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BLW - The Super Indy

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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Thanks to Derek B for finally sending the results to the correct email address. No we don't have to look far to find out who wins and loses within the BLW ring. [QUOTE][center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/GloryByHonour.jpg[/IMG] [/center] The crowds were still filing into their seats as Whistler and Roger Dodger were hyping up tonights matches featuring the likes of Chavo Lopez vs Guide, Samoan Machine vs Mean Jean Cattley and of course, the highly anticipated match between BLW World Champion Darryl Devine and Henry Marksman. For those fans who arrived early enough, we got to see a dark tag team match between [b]The Specialists[/b] and the UK based team of [b]The Show Stealers[/b], also known as Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes. The new team looked pretty good together with some slick double teams but they lost the match to the tag team experts. Dodger and Whistler once again hyped tonight's show as we moved into the official matches. The official opening match of the night came about from a challenge from [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] who has been having a lot of success recently with MAW. He made an open challenge to the BLW roster which was accepted by [b]El Critico[/b]. In an average match, Critico used an array of technical moves against Mainstream's speedy offense, but in the end Mainstream managed to pick up the victory with an Apparition #14. Mainstream was very ****y throughout the match but the crowd cheered for him the whole way through against the notorious Mexican star. Our second match of the night featured tag team action between the ever popular duo of [b]The Underdogs[/b] against the newcomers [b]Twist of Fatep[/b]. Eclipse and Tempest have made an impact since defeating the Trademarks (former BLW champions) on their debut and were looking to keep some momentum going in this match. The Underdogs as always were on the back foot early on, but pulled out some tremendous offense in a match that featured two very evenly matches teams, each with a flier and a technician. In the end, Eclipse picked up the victory when he hit a variation DDT on Brendan Idol to pick up the pinfall victory. The show was then interupted a youngster coming out the crowd. Some of the fans recognised him as [b]Alex McKing[/b], the kid who interupted the Popular Demand show and he got a negative response. Once again, he got on the microphone and challenged anyone to a Pure Rules match, saying that BLW simply wasn't pure enough and that he'd save the promotion and maintain its reputation. [b]Rolling Johnny Stones[/b] made his way from the back to accept the challenge and put the youngster in his place, but McKing once again locked impressive and locked in a cross arm breaker on Stones who simply couldn't escape despite having two of his rope breaks left. McKing wins impressively by submission and he disappeared into the crowd after the match having made another statement to the BLW roster. [b]Sean McFly[/b] made his way out to the ring and invited [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] to come out for their match now, saying he didn't want to hog the spotlight when so many other BLW stars deserved it more. Ota made his way from the back and into the ring, keeping McFly's attention on him but from the crowd two Japanese wrestlers slipped in behind McFly. Ota told everyone that they were known as [b]Heihachiro Sakai[/b] and [b]Hitomaro Suzuki[/b] and collectively, they were known as [b]The Hit Squad[/b]. McFly looked worried, knowing that even he would struggle to take on three men on his own but he needn't have worried as [b]Jacob Jett[/b] came from backstage to side with McFly. Jett and McFly challenged the trio to a match, right now and it was accepted. Three on two, McFly and Jett held their own and fought off the new group who all looked to focus their attacks on McFly's knee. The odds appeared to be too much for a while, but Jett got a hot tag into the match and cleared house, hitting Suzuki with a Jett Engine and setting up Sakai for an Afterburner as McFly hit Ota with a Delorean Driver. Jett got the submission on Sakai and the crowd roared their approval for McFly and Jett teaming together. After the match, with The Hit Squad heading backstage, McFly told Jett that he thought Jett was ready for the big time and that he should take his Trios Tournament match against the champion, whether it was Henry Marksman or Darryl Devine, at the King of the Indy's event next month. Jett asked the crowd if they thought he should and they shouted "YES". The BLW World Tag Team titles were on the line next as former champions [b]The Trademarks[/b] challenged current champions [b]The Fly Boys[/b]. Both teams wrestled a slow pace in the early goings but it picked up at the end with both teams unleashing high risk offense to try and put the other team away. In the end, Steven Parker attempted a top rope rana on Donnie J who sensationally managed to hold on through the rana and turn it into a powerbomb to pick up the victory. The Fly Boys make defense #4 of the BLW World Tag Team titles and head into the crowd to celebrate. It was then time for the first of our 3 rankings decider matches. Originally scheduled to be between Damian Carvill and Steve Flash, Carvill left BLW to work exclusively for NOTBPW and the match was changed to a 4 way elimination match between [b]Steve Flash, Axxis Jr, Pistol Pete Hall and Frankie Perez[/b]. All 4 men were unranked going into this, so they each knew the importance of victory here. Axxis Jr was first to fall, getting eliminated by pinfall after a Flash Bang. Perez was second to fall after going for a Perez Plunge on Flash, he was caught with a Pistol Whip Lariat from Pete while Flash was elevated. The move took a lot out of Flash too, who almost landed on his head as a result of the move and a minute later, Pete hit the Lariat on Flash too to win the match and earn himself a spot in the BLW rankings once more. The second of our rankings matches took place between [b]Guide[/b] and [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. Many fans believed that Guide was undeserving of a rank, having earned it through a DaVE rules match (that they had voted for) the previous month. This was Lopez's first big chance at earning a rank and it showed as he put it all on the line. The match spilled out of the ring and Guide took advantage, using some of his DaVE tricks to full effect. But back in the ring, Lopez gained the advantage utilising a springboard spinning heel kick. He pushed the advantage but Guide took to offense with a half nelson suplex. Guide set Lopez up on his shoulder setting up for a Guided Missile, but Lopez countered into a dragon sleeper. Guide fought back but Lopez managed to wrap his legs around and Guide had no option but to tap. After the match, Lopez attempted to shake hands with Guie, but Guide walked out, clearly unhappy at the match result and the loss of his ranking. The crowd booed Guide loudly for his lack of sportsmanship but at least Chavo Lopez had gained Guide's ranking as a result. Our third rankings match of the night was between [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] and had been the subject of a lot of internet hype. Both men are perennial top contenders for the BLW title and had never met each other in a BLW ring prior to tonight. Machine launched into an early flurry of offense as expected but Cattley fought back with a series of elbow stirkes to the head and began working over Machine's left arm. Machine landed a big running mafia kick which left Cattley open to an Unbreakable Sleeper attempt. The move almost made Cattley tap but he got to the ropes, forcing the break. A groggy Cattley was maneuvered into a corner by Machine who launched a series of stiff strike at him before lifting him to the top. Machine signalled he was going for a big suplex, but Cattley blocked it expertly and picked up the Machine into position for a Mood Swing. The crowd went nuts, but Machine countered that on the way down into a massive DDT. cattley kicked out of the pin attempt but Machine pressed the advantage and scored with a Samoan Driver to pick up the victory and a spot in the rankings list once more. It was hten time for the main event of the night, the highly anticipated rematch between [b]Darryl Devine[/b] and the former BLW Champion who many feel was screwed out of the title at Honourable Combat Day 2, [b]Henry Marksman[/b]. The crowd were perhaps the hottest they'd ever been in BLw, with huge cheers for Marksman and huge jeers for Devine. In the middle of the ring, they shook hands and as they done so Devine spoke something to Marksman, saying that he's been studying Marksman for two months, while Marksman has only been doing it for one. Marksman stared him down intensely until Devine released the handshake which was followed up with a big slap. After some quick exchanges, Devine got the better of Marksman and slapped him again and then a third time. But things really picked up when Marksman got the better of the exchange and slapped Devine. Devine bailed out of the way of and stayed on the floor, a tactic he would use repeatedly for the next few minutes. But the pace picked up when Devine gained the upperhand and started working on Marksman's head, much like he did against Samoan Machine the previous month. Marksman took the brunt of many stiff kicks and draining holds for a while, but managed to get back on the offense and into a period of the match where neither man could maintain an advanatage for long. Holds were exchanged that hit different parts of the body and both men looked to try and start putting the other away. In the closing stages, Devine connected with the Devine Intervention (springboard reverse elbow) and quickly went to the top rope for a moonsault. But Marksman defied the odds and fatigue to recover and crotch Devine on the top. Marksman climbed up after that and hit a sensational reverse rana from the top rope sending Devine right across the ring as the flash bulbs went off in the Arkansas Colliseum. The crowd counted along as the referee counted the pinfall, but Devine got a shoulder up at the very last moment to gasps from the crowd. Marksman himself couldn't believe it and as Devine struggled to his feet, Marksman positioned himself for a Hell Fire Kick. He leapt to hit it but connected with nothing but canvas as Devine sharply moved out the way and as Marksman got to his knees, Devine came off the ropes he was using to support himself and hit the Devine Dream Drop. As the referee's hand came down for a three count, the crowd couldn't believe that Devine had beaten Henry Marksman fairly and squarely in the middle of the ring, the first man to do so in a BLW ring. Both men looked thoroughly exhausted after the match but they still shook hands, Devine with a look on his face that suggested he knew he'd just put one oever on everyone despite everyone being on their feet and celebrating a tremendous match that could very well be a contender for BLW Match of the Year 2007. The show closed with Roger Dodger and Whistler hyping up the fact that next month is the [b]King of the Indy's Tournament 2007[/b] and that as a result of this match, we will be seeing [b]Darryl Devine[/b] take on [b]Jacob Jett[/b] in a BLW World Championship defense along with a match originally scheduled for tonight, [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] vs [b]Sean McFly[/b]. And of course, we'll also get to see the King of the Indy's Tournament itself which will feature the champions from CZCW, MAW, 4C, UCR and WLW along with representatives from SOTBPW, GCG and BLW. People named and confirmed to be in the tournament, which will be announced officially on BLWrestling.com within the next week, include: [b] Insane Machine (Coastal Zone Champion, CZCW) Joey Beauchamp (UCR European Champion, UCR) Mean Jean Cattley (Mid Atlantic Champion, MAW) Phenomenal E. (4C Champion, 4C)[/b] [i]Four other wrestlers will be confirmed and announced within the next seven days as BLW hosts the second annual tournament that rocked the world last year, The King of the Indys![/i] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/GloryByHonour.jpg[/IMG] [i][u]Quick Results[/u][/i] [/center] [b][u]Mar 07 - Glory by Honour[/u] - (B-)[/b] [i]DARK: The Specialists defeated The Show Stealers [7:22] (C-) Mainstream Hernandez defeated El Critico [12:38] (C) Twist of Fate defeated The Underdogs [10:42] (C-) Alex McKing defeated Rolling Johnny Stones [9:54] (D) Sean McFly/Jacob Jett defeated Fumihiro Ota/Heihachiro Sakai/Hitomaro Suzuki [10:41] (B-) The Fly Boys defeated The Trademarks (defense #3 of the BLW World Tag Team Titles) [14:52] (C) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Axxis Jr, Frankie Perez and Steve Flash in a 4 way elimination match [19:44] (C+) Chavo Lopez defeated Guide [15:59] (B-) Samoan Machine defeated Mean Jean Cattley [18:58] (C+) Darryl Devine defeated Henry Marksman (defense #4 of the BLW World Championship) [31:25] (B) [/i] [/QUOTE] [b]OOC:[/b][i] Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the show and were suitably amused/bemused/confused by the results. I'll have the card for King of the Indys up shortly as I've already got the 8 people confirmed for the show. I hope you like the choices, but I have to say I did miss out on a couple of my first picks because they thought "They could make more money elsewhere". Well, I coulda given them more money if they'd let me ask.... pesky Jungle Jack (GCG Champion) and El Bandito (can't remember where Champion). So that you know, I let the CPU decide the results for the Twist of Fate vs Underdog match, the Samoan Machine vs Mean Jean Cattley match and also the 4 way elimination match. I was pleasantly suprised by some of the results. The CPU seems to know how to randomly make me happy sometimes, tough mostly it makes me cry. :)[/i] Derek B - I'm not the booking committee, honest!
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=4][b]Border-Line Wrestling April Newsline![/size] [size=3]BLW Rankings, King of the Indys Competitors and Card for King of the Indy's Event![/b][/size][/center] Today we have a lot of news to announce as the booking committee has came to a concensus regarding the BLW Top 5 Rankings list and have also confirmed the competitors and the brackets for the King of the Indy's Tournament 2007, due to take place at the end of this month. (for event details, check out BLWrestling.com/events) Here are the rankings following on from Glory By Honour: [b]BLW WORLD CHAMPION - Darryl Devine[/b] 1. Sean McFly 2. Samoan Machine 3. Chavo Lopez 4. Pistol Pete Hall 5. Henry Marksman Missing out on a To 5 Ranking but still firmly in contention for a chance at breaking them were (in alphabetical order) the following competitors: [i]Axxis Jr Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Mainstream Hernandez Mean Jean Cattley Steve Flash[/i]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/296debb8.jpg[/IMG][/center] Last year, the King of the Indys was voted BLW's best event of the year by the fans and after seeing the line-up for the 2007 event, BLW are confident that it will be another blockbuster this year. Already announced as competing are Insane Machine (CZCW), Joey Beauchamp (UCR), Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) and Phenomenal E (4C). The other 4 competitors have been confirmed and they are as follows: Awesome Thunder (WLW representative) Samoan Machine (GCG representative) Axxis Jr (SOTBPW representative) Marc Speed (BLW representative) All eight men are among the elite in each of their respective promotions and BLW has been delighted to have some of them wrestle in a BLW ring prior to this event. Without any further ado, here are the brackets for the King of the Indy's Tournament and the running order for the show. [b][u][center]King of the Indy's Tournament Brackets[/b][/u] Match #1: Samoan Machine (GCG) vs Awesome Thunder (WLW) Match #2: Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) vs Joey Beauchamp (UCR) Match #3: Marc Speed (BLW) vs Phenomenal E. (4C) Match #4: Insane Machine (CZCW) vs Axxis Jr (SOTBPW) [/center] [b][u][center]King of the Indy's Full Card[/b][/u] King of the Indy's Match #1 King of the Indy's Match #2 King of the Indy's Match #3 King of the Indy's Match #4 Sean McFly vs Fumihiro Ota King of the Indy's Semi Final #1: Winner Match #1 vs Winner Match #2 King of the Indy's Semi Final #2: Winner Match #3 vs Winner Match #4 BLW World Championship Match: Darryl Devine (c) vs Jacob Jett King of the Indy's Final: Winner of Semi #2 vs Winner of Semi #2[/center][/QUOTE] [b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][b][size=4]Worker Leaving and Working Released[/b][/size][/center] It was announced today that BLW commentator/wrestler [b]Roger Dodger[/b] will be leaving BLW when his contract expires after the King of the Indy's event. Internal rumours suggests that BLW were not willing to meet his wage demands so the talented commentator will be calling his last event for BLW in April. However, rumour also suggests that BLW have a replacement for him already, though these rumours do not yet name any names. We wish Roger Dodger the best of luck with his future endeavours. It was also announced today that [b]Derrick Maxx[/b] has left the company. After never managing to make it past dark matches, he was released today. BLW management would like to wish him luck as he continues his career elsewhere and hopes that one day he will return to BLW with more experience under his belt.[/quote] [b]OOC:[/b] Let the predictions commence! I'll probably not run the event until Thursday so you've got no excuse to not make predictions. I might even put up a post giving some quick insight into the tournament...... but I probably won't. :)
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King of the Indy's Full Card King of the Indy's Match #1: Samoan Machine (GCG) vs [B]Awesome Thunder (WLW)[/B] I just like Masked High Fliers King of the Indy's Match #2: [B]Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp (UCR) Mean Jean Cattley is a wrestling god King of the Indy's Match #3: Marc Speed (BLW) vs [B]Phenomenal E. (4C)[/B] Playing a 4C game and Phenomenal E. may one day really be champ King of the Indy's Match #4: Insane Machine (CZCW) vs [B]Axxis Jr (SOTBPW)[/B] Again Masked High Flier [B]Sean McFly [/B] vs Fumihiro Ota McFly needs to keep winning and then take out Devine King of the Indy's Semi Final #1: [B]Awesome Thunder (WLW)[/B] vs Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) Can you say masked high flier King of the Indy's Semi Final #2: [B]Phenomenal E. (4C)[/B] vs Axxis Jr (SOTBPW) Sorry Axxis I'm a 4C man BLW World Championship Match: [B]Darryl Devine (c) [/B] vs Jacob Jett Darryl Devine is unstoppable, except by Sean McFly King of the Indy's Final: Awesome Thunder (WLW) vs [B]Phenomenal E. (4C)[/B] 4C all the way baby
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[U]My predictions:[/U] Match #1: [B]Samoan Machine (GCG) [/B] vs Awesome Thunder (WLW) [I]I just know him better then awesome Thunder...[/I] Match #2: [B]Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) [/B] vs Joey Beauchamp (UCR) [I]I'm an MAW mark... but I do like Beauchamp too...[/I] Match #3: Marc Speed (BLW) vs [B]Phenomenal E. (4C) [/B] [I]Got bad experiences with Speed :)[/I] Match #4: [B]Insane Machine (CZCW) [/B] vs Axxis Jr (SOTBPW) [I]wild guess...[/I] [B]Sean McFly [/B] vs Fumihiro Ota [I]McFly is one of the 10 best wrestlers in the world, it's just stupid he has a lifetime contract normally :p[/I] King of the Indy's Semi Final #1: Samoan Machine (GCG) vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)[/B] [I]Should be a good match[/I] King of the Indy's Semi Final #2: [B]Phenomenal E. (4C) [/B] vs Insane Machine (CZCW) [I]Evenly matched I think[/I] BLW World Championship Match: [B]Darryl Devine (c)[/B] vs Jacob Jett [I]I like Jett more, but Devine is just a bigger name...[/I] King of the Indy's Final: [B]Mean Jean Cattley (MAW)[/B] vs Phenomenal E. (4C) [I]The guy deserves it[/I] Should be a good show, but u'll probably get the "Worker X was used too much on this show" message :)
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King of the Indies full card Match #1: Samoan Machine (GCG) vs Awesome Thunder (WLW) Match #2: Mean Jean Cattley (MAW) vs Joey Beauchamp (UCR) Match #3: Marc Speed (BLW) vs Phenomenal E. (4C) Match #4: Insane Machine (CZCW) vs Axxis Jr (SOTBPW) Sean McFly vs Fumihiro Ota King of the Indy's Semi Final #1: Samoan Machine vs Mean Jean Cattley King of the Indy's Semi Final #2: Marc Speed vs Axxis Jr. BLW World Championship Match: Darryl Devine (c) vs Jacob Jett King of the Indy's Final: Samoan Machine vs Marc Speed Edit: By way of explanation, I was pretty keen on setting up a Samoan Machine vs. Marc Speed match. Also, as far as I'm concerned, Sean McFly needs to be booked as unstoppable and Jett isn't quite ready for a run with the strap yet.
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Results sent in by Derek B who we'd like to thank once again for doing so. He must be BLW's Fan of the Year if there ever was one. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/center] This evening's show was scheduled to start at with an 8pm belltime but the loyal BLW fans knew that there would likely be a dark match to warm them up for the night's action. And how right they were as we in fact got two dark matches tonight with two newcomers to BLW that we can expect to hear a lot from in the future. With [b]Roger Dodger[/b] leaving, he was challenged to a friendly match by the man who announced as being his replacement, a youngster by the name of [b]Bryan Paris[/b]. Dodger is well known within BLW for not being the most gifted wrestler so it was no suprise to see him lose the fall to Paris, who seems to have some good technical skills for a youngster. In a similar themed match, former sports star [b]Nicolas Charisma[/b] challenged [b]Whistler[/b] to a match. Obviously, Whistler hadn't come prepared for a match and it showed as he lost to the powerful athlete which suprised many. As Whistler took his seat at the announce table alongside Paris and Dodger, the show finally kicked off. The announce team welcomed the late-comers to the show and hyped up the King of the Indy's Tournament as a plaform to launch careers from. They showed a quick video of last year's tournament on a hired screen, highlighting Darryl Devine's win and then his success over the last 12 months before tonight. We then launched straight into our first tournament match of the night which featured the [b]Samoan Machine[/b] who represented GCG for the second year in a row, as he took on WLW's [b]Awesome Thunder[/b]. The Japanese influence on the match was obvious, despite the different styles and both sides looked good. But in the end, Awesome Thunder just couldn't match Machine's brutal physical offense and lost to the Samoan Driver to give Machine a pinfall victory and a berth in the second round. [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] of MAW made his way to the ring to a good ovation as you would expect from one of the tournament favourites. But instead of being met by [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b], he was greeted by another member of F.U.T.U.R.E, last year's winner, [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. Devine was armed with a microphone he announced to everyone that tonight was going to be a special night, not just because he (Devine) was here, but also because another F.U.T.U.R.E member would win the tournament tonight. But sadly, it wouldn't be Beauchamp because somehow he had gotten himself stranded in Europe while working for UCR. So instead of having that crappy promotion represented, Devine had decided that F.U.T.U.R.E would be reprsented by the soon to be crowned Queen of the Indy's, the greatest female wrestler on the planet, his girlfriend, [b]Melody Cuthill[/b]! Cattley looked confused for a minute, not taking the threat of Melody seriously as she looked for an opening against one of the best technical wrestlers on the indy scene. Cattlet went for a lock up and received the biggest slap I've seen in a long time. After that point, Cattley switched back to his usual machine-like offense and within a couple of minutes he made her tap out to an STF. Cattley barely looked like he broke a sweat and when he faces Samoan Machine in the second round, he would appear to have a decided advantage. The third match of the first round was next and saw [b]Marc Speed[/b] representing BLW matching up with [b]Phenomenal E.[/b] of 4C. It was technical skill versus high paced offense and early on, Phenomenal E kept up the pace to his advantage. But Speed turned momentum in his favour when E missed a springboard moonsault. Speed concentrated his offense on the knee of E, taking out his main strength which proved to be a vital part of this match. Several times the momentum switched due to the knee troubles and in the end Speed managed to pick up the submission victory with a figure 4 leglock submission. Marc Speed moves on to the 2nd round and will face the winner of the next match. Phenomenal E..... well, he is still to find any success in BLW and goes back to Canada defeated. The last of the first round matches featured CZCW Champion (and WLW Tap Out champion) [b]Insane Machine[/b] wrestling for the first time in a BLW ring against the SOTBPW representative [b]Axxis Jr[/b]. In an exciting match that saw both sides start the match in high gear, Insane Machine won the match with his patented Insanity Tsunami martial arts flurry. Insane Machine proves to be too much for Axxis Jr, but how will he fare when he meets Marc Speed in the second round? Answers after the Sean McFly/Fumihiro Ota match.... which [i]was[/i] scheduled to be next. But once again, the night was interupted by [b]Alex McKing[/b] who once again arrived from the crowds and hijacked the ring. So far, he said he was unimpressed by anyone who he'd wrestled from the BLW locker room and so he challenged anyone in the crowd to face him in a Pure Rules match for his Pure Rules Championship. But of all the events to make such a challenge, none have ever had as many wrestlers in the crowd. From in the crowd, "The Irish Stretching Machine" [b]Merle O'Curle[/b] answered the challenge by stepping into the ring. The crowd may not know much about either of these men but what followed was a tremendous technical match. Both men had to use all their ropebreaks but in the end, McKing once again picked up the victory with a variation dragon sleeper in the ropes and O'Curle had no choice but to tap. McKing once again disappeared into the crowd, some fans threw their empty plastic cups at him for his hypocritical use of the ropes to win under his own Pure Rules. The boos intensified as [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] made his way out to the ring for his match with [b]Sean McFly[/b]. As always, McFly got a huge ovation just for being him and the match started. At ringside, Ota's henchmen Sakai and Suzuki lurked, looking to distract McFly if given the chance. But McFly's ring presence was incredible throughout the match as he and Ota worked a fantastic technical match. McFly managed to pick up the victory when he scored with the Delorean Driver on Ota and despite the match, was quick enough and aware enough to escape the ring before Suzuki and Sakai could get to him. The crowd cheered their approval, Ota and The Hit Squad didn't look happy at all. It was then time for our first semi final match up. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] had already had a tough match with Awesome Thunder and [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] had already had an easy match against Melody Cuthill. These two men had already clashed at Glory By Honour one month ago with Machine picking up the victory, but this time the odds were in favour of Cattley. Cattley used more of a striking game than normal, working over Machine's head as Machine launched his attacks on Cattley's head and torso. Machine bloodied Cattley with a running boot in the corner and Cattley looked to be struggling. But a swift counter from Cattley caught Machine with a drop toe hold to drop him onto the second rope. Machine got up and staggered into Cattley who wasted no time hitting the Mood Swing to pick up the victory and advance into the finals. Cattley grabbed the microphone and told everyone that he knew the worst was behind him now and that he had nothing to fear from the winner of the next match. The second semi final match up was incredibly close between [b]Marc Speed[/b] and [b]Insane Machine[/b]. Both men displayed their strong skills with Insane getting the better of several exchanges before Speed used some moves that Samoan Machine has often used. Speed started working over the arm of Insane at the earliest opportunity as insane used his superior quickness to evade attacks and return the favour to Speed. In the end, Insane managed to break a tight sleeper hold from Speed but his mask got twisted as he suplexed Speed. While Machine tried to adjust his mask, Speed managed to recover and capitalise, locking in the Speed Limit (crossface submission) to pick up the submission victory and advance to the finals to meet Mean Jean Cattley. It was then time for the BLW World Championship match between reigning champion [b]Darryl Devine[/b] and the challenger who earned the right to make any match he wanted by winning the Trios Tournament, [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. Hype video time! These two men have a long history together, teaming up in 4C together before BLW had even formed and becoming the first ever BLW World Tag Team champions together as part of BLW's leading stable. The announcers disembodied voices hyped the fact that Jett had won the right to this match while teaming with Devine and Beauchamp and that Jett had been the man who had won all the Trios Tournament matches for his team. And now, with help from Sean McFly, Jett has been training hard and looks to be ready for the big time. Its time to put everything on the line in this one. Its Jett vs Devine! Devine was out first to greet his challenger but decided to leave Melody behind after the match she had earlier. The crowd were loud for the champion, with a mix of cheers creeping in after his big win against Henry Marksman last month. But the crowd were hot for Jett and the match started quickly. Having wrestled with each other so often, they used counter after counter against each other for the early going. Both men wore each other down with the offense alternating between the two. Devine showed why he was champion, pulling out some innovative variation neckbreakers that really hurt the challenger. Jett countered a Devine Dream Drop attempt into one of his own and the crowd exploded as the referee counted, but Devine got his shoulder up just in time. Jett went up top looking for the Jett Take Off but Devine got his knees up. Both men were slow to recover but they got to their feet and exchanged blows. Jett gained the advantage and hit a takedown, looking for the Afterburner but Devine got to the ropes. Devine hit a poke to the eye and an Irish whip but Jett kicked Devine in the face when he telegraphed the move. Jett moved in quickly for the kill, signalling for Sean McFly's Delorean Driver but Devine anticipated it and brought his knee up hard into Jett's face. As Jett quickly tried to regain his balance, Devine struck with the Devine Dream Drop and referee Jay Fair had to count the three count. Devine grabbed a microphone before shaking hands with Jett. He told Jett that he should never have turned his back on him, that he should never have left F.U.T.U.R.E and he should never have sided with Sean McFly. He told Jett to get out of his ring and to never challenge him again. And he said to tell Sean McFly that if he wants a match with Devine, he can have it right after he's done beating up the new King of the Indy's at [b]Bound for Glory[/b]. Jett left the ring and went backstage as Devine celebrated, although some would say revelled, in front of the booing crowd. And at last, it was time for tonight's main event. The finals of the King of the Indy's Tournament with [b]Marc Speed[/b] taking on [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] for one of the highest honours on the independent wrestling scene. Earlier in the night, Cattley was busted open by Samoan Machine in a tough match and Speed has had less time to recover. When the macth kicked off, both were slower paced than in earlier rounds and tried to focus on their technical game. Speed reopened te wound on Cattley's head and he bled for the second time tonight. Cattley tried to soften Speed up for the Mood Dwing by working over the neck, but when he attempted a piledriver he was reversed into a backdrop and Speed quickly moved in to attempt a Speed Limit but Cattley reached the ropes. Speed's hands were covered with Cattley's blood and he smeared it over his face in a warpaint style as he starting upping the ante, pounding on Cattley's head with a series of mounted punches in the center of the ring. Cattley fought back but it was clear he was suffering from the loss of blood as his legs buckled rom under him when attempting a Mood Swing. After a close fall, Speed once again took managed to lock in the Speed Limit, this time in the center of the ring. Cattley fought and fought but he couldn't get to the ropes. Eventually his efforts went from desperate to weak and weak to non-existant and the referee called for the bell to signal the end of this match. The winner, and the 2007 King of the Indy's......... [size=4][center][u]Marc Speed[/center][/u][/size] Speed could hardly believe that he'd managed to win as he was announced as the new King of the Indy's. The crowd cheered for him but also for the performance of Mean Jean Cattley who had bled quite considerably during the night. The announce team of Whistler, Roger Dodger and Bryan Paris put over how big the entire event had been with Paris in particular saying that it was incredible to be able to call this as his first event. They said to join us next month where we will be able to see Darryl Devine defend the BLW World Championship against our new King of the Indy's. Also the Fly Boys will defend the BLW Tag Team titles and there will likely be fallout from tonight's matches aswell as more matches for BLW Rankings. Make sure not to miss BLW: Bound For Glory! [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Apr 07 - King of the Indys 2007[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i] DARK: Bryan Paris defeated Roger Dodger [6:11] (F) DARK: Nicolas Charisma defeated Whistler [6:49] (C) Samoan Machine defeated Awesome Thunder [15:58] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Melody Cuthill [7:56] (C) Marc Speed defeated Phenomenal E. [11:44] (C) Insane Machine defeated Axxis Jr [12:40] (C) Alex McKing defeated Merle O'Curle [9:28] (C-) Sean McFly defeated Fumihiro Ota [17:49] (B) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Samoan Machine [14:47] (C+) Marc Speed defeated Insane Machine [14:04] (C-) Darryl Devine defeated Jacob Jett (defense #5 of the BLW World Championship) [20:47] (C+) Marc Speed defeated Mean Jean Cattley (King of the Indys final) [14:55] (C+) [/i][/QUOTE]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=5]Joey Beauchamp NOT Stranded in Europe?[/size]][/center] At the 2007 King of the Indy's show, Joey Beauchamp was noticable by his absence as he was scheduled to represent UCR against MAW's Mean Jean Cattley in the first round. Darryl Devine announced at the show that Beauchamp was stuck in Europe due to a flight mix-up, but recent word from Joey Beauchamp himself suggests that this may not be entirely true. Rumours have been flying around on the BLW forums that Devine deliberately purchased the wrong tickets or gave Beauchamp incorrect information about where he should be and that this led to the mix up. It was just rumour, but on a BLW special web chat featuring Beauchamp, we learned that he'd been thinking the very same thing himself and that it was indeed Darryl Devine who handled these things for him. He confirmed that they had yet to speak face to face since the event and that Devine had been spending a lot of time with Melody Cuthill recently and was ignoring other things. Beauchamp isn't scheduled to be in the US again until BLW Bound For Glory, so we may be able to witness the truth during the show as Devine is also scheduled to be there. Kepp your browser locked to BLWrestling.com for all the latest updates.[/QUOTE] [b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/news[/b] [QUOTE][size=6][center][u]Sean McFly Signs Written Deal With TCW[/u][/size][/center] The news that every fan in wrestling has been waiting to hear has finally arrived. Sean McFly has today signed a written deal with Tommy Cornell's Total Championship Wrestling, putting an end to his run in the US indy promotions following his departure from NOTBPW. Over the last 6 months, McFly has been regularly stealing the show in indy promotion BLW and helping put them on the map, but his desire to see them succeed was over-ruled when Tommy Cornell made an offer that he simply couldn't refuse. This signing marks the fourth major signing TCW has made within the last few weeks and with the addition of McFly, three of those men have been SWF Heavyweight champions. TCW's main event scene is starting to become packed as McFly joins along with ther recent additions [b]Nemesis[/b], [b]Christian Faith[/b] and [b]Enygma[/b]. TCW is often considered to be the smaller promotion in the TCW/SWF wrestling war, but with this host of new signings, it seems they are really putting pressure on the massive Richard Eisen owned SWF. One thing is for sure, there are many possible dream matches to come out of these new signings and wrestling fans around the world must be salivating at the potential of seeing a Sean McFly vs Tommy Cornell clash, a Cornell vs Nemesis rematch of the infamous Feb '97 bloodbath that saw Nemesis fired and of course, TCW owner Tommy Cornell vs SWF Figurehead, Christian Faith. I don't know about everyone else, but I know we at Pro Wrestling Hits are massively excited about the future of wrestling right now![/QUOTE] [b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=5]Border-Line Wrestling May Newsline![/size] [size=4]Sean McFly, BLW Rankings, Bound for Glory Event, Incoming and Outgoing[/size][/center] There has been a lot of activity in the BLW email box over the last few hours and even more in whatever location the BLW Booking Committee has been deciding the important matters. The BLW forums have been full of activity regarding the King of the Indy's event, who should be getting title shots, Alex McKing and since the breaking news of this morning, Sean McFly. Sadly, McFly has indeed tendered his notice to BLW officials and he will be leaving before our next show. He attempted to persuade the Booking Committee to hold an event as quickly as possible in order to give the fans the match they wanted to see, Darryl Devine vs Sean McFly, but it was turned down on the grounds that it was simply impossible to arrange for another show at such short notice. We wish the match could have happened, but at least TCW and BLW fans can look forward to seeing Sean McFly on TCW programming soon. And even we at BLW admit that the prospect of Sean McFly vs Tommy Cornell is almost too good to miss out. However, this has made things difficult for the BLW Booking Commitee, as McFly was penciled in as the #1 contender for the BLW World Championship. The rankings were quickly revised and a series of matches announced for Bound For Glory. [b]RANKINGS[/b] Champion: [u]Darryl Devine[/u] [i]1. Samoan Machine 2. Chavo Lopez 3. Pistol Pete Hall 4. Henry Marksman 5. [b]To Be Decided[/b][/i] The fifth contender spot will be decided by a 4 man single elimination tournament at Bound For Glory. The competitors were quickly chosen from the group of BLW stars who were considered for a ranking. Here are the competitors and the matches, with the winners of each match facing each other later in the night. [b]Mean Jean Cattley vs Fumihiro Ota Steve Flash vs Jacob Jett[/b] Also scheduled for the show is a BLW World Title defense as the new King of the Indy's [b]Marc Speed[/b] takes on the champion [b]Darryl Devine[/b], who himself may be involved in a confrontation with stablemate, Joey Beauchamp over the happenings at the King of the Indy's event. Its going to be an action packed night for Darryl Devine, thats for sure. The BLW Tag Team Titles will also be on the line as [b]The Fly Boys[/b] defend one more against [b]The Specialists[/b]. The two teams have met in a number of matches already with Jimmy P and Donnie J coming out the coming out as the victors each time so far, but who will walk out with the gold this time? Also to be at the show is [b]Guide[/b], who refused to shake hands after his last match at Glory By Honour where he lost to [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. Guide will be facing off against his rival [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] once more but this time there will be no hardcore rules, it'll be a real wrestling match in the middle of a BLW ring. Be sure to see this explosive encounter as the feud between Guide and Pistol Pete rumbles on!
[center][u][size=4]New Look BLW Announce Team Announced![/size][/u][/center] It was announced over a month ago that [b]Roger Dodger[/b] would be leaving the BLW announce team after the King of the Indy's event. But what we didn't expect was that [b]Whistler[/b] would be doing the same thing, leaving the table empty. At King of the Indy's, [b]Bryan Paris[/b] debuted and impressed everyone as he called the action while showing sone good wrestling knowledge. He earned his place at the announce table that night but another man also impressed whie Paris tested out his in ring skills ina dark match. Sitting next to Paris on the announce table will be Nicolas Charisma, who has also signed to DaVE as a wrestler. But for the first time, BLW will also have a third man on the announce table as [b]Joss Thompson[/b] sits alongside both men, bringing his wrestling experiences and knowledge from the UK to enhance the BLW commentary team and add further insight. BLW hopes that the three man team, all of whom are active wrestlers, will be able to bring a multi-national wrestling knowledge to the table while also giving them each a chance to compete in a BLW ring if they so desire. We wish them the best of luck as they call their first event together later this month when BLW brings Bound for Glory to Atlanta, Georgia. Check out BLWrestling.com/events for details on how to get your tickets.
[center][u][size=4]Wrestlers Leaving and New Wrestler Arriving[/size][/u][/center] A number of wrestlers contracts with BLW have expired recently. Here is a quick list of people who have left the promotion. Fox Mask - Concentrating on CZCW Roger Dodger - Contract Expiry Whistler - Unknown American Elemental - Contract Expiry Darryl Freeman - Contract Expiry Rolling Johnny Stones - Concentrating on UK career Phenomenal E - Returned to 4C after King of the Indy's Tournament Joanne Rodriguez - Spending more time with CZCW It has also been announced that a new big name worker will be debuting in BLW at Bound for Glory, although the identity of the wrestler has yet to be revealed. Internet rumour has listed everyone from Tommy Cornell himself all the way to the Japanese legend Tadiyuki Kikkawa. We at BLW will not be revealing who it is prior to the event, you will just have to make sure you are there to see for yourself.[/QUOTE] [b]OOC[/b][i]: I'm going to be taking a run through some of the other promotions in the game now so that people know more about who's where. I'm gonna start with the major US promotions and then probably the Canadian promotions, the US indy's and then Japan/the rest of the world. I won't be doing them all before I run the next event, which I plan to do tonight or tomorrow, but I'll do TCW, SWF and DAVE I think. Derek B[/i]
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[b]From ProWrestling Hits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE] [size=4][center][u]The Pro Wrestling Run Down #1[/u][/center][/size] Hello folks and welcome to the first ever Pro Wrestling Run Down from me, Robert Greene. This week, I thought I'd just go through the top promotions in the US and give you my opinions on the who's who in each of them. Of course, I expect you do disagree with me and say that Wrestler X should be higher, but this is my column, not yours and whatever I say goes around here. TCW and DAVE will follow on soon, but up first, its SWF! [center][b] ---------------------------------------------- SWF - Supreme Wrestling Federation ---------------------------------------------- [/b][/center] Owned by Richard Eisen and booked by Sam Keith. SWF are without doubt the single biggest promotion in the world, with the wealth of many years under Richard Eisen's family friendly 80s and early 90s booking to back them up. Over the years, the SWF has had most of the major stars in US wrestling walk through their doors and it wasn't until the inception of TCW (then known as HGC) that they had any real competition apart from small rebel promotion, DAVE. However, since TCW came along, SWF has had to adapt and puts on a more interesting sports entertainment style similar to their big rivals that sees storylines take on more importance than wrestling (usually), often using hardcore and bloody matches now, something that once led Richard Eisen to fire Nemesis and release TCW owner Tommy Cornell many years ago. Its a strange old world and I bet that if Richard Eisen coquld put his massive ego to the side for a while, he could've gotten Nemesis to work for him again. The man knows how to put on an exciting, something a fair bit of the SWF roster could learn about. Anyways, here is a list of current SWF champions: [b][u]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] SWF World Heavyweight - [b]Sam Keith[/b] (defeated Runaway Train in April Week 2, The World Is Watching PPV) SWF World Tag Team - [b]Rich Money and Flex[/b] (defeated Akima Brave years, Kid Toma in April week 2, The World Is Watching PPV) SWF North American - [b]Scout[/b] (defeated Joe Sexy in May Week 2, Master Of Puppets PPV) SWF Shooting Star - [b]Brett Biggz[/b] [3rd reign] (defeated Andre Jones in April week 4, Supreme TV) SWF has two weekly TV shows that host the majority of their action and a monthly PPV on North American Prime Select that hosts many of their biggest matches and often sees major titles change hands. If you want to check out Supreme TV, tune yourself in to America Sports 1 every Tuesday between 9pm an 10:30. If you want to check out SWF: The Stars then tune yourself in every Thursday from 10pm til midnight on East Coast Today. SWF's next PPV event wll take place in mid June and will be called something.... honestly, I can't remember the name of it. :P Actually, its almost impossible not to remember it when Jerry Eisen repeats the name of it every couple of minutes, but I suppose thats his job. He's the only Eisen to not wrestle doncha know. Speaking of wrestlers, here's SWF's roster broken down into rough catergories as devised by me, the single greatest smart mark of all time. I can use the terms, so quite clearly I know EVERYTHING about wrestling. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Jack Bruce - 34 years, middleweight, heel Eric Eisen - 28 years, lightweight, heel Runaway Train - 42 years, large heavyweight, heel Skull DeBones - 38 years, large heavyweight, face Remo - 24 years, heavyweight, face Freddie Datsun - 37 years, middleweight, face Steve Frehley - 23 years, heavyweight, face Squeeky McClean - 32 years, middleweight, heel [u][b]Upper Midcarder[/u][/b] Jumbo Shrimp - 32 years, large heavyweight, face Elmo Benson - 27 years, lightweight, face Joe Sexy - 35 years, heavyweight, heel Flex - 32 years, middleweight, heel Zimmy Bumfhole - 24 years, middleweight, face Rich Money - 32 years, heavyweight, heel Scout - 29 years, middleweight face Angry Gilmore - 28 years, middleweight, face Bart Biggz - 26 years, lightweight, face Shawn Gonzalez - 36 years, middleweight, face Groucho Bling - 26 years, lightweight, face Sam Keith - 46 years. middleweight, face Randy Bumfhole - 22 years, middleweight, face [u][b]Midcarder[/b][/u] Sammy Bach - 29 years, lightweight, face Lobster Warrior - 34 years, middleweight, face Marc DuBois - 20 years, middleweight, face Kid Toma - 23 years, lightweight, heel Akima Brave - 25 years, middleweight, heel Enforcer Roberts - 39 years, middleweight, heel Big Cat Brandon - 35 years, large heavyweight, face Hell's Bouncer - 21 years, super heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Calamari Kid - 27 years, lightweight, face Black Hat Bailey - 45 years, middleweight, heel Texas Pete - 26 years, largeweight, heel Brett BIggz - 29 years, lightweight, face Pecs - 38 years, middleweight, heel Grease Hogg - 29 years, heavyweight, face [u][b]Openers/Jobbers[/u][/b] Shady K - 25 years, heavyweight, face Knuckles - 24 years, heavyweight, heel Robbie Retro - 21 years, heavyweight, face Lead Belly - 28 years, large heavyweight, heel Captain USA - 48 years, heavyweight, face Andre Jones - 22 years, middleweight, heel Kurt Laramee - 30 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Others[/b][/u] The Guru - 39 years, manager, heel Jessie - 31 years, manager, face Dawn the Cheerleader - 23 years, manager, face Brains McGhee - 36 years, manager, heel Duane Fry - 24 years, announcer, face Jerry Eisen - 31 years, announcer, face Peter Michaels - 46 years, announcer, face Queen Emily - 34 years, color commentator, heel Micky Starr - 61 years, color commentator, face Darren Smith - 45 years, head referee Shane Stones - 31 years, referee Ryan Holland - 34 years, referee Ric young - 40 years, referee Richard Eisen - 52 years, road agent Dylan Sidle - 36 years, road agent Chief Two Eagles - 57 years, road agent Craig Prince - 37 years, road agent Monique - 26 years, heel, backstage worker or manager Ana Garcia - 28 years, face, backstage worker or manager [i]And of course, here is a list of any complete tag teams that have wrestled in SWF over the last couple of years. Not all are active now, but you never know when a successful team might get re-united. Specially in SWF or TCW......[/i] [b][u]Tag Teams[/u][/b] Death Row - Knuckles and Shady K Flex and Pecs High Concept - Elmo and Groucho Sexual Aggression - Joe Sexy years, Angry Gilmore Almighty Dollar - Rich Money and Remo The Amazing Bumfholes The Biggz Boys The Dirty White Boys - Grease Hogg and Lead Belly The Hired Gunns - Enforcer Roberts and Texas Pete The Samoan Wildboyz - Kid Toma and akima Brave The Squid Squad - Calamari Kid and Jumbo Shrimp The Underwater Union - Lobster Warrior and Calamari Kid The Warriors of the Deep - Lobster Warrior and Jumbo Shrimp [b][u]Fun Facts[/b][/u] Andre Jones has only won 6 matches since the start of 2006. 4 of them were to win his 4 Shooting Star title reigns, the others were his successful defenses. I think that makes him the official SWF jobber in my opinion. He is also a world calibre volleyball player. Sadly, this doesn't seem to help him much in the ring. [b][u]The Who's Who of SWF[/b][/u] Obviously, one of the mist influential men in SWF is head booker and SWF World Champion, Sam Keith. He may very well be the inventor of the Proton Lock, but lets face it, he's past his best and he's not really fit to be the SWF champion when there are younger, more talented men on the roster who deserve it more. Don't get me wrong, I respect the guy for what he's done, but his career should be winding down and he shouldn't be on top of the pile. Of particular note in the main event for who should be getting pushed is Steve Frehley, Jack Bruce and Remo. Frehley debuted in the SWF by beating Sam Keith and he's never really looked back since then. While not the most talented of the SWF stars, he's got a lot of potential and it looks like he may very well be the next SWF champion if he gets the chance to step in the ring with Keith again. Jack Bruce is also a top performer with incredibly charisma. In TCW, he was lead of the rock band/stable, Painful Procedure before he sensationally jumped ship to SWF. Ever since then, he's been a ****y heel who's quest for the gold has yet to come to fruition. Personally, I hope that he one day gets a world title as he has to be one of the most entertaining and most talented performers to never hold a world title in his career. Remo.... a devastating force of destruction who simply can't be stopped if he doesn't want to be. He's 6 feet 8 inches tal and weighs in close to the 300 pound mark and every ounce of it is pure muscle. For someone so young, its incredible that he's so good and while he may not get a title reign soon, he's got a long and illustrious career ahead of him. Out of all the US Big Three promotions, SWF has by far the best tag team division. With the likes of the Amazing Bumfholes (silly names, awesome talents), the Samoan Wildboyz, Flex and Pecs and so many other top teams, better tag team wrestling simply can't be found anywhere else in the US and perhaps anywhere in the world. The scariest thing is, that most of the tag teams are good enough to break out as top tier singles wrestlers too, meaning that the SWF has a long supply of unbelievable talent for when the likes of Sam Keith and Runaway Train hang up their boots. And lastly, the most under-rated talent in SWF. Its a tough choice. Any of three could be the number one, but Enforcer Roberts and Marc DuBois fall just short to [b]Lobster Warrior[/b] who believe it or not, can really go in the ring despite the silly gimmick. He may not be the best wrestler on the roster, but he's been stuck in the midcard pack because of his gimmick. If he dropped that, he would have an incredible shot at finally picking up the success a nan of his talents truly deserves. [CENTER][b] ------------------------------------------------ TCW - -Total Championship Wrestling ------------------------------------------------ [/b][/center] Owned by Tommy Cornell and booked by Sam Strong. TCW started out life in the wrestling business in the January 1997 as the Hollyweird Grappling Company but later changed to TCW when Tommy Cornell took over ownership of the promotion from computer programmer entrepreneur, JK Stallings. TCW has been promoting a glitz and glamour filled sports entertainment promotion since it inception, forcing the SWF to switch to a similar style in order to compete with the far more mainstream product. The two promotions have been at war ever since, with both sides stealing talent from each other and going head to head in the Tuesday night TV wars, something neither side has been able to win outright yet, though SWF has often stayed in the lead. Recently, TCW has brought in a lot of new talents in order to further push hard against the SWF in the ratings wars. Standing out most from the new talents, are former SWF champions Sean McFly, Enygma and Christian Faith along with Richard Eisen's least favourite man in the world, Nemesis. Internet rumour suggests that many at TCW are worried that they may lose their spots and rightfully so. But when you've been a fan of wrestling for as long as I have and you see Nemesis debut in TCW to team with Tommy Cornell in an awesome hardcore tag match against Hardcore Uproar...... then the next week see Nemesis stick it to Eisen's golden boy, Christian Faith the following week on Total Wrestling... well, you'll forgive me for not worrying too much about their spots. If you want to catch TCW programming, you can do so by tuning in to C.A.N.N on Tuesday nights for Total Wrestling and to East Coast Today on Monday nights for Point of Impact. To order PPV events, do whatever you need to do with Public Access Select. TCW's next PPV will be Total Mayhem later this month. Here's a run down on the TCW Champions at this time: [b][u]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] TCW World Heavyweight - [b]Liberty[/b] (defeated BLZ Bubb in Dec Week 4) TCW World Tag Team - [b]Ronnie v. Pain and Giant Tana[/b] (defeated Steve Gumble and Raul Darkness in April week 1, Total Wrestling) TCW International - Giant Tana (defeated Johnny Martin in April week 4, Where Angels Fear To Tread PPV) TCW Hardcore - Danny B. Bling (defeated Jay Darkness in April week 3, Point of Impact) TCW All Action - Freddy Huggins (6th reign, defeated Chance Fortune in April week 4, Where Angels Fear To Tread PPV) [b][u]Main Event[/u][/b] Peter Valentine - 44 years, heavyweight , heel Sean McFly - 33 years, middleweight, face Nemesis - 48 years, middleweight, heel Liberty - 36 years, heavyweight, face Rick Law - 24 years, large heavyweight, heel Tommy Cornell - 28 years, middleweight, heel Enygma - 31 years, middleweight , face Christian Faith - 40 years, heavyweight, face [b][u]Upper Midcarder[/b][/u] Henry Lee - 37 years, middleweight, heel Giant Tana - 30 years, super heavyweight, face Ghengis Rahn - 37 years, heavyweight, face Johnny Martin - 37 years, middleweight, heel Human Arsenal - 31 years, middleweight, heel Troy Tornado - 29 years, middleweight, face Joel Bryant - 36 years, middleweight, heel Ricky Dale Johnson - 37 years, heavyweight, face Ronnie V. Pain - 36 years, large heavyweight, face BLZ Bubb - 36, large heavyweight, heel Demon Anger - 47, large heavyweight, heel [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Raul Darkness - 35 years, middleweight, heel Stevie Grayson - 26 years, lightweight, face Steve Gumble - 29 years, lightweight, heel Catherine Quine - 34 years, lightweight, face Randall Hopkirk - 42 years, large heavyweight, heel T-Rex - 31 years, super heavyweight, heel Harry Allen - 29 years, lightweight, face Freddy Huggins - 22 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Robert Oxford - 46 years, middleweight face Madman Boone - 30 years, heavyweight, face Jay Darkness - 31 years, large heavyweight, heel Charlie Thatcher - 31 years, large heavyweight heel Danny B Bling - 40 years, middleweight heel BJ Shearer - 36 years, heavyweight, face [b][u]Openers/Jobbers[/b][/u] Paul Steadyfast - 32 years, middleweight, heel Corporal Doom - 49 years, large heavyweight, heel Ice Man C.A. - 32 years, middleweight, face Stink - 32 years, heavyweight, heel Chance Fortune - 27 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Others[/b][/u] Shane Sneer - 50 years, heel, manager Stetson Hatt - 40 years, heel, manager Cat Jemson - 27 years, heel, manager Flody Goldworthy - 41 years, face, manager Kyle Rhodes - 35 years, heel, announcer Jason Azaria - 46 years, face, announcer Emma Chase - 30 years, heel, color commentator Carl Batch - 29 years, heel, color commentator Matthew White - 41 years, referee Ray Johnson - 34 years, referee Sam Sparrow - 51 years, referee Duncan Kendall - 46 years, road agent Archie Judge - 50 years, road agent Sam Strong - 60 years, road agent Demon Spite - 49 years, backstage worker Blonde Bombshell - 31 years, backstage worker/manager [b][u]INJURED LIST[/b][/u] Grunt - 34 years, heel, Back in about 3 months from a broken neck [i]And of course, here's a list of TCW's active teams over the last couple of years. Some of them may not be active now, but you never know when a team will get thrown back together for a meaningless tag match.[/i] [b][u]TEAMS[/u][/b] Hardcore Uproar - Madman Boone and Ghengis Rahn Painful Procedure - Randall HOpkirk and BJ Shearer The Crunchers - Giant Tana and Ronnie V. Pain The Darkness Warriors The Demons of Rage The Hit Men - Joel Bryant and Paul Steadyfast The Nation of Filth - Sting and Grunt The Tag Team Specialists - Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford The Young Guns - Steve Gumble and Harry Allen [b][u]FUN FACT[/b][/u] Chance Fortune has beaten Freddy Huggins for the All Action belt 4 times, but has lost it right back to him every time. Without those very short reigns, Huggins has had the belt for 15 months and a total of 70 successful defenses. [b][u]The Who's Who of TCW[/b][/u] The best place to start describing TCW is with it's real life (but not in character) owner of TCW, the legendary British wrestling star, Tommy Cornell. Cornell's career started in SWF with him being labelled as an extremely promising talent from the get go. But it looked to have turned sour when he and Nemesis had a specactular match on Supreme TV that subsequently saw Nemesis get fired and Cornell get jobbed and eventually fired. But now, both men are in TCW and along side new talents like Christian Faith, Enygma and Sean McFly, TCW have a main event scene that reads like the components of a dream card. The current TCW World champion is Californian native, Liberty who has the strap for the fourth time in his career. He may not be the most talented wrestler but he's willing to bump and has the fans on his side. Filling out the main event spots are booker Sam Strong's best friend, Peter Valentine and the super charismatic youngster, Rick Law. Among the best of the rest are former TCW champion, BLZ Bubb alongside the guys who perpetually seem to be close to breaking out but never do, Ricky Dale Johnson and Troy Tornado. Until recently, TCW's star power had been questioned but with a total of 4 former SWF champions (including Sam Strong) on their roster, it would be tough to doubt they have the top level performers necessary to take on the SWF. However, one thing the promotion does seem to lack is talented young wrestlers. with only 3 active competitors on their roster younger than Tommy Cornell himself (28 years old) it seems that TCW may have an over-reliance on proven stars without investing in the future. This could be attributed to Sam Strong's booking priorities, with him being known for pushing established workers rather than bringing in and making new stars. with an aging roster that is already seen its first retirement with Demon Spite no longer competing in the ring, TCW must start looking to the future if it is to continue to mount a challenge to the SWF for the most dominant promotion in North America. The independent wrestling scene has a lot of talent, especially since Tommy Cornell allowed his protege Wolf Hawkins to leave TCW and to ply his trade on the indy scene for a while. Only time will tell if TCW can realistically live up to the expectations placed on it, or if the SWF and Richard Eisen truly still does understand his wrestling audience like he believes he does. [b][center] ---------------------------------------------- DaVE - Danger and Violence Extreme ---------------------------------------------- [/b][/center] Owned by Phil Vibert and booked by Nemesis. DaVe have been around since the mid 80s and started out as one of many small promotions based in the Tri-State area. Over time they expanded and brought in many of the stars of the smaller and often recently defunct promotions from the area and unified the title belts from each of those promotions to form the title now known as the DAVE Unified championship. DAVE maintained its popularity in the area without changing too much for a while until the mid 90s when Phil Vibert came to power and started producing a far more edgy, violent product that brought hardcore wrestling to the fore and had many gritty storylines. DAVE started to gain a cult following but it wasn't until mid-1997 that they really grew with the addition of Nemesis to the roster following the infamous bust up with Richard Eisen. Ever since then, DAVE has been fighting its way to the top and has become known as the third of the big three promotions in the US behind TCW and SWF. While DAVE has many talented wrestlers on its roster, they have never been able to reach the same level as TCW or SWF due to their less mainstream style and the frequent talent raids from the other big promotions. But DAVE constantly fights on as it always has done, building new stars and putting on more shows that get talked about by anyone who sees them. But sadly, DAVE seems to be struggling at the moment as they haven't had a TV deal for over a year and have been relying on monthly events to bring in the money that they need. Their biggest star, Nemesis, has taken a role with TCW alongside his DAVE role and stars like Eddie Peak look destined to hit the big time one day, probably not with DAVE. Only time will tell if DAVE can continue to live in the shadows of SWF and TCW, or if they'll finally end up suffering the same fate as the many promotions that used to be in the Tri-State area. DAVE's one saving grace at this time however is their PPV deal with Public Access select where you can see the monthly events. But sadly, their fanbase outside of the Tri-State area if falling and even this rabid fanbase is showing signs of failing. DAVE's next major show is The Extreme Double Header on June 30th and July 1st, its sure to be spectacular as always. [b][u]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] DaVE Unified - [b]Eddie Peak[/b] (defeated Chris Caulfield in January week 1) DaVE Tag Team - [b]Alex Braun and Tank Bradley[/b] (claimed vacant belts after Big Cat Brandon left for SWF, September week 1 2006) DaVE Brass Knuckles - [b]The Wolverine[/b] (defeated Eddie Peak in Sept week 1 2006) [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Eric Tyler - 47 years, middleweight, heel Vin Tanner - 39 years, heavyweight, face Chris Caulfield - 33 years, middleweight, face Eddie Peak - 30 years, large heavyweight, heel Nemesis - 48 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Upper Midcarder[/b][/u] Guide - 29 years, heavyweight, heel The Wolverine - 41 years, middleweight, face Tank Bradley - 29 years, middleweight, face Whistler - 45 years, heavyweight, face JD Morgan - 38 years, middleweight, heel Wolf Hawkins - 21 years, middleweight, heel Pistol Pete Hall - 45 years, heavyweight, face Alex Braun - 45 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Nicholas Charisma - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel American Buffalo - 33 years, large heavyweight,face Art Reed - 32 years, middleweight, face Travis Century - 43 years, heavyweight, heel Doug Peak - 28 years, heavyweight, heel Dallas Mcwade - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Doug Peak - 28 years, heavyweight, heel Acid - 31 years, lightweight, face Teddy Powell - 28 years, lightweight, face Honest Frank - 37 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Openers/Jobbers[/b][/u] Sgt. Bubba Lee West - 29 years, middleweight, heel Matt Sparrow - 28 years, lightweight, face Darryl Devine - 23 years, middleweight, face Tatsukichi - 23 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Managers/Others[/b][/u] Abi Romanov - 31 years, heel, manager Herb Stately - 43 years, heel, manager Mitch Naess - 43 years, face, announcer Phil Vibert - 33 years, heel, colour commentator Eugene Williams - 41 years, referee R.M. Stones - 27 years, referee Curt O'Malley - 47 years, road agent The Stomper - 58 years, road agent Sheik Mustafa - 56 years, backstage worker [b][u]TAG TEAMS[/b][/u] Feaured Attraction - Whistler and American Buffalo The Advantagers - nemesis and Teddy POwell The New Jersey Devils The Peak Brothers [b][u]FUN FACT[/b][/u] Phil Vibert broke into wrestling as a manager and excelled at it before turning to booking. After originally running one of the many failed Tri-State promotions while under someone's else rules of what was acceptable, he managed to gain overship of DAVE where his booking skills, creative thinking and general genius allowed DAVE to excel, especially once the skills of Nemesis were added. It was because of Vibert that Alex Braun dropped the name Ace Freeze and is now a big name for DAVE. [b][u]The Who's Who of DaVE[/b][/u] DAVE has had a reputation over the years for being the place to get noticed by the big promotions before you go on to bigger things. TCW and SWF owe thanks to DAVE for many of the stars in their promotions and many stars have had their careers revitalised by the promotion. Of the top names in DAVE right now is Eddie Peak. The reigning champion and former Brass Knuckles champion, Eddie Peak has done it all in DAVE along with his less talented twin brother, Dave. It appears that it is only a matter of time before one of the big promotions comes knocking at Eddie Peak's door as he has an amazing charisma and menace to play a spinechilling monster heel. But unlike many big men, he has a lot of brawling talent to back it up. Nemesis is the guy that most people think about when they talk about DAVE. Ever since leaving SWF over 10 years ago while he was oe of the top heels in North America, Nemesis has continued to improve in DAVE and has remained loyal to the promotion. Even now, he is a big star and is working for TCW on a deal that allows him to stay with DAVE even though he could easily leave and make more money at TCW. Some say that if DAVE lost Nemesis that they would be doomed to fail, but thanks to the agreement with TCW, DAVE's name is being mentioned more and more by the crowds and that can only be a good thing. But while hardcore brawling is the way forward for DAVE, they need more than that if they are to survive. Ever since losing their regular TV slot thanks to their risky content and a declining industry, DAVE has not been regularly seen and its starting to take its toll on their regular fanbase. If DAVE are to succeed again, they need a TV deal and they need an alternative to their main styles to appeal to a bigger range of fans. They've lost many of the tag teams that made DAVE famous, or at least half of them. Sammy Bach, Scout, Big Cat Brandon, Flex and Pecs... all have left for greener pastures and DAVE has yet to make any teams to replace them. If DAVE is to succeed, then they need to make more new stars and stop relying on SWF and TCW cast offs and misfits to survive. Leading the way for DAVE right now are men like Wolf Hawkins, Darryl Devine, Acid and Teddy Powell. Each of these men are exciting and can work in many styles and their versatility could prove invaluable to DAVE's success. Losing Hell Monkey, a tremendous worker who has still somehow not been picked up by a major promotion was a blow but these other men are surely the way forward. If I were to single out a man on the DAVE roster who will one day be a big star, it would be Darryl Devine. Its debatable whether Wolf Hawkins is a star already, but even his young talents don't compare to Darryl Devine who's independent work is a joy to behold. He's held multiple titles in smaller promotions and plays a natural heel. Yet in DAVE, he works as a face which doesn't seem to suit him as much. In my opinion, the future of DAVE could be built on Devine if they pushed him as the ****y heel I know he can be but only time will tell if Phil Vobert and Nemesis agree with me on that one[/quote]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Thanks to Derek B for sending in the results [i]again[/i]. We're starting to wonder if he sits with a laptop at the event writing the results as he goes. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] The 1900 paying fans for tonight's event were just starting to warm up their seats as [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] issued a challenge to someone in the back to face him just now, saying that even though he may not have a scheduled match, he was ready to wrestle anyways. [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] answered the call and the two put on the most exciting BLW dark match I've seen, with Lopez picking up the victory via submission. The main show kicked off with the new three man announce team of Bryan Paris, Nicolas Charisma and Joss Thompson hyping up tonights matches, especially the 4 man tournament to decide who gets a ranking spot for sure after tonight's show and the main event featuring the 2007 King of the Indy's Marc Speed against the BLW Champion/2006 King of the Indy's, Darryl Devine. The first match saw the first of the 4 man tournament action with [b]Steve Flash[/b] facing [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. Last time these two met, many considered Jett to have gotten lucky so he was out to prove his win was no fluke. A lot of fast paced action, with Flash almost keeping up with Jett's pace but when it turned technical, Flash gained the upperhand. In the end though, Jacob Jett reversed an attempted suplex into the ring from the apron and dropped Flash on his face before quickly leaping to the top rope and springboarding in to hit a Jett Take Off on Flash and pick up the victory. It seems that Jett has got Steve Flash's number as Jett advances to face the winner of hte next match later tonight. The second match was a sharp contrast to the first one. Both [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] and [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] used a methodical technical game, working on the head and neck of each other to set up for their respective finishing moves. Cattley ducked an attempted Ninja Strike after he'd caught Ota's leg and thought quickly to score with a German suplex. Ota couldn't kick out in time and Cattley advances to face Jacob Jett later tonight. Then it was one of the more highly anticipated parts of tonight though strangely, it wasn't a match. [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b] called out [b]Darryl Devine[/b] to talk about what happened at King of the Indy's last month. Devine looked apologetic, as did Melody Cuthill who had stood in for Beauchamp at the event but Joey didn't look happy. He accused both of them of deliberately sabotaging his career and claimed that he could have beaten Mean Jean Cattley and Samoan Machine and Marc Speed and won the King of the Indy's event if it wasn't for them. He was interupted in mid-tirade by [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b] who told Beauchamp that if he wanted a shot at Cattley that he'd have to join the queue because Mainstream and Samoan Machine were already ahead of him in it. Mainstream ran down the MAW history between himself and Cattley, saying that no-one holds as many victories over him and that it should've been Mainstream who was in the tournament, not Cattley. In the background, Devine and Melody sneak away and leave Beauchamp and Mainstream to go nose to nose before they both start brawling and end up in the ring. The inpromptu match is on between Mainstream and Beauchamp as both start bringing out the speedy offense they are known for, each trying to not only win, but to out-do the other man. There was a few highspots that saw each man hit a running plancha to the outside at different times in the match and they got the crowd on their feet, but generally the crowd wasn't too into this match. They cheered for Mainstream when he hit the Apparition #14 and picked up the three count. Up next was the BLW World Tag Team title match between [b]The Fly Boys[/b] and [b]The Specialists[/b]. Again, these teams have clashed before and each time the Specialists have left without the gold and some excuse for losing. As always, both teams looked smooth together, their experience as a team showing through. But the results was once again in favour of the Fly Boys as Donnie J picked up the pinfall victory over Nate Johnson for successful defense #4 of the BLW World Tag titles. In a match that wasn't announced to the crowd until tonight, [b]Samoan Machine[/b] made his way out to take on indy legend [b]Acid[/b]. From the very opening bell Samoan Machine launched into his striking repetoire and Acid was rocked from the word go. Acid tried to use his speed but Machine's suprising quickness kept the masked star down. At the 9 minute mark, Machine managed to lock in the Unbreakable Sleeper and he put his sizeable weight behind it. Acid tried to fight out, using the turnbuckles to push up and backwards but this just allowed Machine to lock the hold and wrap his legs around. Acid tapped shortly afterwards and Machine wins with an impressive victory. After the match, Samoan Machine grabbed a mic and told everyone that Cattley's win over him in the King of the Indy's tournament was a fluke. If Cattley hadn't had such an easy match beforehand, he knew things would have been different. Machine challenges Cattley to a match and then leaves the ring. Two months ago at Glory By Honour, [b]Guide[/b] broke the Competitor's Code by refusing to shake hands with Chavo Lopez after Guide lost. After a warning, Guide was back in action tonight against his rival from DAVE, [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] whom he had met back at Popular Demand. The two once again brawled for the majority of the match, but there was some science thrown in for good measure. Pete managed to score with a brainbuster suplex on the reversal and then followed up with a Pistol Whip Lariat for the victory. Once again, Guide refused to shake hands after the defeat, instead walking out and yelling at the crowd on his way out. This marks Guide's second misdemeanour under the Competitors Code and it remains to be seen what will be done about it by the BLW Booking Committee. Up next, we saw a familiar face coming out of the crowd as [b]Alex McKing[/b] made his way to the ring, his Pure Style belt around his waist. But it wasn't long before everyone realised that there was more than just McKing heading to the ring as two other unfamiliar faces approached from the other side. The three men stood in the ring as McKing spoke to the crowd, getting heat by talking about the Pure title and how he and his friends [b]Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes[/b] were the elite of British wrestling. But they said that wasn't enough to get noticed here, or to ever get a contract. What they needed was a leader, someone who knew all about wrestling and who could get them what they wanted. They needed...... [center][size=4][b]Wolf Hawkins[/b][/size][/center] wolf made his way to the ring amidst a mixed reaction. Until recently, he was one of TCW's most promising talents and it was common smark knowledge that he had been getting trained by Tommy Cornell himself whilst there. But since he left TCW, he's been getting heat with DAVE for putting over TCW and himself as being far superior and as he stepped into the ring with McKing, Matravers and Barnes, he got some big heat. The four men in the ring made a challenge to any four wrestlers in the back to come out and face them right now. It took a few moments, but eventually four men came from the back ready for a match. [b]The Underdogs, Frankie Perez and Henry Marksman[/b] came out ready for a fight, and Brendan Idol had an unknown valet with him. During the match there were many swift tags from both sides and Brendan's valet cheered on her side throughout the match. The match descended into chaos as all eight men started fighting. Outside the ring, Wolf Hawkins hit Frankie Perez with a chair while the referee tried to deal with the Underdogs and The Show Stealers in the ring. Marksman and McKing were engaged in a double submission battle with Marksman getting the better of the exchange but the telling blow came from ringside valet, Pheobe PLumridge who distracted Brendan Idol long enough for Petey Barnes to suplex him into position for Adam Matravers to hit a magnificent moonsault for the victory. After the match, Pheobe quickly grabbed the mic and told everyone that the closest Brendan Idol or anyone else in the crowd would get to a woman like her was when she was on the cover of their favourite magazine. wolf Hawkins got on the microphone and announced that the winners of this match were the future of wrestling, the group who will revolutionise wrestling as we know it, the group known as [b]The Catalysts[/b]. There was a little less heat for the men in the next match, [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] and [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. They were competing for the right to have a BLW ranking and this was their second match of the night. It was speed vs patience as Jett looked to get on offense early on but Cattley's slow deliberate style swung the momentum his way every time Jett attempted something. Jett looked to try and end the match with a Jett Engine but Cattley blocked it superbly and managed to life Jett into a Mood Swing which gave him the victory. Both men looked tired having had two tough matche tonight, but they shok hands as Jett headed to the back frustrated. Mean Jean Cattley picks up a ranking spot for sure and up next, its the main event! [d]Darryl Devine[/b], the BLW World Champion takes on [b]Marc Speed[/b], the 2007 King of the Indy's. Last year it was Henry Marksman being challenged by Devine but this year Devine went into the match as champion. The announcers hyped up the match big time but the match itself failed to live up to it. Devine was on top form as he simply outclassed Speed in the match, countering almost everything Speed could throw at him. The internet gossip had said that Speed was a fluke winner of the tournament and only won because Cattley and Samoan Machine had been so brutal on each other and this match showed that. In the single quickest BLW World Championship defense, Devine picked up the pinfall victory via the Devine Dream Drop to make successful defense #6. After the match, Devine celebrated in front of the crowd who jeered him considerably. After the show, the announcers hyped up some matches for next month at [b]Starmageddon[/b]. Here's a quick rundown of the card as we were told about it.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]BLW World Championship Match[/b][/u] [i]Darryl Devine (c) vs A Ranked Competitor[/i] [b][u]Special MAW Grudge Match[/b][/u] [i]Mean Jean Cattley vs Mainstream Hernandez[/i] [b][u]BLW World Tag Team Match[/b][/u] [i]The Fly Boys (c) vs To Be Announced[/i] [b][i][u]Also Expected[/b][/u] Wolf Hawkins is expected to be in action and the rest of the Catalysts are expected to be at the show. Brendan Idol will be probably be looking for some revenge against Pheobe Plumridge for costing him the match. Henry Marksman will be in singles action And appearances in some form by Samoan Machine, Pistol Pete Hall, Guide, Chavo Lopez, Steve Flash, Marc Speed and Jacob Jett[/i] [b]Don't Miss Out! Check out BLWrestling.com/events for details![/b]
[IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]May 2007 - Bound For Glory - (C+)[/b][/u] [i] DARK: Chavo Lopez defeated Flemmy Lemming [11:05] (C+) Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash [18:20] (C) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Fumihiro Ota [15:32] (C) Mainstream Hernandez defeated Joey Beauchamp [11:55] (C-) The Fly Boys defeated The Specialists (defense #4 of the BLW World Tag Team titles) [14:32] (C) Samoan Machine defeated Acid [10:40] (C+) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Guide [19:05] (B-) The Catalysts defeated Frankie Perez/Henry Marksman/The Underdogs [17:47] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Jacob Jett [14:43] (C+) Darryl Devine defeated Marc Speed (defense #6 of the BLW World Championship) [13:53] (C+) [/i][/QUOTE] [b]OOC[/b]:[i] Marc Speed in Main Event = Bad Idea. At least, thats what it would seem. His chemistry with Samoan Machine could be enough to give him some main event calibre matches and his talents are good, but he isn't gaining the following I need for him to be a star. Still, no reason to keep trying for now :) Ah well, back to the drawing board... perhaps I can find someone who'll be able to draw.... and damn, I'm still nowhere near getting a TV deal. But at least the industry is picking up. That can only be a good thing for BLW and my chances of a TV deal or at least a PPV deal, which would be better for me. If only I could crack the overness barrier and get mor over in my surrounding areas, but alas, that appears to be a fair bit away yet. Maybe this time next year if I don't start running more shows. More updates on the wrestling world coming soon. Derek B[/i]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE] [size=4][center][u]The Pro Wrestling Run Down #2[/u][/size][/center] Hello once again folks and welcome to the second edition of my semi-regular column that looks at the wrestling world and what could be done to make it better, ie: do what I want it to do. Last time I looked at the "Big Three" promotions in the USA so this time I'm going to look at the only three promotions worth talking about in Canada. Starting with the obvious biggest one NOTBPW, then moving on to CGC and then lastly, and very much leastly, 4C. So without further ado, here we go! [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- North of the Border Pro Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by the legendary Canadian wrestler, Dan Stone, and booked by his only daughter, Victoria Stone, NOTBPW have debatably got the best roster of wrestlers in North America today. I say debatably, because if they truly were the best then the promotion would be the biggest promotion around and its probably only third biggest after TCW and SWF. A quick run down of NOTBPW history shows that its been competing with CGC to be the biggest promotion in Canada since May 1990 when both promotions crowned new main champions. Its been a battle of the Canadian wrestling families as the DeColts of CGC take on the Stones of NOTBPW for the last 17 years with neither side winning. If only they'd combine their forces, they truly would be almost unstoppable. NOTBPW have a stranglehold on the Maritimes area of Canada with their traditional style that is based around the Stone family. In the past they worked together as a unit but in recent times, the Stone family have been facing each other in matches with Jeremy Stone in particular putting on Match of the Year with his brother Dan Stone Jr for each of the last two years. Anyways, enough about the Stone family, here's how NOTBPW looks when you look at the whole roster. [b][u]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] NOTBPW Canadian - [b]The Natural[/b] (defeated Dan Stone Jr in April wk 2, some PPV I forget the name of) NOTBPW Tag Team - [b]Joey Minnesota and Brent Hill[/b] (defeated Alysian Scottsfield and Derek Frost in March week 4, In Your House) NOTBPW Unlimited Action - [b]Owen Love[/b] (defeated Bryan Holmes in June wk 1, Championship Wrestling) NOTBPW Young Lion - [b]Kenko Takemitsu[/b] (defeated Harry Wilson in April week 1, Championship Wrestling) NOTBPW has two weekly TV shows that both show on Canada On Air. Wednesday night sees Championship Wrestling from 9 til 11 and Thursday night sees In Your House from 10 until 12. These shows build up to their regular monthly PPV event that can be bought from Public Access Select. Recent events include Grappling glory in May, Jeopardy in June (coming soon) then Mid Summer Madness in July. Its usually all good stuff but sometimes an American crowd that doesn't know enough abut NOTBPW can bring down an entire show. If only they'd get a deal that covers the US aswell as Canada. [b][u]Main Event[/u][/b] Jeremy Stone - 41 years, middleweight, heel Duane Stone - 32 years, lightweight, face Dan Stone Jr - 34 years, middleweight, face Dark Angel - 36 years, lightweight, face Dan DaLay - 31 years, large heavyweight, heel The Natural - 35 yers, middleweight, heel [b][u]Upper Midcarder[/b][/u] Tamara McFly - 28 years, small, heel Victoria Stone - 32 years, lightweight, face Gregg Boone - 25 years, lightweight, heel Johnny Bloodstone - 31 years, middleweight, face Bryan Holmes - 36 years, middleweight, heel Dean McWade - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel Dallas McWade - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel Joey Minnesota - 24 years, middleweight, face Owen Love - 32 years, lightweight, face Brent Hill - 39 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Matty Phatty - 33, lightweight, face Kenko Takemitsu - 26 years, lightweight, face Shingen Miyazaki - 26 years, middleweight, heel R.K. Hayes - 36 years, heavyweight, heel Junko Hayakawa - 42 years, lightweight, face Derek Frost - 31 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Midcarder[/b][/u] Stone Yoshikawa - 26 years, lightweight, face April Appleseed - 34 years, lightweight, face Harry Wilson - 26 years, middleweight, face Craig Green - 30 years, lightweight, face Alysian Scottsfield - 50 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Openers/Jobbers[/b][/u] Mammoth - 44 years, super heavyweight, heel Helen Wheels - 35 years, lightweight, face Jana Marie Bowen - 23 years, very small, face Rebecca Petty - 28 years, small, face Edd Stone - 20 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Others[/b][/u] Roger Rogers - 49 years, heel manager Nicole Kiss - 31 years, heel manager Vita - 30 years, face manager Tommy London - 51 years, face announcer Jerome Turner - 37 years, face announcer Tom Townsend - 33 years, heel colour commentator Adrian Garcia - 25 years, heel colour commentator Jay Fair - 45 years, referee Clarence Garcia - 34 years, referee Richard Coleman - 33 years, road agent Dan Stone - 62 years, road agent Jenny Playmate - 27 years, backstage worker/manager Willow - 27 years, backstage worker/manager [b][u]TAG TEAMS[/b][/u] Legion of Death - Brent Hill and Joey Minnesota The Demolition Crew - Alysian Scottsfield and Derek Frost The Flying Stones - Duane and Edd The Kelowna Playaz - Gregg Boone and Craig Green The McWade Brothers The Stone Siblings - Dan Jr and Jeremy Yoshikawa and Takemitsu [b][u]Fun Facts[/b][/u] NOTBPw were the most family oriented promotion in the world at one point, having 6 members of the Stone family on the roster, Tammy and Sean McFly (brother and sister) and also Harry and Cliff "Dark Angel" Wilson. Not only that, but Mr Yoshikawa took Stone as his first name as a tribute to the Stone family, making NOTBPW a truly family made product. [b][u]The Who's Who of NOTBPW[/b][/u] As is common knowledge, the Stone family are the key focus of the promotion and rightly so. Those pesky Canadians are some of the finest technical and all round wrestlers on the planet, with Dan Stone Jr in particular being able to work any style on the planet and talk with the best of them too. Dan Jr also has the lead in most NOTBPW Canadian title reigns with 6 to his credit so far, two more than nearest rival Jeremy Stone with whom he has had several classic matches over the last two years. Of all the Stones, Edd Stone stands out the most. And not necessarily for being good. He's a spot monkey that just can't seem to get the idea into his head that wrestling is not about flashy moves but about telling a story. Having said that, he's got a good shot at being a star if he could just learn to wrestle properly, and with the people he's surrounded by, he should be able to do it. Outside fo the Stones, the NOTBPW main event roster is rounded out by current champion and extremely gifted all rounder, The Natural, powerhouse Dan DaLay and the mysterous Dark Angel. In my opinion, only The Natural can truly justify his spot up there, with the others not quite being on the same level as the competition. Perhaps its because I don't like meatheads like DaLay that I don't see him in a main event spot, but meh... I can't do much about that. Other people who seem to be having ideas above their station include R.K. Hayes, the McWades, Tammy McFly and Torri Stone. No matter what Torri says, the women in NOTBPW simply can't cut being high in the card and the powerhouse guys simply haven't got the talent. They're good at being big, but the don't know a pinfall from a needle and ask them for a wristlock and they'll run away scared. I suppose the big guys have their place, and for the likes of Scottsfield and Mammoth, its in the unemployment line. Luckily for everyone though is that they do have several guys on the rise that could one day compete on the same level as the Stones. Johnny Bloodstone and Joey Minnesota lead a pack of talented workers that includes Owen Love, Bryan Holmes, Brent Hill and Edd Stone (if he'd learn) that could keep things interesting at the top. Minnesota in particular looks destined to be a big star wherever he goes and it wouldn't suprise me to see him win the NOTBPW Canadian title even within the year or better yet, jump to SWF or TCW where he can get even more exposure. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Canadian Golden Combat -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by the legendary George DeColt and booked by his son Alex DeColt, CGC are the second biggest promotion in Canada. They use a very sports entertainment style similar to SWF and TCW but they've been using it for far longer as it suits the DeColt family traits. An incredible look, fantastic charisma and mediocre in ring talents. Since the early 1990s, the DeColts of CGC have feuded with the Stones in NOTBPW to try and become the most dominant promotion in Canada and it seems that CGC are falling behind in the battle. Having lost their weekly TV show, CGC is relying on monthly supercards on PPV and extensive advertising to maintain interest in the promotion. The main thing that CGC has going for it is it's stranglehold on the British Columbia area. Thus far, NOTBPW has failed to get a good grip of the area thanks to CGC's years of putting on quality shows based around the DeColt family who are local heroes and who more often than not are in posession of the CGC World Championship Here's a run down of who has what in CGC right now: [b][u]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] CGC World - [b]Ryan Powell[/b] (defeated Alex DeColt in April week 1, at some PPV I forget the name of) CGC Canadian - [b]Whippy the Clown[/b] (defeated Ryan Powell feb week 3, Breakdown TV) CGC World Tag Team - [b]John Maverick and Dallas McWade[/b] (defeated Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson in March week 4, Breakdown TV) At the moment, CGC doesn't have a weekly TV show since Breakdown was recently dropped by the network but it does still have a PPV deal that shows its monthly supercards. To check out CGC, make sure you order from Public Access Select. Replays of May's Chaos in the Cage are still available and the next few shows will be In The Company Of Legends (June), Ultimate Showdown (July) and The Battle Beyond (August). And now, on to the CGC roster. [b][u]Main Eventer[/b][/u] Alex DeColt - 32 years, middleweight, face Steve DeColt - 33 years, middleweight, heel Ricky DeColt - 23 years, lightweight, heel Jack DeColt - 34 years, middleweight, face Eddie Chandler - 32 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Upper Midcarder[/b][/u] Whippy the Clown - 32 years, lightweight, face John Maverick - 31 years, middleweight, heel Nate Johnson - 30 years, middleweight, face Gregg Boone - 25 years, lightweight, heel Ryan Powell - 27 years, lightweight, heel Catherine Quine - 34 years, lightweight, face Ed Monton - 45 years, middleweight, face Dallas McWade - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Shane Nelson - 28 years, lightweight, face Lee Rivera - 26 years, lighweight, face Bobby Thomas - 31 years, middleweight, face Mick Muscles - 31 years, large heavyweight, heel Jon Jetson - 42 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Midcard[/b][/u] Delicious Danny - 22 years, lightweight, face Fate - 35 years, heavyweight, heel Dirty Frank - 31 years, middleweight, face Valentine - 20 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Openers/Jobbers[/b][/u] Stunning Stuart - 23 years, lightweight, face The Gremlin - 21 yers, middleweight, heel Christian Price - 23 years, middleweight, heel Shooter Sean Deeley - 21 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Jakki White Trash - 38 years, heel manager Lady Melissa - 32 years, heel mamanger Farrah Hesketh - 31 years, face colour commentator George DeColt - 63 years, face authority figure Francis Long - 44 years, referee Coach Norman - 24 years, referee Jason Rogers - 50 years, road agent Curt O'Malley - 47 years, road agent Hotsuff Marie - 30 years, backstage worker [u][b]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Elite (Chandler and Maverick) The Specialists - Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas The Varsity Boys - Stunning Stuart and Delicious Danny Youth Energy - Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson Any Pairing of DeColts [u][b]Fun Facts[/b][/u] The longest run the DeColt family have had with the CGC world title belt stretched for over 4 years in total, with Alex, Jack and Steve each having a reign. Steve DeColt currently has the most reigns with the belt at 5, with Jack clocking up 4 and Alex clocking up 3. Ed Monton is the only non-DeColt to have held the belt as many times as the long serving DeColts, with 3 reigns to his credit although he has never beaten a DeColt for the belt. His victories came over current SWF champion Sam Keith (twice) and former SWF champion Barry Bowen aka Runaway Train. [b][u]The Who's Who of CGC[/b][/u] As I've already documented, the DeColt family (Jack, Steve, Alex and Ricky) dominate CGC's main event scene and with daddy George in charge of things on camera and off. Of the DeColts, Steve is the most talented in the ring and shares the massive charisma of his siblings. Strangely, none of the DeColts have ever worked for another promotion, choosing to stick with the Sports Entertainment style that their father has brought to the fore which has probably hampered the in ring work of most of them. They are all athletic and could find work in other promotions, which may be just what CGC needs to happen if they plan to push new stars over the DeColts who won't be around forever. Of course, the foil to the DeColts has been the stable known as The Elite. Managed by AK Garcia for years, the group has disappeared after he left for NOTBPW. The main heels are now Steve and Ricky DeColt, but Eddie Chandler still presents a challenge to any title. A world class wrestler with great skills on the mic, its almost unbelievable that he has yet to win the big one in CGC or be called upon by a larger promotion. He's still got his best years in him and I expect him to be champion one day. Strangely, Chandler has been overlooked in favour of the younger Ryan Powell, who has managed to go from promising if slightly bland midcarder to being the CGC World champion without any real stepping stones in the way. when he won the belt, some people were wondering if the ending of the match had been changed in some way as it certainly wasn't expected but it appears that CGC are attempting to make him into a new star. He may not have been the top choice, but so far in his reign he's looked not bad and he's got plenty of time to improve. The rest of the CGC roster reads like a list of has-beens and could-be's. Their older stars lack the skills to keep up with the younger members of the roster who are largely talented youngsters brought in to inject some life into the promotion. Jon Jetson and Ed Monton are unlikely to be able to do much except hold back young workers and possibly give some useful tips for the future (like no-selling offense is good). The likes of Mick Muscles, both members of Youth Energy and both members of the Specialists look likely to be able to lead CGC into the future but if they do so, then the tag team division could become almost extinct. Youngsters like Valentine, The Gremlin and the Varsity Boys have so far failed to show the potential that people were giving them a couple of years ago. CGC are floundering a little at this time. They lack the star power they need to push the promotion back onto TV and they lack the ability to make new stars without the TV show. In the war with NOTBPW, they are clearly losing at the moment but as NOTBPw continue to succeed, CGC has a chance of feeding off that popularity and once again bringing in the fans that they used to have so many of aroudn the country. [b][center] --------------------------------------------------------- Canadian Charisma Championship Combat --------------------------------------------------------- [/b][/center] 4C is owned by the midget Troy Winner and booked by youngster Joey Poison. Promoting a hybrid style of wrestling similar to Japanese promotion BHOTWG (although with far less success), they are the alternative to the big two promotions in Canada. They hold their shows almost exclusively in the Ontario area and have a relatively young roster of potential stars. While they may be a small promotion now, they have aspirations of rising to be the biggest promotion in the US one day and being able to compete with NOTBPW and CGC. One unique selling point about 4C is that it doesn't really have the heel/face dynamic that other promotions have so anyone on its roster can face off against anyone else. Some people consider this a bad thing, but I think its possibly their strongest point as it doesn't limit them to havig certain matches. Quite frankly, I doubt they'll manage it. But anything is possible in wrestling. [b][u]Champions[/b][/u] 4C Championship - [b]Phenomenal E.[/b] (defeated Cal Sanders december week 4, 06) 4C Tag Team Championship - [b]Barry Kingman and Hardcore Killah[/b] (defeated Air Attack Weasel and Calvin Dark in May week 4) 4C Hardcore Championship - [b]Brett Fraser[/b] (defeated Canadian Gangsta in Jan week 4) 4C don't currently have a TV deal or a PPV deal and are really nothing much more than an indy promotion. But they're home ot a number of wrestlers who compete in both the US and Canada so I felt them worthy of inclusion on my list of Canadian promotions. Their last event was 4C Presents... No Limits and their next events run along a similar theme of 4C Presents.... Best of the Best (June), Iron Man Challenge (July) and One Night Only (August). Here is the list of who you're likely to see if you go to those events. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Joey Poison - 30 years, middleweight, face Cal Sanders - 27 yers, lightweight, face Phenomenal E. - 24 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Upper Midcard[/b][/u] Canadian Gangsta - 21 years, middleweight, heel Darryl Devine - 23 yers, middleweight, face Duberry Excess - 21 years, lightweight, face Warren Technique - 22 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Midcard[/b][/u] Brett Fraser - 34 yers, heavyweight, heel Jacob Jett - 20 years, lightweight, face Air Attack Weasel - 25 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Lower Midcard[/b][/u] Hardkore Killah - 39 years, middleweight, heel Barry Kingman - 32 years, middleweight, face Calvin Dark -34 years, small, heel Ace Youngblood - 22 yers, middleweight, face [b][u]Managers/Others[/b][/u] Terry Smith - 27 years, face announcer Sue Danes - 24 years, face colour commentator Andy Gordy - 41 years, face referee Jason Rogers - 50 yers, road agent Troy Winner - 36 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Mighty Fine - Devine and Jett Phenomenal Excess - Phenomenal E and Duberry Excess The Wizards - Air Attack Weasel and Calvin Dark Thug Life - Hardcore Killah and Canadian Gangsta [b][u]Fun Facts[/b][/u] Troy Winner, the owner of 4C stands at less then 4 feet tall and is one of very few midgets even involved in wrestling, yet alone to own a promotion. Stranger still, Calvin Dark hates Christmas and Brett Fraser used to be a moose hunter before taking up wrestling. I kid you not. [b][u]The Who's Who of 4C[/b][/u] Lets start with the champion, Phenomenal E. He's a great high flier who's real name is Ed Larkins. For some reason, his talents have yet to be picked up by a promotion bigger than 4C although he has worked for US indy promotion BLW on several occassions but has yet to make his mark. Many feel that he may not ever get the break his skills deserve but 4C have put faith in him by allowing him to be champion of the promotion. Booker Joey Poison got his break in 4C when he was summoned to be booker. His multicoloured hair stands out amongst any crowd and he has found work with other promotions while remaining loyal to 4C. Some people question how serious he is with wrestlig at times, but he knows his stuff. He also has a distant cousin in wrestling called Jack Giedroyc who works in the UK and looks very similar to Joey. Cal Sanders is the last headliner for 4C and was champion prior to E winning it from him. A gifted technical worker, he's been marked as one of many on 4C's roster who could go on to become a star one day. In fact, behind Jacob Jett and Darryl Devine, 4C's top tag team, he is probably their most talented worker. Devine and Jett have been with 4C for long enough to make an impact without actually having won anything. This may be due to their commitments in the US, where Devine works for DAVE and BLW, while Jett works for BLW, which would be a valid reason for not giving them quite the push they deserve. Afterall, you wouldn't want to give your major titles to people you didn't know would be around for the next event. Other notable potential stars are Warren Technique, Duberry Excess and Air Attack Weasel, who all seem to have enough skills at a young age to at least be a midcarder for a bigger promotion one day. Time will tell if someone will pick them up or if 4C will grow big enough to make them stars on their own. 4C have the potential to be great one day, but without some major investment, they will probably never rise to being more than an indy promotion. Which would be a shame really. [/QUOTE]
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I just want to say, that I continue to be huge fan of this diary. I love the presentation and the layout. I also like the little things you've done to improve it. Admittedly I've been stealing, and modifying some of your concepts. You know what they say about immitation and flattery lol. Great in-between show write ups. I can tell by the presentation, that this is something you do for yourself more so than anyone else. Keep it up!
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [qUOTE] [center][b][u][size=5]Border-Line Wrestling June Newsline[/size][/u] [size=4]Pure Title Announcement, Rankings, Card for Starmageddon, Talent Raids?[/size][/b][/center] The BLW Booking Committee has been working hard for Starmageddon as they decide the official BLW Rankings, discuss bookings with BLW talent, put together a card for Starmageddon and had a sit down meeting with [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] and his stablemate in the Catalysts, the troublesome [b]Alex McKing[/b]. We don't have the minutes of the meeting as yet, but we do know what the general topic of discussion was at the meeting as Wolf Hawkins helped negotiate contracts for Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes and Alex McKing to be official members of the BLW roster. BLW were happy to offer each man a contract after their showing at Bound For Glory but in return for doing so, BLW asked for something in return. After the meeting, officials were happy to announce that at Starmageddon, BLW will [i]officially[/i] debut the BLW Pure Style Championship, with Alex McKing as the champion until someone can defeat him. Having proven that the style was good for BLW and that McKing was good enough to hold the belt against some of BLW's top talents, everyone was happy that the title belt me officially recognised as a BLW championship, something both members of the Catalysts were very pleased about. After the meeting with Hawkins and McKing concluded, the Booking Committee got down to the business of deciding the card for Starmageddon, having finalised the Rankings earlier in the day. Here is a list of the rankings and the competitors who were considered for a ranking spot. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b][/u] Champion: Darryl Devine 1. Samoan Machine 2. Chavo Lopez 3. Pistol Pete Hall 4. Mean Jean Cattley 5. Henry Marksman [i]Also Considered (in alphabetical order)[/i] Acid Frankie Perez Guide Jacob Jett Marc Speed Wolf Hawkins And now, here is the card announced so far for Starmageddon.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]BLW World Championship Match[/u][/b] Darryl Devine (c) vs Samoan Machine [b][u]BLW 1st Ever Pure Style Championship Match[/b][/u] Alex McKing (c) vs Flemmy Lemming [b][u]BLW World Tag Team Title Match[/b][/u] The Fly Boys (c) vs Twist of Fate [b][u]Singles Match[/b][/u] Chavo Lopez vs Pistol Pete Hall [b][u]Singles Match[/b][/u] Wolf Hawkins vs Jacob Jett [b][u]MAW Grudge Match[/b][/u] Mainstream Hernandez vs Mean Jean Cattley [b][u]Tag Team Match[/b][/u] The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes) vs The Underdogs [b][u]Singles Match[/b][/u] Henry Marksman vs Marc Speed [i]Make sure you don't miss out on all the BLW action by booking your ticket in advance. See the first ever official Pure Style match in BLW as the young upstart Alex McKing takes on "Suicidal" Flemmy Lemming. Don't miss the Samoan Machine's second attempt to get the gold away from Darryl Devine's waist in what is sure to be an intense encounter. See the singles debut of Tommy Cornell's protege, Wolf Hawkins as he faces the "True Future of Wrestling" Jacob Jett. Twist of Fate will challenge the Fly Boys for the Tag Team titles, and Twist of Fate have a habit of scoring upset victories. See the first ever enoucnter between Pistol Pete Hall and Chavo Lopez, with the winner likely to secure a title match in this battle of two ranked competitors! Check out BLWrestling.com/events to book your tickets and be entered into a raffle to win a T-shirt autographed by more than 10 members of the BLW roster including former BLW Champion, Henry Marksman![/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [i][size=1]Card subject to change[/size][/i][/center]
[size=4][u][center]TCW Offers Contract To Pistol Pete Hall[/u][/size][/center] BLW officials contacted Pistol Pete Hall regarding the internet rumours that he had been contacted by TCW's Tommy Cornell about the possibility of joining them on a written deal. When we spoke to Pete, he laughed, saying he was about to call us himself to clear up the rumours. He confirmed that he'd spoken with TCW, but said that he was very happy with the workload he had right now as he worked for DAVE, GCG and BLW. Seemingly Cornell understood and the two left the window open for a possible contract in the future. Pete said it was a bit strange being approached by a guy almost 20 years his junior about joining a big time promotion like TCW. So don't fear folks, Pistol Pete is here to stay for at least the forseeable future. Be sure to come along to Starmageddon to see Pete take on the Mexican star Chavo Lopez in what is sure to be a match that'll bridge generations.
[size=3][u][center]Henry Marksman Has Lucky Escape[/u][/center][/size] Henry Marksman had an interview recently with WrestleRadio host Morgan Taylor where he talked about a number of things including his BLW career, wrestling in Japan and his beginings in wrestling. Among the many things mentioned was that he recently was almost hit by a car and aonly avoided being hit when he reacted quickly and dove for safety. He said that it didn't seem to matter too much about almost being hit as he would probably just have no sold it, but that he would've been unhappy if they'd messed up his vintage T-shirt. The radio interview went well and Marksman put over Darryl Devine as a guy who could really make it big in the wrestling business and that he plays a great heel character. He also says its fun wrestling in USPW as a team where its Monkey that plays the heel and Devine plays the face as it gives him the chance to play different types of characters which is always good for a wrestler. [/QUOTE]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE] [size=4][center][u]The Pro Wrestling Run Down #3[/u][/size][/center] Hello again folks, I'm still Robert Greene and I'm stil giving my opinions on wrestling promotions around the world. You may think that I'm just writing for the hell of it and you may be right. But if you're reading, I'm doing my job. Today I'm looking at the US indy promotions and running over them with my critical eye. And to be polite, its ladies first with the stars of AAA. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Angel Athletic Association -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by Anne Stardust and booked by Catherine Quine, AAA is the only women's wrestling promotion active in Norht America today and indeed, is one of only two women's promotions in the entire world along with 5SSW over in Japan. Obviously, this means that they have somewhat of a monopoly on the talent base with most of the other promotions shunnig women's wrestling (with due cause IMO) in favour of the far more entertaining big promotions or the far more talented indy promotions. But if women's wrestling is your thing, AAA is the place to be in the US. They use a style similar to TCW and SWF but the women do the wrestling instead of the men and don't often lower themselves to the degrading (but entertaining) bikini contests that we so often see. Anyways, here are the AAA champions and I have to admit, even I'm not entirely sure who some of them are myself. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] AAA Femme Fatale - Helen Wheels (defeated Black Widow in March 2007 at Girl On Girl Action) AAA Top Contender's - Candy Floss (defeated Joanne Rodriguez in June at Babe Blast) AAA Tag Team - Sara Marie York and Tracy Brendon (defeated Raven Nightfall and Miss Mexico in May at Girls Aloud) AAA runs events in the Washington state area and if you want to check them out, their last event "Babe Blast" can probably be picked up at the merchandise stand at their next event "Women of Wrestling" in July or at "Girls Night out" in August or even at "Liberation" in September. Here's a run down of their roster and probably most of the managers you're likely to see in SWF, TCW, CGC, NOTBPW and DAVE over the next ten years. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Wanda Fish - 31 years, lightweight, heel Helen Wheels - 35 yers, lightweight, face Catherine Quine - 34 yers, lightweight, face Suzue Katayama - 37 years, lightweight, heel Black Widow - 35 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Michelle Brendon - 33 years, lightweight, face Golden Delicious - 28 years, lightweight, face Devil's Daughter - 25years, lightweight, heel Vixxen - 35 years, lightweight, heel Candy Floss - 25 years, lightweight, heel Cherry Bomb - 31 years, lightweight, heel Joanne Rodriguez - 27 years, small, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Katherine Goodlooks - 22 years, lightweight, face Miss Mexico - 35 years, lightweight, heel Wendy Anderson - 21 years, small, face Jessica Bunny - 27 years, lightweight, face Helen Bach - 44 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Missy Masterson - 23 years, small, heel Tracy Brendon - 23 years, lightweight, face Raven Nightfall - 31 years, lightweight, heel Sara Marie York - 22 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Tsuki Kawamata - 28 years, small, heel Helen Earth - 29 years, lightweight, face Christina Charisma - 20 year, small, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Jakki White Trash - 38 years, heel manager Farrah Hesketh - 31 years, face manager Jim Lou Freebrush - 31 years, face announcer Sue Danes - 24 years, face colour commentator Lois Hudson - 29 years, referee Anne Stardust - 49 years, road agent The Stomper - 58 years, backstage worker [i]And the lovely lady pairs are as follow.....[/i] [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Glorious Power - Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayama Good Lookin' Bunny - Katherine Goodlooks and Jessica Bunny Team Red Blood - Helen Bach and Tsuki Kawamata The Brendon Sisters The Dream Team - Raven Nightfall and Joanne Rodriguez The Silent Rage - Wendy Anderson and Sara Marie York Wild Times - Devil's Daughter and Vixxen [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Many people would think that Jim Lou Freebrush could perhaps be the luckiest man on the planet, surrounded by superbly conditioned women like J-Ro, Catherine Quine and Golden Delicious. But of course, they forget about the fact that each of them could probably kick his ass if they wanted to. Of the few women who might not be ablt to kick his ass, Wendy Anderson started her career as a receptionist, but her training by Quine would probably make her too much to handle for poor Jim. What a lucky guy. [b][u]The Who's Who of AAA[/b][/u] AAA's owner and former star performer is the legendary Anne Stardust. She recently retired after many year of action and has helped train the woman who many see as her potential successor one day, Catherine Quine. Quine as most wrestling fans already know and any red blooded male will rightfully attest to, is sensationally hot and can often be seen helping to promote AAA around the country. She could give me a hurracanrana any day of the week.......... While Quine may be the best know AAA performer, the true star performer is Wanda Fish who's all round skills put many of her male counterparts to shame. She is a former champion of the promotion but hasn't recently been in the title scene. Current champion Helen Wheels is one of three Helens on the roster, but is my personal favourite. A good technical worker, she doesn't really stand out as much as some of the other ladies on the roster. One thing that AAA has that we don't often see is a strong tag team division. With the likes of the all round talents of the Brendon sisters, the young enthusiastic Good Looking Bunny, the sensationally hot Dream Team and the always dark and dangerous Wild Times, AAA's tag division is suprisingly good. Especially considering they don't use any men at all on the roster. Lasty, I just want to mention two of AAA's rising stars. Cherry Bomb is a tremendous talent who can cut some of the best psycho style promos of anyone, regardless of gender. And she has the in ring talent to back this up, which makes her someone to look out for. The second person is Missy Masterson, who I'm not just talking about because she's incredibly hot.... well, I might be. With average talents, her strong suit lies in her looks and her ever changing, always super hot ring attire. The pictures of her in almost any of those costumes is enough to fill a 75000 seater arena to the rafters. Yowza! [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- United States Pro Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by former SWF announcer Danny Jillefski and booked by his good friend Giant Redwood (who's on a lifetime deal with the promotion), USPW offers a family friendly product that appeals not only to youngsters, but also to American patriotism. With their monthly events reading like a list of Pro-USA catchphrases and with former stars like Captain USA, USPW is known for putting on low risk, low impact matches usually featuring large brawlers. USPW are the 4th best known of the US based promotions, although NOTBPW and CGC from Canada are perhaps better known. Despite perhaps having the lowest quality of matches of any North American promotion, they do still have the potential to expand and possibly become the next big promotion in the US. Although Jillefski may have to find a better booker than Giant Redwood and bring in a few more well known talents if he hopes to achieve this. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] USPW World - [b]Giant Redwood[/b] (2) (defeated Alex Braun in May 2007 at Declaration Of Independence!) USPW World Tag Team - [b]Hell Monkey and Darryl Devine[/b] (defeated Tribal Warrior and Java in March 2006 at Liberty and Justice!) USPW National - [b]Java[/b] (defeated Darryl Devine in Feb 2007 at Red, White and Blue!) USPW's most recent event, Americana! took place earlier this month. We can look forward to "Independence Day Slam!" in July, "Apple Pie And Wrestling!" in August and "United States Of Pain!" in September. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Guide - 29 years, heavyweight, heel Alex Braun - 45 years, lightweight, face Giant Redwood - super heavyweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Java - 34 years, large heavyweight, heel Jim Force - 33 years, heavyweight, face Mick Muscles - 31 years, large heavyweight, heel Darryl Devine - 23 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Hell Monkey - 28 years, lightweight, heel Al the Hillbilly - 38 years, large heavyweight, face Tribal Warrior - 34 years, large heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Danny Rushmore - 36 years, heavyweight, heel Pete the Hillbilly - 40 years, large heavyweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Eric The Bull - 22 years, large heavyweight, heel Tom E. Hawk - 22 years, middleweight, face Cheetah Boy - 25 years, small, face [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Persephone - 24 years, face manager Herb Stately - 43 years, heel manager Danny Jillefski - 45 years, heel announcer Duke Hazzard - 25 years, heel colour commentator Baby Jamie - 31 years, referee Curt O'Malley - 47 years, Road Agent Jim Lou Freebrush - 31 years, backstage worker Robbis Sanchez - 37 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] No Fear Soldiers - Danny Rushmore and Mick Muscles Savage Fury - Tribal Warrior and Java Team Boom - Hell Monkey and Darryl Devine The Hillbillys - Al the Hillbilly and Pete the Hillbilly [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] USPW owner Danny Jillefski has legitimate heat in real life with Richard Eisen after a very public falling out on live SWF TV. Jillefski set up USPW after he quit SWF and now Giant Redwood books the company. Its because of this that many people within the industry feel that USPW hasn't achieved its full potential as Redwood has a reputation for being a master politician. [b][u]The Who's Who of USPW[/b][/u] Current champion, booker and resident most hated man (in real life or in the ring) of USPW, Giant Redwood is perhaps one of the least talented men in USPW, but his friendship with the owner has allowed him to get over with the company. His lack of mic skills, charisma and talent hold him back, but his power and menace are a decent selling point at least. And despite being hated, he does have some booking skills and can bring in sponsors, probably by bullying them into giving them money. USPW has its fair share of powerful brawlers that harken back to the SWF of the early 90s when they pushed big guys who visually impressed even if they couldn't really do much in the ring. If Sam Strong was starting his wrestling career today, you'd put good money on him being in USPW learning how to suck at wrestling like much of the roster does. However, USPW isn't all bad, even from my smark point of view. Mick Muscles is a powerful guy who has some considerable talent who can also connect with a crowd and the same can be said for Danny Rushmore and the team of Savage Fury. Also on the USPW roster are smaller guys like Darryl Devine and Henry Marksman, who are popular current tag champs in the promotion and stars on the indy cicruit where size is a secondary factor compared to wrestling talent. They look like they could be big stars anywhere, except possibly in USPW where size seems to matter most. Except in the case of Alex Braun. The former champion helped kick things into gear for USPW for a while with his great charisma and good skills. But Giant Redwood squashed that (and him) by putting the USPW belt back on himself. Hopefully, one day, USPW will get rid of Redwood as booker and finally give some of the guys who deserve a chance to succeed a chance. One day.... [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Border-Line Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] BLW is technically owned by Fumihiro Ota and is booked by the BLW Booking Committee. I its technically owned by Ota only because he's the only real name in a group of people who helped get the promotion off the ground, so in reality the promotion is owned by a consortium. Its rumoured that these anonymous people are also on the Booking Committee and that they themselves may be wrestlers elsewhere. In fact, some of the rumours circling on the internet suggest that pretty much every major promotion in the world actually owns BLW and that guys like Phil Vibert, Tommy Cornell, Dan Stone Snr, Sadaharu Jimbo, Naneie Komine, Domino and so many other owners in fact make up the committee. Quite frankly, I think thats just silly rumours. What BLW [i]really[/i] is, is a super indy promotion with dreams of being a power player. From the very first day they made it clear that they were out to promote wrestling instead of sports entertainment or hardcore and they've lived up to that billing so far. Anyone on the BLW roster automatically knows that they've got there because they are a good wrestler and anyone with a title belt trult deserves it. Even a mention in the BLW Rankings is a minor honour that is quickly becoming something to strive for if you are on the indy wrestling scene. They currently promote monthly shows and have regular special events that have garnered much critical acclaim, such as the King of the Indy's tournament. And their matches are always, without fail, solid at worst and fantastic at best. They're out to show that wrestling doesn't need to resort to being angle based to succeed. All you need is competitiveness and desire and BLW sure as heck has that. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] BLW World Championship - [b]Darryl Devine[/b] (defeated Henry Marksman in a 4 way match in Nov 06 at Honourable Combat Day 2) BLW World Tag Team - [b]Jimmy P and Donnie J[/b] (defeated Steven Parker and Thomas Morgan in Dec 06 at 1 Year Later) BLW Pure Style Championship - [b]Alex McKing[/b] (debuted in BLW with belt in Feb 07) King of the Indys Crown (annual tournament winner) - [b]Marc Speed[/b] (defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 2007 final) Trios Tournament Champions (annual tournament winners) - [b]Darryl Devine, Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp[/b] (defeated ??? in October at The Trios Tournament 2006) [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Steve Flash - 40 years, middleweight, face Guide - 29 years, heavyweight, heel Pistol Pete Hall - 45 years, heavyweight, face Mean Jean Cattley - 29 years, middleweight, heel Samoan Machine - 26 years, middleweight, face Wolf Hawkins - 21 years, middleweight, heel Darryl Devine - 23 years, middleweight, heel Henry Marksman - 28 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Fumihiro Ota - 32 years, lightweight, heel Chavo Lopez - 25 years, lightweight, face Jacob Jett - 20 years, lighweight, face Marc Speed - 26 years, lightweight, face Acid - 31 years, lightweight, heel Insane Machine - 33 years, lightweight, heel Mainstream Hernandez - 21 years, lightweight, heel Frankie Perez - 22 years, lightweight, face Donnie J - 29 years, lightweight, face Jimmy P - 27 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Melody Cuthill - 26 years, small, heel El Critico - 32 years, lightweight, heel Awesome Thunder - 41 years, lightweight, heel Eclipse - 18 years, lightweight, heel Joey Beauchamp - 30 years, lightweight, heel Bobby Thomas - 31 years, middleweight, heel Nate Johnson - 30 years, middleweight, heel Steven Parker - 22 years, middleweight, heel Axxis Jr - 31 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Merle O'Curle - 29 years, middleweight, heel Alex McKing - 18 years, lightweight, heel Brendan Idol - 26 years, lightweight, face Tempest - 32 years, lightweight, heel Raphael Robinson - 19 years, lightweight, face Flemmy Lemming - 22 years, small, heel Thomas Morgan - 32 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Adam Matravers - 27 years, lightweight, heel Petey Barnes - 24 years, lightweight, heel Hitomaro Suzuki - 23 years, middleweight, heel Heihachiro Sakai - 21 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Nicholas Charisma - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel color commentator (also wrestles) Joss Thompson - 25 years, middleweight, heel colour commentary (also wrestles) Bryan Paris - 19 years, lightweight, face announcer (also wrestles) Pheobe Plumridge - 26 years, heel manager Jez McArthuer - 36 years, referee [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] F.U.T.U.R.E - any pairing of Darryl Devine, Jacob Jett and Joey Beauchamp Hit Squad - Heihachiro Sakai and HItomaro Suzuki The Fly Boys - Jimmy P and Donnie J The Show Stealers - Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes The Specialists - Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas The Trademarks - Thomas Morgan and Steven Parker The Underdogs - Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson Twist of Fate - Eclipse and Tempest [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] The F.U.T.U.R.E stable in BLW claimed to be a young group that was going to beat the old school. In actual fact, when the group debuted, they had a 19 year old Jacob Jett, a 22 year old Darryl Devine and a 29 year old Joey Beauchamp! Hardly a youngster at all. At this time for BLW, their youngest workers are still 18 years of age, with the tag wrestler Eclipse being second youngest by a couple of months to the unbeaten BLW Pure Style champion, Alex McKing. [b][u]The Who's Who of BLW[/b][/u] If BLW make money, then it must be through some kind of miracle. With the amount of talent they have and the amount of money that must have to pay them, I'd be pretty suprised to hear that they were running a regular profit. Of course, they have been getting a big reputation for running some top notch shows and with a main event scene like they have, thats no suprise. Darryl Devine is a guy who seems destined for greatness and as the reigning BLW champion, he's being given the platform to showcase his undoubted talents against some of the very best workers on the indy scene. I woulda paid good money to have seen him face Sean McFly but unfortunately, McFly left for TCW just a couple of months before that match could happen. Former BLW champion Henry Marksman is another of BLW's top talents, who may be more recognisable to most as his popular alter ego, Hell Monkey. While he plays a comedy character most places he goes, he has dropped the mask in BLW in favour of an all business, super intense approach that won over fans from the very beginning. Indeed, comparison have been made between him and SWF's Lobster Warrior, who many feel could be a huge star if he dropped the silly gimmick. Other top contenders in BLW include highly talented veterans Pistol Pete Hall and Steve Flash, gifted youngsters Wolf Hawkins and Samoan Machine, and the tremendous talents of Guide and Mean Jean Cattley. Some would say that this truly is one of the best possible line ups for an indy promotion but I say there's always room for improvement. Especially considering some of the talent they have rising up the roster too. Youngsters like Mainstream Hernandez, Jacob Jett, Chavo Lopez, Frankie Perez and Flemmy Lemming look set to have sparkling careers and all are under the BLW banner at this time. Add into that the chances these guys get to work with the likes of Awesome Thunder, Acid, Fumihiro Ota and the Specialists then these kids can only get better. Adn they're already damn good as it is. BLW has a strong tag team scene with former TCW/HGC stars The Fly Boys sitting on top of the tag mountain's twin peaks just now. With experienced teams like the Specialists and the Show Stealers going up against BLW's created teams like Twist of Fate, The Underdogs, The Trademarks and The Hit Squad, tag team action simply can't be ignored. And of course, by time the Trios Tournament rumbles into town again, tag team wrestling or at least the 6 man variation is the focus for a whole night of wrestling. I may sound like I'm going a little over the top for BLW, and I have to admit I am a fan, but their product is the most exciting thing on the indys right now. They don't have the big name draws they need to become a major player, but if BLW were to get a TV deal then they could easily turn so many of their roster into stars and not even need to bring in other workers. And that gets me more excited than a couple of dozen sweaty men really should be able to. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by Cliff Anderson and booked by Deano Machino (aka: Dean Daniels), CZCW were put together by a consortium of investors headed up by Cliff Anderson. Taking their lead from Japan's BHOTWG promotion, CZCW promote a hybrid style of wrestling that encourages people from various different disciplines of fighting to compete within a wrestling environment. What they're got is a mix of styles that heavily features high flying wrestling but also mixes things up with some good technical wrestlers. Until recently they also featured a lengthy feud between Joanne Rodriguez and Miss Mexico, both of whom also took on male competitors at times. Considered by some to be the best promotion outside the top three, CZCW does have a talented roster and with some skilful booking could very well become an important promotion in the US. However, their roster is still pretty small and they aren't a very profitable promotion, but with a couple of recent additions to the roster, they do seem keen to expand. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] Coastal Zone Championship - [b]Donnie J[/b] (defeated Insane Machine in June at Surf Slam) Coastal Zone Tag Team - [b]Frankie Perez and Fox Mask[/b] (defeated Deano Machine and Prince Adam in Dec at One More Time) Coastal Zone Xtreme - [b]Plague[/b] (original champion) CZCW's latest event was Surf Slam just a few days ago, headlined by Donnie J's victory over Insane Machine. With no PPV or TV deal, the only way to see their shows is in the flesh (or on DVD). The next few shows have been announced as being Battle on the Beach in July, Wave of Fury in August and then Change The World in September. Here are the people you can expect to see on the show. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Billy Russell - 33 years, lightweight, heel Donnie J - 29 years, lightweight, face Jimmy P - 27 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Insane Machine - 33 years, lightweight, heel Plague - 32 years, lightweight, heel Snap Dragon - 30 years, lighweight, heel Frankie Perez - 22 years, lightweight, face Fox Mask - 27 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Prince Adam - 24 years, large heavyweight, face Jeremiah Moose - 21 years, lightweight, face Deano Machino - 31 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] E.M.M. Moe - 27 years, lightweight, heel Valiant - 26 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Primal Rage - 36 years, heavyweight, heel Flying Jimmy Foxx - 29 years, lightweight, face Jesse Gilbert - 36 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Cliff Anderson - 46 years, face announcer Farah Hesketh - 31 years, face colour commentator Pee Wee Germaine - 28 years, referee The Stomper - 58 years, backstage worker Karen Killer - 38 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Air Force 1 - Flying Jimmy Foxx and Snap Dragon Team Bandit - Frankie Perez and Fox Mask The Fly Boys - Jimmy P and Donnie J The Nightmares - Insane Machine and Primal Rage The Void - Deano Machino and Prince Adam [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Despite the various rumours circulating that Cliff Wilson hires his new bookers based on how good the candidates are at playing poker, this has yet to be proven by anyone. Though its not been disproven either, so who knows. One thing we are sure of however is that Fox Mask has turned down offers from at least one of the big 3 US promotions in order to stay with CZCW and follow his dream of one day wrestling in Japan. [b][u]The Who's Who of CZCW[/b][/u] The most recognisable men on the roster, at least to casual fans has to be former TCW/HGC tag team, The Fly Boys. Not particularly well pushed in the big leagues, this duo has run riot over the indy scene and both have held major singles gold in CZCW aswell as tag gold. Donnie is undoubtedly the better in ring worker of the two but both are equally well known as they go everywhere together on the indy scene. The man who got sandwiched between their CZCW title reigns is Insane Machine, a dangerous high flier who has a solid technical background and has achieved success in Japan aswell as in CZCW. A man who wishes to emulate Machine's feats would ahve to be Fox Mask. A indy wrestling cult hero, his high flying, rebel attitude would go down a storm in Japan where he hopes to wrestle one day. He still presents a big challenge to the top line of CZCW stars, although he has yet to clash with the former MMA star, Billy Russell, who's ability to pull a submission move from out of nowhere makes him a threat to the entire roster. Most of the CZCW roster don't really have the kind of star potential to make it big outside of the indy scene, but if I were to pick one man who stands out from the rest, I'd have to say that Frankie Perez is the CZCW worker most likely to be a star. His brutal strikes and painful submission holds make him exciting to watch and at a young age he's already showing more potential than almost any US worker of a similar age. Most of the roster are definitely solid in the ring, but Frankie Perez just has that X-factor that I can't explain, you just have to go to a show and see it for yourself. Of course, if you don't live on the west coast it might be tough for you to do, but I'd recommend it to anyone just to say that you seen a young Frankie Perez in action. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Mid Atlantic Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by the legendary 6 time World champion Rip Chord and booked by Karen Killer, MAW has brought old school traditional wrestling back to life on the East Coast. Rip Chord himself set up the promotion with his own money to help youngsters develop outside of the bigger promotions in the US. They may be a small promotion now, bu they do have some talented workers on their roster and that bodes well for the future, although some people had written MAW off from the start as simply having too few stars to bring anyone to their shows. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] Mid Atlantic Championship - [b]Mainstream Hernandez (2)[/b] - (defeated The Mean Machine (2) in June at Murder Incorporated) Mid Atlantic Tag Team -[b] Ricky Douglas and Stan "The Man" Manna[/b] (defeated D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard in Sept 06 at Destructive Appetite) MAW Wrestling Spirit - [b]Ricky Douglas[/b] (defeated Eddie Howard in dec 06 at Hallowed Point) MAW's last event was named Murder Incorporated and saw Mainstream Hernandez defeat the Mean Machine in one of MAW's best matches yet. Their next show will be Night of Legends in July, then On The Edge in August and that'll be followed by Destructive Appetitein September. Sadly, MAW doesn't have a TV deal or a PPV contract so you'll have to make your way along to the shows if you hope to catch them. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] The Mean Machine - 29 years, middleweight, heel Mainstream Hernandez - 21 years, lightweight, face Fumihiro Ota - 32 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Oscar Golden - 20 years, lighweight, heel Stan "The Man" Manna - 22 years, middleweight, heel D.C. Rayne - 23 years, middlweight, face Steven Parker - 22 years, middlweight, face Ricky Douglas - 21 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Flash Savage - 21 years, small, heel Eddie Howard - 22 years, heavyweight, face Titan - 21 years, large heavyweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Erik Strong - 21 years, lightweight, face Antonio - 22 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Rockin' Ryan Turner - 22 years, lightweight, face Al Coleman - 22 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Jennifer Heat - 27 years, face manager Karen Killer - 38 years, heek manager Marv Earnest - 33 years, face annoucer Duke Hazzard - 25 years, heel colour commentator Jez McArthuer - 36 years, referee Rip Chord - 58 years, road agent [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Bad Attitude - The Mean Machine and Al Coleman Call To Action - Mainstream Hernandez and Erik Strong Natural Storm - D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard The A* Alliance - Ricky Douglas and Steven Parker The Canadian Blondes - Oscar Golden and Flash Savage The Gods of Thunder - Titan and Atlas The Rock City Stars - Stan "The Man" Manna and Rockin' Ryan Turner [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Of all the wrestling promotions on the planet, MAW has got the lowest average age for an active wrestler at about 22 years 10 months. The average would have been a few months lower but The Mean Machine and Fumihiro Ota pushed things up. Also, the only person to have beaten The Mean Machine in MAW so far has been Mainstream Hernandez and their feud has headlined more shows than anyone else in MAW put together. [b][u]The Who's Who of MAW[/b][/u] Starting from the top, Mean Jean Cattley has been MAW's #1 man from the very beginning. Their first champion who's had the belt for more than half the lifespan of MAW so far, Cattley has been an indy star for years with his technical skills, ability to cut a good heel promo and his story telling ability. His main rival throughout this time has been Mainstream Hernandez who's natural charisma and high paced offense has kept The Mean Machine on his toes, with both men being 2 time MAW champions now after Mainstream regained the title recently. Recent signing Fumihiro Ota is expected to challenge for top honours in MAW and help to teach some of the lower workers some psychology while he's there. The former TCW/HGC Cruiserweight champion has the skills to be a high level performer almost anywhere in the wrestling world so his mere presence in MAW could do good things for the promotion. The other notable feud in MAW is between the teams of The Natural Storm and Stan Manna, Ryan Turner and Ricky Douglas. The three on two feud has been tough on the good guys, but all five men have put on some exciting matches and this is helping to elevate them up into a position where they may one day be able to beat the likes of Mean Machine and Mainstream. What MAW needs if its to continue to be successful is some more name value. Right now it's almost solely relying on Rip Chord's reputation to bring fans along, with Mean Machine, Mainstream and Ota not really being big enough to really push the promotion to new heights, no matter how many skillfully designed storylines Chord and Killer put together for them. Of course, every show they put on is only making them more popular right now, but without some added personel, I doubt MAW could make too much of a dent on USPW, CZCW or BLW as the top indy promotion in the US. [/QUOTE]
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[U]Predictions:[/U] Darryl Devine (c) vs [B]Samoan Machine[/B] [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Flemmy Lemming [B]The Fly Boys (c)[/B] vs Twist of Fate Chavo Lopez vs [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Jacob Jett Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes)[/B] vs The Underdogs Henry Marksman vs [B]Marc Speed[/B] Should be a good show... Nice banner btw ;)
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BLW World Championship Match [B]Darryl Devine (c)[/B] vs Samoan Machine Devie Still needs to run with it, I was hoping to see him against McFly but I don't think Samoan Machine is the man to Drop it too. BLW 1st Ever Pure Style Championship Match [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Flemmy Lemming McKing just came in with the title and I think there should be a long fued before he loses it. Probably with Flemmy Lemming who is a great technical Wrestler. BLW World Tag Team Title Match [B]The Fly Boys (c)[/B] vs Twist of Fate Singles Match Chavo Lopez vs [B]Pistol Pete Hall[/B] I like Pete Singles Match [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] vs Jacob Jett Wolf just got here and needs some wins MAW Grudge Match Mainstream Hernandez vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] Tag Team Match [B]The Show Stealers (Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes) [/B] vs The Underdogs I'm a huge Matravers mark Singles Match [B]Henry Marksman[/B] vs Marc Speed I know he's not hell monkey anymore but I still love him
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] We've been sent results froma number of sources, but as always we're going to run Derek B's results since he just puts so much effort into them. [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The show opened with BLW announcer Nicolas Charisma standing in the ring. Rumours had been circulating in the queue outside the event that something had happened to a flight on its way to Japan. Charisma stood in the ring and was soon joined by fellow announcers Joss Thompson and Bryan Paris and he said he had an announcement. Thankfully, none of them looked as solemn as the rumours outside had suggested. However, they did confirm that [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] couldn't be here tonight because they're flight from Japan after a GCG event had been delayed by eight hours. As a result, two of tonight's scheduled matches (Devine vs Machine, Pistol vs Chavo) would not take place tonight. The crowd weren't happy that two of the biggest matches on the card had been cancelled but the announce team had another announcement to make. As a result, two men here tonight were expecting a match and they'd get it. Tonight, [b]Darryl Devine[/b] will defend the BLW World Championship against [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] and both men had already agreed to the match. It may not have been the match they paid to see, but it was still two of BLW's best meeting in the ring for the first time to fight over the most important belt in BLW. [b]Joss Thompson[/b] stayed in the ring after the announcement and warmed up for his previously unannounced match against [b]Axxis Jr[/b]. The clash of styles made for an interesting bout but the crowd were still thinking about the Devine/Chavo announcement and didn't really get into it. In the end, Joss Thompson picked up the pinfall win with a brainbuster. The second match of the night was the highly anticipated official debut of [b]Alex McKing[/b] and the first official match for the [u][i]BLW Pure Style Championship[/i][/u]. Prior to the match, McKing got on the microphone and put over how important the belt is and how important [i]he[/i] is to the true future of wrestling, the group known as The Catalysts. [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] had been the first opponent to take the McKing Pure Style challenge back at Popular Demand and this match mirrored their previous encounter. Flemmy put on a good performance, pulling out a wide range of submission holds but McKing countered well. Flemmy used all his rope breaks and McKing had used two of his when McKing managed to lock in a variation cross arm breaker over the top rope. Flemmy bundled himself over the top rope to the floor but he seemed to wrench his shoulder on the way. When he got back into the ring, it wasn't long before McKing applied a Fujiwara armbar to get the submission victory. McKing hi-fived [b]The Show Stealers[/b] on their way out for their match, passing on a few words of wisdom to his stablemates. [b]The Underdogs[/b] made their way out next and the action kicked off quickly. You could easily have been mistaken for thinking the match was being held under tornado tag rules with the amount of chaos that was going on. But even so, the crowd still weren't fully into the match and it suffered a little as a result. In the end, [b]Pheobe Plumridge[/b] once again distracted Brendan Idol and Adam Matravers hit a German suplex and bridge for the victory. The final member of The Catalysts made his way to the ring for the next match, trained by both Pistol Pete Hall while in PDW and by Tommy Cornell in TCW, [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] looked full of himself as he prepared to take on [b]Jacob Jett[/b], who is known to have picked up a few pointers from Sean McFly himself. Both youngsters showed why they are thought of as two of the best young talents in the world of wrestling as they wrestled technically, picked up the pace, flew and brawled their way through a very solid match. Things started getting complicated when The Show Stealers came back down to ringside along with their manager Pheobe, which quickly brought out The Underdogs. While the action in the ring was going on, the two teams fought outside the ring. Pheobe tried to get Jett's attention but he stayed focussed on Wolf. In the end, this cost him as in the middle of the ringside melee, Alex McKing jumped from the crowd and nailed Jett with the Pure Style title while the referee tried to keep track of the action around the ring. Moments later Wolf hit the Full Moon Rising and picked up the three count on Jett. The fight didn't stop there as Mainstream Hernandez hurriedly made his way to the ring and evened out the numbers once again. Having won the match, Wolf Hawkins reined in his group and headed backstage, shouting at Mainstream, Jett and the Underdogs as the stood in the ring. There looked to be a lot of tension between the two groups and I hope that this goes somewhere next time. It was then time for the BLW World Tag Team title match as [b]the Fly Boys[/b] attempted to make defense #5 of the straps again the mysterious team, [b]Twist of Fate[/b]. To keep things short, the match was pretty even and it was Jimmy P who got the fall with a Surf's Up on Tempest after about 14 minutes. After the match, Jimmy and Donnie crowd surfed into the fans and spent some time celebrating with them. [b]Marc Speed[/b], the 2007 King of the Indy's who had yet to really catch the imagination of the BLW crowd was up next against former BLW World champion, [b]Henry Marksman[/b]. It seems they want to push Speed up the card by giving him big matches. The match itself was one of the best of the night, but when Marksman is involved in any match, it often is the best of the show. Marksman wins with a Hell Fire Kick after 16 minutes and after the match, the two men shook hands. And then it was time for the big MAW grudge match between [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] and [b]Mainstream Hernandez[/b]. Both men have been feuding in MAW for the best part of the last two years, with the Mid Atlantic being traded between them 4 times now. The belt wasn't on the line in this match, which was just as well as the champion lost the fall to Mean Jean Cattley in a remarkable 25 minute match that saw Cattley hit two Mood Swings on Mainstream to pick up the win. In a suprise match, recently released vteran TCW wrestler [b]Robert Oxford[/b] made his way to the ring and announced to everyone that he was going to face [b]Steve Flash[/b] right now, having organised it with the Booking Committee. He said he didn't want the big hyped intro because he was here in BLW to earn his spot, not to be given it on his name value. Flash and Oxford probably have more wrestling experience between them than most of the BLW roster put together and it showed as they wrestled a skilful technical match, filled with holds and counterholds. In the end, Oxford was hit with the Flashbang and Steve Flash picked up the victory over the debuting veteran. They shake hands after the match and Oxford raises Flash's hand for the crowd. [b]Darryl Devine[/b] came out next with Melody Cuthill to hype up his match for the BLW World Championship tonight. He started talking and held up the belt for everyone to see and put himself over. He was then interupted by an angry looking [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b] who got right in his face, yelling at him. Devine didn't look happy about getting his parade rained on and he shouted at Melody to attack him. Joey turned around to stop the attack, but Melody didn't even need to do anything as Devine nailed Beauchamp in the side of the head with the BLW World Championship. He then kicked Beauchamp out of the ring and said that he had just cleared the ring of some trash and he was about to do the same with [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. Chavo has been extremely impressive as of late and is a youngster with huge potential. In the early goings of the match both men looked even, with Chavo getting the edge with his quick offense. But Devine managed to hit the Devine Intervention to turn the tide in his favour once more. This led to a good spell of offense for Devine who tried to put Lopez away with a figure four leglock. Chavo got to the ropes and Devine tried to lock it in again but almost got rolled up for the three count. Lopez got back into the match and Devine tried for the Devine Intervention again but Lopez countered it magnificently, catching Devine in mid-air with a waistlock and getting a sensationally close two count. The crowd were on their feet as it looked like Lopez was about to pick up the win. Lopez attempted to lock in the Champagne Breakfast, but Devine managed to struggle free. Lopez lifted Devine up onto his shoulders, looking like he was going for a Death Valley Driver but Devine showed some astonishing agility to swing himself round and catch Lopez with a Devine Dream Drop out of nowhere. The crowd booed loudly as the referee counted Chavo's shoulders down for three and Devine made defense #7 of the BLW World Championship, maintaining an extremely strong run as champion so far. After the match, the announce team informed the 1900 crowd that BLW's next event would be [b]Midsummer Madness[/b] in one month time. Expected to be on the show, each of the BLW titles are likely to be defended, Mean Jean Cattley will be challenged by Samoan Machine, having issued a challenge following their contest in the King of the Indy's Tournament. Also expected on the show is Henry Marksman, Robert Oxford, Wolf Hawkins and Jacob Jett among many other stars. Be sure to check out BLWrestling.com to find out all the matches as they are confirmed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [u][b]June 07 - Starmageddon[/u] - (C+)[/b] Joss Thompson defeated Axxis Jr [10:01] (C-) Alex McKing defeated Flemmy Lemming (defense #1 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [10:35] (C-) The Show Stealers defeated The Underdogs [9:42] (C-) Wolf Hawkins defeated Jacob Jett [18:33] (C+) The Fly Boys defeated Twist of Fate (defense #5 of the BLW World Tag Team titles) [13:43] (C) Henry Marksman defeated Marc Speed [16:17] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Mainstream Hernandez [24:53] (C) Steve Flash defeated Robert Oxford [18:43] (C) Darryl Devine defeated Chavo Lopez (defense #7 of the BLW World Championship) [19:45] (C+) [/QUOTE] OOC: I messed up a bit on this show, totally forgot to make sure I didn't book on the same day as anything else and lost Pistol Pete and Samoan Machine to GCG as a result. DOH! Still, despite not having two of my biggest stars, I think the show went okay. Will be giving an update on the Japanese wrestling scene shortly and getting the BLW July Newsline up to announce the matches for Midsummer Madness.
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [qUOTE] [center][b][u][size=5]Border-Line Wrestling July Newsline[/size][/u] [size=4]Rankings Announced, Matches Made, Dojo Created[/size][/b][/center] This is the news you've been waiting anxiously for, the BLW Rankings have been announced and most of the card for Midsummer's Madness has been decided. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/u][/b] Champion: [b]Darryl Devine[/b] 1. Samoan Machine 2. Mean Jean Cattley 3. Pistol Pete Hall 4. Chavo Lopez 5. Henry Marksman [i]Also Considered (in alphabetical order)[/i] Acid Frankie Perez Guide Jacob Jett Steve Flash Wolf Hawkins
The BLW Booking Committee has had a hard time making some of the matches for Midsummer's Madness, but there have been a lot of challenges being issued that helped make things easier. Here is the official list of matches signed so far: [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Grudge Match[/b][/u] [i]Mean Jean Cattley vs Samoan Machine [/i] This is the third time this year these two men have met in a BLW ring and the scores are one apiece. Samoan Machine got the better of their first encounter back at Glory By honour and the two met in the semi-finals of the King of the Indy's Tournament, with Cattley picking up the win. Both men have demanded another match to try and see who the better man truly is. This should be another incredible match! [b][u]BLW World Championship Match[/b][/u] [i]Darryl Devine (c) vs Pistol Pete Hall [/i] With Samoan Machine and Mean Jean Cattley, the top two contenders, already in a match, the BLW Booking Committee has given the championship match to Pistol Pete Hall. Many people have forgetten that Pete was the last man to defeat Devine prior to him becoming champion but Pete himself hasn't forgetten and he's made the world remember. Checkout BLWrestling.com/videos to see an intense promo he made about it and about how history is going to repeat itself at Midsummer's Madness. This match is certain to be Devine's biggest test so far! [b][u]6 Man Tag Match[/b][/u] [i]The Catalysts (Wolf/Matravers/Barnes) vs The Moving Targets (Jett/The Underdogs)[/i] Last month at Starmageddon, these men clashed in the ring with both groups leaving unhappy at the results. The Moving Targets announced their intentions on BLWrestling.com/videos to call out The Catalysts and there was no fear shown by Hawkins and his men to make this macth. Its sure to be a sensational affair as these 6 men take to the ring to settle this new feud. [b][u]BLW Pure Style Championship[/b][/u] [i]Alex McKing (c) vs Morimaso Kato[/i] McKing is already attracting attention from outside the USA with his little known Pure rules and he's got his first international challenger. For those who don't know much about Kato, he's trained in mixed martial arts and brings a competitive fire to the ring that is hard to match. McKing will have a real challenge on his hands here as he deals with the BLW newcomer. [b][u]BLW World Tag Team Titles[/b][/u] [i]The Fly Boys (c) vs Joey Beauchamp/El Critico[/i] They say that the hunt for success will sometimes make strange bedfellows and BLW were suprised when they heard about the team of Critico and Beauchamp. But it seems they've become friends over the last few months. The Fly Boys have been successful in defending against all comers thus far, but will they be able to prepare for this unlikely duo? And how well will Beauchamp and Critico work together as a team? There's only one way to find out for sure. [b][u]Pure Rules Match[/b][/u] [i]Flemmy Lemming vs Fumihiro Ota[/i] For the first time, a non-title match will be contested under Pure style rules as Flemmy Lemming tests his skills against Fumihiro Ota. Both men have a vast submission based arsenal at their disposal and this contest should be an instant five star classic to any wrestling purist. [b][u]Three Strikes And You're Out?[/b][/u] [i]Henry Marksman vs Guide[/i] Recently, Guide has been refusing to shake hands with any opponent who defeats him. This flagrant disregard for the Competitor's Code has led to the BLW Booking Committee threatening Guide with a lifetime BLW ban if he fails to shake hands once more. And to make things tough for him, he's got the toughest opponent in BLW to overcome in Henry Marksman. Not only will Guide HAVE to shake hands after the match, but he'll have to do it evenif he loses. Could this be Guide's last match in BLW? [b][u]Challenge Match[/b][/u] [i]Frankie Perez vs Steve Flash[/i] Without doubt, there are no men in BLW more underestimated than Flash and Perez. Both men are excetional athletes who can do it all in the ring but both seem to be perpetually overlooked. In this match, both men will get the chance to show off their skills and impress the BLW Booking Committee. Defeat would almost certainly rule them out of a Rankings spot, but victory could see them with the chance to rise to the top of BLW. whatever happens, this is sure to be a great match. [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[center][b][u][size=4]Hell Monkey on WrestleRadio[/size][/b][/u][/center] Last month, Henry Marksman appeared on WrestleRadio with host Morgan Taylor and strongly put over his work in BLW. Today, we had Marksman's alter-ego Hell Monkey on the show and it was pretty unique to say the least. Staying in character the entire time, Monkey talked about his travels around the world in promotions such as WLW and DAVE. He put over the fact that he's had the chance to work with many of the great wrestlers in Japan and in the US and mentioned that it seemed funny that while in Japan recently for a WLW show, he was once again almost hit by a car. He put it down to an over zealous tourist getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road and then started hyping his upcoming appearances around the world a bit more. Overall, the interview was possibly one of the strangest pieces of audio you're likely to find on the web as a man talks about wrestling for almost an hour while in the character of a Monkey. Odd.... very odd. But great. [/QUOTE]
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Grudge Match Mean Jean Cattley vs [B]Samoan Machine [/B] Samoan Machine a true champion I don't really think Cattley can hold a candle to him. BLW World Championship Match [B]Darryl Devine (c)[/B] vs Pistol Pete Hall Sorry Pete Devine is the man and if he's gonna lose the title I think Samoan Machine should get it after he beats Cattley 6 Man Tag Match [B]The Catalysts (Wolf/Matravers/Barnes)[/B] vs The Moving Targets (Jett/The Underdogs) How can you go wrong witha group like Hawkins, Matravers and Barnes BLW Pure Style Championship [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Morimaso Kato McKing all the way I want to see more McKing versus Lemming BLW World Tag Team Titles [B]The Fly Boys (c)[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp/El Critico I like Beauchamp as a singles competitor and I don't see him getting the Tag Titles now. Maybe a bad match and then a fued with Critico Pure Rules Match [B]Flemmy Lemming[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota I never really like Ota and I think Flemmy should win a few pure rules style matches and then get another shot at McKing Three Strikes And You're Out? [B]Henry Marksman[/B] vs Guide Marksman because the Hell Monkey rules all Challenge Match [B]Frankie Perez[/B] vs Steve Flash I like Flash I use him a lot and he can be a good back bone for any company but he's really just there to help make the younger guys look good and Perez can really go places.
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[B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] vs Samoan Machine [I](MAW owns all!)[/I] [B]Darryl Devine (c)[/B] vs Pistol Pete Hall [I](Time for a title change, but I'd rather see Hell Monkey as a champ)[/I] The Catalysts (Wolf/Matravers/Barnes) vs [B]The Moving Targets (Jett/The Underdogs)[/B] [I](I like Jacob Jett, and kinda hate Wolf Hawkins...coz he's so good)[/I] [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Morimaso Kato [I](don't know the Japanese dude)[/I] [B]The Fly Boys (c)[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp/El Critico [I]( They're good champs)[/I] Flemmy Lemming vs [B]Fumihiro Ota [/B] [I](Bad experiences with Lemming :))[/I] [B]Henry Marksman[/B] vs Guide [I](Hell Monkey is an indy GOD)[/I] Frankie Perez vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] [I](Flash deserves it)[/I]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [qUOTE] [center][b][u][size=5]Border-Line Wrestling July Newsline: Part Two[/size][/u] [size=4]Dojo Created ACTUALLY Announced[/size][/b][/center] We at BLWrestling.com have had numerous messages regarding our headlines from yesterday informing us that we neglected to follow up the headline regarding the dojo being created. Several web monkeys have been fired (just kidding) so here's the news now. Former TCW star and current indy star [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] has decided to help pass his wrestling expertise on to a new generation of stars via a training school based from his gym in Los Angeles. Having already had a hand in training a number of students back in Japan, most notably Heihachiro Sakai and Hitomaro Suzuki (aka: The Hit Squad, currently in BLW) Ota is looking for more students from either Japan or the West Coast to train for a potential career in wrestling. The dojo has been named the [b]DARE TO FIGHT[/b] Dojo and Ota is looking for students with immediate effect. If you are interested, head over to DareToFightDojo.com for information.[/QUOTE]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE] [size=4][center][u]The Pro Wrestling Run Down #4[/u][/size][/center] You love it, and you know you do. I'm back once again for my monthly ramble about all things wrestling, no matter how good, ba dor ugly they may be. And this time, I'm gonna talk about all the Japanese wrestling that internet smarks seem to think is so fantastic. Well, if its that good, then why aren't they the most popular promotions in the world? Not that it matters to me because I am an internet smark. So without further ado, lets roll through some of the best [i]wrestling[/i] promotions in the world and listen to me talk about their rosters as if I'm some kind of dude in the know. First up, the current kings of the Japanese wrestling scene, BHOTWG. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by the ruthless businessman Kaneie Komine and booked by the legendary and globally known Haruki "Hooded" Kudo, BHOTWG built a reputation for itself by putting on a hyrbid style of wrestling featuring MMA fighters, heavyweight grapplers and exciting Junior wrestlers. The many styles on the roster appealed to many types of fan and since the 70s, BHOTWG has been the major player on the scene. Having made legends out of men like Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Haruki Kudo, Elemental I and II, Optimus and Motoichi Arakida, BHOTWG has had wrestlers from all over the world come through their doors and become success stories. Even big American names like Bruce the Giant, Sam Strong and Sam Keith have been successful here and current Burning World Champion Raul Hughes is American born. Their roster to this day is one of the most versatile with brawlers, technicians and fliers all having a home and all being stars in their own right. Truly, BHOTWG is one of the centers of wrestling around the globe. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] Burning World Championship - [b]Raul Hughes[/b] (defeated Bruce the Giant (2) in May week 4 at Kickstart) Burning World Tag Team - [b]Yasunobu Masuno and Everest[/b] (3) (defeated Miyamae and Shimedzu in week 2 June at Kickstart) Burning Junior Championship - [b]The Awesome Kiyaru[/b] (5) (defeated Kansuke Konda in week 4 June at Kickstart) Burning Junior Tag Team - [b]Silver Shibanuma and VENOM[/b] (defeated Golden Scorpion and Silver Shark in Feb week 3 at Battlefield Formation PPV) Burning Openweight Championship - [b]Yasuhiko Taira[/b] (defeated VENOM (3) in May week 3 at Survival of Desire PPV) If you want to check out BHOTWG, then tune your all-regions satellite enabled TV into Japanese Sports Vision every Monday from 8 til 9:30 for Lords of the Ring (dunno what time that is in the US) and to Honshu Regional TV from 11 til 1 on Tuesdays for Kickstart. PPVs can be found on Emperor Choice, where you can still catch replays of June's Inferno Of Purity and order future events like Quest of Heart (July), Night of the Burning Hammer (August) and Everlasting Mission (September) and be able to see some of the biggest cards in all of professional wrestling. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Bruce The Giant - 36 years, giant, heel Tadiyuki Kikkawa - 35 years, large heavyweight, heel Kinnoji Horri - 26 years, heavyweight, heel Raul Hughes - 42 years, heavyweight, face Elemental II - 44 years, lightweight, face Hooded Kudo - 43 years, middleweight, face Mike Watson - 32 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Sensational Dragon - 22 years, lightweight, face Yasunobu Masuno - 24 years, large heavyweight, heel Optimus - 49 years, lightweight, face The Awesome Kiyaru - 36 years, lightweight, face Shimedzu - 36 years, middleweight, heel Everest - 33 years, super heavyweight, heel Super Joshuya - 38 years, lightweight, face Tasuku Iesada - 33 years, middlweight, face Miyamae - 35 years, middleweight, heel Hyosuke Kokan - 30 years, lightweight, face Eiji Hamacho - 39 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Spyder Yakuta - 26 years, small, face Silver Shark - 36 years, lightweight, face Mokuami Maita - 27 years, lightweight, face Masaaki Okazaki - 37 years, middleweight, heel Golden Scorpion - 31 years, lightweight, face Kansuke Konda - 32 years, lightweight, face Hiroaki Nakasawa - 30 years, heavyweight, face [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Washi Heat - 24 years, middleweight, heel VENOM - 26 years, lightweight, face Silver Shibanuma - 31 years, small, face Yasuhiko Taira - 29 years, large heavyweight, heel Koshiro Ino - 32 years, heavyweight, face Chiuchi Sanda - 36 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Toshiki Shibanumo - 38 years, middleweight, face Yoshii Shiomi - 28 years, lightweight, face Marihito Masuko - 25 years, small, heel Sanetomo Shiraishi - 43 years, middleweight, heel Dynamite Narahashi - 23 years, middleweight, face Nissho Yuuasa - 27 years, super heavyweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Toru Minamoto - 42 years, face announcer Mitsuhide Muro - 31 years, heel colour commentator Koetsu Shinozaki - 50 years, referee Okura Umeki - 43 yers, referee Elemental - 58 years, road agent Yoshinaka Toshusai - 61 years, referee Tetsuzan Kaneko - 32 years, backstage worker Kaneie Komine - 47 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Kiyaru & Scorpion Kokan & Konda Maita & Silver Shark Optimus & Joshuya Sanda & Hamacho Shiomi & VENOM The Alliance 2K - Yasunobo Masuno and Everest The Rebellion - Shimedzu and Miyamae The Sensations - Elemental II and Sensational Dragon The Shining Alliance - Raul Hughes and Kinnoji Horri [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Fun?! In BHOTWG? Are you mad?! This is professional wrestling at its finest, this isn't a home for wacky gimmicks like the Underwater Union. The closest thing to fun you can get is that the legendary Sam Strong, world reknowned for not being a particularly good actual wrestler, has held held the Burning World Championship. But he lost it to Tadiyuki Kikkawa in what many (including me) consider to be his finest ever match. It was a brutal encounter and showed that Strong can be so much more than the overly cheesy crowd pleasing babyface he always plays in the US. If only he'd been like that all the time during his career... sigh. [b][u]The Who's Who of BHOTWG[/b][/u] Without a doubt, BHOTWG's three biggest home grown active stars are Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Hooded Kudo and Elemental II. Each are synonymous with the promotion and have helped to build it up to what it is today, and each is the master of a different style. Kikkawa is the largest of the three, weighing in at over 300 pounds and standing at around 6 feet 8 inches tall. His brute power alone is unbelievable but his toughness is feared around the globe along with his devastating finishers: The Kikkawa Lariat and the Kikkawa Driver sit0down tombstone piledriver. Hooded Kudo, while generally acknowlkedged as a Burning star has toured the world during his career, headlining shows in the US, Canada and Mexico aswell as regularly with BHOTWG. His Kudo Kutter and Kudo Lock are reknowned throughout the world for putting opponents away, while Kudo himself is known globally for being perhaps the greatest wrestling showman, performer and booker. Elemental II is a gifted high flier and the second incarnation of the Elemental character, who is now a road agent for the promotion. The original Elemental revolutionised Junior wrestling and revitalised the Japanese wrestling scene and the Elemental II continued this tradition while feuding with Optimus for the best part of the last two decades. Elemental II brought a solid technical base alongside his high flying gifts and even in his mid 40s is still one of the elite in the business. Rumours have persisted for the last few years that BHOTWG are looking for someone to become the third incarnation of the Elemental character but so far nothing has came to fruition. Further rumours of them looking for a second incarnation of the Optimus character have met the same end so far, but the prospect of seeing the next generations of Elemental and Optimus battle just like their earlier incarnations is simply mouthwatering. The current Burning World Champion is "The Demolition Expert" Raul Hughes, a former shoot fighter in North America and in Japan who made world news when he signed with BHOTWG. He made an easy transition into pro wrestling despite his age and is one now one of the most respected strikers in the business. Mike Watson is another shoot fighter who has made a big name for himself in BHOTWG. Switching to pro wrestling far earlier in his career, The Calgary Assassin was listed by Pro Wrestling Hits as the 16th best wrestler of 2006 despite not picking up any titles during the year. Many are looking forward to seeing him face Raul Hughes for the Burning World Championship. Bruce the Giant, the legendary 7 foot 4, 600 pounder and former SWF champion is the most imposing presence in the main event scene. An awesome sight, he has had some epic encounters with the like of Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Raul Hughes that have to be seen to be believed. A global star, there is no mistaking Bruce for anyone else. And lastly in the main event scene is Kinnojo Horri. By far the youngest big star in BHOTWG, his sensational win over Masaaki Okazaki propelled him to fame. Since then he's feuded with Kikkawa on and off without picking up a win in singles competition and has also teamed with Sensational Dragon in the tag team division. Among the rising stars of the promotion is the Pro Wrestling Hits 2006 Rookie of the Year, Sensational Dragon. A lightweight super junior worker, he blends incredible high flying with an almost world class technical background that sets him apart as one of the most complete wrestlers on the planet. He's only 22 years old. Already a two time Junior champion, it seems that Dragon is destined to be one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. The BHOTWG Junior division is filled out men like The Awesome Kiyaru, Hyosuke Kokan, Silver Shark, Spyder Yakuta, VENOM and Super Joshuya to make a highly competitive division that never fails to get the crowds excited. The heavyweights have brawlers like Eiji Hamacho, Hioaki Nakasawa, Kishiro Ino, Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno alongside technicians like Masaaki Okazaki, Mokuami Maita and Tasuku Iesada and together they form the most competitive division outside of PGHW's sensational line-up. There really is no doubt that BHOWTG is one top of Japan still, but they are facing a challenge from PGHW and their crop of stars. But it seems the Japanese market can support both promotions for now and both look set to be continue to be acclaimed as the best by their own fans for a long time. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Pride Glory Honour Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by wrestling legend Sadaharu Jimbo and booked by Nobuatsu Tatsuko, PGHW 's pure wrestling style has seen them competing with BHOTWG since the day Sadaharu Jimbo created the promotion. The main difference between the two is that PGHW encourages more wrestling rather than the mixed styles promoted by BHOTWG and focusses largely on technical wrestling, putting on match of the year candidates with frightening regularity. The PGHW dojo is reknowned for producing stars of the highest calibre and training them to be skilled and rely on technique more than power. As a result, the PGHW roster is comprised largely of middleweight competitors with amazing technique. PGHW also has a number of youngsters who look set to become stars and features some of American wrestling's finest talents. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] PGHW Glory Crown - [b]Nobuatsu Tatsuko[/b] (defeated Dread in June week 1 at SlamZone) PGHW Glory Tag Crown - [b]Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett[/b] (2) (defeated Larry Vessey and Bryan Vessey in June week 2 at MAGNUM PPV) PGHW Historical Japan - [b]Bryan Vessey[/b] (defeated Larry Vessey in May week 4 at SlamZone) PGHW International - [b]Kozue Kawashima[/b] (2) (defeated Ryoma Muruyama in July week 1 at The King's Road) PGHW International Tag Team - [b]Noriyori Sanda and Ryoma Muruyama[/b] (defeated William Hayes and Masayuki Shiga (2) in April week 4 at The King's Road) If you want to watch PGHW programming, tune in Japanese Sports Vision from 8 til 9 on Tuesday to see The Kings Road and from 10 til 12 on Fridays to see SlamZone. PGHW's special PPV events can be seen on Jade 237 every month. Recent shows include MAGNUM (June) and Night of HONOUR (July) and upcoming events include COLLISION (August), COURAGE (September) and Night Of WRESTLING (October). [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Eisaku Hoshino - 33 years, middleweight, face Dread - 45 years, large heavyweight, heel Yoshimi Mushashibo - 31 years, middleweight, heel Nobuatsu Tatsuko - 37 years, middleweight, face Mito Miwa - 34 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Shuji Inukai - 35 years, middleweight, face Eisaku Kunomasu - 36 years, middleweight, face Raymond Diaz - 30 years, large heavyweight, heel PRIDE Koiso - 31 years, middleweight, heel Danger Kumasaka - 53 years, middleweight, heel Bryan Vessey - 36 years, middleweight, heel Larry Vessey - 48 years, middleweight, face Buddy Garner - 35 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Lee Bennett - 38 years, middleweight, face Alexander Robinson - 34 years, middleweight, face Akinori Kwakami - 29 years, middleweight, face Kozue Kawashima - 24 years, middleweight, face Junnosuke Fukuzawa - 46 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Ryoma Muruyama - 27 years, lightweight, face Stuart Ferdinand - 43 years, middleweight, heel Noriyori Sanda - 28 years, middleweight, heel William Hayes - 27 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Tetsunori Yasuda - 22 y ears, middleweight, face Masaru Ugaki - 21 years, middleweight, heel Joshua Taylor - 25 years, middleweight, heel Kazushige Matsuki - 22 years, heavyweight, heel Masyuki Shiga - 42 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Keiji Takeda - 35 years, face announcer Sosa Mori - 32 years, heel colour commentator Yugoro Adachi - 48 years, referee Shihei Nagano - 42 years, referee Hito Ichihara - 50 years, road agent Koruyusai Kitoaji - 50 years, road agent Yodo Nakane - 53 years, backstage worker Sadaharu Jimbo - 65 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Kunomasu & Hoshino Team Breakdown - Eisaku Hoshino and Mito Miwa Team Dynasty 2000 - Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo Team Energy - Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Noriyori Sanda Team Toronto - Alexander Robinson and Lee Bennett Team Youth Sprint - KOzue Kawashima and PRIDE Koiso The Omega Men - William Hayes and Masayuki Shiga The Vessey Brothers [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] In November 2006, Dread won the Glory Crown to complete an unheard triad of winning the World championship in each of the big three Japanese promotions, and also the two major US promotions. While it may not be a fun fact, Dread's track record sets him apart as being without doubt one of the best workers of all time. He has however only once lost any of those titles to the same moan more than once, twice losing the GCG title to the legendary Yoshifusa Maeda in the early 90s. [b][u]The Who's Who of PGHW[/b][/u] The current booker and champion of PGHW is Nobuatsu Tatsuko, a tremendously popular natural athlete with a gift for wrestling. His stamina and pure style have helped him compete in classic matches with much of the PGHW roster and it hasn't hindered his career having a strong friendship with the owner of PGHW, Sadaharu Jimbo. Arguably the crown jewel of PGHw, Yoshimi Mushashbio is the finest technical wrestler in the world bar none. Along with his tremendous talents, he also has youth in his side, being a few years younger than the rest of the main event scene and his success at a young age sets him apart from almost anyone. To me, a match between Sean McFly and Yoshimi would be match of the century but its unlikely to ever happen as Yoshimi's talents simply should never be allowed to leave PGHW. Another strong friend of Sadaharu Jimbo's is Eisaku Hoshino, who's never say die attitude and ability to absorb a huge beating have made hima firm favourite with PGHW crowds. Another master of the PGHW strong style of wrestling, Hoshino has also found success over the years teaming with Kunomasu. Kunomasu made a shock return to PGHW after a seven year stint with DAVE in the US. His arrival was completely unannounced and shocked everyone as he saved his former partner Hoshino from a post match beatdown by the massive Dread and immediately put himself firmly back in the hearts and minds of the fans by locking in his dreaded Kunomasu Vice to make the big man tap. Both of these men are top stars with PGHW and when either man is on the card, people show up to see them put on another match of the nght candidate. Dread... where to begin. The man has amassed seven recognised World title reigns in 5 different promotions including the two big Us promotion, SWF and TCW along with reigns in BHOTWG, GCG and most recently, PGHW. Almost without doubt the best big man worker of all time, he is a man to be feared wherever he goes. A master of the strong stlye work ethic and with devastating power even as his career slowly approaches its end, Dread still has the skills to win important title belts for years to come. "Untouchable" Shuji Inukai is a former two time PGHW Glory Crown holder who is often under-estimated by everyone else. A stalwart in the main event, he turns in world class performances and its almost impossble to find a bad match with him in it. His tag team matches with Yoshimi Mushashibo are some of the best seen on the planet. "The Pride Warrior" Mito Miwa is one of Japan's most popular wrestlers. The embodiment of the PGHW wrestling style, he has had numerous matches with Tatsuko that have been considered match of the year candidates and he himself is frequently voted in the Pro Wrestling Hits top 10 workers of the year. Will go down in legend as one of the greats although it took him until 2005 to finally pick up the Glory Crown reign that so many felt he deserved. Former PGHW champion and still world class shoot fighter Buddy Garner is arguably the greatest submissionist and most dangerous wrestler in the world today. He made headlines when after he re-signed with PGHW following time out to be with his son as many felt he would test himself in BHOTWG. But he remained loyal to the promotion that had been his home years prior and he's been as good as ever since then. One of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history are the Vessey Brothers, Larry and Bryan. In 2005 they left TCW to sign for PGHW and immediately made an impact. Now they are former PGHW Glory Tag champions and have each had a reign as Historical Japan champion, with Bryan defeating his older brother for the belt. Many consider Bryan to be one of the finest singles workers in the world and to outclass his brother in the ring, but splitting up the legendary duo would prove tough to do as the Vessey Brothers go everywhere together, despite the 13 years age gap. As previously mentioned, the PGHW dojo has trained numerous promising stars for the future. The cream of the crop thus far has to be Noriyori Sanda, Kozue Kawashima, PRIDE Koiso and Masaru Ugaki who all seem destined to one day be huge stars for PGHW. The star of this group in my opinion is Sanda, who has the ability to do anything in the ring but who often loses matches due to small mistakes that are capitalised on by the more experienced stars. A strong second would be Kozue, who is still only 24 years old and already has got a storied career behind him and is expected to add considerably more chapters to this over the next 20 years. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- Golden Canvas Grappling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by former wrestler Hanshiro Furusawa and booked by the veteran Kazu Yoshizawa, GCG puts a little less emphasis on the in ring product than its major rivals, instead using a traditional combination of storylines and talent to put their workers on the map. Current owner Hanshiro Furusawa took over the promotion in the early 80s, an event that marked a major downturn in the fortunes of the promotion from which it has never fully recovered. For a long time it was thought that GCG would close down, having lived in the overwheleming shadow of BHOTWG for so long but they have survived thanks to some of their loyal stars and some new young workers that have managed to make their shows worth watching, at least for now. GCG has a reputation for using gaijin workers to help put over some of their stars, but over the years an increasing number of them have started staying with the promotion making for an interesting mix of local talents and imports from around the world. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] GCG World Heavyweight - [b]Jack Marlowe[/b] (defeated Pistol Pete Hall in January week 1 at Tornado Of Spirit) GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team - [b]Jimmy Cox and Hiroyasu Gakusha[/b] (defeated Yasuhide Tayama and Shotaro Ikina in Nov week 3 06 at Armour Of Heart) GCG Openweight Championship - [b]Eagle Kawasawa[/b] (defeated Shotaro Ikina in Feb week 3 at Parade Of Champions) GCG doesn't currently have a TV show or a PPV deal, so the only way to see them regularly is to attend the events live and in person. Their most recent show was Final Choice of Battle, with Formation of Titles coming soon, Impossible Goals following in August and Slam of No Fear following in September. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Yoshifuse Maeda - 53 years, middleweight, face Kazu Yoshizawa - 55 years, middleweight, heel Pistol Pete Hall - 45 years, heavyweight, face Jack Marlowe - 32 years, heavyweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Yasuhide Tayama - 26 years, heavyweight, heel Nathan Coleman - 35 years, heavyweight, face Jimmy Cox - 35 years, middleweight, heel Shotaro Ikina - 42 years, middleweight, face Eagle Kawasawa - 25 years, lightweight, heel Hiroyasu Gakusha - 28 years, middleweight, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Toshiharu Hyobanashi - 31 years, heavyweight, face Kiminobu Kuroki - 28 years, middleweight, face Samoan Machine - 26 years, middleweight, heel Naonobu Murkami - 40 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Takayuki 2000 - 28 years, middleweight, face Namboku Makuda - 24 years, middleweight, face Barry Griffin - 33 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Openers/Jobbers[/b][/u] Mitsunari Fugunaga - 28 years, middleweight, face Julian Watson - 25 years, middleweight, heel Henry Bennett - 32 years, middleweight, face Quick Kick Nakao - 24 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Seishiro Hiraga - 37 years, heel manager Ryuzaburo Sugiyama - 32 years, face manager Masatake Hori - 47 years, face announcer Hanshiro Furusawa - 57 years, face colour commentator Shunko Nakada - 47 years, referee Eisuke Yoshinobu - 46 years, road agent Stunner Okazwaya - 55 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Gakusha & Kuroki Griffin & Bennett Hyobanashi & Makuda Ikina & Tayama Maeda & Yoshizawa Watson & Marlowe [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Despite insisting that its natural for the last 20 years, Kazu Yoshizawa has been bleaching his hair blonde the entire time. However, now that he's 55 years old, he probably has to dye it blonde since its very likely that he's gone grey, especially considering how much bleach has been used on it during his long, long, long, long career as one of GCG's loyal stars. [b][u]The Who's Who of GCG[/b][/u] GCG's biggest and most loyal star is undoubtedly Yoshifusa Maeda who has never left the promotion during his career spanning more than 25 years, with more than 10 of those years with him as GCG World champion, including a sensational 5 year reign that was ended by Sadaharu Jimbo's final reign as champion before retiring through injury. Maeda, despite being well into his 50s now, is still one of the best workers in the world today and shows no signs of retiring yet, even though its starting to become noticable that his skills are fading. Because of his loyalty to GCG, many have speculated what a match between him and someone like Tadiyuki Kikkawa would be like, but it seems that we're never likely to get a real answer to that question.... GCG's other most loyal son is Kazu Yoshizawa, the booker for the promotion who's hair most certainly isn't naturally blonde. Without a doubt he's past his best but is still capable of turning in a decent match at times. He knows his limitations though and wisely puts other talents at the forefront of the promotion as he slowly winds down his career. The future of GCG's Japanese roster is filled with men like Hiroyasu Gakusha, Yasuhide Tayama, Takayuki 2000 (named after his debut year) and Toshiharu Hyobanashi (hailed as the next Kikkawa), all of whom have impressive skills for their relatvely young age and who can put together solid matches while working the mic to varying standards. The main gaijin workers of note are the veteran Pistol Pete Hall and the current GCG champion, Jack Marlowe. Both are very talented brawlers who have forged an international reputation for their intensity and raw determination. Pete in particular wrestled for GCG many years ago as a youngster before taking an extended break from competing in wrestling and subsequently returning to action with GCG where he made a big impact with his trademark inner fire still burning strong. The future gaijin stars of GCG are the technician Jimmy Cox, all-star all-rounder Samoan Machine, Julian Watson and Henry Bennett. Of this group, Samoan Machine has already started proving himself as the future of wrestling around the world and is likely to one day get several World title reigns, perhaps with GCG if they can secure his services for the future. It'd be a big mistake for them if they didn't, but it probably wouldn't be as bad for them as Furusawa's ill-fated takeover of the promotion long ago. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- World Level Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by Koji Kojima and booked by Haru Kurofuji, WLW promote a touring product that spends half the year resting while putting on intensive sports entertainment driven shows every week for the other half of the year. The roster features mostly junior workers with flashy gimmicks and the shows themselves have a lot of glitz and glamour, something that seperates WLW from the rest of Japanese wrestling. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] World Level Universal - [b]The Great Hisato[/b] (3) (defeated Kazuma Narato in June week 2 at They Come From The Sky) World Level Tag Team - [b]Hell Monkey and Koji Kojima[/b] (defeated Kazuma Narato and KOKI Ishibashi in december week 3 06 at They Come From The Sky) World Level Show Stealer - [b]The Incredible KOYAMA[/b] (4) (defeated Haru Kurofuji un June week 3 at They Come From The Sky) World Level Streetfighting - [b]Koji Kojima[/b] (2) (defeated Deano Machino in April week 2 at They Come From The Sky) World Level Tap Out - [b]Ninja Shunji[/b] (2) defeated Insane Machine in April week 4 at They Come From The Sky) If you want to check out WLW, check out their website for information on their touring months. Their regular show, They Come From The Sky, takes place on Thursdays. The only way to see this is to go and witness it live, and quite frankly, thats the best way to see any wrestling. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Awesome Thunder - 41 years, lightweight, heel Burning Taka****a - 31 years, lightweight, face Silver Shark - 36 years, lightweight, face The Great Hisato - 35 years, lightweight, face Dark EAGLE - 42 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Koji Kojima - 32 years, lighweight, face KOKI Ishibashi - 37 years, lighweight, heel The Incredible KOYAMA - 26 years, lightweight, face Hell Monkey - 28 years, lighweight, face Kazuma Narato - 29 years, lightweight, heel Haru Kurofuji - 31 years, lighweight, heel Emerald Angel - 20 years, small, face [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Ketsueki Karasu - 25 years, lightweight, heel The Tic - 21 years, very small, face Masked Cougar - 24 years, lightweight, face Booger Man - 29 years, heavyweight, face Deano Machino - 31 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Ninja Shunji - 20 years, lightweight, face Magnum KOBE - 22 years, lightweight, face Insane Machine - 33 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Cyber Fighter 3000 - 23 years, lightweight, face Firestarter EU - 21 years, middleweight, heel Beetle Kimura - 22 years, small, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Mr Miwa - 43 years, heel manager Takayuki Kajiwara - 46 years, face manager Iseu Deushi - 43 years, face announcer Katsuhiko Shunsen - 37 years, heel colour commentator Kitahachi Sonoda - 34 years, referee Sadakuno Nishimuraya - 47 years, road agent Motoichi Arakida - 49 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Above & Below - Emerald Angel and Hell Monkey Back In Black - The Great Hisato and Burning Taka****a Power Trip WLW - Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima Split Personality - Insane Machine and Deano Machino The Avalanche Effect - KOKI Ishibashi and The Incredible KOYAMA The Killers - The Tic and Awesome Thunder [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Although its never been acknowledged on screen, Koki Ishibashi's little brother is actually popular and ultra talented high flyer, Emerald Angel aka Hidetoshi Ishibashi. Fans of WLW assume the one day the connection will be reveaed to unite the brothers, but right now, both are being very successful in their own right with Emerald Angel getting massive acclaim as the future of Junior wrestling. He's only 20 years old and he's already considered to be legendary. The original Elemental was only 19 when he revolutionised wrestling, could Emerald Angel be on track to do something similar? [b][u]The Who's Who of WLW[/b][/u] WLW are a rapidly rising promotion in Japan and over the last few years have taken steps to ensure that this is the case by signing some back name talent that somehow didn't have contracts elsewhere. With Junior wrestling not being too huge in BHOTWG just now, WLW have had the pick of the Junior wrestlers and this is highlighted by a main event scene that includes legends such as Dark Eagle and Awesome Tunder alongsde former BHOTWG Junior champions Burning Taka****a and The Great Hisato, along with current BHOTWG talent, Silver Shark. All of this group of wrestlers, along with most of the WLW roster have awesome high flying skills and within WLW, you have the greatest Junior roster ever assembled in one place. But one area where WLW excels is in its versatility, with a number of different division to cater for different styles. These division help to better round the workers off into all round performers who (thanks to the working agreement) may very well make it to BHOTWG one day. Emerald Angel is currently one of the star performers in the company and is making a name for himself with his crisp, innovative and unparalleled high risk offense. Despite being one of the smallest men on a very lightweight roster (only The Tic is noticably smaller), Angel continues to shine and rumours about him being prepared for the role of Elemental III or Optimus II continue to persist. Another popular worker in WLW is Hell Monkey, who is a truly complete wrestler and who tags with Emerald on a semi-regular basis. Their feuds with Deano Machino and Insane Machine (Split Personality) have been fan favourites in WLW for some time and continue to entertain the crowds who attend the shows. Also starring in WLW, but not in the ring, is the feud between the two managers, the evil Mr Miwa and the force for good, Takayuki Kajiwara. Their constant struggle to outwit each other, their verbal wars over who's clients are better and their almost constant bickering at ringside during matches has shown Japanese wrestling fans that the role of ringside manager can work even in Japan. Whether this is ever picked up on in the bigger promotions remains to be seen but at least WLW is using managers to help put over young talents. [center][b] -------------------------------------------------- 5 Star Supreme Wrestling -------------------------------------------------- [/center][/b] Owned by the legendary womens wrestler Sakurako Kagawa and booked by Kuniyoshi Chishu, 5SSW has not only cornered the market for female wrestling in Japan, but also has an incredible talent base of women competing for them. Their only real competition in the world would be AAA in the US, but the two promotions have chosen to work together to forward women's wrestling. AAA uses a more entertainment driven approach, while 5SSW competes more like the men's promotions. With wrestling put to the forefront. With a roster full of women who could easily put most men's promotions to shame, 5SSW has the best female roster ever assembled. [u][b]CHAMPIONS[/b][/u] 5 Star World - [b]Thunder Hike[/b] (2) (defeated Crusher Ichihara in April 07 at Firm Standing Leaders) 5 Star Tag Team - [b]June Butler and Kiko Sakakibara[/b] (defeated Ikuko Temko and Huntress Makiko in Sept week 4 06 at Championship Excel) 5 Star All-Asian - [b]Kiko Sakakibara[/b] (2) (defeated Saeko Hiroyuki in Nov week 1 06 at Strike For Retribution) For those of you looking for 5SSW on your TV, you'll have trouble as they have no TV deal or PPV contract. If you can track down DVDs of their shows, I highly recommend that you do as you'll be able to catch such great shows as Pride of Warriors (from June, recently released), Face of Danger (from July, just past), Rising Challenge Met (August, next show) and Championship Excel (coming in September). Well worth a look if you believe what SWF and TCW believe: that women can't wrestle. [b][u]Main Event[/b][/u] Sensational Ogiwara - 35 years, lightweight, face Thunder Hike - 37 years, lightweight, face Crusher Ichihara - 39 years, middleweight, heel Nyoko To****ala - 49 years, lightweight, heel [b][u]Upper Carder[/b][/u] Kiko Sakikobara - 32 years, small, face Kuniko Matsura - 22 years, ver small, face Namiyo Muro - 41 years, lightweight, heel Saeko Hiroyuki - 36 years, lighweight, heel June Butler - 36 years, lightweight, face Gorgon - 26 years, middleweight, heel [b][u]Midcarder[/b][/u] Raku Makuda - 29 years, small, heel Huntress Makiko - 27 years, small, heel Joanne Rodriguez - 28 years, small, face Umeko Karube - 29 uears, small, face [b][u]Lower Carder[/b][/u] Tsuki Kawamata - 28 years, small, heel Saori Nakadan - 28 years, very small, heel Connie Morris - 27 years, lightweight, face [b][u]Openers/JObbers[/b][/u] Ikuko Temko - 28 years, lightweight, heel Otsune Tsumura - 24 years, very small, face Yuko Okui - 29 years, very small, face Sakura Sada - 23 years, small, heel [b][u]Managers/Other[/b][/u] Munenori Umari - 31 years, heel manager Akahito Miwa - 43 years, heel manager Sakurako Kagawa - 50 years, heel announcer Katsuhiko Shunsen - 37 years, heel colour commentator Tsugiharu Odaka - 32 years, referee Eisuke Yoshinobu - 46 years, road agent Akikazu Miyagi - 42 years, backstage worker Kuniyoshi Chishu - 37 years, backstage worker [b][u]Tag Teams[/b][/u] Culture Shock - Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata Destruction Inc. - June Butler and Crusher Ichihara Seek & Destroy - Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko Sensational Thunder - Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike The Bomb Squad - Saeko Hiroyuki and Saori Nakadan The Rainbow Girls - Kiko Sakakibara and Otsune Tsumura [b][u]Fun Fact[/b][/u] Of all the wrestling promotions in the world, 5SSw is almost without doubt the most colourful. With many of their roster sporting outfits of a specific colour (perhaps to aid memory of who they are) anyone who gets a migraine from bright colours would be advised to avoid the shows. Otsune Tsumura is the worst culprit of all, sporting a neon costume of yellow, pink and green that seems designed to give you a pounding headache. [b][u]The Who's Who of 5SSW[/b][/u] Its imposible to talk about 5SSW without starting with the greatest women's duo of all time, Sensational Thunder. Nana "Sensational" Ogiwara and Tara "Thunder" Hike are two of the greatest wrestlers of any gender of all time and when they started teaming together, it seemed like destiny that they would be almost unstoppable. Thankfully (to the rest of the tag division) they largely focus on their singles careers and against the other legendary female team, the powerful Crusher Ichihara and June Butler. Between the four of them, these women are the dominant force in all of wrestling. Although the currently unemloyed Kit Hatoyama would also feature highly in a list of top female wrestlers. A personal fan favourite of mine, who is a rising star in 5SSW, is "The Assassin" Raku Makuda. Avoiding the bright colours or bubblegum pinks that some of the roster favours, she wears dark colours and can be seen using a wide variety of moves in the ring. I believe that if she were to work a few programs with Ogiwara or Hike that she would be able to rise from the midcard and replace the aging stars like Nyoko To****ala in the main event, bringing new life into the promotion with one hand, then assassinating it with the other. The Bomb Squad are another promising duo who are both famed for their explosive and brutal finishing moves, the Hiroyuki Bomb (top rope flatliner) and the Nakadan Spike (top rope brainbuster). Anyone who has seen these moves performed can attest to their spectacularness and the duo of Joanne Rodriguez and Tsuki Kawamata (Culture Shock) have been on the wrong end of these moves as often as the Bomb Squad have been on the losing side of their matches with them. Lastly, a potential future star for 5SSW if given the chance would have to be Sakura Sada, who may be young now but who has shown great potential over the last few years and may be able to mature into a star for the promotion. Personally, I'd love to see the stars of 5SSW head over to AAA for a big super show as I don't live too far away. The prospect of seeing something like Catherine Quine vs Sensational Ogiwara or Thunder Hike is mouth watering. Or that might just be the thought of Catherine Quine in general.... mmmm....
Anyways, until next time folks, have fun. And don't forget to send me cash donations with a minimum value of $10. The more DVDs I can buy, the easier it s for me to give you comprehensive reviews like this![/QUOTE]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Thanks again to Derek B for sending in the results for BLW's latest event, Midsummers Madness. BLW once again putting on a good show. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Prior to the official bell time, most of the 1900 crowd who were in attendance tonight got to see [b]The Hit Squad[/b] from the new DARE TO FIGHT Dojo face the [b]The Specialists[/b] in a tag team match. Nate Johnson picked up the victory on Heihachiro Sakai at about 9 minutes. The show officially kicked off with Nicolas Charisma, Bryan Paris and Joss Thompson hyping up some of tonight's matches, particularly the Samoan Machine vs Mean Jean Cattley match and the BLW World Championsihp match between Darryl Devine and Pistol Pete Hall. [b]The Trademarks[/b] hyped themselves up for their match with [b]Twist of Fate[/b], saying that they are using this match as a warm up for a title shot against the Fly Boys. The two teams showed good teamwork in the match, but The Trademarks proved to be too good in this one as Steven Parker picked up the pinfall on Tempest. [b]Alex McKing[/b] made his way to the ring next and hyped himself up on the microphone, telling everyone that he's the greatest pure wrestler in the world, better than anyone in NOTBPW, PGHW and definitely anyone in America. His challenger [b]Morimaso Kato[/b], the almost unknown Japanese wrestler proceeded to the ring, looking intense. Kato fought hard, quickly locking in a variation arm bar that forced McKing to use an early rope break. But McKing quickly found his rhythm after that and worked over the left arm of Kato and Kato worked over McKing's arm too. McKing won the match when he managed to lock in a lightning quick triangle choke when he caught Kato off guard trying to pick him up. Kato had no chance of escape and was forced to tap. Many fans at the show tonght had been thinking that the [b]Frankie Perez[/b] and [b]Steve Flash[/b] match may be the sleeper match that stole the show. Both men have tremendous skills and from the very first stiff kick thrown by Perez, the crowd were into this match. While there were a few blown spots, the two covered them well enough to keep the match going. In the end though, Flash picked up the victory with the Flashbang to continue his winning streak and push himself into contention for a possible Top 5 Ranking. The BLW World Tag Team titles were on the line next as [b]The Fly Boys[/b] faced the odd duo of [b]El Critico and Joey Beauchamp[/b]. In the early going the new team seemed to work well together as a team, cutting off the ring and using swift tags to take advantage of the opportunity to double team. But the Fly Boys worked back into the match and used their superior tag skills to really turn up the heat. Both sides ended up looking evenly matched as Melody Cuthill distracted the referee, allowing a sneak attack on Joey Beauchamp (who was on the apron) from The Specialists. The Fly Boys didn't see much of this as they put away El Critico, but the Special Treatment from the Specialists onto the floor had completely taken out Beauchamp to make the pinfall in the ring academic. After the match, Darryl Devine and Melody Cuthill introduced The Specialists as the new members of F.U.T.U.R.E, saying that they are one hundred times better than Jacob Jett or Beauchamp ever were. He also announced that the Specialists would be teaming with Melody Cuthill in the upcoming Trios Tournament event, which is only two months away and that they will be the team to beat. He challenged Joey to see if he could find two people to team with him, but said he doubted anyone would be stupid enough to do so. [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] made his way out and prepared himself for a Pure rules match up against the former TCW star [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b]. Both men are regarded as top class technical wrestlers so they expected a good match. Flemmy Lemming wasted no time going for Ota's arm, twisting it and turning it into numerous painful combinations. Ota's strategy involved working Flemmy's left knee to keep the pace slow, a game that Ota is masterful at. As the match progressed, Ota was in trouble. He had to use his third ropebreak to escape a chickenwing/sleeper combo, barely managing to do so. But Ota fought back, using an array of brutal kicks on Flemmy who was noticably limping. Ota took Flemmy down to his knees and delivered some powerful kicks to the chest and then began to stalk Flemmy. As he got to his feet, Ota connected with a Ninja Strike to send the youngster to the mat. Then Ota locked in Flemmy's Suicide Solution (cross armlock) and managed to get a tap out victory, even though he could easily have got a pinfall win. Ota wins, but Flemmy put in an impressive performance. It was then the big 6 man tag match between [b]The Catalysts[/b] and [b]The Moving Targets[/b]. Over the last couple of months, these two groups have come together and the tensions are mounting. It was hotheaded in the ring as The Underdogs kept trying to get to the Show Stealers and Jacob Jett kept trying to get his hands on Wolf Hawkins, only to be frustrated at every opportunity. The match came to a conclusion when Phoebe Plumridge grabbed Brendan Idol's ankle for the last time and the match quickly descended into chaos. Action spilled to the floor where Matravers posted Brendan when he was stalking Phoebe and the resulting 3 on 2 advantage outside gave Wolf the chance to roll Idol into the ring and hit the Full Moon Rising to pick up the three count. The Catalysts wasted little time getting out of the ring as Jett and Raphael tended to their fallen team mate. Jett was handed a microphone after the match and announced that The Moving Targets would see The Catalysts in the Trios Tournament, if they dared to enter. The announce team hyped up the next match between [b]Guide[/b] and [b]Henry Marksman[/b], saying that Guide has been failing to shake hands with anyone who beats him and that if anyone is likely to beat him, it'd be Marksman. If Guide doesn't shake hands after this match, he would be banned from a BLW ring indefinitely. The match kicked off before it got into the ring as Guide wasted no time diving through the ropes at his opponent before the bell had rung. Once in the ring, Guide made sure the referee rang for the bell to start the match and shook hands with Marksman before stomping away at the former BLW Champion. The momentum in the match changed hands repeatedly though, as Marksman used his wide array of dazzling moves that even included him countering a whip to the corner by leaping to the top rope and moonsaulting onto Guide for a near fall. In the end, Guide looked to drop Marksman face first onto an exposed turnbuckle but Marksman slipped down the back and shoved Guide into it before hitting with a Monkey Suplex and bridge for the pinfall victory. After the match, Marksman copied the same handshake that Guide had given him at the start of the match, without the added stomping, leaving Guide looking very upset in the ring. The crowd loved the match and marked loudly for Marksman throughout. The next match was the penultimate match of the night as [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] faced off against [b]Samoan Machine[/b] for the third time this year. Their previous encounters had produced one victory each, with Samoan picking up the first one and Cattley picking up the second after a brutal battle, but nevertheless while being far fresher after his King of the Indy's first round match. Machine made this challenge to settle the score and the crowd were looking forward to this and made their feelings known during the introductions. Both men have started to get to know each other very well in the ring and it showed as Cattley evaded Machine's attacks by exiting the ring repeatedly early on. Cattley probably has the edge on stamina so he was in no hurry to be caught by Machine's stiff strikes early on, especially not if he could make Machine chase him. Once the action had gotten underway, Cattley worked on the head of Machine, obviously trying to draw blood just as Machine ahd done to him in their revious encounter. Machine countered with a series of brutal forearms that sent Cattley scurrying outside for safety, but the big man dove through the ropes and drew blood on Cattley with his huge forearm at around the 18 minute mark. Machine sent Cattley back into the ring and started working him over with a series of big clotheslines in the corner. Machine looked to be in control and set up for the massive running mafia kick in the corner but took too long and Cattley avoided it, straddling the top rope. Cattley got on the offense and kicked and punched at any part of Machine he could hit. Machine spent the next few minutes on the wrong end of offense from Cattley who had to keep wiping the blood from his own eyes as he continued to try and bust open Machine without success. Cattley took Machine to the corner and hit his head into the buckle repeatedly without succeeding, but at least the crowd were counting with him. He then kept hitting the snake-eyes on the corner but still no blood other than his own. Machine started fighting back with powerful forearms, staggering Cattley, who ducked a fifth forearm and lifted up tthe big man in a back suplex, before spinning round and adropping him face first into the corner, this time connecting with the steel ringpost and drawing blood. The crowd were on their feet for both men as they traded offense for the next few minutes and as Cattley picked up Machine into position for the Mood Swing, they exploded. Cattley swung Machine round, but Machine grabbed Cattley's head on the way down and half connected with a DDT while being caught with the effects of the Mood Swing. The crowd was on its feet as the referee counted both men down and as the referee counted ot seven, everyone booed when the ringbell went. After a few moments of confusion, it was announced that the match had reached the 30 minute time limit and that the result was a [b]time limit draw[/b]. Cattley and Machine, both bloodied and beaten stood in the center of the ring listening to the chants of "Five more minutes!" and shook hands while not taking their eyes off each other. Words were exchanged between the two and without doubt, the two men have settled nothing. Going into this event, they were the top two contenders in the BLW Rankings and this performance is unlikely to have moved either of them. And then, it was time for the main event! Everyone had been looking forward to seeing [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] face the champion, [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. Pistol is the last man to have beaten Devine, doing so 24 hours before Devine used his Trios Tournament victory match to practically ensure himself the World Championship. Everyone knew Pete [i]could[/i] win, but would he be able to win this time? Early on, both sides kept things slow, trying to see how much had changed since their last encounter. Without doubt, Devine has grown more competent with every match, beating all comers for the title while Pistol Pete continues to show the inner fire that brought him to the game and has never really needed to change. Almost shockingly, Devine won the early technical battle but Pete changed things and took them up a notch, starting his trademark brawling and ending up sending the champion to the outside. This same pattern followed again and almost threepeated until Devine ducked a big clothesline intended to send him to the floor and sent Pete over with one of his own. The action for the next fifteen minutes was all over the place as Devine played Pete at his own game on the ringside area. Pete got a near fall after he caught Devine springboarding into the ring and scored with a big powerslam, but it was not to be. with the match close to its conclusion, Devine missed with a Devine Itnervention reverse elbow, a move that has saved him in many matches to date. Pete rebounded off the ropes looking for a Pistol Whip lariat and Devine narrowly ducked it before hitting Pete with a hot shot for his troubles. Devine caught Pete on the rebound with a Devine Dream Drop and got the three count. Devine celebrated in the ring and gestured to everyone in the back that he's still the champion and that there's nothing they can do about it. The crowd started chanting the names of [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] which made Devine appear to be nervous as the show ended. The announce team then put over that BLW's next show will be [b]Modern Day Gladiators[/b] before BLW has another of its huge events, the [b]Trios Tournament[/b] the following month. They told everyone to stay tuned to BLWrestling.com to find out who will be competing at both events and to keep up with all the latest BLW news.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]July 07 - Midsummers Madness[/u] - (B-)[/b] [i]DARK: The Specialists defeated The Hit Squad [8:51] (C-) The Trademarks defeated Twist of Fate [8:43] (C-) Alex McKing defeated Morimaso Kato (defense #2 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [8:45] (C-) Steve Flash defeated Frankie Perez [14:38] (C) The Fly Boys defeated El Critico/Joey Beauchamp (defense #6 of the BLW Tag Team titles) [12:31] (C) Fumihiro Ota defeated Flemmy Lemming (Pure Rules) [13:24] (C-) wolf/Show Stealers defeated Jett/Underdogs [15:38] (C+) Henry Marksman defeated Guide [16:24] (B) Mean Jean Cattley and Samoan Machine wrestled to a thirty minute time limit draw [30:00] (C+) Darryl Devine defeated Pistol Pete Hall (defense #8 of the BLW World Championship) [24:39] (B-)[/i] [/QUOTE] [b]OOC[/b]:[i] Yup, its almost time for the Trios Tournament once again and the battle lines are being drawn. Most of the teams are confirmed already, with some awaiting final confirmation either at or just after Modern Day Gladiators. The newsline will follow soon with the card for MDG. It should be an interesting event. I'm currently trying to decide on the order of shows for next year as I feel that having two rounds of voting so early in the year (Awards and Popular Demand) is a bit too much, especially with such a big gap between King of the Indys and Trios Tournament. Which means I may need a new name for an event in February. Any suggestions would be most excellent. Thanks for reading and extra thanks if you have any suggestions. :) Derek B[/i]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [qUOTE] [center][b][u][size=5]Border-Line Wrestling August Newsline[/size][/u] [size=4]Rankings, Modern Day Gladiators Matches, Pete to Compete[/size][/b][/center] After a week of deliberating and booking matches, the BLW Booking Committee has finally organised a preliminary card for Modern Day Gladiators in 3 weeks time. Based on the results of Midsummers Madness and on challenges issued by the BLW roster itself, the card has been set. But first, here is the BLW Top 5 Rankings for the month starting August 2007. [b]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b] Champion: [b]Darryl Devine[/b] 1. Samoan Machine 2. Mean Jean Cattley 3. Henry Marksman 4. Steve Flash 5. Chavo Lopez Also Considered [i](in alphabetical order)[/i] Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Pistol Pete Hall Wolf Hawkins
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/b5545cdb.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]BLW World Championship Match[/b][/u] [i]Darryl Devine (c) vs Steve Flash[/i] Despite only just breaking into the BLW Top 5 Rankings, Steve Flash has been granted a title match against Darryl Devine. with the other competitors ahead of him settling their own scores, Flash has got the chance to shine as he continues his hot winning streak over the last few months that has seen him go undefeated across the USA recently. But he steps into the ring against a man who has faced the very best BLW has to offer and is still the reigning BLW World Champion. Only one man can walk out of this match with their winning streak intact and he will also be the man wearing the BLW World Championship belt around his waist. This should be a sensational match! [b][u]Cattley vs Samoan IV[/b][/u] [i]Mean Jean Cattley vs Samoan Machine[/i] 2007 has been a war for these two men thus far, with neither man being able to clearly settle who is the better wrestler. Their first match was a test of strength, their second was a battle and their third was a bloody war that reached the thiry minute time limit. The intensity can hardly be upped any higher, but these two men are still the top ranked contenders for the BLW World Championship! The winner of this epic encounter will face the BLW World Champion at the Trios Tournament and this match has been scheduled with no time limit! This time, there WILL be a winner! [b][u]BLW World Tag Team Title Match[/b][/u] [i]The Fly Boys (c) vs The Show Stealers[/i] Since debuting in BLW, The Show Stealers have proved to be one of the best young teams in professional wrestling. With the ROF Tag titles already around their waists, they look to add the BLW Tag titles to their already impressive resume. But The Fly Boys have proved to be tremendous tag team champions so far, defending the belts against everything thrown at them. But with Phoebe Plumridge at ringside helping the Show Stealers, will the Fly Boys be able to retain the belts once more or will the temptress manage to lure the belts into the camp of The Catalysts? [b][u]Rankings Match[/b][/u] [i]Henry Marksman vs Pistol Pete Hall[/i] Two of BLW's biggest names will collide in this BLW dream match. Marksman is on a crusade to win back the BLW Championship he lost to Devine almost a year ago and Pistol Pete is trying to re-earn his Top 5 Ranking that he lost after losing to Darryl Devine at Midsummers Madness. The two are sure to put on a fantastic match, but there can only be one winner in this one. But who will it be?! [b][u]Grudge Match[/b][/u] [i]Jacob Jett vs Wolf Hawkins[/i] The leaders of the two newest groups in BLW have wasted little time in getting to hate each other. Wolf Hawkins is a ****y, arrogant youngster who believes he's better than everyone else and Jacob Jett is a confident youngster who thinks he's better than everyone else. Two personalities so similar, two modus operandi so different. There isn't enough room in BLW for both of these men and they may just tear each other apart in this match! [b][u]BLW Pure Style Championship Match[/b][/u] [i]Alex McKing (c) vs Thomas Morgan[/i] The Pure Style Championship is fast becoming a highly respected belt and with the belts success and prestige, Alex McKing is gaining himself a reputation for success. His latest challenger for the belt is a man more commonly seen in tag team action but who is well known across Canada for being a superb technical wrestler in his own right. At Modern Day Gladiators, Thomas Morgan attempts to win the BLW Pure Style Championship from the man who brought Pure Rules to BLW in what promises to be the best Pure Rules match thus far. [b][u]Former TCW Challenge Match[/b][/u] [i]Fumihiro Ota vs Robert Oxford[/i] Oxford debuted in BLW with minimal fanfare and immediately put in a strong showing. But without even trying, he's managed to attract the attention of another former TCW wrestler, Fumihiro Ota. Both of these men have a strong technical style of wrestling and both know the other one pretty well from their tag team days in TCW. But in singles competition, who will prevail? [b][u]Tag Challenge Match[/b][/u] [i]The Specialists vs Joey Beauchamp/El Critico[/i] Last month at Midsummers Madness, The Specialists interfered in Beauchamp and Critico's BLW Tag Team title match, costing the belts and then announcing that they were the new members of F.U.T.U.R.E. Beauchamp will once again team with El Critico as the duo attempt to get revenge for the attack and prepare for the Trios Tournament one month later. Will the Speciailists pick up the victory? Or will Beauchamp start to even the score with his former stable? And just who will be in Beauchamp's team for the Trios Tournament? Don't miss out on this match! [b][u]Pure Rules Match[/b][/u] [i]Flemmy Lemming vs Merle O'Curle[/i] Flemmy Lemming's quest for the BLW Pure Style Championship continues as he faces Merle O'Curle. So far, Flemmy has yet to pick up a win under Pure rules but the youngster has improved in every match so far as he gets to grip with the style. Standing in his way though is the Irish Stretching Machine, who's machine-like style is perfectly suited to Pure wrestling. Who will succeed in this technical war? [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/b5545cdb.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[center][size=4][b][u]Pistol Pete Hall Opens Wrestling School[/b][/u][/size][/center] Pistol Pete Hall, known by many for his role in the legendary training camp PileDriver wrestling as the head trainer, will once again be turning his hand to helping train the next generation of wrestling superstars. Over the years, many of Pete's students went on to find fame in the major promotions and some of the top indy stars today owe their start in wrestling to him. Among the BLW roster alone, Wolf Hawkins and Merle O'Curle trained with Pete for a significant time, although Wolf Hawkins is also popularly known for having been trained by Tommy Cornell after his initial training. Pete's new wrestling school will be known as the Shooter Academy and will be holding open tryouts in the very near future. Also helping to train the next generation will be Merle O'Curle, who also wrestles for BLW along with ROF. For more information, head to BLWrestling.com/training where you can also find information on Fumihiro Ota's DARE TO FIGHT Dojo. [/QUOTE]
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