powers


Koko. B Ware

Paul Roma




Brian Costello

Brooklyn Brawler

Bushwhacker Butch

Mike Sharpe

Sam Houston


Enhancement Talent

Al Burke

Barry Hardy

Bob Radley


Occasional Wrestlers

Dan Davis

General Adnan

The Genius



Brother Love

Jimmy Hart

Paul Bearer

Sensational Queen Sherri




Gene Okerlund

Gorilla Monsoon

Lord Alfred Hayes

Sean Mooney

Vince McMahon


Colour Commentators

Bobby Heenan

Roddy Piper


Authority Figures

Eric Bischoff (User)

Jack Tunney

Mike McGuirk


Road Agents

Chief Jay Strongbow

Jack Lanza

JJ Dilon

Pat Patterson

Rene Goulet

Tony Garea



Dave Hebner

Gerald Brisco

Mr. Fuji

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WWF Heavyweight


Current Champion:

The Ultimate Warrior


Previous Champions:

Hulk Hogan (2)

Randy Savage

Andre The Giant

Hulk Hogan


WWF Intercontinental


Current Champion:

Mr. Perfect (2)


Previous Champions:

The Texas Tornado

Mr. Perfect

The Ultimate Warrior

Rick Rude


WWF Tag Team


Current Champions:

The Hart Foundation (2)


Previous Champions:

Ax, Smash & Crush (Demolition) (3)

Andre The Giant & Haku (The Colossal Connection)

Ax & Smash (Demolition) (2)

Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson (The Brainbusters)


King of the Ring


Past Winners:

Tito Santana (1989)

Ted DiBiase (1988)

Randy Savage (1987)

Harley Race (1986)

Don Muraco (1985)


Royal Rumble


Past Winners:

Hulk Hogan (1990)

Big John Studd (1989)

Jim Duggan (1988)

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In an apartment somewhere in Hartford, Conneticut.


Eric was writing something on his desk as he scratched his head, then a telephone near him ringed and he answered.


Eric: Hello?


Vince: Eric, it's me, your new boss.


Eric: Hi, Mr. McMahon, i was writing a few plans for the company to improve it.


Vince: Eric, you're barely in your first job as a booker... don't you think that those plans should have to wait until you have enough experience?


Eric: *sighs* Okay, boss, what are your suggestions?


Vince: Take note Eric.


  • First, the World Wrestling Federation can't fall in debt at any point.
  • It musn't fall below national size.
  • Hercules must have at least 65 overall popularity in America.
  • Jake Roberts must have achieved 83 momentum when the time expires
  • No wrestlers whose style are that of a psychopath shall enter.
  • You won't hire or extend a contract to a wrestler whose psychology is medium.


Got it?


Eric: Got it boss, i'll achieve those goals!


Vince: That's the spirit, boy. Now let's expand the WWF to the world!

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January, Week 1, 1991


At only one day for the first 1991 episode of WWF Superstars, the company has published a list of released workers. It seems that Vince McMahon's company attempts to expand it's roster with brand new wrestlers, but only time will tell. The list of the released workers is as it follows:


Brother Love

Chief Jay Strongbow

General Adnan

Jack Lanza

JJ Dilon

Saba Simba

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Ouch, the psychology one could hurt a bit.


As long as i hire wrestlers with psychology over 52, i will be fine.


Wow, Eric Bischoff in WWF?? What's going to happen?!?


I have to admit, i always wanted to do a diary as Eric Bischoff in WWF.


Actually, I would dare to say that those are pretty attainable goals. I'm kinda glad to see names like Herc and Jake be the ones needing to get love.


I think i already know that to do with Herc and Roma, while Jake is going on a feud with Martel.


Why is it always Saba Simba? :(


I saw that coming... to be honest, i don't know how to reply that.

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WWF Superstars

1991, Week 1

Boston Garden

15,909 in Attendance


Backstage Promo:

Hulk Hogan starts the show giving a promo about the new year and Sgt. Slaughter giving his back on the U.S.A.


"Brother, it's 1991! My heart is pumping steadly, there can't be a night where i can sleep soundly while i think of that turncoat Sgt. Slaughter, he betrayed the red, white and blue for the Iraqi cause! But i know that he will fall prey to the Hulkster, because with the help of my little Hulkamaniacs, i can guarantee victory in the name of the U.S. of America! So Watcha Gonna Do, Sgt. Slaughter, when the Stars & Stripes... RUN WILD ON YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!"


Rating: 82


WWF Tag Team Championship

The Hart Foundation vs The Orient Express


Bret & Jim have been on a roll with the WWF Tag Titles on their waists, and this match became a proof of it. While The Orient Express posed a threat to their reign as champions, it was Bret, who brought victory to the foundation by submission. During the match, Slick replaced Roddy Piper who was getting prepared for his Piper's Pit Segment, as he took the oportunity to talk trash about the Hart Foundation and saying that Power & Glory will take from them the titles.


Rating: 70


Piper's Pit featuring Big Bossman & Mr. Perfect.


Roddy Piper hosted this edition of Piper's Pit to interview the Big Bossman, who was sitting on a stool and Mr. Perfect, with Bobby Heenan, who lately, have been insulting Big Bossman's mother by talking awful things about her. Bossman said that Heenan must pay for his actions, while Perfect said that Heenan can talk anything he wants as long as he has his family and his perfect Intercontinental Championship. Tired of Perfect's stuborness, Bossman attacked Perfect, who responded by attacking Bossman with the IC title, both men exchanged punches as the road agents had to separate them.


Rating: 79


The Undertaker vs Nikolai Volkoff


The reformed communist Nikolai Volkoff faced the Undertaker, who came with an mysterious individual, a fat man with a pale face holding a golden urn, who while speaking had a very creepy voice. At one point, when The Undertaker was lying on the canvas, until the man raised the urn, and Taker raised up looking a Nikolai and softened him enough to perform a Tombstone Piledriver.


Rating: 70


Royal Rumble Report with Lord Alfred Hayes


Lord Alfred Hayes hosted the Royal Rumble Report, where we witnessed a few series of Promos, by Earthquake, Tugboat, Jimmy Snuka, Tito Santana, The British Bulldog, The Warlord & The Mountie.


Rating: 65


Interview Podium:


Gene Okerlund took the chance to interview Jimmy Hart, who spoke on behalf of the Nasty Boys. He took the chance to say that the Legion of Doom have no chance to defeat the Nasty Boys, because they are tougher than they can even imagine.


Rating: 65


Randy Savage vs. The Bushwhackers


It was a short match, but the Bushwhackers didn't mind doing their arm-swinging march in front of their Bushwhackeroos. However, little did they know that they jumped into a serious beating on behalf of Randy Savage, who took advantage of Bushwhacker Luke, while Butch was chasing Sensational Queen Sherri. After Randy Savage delivered the Flying Elbow Drop on Luke, Butch tried to save his friend, but it was too late.


Rating: 64


Pre-Recorded Promo:


Rick Martel was resting on a hammock in a sunny beach as he was holding a cup of lemonade, while smirking to the camera as he spoke that he's happy for blinding Jake "The Snake" Roberts, so he won't have to deal with a snake himself, however, he said that by next week he would return to the World Wrestling Federation to showcase his abilities.


Rating: 71


WWF Heavyweight Championship

The Ultimate Warrior vs "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase


While DiBiase flaunted that he would become the new WWF Champion, he forgot that the Ultimate Warrior doesn't like to wait for his opponents as he was attacked viciously by the man from Parts Unknown, however, at one point, DiBiase outwitted Warrior by ducking him in time as he clotheslined the referee. Then, he ordered Virgil to use his golden brass knuckles to soften Warrior, but the latter ducked in time and the armed fist arrived to DiBiase's face, after that, Warrior threw Virgil out of the ring and procedeed to do a Warrior Splash on DiBiase, adding another victory to his title record.


Rating: 85


After the match, Sgt. Slaughter came out as he walked this time alone, the announcers said General Adnan was caught in fraganti trying to burn the American Flag and as a result, was expelled from both the country and the WWF. The Ultimate Warrior and Sgt. Slaughter engaged into a staredown as Superstars comes to a close as Vince, Gorilla and Piper told the viewers to watch the next episode of All-American Wrestling.


Rating: 84


Final Rating: 80


Backstage Notes: Gorilla Monsoon and Vince McMahon have good chemistry when announcing matches

Kato has great chemistry when managed by Mr. Fuji

Tanaka has great chemistry when teaming with Kato

The Warlord has good chemistry when managed by Slick.

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Comments on First Show: Good to see you get that match out of Warrior -- I'm guessing you scripted the match (Warrior probably couldn't survive all out at this point). I've had him as champ in two diaries, and haven't gotten close to that-- then again, both mine were on PPV.


The Bushwhackers have to be the most useless employees on the roster -- they're expensive, horrid in-ring, and over enough not to willingly job... they're trouble from the word go.


I usually take the belt off the Hart Foundation due to [apparent] problems between Neidhart and WWF to imitate real life. I guess if this were from purely a booking standpoint, I'd want to keep the straps on The Hart Foundation through 'Mania.

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Good first show, the format is easy enough to stroll right through and pick up all the important points. Add me to being surprised you got that good a match out of Warrior. Also it's good to see so many good notes for chemistry at the end of the show. Good chemistry for Kato, Tanaka, and Fuji could perhaps lead to some big things for the OX? The tag division is just off the charts at this point, and I'll be happy to see where you take it.
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Good first show, the format is easy enough to stroll right through and pick up all the important points. Add me to being surprised you got that good a match out of Warrior. Also it's good to see so many good notes for chemistry at the end of the show. Good chemistry for Kato, Tanaka, and Fuji could perhaps lead to some big things for the OX? The tag division is just off the charts at this point, and I'll be happy to see where you take it.


I'm sure that i'll have a possible title run for the OX.


Good first show. I don't usually read diaries from this long ago as it is a bit before my time, but this one's got me intrigued!!


Thanks, i was looking your WCW vs WWF diary and i hope you pull a better grade in the GAB.


Comments on First Show: Good to see you get that match out of Warrior -- I'm guessing you scripted the match (Warrior probably couldn't survive all out at this point). I've had him as champ in two diaries, and haven't gotten close to that-- then again, both mine were on PPV.


The Bushwhackers have to be the most useless employees on the roster -- they're expensive, horrid in-ring, and over enough not to willingly job... they're trouble from the word go.


I usually take the belt off the Hart Foundation due to [apparent] problems between Neidhart and WWF to imitate real life. I guess if this were from purely a booking standpoint, I'd want to keep the straps on The Hart Foundation through 'Mania.


I didn't put "scripted" in the road agent notes at all in the main event.


The Bushwhackers have their days counted, at least at my point of view.


For the Hart Foundation... let's see what will happen.


Good first show.




All-American Wrestling will be up right away!

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WWF All-American Wrestling

Week 1, 1991

Penn Hall



Gene Okerlund & Roddy Piper welcome us to another edition of WWF All-American Wrestling, as they speak about the Royal Rumble. (88)


Dino Bravo & The Mountie defeated Jim Powers and Koko B. Ware. At this point, the Mountie made his in-ring debut. (45)


We see that there is a Funeral Parlor on stage as the man who appeared managing The Undertaker introduces himself as Paul Bearer, saying that Brother Love not only sold his contract to the Undertaker, but also something else more valuable. Bearer is accompanied by Taker, as Bearer announces that the Funeral Parlor will replace the Brother Love Show, that they have already their first guests, the Legion of Doom, who say that it's better for the Nasty Boys to back-up their words, because "It's a small world and they can destroy anyone on their path." (60)


Demolition defeated Brian Costello & Sam Houston (43)


Somewhere in Mexico, The Genius introduced his newest client, Octagon. (51)


The British Bulldog defeated Boris Zhukov (50)


Jimmy Snuka defeated Mike Sharpe (63)


We see a pre-recorded promo by Ted DiBiase, who's upset that Virgil just punched him and made him loss the chance to become the new WWF Champion, but he hopes that he won't have to commit the same mistake again. (71)


Jim Duggan defeated The Brooklyn Brawler (55)


Gene & Roddy interview Randy Savage, who proclaimed that himself, the King of Madness, will make sure that he gets a shot for the WWF Heavyweight Title and rule the Federation as he sees fit. (86)


Backstage Notes: Jimmy Hart antagonized Shawn Michaels, he was read the Riot Act and he replied that he would be more considerate in the future. However, next day he felt irritated and i had to pay him to calm down.

Crush has good chemistry when managed by Mr. Fuji

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January, Week 2, 1991


It was expected that Jacques Rougeau, working in the WWF as The Mountie was about to make his in-ring debut in Royal Rumble. However, it seems that the current head booker, Eric Bischoff didn't want to wait until the Rumble and decided to make him debut in-ring right at the recording of All-American Wrestling, tagging along with Dino Bravo.


Also, Bischoff has been scouting several wrestlers, under the "good psychology" criteria. In the same episode of All-American Wrestling, we saw the debut of Mexican wrestler, Octagon, with The Genius as his manager. If were to hire them, we should expect a few wrestling debuts in the World Wrestling Federation.


OOC: I discovered that the Mountie was meant to debut in the Royal Rumble and i didn't knew about it until i read wikipedia. I've decided to justify it's early debut as part of Bischoff's booking plans as he feels that the WWF needs to breath young talent
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  • 3 weeks later...

Pre Show Matches: Octagon defeats Koko B. Ware (47)

The Rockers defeated Dan Davis & Bob Bradley (47)


WWF Superstars

1991, Week 2

Madison Square Garden

18,200 in Attendance


Pre-recorded Announcement:


WWF President Jack Tunney appears somewhere inside the building of the Madison Square Garden, he announces that the Royal Rumble of this year will have a huge prize: a shot for the World Wrestling Federation title at Wrestlemania. After making that announcement, "Macho King" Randy Savage asks if he can have a title match against the Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble. Tunney rejects that proposal since the match between Warrior and the Iraqi turncoat Sgt. Slaughter is already planned in the PPV. This leaves Savage in anger as he looks at Tunney with a flame of frustration in his eyes.


Rating: 83


Big Bossman vs The Warlord


Bossman is a very uploaded mood, especially after the brawled he had with Mr. Perfect last week during Piper's Pit. The Warlord gave a hell of a fight to Bossman, who in the end was about to defeat him, that's until a man run from backstage and attacked the Bossman with a Clothesline to the back of his head. This man was quickly acknowledged as Tully Blanchard, one-half of the Brainbusters, 1-Time WWF Tag Team Champion and at one point, one of Heenan's clients.


Rating: 71


However, things really started to get unexpected when another familiar figure came in, former Intercontinental Champion Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, he came in defense of the Big Bossman, then, Mr. Perfect arrived a few seconds later, and demanded Steamboat an explanation, but words turned to fists and kicks when Bossman started brawling with Tully Blanchard, while Perfect entered into a brawl against Steamboat. Road agents had to arrive and to try to stop. The announcers talked that Tunney should do something before this rivalry between Bossman and any other member of the Heenan Family ends up with a third brawl.


Rating: 70


Backstage Segment:


While walking through backstage, DiBiase speaks with Virgil, saying that he better do a good job next week, or else, he might be find himself jobless, before he met The Million Dollar Man, then DiBiase noted the camera and quickly ejected the cameraman from the scene.


Rating: 73


Power & Glory vs Greg Valentine & Nikolai Volkoff


With the intention of demostrating that they were championship material and deserving of a shot for the WWF Tag Team Titles, Hercules and Paul Roma took every chance to take on this pair of veterans. Greg and Nikolai gave a good fight, but the inner desire of these young individuals was what determined when Hercules forced Greg to submit with his Full Nelson.


Rating: 62


After the match, Hercules and Roma took their microphones and demanded the Hart Foundation to appear and accept their challenge for the WWF Tag Team Titles. Bret and Jim came out with microphones of their own as Bret came out and said that they accepted their challenge, but reminded them as well that they're the best team they are in the WWF.


Rating: 63


The Legion of Doom vs The Barbarian & Haku


The Legion of Doom were in the mood of fighting, so did Barbarian and Haku. During the match, the Nasty Boys came out to taunt Animal and Hawk, but in spite of the distraction, the war-painted men defeated two of the members of the Heenan Family after a lethal Doomsday Device on Haku, demostrating how ready they were the time when both teams clash.


Rating: 72


Backstage Interview:


Gene Okerlund interviewed "The Model" Rick Martel, who just came back from his vacations in Cocoa Beach, Florida. With his usual cocky smile and his "Arrogance" atomizer, his blue coat and his oversized "Yes, I'm a Model" button. He will be facing Hulk Hogan in the main event of this episode.


"Tonight, like i said last week, Jake is blind as a bat, or should i say, blind as a snake. As for you, Hulk Hogan, you might have your 24 inch pythons, but i'm sure that you don't have the real key for victory that it's Arrogance, if the chance arises, you will not see the teary faces of your young Hulkamaniacs, look at them, they have NO class, Hulkamania has NO class. Don't worry, Hulkster, you won't see the tears of those poor children, because you will become blind, just like the snake!"


"What a disgusting individual you are, Rick! Let's go ringside!"


Rating: 80


Hulk Hogan vs Rick Martel


Rick Martel walked smirking, simply ignoring the boos of the crowd, thing that was a enourmous contrast to the Hulkster, who was received by a enourmous amount of cheers, as he arrived the ring, he had a fight with Martel, with very memorable scenes. But when Martel was starting to dominate the Hulkster, Jake Roberts, who was now semi-blind, arrived to confront Rick, who at first mocked Roberts, only to shove him from ringside as he simply laughed, but soon his laughter turned into horror when he saw the Hulkster tearing apart his "Arrogance" atomizer with widened eyes, at that point, Martel's confidence was shattered as the Hulkster cornered him into the turnbuckle, punches him straight in the face, before irish whipping him and receiving him with a Big Boot and then... the Running Leg Drop! And Hulkster scores a victory again!


Rating: 90


However, the celebration is cut short when Sgt. Slaughter, accompanied by an unknown individual wearing a red singlet with a hammer and sickle on it and red boots running towards the Hulkster and attacked him with a Clothesline, then both men proceeded to beat him down. Sgt. Slaughter was about to do the Camel Clutch on him, until the Ultimate Warrior arrived, forcing Sgt. Slaughter and his communist ally to retreat as WWF Superstars closes while the announcing team says that they will get any information regarding this new individual.


Rating: 82


Final Rating: 84


Backstage Notes: Octagon had great chemistry while being managed by The Genius
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