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WCW 1991: Road to Redemption

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1990 was a poor year for WCW. It continued to struggle both financially and creatively under the direction of Ole Anderson and Jim Herd. The competition however was continuing it's domination of the wrestling world, the highlight of the WWF's year being one of the biggest matches in wrestling history at Wrestlemania where The Ultimate Warrior defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. 1991 is a new year though and with a roster stacked with talent WCW needs to find the right man to lead them to the top. That's where this man comes in...




Ric Flair, the crown jewel of the NWA and now WCW, arguably the greatest pro wrestler ever. The Nature Boy unhappy with Jim Herd's direction went to Ted Turner himself and threatened to walk, and take some guys with him, if Herd wasn't replaced immediately. Ted Turner is not the most wrestling savvy man going around but even he knew that losing Ric Flair wouldn't be good for business. So he complied with Flair's demands. However this meant a replacement booker had to be found. Turner decided Flair should put his money where his mouth is, and gave him the book.


Hi all, long time reader first time poster and I'm excited to be having my first crack at a diary. Any advice or criticisms are welcomed. Cheers, Kciza.

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The Inside Word

The backstage feel at WCW is quite positive with Ric Flair taking over. Jim Herd was quite an unpopular figure backstage; and those who remember Flair's brief run with the book back in 1989 feel like Flair will be a massive improvement.

WCW is expected to announce some releases and signings in the coming days as Flair aims to leave his mark on the roster.

Announced Card for Saturday Night:

Terrence Taylor vs Tim Horner

The Steiner Brothers vs Rip Rogers and Bobby Eaton for the NWA United States Tag Team Titles

Michael Wallstreet vs Brad Armstrong

Junkyard Dog vs Jimmy Garvin

Owen Hart vs El Cubano

Brian Pillman vs Larry Zybszko

Lex Luger vs Harley Race for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title

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Terrence Taylor vs Tim Horner

The Steiner Brothers vs Rip Rogers and Bobby Eaton for the NWA United States Tag Team Titles

Michael Wallstreet vs Brad Armstrong

Junkyard Dog vs Jimmy Garvin

Owen Hart vs El Cubano

Brian Pillman vs Larry Zybszko

Lex Luger vs Harley Race for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title

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Hey! Nice to see another WCW '91 diary pop up on here. It's a great roster to book and a good mod all around. I look forward to see where you take it!


Terrence Taylor vs Tim Horner

The Steiner Brothers vs Rip Rogers and Bobby Eaton for the NWA United States Tag Team Titles

Michael Wallstreet vs Brad Armstrong

Junkyard Dog vs Jimmy Garvin

Owen Hart vs El Cubano

Brian Pillman vs Larry Zybszko

Lex Luger vs Harley Race for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title

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Terrence Taylor vs Tim Horner

The Steiner Brothers vs Rip Rogers and Bobby Eaton for the NWA United States Tag Team Titles

Michael Wallstreet vs Brad Armstrong

Junkyard Dog vs Jimmy Garvin

Owen Hart vs El Cubano

Brian Pillman vs Larry Zybszko

Lex Luger vs Harley Race for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title

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WCW Saturday Night

January 1991, Week One

From McCalister Field House, Mid Atlantic Region

Attendance: 5,604



The Announce Team: Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone and Magnum TA


Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone and Magnum T.A. welcome us to the show. They talk about some of the big matches on tonight's card and inform us that we will be hearing from the Four Horsemen tonight!

Rating: 54 (C-)



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Terrence Taylor w/Alexander York vs Tim Horner


Some old school mat wrestling starts this one off. It's a fairly back and forward affair between these two until Horner starts gathering some steam. Just as it appears Horner is on top, Miss York provides enough of a distaction for Taylor to hit a flying forearm smash right to the back of Horner's head.

Winner: Terrence Taylor

Rating: 56 (C-)





We throw to Eric Bischoff who is with the Four Horsemen. Ric says it's a new year, a new beginning and this year will be the year of the Horsemen. Flair says that they're setting their sights on gold. The Four Horsemen are currently the strongest unit they have ever been. Barry Windham says that he is coming for the US title and Lex Luger better watch out. It's Arn's turn and he tells us he is fighting Tom Zenk next week and he will take the TV title, Zenk has no chance. Sid just stands and looks menacing, seemingly not bothered by the fact he has no gold to chase.

Rating: 69 (C+)



NWA United States Tag Team Championship



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The Steiner Brothers vs Bobby Eaton and Rip Rogers


Magnum points out that this is the first time Rip and Bobby have teamed together. The heels take advantage straight away as they isolate Scott. Eaton seems to be targeting Scott's arm. However a miscommunication between Rip and Eaton allows Scott to tag in Rick. Rick comes in hot and sends Rip and Bobby to the floor outside where they regroup. It's the Steiners turn to isolate Rogers this time and they do it expertly, with quick tags and great chemistry. Another miscommunication from Eaton and Rogers leads to the Steinerizer and the victory.

Winners and Still NWA United States Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers

Rating: 56 (C-)


Magnum comments that the union between Eaton and Rogers might be short lived...




...as Teddy Long flanked by Doom come out. Long says that there is only team in WCW who are truly champions and that is Doom. They are the baddest men on the planet. Teddy challenges The Steiners to a match at Clash of the Champions, and the Steiners seem to be nodding their heads.

Rating: 60 ©




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Michael Wallstreet w/Alexandra York vs Brad Armstrong


The announcers remind us that Taylor defeated Horner earlier in the night and an Armstrong loss here would make a horrible night for the Lightning Express. A lot a mat wrestling starts this one, but Armstrong realises Wallstreet will win that battle and tries to pick up the pace. Wallstreet however does a good job of keeping Armstrong on the mat. Eventually Brad gets on a roll and Taylor comes out to interfere, this brings out Horner which distracts Wallstreet and Armstrong rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Brad Armstrong

Rating: 41 (D)


As the Lightning Express celebrate in the ring Taylor and Wallstreet attack them from behind.

Rating: 36 D-



Gordon Solie has Diamond Dallas Page, who says he's got a new client and he will be here next week daddy-o, and he's going straight to the top baby.

Rating: 45 D


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Jimmy Garvin vs Junkyard Dog

A match between two veterans, and two guys who don't mind a brawl. They fight it out till eventually Garvin gains the upperhand and the aging JYD doesn't have the energy for a big comeback. Garvin scores the pinfall over Junkyard Dog after hitting Bombs away.

Winner: Jimmy Garvin

Rating: 32 (E+)





Bischoff is with Sting who is says he will be in action next week, when he is interupted by Freebird Michael Hayes. Michael Hayes asks Eric Bischoff why he isn't interviewing Jimmy Garvin? He just beat a regional legend. Sting should step out of their spotlight. Sting gets right in his face and challenges him to a match next week. Hayes accepts.

Rating: 52 (D+)




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Owen Hart vs El Cubano


Jim Ross reminds us of the Hart Family history as the youngest Hart quickly dispatches of El Cubano with a mix of technical prowess and quick offense.

Winner: Owen Hart

Rating: 37 (D-)



Larry Zybszko grabs a microphone and tells us how underrated he is, and that this year he will conquer all.

Rating: 55 (C-)


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Larry%20Zbyszko%202_zpsjvjdztlp.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Brian%20Pillman_zpseodlif50.jpg

Larry Zybszko vs Brian Pillman


Pillman comes out of the gates quickly. He hits Larry with a flurry of offense. Zybszko realising he's in a spot of bother rolls to the outside to stall. Pillman chases him out and then back in and Larry takes the advantage. Larry targets the knee and expertly dissects it. But Larry can't keep him down. Pillman tries to mount a comeback but his leg has taken a lot of damage and his offense is impaired. Larry gets overconfident and it costs him as Pillman surprises him with an enziguri and picks up the pinfall.

Winner: Brian Pillman

Rating: 63 ©


NWA United States Heavyweight Championship



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Lex Luger vs Harley Race


Lex and Harley start with a test of strength which Luger comes out on top of. The announcers compare the two men, noting how Luger is an up and comer while Race is winding down his career. The experience edge shows early as Race takes the advantage. Harley works Luger over and takes him to the mat. Race goes for a Diving Headbutt but Luger rolls out of the way. It's Luger's turn now as he starts to pick up the pace. A big back body drop followed by a running clothesline cap of a flurry of offense. Luger calls for the Torture Rack. He gets him up but Race rakes the eyes, and hits Luger with a chop block. Race, now tiring, decides it's all or nothing and throws fists. Luger fights back with fists of his own. Race kicks Luger in the gut and goes for the Piledriver. But he can't get Lex up and Luger reverses it into a back body drop. Lex picks him up and puts him in the Torture Rack for the win.

Winner and Still NWA United States Heavyweight Champion: Lex Luger

Rating: 69 (C+)



Show Rating: 66 (C+)

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The Inside Word


Rumours are running wild that WCW is about to withdraw from the NWA. This comes after its been made clear that they intend on crowning their own champions in the next couple of months. Having already re-branded their shows, and now it appears recognising their own champions, there seems to be little reason for the association to continue.


WCW has terminated the contracts of the following wrestlers:

Moondog Rex

Curtis Hughes

Mark Youngblood

Chris Youngblood

Dick the Bruiser

Grizzly Smith

Jack Victory

Jim Clontz

Lance Russell

Killer Kyle

Ranger Ross

Rip Morgan

David Crockett


WCW is pleased to announce the signing of Jesse 'The Body' Ventura. Jesse will join our current broadcast team as a colour commentator, expect to see Jesse at the desk in the next few weeks.


Saturday Night drew a 0.44 rating on TBS last week. Conversely WWF's syndicated program 'Superstars' drew a 1.28.


Expect WCW's newly appointed Commissioner to pop up on screen in the next few weeks. The man's name has yet to be revealed but we are told he is an industry veteran.


WCW booker Ric Flair has decided that WCW is currently putting out too much programming and has decided to cancel one of their secondary shows 'Worldwide'.


Michael Wallstreet was apparently upset about having to lose to Brad Armstrong on Saturday Night last week. This came as a surprise to people backstage as Wallstreet is usually very humble and easy going. It is being treated as a one off out of character moment.


Announced card for Saturday Night:

One Man Gang vs El Gigante

Brian Pillman vs Buddy Landel

Tommy Rich vs Larry Zybszko

Arn Anderson vs Tom Zenk for NWA and WCW World Television Titles

Barry Windham vs Big Josh

Brad Armstrong vs Ric Flair

Michael Hayes vs Sting in a non-title match

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WCW Saturday Night

January 1991, Week Two

From Memorial Hall, Mid West Region

Attendance: 3,500 Sell Out


The Announce Team: Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone and Magnum T.A.


The announce team welcome us to tonight's Saturday Night. Jim Ross informs us that tonight we will see the start of a tournament to crown a WCW World Heavyweight Champion! The Television title is also on the line, and a huge main event involving NWA World Heavyweight Champion Sting tops off tonight's stacked card.


Rating: 52 (D+)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament

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El Gigante vs One Man Gang w/Kevin Sullivan


We kick off tonight's action with a battle between two of the biggest men in WCW. This wasn't a pretty match and it became clear pretty quickly that wrestling isn't El Gigante's strong suit, in fact he's horrid on the mic as well, which calls into question what he's even doing on this promotions roster. OMG wraps this one up quickly with a big 747 Splash.


Winner: One Man Gang

Rating: 40 (D-)

Time: 4:54




We throw to Gordon Solie who has Tommy Rich who is involved in one of tonight's tournament matches. Rich talks passionately about how ten years ago he reached the top of the mountain. Ten years ago he won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. He held that title for four days. For ten years he's been trying to get back to the top, to hold a world title above his head once more and hear the crowd roar for him. For ten years he's fallen short. But this time will be different, this time he will grab the opportunity in front of him with both hands. He may be older but he still has some of that old wildfire in him and tonight he's going to use it.


Rating: 47 (D)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament


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Brian Pillman vs 'Nature Boy' Buddy Landel


Coming off a big win last week Pillman goes in clear favourite in this match, but the 28 year old Landel is a wily veteran. Both men know what's on the line in this match and it shows as they put in a little extra effort. Landel takes the advantage early keeping the match on the mat. Magnum points out that Pillman was favouring the leg that Zybszko targeted last week on the way to the ring. Looks like Landel noticed that too as he starts to work that leg but Pillman gets away from him and starts gathering some momentum. Pillman goes to the top rope but Landel manages to roll out of the way and Pillman goes crashing to the mat. Landel quickly works the leg and goes to put on the figure four but Pillman kicks him into the turnbuckle and quickly rolls him up for the win.


Winner: Brian Pillman

Rating: 57 (C-)

Time: 10:42




Larry Zybszko grabs a microphone and says that last week he was defeated by the cowardly antics of Brian Pillman, who instead of fighting him like a man resorted to 'playing possum'. So he hopes that his opponent this week has some courage. Larry says that he intends on winning this tournament and the title, and cementing his legacy as the greatest of all time.


Rating: 55 (C-)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament


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'Wildfire' Tommy Rich vs 'The Living Legend' Larry Zybszko


Clearly wound up for this one Tommy Rich starts like a house on fire. His flurry of offense results in a two count. Rich looks to slow the pace down now as his quick start has fatigued him. This is where Zybszko takes advantage and comes out of a side headlock into a hammerlock. From here Larry takes it to the mat where he proceeds to wear Rich down targeting his neck. Larry goes to lock in the LarryLand Dreamer but Rich spins out and knocks Larry down with a clothesline. Feeding off the energy from the crowd Rich makes it to his feet and trades blows with Larry. Rich gets the advantage after hitting the Thesz press, which leads to the Sitout suplex slam and the win.


Winner: Tommy Rich

Rating: 63 ©

Time: 9:11




We go to Eric Bischoff who has Diamond Dallas Page and he says his client isn't here tonight because we are in Kansas and Kansas sucks. But don't you worry fans you'll see him next week and he intends on making quite the splash, baby.


Rating: 48 (D+)




Paul E. Dangerously makes his way down to the ring in order to continue the very regrettable feud he has with Missy Hyatt. Dangerously says that he is outraged, outraged that Hyatt has gotten the attention she has, outraged that she gets to call Main Event with a legend like Gordon Solie while he sits in the back doing the occasional interview. He is better than her in every way and he will not be content until she loses her job.


Rating: 68 (C+)


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Barry Windham vs Big Josh


Magnum tells us that Barry is dedicating this match to Lex Luger. This is a rather quick one as Windham aggressively puts Josh down.


Winner: Barry Windham

Rating: 58 (C-)

Time: 3:46


Barry tells Lex to look at what he just did, and that's what he's going to do to Lex if he dares to accept his challenge for a match at the Clash of the Champions.


Rating: 64 ©




Solie is with the Steiners who keep this short and to the point; they accept Doom's challenge to a match at Clash of the Champions


Rating: 49 (D+)


NWA and WCW World Television Championship




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Tom Zenk vs Arn Anderson


The announcers note that the winner of this match will be the first man in history to hold WCW gold. They tie up. Zenk creates some space and uses his quickness to keep away from Arn, hitting him with a dropkick and then some running clotheslines. Zenk gets Arn into the corner and starts to unload but as the referee pulls Zenk away Arn pokes him in the eye. Arn follows up with a stiff lariat and then a suplex. Arn goes to to pick Zenk up but Zenk cradles Arn for a near two count. Arn rolls up Zenk and grabs the tights for the three count.


Winner and New NWA and WCW World Television Champion: Arn Anderson

Rating: 68 (C+)

Time: 9:10


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament


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Brad Armstrong vs 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair

Ross said he caught up with Flair today and he said that they should've just presented him with the WCW title and not wasted his time with a tournament. This one starts out evenly matched until a thumb to the eye by Flair gives him the advantage. Ric does what Ric does and he does it expertly, controlling the match and working over Armstrong's leg. Armstrong starts to make a bit of a come back but Flair is just too good and finishes it with a figure four leg-lock.


Winner: Ric Flair

Rating: 75 (B-)

Time: 11:52




Out run the York Foundation and they start to put a beating on Brad. All of a sudden...




...Brad's tag team partner Tim Horner comes out to even the odds. And the Lightning Express turn the tide and send the York Foundation crashing to the floor.


Rating: 27 (E)


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Michael Hayes vs Sting


It's time for the main event. A win here for Hayes would be massive and put him firmly in the NWA World Heavyweight title picture. Sting has a clear strength advantage and uses it early, pushing Hayes into the corner a few times. They tie up and Hayes transitions into a hammerlock and slaps Sting on the back of the head. They tie up again and this time a boot to the stomach by Hayes doubles Sting over and then he whips him into the ropes. Sting comes off and a collision puts Hayes on his bum. Sting runs the ropes again as Hayes makes his way to his feet. This time a clothesline puts Hayes on his ass. Hayes rolls out and regroups. He comes back in and slaps Sting across the face. An angry Sting swings wildly and Hayes ducks and lands some blows. A wild brawl ensues with both men landing blows on the other. Just as Sting starts to dominate...




... Jimmy Garvin makes his way to ringside which provides

enough of a distraction for Hayes to take control and slow down the tempo. He keeps Sting down and pounds away. Sting starts to feed off the energy from the crowd and starts to make a comeback. After a flurry of fists Sting sets Hayes up for the Stinger Splash, Garvin jumps onto the apron and Sting punches him off, he goes for the Splash and hits it. But Hayes has picked up the NWA title that Garvin had placed on the apron and hit him with it while the ref was dealing with Jimmy. Sting goes down and Hayes pins him, but Sting kicks out at two. Once again Sting is feeding on the crowds energy and adrenaline. After a couple of big clotheslines he hits the Stinger Splash and goes to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock when Garvin storms the ring and hits him.


Winner by Disqualification: Sting

Rating: 65 ©

Time: 17:10


The Freebirds start laying the boots into the Stinger. Just as all hope looks lost...




... out comes Junkyard Dog who chases the Freebirds out of the ring and helps Sting to his feet. JYD and Sting stand tall.


Rating: 45 (D)


Show Rating: 66 (C+)



Main Event

Rip Rogers def Keith Hart 43

Dan Spivey def Pez Whatley 39

Bischoff interviews Lex Luger who accepts Barry Windham's challenge 46

Owen Hart def Pat Rose 41

A recap of Saturday Night 54

Doom def The Young Pistols 55

Post match Teddy grabs a mic and talks trash about the Steiners and pumps up Doom 59

Show Rating: 52

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The Inside Word


WCW has officially announced the opening of Southern Championship Wrestling which will act as a developmental territory. In the statement released by the company they said that they are always looking to the future and SCW will help them develop and mold the stars of the future. A number of talents have been signed to the promotion and a couple of roster members have been sent down to develop their skills. Dutch Mantell is said to be running the show at the moment.


There are reports that WCW might be looking into starting up a women's division after they signed a group of female wrestlers to SCW. Most of them are GLOW alumni and will have to prove themselves as wrestlers in SCW before they are incorporated into the main programming.


WCW Saturday Night drew 0.51 on TBS last week, which is up from 0.44. Conversely WWF's flagship program 'Superstars' drew a 1.30 which is

up from 1.28.


Announced card for Clash of the Champions:

TBD vs TBD for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham for the NWA and WCW United States Championships

Doom vs The Steiner Brothers for the NWA United States, NWA World and WCW World Tag Team Championships


Announced card for Saturday Night:

Tommy Rich vs One Man Gang in the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final

Owen Hart vs Scott Armstrong

Scott Steiner vs Butch Reed

Arn Anderson vs Tracy Smothers for the WCW World Television Title

Big Josh and The Lightning Express vs Dan Spivey and The York Foundation

Brian Pillman vs Ric Flair in the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final

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WCW Saturday Night

January 1991, Week Three

From Bruce Hall, Great Lakes Region

Attendance: 2,000 Sell Out


The Announce Team: Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone and Magnum T.A.


The announce team welcome us to Saturday Night. Tony Shiavone is excited about the big show we have tonight. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament will hold its semi-finals tonight, the TV Champion will defend his title and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura is here!!


Rating: 58 (C-)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament


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'Wildfire' Tommy Rich vs One Man Gang w/Kevin Sullivan


Rich uses his speed to stay away from and land punches on One Man Gang. Eventually Gang catches Rich and starts to dish out a beating. Magnum notes that the longer this one goes the better for Tommy Rich. Gang is in firm control in this one and he continues his assault. Rich finds a little bit of space and after a few fists makes his way to the second rope, where he delivers a dropkick to Gang which staggers him. Rich comes of the ropes and hits the Thesz Press, and using the momentum grabs Gangs legs pinning him with his own weight for the three count.


Winner: Tommy Rich

Rating: 48 (D+)




Gordon Solie comes out and interviews Rich. Rich says that next week at the Clash of the Champions he will redeem himself for ten years of failure. Next week he cannot lose. He wishes luck to both Pillman and Flair, but ultimately it doesn't matter who he faces. He is 'Wildfire' Tommy Rich and he will be the first WCW World Heavyweight Champion.


Rating: 42 (D)




We cut to Eric Bischoff who has Horsemen Barry Windham and Sid Vicious. Barry says he is glad Lex accepted his challenge and he is looking forward to relieving him of the US title at the Clash. But Barry says he's got a challenge for Lex tonight. He says big Sid here has been looking for a challenge and he himself wants a tuneup match. So he is challenging Lex Luger to find a tag team partner for tonight and meet him and Sid in the ring later on.


Rating: 60 ©


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Owen Hart vs Scott Armstrong


Hart dominates this one from the get go. Magnum says that Owen has been impressive since debuting and is undefeated at the moment. Just as it looks like Owen is about to lock in the Sharpshooter...




... Diamond Dallas Page and someone else storm the ring. The big guy hits Hart with a big boot, then picks up Armstrong and hits him with a

Crucifix Powerbomb. The referee throws this match out as the big man kicks both men out of the ring. Page grabs a mic and says he told you all, and here he is, his new client, the newest member of the Diamond Mine. He hands the mic over and the big guy introduces himself as 'The Razor' Scott Hall. He says he is here in WCW for three things: money, women and championship gold, and if you get in his way he will "cut you up". He is issuing an open challenge for the Clash of the Champions, and after he beats whoever is stupid enough to fight him, he is going after the World title.


Winner: Draw

Match Rating: 39 (D-)

Rating: 49 (D+)


WCW World Television Championship




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Arn Anderson vs Tracy Smothers


Arn is in control of this match from the first bell. It's a signature Anderson performance as he wears down and punishes Smothers. Tracy tries to make a comeback, but Arn is relentless and finishes him off with a Spinebuster.


Winner and Still WCW World Television Champion: Arn Anderson

Rating: 63 ©


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Scott%20Steiner%2091_zpsenwplseo.jpg w/http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Rick%20Steiner%2091_zpsulqd7ojy.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Butch%20Reed%201_zpsqjbjsav6.jpg w/http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Ron%20Simmons%201_zpsuze5jjap.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Teddy%20Long%2091_zpswh6ogvdg.jpg

Scott Steiner w/Rick Steiner vs Butch Reed w/Ron Simmons and Teddy Long


This one gets physical quickly. Steiner and Butch brawl wildly until Steiner takes control of the match with his amateur wrestling skills, taking Reed to the mat. From there Steiner wears Reed down by keeping him grounded and under constant pressure. Teddy Long jumps on the apron and Steiner knocks him off. Reed rolls him up for a two count. Reed then grabs the refs attention as Simmons jumps up and hits Scott. Rick's not pleased and clotheslines Ron. Butch gets out of the ring and starts wailing on Rick. Scott gets involved and Ron finds his feet and an all out brawl breaks out.


Winner: Draw as a result of double disqualification

Rating: 54 (C-)


The two teams brawl on. Scott hits a Steiner Screwdriver on Butch and Simmons hits Rick with a big clothesline. Officials run out and break it up before more damage can be done.


Rating: 47 (D)


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Big%20Josh_zpsojodzynb.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Brad%20Armstrong%203_zpsv7ithn08.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Tim%20Horner%2088_zpscv4doaac.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Dan%20Spivey_zpsv77dbite.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/VK%20Wallstreet_zps5ulkrion.jpghttp://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Terrence%20Taylor_zpsjhqsubha.jpg w/http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Alexandra%20York_zpsbgnc5qad.jpg

Big Josh and The Lightning Express vs Dan Spivey and The York Foundation w/Alexandra York


Magnum tells us that The York Foundation will face the Lightning Express at the Clash of the Champions. This is a short affair with every man getting in some offense. In the end Armstrong scored the pin over Spivey.


Winner: Big Josh and the Lightning Express

Rating: 51 (D+)




Paul E. Dangerously makes his way to the ring. He reiterates what he said last week, adding he'd do anything to see Missy lose her job.


Rating: 69 (C+)


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Lex Luger and Tom Zenk vs Sid Vicious and Barry Windham


Magnum says that Zenk volunteered to team with Lex, as he himself has been having problems with the Horsemen recently. Luger and Sid start this one off with a test of strength which Sid wins, pushing Lex into the corner. Shiavone points out that Luger is rarely over powered as they tie up again, and again Sid pushes him into the corner. As the ref breaks them up Sid lands a cheap shot. They tie up again, Luger transitions into a side headlock. Sid pushes him off into the ropes, Luger comes off the ropes and bounces off Sid. Sid challenges him to go again, and he bounces off again. Lex challenges Sid to go and when he does Luger drop toeholds him. Luger throws fists at Sid and then suplexes him. He tags in Zenk who starts to up the pace until Sid clotheslines him. From here Sid and Barry do a great job isolating and beating down Zenk. Ross points out that Windham and Sid have a clear experience advantage. Eventually Zenk gets away from Windham and tags in Luger, who comes in swinging. Barry quickly tags in Sid and Magnum notes that Barry has been avoiding Lex. Lex is setting up Sid for the Torture Rack when Barry tries to enter the ring, this distracts the ref and Sid hits a low blow. Lex crawls to the corner and tags in Zenk who runs straight into a big boot. Sid picks Zenk up and Powerbombs him for the win.


Winner: Sid Vicious and Barry Windham

Rating: 54 (C-)




We cut to Jesse 'The Body' Ventura who says he is happy to be here in WCW. He tells us he will be at Clash of the Champions and that he will be interviewing the new WCW Commissioner, and he'll be asking all the tough questions.


Rating: 71 (C+)




Sting and Junkyard Dog make their way to the ring. Junkyard Dog says what the Freebirds did last week was a cowardly thing. Fighting a man two on one is not right, so when he saw what was going on he had to come down and help Sting out. Sting is full of energy and says he will keep this short and sweet. He wants to fight the Freebirds and he wants to fight the Freebirds now.




Out come the Fabulous Freebirds. Michael Hayes does the talking and says that they don't feel like fighting tonight. And just because they are more intelligent than Junkyard Dog, which isn't hard, doesn't make them cowards. Sting says if they weren't cowards they'd come down to the ring right now. The Freebirds laugh, and Garvin says they said they aren't stupid. They'll fight when they want and the Clash of the Champions is next week, they'll fight them then on their time.


Rating: 51 (D+)


WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament


http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Brian%20Pillman_zpseodlif50.jpg vs http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm200/DexCC/Wreslers/Ric%20Flair%2091_zpszcgfr6gz.jpg

Brian Pillman vs 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair


This match starts out fairly even. Both men test each other out and come up even. It's only when Pillman starts to up the pace that this one busts open. Pillman's fast paced offense puts Flair on the back foot, but this isn't an unfamiliar position for Flair, Magnum points out, and his ability to get out of these positions is what makes him one of the best ever. Ric moves out of the way of one of Brian's high risk maneuvers. From here he goes to town on Pillman's already hurt leg. Unfortunately for Brian the damage that leg has taken over the past three weeks gets to him and when Flair locks on the figure four he is forced to tap out.


Winner: Ric Flair

Rating: 71 (C+)


Show Rating: 67 (C+)


Main Event

Buddy Landel def Italian Stalian 44

Steve Armstrong def Rage 28

Bobby Eaton def Pez Whatley 49

Dutch Mantell def Keith Hart 52

A video hyping the matches at Clash of the Champions 58

Stan Hansen def El Gigante 52

Show Rating: 52

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The Inside Word


Last weeks Saturday Night saw the debut of former AWA tag team champion Scott Hall. Halls character is said to be inspired by Al Pacino's character from Scarface, however booker Flair and Hall himself agreed to take a more grounded approach and resist temptation to over gimmick the gimmick. The two joked about Hall doing an accent, and how ridiculous it'd be if he did. Flair is said to have high expectations for Hall and is a fan.


Last weeks Saturday Night drew a 0.50, this is slightly down on the previous weeks 0.51 rating. WWF's 'Superstars' drew a 1.28, also down from the 1.30 it drew the previous week.


WCW is pleased to announce that the contracts of Mike Rotunda, Terry Taylor and Harley Race have all been extended.


Announced card for WCW Clash of the Champions:

The Lightning Express vs The York Foundation

Scott Hall vs ???

Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious vs Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk

Doom vs The Steiner Brothers for the NWA World, United States and WCW World Tag Team Championships

Junkyard Dog and Sting vs The Fabulous Freebirds

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham for the NWA and WCW United States Heavyweight Championships

Tommy Rich vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Announced card for WCW Clash of the Champions:

The Lightning Express vs The York Foundation

Scott Hall vs ???

Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious vs Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk

Doom vs The Steiner Brothers for the NWA World, United States and WCW World Tag Team Championships

Junkyard Dog and Sting vs The Fabulous Freebirds

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham for the NWA and WCW United States Heavyweight Championships

Tommy Rich vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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The Lightning Express vs The York Foundation

Scott Hall vs ???

Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious vs Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk

Doom vs The Steiner Brothers for the NWA World, United States and WCW World Tag Team Championships

Junkyard Dog and Sting vs The Fabulous Freebirds

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham for the NWA and WCW United States Heavyweight Championships

Tommy Rich vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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The Lightning Express vs The York Foundation

Scott Hall vs ???--Had to think about this though...gotta figure Owen will want revenge

Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious vs Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk

Doom vs The Steiner Brothers for the NWA World, United States and WCW World Tag Team Championships

Junkyard Dog and Sting vs The Fabulous Freebirds

Lex Luger vs Barry Windham for the NWA and WCW United States Heavyweight Championships

Tommy Rich vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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