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1983- Georgia Championship Wrestling

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Sorry for this taking so long. I have been super busy. Hopefully you all enjoy this one as I think it could be one of the best shows yet. Also, starting to get burnt out so expect some switches to the roster to keep me interested.



Georgia Championship Wrestling at the Omni: February Week 4, 1983



Arn Anderson vs Johnny Rich


Johnny Rich looks hot in this one as he doesn't look like he's lost a step. Rich throws Anderson into the turnbuckle then runs at him jumps up and monkey flips Anderson!


Anderson gets up and charges but Rich moves then school boys him! Pin Fall


































Kick out!



Anderson quickly grabs Rich's arm that was broken and starts working on it. Anderson puts the arm behind Rich and slams him into the mat 3 times in a row. Pin Fall





























kick out!


Anderson continues to work on the arm unil Rich punches Anderson into the stomach... puts his left leg behind Anderson's head and flips then hip tosses Anderson!


Anderson gets up and is arm dragged by Rich... hip toss... dropkick! Pin Fall!
























kick out!




Rich scoop slams Anderson and Ole Anderson has came to ringside!


While ref Scrappy McGowen is arguing with Ole Anderson Johnny Rich takes advantage of the distraction and climbs to the top rope!


Arn Anderson gets up and Johnny Rich jumps off with a cross body! Anderson rolls through it and he's on top now! Pin Fall






















Winner: Arn Anderson



Assasin #1 & Road Warriors vs Big Red Rufus R. Jones & Thunderbolt Patterson


Road Warriors and Assassin #1 have their hands full in this one. All the Jimmy Valiant comedy spots are in this match as that's really the only offense that Big Red, Jones, and Patterson get.


Eventually they go all 6 and Assassin #1 and Thunderbolt start to fight on the outside.


Animal has Body Slammed Big Red so now that leaves just Rufus.


Road Warriors then throw Rufus off the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Pin Fall






































Winner: Assassin #1 & Road Warriors





David Samartino vs Larry Zybyszko




Zybyszko seems a lot more focused since the last time these two faced off. They go to do a test of strength but Zybyszko is dominated by Samartino. Samartino controls most of this until he is coming off the ropes and The Spoiler trips him.



Zybyszko now is once again toying with Samartino as he is beating him into the mat making fun of him.



Samartino is getting put into a bear hug by Zybyszko and looks to be passing out but out of nowhere Samartino has regained is energy!



He fights Zybyszko off of him and Gorilla Press Slams him! Pin Fall!
























Kick Out!


Samartino then throws Zybyszko into the turn buckle and comes charging in but Zybyszko moves! Zybyszko then applies a sleep hold!



Samartino looks to be going out as he's now laying on the mat and Ref Ronnie West is checking him....

































The bell has rang but Zybyszko is not letting go of the hold. Ronnie West is trying to get him off of Samartino but The Spoiler takes him and throws him out of the ring. Mike Jackson has come down to try and stop it but the Spoiler quickly disposes of him.



Bryan St. John comes out and gets some offense on The Spoiler but then the Spoiler applies the claw!



All of a sudden a man comes out of the crowd! Who is this man!? It's Bruno Samartino!!



The Omni erupts and the roof is blown off and Bruno is met by the Spoiler who tries to put the claw on him but Bruno blocks it! Kicks the Spoiler in the stomach... and throws him out of the ring! Bruno then rips Zybyszko off of David and Zybyszko's eyes light up when he see's who is in the ring!

Zybyszko is on his knees begging him!


Bruno is looking around at the crowd and they're chanting "DO IT! DO IT!" Bruno picks up Zybyszko by the neck! Zybyszko is in the air and Bruno throws him over the top rope onto The Spoiler!






Jake Roberts vs Mr. Wrestling #2


This one has been heating up recently and this one gets even hotter. It's even very early on until Roberts has to start taking short cuts to wear down #2. Roberts picks up #2 and gives him an arm twist then drives his shoulder into #2. After 3 of those #2 falls back into the turnbuckle. Roberts comes towards #2 but #2 sticks a boot up which is met with Roberts face!

#2 then throws Roberts into the turnbuckle and climbs up top and is going for the 10 big punches!












Roberts then grabs #2's legs and takes 3 steps then slides out from under and gives #2 snake eyes!



#2 then turns around and is met by a DDT! Pin Fall























Winner: Jake Roberts


Bob Roop vs Tito Santana

Very even and technical contest as both men are former amateurs.


Santana has Roop's back agiasnt the ropes and is delivering forearms to his chest when Barry Darsow jumps onto the ropes!


Santana just continues on Roop.


McGowen goes after Darsow


Santana throws Roop off of the ropes and goes for a back drop but Roop kicks him in the face and down goes Santana.

Roop then grabs his brass knuckles from his singlet!


Roop is signaling to go for it when Ref Scrappy McGowen turns around!


McGowen takes the Knuckles away from Roop and gives them to the time keeper at ringside and Roop is following him giving him an ear full!


Roop then turns back around and he's blasted by a flying forearm from Tito! Pin Fall


















Winner: Tito Santana



Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Wrestling



Orndorff comes out and gets booed heavily from the crowd but doesn't say much.



Mr. Wrestling has Orndorff in an abdominal stretch.



Orndorff powers out and hits a hip toss.


Mr. Wrestling tries to get up but Orndorff has hit him in the side of the head with a knee!



What a cheap shot by Orndorff!




Orndorff then picks up Mr. Wrestling and Pile Drives him!
















Orndorff lets him up!






Orndorff then goes to the second rope and hits an elbow drop! Pin Fall










Orndorff lets him up!




Orndroff then shoots him off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Pin Fall















Orndorff does it again!




Orndorff then Pile Drives him again! Pin Fall
















Winner: Paul Orndorff



The crowd yells at Orndorff but he acts as if the whole building is completely silent as he just slowly gets out of the ring and walks to the back.



NWA National Tag Team Titles Match


Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen (Champions) vs The Moondogs (Challengers)






(Picture in your head what this match would look like.)








If you just imagined the roughest dirtiest intense tag match that resembles a bar fight.... you would be correct.


Moondog Rex has Hansen in the corner choking him with his boot as Ref Ronnie West tries to break it up.


























Moondog Rex lets off of Hansen but then paces towards West as the Ref just keeps backing up and wants nothing to do with him.


While Rex is pacing the Ref Ole Anderson comes running in and hits Rex with a knee right in the back sending him into Ronnie West which knocked him down!


Moondog Spot now gets in the ring and its 2 on 1 on Anderson until Hansen finally gets up and joins to even the odds. Hansen Throws Rex off the ropes and hits the Lariat!


Spot rakes Ole's eyes and then goes for his dog bone!


Anderson is coming towards Spot but Spot kicks him and then delivers the Dog bone into the back of the head of Anderson!


Anderson has dropped like a sack of potatoes and Spot now goes towards Hansen.


Hansen see's it coming and moves out of the way of the first swing and elbows Spot right between the eyes before he can swing again. Spot has dropped the bone and now Hansen picks it up!


Spot is backed up against the turnbuckle and Hansen drills him with it! Spot is knocked out in the corner.


Moondog Rex is finally starting to get up but Hansen hits him with another Lariat before he can get to his feet!


Hansen throws Anderson on top of Rex. Pin Fall




























Winners: Ole Anderson & Stan Hansen



Ivan Koloff vs Mr. Wrestling #3



Ivan Koloff is already in the ring with Jake Roberts in his corner and they're waiting as Mr. Wrestling #3 walks out but Ron Garvin is nowhere to be seen.


Koloff grabs the ring mic from Freddie Miller.


Koloff: "I told all of you this man was Ron Garvin... this is all the proof I need!"


Mr. Wrestling #3 whispers something to Freddie Miller.


Miller: "Ladies and Gentleman Mr. Wrestling #3 has informed me that Ron Garvin has not showed up yet."


Koloff: "It doesn't matter what this coward says he is a liar! I'll prove to everyone that he is Ronnie Garvin as soon as I beat him and pull his mask off."


This match starts out with Koloff immediately gaining control of Mr. Wrestling #3. Koloff keeps working the ribs of #3 throughout the match and #3 does not get much offense in.


Koloff picks up #3 and delivers a back breaker to #3. Pin Fall





















kick out!


Koloff goes to throw #3 into the ropes but #3 reverses it and hits a back drop on Koloff!


The crowd lights up as #3 throws Koloff off the ropes again and hits another back drop!


#3 picks up Koloff and winds up to throw a BIG right hand and connects but Koloff doesn't even go down.


The Omni crowd stifles as everyone was expecting that to knock Koloff out.


Koloff knees #3 into the ribs and then applies the bear hug! #3 looks to be going out!


Out of nowhere Ron Garvin shows up to ringside!


Koloff drops the masked man and goes over to the ropes yelling at Garvin.


#3 comes up behind Koloff and hits a school boy!































The crowd again goes crazy as Koloff can't believe it!!

Koloff & Roberts are arguing with the Ref as Garvin and the masked man celebrate in the ring!


Koloff and Roberts ambush them and start to beat them down until Garvin gets the upper hand and connects with a HUGE right onto Koloff knocking him into next week!




Mr. Wrestling 2 comes running into the ring and chases off Jake Roberts!




All 3 men celebrate in the ring.




The Mr. Wrestling #3 takes his mask off and it's..... Spike Huber!!



The Omni crowd can't believe it as nobody expected it to be Spike Huber!


Dog Collar Match


"Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer vs Brett Wayne Sawyer


Ref Scrappy McGowen is putting the chain around the neck of Buzz Sawyer but before he can get it on Brett Wayne he charges Buzz and starts delivering lefts and rights!


Brett Wayne grabs the chain and starts dragging Buzz and then throws him out of the ring! Ref Scrappy McGowen goes to stop Brett from going after him but Brett throws McGowen out of the ring as well!!



Brett Wayne is outside the ring with Buzz and is whipping him with the chain on his back!!


Buzz's back looks like a chewed piece of meat but Brett won't stop!


Finally security floods the arena and the drag Brett out of there!!




NWA Heavyweight Title Match



Killer Karl Kox (Champion) vs Tommy Rich (Challenger)



This match goes 22 minutes with all kinds of action and story telling.



Kox suplex's Rich for probably the 15th time in this match and goes for the pin...




























kick out!







Kox just can't seem to put Rich away.


Kox picks up Rich throws him in the ropes and connects with a knee to the ribs as Rich flips and hits the mat hard. Kox throws Rich up agaisnt the ropes and hits him hard in the chest with a couple of chops until Rich fires back with his own! Kox is starting to move backwards and Rich starts firing away with right hands and then throws Kox off of the ropes and hits the Thez Press!!






















kick out!!





The Omni crowd can't believe it!







Rich picks up Kox but Kox catches him in the stomach with a right hand and then throws Rich off the ropes and hits a clothesline. Kox then picks up Wildfire and goes for a suplex but Rich blocks it and turns it into a small package!































Tommy Rich has won!! Tommy Rich is jumping up and down and can not believe it as the Ref awards him with the title.


Kox and Dillon leave the ring in shame and head for the back when they are passed by a running Paul Orndorff who barrels into the ring and turns Wildfire around and the hits a Pile Driver!! Orndorff picks him up and does it again!!


Rich is laying there unconscious.


The fans of the Omni are throwing things into the ring at Orndorff is anger as Orndorff starts laughing and soaking it all in!


Show Rating: B-

Attendance: 15,000



Top Ten Wrestlers

Tommy Rich

Paul Orndorff

Tito Santana

Bob Roop

Mr. Wrestling #2

Jake Roberts

Buzz Sawyer

Masked Superstar

Ivan Koloff

Larry Zybyszko


Matches Next Week

Brett Sawyer vs Barry Darsow

Tommy Rich vs Super Destroyer

Bob Roop vs Mike Starbuck

Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Pez Whatley

Spike Huber vs Les Thorton

Assassin #1 vs Brad Armstrong

Bob Armstrong vs Tom Pritchard

Ali Bey vs Wendell Cooley

Arn Anderson vs Mike Graham


Things to look for:

What will Koloff & Roberts do now that Garvin wasn't really Mr. Wrestling #3?

Will Paul Orndorff challenge Tommy Rich?

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  • Replies 55
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Brett Sawyer vs Barry Darsow


Sorry Smash you are not going to win today


Tommy Rich vs Super Destroyer


Bob Roop vs Mike Starbuck


Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Pez Whatley


Spike Huber vs Les Thorton


Assassin #1 vs Brad Armstrong


Bob Armstrong vs Tom Pritchard


Ali Bey vs Wendell Cooley


Arn Anderson vs Mike Graham

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Son in law of Dick the Bruiser. Very solid wrestler that never got anywhere because of no personality. Had good runs in Indianapolis. Him and Garvin has similar body types. Obvious a distraction. Sorry you didn't know who it was. I guess not everyone cared to know every wrestler from every promotion.
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Matches Next Week

Brett Sawyer vs Barry Darsow

Tommy Rich vs Super Destroyer

Bob Roop vs Mike Starbuck

Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Pez Whatley

Spike Huber vs Les Thorton

Assassin #1 vs Brad Armstrong

Bob Armstrong vs Tom Pritchard

Ali Bey vs Wendell Cooley

Arn Anderson vs Mike Graham

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Matches Next Week

Brett Sawyer vs Barry Darsow

Tommy Rich vs Super Destroyer

Bob Roop vs Mike Starbuck

Mr. Wrestling 2 vs Pez Whatley

Spike Huber vs Les Thorton

Assassin #1 vs Brad Armstrong

Bob Armstrong vs Tom Pritchard

Ali Bey vs Wendell Cooley

Arn Anderson vs Mike Graham


Things to look for:

What will Koloff & Roberts do now that Garvin wasn't really Mr. Wrestling #3? Sneak attack Garvin at the gas station!


Will Paul Orndorff challenge Tommy Rich? Challenge and beat...

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