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MAW: A New Era Begins

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[B]MAW May-hem (05.08) 200 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------- [I]Rip Chord was originally scheduled to return tonight but with the two championship matches it was enough of a draw. He will most likely return next month.[/I] [B]Dark Match: Al Coleman d. Petey Barnes[/B] The war between the Show Stealers and GeNext continues as Coleman cheated his way to a win over the British highflyer Barnes. [B]E Ted Ross opened the show and announced that despite rumors, Rip Chord would not be in attendance tonight. Ross said: [COLOR=Red]"You fans may love Rip but I'm the one in charge now. If he can work within those parameters, then we'll get along fine"[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Marc Speed d. Antonio[/B] Antonio has been on a real cold streak as of late and Speed took advantage of it with his technical attack. Speed hit the Need for Speed Tornado DDT for the win. [B]E[/B] Mean Jean and Balroq hype their Mid Atlantic Tag Title challenge in tonight's match. Cattley said that the promotion is afraid to let him back in the singles title picture so he'll take this opportunity to make them look like asses. [B]D The Thrillseekers d. Mean Jean Cattley/Balroq by DQ to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] One of the best tag matches in MAW as of yet. Cattley and Balroq worked over Idol, cutting off the ring and making frequent tags. Strong got the hot tag and Stanley Hall became unglued. Strong hit the Shooting Star Press on Cattley but Balroq entered and pasted him with a steel chair, earning a DQ. [B]C-[/B] Champagne Lover cuts his first promo in MAW (he's been working on his English) and promises to continue his unbeaten streak and become Mid Atlantic Champion. [B]C+ Champagne Lover d. American Elemental to win the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] These two wrestlers just really clicked and put on a lucha-style classic. Lots of moves and counter-moves. The finish saw Lover reverse a superplex into a cross bodypress for the pin and the title! [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: There was a lot of debate over taking the title off Americal Elemental so soon, but Lover's momentum was running at an A and I didn't want to slow him down. Elemental was starting to slide a little in popularity and the change seemed right. Hopefully, there will be a little stability in the Mid Atlantic Title picture for awhile. Moving Cattley to the tag title scene was a smart move as he can use his overness to help make some other deserving wrestlers and the inevitable Lover-Cattley match can happen way down the road if one of them turns.
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[B]MAW School's Out! (06.08) 236 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- [I]236 fans?!?! Wow. The promotion is gaining strides in popularity with each passing month and the fans are really responding. The return of Rip Chord to MAW also seems to have put the proverbial ass every 18 inches. I can still remember a year or two back when we were drawing 20 fans a show![/I] [B]Dark Match: Adam Matravers d. Glen Ward[/B] Matravers took it to his old teammate and worked a fast paced style that took the slower, mat based Ward off guard. Matravers' Mile High Moonsault is really a thing of beauty. [B]E[/B] The strains of The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" hit and out comes Rip Chord to a huge pop! He takes the mic and climbs in the ring: [COLOR=Blue]"This is quite the reception. I can't believe how many MAW fans we've got packed in here tonight. I feel like I let you all down by losing to Cattley, but I'm here to tell you that I'm not going anywhere. I'm coming back to MAW and I'm gonna---"[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] New MAW Commissioner Ted Ross came out and interrupted Chord: [COLOR=Red]"Let me tell you something, Rip. You almost ran this promotion into the ground and I'm here to save it. You're not calling the shots anymore, I am. If you want to come back, I'll be happy to give you your old announcing job back at $50 a show!"[/COLOR] [B]C Des Davids d. Tokyo Dynamite[/B] Davids has a lot of potential and is a decent brawler. He needs to be protected but Dynamite isn't the wrestler to do that. Really awkward, awful match. Davids takes it with a powerslam. [B]F[/B] Rip Chord gets the assignment to interview new Mid Atlantic Champion Champagne Lover: [COLOR=Red]"I told all of you ugly little people that I would be the Mid Atlantic Champion. Finally some class is added to your show. Finally some good lookings. I know not why you cheer this American Elemental...he so ugly he wear a mask to hide his gross face!"[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] We get our first look at the mysterious Tijuana Vampire. Ted Ross is excited about bringing this man in from south of the border! [B]B-[/B] Mainstream Hernandez makes his return to MAW and the fans go crazy for him! [B]C- Mainstream Hernandez d. Tijuana Vampire[/B] A solid match and Vampire looked really good. Lots of highflying, mixed in with some brawling from Vampire. Hernandez hit a flying sunset flip for the win. Ted Ross looked livid that his newest find was defeated in his debut! [B]D[/B] Mean Jean Cattley spoke about his match with Erik Strong tonight and also had a few words for Rip: [COLOR=Red]"Hey, I see you found some work. Good going. I didn't know they had a senior citizen release program at the home"[/COLOR] [B]D Mean Jean Cattley d. Erik Strong[/B] Cattley is really over as the company's top heel (with Champagne right behind him) and he gave Strong a TON of offense in this match, only winning it with his feet on the ropes. The crowd really got behind Strong and Cattley is trying to make this kid into a name. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: Cattley is really stepping up as the leader of this promotion and Mainstream seems to have a renewed interest and passion in the product again. These two, along with Champagne and American Elemental are the MAW "big four". We were all blown away by Tijuana Vampire's look and workrate. He was referred by Champagne Lover and we loved his work. Initially in for one match, he already gained some overness and we are going to keep him around and work him into the promotion.
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[B] MAW Birth of a Nation (07.08) 247 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] [I] Attendance continues to climb and a windfall of cash came in this past month as Rip Chord’s rich old Aunt Hagatha (a huge wrestling fan and an old time “Hatpin Mary” herself) left the promotion $10,000 dollars. MAW is looking at bringing in some bigger names who are popular in the Mid Atlantic region in order to try and build the current crop of wrestlers into stars. [/I] [B]Dark Match: Rhino Umaga d. Joss Thompson[/B] Rhino is a huge Samoan bad ass and looks incredible. Definitely a star in the making. Joss was upset that he hadn’t been booked much lately and with his contract coming up, we offered him this match…even though Rhino will most likely be a heel upon debut. Thompson is struggling a little but this was his best MAW match yet. Rhino hit a Gore for the pin [B]D Tijuana Vampire d. El Generico #6[/B] A really short squash match to give Vampire a win in front of the MAW crowd. Nothing special but Vampire has star written all over him. [B]E[/B] Ted Ross opens the show and says he is excited to FINALLY bring some top names in to improve MAW. The first will debut against Des Davids tonight and he has a MAJOR announcement for next month. [B]D Des Davids goes to a double countout with Alysian Scottsfield[/B] Scottsfield is one of the bigger names Ross brought in. There are high hopes for Davids as babyface brawler. There is a place for a babyface to really break out on this roster. Scottsfield begrudgingly carried Des to his best match to date. The Show Stealers come to the ring and warm up for their upcoming match. The crowd gives them a warm reception [B]B The Show Stealers d. GeNext[/B] These two teams don’t click too well and this little mini-feud may have to be dropped before it really gets going. The Show Stealers are being looked at to be a top team in the company. Al Coleman expressed real displeasure at his recent streak of doing jobs. [B]E[/B] American Elemental promises the fans that he’ll take back the Mid Atlantic Title for a third time. [B]C-[/B] Brendon Idol warms up for his big match against Mean Jean Cattley coming up [B]B Mean Jean Cattley d. Brendon Idol[/B] Cattley wanted to call the match himself in the ring instead of MAW’s strict policy of scripting out a lot of our matches. He did a good job and gave Idol a lot of offense. Both Brendon and Erik Strong are two of the babyfaces that could really break out if handled correctly. [B]D[/B] Champagne Lover is shown gazing at his visage in a gigantic floor length mirror, championship belt slung over his shoulder. [B]A* Champagne Lover d. American Elemental to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Lover and Elemental put in another highflying, intense match. Lover is great at getting heat on his babyface opponent and can really draw hatred out of the crowd. It helps that American Elemental is one of the top faces in the promotion, but he’s losing a little ground in popularity. A stellar match [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Scottsfield is a handful but hopefully a few matches with Davids can help the youngster get over. Champagne Lover continues to overachieve as champion and is one of the best pickups we’ve had. He’s already shot to a C- in popularity. The focus is being taken off Rip Chord a bit as he returns to announce. There will be plans to get him back into major storylines but he wants to let the focus be on the young wrestlers climbing the rankings while his storyline is left to simmer a bit.
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[B]MAW Heat Blister (08.08) 208 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ----------------------------------------------------- [I]Attendance is down slightly from last month but we're still going strong. A major name has signed to appear tonight but no word on if it will be a long term thing. We've also resigned some familiar faces from MAW's past in Atlas/Titan (The Apocolypse) and Eddie Howard and DC Rayne (Natural Storm) to bolster the tag team division. All four men were signed for $75 a show and are going to have to prove themselves to move up in pay structure and to keep their jobs. [/I] We go right into the show with Des Davids warming up for his rematch with veteran Alysian Scottsfield [B]C+ Des Davids d. Alysian Scottsfield[/B] A huge upset for the Boston, MA native Davids. Scottsfield was definitely sandbagging in this match and had the classic boo boo face due to having to put over the youngster. [B]E[/B] Ted Ross, almost giddy like a schoolgirl, comes out for his announcement: [COLOR=Red]"Tonight I bring to you fans a name that will put any currently on our roster to shame. This man is a huge star the world over and has been a dominant force in the sport for over 20 years. This is my greatest coup yet as commissioner and to prove to you how great I truly I am, I signed this man a match against the standard bearer of the "Rip Chord" years...he will face Mainstream Hernandez tonight! So without further ado, please welcome....WARLORD AGONY!"[/COLOR] Agony came out and claimed that he will dominate the singles world in MAW just like the Lords of War dominated the tag scene for the past 20 years! [B]D Joey Poison d. Chance[/B] Ross' new acquisitions are not faring too well as the MAW faithful are showing them how it's down inside the squared circle. Poison looks great and is in position for a Mid Atlantic Title shot if backstage rumors hold up. He hit the Antidote Web and wins clean. [B]D[/B] Joss Thompson and Tom Westybrook taunt each other in the ring and both show amazing skills on the mic [B]D & C- Joss Thompson d. Tom Westybrook[/B] Thompson once again struggles in a match against a well matched opponent. Westybrook is still very young and green, but his overlooked mic skills may keep him around for a bit. Thompson hit a nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for the win [B]E[/B] Mainstream Hernandez hyped his match with Agony and stated that he isn't going to let anyone walk into MAW and take over without a fight. [B]C- Mainstream Hernandez d. Warlord Agony[/B] Agony's overness really helped this match as the crowd was into seeing Hernandez take him out. Agony used some brawling and pummeling early in the match to beat the hero down but Hernandez showed great fire in his comeback, eventually pinning the legendary Agony. Ted Ross fumed at the locker room entrance! [B]C[/B] The Thrillseekers warm up for their last tag team title challenge [B]B- Mean Jean Cattley/Balroq d. The Thrillseekers to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles[/B] Cattley and Balrog work great as a heel tandem and Strong and Idol are the perfect foils to bump for them. Strong and Idol looked to regain the titles but Cattley snuck it out and Balroq hit a thunderous Doctor Bomb for the pin. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Agony was only in for this one show as there's no way we can afford him for more than one show. There was a weird continuity shift for two shows (some call it the "Infinite Crisis 1.5" :) ) but the money seems to have settled back to normal. Hernandez has regained his passion and is once again looking like the top babyface in the promotion.
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[B]MAW Mid Atlantic Massacre (09.08) 183 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Attendance is dropping as the economies for both wrestling and in general are taking a nose dive. Champagne Lover continues to really get over as Mid Atlantic Champion and is a great arrogant heel overall. We just need a storyline to capture fans attentions the way Mainstream-Cattley and Cattley-Rip did. The MAW "style" is such that one main event storyline can carry the promotion while the younger stars work out the kinks and start to get over on their own.[/I] Ted Ross opens the show by signing a Joey Poison to his first Mid Atlantic Title match against Champagne Lover. He also announces that Warlord Agony has left the promotion due to "creative differences" (i.e. he lost to Mainstream last month). This was one of Ross' big projects and it will not endear Mainstream to him. [B]D Alysian Scottsfield/Chance d. Des Davids/Curtis Jenkins[/B] This match was purely to give Scottsfield and Chance a win as they had been complaining a lot lately about putting over the younger names (their SOLE purpose for being hired). Davids was protected and kept strong while Scottsfield and Chance beat the hell out of Jenkins and pinned him. [B]E[/B] After the match, Davids leaves and Jenkins, for some reason, hangs around ringside. Out of the back storm Atlas and Titan return to MAW accompanied by a manager who we haven't seen before. They DESTROY Jenkins and flex for the crowd. [B]C+[/B] In another return to the company, a video is shown on Natural Storm. They receive some applause but for a lot of new MAW fans, they are not familiar faces. [B]C+[/B] Mainstream states that he is back in MAW for the long term and wants to regain that Mid Atlantic Title to have the long successful run on top the fans want him to have. He officially challenges the winner of Poison-Lover next month[B]C Mainstream Hernandez d. Tokyo Dynamite[/B] Mainstream dominated the offense in this virtual squash match. Dynamite will be leaving the promotion after this show as we weren't really able to do anything with him. [B]C-[/B] Mainstream celebrates for the fans when, suddenly, the lights in the arena go out. They are out for about 30 seconds to a minute as the crowd cheers and boos. Bumps and crashes can be heard and then the lights go back on.... Mainstream is laying in the middle of the ring unconcious, face masked with crimson. [B]D[/B] Joey Poison hypes his Mid Atlantic Title match and also hopes that Mainstream is OK and will be honored to face him next month when he wins the Mid Atlantic Title tonight! [B]C- Champagne Lover d. Joey Poison to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] We tried a similar formula as with Cattley's recent matches with Strong and Idol and Lover gave Poison a ton of offense. The fans really thought they might see a title switch, but it wasn't the right time for either the title itself or Poison. He really showed his worth as a potential main eventer and Poison is right on the cusp of that. He may need a gimmick tweak though. A great match and it really rocketed both Lover and Poison in the eyes of management and the fans[B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Mainstream, Champagne and Cattley are all in the C- range for popularity (as is Chance but he will not be around much longer due to an enormous price tag) and look to be the foundations of the promotion. Mainstream's rise in popularity is especially exciting as he was dipping in overness for a little while. American Elemental needs to step it up a little and we need to find a good storyline for him.
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[B]MAW Horror Show (10.08) 235 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ---------------------------------------------------- [I]Attendance is back up this month as the mystery attack on Mainstream before his Mid Atlantic Title match tonight seems to have popped the crowd a bit. Tonight will also see the Thrillseekers make a final bid to regain the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles from Cattley and Balroq[/I] [B]Dark Match: Joss Thompson d. Antonio[/B] Another passable match from Thompson as Antonio's star is fast fading as well. Thompson is great on the mic though so there will be many chances for him to get over. [B]E[/B] Thompson takes the mic and puts the entire MAW on notice. He is ready to move up the card and get some gold. [B]C- Dark Match: Rhino Umaga d. Ben Williams[/B] A total squash to get Umaga over as a real bad ass. Ben "Bump Machine" Williams was hired to be a jobber but he actually has som mic skills. Maybe a possible player/manager for someone? [B]E[/B] Mainstream Hernandez' music hits as he is scheduled for a show opening promo. After a few minutes, still no Mainstream. A camera is taken to the back and he is found unconcious in his locker room! [B]D Des Davids d. Alysian Scottsfield[/B] Davids got his clean win over Scottsfield and looked ok in doing so. Scottsfield didn't really protect him much in the match. [B]E[/B] Champagne Lover denied attacking Mainstream: [COLOR=Red]"I've already beated him before, why would I be scared to do it again?"[/COLOR] [B]C+ Mike "Truth" Morrison d. Chance[/B] The Truth is going by his given name now and has shaved his head for a cooler, sleek look. Decent brawl and Morrison worked in some nice strong style kicks and a rear naked choke to win the match. [B]D[/B] Cattley and Balroq promise to make the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles main event worthy titles and that jobbers like Strong and Idol aren't man enough to do it. [B]C+ Cattley/Balroq d. The Thrillseekers to retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] Idol and Strong once again dominated the opening of the match until the champs were able to cut the ring off and get some real heat on Idol. Strong took the hot tag but was thwarted by a power bomb on a steel chair. [B]C-[/B] A video aired with a sit down interview with Joey Poison. Poison said that he came so close to taking the Mid Atlantic title and he knows it's within his grasp. He thinks he needs to take a few months off and get his head straight. [B]C-[/B] Champagne Lover comes to the ring and is ready to accept a forfeit win over Mainstream when Hernandez' music hits and out comes a bloody and bandaged Mainstream leading to... [B]Mainstream Hernandez d. Champagne Lover by DQ. Lover retains the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] A top notch match with Hernandez playing beaten up underdog who refuses to lay down. Hernandez ends up hitting the Apparition #14 when the lights go out once again. When they come back on, Tijuana Vampire is in the ring and attacks! It was he and Lover (fellow SOTBW members) who conspired all along! [B]C+[/B] As the heels beat down Mainstream, American Elemental runs out, chair in hand and chases them off. The damage has been done though as Hernandez has to be carried from the ring. [B]E[/B] Overall Show: [B]C[/B] Notes: Fans are getting into the main storyline and things seem to be taking care of themselves. The super team of Elemental and Hernandez has a lot of possibilities. A storyline is being worked at to bring the Tag Titles into the spotlight more as well.
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[B]MAW Raise the Stakes (11.08) 196 fans in Stanely Hall[/B] --------------------------------------------------------- [I]American Elemental and Tijuana Vampire are being looked at to headline and carry the show tonight with their match. I'm anxious to see if they can pull it off and I'll have two more legit workers to use in the main events by themselves.[/I] Pre Show Interview: 18 year old newcomer Gerald Taylor comes out and announces he has purchased the services of The Apocolypse (Titan and Atlas) and that they will be dominating the tag scene in MAW, starting tonight with their old rivals Natural Storm. [B]C+[/B] Taylor is playing a "Rich Mama's boy" character and is rated A* on the mic and charisma and A in acting, so we have huge hopes for him as a Bobby Heenan type centerpiece manager. [B]The Apocolypse go to a double countout with Natural Storm[/B] A short, intense, all -out brawl. There's not going to be a lot of armdrags and leglocks with these two teams. Just a little something to get them out there and get the fans remembering them. [B]E[/B] Ted Ross points everyone's attention to the Stanley Hall video projector as we watch a recap of the brutal attack on Mainstream Hernandez from last month and the save by American Elemental. [B]D Brendon Idol d. Carl Edwards[/B] Edwards is yet another British wrestler and a high flier. Idol carried him to a great match and is showing signs of being a singles star. He still hasn't caught on to the degree of Erik Strong yet and we need to figure out why. He hits the Idolizer for the win. [B]D[/B] American Idol states that he wants a piece of Lover and Vampire. Lover refuses to face him due to beating him so many times in the past. Vampire gladly accepts and promises to make him bleed through that mask. [B]C- Rhino Umaga d. Antonio[/B] Umaga is just pure bad ass, working a stiff strong style. He nailed Antonio with a back suplex on his head and a Rhino Charge to win it. [B]D[/B] Champagne Lover decides he wants to "work out" and has Ross sign him a match with Curtis Jenkins. [B]C- Champagne Lover d. Curtis Jenkins[/B] Lover is the best worker in the promotion right now bar none. He carried Jenkins to the best match of his young career and a match that stands up to most high level MAW matches. The fans really got behind Jenkins as they thought he was going to pull the upset at one point, but not to be. [B]C-[/B] Joss Thompson comes out and complains about being underutilized. He makes an open challenge for anyone who wants to face him next month at Seasons Beatings. [B]C- American Elemental d. Tijuana Vampire[/B] Elemental needed a win as he's been jobbing a lot lately and Vampire is the type of teflon character that gets by on his gimmick. Good highflying action but the crowd wasn't buying it as a main event just yet. They took it to the floor and brawled some with Elemental hitting a backflying bodypress to win the match. [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: We're still right at the cusp of moving into a D popularity. A good show, but nothing special. More of a placeholder show. American E hasn't shown that he's in that category of workers that can have a C- match with just about anyone. He's close, just not quite there yet.
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Ted Ross has just announced a new gimmick for [B]Seasons Beatings[/B]: The fans decide!! That's right you, the MAW fans, get to pick the challenger for Champagne Lover's Mid Atlantic Title at Seasons Beatings. Will it be: A) American Elemental B) Erik Strong C) Marc Speed Cast your votes now!!
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[B]MAW Seasons Beatings (12.08) 207 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------ [I]The votes poured in and Ted Ross will be announcing the winner of the shot against Champagne Lover tonight. There will also be big news about the annual supercard Where it All Begins Again[/I] Gerald Taylor (he stresses that it's pronounced "ger-AHLD" not the common, vulgar Gerald) shows off his gold plated putter that he claims Tiger Woods gave him during a weekend golf game: [COLOR=Red]"I gave him a few tips"[/COLOR]. Taylor makes an offer to manage Marc Speed and Speed takes him up on it. [B]E Dark Match: Marc Speed d. Tom Westybrook[/B] Speed looked good against Westybrook. This is Tom's last MAW match for awhile and he didn't slack off in putting Speed over. [B]E[/B] Ted Ross comes out with a sealed envelope and is ready to announce the #1 contender. He opens it and looks at the name chosen and does not look happy. He then promptly tears up the paper into shreds and announces (very quickly): [COLOR=Red]"Um, it said Erik Strong won. Strong gets the shot"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Rip Chord storms into the ring and gets in a heated argument with Ross: [COLOR=Blue]"You know damn well that paper said American Elemental and that's who the fans want to see!"[/COLOR] Ross replies: [COLOR=Red]"I don't give a flying fig what these fans want. They will get what I give them and if they choose differently, they'll still get it! Lover is my man and I'm not risking him dropping the title right now"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Gerald Taylor comes out with The Apocolypse and Marc Speed and hypes that his new "TaylorCorp" are primed to take over the promotion. [B]C+ Titan d. Eddie Howard[/B] Another brawl with Howard being protected. Titan won it when Taylor slipped him the putter to KO Howard. [B]E[/B] Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes (The Show Stealers) make an official challenge for the Mid Atlantic Tag Titles next month at Where it All Begins Again [B]E[/B] Joss Thompson came out to await his open challenge from last month when Mike "The Truth" Morrison made his way to the ring to accept. Thompson was not happy with who accepted, but then why issue an open challenge in the first place? [B]D Mike "The Truth" Morrison d. Joss Thompson by countout[/B] A great match between the strong-style Morrison and the technical savvy of Thompson. These guys really clicked well and Thompson got frustrated with not being able to put Morrison away and fled the ring. [B]D[/B] Ted Ross comes out to a chorus of boos and says he has a huge announcement. A wadded up paper cup bounces off his forehead as he prepares to speak: [COLOR=Red]"If you idiots would shut up and listen, I have just signed a huge main event for Where it All Begins Again...the dream team of Champagne Lover and Tijuana Vampire will take on American Elemental and Mainstream Hernandez!!"[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Erik Strong warms up for his title shot and Rip Chord approaches him. [COLOR=Blue]"Kid, Ross put you in this match as a patsy because he doesn't think you got what it takes to unseat his champ. I think you do. Go out there and kick some ass."[/COLOR] [B]B- Champagne Lover d. Erik Strong to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] The story of the match was Strong's never say die attitude as he was determined to prove Ted Ross wrong about him. Lover nailed him outside the ring and bloodied the underdog challenger. He slapped on the Champagne Breakfast but Strong fought out of it, breaking the hold for the first time in MAW history. Lover applied the hold three more times before Strong passed out. [B]C-[/B] Strong was greeted with a standing ovation as he was helped out of the ring after the match. Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: A D??? I don't understand that at all as the show was really strong and had a great main event. Either way, the promotion heads strong into Where it All Begins Again and is just about to break into the D level of popularity.
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[B]MAW Where It All Begins Again (01.09) 211 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]MAW's Super Bowl hits full force tonight with 211 rabid Mid Atlantic fans packing Stanley Hall waitng to see great wrestling action. In other news, another tour of the UK has been announced, possibly in February or March.[/I] Gerald Taylor comes out with client Marc Speed and warns MAW that his TaylorCorp is making a hostile takeover of the promotion. [B]D Marc Speed d. Curtis Jenkins[/B] Speed and Jenkins match up well in mat wrestling and it was a pretty technical match. Taylor got involved here and there, tripping Jenkins as he whipped into the ropes. Speed hit the Need for Speed in reversing a Jenkins superplex attempt. [B]E[/B] Mid Atlantic Tag Champions Mean Jean Cattley and Balroq (now sporting a dog collar and thick chains) come out to the ring as the crowd boos them. Cattley looks at the audience smugly: [COLOR=Red]"There are few certainties in life...death...taxes...and Mean Jean Cattley wearing MAW gold around his waist. Those two pretty Brits are in for the ass whipping of their lives. Cheers mates."[/COLOR] [B]E Des Davids d. Chance[/B] Davids brawled with Soldier of Forture Chance in this no holds barred match. Davids looked good and the crowd really got behind his power moves. [B]D[/B] Joss Thompson comes to the ring and taunts his opponent, Mike "Truth" Morrison: [COLOR=Red]"You had the element of surprise last week Morrison and you still couldn't pin me. 'Truth' be told...you suck."[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] Mike Morrison comes to the ring and says two simple words: [COLOR=Blue]"bring it"[/COLOR] [B]D Mike Morrison d. Joss Thompson[/B] Not as good a match as they had at Seasons Beatings. Thompson looked a little off tonight. Morrison finished him off with the rear naked choke. [B]E[/B] Morrison celebrates when Rhino Umaga charges the ring and flattens him with a Rhino Charge. Thompson and Umaga put the boots to him until officials intervene. [B]F[/B] The Show Stealers warm up and stretch for their title challenge. [B]B- The Show Stealers d. Cattley/Balroq by DQ and the champions retain the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Titles[/B] Matravers looked especially good in this match but Petey isn't yet getting over with the fans. Cattley played the coward role and let Balroq do the dirty work. The dog collar chain got used earning the champs a DQ loss. [B]D[/B] American Elemental and Mainstream Hernandez cut a promo stating that they are the MAW Dream Team and are going to give Vampire and Lover a big receipt tonight. [B]C- American Elemental/Hernandez d. Lover/Vampire[/B] A great, great match as Lover and Hernandez have a chemistry not seen since Chord-Cattley. In singles competition I could see them having the first B- match in MAW. Vampire is still cutting his teeth (no pun intended...ok maybe a little) in MAW and took the pin from American Elemental here. Great stuff and definitely sent the fans home happy. [B]C[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Where it All Begins Again continues to be the showcase card for MAW and a place where stars are born. The tension between Chord and Ross as well as the emergence of Des Davids and Erik Strong are going to be storires to watch in the coming year. Love-Hernandez promises to have some legs.
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An interesting note: At the beginning of the year Danny Patterson (Balroq) was one of the most decorated wrestlers in the game holding the MOSC UK Title, 21st Century World Title and MId Atlantic Tag Titles all at the same time. The last two weeks in January he dropped the MOSC and 21CW titles.
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[B]MAW Brawlapalooza (02.09) 183 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] ------------------------------------------------------ [I]Mainstream Hernandez will get some one on one revenge against Vampire tonight in MAW's first ever First Blood match. Is Hernandez playing right into Vampire's plans by booking what seems to be a "specialty" match for the macabre superstar?[/I] [B]Dark Match: Brendon Idol d. Carl Edwards[/B] Edwards, a young high flier from England, could make a name for himself in the company. Idol is always good and we've just not been able to get him something to do since dropping the tag titles and his feud with Steven Parker. He's always solid and I think he'll always have a job with MAW. [B]E[/B] A video is shown showcasing the Show Stealers. The MAW crowd seems really into this British team of youngsters, Adam Matravers especially. [B] B[/B] Rip Chord opens the show mid-ring and holds an accounting statement. [COLOR=Blue]"I have conclusive proof that Ted Ross is running this company into the ground! There is money missing every month and these numbers just don't add up!"[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] Ross comes out and tries to get the paper away from Chord. He demands the mic be shut off and screams at Chord, sending him back to the announce desk. He then makes a match tonight with "Chord's new buddy" Erik Strong taking on the team of The Apocolypse in a handicap match! [B]C Joey Posion d. Glen Ward[/B] Poison makes his MAW return with a "no gimmicks needed" attitude. He worked a no nonsense style against Ward and really wiped the mat with him, taking the match with the Antidote Web. [B]D[/B] Gerald Tayler approached Poison after the match and offered him a TaylorCorp contract. Poison seemed reluctant but Taylor said: [COLOR=Red]"I'm not the kind of guy who takes no for an answer. Think about it."[/COLOR] [B]D[/B] Mike "Truth" Morrison storms into Ross' office and demands a match against Rhino Umaga next month. Ross likes the idea and signs it on the spot. [B]C- The Apocolypse d. Erik Strong[/B] Strong played up his ultimate underdog, never say die persona to the hilt in this match. He even scored some nice offense after outsmarting the two giants. The match ended in Countout and Natural Storm charged the ring to make sure Titan and Atlas didn't inflict any further punishment on Strong. [B]E[/B] Video was shown of Tijuana Vampire backstage talking in Spanish to someone...it was revealed he was talking to himself and that he had cut his finger and was marvelling at the blood. [B]B- Tijuana Vampire d. Mainstream Hernandez in a First Blood Match[/B] A good way for Vampire to get a big win over a major name and not hurt that name in the process. A great 20 minute match with lots of brawling. This is the second main event Vampire has received a D in so it's not sure if it was the style being to brawl-based for the Carolina crowd or that Vampire is just not ready for the main events yet. His popularity did shoot up to a D after this match with Hernandez remains at C- [B]D[/B] Overall Show: [B]D[/B] Notes: I just had a good idea for a future storyline that could inject some life into the promotion. The major storylines now are Hernandez/Elemental vs. Lover/Vampire and Cattley/Balroq vs. Show Stealers. Rhino-Morrison is coming up as well as it looks like something with TaylorCorp and Joey Poison. 2009 could be a great year in Mid Atlantic!
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[B]MAW British Invasion II (04.09) 11 fans at the Norman Blue Athletic Center[/B] ------------------------------------------------------------ [I]MAW-UK returns to Britain with a little different format...an entire hour show! The shows over here are as strong if not stronger than the shows at Stanley Hall due to the large number of over British wrestlers MAW employs. Once attendance starts increasing we will have a viable secondary market to work.[/I] Champagne Lover comes out to boos as he speaks about how he will destroy Adam Matravers in the main event. [B]C-[/B] Danny Patterson (Balroq) warms up for the crowd. Patterson is pretty much a babyface over here. [B]B Balroq d. Eddie Howard[/B] Pretty much a squash. Patterson (who did a job for American Elemental last tour) dominated offense on Howard and won with the Towey of London backbreaker. [B]C-[/B] Joss Thompson comes out and taunts Petey Barnes. Thompson is pretty over in the UK [B]C Petey Barnes d. Joss Thompson[/B] These guys have decent chemistry and at some point might have to feud back in the Mid Atlantic. Barnes played "Ricky Morton" by taking a beating but defying the odds and making the big comeback for the win. [B]C-[/B] Adam Matravers warms up for his first ever MAW Title match [B]A Champagne Lover d. Adam Matravers to retain the Mid Atlantic Title[/B] Lover gave Matravers a ton of offense here and played the cowardly heel role in the match, allowing Matravers to stay really over with his hometown fans. It was a great 20 minute match that saw Lover use the Mid Atlantic belt to KO Matravers for the pin. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: Another strong UK show. Financially it's tough to get over here more than once or twice a year but I think if we could somehow get a regular schedule going that it might even be a more lucrative market for us than the Mid Atlantic region is. We have about 5 or 6 C rated wrestlers in overness in UK while in the US only 3 wrestlers are at that level.
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[B]MAW March Madness (03.09) 179 fans in Stanley Hall[/B] -------------------------------------------------------- [I]I was very happy with the show in England and the crew is stoked to make 2009 the best year yet in MAW[/I] [B]Dark Match: Des Davids d. Marc Speed[/B] A surprisingly good match and it looks like Davids is ready to be a regular player in the promotion. A nice mix of power/brawling and Speed's mat skills. The crowd is getting behind the young powerhouse. [B]C-[/B] Ted Ross comes to the ring to the boos he is accustomed to. He states that in order to "appease" Rip Chord and shut him up, he'll give his little lackey Antonio a title shot tonight. [B]D Balroq d. Petey Barnes[/B] Amazing chemistry between these two as Barnes just bumped all over the place for the powerhouse Balroq. Balrog is using a "dog collar chain" gimmick. He wins with with a thunderous powerbomb. [B]C-[/B] Joey Poison comes to the ring and calls out Gerard Taylor. After a few moments of weighing the offer to join TaylorCorp...he JOINS!! The crowd was NOT happy with this. [B]F Natural Storm d. The Apocolypse by DQ[/B] Taylor looked like the cat who swallowed the canary by signing Poison and he interfered liberally in the match, earning his team a DQ. [B]E[/B] Rhino Umaga is shown beating the crap out of a heavy bag. [B]C+[/B] Mike "The Truth" Morrison comes to the ring and says that he is about to make Rhino pay for jumping him a few months ago. [B]E Rhino Umaga d. Mike Morrison[/B] Another two wrestlers that display amazing chemistry and a series between these two is going to light up the mid card. Morrison looked the best he's ever looked and looked like the star he is hoped to become. Rhino is stiff and brutal but works with a certain grace. He took it with the Rhino Charge. [B]C-[/B] Ted Ross comes out again (when is this guy going to learn). He gets booed out of the ring so he tells Rip Chord to come in the ring and gives him an announcement: There will be an MAW Cruiserweight Champion determined in the coming months! [B]C- Champagne Lover d. Antonio[/B] Lover is on such a roll right now. He made Antonio look better than he has since the heyday of Chord-Cattley. Antonio even looked like he may win the match when Ted Ross got involved. Rip Chord grabbed Ross and prevented him from interfering but the distraction was all Lover needed to roll up Antonio for the win. [B]C-[/B] Overall Show: [B]C-[/B] Notes: With both the Wrestling and Mainstream Economies in a downward spiral and the company losing money on a monthly basis, we still managed to rise to a D in popularity! Very big news. Monetarily we're still ok at about 23,000 in the bank, but we don't seem to be making any serious cash.
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I've decided to start doing a "CornellVerse Diary Of The Month" award, with the winner getting pinned for the duration of the month. This is the winner for March, well done shipshirt. edit: I mean the winner's diary gets pinned, not the writer himself. Obviously.
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