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BLW - The Super Indy

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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Tonight, BLW was in New England, home of NACW, and they put on another top notch show packed with international stars and home grown talent. How do we know this when we weren't there? Because Derek B told us so. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Another great night of wrestling from BLW tonight, highlighted by another great BLW World Championship match and another BLW vs DAVE match featuring Pistol Pete Hall and Aleb Braun. But before we get to those, best get through the rest of the show first! The show opened when [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] made his way to the ring and issued the first open challenge of the night. It was quickly accepted by [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] who came out of the crowd near me (presumably he'd been talking to some fans) and accepted the challenge. Sadly, he didn't even last two minutes as he tapped out to the Champagne Breakfast which itself came after a Hellfire Kick. Lopez then re-issued his open challenge, saying he wanted some real competition rather than a wannabe like Serhat. It was then the turn of [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] to take the open challenge and then we had a real match. For twenty minutes the two men exchanged some great technical wrestling, with Cattley working over the ankle of Lopez as much as possible. In the end though, it was this focus that cost him as he went for a single leg takedown that Lopez avoided with tremendous agility and turned into a Hellfire Kick. That may have been enough to get the win on its own, but Lopez locked in the Champagne Breakfast and forced Cattley to tap in the middle of the ring. Chavo Lopez picks up a big win as he prepares to face Henry Marksman for a second time and this will only add to the tension of the big match. I can't wait! The pace slowed down a little for the next match as [b]The Jawahir Girls[/b] came out for their match with [b]Sensational Thunder[/b]. Ogiwara showed no signs of the injury that had been slowing her down as she and Thunder Hike dominated the match. The Jawahir Girls got in some decent looking offense but they were no match for the Joshi stars with Ogiwara picking up the pinfall after six minutes. Ogiwara looked great here and when she meets Mean Jean Cattley at Popular Demand, whatever the match type, its going to be a great match for sure. There was a very vocal minority of two people at ringside who jeered Ogiwara and Hike all through this match. I'm not an expert on women's wrestling, but someone in the crowd next to me informed me that they were [b]Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayama[/b], known together in AAA as [b]Glorious Power[/b]. Apparantly they're very good, but all I saw them do was throw popcorn for most of the match. In fact, all they done was throw popcorn and shout during the next match too. [b]Melody Cuthill[/b] tried to pull one back against the Joshi Dream Team once again as she faced [b]Kit Hatoyama[/b]. It was a great open match between these two, with both showing why they are considered to be among the best female competitors of their respective countries but once again it was Kit who picked up the victory after a tremendous moonsault from the top rope. Wanda and Suzue booed but everyone else seemed to enjoy the match. I like seeing women wrestle rather than act as eye-candy but when you have Melody in the ring, you get both. And thats even better. :) Three members of the [b]Hardcore Horsemen[/b] then cut a promo on BLW in general (Guide, Rhino Umaga and Alex Braun) saying how it was inferior and was soon going to die. They thanked the fans for coming tonight, saying it'd be the last chance they'd ever get to see BLW. [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] and [b]The Jawahir Boys[/b] then came out and started a brawl, with Pistol and Braun heading out of sight pretty quickly. A hardcore tag match was announced to be taking place in the ring and the Jawahir Boys held their own for a few mintues until Umaga hit a Rhino Charge on Ali to spell the beginning of the end. The last couple of minutes were simply torture as Extreme Prejudice dominated the match, eventually pinning Muhammed after a Rhino Charge on him. Rhino and Guide look great together as a team I have to say. Slick teamwork, some good moves and they always seem to know where the other is. Seems they're previous experience in tag team wrestling has helped them a lot for what appears to be this new pairing. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] then came out and hyped his upcomign title defense against [b]Marc Speed[/b], saying that it was only fair he gave his NACW tag partner a match in NACW turf. While Speed may not be the greatest worker in the world, he always puts on a great match with Machine and they did so once again with a back and forward match. But Machine never looked to be in too much trouble as he fought back and eventually locked in the Unbreakable Sleeper on Speed which forced him to tap out. The crowd chanted "match of the year" (although some of us with less enthusiasm than others) for a good match, but BLW has had many better back on home turf. And lastly, the main event of the night. Having been seperated earlier on in the night (as we were informed by Bryan Paris) [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] and [b]Alex Braun[/b] locked horns in an official DAVE rules hardcore match. And it was good stuff, with both men launching an array of tough brawling and hardcore action at each other. Little time was spent in the ring and Pete always seemed to have a slight advantage all through the match. Braun's heart appeared to be lacking in this one as Pete's fire burned him up in about twenty minutes, finally getting the victory with the Pistol Whip Lariat that looked to almost KO Braun. The show ended with Bryan Paris reminding us that BLW will be presenting Popular Demand back in Georgia and that you can cast your votes on BLWrestling.com if you hadn't already. Pistol Pete and the entire Jawahir family celebrated in the ring after the show and spent some time with the fans, which I thought was good of them although I saw that Suzue and Wanda left the moment the final bell rang. Seems they weren't too happy with what they saw tonight. All in all, a decent BLW show but I kinda missed not seeing Professor Nero or any Pure Rules action. And I kinda would have liked to see Acid since he recently deposed Mean Jean Cattley for the NACW National Championship. Would have been good to see the local champion at the show. Oh well.
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Jun 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i]The Biker's Paradise (New England) Chavo Lopez defeated Serhat Jawahir [1:36] (D) Chavo Lopez defeated Mean Jean Cattley [19:36] (C) Sensational Thunder defeated The Jawahir Girls [6:32] (D) Kit Hatoyama defeated Melody Cuthill [12:36] (D) Extreme Prejudice defeat The Jawahir Boys [6:34] (C) Samoan Machine defeated Marc Speed (defense #11 of the BLW World Championship) [19:38] (B-) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Alex Braun (DAVE rules match) [22:27] (C+)[/i]
[/QUOTE] [b]OOC:[/b] Voting is over now, look forward to result later today if you like that sort of thing. If not, then... um... I dunno. Look forward to something else?
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [size=5][center][u] Crossing The Border-Line? [/u][/size] [i]written by Elizabeth Freeman[/i][/center] Last night on DangerZone TV, after a DAVE Unified title defense by Chris Caulfield over Art Reed, national television bore witness to one of the most shocking and most vicious attacks in professional wrestling history. DAVE has always been known for its bloodlust and for pushing the boundaries, but last night may have finally went a step too far as the entire locker-room emptied for the most brutal beatdown I've ever seen in my years of covering professional wrestling. It started after the conclusion of the Caulfield/Reed match, a solid but unspectacular rematch of their encounter the previous week but quickly changed. Things already seemed odd as several members of the DAVE roster were spotted in the crowd and at the exits. Many thought an angle was being set up for the DAVE champion but how wrong they were. Darryl Devine and the recently debuted Donnie J made their way to the ring, looking like they were about to make an impact but once in the ring, things changed fast. Donnie signalled to the crowd to come closer and stepped back from Devine, who was left staring down two of DAVE's finest on his own as DAVE stars closed in. The Peak Brothers, Guide, Eric Tyler, Alex Braun, Eddie Chandler, Tank Bradley, Mick Muscles, Honest Frank, Rhino Umaga, Travis Century, JD Morgan, American Buffalo... the numbers were heavy. Devine looked at Donnie who shrugged his shoulders and mouthed said "I'm doing what I have to". Devine tried to attack Donnie but he was quickly felled by Caulfield and Reed. The Peak Brothers hit the ring and it didn't take long for them to be joined by Chandler, Braun, Guide, Umaga and Professor Nero. The group known in BLW as "The Hardcore Horsemen" lay a beatdown on Devine, making him bleed buckets from his head in the biggest bloodbath I've seen in a long time. The amount of blood he lost was truly frightening. Pistol Pete Hall, Acid and Wolf Hawkins all tried to make the save but they were severly out-numbered and had to stay back, with Wolf holding back the fiery Pete and the silent Brass Knuckles champ, Acid as best he could. No point in all of them getting hurt. And then, it was time for the big guns. The music hit, the crowds parted and Nemesis made his way to the ring armed with a kendo stick. In the ring, the Hardcore Horsemen stopped laying the beatdown as Nemesis came into the ring and looked at them all. Earlier in the night he'd told Pablo Rodriguez to go home early and weeks ago he fired Hell Monkey (known in BLW as Henry Marksman) for not leaving BLW to work for DAVE when ordered to. Nemesis shouted at a barely conscious Darryl Devine that this was his lesson, one he should pass on to everyone in BLW. Umaga and Guide pulled Devine up to his knees and with over 50,000 viewers around the country (and probably a LOT more after hearing about this) snapped the cane over Devine's head with a sickening crack. Nemesis, flanked by the Hardcore Horsemen and with a multitude of DAVE stars in front of him, between himself and the BLW stars at the entranceway, simply pointed at them and said "This is your sacrificial lamb. DAVE is your God. You [i]will[/i] bow before us or you will face the consequences." The war between BLW and DAVE has just been given an insane amount of heat, with Darryl Devine being the first major victim in the fight. Acid has been defending the DAVE Brass Knuckles belt in many unfair matches lately and Hell Monkey got fired simply for not choosing DAVE over BLW. This message is sure to scare others into choosing one. But will they choose BLW? Or will they choose DAVE? Or will a brave few continue to battle on without picking a side? We'll have to keep an eye on men like Pistol Pete Hall, Pablo Rodriguez, Acid and Wolf Hawkins to find out for sure. But after the turn of Donnie J, can anyone in BLW trust anyone else? Its exciting stuff, be sure to check out as much action from DAVE and BLW as possible so that you don't miss a thing! [i]- Elizabeth[/i]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] As per usual, Derek B has gladly contributed the results for us. We will obviously have our own results elsewhere once we've written them up. We couldn't miss out a show like this. :) [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/PopDem.jpg[/IMG][/center] The chant of "This is Awesome" started long before we even had our first match tonight such is the popularity of this BLW event. The show opened up with [b]Bryan Paris[/b] and [b]Professor Nero[/b] in the ring. They hyped up (in their own ways) the main events of tonight and then proceeded to reveal who would be facing Samoan Machine tonight for the BLW World Championship. The winner, with a supposed majority of only 1% is.... [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b]! Nero looked disgusted as Paris explained to everyone that as a result of that vote we would also see Darryl Devine, Acid and Eddie Chandler in a three way match tonight, with the winner getting a title shot at next month's big event, [b]Midsummers Madness[/b]. Eddie Chandler then came out from the back and drew tremendous heel heat by talking about the attack on Devine in DAVE, saying that Devine probably wouldn't even show up tonight and beating Acid would just be too easy. After that, it would just be Samoan Machine left and no matter how good he undoubtedly is, he's not in the same league as Eddie Chandler. After Eddie's heated promo finished, Paris revealed the results of the special vote. Taking into consideration other results that are as yet unknown, the match that was chosen by one fan was... [b]Marc Speed vs Thomas Morgan[/b]. A good choice, I think. Two good technical workers that are often overlooked, its the kind of match I mighta picked. Anyways, the match commenced with both men looking good and using their technical skills. Speed had the early advantage with Paris pointing out that Tommy has been mostly a tag competitor for the last couple of years. As the match came near the end, it looked like Speed had it sewn up. But Tommy struck back with a series of devastating elbow strikes that knocked Speed silly and then locked in a variation Indian Deathlock that Paris excitedly declared to be the Copyright Infringement. Speed tapped and we had our first surprise of the night as Tommy Morgan picks up a victory. [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] and [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] were up next and it was revealed they would be competing in a submissions only match. Cattley obviously went straight for the recently injured leg of Ogiwara, not showing any compassion for the gender difference and rightly so. Ogiwara took a leaf out of the legendary Eisaku Kunomasu's book and worked over Cattley's left arm the entire match whenever she got the chance and this proved to be vital as it gave her an avenue to escape from Cattley's attempts at the ankle lock. The finish came when Cattley went for a Mood Swing only to be countered in mid-swing into a Fujiwara armbar. Cattley fought to get out of it but Ogiwara held on and Cattley was forced to tap in the middle of the ring. Another great match from Ogiwara. If she had any critics before she came to BLW, they should have been silenced by now. The results of the voting for the BLW Pure Style Championship match and the Pure Rules match were both announced next. Getting the shot at Frankie Perez would be [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] by a solid majority and we would also be seeing [b]Jacob Jett[/b] face [b]Alex McKing[/b] in a Pure Rules match next. McKing looked angry all through the match, especially when the fans started chanting "You suck" at him or chanting "Frankie Perez". It was a great match though as the two youngsters pulled out one of Pure Styles best matches yet, with McKing unleashing an array of suplexes that he rarely normally uses. In the end, McKing locked in the World Tour submission for the third tap out victory of the night so far. After the match, he cut a promo at the crowd and at the Pure division saying that he knew he was the best Pure wrestler in the world and he didn't need a belt to prove it. He then said he was out to prove to everyone he is the [b]best wrestler[/b] in the world and that means he needs to set his sights higher than the Pure belt. We were then treated to the results of the women's match poll and as Paris revealed that we'd see [/b]Melody Cuthill[/b] face [b]Kit Hatoyama[/b], I spied a lot of popcorn being thrown at him by some fans at ringside. Once again, Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayama were at ringside and causing trouble. I couldn't see them since they were at the other side of the ring, but I knew it was them. The match itself was another decent affair, with Kit once again looking by far the better of the two. But when they were at ringside following a plancha from Kit to the outside the momentum changed. Wanda and Suzue got a bit too loud for Kit and Melody who were trading blows at ringside and threw popcorn at them. Kit got the advantage of Melody and turned to Wanda (who threw popcorn at Kit's face) and lunged at her. Suzue broke it up by diving between them but fans from the area say they saw Suzue hit Kit with something, possibly brass knucks, as she did so. Kit was dazed and Meldoy took advantage quickly rolling Kit back in the ring and scoring with a Melody Maker while she had the chance to get a pinfall victory. Melody didn't celebrate for long as she rolled out of the ring to confront Wanda and Suzue but all she got for her troubles was a large popcorn dunked on her head by Suzue. A mixed reaction from the crowd to Suzue and Wanda, I wonder what BLW is going to do with them? [b]Frankie Perez[/b] was up against [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b] next attempting to make his first defense of the BLW Pure Style Championship. These rules really suit Perez's style, allowing him to use a lot of submissions and kicks but they're also good for Flemmy who's a submission machine. Both men used a lot of submissions and counter holds in this match but the end result came about as an unexpected counter. After a string of moves, Perez stunned Flemmy with a devastating series of rapid fire kicks to the head that Flemmy didn't manage to block. Perez then mounted up and pounded at Flemmy with brutal forearm shots and the referee called an end to the match via knockout. A convincing defense for Frankie, he could be a great champion. The big reveal for the BLW Tag Team title match was next and by a landslide majority, tonight's match will be a tag team ladder match between [b]The Show Stealers[/b] and [b]The Underdogs[/b]. It was an exciting match, with both sides willing to take some big bumps off the ladder and the match being very open. Insane spot of the night (and perhaps the year) goes to Petey Barnes who hit a moonsault from a ladder inside the ring to Brendan Idol who was on a table outside the ring. Raphael Robinson inside the ring tried to capitalise and the match was over when he and Adam Matravers fought atop the ladder, with Matravers getting the better of the exchange to send Raphael bouncing onto the top rope and out to the floor. Matravers grabs the belts to retain for his team. I love ladder matches, I'm so glad I voted for this one. Petey's moonsault will probably never be forgotten, it was so.... incrediblly nuts. [b]Darryl Devine[/b] was out next and cut a promo at [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] as a prelude to the three way match. He hyped that he was after revenge tonight, but that he wasn't at 100% and when Chandler bust him open barely two minutes into the match, it was obvious. [b]Acid[/b] and Chandler spent most of the match facing each other in a classic speed vs science match that Acid seemed to be winning. Devine done what he could, fighting in short bursts and getting the crowd behind him. The finish came during one of these bursts as Devine went for a Devine Intervention on Chandler but slipped on the rope having lost a lot of blood during the match. Acid showed his concern and tried to check on Devine but Chandler was not so helpful and immediately rolled up Acid to steal a three count. The crowd showed what they thought, even Wanda and Suzue were throwing things at Eddie, but it doesn't change anything. Eddie Chandler will have a BLW World Championship match at Midsummer Madness, whoever the champion is by then. The results of the [b]Henry Marksman[/b] vs [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] poll were next and got a huge cheer when we found out that it would be held under regular BLW rules. The match was another classic BLW match, with both sides throwing everything into the match. Lopez pulled out a few of Marksman's big spots but got countered from a Monkey Suplex into a variation STF that almost made Lopez tap until he got to the ropes. Lopez showed that he's got a lot of talent as he took Marksman to the very limit, catching him with a Hellfire Kick that only got him a two count. Lopez tried to go for the Champagne Breakfast but Marksman blocked it expertly. Both men got to their feet and Lopez tried a release German suplex that saw Marksman somehow land on his feet, score with a lightning fast spinkick to Lopez's midsection and then hit a Hellfire Kick of his own that did pick up a three count. Lopez looked furious after the match but the crowd gave both men a standing ovation. Lopez didn't like it though as he left the ring saying he was robbed again. A great match, it was a little short of their previous classic but still brilliant stuff from two of the top indy stars in the world. And finally, it was time for the main event. The last three matches had delivered spectacularly and this was no exception as [b]Samoan Machine[/b] clashed with [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] for one of the most valued prizes in professional wrestling. Both men are hailed as the leaders of the next generation of wrestling and this match showed why. At a mere 22 years old, Wolf has proved himself as one of the top young stars in pro wrestling and this match was once again a world class affair. For half an hour they put on a match that had everything in it and the crowd ate it up. The finish came when both men seemed to have thrown everything at each other, with both men engaged in a striking battle. Machine managed to take the advantage and hit some knee strike on Wolf that dazed him enough to allow him to hit the Samoan Driver and pick up a hard earned victory over Wolf. As a show of respect, both men shook hands but they were interupted by [b]The Hardcore Horsemen[/b] (Guide, Rhino, Nero, Braun, Chandler) made their way out. They applauded in what appeared to be a genuine way but then Nero got on the mic. He offered them a spot in The Hardcore Horsemen, told them they didn't have to fight against them if they didn't want to. But only one of them could join. Nero said that if they said no, then they'd end up like Darryl Devine. He then gave them time to think about it, letting them know that they didn't have to give an answer now. Think about it. And with that, the show was over. Nero offering two of BLW's best a safe haven against all the danger and violence that the Hardcore Horsemen have been causing lately. I can't wait to see how thing work out and with BLW's next stop for The Open Challenge being back in the Tri-State area, it'll be exciting to see what they do next! But more importantly than all that, its Eddie Chandler vs Samoan Machine at Midsummer's Madness. That will be HUGE!
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/PopDem.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]June 2008 - Popular Demand[/u] - (B)[/b] [i]Tommy Morgan defeated Marc Speed [9:46] (C) Sensational Ogiwara defeated Mean Jean Cattley (submissions match) [18:25] (C) Alex McKing defeated Jacob Jett (Pure Rules) [11:04] (C+) Melody Cuthill defeated Kit Hatoyama [9:43] (C-) Frankie Perez defeated Flemmy Lemming (defense #1 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [11:47] (C+) The Show Stealers defeated The Underdogs in a tag ladder match (defense #9 of the BLW World Tag Team titles) [13:27] (C) Eddie Chandler defeated Darryl Devine and Acid in a three way match [14:46] (B+) Henry Marksman defeated Chavo Lopez [24:15] (B+) Samoan Machine defeated Wolf Hawkins (defense #12 of the BLW World Championship) [30:44] (B+)[/i]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=5][u]BLW July Newsline[/u][/size] [size=3][b] BLW Top 5 Rankings and Midsummer's Madness Card [/b][/size][/center]
The top five shuffle around a bit but there are no new entries into the group, although there have been some strong cases laid out for Chavo Lopez, Pistol Pete Hall and Sensational Ogiwara to have a place. Eddie Chandler's victory at Popular Demand has moved him up the rankings and he will have a title match against Samoan Machine at Midsummer's Madness, assuming he is still champion after July's Open Challenge show. Acid's grip on a place in the top five has become tenuous and he will face Chavo Lopez at Midsummer's Madness to see if he can keep it. Here are the full rankings. [u][b]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/u][/b] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] [i] 1. Henry Marksman 2. Eddie Chandler 3. Darryl Devine 4. Wolf Hawkins 5. Acid[/i] Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): [i] Alex Braun Alex McKing Chavo Lopez Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Mean Jean Cattley Pablo Rodriguez Pistol Pete Hall Sensational Ogiwara[/i]
Frankie Perez made his first successful defense of the BLW Pure Style Championship by defeated Flemmy Lemming at Popular Demand. Alex McKing remains ranked #1 but he has announced an intention to go after the BLW World Championship so it remains to be seen whether or not he will remain in the division. Tommy Morgan's shock victory over Marc Speed has earned him a place in the rankings, knocking Stevie Stoat out of the top five for the time being. Here are the rankings as they stand right now. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/u][/b] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Frankie Perez[/b] [i] 1. Alex McKing 2. Fumihiro Ota 3. Marc Speed 4. Flemmy Lemming 5. Tommy Morgan[/i] Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): [i]Donnie J. Heihachiro Sakai Hitomaro Suzuki Jacob Jett Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Stevie Stoat[/i]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG] With the rankings out, Midsummer's Madness has had a number of matches booked already. Last year saw some great matches at this show with Henry Marksman's victory over Guide being declared match of the night witih Darryl Devine's BLW World Championship defense against Pistol Pete coming a close second. Here are the matches announced for Midsummer's Madness so far. [i] BLW World Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Samoan Machine (c) vs Eddie Chandler [/b][/u] Eddie Chandler won the opportunity to face Machine for the BLW World Championship by winning the three-way match at Popular Demand. Despite his actions in DAVE where he took part in an attack on Devine just days before the event, his actions cannot be punished in BLW despite going against everything BLW stands for. Machine will be out to get even for BLW in this match but Chandler is a world class wrestler. This match will undoubtedly be a classic encounter, but who will walk out with the BLW World Championship? [i] World Rankings Match [/i] [b][u] Acid vs Chavo Lopez [/b][/u] Chavo Lopez has been exceptional over the last few months, picking up victories against many top opponents and coming close to defeated Henry Marksman on two occassions. Acid has also been performing well but his ranking is in jeapordy after losing at Popular Demand. With two exciting talents like these two, this match has classic written all over it. [i] BLW World Tag Team Title Match [/i] [b][u] The Show Stealers vs Extreme Prejudice [/b][/u] After making another title defense at Popular Demand, the Show Stealers have challenged the team of Extreme Prejudice to a match and have put the title belts on the line. The tensions between these teams started months ago and have escalated from there. Both teams say they're the best team in BLW right now, here's their chance to prove it. [i] BLW vs DAVE match [/i] [b][u] Pistol Pete Hall vs Alex Braun [/b][/u] These two have already met once with Pete getting the victory that time. Professor Nero demanded a rematch and has been granted it. With Nero back in his corner this time, will Braun be able to defeat Pistol Pete or will he once again defeat the invader from DAVE? [b][u]PLUS:[/b][/u] The Pure Style Championship will be on the line as Frankie Perez attempts to make another successful defense of the belt. A major announcement will be made regarding a match at Starmageddon. And more matches will be announced at the next Open Challenge coming to you from the home of DAVE in New York! Don't miss out! Check out BLWrestling.com/events for details on how to get your tickets.[/center]
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Well shizzle my nizzle. I can't say I was expecting this at all. I guess I'd better hurry up and bang out the next show rather than stalling for time training for the new job :) Thanks a lot Adam, but Scapino's SWF diary really shoulda got this first IMO. Derek B
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Ah Derek, the SWF diary is great to. But enjoy this, you deserve it. Your dynasty is amazingly put together, I was really hoping for Wolfy to take out Samoan Machine there - but Chandler/Machine is destined to be great. Samoan Machine will take defense #13 in my eyes. I also think Acid will take out Lopex, Extreme Prejudice will take out the Show Stealers, Perez will retain and Alex Braun will beat Pistol Pete. Hope the shows up soon, I really like how you're doing this.
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BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Eddie Chandler [I]I don't LIke Chandler at all[/I] World Rankings Match [B]Acid[/B] vs Chavo Lopez [I]This is tough but I'm gonna go Acid he's beena favorite of mine since 2004 when he used to be unemployed[/I] BLW World Tag Team Title Match The Show Stealers vs [B]Extreme Prejudice[/B] [I]I think it's tiem to end the Show Stealers for awhil, both Matravers and Barnes can make exceptional singles competitors[/I] BLW vs DAVE match Pistol Pete Hall vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] [I]Bruan is jsut by and large a better worker with more potential then Hall[/I]
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I agree with Scapino, you deserve it Derek. One q, sorry if ya answered it before, but how did you decide the rankings? Was it just by overness for example? or by skills? etc. BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Eddie Chandler [I]Samoan should stay on top in my view[/I] World Rankings Match [B]Acid[/B] vs Chavo Lopez [I]Acid is one of my fav. peeps to have, hard choice though.[/I] BLW World Tag Team Title Match The Show Stealers vs [B]Extreme Prejudice [/B] [I]As said before, Show Stealers are great singles stars[/I] BLW vs DAVE match Pistol Pete Hall vs [B]Alex Braun[/B] [I]Braun is jus that damn good lol.[/I]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] BLW's "The Open Challenge" came from the home turf of DaVe this month and once again they put on an exciting event. Thanks to Derek B for sending the results in once again and he thanks all the BLW fans for giving him something to write about. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Hello once again folks and welcome (back) to BLW! Tonight's action was a typical melting pot of styles that only BLW will bring to you with every style represented in the ring at some point tonight. I was a little late getting to my seat tonight after I took got delayed in my taxi on the way to the show but I hear that Serhat, Ali and Muhammed Jawahir each faced a mysterious masked newcomer and lost. I'm reliably informed that the newcomer went by the name of [b]Ultima[/b] and won each match with a 630 degree tucked splash from the top rope that Bryan Paris called the Meteor Strike. Sounds impressive, I'll see if I can find out more about him soon. The actual show (which I did manage to make it on time to see) started off with the former Pure Style champion [b]Alex McKing[/b] making an open challenge to anyone for a regular rules match, emphasising the fact that he wouldn't be facing anyone under Pure Rules tonight. His challenge was answered by [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] which received a mix reaction from the hostile crowd on hand. While the match wasn't a Pure Rules match, these guys are to wof the top technical pure wrestlers in BLW and put on a strong technical showing. McKing's stamina was challenged as he went for seventeen minutes (the longest he's went in BLW) with Cattley before McKing managed to get behind Cattley to counter a German suplex attempt and hit a stunning World Tour to get Cattley into the submission position. The bell rang moments later and McKing picks up a victory by submission over the 3-time former MAW champion and 1 time NACW champion. A big win for McKing, it seems he's pushing for a shot at the top belt in BLW. The first of the two women's matches was up next as the trouble-causing [b]Wanda Fish[/b] made her BLW debut against [b]Melody Cuthill[/b]. The two girls had a great showcase match for women's wrestling and confirmed to me at least what all AAA fans know. That women can be as good as (and better than) the men. I would have liked to have seen this one go a little longer but Wanda connected with a [b]Dish of the Day[/b] on Melody to pick up the victory in a match that flowed really well. A great showing in the ring, Wanda then proved she truly is a complete package when she got on the mic with [b]Suzue Katayama[/b] and started taking verbal potshots at all three members of the Joshi Dream Team. The next match saw Suzue taking on [b]Kit Hatoyama[/b] of the Joshi DT (as I like to call them) in another good showcase. Unlike the previous match that saw two evenly matched competitors square off, this one saw Suzue's power and technique against Kit's speed. Another good bout from the girls and if BLW haven't been thinking of creating a BLW Women's Championship by now, then they really should after this. With women who can play pretty much any kind of role on the roster now, I think they could make a division. Anyways, this match ended when Suzue hit the Katayama Powerbomb on Kit who just couldn't escape this time to give the Joshi DT their first clean defeat in BLW, although arguably against their weakest member. Suzue and Wanda celebrated their wins after the match, grabbing some popcorn from ringside and dumping it all over Kit. Popcorn as a weapon? I suppose it probably messed up her hair or something. Bryan Paris hyped up [b]Burning Takashiita[/b], saying he was leaving BLW forever after tonight but that he was going to have one last match before doing so. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] made an appearance and said he'd always wanted to face Burning and that he was taking this chance to challenge him right now. And, to make it even better, he'd put the BLW World Championship on the line in the match. The DaVE fans in the crowd jeered Samoan Machine and started a chant at him "Please Sell Out" that was countered by the BLW fans with a "Don't Sell Out" chant. The match itself was an exciting one as both men fought in high gear from the start. The pace didn't let up as neither man even thought about rest holds or submission victories as they fought hard. But as the match entered its closing stages after 15 minutes, Samoan Machine showed why he is the BLW World Champion as he found a higher gear again and pummeled Takashiita with some devastating blows, including a kick that many thought must have knocked him out. But the victory came when Machine hit him with the Samoan Driver and got a pinfall over the departing Japanese star. The duelling chants broke out again after the match after the two men shook hands as a sign of respect. Enjoyable stuff, but the main event was what really mattered. Bryan Paris informed the crowd that [b]Jacob Jett[/b] had been found hurt backstage by his stablemates in the Moving Targets, Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson. As he was telling us all this, [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] stormed out from the back and made a direct challenge to [b]Donnie J.[/b] for his betrayal of Darryl Devine in DAVE. The crowd were vocal with their responses here but Donnie didn't make an appearance. Pete was furious in the ring, ranting and raging about how DAVE had conducted itself, how it was trying to bully BLW into submission and how he wouldn't allow it. Pete challenged anyone that had been involved in the incident to meet him in the ring right now, claiming he knew that at least some of them were around. Some of the crowd chanted "We Want Eddie (Peak)" but the response they got was a bit different. [b]Guide, Rhino Umaga, Alex Braun and Eddie Chandler[/b], not accompanied by Professor Nero today, came out and accepted the challenge. The four Hardcore Horsemen made their way to the ring, telling Pete he should really be careful what he wishes for, surrounding him. As he tried to fight them off, it looked like he'd be in a lot of trouble but the cavalry arrived just in time as [b]Acid, Frankie Perez and Henry Marksman[/b] stormed the ring and started fighting with the Horsemen. One referee and eight super-tough wrestlers sure as hell doesn't make for an easy to control situation and most of the next ten minutes was spent with all eight men fighting in and around the ring. When control was finally gained, the Horsemen tried to isolate the DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion, Acid, beating the crap out of the silent underdog for a lengthy period of time. He managed a hot tag to Marksman and for a while the match broke down once again with the referee struggling to gain control and missing several chair shots to Acid outside the ring. Control was regained but the Horsemen had done their job on Acid and it was practically a 4 on 3 as the fight continued on, with little in the way of technical wrestling going on. Marksman and Perez executed a nice combo with a stiff kick to the gut of Braun from Perez followed up by a Hellfire Kick from Marksman. The advantage was gone quickly though as Umaga took out Perez with a devastating Rhino Charge. The match brokedown again as the 5 men that were still standing spilled to the outside of the ring again. Pete was on fire, striking down anyone who dared get in his way but the numbers slowed him down somewhat. Chandler took out Marksman, ramming his back into a ringpost repeatedly. The bell rang for a double countout that most of the fans barely noticed as Pete was outnumbered by 3 to 1. Chandler hit him from behind with a chair that stunned him long enough for Umaga to hit a Rhino Charge that sent Pete into the safety barriers. From there, Pete was in lots of trouble as Guide got his hands on him at last and was driven through a table with a Guided Missile. Most of the crowd were booing loudly, except for the always vocal DAVE minority, as the Hardcore Horsemen stood tall in the middle of the ring, a number of BLW stars littered around the ring in various states of injured motion. The show ended with a half hearted announcement that Fumihiro Ota would be facing Frankie Perez for the BLW Pure Style title at Midsummer's Madness but he seemed more concerned with how well DAVE had just taken apart some of BLW's finest wrestlers. And don't forget, The Hardcore Horsemen have the chance to win the BLW World Championship AND World Tag Team titles at Midsummer's madness which is less than two weeks away....
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b][u]Jul 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i] Alex McKing defeated Mean Jean Cattley [17:38] (C-) Wanda Fish defeated Melody Cuthill [8:41] (C) Suzue Katayama defeated Kit Hatoyama [9:31] (C-) Samoan Machine defeated Burning Takashiita (defense #13 of the BLW World Championship) [16:30] (C) Team BLW and Team DAVE ended in a double count out [36:23] (C+)[/i] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/u][/b] Thanks for all the predictions and kudos, they're all greatly appreciated. But more thanks to Adam for the Cornellverse. Its inspired lots of ideas for me and its inspired me to want to make my own universe one day too. I've made a start, but its miles away from getting anywhere yet. One day... Midsummer's Madness has been run already and will be up today or tomorrow. I think it went rather well and should be a good read. And with the Trios Tournament coming up in a few months, any suggestions for teams would be good. There are some obvious teams around already but if there's any you would like to see, then they would have as good a chance as any to win it. As for how I decide the rankings..... its done by the BLW Booking Committee, of course. :) I've been toying with the idea of revealing some characters to play the part of the committee but thats not coming to anything yet. As for how its [i]really[/i] decided.... I pretty much decide who I want to push, plan a few months ahead and make matches that get people where I want them to be at the right time. I tend to move people up when they win, down when they lose and if lots of people deserve to move up then you being inactive can cost you dearly. Also, breaking any BLW rules (which are only really used when I want them) will often cost you too. But basically, I make it up as I go along :) I find that always works out pretty well. And kinda back to the game, NOTBPW just moved up to International size and have contacted a number of my workers. Which could be a pain. And 4C have moved up to regional at last. I'll probably put up a news article about all the new hirings they've made. NOTPBW have made lots.... And now, back to your irregularly scheduled programming. Derek B
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Results provided by Derek B, the most loyal BLW fan there is and the kind of guy you just know hasn't quite gotten around to discovering anything better than wrestling. You know... things like girls.. and alcohol... and stuff like that. [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG][/center] The atmosphere at tonight's show was tense, even before the show had started. Those of us who made it to th pre-show seen that the various factions within BLW were all sticking by each other and avoiding much contact with anyone else. I personally spoke to the Jawahir Family backstage and they were saying how on edge everyone was becoming with the whole DaVE situation and how they were sticking together for security. It may be against BLW rules to attack anyone backstage, but DaVE aren't exactly known for playing by the rules. A small fight almost broke out at the pre-show meet and greet between [b]The Moving Targets[/b] (Jacob Jett and The Underdogs) and the member of [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/B] (The Specialists and the returning Darryl Devine) but it was seemingly calmed down. One match in the pre-show tonight saw two newcomers into a BLW ring face off in what was presumably a trial match. [b]"Superstar" Stephanie Wade[/b] defeated [b]Principessa[/b] in about seven minutes. It wasn't a bad match, but it wasn't helped that no-one seemed to recognise either of the girls. Seems BLW are thinking hard about introducing a Women's title. The official show kicked off with the BLW Pure Style Championship on the line as [b]Frankie Perez[/b] squared up against [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b]. Ota looked strong in this match and he's still one of BLW's most recognisable faces thanks to his time in HGC/TCW. Surprisingly, this turned out to be perhaps the worst match on the main show but it was still solid stuff. A very strong style influenced match that wouldn't have looked out of place in PGHW, Perez forced a tap out from Ota with a P-Clutch after almost 15 minutes. The next match was only announced tonight, although Bryan Paris and Serhat Jawahir (who was supposedly standing in for Professor Nero tonight) built it up as if it'd been coming for some time. The recently debuted [b]Glorious Power[/b] (Wanda and Suzue) stepped into the ring with [b]Sensational Thunder[/b] of the Joshi DT for an all women's tag match. I was pretty damn excited about this one as the best female teams from the US and Japan faced off and the styles clashed interestingly. Almost 17 minutes of fantastic tag team action that many male teams could probably only dream of putting on were concluded by a magnificent bit of cheating (although I don't approve of cheating) from Wanda and Suzue. Still using popcorn to get under their opponent's skin, Wanda pulled out some knucks she had concealed in a bag and caught Thunder Hike in the temple with them. Ogiwara couldn't make the save in time and Glorious Power pick up another win that has really given them some good momentum. A good match, I still can't believe that popcorn is being used as a weapon. The next match had been hyped as being a potentially huge match but turned out to be a bit of a disappontment really. [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] was defending the honour of BLW against [b]Alex Braun[/b] but not before he once again made a direct challenge to Donnie J. to come out and face him. Once again Donnie was conspicuous by his absence as Braun came to the ring and a wild match was on. While these two are some of DAVE's wildest fighters, the limits imposed by BLW's rules probably forced them to tone things down a bit and they couldn't quite do what they wanted, having to keep things in the ring instead of the wild brawling and hardcore that they're used to. It was still good stuff though but the match ended when [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] came to the aid of his stablemate when Pete was on the offense and pulled Braun out the ring. The crowd booed loudly as Braun and Chandler left Pete alone in the ring and went backstage, with Chandler making title belt gestures at Pete, yelling at him as he left. A bit disappointing, the heat between Chandler and Pete does seem to be pretty strong still. I wonder if they'll ever get back into the ring together? The next match was the BLW World Tag Team title match. The champions, [b]The Show Stealers[/b], challenged [b]Extreme Prejudice[/b] after a number of arguments. Some people weren't sure that Guide and Umaga had truly earned their shots yet but tonight proved them wrong. The challengers looked dangerous for the whole match as the champs used their speed advantage and experience together to get themselves into a strong position. My favourite spot of the night came near the end when Adam Matravers was looking to put Guide away with a Mile High Moonsault but was caught by a perfectly timed Rhino Charge upside down in mid-air. Petey helped his partner out by hitting a standing enziguri kick on Rhino who rolled out the ring but the ref was out of position as Guide hit Petey with a low blow and followed up with a Guided Missile. The crowd couldn't believe it as Guide picked up the three count and Extreme Prejudice were announced as the new BLW World Tag Team champions. I could hardly believe it myself, but DaVE have control of a BLW Championship now. The male members of [b]F.U.T.U.R.E[/b] made their way out to the ring together and cut a promo for the crowd, letting them know what it was like backstage right now. All the tensions, the people walking around in groups, the constant worry about people backstabbing each other. Darryl Devine thanked the fans for their support recently and then cut a promo against everyone in DAVE, particularly Donnie J. who sold him out so that he could get back on national TV. Devine said he thought he could trust Devine but now he's not sure who he can trust... And that was when he was interupted by [b]The Moving Targets[/b]. Jacob Jett got on the mic and cut a promo on Devine and the crowd, asking them all if they remembered when Devine stabbed him in the back after their Trios Tournament win almost 2 years ago and how Devine was the worst person to talk about trust. Jett challenged Devine and the rest of F.U.T.U.R.E to a six man tag match right now, saying that he hadn't forgotten what had happened between them in BLW and how The Moving Targets wanted some practise for the upcoming Trios Tournament. Devine accepted and the match got underway quickly. The two stables worked well together, with the crowd cheering for Devine more than normal and Jett actually getting some boos for questioning him. The Specialists had some slick teamwork as always, although this may be the last time in BLW if internet rumours are to be believed, and they almost dominated The Underdogs at times. But the most exciting part of the match came about when Jett and Devine locked up, exchanging some stiff strikes for a while and then catching the opposing team-mates as they came in. As the match concluded though, the leaders didn't even play a part in the finish as The Underdogs showed off their own great chemistry to put away Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas one after the other. Raphael Robinson pinned Nate for the deciding fall as Devine simply stared at Jett and the match was over. After the match, Devine got on the mic again and tried to apologise to Jett for what had happened between them, saying he wanted to be friends again and that they were both fighting for the same side. Against DaVE. They shook hands, but it didn't look to friendly. I wonder what Melody Cuthill thinks about this? And I wonder if this is a sign that The Specialists may be on their way out? The penultimate match of the night was one the promised to be tremendously exciting as the indy legend (and DaVE Brass Knuckles champion) [b]Acid[/b] took on the fast rising [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] in a rankings match. Both of these men like to work at a fast pace so it wasn't a surprise to see a quick start with lots of counter moves and agility shown off. The first high impact move came after about five minutes, setting the tone that this one may not last too long as Lopez scored with a high angled German suplex. Neither man wanted to draw this one out for too long, knowing how dangerous the other could be. The next ten minutes saw some great high paced and high impact action before Lopez stole the Acid Rain Bomb and used it on Acid. It didn't get a three count but Lopez was relentless as he locked in the Champagne Breakfast. For once, we really heard Acid make some noise as he tried hard to escape, eventually managing to get to the ropes but he was too hurt to really continue. As he got to his feet slowly, Lopez once again stole the Hellfire Kick from Marksman and this time it was enough to get a three count on Acid. If DaVE have been watching, they may have just found the man who can get the Brass Knuckles belt away from Acid. [b]Bryan Paris and Serhat Jawahir[/b] took to the ring for the next segment which turned out to be the major announcement we'd all been waiting for regarding Starmageddon in one month's time. Serhat looked very excited as Bryan Paris allowed him to take over the mic and Serhat explained that the idea for the match had been his. He said he approached the BLW Booking Committee with a match for Starmageddon that would test the skill, endurance and desire to win of anyone who entered it. Unlike the pointless battle royales that SWF and TCW hold where you win by throwing people over the top rope, the 10 man Starmageddon match would test the skills of everyone. Only 4 competitors in the ring at a time, with people being eliminated by pinfall, submission or DQ just like in any other match. When someone is eliminated, another person enters until everyone is in. The winner is the last man standing. Serhat put the match over again as a test of skill, endurance and a little luck. But most importantly of all, the winner of the match gets a guaranteed shot at the BLW World Championship at this year's Trios Tournament. The crowd seemed a little uncertain about the match, but Serhat's winning smile seemed to win them over a bit as it often does. He oozes charisma, if only he had the in ring talent to back it up. And then, it was time for the main event. [b]Eddie Chandler[/b] was out first, complete with the rest of the Hardcore Horsemen (minus Professor Nero) and he cut a promo congratulating Extreme Prejudice for winning the BLW World Tag titles, saying that he'd soon have the BLW World Championship around his own waist. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] made his entrance and got into the ring completely unabashed by the group standing in front of him. The referee ordered all the Hardcore Horsemen backstage and Eddie Chandler said he didn't need their help but that they should keep an eye out for BLW cowards attacking [i]them[/i] from behind. That got a loud response from the crowd, who were tremendously hot for this match. Chandler quickly found out why Machine has been such a dominant champion as Machine attacked from the outset. It took a few minutes for Chandler to get into any sort of rhythm as he set his sights on the left knee of Machine who stuck with a powerful striking game, working over the neck and upper body of his challenger. The majority of the match was taken up by the momentum swinging between the two men as they tried to soften the other up for their respective submission finishers. Every time one man looked to have the other on the defensive they pulled out a counter to swing the momentum back in their favour. Some of the hold and counter hold sequences were a joy to behold. By the 25 minute mark things were looking close, with both men in trouble. Machine's knee was clearly making him suffer but he had already blocked an attempt at the Fabulous Stretch. Chandler was having to shake the cobwebs out of his head at every chance he could get and Paris kept repeating that he may have been concussed by the big washface kick in the corner. The finish came when Chandler made his second attempt to lock in the Fabulous Stretch but was unable to as Machine threw some sharp back elbows that caught Chandler in the temple. Without even getting properly to his feet, Machine locked in the Unbreakable Sleeper and resisted Chandler's attempts to break out of it by attacking the knee. In Chandler's defense, he made a valiant attempt to escape given how much damage he'd taken but he simply couldn't escape. Eddie Chandler tapped out to the Unbreakable Sleeper which prompted some exceptionally loud cheers from the fans. Chandler looked furious as the chants of "You Tapped Out" started after the match. The chants were interupted by the ominous appearance of The Hardcore Horsemen at the end of the entranceway. The paced down to the ring slowly as Eddie Chandler started recovering. Machine looked ready for a fight as the intruders encircled him but the crowd's loud cheers interupted things as they saw Darryl Devine, Pistol Pete Hall and The Moving Targets sprinting to the ring. All of the Hardcore Horsemen bailed into the crowd and made a hasty exit as the show ended with the BLW ring filled with BLW stars, and most importantly, the BLW World Championship. I enjoyed this show immensely even though not all the matches weren't quite of the standards that BLW usually have. But it was good and it has set up some important sounding events, including the Trios Tournament in two months time and Starmageddon next month. And to make things even more interesting, it seems that BLW are making another appearance in the Tri-State area for the next Open Challenge. Will DaVE have another big showing there? I can't wait to find out!
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/MidMad2.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Quick Results[/b][/u][/center] [b][u]Jul 08 - Midsummer's Madness[/u] - (B-)[/b] [i] DARK: Stephanie Wade defeated Principessa [7:01] (E) Frankie Perez defeated Fumihiro Ota (defense #2 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [13:42] (C) Glorious Power defeated Sensational Thunder [16:34] (C+) Pistol Pete Hall defeated Alex Braun by count-out [14:45] (C+) Extreme Prejudice defeated The Show Stealers for the BLW World Tag Team Titles [17:47] (C+) The Moving Targets defeated F.U.T.U.R.E [21:43] (C+) Chavo Lopez defeated Acid [19:24] (C+) Samoan Machine defeated Eddie Chandler (defense #14 of the BLW World Championship) [26:44] (B)[/i]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/columns[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=4][b][u] Canada Invading The USA? [/u][/b][/size] [i]by Robert Greene[/i][/center] Folks, welcome back to another once in a lifetime insight into the world of professional wrestling. Its not everyday I bother giving my opinions to the rest of the world since most people can't understand them, but today I've decided to make the effort. For any of you smarks out there, you already know the news that both NOTBPW and 4C have recently been bringing new workers into the fold, with NOTBPW in particular raiding the US indy scene and signing workers to written contracts, making them exclusive to the promotion. Thats terrible news for smarks who all love the tiny indy promotions with their non-existant production values and sub-par matches that always get "match of the year" chanted at them. Seriously, [i]get a life[/i]. I enjoy wrestling as much as the next fan, probably more so but the matches of the year don't come from promotions like 4C and BLW, they come from the SWF, TCW, NOTBPW, BHOTWG and PGHW on a near weekly basis. Real wrestling that anyone can get access to, not just the local shows with local heroes performing to local fans with their local standards. If you don't want spoilers for the new faces you're likely to be seeing in NOTBPW soon, then I recommend looking away now. Its for you own good, you know. ... ...... ... Still here? Good. I knew you couldn't resist. The exciting news from NOTBPW wrestling when they decided shortly after their Mid Summer Madness PPV was that they were after the real crown jewels of the indy scene. In fact, in return for BLW stealing their PPV name, NOTBPW made moves to sign Wolf Hawkins, Darryl Devine and [b]Professor Nero[/b]. Sadly, they only got Nero, who I have heard through the grapevine will be working in a backstage role. Wolf and Devine turned down the written contracts in favour of working for DAVE (and possibly BLW). If Nero doesn't care about the BLW/DAVE angle, I'm shocked that they do. The next signings I heard about were steals from CGC as former CGC World Champion [b]Ryan Powell[/b] signed for them along with the zany high flyer [b]Whippy the Clown[/b]. Both of them are decent signings but nothing in comparison to the third CGC theft that was revealed. When I heard about this, he was the reigning CGC Canadian Champion and half of the CGC World Tag Team champions alongside Lee Rivera... thats right, its [b]Ed Monton[/b]!! WTF?! I've always Canadians were a bit odd but the CGC super-push of Ed Monton and the new thievery of him for NOTBPW baffles me. I'm sure even indy fans would agree with me in saying that you're never eeeeever gonna get a match of the year candidate from this guy. I'm putting this down to the Stones being vindictive to the DeColts again. Its the sort of thing they'd do. Here's another signing you won't here about on some news sites. The former girlfriend of Jack DeColt, the stunning [b]Hotstuff Marie[/b] decided that she wanted to continue in wrestling after the taste she developed for it while in CGC. She inked a deal with NOTBPW but apart from looking good, I don't know what her role would be. NOTBPW like their women to be able to wrestle so maybe Marie is gonna start training? We can but hope. Finally, an exciting new tag team for NOTBPW. I'm not even going to build them up because if you don't know how good [b]The Specialists[/b] are by now, then my words are wasted on you. Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas have both signed for NOTBPW and I would assume that they'll get paired together again in the promotion. I can't count CGC as a main player, but it hurts to call them an indy either. So, for years, the Specialists have been one of the elite teams on the indy scene and hopefully now they will get the push they deserve. Rounding out the new NOTBPW roster is referee [b]Francis Long[/b], the former TCW tag team specialist [b]Robert Oxford[/b] who had been unemployed for several months. Oh, and some guy called [b]Eric Tyler[/b]. I hear he's quite good. Specially for [i]another[/i] veteran wrestler. That would be all for now, but jumping on the expansion bandwagon up in Canada are 4C. While they haven't signed anyone to written deals or done anything important, they have strengthened themselves a bit and put more of a Japanese spin on the promotion. With the latest craze of having MMA workers (thats mixed martial artists if you don't know) as the new wave of stars, 4C have signed two former pro shoot-fighters to contracts. Expect to see [b]Raymond St. Hubbins[/b] and [b]Scott Allen[/b] in a 4C ring soon. Both work very similar styles and can fight with takedowns or strikes if they need to. The third guy they signed is the indy legend (read: complete unknown to real people) [b]Hell Monkey[/b] who also works as Henry Marksman in BLW without the legendary mask. Some good signings for 4C, I'm still waiting for them to announce they've gone bankrupt. Really, I couldn't care less for them myself. So there you have it. Lots of news and opinions from the only person that really matters.... me. While it appears that neither promotion has plans to sign anyone else in the near future, my sources suggest that NOTBPW may actually be preparing to release a big star in the near future and bring in another one to replace them. Obviously, this isn't confirmed yet but if it happens, you heard it here first. Until next time, keep trying to be as good as me. You'll fail, but its good to have lofty goals. [i] - Robert Greene[/i] [/QUOTE]
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][u][size=5] BLW August Newsline [/u][/size] [b] BLW Rankings, Releases and Card for Starmageddon [/b][/center]
Before we talk about the BLW Rankings, the BLW Booking Committee would like to wish [b]The Specialists[/b] (Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas) the best of luck with NOTBPW and thank them for their long service to BLW. How did those guys never win the BLW Tag Team titles? Maybe one day......
Chavo Lopez has taken one more step towards proving he's better than Henry Marksman at Midsummer's Madness and earned himself a spot in the Top 5 Rankings, coming in at number 5 replacing the man he beat, Acid who drops out for the time being at least. Eddie Chandler drops a couple of places down the rankings following his defeat at the hands of the seemingly invincible at times Samoan Machine, who's defenses as BLW World Champion continues well into double figures. But with the upcoming Starmageddon match, who will be facing Samoan Machine on the night? The winner of the Starmageddon match will face the champion whomever that may be. Read on to find out more. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b][/u] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] [i] 1. Henry Marksman 2. Darryl Devine 3. Wolf Hawkins 4. Eddie Chandler 5. Chavo Lopez[/i] Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): Acid Alex Braun Alex McKing Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Mean Jean Cattley Pablo Rodriguez Pistol Pete Hall Sensational Ogiwara
In a division catergorised by its fierce competitiveness, it seems strange that the rankings have not changed. But with only one Pure Rules match last month and with a strong showing from Fumihiro Ota despite his defeat from Frankie Perez, the rankings remain the same. With so many men in one big match at Starmageddon, expect to see more Pure rules matches on show and the best technical workers in the world showcased as they should be. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/u][/b] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Frankie Perez[/b] [i] 1. Alex McKing 2. Fumihiro Ota 3. Marc Speed 4. Flemmy Lemming 5. Tommy Morgan[/i] Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): [i] Donnie J. Heihachiro Sakai Hitomaro Suzuki Jacob Jett Joey Poison Merle O'Curle Stevie Stoat [/i]
[center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]The Card So Far[/u][/b] [i] 10-Man Starmageddon Match [/i] [b][u] Henry Marksman vs Darryl Devine vs Wolf Hawkins vs Eddie Chandler vs Chavo Lopez vs Acid vs Guide vs Alex McKing vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Sensational Ogiwara [/u][/b] Up for grabs is a chance at the BLW World Championship at The Trios Tournament 2008 in September. Its all there for the one person who has the skill, the stamina and the desire to win it. All you have to do, is get past 9 other people who want is just as badly as you do. With 4 people in the ring at all times and no-one else entering until someone is eliminated by pinfall, submission, knock-out or DQ, this is the ultimate test for everyone in this match. Victory guarantees a shot at the World Championship even if you aren't in the Top 5 Rankings. Defeat.... don't even think about it. Who will come out on top in this epic match?! [i] BLW World Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Samoan Machine (c) vs ??? [/u][/b] With all of the top contenders for the BLW World Championship contesting the Starmageddon match, Samoan Machine has said he will announce his opponent for this huge show at The Open Challenge. No-one knows at this time who it will be or if it will even be someone from within BLW but we have been assured that this announcement will shock us all! [i] BLW Pure Style Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Frankie Perez (c) vs Marc Speed [/u][/b] With Alex McKing busy in the Starmaggedon match and Fumihiro Ota recently losing a chance to win the belt, Marc Speed has been given the chance to pick up the Pure Style Championship. But standing between him and his first real success since winning the 2007 King of the Indy's is the current champion, Frankie Perez. Speed has shown that he's got the talent to succeed but will he be able to once again show the flashes of brilliance that helped him beat three men in one night? Only time can tell! [i] Pure Rules Match [/i] [b][u] Fumihiro Ota vs Flemmy Lemming [/u][/b] What more needs to be said about this match? Two of BLW's finest face off under Pure rules and with these two men already in the Pure Top 5, it seems almost certain that the winner os this match will go a long way towards securing a match for the BLW Pure Style Championship. [i] Singles Match [/i] [b][u] Wanda Fish vs Kit Hatoyama [/u][/b] The feud between the Joshi Dream Team and Glorious Power continues as Wanda Fish looks to continue her BLW winning streak by putting another one over the Joshi DT members. But Kit Hatoyama won't be a pushover, she's already proved herself as one of the best female wrestlers in the world when she defeated Huntress Makiko for the 5SSW All-Asian belt on her re-debut with the promotion. Having lost to Suzue recently, Kit won't be happy with anything less than victory in this clash! [i] Pure Rules Match [/i] [b][u] Thunder Hike vs Suzue Katayama [/u][/b] Behind the scenes, Thunder Hike has shown a lot of interest in competing under Pure rules and after losing a tag team match to Glorious Power, Hike issued the challenge to Suzue for a rematch. This will be the first time any women have competed under Pure rules and with the reputations of these two competitors, it has the potential to be the best Pure rules match yet. [u][b]PLUS:[/b][/u] Tag team action featuring The Underdogs, high flying action featuring the sensational newcomer Ultima and the return to BLW of Donnie J. If Donnie fails to show up, he will be fired from BLW forever. How will the crowd respond to him after his betrayal of BLW in a DaVE ring? [/b][/u] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [/center]
[/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC:[/b][/u] Predictions, especially for Samoan Machine's opponent are welcome. I'll have the next Open Challenge up soon, possibly today but probably tomorrow and then I'll have some good momentum rolling. The next few months of shows are gonna be the biggest ones yet.... but obviously, I would say that. :) Thanks for reading. [i]Derek B[/i]
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10-Man Starmageddon Match [B]Henry Marksman[/B] vs Darryl Devine vs Wolf Hawkins vs Eddie Chandler vs Chavo Lopez vs Acid vs Guide vs Alex McKing vs Pistol Pete Hall vs Sensational Ogiwara [I]Henry Marsman al the way and then he's the one to finally stop Samoan Machine in a strong style extravaganza[/I] BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine (c)[/B] vs Alex Braun Braun is like the only one of your top guys not in the 10 man match. But I don't think he'll win here. BLW Pure Style Championship Match [B]Frankie Perez (c)[/B] vs Marc Speed [I]Don't think Perez can lose it yet[/I] Pure Rules Match Fumihiro Ota vs [B]Flemmy Lemming [/B] [I]I really really hate Ota and I really really like Lemming[/I] Singles Match Wanda Fish vs Kit Hatoyama I see a no contest here for some reason and then an all out brawl between glorious power and the Joshi Dream team Pure Rules Match [B]Thunder Hike[/B] vs Suzue Katayama [I]Defiantely gotta go with Hike on this one[/I]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] As part of his glorious plan to take over the world (of wrestling), Derek B has taken over all of BLW and is using his hypnotic powers to control the minds of the world's population...... actually, he's just sent in more BLW results but you never know.... [QUOTE] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG] [/center] AS usual, [b]Bryan Paris[/b] stood in the ring and welcomed us to another night of classic wrestling brought to us by BLW. He hyped up that tonight we'd find out who Samoan Machine would face at Starmageddon and as he was about to introduce the first match of the night to the Tri-State crowd, a loud mixed reaction went up. Coming through the crowd was the [b]Hardcore Horsemen[/b], including the BLW World Tag Team champions... and most shockingly of all, [b]Eddie Peak[/b]! Bryan Paris asked them what they were doing in BLW tonight but none of the Horsemen said anything. Instead, they waved some tickets at him and took their seats in the front row. The male members of the Jawahir Family came out, readying themselves for a match. Serhat hyped up [b]Ali[/b] and [b]Muhammed[/b] while thanking Pistol Pete Hall for all the training he's been giving his entire family. Serhat said he hoped that his younger brothers would be able to repay Pete by beating [b]The Trademarks[/b] in their tag match right now. The match itself wasn't particularly impressive as the former BLW Tag champs seemed to be in control for the majority of the match. The Jawahir Boys did pull out a few impressive moves, showing that they are bright prospects for the future and the big shock came when Tommy Morgan and Steven Parker had a miscommunication that Muhammed quickly picked up on, causing them to clash heads and get a roll-up for a stunning victory. The Jawahir Boys pick up a victory, the Horsemen at ringside yelled abuse at both teams, with Guide and Umaga being particularly vocal at their possible future challengers. The second match of the night was wrestled under Pure rules with the youngster known as [b]Eclipse[/b], a graduated of the BLW training camp, taking on [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b]. Flemmy looked the superior of the two throughout but did have to use one rope break to escape a unique submission from Eclipse. In the end, Flemmy wins by submission with a Suicide Solution. Not a bad match, but the crowd (with the exception of the Hardcore Horsemen) weren't very vocal. [b]Joey Poison[/b] made his presence felt by issuing a challenge to anyone in the back. It was answered silently by the mysterious [b]Ultima[/b]. The match was an exciting but very quick high flying match as Ultima threw himself around like a madman. The finish came when Ultima hit a Meteor Strike on Poison, sending him packing back to Canada with another defeat. At ringside (and within the fans) the Hardcore Horsemen could be heard wondering if Ultima was Pablo Rodriguez in disguise. The next segment was hotly received by the crowds as [b]Darryl Devine[/b] came to the ring and immediately called out Donnie J, the man who sold him out in DAVE. The Horsemen shouted abuse at Devine who shouted back at them with a lot of fire and intensity, daring one of them to come into the ring. The crowd started trying to get Eddie Peak to step up, but he just dismissed everyone by waving his ticket for the night once more. Devine said that he was here for a match tonight and he wasn't leaving until he got one. He eventually got his wish when [b]Acid[/b] came out and took the challenge, obviously trying to get back his BLW Top 5 ranking. The crowd were hot for this match as one of BLW's best took on one of DAVE's best in high paced match. The action spilled out to ringside several times and Devine tried to take some cheap shots at the Horsemen, narrowly missing as they evaded the shots. It was a pretty impressive match, one of the best I've seen on The Open Challenge but the finish left a little something to be desired as Devine got distracted from ringside by the Horsemen again and fell foul to an Acid Rain Bomb and a three count. Devine was close to kicking out but his shoulders were definitely down. After the match, he barely kept his temper in check but still shook hands with Acid despite the Horsemen at ringside shouting all sorts of abuse at him. Despite the defeat, Devine showed that he's capable of being a class act, especially in the face of the totally classless members of the DaVE roster. After a short interval, [b]Samoan Machine[/b] made his way out to the ring and stared down the Hardcore Horsemen. After a short speech hyping up the all round talents and the pure shock that no-one had signed this man, Samoan Machine announced that his hand-picked opponent was the former heavyweight star of BHOTWG who hasn't been seen in a wrestling ring for five years... [b]Masutaro Kataoka!!![/b] Years ago, he was one of the top stars for BHOTWG but was released from the promotion. He spent a unmber of years training workers with ECA and now he's coming out of semi-retirement to face Samoan Machine at Starmageddon. At least, thats what Samoan Machine had thought. The music of [b]Adam Matravers[/b] hit and he came out with a microphone and said it was nice that Machine had found a friend to play with, but that his real opponent at Starmageddon was going to be... Adam Matravers. Matravers reminded us all of what he's achieved over the last year, winning countless matches for the BLW World Tag Team belts and, more importantly, the Trios Tournament last year. He said he still had to use his choice of match and he was cashing it in at Starmageddon in two weeks time. He then added that he thought it would be a shame for Kataoka to have come all this way for nothing though, so Matravers said he was going to warm up for his World Championship match with a tag match tonight. The Show Stealers vs Samoan Machine and Masutaro Kataoka. Personally, this is one of my favourite tag matches in quite some time with the crowd getting behind both teams and Matravers coming out of this match looking very good. The Show Stealers showed off their slick teamwork against the thrown together duo and it proved a significant advantage. For 30 minutes the two teams fought hard, with Kataoka showing the intensity he was known for and showing his technical skills off in the US for the first time. The match went all the way to the time limit, with the bell ringing moments after Machine put out Petey Barnes with a Samoan Driver as Matravers scored with a Mile High Moonsault on Kataoka. The two men went eye to eye after the bell and Matravers gestured, saying the BLW World Championship was going to be his. Electric stuff, I was on the edge of my seat throughout and I can't wait to see how this match works out at Starmageddon. [b]Pablo Rodriguez[/b] came out to the ring, scowled at the Horsemen at ringside and asked [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] to come out to the ring. Pete came out with the Jawahir Family behind him, clearly not trusting the DaVe star to not be setting him up just as Donnie J had done to Darryl Devine. Pablo said that he wanted to fight for BLW against DaVE because he believes that DaVE are doing things all wrong. He said that BLW isn't as organised as DaVE yet but that Pete is the man to lead them and that is why Pablo called him out. He said that he wanted to prove he was good enough to fight for BLW against DaVE and that he'd do it right now, in the ring with Pete. Pete looked sceptical throughout the speech but he's not a man to back down from a challenge. The match was on! Two very different styles were showcased, with Pete's intense brawling and Pablo's sensational high flying making for an exciting match, in my opinion, the best of the night. Once again the ringside presence of the Hardcore Horsemen influenced the chaotic match up but this time it was BLW that struck the most important blow of the night. As Pablo and Pistol were fighting at ringside they each picked up a chair and looked set to clobber each other but Pablo turned and nailed Alex Braun in the front row while Pistol nailed Eddie Chandler, busting him open and getting a measure of revenge for the company. Eddie Peak, Guide and Umaga were seething but didn't dare to cross from the crowd to the ringside area as they tended their fallen comrades but Pete and Pablo were counted out of the ring and the match was thrown out. Samoan Machine, Darryl Devine and Acid came out to back up Pete and Pablo at ringside as it looked like things were about to blow up but The Hardcore Horsemen made a tactical retreat at the call of Eddie Peak. Starmageddon is shaping up to be a big event for BLW, especially as the Horsemen continue to cause trouble. I wonder what the next chapter will be in this story. And more importantly, I wonder what role Eddie Peak is going to have? I can't see him just being a manager like Professor Nero was before he signed for NOTBPW. Perhaps the chants of "We Want Eddie" will come back to haunt BLW fans?
[center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b][u]Aug 08 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i] The Jawahir Boys defeated The Trademarks [10:39] (E) Flemmy Lemming defeated Eclipse (Pure Rules) [10:34] (D) Ultima defeated Joey Poison [7:41] (C-) Acid defeated Darryl Devine [14:52] (B-) The Show Stealers went to a time limit draw with Samoan Machine and Masutaro Kataoka [30:00] (C-) Pablo Rodriguez and Pistol Pete Hall was a double-count out [15:31] (B) [/i]
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Results from BLW's event tonight, sent in by Derek B. [QUOTE] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Hello and welcome once again BLW fans to another run down of tonight's action. As always, it was exciting stuff with the unexpected challenge to Samoan Machine's title from Adam Matravers, the return of the turncoat Donnie J to BLW and of course, the huge Starmageddon match that will see 10 of BLW's best compete in the most gruelling match-up in BLW's history. One of the most exciting new things for BLW was the addition of a large screen that was used for a couple of segments tonight. The show was opened by [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] welcoming everyone to the show as warmly as they had all welcomed him to their country. He thanked everyone, particularly Pistol Pete Hall for training him and his family before saying he hoped Pete would win the Starmageddon match tonight. He then welcomed his opponent for the night, the mysterious sensation [b]Ultima[/b]. No point in starting a new paragraph for this quick match, Ultima squashed Serhat in a couple of minutes, hitting the spectacular Meteor Strike for a pinfall victory. He celebrated the win but was interupted by the dissenting voice of.... ...[b]Alex Braun[/b]. He said that he thought Ultima was Pablo Rodriguez in disguise, trying to hide from him after what happened on the last Open Challenge show and that he'd prove it by unmasking him right after he beat him. As Bryan Paris questioned his mode of thinking, the match got underway. Braun's familiar hardcore/flying style matched up well with the high risk style of Ultima who brought out some hardcore moves of his own. Braun repeatedly went for Ultima's mask and it was this focus that cost him dearly as he was evaded and then caught with a big superkick. Ultima followed this up with a variation Tiger Bomb and followed up again with a Meteor Strike to give him a victory over Braun. Ultima celebrated by exiting through the crowd as the crowd started a rather impolite chant at Braun for losing. On the new large screen, we see Darryl Devine backstage with Serhat Jawahir. Serhat delivers a sealed envelope that he says has Devine's entry number for the Starmageddon match. Devine opens it and when Serhat tries to find out what number it is, Devine tells him that he'll have to wait until later to find out, just like everyone else. The second [i]real[/i] match of the night saw [b]Thunder Hike[/b] clash with [b]Suzue Katayama[/b] under Pure rules. While Suzue appeared to be overwhelmed in terms of wrestling skill, she made up for it with sheer power and some great strikes. Her impatience at being out-wrestled was her downfall though as both women ended up on the floor and Suzue continued the fight with some stiff blows. This violation of the Pure Rules code saw her disqualified not that it seemed to matter. The women had a quick brawl outside that was seperated with haste by some random looking people who were supposedly officials. This wasn't the last we'd see of Suzue and Hike tonight though. The next match was a surprise match for everyone in attendance, though it had been hinted at in the build-up to the show. With one half of the BLW World Tag Team champions in the Starmageddon match there was would be no title defense tonight. The lack of match was made up by having a 4 team elimination match to decide who would get the next crack at the belts and was to be between [b]The Underdogs[/b], [b]The Trademarks[/b], [b]The Jawahir Boys[/b] and [b]The Hit Squad[/b]. Is it me, or does BLW seem to lack good teams? Anyways, the action was a mix of high flying and technical stuff and was kept at a high pace as elimination matches often are. The Underdogs quickly eliminated The Hit Squad when Raphael pinned Heihachiro Sakai following an Idoliser. Meh. The Jawahir Boys were given a lot of good offense in this match and shocked everyone when they eliminated the Underdogs (who were ironically the favourites) with a beautiful double enziguri kicks on Brendan Idol. However, it was the Trademarks who picked up the victory a moment later as Tommy Morgan caught Ali (I think) with a Copyright Infringement while Steven Parker tossed Muhammed (probably) out the ring. This match didn't really work too well for me, but it seems that The Trademarks will have a title shot at Extreme Prejudice sometime soon. Good luck to them, it appears they may need it. The screen cut to live action again as we joined Serhat delivering numbers to the locker-room of the masked superstar, Acid. Silent as always, Serhat once again tried to find out what Acid's number was but couldn't work it out as Acid remained silent and masked throughout. Pure Rules next and the clash between [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b] and [b]Flemmy Lemming[/b], two top technical workers no matter where you go in the world. It was a good match but it seemed to lack something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Typical Pure stuff, Flemmy worked over the arm just like his idol Eisaku Kunomasu would do while Ota countered with the exact same strategy. In the end, Ota scored with a ninja strike and clamped on a cross-armbreaker to force Flemmy to tap. Good stuff, but lacked something. 4 matches to go and the next one was the scheduled match between [b]Wanda Fish[/b] and [b]Kit Hatoyama[/b]. This one looked set to be a classic as the girls worked a slow opening that saw neither gain an advantage. The pace picked up as Kit started gaining an advantage and Wanda struggled to find an answer to that. However, her answer came running down to ringside as Suzue Katayama made her presence felt and the distraction turned the tide of the match momentarily. Thunder Hike came down to balance things up and a ringside fight started up that ended up in the ring. Before long, it turned into a brawl between Glorious Power and the two members of the Joshi DT, with the match getting thrown out as a result. I wonder if the BLW Booking Committee listen to the predictions of the fans because I'm sure I saw this scenario play out somewhere before. It looked like it was going to be a good match too, shame it ended so soon. On the big screen, we once again join Serhat Jawahir this time with Alex McKing as he gets his entry number for tonight. [b]Number two![/b] McKing isn't happy at all but cuts a promo saying that he's the best pure wrestler in the world and even if he's in from the start, he's still going to win and claim his shot at the BLW World Championship, even if he has to face his own stablemate Adam Matravers to win the belt. The big matches were saved for last, with the BLW Pure Style Championship match up next. [b]Frankie Perez[/b] cut a short promo hyping himself up and saying that he wasn't happy just being the Pure champ, he wanted the World Championship too. [b]Marc Speed[/b] has been rumoured to be leaving BLW shortly so many fans predicted this would be a job to Perez but I was pleasently surprised at how even the match was. Speed looked a legit threat throughout and Perez looked as bad-ass as ever. An attempt to lock in the Speed Limiter was blocked and then Perez connected with a huge kick to the head of Speed that totally dazed him. One brutal looking Perez Plunge '03 later saw a victory for the champion and defense #3 of the BLW Pure Style Championship. Another good showing from Perez, he's starting to get a lock of recognition across the US now, particularly in the home areas of BLW, CZCW and NACW. The last big screen segment of the night saw two things happen. First of all, Serhat Jawahir delivered the entry number to the locker-room of the Hardcore Horsemen. He handed them to Guide and Eddie Chandler and then tentatively asked what they were while under the intense stare of Eddie Peak. Chandler looked happy with his number until he seen Guide's. "No chance of a double team then". As Eddie Peak got to his feet, Serhat scarpered almost running over Donnie J in the process. Donnie was wearing an eye-patch and quickly explained that he'd had hot coffee thrown in his eyes and that was why he wasn't going to the ring tonight, but was still here as ordered. Donnie tried to talk to the Horsemen, asking them to let him join them and let him fight against BLW saying that they'd ignored him and he wanted to make them pay. The Horsemen didn't respond before the camera cut out but whenever Eddie Peak smiles, you know something bad is likely to happen. Back in the real world, [b]Adam Matravers[/b] came out and cut a promo, hyping up the "fact" that he'd be the new BLW World Champion tonight. He said he knew that everyone had written off his chances but he's already proved he can tough it out with the champ, tonight he was going to prove that the champ couldn't tough it out with him. [b]Samoan Machine[/b] didn't even say anything, he simply walked to the ring and tried to psyche out his opponent with raw menace. As the match started, Machine launched himself at Matravers who avoided contact on a couple of moves before escaping the ring. This pattern continued for a while, with Matravers trying to get Machine off his game but things went mad when Machine hit a big plancha on Matravers. After that, it seemed like mostly one way traffic as Machine hit the pretty-boy hard but to his credit, Matravers showed a lot of skill too, fighting back and using his speed advantage as much as possible. But after one particularly devastating running kick in the corner, Matravers lack of singles experience was highlighted as he went around the corners looking for a tag. Machine locked him in the Unbreakable Sleeper but Matravers refused to quit despite having been knocked silly and eventually he was declared to have passed out. Machine makes a strong showing but Matravers also proved he's got a chance to be a good singles competitor with some more experience. After the match, Petey Barnes came out to help his partner out and could be heard saying that "You shoulda made the tag match like we agreed". Is this a sign of a rift between the former tag champs? Personally, I thought Matravers looked a little tired by the end of the 20 minutes this match went on. Maybe thats why he's no longer seeing Pheobe Plumridge...... Anyways, main event time, the match everyone here had come to see. There was going to be no question that this was going to be impossible to predict and that the winner would need to have luck on their side aswell as skill in order to succeed. Out first and armed with a microphone was the frustrated looking [b]Chavo Lopez[/b]. He said that he was being screwed over by the BLW Booking committee and that he'd stick it to them and everyone else by winning this match despite his draw. [b]Alex McKing[/b] was out next, looking focussed but still slightly upset at his draw. He was then joined by [b]Guide[/b] who got the biggest jeers of the starting competitors. Then it was a huge pop for [b]Henry Marksman[/b] who locked eyes with Chavo Lopez. Lopez and Marksman wasted no time at all pairing off and fighting hard. With no count-outs in this one, they spent lots of time outside the ring under the supervision of one referee while the other kept track of the McKing/Guide action in the ring. Wild action at ringside saw Lopez and Marksman in the crowd several times as Guide overwhelmed McKing in the ring. McKing tried to show off his technical skills but in the face of extreme all round skills from Guide and a couple of trips to the floor, Guide eventually managed to score with the Guided Missile and got a pinfall on Alex McKing. And out next.... [b]Acid[/b] The history between Acid and Guide has been well documented with their series of big matches dating back almost a year now and it was rekindled quickly here. Acid and Guide were outside the ring and got caught up in the middle of the Marksman/Lopez war that was going on. A very brief moment of almost tag team action saw Lopez and Guide work together to get the advantage of their respective opponents and also see Lopez and Marksman finally get into the ring where Lopez tried to really push his advantage, desperately trying to lock in the Champagne Breakfast but failing. Outside the ring, Acid had recovered and the fight was getting tremendously heated. The two men traded some vicious moves and caught each other with a big kick that dazed them. They both recovered with the same idea, grabbing a handily located chair each and swinging. Thats a DQ, ya know. Both Acid and Guide eliminated for that. In come [b]Sensational Ogiwara[/b] and [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b]. All four competitors were in the ring for the first time in the match with both Lopez and Marksman suffering from fatigue. Wolf and Ogiwara locked up, the top indy star in the world merting the top female star in the world in a strange moment. A few minutes later and for the first time in the match Lopez left his fallen competition down and caught Ogiwara from behind while she had Wolf in the corner. The Tiger Suplex was vicious and Ogiwara barely protected herself. Lopez went back to Marksman and almost got pinned from a quick roll up. Wolf caught Ogiwara with the Full Moon Rising and managed to pin her. Sensational Ogiwara the victim of some teamwork and some smart thinking from Chavo Lopez. Coming in next, [b]Pistol Pete Hall[/b] Once again, Chavo and Marksman were battling each other and were allowed to do so as Wolf Hawkins paired off against his former mentor from PDW, Pistol Pete Hall. The pairs fought hard for several minutes with Marksman and Lopez getting several near falls on each other while Pistol and Wolf wore each other down. The pairings broke down when a stray elbow from Lopez his Pistol Pete who struck back. After some brawling, Pete gained the upperhand and set Lopez for the Pistol Whip Lariat. Lopez looked doomed but managed to duck in time and the devastating lariat connected with Marksman instead. Wolf saw the opportunity and hit Pete, allowing Lopez to make the cover on Marksman for a three count. The crowd booed loudly at Lopez pinning Marksman but he couldn't help smiling and taunting his fallen foe. The next entrant turned out to be [b]Eddie Chandler[/b]. Chandler hit the ring with an air of confidence about him as Wolf and Pete threw punches at each other. Lopez looked tired, having basically fought with Henry Marksman for the last 30 minutes. But the moment Chandler slid into the ring, Pete and Wolf stopped fighting. Chandler suddenly lost his smirk when he was quickly surrounded. He knew he couldn't make a deal with Pistol or Wolf, so turned to Lopez who looked like he might accept a handshake but instead slapped the taste of the mouth. Chandler was bounced between the three men and eventually met a kick to the boot from Lopez who then hit with a Hellfire Kick, stealing Marksman's move once again. As Chandler recovered, Wolf Hawkins set himself up and connected with a Full Moon Rising. Chandler looked out of it but still tried to get to his feet, showing his toughness once more. But as he got to his feet, he was sent back to the mat via a tremendously concussive Pistol Whip Lariat. Pete made the cover and Chandler was eliminated without even a trace of offense. No doubt a lot will be made of the teamwork displayed against the Hardcore Horsemen there, but frankly... I don't care. Out next, the final entrant into the match, [b]Darryl Devine[/b]. Devine got into the ring and delighted in mocking Chandler while he could, pulling him out of the ring and then hitting him with a Devine Dream Drop onto the floor to rub salt into the wounds. After the beatdown he got at the hands of DaVE, Chandler deserved it. Showing great sportsmanship, Pistol and Wolf held the ropes open for Devine to get into the ring. Showing great competitiveness, Lopez seized the very brief opportunity afforded by this to hit a Hellfire Kick on Devine as lowered his head and got into the ring. He didn't even see it coming, it was bloody great! Wolf and Pistol didn't look at all happy with what Lopez had done but Wolf didn't waste much time cutting short an anti-Lopez alliance and suplexing Pete out of his boots with a series of Germans. Lopez, despite suffering heavily from the effects of the match continued to beat down on Devine. Lopez and Wolf briefly worked together and a couple of double teams saw Devine and Pete each caught with a superkick while their hands were being held behind them. The next few minutes had a series of near falls as Devine and Pete had to struggle to stay in the match. Pistol fought back against Wolf and had him on the ropes. Pete went once again for the Pistol Whip Lariat, seemingly out of nowhere, but was brilliantly countered by Wolf, who sidestepped while catching Pete's arm in a half nelson and wrapping his other arm around Pete's head and pulling out an awesome suplex which he bridged. Pete couldn't recover quickly enough and his part in this match was over following a three count. A sweeeeet suplex from Wolf. A drained looking Chavo Lopez took a moment from beating on Devine to set up a fragile alliance. Wolf was smart, knowing that he had a significant advantage over both men at the moment. He seemed to accept the offer and as Lopez turned back to set Devine up, Lopez was caught with a Devine Dream Drop out of nowhere. Wolf shrugged his shoulders as Devine lay on the mat. Wolf covers Lopez and gets the three count. And we're down to just Wolf Hawkins and Darryl Devine. Devine's attempted recovery from the pummeling he'd taken thus far wasn't aided by Wolf Hawkins who tried to lock in a cross-armbreaker quickly, looking for the tap out victory. For the next few minutes Wolf was largely in control but made a big mistake when he allowed Devine to get to his knees, allowing Devine to do exactly what he'd done to Lopez and catch him with a Devine Dream Drop. The resulting cover looked to have ended things but Wolf kicked out just in time and the crowd were on their feet. Both men were slow to recover but Devine was up first. Wolf missed a leaping enziguri then Devine attempted to hit a Devine Dream Drop but was shoved to the ropes, immediately leaping to the second rope and launching himself backwards at Wolf with the Devine Intervention. But Wolf reacted with incredible speed and fell backwards snatching Devine out of the air with a German suplex that he couldn't hold onto for a pinfall. Wolf signalled that the end was here and as Devine pulled himself up to his feet, Wolf stalked him from behind and hit the Full Moon Rising as Devine turned into him. The referee dropped to the mat and counted to three and the crowd were on their feet for the [b]Wolf Hawkins, the winner of the Starmageddon match[/b]. Wolf celebrated to end a tremendous night of action that was capped off by a match that I'm glad worked out better than I thought. I'm not a fan of battle royales and multi-sided matches due to the lack of skill it takes but I think BLW may have just breathed new life into those sorts of matches. Bryan Paris finished off the show by reminding everyone that we'll now see Wolf Hawkins vs Samoan Machine at the Trios Tournament and that all the teams for the event will be posted on the BLWrestling.com website very shortly along with the running order for the card. With Eddie Chandler being royally screwed in the main event tonight, I can't wait to see what happens next in this BLW vs DaVE saga. Will the Horsemen be able to make good on their promise to end BLW before 3 Years Later in December? Or will BLW survive another year and continue to grow stronger?
[center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/STARMAGEDDON.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b][u]Aug 08 - Starmageddon[/u] - (C+)[/b] [i] Ultima defeated Serhat Jawahir [2:48] (D) Ultima defeated Alex Braun [12:52] (C+) Thunder Hike defeated Suzue Katayama by DQ (Pure Rules) [8:34] (C) The Trademarks defeated The Jawahir Boys, The Underdogs and The Hit Squad in a tag team elimination match [14:39] (C-) Fumihiro Ota defeated Flemmy Lemming (Pure Rules) [11:53] (C) Wanda Fish and Kit Hatoyama was thrown out [8:32] (C) Frankie Perez defeated Marc Speed (defense #3 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [12:48] (C+) Samoan Machine defeated Adam Matravers (defense #15 of the BLW World Championship) [20:31] (B) Wolf Hawkins won the Starmageddon match [53:24] (B-)[/i] [/QUOTE] [i]wOOt! I rather enjoyed that[/i]
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I stumbled across this diary this morning at about 7:30 am. With the exception of taking my dogs to get groomed, going to get some smokes, picking my dogs up, and bathroom breaks, I have spent the rest of my day sitting here reading this. It is 6 PM. I have never been so interested in what was going to happen as I have found myself with this. As someone who's never played TEW '05, and knows nothing about the created universe, thank you for writing this, and writing it to the point that even I can get a feel for this world, and these characters. It's amazing.
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[b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [center][size=5][u] BLW September Newsline [/u][/size] [size=4][b]BLW Rumours, Updated Rankings and the Card for The 2008 Trios Tournament! [/b][/size][/center]
As BLW moves into arguably the biggest series of events in all of wrestling, rumour and gossip has been going about regarding something extra special being planned for the Honourable Combat weekender. Without revealing the names of the rumours that have been going around, it is rumoured that a famous band will be at the show and will be performing on each of the two days. The BLW Booking Committee refuses to confirm anything at this time but they have admitted that they are looking for something extra to make the show just a little bit more special.
Back onto more important matters that will definitely affect the goings on in a BLW ring, the BLW Top 5 Rankings. Samoan Machine continues to reign supreme as BLW World Champion after a successful defense against Adam Matravers at Starmageddon. Machine will face the man he brought to BLW from Japan, Masutaro Kataoka, at The Open Challenge. The winner of that match will of course face Wolf Hawkins who won the Starmageddon match. The Top 5 itself hasn't got any new members but the actual numbers have moved around a lot. A very strong case was made for Acid to break into the rankings and he will likely have a rankings match sometime soon. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Rankings[/b][/u] BLW World Champion: [b]Samoan Machine[/b] [i] 1. Wolf Hawkins 2. Henry Marksman 3. Chavo Lopez 4. Darryl Devine 5. Eddie Chandler [/i] Also considered for the list by the BLW Booking Committee were the following people (in alphabetical order): [i] Acid Alex Braun Alex McKing Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota Guide Jacob Jett Mean Jean Cattley Pablo Rodriguez Pistol Pete Hall Sensational Ogiwara [/i]
The Pure division was showcased heavily at Starmageddon, with Frankie Perez defending the Pure Championship successfully, Fumihiro Ota defeating Flemmy Lemming and Thunder Hike facing Suzue Katayama under Pure Rules. The division has been rocked lately by a number of workers leaving BLW or choosing to focus more on chasing the BLW World Championship and as such the Rankings have been shaken up. Alex McKing has been removed from the Pure Rankings but has the opportunity in future to reinstate himself if he so wishes, a reward granted to him for his introduction of the Pure division into BLW. Marc Speed, Stevie Stoat and Joey Poison have all left BLW and therefore the Pure Rankings too. [b][u]BLW Top 5 Pure Style Rankings[/b][/u] BLW Pure Style Champion: [b]Frankie Perez[/b] [i] 1. Fumihiro Ota 2. Flemmy Lemming 3. Tommy Morgan 4. Merle O'Curle 5. Masutaro Kataoka [/i] Also considered for a spot in the Pure Style Rankings were (in alphabetical order): (Alex McKing) Donnie J. Eclipse Heihachiro Sakai Hitomaro Suzuki Jacob Jett
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG][/center] One of the most action packed and exciting events in the wrestling calendar is making its third outing this month as BLW hosts The Trios Tournament 2008. Eight teams of three competitors in a one night single elimination tournament. to the winners, the chance to book yourself in one match of your choice for any show until the following Trios Tournament. Its a once in a lifetime chance to be able to get a match on your own terms whenever you want it and this event will see four of the previous six winners compete once again, spread over three teams. As always, unlikely sounding alliances have been formed and will compete alongside established groups. For one night, teamwork takes precedence over personal grudges, friendships will be tested to the limits as everyone has to look out for their team-mates and endurance will be tested as the winners have to compete in three matches. This year more than ever before, the field is open. All 8 teams have their own strengths and weaknesses which could win or lose them every match. Here are the confirmed teams for the Trios Tournament 2008 [center] [u][b]Hardcore Horsemen[/b] - Eddie Chandler, Guide and Rhino Umaga[/u] [i]The BLW World Tag Team Champions and a master technician. One of the early favourites to win, who knows what matches they would make if they were to succeed[/i] [u][b]Joshi DT[/b] - Sensational Ogiwara, Thunder Hike and Kit Hatoyama[/u] [i]An elite female wrestling unit, they've travelled the world together and are without doubt among the greatest wrestlers of either gender. Could this be the the women who finally prove they are better than the men?[/i] [u][b]Team BLW[/b] - Henry Marksman, Darryl Devine and Chavo Lopez[/u] [i]Three of BLW's elite singles competitors and all with their own grudges. If they can work together they could be unstoppable but they have history against each other and the team could easily implode.[/i] [u][b]TEAM Pure Style[/b] - Flemmy Lemming, Merle O'Curle and Masutaro Kataoka[/u] [i]Three of the finest Pure wrestlers in the world, they are among the elite when it comes to technical wrestling. Despite their lack of experience together, their wrestling skills are unquestionable.[/i] [u][b]TEAM Pride[/b] - Pablo Rodriguez, Acid and Pistol Pete Hall[/u] [i]A group of elite wrestlers, all of them have become stars in a DaVE ring and have continued to build their legacies while in BLW. Trust could be an issue between this team but if they can hold it together then they could go all the way.[/i] [u][b]The Catalysts[/b] - Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes and Alex McKing[/u] [i]Matravers and Barnes were part of the winner Trios team from last year and with McKing in for Wolf Hawkins this year, the team looks as good as ever. Young and confident, these former BLW champions could make their future even brighter.[/i] [u][b]The Jawahir Family[/b] - Serhat Jawahir, Muhammed Jawahir and Ali Jawahir[/u] [i]The tightest group of them all. Three of the five members of the family that escaped Iraq, they know each other very well. While their talents could be called into question so far, their teamwork is second to no-one and in this environment, that is exactly what they need.[/i] [u][b]The Moving Targets[/b] - Jacob Jett, Brendan Idol and Raphael Robinson[/u] [i]Young, exciting and firm crowd favourites. They have the potential to be as successful as they want to be. A close knit group of friends, the Trios Tournament may be their platform to finally break into the upper echelons of BLW where so many people think they belong.[/i][/center]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG][/center] [size=4][center][b][u] The Card So Far [/size][/u][/b] [i] Trios Tournament Match #1 [/i] [b][u] TEAM Pride vs Hardcore Horsemen [/b][/u] A [i]huge[/i] first round match that will pit two of the best teams against each other. This is sure to be a rough, tough match between six of the best stars who work for both BLW and DaVE. Whoever wins this will be unlikely o make it out unscathed! [i] Trios Tournament Match #2 [/i] [b][u] The Catalysts vs The Jawahir Family [/b][/u] The Catalysts are without doubt a tremendous group of youngsters but they have a lot of ego that has the potential to get between them. With rumours of a possible rift between Matravers and Barnes over the last usage of the spoils from the last Trios Tournament, the Jawahir's teamwork may be enough to gift them a victory in this match. [i] Trios Tournament Match #3 [/i] [b][u] Team BLW vs The Moving Targets [/b][/u] Team BLW may have three of BLW's Top 5 ranked competitors but they've never worked together before and they have the potential to implode if any egos get in the way. The Moving Targets have been working together for some time and are known to all be good friends rather than enemies. Teamwork vs talent? Which will win?! [i] Trios Tournament Match #4 [/i] [b][u] Joshi DT vs TEAM Pure Style [/b][/u] This match has the potential to be the best of the first round as far as pure wrestling goes. The Joshi DT are all incredible in the ring and TEAM Pure Style can tie you in knots faster than anyone else. But once again, pure teamwork may be a major factor and the Joshi DT certainly has the edge in that department. Its too tough to call! [i] BLW Pure Style Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Frankie Perez (c) vs Fumihiro Ota [/b][/u] These two put on a great competitive showing a couple of months back at Midsummers Madness and promises to be equally as good, if not better. Both men utilise a lot of kicks and other strikes and combine them with submissions. If you can't check out Japanese wrestling, then this is as close as you will be likely to get to it! [i] Trios Tournament Match Semi Final #1 [/i] [b][u] Winner Match #1 vs Winner Match #2 [/b][/u] The first semi-final, whichever teams make it this far will be grateful for being in this rather than the second semi as they'll have a little more time to rest. [i] Trios Tournament Match Semi Final #2 [/i] [b][u] Winner Match #3 vs Winner Match #4 [/b][/u] The second semi-final match up, the winners here will have less time to rest but as long as they stay warm this could prove to be an advantage. Whoever makes it this far will have the advantage of knowing in advance who they will face in the finals. [i] BLW World Championship Match [/i] [b][u] Samoan Machine (C) vs Wolf Hawkins [/b][/u] Wolf won the Starmageddon match to secure himself this BLW World Championship match. If their past matches are anything to go by then this will be another BLW classic. Of course, if past matches are anything to go by then Samoan Machine would pick up another victory. Both men can do it all in the ring, but can Wolf Hawkins finally pick up the World Championship that so many people believe he deserves? Or will Samoan Machine continue his sensational reign as the BLW champion? [i] Trios Tournament Finals [/i] [b][u] Winner Semi Final #1 vs Winner Semi Final #2 [/b][/u] For both teams who reach this stage, it will be their third match of the night. Both teams will be fatigued, both teams will have had to win two highly competitive matches and everyone will be reaching breaking point. Teamwork and physical conditioning will be a huge factor but to the winner will go the spoils. With the chance to make a match for themselves whenever they want on the line, everyone will push themselves to the limit to try and achieve their dreams! [/center]
[center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG][/center] [size=1][i]Card Subject To Change[/i][/size] [/QUOTE] [u][b]OOC:[/b][/u] Just because my fans demanded it, I thought I'd best get a card up so you can make some predictions. There will be a change to one of the teams in the tournament but thats a storyline thing that happens at the Open Challenge before the Trios Tournament itself. Feel free to hold off your predictions for now if you like, but it'll be a few days before I've got that up. Working really gets in the way of fun, don't it? Derek B - of course, you could make a guess at the change....
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Trios Tournament Match #1 TEAM Pride vs [B]Hardcore Horsemen[/B] Trios Tournament Match #2 The Catalysts vs [B]The Jawahir Family[/B] Trios Tournament Match #3 [B]Team BLW[/B] vs The Moving Targets Trios Tournament Match #4 Joshi DT vs [B]TEAM Pure Style[/B] BLW Pure Style Championship Match [B]Frankie Perez (c)[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota Trios Tournament Match Semi Final #1 [B]The Hardcore Horsemen[/B] vs The Jawahir Family Trios Tournament Match Semi Final #2 [B]Team BLW[/B] vs TEAM Pur Style BLW World Championship Match [B]Samoan Machine[/B] (C) vs Wolf Hawkins Trios Tournament Finals [B]Team Hardcore Horsemen[/B] vs Team BLW Going to have to go with The Hardcore Horsemen to pull out the win with this. Need a way to get one of them back into the title hunt solidly. This guarentees them atleast one title shot, which is something they need, for their plans to go through right.
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[b]From ProWrestlingHits.com/results[/b] Thanks again to Derek B for sending in the results. I doubt even the DaVE fans are as dedicated to their promotion as Derek is to BLW. What a guy! [QUOTE] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG] [/center]
[center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/TOC2.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b][u]Sep 2008 - The Open Challenge[/u] - (C)[/b] [i] Extreme Prejudice defeated Diego Nieto and Warren Acid [5:11] (C) Fumihiro Ota defeated Heihachiro Sakai (Pure Rules) [5:58] (C-) Fumhiro Ota defeated Hito maro Suzuki (Pure Rules) [7:40] (C-) Team: Dream On! defeated The Jawahirs [12:57] (D) Ultima defeated Petey Barnes [10:50] (C) Adam Matravers and Jacob Jett went to a double DQ [17:40] (C-) Samoan Machine defeated Masutaro Kataoka [24:49] (C) [/i] [/QUOTE] [b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [u][size=4][center] Trios Tournament Decision Made [/u][/size][/center] The BLW Booking Committee had a decision to make regarding the events that happened at The Open Challenge. Even while under duress, the verbal deal made by Serhat Jawahir with Stephanie Wade will be upheld by BLW as being an official contract. As a result of this judgement, The Jawahirs place in the Trios Tournament will be taken by the team of Stephanie Wade, Wanda Fish and Suzue Katayama who wish to be referred to as [b]Team: Dream On![/b] However, they can only take this place if Stephanie Wade keeps up her end of the deal and that is to go on one date with Serhat Jawahir prior to the Trios Tournament. While we at the booking committee would never normally get involved in these matters, we have also decided that for the date to count, it must last for at least two hours and will include a meal and some entertainments to be determined at a later time by Serhat himself. Obviously, BLW will be there to witness the date so that nobody can claim any foul play if Serhat or Steph fail to hold their ends of the bargain. Selected clips of the date will be aired exclusively at the Trios Tournament for all BLW fans in attendance to see. The BLW Booking Committee hope that this relationship will work out and wish the couple all the best for the future. [center][i][u]The BLW Booking Committee[/i][/u][/center] [/QUOTE] [b]From BLWrestling.com/news[/b] [QUOTE] [size=5][center][b][u] Updated Card [/b][/u][/center][/size] [center][IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG]
TT#1: TEAM Pride vs Hardcore Horsemen TT#2: The Catalysts vs Team: Dream On! TT#3: Team BLW vs The Moving Targets TT#4: Joshi DT vs TEAM Pure Style BLW Pure Style Championship Match: Frankie Perez (c) vs Fumihiro Ota TT#5: Winner TT#1 vs Winner TT#2 TT#6: Winner TT#3 vs Winner TT#4 BLW World Championship Match: Samoan Machine (c) vs Wolf Hawkins TT Final: Winner TT#5 vs Winner TT#6[/center] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC[/u][/b]: Thats the final line-up for the show and its shaping up to be a good one. Lots of storylines are set so spawn from the event in one way or another so I can't wait to see how it goes. Predictions are welcome (and encouraged). I'll have the show up by Friday at the latest and then its time to get ready for Honourable Combat, the biggest event in the wrestling calendar.... and trust me, its gonna be HUGE! :) Derek B
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Had to predict, seeing as I told you to get to your BLW diary. TT#1: TEAM Pride vs [B]Hardcore Horsemen[/B] Because, they are the Hardcore Horseman. They'll most likely get to the finals. They won't not win a match. TT#2: [B]The Catalysts[/B] vs Team: Dream On! Confused over this one. I feel like your pushing Team: Dream On!, but I can't see you making the Catalystys have a poor showing. TT#3: [B]Team BLW[/B] vs The Moving Targets This one will be talent over teamwork. TT#4: [B]Joshi DT[/B] vs TEAM Pure Style Teamwork experience gives them the edge. BLW Pure Style Championship Match: [B]Frankie Perez [/B](c) vs Fumihiro Ota Haven't been made to believe Fumihiro's a threat. TT#5: [B]Hardcore Horsemen[/B] vs Winner The Catalysts Can't see you making the DAVE fans believe a possible DAVE victory can take place, or let the BLW fans sit easy. TT#6: [B]Team BLW[/B] vs Joshi DT Okay, just realized whilst doing this, how this can set up for the final. So have to pick Team BLW. BLW World Championship Match: [B]Samoan Machine [/B](c) vs Wolf Hawkins Think your still trying to set Samoan Machine apart from the last two champs by getting more title defences. If I knew for sure Wolf's overness though, I might pick him. TT Final: [B]Hardcore Horsemen[/B] vs Team BLW I just thinks this lets the angle go on a bit longer. Maybe a turn here as well, from Team BLW to Hardcore Horsemen or vica versa. Might as well take a guess at Chavo Lopez and if not, Henry Marksmen. And I believe Chavo Lopez maybe your next champ. Just a guess though!
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[b]From ProWrestlingHots.com/results[/b] One of the biggest nights of indy wrestling took place tonight as BLW once again hosted the Trios Tournament. As always, the results were sent in incredibly quickly by Derek B who must either do his write-ups as the events run or know in advance whats going on. Either way, he's one helluva dedicated fan. [QUOTE] [center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Welcome BLW fans to some quick written highlights of a show where words can't really do justice to how much drama, excitement, entertainment and (most importantly) wrestling went down. The best place to start describing it all would of course be from the start, so lets start there! The opening match of the night saw [b]Team: PRIDE[/b], a very pro-BLW group of wrestlers who also wrestle in DaVE taking on the group who have been out to destroy BLW for what seems like forever, the [b]Hardcore Horsemen[/b]. This match was as intense as many internet columnists (am I one of those?) had predicted it would be, with everyone throwing themselves into it with everything they had. While trying to save something for later would have been a good idea, these two teams were among the favourites for the whole event and forced each other to give it their all. Pistol Pete Hall looked to have had the match sewn up when he managed to hit Eddie Chandler with a thouroughly deserved Pistol Whip lariat but Guide managed to get Chandler's foot on the rope to interfere in the count. Pistol's fiery temper got the better of him and he started brawling with Guide in the ring but a lightning quick roll up from Chandler from behind secured a narrow victory for the Hardcore Horsemen, despite Pete's adamant protests to the referee that his shoulders weren't down for the count. Pablo Rodrgiuez and Acid couldn't believe that Pete had been pinned as they tried to console him (silently, in Acid's case) but no words could express how frustrated Pete was. If one thing was for certain, Pete's plan would have been to have knocked the Horsemen out in the first round or to weaken them severely going into the second and he failed to achieve either of those goals.... [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] came out to the ring before the next match and announced to everyone that they wouldn't be seeing him in the Trios Tournament because Stephanie had fulfilled her part of the agreement and had gone on a date with him. He then instructed everyone to watch the screens to see how well it went, but to hold off judgement on how well it went until they saw the second part after the next match. The first part of the video was shown to the crowd and we saw Serhat and Steph in a cheap diner somewhere in Atlanta. She looked less than happy to be there, especially since she'd gotten dressed up, expecting to be taken to a decent place. She insulted the place, saying that she was far too good for it but Serhat said that it was the greatest place on the planet and that they served cheap food and they would let him do this..... he threw some food at someone a couple of tables away, and they threw some food that missed Serhat and hit the table behind him. Within moments, the whole place was a foodfight and Steph was caught in the middle of it, being covered by a wide variety of things. To say she didn't look happy would be underestimating it somewhat. The video ended and Serhat told the crowd that after she got cleaned up a little, he took her shopping for some new clothes. When picking out underwear she said "Do I look like a 36F?" to which he replied, "I don't know about the number, but you look like an A* to me". Cheesy stuff which was interupted bythe arrival of [b]Team: Dream on![/b] with Steph looking unhappy still. Wanda was trying to calm her down as Serhat held open the ropes for the girls, who flat out turned it down and told Serhat to go away and do something I won't repeat here. The girls were joined shortly afterwards by [b]The Catalysts[/b], who's line-up is only slightly different from last year's winning team, with Alex McKing stepping into the place vacated by Wolf Hawkins. The match started off slow, with Adam Matravers attempting to sweet-talk Steph who gave him the "whatever" hand of doom in return. The match itself was a pretty good one filled with a good mix of high flying and technical wrestling, the sort of stuff you really don't see enough of in any of the major US promotions just now. And more importantly, women being treated as legitimate competitors rather than simply as eye candy (although Wanda and Steph are good at that too). In a surprisingly even match that looked like it coulda went either way, Stephanie Wade was pinned by Petey Barnes following a beautiful twisting splash from the top rope. The Catalysts advance to the semi-finals to face The Hardcore Horsemen and had a few choice words for them prior to the big match. Stephanie Wade, as if not embarassed enough by the first video and now by being beaten in the match, was once again embarassed as Serhat got on the microphone and introduced the second part of the video. Fun at the funfair! Serhat and Steph are shown walking around the fair and taking part in several of the sideshows (which surely must have taken them longer then the two hours minimum that she had to spend with him). Serhat repeatedly tries to win her some cuddly toys that Steph points out as being "cute" before remembering that she's not supposed to be having fun... not that it matters because Serhat fails to win any of them. The date officially ended after a ride in the spinning teacups, with Serhat putting as much effort into spinning it as he can even after the ride has stopped. Steph's protestations go unheard right up until the point she barfs... and the date is very much over. In the ring, Serhat smiles and says he'd like to go on another date with her sometime soon and he'd be happy to let her pick what they do if she wishes. Its a bit too sports entertainment for me, but it was still quite funny. Poor Steph. On to the next match, which saw The Moving Targets (last year's runner-ups in this event) face the team many expected to do well, Team BLW. From the opening moments, it was obvious that there was tension between Marksman and Lopez as both men argued about who would start the match. Lopez eventually did but the rest of the match was catergorised by some of the (deliberately) worst teamwork I've ever seen, with the Moving Targets spending much of the time on offense against Devine and Marksman. No tags were made between Marksman and Lopez through the whole match as both sides tore up the ring with some great indy style wrestling and IMO the match ended far too soon when Darryl Devine caught Brendan Idol with a Devine Dream Drop. For the only time in the match, Marksman and Lopez were on the same page as they made sure Jett and Raphael couldn't make the save and Devine picked up the victory for his side. Words can't describe how well Lopez and Marksman played up the tension here, it really was masterfully done. And lastly, after what felt like an eternity (a good eternity though) we got to the last of our first round matches as [b]TEAM Pure Style[/b] (working together for the first time, but with obvious pedigree) faced off against the [b]Joshi DT[/b]. If matches were judged purely on the wrestling content, then this may have been match of the night but they aren't and this one turned out to be one of the lesser encounters of the night despite still being very good. Once again the women in the match were treated as being on a level with their male counterparts, trading moves with them and coming up with some tremendous sequences. There was a little bit of a lack of teamwork, particularly on the part of the Pure team who are used to competing in singles matches (or in Kataoka's case, in not competing at all for years) and this proved to be their downfall in an obvious way as no-one even attempted to make a save after Sensational Ogiwara hit Merle O'Curle with the Ogiwara Spike to get the pinfall. A slightly odd finish, but the Joshi DT advance to the next round where they will meet the highly combustable Team BLW. What a dream match that is! [b]Frankie Perez[/b] was on the stick before his BLW Pure Championship defense against [b]Fumihiro Ota[/b], saying that the former HGC/TCW star has never been able to find his niche in BLW. He's not good enough as a wrestler or as a trainer so what has he got left to give to BLW? Announcing skills? Ota wasted no time in this Pure Rules match targetting Frankie's neck with some strikes. Frankie was no slouch either though as he set his sights on Ota's left arm, wearing it down with all kinds of painful looking moves. Another extremely competitive but somewhat awkward match from these two, Frankie's promo before the match failed to disguise the in-ring difference between these two so when the Frankie finally locked in a Fujiwara armbar on Ota in the middle of the ring (and after both men had used their rope breaks), Ota had no choice but to tap. A strong showing despite the lack of chemistry on display but Ota once again fails to capture the belt. His frustrations were evident when he refused to shake hands with Perez after the match, instead turning his back and leaving through the crowd without so much as saying a word. Hmmm....... The first of the Trios Tournament semi-finals was up next and had plenty of twists and drama. [b]The Hardcore Horsemen[/b] and [b]The Catalysts[/b] battled hard, with The Show Stealers and Extreme Prejudice in particular working some great tag spots into the match. Both sides had waves of momentum on their side at various points in the match and it looked like Adam Matravers had the match won when he landed the Mile High Moonsault on the 2008 King of the Indy's, Guide, but the fall was broken up by Rhino. Barnes and Rhino ended up outside the ring moments later, slugging it out as McKing and Matravers started working over Chandler inside the ring. Things looked good the Catalysts but as McKing hit a baseball slide on Rhino to help out Petey, Matravers and Guide ended up outside the ring. Chandler recovered quickly and hit a roaring elbow to the back of McKing's head that almost knocked him out cold. Chandler locked in the Fabulous Stretch immediately after and it was clear that McKing was in trouble as Matravers was caught with a low blow and Barnes was too distracted by Rhino to see it. It was clear that McKing wasn't going to make it to the ropes and the crowd was chanting "Please Don't Tap" but their pleas were ignored and McKing tapped out to Eddie Chandler. Just as they had done after the first round match, The Horsemen were quick to head backstage and leave the defeated opposition in the ring. As the end of match announcements were done, McKing was irate. Matravers and Petey tried to help him up but McKing was having none of it and slapped the taste out of Adam's mouth. McKing yelled at him, demanding to know why all of a sudden he didn't have his back and allowed Chandler to get the advantage over him from behind. He said he'd never tapped before when he was on his own and that Matravers just cost him badly. Matravers looked furious himself, like he would explode at any moment but thanks largely to Petey he managed to contain himself and McKing left the ring in disgust. The second semi-final was equally as good in the ring, even if some of the fans still don't like the idea of male against female in a wrestling ring. The teamwork of the Joshi DT was as strong as ever and the spent much of the match working over either Darryl Devine or Henry Marksman when they were in control. Chavo Lopez was being openly hostile and repeatedly refused to tag in Marksman during the match. While Marksman and Lopez were arguing on the aprom, Ogiwara hit Devine with the Ogiwara Spike and neither man attempted to make the save, but Devine managed to get a shoulder up with a fraction of a second, and I mean a [i]very[/i] small fraction. The Joshi DT kept on the offensive for another couple of minutes but Devine eventually managed a hot tag to Marksman by evading an attack from Hike. Lopez looked disgusted that it wasn't him that got the tag and hopped down from the apron to the jeers of the crowd. Marksman and Devine squared up with Hike and Ogiwara, and to the surprise of everyone, Lopez actually took out Kit on the outside, locking her into the obscenely painful looking Champagne Breakfast on the floor. Marksman managed to score on Hike with a Hellfire Kick and that was enough to get a three count for Team BLW. Lopez glared at his team-mates before heading to the back and despite arguably the most skilled team reaching the finals, things were looking very bad for BLW. The finals of the Trios Tournament will see The Hardcore Horsemen against Team BLW.... As Devine and Marksman left the ring together, they were passed yb [b]Serhat Jawahir[/b] who said he had another surprise for Stephanie Wade... and in fact, for all three of the Joshi DT and every other female wrestler in the world including his own dear sisters. He said he wasn't supposed to say anything but he was so excited by the last match and the incredible performance of the Joshi DT (incredible is pushing it a bit, I would say) against some of the top guys in BLW that he had to let them know all was not lost. He told everyone that the BLW Booking Committee had finally decided to create a [b]BLW Women's World Championship[/b] and that there would be a tournament to crown a champion very soon! Serhat again said he'd probably get in trouble for saying that but he just couldn't hold it in any longer since he accidentally found out about it when he "accidentally" read some notes during the Committee's decision about the Steph/Serhat situation. I just have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with this. I guess there will be an official announcement soon on the BLWrestling.com website. Until then, we'll just have to get on with the rest of this show! The BLW World Championship match was one of the most anticipated in some time. On two occassions, [b]Wolf Hawkins[/b] has come very close to picking up the victory over [b]Samoan Machine[/b] only to lose out. This time, would things be different? The early goings were familiar ground, with both men knowing roughly what the other would do and using familiar tactics. Wolf was the first one to step things up as he focussed his attacks to Machine's head, something that seems to have had some success when other people have tried it. Machine rough-housed Wolf's entire body, but slowly started methodically targetting the legs to try and stop any chance of Wolf hitting the Full Moon Rising. One moment that had the entire crowd on its feet was when Wolf hit a perfect takedown and managed to mount Machine and lay into him with some devastating forearms. The referee looked like he was about to stop the match, especially when we saw blood on Machine's head but he managed to break out of the mount and escape the ring. Wolf lived up to his name though and kept on the attack but was caught with a beautiful legsweep that dropped Wolf face first onto the ringsteps and gave Machine some time to breathe. Machine was clearly suffering at this point though and his face was a crimson mask as he rolled Wolf into the ring and hit some powerful suplexes, but was uncharacteristically slow to capitalise. Wolf countered an attempted German and quickly had an STF locked in that only served to make Machine's face look even worse but Machine struggled to the ropes. The crowd were really into the match and as Wolf looked to capitalised on his weakened foe, he made a huge error and within moments Samoan Machine had the Unbreakable Sleeper locked in. Wolf tried to find a way out of the hold and tried almost everything to do so.... eventually finding the bottom rope with a foot much to the delight of the crowd and the dismay of the drained looking Samoan Machine. Both men lay on the mat exhausted and then the crowd let their voices be heard as [b]Eddie Peak[/b] and [b]Alex Braun[/b] made their way from the back and walked slowly towards the ring. The referee immediately jumped out the ring to bar their progress, prompting Peak to feign innocence by putting his hands up. And in all fairness, they were completely innocent of everything except being where they shouldn't be because [b]Donnie J[/b] came through the crowd armed with a chair and cracked it over the head of Samoan Machine. The already vocal crowd popped hugely as Donnie scuttled under the ring while Peak and Braun retreated back the entrance, allowing the referee to do his job again. Wolf recovered and rolled over onto Machine as the referee started counting. One! Two! ..... ...... And Wolf rolled off of Machine again. It might have been the presence of Peak and Braun, it might have been that he saw Donnie pop-up from under the ring or it might have been the realisation that the chair he could see in the corner was dented and that he'd recently heard a vile crack from it. Whatever it was, Wolf rolled off and looked up at the no longer smiling face of Eddie Peak and at the bloodied, barely conscious Samoan Machine. And then... Wolf rolled out of the ring. He didn't say anything to the Hardcore Horsemen and their lackey, he just walked right past them. The crowd tried to start a chant but they all got jumbled together but the general theme of things were either derogatory to Peak or congratulatory to Wolf. The bell rang to signal that Wolf had been counted out and Samoan Machine was handed the BLW World Championship but not in the manner to which he has grown accustomed. And Wolf... after everything he had to go through to get this title shot and everything he went through in the match.... what next? With the crowd already super-hot after the title match, [b]Darryl Devine[/b] and [b]Henry Marksman[/b] cut a promo on the Hardcore Horsemen, saying that not a single one of them had what it takes to be a champion and that Wolf Hawkins had just shown that not only is he one of the best wrestlers on the planet, he's also one of the most honourable (yes, with a U). [b]Chavo Lopez[/b] interupted, saying that there can only be one true champion and that after Team BLW won the Trios Tournament, that it would be [i]him[/i] that would be known as the best in the world, not either of his tag partners. [b]Rhino Umaga, Eddie Chandler[/b] and [b]Guide[/b] had a few words of their own but they were cut off in mid-sentence by the first unifed front of Team BLW coming to meet them. The match was a wild affair from the get-go and this seemed to play into the hands of the DaVE stars. Strangely, only Chavo Lopez doesn't wrestle in DaVE... now that I think of it. When the match did get into the ring, the momentum swung all over the place. Both sides had done some significant damage to each other and were tired and hurting from earlier matches too. The Horsemen seemed to nose in front, possibly thanks to their longer rest period but neither side had a significant advantage. As we moved into the last couple of minutes of the action, things kicked off. As we'd already seen, The Hardcore Horsemen aren't afraid to cheat to get what they want and when [b]Eddie Peak[/b] and [b]Alex Braun[/b] once again slowly made their way to ringside, the crowd were expectant. With Chandler and Marksman engaged in a brutal battle in the ring, it was Devine who spotted Donnie J. trying to sneak in from the crowd. Devine reacted quickly, dropkicking the chair Donnie was wielding right back into his face and getting a small measure of revenge against the man who sold him out for a spot on the DaVE roster. Once again, Peak and Braun didn't look happy and moved to take matters into their own hands only to be interupted by the cavalry charging to the ring in the form of [b]Pistol Pete Hall, Acid, Pablo Rodriguez and all three members of The Moving Targets[/b]. This match was rapidly beginning to look like a lumberjack match, such were the number of people at ringside. The new lumberjacks forced Peak and Braun to head backstage, with The Moving Targets picking up Donnie and throwing him towards them to clear out the ring. At this point, the match took a major turn as Guide seized the opportunity to hit Devine with the chair Devine had kicked into Donnie's face. Marksman and Rhino were fighting and although Marksman seemed to be in control of things, he was hit with a Rhino Charge moments later and effectively would have been pinned if it weren't for Chavo Lopez making a save, the first he'd made all night. Things began to break down once again as Devine lay on the floor unconscious, a position he'd remain in until the very end of the match as Marksman took out Chandler with a Hellfire Kick, but moments too late as he'd made a tag to Umaga who Rhino Charged Marksman right out of his boots (not literally). Umaga should've been paying more attention to what was going on though as he gloated over Marksman because Lopez showed off his stunning agility to launch himself into a Hellfire Kick of his own from the top rope, dropping the big man in the center of the ring. Lopez could see that his own personal grudges would have to be ignored if he were to win the match and got to the apron, screaming at Marksman to "make the f***ing tag". A double hot tag later saw Guide and Lopez tagged in and things were chaotic. Devine and Chandler met on the floor, still dazed, while Marksman and Guide clashed in a corner. Lopez and Umaga slugged it out but the big man's powerful forearm shots stunned Lopez and staggered him back. Umaga exploded out of the corner looking but his Rhino charge was side-stepped by Lopez and it hit Guide in the back who in turn was smashed into Marksman in the corner. Lopez executed a lightning fast Hellfire Kick on Umaga to take him out completely and as Guide staggered back out of the corner, Lopez hit a Devine Dream Drop on him and made the cover. The crowd counted along in loud voice as the referee counted to three. Your winners, the 2008 Trios Tournament Champions, [b]Darryl Devine, Henry Marksman and Chavo Lopez[/b].... [b]Team BLW[/b]! After the match, Chavo Lopez started celebrating, but it didn't last long. Realising he was in the ring with his worst rival, he waited for Marksman to get to his feet and then hit him with a Devine Dream Drop for good measure, following it up with a Champagne Breakfast submission which he locked in with a look of pure anger on his face. Devine recovered to break up the hold but Lopez didn't look happy at all. He made the universal gesture for winning a belt as he stormed out. As victory celebrations go, this may not have been what anyone was expecting.... unless you were a particularly psychic fan. All in all, it was one of the busiest BLW shows in a long time and I don't just mean that in terms of the crowd. The announcement of a BLW Women's World Championship, Ota's walk-out, Wolf Hawkins abandoning a title match that he could have won, Team BLW's victory and subsequent collapse and the repeated thwarting of the Hardcore Horsemen's plans to take over BLW. If DaVE are serious about crushing BLW before 3 Years Later, they'd got a lot left to do. The next big shows from BLW will be the Honourable Combat weekend. Eight hours of wrestling over two days, its guaranteed to be huge and BLWrestling will no doubt have something up about it sometime soon. Personally, I can't wait!
[center] [IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/BLW%20Logos/NewTriosLogo.jpg[/IMG] [/center] [b][u]Sep 08 - The Trios Tournament 2008[/u] - (B)[/b] [i] The Hardcore Horsemen defeated Team PRIDE [14:38] (B-) The Catalysts defeated Team: Dream On! [11:33] (C) Team BLW defeated The Moving Targets [11:52] (B-) Joshi DT defeated TEAM Pure Style [14:34] (C) Frankie Perez defeated Fumihiro Ota (Defense #4 of the BLW Pure Style Championship) [13:01] (C) The Hardcore Horsemen defeated The Catalysts [13:51] (B-) Team BLW defeated Joshi DT [13:47] (C+) Samoan Machine defeated Wolf Hawkins by count-out (defense #17 of the BLW World Chmpionship) [34:56] (B) Team BLW defeated The Hardcore Horsemen to win the Trios Tournament 2008 [15:40] (B) [/i] [/QUOTE] [b][u]OOC[/u][/b]: Phew... that was a long one. I'll have the details for the next cards up soon, perhaps tomorrow but possibly not until Sunday. Once again, there's going to be a lot going on leading up to Honourable Combat and your predictions will be great to see. Personally, I just hope you all enjoyed this show because I know I did. [i]Diary writing = more addictive than e-wrestling[/i] Derek B
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