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Mods by Fleisch

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I am really enjoying your real world updates, Fleisch. Out of the ones that are currently out there, they're by far my favorites.


Still, there are some suggestions I would make:


- Right now, there are four European promotions in the game. Three Swedish, one Finnish. With all due respect, these promotions aren't even close to being the biggest Euro promotions. At the very least I would suggest you include wXw (I can actually help you with that, since I watch most of their shows), maybe ICWA, EWA or EWP.


- Vince McMahon's personality seems a little off. Obviously a very polarizing figure in wrestling, but as far as I have heard and read, backstage he's actually great to get along with (and not exactly a very negative influence). Maybe change it to him being a company man or something between that and master politician.


- Uhaa Nation/Apollo Crews should have more aerial skills and much more flashiness.


- I also think Kevin Owens should have better brawling and psychology skills.


- Joey Styles should be under contract with WWE as a personality since he's one of their top social media guys and definetly not returning as an announcer, neither in WWE nor anywhere else.


Just some ideas. Again, keep up the great work!

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In my game, no one is assigned photos, even though they are in the database. Same for belts, events, etc. Is there a quick way to do this without going through thousands of photos one by one?

Every worker and logo has a picture assigned providing you are using the picture pack provided, and if you're using a different picture pack then that is why they are not syncing up as the pack provided was made specifically for this data. :)


Devon and Bubba Ray Dudley signed with WWE and redebuted last monday.


Also, I think Christina Von Eerie and Amber Gallows should be more over now, since they are in he final for the GFW Women Championships.


Finally, I think you should reduce John Cena's overness...it seems WWE are ready to pass the torch now.

Thanks for the feedback.


Von Eerie & Gallows are as over as they are going to get at the moment. If GFW get a TV deal then I may consider upping them, until then there is no difference in them getting to a tournament final in GFW or any other indy promotion.


As much as I hate to say it, I'm not going to lower John Cena in terms of overness because he is still the biggest thing in wrestling whether we like it or not. Daniel Bryan is closest in terms of popularity because WWE (with the exception of Rollins who I'm going to probably boost a bit) have built no one else up. Proof of that is that a part-timer in Sting is Rollins next opponent for the WWE title.


I am really enjoying your real world updates, Fleisch. Out of the ones that are currently out there, they're by far my favorites.


Still, there are some suggestions I would make:


- Right now, there are four European promotions in the game. Three Swedish, one Finnish. With all due respect, these promotions aren't even close to being the biggest Euro promotions. At the very least I would suggest you include wXw (I can actually help you with that, since I watch most of their shows), maybe ICWA, EWA or EWP.


- Vince McMahon's personality seems a little off. Obviously a very polarizing figure in wrestling, but as far as I have heard and read, backstage he's actually great to get along with (and not exactly a very negative influence). Maybe change it to him being a company man or something between that and master politician.


- Uhaa Nation/Apollo Crews should have more aerial skills and much more flashiness.


- I also think Kevin Owens should have better brawling and psychology skills.


- Joey Styles should be under contract with WWE as a personality since he's one of their top social media guys and definetly not returning as an announcer, neither in WWE nor anywhere else.


Just some ideas. Again, keep up the great work!


Thank you for your feedback and words.


There is a reason for those promotions being in the data, someone asked to add them themselves and then gave me permission to use it (VampiroEl I believe it was). I have zero knowledge of the European scene outside of the UK - and even these days my knowledge of the UK has vastly diminished over the last couple of years. If you would like to add wXw then I would be happy to have them in the data, but like I say, I've no knowledge of them other than I think they are a German promotion. If VampiroEl hadn't done those 4 promotions, Europe would have no promotions.


I shall look into Vinces personality. You're probably right that it should be amended.


I shall also take a look at Uhaa Nations stats. Again, stats is something I'm working on constantly the more I watch so there will still be some people I've not seen a lot of that I'll get more used to their styles/abilities the more I see them. Owens I'll look at. I thought his stats reflected his Indy work at the time, but I'll take another look as I'm guessing he has improved in NXT (?)


Joey Styles will be deleted from the data altogether. He's never going to appear significantly again on screen any way.

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Fierce Females don't have any popularity in any region... Based on attendance in video that I watched on YouTube I would say that 5% in Scotland (promotion holds their shows only in Glasgow, except one that was held in Edinburgh back in 2013 based on cagematch.net) would be enough, but definately no more than 10%!


Scottish Women's Championship now is held by Viper (won on 29.05.2015 (last Fierce Females show))!


Match lengths should be revised, because from what I saw and the only event from cagematch.net that have match times added, the longest match was only 10:19 long, while in data main match length is set to 20 as minimum... Match lengths from that event was as followed:









So I would suggest something like this for Fierce Females events:

Minor Match - 5 mins

Medium Match - 7 mins

Main Match: 10 mins


By watching the last show that was uploaded on YouTube (tho it was held on 31.08.2014 but was uploaded only four weeks ago and they have held four events after this) I didn't see anything that suggest that their T&A Levels should be on High, just like I didn't see a reason why Hardcore and Daredevil sits on Medium level too...


Anyway, those were just my two cents based on one Fierce Females event that I saw on YouTube if you have time to watch that event too to judge it by yourself, then even better if not then it's up to you to implement (or not) my suggestions just by reading this... :p

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Thanks. Hopefully I'll have the data back for Real World Chronicles before the weekend so I can work on it.


I'll take a look at the Fierce Females times. I've watched quite a few shows but never really paid attention to times. Might have to go through every promotion and check these as I've used the game mechanics rather than real life to work them out.

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Some Dragon Gate stuff


- Kotoka's gone pretty mad so maybe a gimmick change to Crazy/Weirdo?

- K-Ness has a new name. It's now Jimmy K-Ness JKS (With JKS done like RVD's main thing with the thumbs and the pointing)

- Shingo's new stable still doesn't have a name, Doi said that because Toyko got Jimmy K-Ness JKS then Osaka gets the Shingo name reveal at the end of the month.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MHero" data-cite="MHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Some Dragon Gate stuff<p> </p><p> - Kotoka's gone pretty mad so maybe a gimmick change to Crazy/Weirdo?</p><p> - K-Ness has a new name. It's now Jimmy K-Ness JKS (With JKS done like RVD's main thing with the thumbs and the pointing)</p><p> - Shingo's new stable still doesn't have a name, Doi said that because Toyko got Jimmy K-Ness JKS then Osaka gets the Shingo name reveal at the end of the month.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jimmy K-Ness JKS? Dear lord! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the update. I've not kept up with Dragon gate so this is extremely helpful.</p>
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<p>2001 Update: Nearly completed WWF in terms of everyones alter ego (providing I could find a good source picture). I have recut pretty much every picture this far. As well as WWF, half of AAA have also been done and any one whose name begins with a number, or letters A and B. This is a long process but in the end I know will be worth it as the picture pack will be near perfect in terms of no duplicates, some better quality images or different names (ie all Glenn Jacobs pictures will be Glenn Jacobs, Glenn Jacobs_alt, Glenn Jacobs_alt2 etc.... instead of Kane, Isaac Yankem, Christmas Creature etc...) Once WWF are done I may move on to WCW, or do a few Japanese cuts. Any one who wishes to contribute cuts to help out can feel free to PM me some or post a stack here on the Kyky background (make sure the 1x1 black border is around it though). Not the WWF or any guys beginning with the above mentioned letters as I've got them almost done.</p><p> </p><p>

Nearly every one has been given a resilience boost (or toughness) as I felt some were very low.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>2001 Update: Nearly completed WWF in terms of everyones alter ego (providing I could find a good source picture). I have recut pretty much every picture this far. As well as WWF, half of AAA have also been done and any one whose name begins with a number, or letters A and B. This is a long process but in the end I know will be worth it as the picture pack will be near perfect in terms of no duplicates, some better quality images or different names (ie all Glenn Jacobs pictures will be Glenn Jacobs, Glenn Jacobs_alt, Glenn Jacobs_alt2 etc.... instead of Kane, Isaac Yankem, Christmas Creature etc...) Once WWF are done I may move on to WCW, or do a few Japanese cuts. Any one who wishes to contribute cuts to help out can feel free to PM me some or post a stack here on the Kyky background (make sure the 1x1 black border is around it though). Not the WWF or any guys beginning with the above mentioned letters as I've got them almost done.<p> </p><p> Nearly every one has been given a resilience boost (or toughness) as I felt some were very low.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If you want to pm me a list of people you want pics of and I am happy to help, i am useless unless i'm given a task to follow or set characters etc. Would love to help though if you need.</p>
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If you want to pm me a list of people you want pics of and I am happy to help, i am useless unless i'm given a task to follow or set characters etc. Would love to help though if you need.

Thanks very much. I'll get a list of people for you. How many are you looking to do? I don't want to take the piss and ask for too many from you.


Has there been any hints about the changes made to 2001 The Story Retold, I really like these alternate timeline mods.


"Following Fusient Media Ventures purchase of World Championship Wrestling, the board have given several stars the option of a buy out to their deal. They have offered 45 cents on the dollar plus any bonus paid in full to any one who wishes to have their deals bought out. Those who choose to do this can also work where ever they wish following the finalisation of the deal. This is a new era for World Championship Wrestling, one where money will not be a bottomless entity. The business will go through some major restructuring and several backstage staff members will find their deals terminated with immediate effect.


One of the biggest stars to take WCW up on their deal was Kevin Nash, who left and signed a 2 year deal with the WWF, using his real name rather than his old Diesel character. Yet to debut with the company, Nash felt WCW had hit rock bottom and wouldn't last much longer any way. Other workers such as Shane Douglas left because they felt they had been used wrong and were not happy with their position on the roster. The Franchise began working on the Independent scene to re-establish his name. With a less bloated roster, Fusient and Eric Bishoff look to repair the damage done and rebuild. Bischoff announced that in order for the company to truly be reborn, all title belts would be vacated and tournaments set up for each. The tag team belts however would be contended for in a 4 way elimination match between KroniK, Jung Dragons, Jindrak & Stasiak and Palumbo & O'Haire (Note: It's up to the player if they want to book this match as their tag title decider).


WCW Monday Nitro was also given a new home when WCW signed a deal with Urban America to show the program. They unfortunately could not reach a deal with any one for Thunder and so the show was taken off the air. Although on a much smaller Network, WCW are able to continue their weekly programming in order to help build for the future. The Monday Night Wars were not over according to Eric Bischoff, merely that WWF had won the initial battle and WCW needed to heal, before coming back stronger than ever."

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks very much. I'll get a list of people for you. How many are you looking to do? I don't want to take the piss and ask for too many from you.<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>"Following Fusient Media Ventures purchase of World Championship Wrestling, the board have given several stars the option of a buy out to their deal. They have offered 45 cents on the dollar plus any bonus paid in full to any one who wishes to have their deals bought out. Those who choose to do this can also work where ever they wish following the finalisation of the deal. This is a new era for World Championship Wrestling, one where money will not be a bottomless entity. The business will go through some major restructuring and several backstage staff members will find their deals terminated with immediate effect.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> One of the biggest stars to take WCW up on their deal was Kevin Nash, who left and signed a 2 year deal with the WWF, using his real name rather than his old Diesel character. Yet to debut with the company, Nash felt WCW had hit rock bottom and wouldn't last much longer any way. Other workers such as Shane Douglas left because they felt they had been used wrong and were not happy with their position on the roster. The Franchise began working on the Independent scene to re-establish his name. With a less bloated roster, Fusient and Eric Bishoff look to repair the damage done and rebuild. Bischoff announced that in order for the company to truly be reborn, all title belts would be vacated and tournaments set up for each. The tag team belts however would be contended for in a 4 way elimination match between KroniK, Jung Dragons, Jindrak & Stasiak and Palumbo & O'Haire (Note: It's up to the player if they want to book this match as their tag title decider).</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> WCW Monday Nitro was also given a new home when WCW signed a deal with Urban America to show the program. They unfortunately could not reach a deal with any one for Thunder and so the show was taken off the air. Although on a much smaller Network, WCW are able to continue their weekly programming in order to help build for the future. The Monday Night Wars were not over according to Eric Bischoff, merely that WWF had won the initial battle and WCW needed to heal, before coming back stronger than ever."</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> This sounds amazing!!</p>
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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Real World Chronicles:</span></p><p> </p><p>

To update, I've made a massive f-up in that I forgot the time difference between myself and PhenomenalPat when sorting out a return date for the data, meaning I have no time to work on it today (as it has gone past 10pm here in the UK). This means I only have tomorrow to work on it so there is an increased chance of the data being late out (the next 2-3 weeks are very busy with work and then going away). I will strive to get it on time, but this is a heads up it may be a few days late.</p><p> </p><p>

Just feel I need to say this with regards to "stat debates". While I'm happy for you to give opinions on who you think should have a boost/decrease and why, I am not in future going to even entertain the term "complete overhaul". I've been modding various things for TEW since Phil Parent entrusted me with the UK scene for RaveX on TEW 2004 so I'm not a clueless newcomer to mods. I am however, always learning - as any mod maker is and always willing to listen to constructive criticism and ideas, but at the end of the day, this is data I'm making for myself and a friend.</p><p> </p><p>

If you don't like the Chronicles Real World data, thank you for giving it a try and can I recommend you go and download T-Zone, which is awesome by the way, I love playing it. There is of course a 3rd Real World option, a mod started by Cpt. Charisma and taken over by TheWho (I think), however I have never played it so couldn't tell you how good it is. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fleisch" data-cite="Fleisch" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks very much. I'll get a list of people for you. How many are you looking to do? I don't want to take the piss and ask for too many from you.<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>"stuff"</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am happy for you to fire over what / how many you want and i'll set to it over the next 48 hours. If it's 200 / 300 long i'll try and work through it, ( can't guarantee how many will get done but i'll mission through as much as possible )</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KeyR1" data-cite="KeyR1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39342" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am happy for you to fire over what / how many you want and i'll set to it over the next 48 hours. If it's 200 / 300 long i'll try and work through it, ( can't guarantee how many will get done but i'll mission through as much as possible )</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks. I've sent you a PM with a list. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Updates so far for next release (October-ish)</p><p> </p><p>

Added Cho Sento Puroresu FMW (FMW)</p><p> </p><p>

Added Buxx Belmar (alter ego - Busty Love)</p><p>

Added Jessika Black</p><p>

Added Yuga Hayashi (alter ego - El Lindaman)</p><p>

Added Colby Corino (alter-ego American Tiger)</p><p>

Added Lil' Nate (alter-ego HUSTLE Kamen Green)</p><p>

Added Atsushi Onita</p><p>

Added Flying Kid Ichihara (alter-ego Ebessan II)</p><p>

Added Yukihide Ueno (alter-ego Choden Senshi Battle Ranger)</p><p>

Added The Winger (alter-ego The W*INGER)</p><p>

Added Yukihiro Kanemura (alter-ego #1 W*INGER Kanemura, alter-ego #2 Kintaro Kanemura)</p><p>

Added Ricky Fuji</p><p>

Added Hideki Hosaka</p><p>

Added Mammoth Sasaki</p><p>

Added Hayabusa</p><p>

Added Cyrus Fees</p><p>

Added Bash (alter-ego Bruce Solomon)</p><p>

Added Devin Cutter</p><p>

Added Mason Cutter</p><p>

Added Thunder</p><p>

Added Fabiano Rolento (alter-ego Omar Akbar)</p><p>

Added Mohammad Ali Vaez (alter-ego Ali Akbar)</p><p>

Added Nixon Newell (alter-ego Luchadora the Explorer)</p><p>

Added Kim Ray (alter-ego Kim Rahyd)</p><p>

Added Miguel Ramirez</p><p>

Added Mike Sydal</p><p>

Added Jiro Kuroshio</p><p>

Added Koji Doi</p><p>

Added Ladybeard (I tried to stop myself but just couldn't!)</p><p> </p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Apollo Crews (Uhaa Nation)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - KATAKARI MAX (Steve Corino)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Punch the C (Kentaro Shiga)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - El Hatena Uno (Lizmark Jr.)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - El Hatena Dos (Rey Bucaneero)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - HUSTLE Kamen Silver (Sicodelico Jr)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Metalico (Unmasked version)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Peyton Royce (KC Cassidy)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Billie Kay (Jessie McKay)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Jimmy Kagetora (KAGETORA)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Monster Kamen Black (KAGETORA)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Asuka (Kana)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Jimmy K-Ness JKS (K-Ness)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams (Silver Ant)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Missile Assault Man (Missile Assault Ant)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Joshua Kingsley (Brent Wellington/Brad Maddox)</p><p>

Added Alter Ego - Stan Malibu (Vin Gerrard)</p><p> </p><p>

Changed Default Name - Deucalion now known as Stephen King</p><p>

Changed Default Name - Mil Mongoose now known as Churaumi Saver</p><p>

Changed Contract Name - Brad Maddox now known as Joshua Kingsley (WWE)</p><p> </p><p>

Added Blood Relation - Steve Corino & Colby Corino</p><p>

Added Blood Relation - Allison Danger & Colby Corino</p><p>

Added Blood Relation - Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter</p><p>

Added Blood Relation - Mike Sydal & Matt Sydal</p><p>

Added Marriage - Josh Matthews & Ashley Lane</p><p>

Added Divorce - Ashley Flair & Kenneth Cameron</p><p>

Added Strong Friendship - Ricky Fuji & Jushin Lyger</p><p> </p><p>

Set Sara Lee to female</p><p>

Set Chelsea Diamond to female</p><p>

Set Janey B to female</p><p>

Set Stephanie Scope to female</p><p>

Changed DOB - Holly Rocamora</p><p>

Changed Debut - Holly Rocamora</p><p> </p><p>

Lifestyle Change - Mr. Niebla (Drink)</p><p> </p><p>

Injury - Lana (Broken Hand)</p><p>

Injury - Akira Raijin (Broken Jaw)</p><p>

Set Hiatus - Orbit Adventure Ant</p><p>

Set Hiatus - Joey Eastman</p><p>

Removed Hiatus - April Davids</p><p>

Removed Hiatus - Jim Cornette</p><p>

Removed Hiatus - Lady Apache</p><p>

Removed Hiatus - Nick Gage</p><p>

Retired - Pepe Casas</p><p>

Retired - Ultramantis Black</p><p>

Retired - Kris Travis</p><p> </p><p>

Heel Turn - Myzteziz</p><p>

Heel Turn - Silver Ant</p><p>

Heel Turn - Paige (I know shes not a fully fledged heel and is more going "Lone Wolf" but heel fits her attitude)</p><p> </p><p>

New Gimmick - Kevin Condron (Split Personality)</p><p>

New Gimmick - Silver Ant (Weirdo)</p><p>

New Gimmick - Adam Rose (Arrogant Heel)</p><p> </p><p>

Removed Contract - Scott Hall (GFW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Fuego Rudo (NCW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Bruiser Blackwell (NCW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Jack Frost (NCW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Marc Mercer (NCW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Stew Corvus (NCW)</p><p>

Removed Contract - Joey Eastman (CHIKARA)</p><p>

Added Contract - Vin Gerrard (CHIKARA as Stan Malibu)</p><p>

Added Contract - Buxx Belmar (CZW & NCW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Jessika Black (NCW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Yuga Hayashi (Dragon Gate)</p><p>

Added Contract - Aero Star (Lucha Underground)</p><p>

Added Contract - Colby Corino (ROH)</p><p>

Added Contract - Cyrus Fees (GFW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Atsushi Onita (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Drago (Lucha Underground)</p><p>

Added Contract - Bengali (Lucha Underground)</p><p>

Added Contract - Yukihide Ueno (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Kai (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - NOSAWA (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Flying Kid Ichihara (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - The Winger (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Yukihiro Kanemura (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Ricky Fuji (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Mammoth Sasaki (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Hideki Hosaka (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Hayabusa (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Miss Mongol (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Ray (FMW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Kana (NXT as Asuka)</p><p>

Added Contract - Devin Cutter (FIP)</p><p>

Added Contract - Mason Cutter (FIP)</p><p>

Added Contract - Thunder (CMLL)</p><p>

Added Contract - Brother Devon (WWE as D-Von Dudley)</p><p>

Added Contract - Bully Ray (WWE as Bubba Ray Dudley)</p><p>

Added Contract - Sarah Stock (NXT - Road Agent)</p><p>

Added Contract - Mohammad Ali Vaez (GFW as Ali Akbar)</p><p>

Added Contract - Fabiano Rolento (GFW as Omar Akbar)</p><p>

Added Contract - Adam Thornstowe (GFW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Luster the Legend (GFW)</p><p>

Added Contract - Jay Freddie (Wrestle-1)</p><p>

Added Contract - Jiro Kuroshito (Wrestle-1)</p><p>

Added Contract - Koji Doi (Wrestle-1)</p><p>

Added Contract - Kim Ray (DTU)</p><p>

Changed Contract - Rebecca Knox (NXT to WWE)</p><p>

Changed Contract - Ashley Flair (NXT to WWE)</p><p>

Changed Contract - Mercedes KV (NXT to WWE)</p><p>

Changed Contract - Kevin Steen (NXT to WWE)</p><p> </p><p>

Set Millenials stable to Inactive</p><p>

Set Mad Blankey stable to Inactive</p><p>

Added Stable - Los Hijos del Infierno (CMLL)</p><p>

Added Stable - VerseK (DG)</p><p>

Reactivated Stable - The Wyatt Family (Replaced Erick Rowan with Braun Strowmman)</p><p>

Removed Shingo Takagi from Monster Express</p><p>

Added Mephisto, Ephesto & Luciferno to Los Hijos del Infierno</p><p>

Added Jimmy K-Ness JKS to Jimmyz</p><p>

Added T-Hawk to Monster Express</p><p>

Added Naruki Doi, Shingo Takagi, YAMATO, Mondai Ryu, Cyber Kong & Kotoka to VerseK</p><p> </p><p>

Added Tag Team - Golden Storm Riders (Daisuke Sasaki & Kota Ibushi)</p><p>

Added Tag Team - The Hooligans (Devin Cutter & Mason Cutter)</p><p>

Added Tag Team - The Akbars (Fabiano Rolento & Mohammad Ali Vaez)</p><p>

Added Tag Team - Insurgency (Fabiano Rolento & Mohammad Ali Vaez)</p><p>

Reactivated Tag Team - K-neSuka</p><p>

Reactivated Tag Team - The Dudley Boyz</p><p> </p><p>

Added FMW Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Title (set to retired - Lineages complete)</p><p>

Added FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team (set to retired - Lineages complete)</p><p>

Added WEW Heavyweight Title (Lineages complete)</p><p>

Added UWA World Trios (Wrestle-1 Lineages complete)</p><p>

Added Tournament Wrestle-1 Grand Prix</p><p>

Added Tournament Wrestle-1 Greatest Tag League</p><p> </p><p>

Various stat updates and popularity shifts</p><p> </p><p>

Titles Updated: 23rd September 2015</p><p> </p><p>

New/Improved Worker Pictures: 59</p><p>

Company Logos: Entire New Pack</p>

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Just thought I'd let people know (while I have 5 minutes) that Real World Chronicles October update will be released around 2nd October. I'm still away at the moment but when I get back home Tuesday I have the rest of the week booked off of work so will get what I can done on Wednesday so that on the 2nd, I'll just need to finish any title changes/roster changes that may happen between Wednesday and the end of September.
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Just thought I'd let people know (while I have 5 minutes) that Real World Chronicles October update will be released around 2nd October. I'm still away at the moment but when I get back home Tuesday I have the rest of the week booked off of work so will get what I can done on Wednesday so that on the 2nd, I'll just need to finish any title changes/roster changes that may happen between Wednesday and the end of September.


Please don't forget to add Mike Sydal, Matt (Evan Bourne)'s brother.



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