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[b]From BLWrestling.com[/b] [quote] [b][u][size=5][center]BLW Ferbuary Newsline![/size][/u] [size=3]BLW Top 5 Rankings, New Pure Rankings, Ultimate Warriors Card and more! [/size][/center][/b] Welcome to the BLW February Newsline where we have all the important news regarding the happenings of BLW. The big news this month is the debut of the BLW Pure Style Top 5 alongside the BLW Top 5 Rankings. The BLW Booking Committee has been having a hard time deciding who should be the top challengers for [b]Alex McKing[/b]'s Pure Style belt and now we finally have an authoritative ranking system for it. As always, announced alongside the BLW Rankings is the card for BLW's next big event, [b]Ultimate Warriors[/b] along with some news that will affect the upcoming King of the Indy's Tournament in April. So without further ado, here's everything you need to know.
[b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/u][/b] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] 1. Henry Marksman 2. Wolf Hawkins 3. Darryl Devine 4. Mean Jean Cattley 5. Eddie Chandler [i]Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order):[/i] Acid Alex McKing Burning Takashiita Chavo Lopez Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Marc Speed Mean Jean Cattley Pistol Pete Hall
[b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/b][/u] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Alex McKing[/b] 1. Marc Speed 2. Flemmy Lemming 3. Frankie Perez 4. Fumihiro Ota 5. Stevie Stoat [i]Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order):[/i] Donnie J El Critico Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Robert Oxford It is expected that with the new rankings for the Pure Style Championship that more people will contend matches under Pure Rules in future. We in the BLW Booking Committee look forward to some more classic showcases of wrestling skill in future.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG] [b][u][size=5]Matches Announced So Far[/u][/b][/size] [i][u]BLW World Championship Match[/u][/i] [b]Samoan Machine (c) vs Wolf Hawkins[/b] Samoan Machine has been a fighting champion thus far, despite his last two defenses against Henry Marksman having questionable finishes. It seems inevitable that those two men will meet again, although whether the BLW Championship will stand between them is unknown. Wolf Hawkins, voted the BLW Young Wrestler of 2007, and one of the premiere talents in the wrestling world has his sights firmly set on winning his first singles championship gold. And with his recent record, this match is set to be one of the most competitive in a long time! [i][u]Steel Cage Match[/u][/i] [b]Acid vs Guide[/b] Its time to settle things between these two men once and for all! They've had wild matches all over arenas along the East Coast of the US for months and now they're going to meet within the confines of a steel cage! Escaping won't do them any good as the only way to win the match is by pinfall or submission! Will this match finally conclude the rivalry between these two men? [i][u]No DQ, No Count-Out Match[/u][/i] [b]Eddie Chandler vs Pistol Pete Hall[/b] The BLW Booking Committee has made another attempt to settle things decisively in the ring by making this rematch a no disqualification and no count out match. Chandler has been able to pick up wins over Pete in controversial circumstances but this time, there will be a winner. How will this match affect the BLW Top 5 Rankings? And who will come out victorious? [i][u]Challenge Match[/u][/i] [b]Chavo Lopez vs Henry Marksman[/b] The last couple of months have been relatively quiet from Chavo Lopez, but after hearing Henry Marksman announced as the BLW 2007 Wrestler of the Year, he asked the Booking Committee to give him a match at Ultimate Warriors. Lopez may not have been able to pick a worse time to challenge MArksman, who is frustrated following two controversial matches with Samoan Machine and will be aiming to vent his frustrations at whoever steps in front of him. With two world class talents in the ring though, will Marksman be able to keep his focus and beat the ambitious challenger? [i][u]BLW Pure Style Championship[/u][/i] [b]Alex McKing (c) vs Marc Speed[/b] With the new Pure Style Rankings just announced, who better than the #1 Ranked contender to face the seemingly unbeatable champion? Alex Mcking has proved to be a master at Pure Rules and Marc Speed is still looking for a big win since he won the 2007 King of the Indy's tournament. Both men are tremendous technical wrestlers and this contest is expected to be another fantastic match! [i][u]BLW World Tag Team Titles[/u][/i] [b]The Show Stealers (c) vs The Fly Boys[/b] The February Open Challenge say these two teams clash once again in a match that was thrown out when the Tokyo Express interjected. 2007 was a dominant year in the tag ranks for the Fly Boys but it was The Show Stealers that ended the year with the Tag Team of the Year Award and the BLW Tag Team titles. Both teams will be out to prove their superiority, but what part (if any) will the Tokyo Express play in this as they aim to prove themselves as superior to The Fly Boys? [i][b]Plus:[/b] Expected appearances from Flemmy Lemming, Jacob Jett, The Tokyo Express, Frankie Perez and the Jawahir Family! Get your tickets early from [u]BLWrestling.com/events[/u] to avoid disappointment![/i] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[center][b][u][size=5]King of the Indys 2008 News[/u][/b][/size][/center] The BLW Booking Committee has been busy trying to organise the 2008 King of the Indy's tournament and has recently been accepting applications from promotions around the world who wish to have representatives at the event. Needless to say, not everyone can be included so as there are only 8 spots available for the one night tournament and the standards for the tournament this year have been higher even than the previous two years. The two previous winners of the highly prestigious event were [b]Darryl Devine[/b] in 2006 and [b]Marc Speed[/b] in 2007 both of whom have cemented themselves as top names within BLW and on the independent wrestling scene. While the list of competitors has yet to be decided, some of the promotions to be represented at the event have alreaady been announced with NACW, CZCW, DAVE and WLW all confirmed to have one competitor representing them. Also, with the standards being set so high, BLW will be hosting a seperate 8 an tournament throughout March to determine an 8th Wildcard entrant. The 8 people entered into this tournament will be selected from a pool of worthy contenders who have not been chosen by their own leagues (if they have one) to represent them. The BLW Booking Committee hope to make this year's event the best one yet and are pulling out all the stops to ensure its success once again. The BLW World Championship is also expected to be defended on the show, although by whom we will not know until we are closer to the time. Make sure you don't miss out on this sensational event by getting your ticekts from BLWrestling.com/events. [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[/quote] [b][u]OOC[/b][/u]: Woohoo!! 100 posts!! I never thought I woulda got this far and stil be over-excited about stuff. And King of the Indy's is shaping up to be awesome thanks to some recent events. More news after Ultimate Warriors. Derek B
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BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Wolf Hawkins Hawkins is not the man for Machine to lose too Steel Cage Match [B]Acid[/B] vs Guide Acid always and forever, never really liked guide except as part of New Wave No DQ, No Count-Out Match [B]Eddie Chandler[/B] vs Pistol Pete Hall Both of these guys need to retire but I'll go Chandler Challenge Match Chavo Lopez vs [B]Henry Marksman[/B] Sorry Chavo, it's Monkey Man all thw way BLW Pure Style Championship [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Marc Speed Not the man to lose this title too BLW World Tag Team Titles [B]The Show Stealers (c) [/B]vs The Fly Boys I like these guys they should be champs awhile longer
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] As per usual, Derek B has sent in the results and appears to be tremendously excited about them. Word from one of our own staff is that some of the matches really were as good as he says they were. [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] BLW fans, you've clicked on the correct link if you want to read about the best pro wrestling on the planet (outside of Japan or Canada at least). A few hours ago BLW held another awesome show called Ultimate Warriors and here's roughly how things went down. Prior to the official bell time there were two very quick matches. The first one saw the insanely charismatic [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] tap out within two minutes to the seemingly ice-hearted [b]Merle O'Curle[/b] despite Serhat's moving promo beforehand. That guy may be awful in the ring, but he can sure get the crowd on his side. The second quick match saw [b]The Underdogs[/b] defeat [b]Twist of Fate[/b] in about four minutes, with Tempest simply looking terrible out there. Gossip has it that Tempest is on his way out and wasn't happy about this match and I doubt this performance has done much to help his chances of being re-hired in the future. At least this may give Eclipse the chance to shin on his own, if that isn't a contradiction in itself. :) The official show kicked off with the two man announce team of Bryan Paris and Nicholas Charisma hyping up some of tonights big matches, with Charisma commenting that tonight will look like his hometurf (DAVE) during the cage and No DQ matches. Paris said that tonight would also see three matches held under Pure Rules to balance that out, with the first of them up right now as [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] faced [b]Joey Poison[/b]. Flemmy once again showed his undoubted technical genius in this match as he tied Poison in knots more complicated that Poison's own Antidote Web finisher, but the finish came when Flemmy locked in the relatively simple Suicide Solution to get a submission victory. It might jus tbe me, but I've yet to be impressed by Joey Poison. I wonder what role he'll play in the King of the Indy's tournament this year. The second match of the night was another Pure Rules match and was expected to be a good one as [b]Jacob Jett[/b] brought his quickness along to face off against the intense and often brutal kicks of [b]Frankie Perez[/b]. The two youngsters seemed to match up to each other pretty well, trading kicks and using some quick offense. Perez was first to up the ante with some submissions but Jett seemed adept at countering. In the end, with each man's rope breaks supply exhausted, Jett locked in the Afterburner and picked up the win via submission when Frankie simply couldn't find a way out. A bit of a surprise win for Jett, but a hard earned one too which showed as he limped to the back holding his neck. [b]The Tokyo Express[/b] made their way out for their tag match looking particularly angry, probably because their old rivals The Fly Boys had another Tag title shot. [b]The Specialists[/b] didn't look much happier themselves as they tried to ensure themselves a shot at the belts and when the two teams clashed in the ring, it was a free for all. The match was practically a tornado rules match the whole way through and the finish eventually came when Ota hit the Ninja Strike on Nate Johnson and then used the Cross Arm Breaker to get a submission victory for the Tokyo Express. A solid tag match, it didn't really set the crowd on fire or anything. The BLW Pure Style Championship was on the line next as [b]Alex McKing[/b] put his title on the line against the 2007 King of the Indy's, [b]Marc Speed[/b]. For 16 and a half minutes these two put on a great display of technical wrestling, with counter after counter being used to stop the other man gaining too much of an advantage. But in the end, Marc Speed fell to the devastating move now apparantly known as the World Tour (the dragon suplex roll through) as Alex McKing picked up another victory and defense #9 of the BLW Pure Stlye Championship. He cut a promo after the match at Speed, saying he wasn't good enough to win the belt and then telling Wolf Hawkins (his own stablemate) that the Young Wrestler award should've went to him (McKing), not Wolf. McKing was stil heading backstage as his stablemates [b]The Show Stealers[/b] came out for their match and had a few quiet words with him, probably saying something along the lines of its not cool to argue within the group. [b]The Fly Boys[/b] made their way to the ring, crowd surfing their way down either side of the entrance way and hitting the ring at full speed. For once Matravers didn't look as good as he usually does, almost botching his Mile High Moonsault as he scored the victory over Jimmy P. I really enjoy the Show Stealers, but in this match it was the Fly Boys who looked the superior team for the most part. The next four matches would've been at home on any show anywhere in the world and I really mean it. The crowd were hot as [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] made his way to the ring and they let [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] know what they thought of his as he made a hesitant entrance. Pete met Chandler in the entrance way and the fight was on. Both sides made full use of the rules, with Chandler using every shortcut he could think of to get back on offense. In the end, multiple shots to Pete's knee with a steel chair and a subsewuent figure four leglock around the ringpost forced the referee to stop the match. Pete never tapped, but it was clear that he would've suffered a serious injury if the match wasn't stopped. Chandler celebrated as he went backstage, but Pete was still wanting a fight even as he was being helped backstage by two medical personel. These two can really tell a story in the ring and rumours of Pete retiring again are hopefully over-stated. The man can really go in the ring and Chandler is just hitting his prime too. The next match will go down as one of BLW's best ever as the BLW Wrestler of the Year for 2006 and 2007 [b]Henry Marksman[/b] took on the challenge of the hungry [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. The two men are known for having very similar styles and Lopez has taken some time out from BLW to refocus himself as of late and improve his sharpness. Marksman is still out to prove himself, determined to get another rematch against Samoan Machine for the World Championship. Marksman wasted no time as he launched into his trademark intense attack and Lopez reacted by firing back in similar fashion, throwing some super stiff European Uppercuts that almost took Marksman out of his boots. Even with Marksman going all out, Lopez kept pace and an incredible moment came when Lopez sidestepped a ropeflip plancha, leaving Marksman to crash to the floor outside with no protection. Lopez looked to try and lock in the Champagne Breakfast shortly afterwards but Marksman fought out of it. As the two got back to their feet, Marksman countered with a lightning quick back kick to the gut and a Hellfire Kick that barely gave him the win. This was by far the match of the night, which isn't taking anything away from any of the other matches at all and I get the feeling that we'll see these two meet again, especially if the crowd get their way. A long chant of "Match of the Year" must have really made these two performers feel good about themselves, but Marksman stayed in character and shouted at the crowd that Samoan Machine was next for him while Lopez shook his head in disbelief that he'd lost, although he'd only just failed to kick out. The cage was being constructed for the next match as [b]Guide[/b] talked with Nicholas Charisma (his DAVE co-worker) about what he was going to do to [b]Acid[/b] when they met in the cage. He put over their recent matches, including the classic from January's Open Challenge and said that this one would be even better. Once both men were inside the cage, things kicked off as expected. Guide used his superior size to try and dominate things but Acid fought back using his speed to keep ahead. Both men were thrown violently against the cage several times and Guide's facepaint proved unnecessary as bloody covered most of his face. Acid hit a big brainbuster suplex on Guide and proceeded to the top of the cage but missed with an insane Acid Rain Bomb from all the way up that started up the "Holy ****" chants. Guide capitalised by picking up the hurt Acid and drilling him with a Guided Missile to pick up a three count and the big win. I've really enjoyed their series so far and although this was being billed as the big finish to their rivalry, I can't help but feel that there is going to be something more from them in future. At least, I hope there's more in future. It was then time for the main event of the night. Bryan Paris and Nicholas Charisma hyped up the match while the cage was quickly deconstructed, putting [b]Samoan Machine[/b] over as a tough fighting champion and putting [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] over as the future of wrestling and a world class talent. By far the longest match of the night, Machine was more cautious with his attack than normal and Wolf seemed to play to the crowd a lot less. But it wasn't too long before Machine broke out some of the trademark big moves and had Wolf on the ropes. But Wolf fought back using some of Tommy Cornell's trademark spots, including the Hung Jury. Wolf tried to put Machine away with a Guilt Trip but Machine fought his way out of it and the match kept rolling on with some extremely brutal looking offense. If Machine's title reign is rembered for nothing else in years to come, it'll be remembered for looking awesomely stiff. The big finish came after Wolf tried to utilise the judo choke sleeper but Machine found the ropes and then nailed a careless Wolf with a powerful STO. After that Wolf couldn't avoid being locked into the Unbreakable Sleeper and after trying to break free for almost two full minutes, he had to tap, albeit after exhausting every option and almost passing out himself. The crowd were on their feet again, breaking out the "Match of the Year" chants for the second time tonight until [b]Rhino Umaga[/b] once again made his presence felt, attack Wolf as Samoan was heading to the back. Samoan rushed to the ring to stop the attack but Umaga escaped before Machine could get a hold of him, shouting at Wolf that Samoan had told him to do that. As the show ended, Paris and Charisma hyped up that BLW would be hosting the next Open Challenge in the New England area, home of NACW who will be represented at King of the Indys, and also hyped that we'd see 4 matches by people trying to become the wildcard entry for the tournament. They also hyped up the next big BLW event as being Glory By Honour in March that would see the four qualifiers from The Open Challenge duke it out for their place in King of the Indys aswell as defenses of all three BLW Championships. I can't wait!
[CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/UW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b][u]Feb 08 - Ultimate Warriors[/u] - (B)[/b] DARK: Merle O'Curle defeated Serhat Jawahir [1:32] (D) DARK: The Underdogs defeated Twist of Fate [3:46] (C) Flemmy Lemming defeated Joey Poison (Pure Rules) [8:33] (C-) Jacob Jett defeated Frankie Perez (Pure Rules) [13:33] (C+) The Tokyo Express defeated The Specialists [13:52] (C) Alex McKing defeated Marc Speed (defense #9 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [16:29] (C+) The Show Stealers defeated The Fly Boys (defense #5 of the BLW World Tag Team Titles) [19:36] (C) Eddie Chandler defeated Pistol Pete Hall (No DQ, No Count Out) [18:42] (B-) Henry Marksman defeated Chavo Lopez [15:32] (A) Guide defeated Acid (Cage Match) [13:58] (B-) Samoan Machine defeated Wolf Hawkins [26:12] (B+)
[/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/b][/u] Yay, another A rated match and an absolute look of shock from me. I was sure I'd put Lopez and Marksman together before but apparantly not. Imagine this folks: Hell Monkey and Champagne Lover with great chemistry! [b]YES![/b]! Derek B
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] ........... from Derek B. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Welcome one, welcome all to the third edition of BLW's Open Challenge with BLW making its first ever stop in the New England area in front of about 150 fans and 1 superfan (me). [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] reprises his role as the opener for the night, once again appealing to the part inside of everyone that makes them think they're a good person with another heartwarming promo. He hyped up his match with [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] and spent as much time doing that as he did in the match. Flemmy dominated from the opening bell and was declared the winner by knockout when he knocked Serhat silly with a beautiful suplex variation. [b]Nadira[/b] and [b]Esra[/b] quickly came out to help Serhat but he seemed okay as he spied a few faces in the crowd that had been garnering a lot of attention. Serhat tried to ask the group of three ladies their names but they blanked him until Esra and Nadira whispered who they were into his ear. However, he wasn't so quiet and shouted the names out. [b]Kit Hatoyama...... Thunder Hike..... Sensational Ogiwara......[/b] Some of the crowd went completely nuts, but they had already been going nuts when they'd seen arguably the three most talented female wrestlers in the world today earlier on. Serhat said he didn't know much about them but he wanted to learn and asked if any of them would face Nadira and Esra. After some gesturing, they seemed to get the idea and Kit stepped into the ring to face Esra. The result wasn't so much a match as an exhibition as Kit showed off her speed and incredible skills on the way to beating Esra in under five minutes, which was longer than she really needed. The crowd loved it and even Serhat was smiling through the whole match. Nadira didn't look quite so pleased. Determined not to be outdone, Thunder Hike (real name Tara Hike for those who care) pointed to Esra in what counted as a challenge and then proceeded to wrestle rings around her for the next five minutes. Honestly, I'm not sure that any of the men on the BLW roster can wrestle as quickly as Kit did or as technically as Hike did, these women need to be seen to be believed. Some of the crowd started chanting "Ogi-wa-ra" and she seemed to respond to this, but the Jawahir's were heading backstage, all soundly beaten by their respective opponents so far. But then we were interupted by the familiar voice of [b]Melody Cuthill[/b] who wasted no time shooting down the crowd for being unpatriotic and then challenging Senstaional Ogiwara (real name Nana Ogiwara) to a match. As good as Kit and Hike were, Ogiwara was even better as she took some of Melody's best shots and barely seemed phased by it. The match lasted a good while though with Melody getting some nice offense in but Ogiwara was simply in a league of her own and eventually won with the Ogiwara Spike, picking up the pinfall to a standing ovation. The US may not know much about her, but us smarks appreciate her. After the match, Bryan Paris (who was on sole commentary duties) announced that Sensational Ogiwara would be representing 5SSW in the King of the Indy's Tournament. I don't know about anyone else, but that just... wow! The rest of the show was handed over to the potential wildcard entrants for the King of the Indys, the winners of each of the four matches having a mini tournament at Glory By Honour to decide who it would be. The first match turned out to be a tremendous technical encounter between [b]Merle O'Curle[/b] and [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] that would probably normally have been under Pure rules, but wasn't today. As good as Merle is though, he couldn't match up with Ota who scored a pinfall victory after a Ninja Strike. The second match say [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] pair off against [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. When I heard the match, I immediately thought it was going to be another classic but it wasn't anywhere near the same level as Lopez/Marksman from just a couple of weeks ago. Nevertheless, it was still a good match considering neither man is particularly well known in the region and the crowd still marked out when the Chavo Lopez hit Jett with the Hellfire Kick, Marksman's big move, to pick up the pinfall victory. It seems Lopez is trying to send a message to the BLW Wrestler of the Year and I can't wait to see them hook up in the ring again. The next match was introduced as being between the 4C representative [b]Joey Poison[/b] and what was meant to be Guide. But last night, Guide managed to win the USPW World Title and would be representing USPW in the King of the Indys Tournament, something compounded by his recent wins over Acid. Taking Guide's place would be the former USPW champion "Ice Man" [b]Alex Braun[/b], a man that everyone in the crowd immediately knew. The match itself was a solid one, but again Poison didn't impress me much, especially as he fell to the Braun Damage for the three count. Braun looked good and is a pretty big name and we'll be seeing more of him at Glory By Honour. Lastly, the main event of the night saw two men who were also on the NACW roster face off as [b]Acid[/b] took on [b]Frankie Perez[/b] for a possible berth in the King of the Indy's tournament. By far the longest and most even contest of the night, Frankie unleashed hell on Acid with a battery of kicks that never seemed to fail to find their mark. Acid seemed to perhaps be carrying a slight injury from the cage match still but that didn't slow him down much as he flew around the ring hitting Perez from every angle. In the end, Acid managed to secure the win when he locked in the Acidity Test and forced Perez to tap in the middle of the ring. After the match was over, Acid was celebrating with Bryan Paris who seemed to be trying to get an interview with the always silent Acid (a bit silly really). He hyped Acid up as being perhaps the best high flyer on the indy scene and the best high flyer in DAVE history. But we were then interupted by a very old, yet familiar tune for anyone that was watching DAVE a few years back. The crowd went nuts, I went nuts, Paris went nuts as [b]"the Priest of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez[/b] came out from the back and slid into the ring next to Acid. DAVE fans would generally regard these two as the best flyers DAVE has ever had but Acid joined shortly after Pablo left so they've never met. Pablo got on the microphone, gave his usual spiel about extreme wrestling being his religion and said that he was without doubt the best high flyer DAVE had ever had. He then announced that at the King of the Indy's, everyone in BLW would get the chance to see him prove that he truly is the best around as he represents SOTBPW in the tournament. Overall, the show was another success in my opinion though the crowd weren't as vocal (or numerous) as they would be be back home. But the matches were as great as ever in my opinion and it's gonna be interesting to see who will take the Wildcard spot in the King of the Indy's tournament. And its gonna be interesting to see what BLW does with Ogiwara, Hike and Kit. I'm gonna call them the Joshi Dream Team because quite frankly, I can't think of anyone else who represents Japanese Women's wrestling better than those three. It sure is an exciting time in BLW. King of the Indy's is little more than a month away, and we already know that Sensational Ogiwara, Guide and Pablo Rodriguez will be in the event, along with one of Acid, Alex Braun, Chavo Lopez and Fumihiro Ota. I'm not sure anyone can be as excited as I am right now, I really don't!
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [u][b]Mar 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C)[/b] [i] Flemmy Lemming defeated Serhat Jawahir [3:53] (E) Kit Hatoyama defeated Esra Jawahir [4:47] (D) Thunder Hike defeated Nadira Jawahir [4:57] (D) Sensational Ogiwara defeated Melody Cuthill [12:39] (C-) Fumihiro Ota defeated Merle O'Curle [11:19] (C) Chavo Lopez defeated Jacob Jett [19:47] (C) Alex Braun defeated Joey Poison [11:29] (C) Acid defeated Frankie Perez [23:07] (C+) [/i]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com[/b] [quote] [b][u][size=5][center]BLW March Newsline![/size][/u] [size=3]BLW Top 5 Rankings, card for Glory By Honour and More![/size][/center][/b] As BLW continues the march to the King of the Indy's Tournament 2008, the world's most important wrestlers are continuing to flood into the promotion. So many names were entered into the tournament that there had to be another tournament to determine who would make it in, such was the incredible standards set. Needless to say, over the coming months the new arrivals are likely to make their mark on BLW and the rankings will no doubt be affected by their arrival. But as yet, no new names in the rankings until they have proved themselves. Here are the updated rankings following on from The Open Challenge that eminated from New England recently.
[b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b][/u] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] [i]1. Henry Marksman 2. Wolf Hawkins 3. Darryl Devine 4. Mean Jean Cattley 5. Eddie Chandler[/i] Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): [i]Acid Alex McKing Burning Takashiita Chavo Lopez Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Marc Speed Mean Jean Cattley Pistol Pete Hall[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/u][/b] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Alex McKing[/b] [i]1. Flemmy Lemming 2. Marc Speed 3. Fumihiro Ota 4. Stevie Stoat 5. Frankie Perez[/i] Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): [i]Donnie J El Critico Jacob Jett Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Robert Oxford[/i] Heihachiro Sakai and Hitomari Suzuki have requested to join the division, so they will test themselves at the next Open Challenge against as yet un-named opponents.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u][size=5][center]Matches Announced So Far[/b][/u][/size] [i]BLW World Championship Match[/i] [u][b]Samoan Machine (c) vs Darryl Devine[/b][/u] The reigning BLW World Champion will face the previous champion once again as Samoan Machine defends the belt once more against "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine. As of late, Devine has been learning more and more tricks as he tours the US and Canada with promotions like USPW, 4C and DAVE making him an even more dangerous opponent for the supertough Samoan Machine. Every time these two come together they have a spectacular match that goes to the wire. So far, Machine has been getting the better of the close finishes but has Devine learned a way to counter the Unbreakable Sleeper on his travels? Or will Machine's multinational experience once again help him to another win over the former BLW Champion? [i]BLW Pure Style Championship Match[/i] [u][b]Alex McKing (c) vs Flemmy Lemming[/b][/u] Once again, the top contender to the Pure Style Championship will take on the champion, with Flemmy Lemming bringing a lot of momentum into this match. He's clearly been perfecting his Suicide solution finisher, making anyone who steps into the ring with it tap. But Alex McKing has been doing the same thing with his World Tour finisher, almost knocking his victims out cold before making them tap. They've had some close matches in the past, but this one has to be the most anticipated encounter yet! [i]BLW World Tag Team Title Match[/i] [u][b]The Show Stealers (c) vs The Underdogs[/b][/u] Two teams who are developing quite a history together over recent months come face to face once more. The Show Stealers are the reigning ROF and BLW Tag Team champions and have faced competition from around the world for both of those belts. Their previous encounters have been among the best tag matches in BLW's history and this one should be no different. Can The Underdogs finally pick up the big win they've been so close to? Or will the Show Stealers once again prove they are one of the best teams on the planet with another successful defense? [i]King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: Semi Final #1[/i] [u][b]Alex Braun vs Acid[/b][/u] Braun came within 24 hours of being the USPW entrant for the King of the Indys Tournament until Guide defeated him for the USPW World Championship and took his place. Now Braun must get through two matches in one night if he wants to make it into the tournament. But standing in his way is the indy legend, Acid, who has his own quarrels with Guide. Only one can make it past this match to get a potential shot at Guide, but even if they win here, they still have another match to go! [i]King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: Semi Final #2[/i] [u][b]Fumihiro Ota vs Chavo Lopez[/b][/u] Two more men who are aiming to make it into the King of the Indys Tournament as the Wildcard entrant and both earned their way into the semi finals at the last Open Challenge. Their skills are undoubted and with both men looking to show their superiority. Its almost impossible to pick a winner in this one as both men bring different skills to the table. Its going to be a real clash of styles and whoever wins will [i]still[/i] have another match in the same night! [i]King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: FINAL[/i] [u][b]??? vs ???[/b][/u] It'll be the winner of Braun/Acid against the winner of Ota/Lopez to decide the Wildcard entrant for the King of the Indy's. So many factors will play into the match. Stamina. Toughness. Skill. But whoever qualifies from here will have the benefit of knowing what its like to have fought two tough matches in one night which will surely help them in the tournament itself! without doubt, this will be an invaluable experience for the winner! [i]BLW Rankings Match[/i] [u][b]Guide vs Mean Jean Cattley[/b][/u] The BLW Booking Committee agonised about giving Guide a place in the Top 5 Rankings, saying he was so very close and that one more big win would likely allow him in. Mean Jean Cattley is currently in the lower reaches of the rankings and will be defending his right to challenge the champion in the near future. Victory for Cattley could give him another chance at the BLW World Championship, defeat could see Guide take his place and earn himself the right to challenge! [i]Challenge Match[/i] [u][b]Jacob Jett vs Pablo Rodriguez[/b][/u] when it comes to exciting high flying wrestlers, you don't have to look much further than these two men to see the next generation of lightweight matches that will steal the show. Just as Elemental and Optimus once did in BHOTWG, these two men are sure to put on an incredible match! Can Jett pull out another big win? Or will Pablo warm himself up for the King of the Indys Tournament with a win himself? [i]Challenge Match[/i] [u][b]Melody Cuthill vs Sensational Ogiwara[/b][/u] These two women met at The Open Challenge and put on a classic display of women's wrestling, showing the likes of TCW and SWF that women are more than just eye candy. Melody claims that she underestimated the challenge of Ogiwara and issued another challenge, saying she'll be better prepared this time. Ogiwara is a legend in women's wrestling, almost without doubt the greatest of all time. Will Melody's ego be damaged once again? Or will Ogiwara's reputation be undermined by the young star? [b][u]PLUS[/b][/u]: Expected appearances from the Jawahir family along with more expected announcements from competitors in the King of the Indys Tournament, make sure you get your tickets by visiting BLWrestling.com/events! Don't miss out! [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[b][u][size=5][center]King of the Indys 2008: The Story So Far...[/b][/u][/size][/center] With the annual King of the Indys tournament just over one month away, the indy wrestling scene's eyes have all been firmly fixed upon BLW once again. While the spotlight of professional wrestling is always on the likes of TCW, SWF, BHOTWG, NOTBPW and PGHW - the indy promotions are always fighting it out between themselves to proclaim themselves the next best promotion in the world. At times like this, the spotlight moves from CGC, DAVE and GCG and onto BLW as it hosts stars from all over the world who not only want to put their promotion on the map but who also want to make superstars of themselves. The standards of the entrants for this year's event have been incredible, with men like Joey Poison (4C), Frankie Perez (CZCW/NACW), Merle O'Curle (ROF) and Jacob Jett (NACW/4C) having already fallen by the wayside in their bids to make it into the tournament. 4 men are vying for the one remaining Wildcard place that will be decided at Glory By Honour while other men and women sit and await their chance to shine. Some have stepped forward already, boldly displaying their confidence in their skills while others remain a secret for now. Already in the spotlight are: [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] representing 5SSW [b]Guide[/b] representing USPW [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] representing SOTBPW Acid, Alex Braun, Chavo Lopez and Fumihiro Ota do battle to claim one other spot while 4 more individuals have yet to be revealed. Will they come from close to home, representing the Americas? Or will the warriors travel from the United Kingdom, Europe, Mexico or as far away as Japan to prove their worth on the global scene? At this time, BLW steps into the spotlight and makes it belong to BLW and to whoever is skilful enough to seize the spotlight and make it their own. On April 23rd, BLW is proud to bring the wrestling world together to host.... [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/center]
[/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/b][/u]News column coming soon, lots of interesting bits and pieces going on that help storylines and are generally fun. You'd never believe who's jumped from TCW to SWF... unless you read Scapino's SWF diary of course. :) I recommend you do, its great. [b]Derek B[/b]
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BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Darryl Devine I know you like Devine but he's had his run as champ. THere are better men to take the title off machine, like Marksman or Hawkins BLW Pure Style Championship Match Alex McKing (c) vs [B]Flemmy Lemming[/B] It's time to heat things up by having McKing take the loss and get his rematch at King of the Indys BLW World Tag Team Title Match [B]The Show Stealers (c)[/B] vs The Underdogs Defense, defense King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: Semi Final #1 Alex Braun vs [B]Acid[/B] Sorry Bruan but ACid is a better worker King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: Semi Final #2 Fumihiro Ota vs [B]Chavo Lopez[/B] I don't like Ota King of the Indy Wildcard Qualifier: FINAL [B]Acid[/B] vs Chavo Lopez Acid king of the North American Super Juniors BLW Rankings Match [B]Guide[/B] vs Mean Jean Cattley Guide all the way, I'm using Mean Jean in my pure fed and he isn't even a reliable jobber. Challenge Match [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs Pablo Rodriguez You can never go wrong with Jacob Jett Challenge Match Melody Cuthill vs [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] Ogiwara for a second win, I actually see this as a friendly fued maybe a best of seven or maybe see who can rack up the most wins fued with a nice hand shake neding.
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/news[/b] [QUOTE][center][u][size=5][b]Major TCW Name Jumps To SWF![/b][/u][/size][/center] In a move that echoes of 2005 all over again, SWF has once again stolen a big name TCW star from right under their noses. Last night, [b]Troy Tornado[/b] debuted live to a national audience of millions at the climax of Supreme Assault TV and stared down another former TCW star, Jack Bruce. Both of these men have fronted TCW's hugely popular stable/rockband, Painful Procedure and both have now jumped ship to the enemy. Tornado's last TCW match came in January at Malice in Wonderland when he lost to Tommy Cornell in an excellent match that stole the show, getting good reviews from much of the wrestling community. It remains to be seen how TCW will react to the loss of one of their top young stars, but rumours have it that they are considering bringing Wolf Hawkins back into the fold, perhaps alongside some other indy stars from promtions like DAVE and BLW. Will we at last see Eddie Peak make the jump from unbeatable DAVE champion to TCW megastar? Will Darryl Devine be allowed to showcase his charisma on an international stage? Perhaps Pistol Pete Hall will make his long awaited return to the big leagues? And what does the future hold for the rest of Painful Procedure who have once again been left in the lurch without a lead singer? So many questions but we'll have to wait and see what TCW's next move will be during this ongoing war with the SWF. Richard Eisen must be sitting back and smiling right now, but who knows what Tommy Cornell will pull off next. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [center][size=4][b][u]BLW Roster Cuts[/b][/u][/center][/size] It has recently been confirmed by BLWrestling.com that a number of the BLW roster have left the company throughout the last few weeks. Here's a quick sumary of who has left and the reasons we've been given, although we are sceptical about some of them ourselves here at PWH. [b]Phoebe Plumridge[/b]: Word has it that she left following a relationship breakdown with Adam Matravers and is getting some breathing space from him. Afterall, it would be hard to maintain an on screen relationship if the backstage one had broken down. [b]Robert Oxford[/b]: After failing to achieve much in BLW, the veteran technical wrestler has been released, supposedly under good terms. He has never been much of a singles wrestler but has been a part of many good teams. If only BLW had utilised this strength. [b]El Critico[/b]: Commitments in Mexico aside, Critico has never been a very active worker in BLW. It seemed like only a matter of time before his release was made official. [b]Joey Beauchamp[/b]: Since his departure from the F.U.T.U.R.E group, Beauchamp hasn't been able to get the fans on his side. Not believable as a face and not getting much support for his high flying style, it was almost another inevitable release really. [b]Tempest[/b]: Also known as Tempest Appleby, he's another one of a number of high flying wrestlers to be cut. With The Moving Targets dominating the high flying in BLW, it seems there isn't enough room for many more flyers in BLW. Strangely, his tag team partner Eclipse has not been released. [b]Warlord Agony[/b]: Simply not suited to BLW's style of announcing and with a complete lack of technical knowledge, he never really got off the ground. Still, it was nice to see him for a while but he always was the weaker of the two Lords of War. [b]Nicholas Charisma[/b]: A solid part of the BLw announce team, he's perhaps the only real surprise to be released. He also recently lost the DAVE Brass Knuckles title to Wolf Hawkins despite a lot of growing fanbase for the former weightlighter. Perhaps BLW and DAVE know something we don't know? [/quote] [QUOTE] [size=5][u][center][b]BLW: King of the Indy's Rumours[/b][/u][/center][/size] One of the highlights of the indy wrestling scene over the last couple of years has been BLW establishing the King of the Indy's Tournament as a truly prestigious event. The basic concept is simple. Eight people have a one night tournament with the winner being crowned the King of the Indy's for the year and earning the right to face the BLW World Champion the following month. But despite its simplicity, the event has captivated the capacity audience for the last two years and Darryl Devine and Marc Speed fought their way through three matches each to win the crown and make a real name for themselves on the indy scene. This year is proving to be the most hyped tournament yet, with the stars announced to be competing coming from across the globe to be a part of the special event. Confirmed as part of the event so far are, Sensational Ogiwara, Guide, Pablo Rodriguez and one of Acid, Alex Braun, Chavo Lopez (Champagne Lover) and Fumihiro Ota. Discussions of who will fill the last four places have been the hot topic of wrestling forums everywhere with names such as Yoshifusa Maeda, Haruki Kudo, Eddie Peak, Duane Stone, Steve DeColt and even Tommy Cornell himself being banded about as possible surprise entrants. It would be a huge coup for BLW if they could attract names as big as that to the tournament and with the amount of hype they've geared towards this event, it almost wouldn't surprise me if they did get a huge name like that. But in my opinion, we're likely to see one name from the UK wrestling scene announced soon alongside a represenative from NACW who BLW confirmed months ago would be given a place in the tournament, meaning that its very possible we may see Mean Jean Cattley in his third tournament as he is the NACW National champion and the Mid Atlantic Champion at this time. As for the last spot? Well, it could be [i]any body[/i]..... [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] [size=3][u][center][b]Top Indy Tag Team Having Trouble?[/b][/u][/size][/center] The reigning ROF and BLW Tag Team champions Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes (known as the Show Stealers) recently met one on one at ROF Fist of Rage in a heated and intense match that stole the show, overshadowing Stevie Stoat's ROF Championship defense against British Samurai. Normally a midcard match in a small promotion like this wouldn't make much news but the sheer intensity involved in the match led some of the live crowd to speculate that there was some legitimate heat between the two and that they were being allowed to blow it off in the ring. Certainly from the reports we've heard, both men were working far more stiffly than usual which in turn led to the match being so highly regarded but is there real heat there? Rumours doing the rounds right now have suggested that any heat between the two may have something to do with the recent split between Adam Matravers and long term girlfriend Pheoebe Plumridge who also worked as manager for the duo on their travels. At this time we don't know if it was just a good performance from the double tag team champions or if it was real heat, but we'll be digging a little deeper and keeping you posted with the results as soon as we know whats going on. [/QUOTE]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Another big BLW event and who's there to witness it? Derek B, of course. Thanks to him for once again sending in results for those of us who weren't fortunate enough to be there. It seems that BLW shows are almost on a level with TCW and SWF shows these days, and having seen the DVD's, it really is a more competitive product even if the production values are nowhere near as good. Fun stuff. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] Just like BLW did tonight, I'm going to explode out of the blocks with the reports and see if I can write up the best set of results yet! The show opened with a huge surprise as the ominous music that I haven't heard for years interupted Bryan Paris hyping up the big matches of the night. Walking with the aid of his cane, [b]Professor Nero[/b] made his way from the back to a huge reaction, even from the young fans who had probably not even seen him wrestle before. He made his way to the announce table as Paris tried to shake the hand of the legend, Nero smacked it out of the way with his cane, setting the tone for his commentary for the whole night. The crowd loved it as Paris sold the injury and acted scared of Nero all night, constantly in fear of saying something wrong and being hit with the trademark cane. The actual in-ring action started off with [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] stepping into the ring to face [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] in the first of the King of the Indy's Wildcard semi-finals. Nero's commentary and knowledge of the human body made his descriptions of the pain the two stars put each other through so vivid that I almost ignored the match just to listen to him. Bu Lopez and Ota put on a great performance, trying to put each other away early on to conserve their strength for later and in the end, Lopez managed to lock in the Champagne Breakfast with incredible speed after he narrowly ducked the Ninja Strike. Ota tapped out and Lopez advances to the final. The second semi final was out next and stayed at a high pace throughout, with [b]Acid[/b] and [b]Alex Braun[/b] both showing they have the stamina needed to compete in the tournament. Again, they kept trying to put each other away as quickly as possible but both men know each other well from working in DAVE together. In the end, Acid attempted a 450 splash that barely missed and Braun moved in quickly with the Braun Damage to get the victory. Professor Nero made several comments about Braun having the killer instinct to get the victory, something that Acid lacked. A fantastic match by anyone's standards, Braun looked great out there. The pace finally slowed down a little for the next match as [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] made her debut in front of the BLW homecrowd against [b]Melody Cuthill[/b]. Women's wrestling in the US has sadly been relegated largely to being eye-candy thanks to TCW and SWF, but this match showed everyone how good women can be when given the chance with Ogiwara once again putting out a (excuse the pun) sensational performance. Melody fell victim to the Ogiwara Spike once again as the 5SSW representative in the King of the Indy's Tournament picks up another win. There was only one Pure Rules match on the show tonight, but boy was it a good one as [b]Alex McKing[/b] met [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] with the Pure Style Championship on the line. Every time these two meet in the ring there's a feeling that there is going to be a title change. Before the match, McKing was on the mic running Flemmy down but once the match started he barely had time to draw breath as Flemmy was machine-like throughout. However, Flemmy's size, or rather his lack of size, played a factor as McKing powered out of Flemmy's offense. Twice it looked like Flemmy had McKing in the Suicide solution only for McKing to counter and somehow lift Flemmy and dump him over the top rope to break the hold, which also kept his ropebreaks intact. The second time appeared t hurt Flemmy, who took most of his ring our time to recover, leaving it with just a few seconds and McKing zeroed in on Flemmys neck for the target of his assault. Flemmy fought valiantly, even rolling out of one attempt at the World Tour, but the dragon suplex took its toll and as McKing got to his feet still with the move locked in, he scored again with the move and rolled through into the dreaded submission, forcing Flemmy to tap. A great match between these two, Flemmy once again came so close but couldn't quite stop the seemingly unbeatable Pure Style Champion. A BLW Ranking was on the line in the next match, but that wasn't all. [b]Guide[/b] came out and bragged to everyone that not only was he representing USPW at the King of the Indys tournament, he was also going to represent DAVE. The crowd didn't approve of DAVE's choice and let it be known with chants of "We Want Eddie", referencing the DAVE Unified Champion of 15 months, Eddie Peak. But the crowd were silenced by [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] who informed everyone that Guide wasn't the only man representing two companies. Cattley brought out the Mid Atlantic Championship from MAW and the NACW National Championship and announced to everyone that he was going to represent both companies in the tournament as their champions, not just as a joke pick from DAVE who are jealous BLW is getting the spotlight. Guide said that Cattley has choked twice at the tournament and will again this year, but not until after Guide has choked him out tonight. And with that, the match was on. A chaotic brawl in the ring that was supposed to be a match between two of BLW's best wrestlers. The closest these two ever got to a handshake was when their punches almost hit each other's hand. In the end, the match was awarded to Cattley after Guide hit him with a chair while the two were on the floor. It seemed Guide had almost forgotten where he was as he looked to the ref and questioned the DQ. Guide hit Cattley twice more before [b]Burning Takashiita[/b] sprinted out to make the save. Takashiita was then announced by Bryan Paris as being the WLW entrant for the King of the Indy's, representing them as the WLW Universal Champion. Professor Nero loved Guide's aggression and heaped praise on him as Guide went to the back, fuming. The BLW Tag Team Titles were on the line next as [b]The Underdogs[/b] challenged the champions once more. If rumours are to be believed, [b]The Show Stealers[/b] have supposedly been having differences of opinion lately but they didn't show it here. Smooth teamwork from both teams made for an exciting match but there was a little tension teased between the champions as Matravers accidentally backdropped Raphael out the ring and onto his partner who had been taking care of Brendan outside the ring. A weakened Brendan Idol had been hit against the ringpost a few times while the referee wasn't looking and Matravers scored with a beautiful German suplex on Idol to pick up the win. For a brief moment it looked like Petey wasn't happy with Matravers but when he was handed his BLW and ROF tag title belts he seemed happy again. They're such a great team together but I still wish they had Phoebe with them. She was hawt... More high flying action followed on next as [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] made his BLW wrestling debut against another sensational high flyer, [b]Jacob Jett[/b]. On paper, Jett appears to be a better all round wrestler but Pablo has travelled the world and fought the best cruiserweights, juniors and luchadores on the planet, mostly on the winning side. The match started at an insanely high speed and never slowed down for a moment, with each man landing some incredible high spots. Some of the fans chanted for Pablo to "Get the Stairway", referencing some of his extreme ladder matches from his time in DAVE. But the match stayed hardcore-free and Pablo eventually won the match with a series of moonsaults from one of the corners. A great match again by anyone's standards, it great to see Pablo wrestling in the US again. I can't wait to see how he does in the King of the Indys when he represents SOTBPW. And of course, speaking of King of the Indy's, the final of the Wildcard qualifiers was up next with [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] facing off against [b]Alex Braun[/b]. Still tired from their matches earlier in the night, neither man was quite as high paced as they had been during those matches. They traded a lot of quick moves though with Chavo getting the better in the end as he switched his focus to Braun's knees, softening him up for the Champagne Breakfast. A very rare BLW ref bump saw the crowd break out in a chorus of boos but both men continued on, hitting each other with simultaneous superkicks that got the crowd on their feet again. As they struggled to their feet, Braun appeared to be the slower of the two but the match was swung in his favour when [b]Rhino Umaga[/b] made his presence felt and hit the a huge spear on Lopez. As Professor Nero rejoiced at the announce table, Braun was unaware of what had happened and quickly capitalised with the Braun Damage as the referee recovered. Braun picks up the win and advances into the King of the Indys Tournament as the Wildcard entrant but no doubt he won't be happy with the way he made it through when he finds out what happened. Another great match, I had my reservations about Braun before tonight but he's really impressed in both his matches tonight. Lastly, in the main event that managed to steal an already incredible show, [b]Darryl Devine[/b] stepped into the ring to face [b]Samoan Machine[/b] once more with the BLW World Championship on the line. Nero put over how vicious Samoan Machine can be, saying that with a little guidance Machine could be a huge star and that Devine just didn't have the killer instinct to really be a proper star. As if to prove the Professor wrong, both men put on another incredible match with Devine stunning the champion early on with a Devine Dream Drop out of nowhere. Unfortunately for Devine, it wasn't enough to keep the champion down and the match continued on for at least another 15 minutes with the two trading offense. Devine attempted a big avalanche in the corner but Machine avoided it and batter Devine in the corner. A powerful whip across the ring saw Devine stagger out looking hurt as Machine followed up with a power spear very similar to Rhino Umaga's. Devine kicked out of the spear, but Samoan Machine's Unbreakable Sleeper was applied moments later, draining the challenger of air and stamina while filling him with pain. It took more than a minute in the hold, but Devine was eventually declared unconscious after the referee raised his arm three times and Machine picked up another big victory over another top notch challenger. After the match, [b]Stevie Stoat[/b] and [b]Donnie J[/b] stepped out from the back, clearly having had the same intentions. They looked at each and argued briefly before turning to Samoan Machine and signalling that they're coming for his belt. Each man used their arms to spell out the initials of their respective promotions, Stoat doing ROF and Donnie J doing CZCW. Bryan Paris excitedly confirmed that they were the last two men that would be in the King of the Indy's tournament and that now we knew all the entrants for arguably the most prestigious event in professional wrestling. The show closed with Paris hyping up the King of the Indys event a bit more, saying that it was only one month away. But before that, The Open Challenge would return to New York, the home of DAVE and of hardcore wrestling. There were no matches confirmed but Paris reminded everyone of what happened the last time BLW were in town and told the fans to expect an even better show this time around.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Mar 08 - Glory By Honour[/u] - (B)[/b] Chavo Lopez defeated Fumihiro Ota [17:51] (C+) Alex Braun defeated Acid [15:14] (B) Sensational Ogiwara defeated Melody Cuthill [13:18] (C) Alex McKing defeated Flemmy Lemming (defense #10 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [14:43] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Guide [13:52] (C+) The Show Stealers defeated The Underdogs (defense #5 of the BLW World Tag Team Titles) [13:41] (C+) Pablo Rodriguez defeated Jacob Jett [11:44] (B) Alex Braun defeated Chavo Lopez [16:58] (B) Samoan Machine defeated Darryl Devine (defense #8 of the BLW World Championship) [28:51] (B+)
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG] Eight Competitors ............... Seven Matches ............. One Winner ........... There can only be one winner. Only one person can overcome the odds and become the King of the Indy's 2008. They've come from around the world and now, we know the final line-up. [b]Sensational Ogiwara of 5SSW...... Stevie Stoat from ROF..... Pablo Rodriguez from SOTBPW..... Mean Jean Cattley of NACW and MAW..... Burning Takashiita of WLW..... Guide of USPW and DAVE..... Donnie J of CZCW..... the Wildcard, Alex Braun.....[/b] Its going to be one hell of a show! Don't Miss Out![/center]
[/QUOTE] [u][b]OOC[/u][/b]: The full card will be up tomorrow with the pairings for the event and the results from the Open Challenge. After that, it may be some time before I update things as university has rather inconveniently given me some work to do. I didn't come here to learn damnit! :) As always, predictions are more than welcome and any suggestions on how to improve things happily acknowledged. If you have storyline ideas you want to share, feel free to PM me rather than let everyone know them in advance. Where's the fun if you know whats going to happen, eh? [b]Derek B[/b] - Super psyched for King of the Indys!
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] More BLW results courtesy of Derek B who doesn't seem to mind travelling across the country to see BLW shows. If only more promotion had superfans like that. [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No pre-show stuff today, not that there would have been much for it since everyone was in the hall long before the bell time. [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] opened things up with another rousing speech before making an open challenge, saying he definitely feels that he's improving in the ring. Both members of the Show Stealers came out and both looked like they wanted to challenge Serhat. A brief argument ensued between them before a quick game of paper/scissors/rock left [b]Petey Barnes[/b] to face Serhat. The match itself was pretty short and sweet as Serhat got bounced around the ring and eventually got pinned by a beautiful moonsault from Petey. As expected, [b]Heihachiro Sakai[/b] made his Pure Rules debut tonight. We had to wait a few moments to find out his opponent who turned out to be [b]Frankie Perez[/b]. Sakai didn't look phased but he probably should have been as Perez pulled out a range of paiful submission moves. Sakai did get some offense in but Perez was simply too much for him and Sakai tapped to the P-Clutch to give Frankie the well deserved win. Sakai's tag team partner, [b]Hitomaro Suzuki[/b] was out next for his Pure Style debut also unaware of who his opponent would be. But then we heard the familiar voice of the BLW Pure Style Champion [b]Alex McKing[/b] who started cutting a promo on his way from the back saying how easy this was going to be. After a brief staredown with Frankie Perez on his way back, McKing dominated Suzuki, connecting with three dragon suplexes before rolling through into a complete World Tour. I'm not sure if Suzuki tapped or was declared knocked out, but McKing wins in a match that Suzuki never really got into. [b]Kit Hatoyama[/b] made her way out next as she prepared to face [b]Melody Cuthill[/b]. Melody made this challenge after losing twice to Sensational Ogiwara recently and it appears that Melody is determined to prove that US women's wrestling is superior to Japanese women's wrestling. This match was more even than the Melody/Ogiwara matches with Melody coming very close to picking up the wn but Kit proved to be simply too quick and agile for Melody and Kit hit a move most often known in Japan as a Hiroyuki Bomb for the pinfall victory. At this point Serhat Jawahir came out with his sisters [b]Esra[/b] and [b]Nadira[/b] to congratulate Kit on her win and then ask if her friends would help train his sisters. Kit went to the back... ... and a short while later, out came [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] and [b]Thunder Hike[/b] to a good response. They gestured at the Jawahir Girls to get into the ring and a tag match was on. As you expect from perhaps the two greatest female wrestlers on the planet, the put on a wrestling clinic for almost 5 minutes before each putting down one Jawahir girl with a finishing move. Sensational Ogiwara covers Esra for an easy three count and keeps herself looking very strong. Despite just watching his sisters go through a stretching and beating, Serhat thanks Sensational Thunder for what they just did. He's a bit of an oddball but I kinda like him. [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] arrived in the ring and was looking ready to wrestle. He challenged [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] to a match, saying he knew that Cattley was ready to fight already but that Cattley wasn't leaving tonight without facing him. Lopez said that Cattley had just lost the Mid Atlantic belt to Donnie J and that tonight, Lopez was going to prove to everyone once again that Cattley shouldn't be in the King of the Indy's tournament because quite simply, he's a loser. Cattley came out and accepted the challenge, letting everyone know that Lopez hasn't even won any titles let alone the NACW belt that Cattley still has around his waist. He said that Donnie may have gotten lucky once in MAW, but he'd have to get lucky three times at King of the Indy's, and that one of those would have to be against Cattley again because he's going to win it. I guess they're trying to sell the event to the fans here for some extra ticket sales. Eventually, the match kicked off and the two put on a mat wrestling clinic. Cattley's slow methodical attack on the legs of Lopez was obviously calculated to keep Lopez using his high speed lucha libre style attacks. Lopez adapted well though, showing that he can wrestle aswell as fly and used a lot of back and neck breaker type moves to soften up Cattley possibly for the Champagne Breakfast. The match was well paced and as the offense seemed to be heading into the final stages, Lopez really began to build up momentum. He grounded Cattley with an MMA style takedown and launched into some devastating punches that had Cattley in trouble until the bell rang. The crowd assumed Cattley had submitted, as did Lopez, but the official announcement was that the 30 minute time limit had expired and the match was declared a draw. Lopez looked frustrated and tried to attack Cattley after the match but Cattley rolled out and took his NACW title with him to the back. Lopez then cut a promo hyping himself up while insulting Cattley and Henry Marksman. The following match was a homecoming of sorts for the former DAVE star, [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] who hasn't been in New York since going home to Mexico a few years ago. He thanked the crowd for their support and made an open challenge that was answered by [b]Adam MAtravers[/b] who certainly didn't have to argue with Petey Barnes about the one. This was my favourite match of the night as the two men went all out to steal the show with an excellent fast paced match. But in the end, Pablo picked up the win after both men had missed two moonsaults by connecting with a 450 splash. Matravers couldn't kick out and the partisan DAVE crowd celebrated Pablo's win. A good warm up for Pablo before King of the Indy's, Matravers also looked more than capable of working on his own as a singles wrestler without Petey Barnes or Phoebe Plumridge by his side. And lastly, the main event of the night. [b]Guide[/b] made his way from the back and taunted [b]Acid[/b] for not making it into the King of the Indy's tournament. Guide put himself over as being the better man as clearly evidenced by the number of wins he has over Acid recently. Acid appeared from the crowd armed with a baseball bat and charged at Guide before he could even see what was happening. The crowd were nowhere near as hot as they had been for their last encounter here but the match was still a good one. Perhaps there wasn't enough chaos for the DAVE fans here tonight (unlike last time) or perhaps Acid and Guide didn't put quite as much into it but their classic from last time simply didn't work this time. Even so, it was another great hardcore DAVE-style brawl that I'm sure everyone enjoyed at least up until the finish when [b]Rhino Umaga[/b] blindsided Acid on the floor and charged him with a huge spear right into the safety barriers. Rhino rolled Acid into the ring and Guide got an academic three count for the victory. All in all, I enjoyed the show as much as I thought I would, which is to say its was great! A nice build up for the King of the Indy's Tournament, the brackets for which have been announce on the BLWrestling website while I've been writing this up! So a quick rundown will follow. I can't wait to see who'll win!
[b][u]Apr 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i] Petey Barnes defeated Serhat Jawahir [3:55] (E) Frankie Perez defeated Heihachiro Sakai (Pure Rules) [7:58] (C-) Alex McKing defeated Hitomaro Suzuki (defense #11 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [6:54] (D) Kit Hatoyama defeated Melody Cuthill [13:49] (D) Sensational Thunder defeated The Jawahir Girls [4:53] (D) Chavo Lopez and Mean Jean Cattley went to a 30 minute time limit draw [30:00] (C) Pablo Rodriguez defeated Adam Matravers [11:49] (C+) Guide defeated Acid (DAVE rules) [13:31] (B-) [/i]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG] [b][u][size=5]Card for King of the Indy's 2008[/b][/u][/size] [size=3][u][i]King of the Indy's: Round 1[/u][/i][/size] [b]Match #1:[/b] [u]Donnie J vs Sensational Ogiwara[/u] [b]Match #2:[/b] [u]Mean Jean Cattley vs Stevie Stoat[/u] [b]Match #3:[/b] [u]Pablo Rodriguez vs Alex Braun[/u] [b]Match #4:[/b] [u]Burning Takashiita vs Guide[/u] [i][size=2][u]BLW Tag Team Title Match[/i][/u][/size] [b]The Show Stealers (c) vs The Specialists[/b] [size=3][u][i]King of the Indy's: Semi-Finals[/u][/i][/size] [b]Match #5:[/b] [u]Winner #1 vs Winner #2[/u] [b]Match #6:[/b] [u]Winner #3 vs Winner #4[/u] [i][size=3][b][u]BLW World Championship Match[/i][/b][/u][/size] [b]Samoan Machine vs Henry Marksman[/b] [size=4][u][b][i]King of the Indy's: FINAL![/u][/b][/i][/size] [b]Winner #5 vs Winner #6[/b] Some tickets are still available from BLWrestling.com/events! Get yours while you still can and make sure you don't miss out on the most talked about event that independent wrestling has ever had![/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/b][/u] Get those predictions rolling!!
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[U][B]Card for King of the Indy's 2008[/B][/U] [U][B]King of the Indy's: Round 1[/B][/U] [U]Match #1:[/U] Donnie J vs [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] [I]// She's the best female worker in the world![/I] [U]Match #2:[/U] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] vs Stevie Stoat [I]// Although he's a junkie in my game, I still like him [/I] [U]Match #3:[/U] Pablo Rodriguez vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] [I]// Too bad the AI fires him all the time, he's great[/I] [U]Match #4:[/U] Burning Takashiita vs [B]Guide[/B] [I]// The future #1 of the cornellverse... or is it Scout??[/I] [B][U]BLW Tag Team Title Match[/U][/B] [B]The Show Stealers (c)[/B] vs The Specialists [I]// Matravers YAY! Bobby Thomas BOOO![/I] [B][U]King of the Indy's: Semi-Finals[/U][/B] [U]Match #5:[/U] Sensational Ogiwara vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [I]// She proved she's better than some men, but lets not make her look too strong...[/I] [U]Match #6:[/U] 'Ice Man' Alex Braun vs [B]Guide[/B] // Hard to tell... [B][U]BLW World Championship Match[/U][/B] [B]Samoan Machine[/B] vs Henry Marksman [I]// He's the best cheap worker there is.[/I] [B][U]King of the Indy's: FINAL![/U][/B] [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] vs Guide [I]// I'm an MAW mark...[/I]
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Card for King of the Indy's 2008 King of the Indy's: Round 1 Match #1: Donnie J vs [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] // [I]I'm with Trypio on this one[/I] Match #2: Mean Jean Cattley vs [B]Stevie Stoat[/B] // [I]In Case I haven't mentioned it before I dislike Cattley. I loved him in 2004 not so much in 2005[/I] Match #3: Pablo Rodriguez vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] [// I]Tough one but I'm going Braun[/I] Match #4: [B]Burning Takashiita[/B] vs Guide // [I]Sorry guide is second rate next to Scout and Takashiita out ranks 'em both[/I] BLW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Show Stealers (c)[/B] vs The Specialists // [I]We need some new tag teams to come and try for the titles[/I] King of the Indy's: Semi-Finals Match #5: [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] vs Stevie Stoat // [I]Ogiwara all the way[/I] Match #6: Alex Braun vs [B]Burning Takashiita[/B] // [I]This is who I want to win but I'm pretty sure it'll be Braun[/I] BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine[/B] vs Henry Marksman // [I]60 Minute Iron Man Match with Machine coming out on top just barely[/I] King of the Indy's: FINAL! Sensational Ogiwara vs [B]Burning Takashiita[/B] // [I]Takashiita is the wave of the future[/I]
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King of the Indy's: Round 1 Match #1: [B]Donnie J[/B] vs Sensational Ogiwara//[I]Not a fan of women beating Men[/I] Match #2: [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] vs Stevie Stoat//[I]He's MEAN afterall[/I] Match #3: [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] vs Alex Braun//[I]Priest of Pain delivers[/I] Match #4: [B]Burning Takashiita[/B] vs Guide//[I]Mask beats paint[/I] BLW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Show Stealers[/B] (c) vs The Specialists//[I]Why would they lose now[/I] King of the Indy's: Semi-Finals Match #5: Donnie J vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B]//[I]Still Mean[/I] Match #6: [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] vs Burning Takashiita//[I]God beats a mask[/I] BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine[/B] vs Henry Marksman//[I]I really like the Samoan one too much[/I] King of the Indy's: FINAL! Pablo Rodriguez vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B]//[I]God want him to be Nice Jean Cattley[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Confirmed by our own sources for once, the King of the Indy's Event was a great show, especially considering that BLW doesn't have the kind of resources to throw at events that SWF or TCW do, yet every show they put on rivals them for entertainment and all round goodness. But... Derek B sent in his results so we're going to stick with using them. Much easier that way. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/Center] Tonight was a great night for BLW as they crowned the third King of the Indy's but that was not the only big story of the night. But I won't ruin it by writing about it here, you'll have to read on for that! The night started off with a couple of dark matches to warm the crowd up. [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] opened up the show with a speech about how hard he's been training, also hyping up [b]The Underdogs[/b] for training with him and how good they've been looking lately. Serhat challenged Raphael Robinson to a singles match to see how good they both were. Raphael looked sharp as he beat Serhat in a few minutes, then Brendan Idol had a match where he also looked sharp, defeating the almost unknown rookie [b]warren Acid[/b] in a couple of minutes. Not to under-emphasise the point, but both members of The Underdogs were looking good in singles action. Hmmm.... The show then kicked off for real with the capacity 2000 crowd on hand ready for a night of great action. The 4 first round matches opened things up, with 5SSW representative [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] leading the night off against CZCW representative [b]Donnie J[/b]. With both competitors knowing that stamina would affect their chances later in the tournament, this match was fast paced from the start, with both of them taking chances. The highlight of the match came moments from the end when Ogiwara landed on her feet following a backdrop but went over on her ankle. She looked in a lot of pain but quickly kicked at Donnie with her injured ankle and then hit the Ogiwara Spike to pick up the victory. After the match she was helped backstage by the referee and Donnie, who looked concerned. The second match of the night saw two great technical wrestlers face each other for the first time ever as the NACW champion and MAW representative [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] faced off against ROF Champion [b]Stevie Stoat[/b]. Typically these two men are slow paced and methodical but they didn't use too many holds, both striking their way to victory and working over the arms of the other. Cattley managed to get things going his way when he managed to counter a DDT attempt into a Mood Swing, following up with a Fujiwara armbar to pick up the submission victory. A solid match but it lacked a little something, perhaps because the crowd still isn't familiar with Stoat's style of wrestling. It'll be Sensational ogiwara vs Mean Jean Cattley in the second round later tonight. The best match of the first round was up next as the "Priest of Pain" [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] faced off against the wildcard entrant, [b]Alex Braun[/b]. Both made their name in the USA with DAVE and they put on a great show. Lots of fast paced action with one crazy dive from Pablo to the outside that must have had the front row of fans thinking they were about to get landed on. The match was very even and the longest of the first round by a good few minutes and both men showed their hardcore skills almost leading to a DQ (if it hadn't been for a lenient referee, who knows what coulda happened). In the end, Pablo missed a 450 splash and Alex capitalised to hit the Braun Damage and pick up a hard earned victory. After the match, Braun was clutching at his ribs, presumably as a result of one of Pablo's high impact, high risk moves as he went to the back. Still in the first round and already the competitors are feeling the effects of the King of the Indy's tournament. The last first round match was between USPW World Champion and DAVE representative [b]Guide[/b] taking on the WLW Universal Champion [b]Burning Takashiita[/b]. Chants of "We Want Eddie" (Peak, the DAVE Unified Champion) were directed at Guide, who didn't look pleased. Another good match up, we seen them both mix up all kinds of styles showing that both men can fight in any way you want them to. In the end, Takashiita fell victim to some cunning positioning from Guide who took got away with holding the tights to get a roll up pinfall victory long before the match should have been over. Guide made a hasty exit to escape from Takashiita and the crowd made their feelings known, but Guide advanced to the second round to face Alex Braun later tonight. All through this match Professor Nero was putting Guide over as a man who had the killer instinct needed to be a true champion, unlike his sellout partner who is now floundering in the SWF midcard pack. I rather enjoyed this match, but it was a shame to see it end so soon. Time to rest the King (or possibly Queen) of the Indy's competitors as the BLW Tag Team titles are defended by [b]The Show Stealers[/b] against the challenge of [b]The Specialists[/b]. Perhaps the two most flowing teams in BLW, they put on one of the best tag team matches I've seen in BLW. Both sides came close to eliminating the other with their signature double team moves, but Barnes and Thomas were saved by their partners. In the end, after a moment of poor communication, Matravers was able to hit the Mile High Moonsault on Bobby Thomas to pick up the pinfall victory for the Show Stealers and make their sixth successful defense of the BLW Tag belts. The second round of the King of the Indy's Tournament kicked off with [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] hobbling down to the ring for her match with [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b]. Ogiwara put on a good match despite the injury which we were told was legit. Cattley obviously worked over the ankle during the match as Ogiwara did her best to fend him off, almost catching him off guard with a roll up pin. She even got in some good offense, catching Cattley with a reverse STO and attempting a crossface submission that Cattley managed to escape. In the end, Cattley managed to get Ogiwara in an ankle lock and she was forced to tap out. The crowd were appreciative of Ogiwara's effort and I can't help wondering what would have happened if she had been fully fit going into this match. Cattley advances to the finals, but who would he face? [b]Guide[/b] and [b]Alex Braun[/b] squared up next to decide just that, but much like in the other semi final, an injury played a huge part in this match. Professor Nero berated Braun for not being able to get the job done properly in the first round, instead appealing to the fans too much. This match was by far the shortest of the night as Guide went straight for the kill, working over the ribs of Braun in the corner. Braun went for a big counter when he ran up the corner but missed his big corkscrew leg lariat and crashed hard onto the canvas. Guide capitalised quick and put Braun away with a Guided Missile to pick up the victory and advance to face Mean Jean Cattley in the final. Guide looked strong out there as he virtually dominated Braun, but Braun wasn't exactly at full strength. Injuries realy are taking their toll tonight. Another rest for the potenial Kings of the Indys now though, but another hugely anticipated match as [b]Henry Marksman[/b] gets another chance to defeat [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and possibly pick up. Professor Nero and Bryan paris on commentary put over much of the tensions between the two and their previous encounters fighting over the BLW World Championship over the last six months. With the audience pumped up from the tournament so far and expecting a big match from these two indy stars, this match had classic written all over it. And surprisingly, it delivered. In an epic contest that saw both men go longer in one match than most of the King of the Indy's competitors go through during one whole night, Machine and Marksman beat the hell out of each other with stiff strikes, incredible technique, raw power and some unbelievable agility. At one point Marksman was clotheslined over the safety barrier only to land on his feet and leap up into a 'rana to send Machine into the crowd with him. Both men were locked into submissions in the center of the ring and found ways to escape them when it looked like all was lost. The story these two men told was incredible, with neither man wanting to give up and both men giving it their all for almost 45 minutes of intense action. But in the end, there could only be one man standing (barely) with his hand raised in victory and that man was Samoan Machine as he clamped on the Unbreakable Sleeper. Marksman fought valiantly but he could get to the ropes and even when he couldn't move any further, he refused to tap out. Your winner by knockout and still BLW World Champion, Samoan Machine! And finally for tonight, the match we all came to see even if we didn't know who would be in it prior to tonight, [b]Guide[/b] against [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] to become the King of the Indy's 2008! Machine vs Marksman had taken some people's minds off this match, but everyone in the crowd were making predictions about how things would pan out. Neither man showed any signs of fatigue early in this match as they went at it, with Cattley trying to keep things slow and play his game, while Guide tried to up the ante and work in the chaos he's used to wrestling in. Cattley worked over the right leg of Guide, specifically targetting the ankle after the success he'd had against Ogiwara while Guide kept trying to bust Cattley open and take advantage of that. It didn't take long for Guide's plan to work as he used the ring to his advantage, hotshotting Cattley into the corner and onto the steel post, drawing blood. After that he kept working over Cattley's head but Cattley was persistent and soon had Guide's left knee troubling him. Cattley locked in a Boston crab that Guide took a long time to almost escape before Cattley switched it into an STF, rubbing off at Guide's facepaint and also landing some cheap punches on Guide while he struggled to escape the grip of Cattley. One of the punches did their job and busted open Guide hardway, matching bloodloss with Cattley at last. Guide looked to be in trouble as Cattley built up some speed for a big running kick but Guide countered with a powerslam that he turned into Cattley's own Mood Swing, but only for a two count! Wasting no time and showing the killer instinct that Professor Nero has been talking about for the last month or two, Guide tried to finish Cattley quickly with a Guided Missile, but Cattley managed to get his own Modd Swing onto Guide for another two count! The crowd were going nuts by now as both men were bloodied and battered in the middle of the ring, with Nero shouting at both of them to get up and prove they're good enough to be in a wrestling ring. Both men got to their feet before the ten count and started trading blows. Both tried to hit their big moves again and failed as the other squirmed from their grip. But in the end, a poke to the eye proved ot be the difference maker as Cattley got caught with it and Guide finally managed to land the Guided Missile to pick up a three count. The crowd weren't happy with the way he achieved the victory as Professor Nero and Bryan paris made their way down to the ring with the King of the Indy's Crown to award it to Guide. But it wasn't over there. As Guide was being crowned by Paris, he was handed a microphone by Nero. Guide claimed that he'd put one over on everyone, telling everyone in attendance that they were stupid. He thanked himself for winning then said DAVE were the best promotion in the world today, better than SWF, TCW or even BLW. He insulted Paris for being an announcer because he wasn't good enough to be a wrestler and told him to get out of [i]his[/i] ring. As Paris turned around, he walked right into a huge spear from [b]Rhino Umaga[/b] who had snuck in behind him and then Nero took the microphone. He said he'd helped give Guide the cutting edge he needed to make the most of his talents. He said he wasn't here to watch a bunch of kids play at being wrestlers because wrestling was about survival of the fittest. And just as he had done in Texas decades ago, Nero was going to do to the next generation of wrestlers today with help from men like Guide, Rhino Umaga and [b]Eddie Chandler[/b]. The crowd were booing as Nero cracked his cane over the back of Bryan Paris, still on the mat after Umaga's spear. Chandler made his way to the ring and tormented Paris, locking in the Fabulous Stretch to make him scream in pain. Just to be sure, Umaga speared Cattley as he was getting to his feet, almost snapping him in half as he did so. Nero laughed maniacally at Paris and Cattely until [b]Alex Braun[/b] ran down to the ring to make the save. Or so we thought. He slid into the ring and some of the faster thinking fans noticed he didn't appear hurt at all, and then to compound it he beat on his chest a couple of time before picking up Paris and hitting him with the Braun Damage. Guide and Umaga held up Cattley so that Nero could quietly say a few words to him before Nero struck Cattley over the head with his cane, adding to the already bloody mess then done the same thing to Paris to draw more blood. Finally, Nero announced that Braun, Guide, Chandler, Umaga and himself were all sent by DAVE to destroy BLW. He said that BLW has had its share of the spotlight and now its going to be exterminated because only the strong can survive and all of DAVE will ensure that BLW will die before its third birthday, an infant that can't even protect itself being slaughtered before it can even fend for itself. The Hardcore Horsemen are here and BLW is already facing its apocalypse which will start when Guide takes the BLW World Championship from Samoan Machine at [b]Bound For Glory[/b]. [center][b][size=3]DAVE has declared war on BLW and first blood belongs to DAVE!![/center][/b][/size]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/de8ea7cd.jpg[/IMG][/Center] [b][u]Apr 08 - King of the Indy's 2008[/u] - (B-)[/b] [i] DARK: Raphael Robinson defeated Serhat Jawahir [3:39] (C-) DARK: Brendan Idol defeated Warren Acid [2:33] (C-) Sensational Ogiwara deafeted Donnie J (Round 1) [13:48] (C) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Stevie Stoat (Round 1) [13:07] (C) Alex Braun defeated Pablo Rodriguez (Round 1) [16:59] (B) Guide defeated Burning Takashiita (Round 1) [14:32] (C+) The Show Stealers defeated The Specialists (defense #6 of the BLW World Tag Team titles) [14:43] (C+) Mean Jean Cattley defeated Sensational Ogiwara (Semi-Final) [12:49] (C+) Guide defeated Alex Braun (Semi-Final) [5:07] (B) Samoan Machine defeated Henry Marksman (defense #9 of the BLW World Championship) [44:28] (A) Guide defeated Mean Jean Cattley to become the 2008 King of the Indys [17:43] (B-) [/i] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC[/b][/u]: Well, well, well...... no-one predicted the right winner but Trypio was mightily, mightily close. Feedback on this show would be greatly welcomed as always. I'll be moving along with some more speed again soon now that I've got that unfortunate university work out the way and have some time to do what I want to do again. :) News article up soon with some notes, stories and rumours. Got to keep you guessing and give you ideas. Derek B
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/news[/b] [QUOTE]
[b][u][size=4][center]Sensational Ogiwara Injured At King of the Indy's[/b][/u][/size][/center] It is being reported that last night at BLW's third annual King of the Indys event, Sensational Ogiwara suffered a broken ankle as the result of a bad landing during a spot in the first round match with Donnie J. Ogiwara is almost undoubtedly the best female wrestler on the planet and the injury will likely affect 5SSW, the Japanese promotion that she works and stars for. The injury occurred during a match with Donnie J, formerly of TCW and now making a name for himself with CZCW, BLW and USPW on the independent scene although little blame can be attached to him as it was up to Ogiwara to land correctly from the attempted spot. However, this may be another example of why male and female wrestlers simply shouldn't compete against each other in the ring, something many fans have voiced their concerns over in the past. However, there are many fans who feel that showcasing the most talented wrestlers in the world against each other regardless of gender should be encouraged. Ogiwara did however continue the match and defeated Donnie J but lost to Mean Jean Cattley in the semi finals of the event that was won by Guide, best known for his work in DAVE. We wish Nana "Sensational" ogiwara a speedy recovery and hope to see her back in the ring as soon as possible. [b][u][size=4][center]Jimmy P Quits BLW?[/b][/u][/size][/center] This story is just developing and we at ProWrestlingHits have managed to get the early scoop. Following in from the King of the Indy's event held by BLW last nigh, it appears that Jimmy P has quit BLW with immediate effect and will not work any more dates with the promotion. We are currently awaiting confirmation if this is true and if so, we will be sure to find out why this has happened and what may have caused it. Early speculation here has suggested that he feels he isn't getting the push he deserves with the promotion and was unhappy that his tag team partner Donnie J has been getting the spotlight, even if he did contribute somewhat to injuring Sensational Ogiwara at the show. More on this story as soon as we can get some information from BLW or Jimmy P himself.
[/qUOTE] [b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE]
[b][u][size=4][center]The DAVE invasion of BLW. How... Why... What?[/b][/u][/size][/center] [i][u][center]by Robert Greene[/i][/u][/center] Good day again folks and welcome to the only opinion in professional wrestling that matters.... MINE! First of all, before I even go into any depth about this, let me just say that I like BLW. I really do. I also like DAVE, I really do. But do I like DAVE invading BLW? No, I really don't. I don't know why the two companies are working together on this. First of all, DAVE are the third biggest promotion in the USA and are only just now recovering from the lack of exposure that failing to have a TV deal has cost them. In their push to get back to a level where they can challenge TCW and SWF like they almost used to be able to do, they have now seemingly started to help another promotion get over, a RIVAL promotion, in BLW. Why? No-one seems to know. Except me, of course. Because quite simply, I'm smarter than you, you're just too stupid to realise it. First of all, DAVE has made a living out of being the underdog promotion, fighting off the might of TCW and SWF for over ten years and helping to make the stars of tomorrow, even though they inevitably end up as the stars of somewhere else because no-one really wants to stay with the violent little underdog when they can get an easier schedule, a bigger pay packet and more job security with SWF and TCW. But as DAVE continues to re-establish themselves, are they perhaps trying to shed the underdog image at last and present themselves as being the big dog by "picking on" the smaller BLW? It seems so. The obvious benefits of this would be that DAVE can continue to grow, as they already are every week by putting the likes of Nemesis, Alex Braun, Chris Caulfield and Eddie Peak in big matches every week and putting them in bigger matches at PPV time. Another plus! They can turn the top talents from BLW (and other indy promotions) into their own stars as the little guys do what DAVE has done for so long, fight back at the big bullies in a bid to even the score. Its what DAVE has been doing for ten years and it seems that Phil Vibert at last is trying to change things up a bit by having a role reversal. It may not be a huge change, but its something. When I put it like that, it makes sense, right? Wrong.... The one thing that US wrestling has lacked for years is a promotion that puts wrestling to the forefront. TCW and SWF have some great wrestlers, but so many of them are held back because they don't have an over the top persona and don't ooze Cornell-esque charisma and flounder in the midcard. Men like Enforcer Roberts, Lobster Warrior and Angry Gilmore don't even get a sniff of main event status yet have more wrestling talent in their little fingers than men like Sam Strong, Peter Valentine or Bruce the Giant ever have. And believe it or not, but DAVE cater to the same kind of people as the people that like that. Sure, DAVE fans are more educated but isn't almost everyone who doesn't tune into wrestling to see Jessie and Easy Emma scratch at each other for five minutes and call [i]that[/i] wrestling? It seems to me that DAVE may have just found a golden opportunity to finally push themselves as a legitimate threat to the big promotions in the US, but by giving more recognition to a promotion that focusses so much on work rate in the ring and not on verblown storylines, DAVE may just help to make themselves a new rival and it could only be a matter of time before they have to play underdog to another promotion. The deal seems to benefit both parties now, but how long can it be before egos and politics stop the promotions from working together the way they envisioned and end up stabbing each other in the back. Personally, I hope the two companies are professional about the whole thing but Phil Vibert isn't exactly known for being the nicest man in wrestling. Do you remember when the Tri-State area had more than DAVE based in it? Well, thats enough for today, just remember you heard it from first, okay?
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  • 1 month later...
[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] As always, many thanks to Derek B who reports that the couch of a Mr Smith somewhere in the Mid Atlantic area is a particularly good place to stay, thanking him lots for allowing him to do so. So here's the BLW results, the thing we really wanted to know about.... [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center]
Hello again fans and welcome to the results of another excellent BLW show. Tonight we returned to the home of MAW, in particular the Stanley Arena where they used to hold their smaller shows. The pre-show action once again saw [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] thank practically the entire world for letting him train and step into the ring before showing off his virtually non-existent skills in the ring in a rapid defeat from [b]Warren Acid[/b] who made Serhat tap with an Acid Bath (his name for the Proton Lock). Thankfully not everyone saw this match, but everyone did get to see the rest as we finally reached the bell-time. Feels like forever since BLW last held a show. :) The show lived up to its name as it officially opened with the BLW World Tag Team Champions [b]The Show Stealers[/b] made an open challenge to any team to face them for the belts. It took a minute for anyone to respond but when [b]Thunder Hike and Kit Hatoyama[/b] finally interupted Matravers' insults, the crowd cheered with some enthusiasm. Matravers' last insult was that it wouldn't take long to beat a couple of girls. But they were proved wrong, very wrong. This was as competitive as any tag match in BLW as the non-injured members of the Joshi Dream Team put on a sterling performance against the champions. But as good as they were, they didn't have quite the same chemistry as Hike and Ogiwara have together and it was obvious they hadn't teamed together much. In the end, Adam Matravers had no quibbles dropping a Mile High Moonsault on Kit Hataoyama for a pinfall victory. After the match, [b]Rhino Umaga and Guide[/b] made their way out, sarcastically applauding the champions on their victory. [b]Professor Nero[/b] taunted them for only beating a couple of girls and dared them to come and fight his team, but the Show Stealers ignored it and left, despite the goading from the DAVE stars. Despite having alreayd had a match, Nero wasn't happy and challenged any other team brave enough to come and face Guide and Rhino to a match..... ... several moments later, [b]The Jawahir Boys[/b] answered the challenge and stepped into the ring. The opening bell rang and after a very brief handshake, the Jawahir Boys were on the backfoot. Rhino and Guide dominated from the opening moments and hit synchronised finishers on Ali and Muhammed to pick up the win. After the match, Nero demanded a real challenge from BLW, saying that if this is all the competition they can put up against DAVE that they will be squashed in no time. And then things really picked up as not one, but TWO BLW World Champions answered the challenge. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Henry Marksman[/b] demanded a real match from the DAVE guys, saying they'd be happy to end the BLW careers of both their opponents tonight. But Nero managed to worm his way out of an immediate match, saying that it would be unfair of them to fight twice in a row and that he wanted his men to have a rest. Marksman and Machine gave them an hour to get ready, saying they'll meet them soon enough. It was then time for an unexpected open challenge from [b]Steven Parker[/b], one of MAW's top workers who was out to prove his own title of the "future of wrestling" on his home turf. His challenge was swiftly met by [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] and the crowd went absolutely nuts for him, it was great. The match was a pretty good one, perhaps my third favourite as Wolf beat the home-town "hero" to pick up a good win and once again cement himself as one of the best indy workers in the world. Once again the Hardcore Horsemen were out to make a challenge, with Nero looking a little flustered as [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] wanted to see what BLW Pure Rules were all about. [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] wasted no time accepting the challenge from one of Canada's finest all round workers but he [i]is[/i] known as "Suicidal" Flemmy Lemming, its to be expected. The match went down very well as the two men traded a lot of mat wrestling and counter holds. But it almost seemed as Chandler had been taunting Flemmy as he locked in a Fabulous Stretch out of nowhere and forced the challenger to tap out. [b]Alex Braun[/b] made his way out to briefly celebrate with his stablemate before whispering a word or two to Professor Nero who then left with Chandler. Braun then made a direct challenge to [b]Jacob Jett[/b] who he said he knew was in the building. Jett stormed the ring, wasting no time and the match was announced as being held under DAVE rules by time the bell rang over two minutes into the match, having spent about ten seconds in the ring by that point. Jett is a great youngster but Braun pulled out a lot of veteran tricks and showed his hardcore experience to simply out-fight his opponent. After about 10 minutes the match was over as Braun scored with a Braun Damage to get the win, taunting his fallen opponent before heading backstage to join up with his stablemates. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] and [b]Henry Marksman[/b] headed to the ring with fire burning in their eyes. They may not have been on the same page for a while, but tonight they were filled with intent to get revenge on the Hardcore Horsemen for ruining King of the Indy's. It took several minutes for the opposition to arrive, with [b]Guide and Rhino Umaga[/b] looking tentative, especially Guide. I figure it was because he wasn't looking to be hurt leading up to his big BLW World Championship match at Bound For Glory, but it may just have been a lack of confidence in his team's gameplan. The match was pretty damn great, I have to say. The sheer intensity of everyone in the ring brought it up a notch in my books and the interactions between Umaga and Guide were tremendous. Even Professor Nero at ringside brought something a little extra to the match. For little over half an hour, it was a war, with both sides being suprisingly even with their offense. When Guide and Machine finally got it on in the ring they brawled to a near stalemate, surely a great pre-cursor of things to come. Marksman seemed to take some of the big hits in this match as he was double teamed frequently by the bigger men. But in the end, he wasn't on the wrong end of the pinfall defeat. With all 4 men having fought to their limits, Marksman was caught by Umaga with a powerspear intended for Machine. The resultant 2 on 1 against Machine allowed Guide to hit him with a Guided Missile and pick up a clean pinfall victory over the BLW World Champion. The crowd booed the roof of the hall as the Hardcore Horsemen celebrated their win, with Professor Nero taking his men backstage while informing everyone that Machine's time is up. He looked at history, saying that the previous BLW Champions had each reached 9 defenses before losing and that Machine was already on 9. He pointed out that Machine had just been beaten [i]cleanly[/i] in the middle of a BLW ring and he said tha quite simply, Machine's time was up. The Hardcore Horsemen were coming and their numbers aren't just limited to what they have now. Who else in BLW works for DAVE? Machine didn't look best pleased with anything they were saying but before he got the chance to do anything about it, he was met by the frutrated face of Henry Marksman. It looked like they were going to shake hands but Machine realised that Marksman was in DAVE, we could see and hear them arguing about it. Machine questioned Marksman's loyalty to BLW and they argued loudly until Marksman stormed out of the ring. The show finished with Machine walking slowly to the back, shaking his head and wondering which BLW/DAVE wrestlers he could really trust. All in all, I really enjoyed the show with the main event being a top notch match. The thing that stood out most for me was that all the Hardcore Horsemen won their matches tonight... as did Wolf Hawkins, who is also in DAVE. In fact, when I look at BLW, there are several big names also in DAVE. I think I'll post up my own little column about this in a minute to highlight things. Its more than a little interesting.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]May 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i]DARK: Warren Acid defeated Serhat Jawahir [3:41] (F) Show Stealers defeated Thunder Hike and Kit Hatoyama (defense #7 of the BLW World Tag Team Titles) [10:47] (C-) Rhino Umaga and Guide (Extreme Prejudice) defeated The Jawahir Boys [2:31] (C) Wolf Hawkins defeated Steven Parker [8:49] (C+) Eddie Chandler defeated Flemmy Lemming (Pure Rules) [10:16] (C+) Alex Braun defeated Jacob Jett (DAVE rules match) [11:50] (C) Extreme Prejudice defeated Samoan Machine and Henry Marksman [31:42] (C+)[/i] [/QUOTE] Now that I've got exams and everything out of the way, I'm waiting to get a job... wish I had one now, I'm poor :) Until then, its back to this! I hope you enjoy, I'll probably be posting up a fair few sets of results over the coming weeks. [u]Derek B[/u]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/column[/b] [QUOTE] [b][u][size=4][center]DAVE vs BLW - Who's On What Side? [/b][/u][/size][/center] Hello folks and welcome to a special column from BLW's biggest fan. Today I'm going to be looking at the unfolding war between DAVE and BLW that has been the talk of the US indy scene for the last month or so. Some people love it and some people hate it, but I'm not here to talk about that. No, I've got more important things to talk about. Like who's fighting for each side! Basically, I'm going to look briefly at everyone who's on the rosters of both promotions who hasn't alligned themselves with the Hardcore Horsemen of DAVE and give you my opinion on where their alleigances lie..... So, lets get on with it!
[b][u][center] ACID [/center][/b][/u] For years, Acid has been an indy star with his high flying offense and often innovative technical moves. He hasn't said who he's fighting for, but then, he never says anything. However, the silent masked man has recently warred with Guide (of the Hardcore Horsemen) and has never had trouble finding indy bookings if he wants them. He's been with DAVE for almost 4 years and revels in the underdog role, something DAVE has often done but not in this feud. [b]VERDICT: Purely on recent history, I get the feeling he's one of the good guys, at least from BLW's perspective. Hopefully he'll feature heavily in this war as he can do a lot of good.[/b]
[b][u][center] DARRYL DEVINE [/center][/b][/u] A former BLW World Champion, for a period he was undoubtedly the most hated man in BLW and easily has been their most boo'ed champion. Despite this, he's also one of the most highly praised men in the BLW locker-room and is a top star all over North America, racking up championships seemingly wherever he goes. Gaining national exposure with DAVE, he may have lost a lot of matches with them but at least he's getting the respect he deserves. [b]VERDICT: At the moment, its tough to call. Despite being the bastard that BLW fans have loved to hate, they would hate to see a man of his talents jump to the competition. However, if DAVE were to make him an offer, who knows what he would do? Its not like he's scared of being unpopular. As the leader of F.U.T.U.R.E, he wields a lot of influence.[/b]
[b][u][center] HENRY MARKSMAN [/center][/b][/u] An incredible all round wrestler, he's a rising star in Japan and the USA. Again, he's a former BLW World Champion who has also made a name for himself as a magnificent tag team wrestler having held 5 tag team belts with 4 different partners in the last 2 years. Recently, he has been gaining a lot of notoriety in the US teaming with The Wolverine as the duo, Shining Force (working as Hell Monkey) who were stripped of the DAVE Tag Team titles when The Wolverine left the company. His recent feud with Samoan Machine in BLw has been fuelled by mistrust and midirection caused mostly by members of the Hardcore Horsemen. Despite this though, the feud rumbles on and seems destined to continue for some time. [b]VERDICT: The first BLW World Champion, Marksman is one of the most popular talents the promotion has and if he defected, it would be a huge blow for BLW. However, despite his disagreements with Machine, I can't see Marksman turning his back on BLW. But as Richard Eisen says.... always expect the unexpected in professional wrestling.[/b]
[b][u][center] PABLO RODRIGUEZ [/center][/b][/u] A DAVE legend, Pablo is a global star having wrestled all over the world. HAving only recently debuted in BLW, he's already had a few good matches but the BLW crowds have already seemingly turned on the DAVE fan favourite, at least on the messageboards. Regardless of the truth, it seems that Pablo is destined to be jeered in BLW while he is popular in DAVE and it remains to be seen how this will influence his own actions. [b]VERDICT: A tough one to call, it wouldn't surprise me to see him in the Hardcore Horsemen but he's known for being impossible to predict both in and out of the ring. If he's forced to choose, he could be a major boost for either side.[/b]
[b][u][center] PISTOL PETE HALL [/center][/b][/u] A true superstar in the 1980s with the SWF, he retired for years to help train the next generation of stars. Easily one of the most influential men in North American wrestling, he's become a household name across the USA thanks to some great matches..... in a DAVE ring. He also starred in BLW prior to joining DAVE but he's been very quiet as of late, citing the training he's still giving to some stars to this day. His matches with Eddie Peak in DAVE have been excellent and it seems the veteran star may be going out in a blaze of glory. [b]VERDICT: Not a man I'd pick to stab BLW in the back, but if forced to choose between the promotions, I can't see him choosing BLW over DAVE, especially when he's so close to achieving the major title he's been after for so long. Of course, he could opt to stay with GCG in Japan as he's also become a big star over there.[/b]
[b][u][center] WOLF HAWKINS [/center][/b][/u] Trained by Pistol Pete Hall for a short while in PDW, he was then picked up by TCW owner and wrestling legend, Tommy Cornell, to be his sole protege. The personal tutoring from arguably the biggest star in wrestling just now has been of great benefit for Wolf who has really shone on the indy scene since being released to develop his style in many different promotions. The first one he signed for, was BLW and he quickly headed up his own group of supremely talented young wrestlers that he dubbed "The Catalysts". However, his starring role on the indy scene has come with DAVE where he is the reigning Brass Knuckles Champion and has been putting on some great matches. Wolf is undoubtedly the future of the wrestling industry, already a huge star by the age of 22. [b]VERDICT: The DAVE fans love him, the BLW fans love to hate him. Both promotions would hate to be fighting against him. Wolf already has it all and is still getting better. He's not made his position known, but whatever way he goes, it would be hard to believe his group wouldn't go with him. However, recent conflict between members of The Catalysts and The Hardcore Horsemen may influence his decision[/b]
The battle lines have been drawn and DAVE has certainly got the jump on this unexpected war. With Professor Nero pulling the strings behind the Hardcore Horsemen it can be certain that they have an immediate edge. BLW are still in the process of formulating their counter-attack, with their first line of Samoan Machine and Henry Marksman unable to pull back some ground during a tag team match. However, they were not defeated forever and they will surely feature highly in future when the next battles occur at Bound For Glory. A lot rides on the names I mentioned above but that doesn't mean that other names won't come into the fold. Until recently we never knew anything about Rhino Umaga as a hired gun, we never knew about Alex Braun being planted as a mole into the King of the Indys and we didn't know that Professor Nero was in charge. There's a lot we don't know at this time. I just hope like hell that the Hardcore Horsemen don't fulfil their promise of taking over BLW because quite frankly, professional wrestling needs a company like BLW. A company that puts the emphasis on the wrestling and will give anyone a chance to prove themselves. [i]Derek B[/i]
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From BLWrestling.com [QUOTE] [b][u][size=5][center]BLW May Newsline! [/b][/u][/size] [b][size=3]BLW Top 5 Rankings, Card for Bound For Glory and More![/b][/size][/center]
Recent events in BLW have had an effect on the BLW Rankings with DAVE star [b]Guide[/b]'s victory in the King of the Indy's Tournament [i]and[/i] his victory in a tag match over the BLW World Champion earning him a spot in the top five. Fellow DAVE star [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] moves up one spot taking the place of Mean Jean Cattley who drops out of the top five for the time being. Several other names were considered for the top five however the top three remain unchanged for now. Here are the official rankings. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/u][/b] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] [i] 1. Henry Marksman 2. Wolf Hawkins 3. Darryl Devine 4. Eddie Chandler 5. Guide[/i] Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): [i]Acid Alex Braun Alex McKing Burning Takashiita Chavo Lopez Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Jacob Jett Marc Speed Mean Jean Cattley Pablo Rodriguez Pistol Pete Hall Sensational Ogiwara[/i]
The Pure Style Rankings have not changed much with Pure Rules not getting a showing at King of the Indys and none of the ranked competitors losing since Flemmy Lemming lost to Alex McKing back at Glory By Honour. As such, here are the current standings for the BLW Pure Style Championship. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/u][/b] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Alex McKing[/b] [i] 1. Marc Speed 2. Fumihiro Ota 3. Frankie Perez 4. Flemmy Lemming 5. Stevie Stoat[/i] Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): [i]Donnie J. Eddie Chandler El Critico Heihachiro Sakai Hitomaro Suzuki Jacob Jett Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Thomas Morgan[/i]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u][size=5][center]Matches Announced So Far [/b][/u][/size] [i] BLW World Championship Match vs The 2008 King of the Indy's [/i] [b][u] Samoan Machine (c) vs Guide [/b][/u] So far, no BLW World Champion has mde 10 defenses of the coveted belt. Samoan Machine has made 9 thus far. So far, no King of the Indy's has managed to win the BLW World Championship at Bound For Glory. But Guide pinned the champion only two weeks ago. Both of these men have been on great winning streaks in BLW and both are as tough as anyone you would care to meet. Guide has made it clear he wants to destroy BLW and will try to do so by taking the BLW Championship away from Samoan Machine. Machine has made it clear that he's not going to let DAVE do anything to stop BLW's incredible rise to prominence on the indy wrestling scene from continuing. Something has to give on this battle! [i] BLW Pure Style Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Alex McKing (c) vs Frankie Perez [/b][/u] Mcking's dominance in the Pure division has been incredible so far but his toughest challenger has always been Frankie Perez. In this clash of the Pure Style titans, only one man can walk out victorious but will the unbeaten reign of McKing finally come to an end or will Perez once again fall to McKing's dominance in the ring? [i] Challenge Match [/i] [b][u] Pablo Rodriguez vs Eddie Chandler [/b][/u] Eddie Chandler has been talking about how he's not only the biggest star in DAVE and in Canada but also the quite simply the best wrestler in the whole world. Pablo Rodriguez has made a name for himself as one of the most exciting talents the world has to offer and has challenged Eddie to put up or shut up. While many backstage at BLW are hoping that Pablo is siding with BLW against DAVE, Pablo has made it clear that his support goes to only one man... himself. Nevertheless, when these two clash it will be a great clash of styles, be sure not to miss out! [i] Rankings Match [/i] [b][u] Darryl Devine vs Pistol Pete Hall [/b][/u] Pistol Pete has been making a great name for himself with DAVE lately and now he is hoping to make a bigger name for himself in BLW by getting back into the BLW Top 5 Rankings. However, standing between him and that goal is former BLW World Champion, Darryl Devine. This is certain to be a great match between two top stars and a possible match of the night candidate! [i] BLW vs DAVE match [/i] [b][u] Chavo Lopez vs Alex Braun [/b][/u] Ever since losing to Henry Marksman at Ultimate Warriors, Lopez has stepped his game up a notch. He's faced and defeated everyone in singles competition that Marksman has faced, even using Marksman's own moves to do so. But this isn't about that, its about settling his own score with Alex Braun over what happened at their King of the Indy's Qualifying match. The moment it became clear that Braun was in on the plan that cost Lopez his spot, he challenged Braun to a match at Bound For Glory, even going as far as to say that he's doing it for BLW. This match should be a great rematch of their Glory By Honour bout but who will win the first of many BLW vs DAVE matches? [i] Pure Rules Match [/i] [b][u] Donnie J. vs Merle O'Curle [/b][/u] Since his partner walked out on him after the King of the Indy's Tournament, people have wondered what Donnie J was going to do in BLW. And we now have our answer. Donnie steps into the ring under Pure rules for the first time against the "Irish Stretching Machine" Merle O'Curle in what will surely be an exciting technical match. But can Donnie transer over to the new rules or will his lack of singles experience count against him in this match? [i] Challenge Match [/i] [b][u] Melody Cuthill vs Thunder Hike [/b][/u] Melody has been on a one woman warpath to get a victory over any member of the Joshi Dream Team lately and if she fails to beat Thunder Hike in this match, it'll be a clean sweep for the ladies from Japan. Women's wrestling may often be relegated to a sideshow distraction in SWF, TCW and DAVE but here in BLW, we have some of the best female wrestlers on the planet. If you enjoy this match, be sure to check out AAA for even more women's wrestling action.[/center] [b][u]PLUS:[/u][/b] The Show Stealers will defend the BLW World Tag Team titles against mystery opponents, the Hardcore Horsemen are expected to make their presence felt and will anything happen between Henry Marksman and Samoan Machine?
So much could happen but the only way to find out for sure is to get down to the Huntsville Fairgrounds yourself to find out for sure! Check out BLWrestling.com/events to get your ticket now! [/QUOTE]
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BLW World Championship Match vs The 2008 King of the Indy's [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Guide [I]Machine is the man to keep on top and Guide isn't anywhere as good as his tag partner[/I] BLW Pure Style Championship Match [B]Alex McKing (c)[/B] vs Frankie Perez [I]McKing is the Pure Style division and I like Perez but he's not the amn I want to see take the title. Marc Speed, Flemmy Lemming, Merle O'Curle or Thomas Morgan.[/I] Challenge Match [B]Pablo Rodriguez[/B] vs Eddie Chandler [I]Pablo is definately my pick for this match, Chandler isn't all that hot as a wrestler[/I] Rankings Match Darryl Devine vs [B]Pistol Pete Hall [/B] [I]I know you like Devine but if you want to keep Pete around you should give him some wins[/I] BLW vs DAVE match [B]Chavo Lopez[/B] vs Alex Braun [I]Lopex all the way in this match[/I] Pure Rules Match Donnie J. vs [B]Merle O'Curle [/B] [I]Donnie will probably take the win just because he's more over but the Irish Stretching Machine is the wave of the future and should be getting a win and a shot at the pure style title[/I] Challenge Match [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] vs Thunder Hike [I]Cuthill needs to grab at least one win out of this[/I] PLUS: The Show Stealers will defend the BLW World Tag Team titles against [B]mystery opponents[/B]. [I]Always go for the mystery opponents[/I]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Here are the results from BLW: Bound For Glory that took place earlier tonight. As always, report sent in by Derek B. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG][/center] Prior to the official bell-time/start of the show, we were treated to [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] hanging out with the fans who were on their way to their seats. He tried to spend some time with a lot of us but obviously he couldn't do so since we were on our way to our seats. In the ring, the early arrivals got the chance to see [b]The Specialists[/b] defeat [b]The Jawahir Boys[/b] in a tag team match that wasn't bad at all. A good dark match to warm up for the rest of the night. The official show opened up with [b]Melody Cuthill[/b] coming to the ring for her match with [b]Thunder Hike[/b]. Ladies first I suppose. The match was suprisingly quick as Thunder Hike simply out wrestled Melody to win with a Thunder Strike. Melody didn't look happy with the defeat, hitting the canvas with her fist and making idle threats at Hike and the rest of the Joshi Dream Team. Melody has now lost to all three of the JDT, I wonder where they're going with this? The second match of the night was the Pure Rules debut of [b]Donnie J.[/b] who was stepping in the ring with [b]Merle O'Curle[/b]. After a short promo in which he aimed a lot of veiled insults at his Jimmy P, the match was underway. Donnie showed that he's the more capable of his tag team by putting on a good display of wrestling against Merle, who simply couldn't lock in a submission hold no matter what he tried. In the end, Donnie caught Merle with a Death On Miami Beach to pick up the pinfall victory in a match that I didn't expect him to win. Donnie celebrated by going out into the fans as always, although it didn't seem quite the same without his tag partner by his side. The next match was almost a bit of a squash tag match as [b]The Underdogs[/b] came in with high momentum against [b]The Hit Squad[/b]. Despite their technical skills, the Squad couldn't catch the members of the Moving Targets and after a short but high paced match, Raphael Robinson picked up a pinfall victory with his own version of his partners Idoliser. The Underdogs are one of the best teams in BLW right now, its good to see them breaking their own stars too. The next match may very well have been match of the night as [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] continued his own quest to prove he's better than Henry Marksman by getting revenge on the only man to have beaten him in quite some time, [b]Alex Braun[/b]. The fall in question was caused by interference and this match luckily didn't see that again. Despite spending as much time out of the ring as they did in it, the two talents put on a great match that showed a lot of intensity and determination. Lopez again broke out some of Marksman's big spots in addition to his own and Braun was overwhelmed by the sheer variety of offense brought against him. In the battle of BLW vs DAVE, Chavo Lopez scores one for BLW with a Hell Fire Kick followed up by a Champagne Breakfast for the victory. A great match, I'd love to see these two meet in the ring again and I don't doubt that they might. [b]Acid[/b] and [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] met in next in a match that would go a long way to giving either man a shot at a BLW Top 5 Ranking. The early offense was from Acid as he used his speed, but Cattley used his technique to carve an opening and then worked on the ankle a lot from then on. The finish came when Cattley tried to lock in an ankle lock for a second time and his grim determination to lock it in allowed Acid to roll him up and barely get a three count. It was a great athletic contest that saw both men come out looking good. Its great to see Acid get a win over the far bigger man. After the match, we were informed by [b]Bryan Paris[/b] on commentary that [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] had challenged him to a rematch from King of the Indy's. As he was busy at the next Open Challenge, the match was going to be held at [b]Popular Demand[/b] in June and the fans would choose what sort of match it would be. Cattley looked disgruntled by the news, but I'm looking forward to seeing how Ogiwara can fare against Cattley when she's not suffering from a broken ankle. The BLW World Tag Team titles were on the line next as [b]The Show Stealers[/b] made their entrance, not knowing who they'd be facing. They announced to everyone that they wanted a mystery challenge as they'd beaten all the teams in BLW already, it might be a challenge to win like this. The opponents turned out to be [b]The Trademarks[/b]. These teams have met on several occassions before and put on some solid tag matches and this was no exception. OVer ten minutes of very open action saw both sides put on good shows but in the end, it was once again Adam Matravers getting the pinfall victory as he scored with a Mile High Moonsault on Thomas Morgan to pick up the win. I think Matravers and Barnes are one of the elite indy teams in the world just now but they haven't had enough good competition to really be able to show their skills off properly yet. If only they had more special tag matches, I'm sure these guys would be picked up by a major promotion in no time at all. Not that I want them to leave though, I'm just saying. After the match, [b]Rhino Umaga[/b] and [b]Guide[/b], the duo known together as Extreme Prejudice came out with a microphone and laughed at The Show Stealers, saying its not exactly hard to beat any of the teams here since they're all nobodies. Guide then put himself over (with help from Professor Nero on commentary), saying that the Show Stealers were lucky that Guide was going to become BLW World Champion tonight otherwise he and Umaga would come down to the ring and lay the champs out right now. At this point Professor Nero went backstage with the Hardcore Horsemen, relieving himself of announcing duties for the next match. The BLW Pure Style Championship was on the line next as the undefeated [b]Alex McKing[/b] attempted to make his millionth title defense against [b]Frankie Perez[/b]. This was without doubt the best Pure Rules match I've seen as both men put on a great show. McKing's offense was well scouted by Perez who blocked every takedown with a stiff kick or knee, forcing him to take a lot of time to regroup. Both men forced each other to use a rope-break when they locked in a cross-armlock each and the same happened again as the result of an STF. The close finish was a spectacular exchange of moves that saw Perez hit with a dragon suplex but avoid being locked into the World Tour then break the resultant attempt at another suplex to catch McKing with a huge kick. Perez then went for a Perez Plunge '03 but McKing moved the momentum and got a fast roll up that Perez narrowly escaped. McKing hit a roundhouse kick to the midsection then tried to gloat by putting Perez out with his own Perez Plunge '03 but Perez hit a barrage of punches into the kidneys to block it then quickly hoisted McKing up for a Plunge of his own. There was no escape this time as Perez connected with it and picked up the three count to get win the BLW Pure Style Championship, becoming only the second holder of the belt in its relatively short history. A great match, McKing has finally been dethroned as champion and in great style, with his own arrogance getting the better of him. As McKing was heading backstage, disappointed after the match, he pulled back the curtain and saw [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] talking with [b]Professor Nero[/b]. Both men looked a little surprised to see McKing, who demanded to know what was going on. Wolf said he was just on his way to see McKing when he bumped into Nero who was on his way back to the announce team. As Nero made his way to his station, he yelled at Wolf to "think about it", which prompted more accusations from McKing and more denials from Wolf. The smile in Nero's face was sadistic looking, he really captured the moment. But what exactly was going on? As if the crowd weren't hot enough already, [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] made his way out next to a loud and very mixed ovation. Half the crowd were behind him for being with BLW and the other half were against him for being with DAVE. The mixed reaction turned solely to boos as [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] entered and put himself over as the greatest wrestler on the planet in [i]any[/i] promotion, not just BLW. The match was another styles clash, with the technical approach of Chandler aimed at softening up the legs of Pablo who in turn was aiming to use himself as a weapon at any given moment. Chandler bent the rules as much as possible as Pablo launched himself around the ring at Eddie, giving him as little chance to recover as possible. But in the end, despite being in charge for most of the match, Pablo missed a 450 splash and Eddie was quick to roll him up and hold the tights to get the pinfall. The crowd hated it but Eddie left the match victorious again in what was truly a very good match. The penultimate match of the night was the Rankings match between [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] and [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. Both of these guys work for BLW and DAVE and but the crowd know they are BLW loyalists, at least they think they know. The match was a top notch affair as Pete brought a real fire into this one, determined to get back into the rankings and win a major title belt. Devine brought his usual arrogance with him and the two exchange several good runs of offense. Pete looked to be in control of things when he saw members of the Hardcore Horsemen standing at the top of the entrance way. Pete immediately looked to Devine to be ready to fight them but they didn't make a move towards the ring. Devine shrugged his shoulders and rolled up Pete from behind with a schoolboy to get a three count and Pete looked livid. Devine rolled outside as the Nero got on the microphone and congratulated him for showing the exact kind of killer instinct that he'd looked for when he assembled the Hardcore Horsemen. Devine didn't look too interested in what they had to say as he escaped through the crowd. Pete tried to play the heroic leader but in the end, it cost him. It was a great match and I can't help but notice that Nero has directly approached two of the BLW Top 5 Ranked guys tonight. Does he have a plan? Tonight's main event was another great match that saw the 2008 King of the Indy's Winner [b]Guide[/b] take on the reigning BLW World Champion [b]Samoan Machine[/b] for the biggest prize in BLW. This match meant so much and everyone knew it which only added to the emotion put into it. For just short of half an hour, Machine and Guide pummeled each other with strikes, punches, kicks and an array of stretches and submissions that made me wince just looking at them. On commentary, Nero hyped up hust how good Machine was but how much better he could be if only he was being lead by Nero himself. As the match advanced, it was tough to say who was in the lead and it remained like that until the last moments. Knowing the the Guided Missile could win him the match, Guide kept trying to hit the move which almost allowed Machine to lock in the Unbreakable Sleeper. It was blocked but a legsweep from Machine grounded his opponent and Machine got into the mount position and simply launched a barrage of forearms and elbows at Guide who tried to cover up. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't escape and the referee called for the bell when his guard finally went limp and Guide was declared unconscious. Machine stared down at his fallen foe, who was slowly bleeding from a cut on his forehead and then stood up, not looking impressed. The winner of this match and still BLW World Champion, [b]Samoan Machine[/b]. That was his tenth successful defense of the belt, making him the most succesful BLW World Champion yet. Tonight was a great night for wrestling and the DAVE vs BLW was has continued on. The closing shot of Samoan Machine standing over Guide and staring at Professor Nero is one I won't forget for some time, nor will the shot of Nero slapping Guide once he came round leave me for a while either. Bryan Paris hyped up BLW's next big show, the hugely enjoyable show making its second appearance, [b]Popular Demand[/b]. He said to check out BLWrestling.com because the polls will be opened within the next couple of days and the Top 5 Rankings will be out as soon as possible soon too.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/BFG1.jpg[/IMG] [b][size=4]Quick Results[/b][/size][/center] [b][u]May 08 - Bound For Glory[/u] - (B)[/b] [i]From Huntsville Fairgrounds Attendance - 2479 DARK: The Specialists defeated The Jawahir Boys [4:38] (C-) Thunder Hike defeated Melody Cuthill [6:35] (C-) Donnie J defeated Merle O'Curle (Pure Rules) [7:54] (C-) The Underdogs defeated The Hit Squad [5:35] (C) Chavo Lopez defeated Alex Braun [13:47] (B+) Acid defeated Mean Jean Cattley [15:36] (B) The Show Stealers defeated The Trademarks (defense #8 of the BLW World Tag Team Titles) [11:22] (C) Frankie Perez defeated Alex McKing for the BLW Pure Style Championship [12:41] (C+) Eddie Chandler defeated Pablo Rodriguez [18:40] (B+) Darryl Devine defeated Pistol Pete Hall [17:43] (B) Samoan Machine defeated Guide (defense #10 of the BLW World Championship) [29:51] (B)[/i]
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[i][center]Note in advance: All Popular Demand Voting to be PMed to me so that I can keep it in one place. Please don't post the message on the forums, I'd like to keep the results a secret until showtime :)[/center][/i]
[b][u]From BLWrestling.com[/b][/u] [QUOTE] [center][size=5][b][u] BLW May Newsline! [/u][/size] [size=4] BLW Top 5 Rankings and Popular Demand Polls OPEN! [/size][/b][/center]
After losing to Samoan Machine at Bound For Glory, Guide drops out of the BLW Top Five Rankings to be replaced by Acid who's win over Mean Jean Cattley has earned him a spot in the rankings. Also, Darryl Devine switches places with Wolf Hawkins in the rankings although the current rankings will have little effect on who Samoan Machine will face at Popular Demand as that is up to the fans and not the BLW Booking Committee. Sitting at #1 is still Henry Marksman who has yet to be beaten in a BLW ring by anyone except Samoan Machine in singles competition since March 2007. Here is the full line up and other possible contenders. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b][/u] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] 1. Henry Marksman 2. Darryl Devine 3. Wolf Hawkins 4. Eddie Chandler 5. Acid Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): Alex Braun Alex McKing Burning Takashiita Chavo Lopez Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Marc Speed Mean Jean Cattley Pablo Rodriguez Pistol Pete Hall Sensational Ogiwara
All hail Frankie Perez, the new BLW Pure Style Champion who had an incredible match with Alex McKing at Bound For Glory. Obviously this affects the Top Five here as the change in champions means McKing drops into the contenders rankings for the first time ever, heading up the ranks at #1. EVeryone else drops down a spot while the potentials list is bulked out by Donnie J who had a strong showing against Pure Style veteran Merle O'Curle. Eddie Chandler has yet to reveal if he has any intentions for the Pure Style Championship and he remains in the pool of potentials for now, though the Committee would surely review this if he makes his intentions clear. Here are the current standings. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/u][/b] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Frankie Perez[/b] 1. Alex McKing 2. Marc Speed 3. Fumihiro Ota 4. Flemmy Lemming 5. Stevie Stoat Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): Donnie J. Eddie Chandler Heihachiro Sakai Hitomaro Suzuki Jacob Jett Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Thomas Morgan
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/PopDem.jpg[/IMG][/center] The BLW Rankings for the month of June have been released and as a result, the final confirmation of the card for the second annual Popular Demand event has been announced. With the announcement of the card is the opening of the polls on the BLWrestling.com website so that you, the BLW fans, can let us know exactly what you want to see. This is the most interactive show in the BLW calendar and perhaps the most innovative show BLW has. You won't see anything like this in SWF or TCW and certainly not on DAVE either. You can only cast your vote once so make sure you use your vote well. Here are the polls!
[size=4][u][center] Vote #1 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Samoan Machine (c) vs ??? [/b][/size][/center] The reigning BLW World Champion Samoan Machine has been seemingly unbeatable throughout his reign at the top. At least, in singles competition. In tag competition its been proved that he can be beaten and everyone now knows this. You are voting for the man who he will be facing and defending the BLW World Championship against. Your choices are any of the current BLW Top Five Ranked competitors except Henry Marksman who already has a scheduled match. (See Vote #5) [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Darryl Devine 2. Wolf Hawkins 3. Eddie Chandler 4. Acid [/b] [b][u]ALSO:[/u][/b] The 3 runners-up will have a one fall 3-way match at Popular Demand, the winner of which will face the BLW World Champion (whoever that is) in a singles match at Midsummer's Madness in July.
[size=4][u][center] Vote #2 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Frankie Perez (c) vs ??? [/b][/size][/center] The newly crowned BLW Pure Style Champion, Frankie Perez, will face the winner of this vote for his first attempted defense of the championship. As for the BLW World Championship, all the Top 5 Ranked competitors for the title are your options here. [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Alex McKing 2. Marc Speed 3. Fumihiro Ota 4. Flemmy Lemming 5. Stevie Stoat [/b]
[size=4][u][center] Vote #3 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] The Show Stealers (c) vs The Underdogs [/b][/size][/center] The BLW World Tag Team titles will be on the line as the Show Stealers (Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes) defend the belts against the team designated the #1 contenders, the Underdogs (Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson). You are voting for what rules the match will be held under and whatever you choose, this is sure to be a real blockbuster! [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Regular Tag Team Match 2. Tag Team Ladder Match 3. Falls Count Anywhere Tag Match [/b]
[size=4][u][center] Vote #4 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Mean Jean Cattley vs Sensational Ogiwara [/b][/size][/center] This match is a rematch of the Ogiwara/Cattley clash from King of the Indy's where Ogiwara lost due to an injury picked up earlier in the event against Donnie J. She requested a rematch once she healed and it was granted for Popular Demand. Your vote will help determine how the match will end. [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Pinfalls In Ring Only 2. Submissions In Ring Only 3. Time Limit Most Falls [/b] [size=4][u][center] Vote #5 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Chavo Lopez vs Henry Marksman [/b][/size][/center] These two blew the roof off back in January in an epic encounter that saw Marksman narrowly escape with a victory against a hungry Chavo Lopez. EVer since then Lopez has been on a quest to show that he's not just as good as Marksman, but is better than him and he will get the chance to prove it in this match. You decide the rules. Each man submitted their own rule as an option. [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Standard Singles Match 2. Lucha Libre Rules 3. Wild Style (essentially, DAVE hardcore rules) [/b]
[size=4][u][center] Vote #6 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Women's Attraction Match [/b][/size][/center] BLW has always wanted to put on a great show with great wrestlers from around the world, regardless of gender. In this poll, you vote for the female competitor on the BLW roster that you most want to see and the two most popular will compete in a singles match. Remember, Sensational Ogiwara will already be competing in a match with Mean Jean Cattley (see vote #4) so you can't vote for her. [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Melody Cuthill 2. Thunder Hike 3. Kit Hatoyama 4. Esra Jawahir 5. Nadira Jawahir [/b]
[size=4][u][center] Vote #7 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] Pure Rules Match [/b][/size][/center] BLW is all about professional wrestling and that is best showcased via the BLW Pure Wrestling division. In this poll, you vote for who you want to see in a Pure Style match. Remember, you can only vote for those who you haven't already voted for in vote #2 but this time, you can also vote for two people. [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] [i]Vote for any two[/i] 1. Alex McKing (see vote #2 clause) 2. Marc Speed (see vote #2 clause) 3. Fumihiro Ota (see vote #2 clause) 4. Flemmy Lemming (see vote #2 clause) 5. Stevie Stoat (see vote #2 clause) 6. Donnie J. 7. Heihachiro Sakai 8. Hitomaro Suzuki 9. Jacob Jett 10. Joey Poison 11. Merle O'Curle 12. Thomas Morgan [/b]
[size=4][u][center] Vote #8 [/size][/u] [b][size=3] *SPECIAL VOTE* [/b][/size][/center] The first person to get their votes in can vote for a singles or tag match between anyone on the BLW roster who is not already involved in a match and they have not already voted for. Here is a list of people that can potentially be voted for. Please state exactly what match you want to see bearing in mind that other people's voting may limit it (ie; everyone make a vote regardless) [b][u]OPTIONS:[/u] 1. Alex Braun 2. Alex McKing 3. Ali Jawahir 4. Bobby Thomas 5. Burning Takashiita 6. Donnie J. 7. Eclipse 8. Esra Jawahir 9. Flemmy Lemming 10. Fumihiro Ota 11. Heihachiro Sakai 12. Hitomaro Suzuki 13. Jacob Jett 14. Joey Poison 15. Kit Hatoyama 16. Marc Speed 17. Melody Cuthill 18. Merle O'Curle 19. Muhammed Jawahir 20. Nadira Jawahir 21. Nate Johnson 22. Pablo Rodriguez 23. Pistol Pete Hall 24. Rhino Umaga 25. Serhat Jawahir 26. Steven Parker 27. Stevie Stoat 28. Thomas Morgan 29. Thunder Hike 30. Warren Acid 31. Wolf Hawkins [/b]
This concludes the voting. You have the power to influence what you watch! What other wrestling promotion gives you that chance? Cast your votes now! [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/PopDem.jpg[/IMG][/center] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/u][/b] Remember to PM me your choices so that we can keep things a secret. For those of you have tuned back into BLW, welcome back. For any newcomers, welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it and I hope you missed reading it as much as I wanted to be writing it before those pesky exams got in the way :) Derek B
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hey derek b, i just started reading this dynasty, in fact i'm not even done with the first thirty entries, but i thought i'd let you know that i am enjoying what i've read so far. i've got a lot of catching up to do, i just got to where devine beat hellmonkey for the belt, and i must say that was a well-thought out match, from the beginning to the end. i figured since you are the guru of TEW2005 that you would put out a good thread and i was right. keep up the good work, and thaks for giving me a read while i'm bored at work.
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Well whadaya know, I'm a guru :) Anyways, this is just a friendly bump to let everyone know I'll have the results up tomorrow at some point so get your votes in tonight. Obviously I've got to write up the Open Challenge results first but I'll be doing that about the same time. So come on, come on! Get your votes in! Derek B - [i]Taboo Tuesday? What sort of a stupid name is that?![/i]
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