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1983- Georgia Championship Wrestling

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I have to say that was a hell of a show. When I read diaries I tend to be more interested in the angles and promos over the match write-ups and I have to say you write good promos. I can just picture Stan Hansen saying what you wrote for him or that Jake Roberts promo I can see him saying that.



Matches for the Omni

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match

Last Man Standing

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Paul Orndorff (Challenger)


Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler vs Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin


NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen © vs Thunderbolt Patterson & Big Red


Well I honestly have no idea who Big Red is so I pick Ole to beat his former tag team partner.


Roop vs Santana


Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's


Road Warriors vs Wendell Cooley & Rick McGraw


Assassin #1 vs Mike Jackson



Will Brett Sawyer answer the challenge of his brother? Yes

Who will the Grand Wizard manage? I am sticking with Ole and Stan

Who will turn Face/Heel? I could see Ron Garvin turning heel possibly.

Any surprises? Sure why not, as to what they will be I don't know. Maybe JYD will show up (His name was the first to pop in my head.)

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Matches for the Omni

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match

Last Man Standing


Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Paul Orndorff (Challenger)


Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler vs Tommy Rich & Andre the Giant

Andre doesn't loose


Ivan Koloff vs Ron Garvin

The Russian Bear takes this one


NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen © vs Thunderbolt Patterson & Big Red

Anderson and Hansen make good heel champs


Roop vs Santana


Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Armstrong's


Road Warriors vs Wendell Cooley & Rick McGraw

squash match


Assassin #1 vs Mike Jackson

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Georgia Championship Wrestling @ The Omni, Sunday Week 4, 1983



Assassin #1 vs Mike Jackson


The fans really want Mike Jackson to pull off this upset as he fights his heart out throughout the whole contest. The Assassin looks to finish Jackson off but he keeps fighting back. The Assassin is really working Jackson down by applying a leg lock to keep an even playing field since Jackson has a huge speed advantage. The Assassin shoots Jackson off the ropes and hits an elbow into the chest of his opponent. The Assassin goes for a figure four but as he spins around to singe down on the leg Jackson kicks the Assassin through the turnbuckle and into the ring post!


Jackson hobbles to get up and pulls the Assassin back through the turn buckles and then throws him off the ropes and goes for a dropkick but his leg gives out and the Assassin hits a shoulder block!


The Assassin applies the figure four and Jackson has no choice but to tap!


Winner: Assassin


Grade: C



Road Warriors vs Wendell Cooley & Rick McGraw


The two young teams square off but everyone in the Omni knows how this one is going to go. McGraw & Cooley try there hardest but they are no match for the Roadies.


Winner: Road Warriors


Grade: C-



Super Destroyer & Masked Superstar vs Bob & Brad Armstrong


This matchup is really heated since the last one ended in controversy. After a few minutes into this one The Super Destroyer is choking Brad Armstrong in the ropes and his father won't stand for it!


Bob comes into the ring but is stopped by ref Scrappy McGowen.

Now the Masked Superstar is taking full advantage and is coming in to help the Super Destroyer beat up Brad!


They throw him into the ropes and connect with a big double clothesline! Pin Fall






kick out!


Superstar stayed in as he applies a chin lock onto Brad Armstrong.


Armstrong is asking for the helps to help get him fired up and it's working! Brad is almost out when the Super Destroyer calls the ref over to his corner to check a turnbuckle. Brad breaks free and tags in Bob!


Bob comes in ready to roll as he goes for the Superstar but the ref has stopped Armstrong!


Bob: "We tagged!"


McGowen: " I didn't see it Armstrong! Now get back to your corner!"

Brad is forced to be fed to the wolves as no matter what he can't get away from the team of the Superstar & Destroyer.


Superstar tags in the Destroyer and the Destroyer is holding Armstrong's arms as the Superstar comes reeling back with a big right hand but Armstrong moves!


Superstar cracks the Destroyer between the eyes!


Brad crawls through the Superstars legs and tags in his father!


Bob Armstrong comes in hotter than a firecracker and is hitting them both with everything but the kitchen sink!


The Armstrong's have their opponents on opposite corners of the ring and then throw them together and they crack heads! Bob Armstrong goes to the outside to go after the Super Destroyer who went through the ropes.

Brad is man handling the Superstar in the ring. Brad pushes the Superstar into the ropes and goes up top for the 10 big punches!


















referee Scrappy McGowen calls for the bell!!


Brad Armstrong looks at him in confusion.


McGowen is raising the Superstars arm!


McGowen is saying that Bob Armstrong was the legal man and was outside for past the 10 count!


Winners: Masked Superstar & The Super Destroyer


Grade: C



Jake Roberts VS Mr. Wrestling #2


Mr. Wrestling #2 is more than angry as he bends every rule you can bend to stay on Roberts. Roberts is just as aggressive as he is a known rule breaker and that gives him more of an advantage.

#2 is going for the Million Dollar Knee Lift

Roberts slips out to the backside of #2 and delivers a school boy! Pin Fall








kick out!


Roberts looks towards ref Ronnie West as that was an awful slow count.

#2 comes up behind Roberts and goes for the school boy!






kick out!


Roberts gets up and goes towards Ronnie West and is going goes to swing!

Mr. Wrestling #2 comes up behind him and blocks his arm and goes for a school boy!






kick out!


Roberts rolls out of the ring as he looks like he's had enough of this. #2 comes out behind him and grabs Jake & goes to throw him back in the ring but Jake blocks it and throws #2 into the ring post!


#2 crashes into it with his left shoulder.


Roberts picks him up and scoop slams him onto the concrete!


Roberts does a knee drop across the chest of #2 and tosses him into the ring. Pin Fall






kick out!


Roberts grabs #2 by the mask and pulls him up to his feet. Roberts Grabs the left arm of #2 and throws 3 shoulder blocks into it and on the third one he lets go and #2 falls into the turnbuckle.


Roberts sets #2 onto the top rope and climbs onto the second. #2 fires a right hand... fires another right hand and Roberts is struggling to stay balanced.... #2 then kicks Roberts in the chest and down to the mat goes Roberts! #2 comes off the second rope with a fist drop!






kick out!


He picks up Roberts and goes for the Knee Lift!

He misses and Roberts turns him around for the DDT!

#2 blocks it and turns it into a Fisherman Suplex! Pin Fall!








Winner: Mr. Wrestling #2


Grade: C




Bob Roop VS Tito Santana


This one is a classic technical match with neither man having a decent advantage through this one. Lots of pin falls keeping the fans on their toes.

In the middle of this one The Grand Wizard comes out and sets up a chair at ringside scouting this match.


Santana is all of sudden getting fired up as he goes off on Roop. Santana hits 3 arm drags in a row and then hits 3 dropkicks in a row.

Pin Fall!






The Wizard grabs the refs legs and pulls him out of the ring.

Santana goes over to the ropes to see what is going on...

Roop goes for those brass knuckles in his singlet...

He busts Santana!!


The Grand Wizard lets Scrappy McGowen go back into the ring. Pin Fall








The Grand Wizard is clapping his hands as Bob Roop gets his hand raised


Winner: Bob Roop


Grade: C



Buzz Sawyer comes walking out to the ring to massive boo's from the crowd.


Buzz: "You all know why I'm here... Brett Wayne Sawyer... get out here!"



Brett walks out and receives a huge ovation from the crowd.


Before Brett gets into the ring Buzz starts to speak.


Buzz: "Brett... at one point and time I considered you my brother... my own flesh and blood... but after I saw you give up in the middle of the ring I can't stand to even look at you... You are no brother of mine until you prove you're man enough to beat me in the middle of this ring..."


Brett: "Buzz... I also at one point considered you my own flesh and blood... my whole life... no matter what ups or downs I was going through you were always there for me... Me giving up to Ivan Koloff was one of the most embarrasing things I've gone through in my life... and when I needed more than I've ever needed you in my life you turned your back on me... so if beating you half the death is what I have to do to get you back as my brother... then that's what I'll do!!"


Brett Wayne charges into the ring and him and Buzz are going full force at each other!


Brett throws Buzz out of the ring and goes after him! He goes to throw Buzz into a wooden chair but Buzz blocks it with his leg and the chair snaps.

Buzz elbows Brett and throws him into the ring.


Buzz takes a peice of the broken chair and climbs into the ring...

Buzz is driving the piece of the wooden chair into his own brothers eye!!!

secruity guards and referees come storming into the ring to stop the madness!!


They finally get Buzz away from Brett and Brett is rolling around screaming!!


Grade: C+


NWA National Tag Team Title Match


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen VS Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen beat Big Red to a pulp before Thunderbolt gets the hot tag.

Thunderbolt comes in hotter than a firecracker knocking Ole & Stan all over the ring.


Big Red & Thunderbolt have Anderson & Hansen on opposite sides of the ring and go to throw them together but Ole ducks Stan and Hansen clobbers Big Red with the Lariat and Ole shoulder blocks Thunderbolt out of the ring. Pin Fall by Hansen






Winner: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


Grade: C+


Ivan Koloff VS Ron Garvin


Freddie Miller is in the ring after the introduction.

Miller: Ron Garvin I'm here to announce that the board of directors did not grant your wish for the ruling of over the top rope to be thrown out of the rule book as it would not be a sanctioned match by the NWA if we did. However if you will petition that ruling you could get a contract for a Non Sanctioned Lights Out match at another date."


Ronnie Garvin goes ballistic and hits Freddie Miller with the Hands of Stone!

Garvin the grabs Ivan Koloff and throws him over the top rope!


Garvin goes outside and grabs Koloff and throws him back into the ring...

He picks Koloff up and throws him over the ropes again!


Garvin then climbs the top rope and dives on the outside onto Koloff!!

Garvin then throws Koloff onto a table picks him up and Pile Drives him through it!!


This Omni crowd has never seen anything like this!! They are going nuts!!


Referees and Security come out and stop Garvin from doing any more damage!


Referee Scrappy McGowen rules this a no contest!


Grade: B-





Larry Zybyszko & Spoiler VS Andre The Giant & Tommy Rich


Before the match Johnny Rich makes his way down to the ring in a cast and gets a moderate ovation from the crowd.


This match is one for the ages as it has all the things you would hope for. Rich receives a lot of punishment in this match but that is his forte.


Whenever Andre gets in the ring Zybyszko always tags out to the Spoiler and screams "This is why I'm paying you!"


The Spoiler handles himself against Andre but he gets most of his momentum when Rich is in the ring.


Rich has been worn down for quite some time now. The Spoiler has been using a lot of elbows and knees across the chest of Rich to keep him down and not let him catch his breath.

Spoiler tags out to Zybyszko

Zybsyzko comes in toying with Rich.


Zybyszko picks up Rich and Suplexs him. Pin Fall






kick out!


Zybyszko picks up Rich and hits him with an elbow across his back driving Rich into the mat.


Rich crawls to the ropes trying to get up but Zybyszko drives a knee into his back choking him on the ropes.


Zybyszko breaks at the count of four but applies it again.


Zybyszko then picks up Rich and Scoop Slams him into the canvas.


Zybyszko goes onto the second rope and starts to taunt the crowd!


Zybyszko comes off with an elbow drop but Rich moves!!

Rich and Zybyszko are going for their corners to tag out and both get the tag!


The Spoiler comes over to Andre and swings but Andre blocks it! Andre gives the spoiler a big head butt and the spoiler goes onto the mat.

Andre then steps on the stomach of The Spoiler then walks over him!

Andre the walks over to Zybyszko and picks him up into the air by his head!!

The crowd is going wild!!


Andre is holding him up by the neck choking the life out of him as the ref is trying to break the hold.


The Spoiler gets up and is loading up his glove!


He climbs to the second rope getting ready to jump and hit Andre but Tommy Rich comes over and throws The Spoiler off into the middle of the ring!


Rich goes over and taps Andre on the shoulder to signal him to do something.


Andre throws Zybyszko on top of The Spoiler! Andre comes off the ropes and splashes them!


Wildfire sits on top of Andres back and puts up all three fingers in the air as the ref counts






Rich and Andre are celebrating in the ring! Johnny Rich is clapping in enjoyment as his cousin has gotten revenge for him.


Wildfire grabs the microphone.


Rich: "That is for you Johnny Rich!!"

The crowd claps loudly.

Rich: "None of this would be possible without the big man to my right.... ANDRE THE GIANT!!"


Andre raises his arms in victory.


Rich: "Somebody say somethin bout FIRE IT UP!!"


Winners: Andre the Giant & Tommy Rich


Grade: B+


NWA National Heavyweight Title Match: Texas Death Match


Killer Karl Kox © VS Paul Orndorff



Of all the crazy things that have happened on this card tonight this one tops them all and doesn't disappoint!


Kox & Orndorff go through several close calls in this one as both men were down for several counts of 8 & 9.


Orndorff has a chair and smacks Kox across the back!


Kox hits the mat and rolls out of the ring.


Orndoff and Kox are outside the ring and Kox spears Orndorff into the ring post!


Kox goes and grabs the ring and goes to hit Orndorff with it but Orndorff moves!!


The sound of the ring bell echoes throughout the Omni.


Orndorff turns Kox around and goes for the Pile Driver on the concrete floor!


right before he goes to lift Orndorff up James J. Dillon comes over and hits Orndorff in the back and then Kox reverses the Pile Driver and Orndorff crashes onto the concrete.


Kox is taking his time getting to Orndorff as both men are in a bloddy mess and are becoming weary.


Kox gets Orndorff up and throws him in the ring.


Kox goes to the crowd and several people in the front row get out of the way as Kox is bleeding everywhere.


Kox grabs one of the fans chairs and heads into the ring.


Kox comes into the ring with the chair and goes to swing but Orndorff kicks him in the stomach.


Orndorff grabs the other chair that he used earlier and swings at Kox but Kox swings his chair at the same time and blocks it!!


The start swinging chairs at each other and it resembles a sword fight.


Kox swings at Orndorff and Ordorff's chair comes out of his hand.


Orndorff is in big trouble!


Kox hits Orndorff with the chair in the gut and then goes to Pile Drive him onto the chair.


Orndorff reverses it and Kox is on the mat!


Dillon comes up onto the ropes and Orndorff goes over.


Orndorff grabs Dillon buy the suit jacket and busts him!


Dillon goes down!


Orndorff turns around and Kox plants him with a kick to the gut and then Brain Buster Suplex's him onto the chair!!














Dillon goes and gets Kox's belt and hands it to him. Kox is a bloody bloody mess as he stands over Orndorff holding his title.


Grade: B-


Matches Next Week:

Brad Armstrong vs Super Destroyer

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs David Samartino & Mike Jackson

Bob Roop vs Spike Huber

Tito Santana vs Tom Pritchard

Jake Roberts vs Bob Armstrong


What to look for:

What will happen to Ron Garvin after what he did to Koloff in the Omni?

Is Bob Roop The Grand Wizard's new client?

Will Larry Zybyszko keep The Spoiler?

What will happen next between the Sawyer Brothers?



End of the month Rankings



1. Killer Karl Kox- NWA National Heavyweight Champion

2. Paul Orndorff

3. Mr. Wrestling #2

4. Ivan Koloff

5. Jake Roberts

6. Ron Garvin

7. Assassin #1

8. Buzz Sawyer

9. Mr. Wrestling #1

10. David Samartino

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first let me say that i really like this. After reading the omni card results, it took me back as a young kid who would go with my dad every sunday night(especialy in the summer time when school was out and on thanksgiving,and Christmas day)



Matches Next Week:

Brad Armstrong vs Super Destroyer

Brad gets an upset here


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs David Samartino & Mike Jackson

another victory for the champs


Bob Roop vs Spike Huber


Tito Santana vs Tom Pritchard

I like Pritchard, but Tito rebounds and gets the win


Jake Roberts vs Bob Armstrong


What to look for:

What will happen to Ron Garvin after what he did to Koloff in the Omni?I say the Board of directors hand down a suspenion for what he did to Miller and Koloff


Is Bob Roop The Grand Wizard's new client?yes


Will Larry Zybyszko keep The Spoiler?no... maybe alligns himself with Killer Tim Brooks


What will happen next between the Sawyer Brothers?Buzz will attack Brett again

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One small thing I noticed that you did which would have to my knowledge been out of place back then. You had Mike Jackson tap out, now maybe I am wrong about this but I thought people did not "tap out" until around the late 90's or so. Now I could be wrong but that was something that stuck out to me.


Brad Armstrong vs Super Destroyer


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs David Samartino & Mike Jackson


Poor David, he was never able to get out of his father's shadow and it will not happen tonight.


Bob Roop vs Spike Huber


Tito Santana vs Tom Pritchard


Jake Roberts vs Bob Armstrong


Bob is old so I really do not see how it benefits you to give him a victory over a younger wrestler who could be the future of your company.

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I'm currently two weeks ahead when something came up onto the news section that titled "Ole losing control" and said that I have lost control of the locker room due to bias booking. I don't see where I've been biased and I've never had this happen before but it's caused the prestige of GCW to go down to an E-. I'm really thinking about stopping this diary because that really discourages me that my prestige has dropped that much. Has anyone else had this happen?



Georgia Championship Wrestling February Week 1


Gordon Solie is going through todays card when The Grand Wizard comes out.


Solie: "I was wondering if you were going to come out and join me today."


Wizard: "Solie... I have been here for several weeks scouting talent... looking to see who I was going to snatch up and make a champion.... I have found my man who I will lead to the promise land..."


Grade: C-


Solie: For those of you who were not at the Omni Sunday night lets take a look...


A video plays of the Santana Roop match from the Omni.


Grade: C+


The video ends and the cameras pick up Bob Roop coming out.


Wizard: "This man should need no introduction. A former Olympic Wrestling winner, Bob Roop is going to make me a lot of money and he's about to show you why.


Grade: C


Bob Roop vs Spike Huber


Huber is no match for Roop. Roop under the guidance of The Grand Wizard looks very dominant. Roop finishes Huber off with a swinging neck breaker.


Grade: C-


Winner: Bob Roop



Bob & Brad Armstrong come out


Bob: "Well Gordon Sunday in the Omni we had them right were we wanted them. I want to apologize to the fans but more importantly I want to apologize to my son Brad. That was my fault and I want to ensure you next time we tag against them we will win and be B-A-D buh buh buh buh bad!!"


Grade: C+


Brad Armstrong vs Super Destroyer


Brad Armstrong is no match for the Super Destroyer. He gets beaten like a rented mule in this one and doesn't get much offense in. His father is by ringside the whole time cheering him on but nothing seems to be working.


Destroyer throws Armstrong off the ropes and goes for a big boot!


Armstrong ducks it and hits a dropkick!


Super Destroyer is weaving back and forth...


Another drop kick!


Destroyer is on his last leg...


Armstrong comes off the ropes and hits a third HUGE drop kick!


Instead of going for the pin Brad Armstrong goes onto the top rope!!

Ref Ronnie West is telling Armstrong if he jumps off and connects with the Super Destroyer he will be DQ'd....


Destroyer gets to his feet and turns towards Armstrong....


Brad jumps off and the Super Destroyer ducks but Armstrong scores a Sunset Flip!!







Grade: B-


Brad Armstrong gets up and celebrates as nobody thought he could do it! His dad comes in to join him but here comes the Masked Superstar!


Solie: "Folks we have pandemonium in the squared circle!"


This one is a back and forth brawl in the ring in which neither team is a clear cut winner.


Grade: C-


Arn Anderson vs Joe Lightfoot


Lightfoot's hot streak i long gone as Anderson is picking him apart. Not long into this one Anderson scores with a second rope knee drop onto Lightfoot.


Winner: Arn Anderson


Grade: D+


Larry Zybyszko & The Spoiler come out


Zybyszko: "All you spud heads can shut up!"


Solie: "Mr. Zybyszko Sunday night in the Omni you got the short end of the stick on the deal, but you could say it was your own fault."


Zybyszko: "Own fault? My fault? How was I supposed to know he was going to pick Andre the Giant? I figured it would've picked another dumpy cousin of his!"


Solie: "Well you were wrong Mr. Zybyszko"


Zybyszko: "That match shouldn't have counted because I was sick and was not in 100% condition."


Solie: "I didn't hear you mention anything about being sick that day."


Zybyszko completely ignores Solie's statement as he keeps rambling on.


Zybyszko: "That's right if Andre was still here and punch him in his big ugly face and give him a beating that would make everyone get on their knees and bow down and claim me the master of the wrestling world."


Behind Zybyszko & Spoiler a large figure appears behind them... they turn around and it's Andre the Giant!!


Andre: "Gordon Solie... People of Georgia... you in for a real treat cause I will be wrestling Larry Zybyszko on TV today!"


The crowd goes crazy!


Solie: "Bro-THER!!"


Zybyszko and The Spoiler go crazy and deny it.


Andre then grabs a camera man and tells him to follow him to the parking lot.


Zybyszko & The Spoiler are following.


In the parking lot there is a brand new 1982 Cadillac sitting in the parking lot.


Andre goes over to the car and starts to tip it over!



Zybyszko: "NO! Don't do it! Fine I'll wrestle you today! You'll regret this Andre!! You'll regret this!"


Grade: B+


Tom Pritchard vs Tito Santana


Santana is hot but Pritchard gives him a run for his money. 5 minutes into this one Santana scores with a Flying Forearm!


Winner: Tito Santana


Grade: C+


Buzz Sawyer comes out


Solie: "For those of you that were not there lets take a look"


The video shows Buzz driving the piece of wood into Brett's eye.


We come back the Buzz laughing.


Solie: "Mr. Sawyer you are one sick person."


Buzz: "He knew what he was getting into Gordon.... He knew..."


Gordon: "Mr. Sawyer if it wasn't for your brother you would be gone from Georgia Championship Wrestling for good. Your brother told the board not to suspend you because this is a family situation and both of you would work it out. Here is a video of you Brother."


Grade: C+


Brett Sawyer is laying in a hospital bed with a patch on his eye.


Brett: "Buzz Sawyer.... You left me in a bad place..... I'm down and hurt.... but I'm not out... you know people call you the Mad Dog and they call me the Mad Puppy cause nobody believes I have the capability to do the things you do... I'm just like a dog on a leash.... you can keep kicking me and kicking me... but one day that leash breaks and I become the baddest dog in the pound! See you soon..."


Grade: C+


Jake Roberts vs Bob Armstrong


This match is unpredictable as when one has the upper hand the other one counters.


Mr. Wrestling #2 has come down to ringside.


Roberts goes over to him and Armstrong is coming up behind Roberts and gets the Sleeper hold!!


Roberts is about to go out but then hits a Jaw Breaker!!


Armstrong is down as Roberts looks over at #2 and gives him a smile.


Roberts picks up Armstrong and DDT's him. Roberts doesn't go for the pin fall but instead picks him up and does it again! Roberts then slithers like a snake over to Armstrong and pins him.










Winner: Jake Roberts


Grade: C+


#2 and Roberts stare each other from opposite sides of the ring but don't come to blows as #2 is more worried about Bob Armstrong.


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs David Samartino & Mike Jackson


This one is for the belts but there is no point. Hansen & Anderson dominate them and it's not even close.


Winner: Hansen & Anderson


Grade: C-


Ivan Koloff comes out.


Ivan: "See Gordon.... Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen are smart men who play by the rules. This Ron Garvin is no man... He is a coward who can not play by the rules... a coward breaks the rules... this Garvin is crazy!!"


Solie: " Well you have a point as he's a few chapters away from a full book. Fans why Ivan Koloff is here and you haven't seen Ron Garvin is because Ron Garvin is suspended from further action in GCW. He will come back at some point but nothing is granted until further notice."


Koloff laughs then walks away.


Grade: C


Back from a commercial break highlights of the Orndorff Kox match play.


James J. Dillon comes out.


Dillon: "Well who bit off more than they can chew now Gordon?? Karl Kox could not be here today as I understand Orndorff couldn't either because both men have been granted a week off from that brutal brutal match. Orndoff!! Now that we have beaten you we don't have to wrestle you again if we don't want. I suggest you leave the territory and go somewhere else because if you come near Killer Karl Kox again you may not make it out alive."

Dillon leaves laughing.


Solie: "Well fans next week you will see Paul Orndorff and many others as we will have a 15 man battle royal to determine the next #1 Contender."


Grade: C


Andre the Giant vs Larry Zybyszko


Andre is in the ring as Zybyszko comes out wearing a sweater and a scarf with a hat.


Zybyszko: "Mr. Solie... I have been declared unable to compete due to my temperature so The Spoiler will be taking my place."


Solie: "Who couldn't see this coming."


The Spoiler comes out and we are underway.


The Spoiler holds his own against the big man but nobody is really a match for Andre.


Zybyszko is up on the ropes trying to distract Andre but before we can get to him Tommy Rich comes out and busts Zybyszko!!


Rich then picks up Zybyszko and beats him all the way back to the locker room!!


Andre is being worn down by the spoiler and that was just enough of a distraction to occupy his mind.


Spoiler is waiting for Andre to get up as he's going for one of his signature moves.


He takes Andre's arm and is climbing to the top rope! Spoiler then walks halfway out the ropes and goes to jump off onto Andre's arm but Andre catches him!!


Andre hits a HUGE power slam! Pin Fall!










Winner: Andre the Giant


Grade: B+


Show Grade: B+

Show Rating: 1.49



Matches next week:


Jake Roberts & Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling 1 & 2

Bob Roop vs Tito Santana

Armstrongs vs Super Destroyer & Masked Superstar

Tommy Rich vs The Spoiler

15 man battle royal: Tommy Rich, Buzz Sawyer, Paul Orndorff, Mr. Wrestling #2, Ivan Koloff,

Jake Roberts, Assassin #1, David Samartino, Tito Santana, Bob Roop, Thunderbolt Patterson,

Bob Armstrong, Masked Superstar, Arn Anderson,Spike Huber

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I'm currently two weeks ahead when something came up onto the news section that titled "Ole losing control" and said that I have lost control of the locker room due to bias booking. I don't see where I've been biased and I've never had this happen before but it's caused the prestige of GCW to go down to an E-. I'm really thinking about stopping this diary because that really discourages me that my prestige has dropped that much. Has anyone else had this happen?


I can't say for certain, but I wonder if this is a narrative put in the mod-maker to reflect real life heat on Ole that was happening around this time. If you go into the database editor, you can see if that is the problem under narratives.


If that is indeed the problem, you can edit the narrative to bring your prestige up where it belongs again.

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I'm currently two weeks ahead when something came up onto the news section that titled "Ole losing control" and said that I have lost control of the locker room due to bias booking. I don't see where I've been biased and I've never had this happen before but it's caused the prestige of GCW to go down to an E-. I'm really thinking about stopping this diary because that really discourages me that my prestige has dropped that much. Has anyone else had this happen?


I have never run across such a thing, I am thinking that RingRider is right and it may have something to do with it being a mod narrative. I personally never even pay attention to prestige in the game so even if it was a normal thing in the game I would not have noticed it.


Jake Roberts & Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling 1 & 2


Bob Roop vs Tito Santana


Armstrongs vs Super Destroyer & Masked Superstar


Tommy Rich vs The Spoiler


15 man battle royal: Tommy Rich, Buzz Sawyer, Paul Orndorff, Mr. Wrestling #2, Ivan Koloff,

Jake Roberts, Assassin #1, David Samartino, Tito Santana, Bob Roop, Thunderbolt Patterson,

Bob Armstrong, Masked Superstar, Arn Anderson,Spike Huber

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It is a narrative Georgia is set to go under their is also a couple of Black Saturday ones that will kill Georgia or at least in theory kill them off. Plus ones for Southwest as well. I like what I am reading so far but warn you. That you will want to remove the Black Saturday narratives at three the last time I checked.
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Huh, I would have mentioned those Black Sat. narratives as you were approaching them (you're a ways away from them), but I thought the Ole thing was several months into the game. You can easily just go into the editor and reset your prestige to what it was before. If you weren't going to sign anyone important, I don't think it will matter that much. It should jump up once you hit Cult soon (even without the house shows you should hit Cult 2-3 months into the game).
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Georgia Championship Wrestling: February Week 2 1983


Gordon Solie welcomes us to another great week as he goes over the card for today's broadcast.


Solie: "Today's main event is a big 15 man battle royal for the number one contender-ship to see who will face Killer Karl Kox for the NWA National Heavyweight Title. Some of the wrestlers appearing in that are The Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer, Jake Roberts, Bob Roop, Thunderbolt Patterson, Bob Armstrong, The Masked Superstar, Wildfire Tommy Rich and of course Paul Orndorff will get a chance to fight to keep his #1 contender-ship."


Larry Zybyszko comes out.


Zybyszko: "You know Gordy... I keep hearing about this battle royal but nobody has told me if I'm in it... I know I am so I thought I would come out here and confirm that"


Solie: "Mr. Zybyszko you are not part of the battle royal because you have not competed in any single matches since you have been here in the recent months."


Zybyszko: "What! How could you not have Larry Zybyszko in a battle royal for the #1 contender-ship? Gordy sometimes me and the spoiler are like big bullies on the playground... if you don't give us what we want... we'll just take it from you."


Grade: C+


Arn Anderson vs Wendell Cooley


Anderson is looking better each and every week and although Cooley is a top blue chipper he's no where near the talent that Arn is.


Winner Arn Anderson




Ivan Koloff & Jake Roberts show up at the podium.


Ivan: "Gordon Solie! That crazy man Ron Garvin is out of town but look who's still here! Now today I'm going to help my good friend here against two men who are so ugly they have to wear masks!"


Jake: "I couldn't have asked for a better partner to go up against #1 & #2. You guys are in for a rude awakening."



Tom Pritchard vs Rick McGraw


Very even match up as both men compliment each other well. McGraw just isn't quite as smart as Pritchard as Pritchard takes some short cuts to stay on top of this one.


Winner: Tom Pritchard



Masked Superstar & The Super Destroyer come out.


Superstar: "Gordon! Last week Marietta Georgia's baby boy Brad Armstrong got lucky against my partner! We'll see if your man enough today to do it again."



David Samartino vs Ali Bey


Bey is one tough customer but Samartino has all the momentum. Bey holds his own but doesn't come out on top.


Winner: David Samartino




After the match Zybyszko and the Spoiler attack David Samartino and have beaten him down pretty good before the Spoiler hits him with the loaded glove and knocks him out.


Assassin #1 with Assassin #2 vs Tim Horner


Horner will become a good Jr. Heavyweight contender later in his career but at this point does not have what it takes against the Assassin #1.


Winner: Assassin #1



Wildfire comes out to see Gordon.


Tommy Rich: "For those of you wondering about my cousin Johnny Rich he's doing just fine and will be back soon. Now to talk about my big match today against the Spoiler. We all saw what happened earlier, I heard in the back Samartino is out and will not be in the battle royal. So that makes a spot open for Zybysko, now they just need one for the Spoiler and I think they're going to come after me. Spoiler you're a real tough customer and with having to wrestle you and be in this battle royal you have the advantage but I'm gonna need all these pretty little Georgia peaches out there to get me fired up."




Ivan Koloff & Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2


It doesn't get much better than this match as it's a dandy.


Jake Roberts has Mr. Wrestling #2 on the ropes striking elbows into #2's throat. Roberts tags to Ivan and he continues the beat down. Koloff picks #2 and gets the bear hug on him!


#2 looks like he's about to give but then he head butts Koloff and Ivan lets go!


#2 hits Koloff with an elbow and down goes Ivan & #2 gets the tag!


#1 is doing whatever he wants to Ivan Koloff as #1 has all the momentum.


Roberts comes in but #1 body slams him!


Koloff comes at #1 and he gets body slammed as well!


Solie: "Now all four men are in the ring and it's turned into a pier six brawl!"


All four men are in the ring and #1 is thrown out of the ring through the middle ropes by Ivan and he continues to beat on #1.


Roberts is controlling #2 but #2 out of no where puts Roberts in the abdominal stretch!


Solie: "Fans this is a very painful hold as it over extends the rib cage making it very hard to breathe."


Ref Ronnie West is gone out onto the floor trying to break up Ivan and #1.


Roberts has reaches up and has poked #2 in the eyes to break free of the hold.

Roberts is signaling for the DDT!


Solie: "Wait some masked man is coming towards the ring in an outfit similar to the Mr. Wrestlings."


Roberts is distracted as he wants to know who this man is.


#2 turns him around and hits the Million Dollar Knee Lift!! Pin Fall












Winner: Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2


Grade: B


Koloff: "Who was that man!?!?"


Solie: "Sir my guess is as good as yours."

Roberts: "I'm not going to yell.... I'm not going to scream.... fans I want to warn you of what's going on here... there is a big conspiracy going on the state of Georgia... The Board of Directors are in on it... #1 & #2 are in on it.... Gordon Solie may be part of it.... they're trying to drive me out of here.... you want a war? You got a war!"



Tommy Rich vs The Spoiler


Tommy Rich has been on a roll lately but the Spoiler is one tough customer. With Zybyszko at ringside Rich has a lot to overcome.


Rich has the Spoiler in a side headlock and is ringing his neck like a wet rag. Spoiler pushes on Wildfire's hip and shoots him off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rich ducks and comes back for the Thez Press!! But the Spoiler catches Rich and puts him in a bear hug!


Rich is in big trouble as the Spoiler is clamping on the ribs of Rich.


Solie: "Rich looks to be in big trouble here but the crowd is behind Wildfire."


Crowd: "Fire it up Wildfire Fire it up!!"


Rich is starting to get back into this and hits Spoiler with a series of elbows and the spoiler lets go.


Rich throws Spoiler off the ropes and connects with a Sleeper Hold!!


Spoiler looks to be going out but hits Rich with an elbow to the ribs and Rich lets go and falls back into the turnbuckle.


Spoiler comes running over to Rich but Rich moves and Spoiler hits the turnbuckle.


Rich throws Spoiler into the other turnbuckle and Rich comes running at him to go for a splash but the Spoiler moves!


Spoiler hits Wildfire in the ribs and then hits the Gord Buster on Rich! Pin Fall










Winner: The Spoiler


Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Bob & Brad Armstrong


This is a classic match up. It goes very back and forth but ultimately the Superstar & Destroyer get the best of the Armstrong's when The Superstar destroyed Brad Armstrong with a swinging clothesline.


Winner: Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer


Road Warriors vs Big Red & Spike Huber


You all know how this one goes.


Winner: Road Warriors


Rick McGraw vs Tom Pritchard


Very even contest but Pritchards future looks a lot brighter than Rick McGraw. McGraw keeps Pritchard on his heels but ultimately Pritchard comes out on top.


Winner: Tom Pritchard


Solie: "Coming up is our main event, the big 15 man battle royal with the winner facing Karl Kox for the NWA National Heavyweight Title."


Killer Karl Kox & James J. Dillon comes out.


Dillon: "It doesn't matter who wins this Gordon Solie because me and Killer Karl Kox are going to be around for a long long long time so get used to it."


Battle Royal with Tommy Rich, Buzz Sawyer, Paul Orndorff, Mr. Wrestling #2, Ivan Koloff,

Jake Roberts, Assasin #1, Larry Zybyszko, Tito Santana, Bob Roop, Thunderbolt Patterson,

Bob Armstrong, Masked Superstar, Arn Anderson, Spike Huber.


This one is heated as everyone wants a shot at the title. We are down to 8 guys within minutes. Rich, Buzz, Thunderbolt, Orndorff, Anderson, Santana, Roop, and Zybyszko.


Arn Anderson has Rich on the ropes and he looks to be eliminating Wildfire but Rich connects with an elbow and Anderson staggers backwards....


Anderson runs at Wildfire going for a cross body but Rich moves and Arn goes out onto the floor!


Thunderbolt Patterson gets thrown out by Bob Roop.


Zybyszko throws out Buzz Sawyer.


Santana splashes Bob Roop in the corner and goes to throw Roop over but Roop gets up underneath of Santana and throws him out.


Roop is looking at Tito laughing as Orndorff comes up behind Roop and drop kicks Roop over the ropes!


Santana and Roop are now brawling all over the studio.


No down to Wildfire, Buzz, Zybyszko, and Orndorff as all four men are battling it out.


Zybyszko is going for a body slam onto Orndorff but Orndorff slips off and throws Zbyszko out!


Buzz and Rich are man handling each other as it's an all out brawl.


Buzz throws Wildfire off the ropes and hits the power slam that he's known for.


Buzz then picks up Rich and tosses him over the ropes but Rich catches the rope and hangs on the apron.


Buzz is trying to kick Rich off as Orndorff comes running up behind with a clothesline and he knocks Buzz over but Buzz holds on to Orndorff and he goes out too!!


Tommy Rich is on the apron celebrating as he has won!


Killer Karl Kox comes out and gets on the mic.


Kox: "Tommy Rich!! HAHAHAHA!! If you people thought that I beat Orndorff to a pulp wait till you see what happens to Tommy Rich!"


Kox is guided back by Dillon.


Rich comes over to the podium.


Rich: "Gordon... I'm just so overwhelmed I don't know what to say."


Orndorff walks over.


Orndorff: "Tommy I just want to say congratulations and best of luck against Kox as he is one tough customer."


Orndorff then shakes Rich's hand and the show comes to an end.


Show Rating: 1.41



Matches Next Week:

Jake Roberts has challenged Mr. Wrestling #2

Spoiler vs David Samartino

Bob Roop vs Rick McGraw

Killer Karl Kox vs Thunderbolt Patterson

Buzz Sawyer vs Wendell Cooley

Road Warriors vs Mr. Wrestling & Joe Lightfoot

Tito Santana vs Pez Whatley

Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


Things to look for next week:

Brett Sawyer to talk about when he is returning

2 wrestlers coming in for next weeks tv.

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Spoiler vs David Samartino

Bob Roop vs Rick McGraw

Killer Karl Kox vs Thunderbolt Patterson

Buzz Sawyer vs Wendell Cooley

Road Warriors vs Mr. Wrestling & Joe Lightfoot

Tito Santana vs Pez Whatley

Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen

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Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 3 February


Gordon Solie opens up todays show going over what's on todays schedule when Buzz Sawyer walks out.


Buzz: "Gordon everyone is still wondering what happened to my former kin Brett Wayne. Well yesterday I get a phone call from my mother telling me that Brett's eye is in real bad shape and that I should try to work things out between us. You know what I told her Gordon? I told her that until he proves that he's man enough to get out of the Atlanta Hospital and come down here and whoop my butt he's no brother of mine. That's just what it will take."


Buzz Sawyer vs Wendell Cooley


Buzz is a true mad dog and it shows in this. He beats Cooley like a rented mule and will not go for a pin fall.


Solie: "BIG power slam by Buzz Sawyer but again he picks up Cooley and will not just go ahead and get the match over with."


Out of no where comes Brett Saywer is a hospital gown!!


Sawyer is going after his brother with nothing but a gown on and a big patch on his eye but he's on Buzz like stink on a monkey.


Brett Wayne throws Buzz off the ropes and back drops him and Buzz slides out of the ring and takes off to the back.


Brett: "Buzz!! You think I'm just going to sit back and watch you keep making fun of me? I want you in a match and I want it really bad. The NWA won't let it happen until I get this eye of mine fixed... but when I do you bet your bottom dollar that you're the first person I want to wrestle. However I do have a special challenge for you at the Omni in 2 weeks if you're willing to accept. You know where to reach me."


Brett walks off looking very heated about the whole thing.



Road Warriors vs Mr. Wrestling & Joe Lightfoot


Road Warriors once again dominate the tag team division.


Winner: Road Warriors


Ellering: "You see that Gordon Solie... do you see the ultimate power of the Road Warriors? I told everyone that these men would take over professional wrestling and very soon you will know why."


Solie: "Well Paul Ellering making a statement with his team and we'll have to stay tuned on that to find out more."



Killer Karl Kox vs Thunderbolt Patterson (Non Title)


Thunderbolt is looking could and Kox is struggling. Thunderbolt shoots Kox off the ropes and hits a HUGE back drop on Kox!! He picks Kox up and goes for a body slam but Kox elbows Thunderbolt in the side of the head and then throws Thunderbolt off the ropes and connects with a clothesline. Kox picks up Thunderbolt and hits a pile driver. Pin Fall







Winner: Killer Karl Kox



Bob Roop vs Rick McGraw


Roop has turned into a well oiled machine with The Grand Wizard managing him and it's no different here. Roop wins.


Winner: Bob Roop


Wizard: "Well you see my man Bob Roop isn't like that pyscho Buzz Sawyer who takes 10 minutes to beat someone he could have easily beat in 2. In Pro Wrestling you don't get paid by the hour you get paid by the win and Bob Roop and I have racked up a lot of those. Last week we left here a little short handed because of that filthy Tito Santana. The ref called it a draw but all you people out there no who the real winner was!"


The Spoiler vs David Samartino


Samartino has been on fire with a couple of wins in the last couple of weeks but he's no match for the Spoiler. Zybyszko looks on from ringside with enjoyment.


Winner: Spoiler


Zybyszko: "Samartino will never learn will he Gordy? This is a mans sport and there is no place for boys."


Zybyszko & Spoiler walk off as Samartino comes over.


Samartino: "You know Mr. Solie I've just about had enough of both of these guys. Zybyszko get back out here with your bounty hunter."


They walk back out.


Samartino: "I want both of you in a match next week Zybyszko!"


Zybyszko accepts and walks away confidently




Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Before the match Jake Roberts comes out and wishes Koloff good luck then tells #2 he's in for a real treat. Roberts then walks to the back and things get underway


This rivalry has been heating up in recent weeks as this is another good one. #2 has Koloff in an arm bar really working the left arm of Koloff as time is ticking away in this one. #2 throws Koloff off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block but Koloff gets the upper hand on that. Koloff then comes off the ropes... #2 does a drop down... Koloff comes back and #2 hits a hip toss and out of the ring goes Ivan Kolof!


Koloff gets back up only to be body slammed by #2 and then Koloff rolls out of the ring. #2 goes after him and goes to throw Koloff into the ring post but Koloff moves and #2 goes into the ring post!

#2 is on the floor holding his head.


Koloff goes back into the ring and ref Ronnie West is arguing with Koloff about throwing him into the ring post


Meanwhile why they are arguing the masked man from last week comes out and slides the knocked out #2 under the ring and he lays on the floor taking #2's place!


Solie: " That's the same masked man from last week. I've never seen anything quite like this as the man who just took #2's place is wearing the exact same outfit as him!"


Koloff is done arguing with West and he goes outside and throws the mysterious man into the ring. Pin Fall







Kick out!


Koloff looks strangely as he doesn't understand how he could kick out so early. Koloff goes to pick him up but the impostor punches Koloff into the gut and throws him off the ropes and connects with a scoop slam! Koloff gets up and rakes the eyes of the impostor and then throws him head first into the turnbuckle but it doesn't even phase him!


Koloff looks confused and the goes to punch him but the man blocks it... then winds up and blasts Koloff with a big punch and Koloff practically does a back flip and crashes into the mat. Pin Fall












Solie: "That man looks very familiar and it's not very many people can throw a punch like that."


Roberts comes out.


Roberts: "Gordon I want to know who this masked man is and I want to know right now."


Roberts chases after the man but he runs into the back before Roberts can get him.


Roberts then goes into the ring with a bottle of water and pours it on Koloff which makes Koloff wake up and he hops up wanting to fight but he doesn't even realize the match is over.


Koloff: "What happened? I had #2 right where I wanted him."


They both walk over to Solie.


Roberts: "I think we all know now who this man is... and he will pay for this... everyone will pay for this... don't play with the snake unless you want to get bit."


Tito Santana vs Pez Whatley


Santana is having a little bit of trouble against Whatley but after awhile he out smarts him and takes control.


Winner: Tito Santana


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen come out.


Ole: "You know Gordon everyone keeps saying 'Can anyone beat Ole Anderson and Stan Hansen?' and the answer is no! We've proved we are the top two best wrestlers in the whole world and that's how we won these belts. Now today we face the tough team of the Masked Superstar and Super D as the beat the Armweaks last week so they deserve a shot. Today you will see what champions are made of."


Terry Taylor vs Jesse Barr


Taylor is in just for this week as he takes on Jesse Barr in what is one tough match. Barr does his best to keep ahead of Taylor but Taylor looks to have a bright future.


Winner: Terry Taylor



Tommy Rich comes out.


Gordon Solie: "Before we talk to the #1 contender lets see how he won that position last week."


A video shows of Rich winning the battle royal.


Solie: "Most people are saying that you got lucky on that match, what are your thoughts?"


Rich: "Well Gordon I don't really believe in luck I believe in being blessed and that's exactly what I was. You know the last four men in that ring could have won that but it came down to me and that's just the way it goes. I know my good friend Paul Orndorff knows that and he's behind me to win this title and I hope all these good folks out here and the ones watching at home are behind me because I'm going to need everyones help win I face Killer Karl Kox, thanks Gordon."



Solie: "That was Wildfire Tommy Rich but now I want to let all the fans know that on todays broadcast we have another special guest by the name of Rufus R. Jones and he will be here today having a match... right after this commercial break."


Rufus R. Jones vs Barry Darsow


Darsow hasn't been on TV for awhile and he's not coming back to a good spot as he has the tough Rufus R. Jones throwing soup bones out to Darsow's ribs. Darsow looks strong at spots in this as he takes Rufus to the limit but ultimately it's Rufus who is looking better. Rufus hits Darsow with a big right hand... a big left hand.... is winding up for another big right but Darsow blocks it and hits a swinging neck breaker. Pin fall












Winner: Barry Darsow


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen vs Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer



This is an all out brawl and both teams really want to win this.


Solie: "All four men are in the ring and we've got a pier six brawl in there."


Hansen throws the Superstar off the ropes and goes for the Lariat but Superstar is going for the swinging clothesline and they collide like two semi's hitting each other.


Destroyer goes to punch Anderson but he ducks and connects with a back suplex onto the Destroyer.


Anderson then picks up Hansen and body slams him on top of the Destroyer then does a splash on top of Hansen. Pin Fall










Winner: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


TV Rating: 1.48


Matches Next Week:

Barry Darsow vs Rick McGraw

David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko

Arn Anderson vs Mr. Wrestling

Road Warriors vs Bob & Brad Armstrong

Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Rufus R Jones & Thunderbolt Patterson

Tito Santana vs Ali Bey

Bob Roop vs Tim Horner

Unknown masked man vs Jesse Barr

Ivan Koloff vs Mike Starbuck

Tommy Rich & Paul Orndorff vs Ole & Stan Hansen


Things to look for:


Brett Sawyer to challenge his brother

Jake Roberts demands to know who the masked man is.

Who is the masked man?

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<p><strong>Barry Darsow </strong>vs Rick McGraw</p><p>

David Samartino vs<strong> Larry Zybyszko</strong></p><p>

<strong>Arn Anderson</strong> vs Mr. Wrestling</p><p>

<strong> Road Warriors </strong>vs Bob & Brad Armstrong</p><p>

Superstar & Super Destroyer vs <strong>Rufus R Jones & Thunderbolt Patterson</strong></p><p>

<strong> Tito Santana</strong> vs Ali Bey</p><p>

<strong>Bob Roop</strong> vs Tim Horner</p><p>

<strong>Unknown masked man</strong> vs Jesse Barr</p><p>

<strong>Ivan Koloff </strong>vs Mike Starbuck</p><p>

Tommy Rich & Paul Orndorff vs <strong>Ole & Stan Hansen</strong></p>

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Georgia Championship Wrestling: Week 4 February



The rowdy Georgia crowd is ready for this week as Gordon Solie is at the podium.


Solie: "With me at this moment I have a tag team of 2 men who are going to wrestle the NWA National Tag champions Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen."

Orndorff goes to speak but Wildfire cuts him off as he's very excited for this match.


Rich: "Well thank you Gordon and that's right me and Paul Orndorff will be facing Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen today and we are looking forward to showing them what they are all about."


Solie: "Mr. Orndorff do have anything to say?"


Orndorff says nothing and just walks away.


Solie: "Well... anyway Tommy thank you for your time. Ladies and Gentleman let's go to the ring."


Barry Darsow vs Rick McGraw


Darsow has a strong showing last week and again this week as McGraw tries his hardest but is no match for Darsow.



Winner: Barry Darsow



Tito Santana vs Bryan St. John



Santana and St. John shake hands at the beginning of this because both men have respect for one another. Santana is really working hard in this as St. John is competing at his fullest.


Solie: "Santana has St. John in a side headlock but lets him go as the Grand Wizard comes out."


Santana walks over to the Grand Wizard as he stands there distracting him and the ref as Bob Roop comes around the other side and goes to give his brass knuckles to St. John.


Roop is on the apron and hands St. John the brass knuckles and St. John takes two steps towards Santana but then turns around and busts Roop!! St. John then throws the knuckles out of the ring!


The Grand Wizard sees this and runs over to Roop and now Tito and St. John go back to wrestling.


St. John and Santana are having a great match and St. John hits an Atomic Drop on Tito and goes for the pin.












kick out!



He puts Santana in a headlock and is hit from behind by none other than Barry Darsow!


Darsow is putting the boots to St. John and throws him over the top rope and the grabs Santana and hits a back breaker.


Darsow picks up Santana and hits him with another back breaker and climbs to the second rope and hits an elbow drop. Darsow then throws Santana out of the ring.



Darsow comes over to the podium and calls for the Grand Wizard to join him.



Darsow: "I came to Georgia Championship Wrestling to make a statement.... and I will look no further than having the Grand Wizard of Wrestling to manage me."



The Wizard shakes his hand and they walk away.



Ivan Koloff vs Mike Starbuck


Starbuck continues his huge losing streak and Koloff dismantles him in minutes.



Winner: Ivan Koloff



Koloff walks over to Solie.



Koloff: "Everyone wants to know who this man is! Me and Jake Roberts plan to expose this man for who he really is! We know! You know! He proved who he was last week! Only one man can throw a punch like that Gordon Solie!"

Solie: "Lets take a look"


They go to a video of what happened last week between Mr. Wrestling #2 and Ivan Koloff.



Koloff: "In a little bit my good friend Jake Roberts is coming out with some big news about this man Gordon.... you just wait!"



Road Warriors vs Bob & Brad Armstrong



The Road Warriors have been destroying everyone in their sights but the Armstrong's look to use their wits and quickness to be the first to defeat them.


Hawk has Brad in the ring delivering double axe handles into his back. Hawk then picks up Brad and goes for a Gorilla Press slam but Brad slips out of Hawks hands and hits a standing drop kick on Hawk....


another drop kick...


comes off the ropes Hawk goes for a clothesline but Brad ducks and goes for a springboard elbow but is caught by Hawk who destroys him with back suplex and throws Brad back so far he flips and lands on his face.



Pin Fall
























Winner: Road Warriors





James J. Dillon walks out with Killer Karl Kox.




Kox: "Rich if you think you come out here all high and mighty thinking you are this and that... I see nothing but a BOY! You are no man! You are nothing but a boy! And I today Ole Anderson and Stan Hansen will prove that! By the time you get in the ring with me tomorrow night in the Omni you're going to wish your mother never had you!"




Bob Roop vs Rufus R. Jones




Jones was upset by Darsow last week and now has another tough opponent in Bob Roop who has recently aligned with Darsow who stand menacingly beside The Grand Wizard at ringside. Rufus is delivering those big soup bones of his onto Roop off the bat and Roop bails out of the ring and goes over to the Wizard who gives him advice then he goes back into the ring.


Roop is now pounding away on Rufus R. and keeps it that way for several minutes.


(5 minutes later)


Roop scoop slams Jones and goes for a pin...









Kick out!



Roop quickly grabs jones in a headlock but Jones is getting the crowd behind him.


He hits two elbows into the sternum of Roop and he lets go of Rufus.

Rufus then headbutts Roop.


Rufus then throws Roop off the ropes and goes for a back drop but Roop hits a swinging neck breaker.



Pin Fall




















Winner: Bob Roop




Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer vs Joe Lightfoot & Wendell Cooley




Cooley and Lightfoot don't have a chance of beating them and this one is over before it starts.




Winner: Masked Superstar & Super Destroyer





Jake Roberts comes to the podium.




Roberts: "My good friend Ivan Koloff was seriously injured by a man 4 weeks ago at the Omni because that so called man pouted like a child when you take candy away from him. He put my good friend Ivan Koloff through a table. Because of this that man was suspended for several weeks and hasn't been seen since but a mysterious masked man who dresses just like Mr. Wrestling #2 has came around. Me and Ivan will not stand for the conspiracy any longer. We demand a match with this man. Ivan Koloff wants revenge and I'm here to get it for him. I want to be at ringside with Ivan so that way Mr. Wrestling #1 & #2 can't help this coward."




Jim Barnett comes out.



Barnett: "As head of the board of directors I will say that I don't know who this man is as he does not hang out in the locker room. He simply does his business and then leaves. However, Mr. Roberts you do have a point in the fact that this man does need to be unmasked as he is causing harm. I will grant the match between this man and Ivan Koloff. However, if you want to be a ringside I would have to let this masked man pick someone that he wants to be at ringside to makes things fair."




Koloff then walks out to join Roberts.




Barnett: "Do you gentleman agree to my terms of this match?"




Roberts & Koloff: "Yes!"



Barnett: "Good, coming up the masked man has a match with Jesse Barr. After his match I understand he will pick who he wants to be in his corner at ringside. If you interfere in his match this arrangement will not happen at the Omni tomorrow."




All three man walk off and we start the next match.




David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko




Samartino has been doing well latley but he's got a tough one again this week agianst Zybyszko. Zybyszko is really the better wrestler in this match and proves it as he just toys around with Samartino playing mind games with him. Zybyszko loses track of time and quickly realizes that there is not much time left in this one. Zybyszko suplex's Samartino and goes for a pin...















Kick out!




Zybyszko then hooks both legs and goes for the pin again.







kick out!



Zybyszko then throws Samartino onto the top rope and is standing on the second and is going for a top rope suplex.



Samartino punches Zybyszko in the stomach several times and then headbutts him and Zybyszko falls!


Samartino then comes off the second rope with a splash!


Pin Fall












Ding Ding Ding!



Samartino jumps for joy! Ref Ronnie West raises his hand!! Samartino goes out into the crowd to celebrate!



Then Ref Ronnie West then raises Larry Zybyszko's hand as well as he announces this match is a draw!




Zybyszko: "You'll never beat me Samartino! I don't care who your father is!"




Unknown masked man vs Jesse Barr



Barr is no match as this man destroys him. Mr. Wrestling #2 comes down wearing a plaid suit to ringside to root on the masked man as he helped #2 win last week. The masked man stands Barr up on his feet and winds up and boom! He hits a HUGE right hand on Barr!


Pin Fall!





















Winner: Masked Man




The Masked man and Mr. Wrestling #2 walk over to Gordon Solie.



Solie: "Well it's been said by President of the Board of Directors Jim Barnett that this man will decide who he will pick to have at ringside with him at the Omni. Who will it be?"




Solie holds the microphone under the chin of the masked man but he doesn't speak.




The masked man instead looks at Mr. Wrestling #2 and he pulls a piece of paper out from his suit.




#2: "This man does not want to speak because he does not want to give his identity away. However he has made a note of who he wants to have with him at ringside."




Solie: "Well I assumed that he would pick you too be the one at ringside since he has been assisting you in recent weeks and you coming out here with him today."




#2: "Well he feels that he doesn't want me to be out there because I have to focus on a big match at the Omni against Jake Roberts."



Solie: "Very well... what do we call this man?"



#2: "Well he wears an outfit very similar to mine... some have started calling him Mr. Wrestling #3 but others just call him the masked man."



Solie: "Very well indeed. Okay let me read this fully so I can announce this for everyone to know who will be Mr. Wrestling #3's manager at the Omni in his match against Ivan Koloff."



Gordon reads the letter fully.



Gordon: "Mr. Wrestling #3's note says "I Mr. Wrestling #3 will be accompanied to the ring by Ron Garvin at the Omni due to his suspension being uplifted this week."



#2: "That's right Koloff so we'll see how you well you pull any of your tricks with Garvin at ringside. We all know what a battle both of those men have had over the last couple of weeks so that should be interesting."



Solie: "Well good luck to both of you. Lets get back to the ring."



Assassin #1 vs Spike Huber



Huber is using his short stature and strength to keep up with the Assassin #1. #1 uses some short cuts in this one to help him stay on top. Huber catches the Assassin sleeping and goes for a small package!



pin fall!
















Kick out!




A close one!



Assassin gets up and hits Huber in the gut with a knee then runs him into the ring post!



Assassin #1 mops the floor with Huber and then hits the Sleep Hold for the




Winner: Assassin #1



Arn Anderson vs Mr. Wrestling #1



A classic match with goes to the limit.



Mr. Wrestling has Anderson in a chicken wing and Arn looks to about give up. Anderson the reaches up and pokes Mr. Wrestling in the eyes. Mr. Wrestling lets go and Anderson quickly takes advantage of that and hits the Gordbuster on Mr. Wrestling! Pin Fall
















Winner: Arn Anderson



Brett Wayne Sawyer has stepped out to the podium with Solie.


Brett: "Mr. Solie I could stand up here and and whine like a baby about what my brother has done to me. Instead I will challenge him to a match at the Omni tomorrow night. Right now I know I still have this bandage on my eye but the doctors tell me by the show at the Omni I will be good to go.


So Buzz Sawyer they call you the Mad Dog right? They say you're crazy and uncontrollable. Well if you're such a Mad Dog you will be able to prove it at the Omni because i'm challenging you to a Dog Collar match!"


Ivan Koloff & Jake Roberts come out.


Koloff: "Ron Garvin! Ron Garvin.... That masked man is Ron Garvin! Does he have a twin with the same name? Or is he just this wacky that he thinks nobody knows that's him!?"


Solie: "These are very good questions Mr. Koloff that will certainly be answered at the Omni."


Roberts: "Mr. Wrestling #2 & #3.... If you think this conspiracy will last any longer you are wrong.... tomorrow night me and Ivan Koloff will prove to the whole world that the masked man is Ron Garvin.... but before we do that me and you will battle it out Mr. Wrestling #2... you think I'm only concerned with the masked man? The man who chases two rabbits misses both! At the Omni we are going to get our revenge one man at a time."



Tommy Rich & Paul Orndorff vs Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


This has all the makings to be a classic and it sure is. It's pretty even to start out but eventually the champs keep Wildfire in the ring and beat him down.


Hansen has Rich in an arm bar and is beating it like a dead horse. Hansen tags out to Anderson put Hansen keeps Rich in the Arm Bar and Anderson climbs to the second rope and comes off with a knee into Wildfire's arm. Rich falls the mat and screams in pain.


Anderson then picks up Rich and sticks his arm behind his back and then body slams him.


Pin Fall










Kick Out!


Anderson quickly snatches Rich's arm and keeps the arm bar.



Tommy then reaches back and hits Anderson with one of his big right hands



another right...



another right...


then Rich delivers his signature elbow and Anderson lets go. Rich then shoots off the ropes and hits a cross body onto Anderson! Pin Fall











Kick Out!


Both men are down and out of breathe. Rich is crawling towards Orndorff and is almost there to make the tag when Orndorff jumps off the apron!


Orndorff then smiles at Rich and spits at him!!


Solie: "What is Orndorff doing! I don't believe this!"


Orndorff walks away and Anderson tags in Hansen.


Hansen throws Rich off the ropes and hits the Lariat! Pin Fall






count to 100




Winners: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen


Solie: "Well fans I don't believe that happened."


Buzz Sawyer walks out.


Buzz: "Well Sordon Golie it looks like little Brett has finally grown a pair and decided to challenge me to my own game! Well everyone better get ready to see this because its going to be *Bark Bark Bark* a good one!"


It then goes to a video showing the upcoming matches at the Omni with Freddie Miller going over them."


James J. Dillon & Killer Karl Kox come out.


Dillon: "Well Gordon Solie... It looks like once again the odds are in the favor of Killer Karl Kox and I. Tommy Rich... you think anyone cares about you? You think these people out here care about you? You're own good buddy and friend Paul Orndorff doesn't care about you so why should anyone else? Tomorrow in the Omni you're entering a world of pain my friend..."


Miller: "Fans this month in the Omni you're in for a real treat as you'll get to see the following matches.

The return of Johnny Rich

Arn Anderson vs Johnny Rich

David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko

Road Warriors & Assassin #1 vs Rufus R. Jones Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson

Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

Bob Roop vs Tito Santana

Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Wrestling

Special Feature Match:

NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (Champions) vs The Moondogs

Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #3

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match:

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Tommy Rich (Challenger)


and many more! BE THEEERE!"


Show Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.42

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Arn Anderson vs Johnny Rich


David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko


Road Warriors & Assassin #1 vs Rufus R. Jones Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson

Road Warriors could beat all 3 men w/o the Assassin's help


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

could be a top guy for the company...great heel


Bob Roop vs Tito Santana


Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Wrestling

Orndorff gets the win and goes on to fued with Rich


Special Feature Match:

NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (Champions) vs The Moondogs

The champs win maybe a double Dq


Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #3


NWA National Heavyweight Title Match:

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Tommy Rich (Challenger)

Rich wins the title and then goes onto fued with Orndorff for the title


like the Koloff,Roberts... Garvin/wrestling#3 angle... kind of reminds me of the Mr. R /Tommy Rich...Ted Dibiase angle

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Arn Anderson vs Johnny Rich

David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko

Road Warriors & Assassin #1 vs Rufus R. Jones Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson

Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2

Bob Roop vs Tito Santana

Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Wrestling

Special Feature Match:

NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (Champions) vs The Moondogs

Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #3

NWA National Heavyweight Title Match:

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Tommy Rich (Challenger)

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Arn Anderson vs Johnny Rich


David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko


Road Warriors & Assassin #1 vs Rufus R. Jones Big Red & Thunderbolt Patterson


Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


Bob Roop vs Tito Santana


Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Wrestling


Special Feature Match:

NWA National Tag Team Title Match

Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (Champions) vs The Moondogs


Because when I think of the Moondogs I think of the WWWF/WWF.


Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #3


NWA National Heavyweight Title Match:

Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Tommy Rich (Challenger)

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Actually BHK, the Moondogs were mainly a southern tag team and one of the many groups that Vince booked horribly over the years. Their feud with The Fabulous Ones in CWA is one of the very best (and bloodiest) tag feuds I've ever seen. It went on for over a year, maybe two.


So exactly how is Mr. Wrestling #2 going to wrestle twice since clearly that is Ron Garvin under the mask of #3? Plus, how bad are both regular Mr. Wrestlings on the time decline list? I got fed up pretty quickly with them not retiring (they were 13 and 7 years past their primes) or agreeing to become road agents so I finally signed them to written deals and sent them down to be trainers in my development fed.

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