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[U][B]WWE New Years Vengence[/B][/U] Jerry Lawler Vs Shane Helms Womans Title Match - Mickie James Vs Victoria Vs Lita Vs Trish Stratus IC Championship: Rob Conway Vs Ric Flair The Big Show Vs Triple H WWE Heavyweight Title Match (Elimination Chamber)- HBK Vs Kane Vs Masters Vs Carlito Vs Edge Vs John Cena
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Well during the start of your game you almost have to do the same card as the present one. To keep things real. If you were ever a member at .400 then you know what this is and I posted many of these things. You just have to wait. This was the first pay per view I had
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WWE New Years Vengence RESULTS [B]Jerry Lawler Vs Shane Helms[/B](DRAW when IT went to 10 Count) Womans Title Match - Mickie James Vs Victoria Vs Lita Vs [B]Trish Stratus[/B] IC Championship: Rob Conway Vs [B]Ric Flair[/B] The Big Show Vs [B]Triple H [/B] WWE Heavyweight Title Match (Elimination Chamber)- HBK Vs Kane Vs Masters Vs Carlito Vs [B]Edge[/B] Vs John Cena] Next card will be up later today
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[U][B]The Royal Rumble[/B][/U] Womans Title Match - Lita Vs Trish Startus (C) United States Title Match - Rob Van Dam Vs Chris Benoit (C) IC Title Match - Chris Masters Vs Carlito (C) WWE Heavyweight Title - John Cena Vs Edge (C) WWE World Heavyweight - Orton Vs Batista Vs Undertaker Vs Kurt Angle (C) The Royal Rumble Match
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The Royal Rumble Womans Title Match - [B]Lita[/B] Vs Trish Stratus (C) Trish has the title for over a year and has defended it less than a dozen times? I mean how many times can you run Trish vs. Victoria vs. Molly vs. Gail Kim? Oh, wait, that's right, half of those four which are the only talented female workers in the company are gone. Actually... scratch Lita. I saw AKINO comes down and kicks them both in the head and steals the belt and returns to Japan so Vince McMahon can't disgrace women's wrestling anymore. Rating: *1/2 United States Title Match - [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Vs Chris Benoit (C) Hmm... both workers used to rock... both of them are also limited down to the same like... 8 spots for every match, RVD even less sometimes. But I haven't seen RVD in over a year, Benoit however I get tired of seeing every single week. I mean I like the guy, but enough's enough, turn him heel, have him bang the bosses' daughter, SOMETHING to change it up, Benoit is SO BLAND now. Rating: *** IC Title Match - Chris Masters Vs Carlito (C) No... just... no... both of those workers are part of WWE's next generation of nobodies that no one's going to ever care about. I mean seriously, Masters is this big bulky "masterpiece"? The guy's only 10 pounds heavier than Orton! And wow, the Full Nelson? Whenever I see that I think of one of the EWR commentaries, I think it was the Scotsman, where he bags on The Warlord for using the Full Nelson as a finisher. I am very happy to see I can see neither of these workers going nowhere big. Rating: DUD!(Since I made the EWR mention, might as well keep up with it) WWE Heavyweight Title - John Cena Vs [B]Edge[/B] (C) Cena needs to get shot already, seriously, I'm tired of him, because yes, he was amusing at first, but everyone realized that he was a one trick pony when he got so pathetic he resorted to talking about Fecal Matter in his raps. At least now he's stopped rappin', hopefully in match he won't stop tappin', but during the course of this match, I promise you I'll be nappin'. Dammit Vince, I can do what he can, give me a shot! Rating: ** WWE World Heavyweight - Orton Vs Batista Vs Undertaker Vs Kurt [B]Angle[/B] (C) If this was a Hell in a Cell, I hope that Old Man Death would take a sick bump and break a hip and retire, so that way he can stop spending his paycheck to hide his old man grays. And Batista? Well, Batista is no different than 85% of the big guys on the indy circuit or backyards, big, 5 moves, and tattoo'd from head to toe. Wait... that description sounds familiar... OMG!!! BATISTA IS BAM BAM BIGELOW!!! But seriously, the only thing that sets Dave apart is his big WWE contract can afford him his roids. But let's just forget about the hosses. Angle vs. Orton should be a pretty good match, Orton has a good look to him and while he's not really technically sound and can't fly around as much as he could with his bodyframe(Does anyone else remember when he debuted and used the Overdrive and Flying High Cross Body?) but he really could be what the WWE needs if it makes it for another 5 years or so. But that's the future, right now Angle is their man, and should keep it. Rating: **1/2 The Royal Rumble Match I'd like to say like Spanky or London or yanno, someone good but as long as the winner's name doesn't start with "Tri-" and end with "-It's official that I'm going to hold this belt 18 more times because I've knocked up Vince's little princess" then I'm fine. Realistically though, GO SHELTON!!! *1/2 Overall: *3/4 Ouch... just... ouch
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The Royal Rumble [SIZE=6][B]RESULTS[/B][/SIZE] Womans Title Match - Lita Vs [B]Trish Startus (C)[/B] United States Title Match - [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] Vs Chris Benoit (C) IC Title Match - [B]Chris Masters[/B] Vs Carlito (C) WWE Heavyweight Title - John Cena Vs [B]Edge (C)[/B] WWE World Heavyweight - Orton Vs Batista Vs Undertaker Vs [B]Kurt Angle (C)[/B] The Royal Rumble Match- [B]KANE[/B] Next card will be up tonight with stories going into it
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No Way Out SMACKDOWN BRAND [B]AJ Styles Vs Randy Orton[/B] This match started out as a rival from the Royal Rumble when Styles threw out Orton near the end. Orton who was angry over the situation attacked Styles night after night with Scott Hall who was also thrown out from the ring by Styles. Orton kept it up until Hall turned on him and now at Smackdown following No Way Out, Orton will take on Styles and Hall. [B]The Rock Vs The Undertaker[/B] Ever since The Rock returned to wrestling the Thursday after the Royal Rumble he has been on Undertakers case. Undertaker who is slowly giving up on the deadman gimmick is going back to just walking down to the ring with some gothic music playing but is not dressing it as much. Rock and Taker have battled in tag matches against each other but have finally wanted to settle the record straight between the best of the two. [B]John Bradshaw Layfield Vs Scott Hall[/B] Another person who hates Scott Hall is JBL. When Hall first arrived two weeks before the Rumble, Hall attacked JBL and since then Hall and JBL have been out to make each others lives a living hell. JBL recruited Halls former best friend Kevin Nash and together Nash and JBL have been teaming together and beating everybody. Will Nash keep his new alliance with JBL or will the former Outsiders become a faction once again? [B]WWE United States Title Match: Rob Van Dam Vs Chris Benoit (C)[/B] The best of seven match series has seen RVD as champion then Benoit and now RVD again. The point is this is the 7th match of the series. Who will take the win? Who can climb the ladder the fastest and grab the belt. Both men have been wrestling at their best. Who can take the belt home? [B]Batista Vs Matt Hardy - Street Fight[/B] Batista announced in early January that he will not wait until Royal Rumble to face the champion. Batista went on a rampage attacking almost every wrestler in the SD locker room and some Raw ones also. During one night he attacked Matt Hardy who came back two weeks before No Way Out and challenged Batista to a anything goes street fight match. Can Batista win this match and go on to finally get another title shot? Or will Matt Hardy win? [B]WWE Heavyweight Title Match: Heidenreich Vs Kurt Angle (C)[/B] Heidenreich has been getting the help of Teddy Long as late. Kurt Angle who has been a great champion has defeated everybody who has come his way. GM Stephanie McMahon has made the match official even though Angles friend Mick Foley has been trying to get the match cancelled when Angle suffered a torn rotar cuff. Even with that Angle most defend the championship against the strong man Heidenreich! predict and rate
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NO WAY OUT RESULTS Randy Orton beat AJ Styles after hitting him with a cross body The Undertaker Drawed with The Rock after both men kept fighting outside the ring past the 10 count. JBL beat Scott with a clothesline from hell, after the match Kevin Nash turned on JBL and hit him with the Power Bomb until the lights went out and Raven debuted! Rob Van Dam beat Chris Benoit to keep the US Title around his shoulder making him the winner of the best out of 7. Batista beat Matt Hardy but after the match the lights went out and Batista was found layed out in the ring. Heidenreich beat Kurt Angle for the WWE World Title after The Rock and JBL interfered and nailed Angle with their finishers. Wrestle Mania card up tonight
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[SIZE=4][B]Wrestle Mania Card[/B] [/SIZE] [B]WWE United States Title Match: Matt Hardy Vs Chris Benoit Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Rob Van Dam (C)[/B] Match started when those three guys both said they were the number one contender and GM Stephanie McMahon announced who ever had the most wins over each other by Wrestle Mania would win. It ended up being a tie as each of them had a win and loss and draws. So it was made a fatal four way. [B]Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker[/B] After Angle lost the title Undertaker started to mock him and stalk him. Undertaker begin to get under Angles skin and a full out war against the two started. After No Way Out, Raven joined up with Angle to fight the war against Undertaker who is back with Viscera! Can Undertaker keep his Mania streak alive? [B]John Cena Vs Steve Austin[/B] Austin announced he will be stepping back into the ring just two months after becoming the GM of Raw. As Austin got back into the ring the one wrestler who wanted a shot was Cena. Cena said he was bigger and better then Austin. Austin hired Charlie Haas, Big Show, and Mean Nick Dinsmore to take out Cena but Cena beat them all and Vince McMahon signed the match for Wrestle Mania. [B]Batista Vs Triple H[/B] This match is a rematch from last Mania. This match was made and signed the day before Mania, when Raw and SD cohosted the Mania Pre Show which consisted of everything from Raw Vs SD wrestlers to bikini contests between the two brands female division. Batista and Triple H got into a fist fight backstage and both agreed to face each other in the ring. Hogan was the first challenger to Triple H but was forced to drop out because of injury. [B]IC Title Match - Greg Helms Vs Ric Flair Vs Carlito Vs Chris Masters (C) - LADDER MATCH[/B] Helms who joined the IC Title race became a major contender when he beat Carlito and Flair in a triple threat match but failed to win the title the next week. All four of these men have faced off but Masters has been able to beat them all and the Masterlock challenges have gotten bigger and bigger over the past couple weeks. Can Masters climb the ladder and walk out with the IC Championship? [B]WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton Vs Heidenreich (C)[/B] Heidenreich said that he deserved to be champion before NO WAY OUT and with some help he did that. Orton who helped Angle after the brutal beat down at No Way Out became the next major player and Stephanie McMahon said that he has one shot at the belt at Mania and if he losses he will have to wait another whole year before he can even get a title shot at the US or Tag Team. Orton got driven and beat everybody that came his way, can he beat the Heavyweight Champion or will we see him have to wait another year? [B]WWE Heavyweight Title : Kane Vs Edge (C) INFERNO MATCH[/B] This is Kanes match, a ruling that came when Edge said Kane can pick the match if he beat Shawn Michaels and Triple H in a handicap match. Kane did just that and said INFERNO. Kane who won the Royal Rumble has been dieing to get into the ring with the champion Edge, who has attacked people before every match he wrestles and will go out and beat the weaken foe like nothing. Edge has defended his title almost every night against house hold names. Can Edge beat Kane in his own match? [B]Shelton Benjamin Vs Shawn Michaels (Winner Gets World Title shot When Ever)[/B] Shelton Benjamin and HBK have been feuding ever since New Years Vengence when Shelton accidently hit HBK. The feud has been steaming for over three months with this big conclusion. Shelton got Hogan to help him but HBK beat him with HHH and Dupree. Can Shelton finally out do HBK and become the number one player on Raw. Or will this go down in history as Sheltons downfall and another impressive win for Michaels. Both men hate each other with a passion, if anything Shelton is the most loved man since Hogan in the 80's and HBK is the most hated man in every state and country like he is in Montreal.
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WWE United States Title Match: Matt Hardy Vs Chris Benoit Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Rob Van Dam (C) This should be a decent match. All four men are good performers and should mesh into a great match. **** Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker Hmmm, Angle could make this a great match. I'm not too high on Undertaker, but Angle is a guy to make him look to be in a 5 star match. Although this isn't, it should be decent. *** John Cena Vs Steve Austin John Cena has horrible wrestling skills and Steve Austin is way past his prime and won't perform well with his past injuries. This should be a rather sloppy and disapointing match. ** Batista Vs Triple H Well, Batista is a better choice than Hogan. However, not by much. Triple H could make this a decent match. *** IC Title Match - Greg Helms Vs Ric Flair Vs Carlito Vs Chris Masters (C) - LADDER MATCH Please make Helms win this match. I see him being the only person who can really perform in this kind of match. The other three aren't really high flying/high spots kind of guys. **1/2 WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton Vs Heidenreich (C) I beg you, make Orton win this. Heidenreich as champ just seems completely random. I understand you boosted his overness, but a man like Heidenreich should be steadily pushed and not pushed to the moon. This way his skills can improve along the way. Orton isn't a legendary or a 5* wrestler, he's decent. So he won't be able to make this match legendary. ** WWE Heavyweight Title : Kane Vs Edge (C) INFERNO MATCH Horrible choice of match for WrestleMania. Main event of WrestleMania should always be just a straight-up wrestling match. Inferno matches are hardly ever decent wrestling matches. That is, the WWE style ones. Unless you are doing a different style. Kane and Edge are good together and could do some good work together, but it would be much better off as a singles match. *** Shelton Benjamin Vs Shawn Michaels (Winner Gets World Title shot When Ever) This is a great match. However, this is the main event of WrestleMania? Shouldn't the title match be? ****
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[SIZE=4][B]RESULTS OF WRESTLE MANIA[/B][/SIZE] WWE United States Title Match: Matt Hardy Vs Chris Benoit Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Rob Van Dam (C) Winner: Matt Hardy Kurt Angle Vs The Undertaker Winner: Undertaker John Cena Vs Steve Austin Winner: Draw Batista Vs Triple H Winner: Triple H IC Title Match - Greg Helms Vs Ric Flair Vs Carlito Vs Chris Masters (C) - LADDER MATCH Winner: Chris Masters WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton Vs Heidenreich (C) Winner: Randy Orton WWE Heavyweight Title : Kane Vs Edge (C) INFERNO MATCH Winner: Kane Shelton Benjamin Vs Shawn Michaels (Winner Gets World Title shot When Ever) Winner: Shelton Benjamin
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